TIAWOL is created from a copy uploaded 2014 to amazon.com yet book was not published because of taxation form given to amazon.com was not accepted for a hard/copy print version. NUR then along with creating cerasius.com uploaded TIAWOL in its original PDF format yet in 2025 Author Niels Ulrik Reinwald aka James Luxley was threatened in Asis to not publish and out of courtesy NUR did not and pulled the book from the Web and finally in 2017 moved to Sweden with wife and on holiday September 2018 in Thailand realized a copy existed as expected and this is the version which was extracted from a HTML version at amazon.com so the version is relatively in a mess however NUR has temporarily fixed the version programmatically but contains spelling and typos indicating TIAWOL has been tampered with. Since pulling TIAWOL in 2014 NUR has been harassed repeatedly leaving obviously one observation clear; threats and harassments are telling people that nations have only something if kept a secret which proves nations have nothing both ways. T.O.C. will be created.

The Found Symbols

Here are some symbols that were not lost:

And a hell of a lot more.
They were LOST5 but now found…
5 A hint to Confucius to the television series LOST & Dan Brown’s THE LOST SYMBOL xiii

If you don’t tell a lie
and you don’t tell the truth
- what are you then telling?

Had I worked
any harder
on this book,
I would have turned into
a rolling stone.

Let the mystery & misery unfold and the real magi© begin where Christinsanity ended…..



“As Long As The Re Is DemOcracy There Will Be Terror, War and Illegal Governments. In Defending Only Their FreeDom, They Will Engage In Terror, War & Illegal Acts. They Love WORDS And Will Keep You In Fear” 6

Cerasius iMag (cerasius.com), James Luxley & Lou E. Mière presents evidence in this book that all governments are clandestine terrorists - a subsidiary to GOMO (Greatest Organized Mafia Organization) - in collusion with The Holy See (part of GOMO). The Holy See is a corner stone of a large structure of criminal governments, banks and corporations.

One page could take down the whole card pack. I have been investigating this for about 30 years but only since 2012 and now mid 2013 did I nd the so called Holy Grail which is fake and a lie but actually also true at the same time. True because it relates to real matters found in the East. Why write a whole book about a lie? Because it is true, that it is a lie. This book proves many things and some you won’t believe. Even when I show you. It is like magic: you see the trick believing in real magi©, it must be true. When you know how the trick is done, as an illusion, you still believe in real magi©! If you want to know the biggest magic trick ever in history, this book is for you.

The making of this book has been a process with many hypothesis. Some are perhaps outdated because I wrote this book as I learned. The whole book is however evidence and naturally you will get the bigger picture which boils down to one word: LIARS. So accept some wrongs because the intent is to tell the truth and in doing so you will tell lies in a World build upon Lies. How could I now tell a lie when western culture - based on a lie - The Bible - is a LIE. Eventually when I got the larger picture this book came together. I have not re-edited parts to suit my need April 2013 endings. I have kept them here as evidence and now yours too.

It is not a conspiracy nor an attempt to blaspheme that I start this book with the word VVORD with V (5) letters. In fact they 7 are conspiring and blaspheming. Mounting circumstantial evidence (and direct) proves these facts. Not you and I but they (GOMO and I shall show why it is two V’s and not one W (which is two V’s!) ◊♢

7 United Nations and all their derivative from The Holy See to the local public library and beyond their subsidiaries) have the opportunity, the means and the motive. It truly was and is "A Bright Shining LIE".

GOMO is a term coined by James Luxley (however unrelated [sic] we do find a washing detergent called OMO of all things and OMO actually means child in Yoruba language). It is hard to combat mind controlling gadgets such as pads, pods, phones and cable TV, and WORDS. Some proof is in the good [sic] O'l Bible saying directly who is who and what they do to people. GOMO connect with people such as Billy Graham [Ham; son of Noah the sinner].

Religious freedom is the opposite of freedom because there is no freedom from religion. John F. Kennedy said secret societies should be shut down and these secret societies are based in most part on Zoroastrianism and other religious derivatives. Dead men can't talk. So he was assassinated too. By those he spoke against through motive they call it but nobody looked in the right place and instead pointed ngers at conspiratorial possibilities when in fact the guilty were the ones investigating the murder. This we can coin DEATHTRAP. So I start from the beginning about 6000 years back and will lay out this as evidence that only one organization has the means, opportunity and motive - GOMO.

Ralph Ellis may have found evidence to support that Jesus was King of Edessa and he was not to be named Jesus but Emmanuelle. To invent the horrible Bible they may have through clandestine operation set up a real Jesus who by deceit is almost untraceable. They may have killed a Jew who said he was King and the theater of it all could be a “Julius Assange”, “Breivik” or “Vietnam War” all over all based on lies naturally proven - which I shall show you soon.

Tony Bushby is on the trail revealing fraud so gigantic is cover every corner of the Earth. Many are seeing the deceit and are beginning to realize how deep of a rotten system it is they created for us through fake spiritualism and The Bible and what is known as The Arm Of The Covenant. I go to the root of it all and will show evidence that they lied, lied and then inter-connected sex, sex and whores in a furious mix. Not until now with the information available thanks to The Internet are we able to decode much of it. Better everything. This book can’t cover it all and don’t attempt to but it is a beginning and hopefully a realization so you too can understand and investigate heir ongoing lies. Even when they are found lying they lie more and worse which I shall demonstrate. Some do not reply when you get near the real truth so you know who is fake and not. Once I just mentioned the word “Ishtar” to a think thank in Denmark they cut me off. Then you know.

It is so much more than clandestine wars and bank scandals - it is everything. They did not leave one rock untouched. Many are not aware of how deep the hole is. Many play and act it out as if they are the good guys while in fact they are scumbags. Sometimes it is hard to tell who is who but this book will help you spot the good versus the bad fruit - or roots. The root goes far back in time and much of history is in fact based on pure fabrication - proven now.

Personally I am disgusted by how bad they are and how utmost evil some humans can be and still are. THis has been used for centuries to infest whole people. Some are simply born evil and this happens also due to intermarriage as we shall see.

I write in these lines as well about fraud and deceit but can prove with this book it is all about sex, power and money and then more sex, more power and sex again. All hidden in words and symbols. I am a mentor of words and I do the riddles and you can think after I decode and solve some riddles. Some riddles are only half broken and will need more investigation. The words in themselves don’t lie but if you say an angle were in Saint Peters prison it is only allegorical. The angel was a woman or for that sake a man. This angle smote (hit) Peter and he was free.

Also contemporary mottos I pick at. They look innocent like “E Pluribus Enum” but believe me once you dig around it means something very different and not something very nice and certainly not what it is told to be. Once you know, you know the whole political system is rotten, sick to the core being sheep in wolves costumes all dressing the part and speaking with evil libs which you must decode to understand the hidden agenda. Therefore this book is evidence which empirically proves they are all criminal. I take the Bible as a fraud but also as evidence and I take every painting, manuscript and book ever written as evidence. Some call it prison planet but I like to call it criminal planet. Everything in the upper echelon is crime - big crime. The biggest crime syndicate that ever existed and The Vatican, police, courts and governments and all their subsidiaries are in on it. Including media, corporations and the biggest of them all the army complex; Mary’s Soldiers we can cal them. And Jesus is just a metaphor for all the ones who really did suffer back in time right up to this day. What magic would it be to have Jesus born from a dick and pussy so they invented the whole real virgin birth and once you can decode the meaning you know it is all lies made into truth from way back a few thousand year right up to today. A child is a virgin. Hence a virgin birth. I shall discuses that as you move along. It is all linguistics and homophones and homographs bad synonyms and translating between languages from Latin to Greek and then picking out the Greek letters into Latin letters making new names so it all becomes a riddle.

If you want to stay in your old world of belief I advise you to lay down this book or even burn it. I am not on any mission with this manuscript trying to teach anything. I just want it out and gone because it literally is the biggest pile of dog shit that was ever invented. Billions of people believe in virgin birth and the whole concocted story of Jesus’ love and he being cruci ed rising again the third day and so the story could begin.

Once you can decode mottos on contemporary building and coin them to the Bible and so much more, you realize it is all a tale of keeping people stupid and them above because they know what the real meaning is; sex pussy galore fuck left and right.

I go to the root and that pulls the whole card-house no matter what.

This book covers many languages, many countries and region and goes from Ancient Egypt (which may not be so old) to Asia and the Himalayas and far up North. It is more than a labyrinth. It is more than a riddle or a rebus. It is everything. And if this everything is taken out - we have nothing.

Joker above: Notice the mirrored text. Also notice in a deck of some cards, that the cards are mirrored. This is a vital clue to unlocking more than 2000 years of deceit and especially the past 500 years.

This is math, words as magic puzzles and it is the greatest magic show you will ever see - I hope. Once the illusion is revealed, as it will be, then there is only smoke and mirrors left. Once they are gone too, there is only a new world left to create. The former governments are not invited, naturally. And let us hope they will live forever as the greatest fools that ever lived.

The sickos lay at rest forever Their story forgotten... ...as it was rotten

Their Dicks full of Chrysis Deceitful just as Isis
The Little Whore of Babylon

One Day It will All Be Gone Mon Chéri Suilla Mater

1. Pre FaceBook

Truism in Hebrew is התמא translated to Yiddish is: You. True and You rhymes.

If you want to know the lie to prove the truth is a fake, then this book is for you - else you may live in your truth as your lie believing or knowing it is a lie. You might have come this far for a reason and would it not be great to know WHY?

I am well aware that it is not free from literary and artistic faults. But as these fault are not the result of carelessness, and still less of that indifference which looks lightly on the publication of a book, I would earnestly deprecate that severe criticism which magnifies a trivial inaccuracy in a grave error, and a solecism into something like a crime. In all of humility I claim for the story a higher merit that that of style, - the merit of truthfulness.

Quote from Eric; or, Little by Little: a tale of Roslyn School by Frederic William Farrar.

If you like the fairy tale better because it suites your purpose or your motto is “If you can’t beat them join” then this is a spoiler alert; do not read this book.

If you believe a lie or a truth then it is neither because believing in Hebrew is רוֹבְּסִל which in Yiddish is gratify which is to satisfy. In other words; if you believe you are satis ed.
This book only covers a fraction of the deceit. I scratch the surface and it will hopefully keep you on your feet while you read through it because even if it only touches upon the surface it does touch the part which is the foundation of it all - GOD. This book proves it is all lies and if so nothing is the truth in The bible and it therefore takes down everything using the Bible as their foundation from governments, courts, royals, police, politicians and all their derivatives including banks whom they work with and in fact also corporation.

There are naturally sexual references in this book because The Bible is all about that.

Let The Dionysian Odyssey End

When birds drop dead and mountains move we believe it’s commercial  enterprise as usual watching romantic fountains run dry. Imagine proof is there we just don’t see and many ee and die. We never believed a soul nor a human would be so cunning to hide the evidence in plain sight so amazingly stunning. I have discovered many and in this book you will nd a hand full of them. It will open the gates of lies so we can nally see what they are up to in their disguise. It is proof of the most deviled game ever invented to keep humans separated in them and us. The ame is burning out as is the dame who is to blame designed by an heinous anus.

In the light of historical data, it appears obvious that religious systems have also succumbed to ponerogenic processes and manifested the symptoms of a similar disease.

I read a book in 2012 called SYMBOLS, SEX AND THE STARS by Ernest Busenbark. An introduction is by Jordan Maxwell. It mentions Astrology as part of the ancient deceit. It is a good place to start.

You will learn that I am rather suspicious when people know too much and especially when Jordan Maxwell speaks on a podium at a symposium. When you know what these words means, and the podium has the eagle, stars and the official US motto and logo. Reading this book, will make you understand my suspicion but will also nally reveal the secret behind words such as “E Pluribus Unum” and it takes us on a journey where sex, deceit and lies are grown. So far there is no pesticide to control this toxic plant called government through democracy but souls can hope one day not only to be free at last but also have a pesticide to control the evildoers.

At the end of it all they can always turn around and say: “ Sounds very nice but God exists because even your book can’t explain or deny the existence of God. Even your odd perhaps true proof can’t deny God’s existence”. I have news; I can. That God anyway. What is beyond the manmade God is not what this book is about. Indeed they will say God created everything for a purpose being carnivorous and the Venus Flytrap too. And so God is the Venus Flytrap in creating it hence everything can be a Venus Flytrap and the y’s only job is to be fooled and eaten all created by God just as God created Venus Napalm and Venus Warriors so in essence everything is legal because God has no limit but man makes limits by making laws prohibiting free men from being the Venus Flytrap rather than the y. And if you try to be the Flytrap they will kill you unless it suites their purpose to keep you alive and they know people like fairytales better than reality so a fly to be. That is why there are many more lies than truths.

8 "In any society in this world, psychopathic individuals and some of the other deviant types create a ponerogenically active network of common collusions, partially estranged from the community of normal people... Their sense of honor bids them to cheat and revile that ‘other’ human world and its values at every opportunity." (Lobaczewski, 138) - ponerology.com
9 Not to mention the fact that currently, the neocon-Bush administration is using Christianity as the ideology by which they mask pathocracy. [Editor’s note.] (From the Book: Political Ponerology)
10 Read on… Jordan Maxwell is not all made of wool...

Land of Hope and Glory, Mother of the Free, How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee? Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set;

God, who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet, God, who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet.

I want to start this book with a song and a melody to set the mood. You have heard it many times and it is played every year at Albert Hall in England in London. Music by Edward Elgar and lyrics by Arthur Christopher Benson. While you sing, try and enter a hypnotic state as you are suppose to.

Above image is a girl and probably her mother from the Vietnam War and the mother has been a victim of Napalm which is a gel compound based on naphthenic acid and palmitic acid hence the name Na+Palm. Have you tried dropping burning plastic on your skin then you know how it burns and sticks. Now imagine being sprayed with this by the tons. In the Roman Empire they used reball too using a so called Mangonel. Many websites will tell you it is derived from Latin mangonellus, magnum; meaning catapult. However a quick online translation tells me catapult in Latin is: Fundibalus. So why lie? Because they want to hide certain words and meanings so you don’t get any smarter.

The derived word for Mangonel is Italian: manganelli meaning batons. Other spelling is Manganello. As the batons the police use today. The Mangonel was a machine which threw reballs and used as an extended and far reaching baton. In German it is called a Wurfmashine (throw machine) and in Greek that is παγίδα (phonetical: bajeta) meaning a trap, snare, spring. The same word παγίς is found in Romans 11:9 where David says: “May their table become a snare and a trap, a stumbling block and a retribution for them.”

Italian: Manganello; Il manganello o sfollagente è un'arma contundente esclusivamente destinata all'offesa in dotazione esclusiva delle forze di polizia, ed utilizzato speci catamente come strumento antisommossa.

Translated: The truncheon or baton is a blunt weapon o ffense provided exclusively for exclusive police, and used speci cally as a means of riot control.

Found here: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manganello. So the Mangonel was a riot control device and it used reballs to control the masses. Today they use pepper spray because reball would look rather messy but eventually they do call in the Mangonel as in the Vietnam War now only using acid and oil and reballs. Nothing has changed in 2000 years.

Metal Industrially naphthenates are among others manganese which is a silvery-gray colored metal. Catapult in Latin: FUNDIBALUS, Greek: καταπέλτης (katapeltis). Italian: Manganelli; baton, stick. Baton in Greek is: κλομπ (kloub) which sounds like club.
2 Chronicles 26:15 reads:

“Uzziah provided shields, spears, helmets, coats of armor, bows and slingstones for the entire army. And he [King Uzziah] made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal. And his name spread far abroad; for he was marvelously helped, till he was strong.”

Uzziah was according to Matthew the bloodline of Jesus. Huzzah had cunning men making these machines to defend him but if his God is so good, then why would anyone want to attack him in the rst place. Uzziah went to the temple and was forbidden to spread incense but de ed the Lord and so he instantly got leprosy which he had until his death. Now perhaps we know why we have a small automatic gun called an Uzi. Modern weapon production and naming is taken from ancient names.

I rendered an apartment in 3D (top image) with a spider and an Apple iMac plus a Chinese chair and a Roman bust. Then some windows to nail me to the cross and then some roe on the wall; a poster of Marilyn Monroe. This should set the mood for any writer having such a hall. This I created mid 2012 when I was well under way in my investigation of the world of lies. Below is my design of an Apple Store as it could look. Notice the door and the two round windows. The more I opened new doors, the more I saw every door was a barrier to fake history and deceit so I had to change my perspective of the World. My world is still 3D but an extra dimension has been added and I am glad it did. This is my World and you don’t have to trust a word of anything yet alone nod yes or feel you need to poke around where I have been. After a while it gets rather boring once you realize their God is only a Biblical Yod, a jot (nothing), as an apostrophe י times II (two).

I like the empty feeling of the room and it could be in any city on Earth with the view of the city scape. I start you on this little journey into some unknown lands and I am sure you will nod in recognition in places. I have one mission and that is to get it out of my World and hopefully a new world can emerge where free people can educate each other on a level never seen before and free people can be free at last and I don’t hope any Luther will be part of it.

We also know now, that governments and heir scholars have invented history to t the picture they want to portray to the so called eaters such as you and I which s only part true because you and I are also ies. This way they have their world where money is never an obstacle and then the world in where people are told a fairytale story. Be it by William Shakespeare, H. C. Andersen, Voltaire or Plato. Even Donald Duck is evolved as are contemporary writings about Superman and Captain America. These new stories actually have root in ancient pagan belief and are portrayed via colorful magazines to set the sage in the minds of people (young) so they never will know what is behind the smoke and the fake reality they are learning about.

Beneath it al is a cobweb of politicians, secret societies and in short tyrants who change the world as they see t. To keep their system going as it is under their full control. He who has the army and the Mary and the money is the god as it has been for 6000 years. Re ned beyond perfect to keep people under control and when an uprising or revolt pops up they will used this clandestinely to invoked their further agenda.

We see and read about conspiratorial ideas popping up and no matter how much proof is presented their is still silence on a broad scale. We watch single incident unfold on the television and it is hard to connect them all and even in one incident or terror action or war there are lies and tricks with word and most people can’t recall the past ve minutes or compare the story they hear in one story to the next. Bring on ten or a hundred or even a thousand years of events and stories and one is lost. Some incidents look the same and perhaps even the same people were behind them such as Kissinger but he goes free because the proof is hard to connect all evil is done in such a way to let us know it is done for the greater cause of humanity. It not only happened in the great wars of time but also a subliminal level in everyday life in kindergartens and schools and later in workplaces.

“ Societies have a right to defend themselves against any evil harassing or threatening them. National governments are obligated to use effective means for this purpose, and to use them as skillfully as possible. In order to discharge this essential function, nations obviously utilize the information available at the time in that given civilization relating to the nature and genesis of evil, as well as whatever means they can muster. Society’s survival must be protected, but abuse of power and sadistic degenerations come about all too easily.” 11

The 911 incident is such an example of how it works. The whole thing is created through a lie and later covered up as a lie even if you can present direct evidence. It is a classic. First the terror through an attack and people’s initial though is to go rescue and run and look as the war unfolds hoping there is an escape route. They look back and watch as people jump from the buildings landing not nice as seen in Hollywood movie where they lay on the ground as if laid there spreader arms and legs. When a body drops from hundred or ve hundred meters you will hear a plump sound and if you go to see it you will nd what looks like a pancake with the skin burst by the pressure and bones in many places. It is instant death once you hit the ground. So people looking at this rst, have many question as to why being attacked at all and soon see people jumping knowing they can’t survive the fall also realizing the person has seconds to think while falling. This is the moment you might pray and ask if God will give you wings. I actually saw people trying to ap their arms or at least nding support in mid air.

The two tower and the architecture on the hall with gothic windows and the falling debris was as ancient as any sacri cial offering. The motive for what happened that day is in The Bible but not always directly. We need to decode the message and know who has the motive. Then you know who did it. Motive may be fear and terror by the governments and the shadow government but beneath lies 6000 years of sacri cial offering. To understand what happened on that day September 9th 2001 we need to follow many steps and turn many rocks. Even doing so and presenting some evidence stills keep the masses and even the presidents and rulers in silence. It is the old technique of shutting eyes, ear and mouth and many really have no idea what happened even if they admit it is strange. They can’t explain it. A missing plane, a single passport falling from the debris and so many inconsistencies it begs for a being called what it is a truth by a lie. It is a J. F. Kennedy number two but the stage is different but the motive is the same; sacri ce and shutting people up and later spin such a lie that nobody will know what is up or down. Lies will deliberately be injected and the trust will be suppressed only ending up with conspiracy. But step back for a moment. Think if you could nd the proof of both the Government were actually lying from day one right from The White House to The Capitol Hill and all through old ancient symbols and Vulgar Latin and Latinized words all as mottos and all as part of their true intent.

This script goes beyond and far from main stream and I look where not many have looked before. I actually found some words that should be popular but are only found in a handful on Google. I am nding the exact origin of things which we see today as governments doing the oldest dance of them all; Dancing with the stars. Literally. Look around you and see how many stars there are in ags and symbols. I am not speaking of the SHOW on television which is just a fake and stupid SHOW not to entertain you but you eked you numbed down. You need to know the symbolic values and what they mean and then you too can be mused and really entertained and in that process you get a key which will unlock the door of proof.

11 Unless, of course, the government itself is the evil that threatens and harasses the people. [Editor’s note.] (From Political Poenology p. 179)

This script is made up of chapters. They can stand alone but connect and you will nd symbols and words and meanings is spread across. In some place I repeat to emphasize it and to avoid too much cross-referencing. Read one article or return to it later as reference.

If I were to tell you what is behind the left wall in the 3D apartment , rendered above, you’d probably not believe me and I would have a hard time explaining exactly what I meant to locate in it. A toilet perhaps or a pantry or perhaps a bedroom or perhaps nothing at all. That is what we have words for to help us explain things. It can be tough sometimes to explain the exact idea or thought but this script is my best attempt so far. Some will laugh and call me names as they did through Facebook using “QU” and other mind controlling techniques. If I did not write this book then I might as well be dead and they would have loved that. So I see this as my change to free myself from their bonds and hopefully it will ignite just a fraction of thought in your mind too. If so my mission has been a success and if not the same applies because my mission is not to lecture nor to be a missionary like others who try to fake their way through life, love and war. I exhaling the true meaning of mission later.

In this book you will nd words that rimes with shit. Four letter words. Just in case you want to hide the book from someone. These words are meaningful to uncovering and to emphasize certain ideas and helps us think different so bare with these words and just know they are letters but be prepared because a word can make you smell the thing which the word is symbolizing like a rotten egg or dead rotten rat.

During 2001 I had a change, however short, to work in the government. I did not last long because of the deep corruption in every wormhole. I had no idea about how deep the rotten pit was, so I was naïve believing it was sometimes bad but not all the time. So bad in fact bad it almost killed me. Afore mentioned book and the main stream media outlets today as well as The Internet is ooded with information and in late 2011 I set out on an investigation to nd the origin of Christianity still being naïve thinking God and Jesus and all the stories had to have some substance and basis. Every time I thought I had found the Holy Grail it only lead me further east and to yet new symbols and deeper meaning intertwined. No wonder many give up or simply accept the state of affairs because words, symbols and culture is almost too much for anyone to comprehend in a short time and even in a life time. This is also why my own mother and her sister (now in their 80s) have decided “Jesus is savior” and no matter how much evidence and terror I show them related to Christianity it just keeps them where they are. So my mission is not to be a missionary but just to tell the story with my words because then I have done my bit. It is then adding to the information over ow. However I try a different approach using proof via linguistics and I use the Comparative method and Occam’s Razor to nd evidence. Every piece ts and all together it is mounting circumstantial evidence, and direct, of a scam so huge it will take perhaps 100 years to decode it all if it will ever be possible. One code should be sufficient because one proves it all – a crisis so titanic it will make Spartagood rise from dead. Pun intended. I know, and can prove, they invented not only lies but also languages and everything, from fake history and artifacts, to wars and the break down of humanity. No wonder Pais [sic] Hilton has a little dog and you will get to know another dog later and next to the dog is a whole lot of bullshit.

I wanted a smart and contemporary title for my book and the rst thing that came to my mind was DOGSHIT. GOD is involved. SHIT is rotten culture and as you will learn ROT means KING. There are not too much to investigate once you have turned all the stones and rocks because it really does come down to a very few things like; sex, power and money. Some stones roll like hell and Swingers are officials literally. These are the ingredients but to keep that system going with a handful of very rich people they need to deceive and so they did for many years. Red bloodline is really true. It is as deadly and bloody as it could ever be. Kings have waged wars among each other for years and because people of the land are not in the upper echelon where they use terror, people have absolute no idea how rotten it is. Neither did I. Religion is probably the number one tool they use to trick with because every human is born with a mind which can easily be modeled. Religion is the inner voice we all can hear when we wonder about what, where and how. They say don’t x it if it isn’t broken but they have xed it so many times it is wrecked. Finally when people get a clue on a large scale the rulers can and will in ict a new and bigger war to quite down the regrouping of otherwise sane people and the wars are the best instrument second to religion to control people.

This book and manuscript is proof that GOMO, Greatest Organized Ma a organization, is doing ne this day today via United Nations and all their subsidiaries. I was born a child like anyone else and I expected, as many others that wars would end – soon. They never did and probably never will. When I was a child I recall the war in Vietnam and the War between Israel and Palestine. Every day of the week the same old story on the then B/W television. I believed there had to be some very evil people but that good people would prevail. Naivety. What I learned, for me late, in 2010 was, that evil and good is the one and same entity. However the good is disguised as during a Carnival of Venice. All dressed up like chickens galore and using words to fool. But then I realized that words were the key to proving their insanity and I also realized that many people who were supposed to be smart are not. They can act the part in a suite but behind the façade is not much else than an illness greater than eternity itself.

I do know, that many people are on the search for the truth and better people try to investigate just as I. Ralph Ellis is such a person. I read his book “Jesus, King of Edessa” and parts of this book may not be true but I am positive if we are to nd the Holy Grail, we shall find it as the biggest lie ever told. Virgin birth? Sure, that belongs in a Disney movie and is just ne there. But among adults and people with high IQ’s you don’t expect to hear that they not only believe in virgin birth but they know it is true. Ever heard of an egg needing sperm? It belongs in the world of theatrical magic to create a child out of only half the ingredients; like making a cherry pie not having any cherries. “You must believe”, we hear a great hollow voice speaking from the distant. Is it then not rip-tickling, that this exact word, believe, contains a lie. It also contains El for Arabic God, Eli for God Most High and Eve as the name for the Biblical Eve. It also has Bel for Bello meaning beautiful. How divine is this? No, it is by design. Scholars created English out of Persian, Greek, Latin, Nordic language and a few others (Germanic). Ever heard of the song title “Ring my Bell”? So in just one word we get all of this related to God (man) and Eve (woman) having a ringing bell and they are both gods and high. The bell is a metaphor for the female clitoris – just to let you know. I suspect you knew this but is it not great to put it in words. Say it out loud. “I believe” – sure I do. I believe in the bell, God as a fearful monster dragon and a lovely mermaid who is nothing but a delightful whore all a lie naturally but a very true lie. Who lies? Depends of mood and feelings and position among sexes in the greatest act of all times. No sex, seven simple does not follow. No children, no people. So why do Catholic priest not marry? Because they have Mary. More about her later.

Why do you think the English language is the business, diplomatic and World language? By change or luck? Neither. It is by design as the language itself is stooped through scrupulous Shakespearian pretense.

Every time I think I have covered most, all and enough, I run into new words and meaning and new keys and doors to open. The list is endless. I can’t cover them all in this short script. It will be for another book and I do have many other words and meaning I have not presented here. Fact is, I have a CARTA LUX which I may present later when time permits.

My covering is related in part to Denmark and Nordic countries. This is because the Nordic represent a unit of the same ag and symbols and they share language as well as Nordic being a major part of the esoteric world and since the Royal houses between Scandinavia and Britain are connected through King Christian IX which takes us to the lands where the Sun never sets, then I cover this corner of the World. No corner goes non sacred from the Whole Lie and the Deceit that keeps you from being free so I may wonder and ponder in the North but this book is Universal in the sense it goes everywhere. I can’t mention all places in this little script and it is not because I have forgotten it or don’t know other lands exist. All have been deceived under the ag of The United Nations and I want to convey, that today is as ancient as yesterday and there is nothing really new under the old Moon. The symbols and the words are the same. The chains and prisons are the same. Nothing changes much in a thousand years. What changes is the backdrop, the props and the weapons. In essence they are the same just moved around and changes to the better or worse. Is it not better to be blown up my a grenade than being struck by a spear? Is it not better to get your information from the television and media than from a priest? Is it not better to eat ham from a Don, than hunt your own wild pig? Is it not better to drive a Mercedes than to drive a whore? For better or worse is “For worse and no change”. Mary here, Mary there, Mary’s bloody everywhere.

Is it not a joke, that Christianity’s little Mary becomes an Army when we swap a few letters around making it an anagram:

M A R Y ~ A R M Y

How digni ed. How intelligent. “But that we might know already. Get on with it.” How amusing. How sick 12. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet making a possible 2626 variations and this came up. Someone designed it to be so. Mary is everywhere as are armies. Mary’s Ultimate Army. Now you know why they call it Salvation Army. Sometime we really do need to stand on our heads looking like fools to see the real World and sometimes a mirror would help. Wikipedia show this openly on their entry for /Anagram which is nice. Once you start to understand how words and language operate, you realize how huge the hoax is. And you might be presented with 50 or 1000 such fooling words and you still say: “They can’t be that bad?”. I have news. Yes they are that bad and so much more. A magpie is known as the most intelligent creature but I think it is ants. Or perhaps dust akes are the “creatures” we should be looking out for next. From “…dust to dust…” and so forth. Who the hell says they have the right to make laws and symbolism on behalf of your life while they murder and plunder their way through lands, marches or tramps. From Spartacus to Las Vegas they fuck us even bigger and I might say better and we are swimming in a pool of blood while it all looks the part on the surface. Sidestep just a fraction outside the path they lay for you and you will feel the spear in your back being mashed into the face of the earth with todays cure to kill.

12 It looks like words were created on purpose. Whole languages even; especially english.

You will nd many strange things on The Internet and you will see wars going on and television SHOWS so full of non sense and you wonder to yourself; what is going on really and how can I prove that this is all a lie. When 1000 architects can get through and prove to the governments that 911 was a lie as officially told, then the lie is the truth and the truth is the lie. It is an upside down world and rulers love this and even when you can prove it they still stand upside down telling everyone the lie is the truth. Eventually people get tired and give up and accept the lie as the truth because the liars are on top of the mountain with their media, corporation, armies and whole machine called government only to keep one thing safe - them. Their castle and their world and they create it for you because they are gods or at least they are member of a ne club which only they can participate in. The upper echelon we call them. This MARY versus ARMY looks innocent enough standing alone. However I have seen no many lies that I began to wonder - and see - a pattern. This is what this book is about. I started the puzzle mid 2012 and it is not nished yet but the picture is emerging. I see a dark hole of only deceit through lies and each jig is a puzzle in itself.

The puzzle was create many years ago in fact back about 100,000 years take or give a few. It all started when man started pondering life, universe and being a human. It soon turned into mystic beliefs and Mithraism and many other religious systems were born. Humans looked at the deep sky and saw patters and also planets and the greatest ball of them all was the Sun.

Nothing happens by change and even an earthquake they will use for evil purpose or as in New Orleans where government send in the army to control people as in Haiti after the 2010 Earthquake when United Nations send in the army setting up camp letting their toilet

ow into the rivers where people got their drinking water making them sick. Meanwhile NGO’s pulled in salary each month at the biggest part of the donations went to pay wages and buy guns and eventually set up a new government which was a former pop star!

What I am telling you is, that the echelon keeps the system as it is and they control it in every part o they can enjoy doing what they have done for millennia; nothing. Except create more chaos and more wars and more deceit so eventually people don’t know what is true or what i false. The echelon enjoys their geo-political tinkering for one purpose only and that is to keep the ring on the same ngers as always the ngers of those who are so sick that no word is known for it. The reason why they can stay sick like this and go free is because behind them they have their well paid armies and a whole line of agents and governmental organization and it spreads right into small families having - unknowingly - change agent at their dinner table.

Enter the Bible. We can’t leave this out sadly. This is a book which opens many meaning of modern days questions and since this book is part of all governments belief and they swear upon it then it is their recipe from way back in time how to control people, nations and ultimately the world. I personally don’t buy into the so called New World Order because the order has been around for many years based on the same values namely sex, power and money. With these tools they can control everyone. So the Bible was invented and written as a recipe for rulers to rule for centuries ahead of time because they are so smart they know exactly what will happen in advance. They started it out prior to 325 CE in Nicaea at the rst council with Constantin I and they just re ned it more and more over the years. Indeed they invented history and not only made it but deliberately lies to t whatever purpose they needed. They would then send out a decree with a declaration to lesser deacons and priest and they would then spread the words and people would follow orders because behind the orders were an army of soldiers ready to steal, kill and rob if the inhabitants did not follow suite. Those who did not would be hung up on a pole or spiked from the ass up through their spine out of their mouth which makes it possible for the spiked to live for 1-5 days. Removed from the spike would kill the person because of fast bloodless but while on the pole and spike they would suffer. People would see this and think to themselves. This is how through fear they control people. This relates to Romans 13:3 where we exactly nd that government will use terror on those who do not comply. Hence we need to pick up this book which I now call the biggest horror script ever written so coming rulers knew the act and how to orchestrate it and direct it. And the world rulers eventually joins forces and today United Nations is one country and they all use the same recipe because in this ancient book everything is written on how to fool, kill and make order out of chaos. Then they further the deceit by making laws and today money is the god with which they can control every human being. With the switch of a button they can stop the money ow and people will suffer because only money is the value people trust. Even making real exchange is hard today because people only accept paper.

Salvation Army is Salvation Mary and she has an army and they dress like soldiers. They have been around for some time now and what good did it do. Nothing on the grander scale. A little here, a little there but nothing everywhere. After almost 2000 years of missioning, there are still two billion Muslims, many Buddhists, many Hindus. Sure they setup United Nation everywhere but the ATM’s are the same, Burger Regal [sic] everywhere and the churches have a dome. But with Gods almighty power God has yet not accomplices what he came to do. God was even executed only to walk again. What nonsense. To be killed or not to be killed must be the question. Why be killed to then walk again. Jesus had to show people what he could do and in his “death” he arose from the dead. Two thousand years ago at around Jesus’ time, it was common and known that there were many gods and they believed in an afterlife and some would rise as gods be they kings, rulers, or roman senators. So this rising for the dead was a natural part of culture and it is to be found in the scripts.

In The Bible, in many location and in fact in every chapter and sentence we nd translation errors. Ancient Greek meanings have been lost not to speak of the earlier Hebrew language in the Old Testament. I am positively sure, that had the computer and The Internet and the information over ow not come of age, ordinary people like myself would never ever have found all the lies.

As with the little girl Hollie Steel singing “Edelweiss” in Britain’s Got Talent, she failed and cried. The pressure was too high. Then she got a second change which it was not able to nd time for “but we will” as Simon Cowell said when little Mrs. Steel broke down. Out of anyone I picked this girl because of the song and it’s title. Noble White aka Edelweiss. Why make a little girl sing this song I thought and not make her sing a normal less elevated song. As soon as I investigated this, I was amazed at what I found.

They are living in their own sick World of deceit and as George W. Bush said: “If they knew what we were doing, they would string us up”. The next question that never followed from the corrupt journalist could have been: “What are you doing Mr. President?” Total silence. Today we hear of a new and higher conscious among humans. Bollocks. It has been high for a long time. What changed was the presentation of information which has been kept away from people for millennia. People have known about the rot state of affairs for a very long time but today people dare speak and say: “The Emperor REALLY has no cloth” and they add: “The Emperor is totally insane”.

Not by the sword but with their culture and breadcrumbs of poisonous delights from burgers called Ham to wine made from water sold on bottles like it was from Daniel. Yes, Jack is here to make you full of spirit while the Baal is on making you cheer on the sacri cial alter as they chop your head in pieces, breast-feed to a dog or a swine while the Gods plays the cantata called Opus Wine.

The deceit is so huge I at rst really believed it had to have been played by God. Thank you for my good wife keeping me from levitating while I wrote this book but mostly before its conception.

It all started on early evening. I was standing on the balcony as I looked up into the sky. First I just thought it was because the night was clear and cloud free. Some bright point to the west. Could it be a planet? It was kind of yellow so it had to be Venus if any planet. Or perhaps it was just Skylab or similar. I went to my computer and started a programmed called Celestia. I turned the clock on to balcony was. All set. And what did I t my time and the location was set to where my

nd in the sky? It was Venus. Now I saw it on my computer simulation and a few steps away I could verify it by looking at it for real. As Celestia simulated the planets movements I could predict where Venus would be next. And it tted. A few months earlier in late 2011 I had been investigating Christianity and I kept bumping into this name all the time. Rothschild. Banks. More Rothschild. This is when I found this fella named Jordan Maxwell and I started poking around there and as I did something was wholly wrong. What I was told in school did not t. Something was missing. And the more I poked around I realized I had been lied to big time. First I thought it had to be coincident or just bad luck being fooled and tricked but I realized a pattern. The pattern could be follow through the only key I knew of that tted the door. Words. And fruits. The fruits were rotten and I followed the Occupy movement and the so-called Arab Spring and I realized something terrible was wrong. But how could I decipher it and prove them or myself wrong. Then mid 2012 I had collected many keys and many doors had opened and early 2013 the idea to this book was born.

I use some words that might o ffend some. One such word is whore. I truly have the deepest respect for any real whore if they are so of free will and not enslaved in any way. We are told this word only applies to females. However I say not. Men too can be whores. In many cases I use this word in re ection upon our political leaders but it goes deeper than that. Everything governmental I know is based on the system of whores and some like to be so. My wording are as blunt as they need to be and not the spitting type. When you can enter courts and swear to tell the truth on a book that is a concocted book of war, sex and whores then why not use the same words here. Words belonged to a dog named God and this dog is an evil dog far worse than one Schwarzenegger. It barks in the dark and hides behind a mask looking like a poodle. It will eat you alive and rip out your soul and chew on the bones like a gore from the nether lands.

“The real Platonic solution as understood by Strauss is the covert rule of the wise. This covert rule is facilitated by the overwhelming stupidity of the gentlemen. The more gullible and unperceptive they are, the easier it is for the wise to control and manipulate them. [...]
“For Strauss, the rule of the wise is not about classic conservative values like order, stability, justice, or respect for authority. The rule of the wise is in- tended as an antidote to modernity. Modernity is the age in which the vulgar many have triumphed. It is the age in which they have come closest to having exactly what their hearts desire - wealth, pleasure, and endless entertainment. But in getting just what they desire, they have unwittingly been reduced to beasts.13

Now for a song. There are some keywords in this song and the lyrics that are there for a very good reason. I shall explain a few of them right after you have stood up and cried a little while waving your hand dreaming of glory, freedom and more slavery to the masters. you need to stand up and stretch your arm out in an upwards position and start to cry for the SS VATERLAND as you hum this song:

Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves! Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.

When Britain first, at heaven's command, Arose from out the azure main, This was the charter of the land,

And Guardian Angels sang this strain: (Chorus)
The nations not so blest as thee Must, in their turn, to tyrants fall, While thou shalt flourish great and free: The dread and envy of them all. (Chorus)
Still more majestic shalt thou rise, More dreadful from each foreign stroke, As the loud blast that tears the skies Serves but to root thy native oak. (Chorus)
Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame; All their attempts to bend thee down Will but arouse thy generous flame, But work their woe and thy renown. (Chorus)
To thee belongs the rural reign; Thy cities shall with commerce shine; All thine shall be the subject main, And every shore it circles, thine. (Chorus)
The Muses, still with freedom found, Shall to thy happy coasts repair. Blest isle! with matchless beauty crowned, And manly hearts to guard the fair. (Chorus)
Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves! Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.

azure ; this is "sky blue", the color. Translate that to Hebrew and we get יולב which translates to English Outworn; noun; wearing out, entertainment, pastime, recreation, spree. It translates to Yiddish ןרָאווטוָא and Greek: τετριμμένος transliterated to "tetriminos" which is Tetris the game because a Tetromino is writes Wikipedia:

13 Political Ponerology p. 191

Tetromino is a geometric shape composed of four squares, connected orthogonally.[1][2] This, like dominoes and pentominoes, is a particular type of polyomino. The corresponding polycube, called a tetracube, is a geometric shape composed of four cubes connected orthogonally.

So a word can mean more than one thing and one word is common but hides another which is the other meaning or perhaps the real intended meaning for the one who knows what is hidden.

ne’er is Greek άχρηστος which translates to useless, waste, worthless, dud, has-been and other similar meaning nouns.
Stroke; this word I shall talk more of later. It is in The bible related to Saint Peter having sex with an angle or rather a boy whore. You will meet Peter The Hard Rock later.

Muses ; this is an entertaining word indeed. Greek μούσα (moussa) and in Swedish this is a homophone to the slag word used for mother. However Moussa is Arabic ىس"################$ for Moses.

Moses was the one leaving Israel14 after loosing Israel and he left with the Ark Of The Covenant which I shall prove later what it really is. You will nd many references to a muse being a whore. We encounter the word amusement. If you take the word muses in Greek μούσες I would eat this page if it did not sound like Moses. Biblical Moses was a sinner and broke the law given by God. Then loaded part of the broken law into the Ark Of The Cabinet with a Chrysis, a rod and some manna and away he went to the promised land. You will know and have the full picture of the Holt Grail when you have read this book.

Next time you are invited for mousse, then make a joke about it and later tell you have proof of the greatest scam ever.
Britannia; this name/word I have a chapter about so read that please.

Everyday English people have been and still are as much slaves as during Queen Victoria and perhaps even more so. What is a slave? Once who is not free. As long as you have debit you are a slave and as long as your mortgage is due you are a slave. You are a slave in and with the system living in a world created to suite a slaves word with highways looking like a busy ant-path and you ock to the mall in your new washed cade which cost to 15 Pounds and once i the mall the hunt begins on the preselected products and you return home and open the fridge which was instructed later 1959 and you turn on the telly to what the game and the latest designer news. Your word is as fake as ever and you are a slave on a ship that is being rocked in on direction to your grave:

14 Isis Ra & El (El is o Greek Omege ω)

This goes for most people not only English people. When I recall this music and the tune and the lyrics I get dicks crawling all over me sticking in my nose, ears and ass. That’s ne because then I know it is all ticks and tricks.

Words, riddles, cross-words, games, lies, deceit, translations, ill laws, sick rulers, kings who were more lazy than a Roman Gaius and eventually a whole army and horde of civilians actings as protectors of a very deep hole which in fact is so deep it really is no hole. It is a Holy Lie 15and this book proves it and I can’t promiss you Chrysis’ or a lovely whore but I can reveal the other side of reality which some won’t like and McDonald new slogan is God because it has ’’ which in Yiddish means God and I shall decode that for you too.

All of this books small pieces or jigs will create a picture so large and reveal a lie so huge that the God you knew is dead as are the governments who do business with any of those associated with The New Testament and/or The Old Testament known as The Bible.

Britons ; snot backwards and snot in Danish means I truely believe SNOT and in German that is Rotz(es). So really Britons are only the rotten snot and not normal people. Rot is also meaning King as in Heorot and is old Danish for King (rot) hence rod for a cane, stick to hit people with allegorically also a phallus, a dick. Britons = dicks. A Baton is a police stick.

Noun for Baton is in Spanish testigo meaning wittness. I do believe [sic] a witness who testi es is nothing more than a Baton leading back to the word Britons shich is indeed cognate to B(r)atons.

Taking it a step too far. How about the Indian city Rithani or even a diamond outlet named ritani.com who’s logo is an octagon and octa = 8 (eight) which rhymes with Great. In Thailand there are cities called something Thani and as we shall explore, the Bible takes us to far places to far East Asia.

The idea here is, to understand, that words can trick and fool. Britons might mean something other than you expect. I am not saying my nding here on this word “Britons” is absolutely true. Word can mean different things and some are Homonyms spelled the same but meaning something entirely different. That is only part of the equation. Then there are homographs, homophones, synonyms, palindromes, acronyms and the list is rather long. If a Don is Great then G is Great too. Perhaps that is why LONG could be LONDON! It is called linguistics and it is a science like math and even in math nothing is absolute. Equations in math are like equations in linguistics - they take you places. In the case of The Bible and religion and United Nations, it takes you right around Earth and out into space too (Jupiter, Mars and even the Moon).

How do you prove a lie based on only falsehood to be a lie when a lie has no evidence? You must use what they used: WORDS nding homonymous among and mid a rotten pile of culture 16.

I nd the root of some meanings and symbols but try to follow them back to their origin as far as possible. Some symbols and in fact all Roman symbols as todays Christian symbols
15 Holy is enough to say Whole Lie
16 Ure is Danish for clocks. A club is also a rod to hit. Culture Club they call it.

go back to Hinduism and Buddhism. I hold a great respect of honesty as far as it goes and I respect the nature of humans in societies who do not in ict terror upon me - as does Christianity. All religion (except Christianity) has never hurt me. Example: The Ichthys ( sh symbol you will see in this book) is the symbol of Jesus but indeed adopted. From where? How can you nd a sh in an ocean so huge? I use the scienti c comparative method, and I can only see what I see even extending my vision. Some symbols may lead me to conclusions which seems out of order but believe me; my punctuations are only the beginning. Romans and Christianity have stolen everything and I nd whatever I nd I talk. If you don’t like it nobody is forcing you to read. My ndings keep me ending up in Asia and for that I am happy.

Here is how to prove one word empirically: A Roman PÆDAGOGIA was a young slave selected for their personal beauty, and brought up in the houses of great people under the empire, to act as companions and attendant for their master’s children (source: Amian. xxvi. 6. 15. xxix. 3. 3.).

The Danish word PÆDAGOG is todays teachers and taking care of children in kindergarten and other schools. They are substitutes for the real thing; parent.
Wikipedia is hence too a CHILDS-something. Wicky = Vivky = Victoria. Victoria’s Child in other words. Good or bad - their time might tell.
A PÆDAGOG was then a slave and a teacher. But a 100% slave. They are paid for today by governments to take care of children. That is why the government are still in the slave business empirically proven only through one word. A PÆDAGO’CUS was a slave of the better class.
This is why the Danish language is so important to unlock deceit, fraud and a highly sick system. Throughout this book Danish words turn up frequently. Denmark is also connected to Hesse-Kassel (German) and then via the the Carolingian Dynasty to the Salian Franks and Qing Christian IX was so a Salian Frank and also the “father-in-law” of the Royal Houses of Europe17 making Denmark central and it’s fake language too. When I say Denmark™ I mean Pigmark and the Queen is Freemason hence Freemasons are the root of all evil (J. F. Kennedy we shall see later) .
(Using the word facebook18 is in fact a warning in case you should be threatened on your life as I was writing my ideas and facebook lets it happen. I have no facebook and have shut it down - can you or did you take the bait too?)
Use this book as a guide, an index. Pick it up now and then. If you can’t put it down that is ne too.
In this book I refer to Salii a few times. A Salii is a Roman Priest extending into The

Vatican in Rome. Salii can, as I describe, also mean Salian Franks.

A highly recommend book is: The Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary and Greek Lexicon: Forming a Glossary of All the Words Representing Visible Objects Connected with ... Romans, with Representations of Nearly Two Th [Paperback] ISBN-13: 978-1143855085 which can also be found and read at Google Books. It will further make you understand, that words and origin and todays words mean something entirely different than you learned in sunday school (see appendix for Try Square for an example).

17 Greek ευ meaning justice. Justice I shall cover later and it is not what you think. 18 Knowing what ace means as one facebook gets a second meaning. I is the rod; the cock. And the oo takes us places you never knew.

Enjoy this ride as much as I did.

2. Vanity Of The Holy Grail

This I believe to be the Egyptian God Min. He has a hat. How on earth can that be proof and a code. Read on and cum as he did.

Sperm, sex, eggs and everything in between has everything to do with Mr. Min and good luck we have him so we can link Egyptian times with contemporary times right into the Capitol Hill, The White House and basically everywhere else.

He has a main role to play but not the greatest. The biggest part does to those who can kill and use fear on a level only seen in hell and then on Earth where terror is the tool to keep his dick strong and your dead - if you don’t agree he is instituted by God himself.

How come Min also has two cocks on his head. If we count all his cocks, he has six:

two on his head
one rod
one real cock
one real head

A total of six (VI) heads.

How about a “Wog Dogs Brewery Scarlet and Gray Ale ”? Google that. I never tried that hebrew but with my investigation, I have now got a fairly good overview over the language Hebrew as well as Yiddish. That Dogs Brew sounds like an entry in The Bible. However this script, this book, is part of having found the so-called Holy Grail. Perhaps someone else found it too long ago nevertheless this script is about proof, evidence and putting it in writing just in case it should be lost again.

I have another script which is ready and I call it CARTA LUX and one chapter is called as the title of this article. I included it here because it is of contemporary value too and you can verify the information. This you can to with other articles, but this kind of rocked my little word.

Did you know that Holi (Hindi: होली) is a religious spring festival celebrated by Hindus? Did you know this is why it is called the Holy Roman Empire? Who's Empire's came rst - the West or the East? Does Yellow Emperor tell you something or the Ding Dynasty?

How about the Fu Xi Dynasty? They prayed to the Jade Emperor who is [was] the ruler of Heaven and all realms of existence below including that of Man and Hell. This was in the 29th century BCE so like 5000 years ago. "I came rst!". "No! I came bloody rst!" So then one is lying.

The documentary; The Royal Red Dragon Bloodlines Full Length (do watch this but remember the music is by a group called Enigma connected to Catholicism and at the end they say to follow Jesus. Jesus is part of the fake Bible (New Testament) and in that Jesus is mentioned ergo the whole video might be a mind control hypnotic thing. Enigma made Mea Culpa. And then you read Mea Culpa and then you start to wonder! Mea Culpa is a prayer and the Enigma song is in the style of Gregorian chant used by the Catholic Church. Millions of people have heard this song and they have no idea what it really is all about). The same group Enigma and Enya is used as part of the beginning of a book titled “Jesus, King of Edessa” by Ralph Ellis. As the title of this boo you are holding here suggest, then be alert and investigate for yourself or believe whatever you want to believe be it Show White, Santa Claus or ghosts as great balls of re in the sky. Personally I read everything to get every angle and I may be wrong in my assumptions but they are allowed to change and since I am open minded I don’t mind being wrong too. That is part of the process of learning until I enter a state of dust to return to the stars ones again. And since you and I are living in a Solar system are we then not part of a Stella (Star) system hence we are part of and in a star making you and everyone else a true genuine star not fake in any deceitful God created theatrical SHOW.

One word used in The Bible is λίβανον. I shall cover this single word later. The last three letters is Vov and in Nordic Danish language “vov” is the sound used to describe the barking of a dog. In English it is “wuff”. It is used in Leviticus a few times and translated as fragrance, incense and Frankincense. What frank? The Franks of Germany/Bavaria. The actual Greek word is literally LEBANON and not any of the other three. In Leviticus 2:1-2 it is used to describe a bloodless sacri ce and you are presented with the whole recipe, script on what you can do with a wheat sacri ce. Yes, wheat as in the crop. This is why you in movies Like Gladiator (2000 lm) see a person caressing a corn eld in the beginning of the lm. Wheat or seed symbolizes a bloodless sacri ce. A better sacri ce is one which has blood because in Leviticus 2:14 we read the word “ear” and giving salt or seasoning on the child or animal killed as a sacri cial gift. Leviticus speaks of rst-born:

If thou makest the Lord a gift of thy first-fruits, thou shalt roast the ears, while they are still fresh, over the fire and bruise them as flour is bruised, and so offer the Lord thy first-fruits.

The Hebrew word שׂרֶֶּ֣ג is translated as ear but literally translates to Apostrophe and n.; geresh, circum ex. Circum ex means; twisting around. Geresh is an apostrophe, strobe and cantillation mark. שׂרֶֶּ֣ג is an apostrophe. An ear is an external organ as is the penis. In Hebrew ear is ןזוא which is far from שׂרֶֶּ֣ג. So a hidden meaning is to be found here.

In the same verse we nd the word תַ֥חְנִמ which is phonetically “min·ḥaṯ”. This is n. satisfaction. Rolling Stones even sang a song with this name. The whole Leviticus 2:14 is:
לֶ֔מרְַּכ שׂרֶֶּ֣ג ֙שֵׁאָּב יוּ֤לקָ ביִ֞בָא הָ֑והיַל םי֖רִוּכִּּב תַ֥חְנִמ בי֛רִקְַּת ־םִאְו ׃ָיֽרֶוּכִּּב תַ֥חְנִמ תֵ֖א בי֕רִקְַּת
And to English in King James Bible it translates to:

And if thou offer a meat offering of thy first-fruits unto the LORD thou shalt offer for the meat offering of thy first-fruits green ears of corn dried by the fire even corn beaten out of full ears.

This sounds all very nice. But it is a code and it is empirically not what it says at rst sight. In Leviticus 2:2 we read in Latin:
Cum autem obtuleris sacrificium coctum in clibano: de simila, panes scilicet absque fermento, conspersos oleo, et lagana azyma oleo lita.

Clibano is Libano and simila is similar. Coctum is cooked and in Danish a cook is a Kok. Kok is cognate to Cock. Cum is known in the pornographic world as when a man ejects. So we have in a very small piece of The Bible reference to contemporary as well as ancient sex. Let us list them:

Nim the Egyptian god also cognate to Nimrod and the rod is his cane, stick or literally his penis as depicted with Nim.
Cum; as in come and when a man or woman ejects semen.
Min-hat related to Nim’s hat.
Apostrophe; an external symbol or attachment used in language denoting external organ. Ears are used and humans have ears.
First-fruit donated your rst born and giving that as a sacri ce was and still is highly praised.
We get a reference to a dog through the word λίβανον because νον is “bark” or “wuff” in Danish.
λίβανον is directly Lebanon.
Lebanon is derived from Semitic LBN meaning “white” which might be a reference to show-capped Mount Lebanon.
Lebanon is considered the oldest continued inhabited cities of the World found in the city Byblos.
The word for city in Danish is by.
Reference to Frank (name) and one famous muse’r was was Sinatra.
A feature of Min worship was the wild prickly lettuce Lactuca virosa and Lactuca serriola of which is the domestic version Lactuca sativa (lettuce) which has aphrodisiac and opiate qualities and produce latex when cut, possibly identi ed with semen.
Lettuce is the family of the aster/sun ower family Asteraceae. Also the Daisy.
The Danish Queen Margrethe II nick name is Daisy and her name Margrethe literally means Marguerite Daisys with reference to Dionysus who in his procession had satyrs with erect penises.
Clibano is Clibanus is an iron vessel to cook in.
A vessel is also a woman's womb to carry the child.
Cli and Anus are very near one another. Cli being clitoris. Anus is the ass. We are talking female mostly. A vessel metaphorically. And she carries the rst born or the rst fruit.

From the fruits shall you know. Yes, the better the fruit the better the sacri ce the better for the priests and gods.

In Leviticus we also nd reference to birds (ףוֹ֛עָה Leviticus 1:14) or rather a chicken. A bird is known today as a female delight or simply a broad or whore. She is a chick, a broad, a lovely woman. My chick is lovely etc.

Leviticus is all about sex. Nothing more, nothing less. However it is also about child sacri ce through the rstborn. The Byzantines Empire was the empire by the Romans stretched as far as to Syria and they were called Byzantines in Syria in the East part of this empire. Again we get the “by” as part of the Danish word for city (by). Many cities in Denmark end with “-by” as in Nørresundby (North Belt [stream of water] City).

The fact is, that no matter where I look I end up with four things; male, female, sex and children. It is a 4 step process where 2 people have sex (3) and out pops a child (4). This also proves why 2+2 really can be 4. But 2x3 is six and on a 45 degree angle that is 2+3=5. This is where we get the reference to the song “Bang bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)” song by Nancy Sin At Ra. In mathematics there is even a so called squared plus symbol ⊞ and oddly also a circled plus ⊕. There is a myriad of signs and symbols and this book only covers a vulgar fraction ⅚.

I was five and he was six
We rode on horses made of sticks
He wore black and I wore white He would always win the fight
Bang bang, he shot me down Bang bang, I hit the ground
Bang bang, that awful sound
Bang bang, my baby shot me down.
Seasons came and changed the time When I grew up, I called him mine

He would always laugh and say "Remember when we used to play?"
Bang bang, I shot you down
Bang bang, you hit the ground Bang bang, that awful sound
Bang bang, I used to shoot you down.

Music played and people sang Just for me the church bells rang.
Now he's gone, I don't know why And 'till this day, sometimes I cry He didn't even say goodbye He didn't take the time to lie.
Bang bang, he shot me down Bang bang, I hit the ground
Bang bang, that awful sound Bang bang, my baby shot me down

Baby is Babylon or literally a child as in rst-born child. And Frank Sinatra is really Franks Sin At Ra and Ra who is cognate to Min because the house of Ra was as sinful as a house can be. They had sex left, right, up and down with anyone they wanted be it a slave or an animal or child. This we know as a fact today, through court cases between victims and the Catholic church.

The reference to the lettuce when cut makes a semen like liquid which is an aphrodisiac. It has bitter taste but I personally recall how I loved to eat fresh home grown lettuce as a young boy. Not the type you buy in the Mall and big stores because that is drained from any value. You have to grow it fresh yourself. I sometimes during summer loved to eat it and I did notice the white coming out but I ate that too. It made me feel good. As it did when I sat in my mother home grown cherry tree and ate cherries until I almost burst and I was red/blue all over. Cherries and other berries are actually both red and blue such as cherries but also black current. My step father used to grow wine from my mothers berries and he could use any fruit or berry from the garden.

So where do we see the colors red and blue? Politics. Left, right is red and blue. Not so many choices because the only real choice you have is man or woman. Since the Bible speaks about homosexuality being a sin you actually only have one choice. You can be in love with whom you like for all I care. As long as you don’t fuck with me if I don’t want to. But gods or they fuck left and tight in politics which is cognate to that they fuck woman and man. They fuck you too. Blue is male and red is female. Blue dick, red pussy. That is all it is.

I shall show you a little secret later related to the last supper by Leonardo Da Vinci. A lost symbol but look hard and it is all there. You just need a very few keys.

We had the reference to semen via the god Min via Lettuce. Hence Holy See is known as the ocean or water (See is Sea is ocean is water). It is not see as in look. Why ocean and water? It is a double meaning. The female water and then the male semen. Semen is more precisely seemen 19with double e. You know the word seaman. He has the lowest rank in the navy. he can have zero, 1, 2 V’s. Two V’s you are a Master Seaman or in French matelot-chef. Matelot is also a settlement in Tabaco.

With that we get Mate and Lot. Lot (Biblical) is Jesus is descendent of Lot through David's great-grandmother Ruth. So a matelot-chef is a mate of Lot - a friend of Lot. But a mate is someone whom you mate with; have sex with. You mate with the opposite sex and bare a child. Bang bang. And what does the navy carry? Canons as the scripture the biblical canon. You can be a chef but not a master chef.

This last part was a little detour. The so called Holy Grail is what you are holding or reading tight now. It is all of this book and some. The bible is the Holy Grail once you know how to decode it. That was the great mystery and secret which is naturally why the church and governments did not want people to read The Bible and understand it. There is not one big single secret. It was all secrets or semen or Holy See. what is the hole anyway? The female hole naturally,

From the hole comes the semen the white uid of the female as it does from the male. That uid is an aphrodisiac and it the number one aphrodisiac in the World. If you could bottle it and sell it you’d be a Trillionaire or better yet a Googolonaire. Googol is 10100. Cognac and Aphrodisiac rimes and Cognac is sometimes a cheaper spirit. More on VSOP elsewhere.

19 Cognate to Sea men on a boat on the ocean on the water

3. Apple Flesh GOD

Apple. Instantly we think of Apple Inc. or iMac, iPad, iPhone. The #1 brand in the World. Apple is also the symbol of the Garden of Eve and Isaac Newton “inventing” gravity. Apple, The biggest corporation. We are told the logo is an apple but as with many other things, symbols and words have more than one absolute meaning.

When I was young, I worked for a while on a farm. This farm had a small apple grove and my late summer we would pick apples and bring them to the apple juicers and the farmer would have apple juice for the whole year. My mother had about 5 apple trees in her garden and she did the same. It was sweet and nourishing and not like the juice you buy today all ready and canned added sucker and color and avor.

When you cut the apple in half especially as seen on the right, you get the shape and form of a pair of ears. You heard me. Ears. Recall how we saw this word in Leviticus and related to the word apostrophe and even I was thinking; what does this has anything to do with it. This is it; virgin birth. Attis, son of Cybele, was impregnated divinely (virgin birth naturally) in the form of a pomegranate. The pomegranate is also known and derives from latin: pōmum apple and grānātum seeded. Also known as Granat Apple. We know ITV Granada which is a production company producing television shows. The arrow in the logo we are told signi es North. It is a G with a spear or a pointing nger or simply the male symbol for phallus and penis.

On the left is the apple the Royal Gala. Notice how the half cut apple looks like a pair of ears.

Attis is the son of Cybele in her form as the virgin, Nana, who is impregnated by the divine force in the form of a pomegranate. Puzzle solved!

The Apple logo is actually mathematically also a Nephroid and is a co ffee cup which looks very much like the ass of a woman or man if you are a homosexual and like this. Later you will see I have created he Apple logo as a 3D model standing behind the Nephroid re ected in a vessel of red juice, blood if you will. Apple juice can actually be reddish as can the pomegranate juice especially if you make mash in the meat of the apple itself. It is called apple meat as in any animal meat. So eating the esh of Jesus is eating his apple meat. Flesh <=> meat and then we have apple esh. Eating the esh of Jesus Christ The Lord is eating his apple

esh and the apple is then his ears as per Leviticus which is an apostrophe which is an external body part. So now we can coin the two things. The apostrophe and ear in Leviticus is an apple cut in half but also the apple itself which you bite hence in the Apple logo you see a bite which is symbolically anyone eating the penis of a boy, man. It can be a woman but it is still known today that Jewish priest

The male phallus symbol in a logo. G for Apple! Notice the G’s shape with a point ending and breaking the circle. You might say the G is an O with a broken line ending in a point.

Simply a logo; one in two.
“eat” the penis when doing circumcision and as they do so they say they are only cleaning the penis for blood when the cut is made.

We can brush all this away as non sense - naturally. If it stood alone. I would have done so a few years back. So should you. However it does not stand alone. We the mounting circumstantial and direct evidence connecting all the dots makes this simple apple, ear and apostrophe very signi cant. If it stands alone it could be a coincidence or just luck or someone could have made it up as a single key for the enlightened to know. A secret. If you knew it they would know what the actual words meant whereas the normal people would just understand it literally. We have the whole virgin birth with the pomegranate apple and the virgin birth is allegorical in itself and we are supposed to believe in it even if we know it just is impossible scienti cally because an embryo must have semen or else no fertilization and no baby.

The Jewish ritual of “metzitzah b’peh” or Brit Milah. The cut is made and the priest sucks the blood away because it is the sacri ce he is promised. The little child’s dick is the ear or the apostrophe as per Leviticus. It is the apple which he can bite and such. In doing so he drinks virgin blood delivered from the mother to the child. The virgin is the child born as a virgin hence virgin birth. This way he also gets his daily shot of iron and nutrient because the blood contains iron and many nutrients.

BRIO is a Swedish company producing toys for children. BRIO started a museum called BRIO Lekoseum showing their toys but also Barbie dolls. This latter word Lekoseum is a latinized word - it does not really exist as is and is invented to suite the purpose. We know Museum. Lego is cognate to LEGO which is Legio. LEGO tells us LEGO is from “leg godt” in Danish meaning “Play good”. In Swedish Lek is play. Lek (se) = Leg (da) = Play (en). This too could stand alone and be a coincidence but it is not when we join all the nding together in this book and other words and meanings, which I have not covered here but may in a another book.

Words are adapted across borders and companies use ancient symbolism in their logo which is all very natural. This however tells us a few things: the meaning and symbolism from ancient times are still very much alive meaning the contemporary world is still moving around in the ancient world. However they have new toys, gadgets, inventions and technology.

BRIO, LEGO and LEKOSEUM all use the letter O as a binder between the rst and last part of their words. Apple in Latin is PONUM having the letter O and PONUM is cognate to UNUM which I cover later as part of the Capitol Hill motto. PONUM => UNUM. We are now moving into linguistics again regarding HOMONYMS, HOMOGRAPHS and HOMOPHONES.

PONUM is Apple but take out the P and we get ONUM which is a HOMOPHONE same phonetical pronunciation but different meaning but the meaning can be the same because a HOMOPHONE can also be a SYNONYM.

PONUM = ONOM = UNUM. Unum is a latinized words so we need to nd the origin of the word to really know what it means. It might mean different things depending on who reads, translates and interpret the word. The interpretation may be wrong and it can be hard to prove the true hidden meaning because it is obscured behind a veil or shroud of other meanings. So it can often not stand alone. You may also need to nd the true meaning by knowing other symbols which you yet don’t know about so it is often impossible to prove your discoveries.

Once you lay out the symbolism from various sources it is then furthermore a puzzle to jig them together. At rst glans they might not t or some will t and other don’t because you are missing pieces. As with jigsaw you know the rules. Jig it together and the more pieces there are in the puzzle the more difficult. Once you get some pieces together, it starts to become easier. You usually have the nal image seen on the box cover before you start so you know what you are looking for. This is not always the case when investigating religious symbolism because you might nd some pieces but you have no idea what the overall image is. You are looking for pieces but don’t have any idea what the overall picture is. As soon as you get many pieces the task becomes easier and nally you have almost all the pieces but are still missing some. Finally you have the whole image laid out and on the surface it looks exactly like the shown image you have been expecting as on the cover box. However you know this is not the case because within the puzzle is a hidden message and each jig becomes a jigsaw in itself. A jigsaw within a jigsaw. This is where your real work starts. They make the jigsaw to look exactly like everyone expects it to look but there is a hidden message not only in the overall jigsaw but in every jig or piece of the jigsaw. Now take this one or two or even three levels deeper and the tasks becomes mounting and almost impossible to solve.

Those who crated this multilevel jigsaw have had decades to put it together and you now have to unlock the whole puzzle in a lifetime.
Pomegranate and impregnate are alike. Both have nate. Now take Pomegra with which we can create preg with the letter P r e g. PomEGRa. So we have PREG and are left with OMA which is German for Grandma.

preg ·nate verb \ˈpregˌnāt\
to become fertile
LL praegnatus, past part. of praegnare to be pregnant, back-formation fr. L praegnans pregnant

Ponum or pomme (French) is apple. Pomegranate in Latin is malogranatum which is from malum granatum translated to English pomegranate (capitalization as per translate.google.com). Latin: malum however alone is evil.
Granatum alone translates to pomegranate.

The cannonball mangrove, Xylocarpus granatum, is a species of mangrove in the mahogany family (Meliaceae). It is found in Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Pacific Islands.

The Pomegranate is Latin: Punica Granatum. Amazon.com writes for the book ISBN-13: 978-1477549490 called Punika:

“The Punica is a Latin epic poem in seventeen books in dactylic hexameter written by Silius Italicus (ca. 28–ca. 103 AD) comprising some twelve thousand lines. It is the longest surviving Latin poem from antiquity. Its theme is the Second Punic War and the conflict between the two great generals Hannibal and Scipio Africanus. Silius Italicus, in full Tiberius Catius Asconius Silius Italicus (ca. 28 – ca. 103), was a Roman consul, orator, and Latin epic poet of the 1st century AD.”

So Punica is unica or unique or only. Uni means one hence there is only one universe. As we known it. Now we can decode Punica Granatum and Pomegranate. It is:
One Unique Apple Impregnate.

I came across a word while investigating this Pomegrate. It is Latin: Palma meaning: palm (tree), hand, laus (laurel), gloria. The palm of your hand is symbolically the palm trees huge leaves. Palna (Polish) leads me to a word: rearms. Ther is a website with this name and they sell such things: palnatoke.com.

Saxo Grammaticus relates how Palnatoke (Toko; crazy) was forced by King Harald to use a single arrow to shoot an apple from his own son's head as the boy ran downhill. Saxo himself writes, that his writing is written as the kings story as he wanted it and not based on truth. However here we have the saga about the apple related to Palnatoke.

A pregnant woman with her womb shaped like an arch. She is the vessel an her cup is the pelvis and when the baby comes out it is a virgin birth because the child is a virgin carrying the blood from the mother. bay is free inside mother. Once out no longer free because the anchor is cut the umbilical cord. All are born free at the moment of conception and created equal as when the sperm enters the egg. After that you are not free.

In Amazing Thailand the word for the Pomegranate is Cantaloupe and they use this word as is phonetically. However translating Cantaloupe is แตงไทย which is a different fruit called a melon or musk melon also known as honey melon. It is sweet when ripe. All this is rather obvious and names are lated to one thing: sexual symbolism and pussy galore and naturally love between sexes and among them too which is why homosexual is as natural as being homo sapiens. And when you are home you are literally at homo and there you can have sexual relation as per Leviticus related to Hannah asking the high priest for a child and she returns home to have sexual intercourse also translated as marital relations with her husband and she then become fat and thanks the gods and the priest by delivering the child, the rst born, as a fruit, as the ear, roasted, to the high priest as a sacri cial offering. Hence we have jewish circumcision as the sacri cial rite where the priest will cut the penis and such away the blood because it is virginal blood or the blood from the wom(b)an carrying the child in the rst place in her vessel her womb and she is a woman.

She is not a virgin but the child is but the child is from her hence the priest is eating her blood which was attached to the umbilical cord which was the came from the mother as nutrients as carried via blood. From the mother to the child to the priest. That is the ear or the apostrophe or rather the apple.

This is all part of the so called Holy Grail. It is codes or language and letters and symbols mixed together. You can make any code you like which is easy but to unlock it you need to know what and where to unlock it.

On the surface it is rather childish. However the story you were told was not all so true once you start unlocking the true meaning of words and symbolism. This is not a ctitious book as others but sometimes it is good to write ction to describe what things might mean. Lord of The Rings is one such example but is basically about one thing; power and the excavating of resources in mines and to keep lands occupied they need Armies or Marie’s or Marines (Army ≈ Mary) to fool us big time for many years. Prior to The Internet it was impossible to decode all and many things. you might nd yourself in the library investigating but the task soon would become overwhelming. So thanks to The Internet we can nd the relations between things fast. I wrote this book from my website but I wanted it documented in writing on paper. writing a book is also more scholarly if you like and you have to format the whole book is a different style than when you write for the Internet on a website on a webpage. It is also a good way to actually keep a copy because electronic copies can be lost whereas as physical book is a good way to keep a backup.

Virgin birth is really a virginal birth in the fact that the child being born is a virgin. Virgin birth is virginal also because it happens via the vagina hence a virgin birth. The baby is then born through a vagina and is hence passing the vagina therefore being a virgin. And the birth then becomes a virgin such as does the child. The child carries the blood from the mother and is free with the mother. As soon as the umbilical cord is cut the child is no longer free because only the dome or the arch or the womb is where the child was free hence free under the dome. They call it freedom. Once out you are out of the dome and out of the freeness you had inside the womb because there nobody could touch you or charge you. In is free, out is prison.

They also say “All people are born free” in the human rights. And we know the motto: “All men are created equal”. Created equal at conception. When the sperm and egg joins. That is where the actual creation happens. Then it is 9 month of freedom but after that there is no creation. Everything is created inside the womb and so after being born does not hold for the motto about being equal only at the time of actual creation. “Born free” just means that at the moment of delivery you are born from freedom out to non freedom. You are in the dome or the womb and you are free and “born free” is the moment you exit and pas Virginia. This is the actual birth. As long as the umbilical cord is not cut and the child does not breath on its own it is free. Once out and once cut away from mother it is no longer free.

Harbour (harbor) and labour rimes. When a ship is at port it is at labour paying a tax and fee for staying there because it is not free. As soon as the ship sails, it is. When it is on the water it is free and outside the law of the land. Harbour might sound better than Herbour so they changes a letter e to a. Harbour => Herbour => Labour. oBur is a name but means chamber (ber = bour). You know the word boudoir which is a ladies private bedroom or chamber or cham bour. We nd bour in another word which is; bourgeois meaning being conventional and “town dweller”. Bour was known as burgeis 20meaning the same. With that we get burg meaning castle but also berg meaning mountain.

Bourbon, the whiskey, is know as an American whiskey. Then there is The Royal House of Bourbon in France which then literally translates to “Bourgeiois Good”; bon in French meaning good. Earlier alcohol as snaps was given as wages to the already poor people. Later it was taxes when people started using snaps as collateral between one another.

Just one word; bour. It rimes with hour and our as well as sour. There is much more to say about this one word but not now. We need to move on. The important this to understand here is, that bour is part of labour and labour is what humans has tried to get out of for ages. The reason why you work is to be free but you never are because the more you work the more you pay here, thee and everywhere and especially in tax so those without any real labour can avoid working by taking in tax from you. We call those without any real labour; officials working in governments but also banks.

20 Burgers look like a mount but it is not a pipe...

Mount Everest is The Lady of The Mountain also known as Prāvatī the wife of Shiva. The mountain is located in Asia and is the tallest on Earth. She was the daughter of Hemavan and Mons Eve is located in the so called Himalayas. Layas means dwelling or den. Hima means show. Snow Den. Or White Den. It is the top of the world and the Capitol Hill is also white.

I shall now take it a few steps further and this is where the chain falls o ff, right. La or Al is Arabic for God. oBur isa HOMOPHONE to “ba”. Putting La and Ba together makes Laba. God is actually known proven as a female because of Tiamat and Nu. Hence Sheba => Herba => He(a)rbour => Labour => God Mountain and Shiva (not Sheba) was known as the Lady of

Left: This is the eight pointed star of Ishtar seen left/top. Star of Ishtar is Venus (planet) and notice the Moon and the Sun. Ishtar is also known as Isis. And it was the cult of Isis (Ishtar) Psyche followed, to be spared her life.

Right: Ogier the Dane. But what on earth!! They have the same rod or stick or cane just turned upside down. What on earth are a Kassite (Iran) king's rod doing in the land of Norse (Denmark, Scandinavia!). And what are those swirly things on the walls? Dragons or serpents! Yes. But by deceit THEY drew them as branches or something artistic - is it Chinese mulberries or wines!!? It looks so naive. Something is wrong?

The Mountain. Hence the word labour is from Hindu from Sheba where we get the word she for female as well as he for male. Why God Mountain? Because her mountain is mons pubis or vulva the little Venus mountain and it is a God Mountain that kings could excavate as well as clime. The mountain is working really hard when she is in labour and it is gods mountain because he climbed the mountain and put his mark there inside her joining the little egg. The den is her palace inside as the vulva and the mark is the sperm. Den + Mark. They travelled there and raped and stole and the little Norse woman had to spread her legs in wild orgies (Ogier The Dane) so they could enter her den and they laid their mark inside her. Soon she was in labour and the little child was born carrying the new blood of the occupiers who were probably Saxons and Romans but mostly romans and all their marks are there today as the Marble Church in Copenhagen and everything else. Also the Hindu swastika is found in the logo of Carlsberg beer earlier and only today is located on the building of Jacob Carlsberg’s Glyptoteket which is a museum holding his collection and the biggest and most important collection within the museum is art from Asia as Buddhist statues and artifacts. Jacob Carlsberg were e very fond of Buddhism.

Mount (Mons) Everest has Eve and is the tallest mountain on Earth. When they climb it they are famous because it is symbolically climbing the tallest lady of the world. This mountain is located in Asia.

Tax actually means fox and I shall talk about this later and prove it too.

When we talk about palm trees and myrrh one place name come to mind. It is Palmyra. Located in todays Syria.
Hebrew:רומדת‎; Tadmor; Ancient Greek: Παλμύρα; Arabic: %#######$&#######'; Tadmur. Let me split the Greek word up of you in two pieces:

Παλ μύρα
And that is two words: Pal myrrh. Myrrh is in Matthew 2:11 σμύρναν and translated to myrrh. Both Greek words translates to Myrrh when standing together but σμύρναν translates to

A frankincense tree (Boswellia sacra) at Wadi Dowkah Natural Park (Dhofar, Oman) and, below, sap. Photos by Mauro Raffaelli. Closeup of bark by Ben Norvell. Today they also make Frankincense Ice Cream.

Notice the resin/wax running down the trunk which looks very much like the white liquid a woman produces when she is horny for horn as a phallus.

Smyrna when it stands alone. ναν translates to Van. ναν sounds phonetically as: Nan. Palmyra is in Hebrew, Ancient Greek and Arabic all very near such as Tidmor. The only
place I can think of is Timor north of Australia in Asia. Timir is almost 100% Christian and 2/3
are Catholic. They traded in slaves and honey and wax.
Myrrh or Frankincense is from the Boswellia sacra, the olibanum tree. Is produces a resin
which is wax. The tree grows best in earth with high calcium levels. Calcium is lime and chalk
made from ancient snails and such crushed by years of pressure and Earth’s tectonic plates
moving. We do know of the Teutonic Knights.
I elsewhere mention Kali and Kalium as Potassium and here we are talking Calcium. The
earth needs these limes to grow crops and today farmers spread chalk on the elds. Some
lands have high content of live and calcium and potassium but when you grown crop in an
industrial manner you drain the land and soil from nutrients and minerals and they must be
added and injected arti cially. The plants are dioecious meaning they have distinctly male
and female plants and are not hermaphroditic (called monoecious).

Boswellia sacra; the last part means sacred. Boswell is a group of this species. The plant and fruit is used as pharmaceutical medicine. They can grown in laurel forests.

FRANKINCENSE (Greek: libanos, λἰβᾰνος)
Lexicon Entry: λἰβᾰνος [ῐ], ὁ, frankincense-tree, Boswellia Carterii, Hdt. 4.75, Thphr.HP9.4.2, Dsc.1.68, etc.; ἱερὀδακρυς λ. Melanipp.I.5. II.= λιβανωτὀς, frankincense in which sense it is feminine in Pi.Fr.I 22.3, E.Ba.I 44 (lyr.); but masculine in PCair.Zen.69.13 iii B.C., AP6.23I (Phil.), 9.93 (Antip. Thess.), Edict. Diocl. ('Αθηνα 18.6, Tegea); indeterminate in Sapph. Supp.20C.2, S.Fr.1064, Anaxandr.41.37, SIG 247ii 19 (Delph., iv B.C.). [4]
Frankincense, subs. Ar. and P. λῐβᾰνωτὀς (ed. libanotos), ὁ. Incense for burning: P. and V. θῡµἰᾱµᾰτα (ed. thumiamata - incense), τἀ.

The religious custom of burning incense of any kind dwindled with the rise of Christianity and the suppression of the older traditions, to which its use was greatly associated. "The creator and father of the universe does not require blood, nor smoke, nor even the sweet smell of flowers and incense," [12] declared Athenagoras the Christian apologist (133CE-190CE), a sentiment abhorrent to Hellenismos as impious (i.e., that a suppliant's gift, an expression of his Ærohs [Eros; Gr. Ἔρως]), would not be welcomed by the Gods and that the practitioner of the ancient religion would imagine that their Gods needed anything). Eventually such expressions as the use of incense were punishable by law:

"(Cod. Theod. xvi. ro. 4, 6), forbidding all sacrifices on pain of death, and still more by the statutes of Theodosius (Cod . Theod. xvi. 10.12) enacted in 392, in which sacrifice and divination were declared treasonable and punish-able with death; the use of lights, incense, garlands and libations was to involve the forfeiture of house and land where they were used; and all who entered heathen temples were to be fined."

Here we see the word Eros and it is spelled Ærohs. Aerohs. Looks familiar to Rothschild (rohs ~ oths). This is so far speculation for the pure purpose of turning every stone. I shall leave that standing as it for the time being.

What I am demonstrating with Palmyra, Myrrh and Frankincense and resin, wax and sacred perfume rst illegal by law and later used. Herodotus (330 BC) offered a thousands talents’ (98,422 pounds) of frankincense to Zeus(Bel) and his yearly festival. 3000 tons were transported to Rome and Greece from Southern Arabia.

Now we know why a British pond is called a pound. Before talents were weighed in pounds. If you had many talents you were rich. You traded in real hard value such as frankincense and other products from Oranges to everything. They were called talents. The Danish word for speak is tal as it is the word for number. And Danish still use the word talent when they speak of people having a talent as does the English.

I demonstrate here, that words mix and change and are also connected in a furious inferno. Roots are difficult to ned. Some words look alike some are simply not matched. We need these words to make the nal puzzle and some jigs might not t rst but are part of a jig itself.

Here we have Palmyra, Myrrh, Palma related to Palna (Polish) meaning rearms. In essence we are talking war, sex and talents (money).
Palmyra(e) is Greek: Παλμύρα and splitting the word different we get various parts. Lets try it out in below table:

Παλμύρα New words
Παλ μύρα pal myrrha
Πα λμύρα Fr lmyra
Π αλμύρα W saltiness (salsuginem)
Παλμύ ρα So Palm
If we take the same Greek word Παλμύρα stand and extract some letters we get:
Παλµύ Throb
(Παλµοί) Pulses
Παλµ Palm
Παλ Pal
Πα Fr
Π αλµύρα F Saltiness
The Greek word for Frankincense is: λιβάνι Incense is: θυμίαμα
λιβά is Sirocco. This we got from the word λιβάνι which was Frankincense. However λιβά is phonetically:
And when we split that Greek word in two as λι βά we get two new words:
Li ~ ed

We now know where the Fr in Frankincense comes from. It is from Πα (Fr). I also think this is where we get the word Friday. A Nordic name is Frida. We are told Frida is from Old Norse Fríða meaning "beautiful, beloved". Who can argue with that, right!

λιβάνι (Frankincense) we can deduct the last three letters: άνι and they translate to Annie. (A N I).
In λιβάνι we nd other jigs such as νι for VI which is roman numerals 6 (six).
From the sirocco in λιβά we get phonetically the word: ILVA.

ILVA is a Danish chain of furniture stores. The company has stores in many countries. Notice the V and A as two pyramids. The letters are I L V A and they are Green, Vermillion (red), yellow and blue. The prime colors. Colors are every important in the esoteric world as in ag making. In adverting these 4 colors are also complementary in such a away to catch your eye. Artists and painters know how to use complementary colors.
Do you follow my drift? You see now how many jigs there are. And each jigsaw is a part of a bigger jigsaw and each jig is a jigsaw itself. Many will be lost by now but my hope with this book is to get it down in writing. Logos, colors, words and language all connects the nal jigsaw. Again we can follow a contemporary company right back to the New Testament in The Bible. I have driven past this shop many times of the highway and I used to ask myself why that name and why those strong colors. Looked very nice.

I never actually saw the two pyramids until I investigated the origin of the word as per Frankincense => λιβάνι from Matthew 2:11 where the word for Frankincense is λίβανον (LEBANON)

Word Translate Phonetical
λιβάνι Frankincense
λίβανον Frankincense Lebanon/Libanon
λιβά Sirocco Eva
λι βά Li ed
νον Nov.
νι VI Roman numeral VI for 6.
This is from Matthew 2:11 and is translated to:
gold, frankincense and myrrh. (καὶ  =  and)
χρυσὸν  καὶ  λίίβανον  καὶ  σµμύύρναν.

I shall later cover the rst word χρυσὸν translated as Gold in The Bible. However it relates to Gold as a synonym. The whole Bible is a kind of code and the words are locked together in such a way that one word might mean 2 or 3 things and it can also be two or more words joined together making one word but is actually as split more words which opens the true meaning. However doing that might just leave you with a meaningful words but without relation which you need to nd elsewhere to make sense of what you nd. So parts of my ndings are still jigs which lay around waiting but I have enough jig now to make a picture emerge and the picture is a rather astonishing one indeed.

Sheba is Σάβα which phonetically sounds like: Serva or serve. άβα is Ava. Μαρία is Mary or Maria.
Ava Maria is then cognate to Eva Maria. But Ave we are told mean Hail. Ava however seems to mean Grandmother which is a synonym Fr. Old Wives’Tale. In other words a lie. Ava = Grandmother = Old Wives’ Tale = a lie or a supposed truth passed down as word of mouth. A myth based on some true story but later twisted and turned to suite the contemporary story. In essence a truth as a lie. Avia is Latin for Grandmother. Ava is also a passage through a coral reef for vessels. This makes Ave Maria a little different now:

Old Wives’Tale The Vessel Through Calcium Coral Reef Maria

And her hipbones is one such. Her pelvis is calcium (coral) and through it passes water and she is the reef, the water stream and she even carries the vessel as a child which is a virgin at birth hence virgin birth because the child is a virgin and not Maria. Maria carries the child and delivers it through the coral the ava and all this has been passed down through time as a myth as an Old Wives’ Tale into later and todays story about divine birth and all the lies that followed. A lie it is now proven empirically through words alone.

Many priest and professors and historian have absolutely no idea how this puzzle pieces together. They know some is based on myth but they swallow it all as a belief system based on Ava namely Old Wives’Tale and the proof is that the words make sense and with those we can extract the real meaning namely of ancient medical descriptions of what happened when a child was born though the coral reef from the woman womb down the coral reef out over the mountain known as Mount pubis and some women have white hair or no hair.

When you enter the chapter about Mona Lisa you will know how this relates regarding unshaved mons pubis.
Frank In Dic

Frank is the Franks or Salian Franks.
In is - well - in something
Cense: Latin censeo; to tax, to value. Censio; taxation. Census; registering of people.

This book explains and prove Tax = Wolf, fox, dog, canis. There are many Frank In something if you look around. As a poet let us to the rhyme: Canis has a penis, a penis has a glans, it shines, is like a gem, a rock, hard as a cock. And if stones has anything to do with it then don’t look for this in any dictionary (pun intended).

And there is indeed such a sinner: Frank Sin At Ra. Or:

Frank Sinatra = Franks In A Rat

And that is using all and only the letters in the name Frank Sinatra. More in this book on this actor and entertainer. I used to like him way back and I even played old tunes he sang suck as “My Way” but when I do it now, I send the message and word out: They are sickos and far greater dicks than you ever knew. Last word Rat could also be Art but when that rhymes with fart I am sure it all comes down to the same old shit.


This is a constellation in the sky made from stars as a pattern. Virgo is Latin an it translates to Virgin. Related words to Virgo is: adjectives: impubis, inpubis, incorruptus. In english nouns; maiden, damsel (woman in distress being raped which where we get Dame from Vulgur Latin dominicella which is domina and we get dominei the lady of the house in Roman times as the female slave master. The man was called Dominus), girl, virgo constellation.

So two meanings 1) a virgin, maiden, untouched sexually and 2) a constellation in the sky.
If Virgo and Virgin means not touches as in non corrupted, that means once everyone touched because those who work there are no longer virgins. There may be a very few but you show me one.
We nd the word as a translated one in Psalm 14:1 touched you are corrupted. That makes corrupt hence Governments are corrupt

The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds;
There is no one who does good.

The word in Hebrew is וּתיִ֗חְׁשִֽה (hiš·ḥî·ṯū,)which is corrupted but also destroyed, vandalized, defaced and dis gured.

In the same Psalm we encounter the word Zion as ֮ןוֹיִּּצִמ and this is phonetically: miṣ·ṣî·yō·wn. With that we can make Mission.

The sign or symbol for Virgo meaning virgin. Do you see the sh symbol of Jesus on the right. Below is the
McDonald logo:

® is located as the sh, right lower side and i’m
lovin’ it is because Ham and Lady of Mons Pupis won the battle. 2 tits or an ass sticking up or two
mountains in China.
Notice the two apostrophe. They are part of a larger puzzle.
Notice the 2 towers?

Zion ~ Mission ~ ֮ןוֹיִּּצִמ

Zion is then a mission and we have many missionaries traveling around the World. Hence Christianity is any form using The Bible is based on Zionism from ֮ןוֹיִּּצִמ in Psalm 14:7. I shall touch upon the true meaning of manumission later and elsewhere in this book.

Let us return to the Virgo. The Virgo sign, symbol or logo is an “M” with a sh kind of sticking to the right side like crawling up a mountain. The “M” contains a V but if you ask a woman (or man for testing) to lay down spreading their legs slightly it will look like an M. The “M” is also symbolic for two towers and we see the shape of this “M” in cathedrals all over the world.

Paris is parish as in a location having a priest. You can also parish is Paris meaning you can get lost or hide. It is told the word Paris originate in Para Oikos and that word we

nd only one time in the Bible. Okies is from Greek meaning a dwelling or a small temporary house to stay in.

Notre Dame de Paris "Our Lady of Paris". It is II for two; man and female. A better name would be fuck house because that is what it literally is.

Two towers? Rather II as two.

Oikema: room, dwelling, prison. Greek word is found in Bible in Acts 12:7 reference to G3612: οἴκημα: a tenement. This is a derivation from Derivation: from G3611: οἰκέω to occupy a house, i.e. reside. A tenement; apartment, flat also tenement house apartment building; especially : one meeting minimum standards of sanitation, safety, and comfort and usually located in a city.
Dwell, Dwellers, Dwelling (place); oikeo. To dwell" (from oikos, "a house"), "to inhabit as one's abode," is derived from the Sanskrit, vic, "a dwelling place" (the Eng. termination "wick" is connected).

Para is Spanish: for. And we are told Oikos is part of the origin of the word Paris which is then Oikema or the Greek word οἰκήματι.

This joins it all together and makes it simple now to put a few jigs together. We have “for” and Oikemati. An Oikema is a whore house for the upper classes. Pronoun’s were for the lower classes with lesser talents. Hence Paris is:

For The Whores and Pimps and The Hiding Place For Customers.
According dates between 1000 BC and 686 BC, this constellation was known as “The Furrow” , representing the goddess Shala’s ear of grain or corn. One star in this constellation, Spica, retains this tradition as it is Latin for “ear of grain”, one of the major products of the Mesopotamian furrow.  For this reason the constellation became associated with fertility. According to Gavin White the gure of Virgo corresponds to two Babylonian constellations - the ‘Furrow’ in the eastern sector of Virgo and the ‘Frond of Erua’ in the western sector. The Frond of Erua was to the Babylonian Mul.Apin, which

Claude Nicolas Ledoux was a French urbanist, architectural theorist, and architect who lived from 1736 to 1806.

“Oikema” ou projet de maison de plaisir
- Plan
So it is a pussy in the cock and once the customers enters it becomes both.
depicted as a goddess holding a palm-frond - a motif that still occasionally appears in much later depictions of Virgo.

So Virgo = Grain = Wheat. And so the ear is a star in the cancellation Virgo and we nd the as an apostrophe translated as Ear in Leviticus 2:14. The “ear” is the start which is part of Virgo hence the ear is a virgin and the virgin is a child hence the sacri ce is a child.

Earth has an ear in it. The ear is the apple cut in half and looks likes two ears but is actually the female pelvis producing a shape of an ass as well as the vagina and the lips of the Labia majora (bigger outer lips).

Urania (goddess) is known holding earth in her hands hence known as Mother Earth. So when you se a movie (Gladiator) where someone is stroking the wheat eld as they also to in the lm “300” and they actually stand in a eld of wheat it is reference to Virgo to the virgin mother carrying the rst born child as a virgin.

Virgo as drawings are also representing the virgin with wings as tif she was a bird or an angle.
Who is Shala and what does that relate to? I believe she the same or cognate to Sarasvati a Hindu goddess. Her ears were shells rather than real ears and the shells were the Labia majora - the pussy. Also related is calamari the squid and we nd this in literature as “pussy galore” or Octopus(sy).
In the word shell we have 1) hell and 2) el. The shell is usually depicted with a woman standing on top or inside the shell. She is the shell or rather her lapis majora is the shell which can open as a clam as oysters.
In Thailand the word for clams and pussy is phonetically the same namely: hoy. In Thai they say

Clams or shells.
“aloy” for something tasty. So “hoy alone” is either “clams taste” or “pussy taste”. You can play with this until morning.

Sarasvati is a part of trinity "Saraswati", "Lakshmi" and "Parvati". All the three forms help trinity "Brahma", "Vishnu" and "Shiva" in the creation, maintenance and destruction of the Universe.

So we have the trinity or the magic number 3 (three). Again we end up in India in Hinduism and that is not too bad.
This leads us to a root namely Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha.

Birth Of Venus os Aphrodite or Ishtar of Semiramis. Symbolism for the primordial female from the abyss and her shell is symbolic for a lapis Majora - the outer big lips of her pussy. They can open and close just as can Lapis Majora.
This is painting by Sandro Botticelli

Above : Virgo drawn by Johannes Hovels and Below: Virgo and star locations draw up.

5. Dominicella

Recall how this word damsel was derived from Vulgar Latin: dominicella. Latin domicella is Lady. In that vulgar latin word we get celle or cell. That is a prison cell or the female embryo as a single cell.

This is a painting by Raphael called Deliverance of Saint Peter. (note: Rap is the music style but is also cognate to rape also Amun Ra, Pharaoh and El for God).

ο ἰκήματι, Oikema: room, dwelling, prison. Greek word is found in Bible in Acts 12:7 reference to G3612: οἴκημα: a tenement. This is a deviation: from G3611: οἰκέω to occupy a house, i.e. reside. A tenement; apartment, at, also tenement house apartment building; especially: one meeting minimum standards of sanitation, safety, and comfort and usually located in a city.

Dwell, Dwellers, Dwelling (place); oikeo. To dwell" (from oikos, "a house"), "to inhabit as one's abode," is derived from the Sanskrit, vic, "a dwelling place" (the Eng. termination "wick" is connected).

Recall how Paris was derived from Oikos which we nd in the Bible one time as οἰκήματι translated as prison. A cell.
Here is the link between that prison cell and the lady in the house as an angle because she was a dominicella. A woman who dominates hence Vulgar Latin for a woman who pleases the sadomasochistic needs of the customer in this case Saint Peter.
Ella part of cElla is also a feminine name. Dominic is a male name for "Belonging to God" or "of the Master". Dominique is the French feminine and masculine form of Dominic, it is unisex. Domini means owners hence a dominus and dominei were owners of the slaves in Roman times.
οἰκήμα (oikema) is residence.

OIKEMA Made from letters in K = C DOMINICELLA
MARIA Greek: Μαρία Has P, I, M

PIMP is Greek: νταβατζής (phonetically DAVANCIS) and two words ντα βατζής it is da vatzis. Also μαστροπός (Pimp) is phonetically mastro(pos) in which we get maestro. The same word but only the latter part without the rst μ is: αστροπός (astropos).

apostrophe is απόστροφος (apostrofos). Recall how we found the apostrophe in The Bible in Leviticus also translated as ears. But this Greek word απόστροφος is near homophone to αστροπός related to DAVANCIS and then to pimp via νταβατζής (Da vanci s).

Hence we are talking pimps, whores and cells as domiciles with a slave master as a female dominei or a simple dominicella as Notre Dame stroking Peter so he could be delivered from his pain of longing for sexual release hence delivered.

Saint Peter: Peter means rock. Saint is from Sacred meaning devoted to. Sacred love is devoted love and secret love is then something hidden and to hide the fact that they had sex, they called it sacred love and mixed words and languages across the whole table so nobody would ever nd all the jigs of the puzzle. Until now.

Maria is perhaps aria and we can make arian or Aryan. We do in fact have such a name as in Arianne. There are Aria, oratorio, cantatas and sonnets and all songs to Mary a symbol of the female. She, mother earth gave birth to all kings and all humans if we go back far enough. no wonder she is seen as a goddess of the abyss because we have really no idea where the rst egg came from but she laid it and it could have been fertile or some magic happened of which we have no idea (except the esoteric freemasons have plenty of idea). So they decided since we don’t know let us concoct a whole story in which to believe in in which we can hide and obscure the real purpose of our evil doings having sex left and right up and down meanwhile people have no idea and will ock as fools believing in all out nonsense. Are we not smart. No you are beyond criminal and you are so sick no word has yet been invented for your deep evil plot lasting 2000+ years.

Now we know and we can decode every part of your hoax. The proof is here and once people have had time to let it sink in they will realize you were beyond curable and so sick you are beyond salvation [sic].

Acts 12:7: And, behold, the angel of the Lord came on him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands.

In Greek:

καὶ ἰδοὺ ἄγγελος κυρίου ἐπέστη καὶ φῶς ἔλαµψεν ἐν τῷ οἰκήµατι· πατάξας δὲ τὴν πλευρὰν τοῦ Πέτρου ἤγειρεν αὐτὸν λέγων· ἀνάστα ἐν τάχει. καὶ ἐξέπεσαν αὐτοῦ αἱ ἁλύσεις ἐκ τῶν χειρῶν.

And he smote Peter on the side - This was, doubtless, a gentle blow or stroke to arouse him from sleep. 21
ἤγειρεν translates to igeiren. It is like directly translated. What igeiren? It looks like Siren. On the next page I have taken the word ἤγειρεν and done a little Magi©. And we end up in Greek I promise you so no need to by a ticket to Venus just yet. Recall that scienti cally language came with homo sapiens and after homo sapiens and could not have been with God prior to homo sapiens arrival unless God was home sapiens and God was I can assure you.

21 Barnes’ Notes on the Bible http://bible.cc/acts/12-7.htm

So Peter was erected and so what. A penis can erect too. But that can’t stand alone as proof. But the next part can when we swap a few letters and there are 7 letters in each word and we come from ἤγειρεν => σειρήνα which means Siren, Mermaid. In other words whores. A Siren was usually a very young girl as a prostitute luring sailors and others to her chambers. You will nd a Siren related to food in this book.

Then we move ahead to the Niritos. I could not nd that one easy I tell you. Very hard word. But I did. It is in Greece at Kioni Bay at the island Ithaca 22 in the Ionian sea. This island is identi ed with Homer’s Ithaca 23 , the home of Odysseus part of Odyssey’s plot.

So now we can link Homer’s Odyssey to Odysseus (Οδυσσέας 24) to Acts 12:7 in The Bible via Niritos. Related to mermaids and whores and something erected which was stroked.

Niritos - Νήριτος

In addition to Homer, older writers such as Akousilaos, said that Ithakos,  Niritos and Polyktor were the three sons of King Pterelaou who was from Jupiter.

Niritos is an island spelled in Greek: Νήριτος 25 . So the island we found in Acts 12:7 hidden is created by a God indeed. The God Jupiter. Not the God you were told mentioned as Jesus as God.

Greek Wikipedia 26writes translated from Greek to English:

Οδυσσέας (Odysseus) as a sculpture on Ithaki island in Greece related to a place called Niritos. Notice his nipple exposed rather like a ⊙ (circled dot operator) Hence 2 ⊙ 2 = 4.

22 Ithaca, the island home of Odysseus, is one of the most popular islands in Greece.  Not only in the present, but also in antiquity and mythology.

23 Ithaca has a website: http://www.ithaki.gr
24 Transliterated to Ulixes
25 Transliterated to from the Greek letters to Niritos

26 http://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/Νήριτος Niritos
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (since when was a whore free?)

In Greek mythology the name is known Niritos one Ithaca , son of Pterelaou and brother of Ithaca and Polyktora . According to mythology, the mountain of Ithaca Nirito named by Nirito. The Niritos mentioned in Homer 's Iliad (r rhapsody, verse 207) as one of the three creators (the other two were brothers) of stonemason tap near the island's capital, where supply before the public.

• Percussion: Homeric Dictionary, adapted from the Sixth German Edition by J. Pantazidou, version "Vivliekdotika stores Anastasios D. Fexi", Athens 1901, page 599

Jupiter, the God, was the God of the sky and thunder. He was King of the Gods. The man numero uno. He is depicted with a rod, an orb with a woman standing on it and his primary sacred animals was the eagle (bird). Romans regarded Jupiter as cognate to the Greek God Zeus.

The woman standing on the orb in Jupiter's hand is Victoria. She is the Goddess of victory - what else! She is depicted with wings on her back as an angle rhyming with angel which is the Greek lettersΓ γ. That is gamma for G. The Greek alphabet does not have a J but I shall x that as you move on in this book telling you who God is. The gamma has the angle of 90° and is part of Freemasons logo. Also the G. I shall explain soon. TheΓ is a tool used by architects called a Try Square (see appendix).

Notice how Jupiter puts his foot in front and the same leg/foot as on most ancient Egyptian statues? It has a meaning. A strong foot or if your foot in on some land, it means it is occupied by you or at least your army friends. If we go further back in time (I exclude the Egyptian part because that is all fake) then you nd symbolism to feet in Asia with a dragon’s foot or is it a turtle?

Statue of Jupiter in Hermitage museum. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 14, 2007

All he needs: ROD, WORDS, VULTURE, CULTURE, WHORE and then the whole EARTH. As they say in Spartacus STARZ series 2013: “Fuck Jupiter's Cock”. Not me thank you but I get the drift.

Saint Peters Church, Biblical Saint Peter, Peter meaning rock. Saint Petersburg because Saint Peter is Jupiter. Ju Piter’s Cock or his rod. Juuuu. Just keep this in mind as you nd cocks related to a ZON.

Below the backside of the drawing on the left. Can be done simply by pressing the pen harder or softer and then simply hiding it all by
drawing over it with a dark pencil. Recto (top) and verso (bottom) of

Rembrandt's etching Jupiter and Antiope: the large plate, 1659 St. Petersburg, Hermitage. From the collection of Dmitri Rovinsky, with his collector's mark along with those of Pierre Mariette and Pehr Suther.

Jupiter’s Cock on the way into Antiope or is he just rubbing it hard? That is why Rembrandt painted obscure (shadows) to hide the real picture. next time you see a Rembrandt or other painting, then ask the silly curator if you can see the real picture? The curator will look at you if you are an idiot. Bring this book and have fun.

6. Heinrich Himmler

Sky and heaven in Danish is: himmel. Heaven is then himmel empirically as a fact related to a mountain to Mons Pubis. So any reference to Heaven is Mons Pubis or The Lady of The Mountain namely Prāvatī. Heaven is on Earth as Mount Everest as Eve as himmel which is heaven. Great terrible part of it all is, that fake Aryans as per Hitler created a real monster called Heinrich Himmler. His name is His Royal One Rich Heaven God. H=Highness. Ein (German) is one. Rich=rich. Himm=heaven. Le = El for God and Ler (Danish) is laugh/smile. The Danish reference to him as in his name Himmler shows why Denmark was peacefully occupied and not bombed because there is a connection between the royal house of Denmark and Rothschild and Hitler.

Read more about Hesse-Kassel - a the Danish Himmel Royal family - in this book.


Is the fruit as we know as pomegranate. Canta is true enough Latin: sing. But french loup is fox. The fox is from the species Canis lupus. Canis means dog. Lupus is fox or wolf. Cantate is a song which they sing in church.

Loup (French) is fox and belongs to the aforementioned Canis lupus also known as the Canidae. The fox is known as Canidé (French) which is English canine which means; cynical, cynic. In Greek is is κυνικός (kinikos). Adjective is σκυλίσιος meaning doggish. It is a match. A fox is doggish. A canis lupus is known for singing or howling. When he does so he sings to attract the female. Hence the singing of the Canis is him being a cantor doing a carmen (Latin for song) to the female so they will mate.

Cantaloup is two words: Canta (Latin/Spanish for song) which is Latin canit. Loup is fox. Canta Loup is therefor song fox; The Song Of The Fox. So even if we have Canta and Cantate meaning one thing it also has another hidden meaning but hidden is such a way that you know what to look for before you can nd it. Once you know what to look for it all matches. But not standing alone. It has to connect with other things and other symbols in religion, politics and governmental symbolism as well as media and logos. Fox News gets a different perspective now. The Fox (the canis lupus) is cunning and cynical and entertains the female wolf to lure her into having sex so a new canis can be born to continue the blood line.

8. Sacred Noble White

She entered the stage and everyone was as usual in great excitement. We knew that great wonders of the world would arise in Britain’s Got Talent so here enters a little girl who can do the magic of show business. She walks and talk the part and as soon as she opens her mouth small angles y out. Wrong. She sang false but was pretty and tted the real part she was unknowingly playing. Ten years old and already knowingly enlightened is hardly the case.

Her name is Hollie Steel. I have all the evidence on le and will enter my next book. Here I leave you with a few clues. Two addresses is among them.

This is the record company label selling CD’s by Hollie Steel. I have all the les but I leave you with the facade of this record company from google maps.

Could be a small record company. Wrong. Seeing it in Google maps, where you can zoom in closely tells us they sell toys and similar.

Townsend Music
Unit 1, Union Court Alan Ramsbottom Way Great Harwood
Townsend Records Customer Service 30 Queen St
Great Harwood Lancashire

Townsend Records - Fox Media, Inc. - News Corp.
This is their website (2012): http://www.townsend-records.co.uk. It says at the bottom it is: Copyright 1948 - 2007 Muze Inc. and New Entertainment Data Ltd.

I nd a muze.com which goes to http://www.rovicorp.com and that I found at Wikipedia/Muze. Here we are talking Net ix and eBay which are billion dollar operations and companies.

"In April 2009, Macrovision (now Rovi) announced that it had signed a definitive agreement to acquire substantially all of the assets of Muze, Inc. in a $16.5 million cash transaction."
Company Overview of Muze, Inc. tells us about a Mr. Goldworthy, Mr. Randy Kuckuck,

Mr. Lee Ho. Nice name: Randy Kuckuck!!! Here we read:

Pink slips continue to be issued to tech workers around Seattle this holiday season, with Muze Inc. today notifying an undisclosed number of employees that their services would not be needed." and we see the MUZE logo. And we read: "Headquartered in New York, Muze was acquired by Enterprise Partners Venture Capital in 2005."

So MUZE was bought by Enterprise Partners Venture in 2005 and it was having pink slips (bad investment, right) and then in 2009 MUZE again was purchased by Rovi.
Muze Partners With IGN Entertainment to Deliver Comprehensive Video Games Database. NEW YORK, NY and BRISBANE, CA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- October 23, 2006 -- Muze, Inc., the leading digital media platform connecting people to art, education and entertainment, and IGN Entertainment, the leading Internet media and services provider focused on the video game and entertainment enthusiast markets, today announced a partnership that delivers the most comprehensive database of games information available today.
But hold on, MUZE was bought by Rovi in 2009! We are now talking IGN Entertainment a unit of Fox Interactive Media, Inc.
Fox Interactive Media manages all of News Corp's Internet assets.
Then we have Company Overview of New Entertainment Data Ltd.
So it is all fraudulent and how come a company named Townsend Records which is MUZE Inc. (amusement) which is now owned by Rovi Corp linked to News Corp via IGN Entertainment has an office in Townsend in a street called Queens St. and the shop looks like a shack or a hotdog-stand next to a pizza house with the wording YUM YUM (Thai soup) and a wedding-dress shop. Red ag mega multi national international fraud. You take it from here if you care. I am sure many people know how deep the hole is. They don’t know, yet, that the hole has no bottom.

9. Words

This book is mostly words and we are told that words came rst before man according to The Bible. I will prove this to be wrong as you read further. I am actually not proving it – God is – or the Romans and a few other soldiers of deceit. I shall also prove other things which leads to the conclusion, that governments, Kings, Queens, rulers, democracy, police and every governmental organization and many other above and below are the biggest crime organization known to man and the proof is smack in our faces.

In the book THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE WORLD by Jonathan Black, he tells us days are not supposed to be taken literally – can be what ever timespan you want it to be. Interesting. So you can interpret the scripture, law, as you like. If this is the case, and it seems to be so, then lets set up a new religion called LIES saying that everything Bible is a lie also because we can prove it empirically through words, translation and fruits! Unfortunately one needs to get such a religion approved by United Nation. And that tells us, that UN is above God which you were supposed to believe in by free choice. You can naturally believe in what you want, but there are no protections nor bene ts as per state controlled and approved religion that enjoys tax-exemptions. When it comes to school and education and being a rocket scientist, there is no believing – you must know. How would this sound: “I believe 2+3=6”. Do you think the teacher would accept that? But if you believe in a state-governed, controlled and red-stamped religion, voila, then no problem and you get your A+. Then you can be Peter Popoff, Jim Jones, Billy Graham or any evangelists claiming healing by God and collect tithe and drive a rolling royal better known as a Rolls Royce and you are safe as long as you keep saying: “Oh Lord, you tell me that….”. Personally I have experience rst hand a dozen evangelist and non of them are without faults! Sooner or later they step over the line and have to go to court after children tells that the priest or pastor is brainwashing them and perhaps washing them all over the place. Going to court is like whitewashing in this case. And all the publicity they get. They love it. A fella named Thorbjørn Knudsen had a house in Denmark where he had elderly and retired people living and he prayed good and hard. One day the newspaper said: “PASTOR IN THISTED INVESTIGATED FOR ARSON”. Later I read, that he had also tried extorting a family by kidnapping an elderly lady from her family by locking her up in a house far outside the city. The police was involved and heaps of writing in the media for a while. Then silence. According to Rhema Misjonsmenighet rhemamisjonsmenighet.org he is doing ne again doing his same old stunt just in another country. He could have seen the light while the house burnt in Denmark and turned a real Christian now. Rhema is Greek ρήμα for verb - WORD. No, I am not kidding. Rhema, the name of his new mission house is WORD from Greek ρήμα. And how can we blame anyone for this knowing the WORD was with God according to John 1:1. We also nd a big crockery store/chain in Norway/Denmark called REMA 1000. 1000 years like in Adolf Hitler’s speech in Nazi Germany (and then and todays Nazi Denmark and everywhere) about their idea for 1000 Year Reich. Incidentally, the Danish government is called Reichstag (Rigsdag) too meaning; Rich Day. Or Reich and Stag for a male fox or a male deer. Also stag lm. So Rich Day and Rich Stag. Rigsdag; Nordic dag is day. Nordic Rig is rich. Old Nordic money was called Rigsdaler, which might translate to Rich Valley (dal) or be Ragsdale (name) as in rags.

People who do not play gods simply can’t imagine the evil façade behind the whispering white curtains. Good people can’t even dream that your fellow human being is a monster far beyond any Hollywood cartoon or shock movie. Reality, they say, surpasses fantasy but that is relatively true. It takes a lot of imagination and fantasy, to come up with their ideas of tricks. They are in good hands because through training and propaganda they can create new devils, as soldiers and fantasy then become reality hence fantasy is as much part of reality as lies are.

In about a year since 2012, I started investigating religion, politics, banks and history and found so many lies it would never t inside a shoebox. I would need all the castles and palaces to hide the lies and in fact I would need every corner of our planet. Why? The lies are everywhere. Nobody is perfect they say but I think the human body and mind is rather perfect as it is. It is made sick through education, media, drugs, alcohol and clandestine psychological operations and naturally through fear and terror. When the ruler see no other alternative than to really shut people up because they revolt, they send in the army in a bogus war so they, the rulers, can stay in their very sick world of power and control. They call it “Rule of (by) Law” but what does rule really mean? And law? When I hear the word rule, the rst thing and tune that pops up in my mind is the song: “Rule Britannia”. And that makes me ask a new question; what is Britannia really? And since Britannia rules the waves, that makes me sip an extra strong coffee because now I need to know what the waves are. We recall history and the British sailing on the oceans creating their empire where the Sun never sets related to the Egyptian god Seth. Not to bad if the visitor or occupiers have something to offer and which might be better.

But lets get back on track. We got some words; rule, Britannia, law, waves. Rule is to impose your ideas and values upon others using various regulatory tools. We also know the phrase “rule out” meaning taking out something from the equation. This implies you can also rule something in. Lets dig a little deeper. In Galatians 6:16 we read:

“And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.”
The Greek version, because it is from The New Testament is:
“καὶ ὅσοι τῷ κανόνι τούτῳ στοιχήσουσιν, εἰρήνη ἐπ’ αὐτοὺς καὶ ἔλεος καὶ ἐπὶ τὸν Ἰσραὴλ τοῦ θεοῦ.“
The word κανόνι is translated as rule. However κανόνι translates to Latin: tormento, which is also Spanish for torment. Hence rule is torment. Κανόνι translates to cannon in English. Κανόνι is also gun, rearm. κανόνες is canon, which is scripture or the authoritative text/words in The Bible. So we have phonetics; kanovi (κανόνι) and kanovas. Κανόνι or rather Kanoni is also a city in Africa in the country Uganda. Benny Hinn has made many Miracle Crusades in Uganda, as have many other evangelist claiming to make gold dust ll dental cavities. There is also a small island in Corfu named Kanoni. So the name Kanoni seems to have spread like wild re. And it did so though torment, deceit, killing, rape, murder, plundering, stealing, robbing, slavery, torture, fear.
Did we not learn in school not to believe everything we read or hear? Well, they never told you this. They dress the part as open teachers but actually hide the keys to understanding what the heck you are really reading. With word, which came rst, they fooled you from day one – literally. God used words to fool you and as I shall show and prove; terrorize you.
Words! It is only words. Now we know what rule really means we can break down the other words but I think this makes it absolutely clear, that words can fool. Words are everywhere even in this book and I urge you to investigate yourself and not believe or take anything for granted because I am wrong too – naturally. That is the part of science that makes it all so much fun to make errors and learn as you go along and errors actually is the best part of learning. And they hate error in school. All must be spot on according to their rule.
Britannia. This was an eye opener to say the least. When I found this, I just realized 2+2 is actually 5 which I shall demonstrate later. For this next exercise I ask you to keep an open mind and your eyes focused. More than half me be wrong but that is ne. What is important here, is to turn words over and look where we did not look before. You might jump off the wagon when entering the next code but jump it if you like and return later.


These two words are codes by themselves and empirical proof to link United Kingdom to Rome, The Vatican. England is Catholic conquered by Knights by force. No Anglia what so ever except for a very cruel angle the Royal House of Windsor. I shall tell you why they are cruel later. Even the word empirical leads you to places unknown you never knew existed but was there from day one right in front of you. Words my friends are keys but do not despair if one key does not unlock all doors. The Vatican's secret nally found to mysteries yet to unfold. Yes, a beautiful mind indeed.

They say England comes from Angles! By magic we get EN from translating UNITE to Greek, which is ΕΝΩΘΕΙΤΕ. And Ω is Omega is great O. So where did this come from? Is it from God or from man? It is not mentioned anywhere. It does however link the name England to Greek language and the only place they spoke Greek was at the scholars at The Vatican. Latin was used outside. So how come a name like this pops up through translation and nobody has mentioned it before? They say it comes from Angles but perhaps it is more like Demons namely man? If they did not know and there are no records of this then it must be from God – think again and very different.

I have tried to look at Angle and other explanations but nobody seems to pinpoint the origin. ΕΝΩΘΕΙΤΕ seems like the origin.
Angle to Latin is Angulus and ANGLE to Greek is ΓΩΝΙΑ which does give us Omega (or great O/mega=great) and it also gives us the end of BritanNIA.
Why no mentions of these translations anywhere? They are as bright as the day. Hidden? Unknown until now? What is Brit? As in Bright? Bright Angle? United Bright Angles? Angles Rule not humans (Kings and Queen)?
Britannia! Rule The Waves: Angle translates to ΓΩΝΙΑ and from that Greek word we can derive eternity, God (mega/great G) and angle so it is not Britannia that rules the waves but Gods and Angles that rule the waves.
England translated to Latin is Angliae and England translated to Chinese and

United States translated to Chinese (1/2 is the same symbol and the English tried to conquer USA and US adopted the British banking system and they work sharing 50/50 today?). translates to English as Britain and translated to Country. Now stay alert...


• Ω is Omega = great O
• mega = Great
• Alfa Omega = one and all
• UNITE in English translate to Greek: ΕΝΩΘΕΙΤΕ
• This is where England gets EN
• And G comes from Ω hence this is great O hence we nd G in the word great alone which is really amazingly great translates to G as in great G in itself.
• O is a circle is pi is eternal.
• Hence ENGLAND's name is given by God not by people, because they believed it was from Angle.
• Rule Britannia, Britannia Rule The World. No Britannia does not rule The World… God does.
• Britannia = England. England rules The World hence G in Omega is God then it translates to God Rules The World.
• Kings nor Queens rule The World. God does. This is hereby empirically proven for the

rst time in man’s short history.

• eng gives g part of mega = great part of Greater O is a circle if eternal part of pi part of in nity cognate to God who rules the world ergo God is King not the Queen.
• Since England is not ruled by Kings nor Queens but by God then God Rules The World.
• Who can be King of God hence Great Britain is a hoax by man.

UNITE translates and includes Ω which is for God (great O/great G) hence UNITED KINGDOM is GOD's KINGDOM hence GOD unites to his kingdom and not to mans. Unites Nations is united kingdom = GODS KINGDOM. United Nations is a hoax. UNITE includes ENΩ which means it is GODS NATIONS not covenant nations.

Pi is used to calculate a circle which is eternal and Omega is great O and Omega is 800 which is an 8 is the sixth number in the Fibonacci sequence after/next comes 13 which is the seventh number.

Yes indeed, Fibonacci has everything to do with understanding your world and your everyday life when you know their esoteric (hidden) bullshit – from the Sacred bull to the golden calf and even todays bull ghts in the arena of preposterousness.

More words to follow. Now to; law. νόμος is law and phonetically it is manus. Manuscript. That is all it is. Just like a recipe is a script or a manuscript on how to make a dish. In Nordic (Danish) manus is actually a manuscript. Where do we nd a manus or a manuscript? In acting. Actors use a manuscript to learn their part. So they are reading the law and they follow that law and the director will instruct the actor. Actors Studio is the place of studying the law on how to act. We know acts as the preliminary script before the law is signed. A script is a menu which is close to manu. The law is the menu and as with food recipes you can interpret (translate) the law too. That is why you need a lawyer because he is the director and the judge is the producer. You just eat what they serve no matter what if you like the taste or not.

The word law has its origin in nemó (to parcel out). We nd the word in the Bible as νόμος (nemos). Do you recall Finding Nemo ( lm 2003 by Disney)? That is a children’s movie. But now you know what the title really means: “Finding The Law” or “Finding The Manuscript” and manuscript is law.

If there is a legal law there must be an illegal law. Why else have only a legal law. There is divine law and many other laws but the word law is essential. The Bible is called Scripture for a good reason because it is a recipe. But a recipe for what? Once you have read this manuscript, this book, you will know and can prove that The Bible Scripture is a recipe on sex, whores, pussy galore, wars and many things prior to the sexual act as well as after when all seems calm. It is a rather interesting collection of words and you will be able to decode the whole lie (holy) script as a true lie once you get a few keys. This book will give you keys but will also assist in opening a few doors. This script is opening 6000 years of lies and deceit, trick, wars and it only touches upon a fraction al the same. Rewriting their story simply can’t be done on a few pages. You will need libraries the size of libraries to decode all the rotten culture you live in. The fruit are rotten and that is proof enough. However they, the rulers and torturers will never accept any amount of proof because they suffer from a sickness yet not described in human history and does not yet have a word. Ponerology does not cover it alone. The only vague word I can come up with now is; Starvation or Ishtarvasion or Ishtarology; the ve pointed star so toxic it is the strongest toxic which no snake or spider venom can compete with and compare to.

On the island Ibiza we have a place called Sant Antoni and even a place called San Rafael. Antoni is probably Antony The Great (ca. 251-356) and he was father of all monks. Which is a lie too. In Denmark (which is now better known as Pigmark) they have a brand called Antonius http://www.antonius.dk, which is from a pig they created, which has lots of good fat and meat. So they say all in the name of marketing.

Anyway, on Ibiza they have a disco or music house called Manumission. This word means “freedom, emancipation” from Latin manumissionem (nominative manumissio) meaning “freeing of a slave”. From manumittere “to set free” from manu mittere “release from control” from manu/manus “power of a master literally meaning; “hand”. Manu = hand. In Danish they say a “hånd manual” meaning hand manual. This then makes sense but is double speak. Manual is enough. Manu + El = Hand God because El is Arabic for God. So a manual or manumission is God’s hand setting someone free and at Manumission in Ibiza they drink, whore and fuck like crazy while on holiday for 1-2 weeks. Many English people come there to blow there brains out because they work hard all year in a moist country overlooked by CTV cameras on all street corners. And clandestine bus bombing (2005), and a parade of an Olympic looking more like a silly carnival.

That was the word law. Much more to say but I think I might run out of space if I dig too much. So next and last word.
Latin: manumission is Greek: χειραφέτηση is English: emancipation.

emancipation - freeing someone from the control of another; especially a parent's relinquishing authority and control over a minor child. noun liberation, freedom, freeing, release, liberty, discharge, liberating, setting free, letting loose, untying, deliverance, unchaining, manumission, enfranchisement, unshackling, unfettering the intellectual emancipation of women

Waves. These are also the waves we nd on the ocean. However sometimes there are no waves in fact so Britannia can’t rule no waves when there are non. This is also when their ship with sails don’t move waiting for a wind. So no wind and no pressure in the atmosphere make absolutely no waves unless you make the waves yourself.

But wave can be a few other things if we do the translation dance again. And etymology: wave; Old English wa an (Ma a). Middle High German waben (weapon or German waffe). To wave the hand as the Royals do it means to weave and means to weave a net of the spider to catch the pray. When royals wave their hand, did you think they were trying to be nice about it when they are taking your land, money and everything in between living from your labor. Why do you wave back in the rst place and do you wave rst or do they or are you not waving back the Union Jack? I shall tell you what the name jack really means and it additionally takes us to Jack Daniel’s the whiskey. And when I speak of labor I must speak of Tory’s because that means something very different than they pollute your brain with. Wave also means undulate which in Greek is κυματώδης; choppy, billowy etc..

To rule the wave is not possible unless you are god and I shall show and prove they are gods in their world – and yours. The Earth has an atmosphere and a nearby star, the Sun. The Sun creates heat on our planet and with that we get what we call weather. Why the word weather? Because it is not really one word, but three words:

• Wet
• Wheat
• Her (Woman)

Let me list a few others words:

• Heat
• Weather
• καταιγισμός is Greek for rain and shower and sounds like Spanish cataclismos. Enter cataclysm.

Why? Because of the primordial goddess Tiamat or rather the sea monster or dragon (mythology). She is a female (her) and she is in the ocean hence in water which is wet. And wheat is a crop or seed and she carries the egg. She is also known as The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen but she is a water nymph who was a whore to lure the wheat, the seed, to her egg, so she could give birth to a new child. Hence we are all royals per say if you want to be a royal. I do not. Royal could be Roe Al as in sh roe and Al is Arabic for God – again. So she is Egg God. However there were no sperm so she was a hermaphrodite. I shall explain that later. Danish word for eel is Ål as in Al. Why? Because it is slippery, cunning and looks like a dick or a serpent or a sea monster or dragon if you like. They don’t have any sea monster except the absolute hilariously Lock Ness monster which they set up to ignite mystery, lies and deceit and tales of folks all based on galore of trivial fabrications.

Is it not a joke that Lock Ness rimes with luckiness meaning occurring by chance? As my wife said, how come with satellite surveillance and CTV cameras all over, that crop circles have not been caught on candid camera? Exactly.

Now I have given you just 4 words. There are only 26 letters in the English alphabet, which is rather a few considering only those 26 letters can describe everything. So if you drop a box of letters you might be lucky that some sense comes out of it or you might play Scrapple or cross words to see how a few letters connects everything. And I shall tell you about how 26 is God later on in this manus. Yes, this book is law also however I have no guns as they do so it can’t be enforced. Only because they have guns can their law work and via corruption via payment of money and their access to the money printing machine. It would never work any other way. Without corruption (which is equal to money/value) what would make some people choose one system and not another which might be better? More money and more power. Only though coins can they persuade even the kindest of heart to sell their soul. As in real life, when the agent returns from the eld and says to the King: “The enemy paid more so I now kill you… unless you can pay more my dear King?”. Hamlet said: “How now, a rat? Dead for a ducat, dead!” - believing he was killing the king. And it does not take more than one lovely beauty queen or Me Tart Galore to lure a king or official into corruption when the king or official themselves might be ugly as hell both inside and out. That is why they use sex to trick and fool people and that is why sex has been made a sin because in doing that, they make people long for love and once presented as a free gift the bait is easily taken. They are rotten and they will always be rotten using the simplest of tricks and a whole manuscript called The Bible to fool so good it almost is divine. Except for one thing: Terror by The Government. They not only break balls and nuts but also arms and legs and the harder they do it the better they feel. Personally my God would never do as in The Bible but United nations only allow certain religions who have been certi ed hence Waco, Texas, where presumably free people made a free choice. They told us in the media of wrong doings but I never saw the proof and the media forgot all about it after the burning of presumably innocent people. We can’t have real religious freedom – can we now. In fact, how can there be religious freedom when only some religions are allowed as those that are stamped and certi ed. It is a hoax, a lie. Not illegal because I shall explain to you what that word means and it is rather the opposite of what we thought it was.

And I must because Hitler really is still alive doing ne. Are we not told via Christianity that people will rise again. This would apply to Adolf Hitler too even if that would be insanity. Now let us poke around to nd a few clues in one of his speeches.

Rede vom (speech from) 28. April 1939 (Adolf Hitler). And as per the wording on a poster in Pattaya, Thailand, in 2010, you have to imagine Adolf Hitler still being alive doing just ne when you read this:

“Herr Roosevelt ist der Meinung, daß auch ich mir darüber klar sei, daß in der ganzen Welt hunderte von Millionen der menschlichen Wesen häufig vor ständiger Furcht vor einem neuen Krieg, ja sogar vor einer Reihe von Kriegen lebt. Dies ginge auch das Volk der Vereinigten Staaten, dessen Wortführer er sei, nahe an, und ebenso müsse es auch alle die anderen Völker der ganzen westlichen Halbkugel angehen.”

English translation:

“Mr. Roosevelt is of the opinion that even if I were I realized that all over the world hundreds of millions of human beings frequently constant fear of a new war, and even lives on a series of wars. This would go on and the people of the United States, whose spokesman he was close to, and so it must also deal with all the other peoples of the Western Hemisphere.”

What we need to keep a close eye on here is basically one word namely Furcht meaning fear. How would Hitler know millions of people live in fear? I shall tell you. He was told and knew about the recipe – The Bible – the script on how to enact rule by law through fear. So again – rather sadly – we need to know what this script or recipe tells us. But where? I know where and I shall tell you. It is in Romans 13:1-3. Recall this is WORDS and semantics and linguistics – a science. However open to interpretation – right? But if you passed 5 grade then I am sure you get to the same conclusion even if I without any luck tried it on born again Christians. Romans 13:3 King James Bible:

“For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:”
So if you are evil as per their de nition, they will engage in terror. Two words to look up.

Terror is used here but it also fear as per the Greek written Bible in same verse φόβος (phonetically: Phobos). This means fear. Same wording in Hitler’s speech. So why would people live in fear? Because rulers as per Roman 13.1-3 engage in terror to evil people (living in fear). It is that easy and plain and straight. But tell this to any evangelist and he/she will slain you in the spirit calling you all kinds of names. No good you knowing where to nd evidence of not your evil but their evil terror by fear. This empirically proves, that rulers and the government, as per The Bible, are the terrorists. There may be new translations but try and stick to the original Greek text. And why does this prove anything? Good question. Need I say: “God Save America” and need I say that many countries, including little Nazi Denmark, is Christian and use the exact same Bible and that when the Queen signs a new law via an act, she speaks of God’s grace. So they make the laws and rule by law via The Bible as their

rst manuscript and then they take it from there deducting and subtracting whatever they want in a new set of scripts called laws. The Bible was the initial law they send out via warriors. Lands and nations had to adopt and eat this book or would expect extinction and total eradicate and full extermination. Just like a little king in the North called King Hroðgar (Hrothgar, 6th century) and his warrior Beowulf had to swallow it or die. They ate the bait and took the enemies bread as they did during World War II when the royals and Danish Parliament surrendered few minutes after the Nazi’s had entered the border. Talk about being “Red and White” (From European football championship song: “Vi er røde, vi er hvide)” and Vikings! [We are red, we are white, we are Danish Dynamite 27] Not much Viking blood in the parliament nor among the royals. The king could freely ride his horse in the street during World War II. Sure he could – it ran and runs in the family so let them be – let them be. The Danish royal house and Denmark was as close to Rothschild you could be via Christian IX and Hesse-Kassel. As you will learn later – Kings Child.

I shall connect all the dots and it might take one more book which I at the time of writing have prepared. So I can ll you in here but also later should I have missed something of 6000 years history. You probably heard of the Dollfuss les. And a few people are beginning to gure out, that Hitler may have been a child of Rothschild and I am sure of it also via the Hesse-Kassel family who had many illegitimate children also later married into the Royal Danish house. But this is not per say a Royal history but more a script and proof via WORDS, semantics and linguistics that we basically only need to look at the fruits of their endeavors to prove who is the terrorist. But they don’t accept only The Bible as proof and historians write what they are told as per Saxo Grammaticus.

I do trust the natural good intelligence in people to nally gure out, that the script was written for you to be an actor, playing the part of a slave. Some accept and like to be slaves so the rest us of must follow if the slaves are many. Just like the 49/51 voting result in most countries today. How come? Ballot fraud naturally and prepared electorates. The only reason for having a terror (Phobos) rule is, that they can keep things going as they have been so they can continue being Lazy Romans (S.P.Q.R.). Politicians do not produce one single thing except words and signing papers as banks does not produce one single item except dept. One Danish politician said: “Banks are locomotives in the society”. Sure they are. They eat everything on their path through their tracks laid out like swirling snakes in the landscape.

Now I shall present a few articles for you. Scripts if you like. Covering just a few topics of which I have more.
And I have to mention this: The Manusmriti also known as Manav Dharam Shastra, is the earliest metrical work on Brahminical Dharma in Hinduism. According to Hindu mythology, the Manusmriti is the word of Brahma, and it is classi ed as the most authoritative statement on Dharma .The scripture consists of 2690 verses, divided into 12 chapters.  It is presumed that the actual human author of this compilation used the eponym ‘Manu’, which has led the text to be associated by Hindus with the rst human being and the rst king in the Indian tradition.

27 Recall we are only talking football and here they are talking about bombs as terrorists - literally.

10. Catolic Panther

Earlier I touched upon the word weather, her, shower, rain and a few others related to Britannia. Now it is time to know one more word. It is a word that covers the whole Earth so it is a good word to know. And when you know it it becomes a symbol of something very different. It is like turning the word upside down, ipping it vertical and horizontal a few times and shaking it like a jar of dice to see what comes out - really.

There are a few things we recognize right away. Cat for one thing. Like in pussy. The cat is in family with the tiger and even the lion how great is that.
Do you recall Cato in The Pink Panther? A panther is also a cat just so we don’t forget it; it’s like one huge family once you get to know them. Cato was the Asian link. He was the butler and house keeper of Clouseau played by Peter Sellers. Cato was played by Burt Kwouk.
Cato’s full name is Cato Fong. With Fong we nd another word/name which is Feng and it is Chinese which is very well indeed. All is copied from Asia so I am happy (Felix) to say that Cato the acting part if really all related very nicely indeed. Let us see if we can nd the end of this hole or at least part of it.
is Feng in Chinese. Meet Féng Guózhāng who was a warlord in China. He was a general and politician in the early Republic of China. We are now back at around 1859 to 1919 - his lifespan. Keep him in mind for a while. Now lets move on.
We are traveling to Beijing or rather to a dynasty way back in time to 11th and 3rd centuries BC - Before Christ. So about 2300-3000 years ago. Say hello to the family name

of the Zhou dynasty. 39 family members ruled all of China at this time. is transliterated as Ji.

So did you get that? From Cato to this characters surname Fong to Feng where we nd Beijing and in that name we have Ji which is a Chinese name and this family called (Ji) ruled all of Chine with 39 family members and there were other members. But just 39 neede to rule it all. Enter numerology as Romans love it and Kings and Queens. 3+9 is rather a nice “round” 12 written XII in Roman Numerals which is important because thise two I (one) as II are important to decode all of this. Remember XII or rather II which we shall see later in the language Yiddish related to the word for a Dog as a Palindrome God. Back to Ji.

Ji is but is made of two symbols in Chinese:
for woman or female.
(Li) actually refers to a few things. Let me list them:
Xu Shen wrote the Origin of Chinese Characters known as “Syria”

• Ancient word for beauty or the praise of a woman.
• Nickname for concubine or pet slave girl (his mistress) and whore.
• A grade of a Royal harem known as 创 (Kyi) ( (harem))
• Ji Xing is one of the Ancient Eight surnames in China, as the Yellow Emperor's surname, Zhou Dynasty Kuohsing. Origin of Chinese Characters (说 ) said The Yellow Emperor lived in Ji water.

