Crimes against you
Updated: November 13, 2021
It is summer and Sunday 2020 and you have just brought yourself a nice cup of coffee, Arabica, to the garden or balcony and the air is oozing with the smell of tranquil expectation of a lovely day at the beach. As you linger relaxed holding the cup, as you swallow the first mouthful, you get a message on your phone. Tax revenue has raised the taxes with a tariff called:
Udligningsafgift (equalize or countervailing charge)
Countervailing Duties (CVDs) are tariffs levied on imported goods to offset subsidies made to producers of these goods in the exporting country.
You read the message and the amount due is relatively small but you think enough is enough and check it out as you know they are full of Yes Minister and you know that laws are in essence all illegal because the evidence of laws being illegal is, that there are laws in the first place. Human do not need laws to have life or produce life. People are the law hence WE THE PEOPLE and then a million pages or 25.000 EU Directives later it all gets beyond mad. Modern life regulated down to the content of toothpaste which is mint, salt and some chalk mostly and then cheap fragrance etc. etc. We are with this nut-case related to this countervailing tariff:
That page and this article is about this fee and to start the nonsense I shall start where they always tell you, you were wrong and score only lesser points at the exam or are banished by your boss or your government punishes you with a tariff so heinous that ICC should be on the case. You see, war starts on a large scale because of state-errors that start in the minute and small. That is why they try to silence anything that finds their faults. My faults are, that I had life, period. I shall start this case at an unthinkable location because who the fuck cares about fees and taxes anyway. Art and music does. You like music and if it plays out of tune you will run screaming far away. Music is taxed as is entertainment. But this is about cars.
LBK nr 1147 af 31/05/2021
§ 2. Bilens brændstofforbrug efter Rådets direktiv 80/1268/EØF af 16. december 1980 om indbyrdes tilnærmelse af medlemsstaternes lovgivning om motordrevne køretøjers brændstofforbrug eller Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets forordning nr. 715/2007 af 20. juni 2007 om typegodkendelse af motorkøretøjer med hensyn til emissioner fra lette personbiler og lette erhvervskøretøjer (Euro 5 og Euro 6), om adgang til reparations- og vedligeholdelsesinformationer om køretøjer omregnes til kilometer pr. liter og afrundes til en decimal.
Notice the date on the change and update of this law 31/05/2021 (I will get to the use of ISO standards later related to dates). They mention an EU Directive and use EØF which is European Economic Community which is Treaty of Rome. A pig in Denmark says ØF when a pig "speaks". That detail aside.
above law does not to use modern linking such as linking to Rådets direktiv 80/1268/EØF af 16. december 1980 which is why comes in handy. It is this one:
Rådets direktiv 80/1268/EØF af 16. december 1980 om indbyrdes tilnærmelse af medlemsstaternes lovgivning om motordrevne køretøjers brændstofforbrug Document 31980L1268.
...which insidently is no longer in force but is indeed linked to to Dokument 32007R0715 yet the first is from 1980 and the second is from 2007 and above law on fees of fuel was edited, changed, updated 2021. Modern day technology can produce links that are automatically updated but the official website maintaining laws etc. is a trifle better than a paper version.
This is not so serious. What follows is, and the hole of deception is so deep that alone explain the holy anything. The deeper they make it the better they feel. Let us move on.
Transparency and pricing and V.A.T. on tax
You want to make a better life, change things, get a car that is ultra modern, top notch and can run 10.000 miles on a pint of beer. You go shopping in Denmark for your next car because it so happens that life was created in this country, you. Read the next without chewing anything with an absolutely empty moth because this website does no want to kill you:
Registreringsafgiften på nye personbiler er normalt indregnet i købsprisen. Afgiften er 25 pct. af de første 65.000 kr., 85 pct. af de første 65.000-202.200 kr. og 150 pct. af resten (2021). Afgiften beregnes af køretøjets værdi inklusive moms og avance, men uden registreringsafgift.
Der beregnes et tillæg i registreringsafgiften, som fastsættes ud fra, hvor mange gram CO2 bilen udleder pr. kilometer:
- 0-125 gram CO2 = 250 kr. pr. gram CO2
- 125-160 gram CO2 = 500 kr. pr. gram CO2
- over 160 gram CO2 = 950 kr. pr. gram CO2
Der gives et fradrag i registreringsafgiften (efter tillæg for CO2-udledning) på 21.700 kr. (2021).
Read here: expanding Nye personbiler.
Notice the deception normalt indregnet i købsprisen.
