Case: Ikano Bank
Date created: 2020 December 7.
Date updated:
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Lawsuit case No. FS N04-7335/2020. IKANO BANK [IK], FILIAL AF IKANO BANK AB (PUBL) [PUBL: AB (publ). Aktiebolag; public limited company], SVERIGE, against Niels Ulrik Reinwald. Lawsuit filed by IKANO through Ikano Bank Denmark through Ikano Group through Ikano S.A. based in Luxembourg [The public limited company (société anonyme – SA)] through the Danish Court system against individuals.
[(société anonyme – SA) "...anonymous unregistered share ownership and dividend collection enabled money laundering, tax evasion, and concealed business transactions..." source:].
Part of this document is written in English. Can be translated to Danish by copying and pasting to
2021 March 25
Email to Ikano bank: Kontonummer 606104483 email 2021 March 25.pdf
2021 February 15
Telephone meeting 15 Feb 2021:According to this document from Danish court: Indkaldelse til telefonmode.pdf I shall call a telephone number and enter a code. I did so and I waited approximately 12 minutes and nobody but me was present or joined the meeting. After 12 minutes I hung up and I sent an email to the court: Telefonmoede dags dato.pdf. Not only is contract voided prior this meeting but the absence of Danish court and Ikanobank is indicative of corruption and collusion on a scale far worth than the Italian Mafia. In fact courts and big corporations are Mafia just as written in Truth In A World Of Lies (TIAWOL).
2021 January 28
Ikano Bank and derivatives
Ikano Bank and derivatives (and connected entities on a broad scale) have been reported to the danish police on 2021 January 26th related to IKANO LIMITED being associated with PANAMA PAPERS and the indications leading to alledged criminal offenses related to offshore companies, shell companies, and tax-evation etc..
Derivatives are such as NEXT Forsinkring A/S which is a Danish insurance company leading to Isle of man. Case: NEXT Forsikring A/S. Reality is far better than movies even if Meryl Streep and Co. are magnificent in The Laundromat; in fact meryl Streep in The Laundromat is reality. Meryl Streep and Co. leads me on the path of the real estate market to George Soros as a player who is utilized by whole governments. Preparing cases have naturally become so much more easy with the tool called The Internet and when I approximately 1990 tried this tool the first time I was experiencing something which I can perhaps best describe as being able to link every item to other items and thus making each item an object which would lead to other objects. A dictionary as a book in paper-format yet this was computers and code as HTML so easy it was possible to write all of history in a few steps leading to such things as what we today know as Wikipedia. Wikipedia is naturally a first attempt to file anything and once Wikipedia has come of age and have moved on hen Wikipedia Enhanced etc. will expose every corner leading to the utility called Google Maps etc. "The Ikano Group operates in Europe and Asia. The Ikano Group head office is located in Luxembourg."
"For more information, visit our group website." Group website is:
Ikano Group
Ikano S.A.
1, rue Nicolas Welter
L-2740 Luxembourg
(P.O. Box 229, L-2012 Luxembourg)
Tel +352 26 44 22
Fax +352 26 44 22 100,19284.html (no longer active)
2021 January 26
The business world is a class of its own and my suggestion is to stop all payments to any company and/or government linked in- or directly to business needed to hide behind drawers of secrecy (no more thanks to Meryl Streep and Co.).[Screenshot].
It has come to the attention, that Ikano Bank is linked via Ikano Limited to PANAMA PAPERS (Mossack Fonseca) which by now is a very well known name which has been leaked to allow anyone to seek companies associated with tax-evasion and all that follows including high crimes and even wars and the purchase of arms etc. to investigate and disassociate themselves from such behaviors: and payment demands issued by the court/bailiff who supports these activities by allowing companies to use the courts to infiltrate and lure.
Case has been transfered from bailiff to the Civil Court in Denmark. This done without the case ever having been activated with the bailiff. the bailiff simply moves it to civil court.
NUR receives two letters with information which clearly made NUR suspect fowl play. Assuming now that all companies are linked to illegal activities either in- or directly via banks, accountants etc. International Consortium of Investigative Journalists - ICIJ - is a beginning to drain the SWAMP on a level that was never thought possible. A second chance has been tried mulitiple times in history and it is baby bye, bye. Salvage is no loner an option because numerous wars linked makes only sense in the history written this day forth that shows such as and similar will pave the waves for a complete overhaul on all levels and the master plan is being written based on a book deemed unworthy yet it is the key to open all the doors closed with skeletons dangling across hallways of deceit, murders and systems making people sick and ill.