Origin of Chinese Characters was written by Xu Shen ca. 58  CE – ca. 147  CE who was a philologist at the Han Dynasty. He was also a Confucian, a linguistic scholar and a scientist in Chinese characters. Origin of Chinese Characters is also known as a “dictionary” to learn and understand the root of Chinese pictograms. (Yi) means Friendship and this “Yi” we shall nd later in Yiddish and I hope to link iy so we understand that the origin of the western God and Jesus is all a copy and paste job by some very lazy Romans.

Xiaozhuan is a Chinese calligraphy, a standardized and simpli ed form of the earlier dazhuan script, in which all lines are of even thickness and curves and circles are relatively predominant. Its development during the Qin dynasty (221–206 bc).

So one follows the other. I am sure some have dropped this book by now. What is important here are the words and symbols. It is not so much a history lesson or a language school.

We have the Ji and the Xi. We even have a Qing Dynasty and with the Origin of Chinese Characters we have what is known as a 6 books doctrine. Another one called "Five Classics different meaning, Huainan Honglie The explanations" is lost too as is the 6 book doctrine. So we get two numbers here that we nd in the west many times. Need I say Pentagon.

And two towers we see in XII. Recall that Latin letters are symbols and pictograms too. The X can be a rhombi if we move the lower “pyramid” up above the V and this we shall see later how that is created. XII is naturally 12 because X=10 and II=2. So we get the 12th hour which is the last hour before cataclysm. By creating terror events such as 911 and London 2005 bombing and the Syrian “war” which funny enough elated to Origin of Chinese Characters because they are know as “Dictionary Syria” and the word or pictogram for Syria is .

If we compare Ji and you will notice the rst part of Li and second part of Syria are the same. Recall创 related to Li being a harem.创 transliterates to latin as “Create Kyi” which seems to make no sense. Unless I tell you创 also means creation.

alone translates to Ji but together it translates to Create Kyi. Enter "Kyrie, eleison" (or "Lord, have mercy").
Recall (Feng). That translates to two other languages:
Hebrew: גנפ Yiddish: גנעפ
With this the magic begins. Perhaps I should say Rosemary’s baby and you are not any wiser.

The Hebrew word גנפ is Feng but is also Millet. Millet is a grass. It is a cereal crop used much in Africa and india because it grows fast and gives lots of seed or grain. This crop or grass has been in cultivation in East Asia for about 10,000 years. One of the often used Millet’s is the Pearl Millet in Latin: Pennisetum glaucum. The reason why it is called “pearl” is because it looks like a pearl. Hence cereal and Ce might be Common Era (After Christ). So Ce Real = After Christ Pearl. This is only a bonus but no proof alone. Pennisetum is the genus of a group of grasses and the Pennisetum glaucum is one in the group.

Pennisetum means soil, earth. Cum means with. Glacum means ice. And ice resembles glass hence Gla in Glacum gives us glass. The two s’s I shall mention later. We do know words/names with glas such as Glasgow. We also have a Gaius Claudius Glaber who was a military commander around 70 CE ghting Spartacus. For all the luck in the world we get Latin gla is glabrous (from Latin glaber = bald, hairless). Hence Gaius Glaber was hairless one might say. A Danish word for a woman who is delicious is laber. What else is hairless and smoot - a sword. Pennisetum gla cum translates to Soil with sword. This means Gla somehow is also a sword. Say glasnost. I am not going to Russia right here but once you understand that the words here tells a lie and is a copy paste job from China and Asia then the whole Glasnost deal was a fake too and a clandestine job to keep the spin going and have some stories to play with meanwhile politicians could win laurels and people did not know it was all a joke or amusement.
Danish Han means He (as in him, male). Hebrew is therefor Hanbrew; a brew made from Han and the Confucianism by Chinese philosopher Confucius. Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was of similar statute and title as Confucius and Xu Shen namely philosopher. Machiavelli was the founder of political science. That con dence tricks among others and is all under the involves what is known as umbrella of what is called

Machiavellianism from Machiavelli’s moral beliefs and it covers The Dark Triad and they are 1) Narcissism, 2) Machiavellianism and 3) psychopathy. Nazicism [sic] we know and imagine politicians having all 3 traits at once. The umbrella today is political science and is under the umbrella of politics. If you think Confucianism and Machiallianism is something of the past then know it is better and stronger today than ever made into a science so powerful it can fool even the smartest of people. THis is where religion of Christianism ts in just ne in their scheme.

Does Made In China say something? Modern day western politics is based on people such as the triad: Confucius - Xu Shen - Machiavelli.

Confucius and Socrates side by side doing the Medici song. Or at least Sokrates the copy/paste fella on the right looking just like his original on the left.

Governments are no better. They confuse too deliberately. Why? So you have no idea what is up and down. it is the best tactic to win the game. This script, book, pictogram, tries to de-confuse, or simply defuse, so it won’t say BANG BANG (war) anymore.

or Xu Shen. means promise/perhaps and means cautious or careful. However this is Confucius (551–479 BC) whereas Xu Shen lived ca. 58  CE – ca. 147  CE. So about 500 years difference however they look exactly the same. Confused? That is the whole point of their tricks. The fella on the right is Socrates. Copy - paste as they say or call it Xerox or Xu Shen Fox or Zero X.

It is Xu Shen depicted earlier and here left it is Confucius and right Socrates there is no confusion here.

is Confucius and means child. Hole Child. just to make sure

means hole and is also rst earthly branch related to Chinese Zodiac. They had one
then the west went and copied it all and in the
process making such a mess of it that is confuses
more than it enlightens unless you know it is all a
hole lie based on the technic of confusion. Han
Dynasty and all there warriors are no better than the warriors we have today as United
States of America and you will soon know what USA means.
It becomes so confusing that many have probably jumped on this book and thrown it
out by now. That is how it works and that is where i TRY to un-confuse it. A fuse is after all

meant to ensure that the electrics don’t ignite the whole house into ames. So a fuse is good but a confuse is bad. A conman is a Confucianist and Nazism was the best show on earth confusing all. It was all an act, a play and a war of masters playing gods with words so they could feel The Dark Triad all at once in one and the same person namely Adolf Hitler who we shall learn more about later. Once you have read this book the idea is then to decompose and de-fuse the whole rotten pile of shit and light a match to the pile so the gasses makes all the bullshit y right out into outer space never to return again. How do you do that

without actually making a re? You use words. They hate one thing more than anything and that is WORDS. If you can connect the dots and the words so you can actually defuse them they will hate you forever. if you have the smallest idea or hint they will try and pull your fuse and kill you literally or just by more lying form them. By lying until the end of time they hope to win because it becomes so confusing that not even Adolf Hitler knew what the hell was going on. He might have know a lot but was stupid enough to go along with the whole scheme because he had no talents except scream and yell so he not only got his 15 minutes of fame but became a bloody god as he was promised and Kings Child known as the Rothschild's could enjoy their Dark Triad while building Opus Wines and sell wine at 200+ Dollars a bottle of which 90% is water and the rest will destroy your liver or Zion.

Now it gets confusing. That is the game and if you can’t grasp it by now then just forget about it. There might just be something that sticks to your brain and if only 0.1% of this books is remembered and can be used then ne.

Turn on the television or listen to music and enjoy the world of entertainment because that is all it ever was. Even their wars are pure entertainment and when they can get away with the magic number such as Adolf Hitler disappearing without anyone knowing that is the real magic. Make something disappear for real is better than fake magic. Magic is the word of the game as Magi’s and I tell you that once this book is swallowed then you will understand that The Bible and the whole Jesus stunt is just that - a stunt, a trick, a lie. Bullshit from start to end and this book is the proof. Why go against them? Because they tried assassinating me three times and because I want to know how they do their magic which by the way is pure fake. The magic is revealed in this book and it is your guide to know how-itis-done.

This is a name but also a Latin word for Sword. Gladius:

sword ; ensis, gladius, ferrum, machaera, harpe, telum murder; cruor, funus, homicidium, interfectio, nex, parricidium death; mors, obitus, letum, libitina, excessus, decessus gladiatorial combat; gladius, gladiatores
ploughshare; vomer, vomis, culter, gladius
plowshare; vomer, vomis, culter, gladius, dentale
sword sh; xiphias, gladius

This is why we got Soil with sword earlier because Gladius is also a ploughshare. A penis is also hairless and smooth. Latin Penis means tail. But is now the Latin word for the cock. Penis is the medical word used today. Mentula was and still is the word for cock.

Mentula frequently appears in the poetry of Catullus. Catullus uses Mentula as a nickname for Mamurra, and uses it as an ordinary name, as in his epigram 105:

Mentula conatur Pipleium scandere montem:
     Musae furcillis praecipitem eiciunt.

("The penis tries to climb the Pipleian mount (of poetry); the Muses drive him out with pitchforks.")

So Gladius, Glasnost, Gaius Claudius Glaber, Pennisetum glaucum has basically only to do with two things; cocks and swords. We got to all of this through Millet, the grass, through Hebrew גנפ (Feng, Millet) through (Feng) which is related to creation.

Feng shui

舆 is about Geomancy and we nd that Wikipedia again rocks around the clock like it was a cock mentioning it translates to wind/water. Feng shui is about the natural placement of all and everything - what we might call aesthetics. But there is more to it because that is only

to obscure the real facts.
Feng shui term found early in Jin Chaoguo Pu: "gas Chengo the bulk sector water then ended. Ancients poly so that lingers line to have ended, so that the feng shui."
⻛风 translates to Feng Shui but also Geomancy.
Yang Zhai Feng Shui identi ed face Liuren God

Near now. What we are looking for is translating to Liuren. We are also looking for Yunmeng Mountain Ghost millet. The 3 (three) Kingdoms and The Han Dynasty. We have also got the which is King or Monarch. Let me list a few words and symbols:

• - Six
• - Six azelaic
• - Liuren
• - Azelaic - ninth heaven stem

All of this can ll 50 books and never end. Why? because we are moving far out in space to the Lyre constellation. Lyre means harp. With this ancient Chinese calendar system and the mountain ghost and Han Dynasty and all we even nd in the west what is called Azelaic acid used to alleviate skin infections used as a cream. Azelaic acid is found in wheat, rye and barley.
In PATENT: Plant pathogen resistance EP 2187736 A2  (text from WO2009055126A2) 28 we read:

Azelaic acid or its derivatives or analogs induce a robust and a speedier defense response against pathogens in plants. Azelaic acid treatment alone does not induce many of the known defense-related genes but activates a plant's defense signaling upon pathogen exposure.
Examples of plants of interest include, but are not limited to, corn (Zea mays), Brassica sp. (e.g., B. napus, B. rapa, B. juncea), particularly those Brassica species useful as sources of seed oil, alfalfa (Medicago sativa), rice (Oryza sativa), rye (Secale cereale), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor, Sorghum vulgare), millet (e.g., pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), proso millet (Panicum miliaceum), foxtail millet (Setaria italica), finger millet (Eleusine coracana)), sunflower (Helianthus annuus), safflower (Carthamus tinctonus), wheat (Triticum aestivum), soybean (Glycine max), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), potato (Solanum tuberosum), citrus trees (Citrus spp.), cocoa (Theobroma cacao), tea (Camellia sinensis), oats, barley, vegetables, ornamentals, and conifers.
Vegetables include for example, tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum), lettuce (e.g., Lactuca sativa), green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), lima beans (Phaseolus limensis), peas (Lathyrus spp., Pisum spp.). Ornamentals include for example, azalea (Rhododendron spp.), hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla), hibiscus (Hibiscus rosasanensis), roses (Rosa spp.), tulips (Tulipa spp.), daffodils (Narcissus spp.), and chrysanthemum.

Perhaps at this point you realize the deep hole is not deep it simply has no end. I almost forgot Catolic Panther. Flipping things like the Geomancy machine to fortune tell is like the hand on the glass you might have done at one point.

28 Search Google Patens for EP2187736A2 Aeolic Helios

In linguistics, Aeolic Greek (pron.: /iːˈɒlɪk/; also Aeolian /iːˈoʊliən/, Lesbian or Lesbic dialect) is the set of dialects of Ancient Greek spoken mainly in Boeotia (a region in Central Greece), Thessaly, in the Aegean island of Lesbos, and the Greek colonies of Asia Minor (Aeolis).

Loss of h
Lesbian Aeolic lost in initial h (psilosis "stripping") from Proto-Indo-European s- or y-. By contrast, Ionic sometimes retains it, and Attic always retains it.
PIE 29 *seh₂uelios → Proto-Greek *hāwelios→ Lesbian āélios, Ionic ēélios ~ Attic hēlios "sun"
Aeolic ∼ Catolic

Look up Ayrshire and you will read: “a hardy breed of Scottish dairy cattle with a white haircoat splashed with large patches of bay (red-brown) to brown coloring, and long, upward pointing (lyre) horns. Their temperament is inclined to be irascible. Known to carry an inherited predisposition to congenital lymphatic vessel obstruction.”

if I told you H2O is related you would never believe that. Might t it into another book. Nobody would believe it anyway so there or not really matters little. Now I did mention H2O so that should be enough to get your imagination going. Words: Helium, Oxygen, Water, Two, “Bang bang” (Nancy Sin At Ra). Earth is a cathode in itself where a current ows producing north, south, east and west on a compass.

Pussy Cat

The pussy cat or just the cat translates to Italian as gatto. Cat in Danish is kat. Catholic is Danish is Katolik as it is in many other languages. In Yiddish it is ץַאק which looks like YX7. In Latin cat is cattus.

Dan Brown

There is a good reason why Dan is not Den and Brown is not Red. Feces is pretty much Brown and this book will prove Dan Brown is naturally ctitious as is The Vatican and they are both liars and one is more Brown that the other is full of blood red killings.


The crypt we know as the well - crypt in which Jesus was born. Crypt is also part of encoding and decoding and cryptography is very difficult and was used very much during World War II to decode and encode messages among friends so it would all look very dangerous and war-like. Jesus’ crypt is a code in itself amazing as it sounds.

29 Proto-Indo-European language
Crypt is crypta in Latin meaning vault, grotto, concealed or covered gallery etc. In anatomy it is a a slender pit or recess. Crypt in Greek is κρύπτη (krypti).
In Greek it is κρύβω (clivo):

κρύβω; hide, conceal, cover, cache, shelter, cover up κρύπτω; hide, cloak, conceal, secrete
τρυπώνω; burrow, baste, ensconce oneself, hide κρύπτομαι; skulk, hide

In Nehemiah 6:10, The Old Testament we nd a Hebrew word תיֵּ֨ב translated as the House. Why do that when תיֵּ֨ב is the word Beth meaning home.

Bethlehem is Beth + Le + Hem. Very good because Hem in Swedish means home. In German it is Heim. And as you might have guessed Hem=Home. But they are not totally lying here but it is a code and once decoded - yes - they are not only liars but also heavenly fraudulently ill-legal. Lier actually rhymes perfectly with Lyre and the Lyre is a musical instrument used by Muses to tell tales and lies.

Bet or Beth is a Hebrew letter ֵּב and spelled it is תיֵּ֨ב as you would spell S = Es. This letter is the same as latin and Greek B. It is the second letter in many alphabeths. And in alphabeths you nd the word beth. Alpha is A and is rst. After A comes B. So the word alphabet(h) is A+B or Alpha Beta. These have the value 1 and 2 and makes 3. One, two and three. This is where (liuren, Lyre) comes in because (Azelaic) has three horizontal stems and one rod to carry them. Making it a total of 4 (four). The Han (Dynasty) character

is 6 (six) and consists of 4 strokes in Chinese. The is made of two Han characters . Again make a note of 2 (two) and also the consistent 4 (four) even in the character for 6 (six). The is a head and means head. It is a head over which is actually the character for 8 (eight). Chinese number from 0 to 10 are:

This is an ancient character set as we touched upon just a little while ago. It can will many book. But what is important here is the symbolism. Let us write a later Roman numerical system:


I am sure you can see the point here. The Chinese had a zero which the Romans did not have until very late or rather not so long ago. Romans did use Latin nulla around year 500 and around year 700 the letter N was used for zero. Long story short; nulla is Italian for naught 30

English word bed is Greek κρεβάτι (klevati). Recall hide from before as clivo. κλίνη (klini) is also bed or couch. In German bed if Bett. Italian letto is bed and as noun also fondamento (foundation) and verb alloggiare (house, accomodation, lodge, room, bed, quater). Letto naturally looks like lettuce (salad) and we shall see this word (lettuce) later.

So we get that bed = home. A chamber is a room and we know chambers from courts as the sacred and in Egypt an elsewhere as the holiest of holy. We even say Bed Chamber. Ergo the bed is the place we are really home or really ourselves or really private and in bed we usually have sex which is six because Swedish seks is six as in with the head and 8. Bed and head even rhymes. A mans penis the penis glans is known as the head of the penis. Glans is actually the Danish word for shine and recall how we saw Pennisetum glaucum and found gla and derived glabrous and Latin glaber meaning bald, hairless and such a thing shines when it becomes erected. Glaber’s dick shines (glans) when his cock is almost in shock. I am the poet.

So Hebrew Bet or Beth is B and bed starts with B and is the second letter as in II because it takes at least II and a Beth in the Chamber to have sex with the head and the Cleavage be it between the breast or the ass. Wher eis the Cleavage? In the chamber in the bed as in Greek κρεβάτι (klevati).

When we turn 8 (eight) 90 degrees we get ∞ and see what we get - a bra which is why we have a word like algebra which is Al + G + Bra. Good in Swedish is Bra. Al is Arabic for God and I shall reveal what G really soon before it is noon. I am The River Po 31 Et 32.

Sheila is Sheik is Chic is a Woman
Home is best. Home is Beth is Bed. So let us read Nehemiah 6:10 which for all the luck is chapter verse

Afterward I came unto the house of Shemaiah the son of Delaiah the son of Mehetabel, who was shut up; and he said, Let us meet together in the house (Beth) of God, within the temple (has a holi chamber), and let us shut the doors of the temple: for they will come to slay you; yea, in the night will they come to slay you (kill you).

Let me do the hidden decrypted version for you:

I (Nehemiah, a male) came in the home of Ladyboy (Yiddish; shmeih (shame) but Shemaiah is a male prophet (she/male = ladyboy)) the house of Flowing sexual water (Dalia; meaning drawing water, Dal is Danish for

30 Recall Frank Sin At Ra sinning “My Way” - “ For what is a man, what has he got? If not himself, then he has naught”
31 Find the River Po or the city Po in Chiang Rai in the tambon (subdistrict) in Thailand. 32 Et is Danish for one. valley) and close the bed chamber doors to hide because you will get an orgasm (known as the little death, hence slay, to kill).
So we have two males Hehemiah and Shemaiah who are meeting each other in the bed chamber.

Shemaiah must be derived from Sheila which is a girls name however they say it is a son. Sure it is. It is Zon. Sheila is perhaps from Cecilia meaning blind. הָ֧יְעַֽמְֽׁש is translated as Shemaiah in Hebrews 6:10. Sheik is Hebrew חייש and Yiddish קיש and so they all start the same and חייש starts and ends the same. So if it is a Sheik we know what a Sheik is and so we know the true meaning of Sheila and it is then much deeper than Wikipedia or any other ever told you. In fact Shila contains La which is used often in western names which is a palindrome for Al which is God in Arabic. She God. She Al. The name tells the story but the translations we are presented with does not and bends the meaning like a magnets bends a spoon. This is the son (Zon) of Delaiah and then I can’t stop thinking of the overrated Tom Jones and his interpretation of “Delilah” :

I saw the light on the night that I passed by her window I saw the flickering shadows of love on her blind She was my woman
As she deceived me I watched and went out of my mind My, my, my, Delilah
Why, why, why, Delilah

This is the start of the song and song has son which is zon. The lyrics mentions “blind” and recall that the word woman contain man. So it is really a man - as a woman or visa versa but it is a man in Nehemiah 6:10 but everything tells us it is a woman though the names and translation and so a Sheik must mean woman?

Indeed. English Sheik is Yiddish קיש which then translates from hebrew to English as “Chic”.
So who is fucking who? Governments and all their derivatives are because they have The Bible as their foundation and have lied via royal translations (King James Bible and the whole other bunch). We found that Shemaiah is not a male prophet but “his” name is grounded in Sheila and that Sheila is a girls name and is translated to Chic and according to my world and anyone I speak to then slang “Chick” (with a “k” as in chicken) is only used about women. A “chick” is indeed a woman. Wikipedia mentions the origin of the word Chic under /wiki/Chic_(style) but could it not be that Sheik became chic? Say the two words and they are exactly the same phonetically. When a word looks and sounds like another word bingo - same. Sheik has “she” and if we drop “she” and keep only “ik” and exchange “she” with “p” wee get pik which is cock - how amazing then that piger in Danish is girls. Indeed I say that languages are constructed deliberately and not by naturally culturally evolving only. They are created by design by scholars and I know when I wrote my Wikipedia article about Chrysis, that they told me: “You don’t know language” meaning they know and Wikipedia deleted my whole article. Wikipedia is a fraud naturally which I don’t need to prove any further because it is shown so many times. Even the Danish government told so publicly: “Don’t believe everything Wikipedia writes”.
Wikipedia writes: “chic was often rendered in the anglicized form of "chick".” and so we look what Wikipedia writes for “Chick”: 33

Chick may refer to:
A bird that has not yet reached adulthood Slang for a woman
Chick (name)
Chick ( lm), a 1928 British lm

Hence “chic” was “chick” which is slang for a woman.

The whole idea is to make people believe that Wikipedia are told by the deceivers, the governments, that Wikipedia are also lying so that people will believe Wikipedia is not lying but Governments are. One throws dirt on the other to make people believe the one receiving dirt is the truth as per Wikipedia not writing about Jordan Maxwell so people will believe that Jordan Maxwell must have some truth or that he has the bottom line and people don’t need to investigate further. Just like the book “THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE WORLD” [TSHOTW] by Jonathan Black ISBN-13: 978-0857380975 in which he says: “The secret is, that there is no secret”. Well, I found plenty of untold secrets as you have now seen in this book so who is lying? He who says “there is no secret” or he who says: “listen, try and investigate it further”. I say the latter. Never trust anyone who says “end of story” unless it is a story of only ction. TSHOTW says on the front page: “Dan Brown’s nonction source for THE LOST SYMBOL might well be Jonathan Black’s THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE WORLD” - quote by Roger Lewis, Daily Express. When Jonathan Black says: “the secret is that there is no secret” then how come the title of his book says “THE SECRET HISTORY…” - that means there is a secret. He is using double speaks and trying to manipulate the reader and people are mislead twice and trice and the whole book is a clever attempt to mind-washed. And all reviews looks like they just love the book but not really!!! Let us read one review and see if we get any wiser:

[..] This book [ THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE WORLD] is difficult to read, not because it is ill-written but because phrases of perfect clarity say nothing very much. It abounds in one-sentence paragraphs, but the cumulative effect is of muddle and overload. It's like reading several out-of-date editions of Old Moore's Almanack back-to-back, complete with the ads for pixie figurines and pieces of lucky cork tree. Sometimes a reviewer is swept by an irrational conviction that the book she is reading is a hoax. But surely not. No hoaxer would pretend that the key to all mythologies is to be found in Tunbridge Wells.

Hilary Mantel, The Guardian, Saturday 13 October 2007 http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2007/oct/13/society So she is saying Jonathan Black is not a hoaxer but is swept by an irrational conviction of a hoax. Why irrational. He is a hoax. It is as rational as could be. Why double speak? Is it a hoax or not a hoax when Hilary Mantel says both?

33 Wikipedia XML database dump from 2012/December

Back to Black [pun intended] or two males or two rods makes Roman Numerals II for two. Each the two person in Nehemiah 6:10 have a Cleavage in the form of ∞ or the Greek ω which is lowercase Omega. An ass surely has a ring muscle as a circle or as a zero or as an Omega. A DonKey’s Ass has Don + Key. You will read more about Don and keys. Recall how the Holy See has two keys as in II keys as in II rods. The Vatican is now known for having homo sexual relations (which is ne by me) and The Bible tells the story and is proof of homo sexuality and so one might ask what Barack Obama is doing in The Land Of The Promised advocating either or because the law is his Bible because on that he swore an oath so homo sex is not up for discussing because the proof of men having sex with keys as rods as dicks is right there smack in the O’l Bible. So why all the talk and words? It is spin and only words and they are empty like a great hollow nulla.

Prolate spheroid. Looks like an ants egg. Or even a prolonged rugby football.

Also St. Mary building in London in The City Of London. There are three types of Napalm bombs: NP1 (most common napalm used in Vietnam), NP2 (super-napalm) and NP3. The difference between each of the three bombs is that they burn at different temperatures.  In combustion, NP1 develops a temperature ranging from 900-1,300°C and burns for approximately three to fteen minutes. NP2 produces far greater heat: 1,500 - 2,000°C.

Star Of Napalm

SON! Take 3 cylindrical spears, known as Prolate spheroids as outlines, and overlay them slightly turned on angles and you get the Star Of David in the center. You will see how this is made in this book. 3 (three) such Prolate spheroid’s make the Star of David via the Symbol of the Atom. Such a building has been erected in The City London as a symbol of architectural marvel but is also a symbol of war and a symbol of the Napalm Bomb. The word Napalm contains palm as in the palm of your hand and this book will explain what that means. 34


I nd it rather peculiar but no surprise that Vietnam contains VI, et and nam. VI we recall as Roman numeral for six. Et is Danish for one. Name is Thai for water. So we get: VI + One + Water.

Here we see Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand. At the top is laos and China. A little more west and we nd Myanmar and Tibet. part of Asia in other words. Notice the 2 dots or rather 3 dots. Notice the shape of the Hebrew letter Beth, B which is second letter. A is rst. Third is C. A, B, C. 1, 2, 3.

V is female, I is male. They have sex and make one more - baby. All happens when the water runs. And believe me I did not make this up - they did. Vietnam naturally has it’s own name Việt Nam. Two words which are near: 1) write and 2) man. That is important but let me get back to the brew and stew of Hebrew.

34 Picture from http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/webprojects2001/wright/napalmbomb.htm - Such a bomb is truly bright and the truth is, that the terrorist are the governments instituted by their own invented God

Notice the 3 (three) round circles where this Try Square in tted and compare to the Hebrew letter ֵּב which has 3 (three) dots also. This

Hebrew letter is found in The Bible. They may represent 1,2,3 or A,B,C or Father, Zon and The Whole Lies but may also represent many others things.

Do you recall תיֵּ֨ב as the word Beth meaning home. Take a closer look at that letter B (Beth). תֵּ֨ב means daughter. Z is an important letter in freemasons world. Queen Elizabeth II has one too - a bed. Then she is the second and perhaps the last which would be horri c. You will read where that name originated in the East at Shiva with her umbrella. What came rst - the egg or the hen? Just like: what came rst: Elisheva or Sheba or Shiva and they do mention something God about this name and that is ne because that takes down the whole rotten Royal house too.

Wikipedia again burps and farts with lots of gas. Take El & beth and we תב לא' which from Yiddish is El bs'. BS is short for bullshit. Take out the apostrophe תב לא and we get El Daughter. El is short for electric. El is God. The Sun is an electric ball of re. It is a huge cathode and without it we’d be about absolute zero which is Omega as zero as 0 as nulla as nothing. So once man could say “Sun” or rather “Helios” or just see the great reball with two eyes (II) God was created because without man there would be no words, no God (which is just a word), nothing because we’d not be here to know there was something.

Recall Feng and that is Hebrew גנפ which at least has 3 letters. יווש גנפ is Feng Shui in Hebrew but in Yiddish it is PNG false. So יווש means false. So what is this PNG. It took a little while to decode this but PENGE in Danish is English MONEY. Also notice how Feng has Eng as in England. Say hello to Britannia elsewhere in this book. Could it be MONEY FALSE. Monarchy is related to royals. Sol & Mon. Mon is related to the Moon but also an egg and I actually found the lost egg which you will realize soon enough. This PNG was a touch one.

I did nd a ha-madrikh shelkha laḥayim and a Tsedeḳ sheli, tsedeḳ shelkha 35 related to searches on גנפ. The latter book by Yedidia Z. Stern is about Justice, Cross-cultural studies, Law, Social justice and I found it at http://openlibrary.org. The former book is: Feng shu’i : ha-madrikh shelkha la-h ayim by Elizabeth Moran. Full title:

35 Open Library, OL25193611M ISBN 10:9652272701, ISBN 13:9789652272706, LC Control Number: 2010509845, OCLC/WorldCat:645655691
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Feng Shui, 3rd Edition by Elizabeth Moran and Master Joseph Yu (Mar 1 2005):

Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Alpha; 3 edition (Mar 1 2005) Language: English
ISBN-10: 1592573444
ISBN-13: 978-1592573448

Here image from Google Books:

From Strong’s: גנפ pannag {pan-nag'} of uncertain derivation; TWOT - 1781; n m AV - Pannag 1; 1 1) Pannag - an edible food, perhaps pastry 1a) meaning dubious.

From http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/Strongs.php?Strongs=H6436
Then I found: Ezekiel 27:17. Wheat of Minnith, — Wheat, stacte, balsam, honey, oil, and resin. Houbigant. See Parkhurst on the word גנפ pannag.
A match about pannag. So let us read Ezekiel 27:17:
׃ְֵֽברֲָעַמ וּ֖נְתָנ ירִֹ֔צָו ֙ןֶמֶׁ֙שָו שַׁ֤בדְוּ גַּ֨נַפוּ תיִּנִ֠מ יֵּ֣טִחְּב ְִיָ֑לְכרֹ הָּמֵ֖ה לֵ֔ארְָׂשִי ץרֶֶ֣אְו ֙הדָוּהְי

Judah, and the land of Israel, they were your merchants: they traded in your market wheat from Minnith, and olives, and honey, and oil, and balm.

In King James it is translates as wheat. In other English Bibles it is cakes.
Notice the word גַּ֨נַפוּ in above Hebrew text.

But the noun is millet. Bingo. Also noun Panicum ןַחוֹד as we found earlier. A grass and grain. It is not wheat and it is not a cake. It is millet: (e.g., pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), proso millet (Panicum miliaceum), foxtail millet (Setaria italica) etc.

Minnith is naturally the God Min. Egyptian God Min. He is out in the open and no secret. Almost everything is there but the proof of a dick, a tale and a cunning mind is hidden behind a divine story and lie.

Latin Panicum is foxtail. That also explains the PNG. Let us look further at this strange letter combination found in The Bible but also known as the graphical le extension for Portable Network Graphics.

PeNnisetum Glaucum =


Panicum =


However Pani is bread and cum is with. But it is the word גנפ or גַּ֨נַפוּ that is out puzzle word and jig. In Hebrew it translates to And Feng. To Yiddish it is just gibberish or a strange jig: ufng.

The Word גנפ is millet which is Pennisetum glaucum. The Setaria italica or rather the Setaria palmifolia is a grass too. This grass belongs to the family “The Poaceae (also called Gramineae or true grasses) are a large and nearly ubiquitous family of monocotyledonous

owering plants. With more than 10,000 domesticated and wild species, the Poaceae represent the fth-largest plant family, following the Orchidaceae, Asteraceae, Fabaceae, and Rubiaceae.”

The grass we are looking for is the Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) is the most widely grown type of millet. We found this earlier not by coincidence but hard study.
In Ezekiel 27:17 we nd תיִּנִ֠מ which is translated as Minnith. Again a riddle word. It does translate to Hebrew Share. But the same word תיִּנִ֠מ translates to Yiddish as ןלייטנַיי which transliterates to Einteiln. Sound very familiar and German. Ein Teil means A Part. It is a jig again. The German word we are looking for is einteilen which means divided, split up (in pieces).
Ein is one. So it is kind of one part. Example: My part is huge is German Mein Teil ist riesig. German teil sound and looks like tail. The tail is the Fox tail or the grass Setaria italica. Italica is letters tilted right to a degree. Perhaps about 5 or 6 degrees. When the foxtail or the grass is tilted it is in italica done so by the wind. Enter the prior Pennisetum glaucum and when that is in italic it is an erected cock. Hence גנפ is an erected cock.

Left: Setaria palmifolia. Right: Meadow Foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis). Both examples of Poaceae grasses.

The Setaria palmifolia image on the left is named and found at (Fri 5th 2013): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Starr_030405-0024_Setaria_palmifolia.jpg

When you are Rock Hard you have only one stone the glans of your penis. So Einteiln is cognate to EinStein - One Stone - One Rock - One Penis and the penis has the glans which is unshaved but smooth and shines and is blue and right winged parties have the color blue. We shall see others who are in stone. The glans becomes lled with blood and can when very hard turn blue. It is in italic mode. You only have one stone (glans) and the other two stones are the balls. Hence you have 3 (three) stones. The earliest Hebrew letter Bet/Beth ֵּב has 3 (three) dots or stones and the outer shape is a bird shape. Wrong. It is the shape of the glans or the penis-hard-rock-blue-head-stone. According to my calculation East is right of the Greenwich meridian or timeline which passes London City. On the right is East and on the left is west. And on the right, east, is Asia and Vietnam and the other Asian countries and the West took it and copied it all or rather the so called Biblical found Zionists (Zon, Zion) which gives of the Son and even the Sun which are Gods and Jesus was the Son (Zon, Zion) of God or was God the LORD - the WORD.

Zion is Zon is Son is Sun and they all Sinned according to The Bible. So where did the original sin come from? From dirty old men. Being dirty is related to washing which I shall show you later. Being old is ne except from LORD we can male OLD. Lords are usually rather old and get the title once they pass their silly puberty playing games with skulls and bones and what other nonsense they came up with because they have absolutely no talent and

the only talent they have according to The Bible are money-talents or Shekelלקש which is

Hebrew money or schould I say Zion Money. Plural (more than one) Sheqa lim םילקש is Shekels. Sheqalim contains She and lim (Danish for glue which can be white looking like sperm and we shall nd more white “glue” in lettuce later related to ancient Egypt). Mon is related to the Moon or the female ovulation circle lasting about 28 days same as the full circle Moon phase. So money is female in that sense. Money or coins were indeed circular. These money can be used to buy whores and they were and are still used for this purpose.

“Sjekkels” or chains we know. Haarlem in Holland has a copy in New York called harlem.

Danish Haar with a double a is hår meaning either hair or hard. Lem is also Danish meaning dick, cock. Danish lem is also a door usually in the oor or ceiling. Such a door opens and erects.

Harlem = Hard Rock.

With PNG turned around as a palindrome we get GNP. Oh dear. I am not going there in this book; Growth Natural Product but will touch Growth Natural Penis. Between N and P is O. So we are still missing D. We know the saying go-day. And we have godaddy.com which is God Add Y. So something day. Or dad rather. For all the WORDS in the World Vater is German for father and the V is pronounced “fa”+”ter” and ater is noun Führer (leader).

Ater rimes with Aeter - as a gas as a fart - and Danish word for father is far.
Almost there… enter Latin Dominus meaning Lord, despot, owner, master etc. That is the male part. I did a little copy past job from cerasius.com/wiki/Dominus_(title)

Dominus is the Latin word for master or owner. As a title of sovereignty the term under the Roman Republic had all the associations of the Greek Tyrannos; refused during the early principate, it nally became an official title of the Roman Emperors under Diocletian (this is where the term dominate, used to describe a political system of Roman Empire in 284-476, is derived from). Dominus, the French equivalent being "sieur", was the Latin title of the feudal, superior and mesne, lords, and also an ecclesiastical and academical title. The ecclesiastical title was rendered in English "sir", which was a common pre x before the Reformation for parsons, as in Sir Hugh Evans in Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor. The academical use was for a bachelor of arts, and so is still used at the University of Cambridge[citation needed] and other universities. The shortened form "dom" is used as a pre x of honor for ecclesiastics of the Catholic Church, and especially for members of the benedictine and other religious orders.

A Domina—in old English Law—was a title formerly given to noble ladies who held a barony in their own right. At the University of Cambridge, the honori c 'Domina' (abbreviated as Dna) is given to women who hold a Bachelor of Arts degree, but not a Master's degree.

PeNnisisetum Glaucum =



I do have other suggestions as you will read soon. A dogs penis is pointed like a pen (writing tool). But many bulls cocks are shaped pointed. Penalhus in Danish is Penal + House. It is used in school from age 3+ to keep pens and sharpeners and the items for schoolwork. Penal is a punishment.

One might ask if a Dom is a tyrant then why does the Catholic Church use this title as an honorary title. I shall go deeper into that in this book. The plain reason is because The Vatican is a military order or a tyrant plainly hence they use the title as it is meant. Wikipedia mentions it was used in the Roman Empire but it is still used as they say. So old is new. The same meaning. A Danish church today is called a Domkirke as in one located in the city Roskilde. Roskilde Domkirke.

The Setaria palmifolia I guess grows like a the Fibonacci numbers (0), 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8… around making the 5th new circle leaf every turn. If one traces the ancestry of any male bee (1 bee), he has 1 parent (1 bee), 2 grandparents, 3 great-grandparents, 5 great-great-grandparents, and so on. This sequence of numbers of parents is the Fibonacci sequence.

The divergence angle, approximately 137.51°, is the golden angle. This 0.51° we might call Area 51 in a story so large it lls everything so I wont… However Roman numeral VI is 51. 1+3+7+5+1=18 the legal age in many countries. It had to be 18 and not 0. hink about it. Not legal until you are 18. You know why. Because children are not as stupid as grownups and would not take all the bullshit if they had a vote. So they don’t have a votum until they are stupid enough to vote after 10 years of public school.


I will keep prior nding but here is the
solution. Back to PeNnisisetum Glaucum and
PNG which is גנפ and found in The Bible. I
was pondering this last night as I was writing
this whole chapter. Then it just fell on like me
like a hard rock waking me up. Mirrors!

Take the PNG which I will show in big here
on the right. PN and then the Hebrew פ.
First I ip it horizontally.
Then I ip it vertically.

Notice the zon in horizontal or horizon. Recall
Hebrews started with the word Ζῶν which is
transliterated to ZON.

As per Hebrews 4:12 Ζῶν is Zon, is son, is
son of God is God.
So that is how the word GOD came
around. Made from גנפ transliterated to PNG
where the Latin G is exchanged for the Hebrew
פ and then we do the ip routine. Then we get
GOD. So it had nothing really to do with DOG
because N is a rotation 90 ⁊ which is also
the TIRONIAN SIGN ET (ET in Danish
meaning one). So the rotation is a full
Try Square making the N into Z and we
can write Zero, Zon, Zion. That gives us

lowercase Omega ῶ which is o. So we get
God. The Greek ῶ is the bottom ass. Say
Assange. We also in O+mega get ō which is Great. You will nd the character/letter ω in a few varieties with an apostrophe below and above. They both looks like a dick and the ω can both be a pictogram for a pair of breast as well as an ass as is the case with Assange. A is Alpha but also ένα. S is an abbreviation for μικρό meaning small. Then we get another a for ένα. Then we get g which is Gamma Γ γ and then an e for ϵ Epsilon the fth Greek letter. it is like the word Hitler which you will read about later. Let me list the ass for you here in detail.

If the N in GNd is Zero then The Bible was written much later than we are told. Wikipedia writes about Zero in Roman Numerals:

The number zero does not have its own Roman numeral, but the word nulla (the Latin word meaning "none") was used by medieval computerists in lieu of 0. Dionysius Exiguus was known to use nulla alongside Roman numerals in 525.[17][18] About 725, Bede or one of his colleagues used the letter N, the initial of nulla, in a table of epacts, all written in Roman numerals.[19]
So they used N for Nulla. They did not have Zero so Nulla was used around year 525. If this is the case, then The Bible and The Old Testament (Ezekiel 27:17) is written from year 525 or later. Wikipedia writes:

“...the New Testament would seem to have been written no later than around AD 150.”

If the Old Testament was written after year 525 because N is Nulla as per the palindrome GNP from the word גַּ֨נַפוּ of which גַּ֨נַפ is Yiddish PNG which is mirrored as GNd using the rst Hebrew letter ַפ and the PN as PNַפ then not only does Wikipedia lie but so does the whole card house. Nothing of and in The Bible is true then because it is all a hoax. The three letters are:

I. Gimel ג which is latin G II. Nun ַּ֨נ which in Latin N III. Pe ַפ which is Latin P

Read from right to left it is PNG and we can make GNP as a palindrome. If we keep PNG but change to pNַפ keeping ַפ and we ip it horizontally and then vertically it is GNd. You need a graphical program to do the ipping or two mirrors to do the two ips.

Horizontal rst and then Vertical. Two things to get the GNd word. Right in Danish is Højre with a H as in Horizontal and Left is Venstre as Vertical with a V. Why mention this? Because Denmark is rather important because of one King namely King Christian IX who is known as the father-in-law of the royals houses of Europe because his six children married here and there into various royal houses. Read the Chapter Engelbert Dolfuss Hitler to get the full picture.


A; Alpha or a for ένα.
s; abbreviation for small and is Greek μικρό (micro).
s; again
a; another ένα.
g; Gamma Γ γ which has both G for freemasons and Try Square and the so called cup or

the Holy Grail. However the Holy Grail is far from this simple cup which I shall explain much more about in this book.
e; for Epsilon the fth letter in the Greek alphabet.

All Greek letters naturally have a meaning like A, B, C does. I just like to show you how a name and word can tell a story only though symbolism. I shall explain more about Julian Assange later and prove he and all his friends are fake and suffer from deep Sistorology or Sistoic Sick Legalism just to cover every angle.

Julian is no other than Gaius Julius Caesar the asshole himself. Don’t worry about using the word “ass” because it is only an a and two s’s. You heard SS for bloody ve years during World War II and why do you think it lated V years? Say . It is linguistics and it is pure

science so let us make an equation:
More on that later but it looks just like VW and with that we get V+V+V. Let me make a small formula for you to prove my point:

(V+V+V)xII = = ✡

Notice how the ✡ has 3 rhombi. I shall demonstrate this later with more graphically detailed images. So Assange has two s’s which were part of World War II as Schutzstaffel as SS under the command of Heinrich Himmler all lasting V years and so we get the V as 5 and we get the 6 because ✡ creates a hexagon all derives from pure mathematics as above. More about 5 & 6 later.

PNG? Even a PeNGuin ts in here. We are then left with euin which can make Czech unie which means union. If so, it proves English is a deliberately fake constructed language which also is why it is meant to be a “world language”.

Vietnamese daughters. Notice the variety of look. They were lucky enough to avoid A Bright Shining Lie and I hope one day they will realize they are home where it is best - in the east. That did not rhyme but West Est Nulla or occidentem est nihil sine orientem. If you need orientation go East to nd the real North by NorthWest.

And in that movie, North By Northwest, you see Roger O. Thornhill scraping a pieces of paper to read what a woman (agent) wrote. Recall Rembrandt’s etching and how to hide things by only using pencil and paper. It is only in the mind of the beholder and I am just pointing you in some direction. It is not divine - it is the greatest worst Crime ever in history.

Sword Zion
There is a word in a sword and the word is more sharp than the sword.
Hebrews 4:12:

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

So it says in Hebrews 4:12 . This is not a lie. One of the rst I found I believe (!). With this book I hope the truth will prevail and win over lies. Hope. But then again not. Hope is Latin: Spera which looks like spear. Also noun votum. So when you vote you omly hope and have no real in uence. A vote is only a spear or a spera, a refuge. So even when I found a truth in Hebrew 4:12 I have to eat this page because the truth contains a lie using words to fool. Next time you vote you can hope.

Hebrews 4:12 starts: Ζῶν γὰρ ὁ λόγος τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ… and Greek Ζῶν translates to live. But noun is liver and the part cleaning inside your body. Without liver you are dead and spirits can kill it. Ζῶν is Zon. Ζῶν translates to Yiddishןבעל.

So Hebrews is translated all wrong. A total lie. The rst part should be:
Zion The Word Of God…

Hence The Word of God is Zion but they say “the living word of God” when in fact it is “The word of Zion is God”. This is empirical proof that Zion is God and Zion is Ashenazism or nazism and since The Bible and this New Testament is part of todays governments because they have it as their foundation and proves they are nazis empirically and you should not take this to any chamber in any court because they are nazis too because they use The Bible to swear (meaning sword) on the Truth but are lying. Since this proves they are nazis we can follow them right back to Adolf Hitler proving todays governments are nazis and instituted and created Adolf Hitler and Nazism which is why all the symbols are there from Denmark to Italy and Washington DC. Now say Da Capo and follow more proof as this book is the WORD that strikes a lie so huge it takes up a whole known Universe except in Asia where they know the lie and wonder while Julius Ass is doing the act of deceit and everything else Western.

Acorn? Alpha, Beth, Corn. A is originally the letter for two horns. Beth is bed and chamber (house). C is for corn. There is no C in Greek but X is kappa Chi and X is part of many evil things. The Chi and X in itself is not bad and rather nice but what it symbolizes is so evil it is beyond comprehension.

This chapter X is the main chapter of this whole book. This is enough to take down the whole rotten card house.
Erect ץרא
In Hebrew that means land. It is however phonetically:

From an unused root probably meaning to be rm; the earth (at large, or partitively a land) KJV Usage: X common, country, earth, eld, ground, land, X nations, way, + wilderness, world.

It is found in Genesis 1:2 as ץרֶָ֗אָהְו

It is translated as Earth. But it means country. Earth can indeed be dirt, gravel, earth as in mud, soil etc.. One might think it is Gaia or Mother Earth as in The Earth as the planet Earth. Wrong. It is simply a country which can be an area or perhaps just a county. Earth can even be a small parcel of land belonging to someone.

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Read that a few times over. Earth is the rock, the cock, the glans, the penis. It moves over Mons Pupis (allegorically as a mountain as part earth, soil) and it was dark. The Earth as the rock, the cock, moved and hovered above Mons Pupis as GOD which is a COCK or Z(i)ON 36and the face of the water is Mons Pupis because under that is water from the female vagina.

Once you can read The Bible decoded it becomes the greatest erotic pornographic story ever told. And we just need to prove it. That is where this book come in. We shall look at some words in Hebrew, Yiddish and Greek and explore how words unlock a mystery about such a simple thing as male and female.

Proof is in the WORDS and they cut double and stronger than any real blade. Let this also be a warning in case you want to stand where you are and not move. This book, I hope, will show and prove, the existence of a far more sinister religion than we ever believed possible. Now you can actually know and prove it.

It all continues like this:
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

36 I shall show you the origin of the word GOD in this book and then The Whole Lie Word drops from Heaven and Earth. It is like a pillar, take away the foundation (GOD) and the whole house falls no matter what.

So GOD, the hard rock, split open the pussy and saw light inside because how the pussy was open so light could penetrate, as the cock. The rock called light for Day and darkness for Night. And the rst day was evening and morning. Eve and Mor (Danish for mother).

This is where Frank Sin At Ra enters singing Cole Porters song “Day and Night”:

Night and day, you are the one
Only you 'neath the moon or under the sun Whether near to me or far
It's no matter, darling, where you are I think of you day and night

You have Night, Day, Moon and the Sun all in the rst verse. Compare this to Genesis 1:2 and you will also nd it amusing (amazing too) to read Genesis 1:1 and once the door opens you will realize a whole new story in the Hard Rock Word’s of Mr. Dick Phallos all written in Hebrew and translated to/from Yiddish gives a very erotic meaning.

If you look at art, ancient and well as new, you will nd tons of erotic art. Rembrandt is probably one of the greater one painting is what is known as Clair-obscure (light and dark) also known in Italian as Chiaroscuro. Even when Rembrandt paint Jesus nailed to the cross it is erecting a pole and Rembrandt paints himself next to the pole erecting the darn pole. We also know and see paintings by Rembrandt where he paints nudes in water as nymphs. You will read more about whores later.

The Bible? Bib is a word meaning a child's napkin and also meaning drink (Latin: bibo). Le is a word for God. I Drink God. Does that make sense? I is a rod. Drink is the water of a woman. So God must be a woman? Yes. Enter Shiva from India who you will read about later. She has an umbrella and the is known as Our Lady of The Mountain.

The whole circles is almost complete with this. But on the path there is so much to discover and uncover and it becomes a labyrinth of deceit and tricks. How do you start on this journey? The best place is probably at the beginning in Genesis 1:1 realizing now it was just a tale, perhaps a fairy tale. Not a good one because it takes us to banks, money and war. Dig deeper and it goes to Jews as “Je us” and smack into the promised land.

The Holy Grail is found at last and also The Ark Of The Covenant.
You probably recall seeing a Magi© SHOW and you would sit trying to gure out how it was all done. Even if you looked very hard, you could not see it. Was it mirrors or smoke or did your eyes trick you. You saw the lady vanish in front of your eyes and it was all done so amazing you might really believe in magic. Sadly it is all acting and deceit and clever too.
This is where our Three Magi come into play in The Bible. We shall poke them in their nose too.

11. Kangxi

While writing this book, I realized I had written Xi and iX many times. I started to wonder more. I had almost nished the last chapters polishing the book. Then I had to t this in. I was searching for a letter in Chinese meaning death and I found what is termed a KANGXI RADICAL DEATH letter or symbol and I found two:

We are again at II (symbols, above) and recall Xu Shen studying ancient symbolism and pictograms. To me this looks like a pair of eyes looking down. I tried nding them online but it was very hard indeed.

Emperor Kangxi康熙帝 was and still is considered one of

Chinas greatest emperors and he lasted for 61 years. On the right is his name in Manchu language. he was crowned 1667 so not so long ago. You can read all about it online but for this book I need to mention it relates to Jesuits and The Vatican wanting to send Christian missionaries (what else!?) to China. This Emperor was a ruler of also outer Manchuria. His court dress was a red and white hat. He was born and died in Beijing, China.

Bìxì Gigantic Strength

赑屃 means turtle in Chinese and is pronounced bìxì. Notice the xi. The word actually covers the meaning Gigantic Strength. Instantly we are back in Italy, Rome and that empire with their emperors. One such fella was named Pontifex Maximus (priest naturally) but better known as Imperator Caesar Augustus and then a biblical gure.

This is a Chinese Stele (recall or read later about the Rosetta (Stele) Stone). It is used among other things as a funeral stele, rock, stone. The tortoise is a strong animal and has a shield and in fact many smaller patterns which you will read about later. On the top is an “obelisk” . They are in fact known as LUCKY POLTRY BEAST. They lay eggs, that is why. It is like the bird or the dinosaur and even todays crocodile. It lays eggs. It can’t y to my knowledge. It can grow very old indeed.

Notice how the head in above image is looking like a lion, a dragon if you will. notice, indeed, the hexagons on its back - its shield. How can you not love this beast.
Image left below: A stele named Vinh Lang stele erected for Lê Thái Tổ ca. 1440 AD. It is like a grave yard stone. This one is for a Vietnamese Emperor named Lê Thái Tổ.

Catolic Panther
Here is the magi©. The single symbols in translates to:

- Lebanon (Matthew 2:11 λίβανον (LEBANON))
- Ancestors
- Too be

From Vietnamese it translates to:

Lê - Pears (A type of cut diamond is known as pear shaped.) Thái - Cut, carve, cut up
Tổ - Organization, group, team, generous...

I found as Lê Lợi on the Chinese Wikipedia so one has to be careful with the English Wikipedia (Vicky The Whore). is phonetically LiLi or Lyly or Lilly or Lillie. In Danish lille is small. There is a city in France called Lille. More in this later. The stele has an inscription about prosperity and luck but also about huge wars. The stele is decorated with many dragons.

Nguy ễn Trãi was a Confucian scholar and wrote on the stele in remembrance of Lê Thái Tổ
All of this leads us to Confucianism in Vietnam and the Mac Dynasty and the defeat of the Ming Dynasty37. The Chinese Emperor Han Wu-Ti (Ti is Danish ten (10)) placed Vietnam under a military governor in 111 B.C., and for the next 900 years events in Vietnam were part of Chinese history. During the french colonialism the teaching of Confucianism got lost but still lives on as part of the culture in Vietnam. I shall touch upon Confucius later because it is a way of life about morals and less is more. The US tried to invade and control communism which was all a lie, and believed that the US could control a people who had been and still were masters of confusion.

康熙 means something like prosperous. With this Emperor Kangxi (Xi) means

prosperous, excellent, ideal. He was a Qing Dynasty Emperor (1662-1722). The Qing Dynasty lasted 265 years the longest in history until 1987.

With this emperor we are talking Lunar years, Yin & Yang all with Rat and Dragon years etc. Very complicated which this book does not cover.
Manchuria is东 (northeast) and Japan is near with the island Hokkaido (north Japan) near to. North Korea border to the south of Manchuria and in 2013 USA and North Korea have been shaking swords promising Atomic war. In Manchuria there is a large fresh water lake called Ozero Khanka which produced amazing pearls (pear) the size of Jujube (a date fruit).

37 nguyentrai.net

12. Engelbert Dollfuß(ius) Hitler

“Sir, what is the time, please?”
“Round like a cock and a little Swastika I say…”
“I don’t quite get the time - what was the time again, please?” “Swat?”
“Are you drunk my good man?”
“No indeed no - my time is SWATCH”
“Did you swallow a SWARTE NIGGER my good man or get real!” “It is real

This is how we start this chapter. In Switzerland then Austria and Germany.

He (Engelbert Dollfuss) was assassinated by the Nazi’s as part of a failed coup attempt. So we are told but that might be a lie too unless there is evidence of the assassination. and a real non-faked death certi cate. Assassination is not legal is it? So how could the Nazi party grow to be the makers of World War II? It was in the blood. They were and are warriors. They kill for a living.

One might want to believe that Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild. I read The Fake Legends of Adolf Hitler’s “Jewish Grandfather”38 and why not? All a hoax to cover up a much larger conspiracy.

Dollfuß is from the name Dolph (Old German) and Dolph is short for Adolph (Old German origin) meaning noble, majestic, wolf. There are 13 variant of Adolph and one is Adolf. The Latin version is Adolphus.

38 http://carolynyeager.net/fake-legends-adolf-hitler’s-“jewish-grandfather” Adolf I of Holstein

With this chapter we are moving into Danish history as well as World history. This chapter shows the connection between Hesse-Kassel and Austria and Engelbert Dolfuss and then the Royal house of Denmark via Christian IX the father-in-law of Europe.

Here’s Christian IX’s children:

• Frederick VIII
• Alexandra, Queen of the United Kingdom
• George I of Greece (formerly William)
• Maria Feodorovna, Empress of Russia (formerly Dagmar)
• Thyra, Duchess of Cumberland and Teviotdale
• Prince Valdemar

Some things Wikipedia likes to get right so not lying all the time. These VI babies went on to become criminals39 too but played perhaps a minor role.

Christian IX was married to Louise of Hesse-Kassel. Please notice her name Louise which we shall look at more. This makes Denmark a focus point and a central corner stone in Europe hence Danish language was and is a central focus point and spread across the World by the kings Children. Christian IX was married to Louise of Hesse-Kassel and the HesseKassel was close to Rothschild:

Rothschild’s wealth was largely achieved through his association with the family of Hesse-Kassel. Rothschild served a three year apprenticeship in Hanover at the Bank of Oppenheim, at the service to Lt. Gen. Baron von Estorff, who was the principal adviser to Landgrave Frederick II of Hesse-Kassel. Frederick II was a member of the Order of the Garter, as well as the wealthiest man in Europe, much of it inherited from his father, Wilhelm VIII, brother of the King of Sweden.

That is the connection between Denmark, Hesse-Kassel and Rothschild.
Hesse-Kassel was friendly with and towards Austria as we read here: http://www.ohio.edu/ chastain/dh/hessek.htm and many other locations among some at Britannica.com.

Adolf Hitler was Austrian born and later German politician. I am sure you don’t need an introduction. However if the circumstantial evidence proves Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild and Rothschild was connected to Hesse-Kassel and Hesse-Kassel via Louise of Hesse-Kassel, then the connection between all of these entities are tied. All we need is a birth certi cate which is real and not faked. However I think NOT. it is also fake and Hitler was perhaps a Rothschild or not. That is not important. I think we need to THINK really different but the keys are rather simple.

If you want someone to believe something to be true you simply tell them a story as if it was true and plant the story everywhere and who better than governments have a change to do so via media and propaganda. They have access to the whole spin and all the tools to spread whatever they want. Especially today with The Internet which seems to have become just an extension of television. Make people believe Dollfuss had some les showing Hitler was a Rothschild when in fact Dollfuss was the father. That sound like a real conspiracy and so it might be but were we not told by the biggest corporation Apple Inc. to THINK DIFFERENT. So be it.

39 Crim In Al = Crim On God. Look up Latin: CRIMEN/CRIMINATIO and IN meaning on/in. Al is Arabic God. Accuse In God.

When I read the entry at Wikipedia for Engelbert Dollfuss I read nothing about Dollfuss attending a seminar for priest and nothing about the Vatican connection. At http://austriaforum.org/af/AEIOU/Dollfuß,_Engelbert I read the following:

Von 1904 bis1913 besuchte er ein Priesterseminar, 1914 begann er ein Studium der Rechtswissenschaften und der Nationalökonomie in Wien und Berlin.

Dollfuß schuf mit der Maiverfassung 1934 einen autoritären Ständestaat und stützte sich vor allem auf die katholische Kirche, die Heimwehr und die Bauern. 1934 schloss er mit dem Heiligen Stuhl ein Konkordat und räumte durch die "Römischen Protokolle", die er mit Italien und Ungarn unterzeichnete, Mussolini bedeutenden Einfluss auf die österreichische Innen- und Außenpolitik ein.

So Dollfuss got a Concordat from The Holy See (The Vatican) and he attended a seminar for priests and was acknowledged by the "Protocols of Rome". Here is a man, Dollfuss, who is receiving acknowledgement from The Vatican itself. The Nazi’s assassinate Dolfuss and later the nazi’s with Adolf Hitler shows up in The Vatican.

The Reichskonkordat was a treaty between the Holy See and Nazi Germany, that guaranteed the rights of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany. It was signed on 20 July 1933.

So Germany and the Nazis got a Concordat in 1933 and in 1934 Dolfuss receives one too.

In early 1933, Dollfuss shut down parliament, banned the Austrian Nazi party and assumed dictatorial powers. So Dollfuss bans early 1933 what The Vatican approves the same year. Then the next year The Vatican approves Dollfuss. A concordat is kind of a mandate approving something.

So The Vatican approves of the Nazis and Dollfuss but Dollfuss does not approve of the Nazis even is Dollfuss is doing what the Nazis are doing creating a dictatorial state which The Vatican approves of in both cases. The Nazis then assassinates Dollfuss and later the Nazis are welcomed in The Vatican by Pope Pius XII.

Doll fuss is a name derived from Adolf meaning wolf and we have Adolf I of Holstein who was Danish as was the region called Holstein hence his name. Read The Universal Dictionary of Biography and Mythology  By Joseph Thomas, to read about the name Adolphus and Adolf page 53. With Adolf I of Holstein we are way back in time near the official creation and Christianization of Denmark. Adolf I spread Germany beyond and north of the river Elbe meaning into Denmark. Adolf = Dolfuss and we have a very strange approval by The Vatican of both Dollfuss and the Nazis and then the Nazis assassinating Dollfuss who were on par with the nazis in what he was doing. Except we are told Dollfuss banned the Nazi party from Austria. Dollfuss and The Nazis got a concordat by The Vatican so Dollfuss and the Nazis were in the same league but because of the ban the Nazi party have 10 Nazis assassinate Dollfuss whom The Vatican approved of and later the nazis are welcomed by The Vatican. One would think The Vatican would not approve assassination and the killing of one of those The Vatican approved of.

• Early 1933 Dollfuss bans the Nazi party
• Same year 1933 The Vatican approves the Nazi party
• Next year 1934 The Vatican approves Dollfuss but he does not approve the Nazis

Since Dollfuss does not approve the Nazis one would think The Vatican would not approve Dollfuss in 1934.

The Nazis assassinate Dollfuss at the so called Juliputsch in 1934 after Dollfuss has been approved by The Vatican. The Vatican now entertains the Nazis later prior to World War II even if the Nazis killed what was approve by The Vatican.

Confused. That is the whole idea. I shall talk about Xu Shen and Confucius elsewhere. The whole idea is to create utter confusion so nobody knows anything.

This image is from http://xroads.virginia.edu/~ma04/wood/mot/html/tieins.htm showing TIME magazine from March 28, 1938. We see Dollfuss on a yellow sofa even if the photos are B/W so how would TIME mag. know?

We see the Brown Shirts and a song by them which is mentioned as being as good as the German national anthem.

The we see a page 20: Goebbels’ text: “IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD AND THE WORD WAS GOD” (see next page) so how much propaganda do you need to see before toy know it is propaganda?

It is all there. And who knows who was killed and who was born by who. It really has very little impact because The Bible proves it all to be a lie. They kill each other and a few million people and TIME and LIFE just goes on as usual. Was Dollfuss A Hitler and is Denmark involved in propaganda and lies? Dollfuss might not have been the real father of Hitler but they were both adopted by The Vatican and the media (TIME mag.) seems to know their Bible (next page).

The WORD really was GOD because that is what it says. But King James Bible reads:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

So Goebbels got it wrong and TIME mag. did not change the fault except show a picture of a father (land) and two children. But the worst part of it was what TIME mag. wrote below the picture and I have tried to capture it as good as I could see it here:

“The most dangerous man in Europe” is the attering title many observers give the father reading (above) to his daughters Helga, 5 (left), and Hilda, 3. he is Dr. Paul Joseph Goebels, 48, Hitler’s Minister for Propaganda and Public Enlightenment. His job is to keep 78,000,000 Germans perpetually exited about their destiny as Germans, trustful of the Führer, hating Jews and Communists. Personally he likes nobody, is liked by nobody, runs the most efficient Nazi department. He honestly believes the home (?) spitir (?) is a morass, that the democracies are “stupid (?) cows going to the slaughterhouse.” He has a deformed body and a club foot, a beautiful wife and four children.

The text together the with the image of a smiling man and two children, sounds like double speak and a very sick cocktail of bullshit. It is the same today and nothing has changed and it is the same use of double speak and totally insane words we are presented with. Joseph is a Biblical name and of Jewish origin from Hebrew.

Need I say, that Dollfuss wants to be: Dollies, Dolls, Doles as I run a spell-check.

“ Hello Dolly, well, hello dollfuss, it’s nice to have you back again where you belong…”

It is no longer a wonder why Jews are in SHOWBIZZ - they created the Whole Bloody Mary’s Lie. SHOWBIZZ looks better than SHOWBISS after World War II so use the bloody Z for ZON for SON for ZION for SUN. Lets prove it too in this book.

Even music can be code. Music is code. Here music and lyrics by Jerry Herman. Herman sounds like woman.

Here is Hebrew: ףֵסוֹי recorded in Genesis 50:26 as Joseph. If we cut out one letterֵ֔סוֹי we get Jayyus but only if translated from Yiddish. From Hebrew it is Wives (!) and phonetically “joos”. So Goebbels name is “Joos” or Jews or Jayyus and he hated Jews! Come on. How thick a scull must we have to take in all of this totally bizarre and highly crazy Ponerologically insane propaganda and theater and deliberately created war-madness. How much penology can you take before you say stop. Plenty it seems and people just have no idea that the insanity has no end. How come? because some people are simply of lower instinct than animals even if they can act it out as homo sapiens. There is simply not a screw loose but a whole brain. it is like the brain is missing and taken out and exchanged with something lesser than an ant. I would trust an ant or a million but not these fellas nor Goebbels or any governments because they are all the same from top to bottom.

The Bible is a hoax and even when they quote The Bible they get it wrong. Confused? Good, that is the whole point. They love it when you are not only confused but also bewildered and just in the dark or just simply confused. That is all they want and need. The rest is then up to them because they have a free hand and 7 jokers on their hand. You can’t win their game because it goes beyond what 75% of the population understands as normal behavior. That is why it happens because 75% simply can’t get it into their skull that evil can be far worse than evil and far worse than any horror movie ever made. Split open 1,000,000 pregnant woman while alive, while the women inhale toxic waste from the land of these fellas is just the beginning of evil.

It is beyond comprehension and The Bible itself is just their cherry of the evil pie. In the pie it is rotten like a two week old rat in a swamp of sulfur and lead and THEY’R LOVIN’IT hence the smile in the photo and the totally bizarre wording by TIME MAGAZINE. Buy that today I suspect has become no better or worse but about the same. TIME has changed so the wording will be different. They know exactly when and how to formulate a sentence so it has the biggest impact and so nobody will notice anything in the TIME you are in. It is their TIME and not yours because they run the show. It truly is a show and a horribilis 40one too. It goes on annus after annus and people just can’t get around the fact that the toilet paper is brown before it touched down on the hole.

If I told you through light and caustics I can empirically prove that the ribbon is a cock you might not believe that. But I was threatened by a security company after I showed it. My 3D render in on the next page. Just look at it and recall it is only light and caustics but re ected in a cup. Search Google for two words: ribbon cock - and see how many results pop up and then look for images too. I am not the only one who received death threats it seems!

40 Hornbill is a bird that looks like a tukan. From: Louis Figuier, Reptiles and Birds (London: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, 1869) 483.

I too am an artist as I paint and play the tenor saxophone. I had to get this bird into this book because if I should paint it or play it, I would have to be pretty naughty too. Does it not look lovely.

The upper protuberance is hollow and serves as a sounding board to cause reverberations when the bird cries out. Just like a saxophone and we do.

Created in MAXON Cinema 3D using caustics re ecting in a bowl. The sides of he bowl re ect the light as seen on the wall. There is only one light source. Notice how the same light at the same time produces two horns.
Holy See Royal Dollfuss Hitler Rothschild

Here is the proof. I shall tell you what PNG is and I nd that in The Bible. We nd the word ros is the Codex Argensus edition. I shall talk more about that Codes elsewhere.

The word Ros means God.
Roth and Ros are the same because they are synonyms.

That alone can link Ros to Rothschild as God’s Child as King’s Child. The PNG is what is the missing link and the puzzle is complete. What is this PNG and how does it connect anything. PNG sounds like a graphical extension Portable Network Graphics which in itself is a hidden message but I won’t take you there. last night I actually had a nightmare. I knew there was a link but I could not gure it out. I then woke up, had a coffee and did a few sporadic searches on Dollfuss for a speci c item namely a cross. But I got so much more and I got it all.

Austrian National Socialism was what Engelbert Dolfuss ruled with. Dolfuss’ successor Kurt Schuschnigg maintained Dollfuss’ regime until Adolf Hitler's annexing of Austria in 1938. Dollfuss’ political party was a regime, a terror regime based on the same principle as The Nazi party. German National Partei. GNP. That is where I had heard GNP before. Annexing means connection. The German word used for this annexing is Anschluß meaning exactly connection. So Adolf Hitler had an official connection to Austria prior to 1938. The connection and German Workers' Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, DAP) was part of it.

O fficially Dollfuss suppressed DAP and later in early 1933 officially had the DNSAP ("German National Socialist Workers' Party") banned. National Socialist Workers' Party of Denmark (also DNSAP) was officially elected (democratically!) into the Danish parliament in 1939. A nazi party in office with 1.8% of the popular vote. Not bad considering Nazism with “Goebbels was “not liked by nobody”! Lie! Loved by 1.8% of the Danes and many of the German because they shared the same name and lettering and political ideology namely Nazism.

So what is the connection, the Anschluß? It is words and symbolism which is all language and empirical proof they are all linked. Let us start at the graveyard.

Detail of Codex Argenteus, Mt 5:34 scan of the 1927 facsimile edition. The highlighted section is an abbreviation of the Gothic cognate of "God".

Look closely at the gravestone on the right. There is a well known cross. That is the one of the empirical links. The Vatican had approved both Dollfuss and Nazism and Adolf Hitler and Denmark via The Bible and Christianity in any form via The Bible which they all shared and share.

Dollfuss ruled with Austrofascism and fascism is in essence the same as Nazism. Nazism in fact is fascism and visa versa. So why would the Nazi’s kill Dollfuss who was a Christian too approved by The Vatican? Perhaps Dollfuss was assassinated for the greater good and purpose or perhaps he was not. Today he is probably dead unless he is over 120 years old. We see his body on a royal sofa but that is not proof he was dead. That too could all have been an acts. I was not there to stick needles in the body so who knows if indeed he was really dead. He was officially “dead” and assassinated in a greater plot to deceive the Austrian people into a coup by the Nazi’s using World War II to take the remaining countries in under the umbrella of the 1946 The United Nations which was the motive for creating World War II in the rst place. World War I was just a practice session and was all set in motion with War number II. The motive was to get Israel back as the biblical promised land lost by Moses and all his henchmen. Moses might even too have been a fake which I shall cover though words in The Bible.

Doctor Engelbert Dollfus
gravestone. Cross and all.
Christian and Biblical
connection to everything Vatican and everything
government having The Bible as their foundation including Denmark.

There is an Eva at the bottom.

So we have a whole group of people from The Vatican to Dollfuss and Hitler sharing the same symbols and words and political structures. Even The Vatican is fascist in its structure. Who elects the Pope? Not the people but dictators known as cardinals and even with that word we can make annals and anal which is ass. But the symbolic link? A cross. On the next page I show you the cross that they all shared namely the Sun cross as Zon as Son and in The Bible is the word ZON meaning Jews and them they hated but look what they got; Israel.

Hate what you want, making people believe you don’t want it, and you will get it because they will let go of it, thinking you don’t want it, so you can grab it.

That is the way the operate. It is simple psychology and most parents use it when brining up their children. Tell your child you don’t want them to eat sweets and they will probably want it more. Do the opposite and they will most like not care too much and you can bring them up not eating too much sucker. As simple as that.
Fatherland Front of Austria and this logo is the Swastika in a slightly different form but is a sun-symbol and in fact just a cross. Dollfuss used it as did Kurt Schuschnigg as did and does Denmark and the Vatican. It all is a cross but more importantly a number 2 or Roman Numerals II. A cross is made in the simplest form with II sticks or rods or dicks as in + (plus). Notice the > on the left. Victory or the same V we see from Winston Churchill to Capitol Hill with Victoria standing on the top. Above symbol also has a circle in the center as did the Nazi war ag. And it is red and white (V is green) which is the colors of the Danish ag. it also has a kind of ribbon the white part wrapped around the red “box”. Did you ever wrap christmas present and tie a yellow ribbon. Dolfffuss’ sofa was yellow they say.

On the right we see Kurt Schuschnigg with the cross which was the symbol of Dollfuss too. left is the sofa and Dollfuss “dead”. Recall how realistic41 Hollywood can make things so you believe it is all true for 1-2 hours. Bottom is from TIME MAGAZINE cover found here:

http://xroads.virginia.edu/~ma04/wood/mot/html/tieins.htm p>Engelbert Doll FuSS

41 versus surrealistic

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Sollen Sie Bitte Mitt Der Fling I’m China Geboren & Verloren

It really is insane what they created. Eva Dollfuß wrote a book it all: Mein Vater: Hitlers erstes Opfer (German Edition) by Eva Dollfuss 1994), ISBN-13: 978-3850023542. Another book - I must say. Recall she was on the grave stone on her fathers grave stone.

On German Wikipedia we read:

“1994 wurde eine von Dollfuß’ Tochter Eva verfasste Biographie verö ffentlicht. Dem Text wurde auch aufgrund des vom Verlag gewählten Titels Mein Vater, Hitlers erstes Opfer vorgeworfen, Dollfuß zum ersten Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus zu stilisieren.”

So her book and biography was publish after her death. In Das Dollfuß-Syndrom we read: “Meine Mutter, Eva Dollfuß, ist 1993 gestorben.” She dies in 1993 and the book was published in 1994 in protest by Eva’s daughter because it mentioned “ rst victim by Hitler”.

You create and enemy so people will join the war against this enemy little knowing the enemy is created by the enemy itself. To do this, you need a villain and victims. Dollfuss was a patsy or in the knowing and it was al an act. Even their God has a Book of Acts. Here is a cross too. In fact four major crosses. It is two “keys” and in the center is a ribbon as a red cross. If we decode that it is I + I = II. Notice the two rings, O’s. See if you can nd an 8 in the logo. So we do see what might look like two keys but they are not. It is like the next image known as "Ceci n'est pas une pipe", French for "This is not a pipe.". The painting is by René Magritte. The Vatican keys are not really keys. It is a cross as two ribbons overlapping each other. The “keys” are indeed silver/gray and gold/yellow.

We also nd silver in Codex Argenteus and a “silver lining” is also known as a “second chance”. The Bible is full of gold as Chrysis which I shall cover more. Silver and gold are known as commodities sold every day traded and gold especially is known as the value with which we weigh money and so gold or the color golden as in the color of a rising and setting sun is the key to life itself. No Sun no life. Zon is found in the Bible as God which I shall cover also.

Silver or perhaps rather mercury is known as the metal of the devil. mercury is gray colored. Mercury kills as does the Sun too if you fry too long in the Sun and get cancer but both are part of life and both gold and silver and mercury is created out of the Zon - so says The Bible. This is all details and not too important. The cross is.

Oh my Cock! Exactly. Never mind all the bullshit just notice the darn cross. Swastika from Hinduism and all copied from Asia. Again what is important is the cross as two (II) rods or sticks.

The logo of The Vatican with the two keys of which one is gold and the other is silver is also copied form Asia from the colors of the Lotus ower related to the royals and monks. They still add gold leaf or hammer metal (looking like gold) to the buddhas which are on display. It is for GOOD LUCK you add some “gold”. Silver is also of value but not added so much. The keys? Just there to fool. They want you to think it is all very original. Go to The Vatican and you are in Asia.

What the “keys” do represent is I + I. Much more on that later.
Now we are in Copenhagen or rather Germany which I shall show later. Here around the right cross is Amalienborg Slotsplads and the surrounding streets. It is formed as the nazi war

ag or rather the cross because the Nazi war ag came after this cross. Amalienborg Castle is where the Danish Royals live. Use Goggle Earth and zoom around.

Carlsberg the makers of Carlsberg beer loved Buddhist and has Swastika on his beer as logo and buildings and they are there this day today. Here is the swastika in the shape of a castle inhabited by Royals. Just left of the center and housing is the marble church which is a copy of St. Peters Basilica in Rome and they are on the same coordinate of between 12th and 13th longitude. Denmark is Roman Catholic then and now. And they all share the same Bible and the same cross.

If two people share something they usually like each other and can even marry and even make babies but important is, that they share something meaning they agree. If you both have the color red as your color of your couch/sofa that would indicate you both like sofas and the color red. If not you’d take out one or the other or both and you’d probably not stick together too long if you opposed one thing too much. Denmark did not and through fake democracy the NAZI parti was instituted in Denmark and it was rotten but once the NAZIS invaded Denmark the royals and the whole parliament gave up within minutes. No

ght. If you don’t ght something it means you agree even if you pretend to hate it because if someone is sitting on your face you’d try and remove the ass. The Danish officials did not. THEY LOVED IT.


The German Nationalist Party (German: Deutsche Nationalpartei, DNP). It is a letter combination which is derived from the Biblical word גנפ which mirrored and ipped is GNP. The N is the turned 90 degrees as per freemasons logo the Try Square and we get a Z. Z is a very important letter in Freemasons circles. Why? because it is the Biblical word Zon meaning son who was the son of God and GNp created the word God when ipped horizontally and vertically and turning the N 90 degrees. it is a 3 step process which we might as well call:

I. Fatherland
II. Zon or Zion as the Sun and son
III. Holy Shit as spirit because alcohol is created from rotting culture as bacterias eating

sucker and in the process creates alcohol
Ros is a God is Roth and a king and Rothschild wrote the Versailles deal making Israel the Zon’s as part of The Biblical reality and words. That is your proof: The Bible.

The rest of the pack as Denmark, Germany, USA and the whole rotten fruit basket is naturally rotten because the spirit is made from rotting bacteria which is empirical proof “there is something rotten in the state of Denmark” namely Rot as a king and as a God as a Zon and it is all in The Bible as proof taking down everyone with a cross with links to The Bible. That is why in around 2000 I disassociated myself from the Danish national Church also thereby avoiding paying church tax. I was working in the government for a short while until I wrote a cultural article about Felix Arabia calling it “Happy Denmark” upon which the mayor and the whole gang including the cultural administration started attacking my person with sexual insinuations and eventually I contacted a lawyer named Morten Riise-Knudsen and all he said: “There is nothing I can do” because they had not directly threatened me. Had they killed me nobody would be any wiser. the law is illegal as are lawyers and everything above and below the law. Except humans who have no idea in the World and Universe what is going (Z)on.

Now you do and there is plenty of evidence to rule by the people. Question is will they. Engelbert Humperdinck (German pronunciation: [ˈɛŋl̩bɛʁt ˈhʊmpɐdɪŋk]; 1 September 1854 – 27 September 1921) was a German composer, best known for his opera Hänsel und Gretel. Humperdinck was born at Siegburg in the Rhine Province and died at the age of 67 in Neustrelitz, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

(Humper is Norwegian for bumps.)

Hans & Grethe (Gretel) is written by the brothers Grimm who were German from Hessen in Germany which later was divided into 4 smaller region; Hessen-Kassel, Hessen-Marburg, Hessen-Rheinfels og Hessen-Darmstadt.

A movie: Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013). http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1428538/

So we get from Engelbert Dollfuss to Engelbert Humperdinck to Germany to Hesse to Hesse-Kassel to Danish Royal Family to Rothschild to king Christian IX and 191 we shall see later. This all brings us to the Salian Franks who are now proven emperically with this book to be utterly and totally fucked (said by Tom Cruise in Oblivion ( lm 2013)).

2013 seems to be the year the Salian Franks and the Royal Card House of Pigmark42 fell. And they did it all by themselves. A mausoleum is being build for Danish Queen Margrethe II. Her epiphany was, that she was a Nazi. She is also human and for that we can’t blame her.

42 Synonym for Denmark but actually the true name of Denmark

13. King Manu

I have spoken about manumission and manuscript. So that takes us to King Manu. We are back at Hinduism and King Manu is considered the rst King on Earth. He was warned of a great ood by Matsya avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu who too had advised him to build a great boat. This we can read in the script Satapatha Brahmana abut 300 BC however later scripts are known. Matsya avatar is depicted in art as a mermaid with a lower half sh body and a n.

Manu is considered the rst king of all men and women. It is difficult to nd he fella anywhere. So all kings are descendant per title through this Manu hence all kings and queens and nations holding royals can nd their initial king in Manu. He was the rst CEO so to speak. The later CEO’s are just carriers of his ideas and Hinduism.

This makes sense regarding Manumission. In india they have amazing sexual ancient art and showing it in plain sight. Sexorgies between gods and goddesses and whoever were lucky to join. If you watch the Khajuraho Group of Monuments in Khajuraho.

Since the word manumission means “ f r e e d o m , e m a n c i p a t i o n ” f r o m L a t i n manumissionem (nominative manumissio) and may be a borrowed word from Hindu, then we can also conclude that King Manu as emancipated.

Khajuraho Group of Monuments in
Khajuraho. And some sculptures show people having sex with animals. As the do today.

14. The Island

T h e following is just one rather simple example for word-making. Theo is a name meaning God. Ai is an Asian (Chinese) name:

• Ai Weiwei (born 1957), Chinese artist and political activist
• Ai Siqi (1910–1966), philosopher and author
• Ai Qing (1910–1996), poet and political prisoner
• Emperor Ai of Jin, a Jin Dynasty (265-420) emperor
• Emperor Ai of Han (27 BC–1 BC)
• Emperor Ai of Tang (892–908)
• King Ai of Zhou (reigned 441 BC)
• Sima Ai, Jin Dynasty (265-420) imperial prince
• Xie Ai (died 354), general

Siam was the name of Thailand. Siam (Sayam) contains “ia”.
TH eo AI LAND. Meaning THAILAND = GOD & EMPEROR LAND. Say Thei or Theis. Say Thai without the s which is “forgotten” from Siam. Thái dưnơg in Vietnamese means solar or day star. So Thailand is Day Star Land and that is a perfect name.
This is how words can play. We know a den is is a hole or tunnel dug into the ground by an animal to create a space suitable for habitation, temporary refuge. What the mark in the den is might be less obvious but I bet you it is not the logo of Marks & Spencer.
Tai or Thai language: ภาษาไต transliteration: p hās ātay hence tay loos like thai. Etymology of the word Thai says the word is not from Tai and is not certain. Asia is the largest continent and the most populated.
This is what I want to focus on namely Asia. It stretches from Turkey across Israel to India and over Myanmar, Himalayas, Tibet, Philippines and many other exotic places. It was from where Europeans bought silk and spices such as cinnamon and many other products. Though the Suez canal a pathway and seaway was made for fast and cheaper delivery and around this corner namely Alexandria the trade route was vital. This was where products landed and were bought and sold to the houses of Europe for those who could pay. The silk worm was tried nurtured in Europe but it died. Europe can produce many things from the land but it is relatively cold big part of the year and those amazing fruits and spices from Asia could simply not be grown. They had to be imported. Business is the driving force to grow and produce and nally sell on a large scale and so Europeans set up shop in Asia and large deals were made. Everyone could now enjoy a cup of tea at a relatively cheap price and spices soon dropped in price too. Commodities was sailed in to Europe and visa versa. All very good. The Kings of Europe send out explorers to investigate what was so happy in these exotic places.
The history. No, I am not writing history or even rewriting it. I only show the facts I nd and the conclusion may be right or wrong but it is a guide for further investigating.
Languages mixed with the trade routes and The Roman Republic, Roman Empire, Roman Holy Empire and United Nations moved borders and initially the Roman Empire tried to move as far as they could beyond Syria and into the East from where this star was found under a little child. So we are told. They can tell us anything and we just believe. So one day on my balcony I started to dig in further and it was also by change I started to think deeper. My wife had bough some brown raw sucker and on the package was a company name which caught my eye; WANG KANAI. It lead me to nd sucker cane and eventually a goddess named Kali of all things. A Hindu goddess. How come? Well, sucker cane is made from potash which is potassium which is Latin: Kalium. Was there any connection I thought to myself. Kali and Potassium.
Instantly I thought about the tune called THE LEMENT song by Tom Lehrer. Here follows an excerpt.

The Island

There's holmium and helium and hafnium and erbium, And phosphorus and francium and fluorine and terbium, And manganese and mercury, molybdenum, magnesium, Dysprosium and scandium and cerium and cesium. And lead, praseodymium, and platinum, plutonium, Palladium, promethium, potassium, polonium, And tantalum, technetium, titanium, tellurium,

And cadmium and calcium and chromium and curium.

There's sulfur, californium, and fermium, berkelium,
And also mendelevium, einsteinium, nobelium,
And argon, krypton, neon, radon, xenon, zinc, and rhodium, And chlorine, carbon, cobalt, copper, tungsten, tin, and sodium.

These are the only ones of which the news has come to Harvard, And there may be many others, but they haven't been discarvard (discovered).

Now breathless. What a song. Kali the goddess is brown and about dark forces and brown sucker or raw sucker or Potash is brown and dark. Potash is known to be very good for plants and people. Kali is also related to the God of Fire and potassium burns. Kali is related to Shiva. So I had found a word match. The same evening I noticed the planet Venus (5-pointed star) in the sky and so my journey started.

As we shall discover together in this book, there were many word not discarvard. Now they are. I found a few. The rest is only a bonus and you can nd some too.

15. Ocean

I wondered why the word for ocean would be ocean. It does look Latin or ancient. Where did it originate? Oceanus (male) and Tethys (female) had 3000 daughters and they were called Oceanids. They can be considered primordial gods and goddesses of ancient Greek mythology. But we might nd some surprises when we swim a little further.

There are thousands of gods and goddesses and this is not where I am heading. I am looking for keys but also the doors which the keys will open. And for that we need to turn a few letters and write: Ourania. Wikipedia points us the a deceitful place called Perseus Digital Library where I have found many false statements and right out lies. We are told it means a high ball game and the word is οὐρανίαν. Translate that and we get a totally different meaning namely Uranium which is true and not the ball meaning. See notes for Ourania.

Urania and Ourania looks like the same word using the comparison method. So how come one is about football and one is about a goddess of The Holy Spirit. The connection is the round thing. The ball. Urania holds a “ball” which is Earth hence she is Mother Earth. The nonsense about Ourania beng about football is only true because they are both kind go round shaped. That is where the truth stops and the lies starts.

Urania is the grand daughter of Uranus ( Ouranos). So Ou turns up again related to godsend goddesses and not a football game. However the ball being thrown up may well have been said to have been a Ourania since it was symbolically her throwing the ball high in the sky. So we get the modern sport handball throwing the ball over a net which is symbolic for Ourania. When I type Ourania my word automatically to Urania.

In Danish a clock is called Ur. Ania is cognate to year. Ania is also the polish form of the name Anya and a contemporary singer is named Anya singing songs about divinity and old church songs in a contemporary fashion.

Anya is derived from Hannah הָּנַח.
Hannah (Bible) had six (6, VI) children.
Hannah goes to a priest (Eli) and ask for help. The

priest says all okay and later she gives birth to a child and names him Samuel. Hannah also promises to give back the child to God should she get a child.

In Gerbrand van den Eeckhout‘s painting you see the Eli and he looks very much like the depictions Rembrandt did at the adoration of the magi and at the raising of Jesus on the cross. Eli means Holi or “most high”. Eli, the priest asks hannah if she is drunk when she asks for help to be get a child.

Hannah and Adriana both contains ana from Ḥannāh, meaning "favor" or "grace". Saint Anna was the name of the mother of Virgin Mary giving birth to Jesus.

So we get Adriana which is cognate to Hannah which is where we get the name Adriatic Sea or ocean if processor keeps changing it

Saint Anna with virgin Mary on her arm. Just like Isis is seen sitting with Horus. Icon by Angelos Akotantos. And his rst name means angel of all things unimaginative.

you like. So we are at the water. A goddess and a story very much related to water because Hannah had sex with her husband and 9 month later the water burst and out came Samuel. ASEAN is Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

Uranus or Ouranos looks familiar. Quran <=> Ouran(us). We found that οὐρανίαν was Uranium and οὐρανί was Uranus. Uran is also a city in India. In Danish Uranium is called uran.

Uranium is what is used to make bombs. It is created in supernovas. “The decay of uranium, thorium, and potassium-40 in the Earth's mantle is thought to be the main source of heat”. Potash, Kali and now Uranium. All related to gods and goddesses. The two bombs dropped in Japan during World War II was named Fat Man and Little Boy.

US is United States and with ourAnUS we can make USA. I will show you the missing ass later related to Capitol Hill.

16. Canis Percusserit

Some words really hit me. These two does. They are Latin. First one is dog. Second is strike. The thing that strikes is the penis and in Percusserit we actually get a Danish word kusse with a k. This means pussy. And that is even part of a name in a movie namely Pussy Galore. When we then take out the rst part Pe and move it in front of Canis taking out Ca we get Penis. I wondered why Danes would have a word “kusse” for the female sex organ. It simply did not r in anywhere until now. You ask any teacher this and they will most likely say: “I don’t know”. So why do you have a teacher if they don’t know shit?

This is how they come up with words and they actually translate across languages between 1, 2 or even 3 languages, which I shall show you later.
Cusse in Latin, for all the luck in the World, actually means executed43. It is called the little death of deep love and you feel execute or very tired when the orgasm explodes in a burst escaping you from a high state of pleasant spirits. Spirit as in mood.
Percusserit; the walls were being battered with rams44.
Anis is the Pimpinella Anisum. Also the Illicium verum (Star Anise), which is an eightpointed star shaped seed from the botanical world. Tastes like licorice. Liquor and Rice is then just a bonus!
Verum is Latin for truth. So in Canis Percusserit we get: Penis and Cunt is the Truth. And that is no lie. Γλυκόριζα is Greek for Licorice and phonetically it is Elicorisa.
You have probably heard of Jennifer Aniston. She is a star and her star is eight pointed as in Star Anise. But she also has a ve pointed star because she is a Hollywood star in her own World. She acts and uses a manuscript playing Rachel Green in Friends mostly upset about love and boys.
What Rachel and Green have to do with this I shall not touch upon right now but we are at Starbucks. At Starbucks they actually have a “Black tea infused with cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper and star anise added to milk and ice”. This naturally takes us to Genesis 1:29 regarding food, herbs and spices:
“Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;”
Three wise men (magis, king) gave various gifts (Matthew 2:11) which was usually given to lovers and whores who were goddesses. One thing given was Frankincense (λίβανον) used in perfumes. But wait. The Greek word for Frankincense is λίβανον which is translated at Google as incense. But the word λίβανον is phonetically and in letter LIBANON. Λίβανον is LIBANON. Where is Libanon or rather Lebanon to confuse us further? Lebanon is ن)*+###########, and Greek Λίβανος. Wikipedia writes for their article Frankincense:
“Some [who?] have also postulated that the name comes from the Arabic term for "Oil of Lebanon" since Lebanon was the place where the resin was sold and traded with Europeans.”
Can we now conclude, that Wikipedia has very little clue about anything and is trying to hide an obvious however hidden fact? This Frankincense contains oil and was given to the

43 General Custer might just mean that. Percutio, cussi, cussum; to shake
44 A Copious and Critical English-Latin Dictionary By Sir William Smith, William George Smith, Theophilus Dwight Hall
Child Jesus and Mary by 3 wise men. The biggest event in history and Wikipedia just attitudes there like an unclothed emperor.
There seems to be a lot of Fran in something in this World. Frank In Vegas and Frank In Stein and Ein Stein was into a game of some sort called the Jesters Hall of Idiots [pun].
Canis = dog, Percusserit = to strike, hit: Hit Dog (Hit God)

The word ler: is also found in names such as Marler saying it means clay/soil. Danish word for painter is maler. Earth tones and pigment were used because they were cheap and accessible. Ma in Marler and maler then ts that Mar+ler is Water + Clay. You would mic clay with water to make the paint. Ler is then clay. I found Ler meaning Mar (sea) as Galician.

Hit is Greek επιτυχία
Transliterated to Danish: επ (et) = one, ιτυ (itu) = broken.
χί is Roman numeral XI or 11 as II meaning 2 (two). And α is for Alpha. So the word Hit is one amazing word going right to the heart of the fatherland Denmark.

In short we might conclude that Hitler means: Strike Earth. He did. But it was actually his fake enemy who struck earth for real in Japan with two atom bombs. Notice it was two (II) Abombs. II (2, two) is very important to decode what really happened. Abomb can make: bob, bomb, ma (mother), mob.

Did someone think: we are going to strike Earth and teach the eaters a lesson. Let’s invent a fella and give him a name that matches what we are going to do. Perhaps they even had the idea for the A-bomb prior to WWII and they wanted a reason to test it for real. There is no reason to make a weapon if you can’t use it. The later fake Cold War was just an old war extended into Korean, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Syria and perhaps again North Korea. Cycle complete. The O is important to decode all their bullshit too.

17. Cannabis Chicago II

Grass is one amazing green thing. It just grows everywhere. Grass is also known as pot, hash and cannabis. Canna is a herb called Canna meaning cane. A cane is a stick, a rod, a pole. Nice child has many names.

This book would not be complete without mentioning this cane because that is a keystone to decoding what it is really all about. Pot or grass or weed or cannabis is an amazing plant and used for making ropes, clothe and fodder for animals and the list goes on. You can investigate this green thing all on your own so I won’t explore every detail of it.

What I want to portray is, that hemp in Chinese is (seen in image above left) and has two (II) plants under a head, hat or simply a shelter, roof etc. Recall Xu Shen and Chinese symbolism using pictograms to show what a thing is. Chinese consists of symbols that in themselves are pieces of symbols and once you know a few you can make your own Chinese letters and symbols.

As a noun hemp is also and with that we nd that is Sesame. Hemp have many varieties and some have seeds that look like small pearls or gems if you like. They might even look like sand or rocks.

has two main symbols. Take the rst and it means Chicago. is hemp. There is a children's program called Sesame Street.
Street Crack

Reet is Dutch for crack. As in a crack in a street or whatever. German Riss is crack. Ris is Danish for rice. Okay - you get the point: words have a meaning and they originate somewhere almost like babies originate. They are born out of an idea and then symbols are formed to depict what idea you have. Enter Mr. Brown in his Den and his Lost Symbols. All very Hollywood and he is on top of the world doing his “sistoic” or historic dance. You see, I just invented a word: sistoic. You won’t nd this word anywhere in the World except in this book. What do I mean?

It means Sistine Chapel and all the brown bullshit that followed. So you see, you can make up your own words rather easy and this is how they invent words. They pop up as slang on the streets everywhere and some die and some live.

So Reet is part of Street and Sesame is hemp is cannabis. So Sesame Street is Cannabis Crack.

Chi sounds rather familiar as in Chi Rho. It is Greek χρ and I will mention this symbol in more detail in this book. Cago could be cargo and since Chicago is part of Chinese Hemp then we might conclude that Chicago is Hemp Cargo. Chicago is near the water . It even has a place called John Hancock Center and on top is two (II) antennas. Recall the Han Dynasty? Chi Cago = China Cargo. USA = China oder was?

Last Supper

In Da Vinci’s painting “The Last Supper” you nd some rather strange things. There are tapestries on the wall and they were usually only found in palaces and at royal houses. On the left side of the image you actually see one such tapestry and if I am not mistaken it is a kind of owereld or perhaps even a hempeld. I am THINKING DIFFERENT now and you really can’t blame anyone for taking you to places unknown just like the new word sistoic?

Look at the table in the front and what are they eating? Bread? We found that bread is really a cock or glans and the Cannabis is like the Pennisetum glaucum - a food. I think (and I even believe if you like) that this last supper is allegorically the last sexual act and the last high before dying the little death. That is all.

18. Leonardo Da Vinci

Painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. The Last Supper. Notice the expensive tapestry mo both side. On the left tapestry is ower symbols and other symbols.

On right right you see the little cut I made taken from above left seen as a red highlighted. This book does not have colors inside so I added only this little piece of the puzzle on the back of this book in the lower left corner. Notice the red and blue ower and the blue are above the red because it is male upon female.

The tapestry is decorated with arabesque hear shapes one above the other. Not easy to see in this small picture. Find it on The Internet and zoom in. This shape is also known as the Dome Of The Rock. Claude Monet painted with his brush in what is known as an arabesque style - small swirls on the canvas. He is know for having said: “I would love to paint as a bird sings”. He painted Waterlines or Nymphs with reference to Japanese art but also water nymphs or whores luring seamen to the shore so she could have sex and coins.

Jesus is in a red and blue mantle/robe as in Mary
See color version back cover of this book lower left corner.

however her’s is more pink but both are of the family vermilion most likely. A colors used often. Blue was an expensive color. But Vermilion too made from Cinnabar. Today they can be made arti cially. But the true colors are resistant to light and will stay the same for ages. Especially earth colors such as Burnt Umbra and Sienna.

The Chinese use the vermillion too and it not red as you might expect but more towards orange. It has a bright hue and alone really stands out very strong. The blue color used earlier was Ultramarine but was expensive.

Red is for female and blue is for male. The colors are seen in many locations today but foremost at election in America and now adapted elsewhere. Red is woman and blue is man. Unless you like pigs you really only have two choices and they are telling you this by using only these two colors.

Colors in Egypt

Red ( desher) was the color of life and of victory. During celebrations, ancient Egyptians would paint their bodies with red ochre and would wear amulets made of cornelian, a deep red stone. Seth, the god who stood at the prow of the sun's barque and slew the serpent Apep 45 daily, had red eyes and hair.

Red was also a symbol of anger and re. A person who acted "with a red heart" was lled with rage. "To redden" meant "to die". Seth while the god of victory over Apep, was also the evil murderer of his brother Osiris. His red coloration could take on the meaning of evil or victory depending on the context in which he is portrayed. Red was commonly used to symbolize the ery nature of the radiant sun and serpent amulets representing the "Eye of Re" (the ery, protective, and possibly malevolent aspect of the sun) were made of red stones.

The normal skin tone of Egyptian men was depicted as red, without any negative connotation.
Red paint was created by Egyptian artisans by using naturally oxidized iron and red ocher.
"Egyptian blue" (irtiu, sbedj) was made combining iron and copper oxides with silica and calcium. This produced a rich color however it was unstable and sometimes darkened or changed color over the years.
Blue was symbolic of the sky and of water. In a cosmic sense, this extended its symbolism to the heavens and of the primeval oods. In both of these cases, blue took on a meaning of life and re-birth.
Blue was naturally also a symbol of the Nile and its associated crops, offerings and fertility. The phoenix, which was a symbol of the primeval ood, was patterned on the heron. Herons naturally have a gray-blue plumage. However, they were usually portrayed with bright blue feathers to emphasize their association with the waters of the creation. Amon was often shown with a blue face to symbolize his role in the creation of the world. By extension, the Pharaohs were sometimes shown with blue faces as well when they became identi ed with Amon. Baboons, which are not naturally blue, were portrayed as blue. It is not certain why. However, the ibis, a blue bird was a symbol of Thoth, just like the baboon was. It may be that the baboons were colored blue to emphasize their connection to Thoth.
Color white (hedj and shesep) suggested omnipotence and purity. Due to its lack of color white was also the color of simple and sacred things. The name of the holy city of Memphis meant "White Walls." White sandals were worn at holy ceremonies. The material most commonly used for ritual objects such as small ceremonial bowls and even the embalming table for the Apis Bulls in Memphis was white alabaster. White was also the heraldic color of Upper Egypt. The "Nefer", the crown of Upper Egypt was white, even though originally is was probably made of green reeds.
The pure white color used in Egyptian art was created from chalk and gypsum.

45 http://www.egyptianmyths.net/apep.htm
Lie On da Vinci
To lie is to not tell the truth.
To lie on the bed is used as reclining

To lie then has two meaning. It works like Holy meaning Whole Lie. Can mean the hole is lying or the hole is lying or both. Holy; phonetically the rst part (ho-l) can be hole or whole. So we get 4 different meanings:

Hole Lie (an cave which is reclining)
Hole Lie (an cave which is not telling the truth)
Whole Lie (all the reclining you can do - resting, sleeping, being lazy) Whole Lie (all non truths)

These colors are still in existence and you nd blue, red and white in the American ag and well as Union Jack and other ags. Red, Blue, White and Black are important and you see them in the guards dresses today at royal palaces.

The God min is depicted having a white dress and a red scarf across him making the pattern of a cross.

The Teutonic Knights shield is a white plate with a black cross.
My point is, that the ancient symbols still live changed a little here and a little there to obscure, but is all based on the same symbolism of gods, power and control. The soldier on the right has live ammunition as is a freemason and he is there to protect the lies so she can sleep easy at night. He is paid handsomely with great prospects later to get a good position in society. It is an honor to stand there and a salute is called honnør (honor) in Danish which is cognate to honor and honorary. Last part ør means dizzy or a little crazy. The little shielding tower is made from wood and is painted red. It all looks very romantic but behind all of this is a royal family of fake, deceit and robbery. To protect it all they have soldiers such as this but even a whole army and naturally the police to make sure nobody nds out the real truth behind the royal bloodline namely wars with blood and history faked.

A soldier outside the Queen’s Palace in Denmark. Black suite, blue pants and a white cross and a red stripe on the suite.

Salian Franks protecting a lousy louse. All freemasons and the Queen is #1 in rank.

Crossed arms and a machine gun. How
welcoming. No entry here please because we protect lies. Very hostile and very sick. He will kill you if you tell him he is a fraud or he just don’t like your ideas.

Freemasons naturally or else he could not work for freemason #1 the Queen (copy from Qing Dynasty).

19. Chrysis χρυσὸν

Related to above Frankincense we nd the story in Matthew 2:11:

“And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.”

The Greek version is:

κα ὶ ἐλθόντες εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν εἶδον τὸ παιδίον μετὰ Μαρίας τῆς μητρὸς αὐτοῦ, καὶ πεσόντες προσεκύνησαν αὐτῷ καὶ ἀνοίξαντες τοὺς θησαυροὺς αὐτῶν προσήνεγκαν αὐτῷ δῶρα χρυσὸν καὶ λίβανον καὶ σμύρναν.

Here we see the word χρυσὸν translated as gold. Wrong. It is not gold – it is CHRYSON or speci cally CHRYSIS. What Crisis? It is a whore. A woman. She is Chrysis in Pierre Louÿs novel called Ancient Manners, which you can read and nd here: jamesluxley.com/ ancientmanners. Also nd it at The Gutenberg EBook project. The story is about a little girl (10-11 years of age) who is a whore and lover to Dionysus and she has some delights with Cleopatra as well. Whores become queens and queens become whores. In early 2012 I wrote an entry about Chrysis at Wikipedia and it was promptly deleted by Wikipedia’s army of male whores among one is a fella named Palnatoke (tokee is Swedish slang for crazy) working for or in bed with The Danish National Museum writing lies and covering up facts and they actually write ction better than they can shut me up! There you have the proof empirically linking the 3 wise men and this childbirth to a whore and now a queen because Chrysis had sex with queens and if I am not mistaken then Cleopatra may be the mother of Jesus or at least some whore was. My investigation will nd her eventually. That is the so called Holy Grail to know the lie is true and nding Chrysis was like nding the path to follow. I am right there behind you terrorists of horrors so huge you are GOMO then, now and forever and shall be remembered as such. Who said: “I hope you will live forever”? It was King Leonidas. He said so being betrayed by one of his own people. I was deeply betrayed as many others and in this betrayal you end up walking in the dark and the governments is in on the deceit via ownership and state controlled religion. No wonder they are trying to get out. But it is too late. The Grail has been found and no longer are a few men in the light knowing the deepest secret and biggest lies ever told.

"I am Astarte. Take a block of marble and your chisel and reveal me to the men of Egypt. I desire them to worship my image."

So she says the little whore in Ancient Manners. And who is Astarte? She is Ishtar and Chrysis and she had golden hair. Matthew 2:11 is a metaphor, a lie if you will. It is about Ishtar, Venus the whore giving birth to the next generation of kings and his name was suppose to be Emmanuelle as in Imman (priest) and we have the erotic story and lm called Emmanuelle. We even have Emmanuel in The Bible. A French-Thai actress, Marayat RolletAndriane (Artist name is Emmanuelle Arsan and Arsan may be Artisan meaning artist or craftsman. Artis is Indonesian. This tells us that etymonline.com/index.php?term=artisan is far from the root (truth) with their winged logo, 5 arrows and a “lion” (lie on)!), born in the 1930s in Bangkok created the part of Emmanuelle. Her novel was banned in France. Yes, because it is a key. And Thai’s are not all that stupid and she knows the facts and wrote about it. No wonder Krung Thep is called Bang Cock. And furthermore we have the lady magazine called ELLE and now you know why. Because El or Elle is a goddess, a whore and are most whores not lovely in their own way. When you come to think of it, then we are all gods and goddesses. But some like to play God more than others. And that is ne too. Like politician who bark all day long.

Did you know mans best friend is not the dog but the horse. Horse naturally rimes with whores hence horse/whores are faithfully (literally) mans best friend.
Part of what you are reading here – is the Holy Grail. It is all utter lies that became true. And part of what I write may also be lies just as we were told the Earth was at as a pancake. You don’t know the truths, until you know the lies. Thinking is only a process requiring very little data. But thinking different requires all the data available. And this is possible today with The Internet.

Myrrh Smyrna Σμύρναν Pimpernel

Phonetic Spelling: (smoor'-nah) and we nd this word in aforementioned Matthew 2:11 as the last word. It is translated as Myrrh. Butter in Danish is Smør and in Denmark there was a product called ”SMØR 40” and it is marketed as such because it contains only half the amount of fat as does real 100% butter. They add vegetable oil to shin it out and market it as more healthy. Huge advertising spending and a woman named Suzanne Bjerrehus was on national television hired as the ”actor” advertising this product.

Why 40 one might ask. And why is smør spelled smør as it is? Mør in Danish is tender. Is butter tender? Okay, lets say it is for the sake of argument. Not so.
It is related to the Temptation of Christ where he fasted 40 days and nights. This is 1) why Danish smør originates in the 4 all we get from this single word. We rst letters of the Greek word σμύρναν. But that is not nd a name also.

It is Pimpernel. Which also gives us pimp. If we take out each letter from the word σμύρναν and arrange them slightly different we get: σ μ ύ ρ ν αν and that is:
p m p n al if
Rearrange those slightly we end up with:
p i m p n a l (f )

A pimp sells whores. Scarlet is also a color and is red. In sRGB (Red, Green, Blue) the color code is 252, 40, 71. Green is 40. Each color can range from 0 to 255. Recall this word and these numbers are related to The Bible which governments have adapted, adopted and created. Take the rst 5 digits: 2+5+2+7+0 = 13. Add the next 7+1=8 make it a total of 21. 13 is known as an unlucky number. Sure, but now I found that too. 21 is related to United nations Agenda 21. We are told the ”21” is related to the 21st. Century. Sure it is. But the logo of Agenda 21 is orange or rather ame scarlet with two hue as in re having more than one hue. Flamen were Roman priests and each priest were assigned to a deity.
Smyrna was also an ancient city today called Ismir in Turkey.
Butter is rather easy to decode now. I have been there and I know this word already so

no need to think di fferent this time. Tibet is in Wilie transliteration pronounced Bod hence but+ter. This gives us ass or slag but. Ter might be for 3 or earth which related to the same namely Father, Son and The Holy Spirit. Ter is for Tertiary; the old geological period many millions of years ago. Tertiary is also ”third in importance”. Synonyms are 3rd, third. Father again because she (her) is fat when pregnant. In Danish sin is synd and English sin is son. A son Ham was born a sinner and he was Noah’s son.

The Biblical Portrayal of Child Sacrifice

Book: King Manasseh and Child Sacri ce: Biblical Distortions of Historical Realities By Francesca Stavrakopolou tells this exactly. Abraham and the name ham is used frequently as in Ward Cunningham and many others. Abraham is their King God or King Kong (Kong is Nordic for King). Abraham Lincoln is just one more out of thousands.

Through the House of King David and Abraham we can follow sacri ce right up to this day in time. If you think you are living in modern times you are not in this world. You are imagining things. Get real as the saying goes. Thousands of children go missing every year in US alone. Just like magic they go up into smoke. Gone. They are food for high-ranking officials and big corp. They mostly go to places you never knew existed rich and far away from Main Street. It is a network of terror and everyone is directly or indirectly connected from police to your local officials. Why do you trust the biggest crime organization to care for your child? In kindergarten and in schools? One day it might hit you and then it is too late to do something about it. I have a child who was snatched away but in a different way. Still alive but the police and gang groups were in on it. They wanted money to let me see my child and it is called extortion however layers and government and police never bothered investigating that side of it either. So? The answer is money in my case. In other cases it is sex. And what can I do? Rob a bank to see my son? At this time I see Universal Studios And Al Pacino as the villain in front of my open eyes. (I might speak of this story later but I am sure nobody will believe that either).


Don’t get mad as a dog now. Lin or Lynn is a steam of uid – not necessarily water. Coln is colonel and con for being cunning. See Marilyn Monroe. That ts ne with Abraham, because Ham came from water in a vessel with a whore whom Noah had made with bread – pregnant. Sin followed because she woman gave a ood of water giving birth to Ham who then became sinful too. The only reason must have been, that Noah and the vessel were doing the oldest dance in history; the dance of extra-marital intercourse. She was the vessel big and fat and they were then both pigs hence Ham became the word for pigs meat but the better part today worth billions in export from hence pigs lives today in Denmark producing 25+ million swines every year making the banks shine.

Pig & Cunning Watery Soldier. That is his real name. That is also why he has a ne place to sit in Washington and cleaning has everything to do with why.

For a relatively short time I worked in such a thing. I wondered for years why it would be called municipality. City, Pal, Pali etc. It is a small entity in a country of political electorates who govern a small area. All very nice on the surface. And what surface? As with other words, they have a meaning or are created from some other words put together by somebody. Even back in the 90s it was not easy to nd everything on The Internet but the information has grown exponential and I think I found the deeper meaning of this word.

I have learned since 2012, that words and language relates to a very few things and this one too. I am no longer surprised and I nd that Wikipedia and etymology helps very little and I have to deduct the facts from scratch. Some dictionaries lies or try to obscure but eventually the truth pops out.

Muni is egg. It also sounds very much like Moon. And it is. It is from Proto Uralic Muna meaning “hen’s egg”, or “any egg” or actually penis and balls. Also Ovum as in ovulation. Do you know the city Munich? Now you do. It is the city of Dick and Balls. Sorry to day this but that is what the name means; Muni+ch. Even the last part Nich rimes with Dick. You know Santa Claus I am sure and he is related to Saint Nicholas. Hence Nich is Saint Dick in fact or Saint Egg or Saint Ball to be more aromatic about it.

Munich is from Bavaria, which is a very important place because Hitler lived in or near Bavaria in Berghof and was known as the best known headquarters of Adolf Hitler.
It is also related to the Beer Hall Putch (The Beer Hall Putch or Munich Putch) where Hitler tried to siege Munich. Hitler survived after being attached in the beer hall. Many other Nazi’s dies but not Hitler. According to The Telegraph, 2012, Bavaria is to release Mein Kampf in an annotated version and Bavaria owns the rights to this famous book which much of the Nazi regime based their ideals on. Hitler did probably not write the book personally and the whole WWI and WW2 is all a clandestine robbery of people through the operation I shall name: MUNIGOMO: Dicks & Balls Greatest Organized Ma a Organization. Why two Organs? Because it is male and female and for great as in eight as in eternity. This organization will last forever because it has lasted for more than 2000 years already just adapted and renamed over the years.
I don’t know about you, but do we both about Ci+Pali+Ty? Is it Pali for the Prakrit language group and City? Sanskrit and Prakrit is the origin of many words and languages. Prakrit is the words and language of Buddhism to Theravāda related to Laos, Myanmar, Thailand or foremost Southeast Asia. A wat is a temple and one temple related to Theravāda is Wat Chaiwatthanaram. Chai in Thai means “yes”. Watt is electricity or “what”? “Han” is Danish for him. Also Han dynasty. Ram is an animal. And you think we were smart in the west. The West copied everything in the East. It is called a copy/paste job which is also why S.P.Q.R is a Lazy Romans.
Communism has muni in the word. And so Municipality is the same word. In Nordic the exact same name is used “Kommune” for commune. Many believe it to be a gathering of people in an area. Nice, right. Wrong. It is communism par excellence /pun intended) because there is only one politic and it is exactly communism.
Ishtar had the moon as her egg and the Planet Venus, which is symbolized through the ve-pointed star. Myanmar has an “egg” or a “muni” in their ag as does Cuba and USA has 50 Munis. It is the Five Pointed Star, the moon egg. All nations including United Nations (!) has stars hence they are communist because they are Munis caring the symbol of the egg.
Ever heard of Moon in Asia. All clandestine deceit, to rock a nation, with terror through bombing all done by governments and rulers.
Munis is also Mon as in Monarchy. Mon means single. A single egg. The moon egg. You knoe Do Re Mi. And Doraemon ( ) a Japanese cartoon character. It is also Department of Regulatory Agencies DORA and their logo contains an O which is cut in half, top is blue, bottom is red (I shall speak of those two colors elsewhere). It is a sun rising or a sun set but also O for an egg. So in the O you get the symbol of both the Sun (Son) and the Moon. Male, female. Do Re Mi means 1, 2, 3 as does Do Rae Mon. Rae = Ra or the Sun, male, and Mon is egg, the female. Do is found in names such as Isadora. Dora is δῶρον, ου, τό (do'ron) meaning a gift, present. The word occurs 19 times in the New Testament and is related to ceremonial sacri ce hence a gift, present. A Dominus and Domnei were male and female masters in the Roman Republic who could be masters of gladiatorial training houses/school (Latin: ludus). One such is was located near ancient Italian/Roman city Capua where we nd Spartacus.
Mitt Romney is a Mormon. This is two words: Mor and Mon. Mor is Nordic for Mother and Mon means single or moon and egg but as you learned, it actually means dick and balls. Mitt is Dutch for middle. Romney is synonym for Rome.
This is also where we get Dom or Don in the ma a. We also have Champagne named so. Dom Pérignon. Don or Dom or Dominus means tyrant and this tyrant is a gift, present. The Nordic word for poison is gift. The Nordic word gift is also married. So to be married is poisonous. This is why Catholic priest can’t marry because they have one or many Mary’s who were whores.
Domino and Ludo™ are two children’s games and adults play them too. “Domani” is a song title. It means “tomorrow” or the “days that never comes”. A version of this song, was performed by Maynie SirénEnglund and Sirén we nd in a book titled: “SIREN FEAST” depicting a small child with a heart shaped (Neproid) fan. The book is by Andrew Dalby (Dalby is a Nordic city name and Dal means valley and by means city). The book has ISBN-13: 978-0415156578. A Siren was a nymph, a water nymph hence the “heart” shaped fan, which relates to the water lily of the family Nymphaeaceae. This is because the Nephroid looks like a man and woman bottom/ass re ected in a vessel or a cup. It is pure mathematical. This is why a Nymph is Neph and a Siren is the red and blue lights ashing on and off when danger is loose when the police arrives.
So we have covered a large piece of land via only one word; Municipality. It is not what you think it was and the word reveals what is really going on. We are talking sex, pussy galore and dicks ashing around like rods seeking holes. That is why golf is so popular. Did you notice how a rod/stick is places in a golf hole and taken out once the player is ready to land a ball in the hole? Ball, stick and pussy are the name of the game; golf. That is why it is so popular among wealthy and evildoers! So next time you go to “dig a hole” with a spade, you know what that really means.

“SIREN FEAST” - a book about food in Italy.


by Pierre Louÿs

p. 72 p. 73
Chapter One

Notice it is a copy of afore mentioned bookcover by Andrew Dalby called Sirens.

Aphrodite is about small nymph not older than 7-11 having sex as prostitutes. Notice the left breast is exposed which you will see later in Greece related to Odysseus and his statue on an small Greek island.

http://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/aph/ aph09.htm

Greek σειρήνα (sirena) is a Siren - a nymph, a whore. No wonder the Po Lice uses red and blue lights. But rather interesting that Eva can be contains in a Siren; ενα.

ἤ γειρεν means raised up. How is it they say: “A stroke of Genius”. Well, this book shows how little that genius was as only two apostrophes. You can enter whatever dots and strokes you like in your name and in doing so signaling something.

19. Chrysis χρυσὸν

Related to above Frankincense we nd the story in Matthew 2:11:

“And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.”

The Greek version is:

κα ὶ ἐλθόντες εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν εἶδον τὸ παιδίον μετὰ Μαρίας τῆς μητρὸς αὐτοῦ, καὶ πεσόντες προσεκύνησαν αὐτῷ καὶ ἀνοίξαντες τοὺς θησαυροὺς αὐτῶν προσήνεγκαν αὐτῷ δῶρα χρυσὸν καὶ λίβανον καὶ σμύρναν.

Here we see the word χρυσὸν translated as gold. Wrong. It is not gold – it is CHRYSON or speci cally CHRYSIS. What Crisis? It is a whore. A woman. She is Chrysis in Pierre Louÿs novel called Ancient Manners, which you can read and nd here: jamesluxley.com/ ancientmanners. Also nd it at The Gutenberg EBook project. The story is about a little girl (10-11 years of age) who is a whore and lover to Dionysus and she has some delights with Cleopatra as well. Whores become queens and queens become whores. In early 2012 I wrote an entry about Chrysis at Wikipedia and it was promptly deleted by Wikipedia’s army of male whores among one is a fella named Palnatoke (tokee is Swedish slang for crazy) working for or in bed with The Danish National Museum writing lies and covering up facts and they actually write ction better than they can shut me up! There you have the proof empirically linking the 3 wise men and this childbirth to a whore and now a queen because Chrysis had sex with queens and if I am not mistaken then Cleopatra may be the mother of Jesus or at least some whore was. My investigation will nd her eventually. That is the so called Holy Grail to know the lie is true and nding Chrysis was like nding the path to follow. I am right there behind you terrorists of horrors so huge you are GOMO then, now and forever and shall be remembered as such. Who said: “I hope you will live forever”? It was King Leonidas. He said so being betrayed by one of his own people. I was deeply betrayed as many others and in this betrayal you end up walking in the dark and the governments is in on the deceit via ownership and state controlled religion. No wonder they are trying to get out. But it is too late. The Grail has been found and no longer are a few men in the light knowing the deepest secret and biggest lies ever told.

"I am Astarte. Take a block of marble and your chisel and reveal me to the men of Egypt. I desire them to worship my image."

So she says the little whore in Ancient Manners. And who is Astarte? She is Ishtar and Chrysis and she had golden hair. Matthew 2:11 is a metaphor, a lie if you will. It is about Ishtar, Venus the whore giving birth to the next generation of kings and his name was suppose to be Emmanuelle as in Imman (priest) and we have the erotic story and lm called Emmanuelle. We even have Emmanuel in The Bible. A French-Thai actress, Marayat RolletAndriane (Artist name is Emmanuelle Arsan and Arsan may be Artisan meaning artist or craftsman. Artis is Indonesian. This tells us that etymonline.com/index.php?term=artisan is far from the root (truth) with their winged logo, 5 arrows and a “lion” (lie on)!), born in the 1930s in Bangkok created the part of Emmanuelle. Her novel was banned in France. Yes, because it is a key. And Thai’s are not all that stupid and she knows the facts and wrote about it. No wonder Krung Thep is called Bang Cock. And furthermore we have the lady magazine called ELLE and now you know why. Because El or Elle is a goddess, a whore and are most whores not lovely in their own way. When you come to think of it, then we are all gods and goddesses. But some like to play God more than others. And that is ne too. Like politician who bark all day long.

Did you know mans best friend is not the dog but the horse. Horse naturally rimes with whores hence horse/whores are faithfully (literally) mans best friend.
Part of what you are reading here – is the Holy Grail. It is all utter lies that became true. And part of what I write may also be lies just as we were told the Earth was at as a pancake. You don’t know the truths, until you know the lies. Thinking is only a process requiring very little data. But thinking different requires all the data available. And this is possible today with The Internet.

Myrrh Smyrna Σμύρναν Pimpernel

Phonetic Spelling: (smoor'-nah) and we nd this word in aforementioned Matthew 2:11 as the last word. It is translated as Myrrh. Butter in Danish is Smør and in Denmark there was a product called ”SMØR 40” and it is marketed as such because it contains only half the amount of fat as does real 100% butter. They add vegetable oil to shin it out and market it as more healthy. Huge advertising spending and a woman named Suzanne Bjerrehus was on national television hired as the ”actor” advertising this product.

Why 40 one might ask. And why is smør spelled smør as it is? Mør in Danish is tender. Is butter tender? Okay, lets say it is for the sake of argument. Not so.
It is related to the Temptation of Christ where he fasted 40 days and nights. This is 1) why Danish smør originates in the 4 all we get from this single word. We rst letters of the Greek word σμύρναν. But that is not nd a name also.

It is Pimpernel. Which also gives us pimp. If we take out each letter from the word σμύρναν and arrange them slightly different we get: σ μ ύ ρ ν αν and that is:
p m p n al if
Rearrange those slightly we end up with:
p i m p n a l (f )

A pimp sells whores. Scarlet is also a color and is red. In sRGB (Red, Green, Blue) the color code is 252, 40, 71. Green is 40. Each color can range from 0 to 255. Recall this word and these numbers are related to The Bible which governments have adapted, adopted and created. Take the rst 5 digits: 2+5+2+7+0 = 13. Add the next 7+1=8 make it a total of 21. 13 is known as an unlucky number. Sure, but now I found that too. 21 is related to United nations Agenda 21. We are told the ”21” is related to the 21st. Century. Sure it is. But the logo of Agenda 21 is orange or rather ame scarlet with two hue as in re having more than one hue. Flamen were Roman priests and each priest were assigned to a deity.
Smyrna was also an ancient city today called Ismir in Turkey.
Butter is rather easy to decode now. I have been there and I know this word already so

no need to think di fferent this time. Tibet is in Wilie transliteration pronounced Bod hence but+ter. This gives us ass or slag but. Ter might be for 3 or earth which related to the same namely Father, Son and The Holy Spirit. Ter is for Tertiary; the old geological period many millions of years ago. Tertiary is also ”third in importance”. Synonyms are 3rd, third. Father again because she (her) is fat when pregnant. In Danish sin is synd and English sin is son. A son Ham was born a sinner and he was Noah’s son.

The Biblical Portrayal of Child Sacrifice

Book: King Manasseh and Child Sacri ce: Biblical Distortions of Historical Realities By Francesca Stavrakopolou tells this exactly. Abraham and the name ham is used frequently as in Ward Cunningham and many others. Abraham is their King God or King Kong (Kong is Nordic for King). Abraham Lincoln is just one more out of thousands.

Through the House of King David and Abraham we can follow sacri ce right up to this day in time. If you think you are living in modern times you are not in this world. You are imagining things. Get real as the saying goes. Thousands of children go missing every year in US alone. Just like magic they go up into smoke. Gone. They are food for high-ranking officials and big corp. They mostly go to places you never knew existed rich and far away from Main Street. It is a network of terror and everyone is directly or indirectly connected from police to your local officials. Why do you trust the biggest crime organization to care for your child? In kindergarten and in schools? One day it might hit you and then it is too late to do something about it. I have a child who was snatched away but in a different way. Still alive but the police and gang groups were in on it. They wanted money to let me see my child and it is called extortion however layers and government and police never bothered investigating that side of it either. So? The answer is money in my case. In other cases it is sex. And what can I do? Rob a bank to see my son? At this time I see Universal Studios And Al Pacino as the villain in front of my open eyes. (I might speak of this story later but I am sure nobody will believe that either).


Don’t get mad as a dog now. Lin or Lynn is a steam of uid – not necessarily water. Coln is colonel and con for being cunning. See Marilyn Monroe. That ts ne with Abraham, because Ham came from water in a vessel with a whore whom Noah had made with bread – pregnant. Sin followed because she woman gave a ood of water giving birth to Ham who then became sinful too. The only reason must have been, that Noah and the vessel were doing the oldest dance in history; the dance of extra-marital intercourse. She was the vessel big and fat and they were then both pigs hence Ham became the word for pigs meat but the better part today worth billions in export from hence pigs lives today in Denmark producing 25+ million swines every year making the banks shine.

Pig & Cunning Watery Soldier. That is his real name. That is also why he has a ne place to sit in Washington and cleaning has everything to do with why.

For a relatively short time I worked in such a thing. I wondered for years why it would be called municipality. City, Pal, Pali etc. It is a small entity in a country of political electorates who govern a small area. All very nice on the surface. And what surface? As with other words, they have a meaning or are created from some other words put together by somebody. Even back in the 90s it was not easy to nd everything on The Internet but the information has grown exponential and I think I found the deeper meaning of this word.

I have learned since 2012, that words and language relates to a very few things and this one too. I am no longer surprised and I nd that Wikipedia and etymology helps very little and I have to deduct the facts from scratch. Some dictionaries lies or try to obscure but eventually the truth pops out.

Muni is egg. It also sounds very much like Moon. And it is. It is from Proto Uralic Muna meaning “hen’s egg”, or “any egg” or actually penis and balls. Also Ovum as in ovulation. Do you know the city Munich? Now you do. It is the city of Dick and Balls. Sorry to day this but that is what the name means; Muni+ch. Even the last part Nich rimes with Dick. You know Santa Claus I am sure and he is related to Saint Nicholas. Hence Nich is Saint Dick in fact or Saint Egg or Saint Ball to be more aromatic about it.

Munich is from Bavaria, which is a very important place because Hitler lived in or near Bavaria in Berghof and was known as the best known headquarters of Adolf Hitler.
It is also related to the Beer Hall Putch (The Beer Hall Putch or Munich Putch) where Hitler tried to siege Munich. Hitler survived after being attached in the beer hall. Many other Nazi’s dies but not Hitler. According to The Telegraph, 2012, Bavaria is to release Mein Kampf in an annotated version and Bavaria owns the rights to this famous book which much of the Nazi regime based their ideals on. Hitler did probably not write the book personally and the whole WWI and WW2 is all a clandestine robbery of people through the operation I shall name: MUNIGOMO: Dicks & Balls Greatest Organized Ma a Organization. Why two Organs? Because it is male and female and for great as in eight as in eternity. This organization will last forever because it has lasted for more than 2000 years already just adapted and renamed over the years.
I don’t know about you, but do we both about Ci+Pali+Ty? Is it Pali for the Prakrit language group and City? Sanskrit and Prakrit is the origin of many words and languages. Prakrit is the words and language of Buddhism to Theravāda related to Laos, Myanmar, Thailand or foremost Southeast Asia. A wat is a temple and one temple related to Theravāda is Wat Chaiwatthanaram. Chai in Thai means “yes”. Watt is electricity or “what”? “Han” is Danish for him. Also Han dynasty. Ram is an animal. And you think we were smart in the west. The West copied everything in the East. It is called a copy/paste job which is also why S.P.Q.R is a Lazy Romans.
Communism has muni in the word. And so Municipality is the same word. In Nordic the exact same name is used “Kommune” for commune. Many believe it to be a gathering of people in an area. Nice, right. Wrong. It is communism par excellence /pun intended) because there is only one politic and it is exactly communism.
Ishtar had the moon as her egg and the Planet Venus, which is symbolized through the ve-pointed star. Myanmar has an “egg” or a “muni” in their ag as does Cuba and USA has 50 Munis. It is the Five Pointed Star, the moon egg. All nations including United Nations (!) has stars hence they are communist because they are Munis caring the symbol of the egg.
Ever heard of Moon in Asia. All clandestine deceit, to rock a nation, with terror through bombing all done by governments and rulers.
Munis is also Mon as in Monarchy. Mon means single. A single egg. The moon egg. You knoe Do Re Mi. And Doraemon ( ) a Japanese cartoon character. It is also Department of Regulatory Agencies DORA and their logo contains an O which is cut in half, top is blue, bottom is red (I shall speak of those two colors elsewhere). It is a sun rising or a sun set but also O for an egg. So in the O you get the symbol of both the Sun (Son) and the Moon. Male, female. Do Re Mi means 1, 2, 3 as does Do Rae Mon. Rae = Ra or the Sun, male, and Mon is egg, the female. Do is found in names such as Isadora. Dora is δῶρον, ου, τό (do'ron) meaning a gift, present. The word occurs 19 times in the New Testament and is related to ceremonial sacri ce hence a gift, present. A Dominus and Domnei were male and female masters in the Roman Republic who could be masters of gladiatorial training houses/school (Latin: ludus). One such is was located near ancient Italian/Roman city Capua where we nd Spartacus.
Mitt Romney is a Mormon. This is two words: Mor and Mon. Mor is Nordic for Mother and Mon means single or moon and egg but as you learned, it actually means dick and balls. Mitt is Dutch for middle. Romney is synonym for Rome.
This is also where we get Dom or Don in the ma a. We also have Champagne named so. Dom Pérignon. Don or Dom or Dominus means tyrant and this tyrant is a gift, present. The Nordic word for poison is gift. The Nordic word gift is also married. So to be married is poisonous. This is why Catholic priest can’t marry because they have one or many Mary’s who were whores.
Domino and Ludo™ are two children’s games and adults play them too. “Domani” is a song title. It means “tomorrow” or the “days that never comes”. A version of this song, was performed by Maynie SirénEnglund and Sirén we nd in a book titled: “SIREN FEAST” depicting a small child with a heart shaped (Neproid) fan. The book is by Andrew Dalby (Dalby is a Nordic city name and Dal means valley and by means city). The book has ISBN-13: 978-0415156578. A Siren was a nymph, a water nymph hence the “heart” shaped fan, which relates to the water lily of the family Nymphaeaceae. This is because the Nephroid looks like a man and woman bottom/ass re ected in a vessel or a cup. It is pure mathematical. This is why a Nymph is Neph and a Siren is the red and blue lights ashing on and off when danger is loose when the police arrives.
So we have covered a large piece of land via only one word; Municipality. It is not what you think it was and the word reveals what is really going on. We are talking sex, pussy galore and dicks ashing around like rods seeking holes. That is why golf is so popular. Did you notice how a rod/stick is places in a golf hole and taken out once the player is ready to land a ball in the hole? Ball, stick and pussy are the name of the game; golf. That is why it is so popular among wealthy and evildoers! So next time you go to “dig a hole” with a spade, you know what that really means.

“SIREN FEAST” - a book about food in Italy.


by Pierre Louÿs

p. 72 p. 73
Chapter One

Notice it is a copy of afore mentioned bookcover by Andrew Dalby called Sirens.

Aphrodite is about small nymph not older than 7-11 having sex as prostitutes. Notice the left breast is exposed which you will see later in Greece related to Odysseus and his statue on an small Greek island.

http://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/aph/ aph09.htm

Greek σειρήνα (sirena) is a Siren - a nymph, a whore. No wonder the Po Lice uses red and blue lights. But rather interesting that Eva can be contains in a Siren; ενα.

ἤ γειρεν means raised up. How is it they say: “A stroke of Genius”. Well, this book shows how little that genius was as only two apostrophes. You can enter whatever dots and strokes you like in your name and in doing so signaling something.

20. The Rebus Game “E pluribus unum”

Spade is the Nephroid as is the hearth. We are moving along into the world of card games. The Club and Diamond are pointed, as is the dick/penis. So it is two females and two males playing and bang, it is all in a deck of cars called a pack of cards. Enter Rat pack because a rat is Rot because rotten is decaying and a rot (Roth, Heorod, Heorot, Nimrod) is a king. So a hero is a very great dick. Some rods are very hot!

Playing cards are from China and were used as money cards. “The Song dynasty statesman and historian Ouyang Xiu (simpli ed Chinese: ; traditional Chinese: ) has noted that paper playing cards arose in connection to an earlier development in the book format from scrolls to pages.”

The image in The Game, this article, is depicting on the left; playing card from the Ming Dynasty 1400 AD. And right; Ishtar, fertility goddess of war, sex and love.
Playing cards were attested rst in China in the 9th century. So again the East came rst. Ishtar is cognate to East Star or east. The Egg from the East. Easter Egg. Easter bunny. In Asia they see a bunny or rabbit on the surface of the moon and not a man! The bunny loves sex and multiplies quickly.

How many rods can we take?
White Star Line were the builders of Titanic and their ag and logo is a ve pointed star on a vermillion (red) background. Why white? Well, some eggs are white. Some are yellow hence the Yellow Emperor of China for the yolk of the eggs. Yellow, white and red makes for the female as a symbol of yolk, egg white and blood. In the logo of the White Star Line you also see a point or a pyramid shaped cut on the side pointing towards the star. It is the phallus, the penis, the dick and balls going towards the egg or the female hole.
If you see the 5 Pointed Star a little different, (recall how Steve Jobs told us to THINK DIFFERENT), then the star is a hole or a ring muscle, which can close and open or rather the anus muscle. You think this is going too far? Okay. Out of all the words and symbols this symbol, the star, pops up all over the place and language and words keeps pointing in one direction only. No matter what I investigate I end up right in natures

Chinese playing card and right Ishtar the warrior whore both looking rather naive. Ishtar right a very naive carving which might be a fake too.

den. Today it is called the Carnival Corporation which is related to meat. Also related is the
Cunard Line and Cuna (Spanish) means cradle. Of all the names in the World this company, Cunard named their ships: Mary, Victoria and Elizabeth. Again we arrive in religion, sex, war and love! Not too bad, right? Wrong. My exact point is, that everything relates to a very few symbols and it relates to these symbols for a reason. The reason, popularized, is, that it is religion or belief when in fact it is only the curtain you see. Behind the curtain of religion is sex, power and Mon. Mon is the moon egg – the female- The rod/rot is the male part all pointing in the direction of sex and only sex. We even have 6 kings in VI_kings. Out of all the things in the world, we might end up elsewhere. But eventually we end up at the unknown of what we think/believe to be the primordial the rock or egg which might have started it all.
And this they term “God”.
The card game is even related to this. Ludo and basically everything we see and know
goes back to one thing – sex. Why would the White house be white and not pink? White is
for virginity and used as the color for a wedding gown – se very nice, right. Wrong again. Go
back a few steps. Recall White Star Line? Egg White. That is where you have reason why the
White House is white. Smack on top of the Capitol building you nd exactly what? You nd
Ishtar. They call it the statue of freedom. Recall what Dom is? Master of Tyranny or Terror or
better yet φοβος (Phobos) found in The Bible in Romans 13:3.
This links the Statue of Freedom to tyrants and since the woman depicted is Victoria
who is cognate to Ishtar it is the goddess of war, fertility and love. The motto on the statue
reads in Origin Latin: “E pluribus unum”.
Again Wikipedia is all wrong. Sorry to say this that many times but it is a fact and we
don’t like facts, right? I do. Pluribus is German “Merh” or as you know it in English: More. But
is a hidden word. Mehr is cognate to Mer or ocean. What is the E doing? If we take ribus and
change I with e we get rebus.
It is not Latin. The origin is Latin, true. It is a nonsense word and sentences invented to
fool. Looks like something but is not what it seems. It is a riddle and a rebus. What might it
be? Let us go back a few steps. Let us also look at the word unum. Let us rearrange this a
little bit. Munu. Do you recall Muni and Mon being single and you know the word Mono. So
Munu is cognate to Muni also from Mune if we change I for the E. And what is the E? It is
probably for Eye.
So we have: Eye, More, Ocean, One, Tyrant. Recall Roger Moore playing James Bond.
Moore is more and Mer meaning ocean. He is a British agent and saved by The Royal Navy in
Dr. No and this navy ruled the waves, the ocean on the Mer hence Moore played James Who
Bonds. Okay, I am sidestepping here. Lets get back to this motto.

