Case: Country crimes
Date created: 2021 January 31.
Date updated:
Saturday, February 13, 2021
2021 February 10
NEXT has emailed me saying they do not see the connection to PANAMA PAPERS. I return a reply saying there is a connection. NEM then emails me a PDF file with the negotiated terms and I shall consider the terms and reply.
In essence this whole insurance-business is one huge piece of crap. Politicians sitting on their hands while the corporate world constructs networks of shells making these CEO's look like very ill people.
Did Grayham Bell invent the light bulp? Hardly! Did Thomas Edison? Hardly!
2021 February 09
NEM Forsikring A/S emails me saying I can accep tthe offer hich NEM rejected by terminating negociating the contract. I reply telling NEM and now also NEXT the same story and I tell NEM to email me the terms and they do with a link to a wesbite and I email them back saying they can send in as PDF via email. They do so the next day.
2021 January 27
Case repported to Danish Police: Anmeldelse danish police 2021 january 27th.pdf (here as .eml source: Anmeldelse danish police 2021 january 27th.eml)
2021 January 22
Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet) ignores the case and references laws saying they have duty-of-confidentiality and I reply back saying in essence hogwash proven and I void both NEM, NEXT and now Finanstilsynet.
2021 January 06
Case reported to Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet) via email: Overtraedelse Aftaleloven COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 9313EEC Directive 2014104EU Directive EU 20191937 Straffeloven 279 stk 1.pdf
Case presented
Agent: Mossack Fonseca
Screenshot burleigh manor peel road.jpg
Isle of Man
Shown here at maps:,+PEEL+ROAD+DOUGLAS+IM1+5EP+Isle+of+Man/@54.1505206,-4.4973364,18.16z
One company is located at that addres:
I have telephoned the company and a lady said she was working from home and that she was only working as a telephonist and that there were no staff available since they were not in the office whihc seems to be a small shack with a red door.
NEXT Forsikring A/S
The company (!) is now accumulating DKK 5000 each day starting 2021 February 09.
Current figure to pay: 6.153,57,-
1740860191 1610175600 1513This is an insurance company. Forsikring in Danish equals insuranmce. yet this company absolutely is not an insurance company but is solely an intermediary to NEM Forsikring A/S but since NEXT has been sold off to BASILEA on Isle of Man then being an intermediary non-existing insurance company is also voided since this whole construction is of such a flamboyant style that Walt Disney looks like Malt Whiskey destilled ten times.
Danish word grine = laugh.
Pere: one equal to, an enemy etc.
père: a priest
prostitute; transliterated: ˈprästəˌt(y)o͞ot. With that we get to Swedish präst = priest. Danish præst=priest. Linguistics and comparative method and viola; a priest is a prostitute. Romanian prost. Provst = 证明 = a person below bishop
A contrct with any party should be negociated individually. That seems obvious however customers are mstly presented with contracts related to insurance and waste-disposal and fees and tariffs etc etc. without the customer being able to negociate anywhing whatsoever.
COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 93/13/EEC of 5 April 1993 on unfair terms in consumer contracts
DIRECTIVE 93/13/EEC and Guidance on the interpretation and application of same.
Article 3
1. A contractual term which has not been individually negotiated shall be regarded as unfair if, contrary to the requirement of good faith, it causes a significant imbalance in the parties' rights and obligations arising under the contract, to the detriment of the consumer.
Termination by NEM and NEXT
These two companies terminate me when I find a cheaper insurance company (January 2021) namely NEM Forsikring A/S. Prior November 2020 NEM owned NEXT but in November 2020 NEXT was sold to BASILEA HOLDINGS LIMITED. I phone NEM and they present me with an offer which is indeed cheaper than my present insurance company NEXT which I by googling a bit find was owned by NEM but sold to BASILEA. When I find this and tell NEXT and NEM them both terminate me however since this is eligal NEXT keeps me on board even when I tell them they are making me an accomplice which I do not want.
NEXT is supposedly the cheaper insurance because they operate only online. So when I find NEM I am baffled. Never mind I thhink 'cause I save a pretty penny. NEM contacts NEXT to know when my contract can be terminated. NEXT tells NEM March 1st 2021. I will not wait and I tell both companies the nature of the construction and say they were the same company (and via email NEM tells me NEM is still operating NEXT) which then 1. makes a swap from one company to the other possible instantly since the policy is voided (same company) and 2. my connection with NEXT to PANAMA PAPAERS voids any association with both NEM and NEXT.
NEM however refuses me as a customer.
Untill early February 2021 when NEM suddenly has achange of mind and emails me saying I am welcome. I then see that NEXT has charged mt bank account DKK 1.153,57 for the policy with NEXT for Jan and Feb 2021. But NEXT told me they had terminated my contract by saying they had laid me off 2021 January 05 and said so in an email. Therefore I have no insurance or rather I should have becaue I find NEM who will not accept me as a customer based on that I will not give them my bank account number so NEM can charge my bank automtically each month. I wish to pay manually. They decline. Now I believe I have no insurance until I am stunned to see that NEXT has charged my account DKK 1.153,57 which makes me an accomplice to the relation found via PANAMA PAPERS linking me to a shelll company housed in a small shed/shack on Isle of Man.
Criminal customers
Since my arrival to Swedne 2017 and arrival to Denmark 2018 I have been meat with only a range of matters where I as a customer is presented with fees and customer-servie which better has its place in a swinehouse filled with rats decaying.
I now understand why. Companies and CEO's know about the Bible scam and HOAX so they make up their own laws and stamp on unknowing customers who then feel like shit an garbage ready to drink malt whiskey by the barrels.
This page can be updated at any given time without notification and it is always this page updated local in the hands of Niels Ulrik Reinwald which is the one which is in effect; therefore you can request this file to obtain the latest version if you so please. This file is foremost targeting systems and not individuals even if companies are targeting individuals through a box of tools such as courts, police, politicians and corporations themselves to make individual people feel betrayed and so much more.
Niels Ulrik Reinwald