TIAWOL, a book so amazing it sometimes makes me think: who the hell wrote that... well, I did and I am getting prouder by the months, minutes and seconds.
2021 January 05
Added a few missing links to files/documents such as case filed by IKANO BANK LUXEMBOURG FS 7335_2020.pdf and payment demand issued by the court/bailiff Bet.pkrav Skyldner 241 213 240.2.pdf. (Incidentally; I ran a spell-check via Adobe Dreamweaver v. 20.1 and Bet.pkrav spell-checks as Betrayer. Probably a coincident yet it might be indicative of the conclusion of this case).
2020 December 29
It has come to my attention, that some are of the opinion, that IK can maintain this level of conduct without any fair business ethics and that banks such as IK is too big to fail with IKEA in their back pocket and consumers are just lint spread across a country as theirs to take which is also why poor people = capital gain. EU Directive and laws are one thing but then here is simple common decent human behavior even in the business world - well - non so at IK. Contracts shall be negotiated individually and one Directive related to distance contracts is used to eliminate all legal proceeding and completely engage in this case as if Niels Ulrik Reinwald is not even worse the lint in his pocket. Yet he stands strong and will not bow to these fanatics of ill will and based on a family's fortune at 200 billion SEK so rich who the f... cares about a silly small loan. I do. I have decided to give them one more chance to show they are human and after that I shall show my hand. In a kind way. Just like they wish to be paid so do I wish to pay IK but make up your mind IK, is it 4.766,- or 3.044,- or perhaps more the moron paid IK. Case is rolling and please stay tuned as it progresses probably into more madness and insanity in the corrridores of IK, IKEA and their 'whatever' VIVARIUM which must be very horrific since IK makes so much garbage of so little.
IK is joggling the case with me personally and through the court in two rounds and when I call the court the court says: "We are only human and can make mistake". No you are not because when I make a mistake you call me to your court and that court smells of jesters, jokes, kings and pins. My suggestion is, that IK contacts Walt Disney and incorporates Donald Duck into their business-model. At times I delude myself thinking they are actually only pulling my leg and making fun - but this can't be it because I yet see no clowns or bunnies jumping around singing Diamonds Are Forever.
IK sends me a snail-mail (I shall try and get a digital copy and show it here) now saying I paid only a total of DKK 4.766,- as oppose to the bogus DKK 3.044 they told me a few days ago. It gets more weird by the letter. IK sends me this letter, one page, saying I now owe them remaining principal DKK 8.628,52. The court case states IK wants DKK 10.837,20. Case is now so weird that only the first moon landing and the assassination of JFK come to mind as less weird.
2020 December 23
ne bis in idem and causa iussis are now activated. Bail and bailiff are related words. The former is related to criminal proceedings: Article 50 - Right not to be tried or punished twice in criminal proceedings for the same criminal offence. No one shall be liable to be tried or punished again in criminal proceedings for an offence for which he or she has already been finally acquitted or convicted within the Union in accordance with the law. BANK SWEDEN Organisationsnr 516406-0922 2020 BANKAKTIEBOLAG ( (IBS Annual Repport 2018) 2020 September 17 tells NUR that IK retracts the case from bailiff thereby acquitting NUR through be tried related to criminal proceedings which is covered during bail (to yawn; le bâillement (empty, drain, clean, void)).
2020 December 18
No reply 11.30AM from neither bailiff's court or IK.
2020 December 17
Still no rely from bailiff's court or IK. I therefore call Ikano Bank +45 43 55 66 00 and talk with: Christian Gloet, who passes on the call in hast to Laerke Mortensen,who in hast pases me on to incasso where I speak to: Lise Andersen. She tells me I owe Ikano Bank DKK 8.630,13. I shortly represent the case and Ikano Bank tells me the case has been lifted, retracted, from the Danish Court and says because I have continued payments that is the agreement with which Ikano bank now operates. I further mention the case related to contractual breach and case at upon which Ikano Bank agutaged tell me the telephone conversation is over. We hang up
A few minutes later on the same date, 2020 Dec 17, I call Fogedretten (bailiff's court) Soenderborg. Here I speak to first Mie Soenderborg og derefter Marie Louise. They tell me they indeed have an open active case FS N04-7335/2020 (yet IK told me IK case from retracted). The court in friendly matter relays the case and tells me to email the court any information I have and I do so and I include this page and link to it and I present the case in brief in an email which I include via this page for your convenience. I mention in this email, that IK has not lifted the case from the court (because the court tells case is still active yet IK told it was lifted yet also told me IK did not know because IK did not know if IK had received confirmation (this ads to the scheme and fraudulent behavior)).