The Lady of Mons Pupis is the “unum” part in the Capitol
Hill motto. We could name her The Lady Tramp as per
Frank Sin At Ra’s version.

It is not Latin per say. It is only derived from Latin. It is invented words and Latin can actually shape like you want it. One word is “oikonym or (Latinized) oeconym: a name of a house or other building” hence they Latinize words. Oikema is related to whore houses and see Ancient Manners by Pierre Louÿs and Claude Nicolas Ledoux who was an architectural theorist and architect (ca. 1736 – 1806) (see maison de plaisir.). Oikema is mentioned in The Bible one time only and translated all wrong naturally.

And I was kind of lying just now. But not to fool you. UNUM, the latter part of the motto on the Capitoline Hill is right there in front of us. Hidden in plain sight. A hill is a mountain or a small mountain if I may. A hill. Uma is the Hindu goddess Pārvatī पाव(ती meaning mother or “Lady of The Mountain”. From Sanskrit meaning bright. She was she wife of Shiva. A wife is bright per say. She is the one you love. They or Shiva are Hindu gods. So now we can decode the rebus because the “E pluribus unum” actually only means one thing. And translating the rebus/riddle is easy now. It translates to पाव(ती.

She is seen sitting leg crossed. And above her she has an umbrella. She is bright but in the umbra or the shadow. The pop artist Rihanna sang a song called “Umbrella, Ella, Ella…” the song is about Pārvatī and is about Capitol Hill. Free Dom and not Free You.

P ārvatī is lady of The Hill (Mountain). What hill is that? Well, the female mons pupis also known as Mount Venus hence we have a volcano and Mount Vesuvius.
Vulva is Greek: αιδοίο θήλεος and phonetically etheos pheliaus. Αιδοίο is pudenda a persons external genitals. θήλεος means female. Enter Genesis as in genitals. Genesis is Genitals. Αιδ οίο (phonetically E dio) translates to Rev. C and C is Roman Numeral for 10. So now we found what the E in “E pluribus unum” mean. It means the female external genitals. And we get 10 as in the Ten Lost Tribes or the lost symbol, which is now found. So again spot on. All mixed between languages so nobody would ever nd it. Not true and “never say never” (which I just did hence an oxymoron). We can now decode the riddle a step further:
Αιδ οίο Plural Rebus पाव(ती
And that translates directly to: The Female Genitals Mons Pupis.
εος, last part of αιδοίο θήλεος, is also acid hydrochloride or acid methyl ester. It is also known as Spirits of Salt.
εος is also the goddess Eos who rose from the mythical ancient Oceanus. So now you get the ower rose and ass in just one word EOS. Hydrochloride acid is found natural in gastric acid in the stomach hence anus and EOS ts like two spoons. Rose, star, anus, mons pupis, love, war and dominus who are tyrant masters who are doms because they are free. Hence a dome on the Capitol Hill because the dome represents the doms and the female as well as the male but since a female is located on top of Capitol Hill related to the bright Shiva we are mostly talking about the female and under her arch, the dome, which is the

The Jejunum is where shit ows. So the motto of the Capitol Hill is literally part of the intestines.

umbrella, they are in umbra, shadow, doing the oldest dance of ages – fucking each other right and left – and you too. The proof is in the word and in the riddles now decoded and it is empirical because it is linguistics, which is a science. Don’t take this to court because your will, will loose 100% guaranteed.

Bright. Unum is Uma is bright. So now we know who is lying in Neil Sheenan’s book about Mr. Vann in the Vietnam war. The book is called: A BRIGHT SHINING LIE. The lie is Capitol Hill. In the beginning of the book we follow Vann’s funeral and his family visiting the White House. Read the chapter Mysterium Magicae Solvitur about this book and a mystery solved.

The Jejunum is a medical term used to describe the middle section of the intestines. If you had a company or you were really nice and you had friends and power and you knew this, would you not at least consider changing the naming so it would not in any way refer to the intestines of a mammal. Not even half of a word. People such as Ron Paul and similar must know what this really means and they never told you. This proves they are part of a greater scheme to induce shit upon your face and the fruits of their labour is shit in the form of their striking rod the hitting penis. In Thai we know the word “Juju” meaning dick and popularly it is Jim & Joe for pussy (Jim) and dick (Joe (Ju)).

The Common bile duct a type of over ow tube I suspect.

We are told Jeju is from Latin j ējūnus (ieiunus; fasting) cognate to Sanskrit यज,त (yájati, "he worships, he sacri ces"). That Sanskrit word translates to Yjati so far so good. Now we need to think really different but it is not so far away. It is Jesus or rather khrISTa. It is from यज् which is Yaj meaning the same: worshipping, sacri ce, offer, hollow, adore etc.

य.ाय is: for the sake of Yajna (KRishhNa). It relates to Vishnu. य. is Yajna and when you yájati you sacri ce to Yajna. The sacri ce is adding herbs to a re. Yajna is linguistically cognate to Zoroastrianism’s (Ahura) Yasna. I shall cover Zoro and Zorro later. Astra in Zoroastrian is the aster ower but also means star. This makes the connection between Zoroastrianism to the motto “enum” which is part of Jejuenum. Enum => Jejuenum => Jeju => Yasna => Yahve => Khristna => Christ => Jesus => God. Hence God is the intestines related to the sacri cial offering through re with herbs. Kristna is only one of many gods but is known as the dark blue colored. Christ <=> Kristna.

We are told in Romans 13:1-2:

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

So those in government put there by God wrote “E pluribus unum” related to the Bile duct, gallbladder and Mons Pupis. One might argue God created the Bile duct and Mons Pupis hence all is ne. But they told it it means “one for all” and could God/they not have chosen a rebus/riddle leading to something less smelly? This proves they and their God are full of shit - literally.

Prodesse & delectare

This is part of or found at the origin of above E Pluribus Unum. It is found in a magazine called Gentleman’s Magazine. Direct link here:
Those two words are Latin and translates to pro t and pleasure. Then we see the owers and then it continues on the right side E Pluribus Unum. That make sense now. Let me mention one example: “ita ut domino sint fructui ac delectationi” this is: “such a way that they are both pro t and pleasure to the lord.” Hence Delectare is pleasure. Prodesse has pro and is pro t. However Latin: desse or rather desum is abandon, desert, neglect, be away, absent, missing, lacking, fail, miss.
So Prodesse is two words 1) pro t and 2) neglect, fail etc. That is how Latin can work for you by mixing and making up new Latin wordas you go along. Latin as other languages are not nite. They move and expand with time.
Lectare alone might translate to Delights. Lectare may also be Lecture which is Latin: praelegere.
We found the Latin word fructui meaning fruit/pro t and fruit we nd in Leviticus related to sacri cial offering of the rst fruit with ears. So let us put it together above as below as they say:


The latter makes sense recording the former. They match. We also get the fruit which is found numerous places referring to sacri cial offerings. Unum places us in India and it is a riddle through the wording PLURIBUS moving the single E into PLUR(E)BUS. We now need to follow this lead but move to ancient Egypt.

21. Ramesses II

In Egyptian language ca. 2000 BC to ca. 1300 BC it is pronounced Ri ‘mīsisu. Notice the last 5 letters isisu 46. A company today is called ISUZU. They make cars. Recall Hindu goddess Pārvatī leading us to Yajna which has Ya as in Yahve for Jesus. In Ri‘mīsisu we then have Isis, Jesus and Ra in one name. We also found Jeju and that was Yajna for Khristna so we get the name Jesu. It is a riddle and nothing more.

Ramesses II was and is considered the most powerful. So it is him we need to follow to nd keys and proof. In his name alone we nd 4 Danish words:

• Ram(buk): for the male sheep. Also ramming.
• Messe: a mass as a church mass.
• Es: ace as in the card game.
• Ses: “see you” or seen.

I do think it is also where we might nd the origin of the name of the oil company ESSO. Not sure there and it just popped out. Many things will lead to this Ramesses II. Even as in Schutzstaffel in Nazi Germany but that is only a quick wild guess. Could also be two serpents. Not going there now.

Jesu is a name for sure today and way back I suspect. It has a meaning like any name and that is ne. However we nd Hindi religion and Vishnu and then some rather strange Latinized words in a magazine leading us to Capitol Hill all related to words that only makes sense in a whore house and medical facility.

Ram as in “ram it in” as a sexual expression. So what are they doing in The White House when the NEGLECT is too big and MOUNT PUPIS looks too much like CAPITOL HILL as the FIRST LADY who is Uma the Hindu goddess Pārvatī. We can think different and take the proof where it belongs. I am 100% sure many working in governments only knows little or nothing or mostly on a need to know basis. Some might be in the knowing and I would ask the simplest of questions if I were a journalist or reporter. The obvious seems to be neglected totally. Be like a child and ask the stupid questions because it would be great fun to here the answers. The proof is out and when you lay it all out it does make sense in a profound way. How can you deny the simplest of facts found in plain sight?


I always wondered why a brand name would be called Levi’s but never bothered to investigate it because I never ever believed it would be as rotten as it is all related to eggs, pussy, sex and galore hence we nd Al Gore as in God The Gore. Anyway, in Leviticus 24:21 we strike the gift of the Don which is just another way of saying the Masters Dick if A Gift From God to Goddesses!

46 Car company producing cars (Japan) is named IZUSU Isis


I always wondered why the S
would have two strikes. Now I
know: it is II as in two as in

2. The S is symbolic for 8 or
simply a ring which you will
read more about later in the
book. Basically the sign is for 200.
And once you know, the sign for Yen ¥
becomes less of a riddle.

There is in fact a two dollar bill but very
rarely seen. it is still legal tender. It reads: THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEPTS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. Fine. But then we need to know what legal means to decode this. I shall do that later.

The S can be extended and parts of the S is invisible just like a Rembrandt painting. Make it an 8 and unfold the 8 into a ring and we get 101 which is an emergency number in some countries. In others it is 911 and we shall see 911 in another combination related to Salian Franks to whom it is said: “Fuck you Sally” and Sally is a synonym for Salii (Roman priest as Flamen) in the meaning Salian.

22. Percusserit, percussion

Percusserit is Latin meaning strike. In Danish kusse is cunt or if you like pussy. That is why cymbals are percussions because you strike them with a stick, rod. Cymbals has bal(l)s and are struck with a stick. How come cymbals have ball all of a sudden. Cymbals are originally singing bowls which are shaped as balls or bells. Now recall Baal as a sinner and later we discover what football and soccer is. Singing bowls are struck with a cane or a huge relatively short rod which is a phallus symbol and cymbals is cognate to symbols. They are also known in Himalayan naturally. You are in heaven when you are in love and when you have sex hence the singing bowls and the club/stick/rod has a profound sexual symbolic value if you like. The sound is known to induce relaxation or a higher spirit just as when the phallus enters the virgina then both male and female feel a great sensation.

Cym does not seem to have any meaning however cum does is Latin. So cymbals are cum+balls. The only reference I can nd is the domain name .cym related to Cayman Island.
When I search Google for cym I am asked if I mean cum. Wikipedia really might make sense now but we still have to decode their message in:
“The word cymbal is derived from the Latin cymbalum, which is the Latinisation of the Greek word κύμβαλον (kumbalon), "cymbal", which in turn derives from κύμβος (kumbos), "cup".”
What non sense. Cymbalum is again a reference to the medical world. Cymbalum is in Danish bækken. This is Greek: λεκάνη and latin Pelvis. Cymbalum is through their deceit the word: pelvis.
It may also mean a cup or a drinking vessel. That ts very ne with the pelvis of a woman.
One famous and often used manufacturer of cymbals is Zildjian http://zildjian.com. There logo is in the type of Ottoman Turkish. Zildjian tells us:
“Avedis Zildjian I (the rst) was an Armenian alchemist in the city of Constantinople in the early seventeenth century. While attempting to create gold by combining base metals, he discovered an alloy of copper, tin, and traces of silver with unique sound qualities. In 1618, Avedis used his secret alloy to create cymbals of spectacular clarity and power. The sound of the instruments was so extraordinary that the Sultan invited Avedis to live at court (Topkapi Palace) to make cymbals for the Sultan's elite Janissary Bands. As Avedis' reputation grew, the Sultan gave him the name "Zildjian" in Armenian (Zilciyan in Turkish), a word meaning "son of cymbal maker."

In 1623, Avedis was granted permission to leave the palace in order to start his own business in a suburb of Constantinople named Psamatia. That same business is now nearly four centuries old and has been passed down to Zildjian heirs for fteen generations. Relocating to America in 1929, Avedis III moved the Zildjian factory to Quincy, MA and then to its current location in Norwell, MA for Zildjian's 350th Anniversary. The business passed to Avedis' son, Armand in 1977 and then to Armand's daughter, Craigie, in 1999. Currently, Craigie and her sister Debbie continue the family tradition in what is recognized as the oldest family-owned business in America.”

Very nice. But let us poke into the Topkapi Palace. This palace is a harem. We nd the The Gate of Felicity and different courts (related to todays law).The third courtyard known as the Inner Palace was the sultans place when he was not in the harem. He had concubines or whores. That cymbal must have been a great musical instrument for the harems small boys to play with as the young ladies felt the vibrations in their body. What else is a cymbal really for. Today they are used in much the same manner but they ad drums and the beat is set to

t the rhythm of the heart and people go ammoniacal berserk dancing in discos. Even I like a piece of drum music from time to time to move my hips to the beat of the sound.

But did you miss something here? Topkapi! A name. Kapi. Capitol. Hill. Capitol Hill. So Capi is a harem. Itol may be atol. Atol is an American drink. We also have an atoll as a small island.

a suffix used in names of alcohols containing more than one hydroxyl group: inositol. Origin:
-ite1  + -ol1

( glycerol; naphthol; phenol )

Capi + (i)tol is then Harem Alcohol. That ts amazingly true with the rst ndings related to spirits in the divine world of harems, concubines and ramming. That tune keeps popping up... “The Lady Is a Tramp”. Ella Fitzgerald sang a version and she should with the name Ella related to Vishnu with here umbrella. Today she is called Rihanna in a new world but singing about the same old thing. The lyrics to “The Lady Is a Tramp” starts like this:

I've wined and dined on Mulligan Stew, and never wished for Turkey As I hitched and hiked and grifted too, from Maine to Albuquerque Alas, I missed the Beaux Arts Ball, and what is twice as sad I was never at a party where they honored Noel Ca-ad (Coward) But social circles spin too fast for me
My "hobohemia" is the place to be

Notice Turkey. She’s got it all in USA so why go to Turkey. It is all there from Capitol Hill to main street. But they copied it from Turkey and the East and todays rulers and governments are just a re ned Topkapi Palaces. Top is on top of. Who is on top? Politicians are. As he said: “If they knew what we were up to they’d string us up in the lampposts.” . Now let’s get back to the cymbal by knowing the word pelvis:

pel·vis (p
n. pl. pel·vis·es or pel·ves (-v

1. A basin-shaped structure of the vertebrate skeleton, composed of the innominate bones on the sides, the pubis in front, and the sacrum and coccyx behind, that rests on the lower limbs and supports the spinal column.

2. The cavity formed by this structure.
A basin-like or cup-shaped anatomical cavity.47
47 The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Percusserit, percussion

It is also known as the true pelvis and with that we nd the pelvis oor or the pelvis diaphragm. Both male and female have a pelvis. The water goes when a woman is about to give birth. This is why we could talk of a ood. Noah's Arch is a female vessel and the ood is about to happen hence they escape with the illegitimate child because the son Ham became a sinner at birth because the child was conceived out of wedlock.

In Danish we know the word: elverkonge as Elfking. Elf or elves (plural). Elvis Prestley is Pelvis Priest and Elvis the singer was known as a king. In Elvis we get Elv and an elf contain water for the female river when she has sex or gives birth.

In old sagas we nd elverpiger (elfgirls) in Danish folklore. These are related to what is known as Mosekonens Bryg (Lady of the swamp’s brew) which is a sexual reference to her cuming. The phenomenon can be seen for real in low valleys where it is moist usually during summer. A swamp in Danish is called; mose. A swamp also produces methane gasses hence the reference to Jejunum in the Capitol Hill motto “enum”.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote about the "Erlkönig" and Erl is like Earl. Elverhøj is a Danish national play by Johan Ludvig Heiberg with music by Friedrich Kuhlau. The play is about interchanged children. The play was created for the wedding of Vilhelmine Marie the daughter of King Frederik VII.
Moses (Biblical) is cognate to the Danish word for swamp (mose). “The Lady Is A Tramp” is a tune. Swamp and tramp are cognate.

“Pelvis - my names is Mr. James Elvis and I take my Mar Ti Ni (Sea Ten Nine) not pleasantly Dry when on Holiday at Martinique.”
Mar is Portuguese for Sea. Tini is Hungarian for Teen.


Sea Teen = Mermaid = Nymph = Whore. Riddle: Is a Teen Dry?

23. Holy Sepulchre

An illustration of how words can fool is this very important church in Jerusalem. I was wondering what it was all about and then I was thinking CREMATION.

So what is SEPUL? A grave. The church has what is called an Aedicule. A cule is a ball and Aedi is recall must be egg and vinegar as per the Asian tradition of fermenting eggs in salt and vinegar to preserve the eggs. Smart. Made in PRC48.

It also has what is called Golgotha’s rock formed as a COCK hence ROCK and rock is hard so hard rock or hard rock entering the world of music too.
Sepulchre: grave burning. This is known in Buddhism too - to burn the dead. 48 Peoples Republic of China

This is the logo of Arms of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre. Notice the major cross. It is the same cross as that of the Fatherland Front of Austria related to Engelbert Dollfuss of Austria and this logo is the Swastika in a slightly different representation. Notice the two sided representation in the logo; left and right. Also the 2, 4, 8 (the thorn hill) representation. And notice DEUS VULT LO. Lo in Danish is laugh. Just as Danish Ler means laugh. DEUS VULT LO translates to:

And what was Adolf Hitlers best (read: worst) quality? To speak.
10 (X) Nazis assassinated Dollfuss and in doing so he assassinated the Order of the Holy Sepulchre too. Why? Same logo, same company.

Hitler was with Pope Pius II and got a medal of honor might I say. Both Dollfuss (fascism) and Hitler (nazism) received a concordat - a mandate so to speak; a blessing (approval) by The Vatican.

So now we have re, sacri ce, alter, podium (Hitler spoke on such), same company logo, eggs and balls. Enter rolling eggs as rolling stone or great balls of re as also throwing eggs or tomatoes which represents smashing up the symbol of life itself. Inside an egg is the embryo and a tomato has seeds. The egg-yolk is the yellow symbol of re as per the Yellow Emperor and the egg yolk represents the Sun as the vermillion colored morning and evening Sun. Dollfuss was laid on a yellow (royal) sofa. It is all magi© and using words to fool you, me and us. But no more. The burning of “withes” today, in Denmark, at summer solstice, is nothing more than burning the female eggs and embryos. It is a sacri cial ancient pagan symbol for killing your enemy. Kill the woman and you kill the army as you too kill Mary. Kill Mary => Kill the enemies army. Kill the woman and you kill the cule, the embryos carrying the next children and men as the next army. No women, no army.

Kræ (Chre) is Danish for cattle but also a word meaning lesser than. VULT is also short for vulture and indeed the Nefertari Merytmut., wife of Ramesses II, has a vulture as part of her name in the hieroglyph of her name.

How many birds do you see in the logo of Arms of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre? Well, two woman with wings. DEUS is two in French. They are two birds indeed - two very sexy ladies but also two VULTURES. So if we decode the company slogan we get:

LO could be Olympia. Olympia is the place of honor of ZEUS.
But it goes deeper. Let us see if we can nd the real meaning of this church.
A sepulchral is an arch, a small niche in which pots of fruits and berries would be stores. Such a vault is called an OLLA’RIUM. OLLA is a large pot containing the food, berries.

A SEPULCHRE COMMUNE is a place where many could be buried in one place. A SEPULCHRE could be of any style. Edi ces49, or the SEPULCHRE, would vary in detail depending on the wealth of the dead persons family. That means, that if this is the place of Jesus burial, then his family must have been very right because the Holy Sepulchre is very richly decorated far beyond any other person. Jesus was dead for three 3 days. Then Jesus resurrected. So if Jesus is not dead, why then have a SEPULCHRE (tomb) which is a burial chamber and a place where the remains are of the dead. If Jesus rose again, then he is not dead and hence needs no SEPULCRE. There are no bones or skulls or remains because Jesus - The Bible - tell us, rose again. Only fruits on jars and dead people’s remains would go into these SEPULCRES. Not nothing hence there is nothing except lies.

49 A building, esp. a large, imposing one. A complex system of beliefs

24. Mary Lyn(n) Mon Roe

Marilyn: Rare Early Photos of a Superstar in Training 1949. From Life Time Magazine. She was sacri ced for the gods so she herself could become a goddess. To live with that knowledge you might need to take drugs knowing such stuff and perhaps wanting it to happen so you could and would be
remembered forever.

Marilyn 50is a blend of the English given names Mary and Lynn. Mary is derived from Greek names Μαριαμ, or Mariam, and Μαρια, or Maria, found in the New Testament.

Mon is a people from Myanmar, Burma, from where much of western religion was copied. Also relates to the Mon State of Myanmar. This people, the Mon's, have been tried and is nally today destroyed (almost) totally and fully with the help and support of Aung San Suu Kyi.

Roe or hard roe is the fully ripe internal egg masses in the ovaries, or the released external egg masses of sh and certain marine animals, such as shrimp, scallop and sea urchins. Here we note eggs and ovaries female symbol is a triangle (male is also triangle turned upside down).

Mary Mon Roe is then translated to: Virgin Mary People of Burma The Ovary. THEY love names and numbers (numerology).
THEY love to build up people and then destroy them as Sacri ces to their Ishtar, Venus, Semiramis etc. demigods (these and other female demigods are all the same using various myths and acronyms and pseudonyms).
Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jeane Mortenson; June 1, 1926 – August 5, 1962). Perhaps she was killed by others hands or she did herself in but in any case her destruction was a fact. The fact also remains and that is, that you and many others have absolutely no idea what is going on in the world. Perhaps THEY are planning the next sacri ce as we speak and it could be London, Paris, Bangladesh next time. Only THEY know because you let them and THEY love it. THEY are gods and you don't touch gods because if you do THEY will send in the army, riot police or assassins etc.
I saw one of Marilyn Monroe’s rst movies. I almost fell asleep 20 minutes into it. Had it not been for my investigations, I would have fallen or changed the movie ASAP.
Yes, elsewhere I mention Madeleine Mccann. You think it over and you start to deliver the answers rather than the questions. Who is the next victim? Who dares to speak against THEM? I also talk about Princess Diana and I am positive JFK was not gunned down from 200 meters away with a ri e on a moving target. Could the weapon not have been red from inside the Lincoln itself? Tricks here, tricks there, tricks bloody everywhere.
Lynn (name) means water, pool or a feature of water. Lynn is a surname or a middle name mostly given to female. What does eggs and the ovary contain? Yes, you got it. Water. A pool of water where rst the eggs is laid and eggs are important in Asien Buddhism as with the Yellow Emperor *) and the eggs joke represents the Sun also but also the moon egg which was laid in Ishtar to make her son Tammuz who was killed by a wild pig (all myths naturally) upon which she became angry and ordered all to make the T sign and Tammuz was killed on a sunday so this day was to become Ishtar's Sun Day or Easter Sunday and on this day we decorate with eggs and rabbits (rabbits because it links to Chinese (Burma) zodiac sign the for the rabbit). Ishtar is known for promiscuity, sacri ces, wild sex orgies, murders, terror etc.
*) Does Fabergé eggs tell you something? The Yellow Emperor and eggs links to eggs of the silk spinning silkworm (Bombyx mori) as well as to Ishtar with her egg-moon the actual moon on which a rabbit is seen in some parts of the world especially around the tropics and sub-tropics. Oh, I need not mention the peacock or rather the peafowl? This bird lays eggs also and has feathers looking like an eye which naturally relates to Horus and his eye the Wedjat which relates to the Eye of Providence which relates to Maat (truth, balance, order, law, morality, and justice) which relates to our court system which is all fake based on pagan religion which relates to governments and police all based on the rule of the people by lies and deceit, wars and drugs (Circe) etc etc. (Circe is the same as Ishtar, Venus, Semiramis etc. but better make a god for every single fake myth WE need to control people so people believe in gods as their ruler and not us the ruling elite and later banking system etc.). And yes, a peafowl is seen in Myanmar's earlier ags but now Myanmar's coat of arms have UN logo after the invaders (Red Cross and Holy Roman Empire) took over by deceit. Prior to the invasion it was a hamsa bird (goose).

50 http://life.time.com provides new unseen photos
Faberge Style Russian Emperor Yellow Enamel Egg Trinket Box with Swarovski Crystals 1.75 Inches X 2.25 Inches X 1.75 Inches Gift Box Included
Chinese legend gives the title Goddess of Silk to Lady Hsi-Ling-Shih, wife of the mythical Yellow Emperor

Julian Assange, his name is Sang, Mr. Sang and Sang relates to mulberries in china hence his name. I have all the empirical proof making Julian Assange a hoax but I am saving this information also because once this is linked you will know for sure that all told here is absolute true or rather less deceitful. It is not just in the name but from a source THEY produced themselves that links and proves THEY and Julian and Michael are all fake deceivers.

"My name is Bond, James Bond, and I like my Martini shaken, not stirred. Welcome to Martino Martini.
So she was: Mary The Virgin (who was Ishtar/Isis/etc) of Burma The Ovary lled with Water.
Mary Lynn Mon Roe was her name. And she died for it. She is now a demi-god who is remembered as THEY make sure we do and THEY love that too. I wonder if she knew? Oh,
Mary Lyn(n) Mon Roe aka Water falls
and Roe connects to sh and the symbol of Jesus is a sh. For these things to come together at random is like 1 in never unless THEY design it to happen. And THEY do.
Mon because THEY wanted to destroy the state of Mon in Burma and THEY succeeded thanks to their sacri ce on Mari Lynn Mon Roe to Ishtar!
Regarding the origin and Julian Assange’s name. Quote from the book Jesus, King of Edessa by Ralph Ellis ISBN-13: 978-1905815661:

“[..] Balaam, which is a known pseudonym for Jesus. And here it is said that Jesus was blinded in one eye, which is exactly what the Talmud claims about Jesus in other passages, as we shall see in the next quote. (This was possibly a post-crucifixion wound.) But then Rabbi Johannan ben Zakkai (Saul-Josephus), has trawled through the Torah and found a verse in Genesis 49: 14 that mentions someone called Issakhar . So in what manner is this archaic character from the Torah related to the 1st century Jesus? Well, the name can easily be split into two components. Firstly, we have Issa which is a well-known name for Jesus-Izas, and is still the name by which he is known in the Koran. Secondly, we have the suffix kar meaning ‘lamb’. Quite obviously ‘Issa the Lamb’ is an absolutely first class pseudonym for Jesus the Lamb. As John the Baptist is claimed to have said in the Gospel of John: And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he said, Behold the Lamb of God! (Joh 1: 36) Issachar, the Lamb of God, was obviously a pseudonym for Jesus, but what does the rest of this sentence mean? Well firstly we have an ass, and this ‘ass’ metaphor is quite common in the Talmud with reference to Balaam-Jesus. The Talmud says that Jesus not only rode an ass (into Jerusalem), but he also conversed with it and slept with it. On the surface, this appears to be a simple derogatory remark about Jesus having sexual relations with an ass. This purely vulgar interpretation of this donkeyshagging claim is possibly confirmed in another quote from the Talmud about Balaam and his ass, which reads: Rabbi Johanan said: Balaam limped on one foot ... and he walked haltingly. ... Balaam was blind in one eye ... He practiced enchantment by means of his penis. ... Mar the son of Rabina said: Balaam committed bestiality with his ass. It is said that Balaam knows the mind of god. Now, seeing that he did not even know the mind of his ass, how could he know the mind of god? What is this about the mind of his ass? The rabbis said to Balaam, ‘Why did you not ride upon your horse?’ Balaam replied. ‘I have put it out to graze in the dewy pastures.’ But the ass said to him, ‘Am I not thine ass, merely for carrying loads?’ Balaam replied: ‘Upon which you have ridden.’ ‘That was only by chance.’ ‘Ever since I was thine until this day,’ The ass added: ‘Moreover, I serve thee as a companion by night.’ Here is written: ‘Was I ever wont to do so unto thee.’ Whilst elsewhere it is written: ‘And let her be his companion.’ (Sanhedrin 105ab).”

Rembrandt has painted Balaam sitting on a cart with the ass pulling and the ass won’t pull. An angle appears.:

Numbers 22:27
And when the ass saw the angel of the LORD, she fell down under Balaam: and Balaam's anger was kindled, and he smote (ְךַּ֥יַו) the ass with a staff.

Acts 12:7
And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote (πατάξας) Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands.

So we have two angles striking or hitting rst Saint Peter and now Balaam. Smote sounds better to the unenlightened. Smote is hit and in Latin it is Percussit. Percussi is “I Struck”. Latin: Percu is smite same as hit.

So in two instances we have angles hitting two di fferent people. It must be signi cant. πατάξας is perhaps even a crackdown more than a just hitting.
It is written as Hypocorism (childish) to hide the real meaning. The donkey has an ass as does a woman. The Angle is a real woman coming to sleep with Balaam. “When the ass (Woman) saw the LORD who was Balaam) she fell under him and Balaam’s anger was kindled as she hit him with a staff. Kindle means that you are woken or aroused, in amed etc.

Here is the original Hebrew text and below translated to English electronically:
ןוֹ֖תָאָה ־תֶא ְךַּ֥יַו םָ֔עְלִּב ףַ֣א ־רַחִּֽיַו םָ֑עְלִּב תַחַּ֣ת ץַּ֖בְרִּתַו הָ֔והְי ְךַ֣אְלַמ ־תֶא ֙ןוֹתָאָֽה אֶרֵּ֤תַו ׃לֵּֽקַּמַּב
And the ass saw - angel of the LORD, she fell down under Balaam, and anger - Balaam smote - donkey with a stick:
Let me decode this for you:

An Angle with an ass, a woman, saw the LORD, the ass (woman) fell down under Balaam (fuming/exiting him) and Balaam hit the woman’s ass with a stick.

25. Osama Bin Laden Still Alive

There is no evidence to prove he is dead not even circumstantial evidence. Not one piece of evidence. That means Osama Bin Laden is alive. When people die, a death report is presented. Non in this case except words. No body, no crime, no murder, no taking Osama Bin Laden out. It's an "Adolf-Hitler". They dump bodies in the water we are told regarding Edward Heath & Others Exposed by Barrister Michael Shrimpton. And you will nd that Michael_Shrimpton is deleted at Wikpedia. The whole gang group from television to Vicky The Whore and governments are in on this. It is business as usual. In a radio interview with Barrister Michael Shrimpton you will hear him say, that they killed and dumped young boys (10-15 years of age) in the ocean on the yacht of Edward Heath because he was homosexual, which is not wrong per say, but after doing whatever he did, the children were killed and thrown over board at high sea probably never found ever again. Perhaps tied up with rocks so they would sink. You could follow some of the places and dive for the bodies. Where are the families of these missing boys? Any police reports led on these missing children? There names? But they dump them in the water. Osama Bin Laden? Well, let us presume they did. Why go to all that trouble to be nice to honor a burial at sea and what nonsense is that BTW. They go to all that trouble spending billions on clandestine wars killing millions of children in Iraq, Vietnam etc. and here they do not honor anything. So are they not telling us, that Osama Bin Laden was truly honored and taken to sea from where he could then be shipped away to safety and is probably living in luxury in some location. He was after all one of their guys. And if the next generations of US agents are to take the bait they can't go around killing all good working agents. It is all words and no proof however if you do the slightest wrong even stealing candy in a store you are caught on camera to stand trial. Meanwhile USA and other countries allow alcohol, cigarette and drug sales, which they control and import but go free as usual. As they say: "USA is not a country - it is a business". And believe me, you are on your own. Nobody is going to help you from the government. They live in their world and the rest of us live in ours and as Jordan Maxwell nicely put it: "They have a club and you aren’t in it". So why have a law and government and why do you keep promoting these very ill people by being lured time and time again into voting. Perhaps the ones voting are only the change agents and in reality many are not voting – it just looks that way.

Who will the next President of the USA be? A new Barack Hussein Obama with a new smile and new words while the business goes on as usual. Why do you believe in shit when you know shit stinks? There are shit that does not smell and it is the type that never gets a change to exit. By voting you are promoting the killing of millions. They created democracy only to blame it on you. Voting is all fake and even if nobody showed up - which won't happen - because they have millions of agent coming out of the ratholes every time they hear the whistle blow. The agents brainwashed by galore and money and even religious hogwash. Change Agents are made to believe they do the right thing and are manipulated into believing they are doing their "job" for the better for humanity, country and God. They are now member of a club and people suck up to this and believe in lies. It takes only one ant to move a mountain but very ill people to design wars.

Tali is Italian for These. Ban is Vietnamese for apartment, team, crew. Would Taliban invent a name based on Italian and Vietnamese. I know not.

I have investigated many names now and one such is Usain Bolt. Olympic gold medal winner perhaps drugged like Lance Armstrong. Just look at their names. My name James Luxley has meaning too but I will tell you what it is if asked. Britney Spears and William Shakespeare? I will tell you the real meaning of Barack Hussein Obama in this book.

Taliban ∼ These Italian Apartments

Tiamat is a chaos monster, a primordial goddess of the ocean, mating with Abzû (the god of fresh water) to produce younger gods. It is suggested that there are two parts to the Tiamat mythos, the first in which Tiamat is 'creatrix', through a "Sacred marriage" between salt and fresh water, peacefully creating the cosmos through successive generations. In the second "Chaoskampf" 51 Tiamat is considered the monstrous embodiment of primordial chaos. Although there are no early precedents for it, some sources identify her with images of a sea serpent or dragon.

Tiamat and Amun Ra ∼ Tiara.

51 Cognate to Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf also creating order out of chaos hence creating chaos and terror and in doing so can control people as per Romans 13:1-3 using fear (terror). Based on myth but they create reality out of myth so it is not a myth but reality that we have a monster and they create chaos. Logic for 5 years old.

26. Royal Red Bloodline Syndrome

Jordan Maxwell tells in a radio interview, that the royal bloodline are all silly and says: "...what is that all about..." and kind of passes it as non sense. Well, the so called Royal Red Bloodline is a fact, real, like day is bright and night is obscure. The royal houses of the Earth have a long line of blood after them and since they married into each others families it is a bloodline per say and it is royal. Both genetically but also from owing blood in the street, elds, mountains and valleys. They killed, plundered which they still do but hide behind clandestine democracy which is all bogus. What is it all about? Death and destruction and with Christ from Khristna via Shiva they killed them all - all those who did not follow their way and bowed and scraped as slaves or whores in their houses of pure riches as in Palace of Versailles. And don't "take that to the bank" because they will just rob you with your eyes wide shut ( lm) (if your eyes are wide how can they be shut - it is a little trick of word). Ever heard of a music style called R&B?

Denis Halliday, United Nations Humanitarian Co-coordinator for the mission nally called it “genocide” (Wikipedia calls it “the Persian Gulf War”).
"It" refers to the war on Iraq. Further proof Wikipedia aka Wicked Whore Vicky, is a lying whore through noble such. For month I have read and seen lies at the Whores website. Why? Because this whore is yet another propaganda tool to fool. An nobody except those who already work for CORPUS DELECTI can really get a word in. Sometimes, yes, but in most cases not. It is one huge PsyOp website. And we read:
"Decoded, this meant in theory and practice more transnational private money sequence progression to ever more control over all still-uncontrolled assets for more and richer returns without limit of take or life destruction. But these are unspeakable lines of value meaning, and that is likely why, for example, Wikipedia keeps altering the entry of my name with conspiracy theory attributions and smears to ensure that such deep-structural diagnosis does not gain currency. That is how this system works, and analysis will provide more variations of this gagging method on 9-11 ahead."
Further proof of Wikipedia being nothing but a tool to fool with biased information (Cerasius.com has a full data dump of Wikipedia and many of the images who are named in a similar style and article entries follow a pattern for the ID’s in the database). The database and Full article here: http://www.globalresearch.ca. Personally I would not trust UNESCO with a re y or a word. Only fruits (bananas) tell if the tree is good or bad. So far I know from experience UNESCO too is a whore among whores. I have not poked too much into who and what Global Research is but words tell when something is morally good or bad so for this article it at least does not speak hogwash presented by governments themselves and the media whores. You never really know who is behind the do-gooders until you start peeling of layers of lies and create a draft to blow out the smoke. It is found in the phrases and words alone all as lies. Sadly at times you can make the camel drink no matter how thirsty it is; a lie is better than the truth and people simple can’t imagine a system being so evil. People tend to ignore the obvious and on the surface all looks jolly good. People do think to themselves: “Thats odd” but they never really comprehend the depth of the lies and to seek out the lies takes a effort which people don’t have the time for or they are in denial. This book will be laughed at in the upper echelon because here they know people really don’t comprehend the depth of clandestine wars. People think: “It is bad, I know, but there must be something good.” All I can say is: No there is absolutely not one thread of good in an evil system. To draw it in the sand let me say, that the political system today and domani is hundred times worse than the STARZ series Sparacus 2012/2013. Take that with all its blood, gore and lies and amplify it 10, 100, 1000 times and you have the system you live in today. The Ampli ed Bible is incidentally owned by NEWS CORP.
The word “boss” is just a another way of saying cattle driver or slave master. To keep your water and food coming you accept the rot and you look around and see everyone else looks the other way and so must you. Slave master knows this and we know it as the Stockholm Syndrome.
We see in horror how a man Josef Fritzl could rape and keep his daughter captured in a dungeon while he went on holiday to Pattaya, Thailand, living the life as a king. A psychologist on BBC even said it could be accepted. I have only seen this story as many have but I am sure there is more to it than meets the eye. Was it a deliberate test to see how long a person would endure and to eventually see how media whores and people would react. I think so. There are police and agents all over the place in every corner of society and governments knows everything and if not they then the secret police. Everything is monitored. We are told Elizabeth goes missing and we are told she just left the house.

After Elisabeth's disappearance, her mother led a missing persons report. Almost a month later, her father handed over a letter to the police, the rst of several that Elisabeth was forced to write while in captivity. The letter was postmarked Braunau. It stated that she was staying with a friend and was tired of living with her family, warning her parents not to look for her or she would leave the country. Her father told police that she had most likely joined a religious sect.
Red ag. The wife led a report and later a letter turns up and the police does not close the case by investigating and questioning Elizabeth. They just accept this story. Now she is gone living with a religious sect. She can’t really have existed and she received no bene ts and had no works so in fact she did not exist. Governments and our system does not work like this. Every person is connected through other people and will surface and their existence be recorded. She lived with a religious sect and so we recall Waco, Texas and other sects of recent times who were in ltrated. What was this religious sect and can Elizabeth tell us the location? No, because she was locked up in a dungeon. A missing persons report was led and when a letter turned up the obvious thing to do would be to get in touch with Elizabeth or at least nd the sect and make sure she was not really missing so the rst report could be shut down. The police just shut it down accepting this false letter.

Now you have to understand how the system operates. You will ask above logical question and others thinking in the line of the police being her to assist and that the system is here to investigate and unlock deceit and crimes. Wrong. They are here to protect crimes and make sure the real perpetrators are not caught. To make it all look legitimate they from time to time catch a petty criminal or even set up bogus crimes to nd these crimes. When you see on national television that the police have captured a large amount of drugs on a truck or ship. Be sure it is a PSYOP / PSYWAR and a fake. A country of 50 million people need lots of drugs and airports are tightly monitored for one reason only to keep you from smuggling what the governments protects namely the import of drugs. It is huge amounts of drugs that is needed every day and petty criminals can’t feed a whole nation with tons of drugs. Some petty criminal will grow hash in their apartments because they know they do it so why not. The police will then raid these small shaggy apartments and the raid might even be orchestrated from the beginning. Then a television crew turns up and a few reporters and nobody is any wiser.

Open your television or read the media and notice how most stories involve the government on some level one way or another. When they can’t nd the cause and the guilty, like in the Madeleine McCann case, then they are incapable and why then have a police to start with. In this case a missing person le is reported and the whole system steps in even The Vatican. But in the case of Elizabeth Fritzl nothing. It is just closed. And the red

ag here is the bogus sect story. The police accepted it all in the honor of religious freedom. Non sense. There is no freedom of religion and we see that in the Waco, Texas, case. We are told they were doing wrong with child abuse but it is all hear say. No evidence and they then bomb the whole building to remove any evidence and witnesses. It is all over the media and we see the reballs and the storm troopers destroy any hope of real freedom. When the government nd people who have escaped the tyranny, then they will destroy the attempt because they don’t want other people getting any ideas. It might spread and people might wake up and understand they can do the same. A society in a society is not accepted and in Denmark they tried having Christiania for a few years as a “free city”. What is this free city known for? Drugs. It is sold freely and openly and it the place where thousands come every day to buy their x. The government and police knows this and they set it all up so there would be a place where drugs could be easily available. Then at least they have control and it does not spread to other location. We know the invasion of Afghanistan was and is all about controlling the ow of drugs and oil pipes. When free people get ideas by themselves enter the police, the army and United Nations. They are united only to keep it running in the family and not run wild outside of the trade organization known as UN.

USA has a short history and in the beginning it was part of the promised land and known as the land of opportunity. To sell the whole clandestine operation called murdering million and looting the land from the inhabitants they gave the new inhabitant plenty of galore and many opportunities so it all looked ne on the surface. People would come to USA to nd prosperity and freedom and so USA grew rapidly. Little by little did people know what was going on as it had been done in other nations in the World before. The real owners of the land would introduce tighter measures and more control just like the “Boiling frog syndrome” so nobody would notice the heat being turned up. It is called an anecdote on Wikipedia. Yes, it is based on reality. You are the frog and they turn up the heat and the water is wonderful and pool’ish to start with. Later the heat is turned up gradually. The same thing happened in Denmark, Myanmar (Burma), Mali, Bali, Philippines and every nation of the World. Then they introduce freedom ghters and clandestine operation so the government have a reason to stay in business. This way they create the system for the system for themselves so royals and public officials and rulers can stay in this system living the lazy life only setting up new clandestine operations.
A BRIGHT SHINING LIE a book by Neil Sheenan says in the very beginning of the book:

We [USA] had also,
to all the visitors who came over there, been one of the bright shining lies.

---John Paul Vann to a U.S. Army historian July 1963

It is a metaphor for white lie (bright) and for the ve pointed star for the symbol of U.S.A and their friends of war using fear, terror and very ill trades to in ict communism upon a people so there is an enemy when the communists and enemy is the savior themselves. On every new chapter of A BRIGHT SHINING LIE is a 5-pointed star. Each chapter is called a BOOK and there are exactly 7 (seven) books in the book.

Co m m u n i s m i s n o t h re a t to p e o p l e - governments and their henchmen are.
They say you have freedom to choose whatever way you want to live be it through religion of thoughts and ideas. However this does not apply to choosing being a communist. So if you decide to be a communist, and they don’t like it, they will drop napalm on you. Just like in the Waco case. However here they only set the whole building ablaze using petrol bombs and matchsticks? Same result. Death by re and the destruction of all evidence and no voices can be heard later in any court because they are all charcoaled.

True story of Army man John Paul Vann, whose military success provided him the ful llment he never found in his personal life.
Paul Vann naturally fucks around too while dropping Napalm on the
commune where children and woman and farmers do no wrong.

Yesterday they were called Viet Cong and today they call them FARC. Bert Ruiz *) at columbiajournal.org/a-bright-shining-lie.htm writes in his headline reading:
A Bright Shining Lie

The truth behind the bright shining lie can no longer be kept secret. The Colombian Armed Forces do have links with the bad guys. They let paramilitaries pass through checkpoints unmolested and provide them with intelligence and supplies to combat the common enemy: the guerrillas. This is the root of Colombia’s cancer. And now the reputed leader of the ruthless paramilitary death squads is taking center stage and promising an even bloodier chapter in Colombia’s long civil war. Just last week, Salvatore Mancuso proudly boasted that his ranks have swelled to 14,000 killers from just 850 a decade ago. Furthermore, he plans to nearly double his forces in the year ahead. Americans should not misinterpret the intentions of the death squads; they are killing machines.

Hence, the Bush White House is in the unique position of being able to end or extend

Colombia’s paramilitary campaign of terror. If the Bush administration decides against exing U.S. muscles to pressure Bogotá into sanitizing Colombia’s armed forces, then the
White House will be officially sugarcoating Colombia’s bright shining lie. Moreover, such a
denial of the worst human rights crisis in the Western Hemisphere will require that President
George W. Bush override congressional conditions on aid to Colombia that will allow U.S. tax
dollars to illegally nance the slaughterhouse activities of Colombia’s ruthless paramilitary
death squads.
And now that the FARC have thrown down the gauntlet by demanding that the
Pastrana government disband the paramilitaries, end privatizations and boot all U.S.
advisers out of Colombia, it appears the nation is about to dive head rst into hell and the
bright shining lie will prevail.

*) Bert Ruiz is chairman of the Colombian-American Association and author of the book, The Colombian Civil War. He also served two tours of duty in Vietnam with the United States Marine Corps.

It will prevail as did the Vietnam War which was also a bright shining lie. What is the lie? The whole thing is a lie from beginning to end. All clandestine operation to take resources and leave people in fear and eventually install fake democracy which on the surface then shall look like the savior and for a few years people will live in peace from deadly terror little knowing they are slowly being boiled as frogs now with a new name and a new terror organization now called democracy. Later taxes and corporation take over and normal people just suck from the breast and nipple of the poisonous warriors call them NAPALM one day and DEMOCRACY the next. It is essentially the same. The only difference is, that the latter is slight more crazy than the former! It is only a demo of sanity and the real evil is behind smoke and thick curtains.

In fact it mentions this a few times in the book by Neil Sheenan that the U.S. government is the terrorist. And on the back of the book we read comments like:
“... such love, such bravery, such comedy...” Harrison E. Salisbury
The book is in actuality not only a report on a war but also evidence of war crimes. The book did not go unnoticed however to coin this book and todays world may be difficult even if above article by Bert Ruez joins the link from one war to the next. It is all the same. So if it is the same and the Vietnam war was an U.S. clandestine criminal act, so is the war in Columbia. This is the link you need to make. They are the same and the proof of it is in the writing and no main stream media took this issue up and eventually everyone forgot about the Vietnam War. Everyone knows about a white lie so people accept the government doing the same namely lying and the governments gets away with it because they know about how psychology works.

Denis Halliday says: "Nine years of United Nations economic sanctions against Iraq have created genocidal conditions and should be eliminated, Denis Halliday, a former UN official, told a Cornell audience last week." Does that not make United Nations guilty of murder? Sure does. United Nation is Crime Inc. And are they in any way sanctioned? No. United Nation (Roman Empire) is doing better and stronger than ever before indulging in sex, drinks, expensive 7 star hotels, whores to delight at any opportunity and so much more. The upper crust naturally mingles with bankers and Rothschild's and the like in mansions on Greek Islands (See a map of Corfu) and elsewhere. Imagine coming to a party to discuss relative relaxed business to encounter 5000 US Dollar bottles of Whiskey, the best prostitutes imaginable paid very handsomely (some probably murdered not to witness (eyes wide open) the spoken word or the sexual desires conducted), Russian Beluga caviar, gifts as hidden payments. You are in heaven. Here the upper crest of your elected officials by the upper crest of the political hierarchy indulges in a lifestyle that is from another planet. So rich and so unimaginable that it would be hard to describe with existing words. It is in essence corruption taking place and the nal evidence is, that only through corruption can you rule. The higher up the higher the corruption.

Enter Dominique Strauss-Kahn. From meters away and from watching the news you think it is just a rotten apple not too bad and he was just in the wrong place and the wrong time etc. Then we see him in court all looking like shit. He looks around somewhat embarrassed - perhaps not. A few month and ears later all gone and nobody really remember or don't care. On the surface it is just another thing of the day. I am 100% positive this was an incident planted by someone and the whole thing was a charade all acting their part and nobody would be any wiser. Some parts they can't control 100% so to control it 100% they will induce people and character onto the scene never heard of and start to pay left and right as bribes to set the act in motion. Far below the surface is a ring of horrors, millions dead both woman and children in far away places in Iraq and Honduras etc. and in this world nothing is impossible. Impossible mission does not exist. You pay they play. You can always nd someone who will play any part in any role. It just takes a bigger bribe. As the saying goes: "Anything is for sale" and some will sell there families or own children for the change to play the part. Some later gets knocked off unknowingly. Some live and will be removed from the stage and they know if they speak it will just vanish into thin air. Rings. Does Wagner ring a bell? A ring of crime and it is all kinds of crime. To be a politician for years you are in this ring because you can't be a politician for long without accepting Crime Inc. and be totally loyal. Loyal and Royal ts in, right?

More: Former UN official says sanctions against Iraq amount to 'genocide': http://www.news.cornell.edu/chronicle/99/9.30.99/Halliday_talk.html

27. Soccer Tiamat

Why do you think American football is called SOCCER? Try and change a few letters. Sucker is a person easily cheated or deceived. You don't even have to change any letters because the words sound the same phonetically. When you watch soccer or you support soccer you are factually grammatically a sucker. When two words correlate and match in sound and letters they are usually cognate (of same origin and meaning). Why would they call it soccer in the rst place when it is such a great game? You suck on a lollipop or your breast-feed. You are a sucker. That is in the nice sense. But why choose a word that also means the opposite of nice? If soccer is so fantastic they might have called it: "Heal-ball" or something silly like that! "Let's go get them suckers..." and so Kissinger did. Kissinger heartily approved of the earlier massacres and torture in Chile. You just keep watching your soccer game and don't think what it really supports because as long as you can sit in your couch drinking cheap beer you are ne. So let me not disturb you anymore. Thank you for your time which might be running out the longer you support soccer and thereby also big corporation by unintentionally promoting their advertising and this money is ultimately going to buy WMD to unprotect you in case you wake up with eyes wide open.

Teammate – thinking… can you hear the sound of marble balls ushing out the toilet? Eureka! Tiamat. Tee Mat. Say it almost anyway you like it. Your teammate is a whore – he/she is Tiamat the sea monster, the dragon galore with all the eggs and all her colossal oysters.

28. Football

One example today is Football. The word ball looks rather innocent, right? But if I say Baal then it has a totally different meaning however the two words are connected. How? They both contain the same letters and the same amount namely 4. The simple word ball also contain other words hidden right there in plain sight. One word is Al. Al is Arabic for God. But now you have to stay really alert or perhaps it is becoming clearer. let me tell you:

Foot is Spanish is pie. Pie is also Pi 3.14159265359 which has the symbol π. It represents an eternal number. Pi has an eternal number of digits. It also represent making and calculating a circle. Hence it relates to Omega Ω which is Greater O. From The Bible we know God spoke: "I am Alfa and Omega" in Revelation 22:1. So foot has everything to do with God, right or wrong? Ah, you have your own ideas, ne. But see if it makes sense. Why? Because now we bring in Baal (demon) and Baal a Northwest Semitic title and honori c meaning "master" or "lord". So two words or rather 3 including Al makes sense, right or wrong? let us spread it out:

Foot = Pie = Pi = π is a used to calculate a circle related to Omega = Ω related to God in Alfa and Omega.
Ball = Al = God.
Ball = Baal.

It all ts, right? They all connect to a God thing. Ah! Good, now you are starting to think different. I am happy you stopped my here. because I hear you say: "It is just words and through culture they copy words and ancient words naturally intertwine with new modern word". Good thinking. But let me ask you this then: Out of a trillion different combination they came up with this word: football. For one of the highest rated and watched games, which they adore and build huge arenas for, just because it is a football? You think? All this and billions of Dollars spent from taxpayer’s money to play a simple game like that if it did not have a deeper more profound esoteric meaning. Do you think I am that silly and stupid to only believe, that a silly game like football is only commercialized just because it is healthy? Why do you think diamonds are a girls best friend. Someone told you they were. Not because they really are. You jump on the wagon and are now brainwashed to believe in this induced fact. You know only what you learn. As quick as the little girl starts to play with dolls she sees these sparkling things on her Barbie doll and she sees her mother has a ring and bang - the association is made. Mother is good, so diamond must be good. I want a diamond when I am big too. Dia is Portuguese for day. And mond? That is German for moon. Day Moon. Ah! Now we are getting closer - again. The sacred "egg" of Ishtar was the Moon and sometimes - all depending - it can in fact bee seen at day time on a bright blue sky. Day also symbolizes the time when the Sun is up. And in that we get Sun = male and moon = female. Just like in SolOMon. A diamond represents sex between two people or love but from love you get sex so in essence it is the same. Sex is when you get the little death and "see" "God" when you feel so mind-bogglingly good. O in Solomon is what? Omega. And is also a bind-word meaning "and". Sol and the Moon. Man and Woman. If you turn M upside down you get a W and visa versa. And in that you get pyramids and two of them or even more if you like. But at least two. How many pyramids do you see in the Star of David? 2 big ones overlapping, right. One on top of the other. And then 6 smaller ones. And in the center you see a hexagram. Hex = 6. Now listen to this song and see if you can decode it: Bang Bang with Nancy Sinatra 52.

So only with a very few words and taking only out a very few but very important symbols what have I been speaking about for the past 3 minutes? Sex. Sex as in Six and in fact in some languages Sex = 6 through words such as Seks (Danish). It really is real, right? I mean, you do accept these symbols as real? They are there, you can see them?

Omega is biblical
Baal is biblical
Feet are biblical also through ex.: Luke 17:16 "He threw himself at Jesus' feet and

thanked him--and he was a Samaritan"
Al is God and Al is part of ball.
A foot contains 2 oo which is In nity ∞ which is Eternity which brings us to Endless

52 Find a version on YouTube

29. Going Beyond Evil

There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.

Page 209: http://www.terrorism-illuminati.com/content/complete-online-version

Incidentally, the word CIA pops up 198 times in TERRORISM AND THE ILLUMINATI and it will take you around the Earth in less than 80 days. Some things may be wrong in the book. But if just 1% is true that is alarming. But once you dig in you realize it is more than 1% and probably near 100% accurate. You can't shoot at that many targets and get them all wrong. I even nodded at least 283 times. And I nodded a few times at this one:

If exposed long enough to the tom-toms and the singing, every one of our philosophers would end by capering and howling with savages. Assemble a mob of men and women, treat them to ampli ed band music, bright lights, and in next to no time you can reduce them to a state of almost mindless sub humanity. Never before have so few been in a position to make fools, maniacs, or criminals of so many.

Sadly but surely the world turned into Hell on Earth. We are all only a product of who we learn from and you can end up in the ditch and become a rock star or a moon star or a drug addict or a mentally disturbed or worse being totally isolated from the world and feel really lonely. No love, no honey, no nothing except Salvation Armies (and what good did they do the anyway?) who you wanted to run from in the rst place. You end up in the enemies camp when trying not to. One might nd the destiny on the road leading to your destiny realizing the road is full of holes and leads no where. You took the low road or the highroad but ended up on the no road. Out deep in the jungles of asphalt in the middle of millions of people but are isolated. Why? Because it all really is just one huge lie. How many ended up sniffing glue and how many are living in the real underground in the "Suez canals" (play of words) of Moscow and how many ended up where they never believed to be. Destiny they call it. Because you are trained in sick public schools and you are mislead from day one. In Sweden today they take DNA samples of newborn babies and they follow you from cradle to grave. All you have to do is shut up and not do any artist maneuvers such as even think you can paint, act or be creative. You will do as they say and become a bank-assistant or a journalist or similar. There is only room for what ts inside the box. The box they call a prison and if you are too free spirited they will make sure you end up doing something wrong by making you sick with their Prozac or drug you with their plastiki projects where you only have the choice others pre-selected for you. One such place to know there is a box is prisonplanet.com - not sure if it is part of the whole brainwashing campaign but you read all there is to read and you be the judge. Did you drop napalm in Vietnam or drop the A-bomb in Japan on purpose? No. Did you assassinate 50 innocent people in a market-place in Palestine? No. Would you? No. They do and they get away with it while you get a ticket for parking or you must pay extra interest on the expensive load because you were late 2 days. Their law does not apply to them. The Vatican commits crimes in the proves of saving el mundo. And a few are caught. But what happens when you get caught? Slam! But the whole organization goes free. Who said this or that was wrong in the rst place. The laws are only words and the morals of someone else - not yours. When a president or party get elected the ones who did not want his/her politics are forced to live under them and during many years tons of paper are forced through as laws and some we might understand. But the basic laws of human is 1) Good! That is all. One law. You are born as a baby and you are good but slowly over a few years some turn really bad. How come? Training we call it. Go a few years to public school and you are soon no longer good. Then a few years further education and you live the copy life others do and sooner than you know it you end up paying bills, broken hearts, broken legs, your children takes drugs and your dog ate the neighbor’s cat. Your brother became member of a crime gang and your sister had an affair with your brother! So what? Well, some things are not too bad and as long as it does not really hurt anyone who cares.

Last but not least. Football is played of grass and where not available on the bare ground. Grass is related to the 3 Graces known as whores by now or goddesses if you must. If not, then just females in their wonderful natural costume and they say Muslims cover up. Why so when about two billion Muslims have been able to make babies all dressed up! Hardly and quantumly not so. They undress just like anyone else in the natural costume given to you and so The Emperor without any clothes, by Hans Christian Andersen, is just dressing down to the natural state. However a small boy does see the Emperor in the nude and says so. And the Emperor must have known this or else how could he be Emperor when so stupid. Bees do it, Queens do it, a honeybee has a queen so they even copied nature and then they dressed like peafowls making fools of themselves looking the part of a cock in feathers waiting for the dicks to arrive. And they did arrive standing tall in their silly costumes and they could not make it bizarre enough because they had nothing to do. Absolutely nothing to do except fuck, fool and fart around as they do this day today.

30. Infidel-Lex Great Castrato Russia Cross

Do you think normal people are evil like this and have the means to drop bombs etc.? Heck no. Even the Palestinian Yasser Arafat was a Freemason and had his agents instigated by the terror fraction which were the British or the banking cartels themselves. There may have been a few true suicide bombers but they never knew the depths of the deceit. Then Arafat died in a hospital in France!!! France is one of the most esoteric bastards in the world. Then the story is setup that he was murdered by "plutonium" as to tell us that he was killed and how can we prove this? No evidence of it. It is all a concocted lie from start to end. The only reason why they have not bombed and killed all normal people in Palestine by now is because it supports their sick geo-politics to have them around. This way they can create an enemy and the whole game can begin. As long as you can serve them by being alive they will let you live. People in Palestine then believe Arafat is their man. Heck no. He is an internal actor just like Cuban Fidel Castro is and was. In del Castrato. Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz. Alejandro is the Spanish form of Alexander. Need we now mention Alexander The Great (small dick naturally). Now read about the movie Ruz. And what is Ruz really? Russia! And what is Russia? Well, United Nations. So his real full name is? You got it: In del Alexander The Great Castrato Russia Cross. A castrato might have a huge dick but no balls except for a lot of Baal and there you see the raised right hand that is known as the communist sign. However that is only half the truth. Because Baal and his right hand symbolizes Satan or false god. Ergo? Fidel Castro is proven through his name to be a false god or false in everything and an agent of United Nations. We even nd Dispersive Light - Baal (RUS) (Google it) and I am not going into that.

cRuz incidentally means cross. And this is empirical proof that the whole thing is a setup. How come? Well, to get a name like that tting in every word/name to symbols and signs and places in history directed at the ve pointed star (Roman Empire <=> United Nations) is zero - unless someone created his name prior to him being part of the clandestine operation where we see and follow the whole "freedom ght" to take back Cuba. Cuba was occupied by the Americans and to make it look as if Cuba was taken back and freed then they setup the whole operation so no one else would try to take Cuba for real and in many years people have believed in this guy as being against USA and the west when he himself is a child of the west - an agent of The Holy Roman Empire, League of Nations, United Nations etc.. He is a great actor just like Alexander The Great was but nothing more than that. He is Bond, Fidel Bond. And a bond is being tied up - literally. James ties it all up and wraps it all up using his license to kill. Fidel did too. Won a war (Pig of Bays) against the US but that was all created to perhaps mostly to sell more guns and keep the industrial complex going. Sorry, that was Bay of Pigs. Even pigs t right in. Do you recall the warrior Tammuz, the son of Ishtar? He was killed by a wild pig. And again - what was the symbol of Ishtar who is Aphrodite? The ve pointed star. So in a bay were pigs literally because US and Cuba are pigs because they have Ishtar and her son as their god and goddess this day in age. Why? Because Ishtar is the cognate (same as) to Isis (Egypt) and Semiramis (Greece) etc. They were really not lying when they spoke of pigs in the bay. Why? Well, both have the ve pointed star as their logo which is the symbol of Ishtar/Tammuz better known as Star of Venus. Wrong! Well, not really. It leads us to the ve pointed star which is what? The star originates in Persia (Iran) and the near East and also in the Far East. Yes, it is just a copy Xerox thing again in the west. The west copied it all. More importantly the royal European blood takes their family trees right back to Babylonia and Persia and hence everyone in the west are what? Well, to put it broadly: Aryan Easterners. What about the black people? Oh yes, they too are occupied. Every African country is United Nations and occupied through terror by mostly the French and the British but also Holland. But are the whites not smarter than the black? WHAT?! If you keep a gun at peoples heads for centuries and you suppress a whole people with terror then sure they can't move forward as easy. If you then in the process steel everything of value (gold, diamonds, tigers, elephant just for fun) then how do you expect a suppressed people to stay a oat? They are not smarter in the west they are just much more cruel. They have some horrible blood and it originates from some families and who are they? Easy as easing cake. Royals have intermarried for many thousands of years to keep it all in the family. And what happens? They turn crazy and wicked and very sick. They then intermarry with politicians and powerful men in business and soon the blood is so rotten and bad that you have World War I, II and III on your hands. Not mentioning another 5000 wars the past 2000 years or so.

Why else would Cuba have a ve pointed star in their ag? Comprende? And a pyramid and ve stripes blue and white. The Star is Ishtar and with that we get an I - roman numeral for one. And 5 stripes. Area 51. You will nd many area 51's in the world and they are all occupied by the biggest crime organization in the world known as United Nations. Dr. No. - the rst bond movie - takes place south of Cuba and we see James Bond being rescued by the British Royal Navy but they did not exists at the time the Bond movie (Dr. No.) takes place. Why? Because in the movie you see the white ag with the red cross which was not used after 1707 (or there about) - see http://cerasius.com/wiki/Kingdom_of_England. And James Bond is seen with a woman and he does not care to be rescued - heck - the land and waters is already safe long time back. In the same movie you will notice how a co-actor - a black guy - is always wearing a red T-shirt. T is for Tammuz is for Ishtar. And the color red is for blood and Nazi Germany.

Now you can understand and sing "I'm Beginning to See the Light" and know that Ja +ZZ is Jahve and Z is an esoteric important secret letter. Watch Franks Sin At Ra sing the song here at YouTube. He is related to the Franks. Sing along and read the lyrics and decode the song yourself. The black blues turned into happy Jazz and silly lyrics all related in most parts to the Five Pointed Horror Star. Recall Ol' Man River? He must know something, right? Sure. But it is in essence a white mans song esoteric to the root of the rst note to the last. Written by? Probably Ashkenazi Jews.

From ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Colored folks work on de Mississippi, Colored folks work while de white folks play, Pullin' dose boats from de dawn to sunset, Gittin' no rest till de judgment day.

If this is true, then I am colored too.

Then to throw in an extra surprise we have the Cuban Five with ve pointed star and everything. In ltration and what not. THINK DIFFERENT he said. Now you know how to ip a coin and see the other side. And since cerasius.com tried to use the Flickr API calls to host images the team here was rather surprised when we got:

Infidel Cubanista V Star
http://cerasius.com/2013/8417149541_ef1a56bb95_b.jpg http://cerasius.com/2013/8418243732_a2df8afa64_b.jpg

And what the heck is FIVE POINTS SOUTH? (it is esoteric). If the Cubans are so happy about that ve pointed star why are the Americans. Or visa versa. Why use the logo of your foe? You probably know by now how to gure that out. That 5 and 6 just pops up all over the place. Occam's Razor might point you in the right direction because if you see the same star everywhere what might that tell you? If you see the same company logo everywhere, what might that tell you? The cuban ag was adopted in 1902 and the Cuban Five came later. "In 1960s and 1970s, there were many acts of terrorism against Cuba by U.S.-based counterrevolutionary exile groups" - heck - so the government is as per Romans 13:3 a terrorist. Now let us sing Hallelujah with Leonard Cohen. Nice tune BTW.

What is all this 5 about. Ishtar? A star sh. I think it is rather more simple. The hand has ve ngers and is a tool too. Without this tool we might be pigs and would never have
constructed many of the highly ugly cities around the World like Dubai and Paris which are
only cities to fright and not delight unless you are a King with too Big a Ben to call yourself
Beth in the Chambers of The House Of Rotten Scoundrels. I call it sistoic.

Sistoic Ciotsis

The word covering the decease of world political leaders, their banking friends, Roth’s Children and the war complex might just be Sistoic. They are Sistoic we might say. Sistoism (systems) is what they suffer from. It covers everything from being Ishtar-ill and Jesus-Freek to a Cock-lover or pussy galore and all the actors who got a medal because they just were too stupid to realize they were being used like cheap whores in the game of deceit.

While editing this book I came up with this new term and you are invited to use it and abuse it. I entered it here in this chapter because is is a WORD as is in delity and the word LAW is probably the most sistoic word that exists. LA + VV. Los Angeles + .

Sistoic might sound like heroic and stoic and that is my point. it covers that too. Sistoic covers the word “sister” and Isis and Osiris. To is Danish for two and C is 100 a nice round number. Sister II IC and IC is Inter City. I shall cover IC elsewhere and now you can call me crazy and the word Sistoic covers crazy too and it covers be being called crazy by someone suffering from Sistoism.

My next book might just be called this of all things. Imagine that. A new child is born out of this book and it is a pictogram with 7 letters and if you stand on your head and ip 5 times you will get the word for CIOTSIS. That covers COT ISIS or Cotto Isis which is her womb. I could go on here by you see I am touching new land and they don’t want you to invent new things that don’t t in ther plan so let us leave this word standing all by itself telling you that SISTOIC CIOTSIS is not to be found anywhere but in this book. It is a palindrome invented just for this book.

31.LaVeyan Satanism

In 2013 I told a Christian about the Star Of David also being the symbols of Satanism. Did not care one bit and just brushed the “idea” away. Sure, because Jesuits and some Christians know this because they a Freemasons and they accept Christianity being evil to the core. In fact Christianity is the essence of what we know as evil through the devil. Christianity is sex, bulls horns (cocks and symbol for II) and has nothing to do with a divine entity.

Furthermore; the ve pointed star in Satanism. Why? Because this star as well as the Star of David related to Talisman. Above is the symbol of Saturn 53. Saturn <=> Satan. I did not make all this up - they did. So Satanism adapted the symbol of Venus? Well, who came

rst? Satanism is to be found via Baal and Gog and Magog and if you follow that bloodline they came before Israel used the symbol in their ag and before modern day times used the symbol and before United Nations used the symbol. It is also the symbol of Ishtar - that ve thing. She was known as a warrior goddess. So why do you copy/paste the logo of evil and use it in something to represent Human Rights via The United Nations? If a logo represents something evil, like the Swastika now does, but didn't until misused by El Hitler, then such a logo is now representing two thing: good and evil. In Hinduism it represents something good but Hitler misused it in his Sun worship killing millions in the process deliberately with all his friends in royal houses right to The Vatican. The ve thinggy originally represented evil and today made into what it is also - something "good" such as being a STAR and you get one if you are famous and represent the machine named Hollywood and the entertainment establishment. However, if you follow the symbol it originates in Persia and they hate [radical] Muslims so why use the logo of the Muslims? 1) Because Christianity is a copy & paste job from Persian symbolism in many cases. 2) The royal houses of Europe originates in Persia and Near Asia. And they have blood from some of these fellas who were kicked out of Israel for being warriors and whores against the word of God - the good word. They broke Gods law and they whored as they saw t and killed etc etc. Long story short, evil always prevails over good. Why? Well, because it is the armies that have full control of a country - not the elected president. He is just a puppet. The real string-pullers are the real royals those with the artillery and those with the biggest guns win. 3) Because they setup the evil brotherhoods themselves via agent through PsyOps and clandestine operations.

53 http://wolf.mind.net/library/magic/talismans/talisman.htm
Lyrics to "I'm Beginning to See the Light":

1) I never cared much for moonlit skies I never wink back at fireflies
But now that the stars are in your eyes I'm beginning to see the light

2) I never went in for afterglow
Or candlelight on the mistletoe
But now when you turn the lamp down low I'm beginning to see the light

3) Used to ramble through the park
Shadowboxing in the dark
Then you came and caused a spark That's a four-alarm fire now

4) I never made love by lantern-shine I never saw rainbows in my wine
But now that your lips are burning mine I'm beginning to see the light


1) Moon is Ishtar. Stars are Ishtar. Light is lux, Luxor, Illuminated, bright etc.
2) No afterglow = don't want light so people can see in the dark. Mistletoe = Christianity copied from Holi. No lights turned down, they can see in the dark because they operate in the dark.
3) Shadowboxing is reference to striking in the dark at shadows clandestine operations etc.. Four-alarm is a Multiple-alarm fire meaning very serious.
4) Rainbow is an esoteric symbol. And the colors are also very important in the esoteric sick world all copied from Hinduism. And lastly a reference to kissing but not really! The burning libs are just a metaphor for being flabbergasted now that they know the truth. Beginning to see the light. Oh yes, only beginning. because everything you know is rotten to the core in politics so deep is the hole you can't see any light because the tunnel has no opening at the end. All dark. Metaphorically speaking naturally.

Steve Jobs told you to THINK DIFFERENT. Well, now personally I do and I speak too. You had never expected that? Steve Jobs never invented a single thing much like Graham Bell. Einstein - never knew anything about anything and was not even as smart as a single re y. Darn, an atom had more intelligence than he had. Heck, a re y is more smart than all esoteric (secret) societies combined. So if you blame me for THINKING DIFFERENT then why are you so clever to tell me not to think different? Wake up and if you don't like the real truth then so be it. Don't believe shit - don't believe in The Whole Lie Bible. Know that every word in the f....ing El Bib is as true as it ever was. And it has been so for centuries. However when the rulers never really let you see the light they are guilty of corrupt teaching and terrorism and the proof is right there. Believe in Gods? Heck yes. God is smack there in your face as bankers making moon money which is a reference to Solomon hence money is God. Do you only believe in money? Right, you know they are real, right? So you not only believe in money but you know money is true and since money = God you know God exist. The divine God has nothing to do with it in the esoteric world because they have Gog and Magog, Baal and Tamar as their fake gods who were just rulers to fool and fright with terror far back in time and they adapted it and re ned it to a science more precise than psychics itself because they can make up go down, and left go right or make a lie be true. That is what Gods do after all - make it all up - with words. And so in the beginning was the word - sure it was. All lies and tales and history is all fake in most parts and the reality is not so real after all. How about that for a surprise? And the proof of it not being real is to be found in the new esoteric psychics science called Quantum Physicked [sic].

The Apple represents a fruit. Nice try. It also represents sin. But more importantly the Apple Inc. logo is a Nephroid. Why did Steve Jobs never tell you that when he told you to THINK DIFFERENT. Because he was esoteric and wanted the opposite of you think at all. The Nephroid takes us to Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in the The Big Apple known as New York. How? Follow along on this journey and you will soon know.

From the beginning of the Afghan War, the CIA, partnered with Pakistani Intelligence, in organizing the rebel Mujahideen ghters. Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence, or ISI, was established in 1948, by Joseph Cawthorn, a British Intelligence agent of MI6, with whom it has continually maintained close ties. The power of the ISI increased for its rst twenty years, until the emergence of Pakistan’s rst popularly elected leader, the socialist Zul kar Ali Bhutto in 1971. Bhutto fell out of favor with the British, and was overthrown by General Zia Ul-Haq, who had been appointed Chief of the Army Staff by Bhutto in 1976, at the insistence of Gulam Jilani Khan, the Director General of the ISI.

In his book, If I Am Assassinated, penned in prison, Bhutto relates how Henry Kissinger threatened him for pushing forward on Pakistan’s nuclear energy program, telling him, “We will make an example of you!” Bhutto was executed in 1978. A spokesman of the Muslim Brotherhood boasted, “The Brotherhood has taken over in Iran and Pakistan. Bhutto stood for intrusion of the West into Islam. Bhutto was everything that Pakistan was not. That is why we killed him. And we will use his death as a warning to others.”

Above tells you that the hole is so deep it has no ass - bottom.

It might take us to satanism and Persia and this Talisman. It is indeed for luck but where and in what symbol? We need to look back in time to nd the true origin and you won’’t believe it when you see it - will you?

Fermentos Piratos Crocodilorum Culus Santa Croce in Gerusa’s Cocks.

What fun we can have doing our own words. What you will nd is, that the origin of the Star Of David takes us to Asia.

Santa Croso means Holy Cross. Legend says that Santa Croce was founded by St Francis himself.

We shall see the Franks more and St. Francis of Assisi. I just can’t help think of Isis’ Ass every time I hear or read his name. Or As Isis.

Th e St a r O f D av i d t a k e s u s to unexpected places later in this book.
Italian d'As is: As of. Then we have sisi left. A “sissy” /sisi/ is also known as a sister. Empress Elisabeth of Austria was called sisi. Sisi:

• A boy or man regarded as effeminate54.
• A person regarded as timid or cowardly.
• Informal Sister.

Frans As Of Isis or Ass Of Isis - n'est pas? Now we know what The Bible is all about, is he then not only a Hit and a total Laugh?
54 Man or boy of feminine nature
With this book a new word is born and below the symbol for it:



The symbol is the vermillion (red/orange) colored Kafel Fruit. Translate CAPSULE to Yiddish is לספַּאק which transliterates from Hebrew to English as to Kafsl. However לספַּאק in Yiddish is CAPSULE.

Uttarakhand is known for many things like its beautiful hill stations, its weather, Temples, fruits etc. One of its well know know fruit which is famous in summer is Kafal which is nd in mainly in hilly regions like Almora, Champawat, Devidhura, Sherphatak, Lohaghat and many other hilly region in Uttarakhand. Usually Kafal trees are very long and you will have to climb the tree to taste it.

Ka*fal"\, n. (Bot.) The Arabian name of two trees of the genus Balsamodendron, which yield a gum resin and a red aromatic wood.
Myrrha Nees
The fruit or three is also called:
Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl. Syn: Balsamodendron myrrha Nees
With that we get myrrha Nees which I discovered while writing this book - naturally - related to The Bible.
Royal Highness is: Egg High Cock Sperm (Ro=roe, al=Xing, high = erected cock, sperm as gum from the myrrh)

When we explore these plant we realize that a capsule is coptic and related to chestnuts also. There are only about 3,500 results on Google for לספַּאק. First part of that Hebrew/ Yiddish word is לספּ meaning statue, bust, idol. in Yiddish those 3 letters are: PSL. The last letter L is Greek LambdaΛ. One letter that stemmed from Lambda was Cyrillic letter El (Л, л) meaning God.

Cardinals at The Vatican likes to dress in vermillion/red dress and hat. Myrrh was spread on the beds of many in The Bible and you might nd that the Water Chestnut looks rather devilish in that it has two “horns”.

At Christmas they like to hand balls on the tree. They were usually made from glass. These balls are suppose to resemble fruits or shall we call them BAAL (evil deity) as balls on the male. The whole tree is the rod and on the top is the crown - the star.

I like this little Kafal and this book is not about botany per say. We do need to look at botany, fruits (apples) and other matters. The Kafal Fruit is the symbol of something good and tasty but is also the symbol of evil in this case Sistoic Madness of the United Nations and their rulers whom we should better now can call Fake Kings.

Naturally you can buy Balsam on bottles in Asia and drop it in water for the monks in the Temple who are the teachers of Buddhism. Balsam is incense is perfume is spirit (fume) is the third ingredient in Whole Lie The Trinity.

32. Globalizing Torture

Yes, I was there in a similar situation and life has been one long struggle then, now and tomorrow. Freedom and justice - real - does not exist and torture is by design. They, the rulers, believe they have a god given right to torture and kill people and they do. And they don't blink an eye in the process.

REPORT: Including the participation of 54 countries, and they are naturally not countries, but United Nations, and it is the rulers who decide these things so the guilty are? Yes, the rulers.


54 countries helped CIA to kidnap, detain and torture. At least 54 countries including Syria, Iran, Sweden, Iceland, and UK offered CIA “covert support” to detain, transport, interrogate and torture suspects in the years following the 9/11 attacks, according to a new report. The 213-page report (PDF) 55released by the Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI), a New York-based human rights organization, documents wide-ranging international involvement in the American campaign against Al-Qaeda. The report, titled Globalizing Torture, provides a detailed account of other countries covertly helping the US to run secret prisons, also known as ‘black sites’ on their territory and allowing the CIA to use national airports for refueling while transporting prisoners. Excerpt:

Denmark allowed the use of its airspace and airports for ights associated with CIA extraordinary rendition operations. In October 2007, the Danish newspaper Politiken
received permission
reported that a CIA extraordinary rendition ight had to cross Danish airspace on October 25, 2003.954 It is

suspected that the plane transported Muhammad Bashmilah from Jordan to U.S. custody at a secret location.955 The United States held Bashmilah in undisclosed locations for over a year and a half.956 See the detainee list in Section IV.

Denmark is better known as Pigmark 56for a good reason. CIA is everywhere in every country as spies and as agents/change agents and they will kill you if you tell the systems that they are rotten to the core and that the law is illegal and every government is illegal and every official working in governments are unlawful and work with terror. Romans 13:3 - yes - the real whole lie fake Bible which is a recipe to take the whole world by deceit and torture.

Cerasius.com is in the hands of proof making Michael Moore, Wikileaks and so much more nothing more than puppets and the invention of the United Nations/Vatican/Jesuits etc.

55 http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/sites/default/ les/globalizing-torture-20120205.pdf
56 http://cerasius.com/wiki/Pigmark

A drone could hit any time anywhere and your safe house is as unsafe as sitting on a detonated mine. You might be next for using the "wrong" words or just saying "fuck the system".

For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil

So it says in the real whole lie known as The Bible. Here King James version! So rulers (governments) do terror against those who do not comply with their rotten system? Or just want to be different or not follow every sick law they invent because it is their laws and not free peoples law. The courts are from ancient Egypt with sacred chambers where prostitutes, who became goddesses, were there to please the monarchs and priests. la-archdiocese.org 57fuck as they want and the Bible is their law telling them it is ne and okay. Every catholic, every Christian, every ruler, every government is criminal but not in the sense of the fake law
- no - in the sense that they are esoteric bastards ruling with terror. This is not blasphemy. No, Christians, Catholics, rulers, kings are blasphemers. Proof? The fruits! And they are rotten. Proof? Rot is old Nordic word for king. Read more on that in this rst issue of Cerasius.

The whole John Galliano (Galleon) deal is a hoax too. He spoke of Hitler but the whole thing was a setup. Made to invoke a French law prohibiting speaking bad and anti-semitic. Why? because speaking bad was a governmental thing. Only the government can rule and fool. And so they had Statutes on Jews 58prohibiting Jews from holding any office. All roads lead to politics hence politics is the reason why we have a sick world as we have it today, yesterday and tomorrow. And the police is ready to protect the rotten apples.

Every 5th child born on mother Earth suffers from deep psychopathy. This is naturally well known in the esoteric world and exploited so at birth and at childhood they try and seek them out and that is not difficult because they reveal themselves as "warriors" or bad hearted and rotten spirited children who will mock and beat down the kindred spirit. These rotten apples are then nurtured by the elite hence many good people who seek office in the police do not stay long because the system is so infected that they can't stay long. Cerasius.com knew of such a policeman. He was even a lawyer and worked as a public prosecutor but had to seek early retirement and then worked for the terror organization Amnesty International instead. The police and court work was too difficult for him so he had to leave or he would have been far more sick. 22% of children are psychopaths but differentiate to a degree. Some are worse than others. And those that are really bad become kings, presidents, chief of police and CEO's in large companies etc. etc.

At Wikipedia many such bad and rotten apples work. In fact the whole Wikipedia organization is infected with sickos. Proof? Yes, just read many of their lies and try and write your story. Soon you will be thrown to the lions. So why cerasius.com? Aha! During 2013 cerasius.com opens to the public so free people can write want they want about the contents of Wikipedia. It will include the English and Danish at rst and later expand. Freedom of speech exists not. Only at cerasius.com however since they, the 22% of the population, have their words spoken already they can just take a hike. So cerasius.com will in fact be organized a little different.

Anarchy then versus democracy? Democracy is anarchy so we have had anarchy for centuries. What is better than anarchy? Freedom perhaps? Not when you know what free
57 http://cerasius.com/2013/www.la-archdiocese.org
58 http://cerasius.site/wiki/Statute_on_Jews
ROM 13:1-3 Governments O. Torture

DOM really means. So what? We simply need to reinvent the future. This time however all the rotten scumbags are going out as vengeance to Spartacus. They just can’t kill that mockingbird, can they.

33. Glorious March - Hail Hitler

The world before humans entered - all harmony but then Richard Wagner came along and spoiled it all.

Εβραίος (Jew) س&-,ا (Arabic; Jerusalem)
Εβραίος is Greek for Jew. The last 3 letters are: IOS. Does that ring a bell? Apple IOS

perhaps? Freemasonry has the letter capital G as part of their symbol. Jesus? G = Je. And sus is Spanish for their. So Jesus is G+Their or Their G. God is odd, right? Odd or even? Google Plus as in G+ perhaps. So we get Je=G and sus=their. So God is good and good is odd so evil is even? س&##-##################,ا is Jerusalem and س&##-##################,ا is phonetically Al Quds. Al = God. Quds = God? In Nordic language the word for God is Gud! If you add s to God(s) that means many Gods or it could be God's whatever...

Odd must then bee [sic: bee as in honey bee!] good and even be evil and the devil. G +sus = Freemasonry+Their and in that we get G+ for Google Plus and Google is 61 59 in Jewish Gematria which is God. Match made in heaven or hell? Well, it is positively not zero and not less because + is above 0 hence G+ is above what? Degrees? Hell is hot and so what is Heaven? Must be cold, right? Or both are hot but one is hotter than the other. One thing is sure, some stars, ve pointed, are really hot, right?

They called him sick, red him for knowing corruption and almost assassinated him 3 times over but is still alive. I am here to tell you a story you will not believe. And once you have read it you will understand that being a non member of the esoteric sick world makes life very tough not suffering from their Political (and otherwise) Ponerology. Watch some very ill and sick people here 60 . And this poem 61 *) is all about esoteric lovemaking and fucking hard all spoken in the parliament of Pigmark 62. All magic, gods and nonsense about devils. Speaking like this is raping by deceit. Highly sick. It is called the "little death" to die after being exalted in ecstasy in orgasm. That is all she talks about. Halabja (Iraq). Now she has McDonald's and she will not cry anymore. History of the Kurdish Aryan Race 63 (Proto indo-European) - a nice voice and a lovely lady (perhaps) but please explain the underlying meaning of your esoteric voice! And now time to watch some real robots 64(all freemasons naturally) and here: The Glorious March - Hail Hitler 65. That is your world yesteryear, this year and all years to follow. Hitler never died nor did his family and partners - they are doing very very well indeed this day forth.

59 http://www.gematrix.org/?word=Google
60 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs7nhuQEtnU
61 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duCCayGR_Ws
62 http://cerasius.com/wiki/Pigmark
63 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hHMwCE3ECU
64 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qudj0ZcxCg

65 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMGWWr00Q0k&bpctr=1360424333

Adolf Hitler visits The Vatican; does what the Bible says and does the “Je us” all over again. The upper echelon ignites hate towards their own kind to win proselytes and people will believe it because they have no idea how sick Churchill, Christian X of Denmark, Rothschild and Hitler were.

I am tired and sick of all their lies and the whole circus. Because I, as many others, can tell my story as I want and not be dependent of fraudulent news-outlets where I/you never get to speak for real. Fox News and all their shit is one huge circus galore and after watching it for 20 minutes you realize it is just a show. All propaganda wrapped up in a rice (nice) package with a little music and some very peculiar (liar) words. As a citizen of this Earth I would have loved there to be more than one Earth so I had a real choice. However there is only this little MotHer Earth and I am forced to stick around. The rich can grow their own potatoes with condos in far away places like islands hidden away from the public but the rest of us must endure the shit they throw at us such as housings that sucks (Ghettos) and shitty roads with shit food all wrapped up in plastiki. You recall the little silly hit named: "I'm A Barbie Girl - In a Plastic World" right? By Aqua. Barbie = Baby = Babylon. Plastic is reference to Plastiki and Aqua because it was from the abyss Tiamat came. It is all esoteric ancient bullshit just wrapped up in "modern" hogwash. And you, being in Asia or South America love this shit, right? It is hard not to listen to this shit because it is played on the same radio- and television stations in essence controlled by banking cartels or at least they provide the money for the honey and if the honey does not comply the money goes elsewhere.

*) Merkabah texts involved elaborate anthropomorphic descriptions of God, known as Shiur Komah, which were based on the Song of Solomon. The most important of all cabalistic texts, and from which most of its symbolism is derived, the Song of Solomon, or Song of Songs, is a collection of love poems spoken alternately by a man and a woman, a number of which describe the beauty and excellence of the beloved. (Yes, that is all this poem spoken in the government building of Pigmark (Denmark) is all about. It is a hymn to the cabalistic Rothschild (Illuminati) connection and people have absolutely no idea. That makes this little woman a whore too. Notice how she glances at the two guys playing music as if making love right there. Kurdistan. Sure!!! Read: TERRORISM ILLUMINATI and you will soon know: terrorism-illuminati.com (pdf ). But be warned, this book is not for the week hearted. With this proof what does that make Denmark? Rotten and part of the Illuminati. The proof is in El Bib and history. All proven empirically.
In the Song (poem) she is described as a bride, daughter and sister. Originally, she is the planet Venus, the goddess of love and war of Antiquity. Ishtar, Astarte, Semiramis, Aphrodite, Chrysis. Most importantly Ishtar. I = J did you know that? Well check it out for yourself. Isuzu or Jesus is one and the same who is in fact born by Ishtar a whore and later the story goes rabbi-ate. Anyway, the little king-son is killed as sacri ce more or less. That is what they did and still do. Kill babies as sacri ce to Ishtar because a wild pig, the story goes, killed her beloved son the myth tells us. If we took out all the myths of history there would not be many pages left. It is in fact so crazy there is yet no word for this illness.
All by design planned years ahead. You do not make 2+2 in heaven come true unless someone was behind it all because the change of this coming together is like the change of Earth coming around in the rst place. Almost zero but possible, right? Oh yes, and 6+1 is 7 the sacred number of Jesus. Match made. There are only underdogs and greasy gods in this world to gure that out. Which one are you? Cerasius.com belongs in the former category and is very very proud of it.
By this time you are invited to rest your eyes, ears and what-not. Confused? Well, that is part of the past 6000 years of deceit so take a little more, okay? [footsteps...] Okay, back from your rest? Please follow along....
Did you ever here about a Courtly Love? - or domnei (which is why we have the domino effect) who is a female ruler. Male ruler is named Dominus. Notice the red/blond/fair hair. Have you then heard of Courtney Michelle Love? Again, notice the red/blond/fair hair? Born Harrison. They love to change names and why? This way they can ignite their esoteric goddesses and gods as they please. Just changing a few letters so the proof is almost lost. So names are changed and invented then and now so bloodlines get lost or are very hard to dig out. If you think "shit" happened in the old day far back in time then know this; the deceit is going on 2013+ and will go on for many years. You let shit happen because you have no idea how rotten bad is. Edutainment, education, entertainment is all here and doing ne turning what is up, down and visa versa. Soon you might not know if the reality you believe in, really exists, as per their new "baby" Galore Quantum Physics. They really are mad men, bad men (mostly) but the ladies have everything to do with what is rotten as long as they get paid and some are paid a very high price to open whatever delights they present at the dinner table be it round or square or diabolical or perhaps they even die in the process as goddesses - they know when it is too late. Watch “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”.
Perhaps watch [HD] The Universe Season 7 - Quantum Physics / Microscopic Universe and then this The Holographic Universe (Part One) at YouTube. "The Universe is a holographic projection around The Earth" - I almost fell down my chair laughing. We progress, okay. I have progressed far beyond this hogwash long time ago and cerasius.com could present a World view and a Universe view you would never ever believe in. Perhaps in 100 years people are ready - perhaps never. But that is not so important right now. What is important is, that the symbol of the atom is inside the same symbol as The Star Of David. And the latter YT video also mentions THE THIRTEENTH FLOOR (movie). Also notice how computer graphics such as from The Matrix (movie) is used. They really are playing with your mind. And who do you believe most? Those who make nothing from speaking or those who does? Governments speak only and make trillions of Dollars so who bene ts most from speaking lies and speaking at all? Occam's Razor - follow that principle and then some sense. Who was it that asked me: "Where does the Sun go when it goes down?" - My wife did. And I started explaining about gravity, solar system, the Universe upon which she said: "How do you know - perhaps they told you a lie". Upon that I was silent. Yes indeed - why believe in any of the shit they tell you. Most of it was a lie in the rst place. And dinosaurs for that matter... think about it. And Nephilim for that matter. Matter? Quantum Physics – ha!
I touch upon Quantum of Solace (movie) and then you might be a little bit brighter. If not is is just ne. In fact you can be so smart you are stupid and the proof? One Stone!
Ultimately, the secret of the Holy Grail, as the authors of the Holy Blood Holy Grail revealed, is that of a sacred lineage. Therefore, the authors concluded, the Sangreal should be translated to mean, “Sang Real” or Royal Blood”. The authors, like Dan Brown after him, erred in asserting descent from Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Grail lore, like that of the Catarrhs, is Gnostic. Rather, Mary Magdalene is an esoteric symbol, referring to the goddess, and the royal blood of the Grail is a Luciferian bloodline, which stems from the unholy conspiracy against the life of Jesus.
Dan Brown also divulges the ultimate secret of the Illuminati bloodline, which is perceived to be red hair, which of course is at its highest concentration in Scotland. Red hair, having been introduced by their Scythian ancestors, is believed to be its characteristic trait, a mark of their Luciferian nature. Not only is Sophia a redhead, but Brown makes repeated references to the importance of red hair, and carefully notes that Mary Magdalene was portrayed by Da Vinci as having red hair, as a deliberate reference to her “sacred” heritage.
And with this rst issue of Cerasius, cerasius.com and the Chief Editor, declares the games open and declares every official government humanly illegal and in violation of their own national as well as international illegal laws. How come? Well, if God exists, as we are told, then who is to say what God wants, right? And since there is religious freedom you can make your own laws according to your own Gods. And if you don't care for any God(s) then you can be your own god or not and make up your laws accordingly. Proof?
Prior to First Council of Nicaea (325 CE) there were thousands of gods so this idiot named Emperor Constantine I and all his crazy friends decided to kill all the gods and have only one. So there were many Gods before the one God so can God not decide to have none, one or many Gods as God pleases? Sure can and sure did. But these idiots made a new law and invoked the new grease/lard/lord upon all humans while they drank, shined & swined, wined and dined and ate pussy from the tables of galore - fucked left and right, up and down. And they went home and xed the story along the way as they saw t. And a t they had.
The illegal Human Rights laws as per United Nations are fraudulently made to make you believe in freedoms when there are non (who the f... needs a piece of paper describing peoples freedoms. That in itself proves that these set of rules are needed because there are no freedoms in the rst f...ing place. Except freedom to play by their rules per Romans 13:3 or they will engage in terror (Greek: Phobos). Nice, right? So? So is terror not illegal? Not according to Romans 13:3 and with that, The Bible, most illegal nations (non-sovereign naturally) rule. They do? Oh yes. Recall how The Bible is part of the court system and the oath sworn and how God is involved in law making? Humbug! Really? Oh yes, really! That makes every nation who has adapted The Bible illegal or are member of The United Nations totally and utterly illegal. And then a few other things which you probably know by now such as weapons-trade, drugs-trade and slave-trade etc. etc. all done by governments. But there is Democracy and elected officials? Really!? Since when?! They are elected long before they enter the public scene and are nurtured to the top of the Seven Hills of Rome from where they can now, officially as elected by the people, rule. But you only elect those who are electable, right (or left (joke))? So? Well, then there really is no free choice. But hey, I can also be a member if I get enough votes. Aha! Sure you can and please try. The road is as long as the shit follows every freemason that ever lived. Please try. Please.... and call back when you are done trying. Need we say JFK or Tunisian opposition leader Chokri Belaid who was shot dead outside his home!!! Bang bang (Nancy Sin At Ra) as the song goes.

Herod Antipater the MorHer [sic] fucker. Here depicted in a scene from Passion of The Christ. The father of G+sus. So much for the big secret - sorry - sacred! All dicks and pussy-galore. Some dicks are small, some big. How big a dick did Herod (rod) have? Big enough for Mary's pussy we might suspect? Nimrod is one too with a huge dick. Do you want more proof?

They say you must believe! What!!! Believe in The Bible and The Holy Ghost? You don't need to believe shit. The Bible is true in every word rotten in many parts. Ghosts? Well, sure they exist too in the breath of Political Ponerology. The Holy Father? Sure, he exists too. Where? Well, to make a father you need a mother in the rst place. No one can be born without a mother, right? Even Jesus could not. So was the mother not prior to the father? And who was the mother? Well you have it right there in your face. Fat + Her. She is fat when she is pregnant so the father is really a mother. That is where the Arch comes in when she is pregnant. Fat+Her = Mot+Her. "and Father" is και ο Πατέρας and that sounds phonetically like what? Cle O Pateras. Or Cleopatra, wait, she was not a man, she was a woman. Well, perhaps. Do you follow the wind or do you want to blow somewhere else by this time? Since a womb-an makes babies then a woman must be God and not a man. So how come Jesus was a man? Was he a man? How do you know? According to the Bible, 3 wise men found the little infant (French: enfant) and knew he was God before he even was known as God! Rather strange indeed. But that had only to do with that "star" which was really the planet Venus (female). And what did they want with the little infant? Well, they wanted to sacri ce him. But wait. They laid with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. This is and was usually done to prostitutes in ancient times. Now, virgin and pregnant divine? Now who is crazy? Mary had a little child... and a dick too. Otherwise no sperm and no sperm the egg just can't make it. Where did the sperm come from? Someone who paid Mary to have sex with her naturally. An unknown. Who were the last fellas to have sex with Mary is the father of God! Nobody claimed that because that would be breaking the law having a child out of wedlock god forbid it. So she had a child, a roth (word for king). And if you still believe in virgin birth then please talk to a doctor and get your medication on hand. Heck, you can believe anything. But you really can't because only those religions that are recognized by United Nations can be your beliefs. But wait, you told me there was freedom of religion? Did I? No I did not. United Nations did and does but are lying hence the proof.

So what happened to the "mot" part of mother? Mot is a Swedish word of all things evil. Mot means upon or in or against. Against Her or On Her. Who was in/on mother? Well, a pimp or a paid customer. Or else she would have been married and we would know the fat+her. So someone was in (mot) Mary and she (naturally) received some sperm which was unfortunate so how do we hide who the father was. Well, we kill all children under the age of two as ordered by Herods. He did? Sure. And so we have a motive. Herods could be the father because Herods was known as a pimp, a whore, a ladyboy66. He had sex with camels, sheep or anything and perhaps little Mary too. Darn. Lets kill all children of 2 years or less Matthew 2:16. Motive, motive, motive. Fat+her and who made her fat? Mot did. And who was Mot? It was a dick. And who's dick? Motive, motive, motive.....

With Herods we get Harrods. Again the same old rod, dick galore. Okay, there is only 26 letters to choose from but as you will read later than makes a hell many combination so why rod again? Considering the cane is used to hit people with. Canaanites for cane (stick/rod) and in Nordic Kanin is a rabbit leading of to rabbi – a priest. Priest might be pre+est. Before Is. In Nordic language priest is præst which looks better than preest.

Notice in this painting by Rembrandt, that the man with the turban is looking like the same man as in the painting by Rembrandt called Adoration of The Magi.

Rembrandt has painted himself raising Jesus and Jesus looks rather lost and belittled.
Notice the spade or shovel. “Jesus” was just one of many who got to hang.

Here we see a painting by Rembrandt (did he not have workers to do the painting?) - anyway - he is depicted as assisting in raising Jesus on the cross. They killed Herod's son? An illegitimate child (Jesus) who claimed he was King of the Jews just like Herod's was. Now the story comes together nicely. Motive, motive, motive. We fuck and rock and make babies as we please and don't claim your birthright. Never. Or we will kill you.

Did you ever wonder why it is called hemorrhoids? And mor is mother in Swedish!!! Match made on Earth. So why Sweden? Ah! I knew you would ask that. Sweden is called Sverige and is two words 1) Sword and 2) rich and was (and still is) Catholic with roots to The Bible and Mary and Herods. And funny that he should be named Herods. Did he have more than one dick or just one rod? He+Rod. King Herods = Roth He Rod. That is HRH or Royal Highness. RHR <=> HRH. How amazing, right? That could not happen even if you dropped a penny from heaven trying to land it in Mary's Galore.

Herod Antipater was his name. Anti what? Anti father. My God!!! Again!!! He did not want to be a father (Latin: pater).
66 Ladyboy is a type of wishful Hermaphrodity - two in one

The Sun, The Fat+Her and the Holy Ghost. What!? Do they believe in ghosts? Sure. Then that is nal proof they are wackos. There are no ghosts as you were told in Sunday school except umbra which is shadow or dark as the opposite of light, illuminated. So all things are really not a lie. We have The Sun, right? And Fat+Her and she is the Mot+Her (Mary) who is Tiamat and then we have umbra which also exists. Imagine making this whole concocted story and getting away with it for hundred of years. That is why Obscure Painting by Rembrandt tells a different story and they don't want your child to know anything about that! The little whore Wikipedia does not have an entry for Obscura (painting) for good (read: bad) reasons!! However they do have one for: Obscurantism which again leads us to sick esoteric teachings. Wicked Vicky = Esoteric Hogwash from morning until dawn - is morning and dawn not the same? Not quite, right?

Jerusalem is Arabic: س&#-##################,ا and He+Rod(s) is many kings. G+Sus was a son of a king and so are you, I and everyone else for that matter. Are you not divine made from the dust of stars? Five pointed or not. You go outside one late night and take a deep breath and then you are inhaling part of everything - you are part of everything. This makes yo as much a king as your neighbor or fake royals. HRH is what you are too and you can claim the throne any day. You have a divine given right to occupy their throne as well as they do however since they have soldiers to protect their fake throne then they are illegal ruling with terror which they themselves claim to be illegal hence they are illegal. Cerasius.com does not, however, believe in a manmade divine magical ghost or angels or Santa Claus per the governmental belief system. Cerasius.com just look at the fruits of their misbehaving and know they are terrorists.

With the invention of The Internet in Cern the word is out and translations and information ows (almost) freely. They don't want that and they don't like that. Education is something they fear most. They have been able to keep the secrets going for centuries but the real word is out and they are abbergasted and in deep shit in the hole they dogged and rigged to be their own grave. Why? Because they rule by terror hence they are illegal done so through their own fake laws. Linguistics is a science and it will destroy themselves from within.

The Magi's the 3 wise men or rather the 3 magicians. Why would they come to Mary? Because she had a child who was the child of a king (perhaps Herod) and so Herod ordered all children aged 2 or less to be killed! Do you get the drift!? Motive, motive, motive. And ever since governments and kings and queens have performed their tricks on you and it worked for many years.

One such wise man was: Tiberius Claudius Balbilus. He formulated the Mithraic cult which is part of The Illuminati today living for One Opus! How come the whore Wikipedia does not mention this fact? We know why. Because Wicked Vicky is nothing more than an instrument to fool further and deeper by the elite and The Illuminati themselves. However the Wicked do mention Shiur Komah which is their most important song from hell!

So? Well, now they try to turn the table and they try to get away with further deceit so they can continue their fake system for the next 2000 years. They will perform magic (Magi) and promise this or that but it is all lies and fake. They were dead then (325 CE) and they are dead today and the Roman Empire merged into The United Nations and is as dead as a trillion rats. Poor rats. Who are they? They are governments, their officials, police, armies, government agencies, kings and queens, royals; all their descendants, courts and laws. And John F. Kennedy said it too: secret societies. So how does one rid all their hogwash esoteric bullshit? The word is out and the main keyword here is: E.D.U.C.A.T.I.O.N. That word they hate more than anything. They occupied the education of your child and you let them tell your child lies from morning until evening (television etc.). How about you got your act together and started opening your mouth or do you fear them so much that they have total control even of your words and thoughts?! Fear not Political Ponerology because it is a sickness you need to help them cure. You can cure their illness and they can ask for your forgiveness. However do not trust them one second until they are clear! Never trust a politician or anyone in government because they lie until they realize they are found guilty and even that they enjoy.

Through entertainment, art, paintings, music and words you can decode all their silly games. And with those words and education they wanted to keep you in the dark forever. Where do you offload 22% of the population and how do you cure their illness? It will take a long time but how come 100.000 British soldiers could occupy a whole nation; India? Because people like a master. They love kings and queens and rulers. They love to be underdogs. Why? Because for centuries you and your descendants have been taught to obey and listen and it has become so bad that governments are no longer here for you but you are here for them; to work and slave to pay taxes so they get their salary for doing nothing but speak utter lies and conduct terror and play games. Hang on. Is slavery not illegal according to the United nations human rights? Well, so the word says. If you read it carefully, and understand it, it really does not say that. Since you are a slave and since we need a law to prohibit slavery their must be slavery or else why have a law. The more laws a country has the more corrupt. Slavery must exists or else why have a law prohibiting slavery. Makes sense. Hence there is slavery and you as one of the 78% are a slave. That makes the United nations unlawful because they are the slave-master and why so? Well, during the 2010 Haiti earthquake NGO's and United Nations came there with guns and riot police and they build camps and their toilets were led through plastic pipes to the river where people

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn’s biblical portrayal of the adoration of the Magi and a birth by a virgin.

In the umbra is an umbrella. Notice how the monarch with the rod could be a selfportrait of Rembrandt himself.

drank from polluting the very foundation they were supposed to rescue. The x-billion Dollar program went as salaries to the NGO's and the United Nations, Red Cross CEO's etc. NGO's are nothing more than an extension of the Governments and those who work in NGO's are perhaps just mostly illegitimate children of high officials, rulers and queens etc. Don't trust a politician but never fear a snake!

Why turn a blind eye. Why not speak? Why not listen? Are you so numbed down by their rotten system that you can't even see the obvious anymore. Are you made into a robot like they are? Why follow a system that is rotten only to be rotten yourself? When I told the system that Visa's were illegal the answer came rather unexpectedly: "Yes, we know" (said by the officer in charge). Two minutes later I was met by some type of agent. An American who might have been a so called change agent or perhaps even CIA.

On another occasion my wife and I went to a hotel in Vietnam with a group of tourists and we were told to leave the passports with the hotel manager. Then I said: "Oh no, you do not give your passport to anyone". That is your document and you must carry it. People then kept their passports but 30 minutes later me and my wife experience that the lights in (only) our hotel room were shut off. We realized what was happening. So we packed and left for another spooky hotel and the next day I was met by an agent as we were going to leave the island and I simply stood tall and said: "What the fuck do you want? Piss off." I surprised him and he U-turned. I might have been killed but survived that too. Vietnam and especially Ha long Bay is one infested Ma a nest all occupied and UNESCO has voted it to be a heritage site. Fuck you too. It is a Ma a site. I have been there and it is all occupied by a structure of Ma a-like hotels and ships sailing tourists for money and steeling to when they can get away with it as they did with my wife and me.

Vietnam takes us to a Mr. Sang and I shall speak of him later in another issue of Cerasius. Julius Caesar was an ass. Mr. Sang - sorry. Julius As+Sang is too. Proof? Follows later as promised elsewhere. It takes much education to make you follow the lead here and once you understand the hole has no bottom why ll it? It is better to dig a new hole for you to look into to and this hole does have a bottom. Once you can see the bottom then you will understand. Don't ll this new hole because the idea is that others must look into the hole and see too.

"Islam does not pose a threat to the West. It is the contrary that is correct. Islamic terrorist organizations are hotbeds of impostors in service of the West. It is well known that there are various dubious relationships that exist between Islamic radicals and Western powers. The truth is far more sinister. Islamic terrorists are connected with Western power through an intricate network of secret societies. While outwardly claiming to adhere to disparate religions, the Islamic terrorists follow a heretical version of the faith, ultimately rooted, like their counterparts in the West, in the same occult doctrine, the worship of Lucifer, and the belief in the use of religion as a disguise to deceive the masses."

This is the start of the book: TERRORISM AND THE ILLUMINATI. Please recall Roman 13:3 as proof of who the terrorist is. Read and nd this amazing book here: terrorismilluminati.com

If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lampposts - George H.W. Bush.
Well, George, the lampposts are ready. Are you? Malaysia created this bogus court and they judged George Bush as a war criminal. It had no value except for entertainment. United Nations has all the power they need and does nothing. United nations headquarters is located in New York of all places. No, that’s not what they do – capture criminals. They do nothing except look the part doing something and it is a North By Northwest (Hitchcock lm) all over every day of the year. If they have a striking rod, then lets give them a name to suite their behavior for everyone to know we are being rocked hard every day. On BBC they have the advertising running for a talk show (2012) and a guest keeps saying: “Yes, we do have a crisis.” Yes, we do. It is a whorerible [sic] one indeed. The real crisis is not the crisis created but the crisis of them who created it deliberately. I always wondered why things don’t turn better quick with all that power in place. How about some swift action to ood the gates with one action only: no weapons production. And when I hear the song: “What a Wonderful World” I just have to cry with our little whore Chrysis not getting what she really want.

In Adolf Hitlers book Main Kampf he uses “Jew”, “Jews” and “Jewish”.

Word count: 267383 of the First Book Main Kampf Word Jew: 510
Word Jews: 119
Word Jewish: 149
Total “jew*” words: 778
'Jew(s)(ish)' is used on an average per: 343.6 words. Procent: 0.291%

Everything in his book is about the evil jews. Here a few quotes:

“As a result of his millennial experience in accommodating himself to surrounding circumstances, the Jew knows very well that he can undermine the existence of European nations by a process of racial bastardization, but that he could hardly do the same to a national Asiatic State like Japan. To-day he can ape the ways of the German and the Englishman, the American and the Frenchman, but he has no means of approach to the yellow Asiatic. Therefore he seeks to destroy the Japanese national State by using other national States as his instruments, so that he may rid himself of a dangerous opponent before he takes over supreme control of the last National State and transforms that control into a tyranny for the oppression of the defenseless.”

“Thus in England to-day the Jew opposes the policy of the State. And for this reason the struggle against the Jewish world-danger will one day begin also in that country.”

“It is no longer princes or their courtesans who contend and bargain about State frontiers, but the inexorable cosmopolitan Jew who is fighting for his own dominion over the nations. The sword is the only means whereby a nation can thrust that clutch from its throat. Only when national sentiment is organized and concentrated into an effective force can it defy that international menace which tends towards an enslavement of the nations. But this road is and will always be marked with bloodshed.”

It is a recipe to ght the Jews war to win all nations. Here he speaks bad about the Jews and in doing so people believe they are a danger. But in fact Hitler himself was a Jew and what did the Jews do 1) create the nuclear bomb dropped over Japan and get Israel and have created terror across all nations to get it all. They don’t only want Israel they want every corner of the world.

So in collaboration with The Vatican, Britain, a former colonist, and everyone else including big corp. they set out with this pan and started the fake war rstly because The Old Testament is written in Hebrew and most be followed and secondly because of Romans 13:3 which legalizes terror and fear using any type of means to kill, destroy and rule and if people don’t like it or oppose it is a bullet to their heads.Mein Kampf

In Adolf Hitler’s Main Kampf
which some say is a fake in that it
is written by someone else than
Hitler himself - naturally. Let us
look at some things in this book.

From Chapter V: 67

The War of 1914 was certainly
not forced on the masses; it
was even desired by the whole

There was a desire to bring the

general feeling of uncertainty to
an end once and for all. And it is
only in the light of this fact that
we can understand how more than two million German men and youths voluntarily joined the colors, ready to shed the last drop of their blood for the cause.

Let’s then read the truth about voluntarily from The German Soldier in World War I. The nal: "Argument of Kings" by R.H.Keller/ 2009 regarding Organization and Service in the German Army:

There was no substitution in effect, and the only exceptions for military service were members of reigning houses, those deprived by court sentences of their civil rights, and those in jail! Active military service was 3 years in the cavalry or mounted artillery, and 2 years in all other branches, followed by 4 or 5 years in the Reserve, the Landwher for 11 years, then finally (in the year they reached their 39th birthday) the Landsturm 2nd Ban for 7 years. During the "Reserve" status, each man could be called out for two annual training sessions called "Kaiser Maneuvers", only being free from that duty when passing to Landsturm 2nd Ban. This Landsturm 2nd ban seldom saw front line active service, but still provided valuable services that freed up military fit personnel.

67 http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200601.txt

If one chose to "volunteer" for active service before their class was due, they had the advantage of choosing their unit of service, and every opportunity was afforded to meet their requests, thus a household could follow a family tradition of service in a noted unit. Crown Prince Wilhelm of Prussia commented in his memoirs that while commanding the 2nd Company of the 1st Garde Regiment of Foot in 1902-1904, a number of his soldiers were the fourth successive generation to serve in the 2nd Company of that regiment.

Another class of "one year volunteers" had to meet stringent requirements of education and character, as well as pay for their own uniforms, equipment, quarters, and rations. Many of these men had completed higher professional educations, and became officers upon completion of their active duty. Many professional men, whose skills were required outside of active service, opted for this service, and sometimes were required to serve only six months. In opposite to serving less time, they could choose, after 1 year, to transfer to the Reserves for two years active duty, after which time they could become a Reserve officer, liable for an annual 4-8 week training session for three years. officers who retire from the Army with less than 18 years service, pass into the Reserve or Landwher, according to age bracket. The 1913 Army List contained 23,000 Reserve officers and 11,000 Landwher officers, all trained and capable of quick recall if war is declared. The Landsturm 2nd ban officers would follow immediately.

Lies by Adolf Hitler. Call them hidden white lies if you must. I can’t think of any country that does not apply prison or punishment if you do not join the army.
Mein Kampf is a manifesto. Do you recall the manifesto by Breivik who allegedly killed was 69 people in Norway? There was no direct evidence. Only a television helicopter 68 taking very bad lm where Breivik’s face was unrecognizable. Media told and showed it was he who did it, before the court had spoken “Guilty”. Witnesses would then assume and presume it must be him and would say so. But I never heard any witnesses except we saw Breivik in court doing his st salute. The whole this was a set up. Same as World War II and Mein Kampf.
Let us read Chapter XV “The Right To Self-defense” from Mein Kampf:

After we had laid down our arms, in November 1918, a policy was adopted which in all human probability was bound to lead gradually to our complete subjugation. Analogous examples from history show that those nations which lay down their arms without being absolutely forced to do so subsequently prefer to submit to the greatest humiliations and exactions rather than try to change their fate by resorting to arms again.

68 Is a helicopter holi? It can y so yes. And a cup? Find out related to coptic lies.

Denmark did so (did not even lay down arms 69. Simply just capitulated officially) shortly after the Nazi’s entered the Danish south border. In fact in less than an hour. It was naturally all pre-planned. The King then showed theatrical de ance by riding his horse in the streets of Copenhagen during World War II.

Denmark is a key player in the corrupt esoteric world and one of the top masters of charade.
Egyptian Soul

The ancient Egyptian soul was made up of various entities such as: the Ren, Ba, Ka, Sheut and 20% of them are Danish words. another 20% are transliterated from Thai word. Osiris’ soul was called Banebdjedet. Then there was the Akn hence we get Pharao Akenaten.

The Danish 100% owned railroad DSB that runs trains has a whel with wings as their logo. DSB is: De Danske Statsbaner. Bane in Danish means rail. Notice how Banebdjedet contains Bane as the rst 4 letters.

Mein Kampf is a manifesto like any and with it it proves those who set it all up are warriors at heart and war is not even a crime when we think about it. War is perfectly legal but then they created what is called War Crimes. Is war in itself not a crime. Apparently not. War Crimes almost rhymes with WC for Water Closet and it is. It is like the jokes of W. C. Fields all about water being bad and spirit being good and marriage being illegal if no certi cate.

“I was married once - in San Francisco. I haven't seen her for many years. The great earthquake and re in 1906 destroyed the marriage certi cate. There's no legal proof. Which proves that earthquakes aren't all bad.”

“How well I remember my rst encounter with The Devil's Brew. I happened to stumble across a case of bourbon - and went right on stumbling for several days thereafter.”

- W. C. Fields This is a schedule from DSB 70 , Danske Statsbaner, a railroad owned by the Danish Government. Notice the logo: wheel (sun wheel), the wings, the rays or the thunder lightning and then the crown on top because the King was according to law still the ruler as it is today as per the law and the king/queen is still the head master of the army because it is Mary. A train does now have wings unless it rhymes with kings - no pun intended. The Word for wing in Greek can also mean horn and is spelled κέρατο. Wings or even the hair on humans are made of horn as nails are. Horns, nails and wings are made in part from keratin which in Greek is κερατίνη 71.

69 From arms we can make rams. Osiris’ soul or Ba was the Ram for power.
70 www.dsb.dk
71 κερα means ceramic

Above you see the bird called Ba 72- the soul. Under we see a Pharaoh dressed in white with red stripes. This is the same colors as the the Danish ag. There are two torches or numerals II; the ame is strong but dies. A ag of City of London and inverted is the colors as ames, which is almost like two towers or Roman ame also gives heat and since the Sun gives heat

the Sun must have had ames in ancient times. So they believed ames were symbolic for eternal life. DSB still commercials: have a winged logo but is modernized. DSB naturally does television

“Harry and Bahnsen is a Danish commercial for DSB. In the commercials appear the purple puppet Harry (voiced by Søs 73Egelind) together with his colleague and friend Bahnsen (Soren Arrows).”

Bahn is German for rail. Bahn = Bane. Sen in Danish means son. Bahnsen = Son of Bahn. Why use a German name in a Danish advertising when Denmark was occupied by the Nazi’s? Because Denmark is 100% Nazi and 100% Catholic who are Nazis too.

The puppet was purple. The advertising ran for exactly 10 years (X). The advertising also told a ticket called “Orange” which can have many hues equivalent to Vermillion (reddish, scarlet) justas the wagons were red at one time and still is. The subway is named S-Rail and a rail might been same as S through the city. S is also the caduceus.

72 Transliterated Ba in Thai means spelled บ้า
73 Born Hanne Egelind. Søs means seas.
The Benu Bird

The Benu Bird is linked to that of the phoenix. Both are birds of the sun, both are self created, rather than being born from other creatures, both undergo death and become symbols of regeneration. The Egyptian sunbird is identified with Re, the Sun God.

The word Benu in Egyptian means both purple heron and palm tree. The Benu was identified with the Temple of the Sun God at Heliopolis, which was revered by the

The Caduceus with wings and two serpents. Where are we? East as in origin perhaps?

Egyptians as the sacred mound from whence the Sun god, in his aspect of the Benu Bird, arose cyclically to renew Egypt; another feature which was shared by both the phoenix and the Benu Bird.

The Benu Bird was also known to be a symbol of Osiris and is said to have sprung from the heart of Osiris as a living symbol of God, thus renewing itself. The Benu is thought to have originated in either Egypt or Arabia and by one account, spends most of its life in Phoenicia.

A festival to the Benu is noted on the 12th Day of Khoiak in the Season of Aket (the Inundation); it was the Day of Transformation of the Benu. Offer to the Benu in your house on this day. It refers to the Benu as a personification of the everlasting Sun God.

The names of the Benu Bird and the Benben are derived from the same root Bn, which means ‘ascension’ or ‘to rise’; it is also thought that it comes from the root word weben meaning ‘to shine’ or ‘shining’. It is this image, in the form of a hawk, which is passed on to the Pharaoh, who is the living ‘Principle of Ascension’.

Locomotives were red and black. Today 74 they are white and red. Both combination related to Egyptian gods. The White Crown and the Red Crown.
Todays (2013) train is named IC3 for Intercity and version 3. If we put that in Roman numerals we get ICIII which translated to Yiddish: Monsieur.

Monsieur (French pronunciation:  [mə'sjø]; pl. Messieurs; 1512, from Middle French mon sieur, literally "my lord"[1]) is an honorific title that used to refer to or address the eldest living brother of the king in the French royal court. It is also a customary French title of respect and term of address for a French-speaking man, corresponding to such English titles as Mr. or sir.

74 See IC3 trains which were delayed and cost a fortune. Delayed probably to t into their scheme of numerology.
Queen Margrethe II of Denmark’s husband and prince is French as his name is: Henri Marie Jean André de Laborde de Monpezat. A Salian Frank.
Harry is the short form of Henry which is cognate to Henri.

I don’t hope I have to cut it out for you but this whole thing is made from the ground up all relating to Royals and Nazi Germany. This chapter and this little section on Egyptian soul was not suppose to be too long but just this little corner of our true lying world is lled with esoteric shit (gall) which we shall see later. Denmark (in the sense Norse) is as Danish as a Hog is a Zebra.

34. Opus One

The Epinomis, which is either a work of Plato, or his pupil Philip of Opus, is clearly in uenced by the Magi. Rothschild makes a wine named Opus One: http:// opusonewinery.com

According to the Epinomis, that science which makes men most wise, is astrology. Astrology, claims the author, proffers man with knowledge of numbers, in other words, numerology, without which man cannot attain to a knowledge of virtue. This knowledge, according to the author, belonged originally to the Egyptians and the Syrians, “from when the knowledge has reached to all countries, including our own, after having been tested by thousands of years and time without end.”

Plato is only famous because of the past 250 years of in uence by the Illuminati. Plato is the father of the cabbalistic belief upholding magic (Magi) and astral-theology as their vision of their world order. Opus One. Opus One World order - their order.

However, the great treatise of Kabbalistic thought in the Greek language is the Timaeus. Like the Epinomis, the Timaeus categorizes the purpose of life as to study astrology. But, it is in the Republic that Plato articulates the need for a totalitarian state to be governed by philosopher-kings, who are to be instructed in this pseudo-science.

To make a republic is sinful according to El Bib aka The Bible. This is why there are still kingdoms such as little Pigmark and others.
The Republic [by Plato] provided the basis for modern fascist projects of the Illuminati, including the elimination of marriage and the family, compulsory education, the use of eugenics by the state, and the employment of deceptive propaganda methods. According to Plato, “all these women shall be wives in common to all the men, and not one of them shall live privately with any man; the children too should be held in common so that no parent shall know which is his own offspring, and no child shall know his parent”
Bloody nice. And you learn in school about Plato. Why not teach something of good value? No, lets fuck them all. And you too. Sorry, you are watching the games; your ball of the foot. Yes, you do that and forget you are being fucked yesterday, today and tomorrow. You like being fucked in your brain, ass and soon they will fuck your wife and children and you have nothing to say?
As for propaganda, according to Plato, “Our rulers will nd a considerable dose of falsehood and deceit necessary for the good of their subjects”. He further explains, “Rhetoric ... is a producer of persuasion for belief, not for instruction in the matter of right and wrong. And so the rhetorician’s business is not to instruct a law court or a public meeting in matters of right and wrong, but only to make them believe; since, I take it, he could not in a short while instruct such a mass of people in matters so important.”
Plato was the rulers instrument to devise a plan to rule and fool to such a degree that you think you are free when you are not. You are a zombie but you don't know it until you look behind the curtains and behind the smoke and mirrors. Pinch yourself in your arm 3 times and feel that you are alive or go back to your daily rotten cultural sickness devised by evil men. In doing so you too are evil and so be it. Then we know who you are and we can run the opposite way while you indulge in your hilariously fake world of frights and delights with Pussy Galore and you drink your home brew or instant water created from the polluted piss you are given by rulers to poison your mind.
Much like the “creatures” that support the chariot in Ezekiel, the Leontocephalus is usually depicted as a lion-headed youth, covered in Zodiac signs, with two sets of wings, the feet of a goat, and coiled by a serpent. The Leontocephalus was depicted standing on a globe, on which there are two circles intersecting each other, the “wheel inside a wheel”, which Celsus explained, “is a symbol of the two orbits in heaven, the one being that of the xed stars and the other that assigned to the planets.”
Ultimately, reserved for the highest-ranking members, and representing the ultimate mystery, the Leontocephalus was equated with Mithras, Phanes and Ahriman, the Zoroastrian devil, all as one god. Macrobius recorded that, according to Orpheus: “one Zeus, one Hades [Greek god of the Underworld], one Sun, one Dionysus.” The Leontocephalus has also been identi ed with Saturn. In Armenian texts Saturn is called Zurvan20 and according to Ptolemy, the people of Persia and Mesopotamia “worship the star of Aphrodite [Venus], naming it Isis, and the star of Kronos [Saturn] as Mithras Helios.”21 Saturn, known as the nocturnal Sun, and “Pluto”, Porphyry explained, “is the Sun going beneath the earth and voyaging round the invisible world...”
Again we see that the wicked wiki does not mention the real meaning of the beast Leontocephalus. Phalus? Dick? Rod. Heorod. You name it. Leo, Dick and William - the list goes on and on. So what does this tell us about the Wicked Whore Vicky aka Wikipedia? They lie by not telling the truth and the whole truth! So? The Whore is a whore and a bad one indeed
- Ishtar-whore ruling with terror. And you let them.
If I tell you are stupid or an eater or a fool you are going to kick my ass, right? Well, you let them, The Illuminati tell you and you don't even care. How about that you fool? Now you can kick my ass but be warned because I did survive 3 assassination attempts. And I do hope you understand deep sincere humor and can smile by now while you realize the hole is not only deep - it has no bottom.

Don’t be a vvorkoholic as they set you up to be like ants. Ants are smart - they are not. it all might have started out relatively good but ended up like hell. Why? Because the sick people prevail because they are - sick in their brains. Brian is know as the name for a lesser person. Well, a Brian can make a brain and has one too.

Opus One ∞
Only swapping two letters. I always wondered what it was with this name. Swap and Brian gets a brain which we might not say for others. So another mystery solved.

Opus One ∞ 800 The Bible

It is a code. You will get the message.

35. The League of Nations

At the Paris conference, in January 1919, which culminated in the Treaty of Versailles, the American delegation was headed by Paul Warburg. Paul Warburg was the original Daddy Warbucks. Did you know that the little whore Wikipedia has an entry for that too but a cartoon of all things? Go gure: Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks. 75 Need we mention Starbucks? Star=Ishtar and Busks is money. War makes money.

To give them their nal blow; Wikipedia mentions Asthma as: Asthma (from the Greek ἅσθμα, ásthma, "panting"). What a load of bullsjit [sic]. Ast is from Greek meaning Star: αστέρι. α σ τ έ ρ ι being a s t E R j. Now here comes the funny part: ma. You know that one, right? Mama. Ast+Ma = Star+Mother. And who is the little "rock" star? It is Ishtar and she is the esoteric mother fucker of in their sick little world ruling and fooling through deceit until the days turns black as knight! So the relatively new illness from modern society is named IshtarMother. When you say: "I suffer from asthma" you are saying? And so why the H is Asthma? Well, His or Hers and recall how fat+Her and mot+Her both contain Her and a H? Ishtar Her Mama. There you have it. S.M.A.C.K. in your face and if you want to start hitting something with a book then please do so now. But don't hit the cat or your dog or sweet wife or child. Because only Hit+Laugh (Hit+Ler (danish for laugh or clay)) can do that and get away with it killing millions.

League of Nations was a PsyOp as well as is everything - absolutely everything. From pop idols, to every television program, radio host shows, churches, movies, actors and everything before, after and in between. The whole world is occupied long time ago but the struggle is still going on while you sit with the brainwashing machine known as a computer tapping your way though silly Tweets and the Book of Faces where there really are no real friends but only secret agents acting as relatives, friends or whatever.

If I tell you the truth or anyone else does you will believe it to be a lie. However when they tell you a lie, you believe it to be true.
All we need is a Don and we can make London out from using League Of Nations. 75 http://cerasius.com/wiki/Oliver_"Daddy"_Warbucks

36. God's Representative Resigns From His Job

Looks like one of those pictures; two in one.

Aryans from Proto Indo-European. You will nd Aryans like this in India and even in far east Asia. Who are you, if you do, to say that these people or any people or any belief is bad or rotten when the rot comes not from them but from secret societies so sick and infested no name has yet been invented for it. Yesterday Vietnam, tomorrow your land? Well, all lands are occupied a few times over so no more wars, right? No, it will go on and on and on...

It is much like above image. Who are you really looking in the eyes? Foe or friend? Pope's sudden resignation sends shockwaves through Church
It is no surprise. The pressure is simply too high and he has probably been forced to

leave before it all turns into a volcanic inferno. reuters.com (Rothschild owned!). Now he can pull out and relax among his whores in some restful home in the capital of Circe or elsewhere while he dies slowly knowing he was too tired to be Gods right hand. Poor God. What a sad and rotten worker taking off his shoes like that giving it all up. Why; did his God not make sure to hire a rock solid steady employee? Apparently not. Too much Adolf and too much of a hit for the old aged man. Cerasius.com wishes him all the best and he is personally forgiven by whomever might want to forgive him be it God or The Devil. Up to God and The Devil and perhaps neither or both will forgive him. Who's next might we ask? Who will God/Devil institute next? Is there going to be a next and is the next the last supper? Let the games begin. Oh, in memory; perhaps God red/sacked him? Who knows the real truth in these matters, right? And what was his salary and what is his pension and must he pay tithe (10%) in tax to whom? He lasted short. And the next? All forgotten in about 2000 years and The Holy See will still stand tall probably with a new cathedral on its hand in glass, mirrors and lots of smoke for effects. Great show. And the show must go on. Good Bye and farewell.

And now Ladies and Gentle men I give you the new Pope... [clapping]... [more loud clapping]... from Asia I present to you Luis Antonio Tagle 76from Metropolitan See of Manila. [Silence]... [more silence]... as a child asks from the crowd: "Who? Where? What?".

This time they are going to setup an Asian as the Pope to make it all glide down like Sugar Coke. Reuters - Rothschild owned. But was the Philippines not Buddhist or something? Oh no. It is big banking and nothing but Catholic from dawn until the dark night all year around. There is nothing Asian in Asia anymore. But ASEAN? Well, it is a Geopolitical organization hence Earth hence everywhere just like Zbigniew Brzezinski is a geopolitician and Rothschild as well. Going to Asia is in fact like coming home from the west because the west stole and occupied everything in the east. Don't bother too much about coming to Asia because it is all the same old hogwash like McDonald on the best shopping corners and the same old brand names. And the lawyers are just a tad more corrupt in Asia unless you have the money to make the law yourself and they accept the bait - the money. Never mind - it is the same everywhere - money is law from Paris to Mali to Pigmark.

As a salute to this day and time I wish to ask these people to enlighten the world and tell their story of love - true love: History of the Kurdish Aryan Race (Proto indo-European). But terrorist, the governments, will never - never - allow that. Better drop a few bombs of terror and infest their lives with Coke, Smoke and Rock and Roll. After all - they are only "Eaters".

Understand this. The government creates clandestine terror groups and in ltrates them in other countries. These cell groups then setup acts of terror acting as a foreign group committing terrors acts towards the in ltrator in the rst place. People then believe there is an enemy and now the government can send in troops and army to ght the terrorist who they instigated themselves in the rst place. Smart, right? This way nobody will know and how do you nd the proof? Muslim Brotherhood is one such group which was setup my Britain through an agent. "These are the primary instigators of “Islamic” terrorism, or false

ag operations on behalf of the Illuminati conspiracy." and:

The Muslim Brotherhood is a London creation, forged as the standard-bearer of an ancient, anti-religious (pagan) heresy that has plagued Islam since the establishment of the Islamic community (umma) by Representing organized Islamic the Prophet Mohammed in the seventh century.

fundamentalism, the organization called the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan al-Muslimum in Arabic) was officially founded in Egypt, in 1929, by the British agent Hasan al-Banna, a Su mystic. Today, the Muslim Brotherhood is the umbrella under which a host of fundamentalist Su , Sunni, and radical Shiite brotherhoods and societies ourish.

which you can read on page 184 of TERRORISM AND THE ILLUMINATI which you can read free here: terrorism-illuminati.com. Then the news outlets and so called human rights organization will jump on the boat and believe in terror and ght along side those who instigated the terror in rst place. They are working hand-in-hand with the enemy and some times not knowing it but many times they do because they too are informed and in on it. At least those who need to know. Work on a need to know basis it is called. The little writer or journalist or newly employed really has no idea. This creates an atmosphere of lies and deceit and soon one is both confused and one does not understand why such evil can exists.

76 http://cerasius.com/wiki/Luis_Antonio_Tagle The Cock has no Opus & Pork

And one asks why do they hate us that much. And why would they drop a bomb in London in 2005 etc. They do not. The governments does. They do the terror, come in and clean up and will ask for huge funding to protect their citizens against the terrorist who they themselves are and now they can claim heroism and fame and fortune and setup further surveillance and they have a reason to stick around.

Sheikh Hasan Ahmed Abdel Rahman Muhammed al-Banna 77- the whore Wiki mentions: "At the age of thirteen, he participated in demonstrations during the revolution of 1919 against British rule." but they forgot to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth as per above that it was the British themselves that setup The Muslim Brotherhood using Hasan alBanna. From the book TERRORISM AND THE ILLUMINATI: "Today, the Muslim Brotherhood is the umbrella under which a host of fundamentalist Su , Sunni, and radical Shiite brotherhoods and societies ourish." . So most if not all terror is British which you know as the "bad Muslims". The bad/rot comes from where? From the west which is best, right?! What does this prove? It proves that Wikipedia is a whore among whores and lying too. They tell you parts of he truth but leave out the important parts, linking everything together. As a politician in Pigmark (Denmark) said: "Don't believe everything on Wikipedia". Said truthfully because she knew it was based mostly on lies and if they tell the truth who can then blame them? Them? Yes, those who setup Wikipedia rst. Who are they? United Nations or some group within or thereof. You are never fully enlightened. This way they (Wikipedia) can say they never really lied. Hey, how about the whole truth and therefore nothing but the truth? If you leave out the vital parts you are in fact lying by misrepresenting the truth. Today they rule by law and the law is what? Designed so they can get away with everything through the law. Fact remain the law is illegal. Why? No law shall be upon man except those God gave. Heck, Moses and his Gog and Magog bloodline broke those. What God is that exactly? Well, up to you, right? You have freedom of religion, right? Wrong. Only those religions that are recognized by The United Nations can be your God. That is why they destroy any attempt of free people to create their own ideas and own free Gods such as in Waco Texas. We are told they had sex with children etc. so the army was set in to bomb the place. But does The Vatican not have sex with children and what does the same army do? Nothing, nada! So why not? Because The Vatican owns USA. So is there religious freedom? No! So are the governments not in breech of the law they created? Yes! So are they illegal? Yes! Are the laws illegal? Yes! Why? Because they are created by those who violated/violates them.

In fact governments use prostitutes for people who are handicapped. Is it not illegal to buy whores and to be a whore in rst place? Some locations it is. Some politicians like sex a lot. Some even love to eat the feces from whores and they pay handsomely. Politicians are invited to have sex with what and who they want and soon as they do the real rulers behind the scene have evidence so the politician will do what is told all the way or else they are out of the game. Some times lured because the temptation is too great. In ancient times - and today - they have sex with very young children. If you like to read a story please read Ancient Manners 78 about whom the little Dicky Wikipedia said: "This is a story by a nobody". Cerasius.com have the les to show this. The story is written by Pierre Louÿs who is a somebody because the whore has an entry for him! If not, they would never have an article. So they fucked it up really bad again.

