Terror, Anthrax

Created: November 09, 2021
Date updated: Saturday, November 13, 2021

Their nut-case far worse than Colin Powell

Youtube.com, television, communication, cellphones, computers, magazines, life; has been hacked to unrecognizable levels where even visiting your local Physicians makes the patients feel like you are in the wrong place. Then you tell your Physician not to worry and the Physician then asks if you need Morphine and when you say no the Physician will enter a note in your medical journal of which you had no knowledge of the existence of such opinions. When you ask for a reprimand you are told journals and their content can't be deleted and when you then ask for at least an addition you are ignored. The next Physician then reads the journal and believes what the journal says even if the journal is full if lies. The patients suffers and the Physicians use the laws on journals to delete all they can and use most of their precious time to keep track of who is asking for decent behavior at least to avoid a journal filled with complete nonsense making the patients more ill far worse but in being ill then supports the medical industry and that creates rivers of medical supplies and the patients are just a number as statistical material to support the Physicians and medical supplies even supplying what is most likely injections of water-molecules called Covid-vaccine. Does anyone question what the hell they inject into you? If not, then the human race should be raise to the alarming state of oblivion and why do you question many other things but not what is being injected into your body when you know that the food-industry is also in parts based on toxicity such as plenty of sugar, fat and cheap carbohydrate.

I found a website in Denmark called https://detsygehus.dk. I found it only in 2021 November. Now it has all been deleted - now back online 2021.11.12 - but I downloaded a copy of the whole website including medical journals. The website tells the story of a Danish woman called Hanne Kjellerup and her husband Kim Kjellerup who received no treatment for liver cancer. The husband goes as far as to write to the prime minister of Denmark. The journal tells the husband Kim Kjellerup, has Parkinson in the journal Den 27/5-2013  page 37. Kim Kjellerup then says to Patienterstatningen (pebl.dk) that he has never had Parkinson *) and Kim Kjellerup obviously mentions this as been a major flaw. The health-system never responds. Since the website detsygehus.dk (the sick house) has been deleted I suspect it is all fake and if true that it is fake it is highly obnoxious. If indeed the website and its content was and is true, it is even far worse. I followed the website via IP number and domain registrant and found some alarming details related to hiding the registrant etc.. If, as I suspect, this is the way reality is portrayed, the human race has reached a level where such websites are the Virus. I think it is far worse and naturally I asked pebl.dk if they were behind the website and I was told, no, but was also told there was nothing abnormal with the website and that was the red flag and alarm that is still ringing which is why I give you this information as a symptom of a whole country gone mad.

The whole darn website can be downloaded as a ZIP file: detsygehus.dk.zip

*) Parkinson is spelled Parkinsson with two s in the journal written by Gitte Juhl overlæge, Chief Physician.

Part of journal page 37 below can be seen here: 20160425_Journalmateriale-fra-Nordsjællands-Hospital-ift-aktindsigt-fra-advokat.pdf.

Above from the journal all created as a platform which can best be described as terror by a state called Denmark.

Today, as promised, since the terror continues, the log of terror is initiated.

I have also uploaded the whole website detsygehus.dk onto my server and you can browse the whole misery here: /detsygehus.dk.

You will notice the placement of text and the use of words at present 2021 November 10th version of the website http://detsygehus.dk and their illness is not so much that they think they can scare the hell out of a whole nation but think they can use these technics to make themselves behave far worse than Colin Powell at UN.

Origin of words

The anthrax terror-threat all fake naturally. Anthrax at UN news: https://news.un.org/en/tags/anthrax. Youtube video: Colin Powell Addresses United Nations Security Council On Iraq. And the lies Powell told UN. Showing the small vile of Anthrax which UN is trying to not get inside UN. How did Powell get Anthrax inside UN as a very dangerous poison so dangerous that a few milligrams could kill all present including Powell.

Plainly a poison in the possession of USA via religion just as any other nation possess Anthrax. The infiltration using Heroine just as bad yet Opium is the source of medicine to alleviate pain when Doctors can't often do any more. What should we do without Anthrax and my best guess is, that Iraq would be in great health thriving as the cradle it is. Uro, Euro... unrest etc. or simply one pile of garbage which explains they want to keep it so the terror-instrument as "Anthrax" continues. Did USA at UN try and say, listen, we'll do this and then all is fine. Probably. USA was slabbed in the face with 911 and now we know who did 911. Uro or Uri Geller and James Randi write a book called Faith Healers which most of all is a way to delude you into a total oblivious state of obnoxious poisoning because his book alone proves the absent of a genuine attempt to rid these fake faith healers called kingdoms because they died once they came. Uri Geller and Benny Hinn still dancing the Hoola Baloola dance just as Colin Powell did it.

The terror-log may be started very soon and Anthrax will be included as the attempt used 2017 into 2018 by the Terror State of Denmark infiltrating themselves from within poisoning everyone with Anthrax now better known as Covid - which too is fake - just as Anthrax was in a vile so big it could destroy a whole planet. Imagine that, one single fella writes a book and takes the path he tried to avoid. Misery (movie 1990) makes for great movies.

We are told that terrorism stems from the French revolution. Who said it. When and where. No evidence. However φόβος is fear to κατάπληξη από φόβο fear. Noun τρόμος trembling, terror, tremor, trepidation, dread, tremble - just as terror means the same of the exact and very similar meaning. Just as with ἐφοβήθησαν terrified. Terror is terrified. Terror and error highly related.

When one single man, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, learned to teach a whole world and is then taken advantage of to a degree that overshadows terror, then it is time to tell the story or simply say that ISMs are terrorism and ism as mis, missekat (pussycat), and pussy galore and such terror via wars and deceit, will not be part of this story or my life. The only ism I shall speak of is the genuine terror that many humans have known and if Taliban is able to place dynamite in 911 two towers then so can China support Taliban with arms of fortune making sure these people are now safe.

My story started with a sentence to my wife and mother and GOMO, Greatest Organized Mafia Organization and that was all before I got to know that a few simple words can save a whole country and arm a people with more than only words. My story will be told about how terror infiltrates millions of lives and this ism is about not wanting to participate in any terrorism through life. The plead for safety and plead for sharing and the plead for appeal has been totally destroyed by those who taught me what love was.

The terror state of Denmark terrorize lives and my story was an appeal to the best. My story commences and begins where their terror-regime started a long time ago with slavery and arms-sales and other lies and bankruptcies to manifest and infest their regime upon others. Denmark taxes snaps, vodka, and so that is a spirit just as the labour of lovely young girls is taxed to far under her belly or anyone and especially women.

You think Montebello was not an asylum for the insane and that Hostel I, II and II and Riget were not the descriptions of a terror state. Do you think Oringe was a hospital Denmark now tries to forget.

My words and meanings twisted to oblivion far worse than any statesman would have allowed and Hitler stood for far less than I did before venturing into World War II. When USA and similar can go to war on a vile of anthrax the size of a stamp then it takes very very little to declare war by a state. This war was initiated 2017 into 2018 in north part of Denmark and moved down south and as said the war declaration was commenced by the court of Denmark which supposedly is the place to seek some kind of refuge and support but is now used as the gate to terrorize a whole world through the gate of a court which should spell appeal or reconciliation.

Only poverty leads a whole nation to enter into war. War is a poor country's final solution.

Read this and start opening your Christmas parcels: https://www.cfcs.dk/globalassets/cfcs/dokumenter/trusselsvurderinger/en/the-cyber-threat-against-denmark-2021-en.pdf because it is all part of the tactics of a terror state to instill fear in the best of times.