After I speak with bailiff's court I send mentioned email. I am told by bailiff's court that this case is not to be found at I believed any case could be but the case merely resides at the bailiff's court who then uses any means of communication such as SMTP email which pleases me favorably.
2020 December 11
No reply yet from court and Ikano.
2020 December 8
I log into the court-run Danish website at only to find there are no cases; Sager (0). Screenshot 2020 December 8.jpg. Because there are no cases I can no longer transfer files to and I then email and from my Mac this page and files on the same date.
Case briefly explained
Listed on this page are files related to a non-individual negotiated contractual loan, cash DKK 10.000 excluding setup fees and interest 3.756,-), at Ikano Bank Denmark an affiliate to Ikano S.A. based in Luxembourg. Contract and related files available with this page. This page is part of a ZIP-file which can be unzipped without detriment, hazards, and easily, to your computer.
2019 Juli 25th I sign a contract electronically with Ikano Bank and I initiate payment-installments of DKK 574.00,- on 2019 September 02 but because of heavy financial burdens (I have to travel back to Denmark 2020 Dec 31 from Thailand because of medical issues) I am unable to fulfill the contract and I am late a few days ultimo 2019. Early 2020 I make one payment 2020 January 31 DKK 574.00,- but stop payments February and March same year. Ikano Bank emails me telling me I missed a payment. I explain the situation and offer to pay 3x DKK 574.00,- ultimo March 2020. Ikano Bank declines the offer in silence. Ikano Bank will only allow I pay DKK 200,- in March plus a fee of DKK 350,- to do so and I decline this offer mentioning my situation where I have only DKK 1.006,48,- on 2020 march 11 to cover buying food for the rest of the month. Ikano Bank then send me a statement saying the case will be filed with the court in March 2020. I tell Ikano Bank all payments will be stopped based on the blatant and ignorant business models which feeds on people who needs to borrow only DKK 10.000,- to make ends meet. However I see no case filed and I commense payments in April paying 2x the regular installment total DKK 1.078.00,- and I follow up with additional 8 installments at DKK 574.00,-.
Since scheduled installments started 2019 September 01 to 2020 December 01 I am suppose to have pay 16 times DKK 574,-. I have paid 13 time DKK 574,-. Reason is; I had to fly home 2019 December 31 in haste from Thailand to Denmark because of issues with health which fortunately was not serious. This causes me 2020 March to have very little money and ask to pay 3 times DKK 574,- ultimo March 2020. Ikano Bank decides to ignore my offer and even when I commence payments in April 2020 Ikano Bank takes the case to court.
Hele sagen er hermed afsluttet; hvor der henvises til:
- Kontrakten anulleret og
- Forbrugerombudsmanden i afsnittet Uansvarlig långivning har gjort 66 lån ugyldige.
Samt de følgende afsnit.
Two pages. Initated and e-signed 2020 07 25 contract with Ikano Bank using NemID.
Principal including all expenses DKK 13.756,-
All payments through bank from first payment to the latest. Shows total paid and remaining. 13 installments (by 2020 December 1 should have been 16 installments).
Ikano Bank tells in below letter dated 2020 November 23:
"Du har pr. dags dato i alt indbetalt Kr. 3.044.00"
English: "You have per. today date paid in total DKK 3,044.00"
This is false as the bank-statements below show and above spreadsheet where a total of DKK 7.462,- is paid. I called Ikano Bank 2020 December 07 and they told me only figures from the date of the court case is included in the kr. 3.044.00. Since the court case 2020 September 10 only DKK has been paid 1.722,-.
Not only does Ikano Bank commit fraud related to the total paid amount they also fake their way by mentioning a bogus and completely unrelated amount (3.044) (and I shall happily tell you where Ikano Bank got this number from). I shall not waste my time asking.