It is one of the easiest tricks in the world and no one is any wiser. It has been used by religious groups and Roman Empire since way back in time probably on both sides. They call it spying when fact is the spying is only a small part of it. Each governments commits acts of

77 http://cerasius.com/wiki/Hassan_al-Banna - notice the word Sheikh
78 http://www.gutenberg.org/ les/36378/36378-h/36378-h.htm

terror on each one and today they are all in on it. Why? Because it is huge banking cartels that rule and they just start the printers so they can pay the "terrorists" and if a government official or elected politician (JFK) gets in their way of their geo-politics, then kill them. Money pays and money is no obstacle.

That is why they call you just "eaters" (play of words; at Easter you eat and drink because it is the supper to celebrate and relates to Ishtar, the 5 pointed star who was a whore) because they are so bloody smart, literally, that they believe they are gods. They create the illusion you live in and now they are trying to force Quantum Psychics on as a holographic universe and rst the earth was at, then round and now - according to Quantum Psychics - it is just a projection. Now you see it and when you do it is not there - really. That is the idea. Utter confusion. So if they were wrong about the "pancake" and the Earth really being round, then are they not wrong again? Why are you letting them get away with their sick esoteric hogwash? Because you are a dog, right? Dog follow their master and you eat the bone. You take the bait and believe. Believe in god - they say. Ah, but they are the "gods" and the proof goes right through El Vaticano.

In fact, cerasius.com has come to the conclusion, that 100% of all stories on the news and in politics are such psyops and clandestine operations. Naturally with proof this time around. From Wikipedia, to Wikileaks, to lies about "diplomatic asylum" which only diplomats can be granted hence Julian Assange must be a governmental official or simply an agent working for/in the government. You listen to what the embassy really said and you will know. Furthermore they use brainwashing, words and sentences to lie and linguistics tell the story. The proof if right there but usually you have to do 60 minutes of digging and since the news outlets don't really do much digging and just let it sifter through they are on the game-wagon too. Nobody shuts up, reads and listens - really. And more lies are thrown at you and you just have no idea. That is what they have - ideas. And plenty of money. If you are offered to ght terrorism or are given a platinum no-limit credit card you will jump on the wagon too, right? Many will. And we call them warriors because their blood and DNA shows they have a really sick heart as well as brain. James Bond, ction, but in part true, tells the story. In fact James Bond is setting up clandestine operation or his government did and now " ghts" the terror with a license to kill and money-no-obstacle operation. He is there to secure what was stolen by his own government. That is just what happened lately in Mali. The bad muslims wants to take back Mali. Aha! So they setup an operation using "muslims" which is just the so called British created Muslim Brotherhood to create a war and then they go in to secure that, which they themselves instigated as terror. Do you follow the lead? Now, in this process there may or may not be some real freedomghters but they are quickly and swiftly killed and assassinated because they want full control of the whole operation and can't be bothered with real freedom ghters. They will then send in guns and money to support the fractions which is in support of the clandestine operation.

37. Coptic Myrrh Aëtius Æg Egg

Some words keep popping up. Cop is one such word. We know it as a police person. Then there is a cup to drink from. κόρνα is Greek for horn.
I was doing a little search for Balsamodendron and I came across a Polish website with herb. Poland is central in Europe and so Polish language is an important ingredient too in decoding The Bible and fake rulers appetite.
Polish dań means a dish and noun is gift (present). In Denmark (Danmark) the Danish word gift is English poison. Rather strange, because Danish gift also means marry. Gift = poison & marry. You marry someone and who is that actually you marry? Say the word again… Mary. Why do Catholic priest not marry Mary? If they did, they would be poisoned. We need to move into the world of botany, plant and herbs - naturally.

Morhabshi-Myrrh - Myrrh
Below from http://wannura.wordpress.com/category/pokok-liar/

“Morhabshi (also spelled Morhabsyi) or Morha or Maruha, English Myrrh is a reddish brown resinous material, the dried sap of the tree Commiphora myrrha, local in Somalia and eastern Ethiopia. Rubber several other species of Commiphora and Balsamodendron also known as Morhabshi (myrrh), including C. erythraea (sometimes called East Indian Morhabshi (East Indian myrrh)), C. opobalsamum and Balsamodendron kua. His name entered the English language through the Greek (Ancient Greek), μύρρα, which probably comes from the Semitic. Myrrh was used in potherb Myrrhis odorata or also known as "Cicely" or "Sweet Cicely".

Morhabshi also called Frankincense Elves by the Malay community.
Myrrh is a resin-reddish brown or reddish dried sap of the tree Commiphora myrrha originating from Somalia, Ethiopia and Arabia. Myrrh was extracted in a manner similar to Luban. Myrrh was highly similar to incense and perfumes and ointments are also used as medicine. Myrrh similar to Balm of Gilead or Mecca Myrrh derived from myrrh tree types.
Morhabshi quality can be identi ed through the darkness and clear resin. However, the best method of assessing the quality of the stickiness of the resin is a new feel to determine directly rebutted perfume content myrrh resin. The smell of raw myrrh resin and the importance of the new oil is pierced, as bitter and can be roughly described as "stereotypically resinous". When burned, it produces a smoke that is heavy, bitter and somewhat phenolic smell, which may be mixed a little vanilla fragrance. Unlike other resins, myrrh expands and "grow" when burned and no liquid or soft.
Myrrh is the basis of perfumes and incense (incense sticks) and is highly appreciated in classical antiquity, and are often worth more than the same weight of gold. In Ancient Roman times, myrrh evaluated ve times more than frankincense, though the latter is more popular. Pengkuburan Myrrh in Ancient Rome burned to mask the smell of charred corpses produced from. It is said that Nero, emperor of Rome burning myrrh value year on pengkuburan wife, Poppaea.”

Poppy Pompei

Could the word and name Pompei mean poppy as in Pop Eye! When he eats spinach he just grows immensely strong. He eats spinach which is a herb.

Poppaea Sabina

Instantly we are taken to Rome around year 30. Poppaea Sabina is a woman and she was the second wife of Nero. “Nero Burning Rom” is a program to burn CD’s and Nero burnt Rome so that is why. Sidestepping again.

Why does the word pengkuburan pop up? That is a Malaysian word of all things Asia. Shortly I found the Indonesian word penguburan in the book: An English-Indonesian dictionary  By John Minor Echols. It means funeral.

I recall the names/words Pyrrha and Aetus on the Rosetta (Stele) Stone. This would indicate that all

Papaver somniferum used to make opium. Papaya is a fruit eaten, and it can be sweet or bitter depending of it is plucked.

names on the six names on the Rosetta Stone are codes of places and names and people.
Phillippines Carmina

The Aeta (EYE-tae) people are indigenous people who live in Luzon in the Philippines. Instantly we recall the Phillippa part of The Bible.
The name Pyrrha on the Rosetta Stone also re ects people outside of Europe. In fact it points us to Ethiopia where the Myrrh plant also grows. In Ethiopia today, we nd that they say The Ark of The Covenant is.
In Luzon there is a people called Pugot, Pugut. They speak Illocano and the word “Pugut” means “goblin” or “forrest spirit”.
With a pop, we get Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines.
Aotus is a small plant with small yellow owers growing in Australia.
Lotus is the ower we know as Water lilies or Water Nymphs.

This is how you can travel with words. I nd that the word Aetus can mean a 1) bird, air, age, eagle - something that comes and goes. In other words ether/aeter.
A car is named after this; Peugeot. Philips again pops up.

Aetas, aetus
Here is an ode where we read the word aetas:

Quintus Horatius Flaccus Carmina
Liber I
Carmen XI

Tu ne quaesieris, scire nefas, quem mihi, quem tibi Finem di dederint, Leuconoe, nec Babylonios Temptaris numeros. Ut melius quidquid erit pati, Seu pluris hiemes seu tribuit Iuppiter ultimam, Quae nunc oppositis debilitat pumicibus mare Tyrrhenum: sapias, vina liques, et spatio brevi Spem longam reseces. Dum loquimur, fugerit invida Aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.

Do not ask, want to know the crime, which me or you the End of the gods will give Leuconoe, nor attempt the
Babylonian numbers. How much better to endure whatever will
be, you many more winters or whether the last Or, What now
with its weakens the force of the Tuscan sea, wears out, you are
wise, strain the wine, and the space of a short cut back the long
Hope. While we speak, envious Age: seize the day, trusting as little
as possible in tomorrow.

Age => Aeg...
Flavius Aëtius

This magi© man you shall encounter too. He has a bird on his hat. I genuinely believe he dresses like Prince Charles in a kilt with quick access to the private parts as would Camilla Parker “Pelvis” Bowls.

From the pelvis comes Elvis the King as the great fart as gas as ether. I use ether also. Æt is pronounced Aet and Et is one (I) as the rod and the cock in the ass. That does not sound very serious. A fart is very serious if left alone unattended and you can go up in a big bang like a star Sirius.

It was probably a stew of a soup in the beginning of time with bacteria and plants like in a swamp and there were all kinds of sounds from gasses evolving. Only the imagination can tell the full story.

Et I Rod, cock, stick

Her Woman Stew; the womb makes a stew in the pot as the pelvis

All we now need to enter is Art as in fart and we get Rod Stewart. If we look up Ether we nd that it has a linkage called C-O-C and the general structure is R-O-R. That is science all by itself so don’t help me GOD. For all the luck we have a man involved too in woman. So you can make it either or as the gas escapes.


That only means eat in Danish. Ether is a gas an in Danish spelled Æter. Ae in Danish is Æ. Dum in Danish is stupid as well as in English. We are told they call us “eaters” and when we eat it rots and comes out as shit and gas. So who is Flavius Aëtius really other than an eater who is an ether which is esters and the ower asters has very little to do with the real thing.

Book Of Esther is all about ether and gas I truly yours suspect.
Rosetta Stone

As we travel from one corner of the World, we must stay in others at the same time. Looking at artifacts and names and words rings some bells from time. I have looked at the Rosetta Stone and decoded the name Rosetta Stele Stone itself. But the wording on the stone itself I have not - really. I did notice six names on the Rosetta Stone - and I was wondering.

Queen Elizabeth II

Then there is this fake royal speaking, forced by public opinion, when Dianna Princess of Wales was murdered. She said: “Annus Horribilis”. Annus can mean various things. We see her grandson (grand?) in Las Vegas running wild, nude and drunk and later bragging about killing terrorists. All the circumstantial evidence point in the direction of wanting to and murdering Diana. Queen Elizabeth II is getting Big Ben named to her as per DAILY NEWS TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2012, 5:34 PM. Big Ben is a bell tower and allegorically a Big Cock.

The Master

We have a movie called The master (2012) in which all seem rather crazy and talk of the Pyramids being fake and the master making up things as he goes along. It is about the master wanting to cure and make a retarded alcoholic seeing again. At the end of the movie, a woman says: “He does not want to be cured”. The story end in bed with a cock and a pussy and then nally on the beach with a Reclining Buddha as two 1) one is the man not wanting to be cured and 2) a sand castle woman with two distinct breasts.

In the movie the drunk makes a drink mixed with Paint Thinner which at room temperature is a gas. Aeter/Ether is a gas. Paint Thinner can be white spirit, mineral spirit etc. Alcohol in other words.

He also uses AMERICA’s DRY GIN from a

Movie: The Master (2012). The “crazy” man is see at 35:0.8 taking a RED CROSS box. It has medicine for his COCK TAIL - a drink he makes from some crushed tablets, paint thinner and AMERICA’s DRY GIN 1 PINT 7 FLUID OZ.

bottle containing 1 PINT 7 FLUID OZ. OZ is a reference to Wizard of Oz.

The “crazy” man in the movie, at one point, is “trained” to feel and see what he actually touches. At rst it all looks rather bizarre. The Master himself and the “crazy” man is arrested by the Police for keeping a “school” in which The master teaches people (the crazy who can’t see) to actually see reality. In the process the master also drinks and have fun and sex. They are actually all rather normal too. However the whole plot is, that the script writers are trying to tell us: look and see and wake up.

Agatha Christie

This movie as others, are simply Agatha Christy on steroids. I found a symbol at the end of a music video where a pop star sings a song about suicide because the girls are beautiful. I cover this too in this book.

The aforementioned movie The Master, takes place on a boat which looks very much in size like the boat on the Agatha Christie movie called Death on the Nile.
I recall nding that the ancient word for The Nile was Aëtus. The Nile had the name Oceanê, which in Greek is Oceanus. From the anus comes aeter or gas as a fart.

Testo tratto da: Diodoro Siculo, Biblioteca, with an english translation by Oldfather C. H., The Loeb classical library, CambridgeLondon 1935 79

I, 19, 1-4

While Osiris and his army were thus employed, the Nile, they say, at the time of the rising of Sirius, which is the season when the river is usually at flood, breaking out of its banks inundated a large section of Egypt and covered especially that part where Prometheus was governor; and since practically everything in this district was destroyed, Prometheus was so grieved that he was on the point of quitting life willfully. Because its water sweeps down so swiftly and with such violence the river was given the name Aëtus; but Heracles, being ever intent upon great enterprises and eager for the reputation of a manly spirit, speedily stopped the flood at its breach and turned the river back into its former course. Consequently certain of the Greek poets worked the incident into a myth, to the effect that Heracles had killed the eagle which was devouring the liver of Prometheus. The river in the earliest period bore the name Oceanê, which in Greek is Oceanus; then because of this flood, they say, it was called Aëtus, and still later it was known as Aegyptus after a former king of the land. IV, 15, 2

And Zeus, when Prometheus had taken fire and given it to men, put him in chains and set an eagle at his side which devoured his liver. But when Heracles saw him suffering such punishment because of his benefit which he had conferred upon men, he killed the eagle, with an arrow, and then persuading Zeus to cease from his anger he rescued him who had been the benefactor of all.

V, 67, 2

And to Iapetus was born Prometheus, of whom tradition tell us, as some writers of myths record, that he stole fire from the gods and gave it to mankind, though the truth us that he was the discoverer of those things which give forth fire and from which it may be kindled.

In essence all bullshit or farts. I recall George W. Bush saying: “If they knew what we were doing, they would string us up in lampposts”.
This book shows, that The Bible is fake. if the corner stone of western civilization is fake, so is everything else. When I rst saw the movie the Master, I was abbergasted to say the least. What was it all about? It is a movie n which you, as a viewer, are the real Hercule Poirot.

79 http://www.iconos.it/index.php?id=4086 Hercules

Hercule is Hercules and Poirot is a few words: Poi and Rot. Hercule Poirot’s name was in uenced by two (II) other names: Marie Belloc Lowndes' Hercule Popeau and Frank Howel Evans' Monsieur Poirot. Hercule Poirot’s name is from the rst name of one and the second name of another. Poirot seems to be a madeup name. Popeau we recognize as from Poppaea Sabina which took us to Phillippines and Indonesia and the Aeta (EYE-ta) people.

Hercules = Hercule in French.

Cules is Romanian for harwest. Her is English very nicely but is Son in French. In Italian Her is Lei. So we nd Solei.
In German Solei is an egg which is typically boiled in Rot-Kohl which is redcabbish. Sol is Sun and Ei is egg. Solei = Sun Egg. With that we move out to the Yellow Emperor but not in this chapter.


I. From Cule I get a French word which translates to Cle. II. Cule is balls, eggs. We nd the word in such as Molecule. III. Cle must then be from CuLE?
IV. Patra is Romanian for fourth. Example: patra parte. V. Latin: Patrem, pater is father.

I am still moving in what we know as the comparative method and scienti c linguistics.
My conclusion so far is, that western culture is all based on lies.
Hercules Cleopatra
Egg Balls Balls Father
We have a Clotilde second wife of Frankish king Clovis I. Venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church. If so, something is wrong. Catholic church is all based on lies. One might say:
They Make It Up As They 80 Go Along.

If you dictate someones words, what do you do: you write down and take their words and put it on paper. What is Tate’s Gallery? To capacitate?
Above: From the book: An etymological dictionary of the Latin language By Francis Edward Jackson Valpy. Sanskrit is theground corner stone.

80 Royals, governments, police, news and main media outlets. United nations in other words and all their derivatives. What you they LET OUT? LIES.

Mr. Tate Ate
Tate: is actually ate a Preterit (word ending) of Eat 81
In other words; a dictator is a Cock Eater, one who dictates is a Cock Eater and Tate’s Gallery is Eater’s Gall Bladder. Yes, Gallery is cognate to gall => Gallbladder.
InDICate. That word indicates something. It contains IN, DIC and ATE 82.
James Murray was the primary editor of the Oxford English Dictionary from 1879.
81 The rhyming dictionary of the English language, in which the whole language ... By John Walker, J. Longmuir from page 152

82 If you watch SPARTACUS, a STARZ television series, you will see Julius Caesar getting performed some rather peculiar sex having some type of rod put into his penis producing blood. It is a woman slave-whore who does the job on him. IN DIC ATE then could make sense.

37. Coptic Myrrh Aëtius Æg Egg

Some words keep popping up. Cop is one such word. We know it as a police person. Then there is a cup to drink from. κόρνα is Greek for horn.
I was doing a little search for Balsamodendron and I came across a Polish website with herb. Poland is central in Europe and so Polish language is an important ingredient too in decoding The Bible and fake rulers appetite.
Polish dań means a dish and noun is gift (present). In Denmark (Danmark) the Danish word gift is English poison. Rather strange, because Danish gift also means marry. Gift = poison & marry. You marry someone and who is that actually you marry? Say the word again… Mary. Why do Catholic priest not marry Mary? If they did, they would be poisoned. We need to move into the world of botany, plant and herbs - naturally.

Morhabshi-Myrrh - Myrrh
Below from http://wannura.wordpress.com/category/pokok-liar/

“Morhabshi (also spelled Morhabsyi) or Morha or Maruha, English Myrrh is a reddish brown resinous material, the dried sap of the tree Commiphora myrrha, local in Somalia and eastern Ethiopia. Rubber several other species of Commiphora and Balsamodendron also known as Morhabshi (myrrh), including C. erythraea (sometimes called East Indian Morhabshi (East Indian myrrh)), C. opobalsamum and Balsamodendron kua. His name entered the English language through the Greek (Ancient Greek), μύρρα, which probably comes from the Semitic. Myrrh was used in potherb Myrrhis odorata or also known as "Cicely" or "Sweet Cicely".

Morhabshi also called Frankincense Elves by the Malay community.
Myrrh is a resin-reddish brown or reddish dried sap of the tree Commiphora myrrha originating from Somalia, Ethiopia and Arabia. Myrrh was extracted in a manner similar to Luban. Myrrh was highly similar to incense and perfumes and ointments are also used as medicine. Myrrh similar to Balm of Gilead or Mecca Myrrh derived from myrrh tree types.
Morhabshi quality can be identi ed through the darkness and clear resin. However, the best method of assessing the quality of the stickiness of the resin is a new feel to determine directly rebutted perfume content myrrh resin. The smell of raw myrrh resin and the importance of the new oil is pierced, as bitter and can be roughly described as "stereotypically resinous". When burned, it produces a smoke that is heavy, bitter and somewhat phenolic smell, which may be mixed a little vanilla fragrance. Unlike other resins, myrrh expands and "grow" when burned and no liquid or soft.
Myrrh is the basis of perfumes and incense (incense sticks) and is highly appreciated in classical antiquity, and are often worth more than the same weight of gold. In Ancient Roman times, myrrh evaluated ve times more than frankincense, though the latter is more popular. Pengkuburan Myrrh in Ancient Rome burned to mask the smell of charred corpses produced from. It is said that Nero, emperor of Rome burning myrrh value year on pengkuburan wife, Poppaea.”

Poppy Pompei

Could the word and name Pompei mean poppy as in Pop Eye! When he eats spinach he just grows immensely strong. He eats spinach which is a herb.

Poppaea Sabina

Instantly we are taken to Rome around year 30. Poppaea Sabina is a woman and she was the second wife of Nero. “Nero Burning Rom” is a program to burn CD’s and Nero burnt Rome so that is why. Sidestepping again.

Why does the word pengkuburan pop up? That is a Malaysian word of all things Asia. Shortly I found the Indonesian word penguburan in the book: An English-Indonesian dictionary  By John Minor Echols. It means funeral.

I recall the names/words Pyrrha and Aetus on the Rosetta (Stele) Stone. This would indicate that all

Papaver somniferum used to make opium. Papaya is a fruit eaten, and it can be sweet or bitter depending of it is plucked.

names on the six names on the Rosetta Stone are codes of places and names and people.
Phillippines Carmina

The Aeta (EYE-tae) people are indigenous people who live in Luzon in the Philippines. Instantly we recall the Phillippa part of The Bible.
The name Pyrrha on the Rosetta Stone also re ects people outside of Europe. In fact it points us to Ethiopia where the Myrrh plant also grows. In Ethiopia today, we nd that they say The Ark of The Covenant is.
In Luzon there is a people called Pugot, Pugut. They speak Illocano and the word “Pugut” means “goblin” or “forrest spirit”.
With a pop, we get Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines.
Aotus is a small plant with small yellow owers growing in Australia.
Lotus is the ower we know as Water lilies or Water Nymphs.

This is how you can travel with words. I nd that the word Aetus can mean a 1) bird, air, age, eagle - something that comes and goes. In other words ether/aeter.
A car is named after this; Peugeot. Philips again pops up.

Aetas, aetus
Here is an ode where we read the word aetas:

Quintus Horatius Flaccus Carmina
Liber I
Carmen XI

Tu ne quaesieris, scire nefas, quem mihi, quem tibi Finem di dederint, Leuconoe, nec Babylonios Temptaris numeros. Ut melius quidquid erit pati, Seu pluris hiemes seu tribuit Iuppiter ultimam, Quae nunc oppositis debilitat pumicibus mare Tyrrhenum: sapias, vina liques, et spatio brevi Spem longam reseces. Dum loquimur, fugerit invida Aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.

Do not ask, want to know the crime, which me or you the End of the gods will give Leuconoe, nor attempt the
Babylonian numbers. How much better to endure whatever will
be, you many more winters or whether the last Or, What now
with its weakens the force of the Tuscan sea, wears out, you are
wise, strain the wine, and the space of a short cut back the long
Hope. While we speak, envious Age: seize the day, trusting as little
as possible in tomorrow.

Age => Aeg...
Flavius Aëtius

This magi© man you shall encounter too. He has a bird on his hat. I genuinely believe he dresses like Prince Charles in a kilt with quick access to the private parts as would Camilla Parker “Pelvis” Bowls.

From the pelvis comes Elvis the King as the great fart as gas as ether. I use ether also. Æt is pronounced Aet and Et is one (I) as the rod and the cock in the ass. That does not sound very serious. A fart is very serious if left alone unattended and you can go up in a big bang like a star Sirius.

It was probably a stew of a soup in the beginning of time with bacteria and plants like in a swamp and there were all kinds of sounds from gasses evolving. Only the imagination can tell the full story.

Et I Rod, cock, stick

Her Woman Stew; the womb makes a stew in the pot as the pelvis

All we now need to enter is Art as in fart and we get Rod Stewart. If we look up Ether we nd that it has a linkage called C-O-C and the general structure is R-O-R. That is science all by itself so don’t help me GOD. For all the luck we have a man involved too in woman. So you can make it either or as the gas escapes.


That only means eat in Danish. Ether is a gas an in Danish spelled Æter. Ae in Danish is Æ. Dum in Danish is stupid as well as in English. We are told they call us “eaters” and when we eat it rots and comes out as shit and gas. So who is Flavius Aëtius really other than an eater who is an ether which is esters and the ower asters has very little to do with the real thing.

Book Of Esther is all about ether and gas I truly yours suspect.
Rosetta Stone

As we travel from one corner of the World, we must stay in others at the same time. Looking at artifacts and names and words rings some bells from time. I have looked at the Rosetta Stone and decoded the name Rosetta Stele Stone itself. But the wording on the stone itself I have not - really. I did notice six names on the Rosetta Stone - and I was wondering.

Queen Elizabeth II

Then there is this fake royal speaking, forced by public opinion, when Dianna Princess of Wales was murdered. She said: “Annus Horribilis”. Annus can mean various things. We see her grandson (grand?) in Las Vegas running wild, nude and drunk and later bragging about killing terrorists. All the circumstantial evidence point in the direction of wanting to and murdering Diana. Queen Elizabeth II is getting Big Ben named to her as per DAILY NEWS TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2012, 5:34 PM. Big Ben is a bell tower and allegorically a Big Cock.

The Master

We have a movie called The master (2012) in which all seem rather crazy and talk of the Pyramids being fake and the master making up things as he goes along. It is about the master wanting to cure and make a retarded alcoholic seeing again. At the end of the movie, a woman says: “He does not want to be cured”. The story end in bed with a cock and a pussy and then nally on the beach with a Reclining Buddha as two 1) one is the man not wanting to be cured and 2) a sand castle woman with two distinct breasts.

In the movie the drunk makes a drink mixed with Paint Thinner which at room temperature is a gas. Aeter/Ether is a gas. Paint Thinner can be white spirit, mineral spirit etc. Alcohol in other words.

He also uses AMERICA’s DRY GIN from a

Movie: The Master (2012). The “crazy” man is see at 35:0.8 taking a RED CROSS box. It has medicine for his COCK TAIL - a drink he makes from some crushed tablets, paint thinner and AMERICA’s DRY GIN 1 PINT 7 FLUID OZ.

bottle containing 1 PINT 7 FLUID OZ. OZ is a reference to Wizard of Oz.

The “crazy” man in the movie, at one point, is “trained” to feel and see what he actually touches. At rst it all looks rather bizarre. The Master himself and the “crazy” man is arrested by the Police for keeping a “school” in which The master teaches people (the crazy who can’t see) to actually see reality. In the process the master also drinks and have fun and sex. They are actually all rather normal too. However the whole plot is, that the script writers are trying to tell us: look and see and wake up.

Agatha Christie

This movie as others, are simply Agatha Christy on steroids. I found a symbol at the end of a music video where a pop star sings a song about suicide because the girls are beautiful. I cover this too in this book.

The aforementioned movie The Master, takes place on a boat which looks very much in size like the boat on the Agatha Christie movie called Death on the Nile.
I recall nding that the ancient word for The Nile was Aëtus. The Nile had the name Oceanê, which in Greek is Oceanus. From the anus comes aeter or gas as a fart.

Testo tratto da: Diodoro Siculo, Biblioteca, with an english translation by Oldfather C. H., The Loeb classical library, CambridgeLondon 1935 79

I, 19, 1-4

While Osiris and his army were thus employed, the Nile, they say, at the time of the rising of Sirius, which is the season when the river is usually at flood, breaking out of its banks inundated a large section of Egypt and covered especially that part where Prometheus was governor; and since practically everything in this district was destroyed, Prometheus was so grieved that he was on the point of quitting life willfully. Because its water sweeps down so swiftly and with such violence the river was given the name Aëtus; but Heracles, being ever intent upon great enterprises and eager for the reputation of a manly spirit, speedily stopped the flood at its breach and turned the river back into its former course. Consequently certain of the Greek poets worked the incident into a myth, to the effect that Heracles had killed the eagle which was devouring the liver of Prometheus. The river in the earliest period bore the name Oceanê, which in Greek is Oceanus; then because of this flood, they say, it was called Aëtus, and still later it was known as Aegyptus after a former king of the land. IV, 15, 2

And Zeus, when Prometheus had taken fire and given it to men, put him in chains and set an eagle at his side which devoured his liver. But when Heracles saw him suffering such punishment because of his benefit which he had conferred upon men, he killed the eagle, with an arrow, and then persuading Zeus to cease from his anger he rescued him who had been the benefactor of all.

V, 67, 2

And to Iapetus was born Prometheus, of whom tradition tell us, as some writers of myths record, that he stole fire from the gods and gave it to mankind, though the truth us that he was the discoverer of those things which give forth fire and from which it may be kindled.

In essence all bullshit or farts. I recall George W. Bush saying: “If they knew what we were doing, they would string us up in lampposts”.
This book shows, that The Bible is fake. if the corner stone of western civilization is fake, so is everything else. When I rst saw the movie the Master, I was abbergasted to say the least. What was it all about? It is a movie n which you, as a viewer, are the real Hercule Poirot.

79 http://www.iconos.it/index.php?id=4086 Hercules

Hercule is Hercules and Poirot is a few words: Poi and Rot. Hercule Poirot’s name was in uenced by two (II) other names: Marie Belloc Lowndes' Hercule Popeau and Frank Howel Evans' Monsieur Poirot. Hercule Poirot’s name is from the rst name of one and the second name of another. Poirot seems to be a madeup name. Popeau we recognize as from Poppaea Sabina which took us to Phillippines and Indonesia and the Aeta (EYE-ta) people.

Hercules = Hercule in French.

Cules is Romanian for harwest. Her is English very nicely but is Son in French. In Italian Her is Lei. So we nd Solei.
In German Solei is an egg which is typically boiled in Rot-Kohl which is redcabbish. Sol is Sun and Ei is egg. Solei = Sun Egg. With that we move out to the Yellow Emperor but not in this chapter.


I. From Cule I get a French word which translates to Cle. II. Cule is balls, eggs. We nd the word in such as Molecule. III. Cle must then be from CuLE?
IV. Patra is Romanian for fourth. Example: patra parte. V. Latin: Patrem, pater is father.

I am still moving in what we know as the comparative method and scienti c linguistics.
My conclusion so far is, that western culture is all based on lies.
Hercules Cleopatra
Egg Balls Balls Father
We have a Clotilde second wife of Frankish king Clovis I. Venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church. If so, something is wrong. Catholic church is all based on lies. One might say:
They Make It Up As They 80 Go Along.

If you dictate someones words, what do you do: you write down and take their words and put it on paper. What is Tate’s Gallery? To capacitate?
Above: From the book: An etymological dictionary of the Latin language By Francis Edward Jackson Valpy. Sanskrit is theground corner stone.

80 Royals, governments, police, news and main media outlets. United nations in other words and all their derivatives. What you they LET OUT? LIES.

Mr. Tate Ate
Tate: is actually ate a Preterit (word ending) of Eat 81
In other words; a dictator is a Cock Eater, one who dictates is a Cock Eater and Tate’s Gallery is Eater’s Gall Bladder. Yes, Gallery is cognate to gall => Gallbladder.
InDICate. That word indicates something. It contains IN, DIC and ATE 82.
James Murray was the primary editor of the Oxford English Dictionary from 1879.
81 The rhyming dictionary of the English language, in which the whole language ... By John Walker, J. Longmuir from page 152

82 If you watch SPARTACUS, a STARZ television series, you will see Julius Caesar getting performed some rather peculiar sex having some type of rod put into his penis producing blood. It is a woman slave-whore who does the job on him. IN DIC ATE then could make sense.

38. Egg In Egg

“Æg i Æg” actually is Danish for egg in egg. It is a term used from time to time. In some Asian countries, they like to say phonetically: “ægg iii æggg” when a chicken and/or cock makes a sound. It is for a reason. Language is as old as humans so this book covers not only 6000 years but the life of homo sapiens and beyond back in time which is now the future. You will know once you have the whole picture as a pictogram. This book is a pictogram. It is one book, one picture, one cock and two eggs in essence.

If I write 010 you might get the point. It is binary code for 2 (two).
It is two balls or eggs and in the center it a rod, a cock. A cock is a male “chicken”. The cock has a cock too. It goes inside the chicken and fertilizes the egg making a new chick(en83). The egg yolk and the little child chick, is usually yellow at birth and all uffy and cute.
Cule is Latin for ball as in molecule. Recall this for later in this book.

Danish word; i means in.

Egg in egg: the center i as the cock and the cock (on human males and some animals) has two balls on the side or two cules. The two cules can also be symbolic for the ass. Hence 010 is ογο if you like.

Greek ογο is 3 (three) letters OiO (omicron, upsilon [modern i], omicron)
Greek ολο means all, whole, total and in OlO (omicron, lambda, omicron)
Olympic: pik is Danish for cock. Oly has OiO and OlO via Greek γ. M is V and two Λ or simply a cock in pussy as a turned M as W if you have a mirror and can stand on your head. 83 en is Danish for one, 1, Roman Numeral I

Olympics (plural; many pics):
Egg i Egg Female Male Cock

or simply:
Eggs & Cocks
Cocks and Pussies
Men & Woman

SEX (Nordic for six)
or simply:
VI (Roman Numeral for 6)

6 is a pictogram, a symbol. It looks like something. Chinese perhaps or Greek or Hebrew? You will know with this book; pictogram. Language and letters are just like mathematics and is empirical evidence because linguistics is a science.

I found theKing too in Xing as you will explore and you will get the whole picture. However I need a thousand+ WORDS to prove my point. A picture really does not say more, unless you know what it means.
On the next pages are some pictures I created. One is actually a stereogram. Look at it an defocus your eyes and it turns 3D.
Egg In Egg call it Love

Uses caustics, light re ection in a bowl and on the wall the light is re ected showing the sh. The light source could be the Sun but here it is a a computer light source. program used is MAXON Cinema 3D.

Visit jamesluxley.com for many more images.

39.The Illusion of Knowledge

I like this one 84. Spot on. The news and media is so empty it looks like an empty can of cookies however presented as full. Full of what? Whit. No?? Shit Galore. Ah, that sounds better. Earth has become a black hole only in he past 2000 years.

Now, imagine, if you can, that you stand on Venus and look "down" on Earth - if you can spot it. It looks miniscule. Like a little dot. And on this little dot 7 billion people live like idiots. In Asia and in France and elsewhere - but especially in Asia - the television is so full of shit. The tv show are no longer shows but totally zombie like lesser-than-clown slapstick comedy. There is no comedy and the shows and the hosts are young people dressed like were going to a carnival in a spaceship and they speak a language I no longer understand. I am only 49 years old (2013). Then in 3D animation it ashes red/blue/green with orange colors obscuring any meaning.

Then cut to commercial and then back to more void. Planet earth is not earth any longer but rather occupied by weirdoes in black suites. I gave up on television in about 2010 all together. I have a television but it just sits there and is not connected to any cable or satellite and I only wait for myself to buy a cable so I can connect it to the computer and then I can watch movies. Movies still have some content and if not then they are mostly by free choice. The latest I saw was JUDE. Radio? What the hell is that? Newspaper? Come again - have not touched one in 12 month. Magazines? Not since my wife browsed a house & garden. She says she only looks pictures. Sure. Because that is all there is. She purchased a magazine while we waited for a bus and the name was HELLO I think it was. The rst 40 pages were adverting. My best estimate was, that about 3% of the surface of the magazine actually had content. And of that content only about 0% had some interest. Yes, zero. I always wondered what the little girl/boy would reply to "What did you learn in school today, dear little boy of mine?" (Tom Paxton). My best guess is "zero".

They are hastily trying to use utterly foolish news and lesser-than-dust intelligence to numb everyone down so we never catch on to the biggest secret and the biggest hoax of the past 2000 years. They are desperately trying everything they can to fool everyone and in doing so desperately they are loosing the game and they are now so desperado that their sickness shines through on every television channel. Through cellphone tapping to spying to trying to lure people with illegal sex and by showing the utmost stupidity like Julian Assange sipping whiskey and tell us that he can have DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY which only can be granted to diplomats ergo to governmental employees. Later they tell us he can have political immunity / asylum which he can not either because he can only ask for political asylum for something his home country did and in this case that is Australia and NOT Sweden. Nobody speaks a word of this deceit but it is out there now and earlier they could numb it down because they had total control of the media but no longer. Many are speaking out and are beginning to see the light. When that happens they get so desperate they will use words such as QU on Facebook (Kill You) and directly send threads which I received too. It is amazing how no police is investigating this. No it is not. Just like in Psycho (Alfred Hitchcock) the police is in on it every part of the way.

84 http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_mediacontrol115.htm

40. George W. Bush Senior

Vietnam, 35 years later. "April 30th, was the 35th anniversary of the Fall of Saigon and the end of the Vietnam War, and last Tuesday, May 4th, was the 40th anniversary of the shooting of protesting students at Kent State University." More here 85.

Do you think shit happens because this little girl was bad? No, it happens because of very evil people. And they are to be found in the ranks of royals, government, police and army. And that takes us where? To money. And money takes us where? Corruption. You can absolutely not rule without corruption. It is unnatural hence natural to setup a totally corrupt system. That is by what "rule by law" means. Why? Because the law in corrupt and illegal and the proof is in El Bib and now elsewhere. And "shit" - they did not expect that.

Do you recall him saying: "... a new world order ... with the rule of law..." If not watch here 86. Now, you have to understand the depth of the connection to sex galore and the military complex etc.. The past 5-10 years since about 2001 (and naturally prior to that, Vietnam, Korea etc.) they have used terror as per Romans 13:3.

Now; the "evil" is terror when they themselves do terror or the bankers do it and they only pay assassins. The presidents are only a front. They are lured with sex and are themselves brainwashed and extorted. The Internet came around in early 80s and invented in Cern and with The Internet information could for real ow relatively freely for the rst time in history. Never before had humans had a change to speaks, read and get all the information. They have tried to and still try to occupy The Internet but they realize The Internet is just out of their control. Naturally they can switch a button and turn it off. If they dare. And they don't. But they will if need be ultimately. They will even invent WW3 or 4 or 5

85 http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/05/vietnam_35_years_later.html
86 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc7i0wCFf8g
to set people in such misery that people only ght for true survival among the rubble of dead people.

Here you will read what happens when people get a new spiritual awakening 87 . I understand their words and we all know how people who goes to church and come back home have that feeling after seeing fake healing etc.. They are in a state of mind of being exalted and nothing seems impossible and the whole world is at their feet and they feel "happy". That is part of the deceit. By entering and telling about esoteric (secret) information and loading it all out there and some is genuine and some is fake people are either confused or get a real sense of enlightenment. They suddenly "see the light". And they like to call it "a new consciousness" or "a new world order". By loading out all their secrets - via The Internet
- through which they have ruled and fooled for centuries, they now know that people will "wake up" and see and the idea is to connect the dots. They ultimately want you to accept their new world order and rule by law system by understanding that the old world order is just going to merge into the new one over a few decades. People are born and die and nobody will be any wiser in a hundred years. They know that information comes and goes and by entering many false statements and lies and truths on The Internet people realize they don't know what is real or not. And most will then just give up and accept "rule by law" and whatever new world order that arises from the dust.

George Carlin spoke about it and people never really understood him. It takes a lot of data and a lot of de-brainwashing to ultimately make the u-turn and make people understand the depth of the deceit. It is like explaining a recipe of a cake. Telling it is not enough. You need to show it and demonstrate it and perhaps write it down. Not even that is enough. It can take many tries before the cake turns out as expected. If you are given a false recipe and you live with a system based on esoteric lies, who then do you expect to make a cake as you want it. You inly know so much and can only bake the cake as you were taught.

They never expect people would be able to understand their system nor do something about it. But people around El Mundus are trying to comprehend the depth of the deceit. It is so huge rst there is denial, then understanding and then accepting the real horror of it. I tried working in the government and I saw and new and could and can prove corruption and in going so, which I did, I was "killed" and tried lured into a net of corruption and was lured with corruption and to take the bate of sexual "favors". However I got out in time. As I contacted my lawyer about the whole matter the only word I got was: "Did they threaten you?". "Not as you might understand it...". Upon which my lawyer just coldly and bluntly said: "Sorry, I can't do anything.". I wanted to explain the matter but never got a change. Later I found plenty of proof of corruption and I was a witness to corruption but they did not want within one mile of them. I was ultimately "given up". I resigned myself to avoid being further harassed. And ever since then I have been harassed and followed by agents lately in December on a visit to Paris with my wife. But I am not going there now in this article. My lawyers name was: "Morten Riise Knudsen" and when I also in another matter was tricked and fooled by him, I told him "he was very sick". I told it to him to his face. Upon which he said: "I will take you to court and ask for a huge ne if you continue". He knows the law. He rules with the law. And he is probably a Freemason because he was/is a lawyer for the Danish Pentecostal and they are based on freemason’s traditions and if you follow the lead you will know that church is as rotten as shit.

Eventually I hope to get it all written down before it is too late. Only my words can tell the true story as I saw it. They can then tell theirs and dig the hole as deep as they want. However let me dig my little hole and then you can decide for yourself who to believe. Those

87 http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_consciousuniverse244.htm Lamppost is ready - are you?

who makes nothing from telling their story, me. Or those who does; governments who collects taxes and the whole military complex making trillions on wars around el Mundo. I have no money but a honey and had it not been for her I would probably not be here today. I shall tell you that story too later.

Ampli ed Bible is publicized (and produced) by a house named: Zondervan 88 . Condervan is owned by Rupert Murdoch or rather News Corporation. News Corp. owns companies like: Fox News, Sky Italia, Twentieth Century, The Sun, fox.com, MySpace etc.. The company (Zondervan) was bought by Harper Collins, a division of News Corporation, in 1988, and is the company's Christian book publishing division. So this Bible (ampli ed because they added to it) is today owned - really - by NEWS CORP. How bloody nice! One of the upholders of deceit and fake news is making money from owning the Ampli ed Bible.

How can you build an empire? Only if you have power. How do you get power? By taking power. Power is not given to you however they call it “power to the people”. Why power to the people when people have power? if people have power it is not need to say and give power to the people because they have power. It is an oxymoron. If people have power, then why do governments control people and not visa versa? I was told by an architect “that it is the best system we know of”. If that is the case, then how come a million officials can’t make a better system than the system that is awed? because for those in real power it is the ultimate system which need not change according toy their structure. If it did change to “power to the people” it would mean they would not have power.

The proof of fake power is in The Bible Romans 13:1-3 and since The Bible has been proven a false so is the governments claim of power to the people because it does not say that in the WORD OF a TRUE divine entity as per the Romans 13.1-3. There we are told it is given by GOD who is ZON who is not a divine entity because if it was, then the divine would not have written “E Pluribus Enum” meaning “fuck you because we are bullshit and gallbladders who piss and shit on you”. Their GOD would say that which we have proven now. A divine entity would create bird who are free but even the bird as a vulture they tied to a cross in their logos symbolically for left/right or male and female. If one fruit is rotten (Nixon etc.) then all fruits are rotten unless the Hebrew/Yiddish version has something hidden there too which I now know it has. if one thing is false it does not make a right or left for that matter. Ask yourself what gives some people more power than others. THINK DIFFERENT. I say it is only warriors and the bigger the better the spear the more power. It is logic for chickens and cocks beyond any doubt. However not their cocks and chicks.

88 http://cerasius.com/wiki/The_Zondervan_Corporation

41. Commander Word Muse

Trillions and billions of words later where are we? More war, more tricks and more hell. They just can't get it right, ever. So why use words? They call it diplomacy but would it not be better to call it - well - words. It is mostly and only words they work with and then a whole bunch of tricks.

The dog is god and the horse is mans best friend. However some like bunnies and tales or even rabbits. Everyone has their avor. How about once and for all we try and deal with it all in a truly godly manner. Oh no, forget that. God died many years ago. Esoteric hogwash has kept god alive and meanwhile they play games with the next generation. It just never stops. Neck, a million years from now Ishtar will still be number one. Why? Because she represents a woman and we do like them, right? So god is just a woman. Hohoho and Santa Clause needs a total make-over.

VO Brandy - Jack Daniel's - Burb

It is funny GOD can be DOG but with one extra letter is GOLD.
L is Roman Numeral for 50. Fifty stars in the US ag. http:// www.businessweek.com/articles/ 2012-11-07/cover-of-bloombergbusinessweek-marks-reelection-ofpresident-obama
50 = Roman V (5) and 0 (zero).
Ever heard of Martell the original VO brandy?

Original image from Bloomberg Business! (would you trust these with a pen and paper?). Painting: Spanish court jester painting (the sullen/dark jester). Look up “Jester” for more information in fools and kings.

Barak Hussein Obama and people like him live in their own bubble, their own world, thinking it is all for real when they open their mouth only realizing it is all truthful lies that comes out as air vanishing into the bowl of Vanity.

Above art-work by cerasius.com.

Do you see a bird in the logo of at martell.com ? Martell is from year 1715 which is 7 Eleven + Five Pointed Star ? And what are those 3 "hammers" doing ? T for Tammuz and one hammer for each of: father, son and Holy Spirit ? They sell spirit, right? The hammer also relates to Thor's hammer which in why the Prime minister of Denmark 89 is named Helle Thorning [Throning] Schmidt which is also why we see her here in a YouTube video saluting Hitler 90with her right hand raised.

89 http://cerasius.com/wiki/Pigmark

VSOP might actually be an anagram for V ΣOP or rather pure Greek: νΣΟΡ which are the Greek letters: nu, sigma, omicron, rho. But that is only my wild guess.
Remy Martin's logo is a man-horse with a spear. Is it Sagittarius (astrology)? Remy or Rémy is a name of French origin, and is associated with the Latin name Remigius where we nd Saint Remigius who was King of the Franks which later became the Holy Roman Empire.
Saint Remigius baptized Clovis I and his Predecessor was Childeric I (notice the bees if you nd him online) and his predecessor was Merovech (c. 415-457) who founded the Merovingian dynasty or maybe it was Chlodio
50 (V0) stars in the US ag.
CIA is Yahweh is God is Jach is Whiskeyleaks
As Wiskey Leaks, we do the burb, as we see what a whiskey brand named Jack Daniel's has to do with God and CIA.

Barack Obama told the army: “I am your Commander In Chief”. We saw in Spartacus, Vengence (Season 3, series 8), how Tiberius fucked Julius Caesar in the ass. Why? because Tiberius was the Commander In Chief. Julius Caesar was the chief and Tiberius was the commander - the imperator. Noun is Commander. CIC = Commander in Chief meaning the commander is inside the chief. That is what the words say and mean. That is also why we saw a smirkey smile on Barack Obama’s face as he said it. But we can’t prove the meaning of a smile can we except is creates an Arch as a bow. But that is just a Fools bonus: the rod in ass - which makes the King laugh. The chief could be a woman in which case we get an extra hole and recall the hole has no bottom.

90 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7zoYHEAoPE Barack Hussein Obama

Ba Rack Hussein Oba ma
• baba = father in Turkish  http://translate.google.com/#tr/en/baba
• babama = dad in Turkish http://translate.google.com/#tr/en/babama
• A Rack is a torture instrument: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rack_(torture)
• Hussein means beautiful.
• ma is short for mother.

Barack Hussein Obama = Father & Dad & Mother Torture Beautiful Oba 91 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oba_(goddess))
With this recall Romans 13:3 using fear/Phobos/terror as an instrument.

91 In Yoruba mythology, Ọba or Obbá is the Orisha of the River Ọba, whose source lies near Igbon, where her worship originates. During the wars of the 19th century, her centers of worship moved to the more secure town Ogbomosho. She is traditionally identi ed as the rst wife of Shango (the third king of the Oyo Empire and the Orisha of thunder and lightning) and to have fallen victim one of her scheming junior co-wives. Either Oya or Oshun tricks her into cutting off her ear and trying to feed it to Shango.
These varieties or spiritual lineages as they are called are practiced throughout areas of Nigeria, the Republic of Benin, Togo, Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, the United States, Uruguay, Argentina and Venezuela among others.

Here Julius Caesar is being fucked in the ass by his commander Tiberius. From STARZ series 8 from season 3 at 40:03.

Next time your command, president or anyone in power says: “I am the commander in chief” then ask him/her this: “Who is your chief?” and “Is your chief a male or female?” and “why are you inside your chief?”.

In above scene the chief is lower ranked that the commander even if Julian Assange [sic] want to be the commander lying and here laying down bending - reclining - as is the commander. My only question is, he got it up amazingly quick. But it is only a movie and

ction, right or wrong? It is Not a Pipe, right or wrong? Don’t answer those questions because both might be wrong.
it is not purely entertainment (muse) it is dead serious and in case you should ever become a chief then ask yourself, if you want a cock inside you, before becoming a chief.

The equation is simple: Barack Obama is nothing more than you or I. He has a cock and nothing more or less than you and I. He is acting as a commander because he was the biggest gun and he plays with words allegorically saying his cock is bigger. Let us measure that and see for ourself before he acts a dick.

I. Roman Empire: Barracks are constructed for the Praetorian Guard on the Quirinal Hill. II. Quirinal Hill is one of the Seven hills of Rome
III. Quirinal Hill later became known as Capitoline Hill after the cult of the Capitoline Triad IV. Capitoline Triad is related to Rex Sacrorum
V. Rex Sacrorum was a Senatorial Priesthood.
VI. Rick Santorum was a United States Senator and a candidate for the 2012 Republican

Party presidential nomination relating to Capitol Hill.
VII. Rick is short for Richard.
VIII. Richard (also) means King.
IX. Rex is Latin for King.
X. Sacrorum is Latin for the sacred.
XI. Santorum is Latin for Saints.
XII. Rex Sacrorum = King The Sacred
XIII. Rick Santorum = King Saints
XIV. Rex Sacrorum = Rick Santorum
XV. Santo and Sacro.
XVI. Rick Santorum = King Saints Rome

And we bring you tonight at Las Vegas the greatest pack of the rat of all times going right to the heart of GOMO. Salian Frank Sin At Ra… and so the SHOW nally ended.

42. Oliver Twist

Oliver Stone to RT: “US has become an Orwellian state”

That is a Carolingian understatement. This type of state-of-affairs has been going on for 2000+ years and Spartacus is probably the only one remembered for his sorrows but he was a warrior and a ghter and "killed them all" as he tried. However Rome persisted with it's legions and rock-fuck-sick-dicko's of statements who are so wacko not even Oliver Stone has any idea what so ever (or does he know because

he is part of the rotten system himself?). In fact Oliver Stone is very much part of the systematic system of telling the truth as people want to hear it and nothing changes nor does his movies or books. Bizarre, right? All it changes is the size of his bank-account. Huge. Lovely for him and his "friends" of the might and glory while he sits under-dressed playing the part of a tomato that knows what is right and wrong. Oliver Stone even looks to the side after saying his piece as if he is thinking: "WO! That sounded good - that phrase could be part of my next movie".

Bulldog or bullshit - Oliver Stone and the dog reminds me of the same thing; barking. It is not getting worse nor better it has been like this for 2000+ years and it is not going to change. They speak of knowing their history when they don't know history themselves. They murdered and plundered the land of the Indians and secondly these two odd-fellows forgot that The Roman empire has spies, soldiers and basically the same old control system as today. Today it has just gotten even more re ned with controlled brainwashing through the media such as RT and what does the reporter say at the end: "you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter..." Those are two of the most stupid inventions by far by the "Holy Roman Empire" or should we call them USA-Empire and United Nations. Oliver Stone speaks of occupying other nations. Fool. All nations from Bali to Singapore to the Philippines are occupied by USA, Japan etc. and in the forefront we call them The United Nations. Moron92, Oliver Stone.

Oliver and friends are there to fool (and entertain) and I agree with most he says however it has been said before. Where is the little guy on the oor telling this, RT? It should be TR for Trick or tReat. I hope you sell some more books of yours with more "truth-yelling" and you will have food for your next Holy Wood (Holi Tree) movie and recall that Holi = Whole Lie. Is it not funny that St. Peter's Church in Rome is founded on a rock, a stone. And what was that boys name in Dicken's story... Oliver Twist. Twist it, turn it, break it, twist again…

A stone signi es the church so Oliver Stone becomes what? An incarnation (and I don't believe in that bullshit either) of a poor odd fella and the a rock solid state-church. Some call it The Holy See however I call it Scumbag City. Oliver Stone... Usain Bolt....

I am dreaming I am alive being on a planet called Paradise which is a hell of a lie. 92 Morio’nes; deformed idiots purchased as slaves. Purpose to make entertainment. When or if you watch this lm, then notice the Chinese/Japanese/Asian ever so carefully entered into the movie.
What name should we give the next President? Something that has II and 191. And how many bangs on 911? Two.

43. The Internet Dead Or Alive

The lifebelt to save the occupiers? All under water just like the god Nu was? And also the god Nun. How many gods did they have and how many of them could swim?

Same little old house as Marble Church in Pigmark on the same longitude between 12th and 13th - coincidence or luck? Neither! Now, there is no marble in Pigmark so the name is also Fredrik's Church just to confuse and fool. “As Above, So below” they say. One in Copenhagen, and one in Rome. It had to be not only right and left but also up and down. No matter where you go you are in Rome hence we can get a Pizza in New York, Laos, Malaga. If I am not wrong even on the South Pole.

If not today then very soon. Just like it happened to television and radio and newspapers. Rulers, including governmental agencies, officials etc. of this world, are very very ill in their minds. They want to keep themselves in power and to do so they need utter control. TV, Radio etc. died many years ago and all there is left is a blanket of secret societies, spy-cams and surveillance all over the place. Facebook, Google etc. are just tools to eventually create a dynasty of cheap shows and silly games or more "we got talent". Goodbye today, tomorrow and forever while millions go hungry and die in wars created clandestine by Rob, Bob and all the rest of the "Roman Emperors" of today in the new Roman Empire now called United Nations created through deceit. Secret Internet treaty 93(rt.com) - hohoho - Santa Claus is really coming to a place near you soon and he is not bringing freedoms to you, your house or family. Russia Today (rt.com) is a joke on its own. A farce, a comedy and is very very much part of the confusion technique they use to control peoples mind. Close it all. Or watch it as pure entertainment but keep in mind (!) that you are being brainwashed while you think you are conscious of some kind of reality. It too is a reality show made to fool.

93 http://rt.com/usa/news/mozilla-internet-web-itu-842/

In 2013 a new browser called The Cherry Browser (work title) comes out and it will not be your everyday browser. It will be a browser to enlighten and lead you on a path to victory. How funny "victory" should come up because just that word covers Victoria the Wicked Whore of Vicky named Wikipedia. Words can really make you wonder sometimes. So a new word for "victory" is "lid-of-the-coffin". How about that? Would that not be nice for a change for the past 2000 years and since the First Council of Nicaea in 325?

So you might ask: "But cerasius.com and my own free website is still Okay?". Yes, for a while yet. It takes time to kill a beast and gods don't like stronger beast to neither fool or rule or tell other tales or spin reality in a better direction. But make this clear: it wil happen surely but slowly over the next 30-150 years and eventually nobody will recall what a wonderful thing radio, television and The Internet was. It will morph into another Orwellian tool.

44. Legio Romanum

Sigmund Freud holds a cigar known as a phallus symbol. How much smoke do you think he in society and culture? Part of Roman Empire through membership into the esoteric. Unofficially the Roman Empire that is! He put WORDS on the upper echelons thoughts and they provoked it down into the lower societies making everybody ill - except themselves. Bloody smart!

Legio. Roman Legions walked when they marched. So when people walk they use their feet and their legs. Leg=Legio. This also shows that the English language is an invention of Roman Empire from Latin, Greek language in most parts but also from Germanic and Nordic Norse language. And others.

One good example is two words: Great Britannia. I shall talk about these two words and name later which empirically proves English and even England has nothing to do with angels as per say. More likely angles! It has everything to do we Greek language. And in so called ancient times the scholars of Rome spoke Greek. This is also why they still love marches and the more silly the better as in Greece outside the parliament. Normal Greek people probably think this is far from normal - to walk that way - but the esoteric world of the very very sick thinks this is the norm - the way because it reminds them of legs and then Legio; their roman police and army. Who are not there to protect the city's people or the hysterically (read: democratically) non-elected leaders and rulers but to protect them from normal peoples interference - they hate normal. They hate you and they don't want you near you. But for shows they will put up with it when they have to fool you.

As with Lego they say: "...his company came to be called "Lego", from the Danish phrase "leg godt", which means "play well". Well, I prefer to think that Danish language is derived from Latin in many parts because many words are the same in English and Danish. So it might be true that Lego = Play Good. But don't you see it? Good=God. Play God. And Lego is very near Legio and with their Legio Romanum they played Gods in fact. So? Empirically we can prove or at least show that Lego = Play God.

Danish is derived and adapted from the intruders way back near 1000 CE - we are told (it may have happened before). And so the intruders created a new language now called Danish. Norse language is far from todays Danish language. Who invaded? Well, someone who spoke another language and this language was not Norse. They forced a new language to be spoken and invented new words who the aboriginal could learn to. Over many years. This became known as todays Danish. Many modern words still creep in such as the word "Hit" for a radio-hit. In fact the very word "radio" is Danish. It is two words: Ray and Dio. Ray is esoterically Amun Ra with his Sun rays or Sun worship. And Dio is Spanish for gift/present. So Radio = Ra Present. Amun Ra Present. With the invention of the radio they had a new tool to fool. It was their presents from their gods to them so they could fool even more. Hence - yes - Ray as in waves as in signals - but it is two words: Ra + Dio. Amun Ra or just Ra. And Dio for present.
icted into


Raydio was an American funk and R&B vocal group formed in 1977, by Ray Parker, Jr., with Vincent Bohnam, Jerry Knight, and Arnell Carmichael. Caroline Henderson was danish/ swedish and made it in a pop group called Ray Dee Ohh.

Semiretta is Italian for Ray. Semiramis is a goddess. Mis in Danish for a pussycat or plainly cat. A pussy (slang) is known as the female vagina. Tom Jones sang Pussycat. In Iran we have a city called Ray "City of Ray". A Miss is known as a virgin or one not married (yet)! Madonna (the divine?!) sang: "I'm a Virgin" which was a lie. Regina is a name meaning queen. A queen wears a crown with gems symbolizing a star hence the upright pointed form/shape which is to symbolize her being a star and in family with Ishtar who was a warrior whore hence a queen is regina is a vagina. Why? Because she used her vagina to become a Regina!

Semiramis is cognate with Ishtar who is cognate with Aphrodite. Same. From various locations. And so? Well, they had the same thing on their mind which you probably had/ have. It was Sigmund Freud who formulated that (mostly) men think of sex every 2 minutes. Sigmund Freud was an esoteric member of secret societies etc.. Since he was that, then he would have known what was on/in the upper echelons minds; war and sex. Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer in the set of War and Peace (1956 lm) in 1955. That is about a relationship between a man and a woman in war times. What does a man and woman do? They make love hence make peace. So the lm should really have been named: War and Sex. It is an esoteric acronym. All rapped up in Hollywood glamour. Since when was war glamorous? Since way back since Semiramis entered the streets. And sex? In the esoteric world sex is known as "the little death" or the moment when you "see god". So the lm title could have been: War and God.

It just ts like matches in a matchbox. They call it to be initiated into their esoteric world. The initiation in Freemasons clubs is a ritual based on ancient traditions. Once the person is initiated they know. They are told some secrets and rituals takes place and they are not pleasant. Once initiated there is no turning back because they are locked into this secret through deceit. They are caught mostly through sexual acts or thinking they are going to be killed etc.. Horrible. The whole charade can begin and a life in "prison" for some but some enjoy it tremendously like presidents and royals except little Diana Spencer who was murdered. It is called witchcraft and they still live by that law. And they call it "rule by law". Not the law you would expect but the esoteric law.

LEGO Legio

"Titular see of Palestina Secunda, su ffragan of Scythopolis. It gures for the rst time in a Latin episcopal notitia, dating probably from the eleventh century, where it is given under the name of Legionum, between the Bishoprics of Diocæsarea and Capitolias (Tobler and Molinier, "Itinera Hierosolymitana", I, Geneva, 1880, 343). If, however, we consult the Greek "Notitiæ Episcopatuum", of which the Latin is only a translation, we nd in that place, not Legio, but Maximianopolis ("Byzant. Zeitschr.", I, Leipzig, 1892, 253, 256). The See of Legio is, therefore, identical with Maximianopolis; in the Middle Ages both cities were identi ed, being near neighbors, though really distinct places in the same see. Legio is now Ledjun, well known in the Bible and in history under the name of Mageddo." http:// www.newadvent.org/cathen/09131b.htm

And i comes before o so it would be most natural that the listed suggestions would have Legion before Lego but iMac does not. They list Lego prior to Legion. That could however be an "intelligent" part of the spelling system coding into the program. I think not! Things does absolutely not happen by change or is left to pure coincidence. Even those that

Legio Romanum LEGO
do happen they will control (such as a "falling" meteorite which incidentally is cognate to a "fallen angel" hence they "fall" at an angle)
And the i in iPhone and iMac etc. is naturally for Ishtar the esoteric owl bird warrior whore.
When I run a spell check on this I get prompted if "legio" is lego. This is on an iMac Software OS X 10.8.2 (12C60) February 2013.

Heavy stu ff, right? So we need to poke into Mageddo 94which is a Canaanite 95city which is Canaan (Hebrew Kenaan) as in the Old Testament as the name of one of Ham's sons. Canaan (Keenan) is actually a person - a name. Canaan was cursed because his father sinned.

We are told that 10/12 tribes (basically families or groups of people) of Israel ed Israel because they sinned. They were Canaanites. We are also told, that they sailed to south of Greece and Spain and later up to Norse (today Scandinavia). For some reason we do not nd Ledjun at the Wicked Whore Vicky in the 2012/12 data dump. We also need to look at Phoenicians (Phœnicia) 96 . Then we realize that is basically boils down to a few things. Among others: merchant, trader.

And today we have trading in Diamonds in Israel by among others the Rothschild. If you think ancient times are past think again. You are living in history and the merchants and traders are right out there and they are billionaires. Their dogs are the presidents whom they can control through various means such as sex, drugs and money and promises of eternal life as Demi gods.

So Legio is Ledjun is Mageddo which is cognate with Armageddon. Why? Because through Armageddon we nd Megiddo, Israel. We read: "The kibbutz was founded in 1949 by Holocaust survivors, partisans and ghters from Poland and Germany It is located near Megiddo Junction, the intersection of highways 65 (from Hadera to Afula) and 66 (running from Haifa south to Judea and Samaria). The junction is the site of a bus terminal and a high

94 http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09526a.htm 95 http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03569b.htm
96 http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12041a.htm
security prison." So let us sing a song - again. Listen to "Bang bang" song by Nancy Sin At Ra at youtube.com 97. And notice she sings "...he was 5 and she was 6..."

And had this happened in the times where we only had news papers and radio and television my story would never have seen the day of light. Silenced. But today I can be my own publisher and so I am. I publish this free so you know too. Why free? I hope to never get anything in return for this writing but during 2013 I may rock and roll with some tools to data-mine. Some free perhaps. Not sure which direction to take it - yet. A bird might tell - let's wait and see. Also free because it is dedicated to all the dead people who never could speak or was silenced through stealth. Dedicated to the millions who were killed in clandestine wars. Dedicated to all who never got a change to live nor speak and who was tortured for their free spirit. They hate lovers of life but indulge in life themselves. This article is especially dedicated to all the pussies who suffocated in Misery ( lm) who were abused and bruised. Not in the lm but in real misery?

97 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5Xl0Qry-hA

45. Ill God Mad - Deathtrap - aka NO THING

The apple is rotten and most people will eat it.

Christopher Reeve played this play also, DEATHTRAP, and later died in his own trap of death. He even played superman and was in his own way a King or a God just like we all are. Unless you don't want to be such. Free choice here. But this play rather well depicts the depth of the deception in history and today. You only have to imagine the depth is far deeper than this story. It swirls and drives some people mad and many police officers give up being police because it is too rough, too ill. Just as lawyers must accept the whole system and nothing but the system or else they simply can't be lawyers for long. And doctors too. And politicians. Did I forget someone? Actors? Yes, they too are on the ship of deceit and most suffer from Vanity.

At about 1:25:00+ - in this radio-broadcast 98 - Jordan Maxwell and the radio-show tells us that his domain name and website has been stolen and those who own the website are crooks and pose as Jordan Maxwell. Stealing someone's identity is rather not legal, right? So what is the police doing about it? Nothing.

I also got some very strange emails from the website and I believed his website had been hacked/stolen. And so it was. So a WARNING. Do not write to or be careful who you may contact through that website and all sales you make there goes in the pocket of frauds. But there are stronger powers today working to realize all of the rotten system as they say in the radio show. But they, me and you need the backing of all of humanity - the ones who are out of their rotten system which they call reality. Don't just sit there and wait - investigate everything. You have a tool called The Internet so don't waste too much time, if any, on Twitter and Facebook because they are all CIA owned. Get out there and read some books and you be your own detective. Don't trust anyone except what you nd to be true or a lesser lie than you were told. Trust your own ndings and if you nd something really is rotten, then why follow shit? Follow your intuition as it may lead you to an understanding of what is really going on with your life and others. As long as the bomb does not drop on your doorstep then why care, right? But the bomb and terror may drop sooner than you think either by shutting down The internet or worse.

It is as rotten as a pile of shit. RT.com and Aljazeraa and CNN etc. are just tools to fool and ignite brainwashing on a level far below your conscious mind. They pose as sheep in wolves-dresses and they lurk in governments and in families too so only - primarily - trust your own healthy intuition and feeling of what is really right and wrong.

98 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsNmMTQYROc

However, the whole rotten system was designed in such a way, as to make you know what is up may be down. They design a system of confusion (through the teachings of Confucius) so please even investigate those who pose as the real thing! When you hear, in above radio show, they refer to http://synchronicity.org then I start to understand the depth of the deception. What is this website except some new age new brainwashing with a white dress offering the "truth". Master Charles Cannon... oh yes, really? A (Biblical) Canon is something from the old world you morons. Change your name and let's talk later.

They also mention Gerald Massey who is indeed to be found on the Wicked Whore Vicky and why would Gerald Massey be on Wikipedia when that is what Jordan Maxwell likes when in fact Wikipedia does not have (2012+) an entry for Jordan Maxwell? You understand by now also, that they work with what is called paranoia. They want you to feel you can trust nobody and your best friend might be your enemy. That is how it was and still is. Do you recall Libyan Mohammed Gadda ; one day friend next day enemy and dead. They love to operate like that so if you should ever try to become a president or work in the rotten system you know what will happen to you if you don't follow suite and follow the real rulers
- Money. Mon is Latin meaning single. Hence there is only one money. They tell you there are different national money but that too was all a lie. Only created to fool. English coins, French coins, German coins are all one and the same namely Caesar’s money or their money. Not yours. Why else would the fake royals be depicted on the coins and ancient gods or their heroes? Just THINK about it. But really you don't have to think too hard because once you understand just a little corner of this, then you can start to see it all right there in front of you. It has been around for many years and the so call NEW WORLD ORDER is just an oxymoron for the OLD WORLD ORDER moving ahead changing faces like a 5 headed spear or beast. The EURO and the US Dollar is one and the same and they are in fact the same as ¥ in Japan. Y with two stripes. Y for the cup of Eve and the US Dollar $ has one stripe. What is it with this stripe and Y and S. S is the serpent. Y is the cup or her pussy galore. So sin. But what is sinful about sex? Nothing. What is bad about a serpent/snake? Nothing. But they created a system in which you are to believe that sex and sin and serpents and symbolisms are suppose to mean something and some are bad, some are good. Make your own symbols and drop the old symbolism. If you like.

They also tell you a new world order or "new prosperity" etc. Hogwash. Look at the symbols around you. They are old ancient pagan satanic symbolism such as the ve pointed star and Paris/London are ancient cities with Egyptian symbolism and nothing is new there. The churches still stand as they did 500 years ago. The banks are still kicking better than ever. There is absolutely nothing new around for the past 4000 years and the World has been ruled by the old ancient warriors ever since. War? Why war? Because they rule with and by wars and they love war hence they are proven sick. Ill Legal. They create the law and they are ill and they are not legal as you understand it. I shall show the proof later as promised in the (perhaps) delayed next issue of Cerasius.

Mad in Nordic is gal. And le backwards is El which means God. This is how they invented words across fake borders. In their world here are no borders. They can cross them as they please hence diplomatic passports which is just to make you think they need a passport in the rst place. It is a "license" to path without any delay. So we just found that illegal is:

• Ill as in sick
• Le which is El which is God
• And gal is mad in Danish.
• Ill is also Roman numerals - you take it from here now you know how to decode their sick world.

ll God Mad - Deathtrap - aka NO THING

Illegal is then: Ill God Mad. So if we take away the Ill part we get: God Mad. When you are legal, you are God Mad. Why? Because Gal = mad in Nordic language. And if you don't believe a word of this, why do then believe a word they write in their laws? Why do you believe every word in The Bible without asking any questions what so ever? Probably because you are numbed down to vegetable state of mind or even lower to lesser than a grain of sand.

Jordan Maxwell was and is being fooled and tricked by Machiavellian "law" or "rule by law". And since the law is illegal proven though the word alone, then know your words rst. Let time be the teller of what may or may not be right or wrong. However everything right was wrong for the past 3000+ years so how do you know what is really right - today? You will know the day you get in real trouble.

You can't teach a bird to y but you can feed it. So this is food for thought and when it is too late you will know. Until then, rest in your ight and take the grain given as money so you can live a little longer. Who invented ying anyway? Man? No. Birds did. Man just copied the dynamics of a wing and voila a tin can can take of. Not even the jet engine was really invented by man - man just found it and can use metals and injected fuel to create explosions which is all invented far before man invented anything. Just like the Sun is one huge long lasting explosion only kept in check by the size of it making it able to decompress the outward explosion. Gravity keeps it from exploding until one day it has too little "matter" to keep in from expanding into an explosion. The Sun actually is exploding every minute of the day and they are called Solar ares. Some escape the Sun as jet streams as does light. But most get "trapped" back to the Sun and will create arches. However the jet engine is injected by fuel in such a way as to expand the fuel ("matter") as quick as possible and that too is seen in real nature. Just take a fart for example. That is a small explosion in itself.If you can hold back long enough you can make a real big explosion. And it might say "bang". Fun, right? This way you have your own little jet engine right in your back but it will not take you very far because it is only a very small jet engine. But some have tried to set re to it - ignite it as did my uncle. And you will the produce a ame. But be careful because it can really back re. I am only making a little fun here in a serious way to make you understand what real really is.

Solar ares are arches and Amun Ra is the god of the Sun or sun rays. Mon is Latin for single. So we get Mon Archy (name Archie) or Single Arch. Fake kings are Sun kings as per Louis XIV of France. The real Sun makes arches and rule with arches. Arches are like torches or spears thrown out by the Sun by magnetic dynamics etc. So rulers and Kings are single sun arches. Again they only copied nature. You too can copy and make your own world and perhaps that is more real than theirs. Their world in their minds are totally real. They live in their world and it is as real to them as they believe it to be. That is also why they suffer from Political Ponerology 99or worse. No word has yet been invented which describes this terror machine except the whole real Bible which is deceitful in every part from start to end. My best guess is the word for their illness is Vanity by Ishtarology 100 . But if you can come up with a better name then please do. Madness or Madmen perhaps? Darn, taken.

They will even invent or create fake person and steel other people ideas or writings and change them at will and make them their later on in time. So much of history is really based mostly on lies and half-truths and was not as you believed or were taught in school. In fact they teach real lies in school and that makes them Ill God Mad - or plainly madmen - too. The

99 http://ponerology.com/
100 http://jamesluxley.com/pages/main/Ishtarology.php

proof? I only write then word and then you can investigate that for yourself: Thyra Danebod. See if you can nd her parent or any proof she ever existed. You will nd many words but no proof. Trust me - try it and then come back and follow the evidence as it emerges. I myself can not be a "Sherlock Holmes" on 6000 years of terror by the rulers. You too must step in. Will you? Or are you just a S.P.Q.R. known to mean: Lazy Roman.

There are a very few words to ignite your imagination and one such word is: warriors. That will open doors like you never knew doors could be opened. The fruit is rotten hence the tree is sick hence the soil is bad hence the earth is rotten. But you can't imagine this because you are Okay. You have your life and it is not too bad with your apartment, house and Mercedes. Fine. Why even bother. I shall tell you why. You only have enough to support your "system"; house, car and children and no matter how much you have you always have only just enough to support that system. You never have enough to go beyond and use some of your spare resources to do your own investigation or help others in need because your system need you to feed it and their is no leftovers - even if you want to - to help others. You might be member of some charity but hey ho I have news for you. Charity is just an other word for the devil just like cerasius is. And you have to be bloody smart to know why and how that may be. Again, I leave you to investigate that too. When I say "bloody smart" you know why that phrase came around? It leads to the word warriors. You catch the ball (Baal) now and before you know it your two feet will be standing under a bridge which was just like Pontius Pilatus!! Seek that name and words and you get the drift.

If you don't want to be smarter than you are, then why bother. You are smart already but imagine you could be 10 times smarter. That is all this website and story is really about. And you can't blame me for that or at least trying, can you? I am not making you any more stupid so don't throw the rst or last stone. You are even free to leave. Forget it. It is after all only words. You know what you know until you know something else or more. You believe this or that and you know what you have and you don't have to believe a word of all of this. You may click google.com *) and go to heaven but you can also close your Facebook account and if you won't or can't it just means you are strapped. Just like it is very hard to quit smoking it is hard to leave a trap. Watch DEATHTRAP with Christopher Reeves.

*) Google is Gematria 61 which is the same as Jewish Gematria for God. And I did not make that up.

46. DEATHTRAP galore

So with DEATHTRAP we realize that the deceit is far beyond initial imagination. Jordan Maxwell is very much part of it. Again we are being mislead. He speaks all the words and he knows all his story. From where? We are told he was born Catholic and he investigated when he was young. We can all relate and we swallow it up like honey. But the red lamps, again, are ashing. The afore mentioned radio show points you to http://synchronicity.org which is what? All some nonsense and new age or brain numbing hogwash. Synchronize what? A city? Yes. In 325 CE they killed all ancient religions and they occupied the whole world. Who? Well, the rulers, those in power. Look around you; all Catholic and in fact one world government has been in place for the past, at least, 1500 years.

They killed the gods then and the nal blow is this Jordan (Biblical) Max Well who is now using Machiavellian deceit to lure people with all his friends including Wikipedia who does not write about Jordan Maxwell. Why? So you are to believe that Jordan Maxwell is speaking the truth and in posing as the "enemy" of Jordan Maxwell they make you believe he is right and he is helping humanity. The radio show (SHOW) is a Broadway show on itself. Notice how advertising is added and here they are speaking of "saving the world" and lovely music lingers and then CUT. Back again a few seconds later with friends of Jordan Maxwell. He says his battery is running out. Poor fella. He is "saving Mother Earth" and now his cell phone is running dry. But it never does. His friends on the SHOW contradicts Jordan Maxwell in saying "they are on top of it and will secure Jordan Maxwell's "life-work"". Jordan Maxwell then refers to George Carlin who many can now relate to. Bells are ringing. It is called cognitive association; you make the association that if 1+1=2 and 2+2 must be 4. However that is not the case here in this SHOW. By using such persons as their friend Jordan Maxwell, they are deliberately pointing people in the direction they want you to go. Namely afore mentioned website and slowly and surely they will have all people "choose" a new world religion. George W. Bush said it clearly: "A new world order [..] and there will be a new world order [..]" In saying this, he was speaking to his friends out there and smiling about it. How does he know in a democratic society what direction culture will take? Because he really does know. They have the whole apparatus to fool. All their freemason friends and the whole charade of human rights organization. They all set this "new world order" thing in motion and eventually there will be some type of peace once they have it all in place and replaced with their old(er) world order. It is the same world order but just packaged as new so sell it.

I have emailed the little whores and I never get any replies. I even use my real name. I am no longer deceived because I know their true intent and I know all the words and how the system operates through deceit and DEATHTRAPS.

Now you can call in the conspiracy legion. Now is the time to hail at the wolves and the sheep because you can't really know what is up and what is down. Who is enemy and who is not. But use your own real sense of intelligence and deduct one from the other and come to your own deductions. If you watch DEATHTRAP and then add a few more layers you have what they are doing and neither you or the dead people will ever know what really took place. And they laugh about it and that is how they are amused. So look around you. Do you now see the same culture everywhere and what happened in Cairo? A new "better" democracy in place of the old? No. Worse. Far worse. Just another layer added and people are still not realizing what is really going on. Morsi is just a puppet and the whole charade can begin. Notice how many bodyguards Morsi needs? And people in Cairo are still worse of. No electricity late at night etc. They are still on the street and the so called riot police (Roman Legion) is out their protecting the "kings" and "rulers". People have absolutely no idea and they go to the voting poles and the cameras are installed to monitor and from around the world so called monitors arrive to "monitor" the elections. Yes, but not that it is

awed. It is awed. But the monitors are there to make people think it is all well and doing ne and since there are monitor everything is ne. No, it is not. The elected are set up long before they enter the public scene and people vote for those you are entered onto the scene. The scene of deceit and it is all an act.

How do I know? Well, I have for 25 years been deceived in my very own inner family. They pose as Christian and they speak all the real "good" words which falls from their tongues like knives. But their fruits is inviting dubious characters who are like criminals. When they were young they were drug-addicts themselves and you feel sorry for them. However a fella named Thorbjørn Knudsen had a house where he had a church and the government, municipality, supported the project nancially. This took place in a small city in Denmark called Thisted. I went to visit his place and at rst all looked kind of Okay. He had old people living there. Yes, it was a type of older school or hotel he had gotten his hands on and could house about 15 people. They were all elderly and some had "mental" problem. One day I was sitting waiting for lunch to be served and I was sitting next to a fella who was about 45 years of age. He told me he received a pension and had an accident making him sick. I recall it was something to do with working in a chemical factory. Anyway, he complained that this Thorbjørn Knudsen took all of his pension and only left him with pennies. At rst I did not take too much notice of it.

Then a few days later, this time around 9AM. I heard the front door open and then some noise and loud speaking. I could hear Thorbjørn Knudsen and an elderly lady. A few seconds later the lady entered the room I was sitting in and she sat down somewhat shaken. She was about 70 years of age. I asked what happened. She told me Thorbjørn Knudsen had blocked the door so she could not go to church - the "normal" Folkekirken in Denmark. She was about to cry. I then realized something was wrong. I had been there for about 2 week at that time helping out doing odd jobs. I had encountered how the food given at lunch was of low quality and medicine was laying around in corners and on shelves. This was a governmental

nanced project and was blue stamped by the municipality. I went into Thorbjørn Knudsen's office and told him I was leaving and I told he was a very bad character. He sat behind his desk with arms crossed. I looked him in the eyes and did not notice any remorse what so ever. So I went up and packed my things and was out of there in 10 minutes. I was about 23 year of age at the time. I went to the station to take a train back home to my aunt whom I called and I brie y told her the story. She just said: "See you soon". She was the one who had introduced me to this odd fellow.

Home again I told the story to her in details and she just shook her head in amazement mostly. I did not take anymore notice of the whole thing until about a year later. I saw a newspaper stand (this is prior to The Internet) and there I saw his name mentioned on the front page. I grabbed a copy and read the story. The house he was occupying with the support of the government had burnt and the police was investigating if it was deliberately set on re. Scary. But that was not the real story. The story was, that he had abducted the elderly lady, previously mentioned, to a remote location and was now extorting her family for money. The story said, he had kept and locked up the elderly woman and her family was trying to rescue her but could not because he demanded money to release her. And all in the cover of Christianity. All a set up to slowly make people know that Christianity really is and was a hoax so peoples minds are slowly being altered over decades. However the police "was on top of it" and had "rescued" her. Enter DEATHTRAP.


I told my aunt about it and all she uttered was: "How do you know?". I did not take much notice but I had expected her to say: "Darn, he is bad, sorry for inviting this fella into our lives". No, she just "drank" the whole story like it was the most natural thing in the world. I have many such stories and no body would believe them.

Here he is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUPK8Po364k - he is still doing ne! The city in which the incident took place was: http://www.thisted.dk. I have tried to nd an article or notice about the police matter but sadly I can't nd any. It has probably been vacuumed out. If I see it I shall enter it here. On the YouTube video is reads: "Pastor Thorbjørn Knudsen: Fortidens skygge fulgte med" which translates to: "Pastor Thorbjørn Knudsen: Past shade came with". The case took place in Denmark but he seems to be operating out of Norway as per the video. He is working as a pastor at http://
www.rhemamisjonsmenighet.org. And you can contact the danish police in Thisted here: http://118.dk/?

47. Killing Me Softly Heinrich Himmler

σαπρόν putrescentibus - riddles here, riddles there, and riddles bloody everywhere. Quote: "America isn't a country. It's a business."
You may have heard this tune/song by Fugees (pop group) called "Killing Me Softly". In goes on like this: "Killing me softly with his song, Telling my whole life with his words" and "Strumming my pain with his ngers" and "I prayed that he would nish, But he just kept right on". What is that all about? It is about a woman being stroked on her vagina by his nger or she could be masturbating praying to stop because the nearecstasy is almost too much hence you must explode in orgasm so the relief is ful lled.
It is a song about sex, sex and sex in fact 3 times X. People love this type and it does sound a love-song at rst. And it kind of is. But the payer part is intertwined hence it is a religious song too. People just go berserk 101. Here are the full lyrics 102.
And what is that word/name FUGEES anyway. Let us split it up: it is FU + GEES and we nd a Fu in Nepal. Fu is located near Mount Everest near Tibet (Bod) and China.
Gees; is from Je+sus. The rst part of Je is capital G which phonetically is GEE adding an s making it Je+Su+s. Gees = Jesus. So we have it that Fugees is Fu (small city) in the Himalayas and God as per Jesus as per GEES. Might I mention Bee Gees? 3 brothers (Father, Son and the Holi Spirit). 3 is an esoteric number and very important in Christianity!
Did you know, that haven is himmel in Danish. We also have a Heinrich Himmler with reference to the heaven hence he was a god or a demi god. Himalayas is where they believed to have found God because the tallest mountain on Earth is located there. So we get Him. That is as in His, He. Him is God. Him is a man. And where is Him? In heaven. That is why the Nordic word for heaven or sky is himmel or himlen. In that word alone we nd El for God. The exact same derived as per Himmler. In Nordic you can say: himler for the heavens (more than one). And in Nordic himmel there are 2 m's. Himmler is therefor connected by name to Himalaya, to Tibet (Ti is 10 in Nordic), and to the heavens and to God because God is in Heaven and was on Earth via Jesus or FUGEES.
This, again, is empirical proof of the origin of Heinrich Himmler all made up to suite their sick warrior world. The love war and have ruled by and with war for millennial.
Elohim is subsidiarily the Hebrew name for God. In that word we get: El, o and him. God O Heaven. Or plainly God(s). O is greater O or Omega. םיִ֔הלֱֹא is Elohim in Hebrew. if we break up the word a little different we get: םי ִ֔הלֱֹא which is: God of Sea. So we the Holy See. And See is really ocean or the actual sea. To see. Yes, can you see the ocean obscured by

101 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpNdMIAnKko
102 http://www.metrolyrics.com/killing-me-softly-lyrics-the-fugees.html

water? (Not in the womb-man hidden behind her arch which is good or else the water would break.). In Nordic language at se is to see. Se=See. In Nordic the ocean or sea is havet. The last part of that word is et meaning one. There is only one sea and what is that sea called? Holy See!!!

This is why the bigger and most of the Scandinavian countries especially Denmark (Pigmark) was spared any war because the Nordic connects and are in family with and are the father of all/most royal houses of Europe with King Christian IX as its "father in law". You don't occupy or kill your family or your bloodline. That is why the king could ride his horse freely and people believed he was showing that he was sovereign and had power. Hoax. He could ride his horse openly because he and his family were the reason why Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler got there in the rst place.

Heinrich Himmler is a little more if we dig deeper. Hein + Rich. Ein is German for one. H is as per HRH (His/Her Royal Highness) and Rich because they are immensely rich and. So let us take the whole name and nothing but the name Heinrich Himmler:

H (Highness)
ein; German for one and in Nordic one is en. (i is for Ishtar if you like but that is just an extra bonus)

Himm: Heaven with reference to Himalayas and Elohim meaning God.
ler: is Nordic for laugh. And le is Arabic God.
Not even God could have made every single part of Heinrich Himmler t like that. Made

in Heaven? Sure. You/we/I am in Heaven on Earth which is located in The Universe which is in Heaven (in space) in the sky above as above so below. You are in Heaven and the nal proof is in a name: Heinrich Himmler. By now you may salute and sing the song "Killing Me Softly with his words" as a salute to Adolf Hitler. Plus the fact that it is a song about being very near orgasm which is almost painful and the nger is doing what in The Creation of Adam? God wants a man because many caesars were homosexuals also. Nothing wrong in that. It is nature calling. But by deceit they have introduced the Mormons and they " ght" homosexuality and the ght is all a scam - a deceit to make you believe there is someone hating homosexuality when in fact homo = human and sex is natural. Homo Sapiens = humans. Sexual is human. Ergo in the word alone Homosexual it is natural. But they twisted the word knowing it was what they have done then and still do. Just like Edward Heath was a homo but he took it a step too far and his boys were murdered and thrown over board after "dinner". This way the upper echelon had a hook on Edward and he would say and do as they wanted. And he did. It all connect to cardinals (Vatican), BBC, Royals etc.

Read http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2012/02/bbcs-jimmy-savile-and-child-abusecover.html and http://www.davidicke.com/articles/child-abuse-mainmenu-74/79139-thebritish-establishment--paedophiles-everywhere

And listen here: Edward Heath & Others Exposed by Barrister Michael Shrimpton 103 . And you will nd that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Shrimpton is deleted. And that is proof of what? I think you know by now hence the Wicked Whore Vicky aka Ishtar with her

ve pointed star also used for stars.

I don't know if Fugees have a star of Hollywood Boulevard but when you pay a ticket and like and "hail" Fugees and their song "Killing me softly..." you are in fact saluting Adolf Hitler and child killings.
• Related: Killing Them Softly (movie 2012)
• Tic, tic, tic... ACT OF JUSTICE = ACT OF WAR
• Five pointed stars everywhere. See star ymedia.dk

103 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XU8fMVwbDU

If you read this chapter, I advise you really not to. It is too much, really. I would rather have dumped it but since I wrote then here it is. It is a SPOILER alert or just a plain WARNING.
But you can take it so here we go... They really are mad. Some time ago, a little over a year ago, before I started investigating, I was playing LOTTO on a Danish website called danske-spil.dk. My wife and I realized it was all a hoax and at will they can make winners and looser. Proof? Not really but we just shut down the account and many people are writing about how curious it is that their system is awed. At one point prior realizing the whole hoax, I did subscribe to something called the Morning Chance where one could win stuff. Nice, right? I still receive emails from them with offers. After that I tried to unsubscribe so what can you do.
Even luck is not an accident - it happens because someone in command said luck should or should not happen. Not only in games but in life too.
On the 13th of February 2013 I received such an email. And it starts: "Tic, tic tic, the time is running up...". I had a few other emails a few days earlier but they all land in the SPAM folder and I don't really take much notice. However this one caught my eye. It was "signed" by the name Victoria. Now, since I have been investigating Victoria through Vicky through Ishtar related to Wiki related to Wikipedia I know what Victoria is. It is the name for the warrior goddess cognate to Ishtar.
(Now that I look back at this knowing what I know now, time is indeed running up - for them in governments and beyond. Even for The Vatican. Was I sent a message to tell me something more than a threat?).
Insert note: Since I actually found some leads to Match xing and many other people

led a police report. Not a word. Not even; "thank you" or "we have were curious I actually led your case." Nada. But what caught my eye was, that they asked for questions to

info@star ymedia.dk. Star! Five pointed star, right? So I went to that be directed to website: http://

star ymedia.dk and what did I see. I saw the ve pointed star and I have downloaded the whole charade of a website and an image: See it here:
http://cerasius.com/websites/star ymedia.dk and as a screenshot here:
http://cerasius.site/star ymedia_2013_feb.jpg

The IP number of star ymedia.dk is (Feb 18 2013) and is owned by SiteVision ApS. ApS is cognate to a share holder company. And they have a website: http:// www.sitevision.dk

The domain name: morgen-chancen.dk takes us to which is the same as star ymedia.dk. So morgen-chancen.dk and star ymedia.dk are the same.
web01.sitevision.dk is
morgen-chancen.dk point to: web02.star ymedia.dk is
star ymedia.dk is: web02.star ymedia.dk
And more importantly; SiteVision ApS is the owner of the IP and domain names mentioned. See whois: http://whois.net/ip-address-lookup/
They all use the server address web0x hence sitevision may be the same as star ymedia.dk. Please see what they write on their entry page in the image on the right.
If you expose the lies and the proof of their deceit, not only here but in every corner, which this website is about, you will get such emails from time to time. I had many such email before and a few pointed to Australia to an investigating company. The hoax (read: threat because posing as an entity you are not is illegal and can be considered a threat) came from a woman naming herself: Pamela Sue Taylor:


and she is here too: https://twitter.com/PamelaSueTaylor. Notice the camera and then obscured in the background it reads: PANORAMIC investigations & security. See screenshot here:


And copy of the twitter website account here: /websites/twitter.com/PamelaSueTaylor. We then nd: http://www.pamoramicinvestigationsandsecurity.com and a similar here: http://www.panoramicinvestigations.com

Taylor, Pamela
PO Box 14173
Mount Sheridan, QLD 4868 AU

Domain Name: PAMORAMICINVESTIGATIONSANDSECURITY.COM - we look it up http:// whois.net/whois/pamoramicinvestigationsandsecurity.com and the same address pops up here:

Taylor, Pamela pamelasuetaylor@gmail.com PO Box 14173
Mount Sheridan, QLD 4868

http://whois.net/whois/pamelasuetaylor.com so pamelasuetaylor.com and pamoramicinvestigationsandsecurity.com are the same. We also nd her at http:// au.linkedin.com/pub/dir/Pamela/Taylor - screenshot here:

This is a "woman" working for human rights and justice. Well, let us see an conversation she had on Facebook:

had on Facebook:

She tells us the is a co-govenor [sic] at Amnesty international here in this screenshot from 2012 from Facebook:
2012 from Facebook:
And we then see that the same "woman" working and owning a security company. And her latest website layout has the ve pointed star:
and mentions a project Venus (Ishtar, and cognate to Victoria). However her earlier website had a rather threatening sounding to it:

Okay, so she is a co-governor at Amnesty International. However she did spell it wrong as convernor! That is because there are no such word to be found at amnesty.org (cogovernor). Are there any governor at Amnesty International? If not, you can't be a cogovernor recalling the wrong spelling. Under our people:

we see Secretary General and Senior Directors.

Are we not told there is no justice? So why promote (in yellow) justice to overcome poverty?
STOP. That is not what it really is saying. Take a very close look at where the punctuation are entered. And the whole thing is entered in quotation marks and the last part in yellow. Let's divide it up into real pieces of information...
A governor is a governing official, usually the executive (at least nominally, to different degrees also politically and administratively) of a non-sovereign level of government, ranking under the head of state. In federations, a governor may be the title of each appointed or elected politician who governs a constituent state. Hence since Amnesty International is not officially a government, there can be no governors.
Would you like this security "company" pamoramicinvestigationsandsecurity.com


working for you regarding any matters secure? I followed the whole thing right down to the nitty-gritty part and I even found the nal proof that Amnesty International is a hoax company all in itself. It relates to their 50th anniversary video 104 . You will see another important video here which is the proof 105 . This video is related to semantics and words. Now you need to watch a few times over and over again before you really spot it. I want you to take it to a sane professor not working for any government who is a free person and then go over the phrases again and again and read what the video/animation/words are really saying. It is proof - I tell you - that Amnesty International through words and semantics and linguistics is a terror organization. I would personally be willing to take this video to any court and then pull it apart word by word and then present real evidence. But they will never allow that. One such example you can see in the image on the right. There are many (worse) in the same video. See if you can spot them. I will help you a little bit here with the phrase you see on the right image:

POVERTY IS NOT NATURAL. We read: "Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more." Proverbs 31:7. This is from God himself in The Bible. In Gods words we also read: 1 Samuel 2:7: "The LORD sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and he exalts.". So god gives poverty and since God is the LORD it is natural. So this is there rst lie. God makes everything according to the fake Bible hence also poverty as we are told here. Since everything created by God is per say absolutely natural (as per The Bible adopted by every government) Amnesty International got it wrong in the rst phrase. And we read in Proverbs 20:13: "Love not sleep, lest you come to poverty; open your eyes, and you shall be satis ed with bread." hence sleeping, which is natural, make you poor with poverty. Hence poverty is 100% NATURAL if you sleep.

IT IS MAN-MADE. Poverty is when you have less than your basic needs. The state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor. So here Amnesty is right, because if you sleep, which is natural, you will end up in poverty and since mans sleeps, designed by God, God makes poverty not man. God made people sleep usually at night time and it is the most natural thing in the world. In fact you sleep about 1/3 of your life. But sleeping is metaphorically speaking. Not sleep as in Zzz deep sleep but in awaken sleep. If you don't know nothing or are stupid with no education and you don't know how the world operates through deceit - you are sleeping - metaphorically.

104 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9pZ3dorFEo&list=PLA5E8FB4DE5BFD4DD
105 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Rkfz6z9duo

So again we nd Amnesty is lying and speaking the truth but was JUSTIE not about the truth and nothing but the truth? Not in this case. Man, the rulers, make poverty because they give drink/wine to people to forget their sorrows. Proof? Alcohol consumption and taxation and the ownership of breweries by big corp. whom you can follow to the top echelon of society. They still ll you with beer/wine to make you forget. So who really creates poverty? Man. And what men? Governments. Since governments govern and are in full control they they are the cause or reason for any poverty. Otherwise they are not governors or presidents. They have full responsibility for anything that goes on. That is why they were put in the position they are in; to rule and govern.

IT CAN BE OVERCOME. Sure, but when?
ERADICATED BY HUMAN BEINGS by Homo Sapiens. Did we not learn, that only God can eradicate and in fact is in control of everything? Among other places we read: Judges 20:13: "Hand over the perverted men in Gibeah so we can put them to death and eradicate evil from Israel." But the Benjaminites would not obey their fellow Israelites.". This is from the Book of Judges. The law book, the justice book. Heavy stuff and it is only from the Old Testament which they don't really rule with anymore but only The New Testament So if only HUMAN BEINGS can ERADICATE might it not be because men is sleeping that it has not happened that poverty is removed. Since human beings are to be found both in governments and in Amnesty International then why have they not overcome it for more than 2000 years (Bible) and ERADICATED it by HUMAN BEINGS by now? They are referring not to them, as human beings but to you. They are Gods, recall Caesar as demi god and Herods and all there gods and goddesses and not even God has ERADICATED poverty.
Then they break the quote with an empty line and that is syntactically and semantically very important. Let me take the next ones:
OVERCOMING POVERTY IS NOT A GESTURE OF CHARITY. The word "charity" entered the English language through the Old French word "charité" which was derived from the Latin "caritas". This is also a cherry and from cherries they make the Laurel wreath. The Laurel was made from the leafs of Prunus laurocerasus which is a cherry tree hence the word CHARITY has its roots in Cerasus which is a cherry. So the laurel prunus (cherry) leaves were uses as a crown to Caesar and Roman Empire ruled with terror hence the laurel wreath made from cherry leaves are pseudonym with pure evil though wars and terror. Cherry in French is cerise. My dear is Mon cher. So dear and cherry are in quintessence the same. No, they are the same. Cherries are sweet as is the one you love etc.. The Laurel wreath is made from the leaves of the tree that produces cherries which was suppose to be nice. So CHARITY is nice? Wrong! CHARITY is poor evil through the Laurel wreath carried by Caesar and today carried by United Nations. So Amnesty International speaks the truth here. However you understand CHARITY as being something good. it is not. Hence POVERTY can not be overcome by evil. That is what they tell you. And since United Nations carry the Laurel wreath which is symbolic to evil though Roman Empire, Holy Roman Empire and now United Nations neither United Nations nor Amnesty International, whom they work closely with, can overcome POVERY with a GESTURE of CHARITY because they are the CHARITY and they have not and will not ERADICATE POVERY because poverty is God given and since governments have adopted the Bible they only do what the Bible tell them and since The Bible was invented by MAN by Constantine I and other in The Roman Empire they are the evil not wanting to use their Laurel wreath (read CHARITY) to ERADICATE POVERTY.
IT IS AN ACT OF JUSTICE. We read: justice (n.) mid-12c., "the exercise of authority in vindication of right by assigning reward or punishment;" also "quality of being fair and just," from Old French justice "justice, legal rights, jurisdiction" (11c.), from Latin iustitia "righteousness, equity," from iustus "upright, just" (see just (adj.)). The Old French word had widespread senses, including "uprightness, equity, vindication of right, court of justice, judge." The word began to be used in English c.1200 as a title for a judicial officer. Meaning "right order, equity" is late 14c. Justice of the peace rst attested early 14c. In the Mercian hymns, Latin iustitia is glossed by Old English rehtwisnisse (“righteousness”). To do justice to (someone or something) "render fully and fairly showing due appreciation" is from 1670s." http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=justice - Vindication (n.) late 15c., "act of avenging, revenge," from Latin vindicationem (nom. vindicatio) "act of claiming or avenging," from vindicare "to set free, lay claim to, assert, avenge" (related to vindicta "revenge"), probably from vim dicare "to show authority," from vim, accusative of vis "force" + root of dicere "to say" (see diction). Meaning "justi cation by proof, defense against censure" is attested from 1640s. Reward OR punishment. So justice is punishment as well as reward. So though JUSTICE POVERY can be OVERCOME. Wrong. In the earlier sentence they said ERADICATED BY HUMAN BEINGS. JUSTICE and HUMAN BEINGS are not the same. So rst Amnesty International tells us it can be ERADICATED by HUMAN BEING (who are not JUSTICE).

Danish word nisse is Santa Claus.

This is where you need to keep your brain alert. Notice the punctuation and the last sentence IT IS AN ACT OF JUSTICE is standing alone on a line on itself. It is separated from the rest and is through syntax related to the rst sentence. Let me spell it out for you:

That is how you can read it. Semantically it is not wrong. They enter the last sentence and it belongs to any prior sentence. It stand alone so is not connected to any speci c sentence but all or any. This is the real proof that POVERTY IS AN ACT OF JUSTICE. You have to read it a few times over and then take it to any professor in linguistics and I am 100% sure he/she will come to the same conclusion. Now, had Governments and more importantly Amnesty International done anything to ERADICATE POVERTY for the past many years and did Roman Empire? No, absolutely not. What is why they are illegitimate and not doing their work except what they wrote to do in The Bible namely given beer and alcohol (and drugs) to people in poverty so people would forget their suffering. Or we should actually break the verse where the punctuations are like this:


Poverty is an ACT of JUSTICE. So JUSTICE using an ACT makes IT; POWERTY. What is an ACT? We read:
act (n.) late 14c., "a thing done," from Old French acte "(official) document," and directly from Latin actus "a doing, a driving, impulse; a part in a play, act," and actum "a thing done," originally a legal term, both from agere "to do, set in motion, drive, urge, chase, stir up," from PIE root *ag- "to drive, draw out or forth, move" (cf. Greek agein "to lead, guide, drive, carry off," agon "assembly, contest in the games," agogos "leader;" Sanskrit ajati "drives," ajirah "moving, active;" Old Norse aka "to drive;" Middle Irish ag "battle").
Theatrical ("part of a play," 1510s) and legislative (early 15c.) senses of the word also were in Latin. Meaning "display of exaggerated behavior" is from 1928. In the act "in the process" is from 1590s, perhaps originally from the 16c. sense of the act as "sexual intercourse." Act of God "uncontrollable natural force" recorded by 1726.
An act of God is an accident which arises from a cause which operates without interference or aid from man (1 Pars. on Cont. 635); the loss arising wherefrom cannot be guarded against by the ordinary exertions of human skill and prudence so as to prevent its effect. [William Wait, "General Principles of the Law," Albany, 1879] 106. So it is:
acte; to act. Act it out. Act in a play. Pretend to be.
Uncontrollable natural force, earthquake, sunami etc.
The term ACT encompasses not only physical acts - such as turning on the water or purchasing a gun - but also refers to more intangible acts such as adopting a decree, edict, law, judgment, award, or determination. An act may be a private act, done by an individual managing his or her personal affairs, or it may be a public act, done by an official, a council, or a court. When a bill is favorably acted upon in the process of legislation, it becomes an act:
An ACT is therefor not a piece of law. It is acting upon something or acting it out as an actor. Act of Justice: Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and the Law of War107tells us: "Lincoln pointed to the international laws and usages of war as the legal basis for his Proclamation". So his ACT OF JUSTICE was a war declaration. ACT OF JUSTICE = ACT OF WAR.
What was his name again? Abraham Lincoln. Abraham (biblical) claimed the right to Israel.
God calls Abraham to leave his land, family and household in Mesopotamia in return for a new land, family and inheritance in Canaan, the promised land; threats to the covenant arise (difficulties in producing an heir, the threat of bondage in Egypt, of lack of fear of God); but all are overcome and the covenant is established.
Canaan was located where we today nd Israel or part thereof. However Abraham sees Three Angels and what would be considered insanity today if you told your doctor and you ACTED upon what these angels did and said. If 3 angles told me, that USA is my land and I wrote of on a piece of paper - do you think anybody would take that serious? Hardly. In fact they would call me insane. So I won't, Okay! You can write anything if you have the power to do so so via ACTs in law and ACTs in JUSTICE and ACTS of DECEIT they will and can do what they like. As long as you have full power you can invent the word as you want and if people won't listen or obey we just pull out Romans 13:3: "For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong." And what wrong is that? It is simply if you do not agree with the authority as in Romans 13:1-2. "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities,". All given by God. But in the same Bible a man hears voices and sees angels and that is sick if you do that, right? Well, not to those in power. They hear all kinds of voices and can write what they want as per Amnesty International.
Then there was something about fruits, besides cherries, in The Bible. Luke 6:43 reads: ""A good tree doesn't produce rotten fruit, and a rotten tree doesn't produce good fruit.". And Amnesty International have what fruits? They can show a few examples here and there - as they do- but those "saved" you will notice are patsies or part of or member of the "Royal family" as per Aung San Suu Kyi receiving "Laurels" from the enemy she was ghting for decades. It is called: "Sleeping with the Enemy" (movie) and if you realize you are sleeping with the enemy you don't go back there or receive Laurels from the one who killed your

106 http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=act (parts of this website does have its words right all depending but make sure you do your own lookups and cross-check everything)
107 http://www.amazon.com/Act-Justice-Burrus-M-Carnahan/dp/B0044KMQI6

country, do you? But reality is not a movie, right? The whole "Burma" case has been going on for decade and Aung San Suu Kyi had a visit from President Obama in late 2012 instituting banks, McDonald’s and other old businesses of the royal clans and she is in on it. inviting all the enemies to celebrate the victory by Victoria the warrior bitch cognate to Ishtar.

And what happened to the fruit? Well, it keeps decaying and is ever lasting turning rotten because Rot is old word for King and hence there really "is something rotten in the state" because the rot is a king/queen and all the henchmen. Most people don't have time to investigate and you live in a swamp of lights ashing on and off. Can you see or are you blind. If your stepmother consistently beats you and you turn rotten was she then not rotten? However she too was perhaps unfortunate and unhappy and the circle never stops until one day all in your family is dead and that bloodline is eliminated. The only, and the ONLY, reason why they have not destroyed HOMO SAPIENS yet, is because they need slaves. So you think Amnesty International really is allowed to eliminate governments terror when you can't even demonstrate peacefully on the streets? Have you tried speaking of JUSTICE? Amnesty International gets full coverage whenever they want but you don't. And those who are freed (if they were ever really in prison) eventually end up taking the enemy's bait - money, fame and fortune:


Posing behind an acronym as when you write a book is normal. And nobody gets hurt. They do it in Hollywood. However if you pose as someone as a legal entity (company), whom you are not, then it is illegal and can give up to 15 years in prison. If you write you are a cogovernor of Amnesty International (incl. the spelling mistake) you are making people believe you are someone who you are not working for Amnesty International when you are not. If a gaming company is making match xing and the governments owns part of the company an inquiry should take place. We are talking millions of Dollars each week and the state cashes in on about 10%-20% (I don't have the exact gure as I write) of all the incoming bets in tax etc. The police did not care. I was in my old belief, that preventing crime was better and you were supposed to inform the authorities but hey - why do that? They don't care. So why bother next time around. That is also why people are murdered and imprisoned using PREJUDICE and political imprisonment and many are jailed for crimes not committed by them usually framed. Which is easy if you can pay someone to do the dirty work. And they do. They just start the printers and print n-million Dollars. If the law only counts for them and not for the rest of us, then you are lawless. Going to any news outlet or human rights organization is meaningless. I tried. No reply from anyone. That was related to a case where the police was framing me and I tried to nd a way out. Not one reply from any of the organization I wrote including UNESCO as last resort. Not even a reply saying: "Sorry, we are busy" or similar. Total silencio. Listen, the law is only paper. The courts are just brick houses. The guards are only paid to do their job because they know not what they do. The real crimes go scot-free. Did we not witness that during 2008 with the bank crisis? But wait, there was no real crisis. it was all pre planned month and years ahead or even with the ick of a button. Greece, they say, is in deep shit. No! people are the same. But God, the money, vanished form the streets and the river ow was stopped. Why? Let us look into that for a few minutes.

Punish the people when they revolt and then shut down the money supply. It is called terror through fear as per Romans 13:3 still in effect this very day.
Alexandros Grigoropoulos was an eater. That is how the banks feel. The police is the protectors of criminals proven now with this book.

Alexandros Grigoropoulos was killed by the Greek police in 2008 which made the banks shut down the money ow so people suffered as per Romans 13:3.
Title 18, Part I, Chapter 47, Section 1028 of the U.S. Code covers identity fraud and related activity. A conviction for identity fraud carries, in addition to a ne, as much as 15 years in prison - 20 years if related to drug trafficking or a crime of violence. Identity fraud committed in connection with domestic or international terrorism can result in up to 30 years in prison.
I believe the same style of law is provided in many countries. However not applied here! And if contacting Interpol or any police they would just drop the case. Nice to know. So why pay taxes?
Alexandros Grigoropoulos Αλέξανδρος Γρηγορόπουλος
He was a 15 year old boy who was brutally killed by the police in Athens in 2008 during the 2008 Greek riots (riots!!! is the totally wrong word to use anyway). After that incident people took to the street in further demonstrating. Little did it help. because shortly after the money was shut down as punishment to a whole people. That is how they do it. If you are "bad" they can turn of the ow of money and visa versa. In Denmark people are still too stupid to realize what is really going on so they are in relative peace. So they killed a boy and people knew it was unlawful killing so the protested and in retaliation the money ow was shut down from the big banks in real control and the government could just stand by watching a whole country going down the drains.
Album, Google Art Project, Vicky, Common (purpose), Government
The Creation of Adam by Mich El Angelo. What goes up must come down just like an erect phallus. Even a Dog can only bark so long.
According to Google Art Project, art is protected, and people can't download the work except one can watch it at: googleartproject.com which is nice. But Wikimedia Commons can. And from there Wikipedia pulls their image base. Google works with the government 108which is also kind of nice now they are billionaires already. How about inviting someone else?
Oh no, no outsiders here please. Wikimedia Commons asks for donations (money we suspect and not rise and noodles?) but have access to Google Art Project's full collection of images. So a deal was set up one must expect. Good to have the right friends. It is a small, a very small, world after all.
Copyright on art older than a certain age (70-100 years?) is no longer copyrighted depending on your local laws. This is also why it is perfectly

So they talk of homosexuality being good or bad. Why do you bother as long as they don’t kill you?

You want freedom to do your thing and don’t accept people fucking with your life. Then why interfere with theirs?

Probably because you don’t know you are being mind controlled through politics and religion.

legal to copy a Rembrandt as long as you don't try to sell it as an original. Well, if it's an original copy it is okay to sell it as that. Go for it. And see the little missy named Venus as The Birth of Venus (Botticelli) 109and recall that Venus is also Victoria who is also seen as Statue of Liberty and she was known as a whore in ancient times also known as Semiramis.

Danish: mis = cat = pussy. Match made. Semi = half. Ra = Amun Ra and Mis = pussy. So we get: Semi Ra Mis. That could translate to: Half Sun God/Pussy. And Venus was known at the time as a star however not as big as the Sun. This is also why we have a Pussy Galore in Gold nger. And Gold minus l = God. Again a match made.

And Gold Mine? Well, Gold = God we just learned. Why? We have the Egyptian God Min and since God = Gold we get Gold Mine. Who's gold is it? The kings because Min was a God and a God is a King. Even Jesus said that! So it says. God Min = Gold Mine. It is a secret code. The gold is not yours. And the God Min wants sacri ces too hence we get Lonmin mine massacre [guardian.co.uk] 110 where later the court used a so called Common Purpose law, from the Apartheid era, making the victim the guilty. Know about Common Purpose at YouTube111. However it was/is a platinum mine (Lonmin) but we are speaking the same language, right? So is Apartheid over? Oh no it is not. Apartheid is living better and stronger than ever before through deceit using patsies or fake "royals" such as Desmon Tutu and Nelson Mandela latter being member of Order of Malta and all!!! Hey, is that not Pigmark's

ag we see here? Sure it is and they call it their Trademark.
God's nger we nd in painting The Creation of Adam and Pussy Galore says she is not married but is lesbian? She has lots of pussies around her. So Gold nger is an acronym for

108 http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/inside-white-house/google-art
109 http://cerasius.com/wiki/The_Birth_of_Venus_(Botticelli)

110 http://www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/poverty-matters/2012/aug/29/south-africalonmin-mine-massacre-nationalisation
111 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YY0Q28ooJco

God Finger which is a reference to this painting by Michelangelo; Mich El Angelo. The pointed nger we nd in other art and it points up. A reference to phallus. Was God a homosexual? Well, rulers and kings were often just that. During The Rome Empire, which really never ended, they had sex with whatever and many times among boys and men as we see in sculpture depicting Apollo and other young boys and mens art commissioned by men all for the good - sorry, God - cause.

They say bigger is better or is better just bigger? You decide. The Gold Finger can also be the ring on your nger when you are married. It is known as Saturn's Ring and Saturn is the planet of Hell as per Astaroth. Again - hole in one.

Let us not forget, that making an album in the pop music world is really making a God Bum. Al Bum. Two words. Al is Arabic for God. And bum, well, lower class. One day you will be happy the musak stops even the so called re ned. When you are already you are really God Ready. This is in the type and style English slowly was invented to keep secret codes. Seriously? Well, Gold nger was a match so why not.

We shall see PAM later.

48. Greece

By now, we realize that lord is also lard. So who told us that? It is perhaps lard but is really Greece (Ελλάδα). Also Hellas. Recall Rihanna singing “Ella, Ella”

I need to speak and tell you this rst: I have respect for normal people also of Greece. In fact I want to dedicate this Chapter to Alexandros Grigoropoulos Αλέξανδρος Γρηγορόπουλος who was murdered in ice cold blood by the government and police

and their God. All done to punish people as per Romans 13:1-3 because the Greek people were very bad as per Romans 13:1-3 and them they terrorize. I can’t help thinking I am bad” by Michael Jackson. He too got a very short life in hell.

Hell in Greek is κόλαση (phonetically: colossee) and so all we need to add is “um”. Hell is also known as noun; Gehenna spelled γεένα. Notice ένα.

In the Hebrew Bible, the site was initially where apostate Israelites and followers of various Ba'als and Caananite gods, including Moloch, sacrificed their children by fire (2 Chr. 28:3, 33:6). Thereafter it was deemed to be cursed Jer. 7:31, 19:2-6).

From Wikipedia112. It is Hell, right? Recall Pyramids? Pyra was a pile of shit or a pile of wood to burn offerings. Pyre = re we might say and so pyramids is nothing more allegorical that a PILE OF SHIT TO SACRIFICE something. What?

Everything as we know it today from children LOST to Alexandros Grigoropoulos murdered and the list goes on and on.

Above is from Wikipedia and they even (!) got parts of their entry wrong. We all make mistakes but some more than others. Wikipedia writes:
this article has been interpreted as analogous to the concept of "Hell"

Interpreted! You morons. It is empirically Hell through words. I am beginning to see a pattern here - you too? Wikipedia simply gets it wrong too many times. But we know why because Encyclopedias are suppose to do that - LIE and then tell some TRUTH so the LIES are swallowed.

112 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gehenna and 2012 version at cerasius.com/wiki/Gehenna

Matthews 18:9 mentions the word in Greek as γέενναν (geennan (Gehenna)) which is translated as Hell. In the same verse we nd the word πυρός (pyros) translated as re. Fire is related to Hell. That is why they carry a ame or torch at the Olympics to symbolize they are in power and will burn a re as Hell.

Recall Hell in Greek is κόλαση (phonetically: colossee) and is cognate to Colosseum. Ergo Hell is a Colosseum and today the Colosseum is colossal arena or stadiums or plainly Colosseums in which they have sports and the best get Chrysis or Greek Gold: χρυσός (Chrysos) and notice the χρ as the Chi Rho the symbol of God and Windows XP. A window can be a cross in four squares and the center is a plus-sign.

If you follow one symbol they all connect. We got from Greece to Hell to Gehenna to Child Sacri ce to ένα. Circle complete. Eve or Eva is Hell. Very simple explanation is, that in Hell we have El which is Hebrew לא (letters; Aleph, Lamed) for God. This is Arabic Al. So the same. The Greek God, The Hebrew God, The Arabic God (God in The Bible) is the same. It is the ZON as we explore in this book.

The noun for לא is power. Hang on. The word לא translated to El from Yiddish. From Hebrew it translated to: To, Towards, Into. To is cognate to Two (II). Into what? Into Eva naturally. The God is symbolized as an obelisk towards the Sun as a phallus symbol and Eva is a woman and what do those II people do? They can have sex one into the other. Eva is also just a wave, arch, hence it can be a man and a man or a woman and a woman. Commander In Chief they also call it. The one in command is the one in control and the chief is the thief stealing whatever comes into him/her. A play of words but they are science because it is linguistics.

49. Ra Pha El

Me Tart as metart.com a word coining art and galore.
After football and sports, sex is the most visited on Earth. But what is metart.com. It is "Me Tart" and you will notice the names of the models and some photographers names that they all relate to Ancient Roman and Greek goddesses and gods.
How is it possible? You pay and they pose for the good cause. Tart is a whore. It really has nothing to do with art to take a few badly shot photos. In fact you can get it all for free if you sign up to it's affiliate program. So why charge money?
It is all made to fake and deceive and lure the people of the planet into believing in these lovely ladies being more than human meanwhile (depicted with angels wings) governments tries via common purpose to introduce rock, sex and drugs and more sex (because it rimes with X) with your own family too according to Danish news outlets. Introduced through kindergarten. Yes, that word is a funny word, right? Kinder Garden! Kindred Spirit? What garden? Eden? Garten is garden in German. Kinder is children. Do I need to say Kinder Egg by Ferrero.
MetArt = Me Tart (http://metart.com). It is a hidden word and people read it but are deliberately fooled and brainwashed only through very simple words. Don't take this word for granted. Investigate it yourself and ask the questions you never believed existed. The girl above is depicted with wings and is Ishtar, an owl or Victoria the warrior meanwhile that is exactly what the little lady does; fools you and makes you dream and forget the credit card is expiring because of high interests you can't pay etc. etc.. See it and forget it and demand some sense in this world. Using nudity as a weapon is really smart. That is what Chrysis, the little whore, did in Ancient Manners113.
Met is also Dutch for with. Is also in Greek (noun) εγώ for I. The letter I in the Phoenician alphabet was the symbol of an arm in Egyptian hieroglyphs. We know Adolf Hitler liked to raise his arm. Now you know why. It is in part a salute to Isis the winged goddess. In Greek it is Iota. Does iPad, iMac and iPhone make sense now?
Yes, it is Amun Ra, Pharaoh and El for God. Raphael and his angles were nothing more that winged prostitutes. He was an invented artist for the occasion. The paintings themselves were most likely done my artisans or at least skilled workers (whom you will never know the name of ) paid by The Holy See. Raphael probably is just a rich "kings" son and they made him an artist and a "god" to be remembered. All Raphael's paintings, just as many of Rembrandt's, never were touch by their hands - are in fact done by low paid skilled

Yesterday it was Leonardo Da Vinci and Raphael. Today art as pussy galore is depicted as above. Same story and same pictures. Today it is just portrayed via a digital lens and not the paintbrush with oil and canvas. Same thing. As above so below. Nothing has changed for 2000 years.

113 http://jamesluxley.com/ancientmanners/ workers. Rembrandt was member of the Guild (golden, masons). And he painted them too114. A Guild is a kind of secret society; masonic in essence.

So it is today. Britney Spears!? Spears as in a spear as in lance? Britney = Britain or? Names and words. But when she realized the trick to fool her from very young did she turn sour and sad? Sure. When you realize your whole life was made before you could even speak or walk or talk, you understand you are really not all that free. It can go only two ways 1) good or 2) evil. Elvis Priestly [sic] and Michael Jackson are two other examples. And Hollie Steel? Same again. They call it entertainment when in fact it is all based on utter lies. And that is why they have muses! And once you know this(s) hit, and open your eyes, you will know it is all rotten to the core just like bacteria culture rots away everything unless you kill the germ rst. There is basically only one bad and it is called terrorism and the terrorists are the governments. Proof? Read The Whole Lie Bible. It really is all nothing but asses and cocks: XXXYYY.

The trick is now to understand the underlying meaning. Through esoteric freemasons the word is out: "the secret is, there is no secret" (quote from Jonathan Black's book). It is all bullshit, dog shit and whatever comes out of the rear end of royals and and presidents. Just like it comes out of you too. It is what we call nature. But they killed nature too and will try hard to do so the next few hundred years until the whole world is in tight chains and you can't move an inch without them knowing about it. A GPS chip implant or similar? Sure, whatever it takes. Google is "inventing" some type of glasses you can wear and a camera is build in so you can connect to your CIA Facebook account and Tweet nonsense and meanwhile the camera uploads every move you and your fellow friends make. Friends (television)? Hah, the series that ran too long, right? And were they real friend or more like enemies in that stupid series just like M*A*S*H was hailing war made by them.


The Metropolitan Museum of Art The Metropolitan Opera Most Erotic Teens

METRO is μέτρο means measure, meter.

We are told Poli115 means city. I did a translation and found pole. Now recall how language moves and many nationalities moved to USA also from Holland. I think the word MET is Dutch hidden as METRO. METRO is actually two words MET+RO. Let me take MET rst. It means with, by, on, against and cum.

So if we have: MET RO POLE. Lets put them into a table:
Cum Roe Dick & Stick
114 http://grandearte.net/rembrandt/syndics-cloth-guild
115 So we want more illness as Polio then because Police is good. Could there be a hidden meaning in the word poli. Czech poli means THE and ice is literally ICE.
Sperm Fish roe or the egg of the Police have a baton woman.
City in Greece called Ro

POLE The police have a baton, a cane to hit people with when they are out of order as per the killing of punks (sub culture). Police contains poli and they have a pole or the baton also called club, stick, sap etc. It is a pole because in ancient times it was far longer than todays also so they could hit people from afar. Today the police have guns to help them.

Ro has multiple purposes.


Roe as in sh roe and we get the sh for Jesus and the egg for the female egg.
Ro/Rho (Ρω) is aGreek island uninhabited
Lady of Ro, Despina Achladioti, born in the Ottoman Empire. She raised a ag on the inhabited island Ro for many years.

MET is a Dutch word an means with but also cum. Cum is known as sperm. Now that we have all the part we can put the real hidden meaning behind the word METROPOLE together. Recall that metropolis is known as “mother city” so we do have a lady involved officially. The question is now, if we can deduce it further and decode the real hidden meaning:

In METROPOLITAN we have the last letters ITAN. But that could be part of it. Rearrange a few letters and we get TANI as in BRITANNIA. Let us put it together again:

All the words ts and not one sidesteps. Recall there are 26 letters in the English alphabet and there are 2626 combination and to come up with this is because someone created it willfully.

When you take the METRO as a train the train goes in a tunnel and in North By Northwest there is a reference to this when two main character (male and female) are riding in a train and Hitchcock turns a birds views on the train entering a tunnel when the two goes to their cabin to have sexual relations. They love each other and so the train is the dick and the tunnel is the female vagina. That makes perfect sense with SPERM + EGG and MET + RO so the METRO in your city in nothing more than a symbol of male and female having sex. The METRO is esoteric and that is why they sometime deliberately in government have to sacri ce the MET & RO because the METRO is not just a transportation but is also an esoteric place and structure symbolically where SPERAM and EGG meets. According to The Bible a sacri ce must be made and the victims are the sacri cial “ear” or Frankincense and later nobody is any wiser. Who was behind it. The governments and their dummy politicians look in awe because many have no idea what is going on. This is as ancient as time itself and this book is trying to decode and uncover what is realigning on. You have to look so deep under the blanket that you never saw a thick blanket like this. It covers ancient times right up to today and it is mostly and almost solitarily based on sexual intercourse, power and ancient beliefs in sacri ces made to the gods. They did it then way back in time and they still do it. And they hide it as good as possible because the value of the sacri ce is that only they and god knows about it.

But again, wait. There is no secret!? Oh yes there is. The secret is, that through esoteric "laws" they, the rulers, are trying to fake reality once again by introducing you to all their hogwash. You are to believe in no secret when you have spy cams, CIA lurking on every corner and part time freelance "freemasons" lurking inside every family and in Spain secret police/agents spying on every fart. The real secret is, that there is 1) no freedom, 2) you are in a spy-house and it is 3) not a safe house and 4) you are suppose to swallow it all raw and standby waiting for their next move making the world a very very hostile place to roam. Did the word come out like that - Rome? Yes, Rome is everywhere and the only place left to roam (oxymoron for Rome) is in the most evil devised entity on earth namely theirs because it is their world and not yours - you just work and pay up-front and most importantly

1. don't think (hear)
2. don't speak and
3. don't' see.

Look up: Three wise monkeys on your search engine. Related:

• Acts 12:7 and the Greek word Oikema (οἰκήματι); building, structure, dwelling). Raphael: painting: "Deliverance of Saint Peter". Also see Ancient Manners.
• Zhar: Caesar.

*) Did you know there was an illness called Auto Immune De related to the AIDS you most know about. One is called ciency Syndrome? It is not Wegener's Granulomatosis

(ncbi.nml.nih.gov). It hits hard and if it does not kill you, your government will, if they want to. Did you know the bite of a tick can kill with it's infected bloodsucking habit? If you have many (poly) ticks, they are hard to avoid. I mention this because AIDS could be a secret acronym for AID+S and the symbol S is for the serpent or the Caduceus. AID S = Aid Caduceus!? Enter the Kings Fool again making he King laugh.

Czech: poli = the Ice = ice
Pol <= i => ce.
Police = The ice
[The police are ice cold; the police have no feeling, hence they kill, steel and do what they want like rock hard ice cubes]
(Governments might say it is from Greek but that might be a lie and does the behavior of the police not fit better with Czech and explain it all?)
Po Lice are Lousy - that is what it says.

50. Thyra Danebod

Thyra Danebod is the Danish o fficial Queen of Denmark who was consort to Gorm The Old (c. 936 - c. 958). The whole thing is a saga, lies and mostly based on nonsense however today they still teach this in schools s the truth. The stone Gorm or his sons or whomever raised it, is all a fake.

We are told Thyra Danebod ordered her to be King Gorm The Old to build a house and for four nights sleep alone and report back the dreams and they are recorded as per Bible Genesis 41. So Pharaoh had a dream and Thyra wanted her husband to dream too and the same. This is then the Ra part of her name.

Why would she ask her husband to do so? Because she was a Biblebeliever and came with the Bible and knew the stories and the Bible came from Rome from The Vatican. Genesis 41 is about Joseph telling the Pharaoh what his dream was about. The Pharaoh then gives Joseph control our he land. Just as Thyra Danebod” wished for. It was a message to the King to understand that if he did not comply 7 bad years would come. So the King had his dream, read The Bible rst to know what to dream and then at the feast told what he had dreamt (read: read). The message was, do as you ar etold old man and you will be ne. If not we will in ict Romans 13:3 upon you.

Gorm The Old is a name in itself. Gorm; orm is worm or snake in Danish. G must be for God. In their and her eyes he was just a worm and addedthe G because now he could at least e a Godly Worm. His real name was probably something far from but invented as everything else regarding this story.

Thy is derived from Greek θυσία meaning sacri ce and the original word is θύω which is phonetical: thýō meaning to kill and I sacri ce.
Ra is Amun Ra or just Ra.
Dane is a riddle or a jig in itself. You have to movethe e to where a is and you get Den. A den is a small hiding place. Denmark is small.
Bod is an offering. The word Bod is both Dutch and Danish. We are also told it is body. If so, it is the body that is an offering.
Now we can decode the fake invented name for the purpose of tricking all people back in time to believe and adopt the new rulers.

Thy Ra
From Greek θύω Ra Pharao (thýō)
Dane Bod
Den - a small place Offering or to dwell. sacri ce

There is no proof of her ever having existed and the so called Jelling Stone can’t be carbon dated and could have been created only a few hundred years ago and not around 1000 AD. Saxo in Saxo Grammatical and Gesta Dacorum writes the Danish history but also mentions it is all just words and created for the occasion. Wikipedia writes bluntly about it:

In the preface to the work, Saxo writes that his patron Absalon, Archbishop of Lund had encouraged him to write a heroic history of the Danes. The history is thought to have been started about 1185, after Sven Aggesen wrote his history. The goal of Gesta Danorum was as Saxo writes "to glorify our fatherland," which he accomplishes on the model of the Aeneid by Vergil.[8] Saxo also may have owed much to Plato, Cicero and also to more contemporary writers like Geoffrey of Monmouth.[9] Saxo's history of the Danes was compiled from sources that are of questionable historical value. He drew on oral tales of the Icelanders, ancient volumes, letters carved on rocks and stone, and the statements of his patron Absalon concerning the history of which the Archbishop had been a part. Saxo's work was not strictly a history or a simple record of old tales, rather it was "a product of Saxo's own mind and times," he combines the history and mythology of the heroic age of Denmark and reworks it into his own story that exemplifies the past of the Danes.

In fact all lies from start to end to suite the ideals and the coming future. To hide the real facts of war and robbery by deceit.
Thyra “Whore” Danebod
Codex Argenteus

The word God seems to pop up rst time in Codex Argenteus.
That looks like ROS to me. In Denmark there is a city called Roskilde. Kilde is a source or the start of a river. A small spring of water might come out of the ground. If you follow a river far enough you will eventually end up at where it starts. A river can have one or many sources which when gathers and run together forming a river. So tilde is the start and Roskilde is where they burry Danish Kings and Queens in Roskilde Domkirke.

Detail of Codex Argenteus, Mt 5:34 scan of the 1927 facsimile edition. The highlighted section is an abbreviation of the Gothic cognate of "God".

It looks like they tried to incorporate the rigin of God in every nations so the original inhabitants would buy into the new rulers and occupiers with larger spears and better equips and probably using maid as mermaids and concubines so the old King would take the bait.

It is called Codex Argenteus meaning Code Gothic. So it is a code. Why not Truth Gothic! Gothic is Gott or God. So it is Code God. Not sure, but did the English word originate from the Goths?

Nordic word for buoy who is a good buoy is gut. Example: “Du er en gut” is “you are a boy” but gut means a good boy. This word is used this day today.
Goth => Gut => God. Hence Good God is: good boy. Imagine today they save paper produced today. They save it for as long as need to take it out when they need to write something to t. They also save ink and anything needed so in the future it can be used to fake history. Today they will need to save printers and modern type inks and later they can pull it out and write what they want claiming it is old and have professors carbon date it and nd it is true when it is fake. Who will know. Think in this line and you can decode many things because lies are everywhere portrayed as truths and once you take out the lies you can decode the real message in the meaning of the messages you hear.
Victim θυσ ία (thys one) Thy Ra Da(e)n e Bod θυσ.
It is all fake and nothing we are told is true related to this Queen. there is absolutely no evidence of her ever having existed. Only in the minds of some very ill historians.

51. Whores Of The World - and Pimps

Yes, this is Me Tart aka metart.com (see image earlier) "Jesuit" company or worse! We all love sex, well, some. So not too bad. Except it is designed to deceive and brain numb through a word metart.com = Me Tart.com! Welcome! You will nd many such words in the esoteric world designed to fool the brain of innocent.

First issues covering the pimps in politics and their whores.
If you think anything in politics or in entertainment happens by change or luck - you need to get your reality checked. And it is all deceitful and the hole is so deep it has no end because it covers everything from Wikileaks (spell checked in OS X as missing and suggestion is: Windbreaks!), Wikipedia and all their whores and pimps from Ecuador to Mali and Bali etc.. The whole world is occupied long time ago.
It does not take esoteric (secret) knowhow to dig out just a few lies and Machiavellian concocted deceitful wars and terror - the real secret now no longer a secret is to prove that governments are the terrorist. In this issue Cerasius present the proof and there are more to follow. Governments and their laws and courts are fake and in fact human illegal.
And the little whore Wikipedia included an article named: "Merry_F_%$in'_Christmas" in their december 2012 XML data dump le - so much for Santa Clause!!! In this issue we will also show proof that governments are terrorist through the whole lie Bible in Romans 13:1-3.
Brian de Palma to RT: 'We have all been lied to by our government'
And a comment reads:
"No-One" said: "Wikipedia - supposedly a source of legitimate, unbiased knowledge - delegitimizes these topics....." If you think that Wikipedia is a "source of legitimate, unbiased knowledge", then you're naive indeed...It's anything but that! Wikipedia is basically a neocon/neolib online encyclopedia - highly ideological and slanted. That doesn't mean it's totally worthless, of course - it DOES contain a lot of useful information as well (mainly on strictly technical, factual or neutral topics or details). But to trust Wikipedia as a fount of "objective knowledge" about anything that touches on politics, ideology, political economy, social philosophy, and recent and current events and personalities, is FOOLHARDY - it's the "encyclopedic" equivalent of the U.S. "mainstream media"… 116

This interview is good but half-hearted. Hogwash. Where did it come from? The secret societies and esoteric bullshit based on Isis. Listen to what J. F. Kennedy said and know he was murdered by his own government for it. Romans 13:1-3 (terror) is your proof.

Inviting a whole World of free people to write freely and eventually tell the rulers they are forgiven for their deadly sins. If aliens show up they too can write! Let us just hope we can understand what they write. Cerasius is your tool to unlock 6000+ years of magic and fraud by religious sects and governments taking you through more than all of Harry Potter\'s books and literature combined. Also many very sick people in government needs free peoples forgiveness if it is possible. That is not the goal of Cerasius to give the recipe or the answer to all questions but if we don\'t speak or write a true word then we might as well die. But this is hard in a World occupied by esoteric sick bastards who really should be helped far beyond what Ponerology can tell us. There are no red/blue capsules here but only words.

116 http://rt.com/art-and-culture/news/interview-brian-de-palma-281/

52. Rulers not terror good works, to the evil

A recipe for rulers on how to conduct terror. No more, no less. Oh yes, and then how to rule by law and have priests have sex with whomever they want. Take this Bible to court as proof of fake law, governments and deceit and you will win.

οι γαρ αρχοντες ουκ εισιν φοβος *) των αγαθων εργων αλλα των κακων θελεις δε µη φοβεισθαι… from Romans 13:3.

*) φοβος is Greek (Phobos) meaning fear. Phobia So who are the evildoers or plainly the evil? The Bible will tell you. The governments/rulers are the evil (doers). Why? Because they work with terror. Proof? Romans 13:3. And "Ah, sinful nation, a people loaded with guilt, a brood of evildoers, children given to corruption!" Isaiah 1:4 with reference to the kings of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings (rulers) of Judah. And there is a ton of proof in The Bible linking rulers and todays governments to terror as evildoers. Recall George W. Bush Senior speaking on national television!!!

"God Save America and other nations". Lesser-than-dogs, evildoers.

"One can only conclude that military and law enforcement drone strikes will soon be business as usual, and likely the preferred method for dealing with, as the Patriot Act outlines, those who “intimidate or coerce the civilian population” or attempt to “in uence government policy” – pretty much anyone who disagrees with what the government is doing." 117

Even if people know about Romans 13:1-3, where their GOD uses terror, they still support this system of terror Christianity and The Bible and everything below it. This is well described in Political Ponerology - book about the science of political psychology on how to manipulate and terrorize though - well - terror. If you know the cake is poisoned and you still sell it and let people eat it are you then not supporting murder? Sure. Cock The Rulers as Fuck You Sally… suspense like a Hitchcock movie, right?
All of Roman 13:1-7 here from New International Version:

117 http://www.prisonplanet.com/obama-moves-to-authorize-domestic-drone-strikes.html

I. Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

II. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
III. For rulers hold no terror (φόβος; Phobos; fear) for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear (Greek; φοβεῖσθαι; phobosthai) of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.
IV. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
V. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

It is translated wrong as we shall explore later. It is not every person, in verse I, but a speci c group of people or rather one entity.

However, this is how it o fficially is translated making it a lie but used as such to make us believe and follow the government. If we don’t in all and everything, we will be subjected to terror, verse III.

