Case: NEXT Forsikring A/S
Date created: 2021 January 31.
Date updated:
Tuesday, February 16, 2021 4:56 PM
2021 February 16
NEXT Forsikring AS emails me saying they have returned money for my insurance policy. NEXT sends two PDF files:
However I have paid 2 x DKK 576,785 total 1153,57 for January and February 2021 and NEXT releases me from the insurance contract January 5th 2021 where NEM Forsikring AS is informed of the release and can make the transfer to NEM. However, as I learned, NEXT was owned by NEM and NEXT is still to this day not an insurance company but NEM is which is why NEXT is plainly an intermediary and still operates as such with NEM being the insurance company through which NEXT is operated. A grand total of DKK 1153,57 shall be paid plus day-penalties of DKK 5000 since 5th January 2021 which is 42 days which equals DKK 210.000.
Today NEXT Forsikring AS informs me that they will only return payments from Februart 14 2021. However since Danish law tells us:
§ 36. En aftale kan ændres eller tilsidesættes helt eller delvis, hvis det vil være urimeligt eller i strid med redelig handlemåde at gøre den gældende. Det samme gælder andre retshandler.
Stk. 2. Ved afgørelsen efter stk. 1 tages hensyn til forholdene ved aftalens indgåelse, aftalens indhold og senere indtrufne omstændigheder.
NEXT Forsikring AS was owned by NEM Forsikring AS until november 2020 and NEXT was an intermediary however uses the word Forsikring (Insurance) as part of their name. NEXT is still operated by NEM because NEM is the officially registered insurance company where NEXT is just an oline solution where the actual insurance is with NEM. NEXT is also sold to Basileia Holdings Limited related to PANAMA PAPERS which then voids the deal and contract totally because above law states, that unfair or fair conduct is activated because we also get the same effect from
Article 3
1. A contractual term which has not been individually negotiated shall be regarded as unfair if, contrary to the requirement of good faith, it causes a significant imbalance in the parties' rights and obligations arising under the contract, to the detriment of the consumer.
NEXT Forsikring AS is mentioned in the insurance-policy and NEM is mentioned as the place of coverage which then clearly makes NEXT equal NEM which then makes making an application for a new insurance, which is cheaper, at NEM completely nonsense since they are the same company. NEXT is operated only online and is NEM and NEXT is Novermber 2020 sold to a company on Isle of Man. January 5th 2021 I find a cheaper insurance company called NEM and I save some money but since NEM only accepts my acceptance if I give by bank account details I become suspecious and seach a few minutes via and find that NEM equals NEXT and NEXT is sold to Basileia Holdings Limited. In other words, there is no changing of insurance company and I can move instantly without any notice as per the terms in NEXTs policy agreement. Why? NEM and NEXT are the same company which then warrents absolutely no violation of terms moving me within the company to the actual insurance company called NEM Forsikring AS. NEM and NEXT and Basileia Holdings Limited is just a small part of a network because:
- NEXT Forsikring A/S owner: Easysure Denmark A/S: c/o DLA Piper Advokatpartnerselskab Hack Kampmanns Plads 2 8000 Aarhus C Ejerandel: 100%
- Easysure Denmark A/S subsidiary (datterselskab (under)): NEXT Forsikring A/S (share 100%)
DLA Piper advises Argosy/Basileia Holding Ltd. buying NEXT Forsikring AS (screen-shot). However NEXT Forsikring AS was and still is NEM Forsikring AS except that BASILEA HOLDINGS LIMITED has purchased NEXT who is associated with PANAMA PAPERS:
Isle of ManShown here at maps:,+PEEL+ROAD+DOUGLAS+IM1+5EP+Isle+of+Man/@54.1505206,-4.4973364,18.16z
2021 February 11
January 5th NEXT releases me from the contract because I find cheaper insurance company and because I found via, that NEXT and NEM were the same company until 2020 November when NEXT was sold to a shell company on Isle of Man. Name of company: Basileia Holdings Limited related to PANAMA PAPERS. February 10 I see NEXT has charged my bank account even when I have told NEXT I no longer accept the non individual negotiated contract and because NEXT has terminated the contract releasing me which paves the way for NEM to be my insurance company however NEM refuses until I suddenly receive an email from NEM with an offer because NEM realizes the customer can change insurance because Next and NEM are the same and still are operated as a unit because NEXT is merely an intermediary of NEM.
2021 February 03
I have chatted with NEXT Forsikring A/S today. Transscript below. Can be translated clicking here. Notice the smiley by a female calling herself Pernille. Who knows who is sitting at the other end. Could be a Bulgarian man or anyone able to write Danish. NEXT Forsikring A/S only has online support via chat, email and its website itself. I am awaiting a reply and will notify about it on this page. There chat support always tells you "Tusinde tak for din besked. Inden for meget kort tid vil min kollega overtage chatten og hjælpe dig :)"
This case is mildly speaking one of Buster Larsen.
Opdater dine oplysningerJeg har sendt en email vedr. NEXT Forsikring og dens ejerskab af HowToBBQRight [sick] Basileia Holdings Limited.
på Isle of Man. Vil NEXT Forsikring A/S venligst besvare. Min email er Jeg holder dette vindue og chat aaben og afventer. Chat begyndt
KundeserviceTusinde tak for din besked. Inden for meget kort tid vil min kollega overtage chatten og hjælpe dig :)Pernille deltager i chattenAnn-Katrine deltager i chattenPernille har forladt chatten
Vi har modtaget din email, og du vil høre retur fra os
Opdater dine oplysningerAlletiders. Jeg antager jeg ikke er kunde mere da NEXT Forsikring A/S har direkte forbindlese til PANAMA PAPERS men at jeg er kunde da jeg ikke har gjort noget galt. Jeg afventer svar gerne ASAP. Chat vurderet Dårlig
2021 January 31
Case has been presented at
2021 January 27
Case NEXT Forsikring A/S has been filed to the Danish Police; leading to the case termed country crimes.