It is a way to use numbers sporadically and differently shown in all sorts of context to confuse. Date is mentioned however the way this is presented leads the consumer to be misguided by not using simple logic. Resurs bank and similar companies do the same. Example: the consumer clearly delivers an individual way to pay for January, February and March by paying 3x DKK 574,- which then without any detriment whatsoever to IK and without any loss to IK shows a blatant disrespect not allowing an individual payment under certain situation especially when it is proven that this contract, just as many other contract with these types of credit-companies, are not individually negotiated which they must be; if company A does not follow the rules set in democracies going to The European Parliament with a multi billion EURO annual budget, why then must the consumer - rethorical.
Total amount in debt to IK:10.318,41
NUR has paid a total of 7.462,-.
IK writes in below letter Resterende hovedstol kr. 9.934,11. The English word is principal refers to first and in general principal means that, the initial number that was loaned and that number stays he same.
The principal is DKK 10.000 excluding setup fees and interest 3.756,- making it a total of 13.756. 11.275 is the numberin the contract mentions as principal which covers expenses principal expenses without interest. Principal does not change however IK has changed principal to 9.934,11.
Ikano uses the wording "Resterende hovedstol kr. 9.934,11.". To set aside any confusion I mention the following:
Express Bank
Hvad betyder hovedstol?
Begrebet hovedstol støder du på, når du skal låne penge. Hovedstolen indikerer nemlig, det beløb du har lånt. Hovedstolen bliver ikke mindre, som du betaler af på lånet, da den udelukkende indikerer, hvilket beløb der skal betales tilbage, førend lånet kan betragtes som værende afsluttet.
Quote from and local copy here as PDF.
En hovedstol er startgælden på et givent lån. Hovedstolen vil være uændret gennem hele lånets løbetid, også selvom du afdrager på lånet, fordi hovedstolen udgør det samlede beløb, du startede med at låne.
Quote from and local copy here as PDF.
Hovedstolen er et fast beløb, som ikke ændrer sig, med mindre du konverterer lånet til et andet. Hovedstolen ændrer sig heller ikke, selvom der afdrages på lånet. Til at beskrive hvad der mangler at afdrages på et lån, bruges i stedet ordet ‘restgæld’, hvilket egentligt også er et meget mere forklarende ord.
Quote from and local copy here as PDF.
Den Danske Ordbog
en gælds oprindelige størrelse som pålydende værdi
Quote from and local copy here as PNG.
I shall insert more examples. Please also look up and similar. Similarly I have seen RKI Experian use law-terms and references without any idea realizing it is complete bogus. Pick a very few mathematical/scientific/financial terms and make the consumer feel really important but please do so using the right terms.
DKK principal 10.000 excluding setup fees and interest 3.756,-.
In the contract IK states the principal (hovedstol) being 11.275,- (and not 9.934,11 because paid amount is 7.462,- and using arithmetic we get 9.934,11 - 7.462 = 2.472,11 which is them the remaining amount to pay excluding any added fees and interests and court-expenses because the principal is still 10.000 adding setup fees and interests 3.756,-.) (I remind IK and any recipients of this document, that I have only used the numbers based from the contract and said letter. And I emphasize, that the mentioned number 9.934,11 is termed principal (hovedstol) (even if using the word remaining (Resterende) which is not the case when we are talking principal) related to contracts).
Bank statements
All payments as listed at the bank showing each payment. These are screen-shots of actual website at Niels Ulrik Reinwald online bank.












2020 March 06
A series of emails related to Niels Ulrik Reinwald offering to pay Ikano two and soon after three times the monthly rate at DKK 574.00,- ie. DKK 1.148.00,- and DKK 1.722.00,- of which both offers were silently declined by Ikano offering Niels Ulrik Reinwald paying a fee of DKK 350,- and paying DKK 200.00,- in February and March 2020 which Niels Ulrik Reinwald declined because Niels Ulrik Reinwald had no funds March 2020.
- On March 06 Ikano emails and mentions Niels Ulrik Reinwald has not paid DKK 574.00,-
- On March 06 Niels Ulrik Reinwald emails Ikano offering to pay 2x DKK 574.00.-
- On March 06 Ikano replied back, that Ikano can not wait for payment on the last weekday of March 2020.
Subsequently Niels Ulrik Reinwald pays 2x DKK 574.00,- (1.148.00,-) on 2020 04 06.
Communication by email in: Afslaaet betaling fra kunde Was Vedrørende manglende indbetaling på kundenr 606104483 R30.pdf
2020 March 10
IK declines Niels Ulrik Reinwald's offer paying 2x DKK 574.00,- and notes that Niels Ulrik Reinwald can not pay DKK 200.00,- in March.