And φοβεῖσθαι is a word that does not exist. It is a nonsense word in part. However it contains θαι which is thai. We are back in Asia. All of this will become more clear later. This is were the magi© starts - and ends! The Westerns are out of here. More magi© later as we progress and prove the biggest crime hidden for not so long in fact. It is more amazing than any mag© SHOW ever and far more amusing than any Britain Got Talents. Britain has no talent - absolutely none. They are as stupid as a dead ant and even a dead ant has more value that any government in the West.

53. A Little Pimp

Search The internet for images about: “Aubrey Beardsley” and read this for fun:
Prehistoric so-called Venus von Willendorf

Why does the Wicked Whore Vicky aka Wikipedia not have an entry for Paregoros?! Cerasius.com is not going to tell. Let them - the sickos gure it out themselves because they are so fucking smart in their own little minds infecting a whole world with their sky-scrapers, ATM's, silly gadgets and roads and cars and alarm clocks etc. Graham Bell invented the telephone. Sure! Just his name tell you he did not invent anything. bEll = God and ham is a deity in the Bible or rather the son of Noah – ha! Yes, a bell is named bell from El from Arabic. So every time the bell rings at your local church it is the bell singing or better yet Muhammad calling you to the slaughterhouse of Circe. And Mr. Ham? He was Arabic too.

So the blood of your royals asses are? Arabic with roots to Alexandria and Persia. That is motive why freemasons assassinated Princess Diana. But what the fuck do you care. Now is the time to return to your silly game-pod, watch stupid television or watch the lying 6 O'Clock news or better yet watch some pentagon and hexagon football.

The Ballet of the Foot! Or attend The Ball of The Foot. Do so while you swallow another badly brewed beer probably a Budweiser and that word (Bod) is from Tibet. Take a rest now, return or don't. And will you be any wiser? Probably not.

Bud+weiser. Weiser is “German” for white and cleverer.

54. Lucis Trust

This trust, http://cerasius.com/wiki/Lucis_Trust, is recognized by United Nation as a NGO. So we read this from ILLUMINATI AND TERRORISM:
Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘n Roll

The combination of intoxicants and music to induce a state of altered consciousness has been the basis of occult rites since the very beginning. The use of these intoxicants was perfected by the Assassins, who used marijuana to create a mind-controlled assassins. Again, these same practices were revived by the Illuminati through their contacts with their Egyptian Brethren, who claimed descent from the Ismaili Grand Lodge. These same practices were the adopted by the Illuminati, in the twentieth century, to serve two ends. The rst was, again, to create the mind-controlled agent-provocateurs, to perpetrate acts of terror in the name of Islam.
This strategy, implemented by agents of the Round Table, regarded as the bringing in the Age of Aquarius (see next page what that really means).

Now who is sick? Read more at: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/ esp_sociopol_lucytrust.htm So the NGO's are friends and family of United Nations and the so called NON government agencies are just an extension by deceit of the real governments. And they pay handsomely huge salaries when NGO's goes hunting for new Illuminati created disaster via The Muslim Brotherhood which was created by a British Agent to create "terror" and an enemy and setup clandestine operation so the whole rotten machinery of banking and politics and education can go hand in hand to nally united what is already united into one huge sick family of bastards and constructed like a legal ma a. Governments and United Nations is the largest and most criminal organized crime organization that ever existed.

li·cen·tious   /līˈsenSHəs/
Promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual (VI) matters.

So we are moving into AQUA’RIUS. More slavery and more deceit and more wars and more slavery and more washing? Hold on now - that labra looks like a T and Danish labre is a word used saying: “labre larve” meaning “sexy foxy lady”. In Latin labra we get bra hence a bra was perhaps not all what it was suppose to be.

55. Secret of Them All - Rarest Of Them All

Please notice the owl bird in the background. It is the bird of Isis and Ishtar. What does that make Alfred Hitchcock? You got it, an esoteric member of some cult - most likely. Or he was just plain smart and they let him because they knew people would never see it nor understand it.

Anthony Perkins acting the role orally of Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. It is a movie but all very real. A Truth in The World Of Lies you might say. All copied from real life the scene is just different and it is real actors playing the parts.

Watch the movie Psycho and/or the image (above), then you understand, what the so called Bohemian Grove is all about when they "pray" to the owl pet burning it or similar. Nothing too bad in itself but what it represents. Namely evil through clandestine wars and deceit among the humans you believed to protect you and your family. No, they will kill you if it serves them best. They will never be sorry like you understand it.

They might be sad or sorry if someone would not nd out it was a crime! You see, the true Psycho must know that someone knows and the more the better. He/she will enjoy the pleasure derived from pain and they will sleep better knowing they killed not only a mockingbird but a million in terror (Romans 13:3 is your hard proof which could take them down because it is empirical evidence).

Normal people (about 75%) can not understand this terror, horror and those people suffering from neither Ponerology nor being utterly psychopathic. They go free because doctors and the whole hospital system is covered! There too you nd them and if you are lucky you will survive unless you tell them the truth. They hate the truth when it is told by an unexpected source and they will fry you one way or another. Unless you can escape them because there still are about 75% normal people on this earth who are good, hard working and pleasant. The rest (about 22%) are in your life which can turn into Psycho if you don't comply with their orders given by police, army or otherwise. As long as they are in full control you can rest easy.

From the movie Psycho. Notice the little bird in the background.

Please read below Chrysis rst then return here in a few minutes. Can't wait? Okay, do you see the owl bird in Psycho in the image on the right? That little birdie is related to Ishtar and Isis as their pet birds. But look closer. Look again. What do you see? A tree? No, a woman. Just below the owl is a little painting of a nude woman and who is she? Ishtar!! Thank you all. Ishtar is the same as Aphrodite, Victoria, Chrysis, Semiramis etc. Just as you will see her in the painting The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli.

Many artist have painted the little whore bitch. Édouard Manet painted Le déjeuner sur l'herbe (Lunch In The garden) and what do they eat? Forbidden fruit, right? No, they eat Jim & Joe. Other example: La maja desnuda.

Swine before Wine: or better yet; Circe and her swine painting by Briton Rivière (try and upload that to the Wicked Whore Vicky and you will be hailed as an impostor - sure you are - because the truth... oh no! Circe is the equivalent of Ishtar.

So Alfred Hitchcock was an initiated esoteric member after all? Sure he was. You don't make it in wacko Califh Oriana if you don't really know! California? American? Oh no. More likely Persian/Japanese if we can really distinguish nations from one another. The idea is, to wrest out all nations and create one nation. Sorry, wrong. We already have United Nations as one entity so? Well, there is only one nation already. Proof? Yes; United Nations. Oriana (name) 118 and then SS Oriana was the last of the Orient Steam Navigation Company's ocean liners. Calif is from Persia so where are we? California is

118 Same as Ariana the rocket

This is how we all feel once the United Nations and Royals play it out. From the movie Psycho I. III Psycho’s were made - naturally.

Persian eat it or don't if you like or not. It just never end. The whole World and Universe is really only about WORDS and who created those? the real fake and true GOD did.

So what are the implication and meaning of this and Chrysis and especially the movie blockbuster Psycho? Spot on again. Psycho ( lm) - by no other than a Dick - doing the chock-trick - aka Alfredo Hitchcock, staring no other than Anthony Perkins is about the character he portrays Norman Bates, who is an initiated into the esoteric world and a Freemason. He collects Owls and depictions of Ishtar. His name is Norman Bates because it is related to Nordic mythology and his bate is being motherless. Woman like to nurse men - well - some, right? Like prostitutes. And sometimes they have to sacri ce to Ishtar and/or Isis real blood and he does so by luring them. Once you can see, you have not only one story in Psycho but a few. One other story in the movie is, that the initiated in freemasonry cabalistic tradition with roots to Bohemian Grove (owl) are psychos, sickos, wackos etc.. They are so sick and the proof is not only to be found in The Bible but also in movies such as this. If we run a spell-check here we see that cabalistic is not there and the suggestion is cannibalistic. Oh dear but oh yes!

And how convenient that his actors name is Anthony. Why? Because it relates to hogs, swines and pigs and that relates to no other than Anthony the Great and also known as Abba Antonius (Ἀββᾶς Ἀντώνιος). A pig is actually named Antonius as a brand name from Pigmark - Denmark - and you nd it here: www.antonius.dk. Match made. From a Nordic country. But Pigmark is not really nordic (Norse). Why? Because naming relates it all right back to Egypt from where Anthony The Great was from and then to the Roman Catholic Church.

That ts perfect with the hypothesis that Califh Oriana (California) is from Persia and Anthony Hopkins is related to Rome and Pigmark is related to The Vatican. It all ts like a glove ts a hand - if it ts. And it darn does in this case. There is absolutely nothing conspiratorial in this because it is empirical proof and since linguistic is a science it is as it was meant to be how the real story is - when you can see it. And now you can too.

Now you have 4 (four) new letters to ponder and wonder and they are; A, B, B, A. You take it from here. The rest is not a joyride unless you adore that type of musing. The painting Adoration of the Magi depicts Virgin (!) Mary and her child. Looked upon by priests. So they knew it was God following the "star" of Venus and how did they know? Because it was going to be sacri ced taking the blood of the child as an offering to their real God! It is also known as the Feast of the Epiphany meaning "vision of God". Θεοφάνεια also is lights through the noun φώτα. They still do the circumcision (Brit milah) those bastards and cleaning the wound is done by sucking the glans;


If being homo - that is ne - but cutting the glans...! All performed by a so called Mohel. Brit? Brit ein? Britain.
Anyway, "vision of god" is a reference to "the little death" and/or the fact that you see god when you are exalted or in ecstasy as the orgasm arrives and leaves. It is after all, all astrology and erotic spasms however they liked it.
So they knew it was God that was born; Jesus. But the high priest later killed him! Three kings recognized this child as The Son of God already at birth and adored him. They were wise men or kings which in essence is the same. A king is supposed to be wise, right? That star was a planet and it was Venus and it was seen in the East and as they walked to nd its origin they found it where? In the East. How far east? Well, these three kings might not have walked very far but others did right over to Tibet (phonetically: Bod). In Tibet we nd Mount Everest and monks so Abba Anthonius was not the father of all monks after all because these monks in Tibet came before any monks in the west!!! And recall Mon = single as in Monarchy meaning Single Arch or Single Rule but the Arch is really the womb of the pregnant woman.
The three kings had been warned not to return to King Herod Antipas and took a different path. But Jesus, the child, eventually ended up near Herod poor him. Not Herod but God! King Herod was like any king in any European house - madmen, sick, warriors ghting it out among other royal houses to gain fortune, fame and more glory. One such is HesseKassel taking us right up to modern times to William I, Elector of Hesse related to Mayer Amschel Rothschild through a deal so William could buy cheap coins to his collection. We nd another "Herod" namely Heorot from the north. Amazing, right. Almost same naming. Oh yes, they had modern communications such as horses and did the oldest game in the world making babies in intermarriage. William Hesse-Kassel had about 70 illegitimate children himself it is told. But where is that recorded? Well, about 20 of them supposedly are recorded and the rest? Who knows. Some kings are known to have made more than 500 illegitimate children. Roth's Child it is and not Roth Schild. It is a word game and puzzle. It can be Red Shield but empirically it is more likely King's Child. Why? Because they may have been illegitimate from some royal house - outcast. But was lucky enough to make it back. They were deprived from what was theirs and the revenge should be bitter-sweet. Take back the Whole Pole World through deceit and money laundering through loaning money to the royal house all across Europe. Who is King? Roth's Child are. So they say. Not even a King can afford their houses.
BTW; an epiphany is also recognized as the time when you have your rst sexual experience. And "If I were a Rothschild" by Sholem Aleichem taking us to םֶכיֵלֲע םוֹלָׁש Shalom Aleichem. Coincidence or luck? Neither! But please recall that all royals are fake as are their gods. King in Greek is: βασιλιάς which phonetically is Messiahs (vasiliás). Listen to it a few times with closed eyes. Vessias, right? Almost Messiahs. So kings are gods? Hardly as you will learn later. βα σιλιάς is: Celia ba. Strange, right?
And ιλιάς is Iliad. Wau. Now you are beginning to understand how sick the bastards made this world. And βασι λιάς? Well, translates to Basic Lias. So the english language was constructed to fool? Sure it was all from Greek and Latin and some Germanic incl. others. That is after all what Gods do, right? Invent and make the world and recall: "In the beginning was the word..." - ho Santa Clause really died that day too.
And so a New World Order? Well it is the same old shit world order and the old ones wants you to believe it is now all out in the open and they can get a second change with all their illegitimate children making the entertainment industry a whole lot worse. Slowly but surely Apollo and George Bush and Gold nger aka Kissinger will die and their stories will be one of hell on earth. Eventually they will be forgotten as rotten as they were. Rot = King - old Norse name for king is Rot.
"There is something rotten in the State of Denmark" = "There is a King in the state of Denmark" and that too was also a lie because who was that king above the Suns rays? And without global-fucking-warming we'd be freezing to death at Absolute zero. Global warming? Sure but not as told by the biggest fool in centuries. And you are paying taxes for the Suns rays to warm you. How sick is that?! As said, the law was and is illegal from day one and until they wither away and so they will if you please. Do you please or not? Up to you. Stay on the right side of the road is also a fucking stupid thing because people should be smart enough to gure what side to drive once it all sets in motions. If not. Bang bang. Red and green light? Same old hogwash. Do you stop at a red light when nobody is there? Sure you do. Should you? No. But it is tied to the insurance companies owned by sicko banks mostly so that is why.
Heorot and Hroðgar if you please. Roth! Roth's Child and also Roth Schild if you please. Up to you. And they are in fact both true but one hides the other and true fact. If so, Adolf Hitler was of royal blood. Kings always wage wars historically - not normal people.

56. Quantum of Solace

From: The Cults of the Greek States, Volume 2 By Lewis Richard Farnell. The lovely lady?

There is a mountain named Mount Paregoros or also Mount Solace. The only place the biggest whore, Wikipedia, on Earth has this mentioned, is related to a monk named Paul the Obedient and as a footnote under December 7 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) 120. Many and almost all other gods and goddess except this one and then Chrysis and/or Porne etc etc.

If you turned the book around a few seconds ago ne - you will need this maneuver later.
119 http://phillipkay.wordpress.com/2010/12/12/aphrodite-goddess-of-love-and-sex/ 120 http://cerasius.com/wiki/December_7_(Eastern_Orthodox_liturgics)

• hodox.com/calendar/los/December/07-05.htm
• Copy: http://cerasius.com/websites/www.holytrinityorthodox.com/calendar/los/ December/07-05.htm.

But this is a key to unlock what the cryptic and bogus title in James Bond's movie Quantum of Solace really means. Quantum means measure, amount, quantity or rather; as much as. But of what? Whores. Yes, that is true, Solace was the goddess of whores.

PAREGOROS was the spirit (daimona) of consolation, comfort and soothing words. She was a companion of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and Peitho, goddess of seductive words. Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Pausanias, Description of Greece 1. 43. 6 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) :
"[Statues in the temple of Aphrodite in Megara:] There is also Peitho (Persuasion) and another goddess whom they name Paregoros (Consoler), works of Praxiteles."

Sources: Pausanias, Description of Greece - Greek Travelogue C2nd A.D. PAREGOROS means something that eases pain, soothes. And the Monk Paul the

Obedient died on Mount Paregoros after, as the lengend says, having lived a solitary life. SOLACE: Comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness: "she sought solace in
her religion". From Latin: solacium from solor meaning cheer up, relieve, ease, comfort,
reward etc.
spiegel.de 121 writes about Mount Athos where Greeks seek Solace.
And what is the mount? It is Mount Venus as the goddess Paregoros as Mount
Paregoros as Mount Solace also known as Mons pubis. Mons meaning mountain. PAREGOROS The daughter of Tethys and Oceanus was a Goddess of Persuasion and
Consolation. Despite her parentage, she was NOT a water deity. In essence she was a
goddess of whores or rather a whore herself.
MONS is Italian for Bishop. Latin MONS is mountain. However, the fraudulent Wicked
Whore Vicky aka Wikipedia, says it means mound. Well, part true but half a lie. QUANTUM OF SOLACE: Plenty of Whores. The title is an acronym and once you can
decode this type of hogwash [dirty pigs] you understand everything and you are born
again. That is what it means to be dead before you know christ!!! That is it. Once you can
decode it and have the key to unlock it is all utter words about whores, prostitutes and
priests and monks and popes and bishops have sex right and left with goddesses
manifested as real esh and blood. Blood of Christ is only the 28 day periodical cycles a
woman endures known as menstruation and prior to that she feels moody and erected! This
is the time to mount her. You do that on her Mount Venus [Mons pupis] and away you y
and once she and you arrive you die a little and see god. Just watch dogs doing it and you
know how it must feel.

Proverbs 7:16-23:
I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt.
I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. 121 http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/greeks-hide-from-crisis-in-monasteries-of-mountathos-a-860304.html
Quantum of Solace 007 playing the asshole he always was
Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves.
For the goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey:
He hath taken a bag of money with him, and will come home at the day appointed.
With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him.
He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks;
Till a dart strike through his liver; as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life.

There you have it. Sounds almost like Ancient Manners the story of Chrysis. Read parts of The Bible and it is the greatest pornographic book ever written. The pictures are done though art hanging in The louvre and in The Vatican city and many other locations. Proof that solace is an adulterer, a whore and the man takes the bait. He mounts her like an oxe and trusts his penis deep inside her in solace and there is quantum of this in the good O'l Bible if you dare to read. Why do you think priests and nuns read the Bible in solace? It is a Porne-book. Porne was a goddess too. In ancient times they had Porneions as whore houses. They come, they see and they rock and roll and are rock hard while she becomes a goddess when she delights with her watery uids. She is married but so what. Payment and promises of eternal life makes them do the oldest dance in the world - the love in solace until morning. Read much more on this, and proof, that a crisis is better 122- and needed - to sacri ce to Isis the whore of Egypt!! The Bible is perhaps the best pornographic book ever written but recall; read it as such, and then ask your governments; what they are really doing at nighttime in the dark? And that is not being a blasphemer - Circe (meaning: Kirk [Church]) were and are, as are courts and governments. That is why, over time, they want to separate state and church because they know that people will soon know this and if state and church is separated who can we blame? We can blame the same namely the governments who founded their laws and rule by law on this whole lie and the slaughter-house is only ready as in Cairo these days (2013).

122 http://cerasius.com/wiki/Chrysis

57. Bible Verba

These are your gods. Drunken, whoring, indulging in life while kings and queens ate from the leftovers of their tables. And the people? They just suffered terribly as usual. Even the French Revolution was through deceit rearranged to suite the elite.

Image right: Wine Vat? Wat was a temple, right? Wine is made from part water (most) then minerals from the soil soaked in water from the clouds which in most part came from the ocean the abyss (Tiamat again) and then sun-light "baking" on the leaves of the wine making photosynthesis making sugar which bacteria eat producing spirit hence culture and "god" is nothing more than we know. You don't have to believe in "god". Wine from water (John 2) ? Sure.

They drank until the spirit laid them to rest among cherubs. Common purpose wants you to follow suite one way or the other. Even among your family you might have brainwashed members who follow Common purpose even without knowing it - that is the whole bizarre idea!

Cerasius.com and it's operators do believe in the existence of The Bible. And in these set of scripts are some rather astonishing stories. It is in part, part of history and a way to look back in time and there are many tales in these books/scripts however the rulers and the councils forgot the script of Thomas. Anyway, cerasius.com does not believe in the whole pack of lies and the whole nonsenses surrounding it. As one young Greek woman said: "There are no Gods" and this was true then and it is true now. However the only gods there were and still are are those that were above the Kings and Queens and if you follow along you will realize, that the only gods there were, were very sick story-tellers paid by the magicians and wise men who precisely were nothing more than the scribes and fortunetellers who foretold what the gods wanted to hear and know. So it was then and so it is today. The only difference is, that today they have even more power to deceive and control your mind.

Cerasius.com would love to not have to mention this very sick set of scripts of fairy-tales but it is part of history and part of secret societies who created our wonderful world! 123Not sure how many "Armstrong's" there are but Usain Bolt was surely running as fast as he could for no reason what so ever than get the money. Cerasius.com believes a "new world order" is being set up clandestine and through Macheavellianism. However there is no new world order! It is the same world order as it has been for the past 12,000 years and especially the past 4,000 years. New players and new faces and new gadgets but the end-game is the same to stay gods and rule the world on a scale beyond the heavens (!) mining not only the still unknown Earth and it's people (Burma) but asteroids and eventually other stars and beyond. You are traveling through space at an enormous speed but you have no conception of it as

Bacchanal with a Wine Vat, 1470s Andrea Mantegna (Italian, Paduan, 1430/31–1506) Engraving and drypoint. metmuseum.org

123 Song: What A Wonderful World

you don't have any conception of how you are being fooled. And how come people don't wake up? Easy. Most people love to stay ignorant and be below their masters just like dogs do.

God? Well, we know not what we see so how do we know what we not see! Cryptic? Well, you make up your mind as you go along or you decided long time ago how it is. But if you do believe in a Jesuit god can you please keep it away from the rest of us. Cerasius.com only ask that such people as Peter Popoff (Saint Peter's Rip-off) and Benny Hinn (you investigate the meaning of the name Hinn and you might be surprised) would go away but not even Santa Claus can make such a dream come through. Martin Luther King could not and his freedom he spoke of and his allegedly assassination made him a demigod too god forbid it!!! Martin Luther was the instrument of the devil so why not this black "pope" called King!? Smack in your face and you are still sleep-walking. Sleeping beauty they call it.

Ja=Jahve and Z is an esoteric letter which equals 7 which is the number of Jesus hence Jazz is, derived and occupied, from the blues style music which is spiritual music. Easy, right? So why 2 x Z you might ask? One for male and one for female perhaps or a funny way to tell people to wake up when listening to all that Jazzzz 124. Now you know how to decode one more silly word because it is all words, numbers and even those were invented by fooligans 125who were so called scholars. Heck, they burned people for reading the Bible back in time! And if you nd this foolish, then read up on some of the more cracy things they invented such as time and later the alarm clock to get you up for work early morning for little pay or nothing while paying your taxes to the lazy emperors of todays political landscape and whoever follow in these footsteps from secret police who are everywhere to unknowingly common purpose followers. It was never written in the stars nor in heaven or in hell but right smack in Ancient Greek and India and china long time ago and they still believe and suck up to it. Cerasius.com can in fact prove they are creaky, cracky, potty, croaky, crazy ruling in their democracy. That is put very nice.
Big Deal - So What?
Exactly. The big deal is, that Freemasons, secret societies, governments, rulers per Isis and Ishtar and other whores are trying all they can to kill God. That is the big deal and hoax. By introducing the "pancakes" smack in our face(book) they try, and will probably succeed, in killing God once and for good! Going from one so called old world to a new one takes only words. After 2000 years of deceit the deal is now to create another deceit and realityshow based on sin and sel shness. Goodbye love and welcome to the new Reich with where me is greater than God and/or even The Universe itself. Me/I am The Universe and it takes only me to win. If they can get all on board, and they will sooner or later because all that don't follow suite they will terrorize, right? That we understood as per The Bible Romans 13:1-3. Sometimes it is better to jump ship but as George Carlin said: "I think it is all too late and people just want their silly game-shows, football... I would love to stick around another 1000 years and see it all go down the drains". And he was a so called comedian!? No, he was a Jester and nobody really listened then, now or ever.
Meretrix is a whore in Latin! Does Meretrix rime with Matrix!? If you start to see a pattern emerging by this time, you are beginning to understand how deep the hole is. This is only touching down a few inches into a hole so deep is has no end. Hmmm - eternity? No, it is called magic and that is what esoteric wackos have been lurking around with during the past 6000 years or more. The fact is, that by presenting all this hogwash nonsense via

124 http://cerasius.com/wiki/All_That_Jazz
125 http://cerasius.com/wiki/Fooligans
Bible Verba

Wikipedia the rulers are presenting too you the next new world; the same one that has been going on for millennium: namely to stay in power by deceit, lies, tricks, word-games, silly game-shows and mind-washing unreal reality. When you wake up in the morning you know you are awake, right? Well, imagine you are more real in your dreams than in your waken condition. This is how the esoteric believe that dreams are more real than reality. And that is the old and the so called fake new world. It is and has been the same goal for many many years even before George Carlin was born; to keep the masses fooled. All know a wet dreams and how bad it feels to wake up, right?

The best part is however; you don't have to believe a word you just read. Investigate it yourself and come to your own conclusions. If they are all wrong then just enjoy the ride.
If you think Rahap (another whore) rimes with Rehab (Amy Winehouse song) - and even looks the part - black hair and all - you are now just one inch further from the top of the hole.
You also now know, why a pop group is called Destiny's Child and why some children's destiny end up in mysteries and you also know why his name is Jonathan Black. Black because it is dark sorcery they destine you and your children with - good or bad - because Isis (still) demands blood. Black because their list is black (or white) depending on your child's good/evil fortune and naturally all devised by evil men and one such was the so called Black Pope instituted by Ignatius of Loyola with card blanche to torture or delight (derail). Only now are you crawling 0.2 inch further down the hole. The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann is neither bad luck or an unfortunate coincidence and Cann rimes with Canaan. It is all in the eye of the beholder and how you can say all - ah and know why some gold is black. Nobody really wants to die by destiny's hand however some do become demi gods (Bin Laden, Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Mary Magdalene, Spartacus, Amy Winehouse, Elvis Presley etc. etc. the list is as long as you can dig the hole).
"Not all the concentration camp victims were Jewish people. Many were Christians. Spiritually, a parallel can be seen in the rituals to Ashteroth and Moloch, where the victims were burned as sacri ces to these false gods. Were the victims of the Nazis someone’s sacri cial offerings?" 126.
Enjoy your ride while cerasius.com prepares for opening during 2013 if good fortune and Godspeed allows it - dead or alive.

126 www.bibliotecapleyades.net

58. Louise of Hesse-Kassel - Adolf Hitler

Le Musée de l'érotisme de Paris
How many kinky erotic art museum do
you nd in Hamburg, German?
You nd them in every major city from
Saint Petersburg to Berlin.
Here I superimposed over Hesse-Kassel
the Fountain in the lobby of the
Museum of Erotic Art, Paris.

Supposedly William I, Elector of Hesse-(Kassel) had 70 illegitimate children. Now imagine what how many rounds he did not making any babies. He was married, yes. Where do you load that many children. Give them a nice job or make them shut up. One way or the other they spread like ies.

Since Adolf Hitler and Rothschild and Hesse-Kassel might be connected through family and business, then someone in the Royal lines must be war criminals because it connects the royals to Adolf Hitler through blood. Pigmark collaborating with the Nazi's? No way. Oh yes, all the way. It runs in the family - as they say and sing. The family is huge and has spread from Persia to Pigmark to the rest of the World through deceit.

If you think WWII was deceitful then know what followed after with the creation of The United Nations as if united in a good way? No way. In the worst possible way making and linking all nations to one family is perhaps taking it a step too far but in this world you have to think big - really big - and really different.

Does the Kassel family connect Rothschild, Kassel and the Danish Royal (present) House with Adolf Hitler. Cerasius.com believes so.
Prince William of Hesse-Hanau (Prince William of Hesse-Kassel) was tied into the Illuminati. He was the son of Landgrave Frederick or Hesse-Cassel, of the royal family of Hesse. Prince William was a Freemason, and his younger brother Karl, was according to JEWS AND FREEMASONS IN EUROPE, 1723-1939, ‘accepted as the head of all German Freemasons.’ Members of the Hesse dynasty have been described as the leaders of the Strict Observance (in 1782 a Masonic Congress in Wilhelmsbad, a city in the Hesse province, dropped the name ‘Strict Observance’ and changed it to "Bene cent Knights of the Holy City"). The Hesse dynasty is totally connected to the Illuminati. Prince William was the grandson of King George II of England.
The Hesse-Cassel’s were one of the richest royal houses in Europe. Their income came mainly from the loaning-out of Hessian soldiers to foreign countries. (The elite loves to makes pro t off of "peacekeeping" troops, which is exactly what the Hessians were called. This "peacekeeping" always adds up to imperialism. The Hessian troops were used by England in the American Revolution, in fact the colonial armies fought more Hessian soldiers than English. The House of Hesse-Cassel made quantum money off the American Revolution.) Another example of the Hesse-Cassel’s ties to the Illuminati is the enigmatic gure St. Germain, who is hailed as a New Age Messiahgure. Many researchers believe that St. Germain was the son of Francis II of Transylvania. Francis II’s second wife was Charlotte Amalie of the House of Hesse, he married her in 1694. St. Germain was either her son, or the prior wives, this point is debated. His name was Leopold-George and they staged his death in 1700 to save him from the deadly collapse of the Transylvanian dynasty. Prince Karl of Hesse, Masonic leader of Germany, wrote that St. Germain had been sent down to Italy to be raised by the Medici family. Later on St. Germain appeared out of nowhere to work with the elite.

Louise of Hesse-Kassel (German) and Royal House of Denmark and Danish government using N. M. Rothschild to create bank packages during 2008 and later to create new debt and lies. Hesse-Kassel part of Austria and eventually the whole pack connects as one family in one of the greatest Ma a families of all times. Including Engelbert Dollfuss and Adolf Hitler. In runs in the family and it is a family and the Don and Dom is all over the place in the west all purchased from the East. Once it dawns on you - you will perhaps not at rst believe. But this book proves the fact.

Louise of Hesse-Kassel was the wife of Danish King Christian IX who had six 127children. The Hesse Dynasty has lasted clear up to the 20th century. During WWII they were on Hitler’s side. Since Denmark and the present royal house is from HesseCassel we can conclude that they were on Hitlers side. Present Queen Margrethe II of Denmark's father was Frederick IX of Denmark and his father was Christian X of Denmark. Christian X was was king of Denmark from 1912 to 1947 so during WWII. During the German occupation of Denmark, the King's daily ride through Copenhagen became a symbol of Danish sovereignty. Nonsense; Dan+Mark is from the Tribe of Dan from Palestine and the sovereignty is closely tied to Hesse-Cassel and their by the Rothschild family.

In 1763 Mayer left Hanover to build his fortune in Frankfort. His main objective was to become a nancial agent of Prince William of Hesse-Hanau. Prince William was an intelligent man who loved to make money. (His passions went beyond money. His wife did not please him so he became an adulterer and almost every woman he slept with became pregnant. He fathered between 70 to 21 [sic] illegitimate children. His main mistress, Frau von Lindenthal, bore him 8 children and ran his household.) William loved to loan money at high interest rates. He was the perfect man to aid Mayer’s quest for riches. Mayer began bribing Prince William’s servants to become informants.

Source: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bloodlines/rothschild.htm.

Realizing that he [Adolf Hitler] was a Rothschild 128, we can understand why Hitler the dunce could come out of nowhere and become Chancellor of Germany.
Hitler's sister Paula was mentally retarded . . . but she still had more brains than her brother!!
Source: http://www.reformation.org/adolf-hitler.html

Notice the Order of The Carta, Order of The Golden Fleece (lice I shall mention later) .

How can a man giving up and cooperating with the Nazi’s be honored so much? Because he was part of the Nazi operation in fact he was Nazi as todays Royals are heartwarming lovers of Nazism.

Notice his thumb in pocket - dick in cunt. Hiding what at the back? Crossed ngers for lying I suspect. Notice he is in front of a pillar, a phallus - a cock. Notice the cross; II as in: ⊞ .

He is 100% Nazi as is his descendants and governments under him and his descendant. We King Of Denmark. Vi Kings.

127 Roman numerals VI - Vikings. VI in Danish means “We” and the Royals titilate themselves as “We The King os Denmark” also in laws passed then and now (Queen 2013). Titillate: Stimulate or excite (someone), esp. in a sexual way. Danish Titulerer means using a title.

128 Hitler and Rothschild connected perhaps not via blood as per sperm and pussy but more like via war-blood. Who knows when they have no proof of either or perhaps it pops up sooner than later.

Cerasius is following the true story and the bloodline as it emerges and will pop up later here with the direct connection linking Rothschild, Royal Danish House, Adolf Hitler and Hesse-Kassel etc.

Cerasius.com also understands, that the whole concocted story about how the Rothschild family, with Mayer Amschel Rothschild as the main character, emerged out of the Frankfurt Jewish Ghetto, is a fabrication as per the 1934th movie The House of Rothschild - watch at YouTube here full lenght: The House Of Rothschild 1934 - full 1hr 27min - other movie is: 1940 The Rothschild's ( lm).

Also watch The house of Rothschild - the Money's prophets - full 56min Secret History of the International Bond Market. A commentary on Niall Ferguson's The House of Rothschild.
The House of Rothschild: Volume 1: Money's Prophets: 1798-1848 [Paperback] by Niall Ferguson at amazon.com

The Rothschild / Hitler
Erotic Fart

This script would simply not be complete with a chapter on erotic art. The whole idea has been excavated during time and periods and stays interesting because it is amazing how food can be a fountain of love.

Nothing much has changes. See these two pieces of art spanning almost 500 years apart. Same. The Neptune statue looks very familiar and also stand as Freedom of Liberty in New York however there with a star crown which is cognate to the lady on top of Capitol Hill with her little cap known as Phrygian cap.

That is why Capitol Hill is really named Phrygian Cap Hill and this is why it is a lady under the cap or the umbrella as if she needed it making a fountain of water or milk if you like.

Capitol Hill is nothing more than A Whore house very cleverly disguised as a dome for Dons who are pimps and there are naturally true whores too. They dress and speak the part and nobody is any wiser. When the lights turn off the real politics begins in chambers which is an acronym for bed chamber. The courts are just an acronym for harems.

Do you really think humans and rulers are there to do much work. All that paperwork and still wars by deceit and counter insurgents doing the oldest ballet in the world called the Peafowl dance.

You must believe. Yes, in lies.

The Neptune Fountain is a monumental fountain located in Piazza Nettuno and one of Bologna’s most famous landmarks. Designed by the Sicilian artist Tommaso Laureti and executed by
Giambologna in 1567.

Is this divine or what? Recall Genesis 1… about pussy galore. Here it is a woman squirting it all out.

From Le Musée de l'érotisme de Paris from their permanent contemporary exhibition (exhibitionist).

It is nature and the body here as a fun sculpture. All nude which is why royals dress up like hens and cocks and especially peafowls.

Royals do it to the point of being ridiculous until people have had enough and will set in motion a revolution. People however are not really revolutionist by choice but by need and only WORDS will revolutionize it all down the drain.

59. The Illuminati - Lux

Here an excerpt from http://www.terrorism-illuminati.com:

The Jesuits [Ignatius of Loyola], the precursors of the organization, continued to be the source of much intrigue, and were responsible for the formation of their predecessors, the Illuminati. John Robison, in Proofs of a Conspiracy, written in 1798, which exposed the devious evolution of the I l l u m i n a t i , r e m a r k e d o f G e r m a n Freemasonry, “I saw it much connected with many occurrences and schisms in the Christian church; I saw that the Jesuits had several times interfered in it; and that most of the exceptionable innovations and dissentions had arisen about the time that the order of Loyola was suppressed; so that it should seem, that these intriguing brethren had attempted to maintain their in uence by the help of Free Masonry.”6 Therefore, when Pope Clement XIV dissolved the Jesuits in 1773, Adam Weishaupt, referred to as “a Jesuit in disguise” by his closest associate, Baron von Knigge, established the Illuminati as a secret order modeled on them.

A c c o r d i n g t o R a b b i M a r v i n S . Antelman, in To Eliminate the Opiate, it was the founder of the Rothschild dynasty who convinced Weishaupt to accept the Frankist doctrine, and who afterwards nanced the Illuminati.8 A Jewish
Amschel Moses Bauer,
goldsmith, born who decided to

settle in Frankfurt. He opened a Counting House, and over the door placed his sign, a red shield, featuring a “Star of David”. The shied is the same ag granted to the Prague Jews by Charles IV, and is in accordance with the Frankist doctrine of Edom or Esau, and the red banner of the Khazars, or Red Jews. As “red shield” in German is “Rot Schild”, Bauer’s son, Amschel Mayer Bauer, took on the name Rothschild.

It is Rothschild who said, “give me control of a nation’s money, and I care not who makes her laws.” Rothschild’s wealth w a s l a rg e l y a c h i e ve d t h ro u g h h i s association with the family of HesseKassel. Rothschild served a three year apprenticeship in Hanover at the Bank of Oppenheim, at the service to Lt. Gen. Baron von Estorff, who was the principal adviser to Landgrave Frederick II of Hesse-Kassel. Frederick II was a member of the Order of the Garter, as well as the wealthiest man in Europe, much of it inherited from his father, Wilhelm VIII, brother of the King of Sweden.

The House of Hesse is descended from Philip I the “Magnanimous” Landgrave of Hesse, who was a leading champion of the Protestant Reformation. In the early Middle Ages, Hesse was a part of Thuringia, but in the War of the Thuringian Succession, in the thirteenth century, Hesse gained its independence and became an Earldom within the Holy Roman Empire. The state existed until the death of Philip in 1567. Philip was a descendant of Margaret, the s i s t e r o f Fr e d e r i c k I M a r g r a v e o f Brandenburg, who had married Hermann Landgrave of Hessen. Philip married Chistine of Saxony, whose mother was Barbara of Jagellon, a great-granddaughter of Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. Despite Philip’s intentions, Hessen was split among his four sons, but the only two to states to survive were Hessen-Kassel and HessenDarmstadt. Philip’s daughter, Elizabeth, married Ludwig VI Elector of the Palatinate of the Rhine, grandfather of Frederick V.

Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel was the great-grandson of Elizabeth Charlotte, the sister of Frederick V of the Palatinate. E l i z a b e t h C h a r l o t t e w a s a l s o t h e grandmother to Frederick I King of Prussia. Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel was a direct descendant of “Maurice the Learned” of Hesse-Kassel, uncle to Frederick IV of the Palatine. Maurice had procured the services of prominent Rosicrucians and alchemists, like Michael Maier, while the town of Kassel itself, according to FrancisYates, was where the Rosicrucian Manifestos were rst published. Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel married Maria Princess of Hanover, cousin of Frederick II the Great King of Prussia, and the daughter of George II King of England.

B a ro n vo n E s t o r ff a d v i s e d t h e Landgrave that Mayer Amschel showed an exceptional through his ability to increase wealth investments. Mayer Amschel

arranged to hire 16, 800 Hessian soldiers to assist the nephew of Federick’s wife, King George III of England, in suppressing the American Rebellion. When Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel died in 1785, Rothschild obtained total in uence over his successor, Karl’s brother Elector Wilhelm IX, who he managed to make one of the wealthiest monarchs of his time.

In 1773, Mayer Rothschild had invited twelve other wealthy and in uential men, to convince them to pool their resources in a plot to bring about a new world order. Thus was Adam Weishaupt commissioned to establish the Illuminati. Though born Jewish, as a young boy, Weishaupt was educated by the Jesuits. On May 1, 1776, three years after the Jesuit order was disbanded by the Church, Weishaupt announced the foundation of the Order of Perfectibilists, which later became more widely known as the Illuminati.

The Illuminati is the one instance in modern history where we have veri able evidence of a large-scale
We i s h a u p t d r e a m e d o f
conspiracy. a u t o p i a n

superstate with the abolition of private property, social authority and nationality. In this Gnostic state, human beings would live i n “ h a r m o n y ” w i t h i n a u n i v e r s a l brotherhood, based on free love, peace, spiritual wisdom and equality. Weishaupt’s principal targets for reform were the monarchy, the Church and the aristocracy.

The doctrines of the Illuminati, according to Albert Pike, a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason, were, like their predecessors, the Templars, Rosicrucians, and Freemasons, the ancient tradition of the Kabbalah:

The Occult Science of the Ancient Magi was concealed under the shadows of the Ancient Mysteries: it was imperfectly revealed or rather dis gured by the Gnostics: it is guessed at under the obscurities that cover the pretended crimes of the Templars; and it is found enveloped in enigmas that seem impenetrable, in the Rites of the Highest Masonry.

Magism was the Science of Abraham and Orpheus, of Confucius and Zoroaster. It was the dogmas of this Science that were engraven on the tables of stone by Enoch and Trismegistus. Moses puri ed and reveiled them, for that is the meaning of the word reveal. He covered them with a new veil, when he made of the Holy Kabbalah the exclusive heritage of the people of Israel, and the inviolable Secret of its priests. The Mysteries of Thebes and Eleusis preserved among the nations some symbols of it, already altered, and the mysterious key whereof was lost among the instruments of an evergrowing superstition.

Jerusalem, the murderess of her prophets, and so often prostituted to the false gods of the Syrians and Babylonians, had at length in its turn lost the Holy Word, when a Prophet announced by the Magi by the consecrated Star of Initiation [Sirius], came to rend asunder the worn veil of the old Temple, in order to give the Church a new tissue of legends and symbols, that still and ever conceal from the Profane, and ever preserves to the Elect the same truths.

Weishaupt’s poor diplomatic skills prevented him from successfully preaching for the order, until he recruited Freiherr von Knigge, a man well known in Masonic circles. B y the great inter national

The Illuminati Lights Out

convention of Freemasons held at Wilhelmsbad, in 1782, the “Illuminated Freemasonry”, which Knigge and Weishaupt now proclaimed the to be the only “pure” Freemasonry, had already gained such a reputation that almost all the members of the convention sought admission to it. A n u m b e r o f t h e m o s t p r o m i n e n t representatives of Freemasonry and “enlightenment ” became Illuminati, including, in 1783, Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick, the foremost leader of European Freemasonry. Ferdinand was the greatgrandson of George I of England, and married Augusta, a sister of George III. Other famous members were Goethe, Herder and Nicolai.

Within a short time the Illuminati had lodges all over Germany and Austria, while branches were founded in Italy, Hungary, France, and Switzerland. However, it was the Illuminati plot to overthrow the Hapsburgs in 1784, exposed by police spies who had in ltrated the order, which led to the Bavarian government banning all secret societies, and driving the followers of Weishaupt underground. Nevertheless, suspicion remained that its members might still be working in secret, spreading subversive ideas, and scheming behind the scenes. Prior to the French Revolution, Weishaupt is to have said, “Salvation does not lie where strong thrones are defended by swords, where the smoke of censers ascends to heaven or where thousands of strong men pace the rich elds of harvest. The revolution which is about to break will be sterile if it is not complete.”

End of excerpt.

So they want a free society, free and wonderful so why do we need passports, visa, driver license, pay mortgage, pay high interest etc etc. What the holy Moses (!) is going on here? Ah, recall, it is just words. Utter words that vibrate in the air but have absolutely no value what so ever once spoken or having been thought in the sick minds. The plot here is to understand that the free ow of information and the new culture with the Internet is suppose to bombard people with information and 99% of all people don't read things like this. They only care for their next fart and the next rock concert. They also speak of Quantum physics and holographic reality and they are actually brainwashing once again all over and in putting out all this information people drown and will never care. Or understand.

The idea here is to understand their sick minds. You can't even begin to imagine their sick minds or way of thinking because it is in another place they live far from normalities such as brushing teeth, paying rent, cleaning etc. This they have slave or illuminati members do for them who are freemason etc. Just like the Royal House of Denmark (Pigmark). Everyone hired in that house is a freemason so the little sick family can trust to be served food and driven around and have soldiers protect them knowing they are not going to re back the wrong way!

They have been spinning this around for 2000+ years so they have made it a science and they know every little detail of every little hair on every little prisoner on this planet. They know just what buttons to press when and where. Be it a new war or just new taxes or even alleviate taxes when things needs to go better than bad. You pay, they play. And their game is not monopoly. It is a game of human life or deaths. And they are in 2013+ inventing a new reality which is supposed to overtake the old world order which is just the same world order. It is going to be an order in which promises will be made of happiness and Gods and goddess dies and the new world will be one where everyone is controlled every minute of the day. They have the tools and they place them in your hand such as iPhones and IP numbers on The Internet and credit cards which they can follow and passports they can check from afar. A huge matrix of computers has already been setup to take over this world and they can go rest easy assured that a red light will shine if an alarm is set of. They have for centuries secured their world and earlier it was canons and reballs but today it is riot police and armies with bigger and faster bang bang guns than ever. Once little rocket can destroy a village within minutes or if their is a thereat they can shut down parts of society at will as easy as icking a button.

You go shopping in their shops, with their money and as long as you comply they will not impose any terror on you. They will eventually make a society far beyond "1984" where every man and woman is nothing more than a fearful frighten zombie wondering in a bright illuminated landscape ever controlled by gadgets and galore. And you can fuck here and there and you can enjoy sex or have 50 wives if you like. As long as you comply. The minute you make disturbance they will ick you out of the game and in minutes you have no "friends" or "relative" utterly alone and only option is out. You go to your own death willingly and happily because that is better than being non-existent. And here another excerpt:

According to Illuminati member, Marie Jean Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet, who wrote, Outline of a Historical Picture of the Progress of the Human Mind, history progresses through nine stages, with a tenth, still ahead, when man will enjoy freedom, equality, and justice. The rst of these epochs, is that of mankind living in kinship organization, with the simplest possible economy and the beginnings of religion. The eight succeeding epochs develop through the origins of language, craft, pastoralism, villages, towns, commerce, and reaching the heights of ancient classical civilization.

Next was the “barbarism” of Christian society, succeeded by the Renaissance, the rise of modern science, with the ninth epoch culminating in the success of the project of the Enlightenment. For Condorcet, “everything points to the fact that we are verging upon the epoch of one of the great revolutions of the human race . . . The existing state of knowledge guarantees that it will be auspicious.” The tenth epoch still in the future, will represent man’s

nal achievement of full equality, liberty, justice, and abolition of not merely poverty and hunger, but of all remaining impediments upon the human mind.

Freedom, free don! So if they know about this then why all these stages? They use noneducation to numb people down then, today and tomorrow and the so called freedom is only free as long as you comply. That too they forgot to tell you. Just like there is supposed to be freedom of movement when there is non today. You have to pay at the gate for a Visa and very expensive in some countries. Once you get in you just shut up and follow suite because if you should have any ideas of your own you are out. That is happening as you read this, this very minute in many places around Earth. One day it might be you unless you are too stupid and that is then only your good luck. They love ignorance.

60. Whore of Babylon

What on earth is Adolf Hitler, Steve Jobs and a dog doing in a Thai temple (call a “ Wat”)? Perhaps we need to look at the bulldog and the Sacred Bull as well to nd out. Then some more to really know and decode the message.

Royals in the temple. Even now demigods. The bulldog too. Dog... that is God backwards. What a coincidence. 
Secret, deceit, lies, history is fake - the list is as long as The Roman Empire, The Holy Roman Empire and the combined United Nations. And they kill too if a y gets in their way and there are many ies in this world and you are one too. S.M.A.C.K. This is the main article of this rst issue of Cerasius. Then visit the Wicked Whore of Vicky and follow the next magazines as they turn out.
Do you remember this talk and website during 2012? Well, now when you visit the same domain koni2012.com it takes you to Facebook.com! How about that. January 2013 that link goes via a domain called: sixdegreesproject.org which redirects to 6degreesproject.org as far as we could tell. Very strange. But then again, 6 is an important number in the sick esoteric world. Had there only been one more jump it would be 666 as per The Bible with reference to Number of the Beast! Is that mystical or what?!
And did we indeed make the word water from Wat? We do have a Waters Corporation and er means is in Nordic languages. Wat+is = Wat+er = Water. Wat = Temple and from water came Nu (mythology) and Tiamat. That is also why a Nun is called a Nun! She is sometimes very wet.
But the Dog is nice even if it is ugly in a lovely kind of way. Oh my; we even nd a http:// godzdogz.op.org. No idea what that is but words do tell!
Respect for the great temples of Asia because they have humor far more than the west ever had. Try and make an American laugh - it will take a few hamburgers to get the mouth open but once they start to smile they are great people.
When the battle looks lost they just drop it on you like a pancake hits a at surface. They put it right smack in your face and if you think cerasius.com created whores, then think utterly different. Not because you are suppose to because 99% of all people won't think at all (mildly speaking and the reason is, that 22% of the population suffer from some type of Ponerology and about 60% likes to follow rulers whatever the ruler does or says most of the time). Anyway, here she is: http://cerasius.com/wiki/Whore_of_Babylon. Pancakes can be nice especially in USA where they drop sucker-syrup on it as if they were too sour. Sucker honey and then a cake to swallow it down. All cooked on a pan in lard to please the lords.
Here is an update on one more such whore of Babylon and her name is Prime minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt. And if you think naming is new, then know who Eva Marie Saint (Hollywood actress) was and Silvia Saint is (pornographic star)! All afore mentioned are stars in their own way. The 5 pointed star represents all evil such as war and terror so give them a star too. Watch television just for a day on Al Jazeera and notice how many stars you see not to mention the number of stars in nations ags. Heck, only stars, peafowls and then some marks and crosses and mostly blue, yellow, red and green. Come on - imagination? No, rulers don't work to produce not even a mockingbird but only y around in limos like a bird as Isis wished just like the Faravahar. And when the light turns out, they can always look back on a career as highly classed, hailed and glori ed prostitutes.
Hitler or Greek Χίτλερ was a Rothschild and Rothschild is two meanings: Rot’Schild but the hidden word is Roth’s Child. German for Red Shield is Roten Schild. The word rotten comes to mind which we shall nd elsewhere.
However Ro and Ros and Rot takes us to other places too. Ros is indeed GOD.
German Verrotten is Rotten. There are no word in German called Rot for red but they refer rot to so called high middle german.

The city Rotterdam:

Settlement at the lower end of the fen stream Rotte (or Rotta, as it was then known, from rot, 'muddy' and a, 'water', thus 'muddy water') dates from at least 900 CE. Around 1150.

Rot, rotten is English i something bad, smelly that is decaying. I shall tells you exactly what is decaying and it is shit which I shall tell you soon.
Noun English: Rush 1) Mass migration 2) hurry up 3) plant growing in marshy water. Alternative forms of Roth is Rot. King Hrothgar (King Hroðgar) legendary Danish king who had a mead-hall called Heorot.
Mead if a type of bear called Mjöd in Swedish but in Danish it is called Mead same as in English. In German it is Met. Mead is a bitter tatish style of beer adding honey helps. Mead = Beer.
Heorot was a Beer Hall for drinking and partying as was the Beer Hall in Munich, Germany.
King Hroðgar was the victim of a Coup by his warrior called Beowulf through proxy by the dragon who is allegorically The Romans. Just like the Beer Hall Putsch is Beer Hall Coup. They are the same and in essence the same thing happened. Difference lacem scebe and people.

Whore of Babylon

The reason why we see Adolf Hitler in a Buddhist Temple is easy; he was king and his name can be traced to the word GOD which I prove later.
Steve Jobs is the apple or the forbidden fruits but the apple is a head on a dick, bitten by a whore.
Bull as in horned bull and Dog is God spelled backwards. But that we knew because it is coming out sooner or later.

61. Rahab

How funny - well, don't laugh - but Isis rimes with Chrysis. That is why cerasius.com is being hacked and was "thrown" out of Wikipedia for writing the real secret! There is a secret, you see. Chrysis was Isis was Aphrodite was Victoria was a whore. So it tells us if you read The Bible. Plenty about being a prostitute here in ancient times good or bad. Then look up Rahab the prostitute and see what that was all about!

"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."

Romans 13:1

But wait, was there not suppose to be religious freedom? Hoax. Here it says in the true Bible, fake about everything god-dish, that the government is put here by God! How the hell do they know? And it is a riddle that while governments and it's presidents says: "God save our nation" that they meanwhile proclaim God created the nation and put the governments there in the rst place. So why "save the nation" when God did so in the rst place? What bastards they are and so very ill and sick minded it goes far beyond any illness man has ever encountered be it Zhar (!), smallpox or AIDS *)

However please notice the di fference in translations from bible to bible. You need to know some Greek language to decode this. And the verse is 13? The sacred number of the state of Israel who is Isis, Ra and El. Bloody smart they were and still are. But the proof that they are all liars are right smack in The "good" O'l Bible.

"For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you."
Romans 13:3

62. The Fallen - Al Queda

So the government will terrorize you and everyone who does not follow suite? Nice. Who invented terror in the rst place? France did and "Terrorism" comes from the French word terrorism, and originally referred speci cally to state terrorism as practiced by the French government during the Reign of terror. How do you make a camel drink, not only lead it to the water? You force it in any way by force even if you must drug it and force water into it - the poor beast! But how do you make gravity turn upside down? By using words to deceive and then time. Terror was governmental but now coined to al Qaeda which is a group that does not exist. Amazing, right? How on earth can they have a Twitter account: https://twitter.com/alqaeda? Because AQ is no other than the government you never really elected.

Angel is cognate to Angle. The angle is the upraised position of various sex organs. When it falls it is literally an angle that falls. This is due to gravity. Without gravity it would not fall. Hence angles who y in the sky out there in the Universe have no gravity hence their organs can’t fall. So Presidents, rulers and Kings and Queens dream of heaven because there they can stick it up in peoples faces all day long and not have it fall.

So when people revolt and uprise, they are sticking up their organs to show power and usually the riot police will step in and make any upraised angle fall as quick as possible. This done so they - the rulers - can keep them in power so their organs keep in an upright position. If it really should fall in case of impotent, they always have the obelisks to show it can still stand. That is all it is. So what are these needles worths? One known as Cleopatras Needle? Nada, nulla, nothing. It is all nonsense from Alpha to Omega.

That is also why there are so many Angels in churches because they too have power. Now however they are loosing it as are governments as people realize the deep organ hoax they kept alive for many years making people believe in chestnuts, cocks and assholes as divine entities.

63. Beliver

So who is Al Qaeda really? Well, proof is, it is the government because they rule by and with terror. But where did the word/name originate? Cerasius.com has found El Caído. Spanish: The Fallen. What fell? Right, the angel as a cock upraised but fallen de ated. Where do we nd such a fallen angel? Well, Ricardo Bellver (Beliver?!) did one. Bellver studied at the San Fernando Royal Academy of Art, and nished his sculptural education in Rome (!) as a grant holder. We also nd a "The Fallen" under the Spanish wikipedia as: “The Fallen” es el nombre de un personaje cticio de la franquicia Transformers, es el fundador y Antecesor líder y fundador de los Decepticons antes era un ex-líder de los Autobots (Megatronus Prime) pero por codicia traicionó a la orden Prime. So it has to do with toys for children! Anyway, the sculpture is all related to Lucifer falling from Heaven. Lucifer is just Astro Theology which is a name for the planet Venus which "falls" early in the morning as the Sun rises. But all it does is move and since the Sun "outshines" it, Venus "falls". If you are in far east Asia this is also seen but rather different as Venus stands lovely for a long time in the sky. Venus is also Ishtar and/or Isis' planet.

This is probably where they found the invented word Al Qaeda. Al = God. Qaeda = Caído. Surely there are some groups around the world who ght. Who are they? Mostly and largely governmental to control and deliver drugs and control gold-, silver- and cobbermines etc.. The government also control the delivery of spirits, alcohol, cigarets, tobacco, medicine (drugs), and opium and more "hostile" modern chemical drugs such as amphetamine, heroine etc. Just look at the last two names:

Amphetamine comes from Amphitheatre? Amphi: entertainment? Amphi Festival. Amphi is Greek: ἀμφιθέατρον; amphitheatrum.
Heroin derived from heroine who is a female hero. Greek "ἥρως" (heroes), "hero, warrior". Who was the warrior? It was Ishtar (Isis) (known as a warrior) and who today? You got it; governments. Why? Who has the guns/army? Again, you got it spot on; the government. And where is the proof? Circe (Kirk, church) and The Bible is your proof and then lots of words.
Qaeda is in Greek: Κάιντα which phonetically sounds like Carita. And we nd Caritas which relates to Popes and Hells Angels! Match made in heaven or hell. But luck or coincidence? Neither. Made by design. Carita means love or cherries. Just like a Cherry or Cerasius!!!!! French: chéri means beloved. So the Carita who is the fallen one is the beloved. Satan is to be loved? This is why some worship Satan. And according to Charlotte Iserbyt the government is very very sick. Who does the government work together with literally and proven? Spot on again; Hells Angels or Fallen Angels. Cerasius.com really does not care too much about all the hogwash religious bullshit. Cerasius.com likes cherries because they taste really great especially in a Cherry-Pie!
Hokkaido: is the big northern island of Japan. This island is mentioned in the movie Contact and an American woman in the movie says: "Yes, I know that island, that is where we operate from...". - North Sea Road.
Look up: http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/
...and see they have Cherries as their speciality on Hokkaido Island. Language interconnects but in this case Kaido would be Kaida if you just changed one letter. In Contact ( lm) this is where John Hurt (actor) is in a satellite above Earth as an angel however he is fallen because he is ill and only zero-gravity can help him! John Hurt also played the main character in Nineteen Eighty-Four ( lm) adapted from a novel by George Orwell published in 1949. The movie tells us, that all is being utterly and deeply controlled by a demonic money laundering machine in and by the US Government in tight cooperation with all other national governments. John Hurt also plays a part in Harry Potter ( lm) and this is based on esoteric magic and nonsense but if you can decode the real story behind - and in - Harry Potter, it is a real story about how the esoteric illuminati world operate.
El Bible is the proof that in fact, all governments are not only fake but also humanly illegal and, according to the Bible, which they follow, that the state, government and it's rulers are terrorist. Proof? Le Bible! Not illegal in the sense of the law because the law is created by governments and their fake rulers but humanly false and should not be. Can you take this to court? Yes, but in doing so you are taking it to what originated in Egypt from the courts of Egyptian temples where only the holiest of men could enter into the chamber. And what was the chamber? Usually a whorehouse with the best of slaves to delight and entertain not only the rulers but also the priests. This is why Catholic priests have sex with whomever they want - mostly children - on a need-to-relieve basis. And if you don't believe a word of this, why do you then believe a word written by the wicked whore of whores called Vicky or Wiki (acronym) with their child's play of their story. If you want to believe a lie then do so. The truth? The secret? You decide.

64. Fear by terror

The word translated to terror is φόβος (Phobos) which translates to: fear, dread etc.. Also see Phobos (mythology). So God gave government and the rulers their powers. Okay. So if God tells us differently, that terror is devices only by governments, then who are the real terrorists? It can only be one and only one entity and guess which? The government. Even author Jonathan Black tells us this mentioning Barack Hussein Obama as a possible antiChrist! And who is this president working for? Well, supposedly the people but he represent who? Yes, you got it, the government. And by being a president he is a ruler hence what does he do? You got it. He does what the Bible says he must if people do not comply under his rule; he will engage in terror and with terror. Proof. The Bible. The same Bible he swears upon when inaugurated. So he just follows the law and rule under God because God put him there to do so. Amazing, right. So let us suppose there really is religious freedom and we tell him it is a lie under God and he is a terrorist not instituted by any God but by The Roman Empire? Well, he will tell you to shut up or go to prison or kill you if need be. That is what they did when people could read the Bible in Latin and Greek and understand it as it was written namely that The Bible is a hoax to surrogate all their Gods (Apollo, Dionysus etc..). With the written word they fooled you big time.

The implications are easy; rulers, kings and presidents are humanly unlawful as are taxes and all their laws. Why? Because it was not God that said what is said but written by the Romans. So says the Bible. Read Romans - the fake hilarious letter which is part of the terrorbook known as The Bible. A bib we know as a child's cloth to protect from dirtying down themselves. Bib+Le = Words+El = Words+God. Well, in that case; words+God = terror. Why? Read Romans 13.You don't have to believe a word of it because it is proof to know and the same Bible which is a Whole Lie is also the evidence to understand the story as a total τέρας (monster) TUPAC/TWOPACK the pop group?

Anti-Christ? Well, The Romans and the Jews were against Jesus and killed him even if Pontius Pilate 129did not want to. The drunken bastards known as the Roman army killed Jesus because Pontius did not want to loose face and let it be as it became. Later they adopted Jesus as their savior in year 325 AD showing him on a cross with nails and blood to scare anyone who would go against the rulers! Where, why, how? Read Romans 13:1-3... So who was/is anti-Christ? You got it - it was The Roman Empire, Caesar and all their armed men including the high priests - they were against (anti) Christ. So anti-Christ was about 2000 years ago. And followed suite right up until this day (2013) as The United Nations unlawfully instigated by Rothschild (King's Child). Roth is old word for king (Heorot). And who does the danish government seek advise with during the bank-crisis in 2008+? N. M. Rothschild. Circle complete.

Denmark (cognate to Pigmark) has a ag and it is named Dannebrog. Dan e Bro. Tribe of Dan and bro in Danish is bridge. What was the bridge? It was ancient Phoenician ships. Not really perhaps but they created it so, that we are suppose to believe it was when in fact the whole thing might be a lie. The Vikings were no other than the 12 tribes of Israel who had to escape ancient Israel and the tribe of Dan took over old Norse. V+I = 6. Six Kings. Or sex kings. V = female and I is the rod or extended arm in Egyptian Hieroglyphs and I in Phoenician alphabet became eye - the so called all seeing eye. The rod is phallus and V is the female uterus so they had what? Exactly, plenty of sex hence VI+Kings as in Sex Kings because they raped and plundered their way through ancient Europe - and Las Vegas! If have been thrown out of your "house" and lost everything because you are a villain, then you might as well

129 Pontius Pilatus: Latin: pons=bridge and pila=pillar so it is: Bridge Pillar. In French pont=bridge. He was the bridge between Rome and the near east namely ancient Jerusalem.

ght to the end of your life. And in doing so they took back everything. The same two colors you nd in the american ag with 13 stripes. Israel (Isis Ra El) is the 13th state/tribe! VIstar or VIsta as in Windows (cross) Vista was named so because 1) a window has a cross and 2) VIsta(r) rimes with Ishtar. And how many rays are there in the ve pointed star? 5, right? V = 5. And in "Bang bang" (song) Nancy Sinatra sings "...he was 5 and she was 6...". Frank Sin At Ra was Nancy's father.

The arm, extended was the symbol of Hitler as it was and is for the Communists and even the so called Occupy Movement which is most likely set up by a governmental agency and has nothing to do with freedom and peoples will. Breivik in Norway used the same outstretched arm - he was a patsy and in fact there is not one thread of evidence linking him to the crime scene. Why does the court and lawyers miss this? Because they are based on freemasons tradition going back to ancient Egyptian chambers and courts.

Pons (Latin) = Bridge. Pila (Latin) = Pillar. Pont (French) = Bridge. Pontius Pilatus = Bridge Pillar. But he feared Caesar so not much of a pillar, right?! And he did nothing to bridge anything except deceive people with terror as did the priest. What followed Jesus' death was all lies and they hung Jesus on a cross in churches (Kirk (Scottish) for Circe (Greek goddess)) to scare and terror with fear (Phobos) people so they would know what would happen to them too if they did not follow Romans 13:1.3.

Think and turn every rock. Mithra has Ra. Ith sounds like Is. Enter El for Hebrew GOD. Then you get:
Ish Ra El

So where did the M go? It got fucked because it is a woman on her back or two mountains symbolizing man and woman. They simply went sightseeing hence the M was not lost but just moved on. Pun intended. Bend the M 180 degrees and voila you have a rhombi ♢.

Israel is one single six letter word. There are about one million english words but Israel can make about 49 words out of 1,000,000. That is 0.00049%. Of this little number 4 of those words are:

liar liars lie lies

That is 8.16% of the 0.00049% words. It could in other words have been about another million words, and then these words came up and all of them. All 4 related to lies. if God was so amazing and divine you’d think God would have chosen a different name. At the time they knew Latin but not modern English. But God created words so out of all the words God could have chosen he picked these.

I can’t help think of one speci Bergman:
c scene in history with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid
“Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.”

We shall talk Gin later related to USA and lies so deep only real dragons know where the hole end. Fake Kings and Rulers of Europe simply had no idea and still have no idea what the is going on. The science of confusion goes to the root of understanding what this book is all about.

Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) said this to Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman). Is it then not relatively curious, that Ilsa can be made from Israel? Who is Ilsa then? The plot goes like this:

Cynical American expatriate Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) is the proprietor of an upscale nightclub and gambling den in Casablanca in early December 1941. "Rick's Café Américain" attracts a mixed clientele: Vichy French, Italian, and Nazi officials; refugees desperate to reach the still neutral United States; and those who prey on them. Although Rick professes to be neutral in all matters, it is later revealed he ran guns to Ethiopia to combat the 1935 Italian invasion and fought on the Loyalist side in the Spanish Civil War.

I emphasized a few words and just keep them in mind. French, Italian, Germans. in other words: Salian Franks, Rome (The Vatican) and Nazis. The Nazis never died. Casa is House and Blanca is White. The title of the movie “CASABLANCA” is the “White House ”.

GOD wrote The Bible through men. GOD wrote many things. Out of many words he selected it to be Israel.

In Romans 9:6 we read the word: Ἰσραήλ which is Israel. If we swap the letter as a palindrome we get: λήαρσἸ which is Learsi. This leads me to recall King Lear by William

Shakespeare. Take out the “si” or the σἸ and enter Greek letter sigma we get: λήροσ which is Liros. Is this the origin of Ros and Rose and Italian Lire? I am just saying. But more important is, that λήαρσ is: liar

λ ή α ρ σ
Lamda Eta Alpha Rho Sigma
L i a r s

NB . Eta is modern times letter: i.

Ἰ σραήλ starts with an apostrophe which makes no sense as it is added more as a decoration. Above the ή is an “apostrophe” too. That makes sense when we know, that ή is ancient Greek e but modern i which has a dot above it hence ή is an i.

Ancient Greek moved into Modern day time Greek around 1450 AD (after Christ), so only about 560 years ago with the fall of the Byzantine Empire.
God created The Bible and chose this word later to be a palindrome and chose liars as the word out of about 1,000,000 English words. GOD as a palindrome is DOG. So God created two palindromes and two words. When you say about someone “your’s a dog” it means you are bad, no good, a scoundrel, rotten etc. A dog can be very nice indeed for hunting etc. Man best friend is said to be the dog (however it is the horse). A liar is no good too. White lies can be okay and accepted. If you lie all the time especially about a divine matter connecting governments, courts, po lice and a whole governmental system, then it become really bad. So what is the motive for lying about The Bible and Christianity? Imagine this; those who ordered The Bible to be written did simply not expect what was really written.
We have two words chosen by God and the English language has about 1,000,000 words. It could be change. The Dog word could be a coincidence. If we then add the second (II) word popping up; liars, it become a matter of pure math to calculate the statistics of those two words coming out. The words could have been: ower, tree, bottle, bird, frog, lover, love, day, night etc. But it was these two words. Both bad. Not words describing something good like; candy, cinnamon etc. The word GOD and LIARS have a total of 8 (eight) letters and they are all different. With GOD it is possible to create only a very few words. LIARS too. To get these two words or any two words statistically is:

1,000,000 x 1,000,000 =
1,000,000,000,000 =


In other words; if you want to pick two exact words and have them come out as you expected, the change of this happening is 1 out of 1,000,000,000,000. Let us say you pick the words 1) think 2) air. For these two words (or any two words) to come out is one in a trillion (Europe, England called one billion) - 12 zeros and the 1 makes it 13 single digits.

I shall return to this later explaining the equation in further detail as wll as tell what it means.


SECRETUM VILLA NORUM DE SLACLOSIA - So they speak Latin in Denmark!
Written as motto on a small city in Pigmark130 (better known as Denmark) called Slagelse which on Wikipedia is utterly fraudulently told to mean something it is not. The real meaning is Battle (slag) and Else is a name derived from the Hebrew name Elizabeth (given_name) derived from Elisheva - on the former it holds one meaning and the latter holds a second meaning. Wikipedia has fucked it up major in this case too. עַבֶׁשיִלֱא actually translates to Elisheba (sheba) and that we know from cats-food www.sheba.com but Sheba is Arabic. Hence what is the name Elisabeth? Yes, it is derived from Arabic.
Slag (Danish) = battle and Else is Sheba from Arabic. Was it Arabs who fought a battle near "Slagelse" and gave it that name? Christian IX is located on a statue on a horse in the city and he was the father and maker of 6 children who moved on to become the bloodline of Queen Elisabeth (Sheba) II of England. Match made! One of his daughters became Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia. She was married to Emperor Alexander III of Russia.
It is called Running in the family intermarriage between the Hesse and what-not. Lots of babies made and some not too smart and some out of wedlock. Heck, they are only human, right or wrong?
Or עַבֶׁשיִלֱא translates to Latin: Aaron uxorem Elisabe. Aeoron is found in The Bible and in the Quran. Is the Quran not Arabic? In this case we have it, that Elisabeth is derived from Aeron+Sheba!? All most likely coming from Arabia. If you tell this publicly in Pigmark, you are sure to be silenced within seconds through governmental terror. They do not want the truth to be known.
El+se. El = God. Queen of Sheba, anyone? Kings and Queens and fake royals makes sure the blood never thins out and it truly runs in the family. Is the Queen of England/Pigmark then not also from Arabia? Sure.
Arabia Felix
Ever heard of this story? Well, now is your change to set it right. Arabia Felix means Happy Arabia.
Any president is a tick and sucks blood and do nothing and SPQR was known as and translated by ordinary people as "Lazy Romans". So you will also see it in a small city in Pigmark called Slagelse on the seal of the municipality. Translates to: The Secret Village of The Romans, Lazy. SLACKOISIE is one ef those invented Latin words. To be slack, lazy. It literally means: lawyers who were to lazy to work. Norum however can also be a city in

Motto of a city called Slagelse (Battle El) in Denmark. Strange how they should want to speak bogus latin but they do the same on The Capitol Hill.

130 cerasius.com/wiki/Pigmark Norway which is known as the most masonic country on Earth. You know Bourgeoisie so Slackoisie is the word covering the real lazy ones. But Norum is:

I. A hill-fort between Lycaonia and Cappadocia II. A very ancient city in Sardinia
III. Nori

Norum is an acronym for Roma; Rome. And we might ask ourselves: what the hell is something roman doing in a Nordic country!? Easy. It is occupied by The Holy See starting vigorously about 1000 AD. When cerasius.com mentioned this to Wikipedia the answer was prompt. Shutting down cerasius.com's Wikipedia account and prohibiting writing anymore truths. Cerasius.com don't care about what and who the president of USA is except that the words he uses are utter nonsense and cerasius.com don't like too many fools. He makes for at least an army of fools so it is one too many. When searching Google Books for Norum we see a Norwegian mentioned rst! Coincidence or luck? Neither!

Incidentally, Google is 61 in Gematria referring to God. Google=God in Gematria. Check is our for yourself here: http://www.gematrix.org - coincidence or luck? Neither. Google is a tool to control and is based on http://www.opensearch.org which is a free tool not invented by Google. 6+1 is 7 the sacred number of Jesus also referring to The Seven Last Words of Christ. So we have:

I. Roman numerals V+I = 5+1 = 6 (VI) II. 6+1=7
III. 5+6+1=12
IV. 5+6+1+1=13

Area 51(2) Alpha and Omega

This is also an esoteric number and we nd it in Area 51. 5+1=6. It is supposedly a top secret governmental place but cerasius.com recalls that the esoteric world and Illuminati likes to use lies and magic to fool. A = Alpha as in Alpha Omega. There is indeed also Area 52 And since 5+2 is the number of Jesus representing God and God is eternal we get Omega which is represented by Pi and is eternal. Area 52 is an acronym for what? Again, you are getting it spot on. It is an acronym for God. Area 52 = Alpha 7 = Alpha and Omega. Ghostly alien UFOs? Hardly except for the Unidenti ed Flying Objects spotted whenever you can't identify it! And then naturally the aliens you know as illegal immigrants (law). And then Ali as the cousin of Muhammed in Persia some of the origin lands of Christianity! Ali+en perhaps because en is one in Scandinavian language. Ali+en = King One. Much is invented in fantasy storytelling and in movies but it originates in the esoteric world which is darn real
- sadly.

VI = 5 and 1 in Roman numerals. 50 stars in the US ag and then one star for Israel. Area 51 is known as a secret place.
Esoteric means: secret.
According to US history; US was founded by esoteric societies from Europe. J. F. Kennedy wanted to eliminate secret societies and was assassinated for it. The real

conspiracy that was set up was the whole aftermath concerning Lee Harwald Oswald.

Use Occam's Razor to investigate. What is most likely 1) red is blue or 2) blue is green or 3) up is not down? Neither! Up is down if you are standing opposite on Earth to the one asking the question. Just like the 7 July 2005 London bombings patsies were set up. Harwald could have been set up too most likely. Guesswork but the principle of Occam's razor will help in a sound conclusion. Who bene tted and who had a motive? Simple police investigative work but the police never really do their work to protect the elite and rulers. Sherlock Holmes would have gured it out - easy. Sherlock = fair-haired; bright hair; bright head; one of the brighter ones; smarter. Holm = nordic for little hill. Hills of Rome? Bright Little Hill - hill being the head?! J. F. Kennedy was also brighter than the elite wanted him to be. Just like in Jude ( lm) the character never can hold a job or get his scholarly education because he is too bright for the elite.

Do not watch this video regarding the 7/7 London Bombing at YouTube 131. ALARMING WARNING: Do not watch if you have a weak heart or you suffer from an illness known as denial of the truth! You, as a person, are in a living horror-house terrorized by governments.
Charlotte Iserbyt - The Marxist takeover of American Education Part 1 of 5
Also watch:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uVViV54fv0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeTZoks87OE

It is really scary but a good way to know what the heck is going on, not only in America, but all around Earth. Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt served as the head of policy at the Department of Education during the rst administration of Ronald Reagan. While working there she discovered a long term strategic plan by the tax exempt foundations to transform America from a nation of rugged individualists and problem solvers to a country of servile, brainwashed minions who simply regurgitate whatever they're told.

Part one of our exclusive interview with Iserbyt breaks down how conditioning/training under a corporate agenda has replaced traditional education, leading to a deliberate dumbing down of Americans. Iserbyt further explains how Reagan signed agreements merging the U.S. and Soviet systems under the United Nations banner, turning over education and many other areas of public policy to global control.

This 74 minute exposé is a must see for anyone who wants to truly know why the education system is deliberately crafted to produce human drones with no critical thinking whose only skills are to be subservient, trust authority and follow orders.

Wicked Vicky
Did you know Wicked Vicky has a 65 megabyte GIF animated le:

- what is a moron de ned as? A 65 megabyte animated GIF le. To make their database and image base into a pile of huge - well - data, then they create these silly things so people give up on downloading image dumps. Did you also know, that Wicked Vicky mostly consists of Templates and Categories and then tons of pages with very very little value except to re-tell the lies of their stories - called culture or history when in fact culture is derived from the fact that bacteria rots things which is in fact good.

131 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39d_g5jEXPY

"[Biblical] Job was a good man, yet he lost all his money. His sons and daughters (Freemasons) died. Left all alone, he was covered with a plague of boils. Meanwhile, the wicked prospered. The story of Job is remembered today, not because he was a great leader or doer of great deeds, but because he was the first human being ever to think a very important and deeply true thought: "Life is unfair". Hercules had been the sport of the gods, but it was Job who cried out to the heavens in defiance. Unlike Hercules, Job had the language to do this."

Jonathan Black & Jazz

So it is written in the book called "THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE WORLD" by Jonathan Black. What utter nonsense. How can it be a secret when it is written in plain sight in a book. The book is an oxymoron and mostly ferry tales. But the wicked did prosper as they do today, tomorrow and forever. This much we know and can learn and this "secret" is no lie. Jonathan Black [JB] babbles in his book about anti-Christ and he says that a day was/is not a day as written in the opening of the Bible. A day was like millions of years or whatever. Sure. JB speaks of Barack Hussein Obama being anti-Christ, however denies it later, and tells that great writers and artists were initiated into the secret societies and knew the hidden world. This world was all about sex, drugs and a higher consciousness. Well, JB, I have news for you. You contradict yourself and you speak like a man inviting more evil. THE LOST SYMBOL is supposedly build upon JB's ideas. Well, Dan Brown is a Freemason himself or similar. You really can't make it in this world unless you are allowed to by the inner circles of high society. Even John Galliano now gets a new job and he can look like a dandy-boy for all the world and do his fashion shows which are all based deeply on free-masonic traditions - sex, drugs, rock and roll. This is why we are and have been heading towards more nonsense in this world for the past 6000 years and especially since 325 AD. His name in Jonathan Black and tell about the light and the eye and on the cover is the all-seeing eye. And his name in pitch black as is his writings. He never connects any dots and he is a believer in the unlawful true, but hilariously fake Bible.

Yes, his story, JB's, in The Secret History of The World is all very psycho and riddles and mostly an attempt to brainwash people further. No light here except it does shine a little light on how really really sick they are while they laugh all the way to the bedchamber with their whores being lazy having opportunity to grow their bank-accounts as large as they like as long as they stay esoteric.

"The signi cance of the letter 'Z' is esoteric and thus is not proper to be discussed here. It is the initial of the password of this degree. In the Hebrew numerology of the Kabalah its equivalent letter had the value of 7, a number familiar to all Masons." pasadenascottishrite.org

So Jazz really is Ja+Zx2. Jahve + Z which is 7. Next time you listen to Jazz you might start to think for the rst time in your life. But the changes are very slim.
Job is mentioned and written about in The Bible in the Book of Job. But wait, The Bible is a pack of lies (Holi; Whole Lie) and Job never really existed. Proof? There is none of neither. The only Job I know of was named Steve Job's and he too was in part a fake and never invented one single thing.
The Bible is nothing more than a tale of lies, sex, murder, some love and all misery. No wonder she was named Chrysis - the whore of whores - and her name became associated with real problems personally as well as culturally for nations and people. And her e name came into play as Crisis of the Third Century 132 - so a crisis - is in the esoteric world something that most follow and comes as the gods foretold! Bank-crisis? No, it is made by design and made to be. There really is no crisis unless it is created just as the earlier Wall Street meltdown called the Great Depression was made to happen. Heck, will a bird drop from the sky without any reason? No!!!
Wikileaks; Cerasius has the proof that Julian Assange and Wikileaks (and in that also such people as Michael Moore) are all fake and an attempt to fool nations, people and lives. Wiki again. The proof can be followed right back to Amnesty International which in itself is a terror organization. Vicky or Victoria was and is her name and the rulers still follow her ideas as the warrior bitch she was and still is now only known as other names like Ms. Clinton and who not. Not one news outlet todays is really free and Spain and Greece are all in the pool of fools by rulers who enjoy the Rothschild's way of living high and in utmost wealth not even a real god (!) can indulge in. God's never existed nor did they tell man one word. It was evil men who devised it all and this you must live with - or die - as Job dies while he was alive. Strange how a tale of lies can actually describe todays world in perfection like a hand ts a glove. All by design. Olympus, Hercules and all the rest are just monsters and the cross is everywhere in every cranny even in Laos and naturally in Burma Myanmar. Yes, Aung San Suu Kyi is fake too - she is just another Vicky with her "Chrysis" made by design with the help of the British Empire and her father.
Now, does another Job tell us something? Steve Jobs? A fake too just as Facebook and Google is from their startup-tales but if you wish to believe in fairytales then so be it. Billions have done so before and see where we are today. Hell really does exist right smack on mother Earth.
Wikipedia is and can only be done as it is with all their lies because there is a huge team of rotten tomatoes administrating it such as one famous man called Palnatoke. He naturally suffers from an illness far greater than Ponerology and is in fact on par with Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Zbigniew Brzezinski, any Rothschild, the Queen of any country and the Franks (Sin At Ra) and anyone else in fake cultures. And Palnatoke loves it. He is part of the deceit and he is living a lie and making it up everyday.
History was and is mostly designed by the very very rich but sometimes it goes wrong. Nicolae Ceaușescu is one such example and even on his death-day executed by free people he never understood why. That is how sick he and his friends are and were. Nicolae Ceaușescu received the Danish White Elephant Order from the Danish Queen Margrethe II who likes to say: "God save Denmark". Well, Denmark is not Denmark it is Pigmark. This little kingdom is the blood of todays Queen Elisabeth II of England through Danish King Christian IX. This family is only a small part of the whole rotten cultural money-making business. It is called history but behind the history is utter lies.
And that white elephant is related to Thailand and that Danish White Chang (Thai for elephant - and Chang Beer) can't be taken away ever from a person but was taken back by

132 http://cerasius.com/wiki/Crisis_of_the_Third_Century Imagine Heaven on Earth with all the delights of Earth. Then visit Opus One Winery as Rothschild’s in California.
In Wine & Spirit is The Truth is also a lie.

This winery is so rich and the buildings made from sandstone and the woodwork of such expensive material it could do so

much more. But when money is no obstacle why not build palaces for the future to visit all based on the credit you paid.

Some people are so smart they outsmarted kings and queens and governments and little people can’t

do a thing about it. The Army is

protecting it and politicians have sold their soul long time ago and this little girl will never be one of

them unless she wishes to be a tart in a world of pimps. I turned this image upside down on purpose.

the silly Queen of Denmark because she was wrong, wrong and utterly wrong as she was born to be. Ham+Let is just part of the comedy and lots of people love so suck up to "royal blood" as custodians. They too are sick because there is no royal blood - it is all fake. They live a lie, grow a lie and they will treat free people like lesser than rats and kill them too if they want to.

1) "Dan Brown's nonction source for THE LOST SYMBOL might well be Jonathan Black's book" - Roger Lewis, Daily Express another whore in the world of story telling. Dan Brown's book are good stories but nothing more. They try to tell the truth rebuked by The Vatican itself. So who tells the truth? Non of them. That is the whole part of the deceit.


This image will stand alone without any comments except those in this Opus. When I showed this on Facebook I got a message that read: "QU" and much more like that. Highly dubious and Facebook allows it. Real High Criminals goes free as usual.

yi ś·rā·’êl is: לֵ֖ארְָׂשִי in Hebrew. There you see the letter: ש. This letter seems to translate to Q. And we are told that noun it is three hundred. 300. Esoterically that does take us to the so called Committee of 300 - only through words. However there, we are told it is a conspiracy theory. And where would senior, the little whore, get "Evildoers" from? El Bib! Let us look closer. Ex.: Proverbs 24:19:

Don't fret because of evildoers; don't envy the wicked.

And where do we need to look? Well, let us start in Israel. We know PsyOps exists, right? Those we can prove as being real. There should be many exmples but some are indeed made from theory so be careful. Let us poke around in Diamond industry in Israel, Diamond Exchange District and Israel Diamond Exchange Ltd

http://cerasius.com/wiki/Diamond_industry_in_Israel http://cerasius. com/wiki/Diamond_Exchange_District http://cerasius. com/wiki/Israel_Diamond_Exchange http://cerasius.site/wiki/Diamond_Tower

as well as the so called Diamond Tower which has 32 oors we are told. I did not count them so that may be a lie. Let's assume it to be right. Members of diamond dealing families who have established themselves in the upper echelons of the world diamond industry hierarchy are also often referred to as diamantaires as well. Now that we have that established let us poke around some more.

The change of nding this word and the text in the image with the Hebrew text is almost zero. But not! Only 2 results for "םי ִ֑ערְֵּמַּב" meaning Arab Sea? Which is translated to Evildoers in El Bib. May be wrong.

This םיִ֑ערְֵּמַּב has been translated to Evildoer in The Bible. However let us enter just one single space making it: םי ִ֑ערְֵּמַּב then we get: Arab Sea. And the west and The Bible has its root in Persia and kings, rulers of the west mixed blood with royals from Persia, Egypt etc. So they themselves are Arabs. They are the evil doers. If you follow the bloodlines of todays rulers and royals you end up in such places as Alexandria etc. Recall Mark Antony and Cleopatra? When I do a search for "םי ִ֑ערְֵּמַּב" I only get 2 (two) results. It is in Yiddish/Hebrew I believe.

So when Bush spoke of "Evildoers" he was speaking of those providing Oil and those to whom he himself belongs. He himself is an Arab through The Bible.

Let us look up into the skies. At the star Sirius B to be more precise. It is known as the "Dog Star". Now we know by now that backwards that makes "God Star". There is absolutely nothing magic in that. Sirius A is the most bright star on the sky - well, that is a lie. Because the Sun is a star and is the brightest - which we are also told. Good so far. Plutarch states that The soul of Isis is called Dog by the Greeks. So now we know a new thing and that is where Disney got his name to Pluto from, right? Pluto is a dog, right? Or at least a cartoon of a dog. Wikipedia, the little whore says about Sirius: "Sirius is the brightest star visible in the sky". Well, that is a lie. The Sun is the brightest star. So rst they speak the truth and then they lie. But you probably knew that by now. That the brightest star is the Sun.

Sothis (Sirius) is [perhaps] equivalent to Kali which takes us to Hinduism. Now interestingly Kali is also a sweet sugar thing such as Sherbet (powder) which takes us to raw sugar made from Potash such as from sugarcane production today re ned into white sugar. Sugar and raw sugar is made from Molasses. And the sugarcane is in the family of grasses called Poaceae <=> Potash (notice the word Poaceae). They are grasses and hence that is cognate with the The Three Graces (sculpture). grasses <=> Graces. Looks very familiar. This relates to Cereal which you give your kids to eat in the morning. In the morning the Sun rises. Grasses in various forms produce grain which is why in ancient times grain was not only important because it produced food but also because it gave life. Grain or rather seeds just as sperm give life. In sperm we can get the word spear by adding letter a. Spear or a rod was a weapon used to hit slaves and the rod is cognate with a dick. Dick, a colloquial vulgarism for the penis. The name Dick is used in many places such as Dick Tracy and Charles Dickens. As well as Moby Dick which actually takes us to Starbucks 133.

That was a little detour. But free. Let us get back on track to the 300. HINDU BEGINNINGS Assessing the Period 1000 BCE to 300 CE 134(pdf ) by Guy Welbon tells us: "Rome rose from minor town through the Republic to become the then greatest empire of all time; and by circa 300 CE she was poised to adopt Christianity as the religion of empire.". And indeed yes we have First Council of Nicaea in 325 CE where Christianity was setup from all world religion including Hinduism. Could this 300 CE have anything to do with it? They do love numbers, letters and words and the proof is in El Bib - aka The Bible. The words came rst. And number we know from the Book Of numbers. 300 is therefore rather important because it was in that century that Christianity was born. But since they love numbers let us poke further. We need to look at the actual 300 in itself. It contains rather some surprising hidden in plain sight information.

3 we know from 1) The Son 2) The Father and 3) The Holy Spirit. So we can 100% make sure and prove 3 has something to do with 300. But how about the last zero zero. Let us THINK DIFFERENT and turn sideways 90 degrees for a second. Let us separate 300 into 3 and 00 and see what we get. We get an 8. But the two zeros on its own 00 represents also a symbol namely in nity symbolically shown as ∞. And eight (8) is cognate to Great. And we do have a Windows 8 in the year 2012-2013 and the Windows contains a cross which is also a plus sign + and you see four (4) squares which makes 2+2=4. But if you include the cross as a symbol on its own you get two symbols in one 1) the cross and 2) the plus sign. So that empirically proves that 2+2=5. But is mathematically also 4.

We are told that the committee of 300 is a conspiracy theory. Perhaps. But did we not just prove empirically that a committee of 300 really does exists on in one number which is 300? 300 is kind of divine in its own because it contains the committee of Father, Son and

133 I actually have a whole chapter on Starbucks but left it out of this Book. The Chapter is actually to nd at jameluxley.com and will be available later.
134 http://www.asian-studies.org/EAA/welbon.pdf

The holy Goat [sic] (3) plus in nity or eternity if you like. 300 is an esoteric number. Why? Well, it kind of hides something as a sacred only for those who know. When I told you this I am sure you said: "Ah, I never knew that!". Now you know and it is all given to you freely at no cost. Why? Because I like Job in El Bib lost many things and in given something free I hope I can't loose it.

But let us take it a step further and see if we can really connect the dots. Through eternity we nd the Ouroboros which relates to Enigmatic Book of the Netherworld in ancient Egypt. However we also read: "The Ouroboros has been important in religious and mythological symbolism, but has also been frequently used in alchemical illustrations, where it symbolizes the circular nature of the alchemist's opus.". Here we nd the word opus which means work. We have heard of Opus Dei. Dei means God. Opus Dei = Work God. And wine has everything to do with that. Opus One Winery. Who is One? Well, we just gured that Opus Dei = Work God so Opus One is cognate to God because as we are told (today) there is only one God. And who runs this Opus One? Baron Philippe de Rothschild of Château Mouton Rothschild and Robert Mondavi. You will nd their website here: http:// opusonewinery.com.

The wine is made in California and that is rather "nice" because that is two words: 1) Caliph and 2) Oriana. This relates to persia. And where did the Ashkenazi Jews (Germans, Bavaria) come from? Persia or middle east. And what do we nd in the middle east? Israel.

Once you dig this out you realize their esoteric world is extremely small. Incidentally, 300 pops up about 24 times in El Bib - aka Bible. Judges 7:22 reads:
"And the three hundred blew the trumpets, and the LORD set every man's sword against his fellow, even throughout all the host: and the host ed to Bethshittah in Zererath, and to the border of Abelmeholah, unto Tabbath."
Here is Three: ־שׁלְֹׁש and this is Tri: שלש. And the Menorah has 3 arms left and 3 arms right. 3 is important because it contain the essence of everything Christian: Father, Son and Holy Ghost. If you only studied the Menorah you would get a headache. Above you read that the LORD set the every man's sword agains his fellow. The LORD really was/is only a warrior. And if you read El Bib you will know that is really true. And from the fruits of their wine you can know if they are good or bad. I am sure that is why they make really good and expensive wine to counterweight the evil of war and the MILITARY COMPLEX. Good and Evil in one and the same. Opus One they call it.
And the diamonds? Yes, lets get then back on track. Tiara is a "crown" to a princess. In Tiara we have two words Tia and Ra. And Ti is 10 (X) in Nordic language and Tiamat is the primordial goddess from the abyss and Ra is Amun Ra or just Ra - the sun-ray of the suns and stars. A Tiara has diamonds and they shine like stars and the ve pointed star is the symbol of Ishtar and Satan. Good and Evil in the same symbol. So is Satan and God not the same? Sure is in one and the same but they loaded in Lucifer and all their esoteric codes about this and the other so nobody would ever nd out. Well, their too they were wrong. So 300 is a "divine" number which relates to diamond which relates to a tiara which relates to Tiamat which related to Amun Ra which related to the Sun which related to the Moon which relates to Tammuz which relates to Jesus which relates to Freemasonry through stones known as a gem as a Jade stone and the stone relates to Masons (as per the Bible Acts 4:11). Jesus relates to capital G as does Spanish sus for their/yours. Capital is Cap+Italian and there we have Rome. Capital is also money and in Israel they make billions of Money making diamonds which is a gem and a gem is also a darling or a very nice whore. All that from one single number namely 300.
Jade is from The Bible and can be translated to stone but is also a jade and that related to the Emerald Buddha or the Jade Buddha. Incidentally, when you walk to a temple's top they usually have a tiny amount of sand/gems/stones in a small box places inside the temple. St. Peter Church in Rome is build on and from a rock. And who were the rock? Jesus was. Hence we get rock and roll because we know rolling stones and some are just about to roll. known as the Kyaiktiyo Pagoda. Inside St. Peters church in the alter and that alter has 4 pillars that are swirled around and they look just like the original which you nd in Asia usually in Chinese temples and they are serpent, dragons. The primordial being.
From Amun (Ra) you get Amen. Jesus can also be spelled Jesu. Hence sus and su in Spanish meaning yours/their. There are their god and then the lesser god for the rest of us. They are gods - you are not. You can become one if you t in their scheme of their plan. Who created everything as per El Bib? God did. Who are the Gods(s)? They are hence they create everything in their world which you are allowed to occupy for your lifetime. If they decide to wage war and kill a bus-load or a million that is their god-given right because God (LORD) works with the sword. They can do what they want. Have sex with 300 or kill 300 or give birth to 300. It is their will and so with a will we get a testament. They wrote a new one in 325 CE to t the new world order. And that was? To united everything and today it is called the United Nations. Under that umbrella, ella ella, you have a shadow and they live in the shadow and operate out from the shadow so you will never know who did what and where. That is why Rembrandt became famous painting obscura in light and shadow. Perhaps it is in the dark the most interesting can be seen hence they do X-rays and X is 10 is the cross of Jesus and with these rays they can penetrate everything - almost. yet not distant stars but that might come one day. If according to their new baby(lon) Quantum Physics everything is just a projection around Earth and in that sense when you see it you can't see it - they say. Quantum of Solace has everything to do with it so follow along.
The whole committee 300 thing may or may not be a theory. I guess it is not: there may be 300 something as per El Bib and a committee is a kind of council and the counsel is El Bib which they invented to be their guide (council) and in that there are 300 something - trumpets among others. It is not a conspiracy theory as per the lying whore Wikipedia.

I. In 325 CE they invented Christianity. In 325 we get:
II. 3 for Father, Sun, Holy Spirit
III. 00 which is ∞ which is in nity/eternity
IV. 25 which is the day on which a whole world goes into a frenzy and celebrates

Jesu's birth.

While they ate, whored and drank from the cup of prostitutes, boys, girls, they had many discussions and Chrysis (caresses, crosses, crisis's).
But they knew how it worked. Invent shit, make it fart and light it up.
They agreed upon creating this fella named Jesu (who might have been cognate to Spartacus (SPQR)) and they had no idea so suddenly a whore and slave said: "Can I tell you; if you take the number 325 (CCCXXV) and then...". And so it was. And she was made a goddess and fucked hard and got coins so she could buy a Villa Romanum and be free only to start the game of deceit all by herself - because now she knew how culture was made from shit and words. And you don't need to be a God to gure that out. And that proves, we are all Kings/Queens. But the sick sufferers of psychopathy wins because part of their sickness is to deceive, lure and cheat, rob, murder and steel - and they don't blink an eye. They created gods/goddesses and mixed them into El Bib furiously hidden. They make gods/goddesses and they kill too. The army, police - those with real power. Banks. Money. That is why they make sure you have no coins and they can pull out coins from Greece/Spain when they want and make a whole people suffer. Why? Because money is God. God can do everything. Money can make good/evil come through. Such a sick world they created and for centuries you too have been lured.

66. STARZ, Spartacus & NEWS CORP

When and if you have a Facebook or Twitter account we know which side you are on. Selling your soul is not too bad when a sack of gold follows, right? Soul... what the hell is that anyway but the burning blood of devils...

... Goldman Sacks. Sacks of Gold. Synonyms here, there and everywhere.

SPOILER ALERT WARNING: "Transactions that Mr. Malone might be interested in include a purchase of News Corp.’s stake in the National Geographic Channel, a sale of Liberty’s Starz networks to News Corp. or a deal to show movies from News Corp.’s Fox lm studio on Starz, he said." 135.

His story, Spartacus', goes across the networks and the ve pointed star is involved in good, evil. Everything is occupied. And the Ampli ed Bible (which cerasius.com does not own a copy of!) is owned by NEWS CORP. just in case someone wants to support NEWS CORP. Many people love evil and linger in the shadows of horror and will see if they can get just a drop of blood from the masters of the Universe or from the royals who they suck up to.

The World Was really not enough. The bloodbaths/-path goes on and nobody is any wiser. An injection from Barack Obama in December 2012 to Myanmar and Thailand by a visit and the economy is prepared for a boost. They know beforehand when to inject and governments are really just offices in a global economy in which there really are no borders except for non-free people. Borders are an illusion and so is Spartacus. Nice galore and great birds but that is all it is.

This series is shown in 2012/2013 but prior movies where made such as the 60s movie Spartacus with the then famous STAR Kirk Douglas and directed by the then famous Stanley Kubrick. Anyone under 25 years of age hardly know this stuff anymore I suspect.

"Spartacus' struggle, interpreted by some as an example of oppressed people ghting for their freedom against a slave-owning oligarchy, has been an inspiration to many political thinkers. It has also been featured in literature, television, and lm." - sure - and that is all it ever will be.

135 http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2004/nov/9/20041109-122810-4291r/

In Spartacus we here Spartacus say: “Kill them all”. The same is said by USA government in A bright Shining Lie (movie) based on the book of the same name.
Good fortune and good speed in the takeover as usual. A STAR just can't loose until it burns out and even then it recycles. As they say, what goes up, (in a bang) must come down (with a bang).
ψυχή is "psyche" in Greek and translates to Soul. There you have it. Political Ponerology describes psychopathy (psyche <=> soul) hence soul is a burning pool of black blood proven empirically. And the Menorah is known as the bearer/holder of enlightenment/ intellect. ψ has three arms but the Menorah has a few more - three to each side and then one in the middle totaling 7 which is the sacred number of Jesu. Aha! Who told you that? They did the sufferers of Political Ponerology.
I told my wife everyday is Xmas - well - now every day is also doomsday! "HIS STORY BECOMES A MIRROR INTO OUR OWN WORLD, CALLING US ALL TO JOIN HIS FIGHT TO FREE THE FUTURE" - that is pure tragic comedy. They just can't forget their little God VINCI. In 2000 years they will still be saluting him through their esoteric hogwash. Did you ever hear of MIRROR - the news outlet? Also The Daily Mirror (Australia) and http:// www.dailytelegraph.com.au
And if Da Vinci was so smart, what good did that do? Nada! Did the women become more beautiful or the men more handsome? No! Did grain magically export to poor nations? No! Was wine not dumped by EU? No (a negative)! Was bull ghting still part of modern society? Yes. Did the computer change peoples behavior to the better? No! Did a camel run faster? No! Did ants? No! Did people? Yes!
Right up to 2013 we still watch shit like this. Great lm making and acting and all that jazz. But listen, anything new out there? No! Same old story. And in about 40 years they will make a new series that just has more blood and more pussy and then it won't be rated 21+ years. It will be a rock hard XXX lm/series perhaps even with some real killings or footage from the Syrian/Libyan (and what not) clandestine war. Not to mention Myanmar. It will take place in the good old days back in the time of Spartacus if he ever lived - for real. You see, they make it all up as they go along. The only real is the blood in their path. If the word really did come rst, and it probably did, like "KILL" - then that words covers everything, does it not? Kill a pig, kill a y, kill a bull, kill, kill, kill. Just watch bloody nature and you will know it is one killing machine. They copied nature just ne. And man is suppose to be above the beast? Oh God no. Beasts kill to eat and I even think beasts/animals THINK before they kill their pray. They (see glossary) do not.

Watch Battle at Kruger at YouTube.com.

67. CIA is Yahweh is God is Jack is Whiskeyleaks

This is God’s preferred whiskey… spirit.
This is the brand of biblical John and CIA.

Γιαχβέ is Greek for Yahweh. Now we take the Greek word Γιαχβέ and take each letter Γ ι α χ and we get: C ia x.
I. Yahweh is God.
II. Γ is uppercase Gamma. III. γ ι α χ is also c ia x. IV. J a = Greek: J ένα

Γιαχβέ is Yahweh and Γ ι α χ β έ = C I A x B e.
In English the name Jack is traditionally used as the diminutive form of the name John (the baptist). John is Γιάννης.

This both gives us Jack and Bee because bees are part of Ishtar's sick world. Semiramis = Ishtar. Honey bees, signifying immortality and resurrection, were royal emblems of the Merovingians, revived by Napoleon.

The Merovingian dynasty links all ancient fake Royals to todays fake Kings and Queens. Now we know what all the fuzz is about with the name jack also in The Christmas Song. Jack Daniel's. Daniel is a Biblical gure. Jack is Jach as Back is Bach. Jach is derives from γ ι α χ which is the rst 4 letters in Greek translated from Yahweh.
Now watch Breathless (movie 2012) and notice how much Jack Daniel's they drink and notice how all are lying and the women are smoking all the time as in making smokescreens, lying. The policeman kills a y as in the opposite of "he can't hurt a y" but this policeman can and he does. Breathless literally means you can't breath. Now watch the movie (again) and think different. There are 2 stories on this movie. Watch them both.

68. Julius Assignee

Assange and WiskeyLeaks really is a front - a hoax. Pouring whiskey at 22:08 and drinking it at 23:01. Drinking whiskey on a TV show like this that is supposed to be dead serious. They are laughing at us. This is amazing almost to the point of scary. The Julian Assange Show: Cypherpunks

Image above from episode 8 (prior link "broken" now links to episode 8). Also click above image or search youtube.com for "assange episode 8". The version I link to have an id of: eil_1j72LOA

House arrest free out to make videos as he pleases sipping whiskey. What is the law on house arrest? Same as imprisonment but con ned to a house which is not a prison? Act, game and they have full power to do what they want because nobody can step in and say stop through the system because it is all rotten to the core and so a spirit will embalm the lies.

Empirically proven even a Whiskey Brand is all fake. No wonder Julian Assange is doing the WhiskeyLeaks. What does Julian (Julius) really leak? You got it, whiskey. It leaks right out of the bottle into the mouth of a fake deceitful fraud. I know where his fake surname comes from. I can also prove he is fake. All though Arti cial Intelligence a synonym if you like for Amnesty International.

De nition of ASSIGNEE

1. a person to whom an assignment is made
2. a person appointed to act for another
3. a person to whom a right or property is legally transferred.

ASSIGNEE. One to whom an assignment has been made.

Ad. 2. Assignees are either assignees in fact or assignees in law. An assignee in fact is one to whom an assignment has been made in fact by the party having the right. An assignee in law is one in whom the law vest's the right, as an executor or administrator. Co. Litt. 210 a, note 1; Hob. 9. Vide Assigns, and 1 Vern. 425; 1 Salk. 81 7 East, 337; Bac. Ab. Covenant, E; a Saund. 182, note 1; Arch. Civ. Pl. 50, 58, 70 Supp, to Ves. Jr, 72 2 Phil. Ev. Index, h.t.

Diplomatic immunity and/or asylum NOT

Related to fake Julian Assange and Ishtar Crime Incorporated Inc. or just ICII. You need to keep your teeth in your mouth now because they mix immunity, asylum and Diplomatic asylum in one furious ame.

Diplomatic immunity: this is a form of legal immunity and a policy held between governments that ensures diplomats are given safe passage and are considered not susceptible to lawsuit or prosecution under the host country's laws, although they can still be expelled.

Is Julian Assange a diplomat and is he a government? No. He is neither or. He could ask for political immunity but not diplomatic immunity because he is not working in a government neither is he a government. Or is he? My investigation tells me, that he is United Nation working clandestine and using false ag operation so indeed he can get Diplomatic immunity.

On Al Jazeera it is mentioned and the Ecuadorian diplomat says so, that Assange is given Diplomatic Immunity. It is also said so in this video at 0:24 at a very high speed so follow it carefully (also notice an advertising for The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is shown rst who got a bailout in 2008).

Political and diplomatic immunity is not the same even if it is mentioned on websites and in videos across the line.
News outlets (and above video) uses two terms criss-cross:
Political asylum - said in above video at 0:04 ("extend Political asylum to Wikileaks Julian Assange")
Diplomatic immunity - said in above video at 0:24 (but Ecuador's foreign minister Ricardo Patino granted Diplomatic asylum and not Diplomatic immunity).
Ecuador's foreign minister Ricardo Patino says in this video at 02:36 that "Ecuador has decided to grant diplomatic asylum to Assange". So now we also get a new word:
Diplomatic asylum - does not exist neither at Wikipedia not legally anywhere. It is made up.

Diplomatic asylum (does not exist)

A right of diplomatic asylum is not established in international law. The International Court of Justice has emphasized that in the absence of treaty or customary rules to the contrary, a decision by a mission to grant asylum involves a derogation from the sovereignty of the receiving state. The Organization of American States agreed a convention in 1954.

So we get 3 di fferent term. It can't possible be one of those saying "Diplomatic" unless Julian Assange is indeed a diplomat to either Ecuador or the United Kingdom. If Julian Assange is a diplomat in any other country he can get Diplomatic Asylum or Diplomatic Immunity. That is the type of asylum/immunity that can only be granted diplomats and countries. Not to individuals.

Why is a diplomat working as Ecuador's foreign minister Ricardo Patino using a term that does not exist? Because he is lying. Error? No, governments do not make such error. This document he read was two month in the preparation.

Let me make that clear: Diplomatic asylum does not exit at all and is not recognized in International Law.
Political asylum can be given to individuals.
Article 14 of UN's Human Rights says:
(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. (2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
I underlined above "non political crimes" because the Swedish crime he is wanted for is non political ergo Julian Assange can't be granted Asylum or Immunity or anything for that matter according to (2) in Article 14 above. And there is no prosecution in Sweden and if there were it is not political (it is a sex crime which is not a crime until proven guilty so Julian Assange has no case and is not being prosecuted).
Google search for: "Political asylum" assange About 78,000 results (0.12 seconds) at Google News mentions many news outlets saying Ecuador's foreign minister Ricardo Patino has given Julian Assange Political asylum. This is wrong. Ricardo Patino granted Diplomatic asylum which does not exist.
"Political immunity" assange has only about 55 results (0.16 seconds).
Julian Assange asylum: Britain will not give safe passage, says William Hague – video. William Hague then at 02:50 says: "We are disappointed by the statement by Ecuador's foreign minister today that Ecuador has offered Political Asylum to Julian Assange". But Ecuador's foreign minister did not offer political asylum but granted diplomatic asylum (which BTW does not exist).
So rst Ecuador's foreign minister is babbling speaking of granting something which can not be granted and secondly we have William Hague changing the words from "granted" to "offer" and changing "Diplomatic asylum" to "Political asylum".
If Julian Assange can ask for any type of asylum then so should millions of others because everyday millions are being persecuted politically, religiously etc. and through Common Purpose.
And since the crime in Julian Assange case is not political but of a sexual matter then he can not seek asylum. So it says in Article 14 of UN's Human Right in part (2) above.
This is more proof that Julian Assange and everything is just an act, a play. In fact William Hague says so at 0:43 in this video mentioned above. He says: "...in fact we are talking about an act of parliament of(in) this country which stresses it must be used in full conformity with international law". But how can William Hague and the UK parliament conform to Diplomatic asylum
which does not exist in International law? When William Hague says "we are talking about an act of parliament" it can not refer to an act such as in a bill and/or law because the note is neither law not a bill. William Hague mentions it as a note: "Anyone who has seen our note" at 0:38. So what "act" are we talking about that the parliament is acting?
Here are different meanings of act. I list them here and I cross over those it can absolutely not be:

• Act/Power is a philosophical notion de ned by Aristotle and known as entelechy.
• Act (band), a British band
• Act (document), a document recording the legality of a transaction or contract
• Act of Parliament, Act of Congress or Act of Tynwald, a statute or law passed by a legislature
• Act (drama), a segment of a performance, such as a play or opera
• Act or Acts, an obsolete name for the defense of theses at the University of Oxford and University of Cambridge
• ACT (test), a college placement exam in the United States
• Acting, action of an actor in a theatrical performance
• Acting (law), in law when someone is acting in a position of higher expenses
• Acting (rank), in the military when someone assumes a higher rank temporarily
• Act or S-act, the action of a monoid on a set, or a semi automaton.
• ISO 639-3 language code for Achterhooks136.

There is then only 1, 5 and 8 left. They have both got to do with acting. This is performing as an actor meaning:
An actor (sometimes actress for female; see terminology) is a person who acts in a dramatic or comic production and who works in lm, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity.[1] The ancient Greek word for an "actor," ὑποκριτής (hypocrites), means literally "one who interprets";[2] in this sense, an actor is one who interprets a dramatic character.
I left number 1 open and that relates to Dichotomy. It relates to something divided. But this note, read by William Hague, is from the parliament, so it is not divided because it has be chosen to be the note to deliver unanimously. So it can't be 1. There are then only 5 and 8 left and they both relate to acting as an actor acts out a given play as in performance.
It is indeed, as my nal proof will show, a total fabrication from day one and the leaks are being leaked by governments and their agencies and henchmen. There is no case in Sweden. Australia loves Assange, in fact, as does his government because Julian Assange has been given Diplomatic Asylum (which does not exist) making him a diplomat and it can only be for Australia because he is an Australian. Bradley Manning might exists or not - my best guess is he does not exist and is he does he is not imprison but will be freed at one point by deceit making it look like democracy or justice won when in fact the whole story/ tale is made up from day one.
Ecuador and all that nonsense is all fake and has been part of the scam since Ecuadorian President was "interviewed" by Assange on Russia Today. The house-arrest was all a lie. The court case is all fake. How do I know? I shall tell you later the nal drop in the cup of deceit of governments, courts and kings and queens and it even involves God amazingly but true.
These guys are immensely ill and once the news is out (and proof ) I really hope someone will deal with it however I don't think so because absolutely everything is occupied even peoples minds to think logically and with sense. Please; think different. I ask all sane people who are left to open your eyes. Who was it that said that even if you are in a minority of one the truth is still the truth and how many have dies for speaking the truth and never been heard of again killed by Christian governments ruled by Catholicism around the World. I plainly now call the whole gang group: Ishtar Crime Incorporated Inc. or just ICII just to play with abbreviations as they do. ICC? Run.......!
And now; take a deep breath and read it again. It really does make sense but all their acting and babbling non-sense makes it very difficult to make sense of it all. If you don't, the next victim might be you so unless they put a gun to your head or threaten you with imprisonment, then please correct them from now on when you know that today, yesterday and for the past 6000 years this has been the agenda they have been running and nobody knew because you need all the information readily available (Google, Wikipedia and translations across Greek, Latin etc.) to just to begin to understand the amount of deceit that has been going on. I know more now so I feel ne but even after almost 12 month of writing about this it does get tiresome to say the least. Governments and these guys and dolls are beyond ill - they play gods.

136 Dutch language as a dialect
So let me cook it down to as few words as possible:

Diplomatic asylum can’t be given to Julian Assange because he is not a diplomat and if he was he is not a diplomat for Ecuador nor England. They can hire him after he has been given Diplomatic asylum but then that will not work because Assange was given Diplomatic asylum before which was and is not possible.

Diplomatic asylum does not exist. A right of diplomatic asylum is not established in international law.
Diplomatic asylum was/is granted by Ecuador's foreign minister Ricardo Patino in this video at 02:36.
Political asylum can’t be given. Why? This right [Political asylum] may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non political crimes. Julian Assange's alleged crime in Sweden is non political - it is an alleged sex-crime Sweden wants him extradited for - not a political crime - ergo United Nations Humans Rights Article 14 (1) can not be used to give Assange Political asylum.


And Ecuador did not give Julian Assange Political asylum but Diplomatic asylum (which they can't because Julian Assange is not a diplomat).
Even if Julian Assange ful lled a political crime, for which he was prosecuted in Sweden, is has to be in his own country the prosecution takes place and it was in Sweden and now he is in England and not in Australia. Julian Assange is an Australian ergo the prosecution has to have taken place in Australia and it did not ergo he can not be granted Political asylum.
Read Article 14 but read the whole part also part (2) meaning it has to be a political crime. Julian Assange alleged crime in Sweden (it is not even a crime yet because no ruling) is a non-political crime (sex-assault) ergo he can not be given any type of asylum.
Julian Assange is neither being prosecuted nor persecuted in fact Sweden says they just want to hear him testify which is not a prosecution nor a persecution.
According to International law no government can extradite anyone to a country that has the death penalty - USA have ergo Julian Assange's fear is groundless.
Julian Assange has not committed any crime. No court case and while in custody (!) leaks have come out published and he could not have done those leaks because he was in house arrest, right? Could he work from his house-arrest? Well, he could work for Russia Today (RT). Ever heard of anyone working in and out of house arrest? Arrest means what? And house arrest means what? That you are under arrest and not free - your liberties are taken away. That Julian Assange could work while in house arrest which is a type of imprisonment seems very odd indeed. Possible only because it is all deceit. So England is kind? Well, England and parliament now says they will do everything within international law to extradite Julian Assange. But what International Law? United Nations? If so, article (14) clearly states political asylum can not be given and William Hague mentions Julian Assange has been offered "Political asylum" which is not right - Diplomatic Asylum was granted. So what International law is William Hague actually speaking of? Non. There is no law to cover any asylum for Julian Assange.

Soon every Embassy in the World will be drinking the last glass of Whiskey. Unless a dragon is nice? I think not after 9 failed attempts at trying to clean up their sick mess.

69. Stainless Steel Five-Leg IV Poles

Prunus laurocerasus used to make laurel wreaths. Prunus is also a cherry hence Cerasius is a cherry and a bit more which you will learn as you get to know cerasius.com

At Medline.com we nd a medical tool with ve legs made from steel. And we nd a similar item at amazon.com. If I say Fourth Lucky Flavian Legion you probably think I am cooking Coq au Vin. Cocks has everything to do with it because cocks are everywhere.They ash around like dangling rods ready to see the day or the night.

But if I say: Legio IV Flavia Felix you know we are moving into Rome and it's empire of evil. Laurels are in the United Nations logo. But did they not tell you that the Roman Empire had fallen? They lied. The reuse of a logo and symbolism equals being part of hence when companies join forces and merge they usually take up common logos, names and trades. The same goes for the 5 legged 4 pole medial equipment. With steel they forced their way through lands and today it is everywhere. If, as you were fraudulently told, the Roman Empire fell, then where did they fall? They fell into a dark shadow, an umbra, of deceit and mercury of kings and fake presidents and money makings just as then - just as now. As below so above - as the saying goes in the esoteric world. Rome and the forces fell nowhere but United as it were.

Flavia (name) tells a story as does Flavius (family). A name like this relates to The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie and indeed American Pie. And what is that pie? Pussy Galore. And what is at the bottom of the pie? And what is sweet? As honey perhaps? Ever heard of "Honeysuckle Rose"? Who suckles the honey of the rose? Well, anyone who likes it, right? And if she like,s she might take the dinner and eat Coq au Vin. A Cock in Wine. And what is the wine? It is the juices of the female galore. And when the cock enters the bate has been taken. Hence the steel rod goes in.

Lancia Flavia is a car from the 1960s. Lancia is Lance is a lance as in spear. Flavia you know by now is a name for a woman. And the lance/spear is the rod. Hence what is Lancia Flavia? Cock Pussy. It is acronyms.

Now you can decode one more silly name/word. Keep it up and you will realize the World is lled with shit like that. We all like love and making but this is taking it too far. And so what? Well, adopting names right up until this day means only one thing: Roman Empire never fell very far. It just changed its name and what better name to come up with, when they from 325 CE and beyond, joined forces and United and eventually forced fake democracy on people and Nations united. If something is really United then why are there still borders? Are there borders when you and your loved one united? No. You tear them down in that process. However the only border I recall that fell was the Berlin Wall and that was only symbolic to show that hey-ho "see what we can do". Fuck, they put it there in the

rst place only to take it down to take the laurel for it.

I mention Lance Armstrong elsewhere so ponder that. Other than that everything is fake. Except in their names. Ah! But that is how culture progresses. What! It has not progressed one inch the past 1700 years. In fact it is going backwards faster than ever. Cultures die every year faster than ever before and McDonald in Myanmar would suite them

ne. And it will be. Why? Because words came rst as per El Bib. Only words tell the full story of deceit from dawn until dusk every year and every century. Nothing has changed except they are killing more and if not people then cultures. The very few cultures that are left which are original are only soon museum-pieces. Go to some African country and you will see them do the hullabaloo just as in Haiti for the tourist and the fake dancers are more rich that the visitors and UNESCO's Heritage sites are only tourist attractions meant to make money for the local ma a (who are friends of the family in high places) who take coin as will the locals because better sell your soul than dying trying not to.

Prunus laurocerasus was used for making laurel wreaths so cerasius.com has everything to do with the Roman Empire! Why? because everything is Roman Empire. However you won't nd many cerasius' at google.com - yet - (2013). And if I could have thought of another name I would. Perhaps Anguslamar! No, not that. Perhaps Jester's Delights. Sound too much like Pizza-Hut. No, let's leave it at that. "cerasius" it is. Enjoy your cherry.

And since we now know they love to invent names and some are sacri ced to their gods by killing infants and whatever they want to kill.

70. The Lost Secret and Holy Grail found

This is the beginning. There is much more to The Holy Grail than this chapter tell you. More in later chapters.
This is the poster for Psycho III. How much Jesus galore was in Psycho II? Too much for some. It is not a horror movie but based on reality - the horror of terror among other things. Can a broken key open much? Would you take the key as normal bait if you were offered a million dollars? What is up, might be down and what is missing is not really gone. Riddles here, riddles there, riddles bloody everywhere.

On this very day on February 16th 2013 II broke the code. I have found the Holi Grail and it has everything to do with numbers and words.
I can imperiously prove it through pure linguistically science (and a little silly Gematria) I can eventually declare, as mentioned elsewhere: All Nations under United Nations carrying the banner of The Bible are fake and utterly criminal and the whole truth and nothing but the truth was really all a lie from day one all concocted from nothing but words and numbers. Even when I show you this you will not believe, right? However this connects everything Holy to lies and science and numbers and nature from which we see with our own eyes how numbers swirls to make shells etc. Personally I did not expect to nd this. However numbers alone tell the story. You no longer have to believe - you know it is a real true lie hence not all a lie but only hidden in plain site!
In The Bible, there is even a whole script called Numbers. With Numbers we make to be Numb.
People were burnt if they could read The Bible in Latin and people believe in the translations of translations (ex.: From Hebrew to Latin to English to Danish) rather than the now available Hebrew and Greek text. Hebrew was an unused language not so long ago.
Illegal; two words. Ill and Legal. So being illegal is in fact something that is legal but ill. But is is not nonlegal/illegal to be ill. Being ill is perfectly legal. Hence being illegal is not non-legal. If you nd the truth, and it contradicts the authorities, you are right, not the authorities. That is science. "Science" today is based on nonsense such as Quantum Psychics related to a hogwash holographic Universe. Let me introduce a riddle or a little love story:
So you believe your little girl might be murdered or in best case scenario vanished but still alive. You setup a website about it - these days. And you get into the best shows on all the television stations to spread the message. You write a book about it and you sell it online among other locations at iTunes which has an i as does Ishtar. You even depict your little girl as she may look today but smiling. You speak to and visit the Vatican which is an instigator of wars who have sex with children. You know many children goes missing each year. And where do they go? Like magic they just vanish from the face of El mundo! You have been criticized at times for publicizing your daughters disappearance. Her name is derived from Magdalena. And Mary had a little child who according to legend and the esoteric world was brutally murdered. However both Mary and Jesus lived on and on and on. Poor Joseph; the husband of Mary because she had a child as a virgin; so he never had sex with her. Ah, it was just a so called Parthenogenesis.
You go to your physician and tell that you are pregnant. You don't know who the father is. You tell your physician you are a virgin or the father never was. Your physician pulls out the pen and paper and writes you some medication upon which you say: "No, really, don't you believe me, doctor?". He says; "I do not, my child, but since you are no threat then go home and don't speak of it ever again". You go home knowing you really do know the father. 9 month ago you had been in Cairo and met a very handsome man in a cafe as he whispered sweet words and you followed along and had the best bed-time story ever. The next morning he was gone and you noticed a small piece of paper next to your bed. It read:
"Dear child, thank you. When you have read this tear up the note and dispose of it forever. I am gone not with the wind but home to my place. I am a King and my name is not what I told you. If you have a child name the child Dragos El Luxorious. He will be your prince. Not I. Tell nobody because if you do your child must die forever. I know you will dislike this message but know what Rotifer is and you will understand. Rot is the old name for King. My real names rimes with idea however is not of splendor. If you are curious, I can never tell. You must nd the key and open your eyes so you will know. Know what is up and what is down. Then you will know who I am. I say fare well now and we shall meet again some sunny day..."
Mary Magdalen was so called either from Magdala near Tiberias, on the west shore of Galilee, or possibly from a Talmudic expression meaning "curling women's hair," which the Talmud explains as of an adulteress. A whore.
All lies, tales, rotten galore and mostly based on nothing except words.

71. Police and Astronomy

I am color blind. No, I am not. I just love art. No colors in this book but this ag is yellow, green, red and the star is white. White Star Line is all set ready for big banks. It is the

ag of Myanmar/Burma however since 2012
the ag has changed 137 . That ag has changed 10 times or so during the past 100
years or so. Imagine that. The star is there. Rings a few bells? Communism, Cuba, America, Ishtar, Victoria and it is also the symbol of Satan though a Talisman - if I created a new country or "saved" my people from evil (Great Britain (its rulers)) I would not adopt the symbol of satanism nor pagan ancient religions pointing at terror and warriors. Only if I was a madman or -woman. This alone proves someone is mad. Who? And the woman - read on.
In Greek language police is: αστυνομία and that is phonetically the same as

We don’t need to nd this symbol - it is everywhere. Decode it is however a task almost impossible as a mission but Manu will help too.

The little ower-girl in Burma/Myanmar is oh so tiny and fragile - not. She has all the backing of NATO and United Nations from Alpha to Omega.

Is this really the ag of Myanmar 2013?

Astronomy: αστρονομία (click the little speaker icon to hear the sound). Why do you think a Sherif has a star badge on him? Because Astro = Star in Latin. αστήρ is star, aster ( ower), ester (name), star sh. Ester (name) is derived from Ishtar who had a star as her symbol. Astro (Nordic) is translated to stars (stjerner). Astronomy is the science of the planet and stars. αστρ ονομία is Astros name. So by now we can deduct that Astro is star.

astro- element active in English word formation from mid-18c. and meaning "star or celestial body; outer space," from Greek astro-, stem and comb. form of astron "star," related to aster "star" (see star (n.)). In ancient Greek, aster typically was "a star" and astron mostly in plural, "the stars." In singular it mostly meant "Sirius" (the brightest star). http:// www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=astro- (recall don’t trust a WORD until you have the rock foundation solid planted)

An alternative view is that Esther is derived from the theonym/theorem Ishtar. According to the Bible, she (Queen Eshter) was a Jewish queen of the Persian king Ahasuerus.

So why does Wikipedia write it is rare under en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astro? Your guess is as good as mine. Sorry, that was my mistake. It was not on their main wikipedia. We need to see it here: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/astro and it reads: "Noun, 2. (rare) star. Rare? It means star you morons so how can it be rare. Because you are still trying all you can to hide the real meaning behind words. Just as when you killed people for reading The Bible in Latin a few years back.

A star symbolizes power and brute force. A star also symbolizes Ishtar who is about 6000 years old. A star is also to be found in El Bib. And they told you, you had freedom of religion. Hoax. You are living a 6000 year old pagan warrior bitch's story. All respect for todays real bitches.

137 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma

So who will this police protect? The ones who carry the star. And who carries the star? United Nations and many countries which are member of United Nations hence they have a star. It is their membership card - so to speak. And if you don't agree with what that star represents they will introduce Romans 13:1-3 upon Greece or Spain etc. There is absolutely nothing new under the Sun. it is the same old recipe as it was 2000+ years ago just dressed slightly different and a lot more smoke and heavier curtains.

So? No, you read the rest of this website if you want an answer. The nal proof is being presented during 2013 and God has everything to do with it and then some very deceitful names. But I shall tell you one thing; they are trying all they can to dump all their esoteric bullshit right in your face also on the news outlets especially on PROGRAMMED television. So know your investigative skills and do your own research before you believe even one single word uttered. They might even speak the truth making you believe something is being done such as on Max KAISER report on rt.com. Kaiser is Germanic for Emperor. Kaiser is also κάιζερ which is actually a Greek word pronounced the same way but meaning Caesar or Emperor or Khazhars. In Nordic language Kejser is Emperor. Kejser <=> Kaiser is phonetically the same and is the same.

Since the sherif/police wears a star, they are member of the club protecting the ones who carry the star as a "membership" card. Even Myanmark/Burma 138 has a star. And the members are not really instituted by people but through years of deceit. How do you become a member? You can't. Only through invitation from the real rulers and they are where the money is printed and lend out at interest.

It is all rather simple. To me it is also getting rather bored. I just feel an urge to really know history or their story. So I do my own investigation and with my background and my life I know; they are not only rotten right down to the last root of the tree but they produce rotten fruit deliberately. However it happens that some drop before they turn totally rotten and they can actually ripen and some are picked up by other real good people and one gets a chance. And they hate good fruit. Any fruit not in their basket of rotten fruit they hate like they love themselves. Just as much but just opposite. Love is hate and hate is love they say. Well, that too was all a lie. Don't believe in brain-numbing hogwash like that. They have been doing it for many many years and the old story of Jesus may be true or not. They always demand evidence. So where is the evidence? They can make their own evidence as they go along with fake art and writings. You might believe - but why do you only believe? It is told you shall not ask for proof of Gods existence - so I don't. However I turn the stone 180 degrees and I nd the evidence of their deceit and God never said that was wrong. And it is right there in their book or rather books called The Bible.

And now for a real star: Esther Heesch is to be found at models.com.
138 Theorem for Denmark. Theorem; something proven elsewhere prior or later. Also postulation as axioms etc.
River Po Lice Are Lousy Po and Lice. Po is a river in Northern Italy. lice are - well - lice. The little black tic.

Police = Po Lice

Poli is just nonsense because what would Ce mean? next time you see (Ce:-) a copper, then laugh kindly knowing he/she is just a lousy lice. And you can prove it too. How can they take you to their court telling the truth? They kill themselves with their own word.

Flavius Aëtius was no rat - he was a louse. And even lesser; a louse egg. You will read about him later and why Aëtius is ether and egg of all things. He not only is a cock, he dresses like one too. Notice the cartoon style drawing by Robert Hook and the louse’s muscles looking like a that if Flavius Aëtius. Which is more lousy; the louse or the louse?

This is why the Po lice is so lousy - it is absolutely there nature.

72. Taxes, Wolves, Vi King Christian X

This is a still functioning law on tax in Denmark 139. Notice it is written and proclaimed by the grace of God. Much like Romans 13:1-3. You will nd my writings on this here and later. God is involved, right? Wrong but true! But that is not vitally important right here and is not absolutely conclusive. The word tax is.

It is an acronym and rather easy to decode. When I tell you you will see it. Take a note of the two commas in the headline of this chapter.
139 https://www.retsinformation.dk/Forms/R0710.aspx?id=63303 - Danish website with law-texts. All legally illegal naturally.

• Ta (tag, tage) = Nordic: Take
• X = God or Zionist who via the Bible is ordered by God to take everything and kill everyone who is not.
• Es = Spanish: this is.

That is what the word Taxes means; Take GOD’S. Tax alone is just: Take God which is an acronym for Take Everything. Don't believe it. Okay, it is only words after all. But you use words, right? Every day, right? So are they not important? In Nordic Tax is also skat. Skat in Nordic also means dear or beloved: "Min skat, jeg elsker dig": My darling, I love you. And Tax in Greek is φόρος which sounds like Zorros. Recall the television series Zorro? But Zorro is Spanish for Fox or Vulpini. Tax = Fox = Cunning = Red hair. A fox also known as Vulpes.

Wolf in Greek is: λύκος. We nd that exact word in John 10:12. In Latin it is Lupus but Greek it is Lukos (λύκος). Next time you visit http://lycos.com you know what that means. And notice their logo - a dog - a wolf. Same family namely from Canidae.

At http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/vulpes we read: ( guratively) craftiness, cunning, a kind of shark. In the book: Canids: Foxes, Wolves, Jackals And Dogs: Status Survey And Conservation By Claudio Sillero-Zubiri, we read that wolves and foxes are the same species.

They are called the family of the Canidae. including dogs, wolves, foxes, jackals, coyotes. Now you need to follow the line as I tell you: Greek for English tax is φόρος (zorros) and that is Spanish for fox which is vulpes which is Canidae which is a wolf. Tax is wolf.

Do you recall your sunday school teaching? Matthew 7:15: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.". So by collected taxes you are a wolf. Wolves are opposite of good, spoken by the word of God in The Bible. They are what is known as false prophets. 2 Peter 2:1: "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.". So they bring destruction. False prophets = wolves = taxes = governments. So who are the evil doers? The governments. It is emperical proof that governments are illegal not onlt through the law but also through The Bible. The same Bible they uphold in courts and when signing laws.

Law on Income and Wealth tax to the State

Let us move forward. Countries have tax laws. So does Denmark (Pigmark). An old but still functioning law is the tax law of Denmark. It is signed by King Christian X (10) of Denmark (26 September 1870 – 20 April 1947). Notice the X in his rank of royals. Notice the x in English Tax. English Queen Elisabeth II is in family with the Danish Royal House through Christian IX (9) known as Europe's "Father in Law". Christian X was riding the his horse during the fake occupation of Denmark. God is involved and by that fate so is The Bible. Which is the whole truth and nothing but the truth - we recall from law school. The State had adopted the whole Bible and even the church is state owned and to that you pay tax and you are a member at birth unless your parents signs you out. So what choice do you have. None. But at around the age of 15 you con rm that you agree and once again you enter the church and say "yes". Later you can sign out if you want. Very nice. I did. And when you do hell breaks loose.

But leave that for now. Let us return to the wolf. The Bible is rather clear on the matter that those that are false (lying, cheating, pretending to be what they are not etc.) are not
The Tax Wolf

from the good but are evil. In Matthew 24:24 we read: "For false Messiahs will arise and Prophets of lies, and they will give great signs so as to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones." . The word for false Messiahs is in Greek: ψευδόχριστοι which is pseudochristoi. In Strong's Concordance we read:

pseudochristos: a false Christ or Messiah Original Word: ψευδόόχριστος,  ου,  ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: pseudochristos
Phonetic Spelling: (psyoo-dokh'-ris-tos) Short Definition: a false Christ
Definition: a false Christ, pretended Messiah.

That coincides perfectly with the wording: "by the grace of God King of Denmark and Iceland" which literally tells us that the King is God. God King. The King is God. And is that not pretending? How on earth can a King be God? There was only one God as far as the Bible tells us and that King was Jesus. Even the church tells us that however they play two hands open open and one hidden. This makes the King a false prophet 140empirically and even written in a law on taxation. That takes us to the fox or wolf again. Recall that the wolf was tax and so also the tax-collector. And that was/is the King/Queen and through his/her government.

But through deceit the government is elected through democracy we learn. Okay, let us presume that for the sake of argument. But the King/Queen is not and they instituted the law by the grace of God King. Hence even if you did elect the government the law is still instituted by God King who is doing the foxtrot. Joke aside. Fox is in same family with the wolf, we learned through the Canidae. The wolf is told as being a false prophet. The false is a deceiver. To deceive is not really nice right? In fact it is not legal per the official law to deceive. Hence the God King and his government is illegal. But as we know now, no court or lawyer can nor will take this to any court. It will never reach the gates of the court founded on Egyptian courts and chambers. I know from experience that lawyers are deceivers. And here we nd the proof. If you work in and for and represent the chamber/court, which you as a mortal can't enter, then he/she (the laywer) is doing the foxtrot too or must I use the word: criminal (in the sense you understand criminal but investigate what that word really means and you might be surprised).

Are there any doctors out there with a mind that is still sane who could verify it is rather sick to hear angels and pretend to be God as per the above law and wording and are there any priest who can verify that a wolf is the same as tax? No. They are all busy making money and could not care less about neither truth nor reality. They live in their own esoteric world far from you and anyone normal.

More proof follows later taking a di fferent path and a rather unexpected turn. Those who studied it will know about it and for those who did not I shall prove beyond any doubt that The Bible and everything based upon it is utterly fraudulent. It is much like those silly court-cases you see on television in movies. They collect the evidence and the more the better. There is what is called circumstantial evidence and the more the merrier. It can then lead to a conviction beyond any doubt. But better have what we know as Direct evidence. And that pops up all over. Just follow along and ye shall know.

140 How strange but natural now we know. Prophet rimes with pro t

Circumstantial evidence n. evidence in a trial which is not directly from an eyewitness or participant and requires some reasoning to prove a fact. There is a public perception that such evidence is weak ("all they have is circumstantial evidence"), but the probable conclusion from the circumstances may be so strong that there can be little doubt as to a vital fact ("beyond a reasonable doubt" in a criminal case, and "a preponderance of the evidence" in a civil case). Particularly in criminal cases, "eyewitness" ("I saw Frankie shoot Johnny") type evidence is often lacking and may be unreliable, so circumstantial evidence becomes essential. Prior threats to the victim, ngerprints found at the scene of the crime, ownership of the murder weapon, and the accused being seen in the neighborhood, certainly point to the suspect as being the killer, but each bit of evidence is circumstantial. Source:


Canada - Canidae. I shall leaven this for the Canadians to gure out. They have English, French and can gure this out ne. I am just saying. Nothing has been left out by the United Nations and all is occupied by know. Culture made from copies made into rot and naturally eventually and surely it dies and turns into a gas as a fart.

73. Law

Law = Al for Arabic God. W for two V V making an X.
Now repeat after me: Laxative.
And Tax actually comes from Wolves which I demonstrate elsewhere.
Now say: “Taxiiiii” just so you will never forget.