The Auto business in Denmark uses a contract called Købsslutseddel:[postimages]/0 (local JPG).
Dansk Industri also has such a piece of paper:
FDB, Forenede Danske Motorejere has their very own:
It can not get any larger because we are dealing with the combined Danish Industry. Lets move along.
This directive clearly mentions transparency. This term also used by many politicians. Not so when it come to the price of cars. Above Registreringsafgiften på nye personbiler er normalt indregnet i købsprisen states that the price includes the registration fee. Read the fee and how it is calculated. Then there is the CO2 fee which is heinous because CO2 is in soda pop. CO2 benefits bloody green power... plants eat CO2. The more the better or at least there is actually sufficiently too little CO2 to harm anyone probably for a few million years. In fact buying a car should pay you a green fee for maintaining an boosting nature. They fuck that up too.
The price presented in car dealer ships are the price for the whole car and they usually, read normaly, hoho, only show the license-plate registration fee which is usually DKK 2500 for just obtaining two lincense-plates which then allows the car to run on the roads but please do not forget that as soon as you pay this fee for the license-plates you are supporting and accepting to pay road tax and fees later on.
License-plate price in 2021 DKK 1.180 plus DKK 200 fee. The 1.180 is a fee and then a fee is added to the fee and all including V.A.T. of the fee of the fee.
Delivery cost
Leveringsomkostninger for nye biler i 2021
Pr. 1. januar 2021 er der ændring i satserne for afgiftsfri leveringsomkostninger for nye køretøjer.
Personbiler og små varebiler: 2.400 kr.
Med tillæg af moms og nummerpladegebyr som udlæg for kunden udgør leveringsomkostningerne 4.180 kr.
So on top of adding 9% to the purchase price in Denmark on cars purchased by auto-dealership outside of Denmark as a proceed which is the dealerships earning they now add DKK 4.180 on top of the total price of the car. This price is the only price listed at the dealership besides the price listed as the total price which includes taxes, fees and as we shall see the running cost of running the bloody car which is so ridiculous you will never be able to buy a bloody silly "green" car which is the bloody purpose of the law on fees on cars and fuel etc. etc. Governance back up their laws calling it:
Grøn omstilling af vejtransporten (local PDF).
That translated to Green transitioning of the roadtransport. What else are roads for. Grøn, green, is the very word used in Grøn Ejrafgift Green owner fee. Also called brændstofforbrugsafgift (fuel use fee) now called grøn ejerafgift (green owners fee). Something is terrible wrong here and the evidence is in the use of words.
Bekendtgørelse om opkrævning af afgift efter brændstofforbrug for visse personbiler BEK nr 1568 af 20/12/2007
Recall brændstofforbrugsafgift is grøn ejerafgift. The word ejerafgift is not used in the law from 2007 and since above transitioning to green in Grøn omstilling af vejtransporten above from 2020 Dcember 04 talk of omstilling which is transitioning which started 2007 and not 2020 then we are dealing with fraud.
In the 2021 version of the same we also do not find grøn: nor do we find ejerafgift. Both are related to, and called, brændstofforbrugsafgift but are named different and on the invoice from the Tax Revenue the fee is listed as GRØN EJERAFGIFT which absolute is not part of the laws and BEKENDTGØRELSER.
Aftale mellem regeringen, Radikale Venstre, Socialistisk Folkeparti og Enhedslisten om
Grøn vejtransportaftale: Massiv CO2-reduktion og ambition om 1 mio. grønne biler i 2030:
Model Y Performance is DKK 591.412 and listed as such as the grand total price. Most people would want to save money on transport especially transitioning from petrol and diesel to less expensive electric and the price of Tesla Model Y Performance in more than half a million DKK and the taxation and fee running the car are those based on petrol cars until now... heureka 2020... when a whole government wish to transition to somehting which is green as in soda pop.
The price, DKK 591.412, should include taxes and fees including V.A.T. but not including delivery cost which is 4.180 kr. At this price you will have to work for years and decades and some houses are cheaper than this. If the car was not taxed and not levied with fees here, there and mostly everywhere, then most people, sensible as they are, would hurry out to buy a lovely car like this. No they won't because very few people today in Denmark has more than half a million to spend on a small car like this. The model Y is even stripped from some of the interior and exterior comforts you get is USA. The model Y is also a small car and not very beautiful and not very smart and mostly has a large LED panel and a battery which is nothing out of the usual. A small cheap electric motor comes with it.