Communication by email in: email 2020 03 10.pdf.
Same day March 10 Niels Ulrik Reinwald emails Ikano offering to pay 3x DKK 574.00,- (DKK 1.722.00,-) ultimo March 2020 (payday).
Communication by email: email 2020 03 10 3x574.pdf.
Reminding; that contracts have no individual clause allowing a consumer to repay at the least detriment to the consumer.
2020 March 11
Niels Ulrik Reinwald emails IK saying NUR only has DKK 1.006.48,- on his bank account on the same day which makes paying DKK 200,- impossible because there are another 19 days where NUR must have capital for food.
in the same file, below, it shall be noted, that NUR offers IK that NUR will pay 2x and 3x DKK 574,- before IK offers payment DKK 200,- + DKK 350,- fee.
In same file it shall be noted, that I withdraw my offer and stop all payments.
Communication by email: email 2020 march 11.pdf
2020 march 12
Niels Ulrik Reinwald withdraws offer paying 3x DKK 574.00,-
Communication by email: email 2020 03 12 Tilbud.pdf
Ikano notes that offer is withdrawn: email 2020 03 12 Tilbud 2.pdf
Offer rejected
Ikano never accepts the offer of NUR paying neither 2x or 3x DKK 574.00,- ultimo March 2020. Ikano reiterates that Ikano only can accept a payment of DKK 200,-. Ikano says:
"On 6 Mar 2020, at 11.21, Betaling Mail <> wrote:
Hej Niels
Tak for din henvendelse
I forlængelse af din mail kan vi hermed oplyse, at vi desværre ikke har mulighed for, at udsætte din manglende betalinger til den sidste hverdag i marts måned 2020."
Communication in thsis email: Afslaaet betaling fra kunde Was Vedrørende manglende indbetaling på kundenr 606104483 R30.pdf
Because Ikano blatantly reiterates paying DKK 200.00,- in March and April plus a fee of DKK 350,- and declines to accept paying a total of DKK 1.722.00,- ultimo March NUR simply tells Ikano that payments will stop. Why deny the consumer to pay as per a wish without any detriment whatsoever to IK; it is part of the business-model to enforce further fees which creates revenue and n many cases fees can accrue to more than the principal including high interests all depending on non-individually negotiated contracts.
Case filed with the court
Ikano Bank files the case at the court demanding the principal plus fees totaling DKK 10.837,20 (including court fee DKK 400,- etc.).
Niels Ulrik Reinwald has 2020 Dec 07 paid a total of DKK 7.462,-. Additional interest and fees may arise as per the Payment demand (Betalingspåkrav).
Presently (2020 December 7) the total amount requested by Ikano Bank is 18.299.00,- and a promise to add more via fees and interest and court-fees. Court is the prolonged office with which IK takes the consumer to get as much cash from the consumer as part of the business-model.
Payment demand (Betalingspåkrav) - grand total 18.299,20 plus a promise
This small case shows that court and bailiff is a joint venture with IKANO BANK LUXEMBOURG where the business model is: Poverty and Poor People = Capital Gain. And the court system is actually independent and can interpret the laws as they like and the court is in essence a private corporation under the disguise of being one of three pillars in democracies. This is a case on its own related to ordinary court systems. (A poster of a series named THE TUDOR has been removed because it is a TV series related to the private enterprice of royal courts and since courts use the logo and brand of royals we can prove that courts are via symbols a royal institution which by its constitution exactly declares that the royal(s) are sacrosanct).
- Ikano Bank files a case at the court case file: FS 7335_2020.pdf 2020 September 10 - Correction: date stamp on below first page in September 10. However the letter I receive is dated 17. september 2020. There is a limitation in the time NUR has to reply and this time is 14 days after receiving the payment demand.
- The court, where bailiff is located, sends the case to NUR with a letter; Betalingspåkrav: Bet.pkrav Skyldner 241 213 240.2.pdf
IKANO BANK website not working. When I contact IKANO BANK they tell me it is because a case has been filed at the bailiff yet the case is not filed until September 17, 2020. Being able to login is part of the product at IKANO BANK. When confronting IK they are silent or refer to a case which is not filed yet. I email IK a few times attaching screen-shot (screen-shot) yet no support. The business model is to shut down anything which makes it possible for the lender to follow payment-statements at and in general confuse and belittle the lender/customer.