This is on the level mind control works and you don’t know it until you see it. They could not be that bad. Wrong. They are worse. Hell is much too good for them. Hell would be great for them. What they hate most is nice. So put them in a very nice place to rest forever and ever and ever.

The law is illegal and legal and very sick.

74. Vi King Christian X By The Grace ofGod

In the Danish law "Law on Income and Wealth tax to the State" 141 it states as follows: "We Christian X, by the grace of God King of Denmark and Iceland, the Wends and the Goths, Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, Ditmarsken. Lauenburg and Oldenburg, Make it known: the Reichstag has passed and we have given our consent proclaimed the following Law....." There are a few things to notice here.

In The Bible (and by now I know you are pretty bored with that old book as I am) it states in Romans 13:1: "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." 142 So how can you argue against something which God instituted? Bloody criminal I say. The United Nations (fraudulently naturally) states there is religious freedom. The law is creates by the grace of God through a King named Christian X. Who told him he could be king? And since this law and others today signed by Queen Margrethe II with similar wording, we can conclude; that there is no religious freedom because you must live under the law which is created by a government which is elected by God and not people. That is what it says in Romans 13:1. The authorities that exist have been established by God hence the government is established only by God. Look up establish: To settle, make, or x rmly; place on a permanent footing; found; create; put beyond doubt or dispute; prove; convince. To enact permanently. To bring about or into existence. So? Well, God creates the government and he by his grace makes the law too. And later above the King says: "...we have given our consent..." ergo it is the king(s) that institutes the laws however by the grace of God as per Romans 13:1.

"...we have given our consent..." it says. But there was only one king namely Christian X. So is he more than one person? No. He is referring to all prior kings. We Kings it is. In Danish We is Vi. If you like that is roman numerals VI or 6 or 51. So who the neck were the VIKINGS? They are WE THE KINGS. It has been there all the time. I only just discovered because I want to prove to you, being without any doubt, that the whole rotten system is illegal. Why?

Firstly because the museum in Denmark called the:

I believe (I know through words as science) the whole “viking” to be a hoax, a fraud. All a setup. Carbon dating can be xed if you pay someone handsomely. That is absolutely no problem. And it is not difficult to nd some old wood and tie it all together making it look real antic. And nding such a ship can also be a setup. Dig down some old wood prepared and all and then suddenly someone nds it. News teams ock and it is all over the place.

Secondly "Vi Kings" (We The Kings) is where we get Vikings. How could old Norse language ever have had the word "Vikings" which in danish is Vikinger. We are told at
141 https://www.retsinformation.dk/Forms/R0710.aspx?id=63303
142 I can’t repeat this Romans 13 enough it seems.

Vickypedia: Viking 143 (from Old Norse víkingr). Really? We read under Old Norse: "With the conversion to Christianity in the 11th century came the Latin alphabet." 144The Vikings were around at this time so a great match, right? At http://www.etymonline.com/index.php? term=viking we read something similar - nonsense. Something about Vik being a ord, true but a vik is much smaller than a ord. However let's give them that as "true". But not a word about kings. And they even say it is derived from freebooter. Well, a king is free and usually at the time had on boots and would kick people around. So in the 11 century it was víkingr? So they came from a Vik to víkingr how? Not a word. No proof. In the book: Exploration: New Lands, New Worlds by Michael Allaby: "In Old Norse, which is the language the Vikings spoke, fara í víkingr meant “to go on an expedition,” and a person taking part in an expedition was a víkingr." - well, can they make up their mind or shall I help? The confusion spreads, right? It is right there in the law text W kings. Vi Kings referring to the king and all prior kings before him. And come on... Kings is kings is kings like in English, right? Do I need to spell it for you: K.I.N.G.S. And so the same word we kind in Norse or rather now in Latin language as vikingr. Let me set them up under each other: "...and we have given our consent..." again referring to "we" as in more than one King. Hence it is Kings and We=Vi so voila you get Vikings.

143 http://cerasius.com/wiki/Viking
144 http://cerasius.com/wiki/Old_Norse

Do you say cerasius? Meaning to like, love etc. Mon Chéri etc. Mon actually means mount in Latin. What mount? Vulva I suspect better known as Mount Vesuvio or Mount Venus or Mount Vesuvius. The planet of Ishtar/Aphrodite was the planet Venus. Go gure!

The word king in danish is today konge or just kong. So where did the "o" come from? Mystery spreads around the rotten lands of Pigmark. Linguistically KING and KONG are the same and derived from the same. But do you begin to see it? KING KONG ( lm) was a movie. Recall that? (newer version have been made since).

King Christian IX was the so called fatherin-law of Europe so it is for a good reason Denmark gets a high ranking position among the higher echelon.


So you see a pattern? Any similarities? And did you read above law again: "We Christian X" referring to him as King naturally. But why use "We" when it could be "I"? That is how they still today speak when referring to them or I; they use We. "We the Queen of Denmark....". So one might say, that the Kings adopted this Vi+King

This is a statue of Hans Christian Andersen in the royal gardens of Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen. Notice the Laurel wreath probably made from Prunus Laurocerasus. Which is a cherry tree.

Notice Rose in the name Rosenborg. Borg means castle or fortress - protect what and who’s mistress?

thing from the Norse inhabitants? In that case, one should be able to follow the word back in time as Runic types. But lost. Lost symbols they call it. Nada. No evidence. Around the 11 century or before actually in around 900 CE the rst Danish Queen pops up as Thyra Danebod. However there is absolutely no proof of her existence and she was the rst Queen of Denmark. And without any proof they educate children in public school as if it was a reality. At that time they wrote rune types on stones - also a lie. But let us presume it for now. So since KING = KONG and Vikingr = Vikings then it refers to kings and not apples, right? So a king would have typed down in runic type - somewhere - about him/them being Vikingr. Not one word. Total silence. Not even a mark on a ship or on a pottery piece. Again zero evidence.

And the longboats? Well, perhaps invaded by Phoenicians or something. Not sure. I am not going there now. However I can show that KING = KONG and king = KING and not peanuts, keyboard or soap. The only lost symbol is, that vikingr is lost in the past if it ever existed. BTW, everything else in Pigmark is carefully categorized and marked and they take great care of especially the castle named: Rosenborg Castle. A "borg" is a kind of castle anyway! Rosen = Rose or could be one of those hidden words - again. Raisin perhaps. Why? Because it is from the Grape Wine and wine is symbolic for the blood of Jesus. But then again, the Rose is symbolic for Ishtar and/or Isis.

Rosenborg Castle was on commission from Christian IV. And in the garden of Rosenborg Castle you will nd a statue of Hans Christian Andersen. If you take: V and I you can make an A.And HRH is His Royal Highness ergo you get the H. He was an illegitimate child of the king otherwise why place a statue of the dilettante of a writer in the garden? Dilettante? Yes, his stories are made to fool and not to enlighten people.

Christian IV was one of the most colorful and popular kings in Danish history. He was very interested in culture, not least music. He was a very active builder too; during his reign several new towns were founded and many important buildings were erected, for example the Børsen 145 , the Round Tower and Rosenborg, where he died.

Predecessor to Christian IV was Frederik II who was a popular DRAGON lover.

They still have DRAGONS but now as soldiers in Denmark.

Fred in Danish means peace and Denmark is among the rst to enter war with the US and United Nations through NATO.

Erik is a name.
145 Børsen: Danish for Stock Exchange Recall Christian IV as king. Predecessor was Frederik II (1 July 1534 – 4 April 1588) named Frederik. This is a name and two words: Fred Erik:
Fred = Peace.
Erik = something as perhaps: ruler, king Eric: or, Little by little : a tale of Roslyn School 146 by Frederic William Farrar (1831-1903). 146 http://archive.org/details/ericorlittlebyl01farrgoog

75. Elisabeth - Hindu - Jay Z

Eli Sabeth is true enough from Hebrew but originate to Hebrew from Shiva. Hence Ali and the mentioned name Sheba is from Hinduism making huge parts of the Bible Hindu.

I have mentioned her name before Queen Elizabeth II of England. We are told Elisabeth is from Hebrew Sheba from Queen Sheba. Kind of true. But if we go back in time we realize Sheba is from Shiva. Eli is hebrew for "most high". And Latin we are told it is Heli as in Holi. Eli = Holi. So far so good. However sabeth is from Sheba which is derived from Hindu Shiva.

Since Shiva came before Sheba the root of Elisabeth is from Shiva. But may be the mix of two languages namely Hebrew and Sanskrit. El + i + Shiva = El + i + Sabeth. The i is then from Shiva. क01ण. Krishna is where we get Krist or Christ and Christianity. Anity is like in insanity. Christ+ianity. Why insanity? Well, Shiva is "the Destroyer" or "the Transformer". Ever heard of a toy or cartoon called Transformers? If you destroy, are you then not per say insane? And what do they destroy? People through clandestine wars with terror hence destroyers as per Romans 13:3.

Now, the Z in Elizabeth has entered because it is an esoteric letter very important in freemasonry. The Hebrew letter, Zain. Twenty-sixth and last letter of the English alphabet. In Hebrew the numerical value is seven. This letter was added to the Latin from the Greek in the time of Cicero. The Greek letter is zeta147. They even mention it elsewhere on an american freemasonic club website. I have the link elsewhere on cerasius.com. Ever heard of Jay Z (pop music)? If you say that name rather quickly a little blurred you get what? Jayzee or Jeezee or Jeeszee. All freemasonic pop galore and I just tell you this so you have a real free choice next time you purchase this for your child or you hear your child listening to this. Then you can educate your child and your child can have a real free choice. And Jordan Maxwell never told you this.

He is well and maximus'ly delighted to know this now. Pontifex Maximus. Julius Caesar; In 63 BC, he ran for election to the post of Pontifex Maximus, chief priest of the Roman state religion.

Above image is an email from the "team" of Jordan Maxwell. Go gure. I did and I have made a rather stunning discovery.
You are being deceived. So says Jordan Maxwell. But by who? Jordan Maxwell and Co. It is the oldest trick in the book known as double agents. Working for the other side while really working for the rst side swirling in double deceit and mirrors. But there are some tell signs. Above email is from a man calling himself Joe D. I contacted him too a few times. No reply until I was told he would forward my email to Jordan Maxwell and then... silencio. Well, DEATHTRAP. Little did I know. But once it dawns on you, you realize the hole just is so deep it turns into a tower on the other side of Earth.

Looks like we end up in India again after all the trouble of writing this book. Same old story.

The advertising naturally is referring to Pussy galore - again. 147 http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/mackeys_encyclopedia/z.htm

"If I was a Rothschild" I would write a song called: " Silencio Cera cera cera..." And bet you one was already written!
They don't want the truth
And that is relatively true. Some do. But in the most cases people really don't care for truth nor lies as long as they have dick and pussy galore. Which the Bible is all about from start to end.
Ever heard of Julian Assange? Julian is derived from Julius. He too is doing the maximus foxtrot of deceit galore in glory of his self made gods of terror and destruction hence Shiva hence Christianity is... destruction and with that they rule and fool. Proof? Shiva and Krishna merging into fake religion which is a blender of ancient pagan world religions.I am not asking you neither to believe or know this to be true. You do your own thinking. I just write and you can't blame the messenger, can you? Well, you can actually and that is what they did as a warning and they still practice this worldwide this day forth.
And so what is the advertising really all about (image right)? The oldest "trade" in the World: sex. Jordan Maxwell tells us it is religion. So did religion come before man? No, man did and they had lots of raw sex and then they invented religion to fool us all. But you knew that I suspect. Hohoho, right. Anyway; Sheba (cats food) and above adveriting is: sex, sex and more sex. The cat is a pussy and in Nordic mis is slag for cunt/pussy. And Shiva does what? She has sex. And so the Asian/India looking woman with the pussycat is Shiva holding another pussy with reference to BIG love and love is a chemical reaction making things go up even the vulva known as Mount Venus or Mount Vesuvius which is the same. The volcano erupts in a bang as does she. Nancy Sin At Ra again with her son Bang bang. Notice how Mount Vesuvius has two tops? Ask someone to lay down on their back and spread their legs and step back a few meters. What does that look like? Mount Vesuvius I suspect or at least a Womb...an or M. That is why Mountains starts with an M in the rst place. And why does a fountain rime with mountain? Okay, you know by now. F=Female and M=Male. FOUNTAIN and MOUNTAIN and a fountain does what? Spray water or symbolically sperm. And the mountain does what? It erupts like a wom(b)an. In woman you also get the word man. That is why there are cupid at the fountain in Rome at the Trevi Fountain and what is on top of that building? The popes hat and his two keys. He is the highest and when he comes he really is high - literally. Just like when he squirts out sperm like anyone. So it is half naked men taming horses and women with spears making sure the men don't go to far. And how many steps are there in the waterfall?

Bees do it, even little rockstars do it

And in telling you all this I have helped the "new world order" by George W. Bush because they want you to know silly things like this. It has been around for years occupying the streets everywhere. And people still ock around this waterfall like it was very important. It would be in Sahara, right? The water symbolizes the woman water both when she is really horny (horns as on a bull) and then when she gives birth he water really ows. So it is a 3 step process to make a baby: 1) Fuck, 2) wait and 3) out. Or 1) In 2) pause 3) out. Or if you are more of a romantic type: 1) Fall in love 2) Make love 3) Give birth (out). This is what is known as Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. So where is the woman in this? She is hidden right there. Father is Fat+Her. And a pregnant woman is huge and will put on in weight. You know the saying: "Knock her fat" and in doing so you may become a father.

Every road leads to Rome? Well, what was in Rome that was so great? Sex. Caesar and all his men and woman and slaves had sex galore which they BTW do this day today. Harry
Eliza’s Bed a Pot Of a Cup as(s) Pelvis who was Mr. King Elvis

"Potter" Prince of England in Las Vegas (Vegas is V for woman. A lass and a woman.) and the pictures I am sure were planted. They don't give shit who sees what. It only makes him human and people can relate, right? So again a deceitful "accident". It was made to happen just like everything else is. What else are Gods for? What Gods? Well, them in power behind the "curtains" and the screens of smoke. Who else?

Conclusion: Elizabeth II is El is i is Shiva. They wrote a song called "Ali, bali, alibali bi" and it takes you to places you never knew existed until you get the key. Elizabeth is Hindu as is Her Royal Highness. As he would say: "Oh, I could go on for hours just on this topic..."- well, he never really does. All in the name of nally and ultimately destroying all ancient religions with which they fooled and ruled and in comes a new religion which is then going to be more "scienti c" and suite the new ages of today, tomorrow and forever. And they never see the inside bars of a prison because they fool you by a DEATHTRAP so deceitful nobody can ever gure it out. Until now, that is. Enter www.sheba.com (cat food) just to bring in pussy galore. In fact, this website is "helping" their goal in destroying world religion nally and ultimately unintentionally. Darn they are smart. But I am right on their tail and I know the DEATHTRAP they have set up.

76. jordanmaxwell.com for sale DEATHTRAP Gaul

And the bene t of the doubt? In a radio SHOW Jordan Maxwell tells us, his website has been stolen and they have taken over his identity. Really? So did you le a police report and what are the police doing about the matter? Show us the police report and take it to court because it is criminal and not a civil crime to steal some ones property nor identity. A criminal offense is a police matter and this is a criminal act. Not a civil criminal act. It is for a criminal court and not a civil court. Are you there? No, you are not. And you will sooner or later end up proclaiming to have a police investigation going and show the "paperwork" or similar. However that won't do. No, let us follow it right to the door over the next month. What is your next SHOW: "They stole my website, they pretend to be me who they are not and the money is going into their pockets and not mine..." - criminal law - my dear friend. You speak of civil law so you must know. It is not a civil matter it is a criminal matter and is for the police to investigate. I wonder what the police would say? They will tell us: "We are waiting until a report is led"... nothing.

And with friends like Jordan Maxwell has, he has money. Shirley McLain, and Starwars maker George Lucas (Lucas, hehe!). So who stole what really? Big surprise. I can't wait for the sequel to the Jordan Maxwell Mysteries as the hole of deceit gets so deep they blunder. Just like Julian Assange and his friends did regarding Diplomatic Asylum (read elsewhere on cerasius.com about that). And I wrote the email mentioned in the radio SHOW. So far no reply. And the older subscriber emails where we follow how he is being "hijacked".

Have you ever heard of a woman named Karen Blixen? My grandmother had a letter from Karen Blixen and a week later my Grandmother was dead by accident on a bicycle hit by a car which was rare at the time (1940s). Ever heard of Out Of Africa ( lm)? Okay, they are connected. My uncle was an artist and was killed much the same way by a car. And since then the car-park has just gotten larger. Pun intended. So if a bird aps its wings in Himalaya, will it affect a dove in paris? Sure will and especially in the esoteric totally insane world of utter deceit lled with DEATHTRAPS.

MMXIII: Every Government Hiding behind The Real True Wordings Of The Bible Are Declared In A State of Corpus Delicti.

Britney = Britannia, Spear = weapon or simply spears. When she realized this - that she was only a destiny's child - born to be what she was made to be, she became ill for a period. Only realizing it she understood and was probably threatened to continue not to get the same faith as Michael Jackson and J. F. Kennedy and many others. They not only make things happen they also kill people on a need to do basis.

Snake galore and snake starts with S and is used symbolically in medicine too. So it is used for good and bad because Slave also starts with S. If through real free choice you want to be a slave that is ne. But African slaves were taken to USA to feed the desires of president and everyone with a bigger spear. How can you ght terror - with terror? No, only words can win this game. And they hate words when not designed by them.

Same old ancient symbolism. Nothing is new under the old Sun. Snake pits and Spear pits.

If you try to introduce a new era they will shut that up really good. Unless they allow you 15 minutes of fame.

Max The Jordan River is Well started my hunt for a Lie

Multiple mounting circumstantial evidence 148 point in one direction and only one and they have motive and opportunity. The clock it ticking faster by the day as people learn and know reality. All courts are criminal - which is why they are called criminal courts in the rst place. All layers work for Crime Inc. and Governments and United Nations are the biggest Ma a structure that ever existed in Human History - ever.

Why is the Bible Evolved? With empirical proof, still mounting, all the evidence shows through wordings and "fruits", that the Crime Inc. Corporation is not criminal in the sense of the law because that too is criminal (in a lack of a better word). The word or phrase to use is CORPUS DELECTI rather than criminal. Every system or connection with governments be it through police, courts or kings and queens are declared in a state of CORPUS DELECTI. They may kill and murder millions before they surrender.They may drop 1000 nuclear devises to scare nations and people. But don't worry. They will surrender when the guns run dry. They have assassinated for millennia and used war as terror as per Romans 13:3 and they still do it this day today hence forth. But the guns will dry out and the only reason the atom bomb was invented was not to protect you from a bogus enemy but was to kill you if you ever found out the truth as in Japan during World War II. They tested the A-bomb meanwhile also making people around the world see what they could do if they wanted to. By fear (φοβος is Greek (Phobos) meaning fear is in Romans 13:3) they rule and that is smack in the real true Bible because with that they have fooled and ruled. The cook-book they wrote is what will eventually destroy themselves from within. And they are not so stupid that they don't know it. That is why they introduce more fear because with hunger and war they can ultimately make a strong people week. Weapons of Mass Destruction [WMD] is used by governments, banks and big corporations to keep you from getting your share. Tic tic tock and that they invented too. They are sick far beyond any medical description and the only word that comes to mind, silly as it is, is: ISHTAROLOGY.

"Look at the masses, they stand before me and I speak of free nations and with a strong people we can make it work..." - so they speak. Decode that message please and please THINK DIFFERENT. Mass destruction by terror and weapons. Yes. The masses before he/she could turn against he/she/government and in that case we use WMD and pull out God's own words: "Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you.". Whenever you hear a president speak, as Mr. Obama, you will hear him speak of something... g.o.o.d. But wait. Listen careful. Turn every word and listen... he is speaking of the inner circle of the upper echelon being "a free people" and ultimately he uses words only to fool. It is like the lovely cake in the window; it looks great but once you chew on it it is all sucker and no substance.

"Three hours of detailed 9/11 evidence is to be presented and considered in a court of law..." globalresearch.ca149. The courts at times make things go the way of the people to SHOW they do something for justice from time to time. However it is mad to take any case to court because the courts, lawyers and the whole justice system is awed, rotten, criminal and based on freemason’s ancient Egyptian chambers of courts (in essence where they had sex and killed children (and worse) as sacri ce as Gods to Gods). Human_sacri ce and

148 circumstantial evidence n. evidence in a trial which is not directly from an eyewitness or participant and requires some reasoning to prove a fact. There is a public perception that such evidence is weak ("all they have is circumstantial evidence"), but the probable conclusion from the circumstances may be so strong that there can be little doubt as to a vital fact. But there will never be a trial as the way you think there might or could be. Because every court room is based on ancient Egyptian chambers and courts and they are criminal. You have no business there. They have hence they are criminal.

149 http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-911-truth-movement-goes-to-court-in-the-uk/5323188


(pdf ) By Luc Watrin. And "'Do not give any of your children to be sacri ced to Molech, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the LORD." in Leviticus 18:21 hence sacri ce of children did take place. This day today 2013 as I did as a child they sing: "Molech, Molech Mak mak mak" as a children's song in kindergartens. /Mak/ is Asian (Thai) for much, a lot. So in essence the government owned and controlled kindergardenspre-schools promote the sacri ce of children by singing to Molech hence governments are a criminal gang of murderer in the lack of a better phrase. Also see: Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). The Bible naturally in numerous locations speaks of children being "mine" or God's. Who were the Gods? They were humans acting it out with war to be Gods and little children should come to them. Book: King Manasseh and Child Sacri ce: Biblical Distortions of Historical Realities By Francesca Stavrakopolou tells this exactly.

Here we nd a documentary:
and they speak of demanding an investigation and ask many times "why". Who are they demanding from? The government who they ght? Listen guys, forget it. Set up your own investigation, come to a conclusion and judge upon the evidence. Give them CORPUS DELECTI and set up 100.000 websites claiming this for all to see. You can't ask the CRIMINAL court to do anything real about it. Forget it. Do your own work and set up your own government. You are free people and can do what you want and don't need "big daddy" to take action which they did never do in the rst place. Why are your still trusting the evildoers and the same government who were behind the 2005 London Bombing via international terror by the government. You have the truth. And let us not forget many architects are members of Freemasonry so that is a red ag on its own.

It will eventually end up in the big deep hole of deceit. So why bother. You speak all the right words but your fruits are like not even rotten because they don't exist. Okay, 25 February 2013 a court case is set in action. Let's wait and see what comes of that. Nothing is by best guess and I don't even doubt that for a second. Tic tic tock...: http:// www.ae911truth.org - yes - and this website links and SHOWS Fox News which is a propaganda tool and the same website has a CIA Facebook account so using the tools of the ones you want to take to court tells us what? They even use a Hollywood Actors in their SHOWS as anchors in their documentary. Nice but how about a journalist? And notice how animated this journalist is:

So forget journalists until they too really see which is happening. ABC, NBC - 3 letters and then SHOWS to fool and never tell anything of value. Only cheap laughs.

77. Proof Roman Empire Exists

God Parasite Gallbladder - YHWH = 26. Roman Empire is living today stronger than ever. Only changed costume with new gadgets and new real actors in place.
Rowan Atkinson portrayal of his Mr. Bean went around the World but in fact he only Ver y

made 14 x 25 minute episodes. They were funny and made you laugh. But behind his funny mask is a technique called the Jesters Mask so cunning it ca kill a King or the ones who watch it. All it did was make him rich - perhaps part of the rat pack - perhaps not.

funny guy with his Mr. Bean thing. Behind his real mask is a real person who play a real act of deceit. Here Rowan Atkinson playing Blackadder. Keep the word Blackadder in mind for later. Then

you know exactly what message he was sending out and 99.9999999999999% of all people did not know anything. He is not a fool but is Mr. Cunningham himself. Perhaps he too did not know but I am ready to eat by book page by page if he did not know. Wait, how can we ever prove he knew or did not. We know he knows because you can’t be an actor not knowing because that is why he is paid very handsomely to keep his mouth shut.

Television and movie is where the echelon and upper crest can have their small jokes and they a highly amused however behind the facade of comedy is a lie so huge they should all be granted a Knighthood Medallion for best Performance at the Guilds Award in Romania - does such a thing exist? No, but we can make it up as we like, right!

Had they not invented religion and especially Christianity we would have no humor because then their would be absolutely nothing to write about not to mention not making wars. We’d do nothing all day and watch the Tube like a black hole with nothing in it except blackness. Bliss. Pure bliss. Heaven must be black.

You might be interested in knowing what Gallbladder is in order to decode his fake humor. Once you know what he is really acting, it is not all that funny after all - in fact it is terrorism hidden as black humor. You would never have believed that. He looks the part but is only a Jester is a larger scheme of deceit. Funny as Ms. Bucket in KEEPING UP APPEARANCES. Here is the proof.

He became rich and famous. Nice. Only for playing a silly bean in a very few episodes. As other actors they too are mostly freemasons. You can't be an actor for long unless you accept the offer or at least you act as you are told. Freedom? Non what so ever except you are allowed to use your pay as you like. What did you think acting was all about anyway - education?

οἱ γὰρ ἄρχοντες οὐκ εἰσὶν φόβος τῷ ἀγαθῷ ἔργῳ ἀλλὰ τῷ κακῷ. θέλεις δὲ µὴ φοβεῖσθαι τὴν ἐξουσίαν; τὸ ἀγαθὸν ποίει, καὶ ἕξεις ἔπαινον ἐξ αὐτῆς "A good conscience has no need to go in fear of the magistrate, as a bad conscience does. If thou wouldst be free from the fear of authority, do right, and thou shalt win its approval; 4 the magistrate is God’s minister, working for thy good. Only if thou dost wrong, needs thou be afraid; it is not for nothing that he bears the sword; he is God’s minister still, to inflict punishment on the wrong-doer."

This is from Romans 13:3-4. The word φόβος is translated to fear in this case but is translated as terror in other translations of The Bible. See Romans 13:3 for other variations and translations for the word φόβος (Phobos). Wrong-doer is the same as evil-doer. As spoke George W. Bush Senior. So they will use weapons to punish you if you don't comply. That is why they send in the riot-police. With the Bible they rule and fool. It is naturally illegal as I shall explain to you.

What I am about to tell you, you never knew. Why? Because they never teach you anything of real value in school. They keep you dumber than the branch of an Olive Tree!
When you see this fella hanging on the cross you feel his pain and suffering and you have heard the story over and over again and since the church hangs him their they too must understand. Sure they do but for other reasons. If you want to scare the hell out of someone, you would hang the enemy or the one not complying with the magistrate on a cross for everyone to see just in case you got any idea. Then you know what will happen. Subconsciously you will think something like: "Darn, if I am rebellious or am not nice I will see myself hang". They play with words and symbols and they play with your mind. That is what a magistrate does. It is derived from the word Magi (biblical) which is from 3 wise men however Magi means magicians or a magistrate who by deceit and lies and make shit happen or luck come through.
Magi (pron.: /ˈmeɪdʒaɪ/; Latin plural of magus; Ancient Greek: μάγος magos. μάγος translates to magician. So a magi+strate = a magician. The word magistrate is δικαστής The rst part of that word sounds very much like Vicar (Bishop). The Danish word for a substitute teacher in School is actually Vikar meaning temporary. But the hidden meaning is that the Vikar (Danish) is a teacher too but a magician taking over for the teacher and usually teachers were priests. Since a magistrate is phonetically cognate to Vicar we get: Vicar <=> magistrate. They are the same. A magistrate in Danish is a judge (Danish: dommer. DOM as in Dominus as in Dom or Don. When did they start to speak Italian and Latin in Denmark?).
Magistrate is also a master, authority, official etc. In essence a magistrate is everywhere. Why? Because the key word here is m.a.g.i. That is related to the 3 magis in the Bible called 3 wise men but were magicians. So what is a magician? You might think it is todays hokus pokus galore with Houdini etc.. That too. But originally they were wise men or fortune tellers or plainly magis.
Magic is Latin is: magia: magic, mage, magus, wizard, magician, sorcerer. A danish word for "husband/wife" is mage however this is not the official word. But used commonly. So your mate is a mage. It is your magi or your spouse. This is then related to sexual intercourse, love making and staying together for years. However priest don't marry in the catholic church. No, they want to be free so they can have one or many wives or lovers. Also because the GOLD (GO L D) ring is symbolic for the planet Saturn which is symbolic for Satan. Why? Because they are telling you sex is bad. What!? They do it themselves all the time. If you tell a dick not to have sex that is actually going against the purpose of the dick. God created the dick for a purpose other than urinating.

Proof Roman Empire Exists
Mr. Bean

Did you wonder where the name Bean came from? Grain, bean is Greek: κόκκος. It is also a jot which is a fool, idiot or what is known as an iota which is Greek: Ιώτα. Iota has the value 10 (X) in Greek numerals. So with Mr. Bean we get the grain which is important in Roman symbolism and a Jot who is an Iota which is X which is a cross or a mark.

Greek κόκ is also grin but also noun COKE. COKA COLA is Greek: κόκα κόλα.

Greek: κος means Mr. So κόκκος they get both 1) κος Mr. 2) κόκκος Bean and κόκκος is iota - a jot. A cock, bantam, is κόκορας.
So he is κος Κόκκος or Kος Ιώτα or Kος Cock. If Rowan Atkinson tells you anything different don’t believe him. By taking his name and nding the origin we know he is not so funny after all because the amusement is on him and people have no idea of the tricks they are up to. Surely he plays the Turkey over his head and he drives his Morris and all looks very innocent until you realize it is made to create a comfort zone for people. His Mr. Bean is a technique used to ignite a mind controlling system on a level most people just can’t understand. I was fooled too by this Iota (lot) but now I know the lie was really true so I know his symbolism and humor and amusement and I am not laughing anymore.

Now let us move on and forget about this silly Cock because you will nd more cocks as we move along in this book.

Rembrandt again. Lets keep the arch above him as a symbol of the female womb and Jesus can hang there to instill fear so people known what is going to happen should you get any idea (Waco, Texas).

Painting by Rembrandt. Painted to look like a man - and he was. Just an ordinary man who was used later to scare everyone.
"String him up for everyone to see"
Hung on a cross as a model for everyone to see so one would think: "If you can't beat them, join them". Or else I will feel the terror as per witch burning (middle ages) but is still going on this day today on a scale that make evil look like heaven. It goes beyond evil. Doomed. What is dooms day anyway? It is the day they doom you with terror.
Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed.

78. Terrorism

Terrorism: the word φόβος is fear or terror. The magistrate which we just gured is everyone in government and church (Vicar) will in ict terrorism on you if you don't comply with their rule and their magic. You will then be hung on a cross or simply killed by a silent bullet or tortured in silence over decades. Hard to get a job. Low pay. Always last in line etc etc. It is rather simple. I told one in my family, that everything is in the Bible. She was and still is a believer, a Jesuit and a born-again-Christian. How many times have I heard from her that I in fact said that? Many times. But she totally misunderstood me. Why? Because she is also a freemasonry or at least she worked 40 years in the Foreign Ministry in Denmark. You don't work there for 40 years without being "initiated". I called on a matter to um.dk (terror organization) and mentioned my aunt (now she is pensioned and 82 years old) and the woman on the end of the line said: "Hold on please...". In the background I could hear her say: "A man is calling and her aunt is [name] who was one of us for 40 years". What? One of us? Yes, that is like a member of or belonging to or simply "one of us". Not one of the people.

And they speak in riddles - kind of. They will say: "You believe and you will be saved from evil...". Sure, their terror-group. If you join them no harm will come to you as per Roman 13:3 "do right". What right? Join them or at least not rebel and just comply and be quite and never do wrong against them because if you do you will feel the fear through terrorism. So, there are two evil doers. You, because they say you are and them because they tell you they are because they will in ict terror upon you. This makes two evils. However not really. Because you just want your freedom and your real free choice and live as your own king. But once you say that you are doomed.

So everything you do today even using your iPhone/iPad (i = Ishtar) is related to old ancient pagan warrior magic by deceit and tricks of words. If you get as near as smart as they are you might just be able to join the club. But please, PLEASE, know what you are dealing with and know your history and your WORDS. If you do decide to join them, then realize you are joining the largest ma a club on Earth and they rule with terrorism which they themselves say is wrong. Sure, it is wrong if used against THEM as in being rebellious or just free in your spirit. To them that is terror and they will then in ict real terror upon you if you just won't join the club as Jesus did not want. BTW, he was most likely a son of a king and later someone told him. He was an illegitimate child of a king and his father had visited a whore (Herods Antipater? (His Royal Highness (2xH)) and when the king knew about it, he did not want another child to claim his inheritance and the priest would not accept an illegitimate child. So kill the bastard. As they do today if you claim your true birthright to land and freedom.

And if you don't believe a word of this, why then do you believe a word of what someone else tells you? Make up your own mind but realize that the magistrate makes things go up or down as they please and they have power because they use words to make magic. Magicians such as Houdini are nothing compared to magistrates.

Burger King, Hamburger, Stock Exchange
Ever wondered where they got that name from? BURGER KING. Ham, son of Noah, was a king or a prince but later became a king. This is also where ewe get the word Hamburger. So it is Ham King and he was a king. We even have a city called Kingham. Ham was a sinner known as the Curse of Ham. Abraham was a descendant of both Shem and Ham. And "ham" is in both names. The clans intermarried (endogamy) and the rulers of the clans married according to a structure which is made evident in analysis of the Genesis King Lists. Burger is from German burg which is castle. A castle (or church) usually has 2 (two) towers at the front gate. The two towers represent two knees of a woman spreading her legs as in M and you then also get Mount Vesuvius. This is why a mountain start with M and a Fountain is female full of water. Male and Female. Or Male and Woman. W = M just upside down.The front gate is Ishtar's Gate. Notice the two towers. Notice the entry gate is an arch as for a female being with a child because stomach literally makes an arch when she is pregnant. Also notice the Aurochs and dragons. In Denmark (Pigmark) the word for a soldier is Dragon. And the stock exchange (Børsen) in Denmark has a Dragon Spire shaped as the tails of four dragons twined together, reaching a height of 56 meters.
The Danish word Børs is Stock. A stock can be 1) a stock of products stores. 2) A heard of animals is my stock. 3) Stock exchange. And from the latter the name Stock is in Danish Stok (cane) because earlier a stick or stock was used an coins or "money" and it is known as a Tally Stick.

79. Conspiracy, Pontiffs, Parasites

From Acts 4:23-31 you will learn that the rulers (Roman Empire (Pontius Pilate) and the priests) conspired. So who conspired? The rulers, priest, those in power; the magistrates. Though deceit and conspiracy they made sure to kill just one man and why so much trouble? Because he was the son of a king who had visited a whore and Pontius would have known this as did the priests and they did not want an illegitimate child to be king so they conspired to have him killed. This is where all the fuzz about conspiracy comes from today. Heck, they conspired then, later and up to this day and forth. Why? To trick and fool so nobody easily can prove a thing. Just like the murder of J. F. Kennedy etc.

Pontius Pilate: Pont is bridge and Pila is pillar. Pontius is also Pontiff. A Pontiff is a pontifex is Pope. A pope still exists this day today. This is proof that the Roman Empire still exists.And as the saying goes: "A dear child has many names...". Well, this child is a dragon with 3 heads and doing just ne today named the Pope with his Magistrates and Politicians in place to in ict terror on everyone who is a real threat to their regime of terror. Is it legal? Yes it is. It is by them written by them made legal through The Bible. The word legal tells the story: El = Arabic God. Gal is from Nordic Mad. Example: Manden er gal is The man is mad. And the english word gall is galde.

Legal Pope

Gall is a parasite. Also Gallbladder. Le = el = Arabic God. Hence Legal = God Parasite Gallbladder. Pope is a Pontiff is a bridge is a Pontius and he was part of the conspiracy to kill Jesus. So who killed Jesus? The pope did. Legal Pope = God Gall & Gallbladder The Parasite & Conspirator The Mighty Magician. As they say; The word came rst. But it surely also came last. With words they killed and with words they destroyed themselves from within. They have known this for millennia and nobody was any wiser because books were instituted rather late with Gutenberg project online. It was not until about 150 years ago access to relatively cheap books came around. Book were very expensive and information did not

ow easily or very slow. They murdered people who were too smart for them (watch the movie JUDE). Even today when you enter most "modern" bookstores they only have so much and very little of real value. But with The Internet you can get into every corner of all languages and nd documents they have been able to hide for millennia. The rst pope and the last pope are in essence the same pope. They never really existed as they were not what they told you they were in sunday school. There never was a church as you were told and the only church there is, is the house of terror better known as the magistrate/government. Proof? Romans 13 and Book of Acts150. I am not using the Bible as proof because they will tell you it is only HIS BELIEF and HIS STORY and HIS INTERPRETATION. So I use words. Words can kill as they say as they can also empirically prove facts because words are part of Linguistics which is a science. So today you will learn of Quantum Mechanics and parallel universes and holographic universes. Don't listen to all their bullshit. Even prisonplanet.com has jumped on that deceitful wagon naturally making this Jones fella part of the whole legal system (now that you know what legal means). They fucked with your brain then, later and still do. And they are turning desperate because they are running out of ideas and they believed they knew every trick in the book. But they forgot there were people much smarter than 10 Legions put together. They forgot that people are not that stupid. They fell into their own DEATHTRAP (play) because what come around, goes around. You can only spin a wheel so far because even that wears and tears. So they change wheel all the time now the past 20 years and they are running out of spare wheels they realize. They will then turn to the last resort which is terror and war and ultimately what is known as armageddon. But that does not change the fact, that God Gall & Gallbladder The Parasite & Conspirator The Mighty Magician is still a terrorist legally!

150 As in acting

I can't teach a bird to y but I can feed it. So here I give you only words for thought and I give them free and you can hack them up if you like. I did not invent the words but there are about a Googol (10100) words: There are 26 letters in the english alphabet. That makes 2626 possible combinations. That is 6.156119580207158E+036 also written: 6.15611958 × 1036

26 is the gematria number of the name of the God of Israel – YHWH = 26

And so they killed Jesus and Christians loves Jesus! The same Jesus was hung on a cross to die in pain by the ones you also believe in and who are behind Christianity. Or do you only believe in Jesus and not all the rest and all their religious theater? Anyway, the one killing Jesus adopted him, hung him on a cross as a model so everyone could see what happens to non legal people! And recall legal is being a terrorist. THis same fella, Jesus, is symbolic of pain and suffering and they adore the magi called the Adoration Of The Magi. So who do they adore? The magistrate and not Jesus.But hold on - this is where you need to keep your mind in focus. Jesus was a magi because he was a magistrate to be because he was the son of either a ing or someone in power who visited a prostitute (Mary) and she or someone knew this and so he was to be either a king and/or magistrate which in essence is the same hence they are called 3 wise men, 3 kings or kings from the east. East!? So they were kings from the east? Sure, from India as per Krishna to Vishnu. Anyway, they were 3 Biblical Magis or magistrates which is then the same as a king. King = Magi = Magistrate. In Danish there are 2 words:

Vis: being wise
Snu: being cunning.

In Nordic the word for Christ is Kristus. Christ is then Krishna via Vishnu who was wise and cunning. And the bloodline takes us to Ham son of Noah hence Cunningham as a name. This is pure science because it is linguistics through words. There is absolutely nothing magical in this nor divine. You do not have to believe a word of the Bible you can in fact prove it is absolutely true every rotten (Rot = King) word in it. Christ was relative smart using words and he told stories. However he was not so wise and cunning as to survive at least not alive. He did survive 3 days later (Please make a note of the number 3. I shall discuss this later related to 300) and in doing so and becoming a god in his death he was truly wise and cunning. But since Jesus is not known as a cunning-ham, it proves Jesus never existed but is an invention of the Roman Empire. Please nd the word describing Jesus as cunning and related to ham and being related to Vishnu? Thank you, you found it. Through words alone. Jesus is cognate to Krishna to Vishnu the wise and cunning and why? Because he was the son of a king hence visited by the magistrate and recall how the Romans invented writing every child born into a register later to keep count of who was real royal and who was not. If not, you are basically Corpus delicti. But you really are not - they are.

Ill + Le + Gal = Sick God Mad & Gallbladder The Parasite. Do you recall Blackadder (BBC Series)? Rather fun, right? Wrong. It is a true story of deceit, lies and all very illegal. Why? Because they don't use the same television to educate folks. Then it would be ne. And since

Parasites and Tics
all people are not equal then it is illegal and legal. In fact Legal and Illegal are the same. Except one is sick and the other is not.

Page after page after page... “FIGHTING FOR SECURITY”… so who created the war if not Hitler since he tried to stop it? This is a question historian have not been able to answer since 1939. But I can and will. Governments, League of Nations, Politicians, Agents, CIA, The Vatican, Military Complex – the whole charade of origination including Red Cross, the army, media, radio, television – everything controlled by their God but foremost the money production units and they are the banks but where is the ones who really started it because they can all white wash and clean their hands saying it was someone else and that they had no control and things just turned really evil. If that is the case, then call in Houdini, he did it. No, governments did it and they have their backs covered with election so they can always say people did it. Is there any one out there saying, “The Emperor has No Cloth On”? Anybody? Hello! There are only and only two main sources and they are money and guns. Follow those and you will nd the guilty. I know, I did not forget it. Sex is the third ingredient making even the strongest week.

Clicking above image takes you to a copy of THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD FRIDAY NOVEMBER 10 1939.

Every generation has known and felt war and it just goes un (pun) and on and on. God really loves reworks.
Click image right to read the whole Opera via Google News Archive! Then in Saint Petersburg Times, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1947, 151 we read that Peter Baumgart says Hitler survived WW2. Hitler causes Britain for war-mongering which is true. And Britain accuses Hitler for war-mongering - which is true. So? Well, who made the war. It did not come about by itself. They did - both of them in tight corporation. All governments are legal when you begin to understand what "legal" really means. El = God. Gal = Gallbladder or simple mad because Gal is mad in Danish. And The Danish Royal Family with Christian IX is the father-in-law of Europe's Royal House and Hesse-Kassel played pussy Galore with the Royal House of Denmark even marrying one of them making the english (and russian) the bloodhounds of Denmark and Hesse-Kassel the pigs because they really are pigs via Tammuz the son of Ishtar which is the basis for warrior bitches and men for that sake. Knights Cross' are still given in Denmark 2013+ as they were during WW2 and they look the same. http://www.das-ritterkreuz.de/ and Order_of_the_Dannebrog.
An actor in Denmark got such an order and smiles about it because now he is a member of the family (read Ma a) and this cross is a license and it originates in killings and murders of millions of children. Let us salute him and the soldier in the backdrop protecting him and the royals so they can do their foxtrot in good order. And nobody is any wiser except a little cherry and this book.

151 http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=hSNPAAAAIBAJ&sjid=504DAAAAIBAJ&pg=4258,4339256
Gaul and Gall have one thing in common they are Salian Franks.


Sounds like a bloody name. And it is: herald - Etymologically, a "leader of an army," from Germanic kharjaz, "army." it is also the other thing but which do you think it is? Then we have heraldry152 which has something to do with coat of arms. Harald is a Danish name too and also used among Norwegian Kings.

Heraldry is both a science and an art form. Developing out of the emblems and insignia born upon shields and banners during battle, heraldry as a profession encompasses not only the devising, granting, and blazoning of arms, but also the tracing of genealogies, and determining and ruling on questions of rank or protocol. This dictionary, however, is only concerned with the rst of these aspects of heraldry. http://www.library.nd.edu.

Well, so a newspaper is the messenger of war through arms and shields. And in war any trick can do. Even lies. Next time you get a copy of anything HERALD think about it. And why are most news papers called the same using the same wordings. Any inspiration or imagination out there? No. They live by the old rule, the old law, the old customs because they have unquestionably naught culture except the old culture which is why new culture happens to be like rotten tomatoes or worse - feces.

plural noun;
the feces were examined for parasites: excrement, bodily waste, waste matter, ordure, dung, manure; excreta, stools, droppings; dirt, filth, muck, mess, night soil; informal poop, pooh, doo-doo, turds, poo, caca.

King of Arms

King of Arms is the senior rank of an officer of arms. In many heraldic traditions, only a king of arms has the authority to grant armorial bearings. In other traditions, the power has been delegated to other officers of similar rank. So the proof is, that any HERALD news outlet is an agent and messenger of the king and hence the government. That is; working with the government. This is proof that any HERALD news outlet is a fake in the light that they are suppose to be free and out of any arms (pun intended) of any government. But they are not. Would the kings messenger tell a lie? If so, they would get their head chopped of and that has happened and still does.

Chrysis - Crisis - Isis. Victoria, Vicky, Wiki ... and a little dicky.
152 Her Al Dry - I am just saying...

Aubrey Beardsley and his usually black and white drawing of the dreams and humor of how the bourgeoisie sees themselves.

When I see these well done drawings I always depict myself a King or a Queen sitting on the lavatory dropping a few and then wiping their hands or ushing it and eventually ushing it all out.

Then they will wash their hand and pounder their noses and walk out in the crowd. Everyone does it and must do it and it is natural as hell exists on Earth.

But after Playboy and Hustler this ranks above in the skies. And once you have seen one you have seen them all. The sad thing is that it has been made a sin to even think a dirty thought. But they do it anyway. So what is the point of Religion and The Bible.

The point is, that the whole Bible is full of these stories and often obscured, It is no wonder people choose to become Christian because The Bible is the biggest pornographic book ever made plus all the paintings that followed.

Today they call it Me Tart and in a few yours time it might be called All Tart.

VI Kings. Victoria = V. Isis = I. Roman numerals VI = 6 but also 51. Area 51. Is area 51 just a fashionable secret (esoteric) playground for the very very rich where they are own to in secret to decide the future for us all? Heck, esoteric rainbows and all their hogwash sicko games and deceit is so sick there is not (yet) a name invented for it. However Ishtarology might cover it pretty much.

J. F. Kennedy was assassinated because he wanted to eliminate esoteric secret societies. And they are everywhere even in the smallest of family with promises of gifts or fortune, fame or glory. They suffer from what we call Ponerology even if they can smile and look the part for years. That is how the worlds is ruled and neither by presidents or Kings. The World has been under the spell of an esoteric illness that spreads into art, music and any culture and goes around every corner be it your dentist, doctor, lawyer, carpenter etc. etc. If you don't follow suite you risk the same faith as J. F. K. You are in fact a living dead until you realize you are in a whorehouse, a crazy house and a very sick place because of esoteric control.

Once you can see - which cerasius.com invites you to - then you understand there is no greater horror or fear than the world designed by esoteric beliefs and fame and glory. Once you can see, you are no longer in the dark but realize reality was a lie and the so called new world order is just an anagram for the old world order.

However the things that came rather unexpected was the day the Internet came out from Cern in Switzerland153. Television, radio and newspapers got raped, plundered and are

153 Someone told me it was a Jewish invention from Israel. Jews might have been involved. I have not gone into the actual background of The internet. it is here and if not, this book would not have written or at least it would have taken many years.

Harald Bluetooth - you have to laugh a Hit

today as dead as can be occupied by esoteric CEOs. Governmental workers are usually in on it because as long as the ship is steady there is no reason to jump. But be aware that more people around the World are understanding the depth of the deceit. Not only corruption which is only a small part of the whole problem. The hole is so deep there is no escape unless the vast majority of humans who are normal, kind and sweet, stand together not only asking the obvious but saying the obvious. The Emperor not only does not wear a dress but has blood made from snake oil and hearts made from rock - literally. St. Peters Church in Rome is founded on a rock. All devices through words and lies and something that can best be described as the movie Psycho directed by Alfred Hitchcock who himself must have been initiated into the esoteric world. His name? Well, rimes with Dick Tracy, right? Or Chock if you are more for that words. Up to you.

Today the power elite are trying all they can to kill The Internet. Why have big corporations and the elite not shut it down already? because they hope to utilize it the same way they used television, radio and print to spread their propaganda and as the ultimate spy-tool. While you drift along you are followed around every corner you make and your moves are monitored. They know you. You can protect yourself through various means but little good does it do in the long run. They can nd you because The Internet uses addresses that point back to you in almost all instances. The rulers don't - yet - fear The Internet and they do believe they still have utter control over it however laws are put in place now so executive orders can shut it all down within seconds. When they do, and they will, you will too late realize in what direction it is going. When you are in the alley on a dark street all alone and nobody can see or hear you or even in the open air where all can see you nobody will rescue you from your isolation because they got you by that time. Just like J.F.K was put in a hole right smack in the open air among the whole world to see. That is how they can operate. And the rst rule of law in their game is to do it frankly, openly and show it smack in your face because nobody believes in the obvious. "It can't be that simple?" "It must be more complicated than that, right?" No. It is very very easy. Just like the riddle of above headline.

Crisis is Isis - and some Osiris (Sirius (star) anyone?) - and she154 demands a crisis because she was a warrior bitch and they still follow her this day today. Her bird was an owl (and a few others) and her son was Horus etc. All intermingled into one huge totally sick story about a man suffering being tempted and nally being cruci ed for his ideas about him being the son and King of God. Heck, aren't we all eventually Kings and sons of God. Sure. Look up a dark night and watch the stars and wonder for yourself for just a moment. Who are you? Why are you here? Ask the obvious. Are you not also created out of it? That is the riddle and this fella knew it as did Spartacus.

Hundreds, millions of people are being cruci ed each day (2013+) and you believe ancient times were then and only then? Oh no, it is today and alive and doing better than ever before. If you think Spartacus was yesteryear - then think Sin At Ra differently and you will know many "Spartacus" are still suffering and people are still being imprisoned and tortured for no other reason than what they - the rulers and psych’s - see t. And they are more t than ever with atom bombs not to create cold wars but warm in case you don't comply. They will drop it in your backyard if they see (bene) t - Italian: bene ciare. The weapons were and are created not to ght enemies but to keep you from asking questions.

(The elite loves to make profit off of "peacekeeping" troops, which is exactly what the Hessians were called. This "peacekeeping" always adds up to imperialism. The Hessian troops were used by England in the American Revolution, in fact the colonial armies fought more Hessian soldiers than English. The House of Hesse-Cassel made a lot of money off the American Revolution.)
Source: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bloodlines/rothschild.htm

154 Word she contain he

But he also knew, that the rulers of that time were not very smart and if there is one thing you must fear it is stupid people. That is why education is Alfa Omega. However since 1973 the ruling class have introduced a brainwashing educational system to make your children into lesser than rats, robots or pancakes. Her name is Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt and you must realize she too is a real hero not like the stupid game action heroes of todays games who are just there to fool you and your family from east to west. Games shows are

ne but please educate yourself and your child yourself. How dare you leave that in other peoples hands?

There really is a Crisis and it has been around for more than 2000 years. Her name is coined to whores and slaves and her name was known better as Isis. If you woke up one day looking out the window and you saw people wanted you as their ruler would you not stand up and be one? But would you lure the people into a dark corner with esoteric deceit to lure them from their money, honey and life? Some would and some do. They take advantage of the situation only bene tting themselves to an extend far beyond reason. Enough is Enough. They will did a hole so huge and dig 10 more to cover up the rst hole. There is no escaping this illness until you realize it is what we know as evil or the devil if you like. They love being evil but not like you and I understand evil. To them they are sound and normal in their world. They just kill another 100.000.000 without blinking an eye and will in fact enjoy it while they brush there teeth or take the next A-train or Eagle One.

If you have no conception of this please start your eye-opening journey reading Political Ponerology http://ponerology.com/

81. Mysterium Magicae Solvitur

Secret of Mona Lisa. This secret connects a few dots as well and takes us right back to mother nature as we also see in the background of Of Mona Lisa with the landscape.

There are many myths and tales and theories on the mystic of her enigmatic smile. Right! And what might it be? Did she have a tooth loose or just a bad moon day or was she in love with the painter? Many ideas pop up and new ones come from time to time. As this one. But since it has not been told before I am here to tell you and it might not be true but when you see it you might think it could be true or perhaps even really true.

After having investigated all of this book for more than a year starting end of 2011 I have come to realize to look for the simplest of explanations and nd them right often in front of our eyes.

I too have had many looks at this painting and wondered why is might be. I am artist myself and it is a well done painting but not amazing and the lady is not absolutely perfectly beautiful but I could marry her if need be. She is neither ugly nor pretty but again some think she is very pretty. That is in the eyes of the beholder.

Was it he lips or the landscape or some hidden enigmatic painting within the painting I wondered. I have done a few sketches of young female from photos and also from live model so I know what to loo for rst. And you, as an artist, have the choice to make the subject prettier or more ugly or even ad things which to the receiver is obscured. Once I drew a young girl only 14 years old on commission from hr father. I did it from a small foot. I noticed she had a few birthmarks on her cheek so I added them to however they were not easy to spot.

hen I presented the drawing which was sized A3 drawn in pencil/charcoal and he looked at it for a while and thanked me. A fe days later I visited him and the drawing was on his table and he took it and told me: “I have never seen those birth marks until now”. I never knew she had them.

So with this in mind I am now almost 50 years old and I am still looking at the “Mona Lisa”. But know I know more. Firstly there is her name itself. “Mon a Lisa” or “Monal Isa”. oMn is de nitive meaning Single as in Monarchy. But there had to me more. I looked as her face to

nd clues and thee is was. Her eyebrows were shaved. She had no eyebrows and they could have been cut or Da Vinci left them out. Usually cancer patient being treated with chemotherapy will loose their eyebrows and they change face and some will actually look younger when done. They can even loos the eyelashes and every hair on the body all depending on the treatment. I don’t think she was treated for cancer in any circumstance. So the missing eyebrows had to have been put there to symbolize something.

This name is two words a) Mon from Greek: μοναχός, monachos, "single, solitary" such as in Monk or Monarch. And b) Lisa (given name) which can be a short form of Elizabeth

derived from the Greek Elisávet (Greek: Ελισάβετ), which is a form of the Hebrew name Elisheva (עַבֶׁשיִלֱא), meaning "My God is an oath" or "My God is abundance."

Elisheva: This is a name but two words a) Eli and b) Sheva. Eli can be an abbreviation of Hebew names and also means "High Priest" or "My God" or as in "Oh God". meaning "Oh My God".

Sheva can be many things but we are talking ancient names and religion here. It can be the number 7 (seven) or Sheba (Bible character). Sheva or Sheba was a warrior and she led a revolt against King David who is also Zeus etc.

Shave is cognate to Sheva and only changing two letters it is actually an anagram:
S H E V A ~ S H A V E

She is shaved it dawned on me. Today Me tar (metart.com) shows it all but at the time they could not and had to obscure it but the unlighted receivers knew the message and had a great time looking at Mona Lisa.

We call it SHAVE when we shave our hair. Ave Maria for that and we do it with a knife. I hope it is sharp like a harp so we don’t cut a slut.

So we have the name Mona Lisa and that then translates to: Single Warrior. But wait, we need to look a little deeper.
Saul also had a concubine named Rizpah, daughter of Aiah, who bore him two sons, Armoni and Mephibosheth. (2 Samuel 21:8). He (Armoni) and his brother Mephibosheth were two of the seven descendants of Saul to be given by King David to the Gibeonites to be hanged. (2 Samuel 21:8-9).
Hence 7 (seven) is Sheva or Sheba because she is from the stem from which Saul was descended (2 Samuel 20:1-22). Ergo the 7 descendants of Armoni is related to Sheva who is part of the name Elisheva which relates to Lisa.
Mona could be Armoni. So with Mona Lisa we get two persons a) Armoni and b) Sheva. And in Shave and Sheva we have a palindrome in the last 3 letters:

SH +
Mona Lisa ~ Armoni Sheva

Saul and King David were in a battle and Saul lost ergo Mona Lisa or Armoni and Sheva lost to King David who is Zeus who is todays winner ergo we have the Star of David as in King David's Star and Roth is ancient for King and Child is child so Rothschild is King's Child and who's child? Kind David's son.

Proof? The Bible.

That is only half the story to the enigma. On the name Armoni Sheva is mostly speculation but not her name Mona.
Mona is also meaning moon. Luna ~ Muna ~ Moon and we know Ishtar’s egg was the moon with which she was impregnated as a myth. In ancient times as well as today in Cambodia they have the so call Moon Festival. In ancient times they tried to pull down the Moon with magic dances. The moon is female also be of the near same cycles as the female menstrual cycle ~28 days which is the same as the moon ~28 days until full moon the Lunar phase at 27.32 days. The the Moon and the female have something in common and this seems universal. Woman and the Moon have synchronized themselves over time.
The Greek word for Moon is: φεγγάρι (phonetically: ngerifagari). That makes little sense here and now. Let us chop out the last tho letters so we get φεγγ which is MOON translated at Google. I need to dig deeper for the origin.
Moon in Hindu is च4द (thak/shak) and also it is Phoebe. Phobe “radiant, bright, prophetic" was associated with the Moon as were Selene.

च4द Phoebe च4द Moon

They are the same they are homophones and they relates via Phone who was associated with the Moon. So where do we need to look next. India or Hinduism naturally.
Enter Brahmā (67ा meaning creation, rst cause) who was the father of Manu who then became the father of all men hence man as in Manu. According to the purāṇa (ancient times) which is a script, Brahmā was born from a Lotus ower. Another legends tells he was born from the water, or from an egg also known as the golden egg.
Prolate is Hindi: ल8बोतरा (Lambutra). Prolate spheroid is used in rugby and other sports today. Many moons in the Solar system are prolate because of gravitational force. They are pregnant you might say. Gravitation ~ gravid because the Nordic word for pregnant is gravid.
A submarine and certain plants such as the papaya is in the shape of a prolate spheroid as are jet planes. St. Mary’s Axe in London is one such prolate spheroid.
Mona Lisa’s eye browse are shave (Sheva) and her name is related to the Moon through her name and eyelids are shaped as a prolate spheroid. In below image I overlaid the same pussy from a real photo and made it opaque so

Prolate spheroid. Looks like an ants egg. Or even a rugby football.
Also St. Mary building (bank) in London in The City Of London.
oMn’a eyes will shine through and so her two eyes are two pussies
Mona Lisa is Armoni Sheva or more directly Mr. & Ms. Israel.

I overlayed a pair of pussies and made them transparent and it is a perfect match.

This we can call magi© by shaving away the hidden layers and really look and see.

Since everything is sex in The Bible so must art be it. The decoding become easy once you have the major key and in this case the keys name is EROS.

Even that name, EROS,
unlocks words such as ROSCHILD, Kings Child, Elisabeth Regina Of Sex - just making a few abbreviations up as I go along.

You can invent your own potter story or your own words as you please. Who is stopping you? United
Nations is stopping
everything or is trying very hard. They will loose

Saul (Biblical) also had a concubine named Rizpah, daughter of Aiah, who bore him two sons, Armoni 155 and Mephibosheth. (2 Samuel 21:8). He (Armoni) and his brother Mephibosheth were two of the seven descendants of Saul to be given by King David to the Gibeonites to be hanged. (2 Samuel 21:8-9).

More eggs. All I did was to take a ball and extrude it in a 3D program and there is the tower known as St. Mary. How much did the architect make? A Rothschild connection or a good friend I suspect. A very good friend when so little can make so much. Pull it they said about tower 7. What number does this tower have? One I suspect.

155 Armoni was the rst-named of the two sons of Saul with his concubine Rizpah, daughter of Aiah. He and his brother Mephibosheth were two of the seven descendants of Saul to be given by David to the Gibeonites to be hanged. (2 Samuel 21:8-9)

Hence 7 (seven) is Sheva or Sheba because she is from the stem from which Saul was descended (2 Samuel 20:1-22). Ergo the 7 descendants of Armoni is related to Sheva who is part of the name Elisheva which relates to Lisa.

Mona is Armoni. So with Mona Lisa we get two persons a) Armoni and b) Sheva.
This way Mona Lisa is two persons and symbolizes Mona or Armoni the son of the concubine (whore) Rizbah who had sex with Saul making Armoni. Armoni was an illegitimate child.
Armoni and his brother Mephibosheth were two of seven decendants of Saul to be given to David for hanging. So Saul would hand his own sin born by the whore Rizbah.
David knew these children were illegitimate and so wanted them dead and they were murdered only because they were not in direct bloodline with royals who themselves were born by whores.
2 Samuel 21:8-9 reads:

But the king took Armoni and Mephibosheth, the

Drawing by George Becker. Rizpah protecting her 7 sons. Rizbah was a whore.

two sons of Aiah's daughter Rizpah, whom she had borne to Saul, together with the five sons of Saul's daughter Merab, whom she had borne to Adriel son of Barzillai the Meholathite.
He handed them over to the Gibeonites, who killed them and exposed their bodies on a hill before the LORD. All seven of them fell together; they were put to death during the first days of the harvest, just as the barley harvest was beginning.

It then further reads in 2 Samuel 21: 17:

But Abishai son of Zeruiah came to David's rescue; he struck the Philistine down and killed him. Then David's men swore to him, saying, "Never again will you go out with us to battle, so that the lamp of Israel will not be extinguished."

Recall how Prolate is Hindi: ल8बोतरा (Lambutra) which is a Prolate spheroid symbolizing the primordial egg. Hence Lamp is cognate to Prolate (Lambutra). The Lamp os Israel is the egg of Hinduism to the moon to Brahmā because the moon is the egg and they are both not absolutely round. They are Prolate spheroid. I touch upon Manu elsewhere related to all of this.

With Amoni we get Amon or Amun so in Mona we can actually make Amon.
A M O N ~ M O N A

Mona Lisa is the epiphany of Hindu, Christianity and Buddhism locked in the painting and her eyes are the pussies shaved.
The Manusmriti related to Mona Lisa via Manu who was the rst born of Brahmā from an egg. Manu was carried on a ship just like the story of the Noah’s Ark. Read later about Manumission.
Pubic hair removal has been known back in time as far as to Ancient Egypt where the whore-slaves would shave both because of hygienic reason but also because of pleasure.
If we drop in a single “l” in pubic we get public and out of 26 letters it has to be an L/l (phonetical El for God with his rod as Nim the Egyptian God and all the rest of their dicks).

Then we have Lisa alone which could be Sail as an anagram:
L I S A ~ S A L I
Sali which means salt. Or Sail because that is what Manu did on his ship on his Arch. And he sailed on the water which has salt as does the vessel the female womb.
Ammonia is a gas (ether) and salt also as a fertilizer giving plants grows and life hence also “food” for humans.

Mona Lisa ∼ One Egg Salt156

Mona Lisa: Egg Salt157. Her eyes are two pussies or the two biblical hebrew ears as apostrophes ‘’ also symbolizing the male rod and the female cave which we shall see in this book. Ban(g) ban(g).158

Mona is synonym for MOON and the Moon is a synonym for EGG. Mona is 1) one (una, muna, one Moon) and 2) Moon. One Moon; One Egg.

156 Salt is very important in The Bible and it is from where we get the word salary - it is value, pay.

157 Es are indeed related to playing cards and Es means Ace in Danish. The best card next to the Jester, fool, joker. EOS is also a goddess who rose in the dawn - the Ether, the Sun, the one and only light giving life - the one and only Hercules - Her cule: Her egg.

158 Word; Ban is Thai for house and the g might be G but is rather an ear or bird in other written languages. Keep this in mind as I explore further.

Amun Sheva Shaved Whore Rizpah From Water Or Egg with Salt. That is here real name. Mona Lisa is a key and her eyes are two pairs of pussies. One for Saul’s wife and one for Rizpah.

But no - all wrong. Partly true. But let us look up Baba Sali full name Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzeira. His Hebrew name is אריצחובא לארשי and the last part לארשי is Israel.

So the lady Mona Lisa is Mr. Rabbi Israel or just ISIS +RA+EL+SHIVA+VISHNU all bloodline to whores.

It is in fact what looks more like Buddha. Mona Lisa’s hair are the ears and her eyes are in deed the eyes of Buddha - almond shaped as a leaf of humans and their is a pair as two eyes looking at you. This painting encapsulates what they needed and the church has looked to trick and lure people with magics and tricks for years. Each time a new piece of art or a new legend or a new religious story. At one point it was needed to invent jesus and the Whole Lie Word as The Bible and with that they created the greatest tool to fool for hundred of years. it was their baby, their ultimate tool.

DEATHMASK of Greek myth based Agamemnon father to among others Chrysothemis. I shall talk about her later.

Notice the eyes looking like two Lapis Majora (female close out big lips) just like in the painting of Mona Lisa.

And notice his two ears as an apple cut in half.

82. A Bright Shining Lie

A Bright Shining Lie is a book about the horrors of war and on focus here the Vietnam war. Humans (and especially Americans) are in denial living a lie being brainwashed through media and they have no idea what geo-politics is all about nor have they any idea of history - the real story.

The cross in its purest form is the symbol of the deadliest organization in The World known as Catholicism, Christianity and United Nations.

They are numbed down (mis)using stolen resources so they can sit in their Budweiser couch dreaming of days to come while they are bored to death as people die from bullets elsewhere. The propaganda tools are in motion and nobody really thinks unless their but is kicked very very hard. It is called pain. You don't know it and if you did you would try and

ght evil however through clandestine deceit they set up change-agents and liars all over so you never get a change to move this world forward to where it belongs; paradise! Kill Bill ( lm) is a key but alone it is just another silly movie. But decode it and you can open many doors.

Slaves and Sex Slaves of the PTB
If you have a hard time believing 'shit' like my story, then read this: Lee Harvey Oswald, Cathy O’Brien, Marilyn Monroe & YOU & YOUR CHILDREN159. Verify names and places yourself and make your own judgements. Who is so sick to come up with real stories like this. That alone tells us someone is sick. And the messenger makes no money but such people as Clinton, Cheney does - trillions. So follow the money and you know who the really REAL bad guys are. And what happened to this story: Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush160. See THE WASHINGTON TIMES clip161. Also Book: “Congress and Other Cesspools” By Rodney Stic. And what happened here: Prostitution ring allege: omaha.com162. The only Richard "Rich" Costanzo I found easy was a soccer player! Article written in that

159 http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/ultimate_truths/ultimatetruth10.htm
160 http://www.wanttoknow.info/890629washingtontimesfranklin
161 http://www.voxfux.com/features/bush_child_sex_coverup/franklin.htm

162 http://www.omaha.com/article/20100423/NEWS97/704249863

omaha.com clip is by a man named John Keenan which is a Canaanite name related to todays Zionism in that it relates to simmers in The Bible. Oh yes - deep shit happens. So now you start to wonder what is up and what is really down in these stories. And that is the whole point. They set up fake news stories too just confuse so people just give up investigating because entertainment and news is all the same business just different jingles and intros and logos but news and entertainment is the exact same thing today. And nobody is any wiser except cerasius.com that goes deep under the stories to investigate such people as Hollie Steel and the whole fake setup of a record company etc. Find the story here. Back on track: Four Charged in Connection with Prostitution Business that Employed Minor163 from fbi.gov.

But notice how FBI has both a Twitter and a Facebook account. No wonder because they are both operated by subsidiaries of the government. Proof? Yes, try and "move" around both and see what is written and what "people" are there to lure, trick and eventually frighten people with both PsyOp terror as well as direct threats on your life. And they allow that so who is the guilty? Those who allow murderous remarks and threats and Interpol nor national police is investigating anything. Why? Because they operate it.

You can't begin to imagine how ill and sick politicians are working as puppets to lure their Vanity with lies to comfort the money makers and eventually the forerunner of all evil the weapons makers who just sell their hardware for money so governments can create wars to destroy to rebuild and then the circle is complete. Evil got a hold on this Earth and it started long time ago. The problem is, that sickos are so sick there is no cure and they suffer not only from political ponerology but from such a sickness not even doctors know a cure and they too are part of the game of money making so they can fuck around mostly. Call a doctor is like calling a politician is like calling the devil is like calling evil. "Ah, but I was Okay, right?" Sure, but open the bloody window for Gods [sic] sake and wait for the draft to blow you away.

The thing is this; you can't teach a bird to y but you can kill it. Same with people. You can't really teach people anything too much because people are who they are... human. Human nature when in a state of comfort or basic needs ful lled really could not care less about the tune of a bird, a war here or a war there. As long as their ass is dry all is A Okay From experience I speak. I know and I was only lucky enough to survive 3 assassination attempts and live in a Jesuit country for far too long until I realized it was hell and I would die sooner than later if I stayed around longer than needed. But that was not all. As soon as the government knows you are on their backs they will introduce you to their PsyOp terror regime. As they did - naturally. My wife and I were lured into a trap in Ukraine on transit and soon found ourselves taken hostage by the police. Circumstances made us survive but only barely. I was personally beaten because I asked the crew why my wife and I had not been served food in the plane. No response except some very tricking eyes. I took a photo just in case I would end up in trouble for even asking a "silly" question about why we were not served as others were. It was a trap to make them get a change to catch us as they did. In transit I and my wife were denied access to our plane. The plane took off and we we stranded. There were no phones and no ATM's and the police, which I had asked for, had now left. We were in no mans land. And the Danish government was following every step of it from the sideline actually assisting the police in extorting my wife and me from money as well as holding my wife hostage and me threatened to pay a ne to be released. Upon our "escape" and paying via all the government of Denmark had to say was: "You should not sign or pay anything and wait for due process..." What? Being held hostage and no help from

163 http://www.fbi.gov/omaha/press-releases/2010/om042310.htm A Bright Shining Lie

police nor government you are on your bloody own. Do you want to stay 2-3 month in a Ukrainian prison while your wife is at an unknown location knowing how corruption kill people in prison. I take some medicine for high blood pressure (illness of sick societies) and would that have been given? Hardly. They would have waited for the money. So better pay now than later after more suffering. They beat me up good and they were armed with small pistols so do you take up a
later. There is no law and
ght? They could (and would) have shot me and lied about it

there is no truth because they can lie among police and governments and you have no option. I even contacted Interpol but silence. My wife told me: "... we survived so forget it...". This is when I realized a few month later something was more rotten than I had ever dreamt of. I started reading up on matters concerning history and because I had seen corruption - as a hired cultural intermediary - in every corner of the Danish society and politics I knew that Occam,'s Razor was pointing in one direction only. The nal proof is this website and the evidence is mounting like a rising peek far beyond the dark clouds of highly sick politics, human behavior and tricks that makes even rats behave good. Heck, rats are very nice and were never bad. Only some humans are so sick and they work as officials in governments and they just act it out while robbing people and whole nations.

The interesting thing is I simply can't prove a thing of this. But the good fortune has it, that their acts in history and today and tomorrow through their proven fake laws, governments, police tells us the fact and if it was ever possible to take it is a real sane court (which don't exist) the evidence points at them as the guilty. Who else makes war? And then they will call in the magic WORD: Democracy and say people elected them. I have news for you. You follow every politician and you will nd they are nurtured far before they ever enter the political arena. Democracy is a fake too proven beyond any doubt.

"Using documentation never before made public, DeCamp lays bare not only the crimes, but the cover-up - a textbook case of how dangerous the corruption of institutions of government, and the press, can be. In its sweep and in what it portends for the nation, the Franklin cover-up followed the ugly precedent of the Warren Commission."

Read: The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska [Paperback] and TRANCE Formation of America164. My story is like child-play next to this. I only suffered as a slave by being utterly ignored and cast out not utilizing any of my talents playing music, painting, acting etc.. All for the higher cause of utter destruction of humans and some elected to "gods" all by design. Nothing goes unnoticed and government officials knows this and are as sick as day is bright and night is dark.

When you start to read this book there is a Five Pointed Star at the very rst chapter from ISBN 0-330-31304-5 Picador edition published 1990 by Pan Books Ltd. And did this book change anything regarding less wars and less deceit? No, absolutely not on the contrary. That is also why it won a Pulitzer Prize and was "signed" by John Le Carré on the front page.

A washing detergent that says Dirt is good - Cleaning Dick is On Da capo

164 http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/transforusa/transformation.htm

A washing detergent that says Dirt is good. Decode that?
Good is an synonym for God hence Dirt is God. In Yoruba language OMO means child165. In The Bible God tells us children are his and among his. And we can now prove God is homo sapience - the God you are told about in The Bible.

Let's begin with some lth. Dirt is a slang word for something sexually explicit or depraved such as sex with animals or dead people. Sex is good? Sex is God. And in Nordic language Sex is the word for six (6) as well as the word for the sexual act. We know Dirty Harry as the bad boy as the good guy saving you and me from evil - not. In fact he is killing petty criminals and all his talk about my pistol and gun:

“I know what you're thinking. Did he re six shots or only ve?"166 Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

Then listen to Nancy Sin At Ra sing "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" when she mentions 5 and 6 as numbers related to V and VI which is female and male. V is female and I is male. Harry refers to the guy as a punk. Punk is also a sub culture. Hence Harry is stopping sub cultures or other cultures and did the invading army to North America looting and killing the native people - the punk; the Indians.

Magnum (from Latin: magnum, neuter (nominative singular) of Magnus (name) neutral form, meaning great). Enter Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus and Alexander the Great. Last is in Greek: Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Μέγας, Aléxandros ho Mégas. Magnum in Greek is μεγάλη φιάλη οίνου. Magnum = Great = Alexander The Great.

Omo, Uma, Unum, who is the most deceitful in Washington?
Cap Itol Mons Pupis!
165 I have not veri ed this 166 See quotes for Dirty Harry (1971) at imdb.com

83. Gaius California Gay

Is it then not great (!) that Gaius translates to California at Google Translate (march 2013). Enter Gaius Julius Caesar. Gaius tells us Gaius is "to rejoice", "to be glad". Does gaius not sound very much like Gay as in happy, to be glad? Gay = Gaius and the ght is on now in Caliph ORNEA The Naias Nymphe of the town of Orneai in Sikyonia, southern Greece. So California is? A Caliph and a whore and they are every happy/glad in that state because it is rather rich and is known for the gay community. San Francisco is located in the north part of California.

Please notice the Golden Gate bridge. This is cognate to Torii in Japan. Tor in German means gate. In Nordic mythology we have Thor which is then just a name meaning gate. Golden Gate = Torii = Thor and so much more. These are gates or doors to their empire. Thor was know to have a hammer which is used this day today in courts and House of Lords and other locations. Ham is son of Noah. A hammer (to hit nails) is them Ham+Mer and Mer is German for ocean. Hammer is a tool but is also a name/word for Ham Son Of Noah & Ocean from where Tiamat reigned and with water she gave birth to a child which is why the oceans are free (still) because as long as you are in water you are free inside your mother but the second you exit you are bonded and baptized meaning you are being locked into a system of slavery.

English DEATHTRAP Galore
I have more on this. However it so far shows, that the English language is an invented language from start to end and it tells us OMO is sex and dirt if good and God. Since "Dirt is good" and not evil it must be that "sex is sinful" because God speaks of sinful sex however has sex all the time in The Bible. So what shall we think? Easy. If no sex, no people. No people, no gods because it was Homo Sapiens who were god(s) so to make people you need gods (people) to have sex. So what does gods do? They have sex and lots of it. For each 7 billion human beings there has been 7 billion "Dirt-is-good" and this is English mostly. Language and words started it all and ended it all because their dirty big tricks got around via The Internet faster than they had ever imagined and they are doing all they can to kill this too - The Internet through PsyOps and change agents all over the place trying to control every corner of The Internet with their tools such as Facebook and Google etc.. Mention 5 English domain names? Think just of 5. Which 5 are they? May I list them for you:

• Google
• Facebook
• Twitter
• Yahoo
• Bing

I got one right? The rst perhaps? Never mind that too much. Do you feel lucky knowing this or is it just non sense? The important thing is, that all we have to communicate with was words but they soon turned words into nasty sinful deals and tricks and eventually wars and terror by the government as The Bible tells us. If you want to be in control what do you do? You look around you and decide that others are too stupid to know the scheme we are about to set up called religion or Christianity or Catholicism. The original came from the East so all western religions are copy/past and tales to fool. So they not only "murdered" all gods in 325 CE but created a new one and the games could begin. They knew the secret of the game and you need to be able to speak several languages or at least be able to translate them. Not easy prior to around 1982 from when The Internet grew like a volcano. So they decided: "Shit, the news will be out soon so let us set up a new scheme to continue the old scheme so nobody can tell and we will get away with it once more time". They naturally purchased billions of Dollars worth of weapons to protect themselves, so people could never

This is from http://www.omo.com.au (march 2013)

ght back and they paid of millions of police-o fficers (in essence their bodyguards) World wide to protect them in essence with bribery and some people will take little to kill people and some takes nothing but will be promised a star in heaven as a named god be his name Julian Assange or Einstein.

84. Washing T On

Now we can decode one more name. Washington. It is Washing + T + On. Washing is cleaning. T is for Tammuz or Thor's Hammer and On is - well - On. Let us rephrase that:
Cleaning Thor's Hammer is On
and since the hammer is the rod with which they hit you, then it becomes:
Cleaning Dick is On

Now I hear you jumping with glad happy joy. Or not. But that is what Washington is. George was just a scammer and they know the game better than anyone but I am right there inside their dirty little minds decoding 6000 years of grind, lth and God dirt. A lad is a foot soldier or just a happy glad boy; one who is lead. Lad = lead = glad. Who is glad? He is because most people like to be lead like a dog follows master. You are a dog and they are gods and so they are glad too. They produce lads in the school-system of deceit.

This is what we call linguistics the science of words and language. It tells you the whole story and nothing but the story. Their story. All they have left now is heavy weapons to keep up their terror system as per Roman 13:3:

"For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you." 167

Rulers hold terror for those who do wrong
Enter the little punk who is sub culture outside the system wanting to be free. Terrorize him/her. Enter Dirty Harry to destroy the free spirit and free people. Dirty Harry is a villain no better than James Bond or any president or prime minister of any fake nation. Bloody nice now you know their real dirty Victorious Secret. And has much to do with pussies too but mostly power because with power you get pussy and with guns you get power - The Lord Of The Rings. How many rings? Three (3) I believe it was: "The Lord of the Rings as three volumes over the course of a year from 29 July 1954 to 20 October 1955, thus creating the now familiar Lord of the Rings trilogy." - match made on bloody Earth.
Don't tell anyone but ceraius.com and this book really covers every corner of history from way back in time right up to the present. "Don't worry, be happy" they say. Well, was it not more like: "Don't worry, be gay". The reason why it is easy to cover 6000+ of their story is, that it consists basically of 3 ingredients and with those you can make everything happen like real magic! Washing is cleaning is something dirty needing cleaning.

Washing T On Da capo
Let me just kick this in. DC. Hmm.... thinking like a rock again. Daaaa capooooo.... Italy.... thinking..... got it.... it is:
167 Repeat again and again. This book was earlier part of a Website and split up into articles hence many references because of the nature of a webpage with links.
Dirt Ham The Sinner (is) On Repeat From Beginning To The End
Gay Marriage

Herma and Aphrodite - Hermaphrodite. You have no idea what being homo is until you know these "fall as".
Everyone is jumping 168 on the bang wagon of this issue. Not cerasius.com. Why? Because why marry in the rst place? Because it is a legally binding act which gives rights as obligations etc.. But why? The law itself is illegal and if two people want to stay together let them. They want the state/government to approve this by giving them a piece of paper of absolutely no value thereby allowing the state/government to blue-stamp it and being involved as they are involved in bloody everything.

An Apple a Day Keeps The Doctor Away™
In that case, give me two eggs.
168 http://www.mercurynews.com/samesexmarriage/ci_22691210/president-obama-calls-u-ssupreme-court-strike

Gay or not gay I don't care. However I know marriage because I am married and only for one reason; a visa. I and my wife don't care for that rotten piece of paper if it had not been for the governments laws granting visa to some and more easy if you are married. This way they make people marry because they have to not because they want to.

Legal marriage has absolutely nothing to do with love. It is a myth created by Hollywood and indoctrination. The little girl (or boy) believes it to be the norm from childhood. Religion is part of the hoax too but the Bible is rather clear and so is The Vatican that marriage is not suppose to be. They want to stay free so they don't tie their life with a ring of Saturn (gold ring) so they can't have many wives which they have. Because if you are not legally bonded you can have any number of "husbands" or "wives".

The legal issue is all that matters and then the fact that the government uses this whole issue to further their agenda namely tying up people in fake marriage by providing some (il)legal bene ts. Two people can oat around if they like but they want the government's approval! Why on earth do you want that? Are you not free enough to be with whom you like and want? Do you want "Big Daddy" to say "yes"?

Hermes reminds me of certain tower in Pisa. That too was built to stand - as it does. Is it not made from rock? Hard Rock and looks exactly like a hard cock.

Hermes (Greek) is originally a head god Hermes (hence its name) to the square of the column, which could also be used to phallic symbol. In old herm on the front wall of the column still penis because Hermes was the god of good luck and fertility.

Sleeping Borghese169 Hermaphroditus, Roman Copy of a 2nd Century BC Greek Sculpture, Couch by Bernini, 1619 or Hermaphrodite. An organism holding both male and female productive organs.

Wrong! it is a reclining Buddha

Culture and society and laws also gives you rights by (fake unlawful) laws so you can move more easy and with a marriage license you can adopt a child etc. Much like a drivers license which is also illegal because it was originally only for businesses and not for individuals but now the whole circus is in motion so people forget over time.

Like I told the visa o fficer: "It is illegal" and upon that she replied: "yes". Two minutes later I was "visited" by a fella out of nowhere whom I had not seen in the building. An American. Asking about his visa and what the 2 week extension was he had gotten. I told him: "That is just something they give you - it has no legal value". Upon that he quickly turned saying: "Aha, I see..." in a surprised manner. I told the visa officer right out what I felt: "Nazi's!". But because I know I am right they will probably not throw me in prison because I have proof it is illegal and they know I have it. last change is killing me but then they would have to kill my wife and her (mine too) family and that would mean a lot of killing.

When I marry my Danish pension is reduced signi cantly because my wife is then suppose to have value/money too. In this case not. The whole rotten system is based on marriage and family and the taxation system and everything in between is designed for two people hence people feel marriage is the only option and women like to marry because if they get divorced they can pick up a check every so often and get (more) than half of everything unless a prenuptial has been arranged upon. This is where it all starts to get dirty ending up in deaths and misery. So why marry in the rst place? Because the state/ governments has mind controlled you into believing in the "value" of marriage when there really is non. This way they can control you within the marriage bonded to one person only. Stay inside your square box of a house and shut up and be content with your cable television and KFC chicken lard.

The government naturally has agents to jump on the streets during riots and demonstrations acting it out so be careful whose dick you fool around with. Pussy galore also. Just play if you are for real but don't take it all that serious. The governments loves when you take them serious because now they can claim fame and fortune and have a

169 Borghese is Italian for bourgeois. The lazy middle class. That is also why she is called the Sleeping Hermaphrodite.

purpose. And it will be all over the news so you believe something is happening when in fact it is all change agents acting better than Brad Pitt. Fuck the rotten governments (they too are only homo sapience) so fuck them really good because they fuck you so fuck them right back and many in the political arena actually likes sex more than others and some very dirty dancing indeed.

A Guy and a Girl can be Gay and God is supposedly male and Gay has the letter y for the female cup of her sex. Why did St. Peter get a stroke in The Bible when he was in a whore house (Oikema)? 170 Because God was Gay and since God initially was a female (Tiamat etc.) we get that God is both male and female as per Buddhism called a Hermaphrodite. And what does that give us? Aphrodite and He/Her and Herma.

St. Peter is then what? A man/woman having sex with herself/himself with an angel which is only allegorical. In fact St. Peter (meaning rock) had no sex or rather the number #1 sex making us all. Buddhism has small rocks in their temples and so does Christianity. St. Peter means rock. And all churches are made from rock (older ones) but today also glass and steel(rods). However the OIKEMA part of The Bible tells us St. Peter went to a whore house and this rock (hard) dick or clitoris had sex with someone be it homo or child which per The Bible is Gods favorites.

If you really like to be fucked you are in the right place in a state with your government in your country which is all illegal and illegal means: Ill God (El) Mad (Gal=mad in Nordic language). And don't take this to your bank and you might want to ask anyone you trust who is smarter than I am if all of this is a lie. Don't take my word for it. It is after all only words so just don't take is too serious. Love might be around the corner if you care. Change the bloody tune and do THINK DIFFERENT - and PLEASE - don't support a very ill system.

Read about the big apple or the big cock or the Apple Inc. logo at Carta Lux (Bible Verba): http://jamesluxley.com/
170 http://cerasius.com/wiki/Oikema
God is Homo Sapiens

ὅ τι οὐκ ἀδυνατήσει παρὰ τοῦ θεοῦ πᾶν ῥῆμα. And that has been translated to: For with God nothing shall be impossible. That we nd in Luke 1:37. The original Greek text says it is translated to English: "for not will be impossible with - God every thing". So rhēma becomes thing. You have to laugh now. It is verb hence word. So it might be more precise to translate it to: "Nothing is impossible for God with WORDS". And what came rst? The bloody WORD and where did WORDS come from? Homo Sapiens, mankind. Hence who is God? Man is or human beings. WORDS are only known to have been spoken by human being and not God even they tell you so. But since language was not known until before humans spoke it, it is impossible that the WORD was with God unless God was a human - and he/she was.

You can naturally believe what you want but the empirical evidence tells us another story. Let us see closer:

Language is the human capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of

communication, and a language is any speci c example of such a system. The scienti c study of language is called linguistics. Any estimate of the precise number of languages in the world depends on a partly arbitrary distinction between languages and dialects.

What? No! Can't be true - I don't believe that! Human capacity? No way possible. God spoke rst with word, and words are part of language and he actually used Latin/Greek words later translated. These words (latin) are only and only known to humans and in fact comes from humans. Birds don't speak Latin, do they? They whistle more like it I think! A word is part of speech and writing. Speech then? What is that?

speech; Noun
The expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds. A person's style of speaking.
An expression related to thoughts and feeling by articulate sounds 171 . Articulate

sounds are vocalizations that express the letters, syllables, etc., of any alphabet, or language. Non-humans cannot form articulate sounds, cannot articulate the sounds of their voice, excepting some few birds, as the parrot, magpie, Parakeet, etc. Wau - so WORDS are only from and by humans. Now, the word was with God and there were no people so there could not have been any words because only words come from people and not from God. Unless, God is human. And he/she is because if the word was with God then he/she was human. It is like logic for chickens and me and you too I hope - and BELIEVE! No, I know so.

Here is the magic word: ῥῆμα which is verba. But they fucked up during translations to fool and trick you even further. Had they stayed true to the original Greek text that does not make sense too because it just makes more non sense hence they had to translate it all wrong to make sense of it. Too difficult? Let me put it this way:

If a car was with God (at the time of creation when there were no people) and the car came after humans then how can God have a car (word)? It is what they call fooling you as well and fucking with your brains. Or they can call it magic. But you believe in magic, right? Okay, so if something was not there in the rst place (during the rst times of creation) and we are told it was, then it must have been there as like in a magic show were you see something one second and the next it is gone. Yes, sure. It is all tricks, robes and smoke and mirrors etc. Even when you show some people how the trick was done they still don't believe it not to be true. So what can you do? Just forget about it. You can't teach magic to people who believe in magic. Well, you kind of can but they don't believe it is magic but know (believe) it is true.

171 http://cerasius.com/wiki/Articulate_sound Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression

From South America to South Africa, and all over the world, Israel, often acting together with the United States, has undermined popular movements by supplying weapons, technology and training to repressive governments.

When Police (Again) Fuck Up Leaves 4 Dead

You read all about it: Santa Cruz Shooting: 2 Police O fficers Shot And Killed During Sexual Assault Investigation; Suspect Also Killed: http://www.huffingtonpost.com. No brains. Had they stayed the away nobody would have been killed. What are the police doing anyway out working trying to save lives? No, it works the other way around. The more police the more trouble. Police never was the citizens friend but are the rulers bodyguards. So why don't you just stick to that work and don't bother leaving 4 people dead you murderers. And yes, it is murder if it is legal or illegal because those 2 words are actually of the same meaning.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” - unknown.

Pope Benedict to Seek Immunity

Here we go again: "Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, has scheduled a meeting with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano for Saturday, February 23 to discuss securing protection and immunity from prosecution from the Italian government, according to Italian media sources.

Ratzinger's meeting follows upon the apparent receipt by the Vatican of a diplomatic note from an undisclosed European government on February 4, stating its intention to issue an arrest warrant for Ratzinger, who resigned from his ponti cate less than a week later.

In response to the February 23 meeting, the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), through its eld Secretary, Rev. Kevin Annett, has written to President Napolitano, asking him to refrain from assisting Ratzinger in evading justice."

The Vatican was dead, became dead and will be dead as people understand the deceit that has been going on since way back (325 CE). Every church for that matter which includes almost every nation and we need to go back many many years to ask to get our property back from fake governments and illegal governmental institutions. Start from the top of the heap with little Pigmark and work your way down. Kick them all out of their fake offices making them suffer knowing that in 50-100 years all traces of them will be gone and all fake statues and art will be destroyed to salute all the millions of people who dies in clandestine wars on behalf on United Nations formerly known as League of nations know formerly as Holy Roman Empire and Roman Empire and Roman Republic. In Pigmark you can start by deducing all officials beginning with Lars Løkke Rasmussen (former prime minister of Pigmark) and former Mayor Jannich Petersen of a municipality of little Pigmark. Then pay back what you stole and give back the underground to the people. Yes, the underground is literally owned by Mærsk McKinney Møller who owns all resources including oil, rock - everything. It is really not up to me to decide these thing but time will give us the nal solution! Hitler never died nor did his friends. They live a wonderful life on a wonderful earth occupied for many many years using gods and goddesses to trick and fool. What is the price going to be? EVERYTHING.

I lost everything and only very VERY good fortune and some rather interesting channels saved my life in Asia. I shall talk of this later. The hole is so deep it has no bottom. Don't believe it? That's ne too. Oh, and that 2012 movie called RED DAWN ( lm) is all a brainwashing lm about the evil Korea - yes? A preempt to make the Americans accept a new war if needed. Now you know.

Here is the next Washing T On - minuscule and two clouds to make it Ella, Ella. Get the picture?

85. Rhema Hitler is Alive

Did you know what Rhema is? It is Greek meaning word or verb. The Greek word is: ῥῆμα. So naturally we have a www.rhema.org by Kenneth Hagin Ministries/Rhema. And one in Norway is named: www.rhemamisjonsmenighet.org (Rhema Mission Ministry). ῥῆμα is verbum meaning word. Originally "a word," from PIE root *were- (cf. Avestan urvata- "command;" Sanskrit vrata"command, vow;" Greek rhetor "public speaker," rhetra "agreement, covenant," eirein "to speak, say;" Hittite weriga- "call, summon;" Lithuanian vardas "name;" Gothic waurd, Old English word "word"). etymonline.com (and don’t trust everything write either).

So far so good. Let us take it a step further. A few years back I asked the shopkeeper of a grocery store why his show was named REMA 1000 www.rema1000.dk. He naturally had no idea. They have one in Norway also www.rema1000.no. So where is the 1000 from? It is from "Thousand-Year Reich" by Adolf Hitler. So did he ever really die? No. Still alive and kicking better than ever.

Shell - Bahá'í Faith

Did you ever wonder why it is Sun and Hell making S+Hell = Shell and we get Shell Oil and oil burns so we get re in Hell. Think like them and everything is a greater evil than you ever imagined. Ever heard of Bahá'í Faith? Neither had I. Even they seem to proclaim a star. Why not. Look up and it is all stars. Also Bábism. Persian )##################/ 01)##################1 that translates to "Bobby And". So? I have no idea except Bobby is a nickname for Robert or Roberta or Robin or Babu. A Robin is also a bird. Babu is also in China (East, Asia). And Robert means "bright with glory". What else is a star but bright and rather glorious meaning shining making a halo. Without global warming we'd be bloody cold about absolute zero. So thank God for global warming!

Robert: masc. proper name, from Old North French form of Old High German Hrodberht, literally "bright with glory," from hrod- "fame, glory" + -berht "bright." Enter Rod and Nimrod or dick or cane or stick or spear whatever pleases you the most. Hrodberht = Robert = Bob = Bobby. So that Bahá'í Faith is "Rod And" and what matches a dick? There you see. Again all pussy galore. And who is that bird (Robin)? It is a broad or a prostitute - whore if you like.

The Gospel of Barnabas

"The Gospel of Barnabas is an apocryphal gospel. That is, it is a life of Jesus purportedly written by a rst-hand observer that is at variance with the picture(s) presented in the Bible. However, it is unique among apocrypha in that it is a Muslim gospel; that is, it presents Jesus as a human prophet, not the son of God, and as a forerunner of Muhammad." So lets keep that away from the public! And how many gospels have come and gone and been found and they are 500+ years old and still intacts with torn edges looking really antic. Then pay some carbon daters a million buck and a few professor giving them a platinum card and you can make them report what you want.

Sus is Spanish for yours and su for theirs and Je is capital G for freemasons logo. "Oh your god, oh their god... Oh Geee masons...." they scream in churches while frauds live in mansions made for kings such as Benny Hinn and Peter Popoff and the list is as long as you have time. Did you ever wonder why it was called Free church? Freemasons build the churches so todays free churches are owned by freemasons occupying everything as business is usual. Nothing new under the glorious Sun of Hell of mother Earth. They will never learn. They? In this case non-official or lets call them normal working people. But I trust people are not all that stupid so thank God for giving humans a brain to think with! Did I just say that? Well, it is a guratively speaking if you don't mind. What else should I call it? Dog? Or It? How about I-Don't-Know-And-Really-Could-Not-Care because if this mighty God exists then who am I to tell this "thing" what to do with all of it. I just learned some words and here they are. Let's just play with words: If God does exists God really must like reworks
- as in bombs killing lives. Oh, they blamed that on the devil. But hey, God created the devil too how else can God be the creator of everything as The Bible tells us. So it really is an evil God because most is evil from the very top of the military complex down to kings, presidents and all their loyal ma a-members as officials and way down to the lower ranks in the police and all around to Order of Malta and right back again in everything you touch and do.

“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
It is all out there. The greatest library ever invented - The Internet. In less than 5 years it exploded and people adopted it and use it like the telephone.
And the telephone was invented to communicate and people love to talk. They will call 20 times a day to hear how their friends are doing and 99.99% of all personal conversation are basically nothing but non sense or non signi cant. Check it out next time you listen to someone call. What do they really talk about? And so with television, radio and news outlet and radio, it all goes into rotten and is adapted to become a tool to fool. However as George W. Bush Senior said: “... and it will be a new world order...” saying it with a small grin on his face. He knew and he knows how the World operates. So does Cerasius.com and if I told you nothing but the truth from morning until evening you would never believe it.
Enter George Carlin and Google You Tube and a whole bunch of other tools to actually fool. Anyone recall Netscape or Geocities? Well, the original tools were bought by big Corp. and are mostly now dead or were purchased to let them die and other become even bigger. In fact there is only one corporation today and the name is United Nations Inc. aka The Greatest Ma a That Ever Existed. And it has been around before it became know as UN. Just changing name and words - that is all.
Above quote is allegedly by Abraham Lincoln who got his own statue in Washington DC. He was assassinated! Oh yes, to make him a demigod among gods among the higher echelon and thereby became a saint and a god to fool people from morning to night. High hat and all and perhaps he was murdered because he went a few steps too far promoting some real human rights but the inner circles of the power structure can't allow any disturbance which would break there chain of command. So enter Michael Moore, Julian Assange and the rest of them who are there to ignite confusion and noise. How come people can't peacefully demonstrate being sprayed with chili (a chemical compound! said to be only food on Fox News 172when a man like Alex Jones can run around free without any intervention. But water alone can kill as can too much chili. And the same goes for Michael Moore who makes movies and the police just comes to smile at him? I shall tell you; they are

172 Acronym for Foxiness; http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Foxiness Rema 1000 Hitler again. Hitler Is Alive

not real people like you and me but somehow instituted via a back door which only very special people can enter. Probably some illegitimate children or very close friends with the upper crest of society. Even Cerasius.com was fooled for many years but no more. Why? Because of the rotten fruits are still oating around. How come a million politicians can't do it; create total freedom and total peace and total liberation and how come you must bow and scrape to the Government and not the other way around. “We The People” - yes, those present at the signing. It is all words and you don't really read them nor understand them. In a sense such people as afore mentioned are eye-openers but only because the truth is coming out anyway via cracks in their house of deceit via The Internet and other channels. And they hate it. So they set up the "truth" via outlets such as Russia Today (rt.com) and what-not. It is a SHOW and nothing but verbs.

86. $250 billion Standard Chartered Bank

Money is just a word and has absolutely no value unless you can print it and sell is as collateral all in itself without any real valuable backing. Just print it and send it into the system and the money will end up as values as guns, drugs, rock and roll and will nd its way through the hospitalization of drug-addicts to the doctors and the killing-machine will produce tons of value from the grave-digger making a hole to the after-party to celebrate the dead. Bloody smart; kill a 1000 people will produce so much value it is great!

John Major, who served as prime minister of the United Kingdom from 1990 to 1997, was employed by Standard Chartered from May 1965, when he joined them as an executive. [39] He was transferred to Nigeria in 1967, and worked for the bank at home and abroad until he was elected to parliament at the 1979 general election as Conservative Party MP for Huntingdon.

Iran money laundering settlement: On 6 August 2012, the New York Department of Financial Services led by Benjamin Lawsky accused Standard Chartered of hiding $250 billion in transactions involving Iran, labeling it a "rogue institution". The bank was ordered to appear and defend its actions, or risk losing its license to operate in the state of New York.

"SCB ‟s actions left the U.S. nancial system vulnerable to terrorists, weapons dealers, drug kingpins and corrupt regimes, and deprived law enforcement investigators of crucial information used to track all manner of criminal activity."

So a democratically elected politician, John Major, is working for a big (major) bank. Later to be found as prime minister. Hardly. John major got there through money and exposure in the corporate media owned outlets. People see a face and knows that face and are then manipulated to believe this face it a face that is voted out from free choice. Yes, money makes free. So you hunt money to become free but the change of you winning in this lottery of life is almost zero to nothing.
Brixton -> Brixiestan -> Beorthsige's stone -> Earthsiege
Earth is a rock, stone governed from a stone (Vatican and England's throne). Biblical God was a rock or better a gem (emerald).
Beorthsige; Beorth is synonym to Earth. Brixt: Is Christ, is Earth. Christ is a cross from the zodiac (sun symbol/wheel) hence Christ is Earth is Beorth is Earth. Mother Earth. Hence Christ/God is a woman. In woman we also get woMAN. And WOMBan who is the arch being pregnant which Noah made by fucking a whore who carried a child in her womb (Noah's Arch) because he fucked her hence it was his child. She was the vessel (weasel) and the child was in water. Brixt is also synonym for light, bright etc.

• Danish Constitution: http://www.grundloven.dk
• Møntlov: https://www.retsinformation.dk/Forms/r0710.aspx?id=66424
• National Bank of Denmark Act: http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/page/?pid=62&id=16470
• Lov om Danmarks Nationalbank: https://www.retsinformation.dk/Forms/r0710.aspx? id=41648

The Danish King created money to wage wars and in 1813 Denmark went bankrupt173. Then in 1818 august 1st. the "Nationalbanken i Kjøbenhavn" was established as a privately owned stock company to ensure that the king no longer could create money out of thin air. However the current law, the constitution (http://www.grundloven.dk), on making money states that; § 26 " Kongen har ret til at lade slå mønt i henhold til loven." = "Kong has right to create money according to the law".

So how come the Danish economy needed numerous (7 was it?) bank-packages to ensure the economy through the assistance of N. M. Rothschild and where did the initial money go? Vanished like magic. You inject let us say $ 50 Billion Dollars into the stream of society by ways of the banks. Now you have this money as owing liquid. It moves around. Things are sold and bought as well as inside as outside the borders. But the value of the money should stay the same, right? Bad investments makes for lesser and good investments can make the money go up. But should stay around or near 50 Billion. Then over a few years we are told there is no money and the government needs a new load from the private central bank. But wait. Where did the money go? They are used to pay for the crimes and as wages to government officials and many bad investments make 50 Billion vanish like dust from the Sun. So many official hires go on vacation as if they needed it. Banks loan big chunks of the 50 Billion and invest in some good and some bad enterprises. Within a few month or short years the money as evaporated. The past 100 years it has not gone the other way. When did you ever hear about de ation? Never. It goes in one direction only; in ation. This means, that the money are less worth and money actually disappear and more money needs to be injected and printed. That is no problem. Heck, I have a good printer which could produce money like hell. They start the printers or they can actually do the opposite stop the printing making a crisis. The bottom value of society is the same; people are the same. The real value is the same unless they sold raw-material at a bargain via corrupt trading. The whole money making machine is one huge scam and hoax and it is naturally not right. I don't like to use the word illegal because legal/illegal are actually the same two words meaning God (El) and gallbladder or mad (Danish gal). The ill part is just that it is sick +god+mad. Making illegal what is godly mad ill. But is the same. It is like saying that you are ill because you are mad. Same. Mad makes you ill so being ill mad is just an oxymoron and they love oxymorons (morons) in their sick world of deceit.

173 http://www.nationalbanken.dk/dndk/hist.nsf/side/ Pengereformen_der_blev_kendt_som_statsbankerotten_

87. Follow the Rolling Stone

A Short Story

12 people were sitting on the ground in a circle. The Master Lord had a bag of rocks in a bag. He told the other 11 people: "I shall drop these rolling rocks on the ground, and I want you to find the hole by the use of the rolling rocks when I drop them on the ground". They all looked in excitement. The rocks were dropped and they all started following the rocks as they rolled along the surface. The ground was huge and covered the whole of mother Earth. As they ran and followed the rocks they ran and walked for days. Eventually they found themselves inside the Earth in a hole so deep and dark it was black as hell. Only larva made enough light so they could just see and follow the rocks and they could hear them too as they kept on rolling. It was getting hot as hell almost to the brink of scorching the 11 people. Ahead of them in the distant they saw a bright shining light coming from above and the rocks stopped right in and under the light. They stood still and watched as all the rocks lay still. The rocks rolled no more. Then a voice spoke: "Look up you idiots, I am up here". They looked up and saw the Master Lord from far above looking down while he got into a lift taking him down below. As he descended the 11 people looked in amazement. The Master Lord came below to the 11 people and stood near the rocks as he picked them up. Then he said: "You made it. But the direct path was right below me all the time as this hole I dug years ago. I was sitting right on top of it covering it up. Had you known this, you could just have waited for the rocks to arrive and then decent as I just did". And the Master Lord spoke again: "Don't follow the obvious path because the direct path is usually the right and true path. In this case it took no effort on my part except I had it all prepared in advance. You followed the rocks believing it would take you to another place far away when in fact the exact location was right under me just deeper. Think before you follow any rock." The 11 people was thinking deeply now and one asked: "Well, so now what?". Master Lord said: "Now I take the rocks and I will take the lift up and you must now walk back from where you came. When you arrive I shall tell you a different story about a bird flying as a high priestess".

88. The High Priestess

In the Møntlov (coinlaw) it is the Queen (Margrethe II) of Denmark who tells us "We Margrethe the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of Denmark, hereby make known that parliament has passed and we have our Royal Assent to the following Act".

So God is involved however we are told in the constitution that;
§ 68 Ingen er pligtig at yde personlige bidrag til nogen anden gudsdyrkelse en den, som er hans egen.
"No one is obliged to make personal contributions to any other worship one of which is his own."

So if their God is not mine I am not entitled to make any contribution to their God unless I want to or it is my God by free choice. In 2012 I ask an official priest in Faxe, (http:// www.faxekirke.dk) Kirsten Kjær Ohms, (Folkekirken (State church)) who their God was? I received no reply. And I expected that. How can I pay contribution to something which I don't know what is? So again we must dig into the law book the Bible for a reply to the question which the priest could not give.

Then there is the tax law which tells me/us to pay income tax. This law overwrites the constitution saying not to pay any personal contribution to someone whom you do not accept having a God whom you do not accept. So the tax law enforces you to pay contribution. Tax is a contribution. You contribute to the group whom you want to be affiliated with if you freely want to.

You know of corruption and you have heard the system can be bad. But you never expected it to be this bad. You believe and are told via news outlets that some are nice working for the better. You are wrong. it is utterly and totally rotten and there is nobody good left to safeguard you or yours. Only a very very few people and I am not going to mention too many of them because some of them are evil too. Ron Paul? Well, he is working on the inside of the system and should be able to make a difference. But how can one single fella de-program a huge dragon so evil all by himself? He simply can't.

In the constitution we are told:

"§ 70 Ingen kan på grund af sin trosbekendelse eller afstamning berøves adgang til den fulde nydelse af borgerlige og politiske rettigheder eller unddrage sig opfyldelsen af nogen almindelig borgerpligt."

English: "Nobody, because of his creed or descent be deprived of access to the full enjoyment of civil and political rights or evade compliance with any common civic duty.".

We are told the King is above the law" and we are told in § 83 that "Any of legislation to nobility, title and rank attached shall be abolished.". But the King? "§ 13 The king is not liable, his person is sacrosanct *). Ministers are responsible for the conduct of government; their responsibility shall be de ned by law."
*) 1595–1605; < Latin sacrō sānctus *) made holy by sacred rite. See sacred, saint. So the King is holy by sacred rite and in essence a saint. He is free to be that. However

the law imposes his God and his sainthood and his sacred rite upon me or you which is in violation with the same law - the constitution.
*) Also see: Sacrō Cunctípotens. Cunctípotens = Cunctí potens = all powerfull.
But was God not all powerful and not the King? Not according to the Danish constitution. Here is says very clearly that the King is all powerful.

Standard Chartered’s Next Worry: A $1 Billion Indonesian Loan:


Enter Cunctípotens Génitor (Anonymous). Tra la la we might say or sing. But it relates to AGNUS DEI Mass IV -- Cunctípotens génitor Deus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXkhV-WFjLw and KYRIE ELEISON Mass IV -- Cunctípotens génitor Deus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVTgMuCmiGc

Kyrie Eleison (Greek for "Lord have mercy"; the Latin transliteration supposes a

pronunciation as in Modern Greek) is a very old, even pre-Christian, expression used constantly in all Christian liturgies. Arrian quotes it in the second century: "Invoking God we say Kyrie Eleison" (Diatribæ Epicteti, II, 7). A more obvious precedent for Christian use was the occurrence of the same formula in the Old Testament (Psalm 4:2, 6:3, 9:14, 25:11, 121:3; Isaiah 33:2; Tobit 8:10; etc., in the Septuagint). In these places it seems already to be a quasiliturgical exclamation. So also in the New Testament the form occurs repeatedly (Matthew 9:27, 20:30, 15:22; Mark 10:47; Luke 16:24, 17:13). The only difference is that all these cases have an accusative after the verb: Kyrie eleison me, or eleison hemas. The liturgical formula is shortened from this.

How can we ght this? Let us dig around in the song/tune itself. We read:

"Kyrie, rex genitor ingenite, vera essentia, eleyson." and "Lord, King and Father unbegotten, True Essence of the Godhead, have mercy on us".
Cunctipotens is OMNIPOTENS (all-powerful). Is it not from Cunctipotens or just cuncti we get the English word cunt? Omni is Latin meaning all. Also totus, omnis, universus and cunctus means all, whole, total etc..
Cunctus translates to The whole. What whole? The mother hole or the Virgina or plainly the cunt. That is all it means. When they sing this song, they are singing a hymn to the female cunt, the pussy (galore). Virgin Mary is Cunt Mary and Mary is Mar (Spanish) for ocean, the water, the female water when aroused and/or giving birth. She or any woman (womb+an) is the vessel or the cunt or the place where the next generation is carried for 9 month in freedom but when born and not royal blood become unfree to slavery paying tax etc. Only royals are free when born because they have their birthright to be free from paying tax and anything and are in fact LORDS and kings themselves by rite made saints or all powerful - they are god. Why? because only God is all powerful - not? Hence a King and God are the same. They say with words.
The unlawful law states this as does The Bible - a king is LORD is God. Old English cyning "king, ruler," from Proto-Germanic *kuninggaz (cf. Dutch koning, Old Norse konungr, Danish konge, Old Saxon and Old High German kuning, Middle High German künic, German König). So King is Kong and they speak "We The King..." in plural which in Danish is "Vi kong" which is We king or in Viking. VI Kings is six kings? Well, Seks is 6 (six) in Danish but in Swedish it is Sex for six. Kings had/have sex like nobody else as we see in Book of Eshter and elsewhere in The Bible and Hesse-Kassel had about 60 illegitimate children etc etc. They fuck more than other and make their seed/sperm spread like rotten kings meaning King King because Rot is old Nordic word for king hence there is something rotten in the state of Denmark - literally. Danish word for rat is rotte. A council is råd in Danish. The same word (råd) means rotten. So the council is rotten. The King/Queen is rotten literally. kuninggaz is like two words 1) king and 2) gas and what comes out of the ass when it rots? Gas or shit because it rots inside as it does in everyone else. What does that make the King/Queen? human. Does an all powerful Godhead fart and shit like mortals? I never read anywhere that God ate, drank and whored and farted? Wrong. It is all over the place in The Bible where Kings who were Gods or King of Kings drank, whores and farted around like rotten assholes with Cunctipotens and Cunt Mary or Cunt Aphrodite or Cunt Sarai or Cunt Ishtar. The list is very long because in ancient times most woman were naturally born to be whores among whores and the better ones would indulge in the house of kings and themselves become goddesses if it pleased the godheads. What head? The glans of the penis naturally. The God is LORD is lard and the sperm is a type of oil which is lard/Greece hence Greece is called Greece (oil) because that is what they did so often - had sex among whores which was as natural as eating or sleeping. How many gods/goddesses do we nd in Greek mythology to hide the fact that they were nothing more than whores, pimps, nymphs or plainly mermaids - little mermaids were better because they were virgins.
$ 250 Billion? Money makes the honey and the more honey the more babes to fuck with and the better the quality. High class whores can go for any price and charge what they want if they are wanted high enough. There is always that special woman who will satisfy better than the others and she can make bread like nobody. And to get up among the stars you need lots of money so they whitewash them using illegal trades etc.. That is a long story. I just wonder why a government would use a corrupt illegal bank? Because they themselves are corrupt proven beyond any doubt. They are part of the family and it stays in the family. They were ned a fraction of nothing because money they can just print as they go along. How much in ne? Okay, hit the printing machines for n-minutes and we are done with that deal. Need more ink? Okay, 10 cents per liter just ll it up. Hit the Xerox (Xerxes and a few other gods) and lets roll out the dough to bake bread so we can get on with the game of fucking girls, whores and people while we produce absolutely nothing except illegitimate children who we will set in motion as rock and pop stars so they too can have their ve pointed star.
War really does produce honey!!! And the banks are in on it from design to actually committing the crimes (of war). Drug war or whatever war it may be as long as it is a war. War is great. So tells history. more war the better. The value of war spreads out from the very rst day the plan is set in motion as an idea from the printing of the money to paying the ne to using the whole operation to ignite absolute everything from nothing. It is what they call magic which only God can do and they are God, kingpins etc..
"A Bright Shining Lie" (book) tells us explicitly that the government is the terrorist and is the corrupt business of war making 174 to ignite rule by fear and eventually install fake governments who only control the initial value of nothing namely the money making business. The rest is just cheap entertainment cheap to make and produce and people love to be entertained because it requires absolutely no part-taking or conscious thinking to be entertained. Just sit back and let the show begin - and then clap your hands when the green lights come on. You might be a dentist or a clown by profession which dow not matter as long as you play your part and remember to turn off the lights when it gets really dark because it is in the dark things are really entertaining and you don't want to see that like torture and killing of children by ripping out there intestines alive or having pregnant woman watch as their unborn baby is ripped out alive while father and daughter/brothers watch it live while the mother dies slowly from bleeding in a puddle of blood. They love that
- it makes honey.
And it only starts with words so recall that next time your presidents opens his/her mouth. One word can make honey ow in your streets - or blood. It is up to God (The King) to decide and the kings are those producing bread or wheat/corn/seeds/crops from the womb of war. They are called warlords but lets call them what they believe themselves to be; gods. Proof? The Bible, Music, banks and the rotten (king) fruit of their endeavors.

174 Says so 2 times in the rst 50-some pages

Everyone and many are in on it and today as in the past freemasons and secret societies as well as open ones are part of the scheme such as Order of Malta and other orders. Lawyers operate in the dark with deceit and doctors work for the medical companies. Many are living and doing the dance of war and they love it. As long as they do that, they are safe. Anyone who tries to mingle or tell the story as it is, as I do (!), are tried silenced. The truth of history is in most part a lie so deep it would take brain-cleaning for 50 years to undo just a fraction of the damage in icted by the upper echelon and way down through the ranks.

Armenian 100,000 Dram banknote - Flag of Pigmark aka Den Mark is seen and the colors are the same red and white.

Armenia (Syrian) bank note related to Abgar V. Order of Malta has the same cross. Denmark too. So who came rst? Armenia did. But we can even poke further far east to the Sun cross or the Swastika to nd the original.

A ag says more than a 1000 words. And kills many more. All the lies they tell about ags about how they fell from the sky. What sky? Heaven? Sure, we are in bloody heaven in and around it.

Also notice the crown. Same as on the Danish National Bank. national? No way - it is privately owned. http://www.nationalbanken.dk. The Danish government use it too. Think about it. This crown in the same design from south to north. How imaginative is that? Why the same design? Because the royal bloodline with lots of blood in the street came from far away and if I am not mistaken Jesus killed a few on his path too. he was not all that of a good fella after all. At least some in his family killed someone we are told. Every king that have ever existed have waged wars. Jesus was King of The jews ergo he too created wars. That is what Kings did and still do but today mostly via their ministers and governments.

89. Magpie the Cherry Pie

The very last (and lst) supper indeed. They are going out thanks to real people nding the truth.
Quote: from Ralph Ellis: 175

"Jesus, King of Edessa; Yet another year or so goes by and yet another startling revelation has been uncovered in the gospel stories. In fact, one could go as far as saying that this is the book that the Catholic Church has been dreading for the last 1700 years - this is the book that will end Christianity as we know it. And this is not advertising hyperbole, this really is the end of the Christian fairytale that Jesus was a mere pauper artisan.

We now know exactly who Jesus was, and he was far removed from the stereotype pauper imagery we have been told (or sold). Readers can now visit his city, see the ruins of his citadel, gaze upon his statue, and even handle his coins. In reality, Jesus was a son of King Abgarus of Edessa, a king with a small realm, a large treasury, and even bigger ambitions. Thus Jesus' true history undermines much of the biblical fairy-story that the gospel authors crafted, and so Christianity will never be the same again.

The jacket image shows Jesus wearing his Crown of Thorns, the ceremonial crown of the Edessan monarchy.
We suggest that readers start with the books Cleopatra to Christ and then King Jesus. The anticipation before arriving at the last episode in the trilogy will be worthwhile enduring, for if a book could be valued on its 'eureka moments' then this nal book would be priceless."

175 www.edfu-books.com

90. A Bird

In a video 176we see Jordan Maxwell enter the podium. What does that say and what bird do we see here? An eagle. The name: THE REPUBLIC AMERICA FORUM is seen. Stars and stripes.

Abraham is Jesus see Şanlıurfa (Urfa). Syria is 2##3ر"##5 is Συρία so we get the name Pia or Pi as in magpie related to the magi. If the latest revelation (!) are true about who Jesus was and how to decode Venus and Lucifer, then such people as Jordan Maxwell are fools or jesters or right out frauds. The bible is not just about the zodiac. It is a coded story of kings killing each other for power and inventing the good king Jesus as their nal King in place of all the evil kings so people would buy into their existence as kings and queens or else people would revolt. Why have a king in the rst place when all they do is fuck, rock and fart paid by the people?

Jordan Maxwell on Symposium

In the image on the right you read: THE REPUBLIC AMERICA FORUM. I believe we nd them here: http://theamericanrepublic.us 177. There we see the US Seal. So Jordan Maxwell is speaking in the enemies camp? Does that not prove he is fake? They say it is: "The American Republic Online Government Simulation". What the hell is that?! The domain is owned by Bella Ripley and they have a Facebook account. Any wiser? No! Can you use the US seal and coat of arms if you are not government? Is that not illegal? Posing as a governmental institution if you are not hence they are?!

In the video Jordan Maxwell is seen entering the podium at a symposium which is a drinking party. This fella is suppose to, as he says, know many words and says "you don't know what is going on in the World". Well, he forgot that a Podium and a Symposium is. And

176 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGQXBI4r3W8
177 http://theamericanrepublic.us/forums/index.php?act=idx
the eagle below as above?! Forum incidentally is from Rome which he speaks against as a dangerous place. So he is attending a Forum related to Rome.

Forum Romanum is the place where Emperors, councils and other warrior had their drinking parties. As they says, it is right in your face as in this picture of Jordan Maxwell the fake teacher. He also stresses many times he does not drink.

Old English drincan "to drink," also "to swallow up, engulf" (class III strong verb; past tense dranc, pp. druncen), from Proto-Germanic *drengkan (cf. Old Saxon drinkan, Old Frisian drinka, Dutch drinken, Old High German trinkan, German trinken, Old Norse drekka, Gothic drigkan "to drink"), of uncertain origin, perhaps from a root meaning "to draw." Not found outside Germanic.

So now he indeed does drink because he swallows up and engulfs people with esoteric non sense in many parts. Very like-able fella before you really get to know him. Which is perhaps why Wikipedia did not want to enter an entry for him because he is part of the deceit and to make people believe in him they take him out via a clandestine psyop operation making you believe he must speak the truth because Wikipedia is taking him out now knowing that Wikipedia is part of the whole scam. Wikipedia has many nice pieces of information but it is all a setup to engulf in further deceit.

Know your words and use your eyes wide shut - sorry - open. Then you start to see. Even look in the dark and look in places you never expect to nd anything of importance and recall how they love to hide things in plain site. As here. I hear: "Yes, but this group invited him to this lecture so all is ne...". No it is not all ne. He speaks and stands on the symbol of deceit on the podium with the symbols he speaks about and he shows them in the video but never mentions it. Also notice you never see the audience or hear much of them. Are there any/many but the camera man and Jordan Maxwell?

• Jesus, King of Edessa By Ralph Ellis
• Image of Edessa
• Eusebius
• Doctrine of Addai Saint Mari Aggai (bishop) (Mar Aggai) - Thaddeus of Edessa
• The Legend of Abgar
• Doctrine of Addai
• Books on King Abgarus of Edessa

Matthew 1:23 "The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" (which means "God with us"). παρθένος is translated as virgin but is virgo. γαστρὶ is womb [child] is gastric and contains astri which is part of a name Astrid. Astar! Ishtar!?

O come, O come, Emmanuel
The very last supper for The Church of any Christianity Excerpt from Jesus, King of Edessa by Ralph Ellis:
“(Jesus was a king of Edessa, in northern Syria)
A Bird Whispered In My Ear

This will be a challenging book for many readers, not simply because of the sometimes complex evidence that will be explored, but also because this book really does overturn all our preconceived ideas about the New Testament and the history it was trying to tell.

Readers of Ralph’s previous works will understand that Saul (St Paul) was actually Josephus Flavius, the 1st century Jewish historian. This was proposed some 15 years ago in Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs, but since there was so much opposition to this amalgamation of characters this claim was eventually re-explored and proven many years later in the book King Jesus. But this radical con ation of characters is not merely an interesting aside, it is central to understanding who Jesus really was; for perhaps the most important result of this new identi cation was the troubling fact that all of the gospel accounts actually occurred in the AD 50s and 60s - some 20 or 30 years later than the orthodox chronology would suggest. This dramatic reevaluation of biblical chronology has been vigorously challenged, by a diverse array of both orthodox and freethinking critics, but time after time the ancient texts have backed up this claim - including the Vulgate Cycle of Arthurian legend. When writing the history of Joseph of Arimathaea, the author(s) of this vast Arthurian tome came across an insurmountable chronological problem, for Joseph also needed to be active during the siege of Jerusalem, and so the laughable literary solution to this conundrum was to make Joseph go to sleep for three days and yet wake up forty years later. Such are the many problems that the orthodox biblical chronology imposes on the true history of this region.” A hypopodium is a platform known as the little piece stand
people could stand on when being cruci ed. Here in a
painting by Bronzino. If no support, the nails would simply
tear apart the esh and the person would drop from the T.

A hypopygium is a
modi ed 9th abdominal
segment of many insects
with which the copulatory
apparatus is associated; esp:
such a modi ed segment
together with the
copulatory apparatus of a
dipterous insect.
This gives the meaning
coptic a rather different
perspective. Notice the
hypopygium is located near
the sting.


91. Mt Sinai Discovered - Pyre Nees - Pupis

I include in this chapter a few snippets from Ralph Ellis’ book: Jesus King of Edessa. It is related to the ndings, that Mount Sinai is in fact The Pyramids. That sound plausible after all that I found. We know Frank Sin At Ra sang songs in Las Vegas and his name alone tells a story. It seems like the linking of the truth is nally coming out. My wife sometimes reminds me and says by just saying the word: “Pyramid” upon which I ask: “They might have been created as fakes and much later?” and she just nods her head. When we can now prove many historical fakes, then Ralph Ellis’ seems to pop not only the question but also the answer. El Pyramidos are the sinful little mountain known as Mount Sinai. They have hidden many facts in Hebrew and Yiddish and since the whole Bible is fake then why not this.

How could they fake and build the Pyramids much later? Clear the area and then start constructing. “Just like Stonehenge” my wife says. It would have taken much deceit but that would explain how they build it. Doing it later they would have better tools. Just like the Rosetta stone seems to pop up magically as a translation stone then so much is fake that it looks like all is fake. Fake wars, fake royals and now a fake mountain really just a pyramid. WORD started it all they say so perhaps WORDS started the pyramids too by commanding a clearance of the location and city of Cairo even. Sounds almost impossible but I never thought it possible that the whole Bible would be fake so why not. THINK DIFFERENT Apple Inc says. So let us do that for a change. Not because Apple Inc. says to THINK DIFFERENT but because YOU can THINK whatever you want. The Pyramids seems to be in center of many things from obelisks to pointed things. And In Paris they did this glass pyramid at the Louvre museum which was prior a royal palace and since Royals and all and eels seems to be related to COCKS then I truly - not only BELIEVE - but realize, that the pyramids might be real (!) but the Biblical story about them is not mentioned because they simply did not exist at the time of writing and whatever mountain there was to clime was Mons Pupis which we will see elsewhere in other chapters.

The next two pages holds a few snippets from Ralph Ellis’ book and I am very happy people THINK at all. I read Ralph’s book and I was con rmed that LOOK ELSEWHERE and THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX and THINK LIKE THE RULERS then the answer to many questions are usually as easy as 1+1.
by Ralph Ellis

Mt. Sinai

The search for the biblical Mt Sinai has been an enduring facet of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and its location has been reported as being in locations as remote as the Sinai peninsular and the deserts of Saudi Arabia. But why should this mountain be so important to the three Judaic religions, and how did its location become to be forgotten?

The answer to the rst question is relatively easy to answer, Mt Sinai was the location where Moses spoke to god, indeed it was rumored that the Israelite god actually lived inside this mountain. The second question, however, is more difficult. Here is the most sacred mountain of the Israelites, the home of their all-powerful god, and someone simply forgot where it was! The scenario is simply not credible. But if such an important location was not forgotten, then it must have been deliberately mislaid or covered up - but such reasoning by de nition presupposes that there was something to hide.

So what, in this case, were the Israelite leadership trying to hide from us? My answer initially seemed to be quite innocuous - it was simply a new location for Mt Sinai. But as I continued the research for the book "Tempest & Exodus", it became obvious that the rami cations of this new location for Mt Sinai radically changed the entire history and liturgy of the Israelite people. So how can a new location for a mountain do all this, you ask? Let me explain.

In order to discover the true location for Mt Sinai, we must rst obtain a description of both the mountain and its general location. The rst description that presented itself was from the accounts of the rst century historian Josephus. Many people have been tempted to deride Josephus' accounts as unreliable, but Josephus himself says that he derived his texts from books that were taken from the Temple of Jerusalem after the fall of that city in AD70. If so, it makes Josephus' sources far older and more authoritative than any copies of the Torah (Old Testament) that are extant to this day. Indeed the extra information that Josephus often provides us supports this claim.


So why, then, are there no references whatsoever to the pyramids of Egypt in the Bible? The answer is obvious: the Bible does mention the pyramids, and it mentions them quite often; but the names of all the pyramids have been deliberately obscured by the scribes. The Giza plateau IS mentioned in the Bible, as is the Great Pyramid itself, and the biblical name for the latter is Mt Sinai.

Take another look at the list of requirements that the real Mt Sinai must ful ll. While the description of a natural mountain would agree with very few of these points, the Great Pyramid of Giza ful lls each and every one of them. The Great Pyramid is both sharp and steep, it contains a steeply inclined passageway that terminates in a rough cavern, it resides on the edge of the desert and it also rises very suddenly from the surrounding pavement area. As mountains go the Great Pyramid is rather small and easy to cordon off, yet it is also the tallest pyramid in Egypt. Finally, that pavement that looked like the night sky, corresponds perfectly with the great, black, basalt pavement that originally surrounded the Great Pyramid. (Remember that the upper chambers in this pyramid would still have been concealed in this era, thus the Bible makes no mention of them).

The problem for the clergy, with this new identi cation of Mt Sinai, is not only that this sacred mount is now situated in Egypt, it is also the distinctly Egyptian bias that this location gives to Judaeo-Christian theology. The rst question that will be asked is: just what was the Israelite god doing inside an Egyptian pyramid? Unfortunately for the classical theologians, authors like Ahmed Osman and Ralph Ellis have been unearthing copious amounts of information that points towards an Egyptian ancestry for the Israelite religion. Egypt is, after all, where the Israelites spent their formative years, and the in uence that the people of the Nile had on the biblical patriarchs is dramatically con rmed by a passage in the Koran:

When Abraham beheld the rising Moon, he said:
'That is my god.' But when it set, he said, 'If my Lord does not guide me, I shall surely go astray.' Then, when he beheld the Sun shining, he said: 'That must be my god, it is the largest (heavenly body).'

© 1998 - 2001 R. Ellis has asserted his rights, in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and

Patents Act 1988 to be identi ed as the author of this work.
We know the pyramids are important relics as on the Dollar bill and in Freemasonry. A pyramid is an architectural building and as they stand someone did build them. But like so much else, they could be fake. Perhaps they were build long time ago and I my guess is only as good as yours because I have not investigated this as Ralph Ellis has.

The reason why I mention Ralph Ellis and his book and the pyramids and Mount Sinai is because it relates to The Bible and since The Bible is fake so would many artifacts be too.
First there was the Old Testament. Then the New(s) Testament. Eventually a Third Testament will be written or is rather being written though many translations and the latest I know of is the so called Ampli ed Version. This could very well end up as a new and Third Testament to suite the sickos or the bankers (ZON). God did not leave any footprints about when The Bible was written (by GOD) and GOD actually tried to hide everything and write about sex, war and whores of which men know all about.
I also mention Ralph Ellis because it shows people are thinking out of the box. New thinking leads to new and perhaps better understanding of what the heck went on. George W. Bush junior said: “If they knew what we were doing, they would string us up in lampposts”. So they are doing something. What they are doing is faking history and normal people now have to dig out all their dirt because normal people never imagined they could be so sick.

“E Pluribus Enum” is related to sex, cocks and gallbladders. And Victoria is standing on top of Capitol Hill as Aphrodite and the victory woman and recall it is all copies from the East. Winged Victoria is seen standing on Jupiter's hand on a statue in Saint Petersburg.

We have the Latin word Pius meaning dutiful, conscientious. Pope Pius XII (12) and Hitler joined forces proven by The Vatican given the Nazi regime a concordat - an approval. So Pi (Pius) means something. We know Piπ as 3.14159265359 to calculate a circle. Notice how π (here in a different font style) looks like Chinese characters. It is II with a beam on top looking almost like greek pillars and Pantheon and other Roman temples and buildings. Pi is important. A pie is a food and round and cherry pie you cut out and you eat the “triangle” you cut out. Same with some other cakes and you nd in the bakery that some cakes are small “triangles”. Take a note of the word cake. It is not prove in itself but together with the rest of the evidence it is a vital clue.

Pius has “us”. If you look around Latin and Roman names and words you will nd many “us”. In fact so many “us” that if you could sell them for a dollar a piece you’d be the riches man on Earth. Just keep “us” in mind.
When I search Google for - pi latin dictionary - Google asks me if I am searching for:

pig latin dictionary
Google might have gathers this from the word dictionary and then their computers and algorithms did the “thinking” for me. Just keep this in mind the word pig.

From the book “A New English-Latin Dictionary: Carefully Compiled from the Most Celebrated …”   By John Entick we nd many words starting with “Pi”. I have included one page from this book on the next page. Notice he word “piece”. It is said:

N.B. Piece is frequently omitted in Latin; as, It is a piece of negligence, negligentiæ est.
It is also frequently rendered by the diminutive of the following substantive; as, agellus, a piece of ground. Piece is sometimes used to express contempt, a rendered by a diminutive; as, Homunculus, a piece of a man. Sometimes it is lost in the following substantive, and needs not be taken notice of in the Latin; as, Lignum, a piece of wood; Opus, a piece of work

We further read on the same page about the word Pig is porcellins (porcelains again from Asia, China). That is just an extra bonus. So porcelain is pig! Next time you eat your cherry pie from a plate made from porcelain you know you are eating a DICK from a PIG.

I am mentioning the word “piece” as we would use it in; “a piece of cake”. A pie (cake) is round and Pi is used in mathematics (tics) to calculate a circle. So it is like “a piece of cake” now to calculate, that Pi is is the root of piece. But what about “ece”? For that we read in: The King's English: Strategies of Translation in the Old English Boethius By Nicole Guenther Discenza:

“Ece” in Latin means; eternal and is used for aeternitas. Used as without ending. A circle has no ending. Ece can also be Eke or rather Oak. Ek in Swedish is indeed Oak. In Danish it is Eg or Egetræ meaning Oakwood/Oaktree. The English word has O as in Omega and is a circle for Pi. So when they sing “old oak tree” it is related to Pi and a piece of wood and this piece of wood or stick is hard and so it is also the triangle cut from a piece of cake hence since it is a pyramid shape it is a symbol of the COCK.

This is how deep the hole is - it has no end. You have to not only think out of the box but also think without a box and investigate it all and realize words are the key to unlocking all their bullshit. Let me get back to the pyramids and Mount Sinai.

Ralph Ellis is so clever that he for all the luck and hard work also looks up Hebrew language. However he did not look up Yiddish. Let us take one example as per Exodus 19:20 and I will show the English and the Hebrew text:

And the LORD came down upon mount Sinai, on the top of the mount: and the LORD called Moses up to the top of the mount; and Moses went up.

 ׃הֶֽׁשֹמ  לַעַּ֥יַו  רָ֖הָה  שׁא֥רֹ  ־לֶא  הֶׁ֛שֹמְל  הָ֧והְי  א֨רָקְִּיַו  רָ֑הָה  שׁא֣רֹ  ־לֶא  יַ֖ניִס  רַ֥ה  ־לַע  הָ֛והְי  דרֵֶּ֧יַו

This is the word for Sinai: יַ֖ניִס (sî·nay) fth word from right. Notice it has II apostrophe. This is vitally important to notice as well as it starts with “O” which is Hebrew and notice it has a dot below ִס 178

That word does seem to translate to Sinai from Hebrew. The letter ִס is the Hebrew letter Samekh ִס is Latin S. Arabic however uses the letter based on the Phoenician letter šin. The Phoenician letter gave rise to the Greek Xi (Ξ, ξ) which is the start of Hitler when transliterated to Greek: Χίτλερ. The šin (Shin (Letter)) is Phoenician W and Hebrew ש and in Time Font:ש. A crown in other words. The letter šin means “sharp” and the letterש means small. This sounds all very complicated. Let me see if I can cut it out so it pops out as clear as “a piece of cake”.

• We have the biblical word יַ֖ניִס (sî·nay) which as the as the rst letter the Samekh which is

Latin S.
• This letter ִס is related and comes from Arabic and Phoenician Shin which is phonetically
• Hebrew Shin is ש.

So linguistically as a science ִס and ש are related. The English word Sin is then ultimately derived from the letter ש which is pronounced and spelled as SIN.
178 Depending on which font is used the ִס is rendered different.

With this we can link Hitler to Χί and ִס to Greek Xi hence it is in essence all the same just based on different words. ִס is S and ש also means sharp (s) and is pronounced “s” (13th letter in so called Abjadi order (arabic alphabet)).