Case presented
If a company of any size is located at this small country-house on Isle of Man then romance is my middle name.
Case filed and reported to Danish Police who is still thinking.
[case will be updated soon]
Imagine you encounter a crime or at least something suspicious or at least something peculiar or at least something to which an explanation seems obvious and you are then met with nonsense, silence and insults. You then know. You then only need more than one person to sit down and decide not to admit yourself to asylum. No need to be smart, invesigate or know law. Intuition is enough. common sense. The weight of simple logic. if McDonalds is so amazing then do they need use shell companies or evade tax. Scrooge is keyword.These two cases are related and share some information:
A relatively small insurance (forsikring) company leads to Isle of Man to a business-construction which makes the corporate world look like a jungle of fraud leading to arms deals and taxation and mortgages and taxing inheritance to levels where such endeavours becomes a tool to extract wealth and lives out of people which then leads these people to become poor which makes them into terrorists which is the first principle goal of any government and any large corporate structure as we shall encounter as the cases evolve and implode/explode into their parts in which we might soon see, that democracy, voting and polititicians are layers which a long time ago was forseen to be living in movies such as Oblivion (movie 2013).
When I moved to Denmark late 2017 and in January 2018 bought a house I am by law obligated by law to get an insurance covering fire and also an isurance for a car which by law is needed to cover damage to others. All very nice and insurance is equal to security or an insurance with which one can sleep wonderful and have no worries.
I search and soon found NEXT Forsikring A/S which only operates online which makes them cheaper - and cheapest - so they said/say. Easy choice and as long as I am covered I care not for much else. Anyhow. We all wish to save a buck or five. January 2021 I searched again just to check if I could find any cheaper insurance. Heureka. A portal which shows the cheapest showed an insurance company and I entered its website Soon to realize it was cheaper than NEXT and also that is was the same company and even better; NEXT was november 2020 sold to a company called Basileia Holdings Limited which is located at:
Burleigh Manor
Peel Road, Douglas
Isle of Man IM1 SEPOffshore leaks PANAMA PAPERS:
Same adress where two companies are located:
REEL Denmark Limited, Flæsketorvet 68, The State of Danmark is directly involved in shell companies and their structures on a very large scale
Related to companies who has joined PANAMA PAPERS:
REEL Denmark Limited,
Flæsketorvet 68
1711 København VBarry Danmark ApS & The Finnish Government sharing same address as REEL Denmark Limited
This is also where Barry Danmark ApS, selling electric, has its address, which they buy from Nordpool, allegedly, and Barry Danmark ApS is financed by Fortum which is a Finnish company which is owned by The Finnish Government.
Fortum Oyj (energy company) is owned by Government of Finland
Owner: Government of Finland:
ICIJ (PANAMA PAPERS) has REEL Denmark Limited
REEL Denmark Limited is located at the same address as Barry Danmark ApS financed and hence "owned" by The Government of Finland.
Energy on a very large scale - Barry and Finnish Government revisited
The Finish Government selling electric through which now re-directs to because I opened this case Barry Danmark A/S and The Finnish Government is now trying to whitewash their hog. This whitewashing is too late because they have been exposed and it is bye bye baby Barry and Government of Finland. WHOIS Domain Search - Europe Registry - uses 301 to redirect to is using .co which is Columbia domain. Now changed to .energy and that word is English and neither Danish nor Finnish.
I have emailed Barry Danmark A/S and the Finnish Governemnt and still total silence. GetBarry was the name and Barry is found in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) - unless The Primeminister of Finland's cousin is named Barry.
The Energy page covers GetBarry and derivatives.
The Impact of Schemes, revealed by the Panama Papers on the Economy and Finances of a Sample of Member States
- April 2017 [local PDF]
Page 92:
The following stakeholders were contacted for an interview:
"SKAT (Danish Customs and Tax Administration) – the press office raised some questions about anonymity and suggested that they would respond in writing; nothing received to date.
Finanstilsynet (Danish FSA – under the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs) – the press office referred our request to the management who in turn referred us to ‘SKAT’.
Statsadvokaten for Særlig Økonomisk og International Kriminalitet, Hvidvasksekretariatet (whitewashing Secretariat (secret)) (State Prosecutor for Serious Economic and International Crime (FIU) – no response."If the clout of The European Union can't make them speak then you know governance is as silent as The Mafia - for reasons and the motives are 1) money and 2) keeping the Bible (history) a secret. Enter birth of Niels Ulrik Reinwald and his book TIAWOL which is a book that could never be written - they thought - which is why running a country is and was too big a mouthfull for them. Imagine being told you live a whole life as an orphan waking up one day realizing it was Les Miserabel which is why a certain woman chose to jump out the window from the fifth floor in Copehangen. Her name Else Bartenfleth (a story so profound but left for now).
This page can be updated at any given time without notification and it is always this page updated local in the hands of Niels Ulrik Reinwald which is the one which is in effect; therefore you can request this file to obtain the latest version if you so please. This file is foremost targeting systems and not individuals even if companies are targeting individuals through a box of tools such as courts, police, politicians and corporations themselves to make individual people feel betrayed and so much more.
Niels Ulrik Reinwald