- On 2020 May 30 I email IK saying I can not login to their website: Afslaaet betaling fra kunde Was Vedrørende manglende indbetaling på kundenr 606104483 R30.pdf
- On 2020 July 31 I email IK the the same saying I can still not login: Hjemmeside.pdf
In March 2020 I offer to pay IK 3x DKK 574 at the end of march 2020 but IK stays silent. IK wants fee DKK 350 for me to pay DKK 200 which I can not pay in March 2020. Website is not working and IK never replies to this but tells me December 2020 that is normal procedure when case is at bailiff, to stop the customer from logging in to see account/payments etc. yet it is part of the deal, when contract is signed, that user is told, that logging in to website is possible (screen-shot). But July and may 2020 is before the case is sent to the bailiff voiding IK's product and contract. This procedure where website is not working is standard procedure from also Resurs Bank, Express Bank. With this in mid, this case is voided. IK further writes "Sikkerhed og fortrolighed" which is complete nonsense with reference to Edward Snowden and Co. and the fact, that all computers are hackable by design and are so proven with a very little effort to prove this. IK therefore is a "vending-machine" which also via IKEA is promoting a culture of walking very far inside their shop to get 5 candle-holders. This cases is now voided without consideration to the fact, that contracts must be individually negotiated which this contract is not.
In an earlier case dealing with the court (2018), it is also proven that court(s) collude with companies to take people to the dry-cleaners without concideration to due process. Who cares if I passed up 14 days with the court/bailiff when is a piece of .... Bailiff sounds like lifting a baile and that is how we treat people who borrow money in IK to buy stuff in IKEA. Wikipedia blows the whistle telling us:
IKEA: The brand used by the group is an acronym that consists of the founder's initials (Ingvar Kamprad), and those of Elmtaryd.
IKEA is just like most brand-names related to one thing and one thing only; IKKE Danish word for NOT and that is why IKEA is like ILVA because that spells LIVA related to a DIVA which is a madonna. Where did Ingvar Kamprad get the A from? Probably a in Ingvar! is talking backwards and that is by design.
Bailiff proclaims to NUR that 10.837,20 shall be paid. This figure includes court fees and a promise that this figure can rise. NUR has paid a total of 7.462,- which makes the grand total 18.299,20 plus a promise of further expenses. At this point two cooperating entities makes a profit of 8.299,20 on the proceed of 10.000. This is a relatively small amount (!) in revenue considering far greater revenues are produced in other sales such as with the housing market and car sales market (examples can be given where revenue far exceeds 82.99%). (!) pun intended since this small amount to some would seem punitive.
Kontrakten annulleret
Ikano Bank vil ikke sige ja tak til 3x DKK 574.00,- betalt ultimo Marts 2020 og jeg stopper betaling i Marts 2020 da Ikano Bank kun vil modtage penge imod endnu et gebyr på DKK 350,- som jeg absolut og beviseligt ikke har penge til i Marts 2020 selvom Ikano Bank omtaler dette beløb, DKK 200,-, som symbolsk. Ikano har truet med Inkasso i korrespondancen i Marts 2020 og jeg betaler naturligvis ikke 3x DKK 574 ultimo Marts da sagen er lovet sendt til Inkasso. Efterfølgende betaler jeg i det omfang jeg kan med. 2x DKK 574,- (1.148,-) 2020 April 06 og efterfølgende betaler jeg de måneder jeg kan, det i kontrakten aftalte beløb, månedligt.
Ikano Bank går rettens vej 2020 September 17 Sagsnr. FS N04-7335/2020 på trods af indbetalinger.
Derfor anvendes følgende:
§ 36. En aftale kan ændres eller tilsidesættes helt eller delvis, hvis det vil være urimeligt eller i strid med redelig handlemåde at gøre den gældende. Det samme gælder andre retshandler.
Stk. 2. Ved afgørelsen efter stk. 1 tages hensyn til forholdene ved aftalens indgåelse, aftalens indhold og senere indtrufne omstændigheder.
COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 93/13/EEC of 5 April 1993 on unfair terms in consumer contracts
DIRECTIVE 93/13/EEC and Guidance on the interpretation and application of same.
Derfor anvender jeg naturligvis, da den er vejledende for dansk lov, det følgende:
Article 3
1. A contractual term which has not been individually negotiated shall be regarded as unfair if, contrary to the requirement of good faith, it causes a significant imbalance in the parties' rights and obligations arising under the contract, to the detriment of the consumer.