And now to the real magi©. That little single word יַ֖ניִס is if we cut out the last apostrophe ַ֖ניִס translated to China from Yiddish.
Hebrew יַ֖ניִס is China.
We then take a different example from The Bible from Leviticus 25:1:
And the LORD spake unto Moses in mount Sinai, saying,
׃רֹֽמאֵל    יַ֖ניִס    רַ֥הְּב    הֶׁ֔שֹמ    ־לֶא    ֙הָוהְי    רֵּ֤בדְַיַו
The Chinese here translates to: LORD said to Moses on Mount Sinai. Good because that does match the Biblical English human translation. So let us split the Chinese up.
on Mount Sinai
said to Moses

So it is we need to look at. The rst means in. Notice how the Chinese symbol is indeed a cross inside something that looks like a house. Recall Xu Shen and old
Chinese where symbols are pictograms showing what they mean.

Now we are left with which does translate to Mount Sinai. Now I am going to list what various combinations of this Chinese word translates to:

• - Sinai
• - Mountain - notice that mountain contain ai and ain is cognate to German ein meaning one (I). Also notice 3 (three, III) rods sticking up and then recall the Hebrew letter Shin ש meaning “sharp”.

If we take the rst and last symbol (as in Alpha and Omega) of the word we get which translates to Xishan.

At Chinese Wikipedia (!) we do read some truths because if they lied about everything nobody would believe a word of what they wrote and they want you to believe the lies too so they enter some truths.179 Let us see what the Chinese translates to.

http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Xishan exists as a various Mountains. This Chapter in this bok was suppose to be a rather small chapter about Sinai and the pyramids but I found so much more. I found rst and last or Alpha and Omega origin in The Bible from Chinese. I also found the actual mountain and it is located in China.

179 It is called political psychology based on Xu Shen and Confucius (notice us)

We need to look at Beijing also because of the word “jing” as “yi” and “je” seems to be related. What do we nd in China as a “mountain”. We nd the Western Hills Attractions in Beijing and not western as in USA or Europe but western as in western of Beijing. Near Beijing we

nd the Taihang Mountains. here I translated the Chinese entry to English:

Taihang Mountain, also known as Marble Mountains, the mountains of the Queen Mother of the West, Nu Wa Shan, or too-shaped mountain. Mountains and geographical boundaries of the eastern part of China. Across Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Henan provinces and cities. North from the Beijing Xishan, South North Henan Huanghe North Cliff, west Shanxi Plateau, east of the North China Plain, stretching more than 400 km east of Shanxi, southeast, and the provinces of Hebei, Henan natural mountains along the border. It consists of a variety of rock structure, showing different landscape, where storage is rich in coal resources. Taihang Mountains area has numerous rivers originate or through the mountain ranges interrupt the formation of the "outlet", here is the North China Plain to enter the arteries of the Shanxi plateau.
Notice Nu in “Nu Wa Shan” as related to the God Nun/Nu related to Tiamat in the fake west (as in Egypt and Europe and Roman Empire and The Vatican).

Also notice Xishan where we get Xi and Χίτλερ. As my wife says when I start to talk about the evil of Hitler and war in Syria etc she just looks at me and says: “I don’t know what they are doing”. Like she is telling me they are crazy. They are United Nations and all governments. They copy everything and then they act it out as warriors playing gods from a fake story about Mount Sinai which is found in China.

Shifang Phor Kark See Temple
At Beijing we also nd this temple. Notice the three arches and notice the word “see” in the translated name.

This temple is also redirected from The Temple Of The Reclining Buddha and indeed we nd such a temple in Beijing near Xishan (Beijing). It is also listed under Chinese Wikipedia
for all the luck in the World or else I would have to go there myself. and is

Beijing or /bayshing/ in Chinese. Also means Beijing or noun capital.

Shifang Phor Kark See Temple is the Temple of The Reclining Buddha. The temple was known as the Tusita Temple and Sanskrit transliteration means Magic Foot. Also known as the Wing Temple.

This temple is one of many and we nd The Reclining Buddha in Thailand in Bangkok at Wat Pho.

Recall how I in the beginning of this book showed my 3D render of an Apple store with 3 openings as a cock and two balls. That was because Apple Inc. copied and also gets everything made in Asia. Even when we buy an Italian espresso coffee-pot is tells us on the back it is made In PRC - Peoples Republic of China.
So what is the west’s Mount Sinai and why 3 (three) major pyramids at Cairo? It is three temple doors and the Reclining Buddha. It is a cock and two balls or rather two breasts of a woman. At the end of The Master ( lm 2012) the movie ends with a man and a woman having sex and she sits on top and you see here two breasts and you can imagine his cock inside here. Put the two breasts above her or the her ass between his cock and you get a pictogram too. Recline means to bend and it is a word describing an action, a movement. Not static. “To recline” means to bend. An arch is bend. She and even he bends as they have sex. Once done she might recline (bend) down from him and eventually it is all over. But as in the last image of The Master, the man is on the beach and he has build a sand-woman (rock woman, sand as seen in Buddhist Temples) and he is resting next to this sand-woman and you see two distinct “mountains” or tops or breasts and they are your Mount Sinai and rather Mons Pupis.

Moses fucks around too and have sex. He climes the mountain; the Mons Pupis, and grooves and moves into wave movement with a man or woman - whatever he prefers. Wave is Ave Maria and Wave backwards is EvaW. The wave is allegorical for the woman.

The Buddha is a man actually. We must not forget that, in this equation. It does not break the equation it only ads to the magi© of it all that it is all Made In China and Asia.
Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile (Star)

The Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile is one of the most famous monuments in Paris. If you look careful it actually has a center opening and then two on the side. Three openings or as per the Reclining Buddha in the Shifang temple and other Asian temples. The Arc de Triomphe is a copy from China/Asia and they tell you copying is illegal. Sure it is because the illegal Romans and united nations copied everything hence they are ill and legal meaning mad.

l'Étoile translates to star. If you investigate Xu Shen and Chinese and Asian literature and Chinese symbols/letters and writings you nd plenty of references to 5 ( ve). You even nd Order of the Black Star and the list goes on and on and on.

Everything in the Est Taurus Merde and Sistoic. Est rhymes with west and east and both have est. It is all the same. United Nations they call it.

Pyramids? Mid is something in the middle or in between. Pyre is Latin and we know the word pyro cluster. Something re. It is related to a funeral re or simple a pile of wood which will be lit and burn. In buddhist tradition they burn people and in Denmark they still light a

re at summer solstice and they put a witch on top to burn the woman. They call it “Sankt Hans” (Saint Hans).

In the book The Works of Virgil: Translated Into English Prose, as Near the..., Volume 2   By Virgil (!) we read about Pyra:

Pyra is the a pile of something. It can be any type of pile. A Pyramid is a pile of rocks ordered somewhat to look like a - well - pyramid.

English word: mid is half or middle. Middle of what? Middle of the breast, ass or Mons Pupis. There are 3 pyramids at Giza.
One large in the center and two smaller on the side. Just as with the Shifang Phor Kark See Temple.

Then you have the “Reclining Buddha” at the Pyramids too. It is called the Spinx.

Photo above from year 1880 still under sand. Here she is under sand somewhat. They say water might have run around her carving out a groove. Sand moves in the desert and erodes everything eventually especially sandstone. Thesphinx to me looks ratherNaïve

art. It is broken somewhat. It is suppose to be a woman but a lion a half/hald kind of thing. Mid is half.

If the Pyramids came rst then it looks like everything in Asia is a copy of everything in the West. So my calculations and this book has absolutely no value. Shifang Phor Kark See Temple came after the Pyramid officially.

We are told all the stone covering the original pyramid has been stolen over the years and used as building material. If you can nd one piece then you will be a millionaire over night. They don’t exist.

Building 3 pyras and in the mid is the large one and next to the 3 pyramids is a half woman/ lion meaning it could also be a man when something is half/half. It is a riddle. It was not until very late it was excavated. Ex like in X naturally. X cave or simply ◊♢.
My hypotheses is, that the Pyramids are far younger. You have many “experts” but they could have been paid to talk. Why on Earth would someone not have excavated the thing far earlier? It just stood there and a whole World knew very little about anything “Pyramid”.

When I say this I know you or someone will drop this book in a Pyra of re. That is ne. It might take down all my investigations and this book is worth zero. That is ne too. I have never been to the Pyramids so how the hell can I talk about these things? I only know what I am told. If the pyramids are as old as we are told, then they are kind of the origin of everything. That is exactly what they want us to believe. They also tell us to BELIEVE The Bible. Why not know? I have investigated just a fraction and every stone I turn points to Asia and China. So out of a million bicycles in Beijing I am left with one bicycle here in Cairo that is unaccounted for according to my calculations. What is the proof? WORDS are the key to unlocking all or rather The Rosetta Stone. Only this stone made it possible to decode Egyptian Hieroglyphs. And the word alone: Hieroglyphs gives me goosebumps.

Rosetta (Stele) Stone

This stone (did I just say stone - also known as the Stele of Rosetta); ancient Egyptian granodiorite stele; is in The british Museum os all places. It’s like the Danish Jellingestone. All fake. Lucky for them you can’t carbon date a stone, rock. Freemasons or just masons work in stone. So stone it was. The word mason is in Latin: trulla. Funny word, right? Trylle in Danish is Magic. So since they look alike and sound alike they are most likely the same. In Swedish the word for magic is magi.

Mason -> Trulla -> Trylle -> Magic -> Magi

It is a riddle and a code. Here decoded for you. I nd in translation Trulla is also pelvis or basin. In the book “A new Latin-English dictionary: To which is pre xed an English-Latin dictionary”By William Young I nd:

Trulla is a vessel, a cup. It is indeed also Trullisso; laying of mortar. Bingo. Mason is Trulla or better yet Trullisso. It is magic or magi to build something. From nothing to something by laying on plaster and rock on rock. The idea sprouts (and what is in Brussels? tics!) up and erects. it is like magic because Magi is Danish Trylle which is Latin Trullisso which is to plaster or build - to be a mason. This is empirical evidence only through words. You don’t need to travel to Cairo. I would love to one day but not now while I am building this book before me.

A stone mason is a mason working with stones and Freemasons love the pyramids and the English Queen relates herself to the Sphinx. That might very well be true. But there is no evidence and the whole Bible is a fake so what is the angle here?
The whole movie The master (2012) hints and is only a movie but the whole movie is a riddle. The master in the movie tells us that what we are told might be a lie. He also mentions the Pyramids. They all seem rather crazy in that movie in fact. They also drink something made from formaldehyde. They dance nude at one point and eventually we see a man and woman having cozy sex and the man ends up on a beach reclining next to a sandcastle-woman with two breasts - a reclining man and a recling woman and the movie ends. What the heck was that all about. It is a riddle. You get some symbols and words and you are suppose to gure out what the hell it was all about. Formaldehyde is used to preserve something. Let us leave that movie and get back to our words.

I suspect many major museums on Earth, such as the Danish Glyptoteket created by Jacob Carlsberg (the beer man), has some statues and rocks and artifacts related to pharaohs and ancient Egypt. Jacob Carlsberg was also fond (look that Danish word up) of Buddist art. In fact he likes that more and the museum is decorated with Swastica as were his beers with labels and his brewery office in Copenhagen.

You have to dig into the Rosetta Stone and understand how it was found and where. As part of the Rosetta Stone there is a name out of six I notice. It is Aëtus.

The river [Nile] in the earliest period bore the name Oceanê,
which in Greek is Oceanus; then because of this flood, they say, it was called Aëtus,
and still later it was known as Aegyptus after a former king of the land.

Diodorus Siculus, The Library of History from here: http://neros.lordbalto.com/

The other ve are; Philinus, Diogenes, Pyrrha, Arela, Irene. When searching Google Books only 3 books pop up for “Aëtus dictionary” and one, A rst Latin dictionary  By William Smith (sir) points me in the direction of the word etus meaning weep, cry.


A magic word! It means star. It is actually a Romanian word stelă. In Greek that is phonetically Stele. From German stelă is English Stela. It might be Latin too for COLUMN: ste·la pl. steles also ste·lae: An upright stone or slab with an inscribed or

sculptured surface, used as a monument or as a commemorative tablet in the face of a building.

A stele is also those found at Stonehenge and other locations. For Romanian 180we look up Stelă and read:

Stela este un mic monument speci c antichității cu caracter comemorativ, în formă de coloană sau de pilastru, alcătuit dintr-un singur bloc de piatră și purtând de obicei inscripții sau sculpturi.

Hence Stele = Stela. Stonehenge is placed like a star and we are told the Pyramids are placed re ecting stars or used to measure time etc. Hence Stele = Stela = Stella. Stella is a name but also a Latin word meaning: star, pile, post, pillar. Also noun astrum as in Asters or owers or even Ishtar. Ishtar and all that may be a diversion.

On the next page is a small excerpt from the book Fossil Plants: a Text-book for Students of Botany and Geology. Vol. Iii. and you will notice the word stele popping up related to the stem of a plant which is star-shaped. So indeed it has to do with plants too of all things natural!

So stele is a double egdes sword with a few meanings. Stele is some type of pile or a pillar or the inside of a pillar or a rock erected as The Rosetta Stone and Stonehenge stones and many others.

One possible reconstruction of the original stele as per Wikipedia. Notice
Rock Star

I suspect I don’t need to write a word about this because we all know Rock Stars. How does that relate to the Rosetta Stone. It relates because the Rosetta Stone is also called the Stele Stone and we found that Stele is Stela is star. The Stele Stone is indeed made from a rock and a roset is indeed a star too. A roset (Danish) is a type of ring you decorate your ceiling with usually under a chandelier.

http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Roset says Roset it is a red color used by artists. I am an artist too and I have never ever heard of this color used by me nor any other artist. I know of Umbra, Burnt Sienna, Ocre, Burnt Umbra, Ultramarine and Sab Verde etc. But never EVER Roset. They lie too you see at times that is so you again believe in some and even in the lies.

The English word for Danish Roset is Rosette. If we decode that Danish word it is two words: Ros + Et. Meaning King + One. Et is Danish for one. Ros is also God as found in Codex Argenteus. Even Cigar became Cigaret and that is Cigar + et = Cock + One. With the word Cigar you can create words such as air arc car cigar crag rag rig. Take your pick. Imagine scholars doing this all day long time ago inventing words! Words did start it all The Bible says so Words are key to unlocking basically everything, right or wrong?

180 http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stelă

They named this stone something Ros and something One. Ros is GOD. So the Rosetta Stone is GOD ONE STONE. Or better yet GOD ONE ROCK. But since the rst part (Stele) of the word also means a rod, pole, pile, column they actually gave the stone more than one meaning. They could simply not come up with a name that match all in one word. So here is my translation of Rosetta Stele Stone:

God Star Rod Rock
In essence the word is down to basics: ROCK STAR. Who is the rock? God is. Who is the star? The Sun is. So we get:

That is what the Rosetta Stele Stone means linguistically empirically as proven only through words. This above is actually a WORD palindrome in that SUN is rst and then STAR is last. The GOD comes rst and then ROCK.

There was only one child and the child’s name was suppose to be Emmanuel according to The Bible (thank you Ralph Ellis). However changed later to Jesus. GOD don’t know and can’t make up mind to pick the right name: “Emmanuel it is. No, hmmm, make that a Jesus”.

Ros is however also a cule which we shall crack open too soon.

Al we get from ancient Pharaohs is some mummies which would better have been preserved in alcohol or spirits or formaldehyde. They saved the pharaohs balsamed. Balsam is Balsam gum or even the meaning incense. That is what the 3 wise men or Kings or magicians came with to the little child. They game incense or shall we call it balsam - something to embalm with. Also incense because it might have been a prostitute or a whore or a nymph (water) all naturally a bunch of lies but allegorically they wrote it to re ect the embalming of some King and then their Gods and then today Jesus as One God and with that they could keep the whole spin going keeping fake Kings and Queens in office based truly and only on BELIEF.

If God is so amazing and divine why then create a word like Rosetta Stele Stone which is translated only through words as ROCK STAR? Rock stars and Rock music is known to be rather unpleasant related to drugs, rock and roll abnd drugs are illegal and the whole rock music industry seems to be awed like Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley (King) who dies and then Michael Jackson and then Amy Winehouse. Death seems to follow GOD.

Balsam as noun is also odoramen meaning perfume, spice. That sound suspiciously like adoration. Balsam is also noun; solacium (solarium) meaning; soothing, comfort, solace, relief. Relief from what we might ask? As per The bible it is sexual desire.
Hence balsam is sexual desire only through words (again). Before you massage someone you would in Thai massage use a balsam and they still give Buddha a balsam at the water festival in April every year.

So the whole con cocted pharaoh and Pyramid thing is a copy right out of Asia from the Reclining Buddha and not the other way around. Why did this ancient Religion and gods die in ancient Egypt and why did the Asian live on in Buddha? Because the pharaoh tale might all be a lie. The Pyramids too. Don’t tell this to anyone because they will say you are insane or use words as QU.181

They are still guring out what and where the Pyramids came from and how the Stonehenge was build and why. Sure they are, because it is fake. made to deceive and in Museums they have the real stuff like Buddha in the museum Glyptoteket and many other locations. They even had a very hard time decoding the Rosetta Stone. Each year some new ancient manuscripts pop up and are sold as real. My best estimate it that 99% of it is fake. The little there is left could t into a shoe box. How do I know this? They say so themselves as per Saxo Grammaticus the Danish history book in which Mr Saxo tells us in Latin naturally that it is all based on hearsay and lies and tales. These lies a whole nation is build upon. So why not Cairo and USA too. In 500 years they will tell the Capitol Hill was an ancient chamber for holy men and Capitol Hill means a place of sacred religion and/or a place where very smart Tenors 182 played music all day to soothe the soul of poor people. Sure they did and it did not help one bit. 183

From Pharaoh we can make words like: ah ha hap harp hoar hop oar oh or pa par pharo pharoah rap rho.

Give them 26 letters and they can make a whole world lie only with words. In Thailand there is a place where people like to visit. It is called Phu Phra Bat Historical Park. I have been there. Very amazing I must say.

181 QU = Kill You and when I was on Facebook it was used many times when I talked about these topics in this book
182 Senators
183 A bit is 1 or I so one bit is cognate to a cock and the zero is naturally smart enough pussy galore
Here is a little shrine at Phu Phra Bat Historical Park. Notice the 3 steles or pillars or rocks. One center and two on the side.

The big rock is naturally formed and shaped by water. The outer stones are rocks but raised for fun.

Near the Reclining Buddha in Bangkok at the temple you see this hand, foot. Five ngers. Five heads, feet, a foot hence English measure in feet and foot. It is decoration but it means something and it came before Ishtar or the ve pointed United Nations star or the USA star in fact USA and United Nations copied it right out of Asia.

The large rocj is very large. It is naturally formed from water owing around it. The park is located high on a plateau meaning it must have been under water once. I was there in 2009 and it was really scary to stand under a rock that was that huge. But it has been stuck there for perhaps millions of years and the “river” that was once there is gone now. If you ever go there then don’t bring any rocks but bring some rods because people like to put a small rod or stick as if to support the rock - for fun. Once upon a time water would have carved out the stone around and left the hard core. That water against the stone would create water music

184 Georg Friedrich Händel's Water Music

The rocks are found many locations in Asia and the rock is Saint Peters Church or the Basilica. Why is that? Because Basilica is what the Rosetta Stone is made from. Also known as Basalt rather. It is rock created from larva. Basalt erupts frequently on Io a large moon of Jupiter. If we know this late and Saint Peters Basilica is from the word Basalt then Saint Peter or The Vatican must have known both at the creation of The Basilica or they simply gave it a new name later to suite them and their fake GOD and religion.

You will read more about Basil in this book.

If The Vatican can make it look better by making it bigger, it does not mean it is neither original nor genuine. In fact it is all fake. Even if you see the bloody church, it is fake. It is a pure copy from Alpha to Omega and so they don’t care about making copies of copies in China such as the watch Omega ® . Naturally they have to be waterproof just in case of a biblical ood. Being water proof at pressure also means they are dirt proof. Dirt would kill and stop the grind of time which they also copied. So called Water Clock are believed to have been devised in China around 4000 BC far prior to any copy in Swiss Made! It is Swiss Copy.

Italian basi means basis or groundwork; foundation. So they speak Italian in England and elsewhere using Basis too? Imagine that. Ancient Norse people spoke Italian. How amazing is that. Lie! Danish is an invented language as is English - they are made up using cross words and palindromes and any other trick in the book.


Sun clocks and water clocks are ne. The former is made from a rod at a tilt, and the shadow is then telling the “time” on a “dime” because the shadow would usually fall on a dick or a at surface which would later also be round as globes or similar as an arch. You can’t create a shadow by the Sun 24 hours a day from the same spot so a Sun clock would works at days time if there was a Sun. time is then nothing more than the shadow of the Sun. Time is umbra or darker than then light that surrounds the darker area (the shadow). So in essence time is not all that nice unless you are in a hot place protecting yourself from the sun and heat. If so, you’d not be able to tell the time.

Every 4 years they celebrate Olympus’ and Jupiter’s cocks by having The Olympics and they run as fast as they can and they then use only time to measure who is fastest. It is amazingly stupid. It cost millions each time to gure out who can run 100 meters the fastest. Give me a rabbit at it will run faster - you morons. But the rabbit is not human is it? Well - we can actually make a rabbi out of rabbit. And a bloody rabbi is a priest kind of thing or - wait - human. So send in thew rabbit next time please. Then I shall tell you who fuck fastest.

When the rabbit has shown it is fastest, give it a medal; a χρυσός medal; Gold Medal. χρυσός is /chrysos/.

In London 2012 the logo was ZION and ZION is GOD in The Bible. So they hold a religious sports event. Fine. But can they do it away from the basilica next time. Basilica means public. Can they stuff it inside the Dome and keep it inside there so we don’t have to waste our time nor tax-payers money on their stupid ZON game. They want it out in the public to shit on you because the gallbladder helps produce shit. And you love shit or else you would not attend the ZON and Gallbladder game. GOD not only means COCK but also SHIT because it is a HIT, right? There are still a few million or so Catholics and they all love shit because The Bible tells us and proves it is all about Gallbladders and COCKS and fucking left and right in and arched position best taken in or given in the ass - The Bible says so but PELASE read the whole lie in Hebrew and Yiddish and Greek.

It is no coincidence that in Sparcasus (STARZ 2012+ series) that a Gaul is called Chrixus185. Next is a screenshot of Tiberius with his silly hat as a cocks feather. He is tricked by Spartacus just shortly after he takes off his cock tail.

They even dressed the part as cocks - literally. They were cocks - literally. It is called a Mohawk.

Search Google Images for Mohawk and you will see David Beckham with a mohawk and many punks like a mohawk and the punks are trying to be free and subculture. Punks could not be more Roman Empire than they are. That is why politicians laugh and call them punks (idiots) because they are just dressing up as the whole rotten political system wants to dress up - like Tiberius above.

David Beckham (buckram) naturally has this hairstyle too because he too is a mohaw or a United Nations or a Roman Empire man. The hairstyle alone tells us we are in the Roman Empire and nothing has changed in 2000 years.

Then again, I doubt if any of it is really true to the core. I think only football is left as a culture and then beer. I guess the only original culture that is left in the west, is pussy and cock.
My Hypophysis is, that the Pyramids and The Rosetta stone are all false. If so, then so are the Pharaohs until proven otherwise; it is all a lie. I have taken down The Bible and with it all the
185 Played by Manu Bennett. Recall how I “invaded” manu for you in this book. The hole is deeper than (for)ever

Pharaohs mentioned in The Bible. I have proven The Bible a lie and so also Pharaohs and so also Pyramids and also The Rosetta stone. It is then no longer a hypophysis but a proven fact. If you take away the foundation, basilica; bang, it all drops. There is nothing left. That is why I went for the core of the lie which I at rst was alie in part. Some had to be true. Every verse I dig into in The Bible proves to be fake and about nothing but sex and pussy, war and cocks. Through Yiddish I found it was all a lie. So if the whole Bible is fake and a lie so is everything in it and related to it. If GOD truely had a say he/she lied better than any gods or goddesses before. It is the greatest Whole Lie Book in the Universe.

I don’t need to actually directly prove the Rosetta stone is fake. The Pyramids is not mentioned in The Bible for a good reason; they were not there. The only pyramid there was to clime, was Mons Pupis in India as Shiva. So the mount Sinai is a pussy - that simple. Now I hear raws of laughter and people will now be Christians like never before because now it is all about SEX and ROCK and ROLL. Indeed. That is why The Vatican created it all in the rst place and that is why Popes and Nuns and the whole gang groups love it. That is why so many were tricked into it in the rst place. Virgin birth and wars and sex galore - you have to love it. Go to church and be entertained by a glass of wine and sing a song - I’M LOVE ’IT. You might be and ne. I am not. What a totally insane sistoic piece of shitty cake. Give me the real cherry pie - that I will eat. Not this and I never will again. I was born and I was deceived into this whole lie. Now I know what it was and is all about and I know they are fake from royals to presidents and the whole rotten mill.

There are still a few chapters left in this book and as I in April 2013 prepare this book for publishing I am so fed up with the whole thing I actually contemplated throwing this whole book out the window and forget about it. It has become so boring to investigate a lie. They say they have great culture in Europe and USA - there is none. It is gone and was never there. What there was, was perhaps about a few hundred years of lies, wars and they had a great time while it lasted. Now the hoax is revealed and now they no longer have their whole lie alone anymore. We know their dirty secrets. How fun is it now to acts it out behind Capitol Hill when you know you are exposed. Not all that funny I know. That is how millions of people felt for centuries; deceived and robbed. Now people know why; it was all a lie and this book is the proof. Take it or leave it. They are out the port and they can sail as far away as to Planet mars. Perhaps that is why they explore if it could be a place to escape to. I hope so. Bob Hope can sing at war but now you can sing at eternal peace if you want. Some just love war and let them ght it out on mars as much as they like. Let that be our dream; send them to Mars.

92. Beowulf - Shit is Lort is Lord - Dragon

Danish word for shit is lort. Danish and English royal houses are in family through Christian IX etc. House of Lords is House of Shits. It is called linguistics - similar words have same origin. Ever heard of dog shit? Dog is God and a dog shits like any gods on earth as did Jesus when he was around - if he was. So he was a LORD or rather he made LORDS. Kings are also known as lords. Now read about the Pyramids 186 and how Sin At Ra and Sinai connects a few dots.

Rolling The Dragon

Eastern roll eggs in the White House in 1929. Yes, Christianity is from the east - far east in fact. All the way to Thailand (Siam) to India to China and even Japan. All copied. The egg is just a symbol of the female primordial giving birth to all evil and all power. USA is occupied by Freemasons and they killed and plundered, raped and tortured there way though the Indians land. If you are an American you are a terrorist proven beyond any doubt. J. K. Rowling did it too. It seems like only soldiers of the regime gets lthy rich or at least the whole Harry Potter story seems too much of a truth to believe. She wrote it all. Okay - lets says so. Nobody wanted to publish her. No amazon.com my dear? When I read about the whole story and J. K. Rowlings and I watch Harry potter all I think about is crack cocain and drugs galore. Not because I use them but the name seems to indicate Royals smoking pot and that is basically it. All the Hollywood stuff is just pretense and ction.

Of all things we can say what we like or want be it lies or truths or just fantasy. A dragon is a soldier in Denmark. No way! A dragon is a monster fantasy thing, right? Well, a dragon can be many things. Look up Royal Danish Army and especially Jydske Dragonregiment. A dragon in the army? Sure.They are the contemporary army of Tiamat the primordial beast or dragon from the ocean all hogwash fairy tale stuff naturally. No proof but just words of its

186 http://www.world-mysteries.com/gw_rellis2.htm
existence. Why believe in bullshit when you can know the truth which is a better lie than a fairy tale?

J. R. R. Tolkien wrote about monsters and dragons and about the golden ring which must be returned to where it came from - mother earth. It is evil because gold creates a sack of wealth which today (still) is what money (was) suppose to be. Then how funny J. K. Rowling has J+R in her name just like J. R. R. Tolkien has it. And they wanted a K in there. K for King I suppose. And what rolls? Eggs and rocks. Same thing.

Beowulf (wolf ) enters. The dragons or the evil empire came along and slaughtered all of Scandinavia installing fake kings via lines of blood in their trail. If you think then was then and now is now - think again. You are living a nightmare of evil empires and right smack in ancient times with dragon very much alive. Beowulf was killed and King Hroðgar lost his lands. All depicted and written down by the winners as their story all woven as part lies and part truths and mostly myths. Beowulf takes place around year 1000 and coincides with the Christening of Scandinavia. Copenhagen was originally named Christiania and a part of modern Copenhagen in called so this day today in which drugs and gangs lure. Government have been anting to shut it down. But not, They in fact instituted it as their lair of a rotten free city in which prostitution, drugs and dirt grind away. They also call this place "the free city" in which people are suppose to be free from the outside world not paying tax etc. many who live there are on social welfare. All in fact I believe unless they deal in drugs which is allowed by police and government and from time to time they raid it making it looks as if they control it. They want drugs and the governments ensures and imports drugs from Afghanistan as opium and elsewhere as hash. It is also named "Hash City". Dear child has many names.

Peter Brixtofte was a Danish politician who drank too much red wine paid by the taxpayers. Yes, who else you morons. Tax pays all officials wages. Idiots. It pays their drink, food and everything while they do nothing. Literally. B+rixt = Christ. B is from Beowulf and rixt is part of Christ. Enter an X for the cross. The whole story broke out and everyone was in the puddle of this whole lie. He went to court and a good little open prison for a while but came out the winner writing a book etc. It was all a setup to make people believe that the system worked and the police and courts would step in and make justice. Nonsense. It was all a setup. A psyop. Same goes with a smart (now dead) fella called Mogens Glistrup. He said: "I pay zero tax". Upon which he was jailed and we heard him speak from time to time about the "bad muslims". That was his mistake and their mistake making his words all lies and shows us it was all a setup - also a psyop. Used to tell us that muslims are the bad one and Christians are the good ones. Good and evil and all that hogwash.

They not only create crisis' but they try and x them via clandestine psyops. Imagine if you did not have the politicians in the rst place. Then there were nobody to create the crisis in the rst place. Normal people do not deal in drugs and don't need drugs but are sold and imported by the government to create sickness so the whole system can start to roll. Alcohol and other drugs are taxes and sold by the government and they make money on the wars to ensure the poppy elds, money on importing it, money on selling it and nally money of tax and then huge money on the hospital system when all these toxics enter the bloodstream of the innocent. Circe did this and they do it this day today. It is all the same just wrapped up in "modern" delights. Heck, 500 years ago the book was modern but today they call it iPad but is the same old thing; a device on which things/words can be printed.

K = King = royal. So J. K. Rowling is J. R(K=Royal). R. which is a perfect match to J. R. R. Tolkien. Tolk is a Danish word for interpreter. "Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics" was a 1936 lecture given by J. R. R. Tolkien on literary criticism on the Old English heroic epic poem Beowulf. So he indeed interpreted - he was a Tolkien.

Beowulf and Anglo-Saxon Epic Poem

At Gutenberg (gutenberg.org) we can read this poem translated. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien served as the Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon at Pembroke College, Oxford, from 1925 to 1945 and Merton Professor of English Language and Literature at Merton College, Oxford from 1945 to 1959. Rawlinson? Rowling?

Last name: Rawlings tells us: Raw was one of the many variant forms of the male personal name Ralph, in origin an Old Norse name composed of the Germanic elements "rad", counsel, advice, with "wolf", wolf. Wolf? Beowulf. Match made in hell or heaven whichever you like best or neither. Up to you. But recall this is proof via linguistics.

Last name: Rowling tells us: The Normans introduced their form of the Germanic name "Rolf", composed of the elements "hrod", renown and "wulf", wolf as "Ron" or "Roul", which when Latinised in early English documents became "Rollo". Again we have the wolf. And hrod as the Danish King Hroðgar from the hall called Heorot. Who is cognate (same) as Heorod The Great.

So it is the same. From north to south. All intertwined via names and rotten culture, wars, drugs and rock and roll via egg rolling at the White House when J. K. Rowling does so. She probably never wrote a single word but was an illegitimate child of some royals somewhere. Set up as the part of the author of Harry Potter and the whole story about her life and ght for getting the book published is mostly lies.

In fact when I run a spellcheck on this article I am asked if Rowling is Rollings. Rolling Stones and Rolling Eggs.
Saxo Grammaticus - Bar - Esoteric Hogwash (literally) - Dendrobium - Rhodium
This is another tale of lies (Saxo Grammaticus) and Saxo says so himself. Written in Latin as a lie to please the new rulers and history. When you go to your local bar or inn you are actually visiting the house of Óðinn (Odinn) or plainly Odin (“din din” in English is used talking to babies when they must eat their food). Inns are generally establishments or buildings where travelers can seek lodging and, usually, food and drink. They are typically located in the country or along a highway. There are inns in Europe, Asia and North America. They are a dwelling and rest place of Odin and you can stay there if you pay and they serve alcohol too to keep you in the spirit.
Hog is a pig and Bay of Pigs as in Denmark which is Pigmark because Tammuz was killed by a pig and his mother Ishtar ordered all to make a sign T in front of their chest to honor Tammuz. Ishtar is Easter is Esther is known from The Book of Esther to Xerxes the ruler of 129 nations from India to Ethiopia. The name Tammy is derives from Tammuz I suspect. It is a den as in a hiding place. More importantly it is Den (pharaoh)187. When I was a child in Charlottenlund just north of Copenhagen (Christiania) I used to build dens with my friends but we were hunted out because they did not want real dens.
It also related to Dendrobium which is a orchid ower. And the Magnolia of which a lm was made by the same name Magnolia ( lm). It also takes us to the ower Rhododendron. Rhodo den dron. Greek ροδοδάφνη is "Rodos Stav Ni". Sounds familiar? Rhodos is an island. It related to a rod or a stick or cane. Canaanites had canes or stick or rods or spears. Dron is Drone or Drone (bee). So what do we get?

• Rhod = rod/stick/spear
• Den = place, room or Den (pharaoh). A hiding/dwelling place.
• Dron = drone of the bees.

187 http://cerasius.com/wiki/Den_(pharaoh)

Wikipedia again fucks up really good. Says that ῥόδον is ancient Greek for rose (ancient... how ancient?). It translates to Rodon! What is that!!! Non sense. They lie like they are Wicked Vicky's => WHORES.

ῥ όδον is mentioned in the Greek Bible in Acts 21:1. it is translated to Rhodes. Rose in Greek is τριαντάφυλλο and ρόδο. Look familiar. The island of Rhodes is shaped like a spearhead. A rod. Hence Rhodes or plainly Rod. Rhodes is associated with the island of Danaus. Danmark or Denmark or Salian (Salii) Land! Related to the 50 Daughters of Danaus. 50 states or 50 stars in the US ag. Ishtar's "star" was Venus the ve pointed star. Venus is the sexual "mountain" around the female sex-organ.

Salii were also Roman priests extended into Numa Pompilius moving ahead into The Vatican.
"White gold is often plated with a thin rhodium layer to improve the optical impression. Rhodium detectors are used in nuclear reactors to measure the neutron ux level." from The Elements By Pedro Oliveira. He also mentions - as Wikipedia ῥόδον meaning rose. In English-Greek Parallel New Testament By Kevin P. Thompson we nd Acts 21:1 again saying Rhodes is a name place. It is the island of todays Rhodes. This passage is - I believe (!) - related to the Trojan War. "ῥόδον rose" gives us 90 result on google.com. in Acts 21 we read a travel essay and Paul sails along and comes to Rhodes.
We also have a Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) and Rhode island in USA.
Colossus (n.) "gigantic statue," late 14c., from Latin colossus "a statue larger than life," from Greek colossus "gigantic statue," of unknown origin, used by Herodotus of giant Egyptian statues, and used by Romans of the bronze Apollo at the entrance to the harbor of Rhodes. Figurative sense of "any thing of awesome greatness or vastness" is from 1794.
So is Rhodes not to be found among names such as Heorot? Rhodes <=> Heorot <=> heart <=> shaped as a spear as a Nephroid which looks like a lotus turned upside down. why does the Wicked Whore of Vicky not mention The Bible where we nd ῥόδον? Because a whore is a whore is a whore IS A WHORE is WICKED as in WIC TORIA. Or just Witch Tory meaning deceitful robbers etc..
Latin Rhodum is Greek Ρόδος. Rhodium is Greek ρόδιο which sounds as Rosio. Enter Rosicrucians. Rhodium is a chemical element that is a rare, silvery-white, hard, and chemically inert transition metal and a member of the platinum group. It is known as a nonle element.
erosion (n.) 1540s, from Middle French erosion (16c.), from Latin erosionem (nominative erosio) "a gnawing away," noun of action from pp. stem of erodere "gnaw away," from ex- "away" (see ex-) + rodere "gnaw" (see rodent). In the word erosion we get exactly rosio (ρόδιο) as it is phonetically pronounced in Greek. So "rose"? Not the ower exactly. That too erodes at some time or simply withers away - dies. But Rhodium does not. Hence Rosicrucians who lies for ever. Rosicrucians grave away at societies where they plunder, rob and erodes away everything of natural delights and they set up ugly culture which rots and decays but they - they live the life of gods among whores.

Mary's Cunt

Rhodes is Rhodium is Rosio (name Rosie is derived from Rosio I would say) is a metal which does not erode. The main exporter of rhodium is South Africa (approximately 80% in 2010) followed by Russia. Who do we nd there? We nd Order of Malta through Rosicrucian’s and one Kingpin was named Nelson Mandela who got Order of St John (Sovereign Military Order of Malta). We may as well call him and them: Jesuits. And where are we now? South Africa where Nelson Mandela was made president. But where are we really? We are in Holland, Netherlands or rather the under-land - the land under in the dark pit of eternal hell where they dig out these metals from. Holland were slave traders. They were terrorists too. Helped by Dutch East India Company and their logo is shaped as is the

ag of South Africa with a V or even a Y for the cup of blood or the bowl of the whore Vicky better known as Mary's Cunt.

Rhodes and South Africa are almost shaped alike. or better yet they are both "islands" meaning the same namely the Island of Jesuits occupied many years ago through murders and terror as per the Bible Romans 13:1-3. Especially in Romans 13:3 we nd φόβος (Phobos) (fear/terror). Phobos <=> Rhodos (Danish). It comes from the same root word and the key- and root word is: TERROR. All the divine hogwash which they mingled in is just that - bullshit and pig shit. And they have those two animals in their symbolism too.

93. Shit - Lort

So why would that be true? Because Beowulf betrayed his land. The "dragon" or the beast who was the invading army and they used mermaids and concubines and whores to induce a re in Beowulf and everyone so they sold their soul to the evil devil the dragon from the east from Persia also known as Tiamat and a few other names. So they were lort or shit or lords. Because the Danish word for shit is lort which then became lords because Saxons were part of the deceit to conquer all lands in the North from Iceland to Denmark (Pigmark) and every corner in between. They fucked and the royal blood were nothing more than warriors who were fooled hence a King has a fool to fool him literally. Not only are they sick warriors they are also fools and suffer from Vanity and every illness known to man which belongs in a soul of a snake so poisonous is can only live on Venus the planet of Hell or Mercury might be better. They enter that land once they die - their homeland. Mausoleums *) have been and will be build for them for some more years to come but eventually they will be forgotten too. All there gods and all there hogwash and The internet is today ooded as this website with all their esoteric fucked up non sense and once it dawns on people - which it has already - that they are sick and ill a thousand times more than any evil, then it will go away as a distant memory and be taken over by the Paradise they promised through The Bible and it will be pure hell for many years again and again and again. Why? Because people just don't get a single word of the hidden meaning of symbols and words. Well, a few. And I do hope more than a few. Heck, a million people can't x this. We need at least 5 billion people so salvage Earth from their evil empire. And many will probably die in the cause of the rescue effort.

*) http://www.bridgeandtunnelclub.com/bigmap/bronx/woodlawncemetery/ mausoleums/

Look at it. How sick is that? Egyptian pillars and Roman Empire right into death. A few bones and rotten cadavers collected in these rock houses. Royals do the same just one hundred times more distasteful. And war lords, generals and Mr. Vann does it too. However his rock looks rather petit188. Arlington Cemetery is the place you go if you kill as many as you can by tricks, deceit and napalm... whatever... as long as it kills good and hard. This cemetery is a tourist attraction - how great is that? Visiting those who murdered, raped, killed and tortured. But as it is told: "The way to victory is through the barrel of the guns and the bigger the guns the bigger the victory" - NUR.

188 http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/jpvann.htm

94. Bang & Olufsen

Golden ratio. BEOVISON 11 from Bang & Olufsen on the wall. Worth at least 10,000 US Dollars! All copied from nature. Can you see and nd the bee in above image?

In Beowulf ( lm 2007) we see characters such as Angelina Jolie and Anthony Hopkins and many more highly idolized heroes of the screen. They would not enter this movie if it was not signi cant. We nd a company called Bang & Olufsen http://www.bang-olufsen.com and they make products names such as BeoMaster and many others. BEO <=> BEOwulf. So this company is in essence a Jesuit company or a fake set up to encourage more galore and amusements to numb down all people at an expensive price all made in plastic and aluminum cheap like dust and in a design so simple not even a God could have come up with such a simple design unless they made some of their architecture in Fibonacci such as BEOVISON 11 following the 1.61803398875 known with Leonardo Da Vinci and many others.

In the movie Beowulf (2007) we hear of a character named Olaf played by Chris Coppola:
"When the grewsome grapple Guthlaf and Oslaf had mournfully mentioned,
the mere-journey over, For sorrows half-blamed him; the flickering spirit". products follow natural so called golden ratio

We nd a King Olav V in Norway died 1991. King Olav went to the Orient to see for himself the rotten bag! Angelina is the name for angel. And the thieves and the "dragon" is from the South from Rome and Persia with their dragons as Faravahar and Isis the bird and other monsters now extinct. The "lion" on the coat of arms of Denmark is no lion per say. it is a dragon monster and the religion in Denmark is Christian or more precisely Roman Catholic even if we are tricked to believe Denmark is Lutheran.

They invented everything and it is a very sick world they created. Those who sold out of Denmark and many nations are now occupied by very ill people - in a huge part - who suffer from brain damage from years of washing - t - on. They are called heroes and stars when in fact they are nothing more than very ill people in a very Barbi (baby, Babylon) world. They suffer from deep Vanity so deep it has no end. They even have dragon soldiers to protect their evil empire this day today. So are they not related to ancient times with this amazing story called Beowulf? All made to make people think it is all Hollywood and fun and games when it is dead serious war and reality with todays wars going on in Afghanistan, Syria and elsewhere. They now enter a new world where they suck out the blood of the last nations such as Myanmar (Burma) and Laos and Syria and Iraq and Egypt where they set up fake leaders and royals who are assholes full of shit, war and terror.

Beowulf is also an acronym/synonym for a bee. That is also why Bang & Olufsen's logo - the B - looks like a bee with the smaller part down - the head. And the bigger part up for the body.

We even nd a Boer in The Bible. Not sure that ts in here. However J. R. R. Tolkien studied Beowulf Literature Resources from GaleTolkien, J. R. R. "Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics." http://www.capetechlibrary.com/app/download/4192220157/Beowulf_+The +Monsters+and+The+Critics.pdf


“... Beowulf is not an actual picture of historic Denmark or Geatland or Sweden about AD 500. But it is (if with certain minor defects) on a general view of a self-consistent picture, a construction bearing clearly the marks of design and thought.”

Beowulf is based on lies and is a poem. However under the poetry and the lies are perhaps the truth, that Denmark was something and became something different over the years as with everything else. Beowulf contains symbolic values which we can recognize such as a female luring a male into a net of sex and love and he will sell his soul for a night with a lovely mermaid. It is amusement but also true when we deduct all the hollywood glamour and effects. Then it happens this day today among politicians and Kings and Queens who ght it out as they have always done for glory and fame. Darwin and all of that about the strongest will win. But if they disarm you by trickery how then can you be stronger than they. You loose because you are born into a world on a stage that is all set and if you don’t like the play there is nowhere to go. There is only one stage and it is right here on Earth with all the smoke, screens and paper money. They are all props and you can pick some and play a minor gure and even if you should rise to glory you are only a small part of a much larger act.

In acting people dies and there is fake blood but this is for real. But some very sick people play us as pawns and believe blood is the sacri ce that must be made from time to time to their sick non existing gods. They believe reality is an act and they send in the troops standing afar killing innocent people and in their mind they are told by the directors it is for the better good; to secure oil pipes, harvesting of drugs and other geopolitical maneuvers. To them it is only a game and they act not only directors but also gods with their fake entertainment to muse them while billions suffer and yesterday is as ill as tomorrow. Little change over time and surely many can live in relative peace should you be in the right place. Once they, the bandit gods, wish for a move on the stage, they will move the pawns and perhaps the next battle will be on your doorstep. You never really know because they work in the obscure and not even the smartest politicians knows too much because they are just actors on a huge stage trying to known what the fuck is happening. Eventually they decide it is easier to join the winning side and as the saying goes: “If you can’t beat them, join them”.

That is what Beowulf did and so many others. With that follows a life in bliss and they are secure as long as they fart around speaking empty words and should they step outside they will hang just like the Mayor of London did during the 2012 Olympics. He tries rst to make a difference but when he gets too smart they have their ways as a very strange actor said on one of the mysterious Julian Assange SHOWS. My next question would have been: “What way do you have?”. But Using just sat there like a Jester playing king. It is all a SHOW from real SHOW business to political SHOWS to corporate and court SHOWS. The reality is based on a lie so how come the truth never is known? Because is preachily is all based on lies.

A million Gods and Whores

With all this many gods and goddesses and whores and pimps I am 100% sure everyone is a king, prince, queen, princess this day today. Proof? Go back in time and follow the sperm, if we could, and you will get right back to Adam and eve - how much proof do you want? And you have to believe in this hogwash because they rule with it.

Who Make Laws?

Those with the biggest guns! Bang bang she sings. She? Yes, Nancy Sinatra (Sin At Ra). If they tell you all this is shit above, then recall who made the WORD. God did hence above is God's words because WORDS were with God and God created WORDS and so above WORDS are Gods! Did God also make sentences? Or sense for that matter? Not their God anyway. Their God even lied from dawn until twilight set in and right into the pit black darkness of their created hell on Earth. They had fun while it lasted and through more deceit and eventually an inferno of a nuclear war they will create ultimate silence among free thinking people. As they did in Japan in 1945 dropping 2 x bombs so huge the war stopped and people nally gave in. After that they serves new roads and VW's to fool again. next time they will introduce space rocket-fares to other planets and holidays on Venus to make people forget the horrors they lived. More bullshit and more plain shit from the Masters of the Universe.

Ω Omega

Give me an R, give me an S


Now time & cLocks gets a totally different meaning

Bang & Olufsen

189 Danish has an e
Gracula religiosa

A Beostær (Gracula religiosa) is a bird you can teach to talk. We are indeed on track about something eggs. And religious. What fortune, what tale, what delight, what luck. A modern day company relates to eggs and religion just though their name.

Gracula religiosa - a bird. So if the whole Dracula story a tale, spin - a lie too? Looks like it. This book is not investigating Dracula but cules (balls). Dracula does have cula which is balls and a bird has eggs as balls as does crocodiles and turtles.

Why would this bird be named something balls (cula)? We are back in China and Asia. It is a story about a woman who fears Bontius will give her bird, swine’s esh to eat.

This bird is also known as Common Hill Myna.
They are from India and Asia in other words.
They can talk and copy human voice, words and sounds. They have yellow patches on their heads.
Each individual has a repertoire of three to 13 such call types.

Next page: The Penny Cyclopædia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful..., Volume 20 page 68 By George Long.

Wikipedia actually call their le names something BEO: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Gracula_religiosa (Apr. 2013)

The bird has what looks like a heart-shape ap on the back of its head looking like some Greek letters.
Next time you buy a bang & Olufsen, you know you are buying into religion. A bird plays or sings music. B&O also makes music and sound. Match Made In Asia.

95. Romans 133

“For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.”

Here Romans 13:3 in Greek:
οἱ γὰρ ἄρχοντες οὐκ εἰσὶν φόβος τῷ ἀγαθῷ ἔργῳ ἀλλὰ τῷ κακῷ. θέλεις δὲ μὴ φοβεῖσθαι τὴνἐξουσίαν· τὸ ἀγαθὸν ποίει, καὶ ἕξειςἔπαινονἐξ αὐτῆς·
φόβος - phonetically: Phobos

φόβος, φοβία
φόβος, τρόμος
σύλληψη, φόβος, αντίληψη scare
φόβος, εξαφνικός φόβος funk
φόβος, τρομάρα, τρόμος fearfulness
φόβος, φοβία, δειλία
τρομάρα, σκιάχτρο, φόβος dismay
φόβος, δειλία, τρόμος
κατάπληξη, ταραχή, τρόμος, φόβος, κατάπληξη από φόβο
πανικός, φόβος
φόβος, δειλία
φόβος, ενδιασμός, προαίσθηση κακού

All about something bad. It is bad.
Submission to Governing Authorities
And all of Romans 13 here:

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

This is naturally the translated English text. If we read the original Greek version we might get an even far worse meaning. It starts: Πᾶσα ψυχὴ and the rst word taking out the last letter is Πᾶσ (PAS). However the whole rst word Πᾶσα is: Pasha (Turkish: paşa).

Did someone call in the visa terror team? Then next word ψυχὴ is actually soul. So the rst part of Romans 13 should be:

Let Pasha be subjec t to governing authorities…
So they lied and you are not subject to any authority. The authorities are criminal beyond any doubt using po lice with guns to kill you and terrorize you if you don’t comply. It is called terrorism.
And again we are back in Asia. There are place names in Asia called Pasha. From Turkey (key) we head smack into near Asia and eventually right over into far Asia.

Muhammad Ali Pasha,
Ottoman Empire, Turkey.
Love Fulfills the Law

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has ful lled the law. The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the ful llment of the law.

The Day Is Near

And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we rst believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the esh.

This whole Romans 13 is the most amazing terror instrument I have ever read. We have words about the law, debt and taxes. And we are told God instituted the government hence we must respect the government. They say you must submit to the authorities.

And love to your neighbor is the ful llment of the las but what about the rest of the laws you wrote rst as Acts and then through congress and parliament.
And they speak of us to put aside the deeds of darkness so they had deeds in darkness? Obscured.

The whole Greek text is here: http://biblos.com/romans/13-1.htm

What is vitally important related here to the name of Barack (Rack being a torture instrument) is, that they will in ict torture if you don’t comply with any of their laws and they can make any law they like because it is God given. If it is God-given why do we then vote and have democracy ? We don’t It is all fake. They are in power and play the game so we all swallow it as long as they don’t do to bad as evildoers as they are. Then most people will accept it and not speak against it. But this is not freedom. Exactly. And it is not written anywhere that normal people are free after they are born, and nor is creation, because that happens before you are born.

“for there is no authority except that which God has established.” this is a good one. Says who? The words of the Bible are those of God and so God established an authority to work on his behalf who will terrorize those who do wrong who are against the law written by man instituted by God hence the law is God’s law and that is The Bible we are told. The Bible is a war, whore and galore book with trickery and deceit hiding the real meaning hence being good is doing what the Bible says but all in the Bible is proven evil all about sex left and right, up and down and doing whatever the authorities have loved since day one namely fuck and rock the boat and make wars. What else do you see around you?

96. Manu

This is Johannes Hovels born and dies in
Gdńask. He drew the Sagittarius on the

right and many other Zodiac signs.

In Greek mythology Kheiron (Chiron) was
considered to be a prime example amongst centaurs. He was known to be civilized and kind. Also, he was well respected for his knowledge and healing skill. In addition to being a great healer, he also practiced astrology.

Chiron is from ancient Greek χείρ later χέρι for hand (/ cɛ.ɾi /)

Latin: Manu means hand. We know the word manuscript. hand script. Manual is a book. In Danish they say “Hånd manual”. It is a book or script of lea et telling you how to do something. A recipe can be a manual. Al is Arabic God. So we get:

Manu+God = Hand God. Recall in Psycho III how Mr. Baits at the end in the police car shows a hand. His dead mothers hand.
manumission; manumissio, liberatio, vindicta
emancipation; liberatio, manumissio, remissio, emancipatio, emancupatio, vindicta deliverance; liberatio, remissio, manumissio, pronuntiatio, professio, literae exemption; vacatio, vacuitas, immunitas, immoenitas, inmunitas, manumissio liberation; manumissio, liberatio, remissio, vindicta, privatio
rescue; salvatio, salus, liberatio, remissio, vindicta, manumissio

Hand is Latin: Manu is Greek: χέρι (x ∈ ri) ( / cɛ.ɾi /) χέρι is from Ancient Greek: χείρ
U is two horns. Man or the bull has two horns. A cow can have horns.
χείρ : Chiron

I will get to χέρι / ceri - somehow. Was it not a hand in Psycho? Is there a connection? I shall leave this chapter relatively “open” relating to the hand and perhaps you can gure it out more than this. Recall also, that a hand has 5 ngers when you see some feet, toes or turtle feet. When you know how the magi© is done, it becomes as easy as eating cherry-pie.

97. Golden ΧΡΥΣΙΣ

Let me start by solving a crisis in this chapter about Gold and what is golden. A lovely child has many names.
Gold Golden
χρυσός Χρυσή
Chrysos Chrysis
From The New Testament we read in Hebrews 9:4:

“Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, in which was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant;” 190

In Greek that is:

χρυσοῦν ἔχουσα θυµιατήριον καὶ τὴν κιβωτὸν τῆς διαθήκης
περικεκαλυµµένην πάντοθεν χρυσίῳ ἐν ᾗ στάµνος χρυσῆ ἔχουσα τὸ µάννα καὶ ἡ ῥάβδος Ἀαρὼν ἡ βλαστήσασα καὶ αἱ πλάκες τῆς διαθήκης, Let us translates the Greek Hebrews 9:4 by using Google Translate:

190 Both the English and Greek text above is from http://biblos.com/hebrews/9-4.htm

Chrysis having censer191 and the ark of the covenant perikekalymmenin192 Pantothenic193 chrysiῳ194 in ᾗ stamnos Chrysis having the manna and the rod of Aaron or vlastisasa195 (βλαστήσασα) plaques and blood of the covenant,

It does not make sense. We have to decode it.
191 Censers are any type of vessels made for burning incense

192 Can be the ower Lonicera periclymenum (honeysuckles (Caprifoliaceae belonging to the angiosperms, astride, Lamellas, Psyllium (producing mucilage), sweet smelling) or Periclymenu and argonaut in Greek mythology who was given the ability to shapeshift by Poseidon. Also Periclymenus son of Neleus (son of Poseidon) and mother Chloris (Chloris was a Nymph associated with spring,

owers and new growth, based on myth).
193 Pantothenic acid, also called pantothenate or vitamin B5 (found in eggs)
194chrysiῳ ≈ χρυσίῳ. χρυσ = gold. iῳ=iv IV=4 or VI=6. 4+6=χ
195 Strong’d Concordance: blastanó: to sprout, produce. I sprout, cause to sprout, make to grow up. βλαστήσα σα ≈ vegetation like

• Gold in Hebrew is בהז and Yiddish דלָאג.
• Gold is Yiddish דלָאג translated to Glad (Gold).
• In Hebrew לַאג is Gal.

I shall list this in tables on other pages related to the Ark Of The Covenant. χρυσίῳ is chrysiῳ and containsῳ which is the ass and Aron’s rod - his penis. We will actually nd Aron’s disk in his name in Greek if you follow along.

χρυσί is also Chrysis whereas χρυσή is golden but not found in the Greek text in Hebrews 9:4. It is a play of and with words. We need to take every word now an decode them one by one. Below I have taken every Greek word and translated them and made the new version of this Hebrew 9:4:

Chrysis having [censer, vessel] and the [trunks, arks, cases) of [covenant, wills] [perikekalymmenin, coated, obscured, covered, laminated, hymen, membrane] [Pentatonic acid, vitamin, 5, flower] chrysiῳ in [when, that, which] [jar, vase] Chrysis [to be with child, having] it [manna=what is it?] and [or, the, this] [a rod, staff, staff of authority, scepter] Aron [or, the, this] [I sprout, cause to sprout, make to grow up] and century [plates, panels] of [covenant, wills]
I think we can now write what it is actually saying:

The Whore Chrysis’ cup, her womb and vagina was obscured by the hymen with her white semen as a flower it opened, was the womb to carry the child given food as sperm from Aron’s penis which ejected making centuries of covenants and inheritance.

The ῳ in χρυσίῳ (chrysiῳ) is ω which is Ω Omega. Omega (Ωω) is the last letter in the Greek alphabet.

Aron ( Ἀαρὼν) starts with Ἀ which is Alpha but is with the apostrophe a so called alpha copulativum 196 used to express unity; e.g. in α- δελφός "brother" literally "from the same womb". Recall how we found the ear or the apostrophe earlier. Here the apostrophe is attached to both Ἀ and ῳ. With these two names and letters we get Alpha & Omega which is God. The Ark Of The Cabinet is a metaphor for the fact that man and woman will carry on and pass the will and the testament and the covenant. They have sex and life goes on.

Gold in Latin is aurum.

GOLD Noun Aurum

Adjective Aureus
We know about the golden ratio which is:

This relates to art and architecture because it is from nature related to the Fibonacci numbers. The Golden ration is seen as the perfect cut and restful to the mind, so artists will divide their work in this ration in many instances.

The symbol for gold is Au and in Latin gold is: aurum.

One word in the Greek text in this Bible verse is περικεκαλυμμένην which is perikekalymmenin; honeysuckle rose and when I split it up περικε καλυμμένων I get Perikou covered. Anyway, we also got the B5 vitamin from Pantothenic acid.

A little tour and some names with with Χρύσω Περίκου = Χρύσω Περίκου = Latin: Chrysogoni Perkier. Chrysogoni ≈ Chrysogonus. Lucius
Chrysogonus. Chrysogonus of Athens. Chrysogonus of

devoted servant of Philip V of Macedon (Philippos V)
Chrysogonus. Saint intimate friend and

Φίλιππος Ε΄ = Philip (Philippos V) mother Chrysalis & father Demetrius II Aetolicus. I then further come across names and people through this Philip V of Macedon, son of Demetrius II and Chryseis, 197 whom I found via Chrysogonus of Macedon. Let me list them here just shortly:

197 Note this name which we shall nd elsewhere later in The Bible translated to English all wrong as a lie.

• Quintus Roscius Gallus
• Gallic, Gaul slave
• Quintus Lutatius Catulus
• Gaius Valerius Catullus
• Chrysothemis daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra
• Christy’s and Sotheby’s.

Now I come across the word Latin word Gaius and in Greek that is: Καλιφόρνια which is English California. At this time I hear raws of laughter and people slapping sticks. Don’t worry - this is normal. Recall this has absolutely nothing to do wit divine gods but is solely and purposely created by evil men. With Gaius we come across another few such “California” (Calif ) men:

Gaius Calpurnius Piso (consul 67 BC)
Caligula (Latin: Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus;[1] 31 August 12 AD – 24 January 41 AD), also known as Gaius, was Roman Emperor from 37 AD to 41 AD.

Caligula = Kali + (Gula = yellow?). Okay, laugh now. But don’t stop until you are sure. What is more important is the word itself Gaius. Gaius, sometimes spelled Caius, was a common Roman praenomen. It is abbreviated C.; the abbreviation goes back to before the Roman alphabet distinguished between C and G, probably from Etruscan Cae or Cai, meaning unknown. In classical times, the name was pronounced in three syllables, Gā-ǐ-us [ˈɡaː.ɪ.ʊs].

A pot, vessel, jar, something to keep wine
and Hebrew - sorry - brew in or perhaps
other items.

It is also possible that the use of C re ects the Greek letter Gamma. The alphabet on a black gure vessel, with a Λ-shaped gamma.
In Ancient Greek, gamma represented a voiced velar stop /ɡ/. In Modern Greek, it represents a voiced fricative. It is realized either as a palatal /ʝ/ (before a front vowel, /e, i/), or as a velar /ɣ/ (in all other environments).
Both in Ancient and in Modern Greek, before other velars (κ, χ, ξ k, kh, ks), gamma represents a velar nasal /ŋ/. A double gamma γγ represents the sequence /ŋɡ/ (phonetically varying [ŋɡ~ɡ]) or /ŋɣ/.
ŋ = The velar nasal is the sound of ng in English sing.
ɣ (a variant of the Greek letter gamma, ⟨γ⟩

We now from Gaius found a K and and ing. And when we join these two things we get a word we know very well. King.
If Gaius is California and California is Calioh and Orin the Gay must come from Gai. And US is part os USA but I have more where USA came from and we need a new tool or language namely Yiddish.
Gai+us is almost like sleepwalk saying Geesus.

From the book: Llewellyn's Complete Book of Names: For Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, Druids By K. M. Sheard ISBN-13: 978-0738723686

Wikipedia is a nice tool too but recall it is being made the o fficial truth and I have foundmany lies on Wikipedia proven naturally. So whatever comes from Wikipedia we need to double or triple check. Wikipedia does give itself away so many times unknowingly both in hiding the truth and deliberately lying but in that we can actually get some hints.

Neither can we trust the Google translate service because people can toggle and enter what they want freely. Gaius = California. Come on.
Gaia (mythology) Γαῖα “was the goddess or personi cation of Earth in ancient Greek religion, one of the Greek primordial deities. Gaia was the great mother of all: the heavenly gods, the Titans and the Giants were born from her union with Uranus (the sky)”. So we are getting to the root of things here.
In 3 John 1:1 Gaia is used and is in Greek:Γαίῳ which uses the apostrophe below the last letter Gamma. Γαΐω translates to Gaio. Γαΐῳ translates to Gaiῳ. That de nitely looks like a dick in ass. Recall that letters, even modern, are nothing more than symbols and there looks have meaning too just like ancient Hieroglyphs.

If I substitute all the ῳ with ω and get:
Ὁ πρεσβύτερος Γαΐω τωἀγαπητω, ὃνἐγωἀγαπῶ ἐν αληθείᾳ,
That translates to:
Elder Gaio mean dear, whom I love in truth;

That makes sense. This means Gaio = dear. That makes sense 100%. That is what we use today and we all use Dear. So when you say dear, you are saying Gaio or Gaius unknowingly it is derived from Roman Empire which proves the Roman Empire is in full function.

In Danish dear is kære. Ære (ære) means honor. A salute in Danish is honnør. Used in the military and with Royals. Gaius is then an honorary title. But though the Danish word kære which is ære (honor) we can empirically prove modern dear means Gaius as well as it is an honorary title.

So the ῳ is kind of a trick letter. Change a few letters and the meaning pops right out. Afore mentioned book nor Wikipedia has ever thought of this and believe me if I tried I would be chopped to silence. But perhaps now it is out they will tell.

Uranus contains anus which looks like ῳ with a dick and Ur in Danish means clock riming with cock. Something that is Ur is meaning it is ancient. Danish word for ancient is urgammel. So the rst ass and dick was these giants (!) and the Uranus, a man, was the son of and husband to Gaia.

e reason why Wikipedia and afore mentioned book lies or does not tell the truth is because it would unlock a door with a

simple key namely the key ῳ ⋍ ω. Motive: to keep you and everyone understanding that Gaius=Dear and so you would know that 1) there are keys and 2) linking todays world to the old world. The new world is as old as time itself and there is nothing really new. Only new languages, more tricks and more lies.

I have actually used a program called Cinema4D from Maxon to produce caustics which with a light shines in a shaped vessel producing caustics on the wall looking like a dick entering the pussy. The Nephroid many should know by now but probably have no idea that this is perhaps where the actual Greek letter ω is derived from.

ω is lowercase Omega and uppercase ω is Ω. It is Greater O because Mega means Great. But in fact it is from Greek μεγά which phonetically is /mega/. Why don’t todays highly paid scholars tell you anything nor Wikipedia. Well, rocking the little boat is why.

μέγας is /megas/ meaning Great. By bypassing this word μέγας they avoid you get the G from Great coining that Omega is Great O. This gives us G & O. Delta (uppercase Δ, lowercase δ) gives us a pyramid and a phallus symbol - again.

G is Gamma Γ and the Sun creates gamma-rays. The Γ is also a tool to measure degrees known as a protractor. It is part of Freemasons logo as is the G. So let us put these Greek letters together:

G & O overlaid. The G is just an Omega or the O which is


But that is not all. It is half the story. Single Latin G is Greek: σολ or capital ΣΟΛ (Sigma Omega Lamda = SOL) which is Spanish/Latin SOL and Greek: Ήλιος which is Helios or the Sun. Helios contains Eli which means God. In fact I believe (!) Latin Helios translates to Eli and to Greek Έλι which is Eli. However Έλι translates to Marcus.

GOD is Gamma Omega Delta and that is 100% proves via the Bible itself saying in Revelations 22:13: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the rst and the last.” Sure God is because he told us the World was with him and God was the word and words contains letters and the New Testament is written in Greek. So that part is rather true amazingly. However God is letters and they ar created by man because words which contains letters only arose after man came around which is a scienti c fact. Language ≈ Man. So since language and words came aer man and words were with God and was God man is God. is is logic for even 5 years old.

Man created words by starting to speak and then words were made and letters were formed as symbols.
Hence G = SOL which is the Sun known as a God through Amun Ra(y). On Bermuda there is a company called Global Sources Ltd. and is is on the stock market and its short name is GSOL. I have no idea what they do but I have heard about the Bermuda Triangle and bermuda itself is a banking island where money is washed white probably from governments drug transactions and much more. Triangle because it is a Pussy island because where there is money there is Great pussy. Sure some planes and ships are lost but that is only natural because groups ght it out mid air and on the water to control the ow of money. “Where pacts are made, cocks will fade.” - James Luxley.
This takes us to Heliopolis. “In biblical Hebrew Heliopolis was referred to as, Ôn ( ןא ) or Āwen ( ןוא ), Greek: Ὂν.”. That is nice because I have a surprise regarding ןא.

Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix

I can’t forget this fella. Pork as in ham as in pig is suilla in Latin. Lucius must be Lucifer. Never mind the rest for now because Sulla is enough. Sul is a Danish word meaning the fat of a pig. He is a Gaius Sul and with that follows Sultan.

98. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ King Basil

I looked up Philip V of Macedon and found a coin. A Didrachm. Then as usual I start like an ancient explorer. Pun intended. Let us type those Greek letters on that silly coin with a club (to kill pigs I suspect).


Don’t look like much but surprisingly it translates. Can you guess what? Something baeiaeoe or what? Totally black language but now that we are getting the hang on things and know our Greek letters and have tools to translate we can probably solve this puzzle too.

Okay, enough talk. It translates to KING. Each Greek letter is a single Latin letter and they translate to:

Mystery deepens. It sounds familiar somehow. Basil in Faulty Towers or where are we now. I recall many Philips while writing this book and I shall return to this name later and the mystery deepens. Let us decode it an take each letter one by one and look them up.


I was right it is Mr. Basil from Faulty Towers. I always wondered why his name was basil related to a herb. The basil is also called Oregano and is used on Pizzas made in Italy, Rome I suspect.

It’s name in Latin is Ocimum basilicum. It belongs to the family called Lamiaceae. I believed (!) that Mr. Basil had his funny name from the plant basil/oregano but now we can link his name to BASELESS and that makes more sense. They are not that stupid, believe (!) me. Wikipedia writes:

In Greek mythology, the name Leos (Λεώς) may refer to:

• Leos, one of the ten or twelve Eponyms of the Attic phylae whose statues were at the Athenian agora near the Tholos. He was a son of Orpheus and father of a son Cylanthus and of three daughters, Praxithea (or Phasithea, Phrasithea), Theope and Eubule. In obedience to the Delphian oracle he had his three daughters sacrificed in order to relieve the city of famine. A location in Attica and a heroshrine was said to have received the name Leokorion after these daughters of Leos (Λεὡ κόραι, Leō korai). In reality though, the story of the daughters of Leos could have been invented to explain the placename.
• Leos, a native of Agnus, Attica, the herald of the sons of Pallas. He betrayed them by informing Theseus of their imminent attack, which let him strike at the opponents at unawares and win. From that circumstance there was no intermarriage between the demes Agnus and Pallene, and the Pallenian heralds never used the formula "ἀκούετε λεῷ" ("Listen, people") because of the homophony of the word leōs "people" and Leos' name.[8] The people of Agnus, on the contrary, sacrificed to Leos.[9]

Leos may also occur as a plural form of Leo. That is lucky because we need to deal with these lions too to decode all their hogwash. Why? Because I stumpled upon the word “attica” 198and now I lost that word so it will have to wait until it pops up again.

English Wikipedia does not have an entry (March 29th 2013) for Basilios. Wikipedia writes: (The word "Basileos" -"king" in Byzantium meant also "Emperor".) related to an article they do have named:


They do say it means “king” but Google Translates tells us it is king without the quotes. Wikipedia then writes for /wiki/Basileus that: “The etymology of basileus is unclear.”. It is on a bloody coin related to Philip V of Macedon!

In the book Latin Su ffixes By John Tahourdin White ISBN-13: 978-0559217203 on page 59 we understand that Latin lus is the root of leus and it means little. How funny is that! The word lus in Danish means louse and they are pretty darn small. So leus=louse. 199 That took me about 3 minutes to gure out. And Wikipedia are 100+ people working asking for donations to make their system work which it does not no matter how much money you pour into the hole.

On the next page I have page 59 from afore mentioned book.
198 Recall this word attica, related to Atika and vinegar
199 In Dutch leus means slogan but not related at this point.

We know that Wikipedia tells us the Basileus is a title for monarch. So they are lice which are lousy which is both true and nice because that proves my point and I am heading in the right direction. Thank God for that! Otherwise you would not be reading this book right now.

So what is Basi?
A quick lookup tells me it is Italian meaning groundwork. Now we are back in Italy so far so good. The noun is also fundamenti (foundation), scavo (excavation). Basil, the herp, is indeed a basi in Italian cuisine. So basileus could be Basi Pidocchio. Pidocchio is Italian for louse. In English that is then: Foundation Louse or rather more precisely: The Foundation Of A Louse. Hence Royals are that, because we are told Basileus is a royal title. So without blinking an eye you can call your royals HRH Pidocchio.
The Spanish Wikipedia does have an entry for Basileos. They write:

Basileos , basileo o basileus (en griego: Βασιλεύς, basileus, plural Βασιλεῖς, basileis) significa «rey» 200. Era el título de los emperadores bizantinos, y los emperadores romanos para los griegos. El término ya era utilizado en la Grecia antigua.

So Basileos ≈ basileo ≈ basileus. Hence we have now decoded what that coins says ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ≈ BASILEOS. It means HRH La Fondazione di un Pidocchio 201 because Basileos also means King.

What we also nd is Saint Peter’s Basilica. Basilica means public.
200 Rey means King
201 His Royal Highness The Foundation Of A Louse
Furthermore they talk black hogwash but they catch themselves in theire lies here:

“The term "basileos' (qa-si-re-u) was formerly used by very senior officials or nobles who were the supervisors of the various districts of the Mycenaean states.” 202

And more here:

The basileos gets its authority from God and not from its predecessor. [..] The symbols of power
The emperor is surrounded by a decorum that symbolizes the divine origin of their function, their divine force is imposed who appears before him. [..] If the basileus is regarded as the chosen of God, see also regulated their actions by respect for the law, being the law personified, can not, deny himself, falling into the tyrannical excesses. This is subject to the laws guaranteeing piety.

Now recall having read this, what that coin tells us. They are lice. And here at Wikipedia we read that these lice are instituted by God.
ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ Guess what that is; Philip. Looks rather strange I must say. It is:


202 From http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basileos translated to English

Les Misérables...

… and lousy *) and that is the
*) The Royals that is…
Again! Some word. Not even a H. No “H’s” in Greek so that might be why. Pun intended.

Searching Google gives a very few results and for images I see a boxer. I nd some old books on Google Gooks mentioning the name in Latin and Italian texts so it is a name. We need to use our common sense! A few names that does pop up are pilippot and philippou. I got it. Silly me. Φ is Phi. So now we get:


I got it. How silly of me. It is again a riddle naturally. POY or rather the last Y is not Y but U and we get French POU which means louse. POU reminds me of French pauvre which is pauper or simply poor. When I think of this that reminds me of Les Misérables and a movie came out 2012. But there is more.
The moderns way to use Φ is as an F. So we get a hidden word on that coin and it is:


Philifao I get from translating FILIPPO to Hebrew and then to Yiddish! That almost looks like Pharaoh. Perhaps Philip is somehow connected to the word Pharaoh which I might investigate later. Back to FILIPPO. Italian Filippo is Hebrew ופיליפ and that translates back from Yiddish to English as Philip.

Filippo => Italian => Yiddish => סופיליפ => English => Philip
Filippo => Italian => Hebrew => פיליפ => English => Philip

There are about 54 million results for Filippo so I might be in luck (!) this time. Luck has nothing to do with this - no pun intended. We do nd an Italian architect of all things as soon as I type Filippo. His name is Filippo Brunelleschi. Philippa I nd at Wikipedia meaning “lover of horses”. Instantly I think of Pippi Long-stocking. She had a horse. The story about her was written by Astrid Lindgren. She was taxed 101% by the Swedish government when she started becoming famous so she wrote a small story called Pomperipossa which I believe (!) is a pseudonym for “pompieri possa” which is Italian for re ghters can and naturally Pompeii which is a volcano. So she is refering to Rome and Italy and them being

re ghters when she tries to ght the governement not having to pay 101% tax! 101 or thereabouts. Read her story Pomperipossa and you will know.

PHILIPPO rhymes with HIPPO but that is not a horse. During my translations I also found Philips. No wonder! Take and give a few and we even end up in Holland again (recall Dutch leus meaning slogan). Tulip and also lip from where words come out.

More. Phillipi was a city in eastern Macedon / Macedonia. Greek Φίλιπποι (Wikipedia) which is strange because the coin has Y. Not strange. The Y was / is a rebus / riddle leading us to aforementioned louse not to mention Louise and so the co-author of this book is Lou but perhaps more enlightened than a louse. Today there is actually a municipality called Filippoi in Greece.

I have not forgotten it: Epistle to the Philippians [EP] in The Bible probably written by Saint Paul. Yes, the man; Paul The Apostle. There is a whole new book I need to write just on this alone but I shall hint at some things as we move along here. EP is only IV Chapters so short. But get it in Greek and decode it otherwise it has little or no value.

Phillipians in EP 4:15 is Greek:


Phillipians is suppose to be a joyous letter written by Paul to The people of Philippo. Professor David Alan Black has made an GRK6500: Philippians 4:1-9 Greek  Exegesis 203. He mentions the word and name of one of two people Συντύχην (Syntychin) and Συν Τύχην (plus fate). The other name mentioned (David Black does not) in Philippians in μονοτονικά. That translates today to monotonically and is derived from άτονα meaning toneless. These two Greek names/words are mentioned in EP 4:2: 204

Εὐοδίαν παρακαλῶ καὶ Συντύχην παρακαλῶ τὸ αὐτὸ φρονεῖνἐν κυρίῳ. I exhort Euodia, and I exhort Syntyche, to be of the same mind in the Lord.

Hence the two names are transliterated directly. But names have a meaning. In one case the woman is tone death meaning probably she does not understand a word of what Saint Paul is saying also because The Bible was yet not written and he extorts the two woman (I presume women) depending them in a style jo join the LORD. Why join when you don’t understand what you are joining?

And since this Philip King branch seems to be a rather lousy family, then it is perhaps why these two people see the king doing with his left hand what his right hand does not.
Later Philip V via his coin tells us he is lousy and he is instituted by the LORD so the LORD institutes lice and people are suppose to sing to their tune?
I can come near Εὐοδίαν to ιδίαν meaning individual, independant, by self. So Saint Paul is exhorting individuality. This is what the Bible does. It exhort individuality and self-spirit and wants to unite every human into the biggest lie ever told and they use terror205 is people do not comply.

203 http://leonardooh.wordpress.com/2011/12/29/grk6500-philippians-41-9-greek-exegesis/ 204 http://interlinearbible.org/philippians/4-2.htm
205 Romans 13:1-3

Upon Saint Paul the Vatican later took it’s name and so The Vatican (Holy See) wants to and do exhort 206 people.
The word used in EP 4:3 is παρακαλῶ translates to I ask. Verb is: please, beg, implore, request, urge, beseech, petition, solicit.
παρακαῶ translates to SURVEILLANCE. And καῶ is burn.
αποσπώ means extort.

My point is, that the knowing people reading this can decode the names of these two people (woman) and will know what to do. It is Saint Paul sending a hidden message and the receiver just needs to know how to extract the real hidden words.

206 transitive verb; exhort: to incite by argument or advice : urge strongly <exhorting voters to do the right thing> intransitive verb; to give warnings or advice : make urgent appeals
— ex·hort·er noun - merriam-webster.com

99. Aron’s Rod

In Hebrew 9:4 we read the word Ἀαρὼν which translates to Aeron. Please now notice
theὼ with the apostrophe above the letter making it look like two balls and a penis
above. In Chrysiῳ it is below as: ῳ.
Yiddish ןרהא
Hebrew ןורהא
יד טרעלקרעד יססָאי .ַאמיב ןוא שעדָאק ןָארַא יד
Word From
Ἀαρὼν Greek
Ἀαρὼν Greek
Ἀαρὼν Greek
Aeron English
ןָארעַא Yiddish
To Translates
Yiddish ןרהא
Hebrew ןורהא
English Aeron
Yiddish ןָארעַא
English Iran
There are only 6 (six) result on Google (March 2013) for the word ןָארעַא.
Wikipedia writes:

The Torah ark or ark in a synagogue (Jewish house of worship) is known in Hebrew as the Aron Kodesh by the Ashkenazim and as the Hekhál amongst most Sefardim.[1] It is generally a receptacle, or ornamental closet, which contains each synagogue's Torah scrolls (Sifrei Torah in Hebrew). In most cases, when possible, the ark is located on the wall of the synagogue closest to Jerusalem.
Origin of the names

Aron Kodesh comes from Hebrew שֶדׄק ןֹורָא ʼārōn qōdeš (i.e. aron kodesh), Holy Ark. This name is a reference to the ’ārōn haqqōdeš, the Hebrew name for the Ark of the Covenant which was stored in the Holy of Holies in the ancient Tabernacle and the Temple in Jerusalem.

When I translates שדֶׄק ןוֹרָא from Yiddish (Ashkenazi) I get: Arun sacred. Arun in cognate to Aron or Aeron. So it is Iran’s Ark or Iran’s Kodesh or Iran’s Sacred.

Word From שֶדׄק Hebrew שֶדׄק Hebrew

שעדַאק Hebrew שעדַאק Yiddish שעדַאק Hebrew סַאדַאק Hebrew סַאדַאק Hebrew סַאדַאק Yiddish שעדַאק Yiddish

שדַאק Yiddish שעַאק Yiddish Kadesh = Hebrew שדֶׄק
Word From שדֶׄק ןוֹרָא Hebrew
שדֶׄק ןוֹרָא Yiddish

To English Yiddish

English English Yiddish Yiddish English English Hebrew English English

Translates Kadesh

To English
Translates Holy Ark
Arun sacred
Recall Hebrew and Yiddish is read from right to left.

Torah ark aron kodesh Holy Ark Arun Sacred

That makes ןוֹרָא = Aron = Holy = Cabinet = Arun. Gold has the symbol Au Latin: aurum. That makes שדֶׄק = Caddish207, Karass.
California Yiddish word:
Translates To English:
ַאינר ָאפילַאק
ַאינרָא פילַאק
ַאינ רָאפילַאק California
Khalifa rnia
Calif ornia
cauliflower smell

Word From Gaius English Gaius English

To Yiddish

Translates סויַאג

Word From סויאג Yiddish סוי ַאג Yiddish סוי ַאג Hebrew סוי ַאג Yiddish GA סוי'ג Hebrew GA סוי'ג Yiddish סו יַיישזד Yiddish ןדיא Yiddish דיא Hebrew ןדיא Hebrew דיא Yiddish

ידוהי Hebrew שידִיי Yiddish/Hebrew

To English
Hebrew Yiddish
Hebrew English
Hebrew Yiddish

Translates Ghosts
GA Jayyus
Proud Joos
GA סוי'ג
סויַיישזד ַאג
GA g'ius
Je us
עטַאוו ןּפעלש

207 Caddish, cad; a man whose behavior is unprincipled or dishonorable.

Word From Crysis English סס Yiddish סיסרק Yiddish סוז יַיישזד Yiddish סות יַיישזד Yiddish

To Translates Yiddish סיסירק
English SS
English Chris
English Je Zeus English Je sus

However ghosts also translates to Yiddish: סוָאג
GA סוי'ג (GA comes after like this: סוי'ג GA).
Naturally Greek sigma is Σ but also σς and the latter translates to ss.

Language Yiddish

Word English דלָאג gold
דָאג god

ד לָאג Gall D
דלָאג Gald
Meaning & Nouns
Taking out ל
In Danish gallbladder is Galdeblære
Hebrew לַאג Gal defilement, pollution, profanation
Yiddish לַאג gall gallbladder, gall Hebrew הרמ סיכ Gallbladder In medical Latin it is: vesicula, bilis folliculum Yiddish הרמ סיכ Hiss bile bile; anger, madness, poison,
Noun; Gallbladder which is Hebrew הפצוח which is English
In Hebrew בהז that are 3 letters 1) ב Bet 2) ח Het 3) ז Zayin

Zayin; (In Biblical Hebrew, "Zayin" ( ןיז) means sword, and the verb "Lezayen" (ןייזל) means to arm. In modern Hebrew, 'zayin' (ןיז) means penis and 'lezayen' (ןיזל) is a vulgar term which generally means to perform sexual intercourse and is used in a similar fashion to the English word fuck.

Hebrew בהז is Gold. When we separate these 3 letters: ב ה ז we get M on.

• M on ב ה ז
• Gold = בהז
• Gold = χρυσός (Chrisos)
• Golden = Χρυσή (Chrisi)
• χρυσοῦν = a golden = Chrysis

This is part of the story. GOLD. Part of the deceit. GO D… [I forgot the L]. You will know soon what that means and how it connects.
Recall how we found ןא related to Heliopolis and the Sun. Translate that from Hebrew to English you get A. Translate it from Yiddish to Greek we get:
Yiddish <=> Greek
ןא Ένα Μια

That makes Eva cognate to Heliopolis and hence one might argue Eva is the Sun and with that we get the actual Sun which is golden which is Chrysis. Eva = Chrysis = Golden = The Sun. One might argue without the Sun we would not be here in the rst place as we know it. The Earth may be Mother Earth but the Sun is Mother Sun. And what do we say in the morning: The Morning Sun. Mor in Nordic is Mother. So you are actually saying The Mother Sun. Your true mother feeds you with rays of milk and the suns rays feeds us with gamma rays and as we know it LIFE. No Sun, no life. Global Warming they call it which is all a hoax. If we did not have Global Warming we would be near Absolute Zero.

As with mothers milk she can give more or less milk depending on her hormones and mood. The same goes with the Sun. It is not a static Orb and I am personally amazed we are at about the same temperature so we neither freeze nor fry. The Sun will uctuate like everything else and they speak of carbon dioxide as if it was carbon monoxide 208. A trick of words.

Recall χέρι (ceri) from Manu meaning hand. Spanish Sera means “will” as in the song: “Que Sera Sera” (what will be will be). χέρι is also kepi. Greek κερί means wax and in Latin that is cera.

Latin cera to English:
wax; cera
writing tablet; tabella, tabula, cera
page; pagina, cera, puer, pedisequos, pedisequus, pedisecus sealing wax; cera
waxen image; cera
waxwork; cera

Latin cera to Spanish:
wax; cera, cerumen, cerilla
polish; pulimento, cera, lustre, betún, re namiento, esmero candle; vela, candela, cirio, cera, mecho, fuego de cera polishing wax; cera

Mon Chéri in a brand name, a chocolate. It contains a cherry or part thereof. Mon Cheri means “My Darling”. Cheri is cognate to ceri χέρι meaning hand. The cherry cut in half produces a heart shape or the shape of the Nephroid or the Greek letter ῳ in χρυσίῳ (chrysiῳ) is ω which is Ω Omega.

208 Carbon Dioxide CO2 is what we breath and plant use. Carbon Monoxide CO is poisonous and inhaled will kill you. CO2 does not. Well, everything even H2O is poison if you drink 30 liters because your kidneys might break down.

The woman produces a type of wax and it is white and creamy and seals her vagina and lubricates and helps the sperm nds it way. Perfect.
Mia in Italian mean my. Mia in Greek is Μια meaning a or better ένα. Mia = Eva. Cera Mia is then Wax Eva. Eva (Eve) is χρυσίῳ who has χρ (Chi Rho) and the ῳ and this we nd in The Bible in Hebrews 9:4. I am not superstitious but 9+4 does make 13. Scary stuff this.
χρυσίῳ was translated as golden and the Sun is golden. And the white wax the woman produces is slightly golden. However another egg yolk is really golden like the egg of a hen or any bird. Bird is a broad or a hooker or a whore too.
So the golden wax is the tablet in The Ark of the Covenant and this wax is symbolically the inside of an egg and the Sun in the Morning (mother) when it rises. The Evening Sun contains Eve. Hence the Sun is Eve. And in the evening the Sun is golden too. It looks like an orange and but more importantly it has the color of the inside of an egg the yolk if you can get a good quality home made one from a nice farmer. The yolk is practically reddish yellow. The ones you buy in the Mall are pale yellow and really have no value.
Now read Hebrews 9:4:

“Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, in which was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant;”

It is perhaps more easy than that and later Rod/roth was related to kings. But the word Rod means a mix of spices and vinegar and salt in Asia (Thai). A brand name is called RUAMROD 209 meaning a mix of salt and vinegar.

ἰχθύος Cule

It is often and mostly fish sauce the basic and ancient ingredient is Asian cuisine. Fish salt is created from fermenting (rotting) fish and sea salt making a very potent and rich sauce that most westerners don’t like. It is usually clear but also unfiltered you have fish left and the sauce is not clear. It smells fishy as they say.

Another brand is called Shottsuru ( and has a
fish as their symbol. So who came first? Japan did. Shottsuru is related to the Atika region in Japan. Now we have two symbols and pictograms:
(juice) Juice field or reversed Tian juice. Nordic word; Ti
is ten (10, X).
Above is in Chinese. Japanese fish is:
209 bangkokmadam.net/bangkok_life/zadankai/vinegar1.html
Notice the little fish symbol on the fish sauce-bottle. skr-akita.or.jp/suguremono/english/shottsuru.html
Japan copied Je us’ fish or was it Hebrews who copied the Japanese fish. That seems like the only question left that The Bible never really talked about.
Another brand is called Maggi ® in Switzerland taken over by Julius Maggi.

ἰ χθύος (/ichthyos/ theos) is Greek for noun; roe. Say that quick, and it does sound like Sauce. Sss-auce. Embryos (έμβρυα) is eggs. “The Seven Year Itch” was a movie with Marilyn Monroe.

ἰχθύος actually means part of sh and not the sh itself. Part of a sh are the eggs or rather the so called roe. ἰχθύ seems to translate to Pisces (astrology). ος is os or might we say Oz.

Recall Yiddish ןא meaning “Mia Eva”. A quick check and θύος gives no meaning but θείος does meaning Latin avunculus meaning uncle. From uncle we can make the word cule meaning ball as a turtle’s egg is round [ex.: molecule].

ἰχθύος = Mia Eva Egg or simply: Egg.
Though hebrew, Yiddish and Greek we have found, that one word ἰχθύος in The bible is translated as Fish when the hidden real word which ts perfectly into the whole equation is:

ἰχθύος Egg

Words and language is like mathematics and this is a perfect match in one name alone which we all know: Marilyn Monroe. It is not Mon sh. We do have a King Fisher and also rolling eggs in The White House and since they are not rolling sh, one might suspect it has to do with eggs and not sh. Fish have eggs too. So does woman and a cule is round. Everything points in one direction: E.G.G.

100. Li Al(Si Osub 3sublettrine )lettrinesub 2sub - Li Al Sisub 4sublettrine Olettrinesub 10sub

What on Earth is this? How can this symbol be related? It is gems or rather crystals. What I would like you to notice is the naming of these two gems. They were found in Sweden around 1800 and are also (later) found elsewhere.

They are Spodumene spodumenos (σποδυμενος), meaning "burnt to ashes," and Petalite this name is derived from the Greek word petalon, which means leaf.
When something relatively new is found they name it. Those two words in “Latin” did not exists prior to 1800 so they invented those two new ones.

If you look up those to stones, rocks, gems, you’ll nd plenty of literature related to rockhealing. Crystals vibrate and so the idea is, that this vibration from way back in time is supposed to do you good. Eating a tomato does you good as does drinking cherry juice. Standing on your head (Yoga) does you good as long as you feel good. If you feel good, it must be good. It is like winning the lottery; you feel great all of a sudden.

My mother told me, that my grandfather went to see his doctor way back around the beginning of 1930. My grandfather said to the Doctor: “I feel a little tired”. My grandfather was a farmer and had been 20 years in New Zealand (farming) where he met my grandmother. She wanted to go back to Denmark and she was later killed by a car (in Denmark) after receiving a letter from Karen Blixen (Isak Dinesen) saying my Grandmother was welcome to visit Karen. Anyway; the doctor told my grandfather: “I think all you need is more money”. The doctor could not provide that and during the 30’s times were tuff.

Their GOD created the World and must have happened like this in the following order:

That is your Bible in the shortest possible translation ever. There is an interesting thing when we see the word MONEY. Can you spot it. Out of all the 26 letters it had to be these making two other words.

MY ONE and only… L.O.V.E.
...a song and title too. Take MON and you get Monarch and enter a KEY and we get MONKEY. Are Monarchs then not keys and monkeys?

Try litscape.com for combinations of words and this way you can make your own words and language. Just take ex.: HYEGAD and see what that can make of fun words. Some nonsense but you start out creating just 10 words and soon you have your own language. Someone would need to decode it. During World War II they sent message coded but that was all mostly fake just to test out how much they could code and decode. it did not help; the war lasted and killed anyway. That is your proof of codes not really helping much. They even tell us they knew the codes that were sent. That is a whole topic on its own.

Here is Money:
en eon me men my no omen on one oy ye yen yon

My dad grew relatively old. I never knew him nor my grandmother. I did see “Out Of Africa” in the 1985 but little did that do; Africa is totally Catholic from Alpha to Omega. The few spots left that are not occupied by the warriors known as United Nations, simply have no value. It does take a few hundred years to take it all by deceit. Deceit is cheap, guns are not. A combination works great and every time. That is why they have both and mix in lots of confusion and combustion (bombs). How was it they (US) said in the movie A Bright Shining Lie: “Kill them all”. They killed the indians and the land of USA is stolen and he who has the most repower or pyro clusters will win.

Imagine a war in which the enemies are on the same side. Just like World War II and the Vietnam War and many other wars. Some people will then believe, truly, that there is a true enemy and will ght for real against the impostors and fake self-created enemy hence the fakes will now have created a real enemy out of a lie making it all true! How confucius is that.

101. Honeysuckle

1. owering branch, 2. fruiting branch, 3. Longitudinal
section of a ower, 4. Fruit cut horizontally.

The word Honey is in Latin: mel (also mead). In Danish mel is ower (for making bread). However the English word Mel is a homograph because it means two things 1) Flower as plants and 2) Flower as powered grain, seed, corn.

Suckle is Greek: θηλάζουν which translates to nursing. So the honey is nursing. And ower (bread) is too.
Rose is also in Greek: ροδόχρους (Latin: rosacea). When I split up ροδόχρους in two words ροδό χρους I get English: Rhodes Chrous and Latin: Rhodum chrous. Chrous can make Chorus which is related to singing and a chorus line. However also a choir from Greek: χορωδία. Also containing χρ. Rose: Greek: ρόδο is phonetically: rhodo. Ρόδος is actually Rhodes. Wikipedia writes at http://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ρόδος:

“The origin of the name Rhodes prevailed on the island is mainly associated with the rose , sacred flower of the sun god.”

In the Ark was a rose symbolizing the ower of the female through honey and as the Rose for the sacred ower of the Sun God who is Amun Ra or Ra.

The female semen os uid is actually slightly yellow or golden and is almost like wax and a lubricant. The female also produced incenses that smell nice almost like vanilla but it does mush deeper. Sold on bottle if would be very expensive. Hence the substitute perfume as one example N °5 CHANEL.

We have seen this number 5 in many relations. Ethiopia is 5th parallel north to be exact 5°0′N 35°49′E. And they say the Ark of The Cabinet is located there in Saint Mary’s Church. The Ethiopian ag has a ve pointed star and then 5 other lines aligned in a type of 10 pointed star. Nature calls.

The so called devils sign where you see someone waving holing the two middle ngers down I believe is just a sexual sign or rather instrument when a man or woman stick two ngers up a woman vagina. It is to be

able to touch the so called G-spot. Recall G from earlier and I shall mention it again later. G is also in the logo of Freemasons. Can be for God but this G might originate in something very different which I shall demonstrate.
N°5 CHANEL. Why 5 and then the symbol for degree °. 5 degrees what?

Brat Pitt (2013) advertises for CHANEL.
And Coco? A few pages ahead…
Notice Coco is pointing her nger at the hat.

Notice Coco doing the same nger as in the painting on next page only many years earlier. What is it with this nger and GOD?

Recall how some artist paint a man pointing his nger upwards in a 5° style. One such painting is Leonardo Da Vinci painting St. John Baptist. Jesus is also depicted pointing his right hand and nger upwards..

In Leonardo Da Vinci’s painting hanging in The Vatican we have the painting The Schools Of Athens.

Find a large image version online of “ The Schools Of Athens” and you will notice they are waling under an arch, ark. Below you see a woman as a pillar. On her sides are “devils” and a ram with horns.

On the large for-frontal arch there is a pattern. It is the swastika with a ower in the top middle.

In the arks in across the painting you see what looks exactly like beehives. Hexagons. Allegorically the painting or the room depicted is a beehive.

There is a young woman in the painting dressed in white and she looks direct at you. She has reddish hair. She is walking up the stairs and turning her head right looking at the spectator. Follow her dress’ curves. Is she pregnant?

Also there are three panel below in dark brown depicting slaves and gladiators.
There is much more to say about this painting but this is enough to get you started. Γιαχβέ is Yahveh and has βέ (bee).
The painting is allegorical a honeycomb and the scholars write how to have sex and trick meanwhile the young ones don’t care too much but just want the real thing.

I think it is Plato on the left pointing his nger upwards. To heaven, right? Wrong. To
the bee hive.

Left man has one nger pointing up and the man on the right is showing us 5 ngers. 5 and 6. 5 and 1.

Make than an “even” 51 or VI as in VIKINGS or V for woman and I for a cock.

Comb is Greek: χτένα. Space after X: χ τένα is x Tena http://www.tena.us which is also a brand name selling diapers for man/woman who have bladder problems. And in χτένα we have ένα

A young woman is showing her drawing on a blackboard (blackadder). Is she calculating architecture? There are 10 small sticks drawn and under an X. The drawing of the “ark” could be a dick pointing up and the vagina of a female. Two in one so to speak. The blackboard is at an angle at 24°. The young woman shows it and a man on the left looks angry. “No time to play!” 24 divided by 2 = 12 divided by 2 = 6 (VI, 6, six, sex (nordic).

The woman in white could be the drone queen or Mary or just a woman or a been in her beehive. She waits for dicks and she has eggs and makes babies Fr. the next generation of senators and professors.

The scholars are sitting around writing in their books making up things and the girl showing the blackboard is tying to demonstrate a drawing of what they are actually doing. She is then condemned by the man left to her with a white turban.

Is she just trying to understand and she then draws what they talk about. They are Talking about the intestines and the Pancreas and the Bile duct and Gallbladder and she draw it as they speak about it. But the drawing could be “architecture” and the human body is architecture in a way. It looks like tubing and pipes.

I can’t read what it says on the blackboard but I guess it is something Greek. A code too but that will be for another time.
The girl is showing a rod and a hole and they t together like a one into the pocket or a knife into the knife holder.
Reddish, radish, yiddish.. words become fun when they can be used in games.

Beehive and Swastika right there in the arch of the woman all symbolic of a drone queen and her “slave” workers. Today and then normal people are slaves or workers.
Greek ρήμα (rhema) means Latin verbum (word). Let us translate that to Hebrew instead לעופ and it means work, laborer, hand. In Yiddish לעופ means fuel!

In the full photo
http://nor eet1941.tripod.com/Raphael_School_of_Athens_02.jpg
you will notice top left the Fleur de lis as well as an oak three with leaves.

Fleur-de-lis and oak three with leaves so nature calls.

in fact the whole Leonardo da Vinci painting and The Vatican is one huge depiction of nature. Natural humans are however not invited unless they want to be member of the Dynasty.

More our to the bread. Bring in nature of all things and put on the hat. It hides the numbing of the brain.

I am sure this fella is not named BRIAN.

102. Coco Chanel Fume

Gabrielle "Coco" Bonheur {good hour} Chanel (August 19, 1883
– January 10, 1971). Here nickname Coco.
This is probably the shortest and most fun chapter of this book.
So lets go. Coco for Coconut? Sure. But they love there names ῳrelated to The Roman Empire and as with Mr. Bean we nd Greek:

κόκκος meaning grain. That could not match her name better.
KOKK looks and sounds like Cock. And her last name does rhyme with anal. So in Coco Chanel we simply get: Cock Anal. Which matches the Biblical Greek letter perfectly:

N°5 CHANEL is rather easy now we are getting the hang of it. Enter the Pentagon which makes a ve pointed star. We nd Pentagon’s in nature so why not. Perhaps more? Jewish Gematria 5 is “E” same as in “E Pluribus Unum”.

We also nd a Hebrew word for vapor and the word is: דא which has Jewish Gematria 5. The same word as noun means fume. This links the brand name to Jews or at least Hebrew.
N°5 CHANEL is advertised as per Marilyn Monroe when asked:
“What do I wear in bed? Why, Chanel No. 5, of course”

Bratt Pitt is advertising this brand 2013 no wonder! Why? Because The Bible and this links everything in The Bible to SEX, SEX and SEX. 3 x 6 is 18 which is the legal age in most countries. I will leave you with the Gabrielle part. Let’s not perfume contains lots of spirit!

Yom Kippur; the day on which the high priest asks God for forgiveness? Painting by Maurycy Gottlieb

Artists make amusement for the Muses and here the priests and attendees are kind of saying: "Oh dear Lord... not again. Here we go again. All deceit and more sex. When will they ever learn?"

103. Eliezer Ben‑Yehudi

Eliezer Ben -Yehuda was a driving spirit behind the revival of the Hebrew language in modern times.

Hebrew had been “dead” for many years but at the end of the 19th century and into the 20th century it got new life and was again used as a written and spoken language.

It happened as Jews came back to Palestine. Prior it was a scholarly language and used primarily as a sacred language. No wonder.

Hebrew and Yiddish are key languages to reading The Bible and understanding what is actually written.

There ar di fferent types of Hebrew and the original Hebrew dates back from 10th century BC and lasted only about 50-100 years. This is a whole topic by itself which this book will not go into.

My point is, that the language was “forgotten” and used primarily by priests just as Latin was spoken in churches around Europe so nobody would understand. Eventually The Bible has been translated to all known languages but done so wrong. So to understand the true nonsense one has to get as close to the original language and meaning. Even so, what is perikekalymmenin and Pantothenic doing in a place about an ark and a covenant. They are codes.

Eliezer Ben-Yehudi 7 January 1858 – 16 December 1922

104. The Ark of the Covenant

I am going to tell you a secret. Once this coater dawn un you, and you may need to read it a few times, you will know it is all shit - The Bible that is. This is The Holy Grail uncovered and found only through words.

The Ark Of The Covenant is just words and never really existed. That is my hypothesis so far. I have moved around and touch on Blockader and I did not know exactly where that might come from. I nd things and they are puzzles in themselves or just jigs that I need for later.

This chapter empirical proves only through words that the Bible is all a lie. At rst you think like normal nding things and you look in the most obscure places. But now I have learned to look right where nobody expects to nd anything. I found Chrysis late 2012 related to “gold” and a story called Ancient Manners about queens, kings and whores as young as 10-11 years of age with Dionysos as a main character and Cleopatra also.

First I did not expect this and when I found it I rst had to triple check and check again. This could simply not be so. But it was and my rst hypothesis about it all being dog shit actually has value now.

I shall take you to The Ark of the Covenant (Hebrew: תירְִּבַה ןוֹרָא‎). I also need o tell you that we are moving around with 4 languages here: English, Greek, Hebrew and Yiddish.
For my investigation I used online translations and veri ed my nds my searching each word in various encyclopedias as well as doing simple Web searches to see if a word would show me what I expected. Such as a Google search for טעניבַאק (cabinet) and hen under pictures see if anything cabinet came up. Then check it in the dictionary and also nd the word in other location where I would expect it like on an online retailer.

In Yiddish that is: תירְִּבַה ןוֹרָא‎ = Arun States
However the rst part תירְִּבַה translated to Yiddish is USA United States, USA ב"הרא ,תירבה תוצרא

Hebrew תירבה תוצרא is United States
Keep the tables as reference as you read on. You can probably see some patters already.
Such as תירבה ןורא is Ark Of The Covenant in Hebrew but in Yiddish it is Ark USA.
תירבה ןורא
תירבה ןורא
Ark of the Covenant Ark USA
Ark of the Covenant יד ןופ קרַא טנַאנעווָאק
U.S. Ark of the Covenant
Word Translates
תירבה ןורא Ark of the Covenant
תירבה ןורא Ark USA
Ark Of The Covenant
Hebrew תירבה ןורא
Yiddish טנַאנעווָאק יד ןופ קרַא
תירבה ןורא
Yiddish טנַאנעווָאק יד ןופ קרַא
תירבה ןורא
Yiddish טנַאנעווָאק יד ןופ קרַא
Hebrew ב"הרא ןורא
תירבה ןורא
From To
Hebrew English Ark of the Covenant
Yiddish English Ark USA
From To
Hebrew English Cabinet
Yiddish English Ark
From To
Hebrew English States
Yiddish English USA
ב"הרא ןורא
From To
Hebrew English U.S. Ark
Yiddish English Ark arh"b
United States Of America
From To
English Hebrew תירבה תוצרא
English Hebrew תירבה תוצרא
English Yiddish עקירעמַא ןופ ןטַאטש עטקיניירַאפ
Greek word Πολιτείες
Πολιτείες States
Πολιτεία state, polity, commonwealth
English תירבה תוצרא
English עקירעמַא ןופ ןטַאטש עטקיניירַאפ

Yiddish ןטַאטש states is Greek: Τα κράτη (takrati)
America: Y: עקירעמַא = H: הקירמא
H: עקירעמַא = Y: ַאקירַאמַא = E: Americas (H: Amarika)
A is ַא which is the pasekh alef /a/.
So in Yiddish ַאקירַאמַא meaning Americas we have three ַא. The letter is derived from

the hieroglyphs the symbol of an ox:
and they are both for the number value 1 (one). It
is the same as the Aramaic
which is an X and the Aleph looks like an X. We know the Xrated symbol for movies which is XXX. The Zodiac sign for the bull is♉ also we a value go one. Venus’ sign is and Mars’ is . The Ankn ring☥ looks very much like todays modern
symbol for female . They are the same. I am only guessing but I think the☥ was a sexual

toy instrument hidden as some sacred vertebra symbol for power. But this is only a wild shot. My guess is, it was used by the Pharaoh and slave holders to test and practice of sex slave.

Here is the ַא, X. Cut XXX in half and we get OOO or ⟐⟐⟐. TIC-TAC-TOE. But more important we get three rhomb shapes which overlaid and you tune the middle 120° and the top one 180° and you see it from the top in parallel 210 camera mode you get the Star Of David. Recall how the Aleph ַא is for the number one. So we get XXX OOO III. This could be arranged in many ways. Like III = 3. Or XXX=30+III=33. If each X is a Roman Numeral for 10 (ten) and we deduct I (Aleph) we get 9. So we get 999. Now all you need to do is turn this book around.

Religion or rather this religion called Christianity is nothing more than numbers and letters and language. When you pray to GOD your are praying to a set of letters. I shall come to this shortly.

I could have shown many more graphs and 3D renderings and told much more but this book is already growing rather large and so I shall try and stay on target and only drop in those image that are the ones I think will show you what it is all about.

Once you get the hang of this it start to come together like air connects with water and water connects with the Earth and the Earth connects with the Solar System and The Solar System with The Milky way and so on. It is not because a real deity created it. It is created by men who are so evil no word has been invented for it. Surely these men and woman are here to as homo sapiens and work in governments, police and the whole charade and as we are told they are put her bey God so they have any right to do what they want, right? Wrong. What they have created is a manmade slave system sold as candy using pussy galore and money to buy their friends. Once on the wagon of this wagon it is a hay ride to heaven. I shall mention galore or rather “gal” as I did before soon. Then it will drop on you like a hammer from hell.

Take a few languages, mix it all up and join some words and make cross words and they invent and hide meanings and make new languages. On top of that the use Chrysis (gold, see soon) and real crises to create fear and it is no wonder anymore that crisis rimes with crosses and roses. First time you notice these patters you really think a new counties or a new age is coming around the corner. You are amazed at the intriguing patters and amazed at how everything ts. Nature is doing just ne but they helps the rest of the way and designed it all. Catholicism is everywhere and their expensive churches build by workers for pennies from heaven. They have designed cities today and living that sucks like ghettos from hell. Concrete blocks and highways like ants moving around slaving for the drone. Even The Tower of Pisa is (I suspect) made by design to sway to look like a dick. I could go on but wont because you know what I mean. Second to this they have their army Mary and police to protect them and not you, but to hit you if you don’t comply.

210 As seen from far away so far it really does not exists in real. Only computers can produce absolute parallel view.
I realize translation may be awed but out of all the words that could have been there… (it had to be bang bang)

H Ark of the Covenant Y Ark of the Covenant Y USA
H United States
H States
H Arun States
Y Arun States
Y Arun
H Arun
H ןורַא
Y טעניבַאק
Y קרַא
Y ק
H Ron (ןורַא)


תירבה ןורא
טנַאנעווָאק יד ןופ קרַא
תירבה תוצרא
תירבה ןורא
תירבה ןורא
ןטַאטש ןורַא

H=Hebrew, Y=Yiddish
Arun is common male name in Hindus. It is one of the names of Sun in Hinduism. It also refers to the reddish glow in the morning sky, before sunrise.
Yiddish alphabet and pronunciation

The letter ק is a Qoph (K) In Hebrew Gematria, it has the numerical value of 100. Qof is used in an Israeli phrase: after a child will say something false, one might say "B'Shin Qoph, Resh" (With Shin, Qoph, Resh). These letters spell Sheqer, which is the Hebrew word for a lie. It would be akin to an English speaker saying "That's an L-I-E."
ɣ is called voiced velar fricative: In Iranian Persian, the letter is pronounced [ɣ]~[ɢ]. ɣ is a variant of the Greek letter gamma, γ. Letters that arose from Gamma γ include the Roman C and G.
Hence G = γ = ק = K part of קרַא (Ark)
G γק = GYT or GUT = G O D

This is proof GOD exists.
GO L D is GOD added with an L.
The “L” comes from Lucifer which is Yiddish is רעפיסול and
sss ל is called Lamed and gave rise to the Greek Lambda (Λ), Latin L, and Cyrillic Л (El).
Guild is a society who control their craft and trade in a particular town. In Danish they say “Gylden” for something which is golden.
χρυσοῦν is Chrysis The author empirically proves The whole Bible is a Lie
Yiddish סיס י שט is Ch y CIS

Yiddish is spoken by the Ashkenazi Jews and they made a pack or a covenant with the Romans about taking the country in North America and named it USA because תירבה ןורא meaning Ark of the Covenant and the rst part of that תירבה alone translates to USA. The cabinet are said to have contained Aron’s rod but is really only a word Arun meaning cabinet. The rod is the phallus or the symbol of power.

The power is in the fact, that those who knew this, would have power because the pact was made so today USA and Israel are like mates and tied to the covenant to rule the world. Gγק is just a letters and a word and as we know the word came rst. Gγק exists as a word and was with God.

In fact we get G γקK (K part of קרַא (Ark)) so it became K God or King God and Heorod (Nordic Rot) and Roth and their Children (Roth’s Child) became the government of the World with this interlocked as what is know as The Ark Of The Covenant.

Today they say The Ark is located in Church of Saint Mary of Zion in Ethiopia and only men are allowed but one woman is there already and she is said to be Mary symbolized by the Ark. We learned that the ark is the cup or the Pelvis of the female. This pelvis could have been gilded.

Herodotus (rod again) uses Ethiopia ( Αἰθίοψ) which is used two times in the Iliad (Song of Ilion ) and three times in the Odyssey; meaning extended travel both physical but also spiritually and mentally.

Ethiopia is cognate to Uthopia or plainly Utopia.

Hebrew Utopia is היפוטוא Hebrew Ethiopia is היפויתא Yiddish Ethiopia is עיפאיטע Yiddish Utopia is היפוטוא

Hence The Ark of the Covenant and Mary is Utopia; an imaginary place or a place of ideals. Greek: ουτοπία; utopia is an ideology and something unrealistic. Or simply non existing.

Greek: Ορία is con nes, limits of.. Greek: ιστΟρία is story or history. ιστoρία is historical. ιστο is history.
ιστο + oρία = historical limits.

Language Hebrew

Hebrew Yiddish Yiddish

English word Spelling Ethiopia היפויתא
Utopia היפוטוא
Ethiopia עיפאיטע
Utopia ַאיּפוָאטוי

Word From To Translates to Ethiopia English Hebrew היפויתא
Ethiopia English Hebrew שוכ
Ethiopia English Yiddish עיפאיטע
Utopia English Yiddish ַאיּפוָאטוי
Utopia English Hebrew היפוטוא Opia Latin English starvation
Pia Latin English Pious
Pious English Latin Pius
Pius Latin English Holy, Saintly, Sacred...
Ethic English Latin Ethica
Aethiops Latin English Ethiopian
Aethi Latin English Ether, air Aethiops Latin English Stupid
Aethi opia Latin English air starvation
Ut opia Latin English As starvation
Uto pia Latin English Uto pious
Topia Latin English Landscape

This screen shot taken March 25th 2013 from:
Notice the articles headline/name: תירבה תוצרא

105.The Holy Grail

Or rather parts thereof. I have been on an odyssey since end of 2011 lasting all of 2012 and now in 2013 I found it through words. Grail or cup is the pelvis or the bone of the female known as the structure upholding her ass which is nice. Out of it comes a virgin, a child. The child is a virgin hence a virgin birth is absolutely possible and in fact all are born a virgin.

And we nally found Gγק through translation from “The Ark of the Covenant” to Hebrew and then to Yiddish nding three letters namely U & S & A. These letters come out and so they invented United State of America as the promised land and Israel via King David knew this truth and so with the fake lie of a Bible which is true in any word related to words and translations, whores and pimps and ar, they set out to spread this word and the whole story to deceive people using metaphors and stories of being good and nice and fables telling a story which people would by into and BELIEVE. They would never KNOW until now that the whole this is a concocted lie to fool all nations and in doing so they encountered numerous wars but some bought the idea being handed gold and if not they would endure a crisis or fear or terror as per Romans 12:3. What do you want: Good or Evil? Many took the bait and would be told the story and it was to be kept a secret for a very long time.

We also found “Mon” from בהז (Gold) and separated בהז we get M on. The Cabinet was from ןורַא Arun to Hebrew Cabinet.
This is the so called Holy Grail the The Ark of the Covenant however it is Utopia because

it only exists in words, letters and translation. It was however a way to bring the law in action and as they say today “Rule by law” and by entering the law into this imaginary cabinet people would buy into the law which is fake because it was broken and written by man as per Romans 12.

Since The Bible is a true lie who is to blame? Or we might say it is a lie that is true. Every government today has The Bible and Christianity as their backbone and with it they rule by law and they created many more laws because they can do what they like as long as they also have Mary or the Army. However it is not illegal in the sense of the legal term as per a fake court. Because the courts are based on the Bible too. So what shall we call it then when we can’t call it neither el+gal or ill+el+gal.

In fact in the wording above in Yiddish and Hebrew the word “Gal” comes out changing a letter. Le is Arabic for Gγק (God) hence what is legal is their secret and whatever law was inside that cabinet. Moses broke the laws and it is said only parts of the law was intact. Since the cabinet and what is inside is Utopia it can’t be found but only made up in fantasy hence they make new Acts and new law as they go along.

The rod placed inside was symbolic for power and for fucking a whole world. In fact I suspect the whole thing about this cabinet is concocted from start to end. In only existed on paper as word for people to believe in an amazing story which then became history and is today seen as true also created as Hollywood effect full movies to emphasize the lie.

The Roman Empire did not have a religion which would suite all and most. They knew about other religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. So they invented a Chrysis from Greek χρυσοῦν matching Khristna all related to GOLD. χρυσός (CRYSOS) is Gold and has χρ which is the Chi Rho.

Χριστός is Christ and also has Χρ but Christ does not have the word and letter GOLD. Chrysis has via χρυσός the word GOLD taking out the L making it GOD.

Recall ק is a Qoph (K) and ק is part of the word for Ark. With that we found a lie and also G γ ק. So the Ark is the vessel or a woman carrying the next King and with it followed Gold or a Chrysis. If anyone should ever nd out about the hoax Christianity would never see the day of light. So it was kept as secret as possible probably not even written down but handed out from generation to generation but i fact it was written down as above because it was hidden in Hebrew, Yiddish and crosswords and cross translations. This way it was written but only people with a key to unlock it would know and also have access to translations tools.

The Chi Rho we nd in Windows XP and Windows Vista is a synonym for vistar and the window is a cross or plus sign + (window shaped) and Vista is a view but also VI STAR which is 6 STARS hence six kings because King have stars in their crown of jewels. VI is roman numeral for 6. VI + KINGS. 2+3=5 but 2x3=6. And with an X and a plus sign + overlaid on top of each other we get a well known ag The Union Jack and recall how Jack was GOD in Jack Daniel’s. The symbol on the right is also seen on Saint Peter’s Square. It symbolizes wealth, Gold and the Vatican and government collect gold as collateral as wealth. GOLD = GOD. And recall how we found M on which is true means single. But Mon בהז = Gold.

So the X is two pyramids on on top of the other and we are told they symbolize male and female. Maybe. But we get the X from χρυσός (Chrysis, Gold).

Cross is Greek is: σταυρός (stavros). Or simply σταυ = cross (stav, which in Danish means rod).
ρός is Greek for Ros or Ross. ρός translated to Yiddish is ססָאר which is R o s s. Recall Yiddish is written right to left. So ס is S. So ססָאר is ROSS homophone to ROTH. And we get SS.

Chi Rho. From χρυσός (gold) where we have χρ.
Overlay an X and a + (plus) we get this symbols.
That is all it is. A X and a +. 2+2=4. 2x2=4. So? Nothing.

The ָא is actually an O. And is we overlay this with the X and + we get the symbol seen on the right. Take out the X or the + and you have the Sun Wheel or the Symbol of the Sun of which is Swastika is the oldest.

I think the game seen on the right is known all over the World called TIC-TAC-TOE in English. You are either X or O and you have three each and if you can lay them in line you win. If you know the rules you can win or loose as you like.

Here are some symbols for various items: ☉symbol for the sun.☼ Also symbol for the sun. Here one Earth symbols♁ the Orb known as Globus cruci er which royals hold in their hand symbolizing they have the whole world in their hand. Turn that around 180° and we get the female symbol and they also have a scepter. But this♁ and are basically the same only turned around. Timan or Nu or were female and the rst God was female one must expect because no egg no nothing. This is where magic enters because we don’t know how the primordial rst living thing came around and we can only speculate. A bacteria or a cell somehow burst into life though chemical reaction. All speculations so they invented the whole saga of creation with Adam and Eve and history could start with all the Magi’s and clown and some had more guns than other and won even if they were worse than those who lost. Kings soon learned that winning was not about being good but about bing cunning and having money and wealth to buy the latest technology so they could blast the opponent to dust.
♁ sun and/or Earth symbol and also north, south,

east and west. ⚛ is the symbol for the atom. On the
right enlarged. Notice the hexagon in the center and
the Star Of David. So it is a star with a nucleus but is
cognate to☉in that is has a black dot as the nucleus
and the ring around is the outer “ring” of the Sun.
Notice also the 3 Prolate spheroid which I write about
elsewhere. So who create these symbols anyway?
Those who known their symbols so it all points in one
direction namely Ashkenazi and deceit and one world
symbolism eventually and the today we basically only ⚛have one symbolic choice ATM and a plastic card.

So the atom is part of the bombs created by Jews to blast away innocent in Japan and the Atom is the outer shell of the Higgs bosom which is suppose to be a God particle. So Jews even made sure that the Atom is related to Zionism and Ashkenazi Jews.

Scientist Babu Gogineni writes:

A wheel or a cross or a sign whatever you like. Made from: o, x, +

Here a game to play laying your X or + and the O and you can win or loose. It is a very simple game but very symbolic indeed.

”The observable universe is made of 18 fundamental particles: 6 kinds of quarks, 6 kinds of leptons and 6 kinds of force carriers”. 211
666 again. They just make it all t with what the Bible tells them.
This number is mentioned only directly in Revelation 13:18:
This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
In Greek:
Ὧδε ἡ σοφία ἐστίν, ὁ ἔχων νοῦν ψηφισάτω τὸν ἀριθµὸν τοῦ θηρίου, ἀριθµὸς γὰρ ἀνθρώπου ἐστιν, καὶ ὁ ἀριθµὸς αὐτοῦ ἑξακόσιοι ἑξήκοντα ἑξ.
Here is the word for hexagon in Greek: εξάγωνο

When I translate “six hundred sixty six” I get Greek:
εξακόσια εξήντα έξι. This may be modern Greek and the Revelation is using ancient Greek. Some parts are the same. Let us take out the parts that are different and translate them.

κόσιοι ~ Kosi κοντα ~ near ἑξ ~ on
ἑξα ~ hexa
ήκοντα ~ ikonta

We are in Relation given the number and it belongs to a man and he who has wisdom can nd and know this man. The word Baron has Aron which is Greek: Ἀαρὼν. The man in Greek in above Relation is: ἀνθρώπου. and not as translated as “man” 212 We have the Ἀἀρώ which is near but only Aero. We need an n. In the word κοντα for near we nd the only ν. This ν is equivalent to n. So now we can make the name of the man they ask for: Ἀἀρών which translates to Aeron. Aeron is the beast. And we nd Aeron in Hebrew 9:4 related to The Ark Of The Covenant. So his name is Aeron. But he is dead by now but if allegorically it could be a man named Aeron later. Do we know any Aeron today.

Aeron in Yiddish is ןָארעַא and when we translate that from Yiddish to English we get Iran. To Hebrew it becomes Aeran. Yiddish to Hebrew: ןריא is also Iran. If we translate ןָארעַא from Hebrew to Yiddish we get: ןַארַאַא containing three ַא which is actually 3 A’s.

The number 666 or the ἑξακόσιοι ἑξήκοντα ἑξ is not so important as to who and were we see the 666 used. The 666 or the ἑξακόσιοι ἑξήκοντα ἑξ is a riddle, a puzzle. And in those
211 http://postnoon.com/2012/07/10/its-the-atheist-particle-actually/58312
212 The man could be allegorically a beast. The Greek word however translates to man.
words we can nd the name of the man or the beast namely Aeron who was in the Ark Of The Cabinet (Holy Ark, lHy Grail) holding the covenant.

We have the Biblical Aeron whos brother was Moses who broke God’s law. Aeron’s wife was Elisheva. Aeron also made the Golden Calf, an idol and cult image. Aeron are related to Moloch, an Ammonite god. As a god worshipped by the Phoenicians and Canaanites, Moloch had associations with a particular kind of propitiatory child sacri ce by parents.

Aron’s rod is said to have had magic powers. This rod was laid inside the Ark Of The Covenant.
Now let us move on. Let us translate to Greek text directly and we get:

“The attic is herein Estin, the owner Nunez psifisato the number of the beast, for he man Estin number, and that number is six hundred sixty six.”

Nunez is also a Spanish surname. psi sato can make paci sta which is a paci st, antiwar, peace.
So we get it could be Aron but also a paci st and anti-war hero. There is time mentioned where there will be peace on Earth. Revelations 20:2 reads:

He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.

So the idea is, that a paci st shall come and burry the dragon which allegorically is all evil governments todays with all their dragon shields. This paci st is then Aeron? Ron Paul? He looks the part but then if he too is a tool of the evil then what is is all really about? Control. Even control midst what people will now think is a great peacetime and no wars and we will be soft as jelly and do and follow this new God as our savior until hell breaks loose again. Ron Paul’s full name is Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul. That name ernest reminds me of Ernest Hemingway.

We also get Nunez and we have an Egyptian God Nun but also Nu or Nun the primordial watery deity of the abyss in Egyptian mythology. Todays Nuns have their title from the goddess Nun. How nice. Full of water and dress in black and they all have a bile duct for sure.

So some fella with a symbol of 666 will pop up as a paci st. Who can make this happen? Only the current upper echelon and terror organization through some fake clandestine trick introducing the next revelation and so the story goes on and on and on, and all will believe even more because The Bible speaks the “truth”. No it does not. It is a recipe and they follow it to the point so whatever happens happens by design. Those who have the means to start wars can also stop wars so they are in full control to “magically” whip up this new paci st.

Hebrew for Yahveh is הוהי. First letter from right is Yod (tenth, nothing). Hebrew והי is gorge (water). My logo is as good as The Holy See, right?

In the logo of The Holy See there are a red gems and a green gems. Same as in Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper in the tapestry (see part on the back of this book lower left corner). The red gem is a ruby213 and the green one is an emerald. To my knowledge, there is only one Emerald Buddha and it is in Asia. It is the symbol of faith and hope. Also in Christianity naturally copied from Asia. In Chinese it is meaning Green Treasure (also Hung) Stone (Rock) (Emerald).

means Treasure is phonetically Pow (Po) example name here: Wang Kam-po.
Emerald crystals “grow” in a hexagonal pattern. Emerald is also named Jade. And Jade Buddha is . Jade meaning beautiful and pure.
The Emerald Buddha is at Wat Pho in Bangkok (Krungthep). River Po and the pho temple have one thing in common - the sound of the word Pho/Po. 213 Rub the Y as in Rub the pussy. Emerald for all the luck does rime with Herald!

We are actually at the Yangtze River in Asia which is the largest river in Asia. It is also known as the Golden River because sometimes it turn ruby red. We recall Ying Yang and here is your Yang. locally it is called Jingjiang so the river is both.
The river starts from Tibet and the nearby mountains from Qinghai. Q is the same as K hence here is the source of our King. The water is a gorge (hence we have King George) and it has various pathways and one stop, a lake, called Qinghai Lake also known as Kokonor or Kokonur and is actually Green Sea (also ocean).

So now we have two colors: red and green. We have a river and in Manchu the name is Huhu Nor.

The Manchurian Candidate is a 1962214 American Cold War suspense thriller lm directed by John Frankenheimer from a screenplay by George Axelrod based on Richard Condon's 1959 novel. It stars Frank Sinatra, Laurence Harvey and Janet Leigh and features Angela Lansbury, Henry Silva, and James Gregory. Later in 2004 it was redone, now with the Iraq war as a backdrop this time with an actor called Robyn Hitchcock and a producer named Tina Sinatra. The idea is, that people are living in a matrix - even the politicians. Nobody is any smarter and everything gets covered up all based on lies.

I copied the plot from the book The Manchurian Candidate from Wikipedia:

Major Bennett Marco, Sergeant Raymond Shaw, and the rest of their infantry platoon are kidnapped during the Korean War in 1952. They are taken to Manchuria, and are brainwashed to believe that Shaw saved their lives in combat — for which Congress awards him the Medal of Honor.

Years after the war, Marco, now back in the United States working as an intelligence officer, begins suffering the recurring nightmare of Shaw murdering two of his comrades, all while clinically observed by Chinese and Soviet intelligence officials. When Marco learns that another soldier from the platoon also has been suffering the same nightmare, he sets to uncovering the mystery and its meaning.

It is revealed that the Communists have been using Shaw as a sleeper agent, a guiltless assassin subconsciously activated by seeing the “Queen of Diamonds” playing card while playing solitaire. Provoked by the appearance of the card, he obeys orders which he then forgets. Shaw’s KGB handler is his domineering mother Eleanor, a ruthless power broker working with the Communists to execute a "palace coup d’état" to quietly overthrow the U.S. government, with her husband, McCarthy-esque Senator Johnny Iselin, as a puppet dictator.

Marco discovers the trigger of the " Queen of Diamonds" 215and meets with Shaw at the Central Park Zoo shortly before the Republican National Convention. He uses the card to interrogate Shaw as to his nal plan; Shaw is to shoot the presidential candidate during the convention in order to win overwhelming support for Senator Iselin, the vice-presidential candidate, and the dictatorial powers he'll request

214 Later in 2003 also with Denzel Washington and Meryl Streep
215 a signal, word, sound or symbol that starts the sleeper agent

following the assassination. Marco reprograms Shaw, although the reader is unsure until the nal pages if it worked. At the convention, Shaw instead shoots his mother and Senator Iselin. Marco is the rst of the authorities to reach Shaw's sniper nest and it is heavily implied that Marco kills him.

All ction naturally. But wait, we are in Korea and recall the Vietnam war. We are near China again. What can we “read” out of all of this? Power. Water is a resource too and without it huge areas would be dry. South China and Himalayas is also a region with rich minerals, gold and then the origin of Christianity: Asia. I think USA got a few lessons in the art of war and deceit and brainwashing, when they got as far as Vietnam. You simply can’t fool a dragon warrior whom the west have tried to copy. Learning from the master is not easy when you use the skills only to kill, kill and kill. Since Freemason are at the top of the power structure, and they came from Europe, and they were of the Carolingian bloodline (Hesse-Kassel), we can deducts, that these Salian Franks are in fact the root of evil namely through secret societies as J. F. Kennedy mentioned in a speech wanting to eliminate them. Motive, motive, motive; power, mower, power.

We have the colors, the symbols, the natural beauty, but also evil using such things as brainwashing. Just think how many sleeping beauties there are out there. Look to your left and right and just wonder. Are you one too and you don’t know it? Were some brainwashed in kindergarten or in school and some simply can’t be brainwashed. They usually end up as lowlife or if they are lucky as writers.

No, there just is no end of the road. There is no aha, it. There is no start and no end. If you look for the Holy Grail you need to look for lies and deceit. That is where the Holy Grail is.

That is how I started thinking when I started this journey. There had to be a root and a fountain and a gem that ignited Christianity. There you have it - a gem as a rock as a sleeping beauty as the Emerald Buddha or Reclining Buddha. All over in Asia. Nothing - absolutely nothing Christian divine came from Europe. only wars and lies and corruption upon brainwashing and that hole just seems to really have no end hence no beginning. You are the gem. Why look inside others when the truth is carried with you all the time. But how can you know this if you have been lied to all your life. You need to decode a hole so huge I only wonder if we can ll it.

106. GyD

Or G γק. It really was and is a Truth In A World Of Lies. Part and most of the Bible does not lie once you can decode it. It is mashed together with a second story about a man being born as virgin like we all are but words can fool They sold this book as a divine book when in fact it is nothing more than a recipe to trick people with all their ne make up and churches and galore about ghosts and re in the sky.

They really do have re in the shy in Asia each year. They light a re inside a light paper ballon and after the air gets hot it rises. People will then wish for something. Some still believe they are ghosts.

At a place on the banks of the Mekong River (notice the word “kong” in the word Mekong) they have what is called the Naga reball festival.

In Nordic countries they still light a bon re at solstice and build a witch with dress and everything and set her on re symbolically. This is today still going on 2013 and will do so for many years to come unless the education system is changed and the government learns what is right and wrong. For the past 2000 years they have played warrior fools inventing all kinds of symbols to confuse so one would just accept and

After launching the reballs (image below) they party and shoot more reworks. The legend says it is a sh of the abyss not yet seen. People come every year to get a glimpse of it. And then drink and eat too

enjoys the re while it lasted. Christmas is a joke too because here they give presents as bait for the young children to take the bait. At con money-gift again a bait. You live like a little because you had no idea is really was a true lie.

Everything from The Vatican and the Catholic church is such a huge scam one has to laugh when one knows what I have told you though words and language. That is how they did it and still do this day today. They will invent new tricks and clandestine wars where nobody knows what is up and what is down because they use Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavell and his writing and many others from Plato to Sigmund Freud216 on how to break people down or at least keep them in total darkness of their game of deceit.

I have more words to unlock but I have some ready already by now which further enhanced the conclusive direct evidence that all governments are - lacking the word - frauds. I can’t use illegal anymore because it means something different than we though.

Governments and all their derivative su ffer from Poenology but also far deep Vanity and they sold their brief encounter with what we know as good to the system of rot based on a rmation of your belief you get presents and sh in your pond taking the bait every time

216 His name is synonym for: Nordic “sig” is say and “mund” is mouth and Freud(e) is Joy. Say With Mouth Joy. And they had a great joy out of his writing making basically every human ill only using words and tricks and drugs and electric chocks and much more.

huge network of secrets and bank who operate just as they like because GOLD is GOD so they are the real untouchables. The military complex just make guns for governments to buy and why buy them if they don’t use them and new guns must be sold to keep the wheels going. From the production of guns and all that follows is a huge Mary employed and they all work as miners making all the raw materials and eventually it goes to market. A war must be made and it is easy to nd someone who is not in compliance with Romans 12:3 so they can always nd a way to enforce Gγק’s will which is their will.

GUT became TUG Boat probably because is tugged the mother ship, the larger vessel so an appropriate word had to be give to the little tugger.
And so English is all a very ne language but a foolish language because word-values are lost by mixing various languages and making a new. Only those who made up the words would know the true meaning.

Ἐνἀρχῇ ἦνὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγοςἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸςἦνὁ λόγος.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the word.
That too is part lie. λόγος is translated as Word. But also means reason. λέξη (Lexi) is

Greek for word. λόγος IPA:/lóɣos/ can mean word but also reason, cause, speech. Anyway, it makes perfect sense. Because Gγק was the word. Gγק was a word and
nothing more. Gγק was then mixed into Greek, Hebrew and Yiddish as a symbolic value.

οὗτος ἦν ἐν ἀρχῇ πρὸς τὸν θεόν.
He was in the beginning with God.
οὗτος (houtos)
(demonstrative pronoun) referring to an object near at hand (spatially or otherwise): meaning “this”
In the book: Introduction to Attic Greek 2e By Donald Mastronard we read: So οὗτος referred as He is a second person and not God. So second to God there was another He - another person. And in the next verse we read:

Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

This him is referring to He in prior verse who is another person and not God. Let me write it in full here:

1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2. He was with God in the beginning.
3. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
4. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.
5. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
6. There was a man sent from God whose name was John.
7. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe.
8. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.

So it is two parts here 1 to 5 and 6 to 8. He who was with God in verse 2 is a second person and we are told in verse 6 it must have been John as a witness. But in verse 3 and 4 him refers to he who is not God hence to John who is then the one who created all thing made; without him (he; John) nothing was made that has not been made.

Hence God is up there with a second person (οὗτος).
From Strongs’ Concordance we read:
οὗτος, αὕτη, τοῦτο,

houtos, hauté, touto: this
Original Word: οὗτος, αὕτη, τοῦτο Part of Speech: Demonstrative Pronoun Transliteration: houtos, hauté, touto Phonetic Spelling: (hoo'-tos)
Short De nition: this, he, she, it
De nition: this; he, she, it.

Using οὗτος also means referring to someone or thing just mentioned and in this case it is God or the Word. But since we know John was there as a wittiness it must be John because οὗτος is translated as “this man” and this man was “a man” send from God.

He ( οὗτος) was with God in the beginning. There was only the Word because the Word was God. So using using He is referring to God/Word which is one and the same and οὗτος is used to refer to God himself. Then this would make sense:

God was with God in the beginning.

There are today many who is trying to nd Jesus as a true person. I think he might have lived like many others who dies slaughtered in wars. We are in essence all Gods and Goddess because God made us so. End of story. Then they concocted the whole story in the Bible to keep them in power to play games to stay in power so they could live as kings and gods while little Jim and Joe suffered in the mines today after the alarm clock rings and away they go like robots to get a little “M on” to pay back debt created only so this debt can be swallowed by a very greedy and hungry Gγק.

Pyramids, Egypt - sure - all based on only WORDS.