Total purchase price: DKK 591.412
V.A.T. (moms) DKK 110.834
Leverings- og dokumentgebyr DKK 4.180 which includes license-plate which you can purchase yourself at a cheaper price. Dokument-fee which are unspecified but might incluse the invoice and the contract, slutseddel, and perhaps the registration-papers which is Registration fee, Registreringsafgift, DKK 37.242 based on Satser for registreringsafgift which is:
25 % from the first 65.000 kr.
85 % from 65.000 to 202.200 kr.
150 % of the rest.
which supposedly is from the price before V.A.T. and is a fee on the import-price presumably as the price paid to the car manufacturer.
Car Registration certificate, registreringsattest
Vehicle Registration Certificate
The relevant EU legislation is Council Directive 1999/37/EU.
(C) |
personal data;
I have never been the holder of the registration paper since I purchased the car, SMART 451 model-year 2010 Diesel, in 2021 September 25. I have today 2021 November 08 emailed the tax office via Motorstyrelsen related to registreringsattest and I have reported the case to the Danish police. The tax revenue has simply not sent the registreringsattest to me.
Also you as a car-owner must know, that since the paper, Car Registration Certificate, prove the owner as well as legally says who the owner is, and knowing that the Car Registration Certificate is the ownership of the Member state, you are not the legal owner of your car. The state is which then makes the member state the one who shall and must pay the registration fee. Has I in this case been the owner, I would have had the registration certificate by now and I do not also, again, recalling, that the registration certificate if not even mine to keep nor belongs to me.
Also notice the Danish registration certificate in top left corner says in Danish Det Europæiske Fælleskab, The European Union: European Economic Community which is Treaty of Rome. Very related is 1992 Danish Maastricht Treaty referendum. Denmark has not introduced the euro. The EU Treaty gives Denmark the right to remain outside the euro area, even when all convergence criteria are met (opt-out) - source: and The Danish krone joined the Exchange Rate Mechanism II (ERM II) on 1 January 1999 and observes a central rate of 746.038 to the euro with narrow fluctuation margins of ±2.25% - source:
This then makes the car registration of Denmark false and illegitimate since it clearly states The European Union as Det Europæiske Fælleskab. The use of Det Europæiske Fælleskab is written in small letters and is used for a variety of reasons one being to solidify that Denmark is not part of the union in full and to provide evidence to the holder of the certificate, that since using the words Det Europæiske Fælleskab, that the certificate is legal which it is not. If the document and certificate was legal, it would not exist in the first place because all it proves is, that the Terror State of Denmark own car fees and taxes to itself.
2021 November I received a letter from the tax revenue demanding Udligningsafgift, equalize or countervailing charge, see link below. The letter contains a number of very serious repercussions as threats levied if I do not pay the fee of DKK 689,89. First a late-charge fee of DKK 65. Then threats going to the states debt-department collecting the fee by forcefully deducting any debt owned to the state without taking the case to court first, the state that is (taking the case to court). Then the police is mentioned. The police is used to come and get the licence-plates. Why? They are not yours so why would you pay a registration fee. The licence-plates are in the ownership of the governemnt even after you paid for your Tesla DKK 591.412 plus DKK 4.180 kr. in delivery cost of which 25% is V.A.T. Darn Tesla, you sell cars to this state, are you fucking mad. You should keep all your cars far away from this state until the state, read: people, comply with at least basic dignity Article 1.
Being wrong now makes for a whole other interpretation: /pages/classaction/?id=cases/Udligningsafgift-equalize%20fee/index&casename=Udligningsafgift-equalize%20fee.
A business on its own
There are ca. 700.000 public servants in Denmark There are approximately 5.8 million people. Then politicians. They all need a salary to run this business and the product can not be found anywhere except for a very long range of laws that makes sure they get paid each month a salary that counter-balances the wish of its people who simply can not understand why EURO and KRONE can't be both abolished when one country via brexit seems to wonder far away from it all even after centuries of colonialism. EUROPEXIT next or simply better cars that makes it ultimately far more expensive for you to save money so you can't paint it all green even if you try all you can to get that awesome Tesla which can be powered by the wind all taxed too including taxing power from solar-panels which are incidentally the investments by people and not large corporations - but that is a whole other case.
It gets far worse, read better, because how can a kingdom via its constitution loose its crown when kroner is plural of krone which is crown hence the referendum all fake by design. Loosing the very foundation of this kingdom would make the EURO worse less than a tribe in a village in Africa dancing Shuffle dance. Any tribe in Africa far more worth than any state calling its citizens worse than Thy Kingdom Come.