Da kontrakten ikke er individuelt udformet, så er dette i strid med Artikel 3, stk 2 og jeg anvender det forhold, at der under kontraktens tid er opstået en signifikant uballance til Niels Ulrik Reiwnald's ulempe til skade for konsumenten; Niels Ulrik Reinwald. Ikano Bank skal bevise, at kontrakten er udformet individuelt. Jeg har i god forretnings-princip fremsat forslag til betaling og Ikano Bank har ikke accepteret dette forslag. Derfor har jeg også meddelt Ikano Bank i email, at betaling stopper hvorfor; disse forhold gør:
at kontrakten mellem Niels Ulrik Reinwald og Ikano Bank er annulleret.
Uansvarlig långivning har gjort 66 lån ugyldige
På tidspunktet for oprettelsen af lånet er jeg af firmaer meldt til Experian. Da jeg grundet ingen- og fejl-behandling hos læger i Danmark må se mig indlagt i Thailand til en seks timer operation i maven med ca. 20cm snit til af mig egen-betaling, har jeg meget få midler hvorfor jeg ansøger om lån hos Ikano Bank.
Issues is not working. User, NUR, can not access payment-statements on In the beginning it was possible to get some details at the website but now it has been shut off from the user. Ikano Bank has told NUR that this is standard procedure when case is sent to court. The same is the case with Resurs bank where they hide or create mistakes so the consumer can not log into their systems to check ballance and accounts. NemID is envolved.
Below image showing website out of order and not functioning and support at Ikano Bank never returned a reply. This is symptomatic all across similar company-websites example is with Resurs Bank. Consumer can't access promised payment-statements and page/pages are not working and at times login via NemID operated by Nets A/S, whose owner is Hellman & Friedman, is not possible. These finance companies many times ignores consumers support-questions. When NemID is not working the companies will refer consumers to the support at NemID who also often supply little or no support. (built-in errors are by design).
This small case is indicative of how business is run on an impudent fashion where business-ethics are none bypassing EU directives which is also a guide to perform a well judged and judicious business - if they so will.
IKEA lends money using Ikano bank:
Why IKEA Australia's $1 billion in profits are mostly tax-free:
The Laundromat (film)
Counter-suit, counterclaim
Ikano Bank (publ) aka AB, Sweden, will receive a counter suit and counterclaim. This will emerge at will and is in preparation. This will entail The State of Denmark as well.
Company colluding
Google search: Ingvar Kamprad nazi girl dragon tattoo.
Denmark is also swept in Nazi symbols which leads to the very simple observation, that Denmark is a country devoted to Nazism.
Late fees, interests and filing cases with the couts is part of the business-model with which court systems are an extension of the companies business-model.
I observe that it suites the interest of Ikano Bank Denmark and Ikano Bank Sweden and the Danish Court System to return a reply laying down this case to rest upon which I will consider any further instantiations. I encourage any party to this case to return a very short reply or simply letting me know the case has been closed by mentioning this in an as short as possible sentence and I wish this to be done so by sending me an email to (I am unconditionally not using any other means to communicate).
Ikano Bank Denmark
Ikano Bank Denmark is an affiliate of Ikano Bank Sweden (started by Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA) owned by the Kamprad-family and parent company is Ikano Group ( where parent company is Ikano S.A. based in Luxembourg.
Address: 1 Rue Nicolas Welter, 2740 Luxembourg (Google maps)
Phone: +352 26 44 22
Ikano S.A.
Ikano Group S.A. ("We create possibilities for better living - Ikano")
IKANO pamplet:
"Ikano S.A.. Ikano is an international, family owned group of companies. Ikano was established in 1988 and develops, owns and manages companies in the areas of asset management, finance, insurance, real estate and retail."
Hellman & Friedman LLC which is a private equity holding company.
Owned by Hellman & Friedman LLC: NemID > Nets DanID A/S > Nets A/S > Hellman & Friedman LLC
The Author of this page disclaims to have any business with Ikano Bank Denmark and/or Ikano Bank Sweden and any of their derivatives which leads to IKEA. This page can be updated at any given time without notification and it is always this page updated local in the hands of Niels Ulrik Reinwald which is the one which is in effect; therefore you can request this file to obtain the latest version if you so please. This file is foremost targeting systems and not individuals even if companies such as Ikano Denmark is targeting individuals through the court-system to make individuals feel betrayed.
Niels Ulrik Reinwald