107. Jews

In 1 Corinthians 1:22 we read:
ἐπειδὴ καὶ Ἰουδαῖοι σηµεῖα αἰτοῦσιν καὶ Ἕλληνες σοφίαν ζητοῦσιν,
Translates to:
Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom,
This is the word for Jews: Ἰουδ αῖοι. Let me split that word in different places and see what we get:

Jews in Greek Translates virus daioiἸου δαῖοι
Ἰουδ αῖοι Judas aioi

Ἰουδα ῖοι Judas viruses
Ἰουδαῖ οι the Judea

Sovereign Military Order of Malta . Notice the “Iron cross” and the “Danish ag”.

Ἰου I owe you I just found that. Amazing, right?
French word Jeu means game, play, acting, pack. In Maltese Jew means or and

translates to hebrew וא which means or, either, woe, alas, O. Malta is important because of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. א is known as the Alef and is the rst letter in the Hebrew alphabet and has the numeral 1 (one). ו is Van and is the 6th letter in the Hebrew alphabet. 6+1 = 7.

In Jewish Gematria numbering 61 is for God. That matches וא which is 61. In Jewish Gematria וא is 7 and its corresponding Word is G.
Jesus said he was King Of The Jews which is a nice thing because that matches the

above. Jesus is made by Jews hence “Je us” is a match. Je is Jewish Gematria is 605. us in Jewish Gematria is 290 which is the same as for the word Christ. “je us” in Jewish Gematria is the word “Judas”. Wikipedia writes:
Gematria or gimatria (Hebrew: הירטמיג/אירטמיג‎ gēmaṭriyā) is a traditional Jewish system of assigning numerical value to a word or phrase, in the belief that words or phrases with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other, or bear some relation to the number itself as it may apply to a person's age, the calendar year, or the like.

The word Gematris is in Hebrew: הירטמיג which has the English Gematria number 666. So I am inclined to say it was Jews who wrote the Bible. It was the A-Jews 217who created the banks and everything else and it is The Jews that runs todays world. Democracy is Utopia and has never existed.

217 Ashkenazi. So it had to be named A-bomb. There are always good and evil ANYTHING even Jews

108. Egypt

Now that we found “E Pluribus Unum” where “E” is the female genitals and we found Gγק for GOD then we also found GYP so we get EGYP. Now all we are missing is “T”. There can it be hidden? I know this game better now after almost two years of nding words and translating. It is suppose to be “E”Gγקτ so let us poke into Greek again. It is the Tau for τ. Tau

is derived from the Phoenician letter Taw being an
. Roman T also is derived from this X.

Egypt. In Danish they say Egypten (E said as Eae, Æ). And “ten” is 10 is X. So it is a match. Egyptian might tell us something.
Yes, found it. It is Tian and it is Chinese. It is a surname and it is spelled in Chinese which looks like a windows or a plus sign and/or a cross inside. Hence it is 4 small square hence we can say 2+2=4. Or 2x2=4. Does the Tian remind you of a logo? Microsoft Windows.
The old Chinese sign for Tian is a mangure meaning heaven.
This all relates to Buddhism.

Photograph by Giacomo Baldi

Photo of the Day: 2012 National Geographic Photo Contest Images
A guard at a Medici villa in Poggio a Caiano, Italy, enjoys a cigarette at the end of the day. (This photo and caption were submitted to the 2012 National Geographic Photo Contest.)

I could have chosen any image for this small chapter; Card House Of Medicine. What is he protecting anyway? Lies naturally. He looks down the corridor out into the horizon through an arch - the arch that was symbolic for everything vil the past 2000 years.

109. Card House Of Medicine

I have spoken of the pill, the midi as in half (midi) and corn as grain as our and eurde-lis as the lilies ( ower, our) as rice and jasmine as asian delights as eggs as turtles as shields as roses as - did I forget something? Perhaps I forgot (not) The Medicine or the House Of Medici.

It looks like a pattern and the puzzle is coming together. It is all words and the Catholic Church and later the Salian Franks co-opted everything is alphabets using cross words and cross languages hiding real matters doing the Dance of Deceit.

The card house seems to be tumbling as it stood for centuries. The past 100 years since the industrial revolution, it seems as if things just got out of hand. Wars and wars and wars even in Asia as Korean and Vietnam war killing innocent trying to take it all and by doing so awoke the real Dragon.

You can bribe many and fool many and the deceit can go on for ages until one day enough is enough. This book can mention all and everyone. It only shows a few out of millions of lies. There are the Khazars218, Venetian oligarchs, many artists, music, books, Emperors in every corner, thousands upon thousands of concubines and whores, a whole Ma a, 10,000+ wars, politicians, crooks, hooks and thieves and the list goes on and on. Another million connections untold and untied. As many symbols still hidden. It would be amazing to get it all in one book but that book would ll 3 oceans and all ships that were ever build. It might have been better to write a ctitious novel and loaded in another Potter as a Barry De London.

I did not. I wrote it as I did out of a need to nd who the hell this Jesus gure was. Perhaps he did exists in some form and perhaps my decoding are wrong in parts. I did nd language and letters leading to a point out in the horizon and every time I looked, I found the same pattern and no root or origin of reality except words. That actually ts perfect with the start of The Bible about words being the origin. They seem to have thought of everything and no rock is left unturned.

What is there left then? Nothing I found. They have rocked every last grain of sand and there seems to be no more sand castles to build. Is there nothing left? What keeps some alive and some dead looks almost chaotic. It does look like, the dragon is blowing its re and it was about time.

Another war and another leaf turned in the book of life or can we nally close one long chapter in history and look back upon a very few who controlled it all? If one thing seems to be the controlling factor it is money. Without this, it might have been something else. The real medicine as a capsule seems to have been opened and the House of Midici may rot too for all I care. They never gave me anything and since they and the Catholic Church never gave me nothing why should I return and give them something?

In my darkest hours they never returned favor and they never ever will. It is all one huge closed door and behind it we might nd a secret that lls all voids and caverns. A secret perhaps or perhaps there is none. They had only a few letters and a handful of languages to trick us all and while it lasted even I was fooled. I lived in a world in which I had questions upon questions and they were never answered. That is also why I set out to nd my own answers. I found hell too in doing so but I also found piece of mind nally knowing it was all a lie.

218 Drink your chaser with it for the last time

Next time I get my hands on a deck of cards I shall build a small card house symbolically of everything government and everything Catholic and I shall wait for a bird dropping or just the wind to blow it over. How the cards land I don’t care. All I care for is that those who never took their own medicine, now nally, have to swallow their own sick pill and own sistoic medicine.

I chose that photo with the man smoking because of the cigaret. The smoke is on but the smoldering cigaret will burn out and the smoke will lift so we can see where the re was. There was no Jesus I found and basically one huge ZERO as ZION is left. If for all the evil in the World there should be another Olympics, let me see the burning ame as this cigaret and hope it will set itself to re and burn out and only leave the Ashes from hence it came.

No more nazis, no more xmas, no more easter parades, no more New Pork as a Fork in the esh of people. No more lies.

The Midici’s would be the medicine injected as the rst structural Ma a, and the ill pill, would be The Vatican, and Christianity, with their fake religion as opium. Even secret societies were copied to western Europe and Italy from Asia and I am lucky to be able to say: “Thank you for the Asian secret Dragon” or we’d all be totally and utterly destroyed. My own house shall have a baby dragon as decor, and it shall be vermillion colored and my house shall be protected from western rotten culture by their very own ill medicine injected into peoples blood, stolen too, as they as impalers219 ate their way though human souls.

219 Vlad The Impaler and sticking rods up peoples assess as torture and punishment if you simply did not agree with all their fake bullshit and lies.
Corpus Delicti

I know now why I had to learn some Latin in School. The official government wanted to test and see who had talent for language and who might be smart enough to use language to actually decode the official lie. I suspect non really could. I could not until today many years later when I myself set out on this odyssey.

Corpus or simply corp means body Delicti means crime
Ah yes. Latin licti *) has a double meaning. It is derived from Latin: Lictör. This in esses means an official.

*) From book page #492: A New and Copious Lexicon of the Latin Language: Compiled Chie y from the ... By Egidio Forcellini, Jacobo Facciolati, Immanuel Johann Gerhard Scheller, Georg Heinrich Luenemann, Henry Warren Torrey

German; Licti which is based on Gothic Leick **). Today the word Leiks is actually Icelandic meaning game.
**) A comparative grammar of the Sanskṛit, Zend, Greek, Latin ..., Volume 2 By Franz Bopp. So let us really translate:

Body of Official Crime Game

Bonus: English word: E’lvish: [from elves] Relating to elves, wandering spirits ***). ***) A dictionary of the English language. Abstracted from the folio ed., by the ... By Samuel Johnson

So what does corporation mean? You have the corp as body. Oration is from Oratio meaning speak, plead; pray. So we simply get:

Body Prayer

In essence a corporation is a church. That is also why Apple Inc. have what they call evangelists and the word boss has two s’ as in SS.

110. Hauté Couture

Enter John Galliano Mr. Hauté Couture maker. You see how deep the hole is.
χρυσός was gold in the Bible and that in Yiddish is דלָאג and the last three letters לַאג meaning gallbladder.
John Galliano. We got the Gall part. Then we are left with iano which is transliterated as Greek ιανο meaning Janus.
This is the best image I could nd of Gγק who is man who is a very rotten bunch of highly ill people and we can start naming them in another dictionary.

110. Hauté Couture

Enter John Galliano Mr. Hauté Couture maker. You see how deep the hole is.
χρυσός was gold in the Bible and that in Yiddish is דלָאג and the last three letters לַאג meaning gallbladder.
John Galliano. We got the Gall part. Then we are left with iano which is transliterated as Greek ιανο meaning Janus.
This is the best image I could nd of Gγק who is man who is a very rotten bunch of highly ill people and we can start naming them in another dictionary.

111. Aphrodite Lesbia Chrysis

To sum up what this is all about then it is about gold, money, sex, power and then banks, kings and secret societies, police and army and the whole united Nations. But let us know, that they are not illegal or criminal nor legal, divine or sacred. They are far beyond and word yet not invented.

So I leave you with a story of this woman Chrysis or called Aphrodite and now we know Chrysis is gold as is Je us (jews) with is golden halo around his head and all the gold which is God. Who made gold? Well, we can be sure it was not humans so it must have been God! But this God was and is a Gallbladder who stole all the wealth and god and diamonds and basically everything because these Gallbladders believe they own it all and believe they made the World as it is because of them. They think they are God and the center of the Earth. This we could discuss until end of time which they also created so let’s not. Let us go ahead with some real crisis as per Chrysis.

When I wrote about Chrysis the little lovely whore on Wikipedia I had a whole army calling me names and calling it an edit war. There was no edit war. Wikipedia just deleted it. So I decided to just leave them alone with their silly games to fool. Aphrodite (Mœurs Antiques) in 1896. It was a bestseller, selling 350,000 copies, sealing Louys' reputation as a popular author of erotic literature.

I made a website just for Chrysis related to whore houses at:
jamesluxley.com/ancientmanners so you can read it there or in fact nd it here: www.sacredtexts.com/cla/aph/index.htm whatever suites you best.

“Lesbia” by John Reinhard Weguelin

“Set in Ptolemaic Alexandria, at a much later date than Bilitis, Aphrodite is as much a love story as a crime story. Louys' decadent, sensual vision of Egypt in classical times is a jeweled setting for a story of transgressive love. The sculptor Demetrios, the favorite of Queen Berenice, falls for a well-to-do courtesan, Chrysis. Much of the story is set in the world of the courtesans, a realm of beauty, luxury, sapphic indulgence, and some dark shadows as well.”

And here a few short quotes from the story:
And his finger stopped under this double line.

"Ah!" she answered, "that's me. I wrote that."
"Who is she, Chrysis?"
"My great friend."
"I dare say. That is not what I ask you. Which Chrysis? There are many." "Mine, the most beautiful. Chrysis of Galilee."
"You know her! you know her! But speak, speak! Where does she come from? Where does she live? who is her lover? Tell me everything!" He sat down upon the couch and took the little girl upon his knees. "You are in love, then?" she said.
"That matters little to you. Tell me what you know; I am in a hurry to hear everything."
"Oh! I know nothing at all. It is quite short. She has been to see me twice, and you may imagine that I have not asked her for details about her family. I was too happy to have her, and I did not lose time in conversation." "How is she made?"
"Like a pretty girl, what do you expect me to say? Do you want me to name all the parts of her body, adding that everything is beautiful? And then, she is a woman, a real woman . . . Every time I think about her I desire somebody."

And she put her arm round the neck of Demetrios.
"Don't you know anything about her?" he began again.
"I know—I know that she comes from Galilee, that she is nearly twenty years old, and that she lives in the Jews' quarter, in the east end, near the gardens. But that is all."
"And about her life, her tastes? can you tell me nothing? She is fond of women, since she came to see you. But is she altogether Lesbian?" "Certainly not. The first night she passed here, she brought a lover, and I swear to you there was no make-believe about her. When a woman is sincere, I can see it by her eyes. That did not prevent her from returning once quite alone. And she has promised me a third night."
"You don't know whether she has any other amie in the gardens? Nobody?" "Yes, one of her countrywomen, Chimairis. She is very poor." "Where does she live? I must see her."
"She has slept in the wood for upwards of a year. She has sold her house. But I know where her den is. I can take you to it if you wish. Put on my sandals, will you?"
Demetrios rapidly buckled the plaited leather straps round Melitta's slender ankles. Then he handed her her short robe, which she merely threw over her arm, and they departed in haste.
The plan of the sacred houses was uniform and as follows: the door, of red copper (a metal consecrated to the goddess), bore a phallus-shaped knocker which fell upon a receiving-plate in relief, the image of the eteis; and beneath was graved the courtesan's name, with the initials of the usual formula:

Π. Π. Π


The handsomest of these girls came from the kingdoms of Asia. Every year, vessels which brought to Alexandria the presents of tributaries or of allies, disembarked, with the bales and the leathern bottles, an hundred virgins chosen by the priests for the service of the sacred garden. These were Mysians and Jewesses, Phrygians and Cretans, girls from Ecbatana and from Babylon, from the shores of the Gulf of Pearls and from the sacred banks of the Ganges. Some were white of skin, with medallion-like faces and firm bosoms; others, brown as the earth under the rain, wore golden circles in their nostrils and shook dark masses of short hair upon their shoulders.

Some came from farther yet, little beings, slender and slow, whose language no one knew and who resembled yellow monkeys. Their eyes lengthened toward the temples; their straight black hair was fantastically dressed. These girls remained all their lives timid as lost animals. They knew the pretenses of love but refused to kiss. Between visitors they might be seen playing together, and, seated upon their little feet, amusing themselves childishly. In a separate meadow the blond and rosy daughters of the North lived in a troop, lying upon the grass. There were Sarmatians with triple plaits, with robust limbs and square shoulders, who made themselves crowns with branches of trees and wrestled to divert themselves; Scythians, flat-nosed, full-breasted, hairy; gigantic Teutons who terrified the Egyptians by their hair —pale as that of old men—and with flesh softer than that of children;

Gauls with hair red as that of cattle, who laughed without cause; modest young Celts with sea-green eyes.

Elsewhere, the brown-skinned Iberians met during the day. They had masses of heavy hair that they dressed cleverly. Their firm skins and strong physiques were much fancied by the Alexandrians. They were chosen for dancers as often as for mistresses.

Under the wide shadow of the palms dwelt the daughters of Africa: the Numidians veiled in white, the Carthaginians draped with black gauzes, the Negresses enveloped in multicolored costumes.

There were fourteen hundred.

• Π. Π. Π = IIIxII=VI
• ϖ variant of lower case Pi π (uppercase Π )
• Pi meaning drink
• Viking s= SexKings.

112. κατεργάρης κατακλυσμικός

108: trickster cataclysmic.

Philip, Chrysis, Hesse-Kasssel, Roth’s Child, Grail, Adolf HitRadioLaughs, Zeus, Gaius, Yiddish, Christian IX, Louse & Lice, Sin At Ra and nally the magi© is revealed as the biggest lie ever told.

There are many puzzles and riddles still but I know through proof I have an overall view of some of the connections through words, symbols and lies. The words alone tell the story and connects the dots. Some names and words keep returning haunting me like a dragon monster 220 at night when I close my eyes and I can see in the dark unobscured by false pretense.

Royal Coat of Arms of Denmark. Notice the men with wooden clubs as per the coin of Philip V of Macedon.

It is also part of the logo of Governments. it is one of the deadliest logos and symbols of this Earth.

It is in fact the symbol of TERROR
220 Pun intended. However dragoner (soldiers) really exist as you know and they live in Denmark.

I have only turned a few rocks but I have got to the root and the source The Bible because that is the real key. Alone it has not much value. Looking at other literature related to stories about whores (Ancient Manners) and nding that the new Prince of Denmark is named Prince Felix related to Arabia and Princess Athena is related to Greece and we have many Philips today such as Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. The Royal Danish Family, through King Christian IX, was and is the so called father in law of Europe. Among many Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is descendant from him and to the Royal of Greece namely Constantine II of Greece.

In the Royal Coat of Arms of Denmark we nd a link to Macedon via His Royal Highness The Foundation Of A Louse from his coin. The coin has laurel as does the coat of arms of Denmark. Louse is near Louise, Loise, Aloisia are female forms of the male form Louis.

Alois Schicklgruber was Adolf Hitler’s father. See Appendix. Alois is the male form of Louis. Alois Schicklgruber mother was Maria Anna Schicklgruber who worked as a servant for Baron Rothschild in Vienna.

Philip V of Macedon and his lineage intermarried and I found that a daughter in this blood lineage married her grandfather.
Adolf Hitler rose from nobody (somebody if born from a Rothschild) and wrote a bestseller from his prison and soon was Chancellor of Germany. This does not happen by chance or luck. it is made just as today that presidents are handpicked and sponsored long before they enter the public scene.
Denmark was spared during WWII and surrendered a few minutes after the Nazi entered the Danish border. We have a man, Capt. Peter Baumgart, saying Hitler survived WWII and Baumgart was later said to suffer from mental illness and his witness at the Nuremberg were dismissed. See Appendix.
Adolf Hitler’s body was burned we are told. That is not proof he died. It is usually called forensic evidence if a person is dead. Non in this case.

"There are some people who seriously doubt that Johann Georg Hiedler was the father of Alois. Thyssen and Koehler, for example, claim that Chancellor Dollfuss had ordered the Austrian police to conduct a thorough investigation into the Hitler family. As a result of this investigation a secret document was prepared that proved that Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back to her home in Spital where Alois was born. If it is true that one of the Rothschild's is the real father of Alois Hitler, it would make Adolf a quarter Jew. According to these sources, Adolf Hitler knew of the existence of this document and the incriminating evidence it contained. In order to obtain it he precipitated events in Austria and initiated the assassination of Dollfuss. According to this story, he failed to obtain the document at that time since Dollfuss had secreted it and had told Schuschnigg of its whereabouts so that in the event of his death the independence of Austria would remain assured. Several stories of this general character are in circulation.

Dollfuß, Engelbert
October 4, 1892 – July 25, 1934

Dollfuss was assassinated on July 25, 1934, by ten Austrian Nazis.

(Walter C. Langer, The Mind of Adolf Hitler, p.107 ISBN-13: 978-0452007406)."

The hard part comes when BELIEVING or KNOWING Engelbert Dollfuss was a trickster too and all Mary Of Deceit. See how a doll and a fella named Confucius and SS proves my point. Don’t even dare to mention Engelbert Humperdinck 221.

Do you think it is called I DOLL for a good or bad reason or just a trick with words? Capital i is the rod, stick, cane, dick. Apple and iMac is then also Magi as Mag i. Say Maggot and it all falls into place.

Hungarian word mag is seed, noun; corn, nuclear, kernal. 221 born Arnold George Dorsey a British pop singer - engelbert.com

Motive: Dollfuss had les to prove Adolf Hitler was born a Rothschild. The Rothschild’s did not want this fact to come out. Who ordered the assassination is then those who had reason, motive and opportunity. The Nazi system was being set up and could not be stopped and Adolf Hitler as a great actor and orator 222 was suppose to be the actor playing the role as the dictator in the greatest war crime committed namely World War II. Evidence shows that Rothschild, Hesse-Kassel, Danish Royals were tightly connected. Architecture and symbolism are direct evidence to link The Vatican to Denmark and all royal houses and in fact the World World today. That was the major plan to unite the world via United Nations while testing nuclear bombs and testing peoples ability to break down using torture to such a degree it is beyond evil.

My step father Edward John Rogers was a soldier in the British Army working under Lord Mountbatten. Edward was in North Africa and saw his friends blown up but he survived. After the war he played on horse and won enough money to live nice for about a decade when my mother was in London on vacation she met him and he came to Denmark and lived there until he died from cancer. The hospital overdosed him. He had Colon cancer, they said, and in two weeks from entering the hospital he dropped from about 120 kilos to 50 kilos. He was 73 years old when he died in the late 90th.

Empirical evidence links The Ark Of The Governant in The Bible in Hebrews 9:4 mentioning a golden as χρυσοῦν (Chrysis) to Philip “Philhellin” V of Macedon who’s mother was Chryseis and father was Demetrius II. It is highly likely Perseus 223of Macedon was son of Philip V and Chryseis-Phthia) of EPIRUS. Part same wording on the coins of both father and son.

When following this bloodline we also nd a Lollas of Macedonia. Lollas is derived from Lola and Lolita is derived from Lola. Hence We nd a descendant to Chryseis-Phthia who’s name is Lollas of Macedonia. This is where the move called Lolita comes in made in a few versions 1) 1997 with Jeremy Irons, Dominique Swain, Melanie Griffith 2) 1962 with James Mason, Shelley Winthers - directed by Stanley Kubrick.

222 Not really. He just used the technichs he leared and obtained from people such as Jung and Freud and Plato too I suspect as well as many others.

223 Wikipedia uses http://www.perseus.tufts.edu as one of their main sources for their truth but is often used to obscure and directly lie.

Wall relief of Cleopatra III, Cleopatra II and Ptolemy VIII before Horus. Source Wikipedia. Notice how the hat is the same as the “hat” of Buddha in Asia. Imagine someone chopping all this up in Stone/Rock just to fool everyone in the western hemisphere. Unbelievable just as The Bible is totally fake and unbelievable.

Laodice ( . 2nd century BC), daughter of Cleopatra Thea "Cleopatra the Goddess") (ca. 164–121 BC) surnamed Eueteria (i.e., "Benefactress") and Demetrius II Nicator, who married Phraates II of Parthia

Cleopatra Thea was a daughter of Ptolemy VI of Egypt and Cleopatra II. Cleopatra Thea was from the Seleucid Empire not to think we are in Egypt with her. They had four children one was Cleopatra III.

Cleopatra VII Philopator (last Pharaoh of Egypt and know as Cleopatra) was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty of a Greek family.
Cleopatra VII joined forces with Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony) and the were intimately in love. The both committed suicide we are told so this suicide thing seems to run in the family. Perhaps not. Modern times Sean Kingston made and sang a song called: Beautiful Girls (Suicidal) 224 . See Lyrics in Appendix. Notice the words: sprung, mami, baby, dirt. Recall in Hebrews 9:4 the word βλαστήσασα (vlastisasa) meaning to - well - cum! And the word dirt about beautiful girls only doing dirt as in cleaning or as in Washing. He loves his mami and returns to mami after doing crime. Then he sings: “Oh lord, my baby is driving me crazy” which could be interpreted as the Lord being the baby. The song end with one word “suicide” and it is again one of these mind controlling things they produce today in this case

224 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrTz5xjmso4

using popular music. The video shows nice ladies and I guess nobody really listens carefully to the lyrics.
Ptolemy VI Philometor married his sister Cleopatra II.
In the video http://www.slack-time.com/music-video-2440-Sean-Kingston-BeautifulGirls you will notice at 0:17 second the diners name is Johnny's. Is that John The Baptist I wonder. Right under you rst see ve (5 as in pentagon) girls under the sign Johnny's and a 6th girl is hidden but pops up at 0:18. So we get 65. 5 and 6 are very important esoteric numbers as you know by now. V is for pussy and I is for dick. We then get IV, V and VI. At 0:22 you see a sign saying 50 Cents. Inside Johnny's at 0:47 you see a pie (cherry?) on the counter and it has a cross like a window. The colors red and white are dominant. On his baseball jacket is the letters SK for his name Sean Kingston. At 1:12 a clock pops up the the background and it is just past IV O’clock for the Sun symbol♁ I expect. At 1:57 you see the turn table with the orders which is a reference to Hitchcock's Psycho. At 2:27 you see a yellow rhomb with two lights hanging to the sides. 3 rhombi makes the Star Of David.

We shall nd more ma and know what it is all about. Mammon is mam and mon. Just so we don’t forget who a mother is.

There is in fact also a Sigma Kappa ( ΣΚ) sorority founded by ve ladies and their coat of arms has ve ve-pointed stars.
At the very end of the movie he pull out a post card with three woman (3 graces) and turn it and on the top left we see the catholic church star and a a name and number Klondike 7-5552. 7 and ((5+5+5)-2)=13. Recall they love numerology and words which you will know more about soon.
I searched Google for “Klondike 7-5552 “ and found only two results of one which was agged as spam for only asking what this it all about. 555 is used in ctitious telephone numbers in North American television shows, lms, movie, video games. So that is ne. The 7 is the number of Jesus. Then the heart, the Nephroid for the ass.
Then we know of the Klondike Gold Rush in Canada along the Klondike River. They would build quick temporary housing and shelters and such bad houses are also referred to as: Klondike's.
Skookum Jim was one of the ones who found the ore. Klondike = LonDick or London?! This one is on me for free and might be true or a lie I admit. “A Klondike” is meaning something shitty or bad.

Around the world in this chapter. Let me get back on track. These kings and queens and royal house across the ancient world were ghting it out while fucking left and right with mother and daughter and doing this makes them crazy. So be truly have a democrazy which is why it is dangerous and the most bizarre form created out from an idea that free people should have a free choice. All humbug.

The Bible is all one huge concocted lie from start to end and they mixed in their own names just for the fun of it from the royal house and one such was this Chrysis who we also know as an 11 year whore.

IV, V and VI
4, 5, 6. The V is female and the I is male. Just look up Veracruz. Vera Cross. V + X. So if you take IVVVI and double that multiplying it with 2 you get:

The key is to open the door. And the door is numbers, symbols and words. The Pyramid or triangle is III. The two towers are from the two II above and I is simply the cock or the rod if you like.

Image: the ag on the left can be: 1) Danish, Holy Roman Empire, Order Of Malta, Swedish, Norwegian - and Holy See with the cross. Image is red with a white cross but is also opposite as the ag of City of London. One symbol, United Nations - One.

Recall the last image where we have Roman Numeral I. Turn that 90 degrees as per the Freemasons tool the Try square. Then you can make above which is pure mathematics taking the symbolic values from prior Roman numerals. There are 4 red squares in total hence 2+2. The plus sign is right there in front of you. it is also a cross which we get from afore mentioned Roman numerals.

The Danish ag was voted the most beautiful ag in the world. Now you know why. it is because it contains 4, 5, 6 as symbolic value for the ve pointed start, Star of David and then this ag.

Three is naturally the pyramid or the triangle hence three graces for▽ and two is the two towers as in II and one is I for the cock.
God is AlphaΑ and OmegaΩ and Alpha is the Greek number I (one) and Omega is also zero (O) hence God is Cock & Nothing. And in Greek that is κόκορας & τίποτα or better yet:
Ιώτα κόκκος
Because Ιώτα is I and κόκκος means jot, nothing, as in Omega for zerO. Recall Hebrew Yodhי being the Apostrophe which is actually both Greek, Latin and Cyrillic I (i). Yodh is cognate to Jot in that it is the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Matthew 5:18:
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Other version translates it as:

For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

Greek version here:
ἀµὴν γὰρ λέγω ὑµῖν ἕως ἂν παρέλθῃ ὁ οὐρανὸς καὶ ἡ γῆ ἰῶτα ἓν ἢ µία κεραία οὐ µὴ παρέλθῃ ἀπὸ τοῦ νόµου ἕως [ἂν] πάντα γένηται.

γένηται translates as antenna which they then translates as stroke of a pen and indeed some styles of antennas can be seen as a stroke. Genitals is γεννητικός which compared to γένηται are very near (recall how it is coded messages for the enlightened). The male genital is something to stroke as Saint Peters is being stroked in Acts 12:7 and of a pen... just needs ...is to complete it.

If we could, and we can, use the Hebrew alphabet for Alpha & Omega it would be Alef & Tav. תא read from right to left and translates to You. את is cell, cabin, room, chamber, dwelling.

Something is utterly wrong in the english translation. Many of the Greek words are nonsense words only known to someone who can decode the words. It is like a second Greek language.

γένηται translates to genitei.

Why is Denmark pigmark? A pig is a hog but also a word for something dirty. In the song “Beautiful girls” performed by Sean Kingston he sings “They only wanna do your dirt”. If you say he is a pig it refers to 1) he is lthy and needs cleaning 2) he is a sex maniac doing some lthy sex. Danish word for girls is piger. This word contain pig. Hence piger are pigs or dirt as the song tells you.

You might ask what is the connection to Denmark? It is the den of robbers and is Catholic calling themselves something else which is a lie too or else they would not have a copy of Saint Peters Basilica in Copenhagen. There is a city called Hagen in Germany. Hagen is also related to the Nibelungenlied. Cop is the police. Danish En is one. Hagen and Niebelungens Ring is related to the historical event in which the Burgundians (Norse people, from island of Bornholm etc) are defeated by Flavius Aëtius (c. 396-454). From the evidence of Waltharius, Nibelung is a part of the name for Franks. So again Wikipedia lies. Hagen? What hagen? German Hagen is a city IN GERMANY and there is a river near called Hengsteysee. Wikipedia writes about Hagen (mythology):

Flavius Aëtius (c. 396–454), dux et
patricius, was a Roman general of the closing period of the Western Roman Empire.

Looks unreal like a cartoon character. He is a cartoon character - that is why.

Hagen (German form) or Högni (Old Norse Hǫgni, often anglicized as Hogni) is a Burgundian warrior in tales about the Burgundian kingdom at Worms. Hagen is often identified as a brother or half-brother of King Gunther (Old Norse Gunnarr).

In the Nibelungenlied, he is called Hagen of Tronje (perhaps Drongen in Ghent). In German tradition, Hagen is especially grim, implacable, and violent and in two accounts one-eyed.

During was the government can declare a city: an Open City meaning there is no defense. Recall Word War II where the Danish government surrender and collaborated with the Nazis. Copenhagen was an Open City or should have been or at least there was absolutely no defense what so ever. Friends and family don’t ght it out.

So how about the C in Copen? Capitoline Hill. Here is the real name of Copenhagen:
Capitoline Hill Open City Taken by Flavius Aëtius.

Copenhagen is a capitulated city run over by Romans. Denmark is Pigmark and the girl were called pigs/hogs/wild pigs because they probably loved the Romans with all their might and power so they fucked left and right too. Aë is kind of a Danish letter Ae or Æ. What is left of Norse the original land? Nothing as in a Jot. Even the beer was ruined by Carlsberg and Tuborg 225 making basically two brands in Pigmark. However people of Northern Rome (Copenhagen) are beginning to brew new and better beer and lets hope the “Hebrews” like it too.

So when beautiful girls do your dirt you know what this means? It has to do with the cup and the rod and nothing more. History is based on rotten warrior culture and the gallbladder help in the rotting process.

This explains the depicted Romans in Danish churches and in Motto’s of cities such as the Danish city Slagelse. Denmark is just a hill in the Roman Empire today known as United Nations and is just a department of the bigger GOMO.

Also explain why Prince Charles and such likes to dress in kilts. It is a Roman tradition. Easy access to the private parts such as the rod and bells.
225 borg means castle. Tu is also French

112. κατεργάρης κατακλυσμικός

108: trickster cataclysmic.

Philip, Chrysis, Hesse-Kasssel, Roth’s Child, Grail, Adolf HitRadioLaughs, Zeus, Gaius, Yiddish, Christian IX, Louse & Lice, Sin At Ra and nally the magi© is revealed as the biggest lie ever told.

There are many puzzles and riddles still but I know through proof I have an overall view of some of the connections through words, symbols and lies. The words alone tell the story and connects the dots. Some names and words keep returning haunting me like a dragon monster 220 at night when I close my eyes and I can see in the dark unobscured by false pretense.

Royal Coat of Arms of Denmark. Notice the men with wooden clubs as per the coin of Philip V of Macedon.

It is also part of the logo of Governments. it is one of the deadliest logos and symbols of this Earth.

It is in fact the symbol of TERROR
220 Pun intended. However dragoner (soldiers) really exist as you know and they live in Denmark.

I have only turned a few rocks but I have got to the root and the source The Bible because that is the real key. Alone it has not much value. Looking at other literature related to stories about whores (Ancient Manners) and nding that the new Prince of Denmark is named Prince Felix related to Arabia and Princess Athena is related to Greece and we have many Philips today such as Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. The Royal Danish Family, through King Christian IX, was and is the so called father in law of Europe. Among many Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is descendant from him and to the Royal of Greece namely Constantine II of Greece.

In the Royal Coat of Arms of Denmark we nd a link to Macedon via His Royal Highness The Foundation Of A Louse from his coin. The coin has laurel as does the coat of arms of Denmark. Louse is near Louise, Loise, Aloisia are female forms of the male form Louis.

Alois Schicklgruber was Adolf Hitler’s father. See Appendix. Alois is the male form of Louis. Alois Schicklgruber mother was Maria Anna Schicklgruber who worked as a servant for Baron Rothschild in Vienna.

Philip V of Macedon and his lineage intermarried and I found that a daughter in this blood lineage married her grandfather.
Adolf Hitler rose from nobody (somebody if born from a Rothschild) and wrote a bestseller from his prison and soon was Chancellor of Germany. This does not happen by chance or luck. it is made just as today that presidents are handpicked and sponsored long before they enter the public scene.
Denmark was spared during WWII and surrendered a few minutes after the Nazi entered the Danish border. We have a man, Capt. Peter Baumgart, saying Hitler survived WWII and Baumgart was later said to suffer from mental illness and his witness at the Nuremberg were dismissed. See Appendix.
Adolf Hitler’s body was burned we are told. That is not proof he died. It is usually called forensic evidence if a person is dead. Non in this case.

"There are some people who seriously doubt that Johann Georg Hiedler was the father of Alois. Thyssen and Koehler, for example, claim that Chancellor Dollfuss had ordered the Austrian police to conduct a thorough investigation into the Hitler family. As a result of this investigation a secret document was prepared that proved that Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back to her home in Spital where Alois was born. If it is true that one of the Rothschild's is the real father of Alois Hitler, it would make Adolf a quarter Jew. According to these sources, Adolf Hitler knew of the existence of this document and the incriminating evidence it contained. In order to obtain it he precipitated events in Austria and initiated the assassination of Dollfuss. According to this story, he failed to obtain the document at that time since Dollfuss had secreted it and had told Schuschnigg of its whereabouts so that in the event of his death the independence of Austria would remain assured. Several stories of this general character are in circulation.

Dollfuß, Engelbert
October 4, 1892 – July 25, 1934

Dollfuss was assassinated on July 25, 1934, by ten Austrian Nazis.

(Walter C. Langer, The Mind of Adolf Hitler, p.107 ISBN-13: 978-0452007406)."

The hard part comes when BELIEVING or KNOWING Engelbert Dollfuss was a trickster too and all Mary Of Deceit. See how a doll and a fella named Confucius and SS proves my point. Don’t even dare to mention Engelbert Humperdinck 221.

Do you think it is called I DOLL for a good or bad reason or just a trick with words? Capital i is the rod, stick, cane, dick. Apple and iMac is then also Magi as Mag i. Say Maggot and it all falls into place.

Hungarian word mag is seed, noun; corn, nuclear, kernal. 221 born Arnold George Dorsey a British pop singer - engelbert.com

Motive: Dollfuss had les to prove Adolf Hitler was born a Rothschild. The Rothschild’s did not want this fact to come out. Who ordered the assassination is then those who had reason, motive and opportunity. The Nazi system was being set up and could not be stopped and Adolf Hitler as a great actor and orator 222 was suppose to be the actor playing the role as the dictator in the greatest war crime committed namely World War II. Evidence shows that Rothschild, Hesse-Kassel, Danish Royals were tightly connected. Architecture and symbolism are direct evidence to link The Vatican to Denmark and all royal houses and in fact the World World today. That was the major plan to unite the world via United Nations while testing nuclear bombs and testing peoples ability to break down using torture to such a degree it is beyond evil.

My step father Edward John Rogers was a soldier in the British Army working under Lord Mountbatten. Edward was in North Africa and saw his friends blown up but he survived. After the war he played on horse and won enough money to live nice for about a decade when my mother was in London on vacation she met him and he came to Denmark and lived there until he died from cancer. The hospital overdosed him. He had Colon cancer, they said, and in two weeks from entering the hospital he dropped from about 120 kilos to 50 kilos. He was 73 years old when he died in the late 90th.

Empirical evidence links The Ark Of The Governant in The Bible in Hebrews 9:4 mentioning a golden as χρυσοῦν (Chrysis) to Philip “Philhellin” V of Macedon who’s mother was Chryseis and father was Demetrius II. It is highly likely Perseus 223of Macedon was son of Philip V and Chryseis-Phthia) of EPIRUS. Part same wording on the coins of both father and son.

When following this bloodline we also nd a Lollas of Macedonia. Lollas is derived from Lola and Lolita is derived from Lola. Hence We nd a descendant to Chryseis-Phthia who’s name is Lollas of Macedonia. This is where the move called Lolita comes in made in a few versions 1) 1997 with Jeremy Irons, Dominique Swain, Melanie Griffith 2) 1962 with James Mason, Shelley Winthers - directed by Stanley Kubrick.

222 Not really. He just used the technichs he leared and obtained from people such as Jung and Freud and Plato too I suspect as well as many others.

223 Wikipedia uses http://www.perseus.tufts.edu as one of their main sources for their truth but is often used to obscure and directly lie.

Wall relief of Cleopatra III, Cleopatra II and Ptolemy VIII before Horus. Source Wikipedia. Notice how the hat is the same as the “hat” of Buddha in Asia. Imagine someone chopping all this up in Stone/Rock just to fool everyone in the western hemisphere. Unbelievable just as The Bible is totally fake and unbelievable.

Laodice ( . 2nd century BC), daughter of Cleopatra Thea "Cleopatra the Goddess") (ca. 164–121 BC) surnamed Eueteria (i.e., "Benefactress") and Demetrius II Nicator, who married Phraates II of Parthia

Cleopatra Thea was a daughter of Ptolemy VI of Egypt and Cleopatra II. Cleopatra Thea was from the Seleucid Empire not to think we are in Egypt with her. They had four children one was Cleopatra III.

Cleopatra VII Philopator (last Pharaoh of Egypt and know as Cleopatra) was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty of a Greek family.
Cleopatra VII joined forces with Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony) and the were intimately in love. The both committed suicide we are told so this suicide thing seems to run in the family. Perhaps not. Modern times Sean Kingston made and sang a song called: Beautiful Girls (Suicidal) 224 . See Lyrics in Appendix. Notice the words: sprung, mami, baby, dirt. Recall in Hebrews 9:4 the word βλαστήσασα (vlastisasa) meaning to - well - cum! And the word dirt about beautiful girls only doing dirt as in cleaning or as in Washing. He loves his mami and returns to mami after doing crime. Then he sings: “Oh lord, my baby is driving me crazy” which could be interpreted as the Lord being the baby. The song end with one word “suicide” and it is again one of these mind controlling things they produce today in this case

224 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrTz5xjmso4

using popular music. The video shows nice ladies and I guess nobody really listens carefully to the lyrics.
Ptolemy VI Philometor married his sister Cleopatra II.
In the video http://www.slack-time.com/music-video-2440-Sean-Kingston-BeautifulGirls you will notice at 0:17 second the diners name is Johnny's. Is that John The Baptist I wonder. Right under you rst see ve (5 as in pentagon) girls under the sign Johnny's and a 6th girl is hidden but pops up at 0:18. So we get 65. 5 and 6 are very important esoteric numbers as you know by now. V is for pussy and I is for dick. We then get IV, V and VI. At 0:22 you see a sign saying 50 Cents. Inside Johnny's at 0:47 you see a pie (cherry?) on the counter and it has a cross like a window. The colors red and white are dominant. On his baseball jacket is the letters SK for his name Sean Kingston. At 1:12 a clock pops up the the background and it is just past IV O’clock for the Sun symbol♁ I expect. At 1:57 you see the turn table with the orders which is a reference to Hitchcock's Psycho. At 2:27 you see a yellow rhomb with two lights hanging to the sides. 3 rhombi makes the Star Of David.

We shall nd more ma and know what it is all about. Mammon is mam and mon. Just so we don’t forget who a mother is.

There is in fact also a Sigma Kappa ( ΣΚ) sorority founded by ve ladies and their coat of arms has ve ve-pointed stars.
At the very end of the movie he pull out a post card with three woman (3 graces) and turn it and on the top left we see the catholic church star and a a name and number Klondike 7-5552. 7 and ((5+5+5)-2)=13. Recall they love numerology and words which you will know more about soon.
I searched Google for “Klondike 7-5552 “ and found only two results of one which was agged as spam for only asking what this it all about. 555 is used in ctitious telephone numbers in North American television shows, lms, movie, video games. So that is ne. The 7 is the number of Jesus. Then the heart, the Nephroid for the ass.
Then we know of the Klondike Gold Rush in Canada along the Klondike River. They would build quick temporary housing and shelters and such bad houses are also referred to as: Klondike's.
Skookum Jim was one of the ones who found the ore. Klondike = LonDick or London?! This one is on me for free and might be true or a lie I admit. “A Klondike” is meaning something shitty or bad.

Around the world in this chapter. Let me get back on track. These kings and queens and royal house across the ancient world were ghting it out while fucking left and right with mother and daughter and doing this makes them crazy. So be truly have a democrazy which is why it is dangerous and the most bizarre form created out from an idea that free people should have a free choice. All humbug.

The Bible is all one huge concocted lie from start to end and they mixed in their own names just for the fun of it from the royal house and one such was this Chrysis who we also know as an 11 year whore.

IV, V and VI
4, 5, 6. The V is female and the I is male. Just look up Veracruz. Vera Cross. V + X. So if you take IVVVI and double that multiplying it with 2 you get:

The key is to open the door. And the door is numbers, symbols and words. The Pyramid or triangle is III. The two towers are from the two II above and I is simply the cock or the rod if you like.

Image: the ag on the left can be: 1) Danish, Holy Roman Empire, Order Of Malta, Swedish, Norwegian - and Holy See with the cross. Image is red with a white cross but is also opposite as the ag of City of London. One symbol, United Nations - One.

Recall the last image where we have Roman Numeral I. Turn that 90 degrees as per the Freemasons tool the Try square. Then you can make above which is pure mathematics taking the symbolic values from prior Roman numerals. There are 4 red squares in total hence 2+2. The plus sign is right there in front of you. it is also a cross which we get from afore mentioned Roman numerals.

The Danish ag was voted the most beautiful ag in the world. Now you know why. it is because it contains 4, 5, 6 as symbolic value for the ve pointed start, Star of David and then this ag.

Three is naturally the pyramid or the triangle hence three graces for▽ and two is the two towers as in II and one is I for the cock.
God is AlphaΑ and OmegaΩ and Alpha is the Greek number I (one) and Omega is also zero (O) hence God is Cock & Nothing. And in Greek that is κόκορας & τίποτα or better yet:
Ιώτα κόκκος
Because Ιώτα is I and κόκκος means jot, nothing, as in Omega for zerO. Recall Hebrew Yodhי being the Apostrophe which is actually both Greek, Latin and Cyrillic I (i). Yodh is cognate to Jot in that it is the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Matthew 5:18:
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Other version translates it as:

For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

Greek version here:
ἀµὴν γὰρ λέγω ὑµῖν ἕως ἂν παρέλθῃ ὁ οὐρανὸς καὶ ἡ γῆ ἰῶτα ἓν ἢ µία κεραία οὐ µὴ παρέλθῃ ἀπὸ τοῦ νόµου ἕως [ἂν] πάντα γένηται.

γένηται translates as antenna which they then translates as stroke of a pen and indeed some styles of antennas can be seen as a stroke. Genitals is γεννητικός which compared to γένηται are very near (recall how it is coded messages for the enlightened). The male genital is something to stroke as Saint Peters is being stroked in Acts 12:7 and of a pen... just needs ...is to complete it.

If we could, and we can, use the Hebrew alphabet for Alpha & Omega it would be Alef & Tav. תא read from right to left and translates to You. את is cell, cabin, room, chamber, dwelling.

Something is utterly wrong in the english translation. Many of the Greek words are nonsense words only known to someone who can decode the words. It is like a second Greek language.

γένηται translates to genitei.

Why is Denmark pigmark? A pig is a hog but also a word for something dirty. In the song “Beautiful girls” performed by Sean Kingston he sings “They only wanna do your dirt”. If you say he is a pig it refers to 1) he is lthy and needs cleaning 2) he is a sex maniac doing some lthy sex. Danish word for girls is piger. This word contain pig. Hence piger are pigs or dirt as the song tells you.

You might ask what is the connection to Denmark? It is the den of robbers and is Catholic calling themselves something else which is a lie too or else they would not have a copy of Saint Peters Basilica in Copenhagen. There is a city called Hagen in Germany. Hagen is also related to the Nibelungenlied. Cop is the police. Danish En is one. Hagen and Niebelungens Ring is related to the historical event in which the Burgundians (Norse people, from island of Bornholm etc) are defeated by Flavius Aëtius (c. 396-454). From the evidence of Waltharius, Nibelung is a part of the name for Franks. So again Wikipedia lies. Hagen? What hagen? German Hagen is a city IN GERMANY and there is a river near called Hengsteysee. Wikipedia writes about Hagen (mythology):

Flavius Aëtius (c. 396–454), dux et
patricius, was a Roman general of the closing period of the Western Roman Empire.

Looks unreal like a cartoon character. He is a cartoon character - that is why.

Hagen (German form) or Högni (Old Norse Hǫgni, often anglicized as Hogni) is a Burgundian warrior in tales about the Burgundian kingdom at Worms. Hagen is often identified as a brother or half-brother of King Gunther (Old Norse Gunnarr).

In the Nibelungenlied, he is called Hagen of Tronje (perhaps Drongen in Ghent). In German tradition, Hagen is especially grim, implacable, and violent and in two accounts one-eyed.

During was the government can declare a city: an Open City meaning there is no defense. Recall Word War II where the Danish government surrender and collaborated with the Nazis. Copenhagen was an Open City or should have been or at least there was absolutely no defense what so ever. Friends and family don’t ght it out.

So how about the C in Copen? Capitoline Hill. Here is the real name of Copenhagen:
Capitoline Hill Open City Taken by Flavius Aëtius.

Copenhagen is a capitulated city run over by Romans. Denmark is Pigmark and the girl were called pigs/hogs/wild pigs because they probably loved the Romans with all their might and power so they fucked left and right too. Aë is kind of a Danish letter Ae or Æ. What is left of Norse the original land? Nothing as in a Jot. Even the beer was ruined by Carlsberg and Tuborg 225 making basically two brands in Pigmark. However people of Northern Rome (Copenhagen) are beginning to brew new and better beer and lets hope the “Hebrews” like it too.

So when beautiful girls do your dirt you know what this means? It has to do with the cup and the rod and nothing more. History is based on rotten warrior culture and the gallbladder help in the rotting process.

This explains the depicted Romans in Danish churches and in Motto’s of cities such as the Danish city Slagelse. Denmark is just a hill in the Roman Empire today known as United Nations and is just a department of the bigger GOMO.

Also explain why Prince Charles and such likes to dress in kilts. It is a Roman tradition. Easy access to the private parts such as the rod and bells.
225 borg means castle. Tu is also French

113. Odd is Even

That sounds like a riddle. It is. I made it. I shall solve it for you.
G is from Greek gamma and even Greece has a G in it’s name. Take that word; Greece and spread it out as G r e e c e and translate that to single Greek letters and we get:
G r ε ε γ ε
Γ ρ ε ε γ ε

γ is Greek letter kappa for k/c. Hence γ=c. Here is your so called all seeing eye as we know it from so many places as per the Dollar bill and so forth. The eye is part of the name of Greece. It is naturally located on top of a pyramid because gamma Γ (which is the Try Square ⊿) turned on an angle looks like a small hill or a pyramid. So the pyramid is part of the name of Greece as is the eye and there is only one eye just like a cyclops has it. Try standing nose to nose to someone you trust or love and try not to focus your eyes and you will see only one eye in the person opposite you. Like as if you make love in the missionary position and are very close kissing. Try it a few times and your loved one will turn into a cyclops.

The G is Freemasons logo is not the rst letter of God. It is the rst letter of Gamma. The Greek alphabet does not have a J but does have an i. How fortunate for the crooks soon on hooks. But as they will tell you God is Great and he foretold everything in The Bible with numbers and is very smart which rhymes with fart. Okay, I am no poet. On with it. G = Jee. It is that simple. How many us’ do we nd in Greek mythology and Roman Empire and even today in US of A. Many. Gaius, Zeus are a few of the important ones. So with Gamma we have G which is Jee or simply Je and we are given us and that is Jeus. And eat my poet hat if that does not rhyme with Jews. So where is the s. it is gone how odd. Recall Adolf Hitler and Roth’s child. Hitler had the SS Officers during their Nazi regime.
It is rather mysterious that Yiddish או translated to Hebrew is וא meaning they are mirrored. If we translates the same או from Hebrew to Yiddish we get two apostrophes יי. Mystery deepens.
Now hold your breath because I have found The Lost Egg.
The יי translates from Hebrew to English as Yi which phonetically is Je. Now we do the same thing but translate יי from Yiddish to English and it reads and translates to:

If you go to http://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/יי (notice the two apostrophes) you are being redirected to תודהי( םיהולא) God (Judaism). I can translate that by going here:

sl=iw&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fhe.wikipedia.org %2Fwiki%2F%D7%99%D7%99

That page tells it is a redirection from Yi.

Hitler transliterated to Greek is: Χίτλερ and there we get Χί just as we have it in Hebrew and Yiddish או. This translates from Hebrew to Yiddish יי and Yi which is God. With Yi we get Greek upsilon Υ (upper case) υ (lower case) which is same as the Latin letters y and i. So Χί is cognate to או symbolically and means God (Judaism).

So או cognate symbolically to Χί means God.
Hebrew א translates to Greek: Ένα. Hebrew או translates to Greek as “A.” for Alpha as in Alpha and Omega as per The bible. Yiddish או translates to GreekΗ η (eta) and Hitler starts with H so circle complete.

Hitler = Greek: Χίτλερ
Hebrew או is H.
Greek X is ancient KH.
Greek Χίτ translates to Heat or literally Hit 226.
Word Jews in Hebrew is םידוהי naturally with two יי as in Yi∼ God. (plural of ידוהי

Yehudi ). Jew is ידוהי. Hands is םידהי.
This backwards םידהי is יהדים and transliterated from Yiddish to English: Midhi. Notice
the last “hi”.
Italian medusa is Jelly sh.
Then there is Greek mythology for Perseus chopping the head of medusa because she
also was ugly. Medusa in Greek is Μέδουσα and means Jellyfish.

If, as I suspect, Adolf Hitler is related to Rothschild and Rothschild is related to HesseHassel and this family is related to the Danish Royal House then the last part in Hitler could be Danish: ler as in laugh. Ler is Danish also means clay as a potter uses and a potters are mentioned in the Bible. A potter is someone who makes something from clay and molds it as the potter wants.

226 As in radio hit and “it was a hit song”. Also “A hit is hot”. There is even a Miami Hit or Μαϊάμι Χιτ here: http://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/Μαϊάμι_Χιτ

Then there was that s missing. Yiddish ש (sin S). Here I use the font Times new Roman and it looks like a crown with 3 points. Is I use the font Minion Pro ש it looks like part of the candle holder the so called Jewish Menorah which has seven arms.

Χί or XI is Roman numeral eleven (11). Rhymes with seven. So let us break it down to basics and write the name.
We can now write it in different ways but all related through letters and words. Recall Gauis is Greek is ΓAIOΣ.
Γ☆OΣ (Ges(star)os) - no u in Greek.
With Yi we naturally also get the Holy Grail as Y and next is the rod the i. Seven and Eleven are both odd so we get Godd. True but it is rather:
Γ γ G for Gamma is the Roman Latin letter but also Γ γ. So γ is the female
part or the cup part of the Holy Grail.

Hebrew י for Yodh (jot) meaning nothing symbolized with an O. And Yodh has Y for the female cup the part of the Holy Grail.
d is Greek Delta Δ for the Egyptian branch of it all. And hat is why they call some Dame.

Jesus naturally has two s. And the Nazi used these as SS and Χί we can trace to Yi and יי which is God (Judaism). This links Hitler to being a Jewish name as well as a likely Danish name (Ler (Clay)). The Danish connection is via Hesse-Hassel to Rothschild who is family of Hitler hence Denmark was spared the terror of war during WWII. WWII has 4 V’s and two I.

Recall יי meaning God or egg but links to Yi which takes us to Hebrew Wikipedia for God.

114. One Found Symbol


Latin Hebrew Yiddish English Yi יי Egg
יי Yi
Yi יי Yi
ייוווו WWII

Yi redirects to God (Judaism).
Yi = יי and Y is the cup or female and i is the dick and rod. And in the same we get the
Egg. So יי = Y+i+Egg and יי is Jewish Judaism related to; man (God), woman (egg).

Secong (yiddish) וו
This symbol: יי is Latin Ovum. It is Greek: αυγό (Afro). English it is Egg.
In Vietnamese it is trứng meaning eggs. Noun is mầm móng.
Vietnamese cóng is freeze. Secóng. Vietnamese sóng is waves.

I have kept this whole chapter “confused” for you - recall how governments use the technics of Confucius so why not me. I want you to investigate on your own. I have only helped you. There is all languages to explore and this small book is just the beginning of the end for United Nations. Vietcong they were called during the Vietnam War killing innocent children as sacri ces for their sick GOD and ZION and ZON. We are told the word Vietcong came out of nowhere and just stuck there. You need to go to Vietnam and ask around perhaps. Look at the people there of those who are normal and not brainwashed and paid handsomely to shut up.

• Yi has the same Jewish Gematria as Yah.
• Jewish Gematria for י is the same as K (King) 10
• Jewish Gematria יי is same as Chi 227 and L.
• Klondike has English Gematria 61 same as God in Jewish Gematria.
• Hitler in Greek is Χίτλερ and rst letter is X (Chi) and last letter is Rho ρ. Ge then get Χρ or the Chi Rho.

The Chi-Rho with a wreath symbolizing the victory of the Resurrection, above Roman soldiers, circa 350.

On the next page is a WORD and it is not G.O.D….. 227 First part of Chi Rho With prior three point list for each letter they all get a say. Each letter below represents both male and female. And the Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Ashkenazi Jewish word for God is:

Just remember one thing; do not take this to the bank because they are breaking down faster than you can read this book one more time. I almost forgot the Arabs/Persians. They get all the Al and El is so many places that Rihanna should make a new tune.

And did I forget the Hindu and Buddhist part of it. Not really. Much and basically everything western originates in the Easts. Like Mount Everest, Golden Gate, the red color for royal, and even the dragon pillars in St. Peters Church stolen from Chinese temple dragons. Even the bell is Asian. The list is long. Even reball and reworks and Sleeping Beauty is from Asia from the Reclining Buddha (Wat Pho) in Bangkok to the longest WORD in The World: Krung­thep­maha­nakorn­amorn­ratana­kosin­mahintar­ayutthay­amaha­dilok­ phop­noppa­ratrajathani­burirom­udom­rajaniwes­mahasat­harn­amorn­phimarn­avatarn­ sathit­sakkattiya­visanukamprasit.

115. Gebel el-Arak Knife

The rst image top left is depicted at Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_(deity) as ʾĒl which is God. Wikipedia writes for the image:
Ēl depicted with two lions on the back of the handle of the Gebel el-Arak Knife[dubious – discuss][1]
The image top right is the Gebel El-Arak Knife. I found that here: http://wysinger.homestead.com/gebelea.html

du·bi·ous  adj.
1. Fraught with uncertainty or doubt; undecided.
2. Arousing doubt; doubtful: a dubious distinction.
3. Of questionable character: dubious pro ts.

I then overlaid the two images. They are almost a perfect match - there are some discrepancies. The one seen on Wikipedia kind of has metal to the handles where it is attached to something. We only see the “handle”. On the top right image we see the knife is made from int I suppose as the knife.

One (or both are fakes). Take Photoshop and enlarge the images next to each other. You will see cracks and patters not matching.

The one top right we are told is from Louvre with a code of E11517. This is also a Hex color code #e11517 which you can nd here: http://www.colorhexa.com/e11517 it is red. Here are the hex numbers and there corresponding letter out of 256 characters in the so called ASCII 228table. ASCII is then also a set of codes to interchange information - literally. So I searched that “e11517” and look what I found...

228 American Standard Character for Information Interchange


MONY Life Insurance Company of America is also about forms for claiming life insurance. We read at http://www.axa-equitable.com (bottom of website):

“AXA Equitable” is the brand name of AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC and its family of companies, including AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company, MONY Life Insurance Company, MONY Life Insurance Company of America, AXA Advisors, LLC, AXA Network, LLC and AXA Distributors, LLC. All AXA Equitable companies are directly or indirectly owned by AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC, and have offices at 1290 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10104, (212) 554-1234.

So the government led a documents as the name e11517.txt which does relate to a knife and a handle which is El (God) and relating to a cock because it is symbolically a cock on the handle and the whole knife or spear is symbolically a phallus symbol.

This is not really proof of anything. It will be called conspiracy so I am not going there. The AXA insurance it a nice angle and if I read that document on prior page I need to read it over and over and over again realizing it is about rule 497 under a security act of 1933 and my head only starts to spin thinking about decoding the content of this document. So I won’t. Probably very interesting

t. MONEY is power and
ndings but how boring and politics is all about MONY so it does they have power so again - it ts. The knife too; it gives you power and the COCK is related to power so that ts too. It all bloody ts like a cock in pussy.

I am still curious about if one of the images is showing a fake artifact. Wikipedia says dubious even if they are the same. If they are not the same, yes, then it is dubious and Wikipedia is not lying but are perhaps showing a fake photo from a fake artifact. This would naturally need a real inspection of the dagger, knife, and I can’t do that. So I have no real proof unless I follow the money trail here and it goes right to and through the governments. It is called motive. What would the motive be, to fake artifacts? To create a basis for religion. The Bible is a fake. So are many of the artifacts they told you about. Some are probably real but how can we ever know. To make a fake all you need is dirt to make it look old. The handle is perhaps made from ivory and since we can carbon date that, it might help. But ivory is found and saved for years and an old piece could have been used in this case to make two fakes or one fake. Why make a fake from the real thing seems stupid. So making a fake (as clocks in China) seems to be for one reason only; to confuse and fool. Copy watches fool too. They look great but work for a very short time.

I mention this in this chapter about this possible fake because who can investigate it and who can we trust telling us anything when we are suppose to believe a lie as the truth (The Bible). I have been to some museums and I sometimes wonder where the museums of ancient times went? it seems a relative new idea to keep museums and the reason might be, that they need a place to fool people putting all the items behind glass making it all look really expensive and old and valuable.

At some museums they guard a very few items with the greatest care and have soldiers with machine guns outside and inside are custodians who will tell you to stop breathing if they are in the mood. It is mostly a pile of shit anyway they guard as at Rosenborg Slot in Copenhagen (which is Germany and Nazi anyway). So they are guarding Nazism and The Bible which is what Denmark is based upon. They are guarding a lie. They will shoot people if they want to and they have a license to do so. If they feel like it. They don’t really need a reason. If they killed too many every day or every years it would look a little strange so they don’t. They do however wage in wars everywhere else from Afghanistan to Syria to Libya.

Why save an old knife? They have found int axes and knives used for hunting and cooking and I recall, when I was young, my family had two such int-axes.
Here some fakes and perhaps fakes:

Brooklyn Museum Finds Some Problematic Gifts Can’t Be Returned

The Brooklyn Museum seemed to have garnered a bonanza in 1932 when it received a large bequest from the estate of Col. Michael Friedsam, president of the elegant retail emporium B. Altman.

But eight decades later that cache of Dutch and Renaissance paintings, Chinese porcelains, jewelry and furniture has become something of a burden. A quarter of the 926 works have turned out to be fakes,
misattributions or of poor quality, and the museum potentially faces a hefty bill to store the 229 pieces it no longer wants.

Article from New York Times

Getty kouros

If genuine, it is one of only twelve extant complete kouroi. If fake, it exhibits a high degree of technical and artistic sophistication by an as-yet unidentified forger.


In 2001, a huge scandal broke out. It was proven that many of the pieces in the museum were fakes. Experts had been suspicious of many of the pieces for years. The Mujica Gallo family claimed that the fakes had been purchased by mistake and that the museum now only houses genuine pieces. However, there is still a cloud of skepticism that hangs over the exhibits. Upstairs from the Gold Museum is the equally fascinating Museo Armas del Mundo, which displays weapons and armor from many cultures. Items owned by the Pizarro brothers and Simón Bolívar are also exhibited.


It was during these times that most countries gradually came under the influence of the Catholic religion which rejected pagan rites and images and imposed its art standards instead. Everything was thus turned towards Christian symbols though some artists came to take some daring liberties during the construction of churches. Today, people visiting certain cathedrals are baffled when they come across some incredible statues and reliefs that have more to do with lust than religion. Nevertheless, Christianity became the main driving force regarding the works of artists of the Middle Ages. In addition, many among them were monks as the Church was the only art creating centre and these artists were above all dedicated to working in churches carving statues or producing wall paintings and prayer books miniatures.
Romanesque and gothic stylistic forms and letters soon became out of fashion while scores of artists went on to reach fame as from during the second half of the 15th Century. They not only worked for the Church but also for many European royal and princely courts as well as some rich merchants and bankers, firstly in Italy then in France, England, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and Flanders.

And the art trade came back to life as soon as artists like Mantegna, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael,
Michelangelo or Albrecht Dürer became famous throughout Europe. And naturally, forgeries appeared on the market.

One of the most famous forgers was Michelangelo himself who as a young student found amusing to make a copy of a Roman statuette showing Cupid asleep. He eventually sold it to a cardinal as a genuine antique piece but could not prevent himself from boasting about his trick. As a result on learning that he had been fooled the cardinal got infuriated and destroyed the statuette. One can easily imagine that such fake, as any Renaissance copy of a Roman or Greek work of art and albeit the fact that it was made by such a great artist, would today be worth a little fortune on the market.


The list goes on and on. My best estimate is, that far over half of museum pieces are fake as they stand. perhaps even as high as 90%. That is only a wild guess. Even the genuine may be fake in that famous artists and their custodians, and the protectors of Christianity, can have had someone work for them after their death.

I included this chapter on the Gebel knife only so that

116. Mary’s Child The Lying Army

By Mary Fairchild, Christianity Guide at http://christianity.about.com/od/glossary/qt/CensusDe nition.htm:

“The book of Numbers derives its name from the two recorded censuses made of the Israelite people, one at the beginning of the 40-year wilderness experience and one at the end.

In Numbers 1, not long after Israel's exodus from Egypt, God told Moses to count the people by tribe to determine the number of Jewish men 20 years and older who could serve in the military. The total number came to 603,550.

Numbers 1:1–3

A year after Israel's departure from Egypt, the LORD spoke to Moses in the Tabernacle in the wilderness of Sinai. On the first day of the second month of that year he said, "From the whole community of Israel, record the names of all the warriors by their clans and families. List all the men twenty years old or older who are able to go to war. You and Aaron must register the troops ... (NLT)

Later, in Numbers 26, as Israel prepared to enter the Promised Land, a second census was taken, again, to evaluate its military force, but also to prepare for future organize and property allocation in Canaan. This time the total numbered 601,730.

Numbers 26:1–4

After the plague had ended, the LORD said to Moses and to Eleazar son of Aaron the priest, "From the whole community of Israel, record the names of all the warriors by their families. List all the men twenty years old or older who are able to go to war." So there on the plains of Moab beside the Jordan River, across from Jericho, Moses and Eleazar the priest issued these instructions to the leaders of Israel: "List all the men of Israel twenty years old and older, just as the LORD commanded Moses." This is the record of all the descendants of Israel who came out of Egypt. (NLT)”

Mary Fairchild forgets to tell us that Census is from the Hebrew word ֙שׁארֹ (rōš). That Hebrewian word means head. In the name Rothschild the rst part Roth = Ros and is homophonically the same word hence they are most likely the same. In Yiddish it means quickly, rapid.

When I do a Google image search, I do see many heads. So a head-count? When I do a web search this website pops up: http://www.rosh1.co.il. At http://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/ שאר I do see a head too. But wait…

http://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/ הבישי_שאר we see the same word and here the whole sentence is Prime Area. Recall Hebrew is read from right to left. So the rst word is Prime. I nd that ֙שׁארֹ translates to Latin primam meaning rst. An Imamمﻡاﺍمﻡإﺇ‎ is a religious leader. A head or a head-chief is indeed the rst in rank. Like a president is head of state. Roth’s Child is Kings Child and such a child is second head as a prince and will when the King dies become head of state. So a motive is here to kill the king to become head of state - to become king.

Mary Fairchild never gets close to the real meaning of the Hebrew text and she uses only the translated english text. This is how deceitful they are in fooling you making you BELIEVE.

Head, prime. What is it all about?
They have translated from YIDDISH to English the word: ־יֵֽנְּב in Numbers 1:3 which in Yiddish is SONS but in Hebrew is PEOPLE. That means they translate from Yiddish when they want to and in Hebrew when they want to. This is empirical proof that the Bible is translates from two languages Hebrew and Yiddish and mixed as they please.
In Hebrew it is PEOPLE king of implying all people but in Yiddish it is SONS only implying male people.
Mary Fairchild never told you this. She also gets in the word WARRIOR from Numbers 1:3 with the word אָ֖בָצ (ṣā·ḇā). Very peculiar because I nd that this word translates to Hebrew MARY and Yiddish military. So Warrior? Well, a lie. Warrior in Hebrew is םחול and in Yiddish רעירָאוו. So how on Earth did Mary Fairchild arrive that אָ֖בָצ is warrior! Look at her name. Her name is Mary Fairchild. She has the Army in her rst name.
Who wanted this “census”? Moses and his sinner friends. Today every human is written down and they get a birth certi cate and did the President. Or did he. I think all presidents are not who we are told they are. Even their names are pre-destined. Proof? Even birth certi cates can be faked which is very easy if you have access to every governmental department and can pay whomever you want. Personally I don’t care but I know the fruits of their lazy Roman endeavors and everywhere such as in the Vietnam War we see the RED CROSS and the FIVE POINTED STAR. So where there is war and trouble there is a star and a cross. Take out the cross and the star and the problems will be gone. Proof is A Bright Shining Lie as a book where it directly says in WORDS that “the governments of USA is the terrorist”. A movie of this book was made in 1998 but is water to the books horrors. But start with movie if you like because it implies it too that US and all derivatives and cooperative countries are terrorist.
When you rst read Mary Fairchild’s story you recall your childhood teaching and perhaps what your mother told you about The Bible and you have read it yourself in English or some other translated language. DON’T. Read the original text. Did their GOD not tell them not to add or subtract from their WORD OF GOD? Not really. in fact the whole Bible is double speak. I would even say triple-speak when we include the New Testament in Greek. When we then included that one word in one language can have more than one meaning it becomes rather peculiar. What does? A real divinity would have bloody spoken a language all people could understand and not some gibberish which needs to be interpreted and dewashed and re-cleaned 51 times over to just begin to understand what the hell the real meaning is. But let me tell you this; it become very easy to decode the whole book of lies after a few days and I have hopefully helped you just a little. If and when you read anything related to The Bible next time around you know who is really fooling who.
They use also the week mind of humans souls or rather the feelings and they use the divine hope many people have to control you by saying they have the divine truth. They don’t and never had or will have no matter how much they try. Now you don’t have to wonder anymore and you can actually take this book along to your priest or church and hit them right back in their face hen they start to lie. Recall also that your government is directly connected to the Church - the Vatican via The Bible as are courts. So next time they fool you, you just bring the real evidence of them being criminal beyond any real doubt. Doubt is removed with this book and you can now realize why things are as they are. No more wondering “why”.
Their bag of tricks is decoded from Alpha to Omega and since there are no more letters left, they simply can’t begin over again unless you let them. I too was in the dark only back in 2010 and did not understand why things were so bad as they were. Now I know and that is nice to know. The question now is, does it do any good? Only if you read this book and understand it. If not it has absolutely no value. Once you understand the recipe, you can start cooking without reading any recipe, be it theirs, or this. In fact this book is only the pepper among salt and can’t stand alone. And it doesn't stand alone. I see now how things are shaping and I know from seeing people in Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand that THEY KNOW.

117.The Genesis Of Evil

Genesis 229 of Evil would not be complete if I did not mention the book Political Ponerology 230. Let me start with a quote from ponerology.com:

“The ultimate cause of evil lies in the interaction of two human factors: 1) normal human ignorance and weakness and 2) the existence and action of a statistically small (4-8% of the general population) but extremely active group of psychologically deviant individuals. The ignorance of the existence of such psychological differences is the rst criterion of ponerogenesis. That is, such ignorance creates an opening whereby such individuals can act undetected.

The presence of such “disease” on the individual level is described in the Almost Human section of this website. However, depending on the type of activity of psychopathic and characteropathic individuals, evil can manifest on any societal level. The greater the scope of the psychopath’s in uence, the greater harm done. Thus any group of humans can be infected or “ponerized” by their in uence. From families, clubs, churches, businesses, and corporations, to entire nations. The most extreme form of such macro social evil is called “pathocracy”.

For years I wondered WHY when I saw the news on television and I encountered people as priest acting it out as gods on their podium. I would hear them talk: “I hear … Lord … yes, I hear … a great word is coming to me … The LORD says … give tithe and you shall feel the spirit of my will … “ and then the congregation would cheer and later give what they had in gold or coin.

I would understand this as brainwashing but I could not prove a word of that so I was LOST. They had their tricks and I was always the looser in this game. However now I have read books and I have investigated all their hogwash down to the single word and letter GOD. If they ever tell me a WORD related to GOD I shall throw this book at them and I shall laugh. When they catch the book, I hope they will feel pain when they realize their scam has been revealed. But psychopaths don’t operate like that. They will continue even after they have been exposed. That is in their sick nature. They never give up. That is kind of a good thing, never to give up. So we might learn something from this. Indeed we never give up until they kill us and they do that in their wars and they kill people for less than a dollar or the collar of your DOG. If they know they can trick you, they will do so no matter what the cost. They will even kill your brother and sister and your mother and father if it bene ts them. There is simply no stopping them. I have experienced such a person in my own family and for years I knew something was not all right. But the “kindness” was there too. Then early 2013 I understood my mothers sister as being a sufferer of ponerology. It is not easy to educate these people. I told her The Bible was a lie and that I was writing this book. She brushed it away and laughed. The woman or the devil herself worked for the Danish government in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (um.dk).

229 Genesis means origin, reproduction
230 Ponerology: The study of evil

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt worked for the US government and revels how deliberate dumbing down of america took place. I told my mothers sister about Charlotte Iserbyt believing my aunt would listen and realize the hoax. She just brushed it away. Never replied to my emails and was silent. That is one way to say something: silence.

Then mid 2013 something happened. My mother was ill for twelve month and suddenly dropped in her toilet oor hitting her head and lost blood. She went to hospital and an infection was discovered on her lungs. Now back again after a few days she fell again and she went back to hospital. Here they now realized she had lost two liters of blood and they said: “It is a wonder you live”. My mother was seen by my aunt for more than twelve month and she never noticed anything - very strange. My aunt might have seen my mother was ill. Then the second time my aunt was visited every day for

ve days at hospital and she would sit two hours with my mother - my mother told me. The day my mother went home a hospital car drove her home and my mother then called her sister when my mother was home at her old peoples home. No reply. My aunt gets a rather good pension. In February of 2013 she told me about the new Bible called Ampli ed and she said: “I can’t buy it because it is expensive”. I then told her, she could buy it at amazon.com for less than 20 Dollars. She then said: “I don’t have much money” upon which I told her I would buy it for her. So I did.

My aunt has a VW Polo at about 15,000 US Dollars paid for by my mother. My mother was suppose to live with my aunt from around year 2001 but after about six month my aunt could not cope with it and asked my mother to move to an old peoples home. Now she had the car and my mother would visit her every so often about two times a week. All very dandy.

the coin dropped on me when my mother dropped unconscious the second time. I did not know this and shortly after the rst time my mother fell and had returned home I called my mother. No reply. So I called my aunt who then told me the story that my mother was in hospital again. So she did not call me and say this. Had I not called I would not know and my mother could not call and say so. After the incidence and my mother is getting back again but very week there has not been a single word from my aunt. I understand why. I rang my mother and told that I knew now that her sister was a freemason and I asked my mother if she knew about the letter my aunt had sent to the Danish Queen asking the Danish Queen to not be a freemason. My mother said to me: “I have no idea about this or any letter she sent. What is that all about?”. I realized my aunt would lie now. You do not send a letter to the #1 freemason of Denmark telling her Freemasons are no good and you don’t want freemasons. It is like sending the baker telling him/her they should not bake bread or cakes anymore.

This is The Genesis of Evil. For years I was in the dark wondering many things. I now have to tell you, that they are both Christians to the level where it hurts. They listen to GOD Channel and Benny Hinn and John Hague and will support them all with money. My mother is a genuine brainwashed Christian. However I now know, that my aunt is also a

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt worked for the US government
brainwashed governmental sicko as per Political Ponerology. That is where the evil starts and is cooks as a stew to infest all and everybody.

It is di fficult to explain and prove their evil. I have done so with this book but that won’t stop my aunt from doing the DOG-tail-waving trying to trick and lie as much as she can.
Never mind that small corner of evil.
The bigger evil is in the governments who as per Romans 13:1-3 and as per Political Ponerology are beyond evil. It is not only about dumbing down it is about everything evil and even good. Because they do some good too at times it seems. Like making roads from tax-payers money and paying their own salaries from other peoples works. That is good. It is great as long as it lasts. I worked myself in the Danish Government for a while and I saw how ill they are. They will use office workers and colleagues as bait and enemy so you will break down if you are not 100% loyal. I could write a book just about this small corner of evil.
There are many books written about this evil and how spiritual abuse is used too. When I read a book called just that and mentioned it to my mother and my aunt they never really listened. They are so brainwashed it is beyond evil. And furthermore they will tell you, you have religious freedom as per United Nations. Exactly, that is how evil it is. They have allowed people naturally to have freedom to believe in their bullshit so you can’t touch them. So you need a different approach. You need empirical proof. This, these kind of people will neither accept nor listen to. They will call you names and eventually try and kill you if you keep talking sense.
The only thing left is the rest of us - the about 75% of the population who can relate and will listen. These are the only ones left. But they have no power because it is evil that is in power from embassies being self-bombed and to royals and banks and even into the school system. Governments use the master/dog approach and know many will follow suite no matter what. Let me quote Political Ponerology again:

“But that 90-some percent of normal people know that some- thing is wrong! They just can’t quite identify it; can’t quite put their nger on it; and because they can’t, they tend to think that there is nothing they can do about it, or maybe it is just God punishing people.”

The author seems to not have realized that God is evil. Even the divine they occupied and used to be evil. So when you read above quote please understand that the Truths in A World Of Lies goes as far as the Universe. A divine might give hope but this God simply is a fake and evil as part of Political Ponerology.

Political Ponerology has a whole chapter just on this topic. Quote:

“In the light of historical data, it appears obvious that religious systems have also succumbed to ponero- genic processes and manifested the symptoms of a similar dis- ease.”

The editor of the book then writes in the footnotes of above: “ Not to mention the fact that currently, the neocon-Bush administration is using Christianity as the ideology by which they mask pathocracy. [Editor’s note.]”

I see the word neocon. Now we know what that covers. It covers everything political and royal for that matter. They both connect. The bible is the keystone and it is rotten to the core and if you take out this corner stone - bang - the tree falls as it should. Why keep a tree that keeps rotten apples. Better plant a new tree. So how do you secure, that bad and rotten sickos don’t do it all over again? You stop democrazy and start a new system based on what is genuinely known as openness. How is this possible when the sickos sit on the biggest guns? You start by using the best weapon there is: WORDS.

They hate words and think they can outsmart you. This book touches a few corners and can be a further guide into the occult sick world of politics and religion. Open there sick and fake doors and let the word out: the emperor has no clothes but is also a sicko and wacko who can fool you again and gain and again. If you don’t know their WORDS with which they fooled you.

118. Intermezzo

The conclusion could be another book because there is so much more to prove it is all fake. Let me sum up a few words in no particular order: leg, legio, legal, illegal, gall, gallbladder, bile duct, Chrysis, Gold, Gγק, Ark Of The Covenant, USA, United States, ΕΝΩΘΕΙΤΕ.

I don’t really want to end the book with a conclusion. So I don’t. Which is why there are more chapters after this. See it as an intermezzo if you like.

You have a people; Ashkenazi Jews making news. News creating WWII and setting up their illegitimate son as the chancellor of Germany in a short time through clandestine operation later assassinating Dolfuss because he had the evidence showing Hitler was Jew and a Rothschild. Then to get Israel the created a series of events leading up the the war and even the names of everything they created to t their esoteric world. It was just one of many wars and today they use terror as per there Hebrew Bible as per Romans 13:3.

The whole thing is so obvious. But many have tried during the years to pluck out pieces of evidence but not the root, This is what this book has done. In doing so proving it is all based on Biblical events which are mostly lies too and making fake covenants with Order of Malta and Freemasons. The Ark Of The Covenant was suppose to be the jewel which would make people believe a law was given by God so people would accept that law and the laws to follow. Prior there were many different religious fractions and rulers and kings with each their set of religious laws and some only had one law: the gun, the biggest gun. So for the new expanding world to accept rstly a law they created God and Jesus so people would buy into the whole divine story. God spoke Ancient Hebrew naturally so nobody would know what God said. Later translated to Latin and no one knew that too. Then it was rewritten as the New Testament like a second edition making it t with the errors in the rst and t the years to come. Indiana Jones and many lms later all created so people would be brain controlled into believing it had to be something. It is nothing. It is partly tricks with word. Jesus is a fata morgana (mirage) based on WORS. There may have been a Jesus of a King who when spoke some words and Roman cruci ed thousands and and so they made this fella King of the Jews for later to setup WWII killing Jews so a whole world would feel passionate about the poor jews and the holocaust. This was the door opener to Rothschild’s Versailles treaty to eventually create United nations and today there is in essence only one world law.

The Ark Of The Covenant connects to the gallbladder through words and it is Hebrew and Yiddish and Yiddish is spoken by Ashkenazi Jews and others. This connects us to what we call Zionism. Whatever ancient groups, kings and whores who made a packs or a deal set it all up making religion to fool all nations because indeed people do have a spiritual belief which is ne. So they exploited that natural urge to feel life and the polluted it all with their fake hogwash religion called Christianity and/or Catholicism. The priests and popes and nuns all dress up and it is all the greatest act ever played and the longest broadway musical in history. That we must give them.

They had me fool for 48 years but then I sat down and began to investigate everything and turn every word. On my way I made errors but that is part of a hypothesis and the scienti c method to make errors. There are most like errors in this script too but it is a start. The last part about the Holy Grail takes the whole lie down.

You can use this book as proof and present it to anyone in government and courts and police and tell them their GOD is a Gallbladder and in essence bile, shit and rotten stools.
Holy See is said to be a stool (chair) in fact. So Holy Stool is a toilet where the Pope can drop his godly belongings Gγק the feces of all his words they spread around the word. In essence this proves it is all bull shit they created from El Salvador to Cuba. And in every American country or Latin/Spanish speaking country.
I am sure 100% guaranteed positively irrefutable con dent, that many people will stay devoted Christians for many years to come even now that I and you can prove they only believe in a gallbladder. If you show or tell this to anyone nobody is going to believe you anyway. Even if you lecture about it. But the thing is, that you can rest because it is linguistics and a science and it proves you are right this time around no matter what bull shit they throw at you next.
I started out late 2011 and found these things but not the nal proof the so called Holy Grail. Without it I could not win my case. As I worked towards the end of this book it just popped out from the pages as you have read above. This make everything below or above the Holy Grail a total lie. It is however still true we have all the artifacts, museums, paintings and Bible and ancient scrolls but I am sure 99% of it is fake if not 100%.
Motive, there must be a motive. Long time ago there were as today Kings and Queens and Royals and they had courts and armies and were powerful. Some were nice some were very bad. The Spartans are said to have been better than the rest. To keep up appearance as being needed and important and to keep them in business as usual they would need to design a reality in which they could stay accepted as royals. What better way than to use the dignity of humans and their spirituality. They then set out to construct all from Christianity to royal houses with blood lines and some Jesus and Mary and a whole book was written naturally in a language nobody could read. The priest would speak Latin and everyone just sat in church half asleep just like Mr. Bean in one of his episodes.
With this fake system they could stay in their place and later they invented fake democracy so people would continue to buy into the system. Now suddenly people had a choice and could vote for a better king (president) but disappointingly but expected this was highjacked as soon as possible.
With the invention of radio and television people believed the good voice could now be heard but again these became only instruments of terror and deceit and lies. Only with The Internet did things really start to change but again this may be as highjacked as the rest. They are doing a good [sic] job of it 2013 and beyond with Facebook probably CIA owned or controlled or at least a tool as bait. If what happened to radio, television and newspapers happens to The Internet we will have only basically one entity controlling it. However I think this dragon monster (allegorically speaking) is too big for them to handle unless they bomb every ISP 231.
We had rst and second world war and when the going gets tough for the rulers they will rst invoke monetary disaster and if people don’t quiet down then as in Vietnam test if dropping a few bombs here and there will teach people a lesson. American had no idea who Vietnam people and Asian people are all about. Well, now they do. They learned the hard way. Lost that war and in fact America have won many battles but not the war. When I say America I actually mean the extension and prolonging of The Roman Empire. It just changed name. New curtains and new smoke but same actors.
The motive is clear; to stay in power and keep people from getting what is theirs to keep. How mazing that when you are born as a virgin the soon you come out you are indebted. It should be the other way around that you would get your share of what is i.e. divided equal.
In 2012 I contacted a politician saying I had an idea to create 250,000 jobs in less than a week. I never got a reply.
In the past 10 or so years I have been almost robbed from everything and tried assassinated three times. I will not go into that in this book. But I realized something was utterly and totally sick. Now that I have found The Holy Grail or The Ark Of The Cabinet and its contents I can gladly say I know why everything is bad. When you the roots of the tree is rotten so is its fruits. And what do you do with such a rotten tree? You cut it down. That is the only sensible solution other wise the tree will make every other tree rotten.

231 Internet Service Provider those that are connecting points from the larger Internet to you. You too are part of The Internet once connected to your ISP.

Next time you have to go to court or the government you sit there and listen as if you are stupid. Then when they attack you and you are without defense you can slide up a copy of this book and point to the chapter about the Gallbladder. Then you will see the judge who is a Freemason drop from his high chair. This make the judge and the politician criminals beyond any doubt what so ever. There may be one or two who is still in the system to do good but I don’t really think so. You simply can’t repair rotten roots and it is naïve to believe they are there not knowing what I have just told you. “E Pluribus Enum” is their motto and they must at least know what that means working there. If not they are not capable of running the country and if they do know why have they not told and changed and as a last resort gotten out before it might be too late.

With this script I hope we can nally nail the coffin shut and they will try all kinds of ways to dismiss this, that or the other and proclaim the earth was not round but hollow or oval and they did not know or similar. But wait, they are god’s representative so they must know because it is all from god, right? So if God was wrong then so is God, their God, not a fake and a charlatan and worse an impostor who is beyond any kind of salvation.

It is a no win situation and I am rather excited about this and I hope they will pay back everything. Yes, everything. That is the only price attached to their 2000+ of lies making a truth from a gallbladder. When we have the evidence as presented, everything church and relics are fake too. The root was the Holy Grail and since that is rotten the whole thing is rotten and only worth the value in rocks and metal. The land upon which they build their churches is now so polluted it needs to be cleaned from ground up. Then handed over to real needed housing.

Time will tell. And recall they even invented fake time. So let us forget time for a moment. See time as one unit - one turn around the Sun. Count time in circles formed like spirals and start thinking what to do next. The future is not in their hand but in yours. Plant the next apple tree and make god damn sure the root stays nutritious so the owers can again bloom and produce fruits that are edible for the rst time in a very long epoch.


Codes as odes: I have presented only a few codes. There are a million more. It will take more than 50 lifetimes to decode it all. It is a puzzle and life is full of them as there are riddles. Everything you knew is a true lie based on men playing ddles with life, you and I. They devised it all as playing gods and creating gods and killing by wars for centuries.

They had whores and shores and oceans to rob and delighted with sins and pleasures so who can now measure those who damned it all.
For me time stopped 2013 and I live by the count of my breath until my death. The played codes as toads with rods and squads. Earth is mine as it is yours as well as the shores.
Whores give virgin births until swines turn to corpus delicti singing opus cantata Quintus Lutatius Catulus on the Holy Feces of Gall. And “Je us” can speak Yiddish or rubbish or brew their Hemons as drinks as poison while ringing in heaven at 7 Eleven while acting as Demons. Let the crocodile rest with its egg while we dial a new pile.
Some will recall the lm “A Beautiful Mind” and call in the re-brigade. Don’t! They won’t be able to extinguish 232this re. That movie was about a very smart guy who could to math and see codes and was ordered to decode a message and he could. And so can you now. This script is just the beginning of the end of one long haul of United Bullshit and I don’t care about the Sun moving into Aquarius.
The WORD code is a code by itself. Ode (from Greek Ωδή) special kind of lyric poetry. It becomes an Odyssey among stars and the Sun as Heliopolis and their story burns out like a ame made from golden lies.
A Codex (Greek κώδιξ) is a piece of paper, a script, a book or a set of rules or just a story. Codex contains the English words Cod. A Cod is a sh and the Danish word for this sh is Torsk which popularly also means idiot. So all codex’ are idiotic and we can start with Saxo (Codex) Grammaticus. Latin for codex is caudex meaning Pad. Ishtar’s Pad if you like and she was a whore just like the rest of the pack.
Caudex in Italian is Tampone. So now you know why a tampon is called a tampon just by decoding the word code. There are many such Code X’s and people will eventually decode them all and in doing so prove the crimes of GOMO.

Il tampone vaginale è un esame diagnostico che viene eseguito tramite un tampone ovattato (una specie di cotton-fioc) e il cui scopo è quello di verificare l'eventuale presenza di microrganismi patogeni responsabili di processi infettivi a carico della vagina oppure della cervice uterina; in quest'ultimo caso si dovrebbe parlare più correttamente di tampone cervicale; molto spesso però con l'espressione generica tampone vaginale si indica sia il tampone vaginale vero e proprio sia il tampone cervicale. La prescrizione di uno o dell'altro (o di entrambi) viene fatta dal ginecologo in base sia ai disturbi che la donna segnala che alle osservazioni fatte durante la visita ginecologica.

Tampone is Codex. Codex Sinaiticus together with Codex Vaticanus is considered the best source of The New Testament. And with Codex and these two scripts we get sin (Sinai) and Anus (Vaticanus) and a tampon for the female vagina to such up blood from the Holy Grail hence Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus is a tampon and is the Holy Grail in one and the same once you understand the real code behind the true lies called the Whole Lie Grail 233.

232 X Sting. Californian res are made to produce amen and they can’t X sting them because they are suppose to burn symbolically because of Ornia daughter of Asopos. Ornia is also Fountain of Corinth (Peirini) hence water NOT to X sting re in Calif Ornia. Asopos was angry because the lustful Olympian Gods abducted Asopos’ nine daughters. All relates to Zeus, mermaids, nymphs whores, Apollo and Odysseus.
Source: Greek Nymphs: Myth, Cult, Lore: Myth, Cult, Lore By Jennifer Larson Associate Professor of Classics Kent State University.

railed , rail·ing, rails
To express objections or criticisms in bitter, harsh, or abusive language. See Synonyms at scold.

[Middle English railen, from Old French railler, to tease, joke, from Old Provençal ralhar, to chat, joke, from

Vulgar Latin *ragul
re, to bray, from Late Latin ragere.]

Hence the so called Holy Grail is Holy Rail ≈ Holy Joke ≈ Holy Tease or literally Holy Lie which is Whole Lie or simply Holy = Whole Lie hence Santa Claus loves to “Hohoho” because it is a joke. Jesus? Al lies too, because that is what the words tell us from start to end and if one part of their God’s WORDS is a lie, so is everything.


In Stanley Kubrick’s movie Odyssey 2001 the machine, computer, the voice, the ruler, is named HAL 9000. The movie starts out showing some apes a type of Australopithecus that evolved 4 million years ago in East Africa. Another ape is a slightly younger one called Kenyanthropus. Dinosaurs lived way longer back in time a few hundred million years. Birds (Avialae) are direct ancestors of dinosaurs from the Theropoda. Avialae is Latin and two words; avi: bird, alae: wings. Bird wings. Avis is also Latin for bird. That is your Isis, Osiris, Ishtar, Victoria. A dino.

In essence birds are dinosaurs.
Theropoda is words: The, he, her, ero, thero, ro, pod, pod (pot), poda, oda.
We now jump to Danish for the last word; poda. Pote is Danish is paw and in French it is pal (friend).

Out of the word Theropoda we can make words like: rot, roe, rod, rho, red, tea, rap, rape, toe, tor, port, poet, pet, pate, troop, port, root, hope, pharo, pad, opera, oath, ode, hot, hero, heart, harp. earth, ear, era, dope, death, art, ape, adore, hat, rat. And many others.

Recall THE LEMENT song by Tom Lehrer. He is exhausted after listing all the elements and some look the same and he is telling us something. You can make words out of one word.

That is the secret. Language is invented to suite the needs of rulers. English is a code language with hidden meanings if you know this. A name might actually be a code. You can write a whole letter like this as a love letter all looking innocent but if the receiver has understanding, they can decipher your message. The Bible is such an example.

233 Rail in Latin is abuse because to rail at someone means to abuse them. Rail is this way a double edged sword.

And another example is history and western kings and rulers using only words to fool. I have during the writing of this book found evidence that proves there is no evidence of many of the historic truths you learn. They make it up as they go along in other words.

In the movie Oblivion 2013, the voice in the sky is named Sally. Hal, Sal. Someone knows the truth and are telling us something. There is a secret. Can you decode their message? They are telling us, that Salian Franks are the root cause. Or the shadow governments. The endeavors the Carolingians/Franks have thrown at us the past 500 years shows us, that they just could not do the job. Wars, famine, torture, deceit, lies, banking and corruption, more wars. The list is as long as Hell is hot.

Todays power-structure also suppress inventions, art and new ideas. Democracy is the worst form of rule and so are every other type of rule. Invent a new rule and start measuring everything all over again. Don’t trust the rulers because they are utterly insane from intermarriage (genetic decease) and fucking their own day and night. We too will perhaps be extinct like the dinosaurs if this rotten system continues and as George Garlin said: “it is all going down the drain”. What he was saying was, it will go down the drains, unless you do something different. Don’t trust in others to do the job because they are utterly insane and would you trust a Psycho to do the job? Now imagine this psycho has the A-bomb and weapons galore. It becomes a nightmare and a living hell.

I see a pattern when Rothschild and Denmark work hand in hand now when we know how Rothschild connected with Hesse-Kassel who waged war and supported the so called American Civil War. Yes, civil as in Freemasons. Civilians don’t want to have wars. They only

ght in case being attacked by some dubious psychos creating wars out of deceit to win every corner of every stone that ever was spread on Earth.

The card house is swaying and will fall as said by George W. Bush (senior): “And there will be a New World Order”. The only question left now is, will it take us all down? My best knowledge tells me, the new is coming from the old from where western culture was born; from Asia.

Theropoda has a paw with 3 nails like a bird. Taer=Ther but Taer in Danish means toes. Theo sau is Vietnamese for follow. Thesaurus is groups of words as synonyms or a dictionary or encyclopedia. There are 3 “lions” in some coat of arms which are not lions but dinosaurs, dragon, extinct (cartoon styled). Sure, they are extinct or soon will be.

Isis is a symbol of a Dinosauria nothing more but also everything because she/he is the fat+her of modern culture and invented to fool so Freemasons could take it all creating a reality only they knew was a lie.

VI Divided by V
I want to show you how deep the rot goes by just picking averse in Genesis 6:5. The original Hebrew (Yiddish) text follows.
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
֙רֶצֵ֙י־לָכְו  ץרֶָ֑אָּב  ם֖דָָאָה  תַ֥ערָ  הָּ֛ברַ  יִּ֥כ  הָ֔והְי  ארְַּ֣יַו ׃םוֹּֽיַה־לָּכ  ע֖רַ  ק֥רַ  וֹּ֔בִל  תֹ֣בְׁשְחַמ
Above in Hebrew but from Yiddish to English it is:
And when the LORD saw that the wickedness of man in great all - of the thoughts of his heart was only evil - today:
Yiddish to English:
Vayera Jehovah the great Ruth human in all - has come up with a heart only evil all - today.

So it is God (Vayera Jehovah) that is evil. That is what it says. תַ֥ערָ (Ruth) means ill (in Hebrew) and red (in Yiddish). Do you recall Rothschild and they say Roth is red. Roth ≈ Ruth. So what the Hebrew text is telling us here is, that Ruth/Roth is ill and red. Roth is also King. So he was a child of Roth/Ruth hence asper Ham the Son of Noah he (Ham) too became a sinner as did Roth’s Child because Roth/Ruth was a sinner. That is what the Bible tells us and it is empirical evidence that all governments are ill and bad because some (if not all) deal with N.M.Rothschild.So there are two version in he original text. One is Hebrew and one is Yiddish. God spoke two languages and later God spoke Greek too.

I never heard about any Yayera in Church or school. Who the hell is that? Vayera takes us to Parashat or Parashat which is kind of spacings in such as the Aleppo Codex. There is exactly only 1 (one) result for "Vayera Jehovah" (April 2013) at google.com and that result-page can’t open. The cached version reads:

; תאֹזַּה ץרֶָאיָלֵא הֶארְִנַּה הָוהיַל ,ַחֵבְּזִמ םָשׁ ןֶבִיַּו ;תאֹזַּה ץ ויָלֵא הֶארְִנַּה הָוהיַל ,ַחֵבְּזִמ םָשׁ ןֶבִיַּו
Vayera Jehovah el-Avram vayomer lezar'acha eten etha'arets hazot vayiven sham mizbe'ach l'Jehovah hanir'eh elav.
Jehovah appeared to Abram and said, 'I will give this land to your off-spring.' [Abram] built an altar there to God who had appeared to him.

There is something rotten here. Wikipedia tells us Ruth is תור which truly enough translates to Ruth in both Hebrew and Yiddish. But that is not the word in Genesis 5:6. There it is תַ֥ערָ and it does look the same but a million miles of different.

Hebrew תַ֥ערָ is Ill as in sick. Yiddish תַ֥ערָ is red.

I know what it is all about. There is a coded messages in The Bible and it is not from God nor is it very pleasant but the fact remain it will unlock the deceit right up to this day and time and prove all governments, Rothschild’s and everyone who cooperates with them are illegal in the lack of a better word. They are GOMO.

Yayera transliterated from English to Yiddish is ַארעַייי which translated from Yiddish to English is eyiera. From Hebrew it is Iiiara. From the rst we can make Eye i Ra. And the second? It is iiiara and there is only about 6000 Google results for this word. Which is strange considering ַארעַייי gives zero (0) results and is translated to Illara. Last ַארע is Era/Ara. The

rst letters ַייי is III and Hey!. So we get IIIEra and Hey!Ara.

This ַא ר ע ַייי translates to Yiddish III with R a. So what is translated as The Lord is might really be III with R a.
At Ebay.com I nd a “Thule Square Bar System for Volkswagen Golf III With Ra”. Mystery deepens but proves my translations are right and there is a hidden code. Believe it or not but there is such a thing:

Found here: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bip.1968.360060207/abstract. It has to do with the The synthesis of spermine derivatives (polymers).
Texas Chainsaw Massacre III,'' with R.A. Mihailoff, Viggo Mortensen, William Butler, Kate Hodge. Directed by Jeff Burr, from a script by David J.
Ramesses III. I think that is the guy we are looking for. But he is not The Lord!? The Bible translators has simply jumped and deleted Yayera from the translations.
God really does exist. As three letters. That is all it is. If a divine entity created everything, then surely also G.O.D as three letters so we can deduct that G.O.D. is a divine entity or part thereof. Just as these letters are: T.H.E.O. or J.O.E. That does not make Joe a divine entity unless we think of Joe as part of everything which a divine created. So no matter what lettercombination we enter it is part of a divine. Let us now imagine, that a divine gave some words to be written and they were all about sex, whores and wars. Would that not be divine? Sure would if everything is part of a divine. How funny is it then, that everything contains Eve. And how funny Not (nothing) rimes with Yodh as the Hebrew letter י. Coincident or luck? Neither. It’s like the “E Pluribus Unum” - if divine, how come of all things it is SHIT or the Gallbladder smelling so bad you will vomit.
Recall Genesis 6:5: Here are; rst the original Hebrew which I actually think is Yiddish, then the official King James version and then translated from Hebrew to English and then from Yiddish to English:

   ־לָכְו    ץרֶָ֑אָּב    ם֖דָָאָה    תַ֥ערָ    הָּ֛ברַ    יִּ֥כ    הָ֔והְי    ארְַּ֣יַו ׃םוֹּֽיַה    ־לָּכ    ע֖רַ    ק֥רַ    וֹּ֔בִל    תֹ֣בְׁשְחַמ    ֙רֶצֵ֙י
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
And when the LORD saw that the wickedness of man in great all - of the thoughts of his heart was only evil - today.
Vayera Jehovah the great Ruth human in all - has come up with a heart only evil all - today.

Please go to such websites as bible.cc to see the real Hebrew text because the word processing can’t always handle it. Therefor I shall brew it up and only take the rst two words:

הָ֔והְי ארְַּ֣יַו
King James And when the LORD
From Hebrew to English And the Lord saw

From Yiddish to English Vayera Jehovah

This sarcophagus is in red granite holding Ramesses II with Osiris depicted on the side with her wings. in other words:

If you Heaven’t got it, you make it.

If this is the LORD asper Genesis 6:5 we can now decode who Jesus is by following the bloodline of Ramesses III. He is considered a very great King and also a sun king because he is depicted with a halo. He was number 3 (III), Father, Son and The Holy Spirit.

My feeling is Jesus is Ramesses-Meryamun-Nebweben or at least Jesus was later born by some unknown or perhaps a king/queen or king/whore and they needed a religion for the Roman Empireso they pulled out all they had.

Usermaatre-meryamun Ramesses III had this son named Meryamun. Mery transliterated to Yiddish is ירעמ and you will nd that combination in this book a few times related to United States Of America. It is:

עקירעמַא ןופ ןטַאטש עטקיניירַאפ
Can you see it. It is part of the last word for America. Read Yiddish from right to left.

Meryamun (Meryatum) son of Ramesses II America
United Nation

From Genesis 6:5 the word ארְַּ֣יַו transliterates to Yayera hidden in Genesis 6:5 translated from Yiddish to English.
Yayera transliterated from English to Yiddish is ַארעַייי
This ַא ר ע ַייי translates to Yiddish III with R a

It is a three step process. At III we know it is Ramesses III and he had children of one who was called RamessesMeryamun-Nebweben. He was a hunchback.

Amarica is Hebrew עקירעמַא but the same word עקירעמַא in Yiddish is America. Yiddish ירעמ is Maria.
However Ramesses II also had a son named Meryatum.

In Ramesses you get ameR (all we need now is ICA). ICA is a coop in Sweden (www.ica.se) and you can look up Ica yourself and nd what that means. Coop is translated to Latin as:

Coop: noun;

Another daughter of Ramesses II: Meritamen. One and the same. A bird again. Even a duck related to eggs. Top right: sexual instruments? Notice two wings?

And a sitting buddha in white with what looks like knees (erected cock?). Crescent moons, broken egg-shell.

How funny present rimes with crescent.
cavea: cavity, excavated place, enclosure, inclosure, cage, den hara: hogsty, pigsty, stable, sty, stye, coop 234

Meryamun’s mother was Nefertari.
Sin coop is corporation and corp is body and body is the bread of Christ and since governments work with and coorporate with corporation they too, I am glans to say, are part of the deceit. No way? How can this and everything be deceitful and based on falsehood. The Bible. To B or not to B. Recall Beth being bed and is found in The Bible hence To Be or not To Be is not a question - it is a riddle.

234 Hare Krishna is a religious organization

That is not enough? Okay, how about understanding that ICA and COOP are connected through the International Co-operative Alliance at http://ica.coop. Notice the rainbow (Apr 2013) and the birds. Coop is a hog sty, an asshole as a cavity hence ICA is too and is part of the word America. In Sweden they have both a COOP and an ICA and a COOP you nd in many countries. It is an outlet selling other companies products. Rica is Spanish for rich. If you have an outlet and you have a monopoly you will be rich or rica.

Ramesses II had a principal wife called Nefertari also known as Nefertari Merytmut. Mutter in German is mother. Ramesses III had a hunchback son and you might want to look up Xerxes and King Leonidas because there you nd a hunchback like a Judas betraying Leonidas. It is a code I suspect. We are told only almost nothing and have to think for ourself.

My hypothesis is, that in year 325 and earlier The Roman Empire were in strong need of a world religion because it was running out of hand with all the kings and gods. So they dog out all they had and invented the story of Jesus based on Meryamun (two sons) and from there they spun a secondary story into the fairy tale story in Yiddish and the symbols and language tells us it is all lies to keep the ancient times a oat through a fake God probably based on some Pharaohs but they too were fake and in most part only gay, warriors or whores themselves. The only bloodline there is, is the one that followed right up to Adolf Hitler and all his henchmen from the Danish Royals Court and house to Hesse-Kassel and Queen Elisabeth II of England and all the rest of the fake. Then they created democracy to paint a nice picture and to make people swallow it they instituted this Jesus the goodfella in which people could re ect. He was the bait and people took the hook for 2000 years.

All there is to say now is, that the lights are dimming down and the ame is burning cold. The Sun will keep burning and cares nothing about gallbladders or blackadders or any Beans nor ags or borders. Free people are only free when they understand they are locked up as they are tied to fake laws and criminal courts.

They had their time and fun but the rich dinner table is eaten and the food left now is to see if Ruth can return with more evil spin and very sick clandestine trickery which people will suck up to once again. As the time runs out the new clock is invented and the time starts at 24:00:01 and will never reach 11 AM or 4 PM. This clock starts at 24:00:01 and ticks away 24 hours until 48:00:00 and then return to 24:00:01 andso the lost second will symbolize The Lost Egg which is now nally found among WORDS and Lies obscured as Truths.

The best part of it is, that you don’t have to believe any of it anymore. It is a true as a lie is true. And you can even believe in lies or know a lie is true until you realize it was not.
Maria is from the male name Marius meaning man/sea (mar). Marius was used among Roman families (gens). Gens meaning stock, clan, nation, race (Latin: domus), tribe, offspring etc. Marius contains US. Then we just need to nd America and with that we nd Maria.
America is not only a “business” it is a Business of Vultures by Men (Marius) and they created a Flytrap with “Je us” and you are the y and they don’t let ies y without body

You see Meryatum at the right foot of Ramesses II obscured almost.

scanning them in case the ies (you) know something they don’t want you to know or carry such as the truth. It is also an intimidation (fear/terror) tool too.

What do you do when people fuck you? You get mad, right? Or you just sit there and take all their shit from their sty of lth and lies and you will let them hit another million “Je Us” and fake with propaganda being blind but actually seeing.

Why might Freemasons be free? Because masons chopped up the Pyramids, the

sculptures, the whole rotten pile of rocks. It is carved relatively naïve235 once you look at the sculptures. I always wondered why they had one foot in front of the other and always depicted (drawn) seen sideways. The later Roman and Greek sculptures too become naive and totally out of sync with reality as seen from the height of normal people.

Freemason was hired to chop up the rocks to fool and in doing so they got carte blanche to be free. They knew and would never tell and they even kept it a secret within so a very few would know by decoding using words. Follow the words and you realize it is all just a pile of shit as rocks. The pyramids and ancient artifacts are all lies. The proof? The Bible is your nal evidence.

Image right: Nefertari Merytmut. Wife of Ramesses II and mother of Meryamun and Meritamen.
Below is her name written in hieroglyph. Notice the second letter from the left. It is a vulture.
Third letter is what looks like an egg with an arch and a doorway and on the top is a cross.

Then comes a wing or a pen as a writing tool using ink. Then a half circle, an “eye” and then II (two). Then there is the water, ocean, river. There are 3 half circles.

Out of her name we can make such words as: eater, raft, nee, tire, train, retina, rain, rein, rei, eta, re, air, at and many more.

We are told the Ankn (right bottom) cross with a top-ring, is the origin of the Christian cross. But the cross is there in her name!

We are also told the origin of the Ankn is unknown. Look again. It is an egg and a T.
235 Find Naïve art and naivism and you will nd Salvador Dalí too. Ankh

We are now back in Denmark. We need to learn one word. On the next page is the decoded Ankh. It is an egg and a T. The Danish word for two is To. The T itself is actually two pieces as two strokes and a pole with a beam on top. It was used as a torture and cruci xion instrument by the Romans.

It is a symbol as a T but also for II. You just need to decode it. So the☥  is the symbol of an egg and II and indeed the word egg has two g’s too. That is just a bonus.

Then there is the rather peculiar word ANKN. Di fficult to pronounce and say. But it become more easy soon and it even has a sound to it and we are then moving into Disney and Donald Duck believe it or not. Now recall this is science because it is linguistics using words as proof. If you can show it using only words and letters it is empirical proof of a truth.

We are talking alphabet now and the Latin indeed making it relatively easy for many people. Letters are associated with a number hence A=1, B=2 etc. That is why Alpha = 1 and Beta = 2 in Greek. K is the eleventh letter in the alphabet. H is the eights letter. So now we

To is Two in Danish is Roman
Numeral II. How did Pharaohs know Roman Numerals before they were invented?

have 11 and 8. Now for the magi©: 11 minus 8 = 3. If the egg is zero or represents one egg and we have the two then that alone makes 3. Recall that Nefertari had 3 half circles - half Moons if you like. A half moon is also a D. So we are given 3 D’s in fact. If we take one D we are left with 2 D’s with which we can make a full Moon O. Then third D we exchange for kh and we get:

This word (and) you know as plus, +. But in Danish it means DUCK. In Donald we have Don meaning a crime boss (Ma a), Don (horri c) is Latin Dominus.

And indeed has 3 letters too. Dom and Don also has 3 letters. So did the egg or the hen come rst? Dominus is know later after ancient Pharaohs so for this to t, the hieroglyphs were made parallel to, or after, the Romans invented Latin language. Old latin dates back starting around 400 BC. For this to work, my equation means, that ancient Egypt or at least the hieroglyphs were made parallel to or later than Old Latin.

Nefertari Merytmut lived with Ramesses II and that was around 1250 BC.

The only way the equation can stick is, if Ramesses II and his gang-group (Dom’s) knew Old Latin.

Duck eggs and Ducks are eaten in China and Asia and duck eggs are colored with herbs and vinegar and salt. Eater and eggs in the west is a direct copy of this and the coloring of eggs is derived from the ancient Asian tradition of salting eggs to save them and adding herbs and spices to give the egg taste also because herbs also helps the rotting process.

Hydrogen sul de H2S is a colorless gas that smells like rotten eggs. It can happen from bacteria decay of organic matter when there is no oxygen such as in Moses. Yes, Moses. A mose in Danish is a swamp. And indeed in Denmark this year 2013 there is a man calling himself Moses Hansen who is a born again Christian and he has a website called: watchman.dk and he has what he calls The Potters House (Pottemagerens Hus). he is very well known in Denmark and his early life was one of drugs, whores and rock and roll in all places it was in Greece.

Rembrandt’s painting The Night Watch ( The Company of captain Frans Banning Cocq) is men watching as an army patrol. Watchmen are a type of spies or simply law enforcement po lice if you like. Banning Cocq inherited his wife’s fathers company the Dutch East Trading Company. We are back in Asia now back in around 1630. We are talking huge purchases of spices etc. from Asia. The company was dissolved because of corruption within and the possession (yes, the company was Dutch East Indies) became Indonesia in the 20th century. No wonder Indonesia has a Don it its name. In Don Asia236 might be the proper name. The company was the rst mega corporation and could coin money, create wars and in essence were the Christian GOD.

Asia (place name), asier (danish), cucumber, gherkin (english), augurken (dutch). Augustus (biblical). In Danish afgud /augud/ means a heretic. Hence Augustus is an heretic and an augurken as a cucumber which indeed looks like a cocq. So was Frans Banning Cocq really Frank’s Banning Cocks? Or was he rather promoting cocks and dicks and Doms?

Every symbol from the Ankh to eggs ts and we end up with a watchman who was a drunk and a womanizer nding GOD walking in Denmark with a cross fooling everyone and they call it freedom of religion because the dominus is not all that free after all promoting slavery and wars. We also found the II in the Ankh as a + and in dominus we have a minus. The dome is part of the symbol of the Ankn as an egg and in the egg we get two arches; one larger and one smaller (the “tip” of the egg).

On the next page I show how II = 10 and that is real genuine magi© - I use the rst symbol as a secret code to show how one shape in fact can be another shape if you know the initial shape is a code. Otherwise the initial shape might just look like a pole with a white ag or part of a house construction etc. I then turn it 90 degrees and detach the actual two letters T and I which is TI (Danish) meaning Ten which is Roman Numeral X and with that we get two poles, rods, sticks, which is Roman Numeral II which is 2 (two) which then though magic is 10 because that was the initial symbol. So I get one in two. It actually is 2=10. The 1 is the rod or the male symbol and the 0 is the female. In diamonds they operate with different cuts. One is the Oval shape and one is the Marquise shape (almond, eye shape). Combining these two shapes they make a diamond that is pear shaped which I would also call egg shaped. Now turn that around and load it over the T and you get the Ankh. So with one simple

236 Cucumbers in Danish is asier (also agurk) and asier leads us to gherkins.

ower bud, the lotus bud, we get Christianity with the X. But as we see, it takes us to the Lotus in Asia. And since the diamond came after the shape of Asian temples (the lotus shape), then indeed the diamond pear/eye/egg shape came after.

The egg is the symbol of birds, dinosaurs and with that; primordial life. The egg is a key and indeed the Ankh is known as a key. Crack open the egg and you get white, red (blood from the fertilization) and the X as II as two joining together having sex (VI).

Also see Glossary for Ankn.
Bright Shining Eyes
A short story

A day in the Sun on a beach made from tiny rocks you were enjoying the afternoon Sun. You closed your eyes because the Sun was blinding your eyes. As they were shut you could not really see but almost magically you could “see” all kinds of things. Then for a second or two you opened your eyes to check if everything is all right. As you do you notice this gorgeous creature called homo sapiens (man or woman) and you just can’t get your eyes away. So you look and see while you try to avoid being seen. This you can see and you know it is real and you start to dream. For a few seconds you close your eyes and you can see all the pictures even when your eyes are closed. You can’t see a thing but you never saw better.

Suddenly you get the notion because your heart is boxing inside your chest and you want to know. As you decide the obvious you suddenly realize your are in heaven on Earth and you feel lucky. You stand up and walk towards your vision as if walking on clouds and you know exactly what to say. Within 10 meters now and you walk slower with a totally focussed mind in this short moment in your life.
You say “Elle” and in the distant you notice a starfish and you recall that love is about being nice and making love so you can breed the next generation of sun lovers and people lovers. You say the next word “Belle” and you notice a smile on the face of your heart standing only one meter away.
Your opponent suddenly turns face towards you and whispers: “Let me tell you a story of glory. Please sit in the sand and hold out your hand. Look in my palm and tell me what you see?”.

You look in the palm and in a flash you are taken away to a distant place you never knew existed. It was more bright than day and there were a googollion virgin Suns just born from dust as they had bust as stars they must. You looked around and heard the voice of silence say: “Which star do you want?”. They all looked the same and were all made from the Crust Upon Pie. As you closed your eyes for a second or two you pointed in random at what you thought was the most brandsome Sun of them all. As you opened your eyes it was dark. Darker than dark as black as black did never exist.

It was all very brightley and now it was darkey without any sparkey. The Sun was gone, the beach, your dream. All lost. But wait. You recalled the talk of glory. You started humming “Elle Belle Helios” and suddenly it became as bright as before. You were back on the beach looking in the palm and your opponent said: “My palm is a lamp and now that you have seen the glory you also know that “Eli” is part of Helios and “Holi Lies” is too part of Helios so now you have chosen a star among many stars and the truth is now only if that star is me”…


If one word will describe it all it is Sistoic. And if I could, would and I can I would make that Xistoic just to break the rules. For that word there is at least 4 results at Google (Apr 2013) and that makes Sistoic better because for that there in non, nulla, zero, null, zon, zion. Zion is zero but was all. Once we understand that everything is build upon one huge pile of shit, we can really cultivate our new grown vegetables from this pile. Hopefully and nally they will be lost forever - the rotten pack; the scoundrels; the whores of Babylon and everything that followed and all the idiots that sucked up to the lies by taking coins and loins as bait.

You can build too and you can do what they did better 237. Since they copied everything and stole too, they are not even worth copying or being envious of. They were dead from the starts and they are hopefully dead and forgotten within a few years. There should be build a Sistoic ill-brary with all their fake relics and then it should be stuffed with parsley and boiled down to the raw essence namely ZERO. Even if EROZ must die too, then so be it. Let’s invent the better World in which Omega becomes just a symbol of nothing. Let’s make the war memorials into more than a memo (memorials) and we might understand they loved their wars and their sick tricks and magi© so much that they eventually had to swallow their own pill which was ill. The pill was ill and not you. A child was born in Bethlehem is the worst nonsense ever written and the next child might be born in Jerusalem238 or Masusalem but that only makes it worse because we’d end up with so many dicks we’d not be able to swallow them all.

237 They did not do much so something is better than nothing (Zion)
238 Lem is Danish for cock the dick of whores known as Babylon.
The Pack

Hypothetical thinking: We know there has been wars and kings and rules across Earth for many years. What I think is, that The Bible was written purposely to make a pact between all or many rulers to rule the world for 2000+ years and they concocted the whole story and make a deal on how to conquer and divide. The echelons in different parts of the World from Europe to Asia to Africa and everywhere over time from about 3000+ years ago wanted as many as possible on this vessel which nally was to be United Nations. For people (normal) to buy into it they created the whole Bible and Catholicism because gods were many years ago a big and important part of peoples lives. So they killed all the gods and created on universal god and at the same time killed him to scare people should they get any ideas of their own.

The Holy Ark only exists as words written from and in many languages and a deal was made between the European echelons such as Knights Orders and Freemasons with the Persian echelons Jews making “Je us” from Zeus and then the Jews (Ἰουδαῖοι) to take the whole world in their hands and create such a system as we know it today with banks, royals and police plus army to keep everything in their control. The Ark of The Covenant is a deal struck and everything is theirs and they only let normal people live 1) because they don’t care shit about little stupid people and 2) because they need slaves and workers.

If they can lie and get away with it why can’t you? It looks like lies are what it is all made from. When the core is a lies then so is the shell. The Lost Egg is now found and it is inside The Holy Ark which is a woman and if you are a man or a woman (!) then you are part of this ark.

It is the greatest lie ever told. In The Bible they codes a second and even a third language all about sex and cocks and prostitutes having sex with the saints. If I had the time I could easy now rewrite the whole New Testament and it would be X-rated in numerous countries. It would naturally be translated and written empirically. I have already shown just a few. The whole Bible is full of them in every book, chapter and verse. They even legalized sex with boys or whomever they wanted and they still use blood sacri ce whenever they want. It is all orchestrated by GOMO, The Vatican, Ashkenazi Jews, Irgun and who not. The president are usually only puppets as public speakers while the real politic goes on behind curtains in the very upper echelon where rich is not a word they use. Being rich for them being poor. They have the printers ready and can squirt out fake money as they like.

This book is coming to an end but I have about another 50 chapters proving again that even corporation are not just a business nor is USA just a business. They are part of GOMO and their business is foremost to keep their fake system going. As long as they can keep the myths about Jesus and God alive they are doing ne.

Soon a new dawn breaks and they are not going to see this new dawn and all their fake artifacts, art and bullshit should be dumped in the Mariana Trench with a 1000 ton kilo heavy iron block to sink all their bullshit and gall. Then in about a thousand years people might ask what that was all about and the people can tell them:

“It was All Lies In A World Of Their True Lies”.
Alem Spero Hope
Pot-amides with a shepherd by Henrietta Rae, 1909. If you can’t see the male shepherd it is the guy kneeling down looking up. He is dressed and his face is hermaphroditic.

To understand the full value of the Biblical connection to todays governments we have to turn our eyes to the nude and the erotic. The Bible has many verses about man/man having sex and also man and woman. If you look hard enough you actually nd sheep to having sex or was it donkeys. Don+Keys. Is really is there in your face so don’t worry about it being too difficult and it becomes rather boring after a while.

In above painting we naturally see the ladies or the nymph or shall we call them sexual objects or just pleasure males with a fairy in front of the word male. Fe is Danish for fairy hence female is a fairy male. You don’t believe that either. Look up the word fe in any dictionary. This naturally proves Fe=Fairy= part of the word female and since this is linguistics it is a science and I did not invent this science. Even science can be awed but you have the letters, the words, the combination as a match and if you don’t believe your own eyes then they are shut as in the movie “Eyes Wide Shut” (1999 lm written by Stanley Kubrick with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman among others). Sidestepping. Lets get back to the painting above.

Look again. What do you see? Look on top of the water there are water lilies or as they are known Nymphaeaceae as a plant family. The water lilies is shaped just like the ass of a woman or a man if you like that as Gaius Julius Caeser did. Claude Monet is one of the best know painters of water lilies. He started out painting like anyone else but ended up in his garden in Giverny is France painting Japanese (Asian) bridges and ponds and water lilies. His inspiration came from Asia as did Vincent Van Gogh who loved to paint the Sun and stars too. Once initiated into the secret world they will paint all the symbols and they will then be famous because they paint what the establishments likes and wants based on ancient manners and ancient rule and power based again on a very few symbols like the one we all know: EROS or EROTICS. Enter tics as the little bug and animal as in politics. Even erotics has tics. EROS = EROticS and you are left with tic. A clock says tic, toc. These nymphs have this dreaming look and are usually painted in anticipation - in hope. The shepherd also hopes to catch a nymph and don’t all hope for the better and good life with a nice family or at least a harem or more to ll your mind and body. Kings had harems and I suspect kings still have that. That is why you are a king because you are on top of things, in power, can do what you like and have the motive, opportunity and means to get what you hoped for. Once had a king don’t want to loose it so he has a Mary<=>Army to protect it all. The real army is paid coins and the Mary, his wife or his nymphs will stay loyal and royal as long as there is coin and hope.

Woman in Bed , 1645, Rembrandt van Rijn is another example of Beth entering art because the woman is in a bed and then there is Bathsheba Bathing, 1654. A city in south England is rather famous called Bath. No wonder because it is near the ocean. The city is located in Somerset and in the city is a house called the Royal Crescent which is arch shaped like a crescent Moon with reference to a woman being fat and pregnant and the Moon is the egg too symbolically. We know what a Monarch is now so it is proof of what it means - really. Some don’t need hope because they have an army to get what they want. The Roman Empire had an army and that was the real power. As long as you befriended the army and it’s generals you could stay a king and queen. If you have a very large gun like the A-bomb or Napalm you will usually prevail 999,999 times out of a 1,000,000.

Around the time of the idea of making census 239 in The Bible the idea of writing down every child in a book was created. Today it has gone crazy. At birth the child is cared for from cradle to grave. It works because little by little they introduce their ideas upon you. it is the boiling frog effect and all that “jazz”. Boiling frog or not the fact remains that Governments are proven terrorist and that takes it all down.

Let us now move on to Jerusalem to decode these Nymphs and understand what the word Jerusalem really means and let us take a tour to the Hesperides in the land of nymphs, sex and pussy galore and naturally Mary’s ashing cocks hanging onto men of ill behaviors. This little near-the-end chapter closes the gab and connects sex, cocks and art into one use architectural city of hogwashing dirt so huge it all is called culture but is based on the fact that they have imperial power through only one thing; the biggest gun allegorically also the cock but that is not enough so a real gun is needed and the bigger the better. Dan Brown put it all very holliwoodish in his Book The Da Vinci Code and kind of brushed it all away. Sure it was an interesting movie but was all an attempt to further hiding the real true lies. The Vatican said of the book it was a lie. Sure it was. But so is The Vatican lying about a divine Jesus.

Lucky for them there were no census or “ birthers” at the time and in fact there is no evidence what so ever of Jesus existence. One might think God would have left a little proof. All the proof there is are their WORDS and then YOU BELIEVING it. Even the word believe contains a lie. Eyes are really Wide Shut and perhaps it is time to shut of the light forever so people can’t complain and say: “Why is it so dark in here?” when in fact the Sun is doing all it can to brighten it up. The only dark hell we have is the one created by very evil men and woman in power and behind the visible structure there is the whole army complex producing what creates the motive to keep an ongoing reason to stay in power alive; WAR. So indeed WARRIORS is what it is all about 240.

239 See Census in the Glossary
240 See Glossary for the word census to read more about how they lie and how Yiddish and Hebrew is mixed when translating The Bible
Jerusalem is Jerus + alem. Alem (alemán) is Spanish for German. Yiddish is for Germans or “Je us” known as Jews. From Wikipedia (again) I am sad to say:

In Greek mythology, the Hesperides (pronounced /hɛˈspɛrɪdiːz/, Greek: Ἑσπερίδες) are nymphs who tend a blissful garden in a far western corner of the world, located near the neighborhood of Cyrene[1] or Benghazi[2] in Libya or the Atlas mountains in North Africa at the edge of the encircling Oceanus, the world-ocean.[3] In some sources, the nymphs are said to be the daughters of Hesperus.[4]

According to the Sicilian Greek poet Stesichorus, in his poem the "Song of Geryon", and the Greek geographer Strabo, in his book Geographika (volume III), the garden of the Hesperides is located in Tartessos, a location placed in the south of the Iberian peninsula.

The name means originating from Hesperus, the evening star Venus, equivalent to vesper.

Ἑ σπερίδες (/sperides/) is Latin and English Soiree 241 . Is this the missing S is “Je us”? Hesperides relates to the planet Venus and Star from Ishtar. it could be many things. Perhaps S for snake-pit. Pun intended. Even the Sun has an S but is Helios which does have an s at the end.

Latin: ad vesperum is evening. As is Latin noun: vesper and Latin: eve. Evening star. Eve the name.
I got it. It is hope. Wikipedia again wiggles their tail and never tells the whole truth. Hesperides is Hesperus. It is hope. Latin spero is hope. This is the origin of the missing S. Spero is our WORD meaning hope.
Spero is Hesperus (wiggle Wikipedia word) which is really Spero so Hesperides is meaning HOPE. We got there by doing a few maneuvers (manu) like this:

241 Many other languages also

I. I wanted to nd the missing s in “Je us”
II. I knew Jerusalem was an important city and I knew lem is Danish for cock, dick. III. I then checked what Alem was in the word Jerusalem and found alemán which was

Spanish for the word German. That made sense because we were in Hebrew land and German-land. Spain had S but not proof. However the Spanish word alemán has alem. One bingo.

IV. I then translated he word Spain to Latin and found Hispaniarum. Noun is Hesperia and I knew H is numb so I was on track with ”es” being “s”.
V. I then Googled Hesperia which gave me Hesperides in Greek mythology. Two bingos. “Esperia” kind of ran bells like “Spiritus”, “Esperi” etc.
VI. Hesperides is Greek Ἑσπερίδες.
VII. Ἑσπερίδες is English soiree meaning evening.
VIII. Spain is latin: Hispaniarum which is a kind of mix of Hesperides and vesperum. But still no match. No bingo.
IX. Evening is Latin: ad vesperum. Noun is latin: Vesper, Vespera. Three bingos; espera sounds like Hesperia or “Hespera ”.
X. Latin: Vesper is evening and noun; eve. Eve is e+v+e.
XI. Vespers is the sunset evening prayer (Byzantine) Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, service in Anglican, the Western Catholic, Eastern and Lutheran liturgies of the canonical hours. The word comes from the Greek ἑσπέρα and the Latin vesper, meaning "evening." It is also referred to in the Anglican tradition as Evening Prayer or Evensong. The term is also used in some Protestant denominations (such as the Presbyterian Church or Seventh-day Adventist Church) to describe evening services.
XII. ἑσπέρα is translated as Vesper but is phonetically espera.
XIII. ἑ (E) σ (S) π (P) έ (E) ρ (R) α (A). Four bingos.

Alem = Espera = HOPE.
Espera is Spanish for HOPE and is phonetically SPERA with a numb E making the rst sound being an S.

Yi S Us or the third letter out of 5 is S in (E)spera for hope. Hence praying (Vespers) is HOPE. You pray and you “Espera” hence S is born if heard. if your prayer is heard S is born. And can be born again and again and again.

“Je us” souns like “Jews” and adding HOPE using prayer as HOPE or Espera “Je us” is born because S is born if the prayer is heard. Allegorically speaking. That is what praying is all about anyway. Hope. Hope is kind of good. We found “Je” and “Us” and now the missing “S”.

Now the most interesting part is, that EVE is E+V+E and could be Eros + Venus for woman + Eros. At least we have two E’s and a V. The two E’s kind of guard the V one on each side of the V. Hope in Italian is speranza. notice the Z. Vesper was evening prayer which is hope. Now we get a brand name; Vespa. Latin Vesparum is wasp related to all the bee’s we

nd in churches and religion and royal societies. We have a whole genus called Xenos Vesparum as wasps. They sting with their “sword”.

Vesparum has Vespa ergo Vespa is a wasp ergo the scooter named Vespa is a wasp linguistically. In Thailand they love the old style Vespa from around 1970‘s and you nd them all over the place in Bangkok. I need not discover what Bangkok means but let me tell you that it truly is an amazing country.

Jerusalem? Just another word. Build upon the Earth where we all are. it has nothing to do with HOPE but has everything to do with GOD and MONEY and the two towers might be the two E’s in Eve guarding V hence Notre Dame has two towers. Latin castellum is a village, citadel, stronghold, castle, tower. And Greek χωριό is village. The whole Earth is a village but some think it is their village more than others.

My next holiday shall go to Ko Phi Phi Don (Kho, Ko; Island) in Thailand where I shall enjoy the Sun, food and people and then my lovely wife and her family and friends (I send a special thank you to a special friend Khun Aek and her family in New Zealand) who not only took me on a journey but also guided me through this endless voyage and odyssey which I truly hope will end because it has been more than a nightmare to realize it was all a true lie.

It might all look like the J. F. K. thing where so many name places match and when you see it you think: it must be divine. It is not divine - it is made by GOD as a terror organization changing names over time from Salian Frank to United Nations. They make it - and you believe it. How about you know, and they behave’ing? They had their change and did not listen for many years and someone with power needs to say stop which is happening slowly but surely. And todays democracies knows it. They are living the last days.

All I am now wondering is, if the new empire shall follow the biblical ideas because then it looks like hell all over again.

119. Art Ass Evidence


Recall the Pot-amides also spelled Potamides as one word. It is 3 words: I. Pot - a vessels, the pelvis
II. A - Λ for pyramids or the cock - something in the center and it is in the center. III. Mid - center, middle

Pot Λ Mid PAM
Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent did II self portrait of himself painted looking into a mirror. In this version, you see the cut and the bandage on our left side but it is Vincent’s right side. By doing this, you actually get the mirror effect and so II ears in one image. 1) One in the mirror and 2) one in real. One if left and one is right. II seems like a nice number one for man and one for woman and one has an extrusion and the other a intrusion or depression. Hence depressions are needed in their sick culture calculated from The Bible.


Recall in The Bible about the ear as an apostrophe. In art too. So Vincent Van Gogh knew. In an ABD NEWS article the headline reads: The Real Story Behind van Gogh's Severed

Ear - really? I think that too is a lie. Vincent knew or the whole story is a lie. Vincent was in the knowing or it was painted later (fake) etc. I can’t know unless I know. What I can prove is, that the painting is a symbol of the II apostrophes.

How can I know that? Look in the background. On the left is a easel as an A or cross or actually a Chinese letter. On the right is a painting of a mountain as a pyramid shape. You see II ladies who may be concubines - whores.

So we have male on the left and female on the right also symbolized as II ears as II apostrophes.
The old Chinese sign for Tian is a mangure meaning heaven. This all relates to Buddhism.


Baby, baby Ooh yeah

The moon covers the sun
For longer than one night
I spill my water
And it slowly falls out right
I look out the window
And see the clouds up on my head
Maybe I'll just wait until you tell me instead

Maybe I'm right
Maybe I'm wrong
Could this be something good? Maybe I'm weak
Maybe I'm strong
Or am I misunderstood?
Maybe it's time to open my heart So my head's not upside down If you could give me that something You'd turn my life around

Self Portrait With Bandaged Ear: Painted by Vincent Van
Gogh in 1889. The other painting is: Self-portrait, 1889, Courtauld Institute Galleries, London. Mirror-image self portrait with bandaged ear.

The easel itself has the center piece as a rod as a pointed stick upwards symbolizing the male rod. Vincent could have been and real and he could have been an alcoholic and he could have known all.

Vincent did read to become priest when he was young. However he did not ful ll this but in the process he may have learned from reading and understanding The Bible as a hoax and realizing this his whole world was shattered or he became obsessed with the idea of Christian Symbolism and looked for a new medium to explore. This was painting and art. Vincent was not a skilled painter - we are told - in the beginning of his career.

If you follow and read the life of Vincent it looks very much like Adolf Hitler’s. Hitler wanted to or read to become a priest. He did not succeed and he tried painting too and did not succeed. He worked as a dictator as an actor all related to the arts.

Circle is relatively complete and all we are left with is The fake Bible and old men every year make things come true as The Bible “foretold” because if it does not happen as per The Bible it could not have been written by God. So they create event and terrorism because The Bible says so and if it is written by God is must happen as God foretold.

It is all a lie. The Bible is and so is the stories we follow in the News about fake wars and fake depression and fake pyramids. The pyramids may be there in real but how they were used and portrayed is another matter. ABC NEWS even lies again and again in the hope the confusion will be even greater so no one will gure out how it all really is joined together in a string of lies. I need to nish this book and I should nish it with a word or two. Here it is:

Buddhism not mentioning Luddism. Danish word Bod is offering. In Czech, Bod means point. Out of the head it all comes. The ears are big, so can hear. Eyes are not shut, so you can see. Mouth can open, so you can speak.

Five rays are extruding from the head. 5 ngers or 5 toes. Light as re so you can see in the dark. Two ears as two as II or:


Two ears and Greek Lambda, and Danish word for Lamp is Lampe. This is “GOD” or your Lamb (Christian; sheep). Buddha born ca. 550 BC means The Enlightened One. Capital Lambda is and you might want to read of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Volume 23 Number 1.

Greek Lambda lowercase λ is capital Λ and is Latin L as the Try Square ∟. Danish Queen Thyra Danebod is told to have helped Christianity to Denmark. Myanmark is near, as is Tibet (pronounced bod in Tibetan language) to the Himalayas and where buddha was born. In Himalaya is Mount Everest which is the tallest mountain on Earth. Everest is Ever and Est meaning always is. But is also Eve and Rest hence Buddha was born a female (perhaps) and became male and so rested in the Himalayan mountain range. At morning (mor=mother in Danish) and at evening the Sun rises and goes down.

Xingning is a region in China hence ning in thr words: morning and evening.


Ham and six of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (331 AD) analysis of Longchuan County split Xingning. The rst year of the Southern Qi Yongming (483) (1019), three years to the Northern Song Dynasty Sky , several analysis ancient the Xingning set Qi Chang County (government), the jurisdiction throughout several changes. Song Xining four years (1071) is divided into Changle County Wuhua County , the county is relatively stable. In 25 years (1936) is the sixth district of Guangdong Province, Office of the Chief Inspector of the early change to the Ninth District Administrative Office of the Inspector In 38 years (1949). After the founding of the People's Republic of China in October 1949, is a Xing Mei zone. 1952 are eastern Guangdong Administrative Region. After 1956, the case of the Shantou area. In November 1958, Ping Yuan County into Ning. In January 1961, Xing, and divide the counties, each county according to the original range. June 1965 is Meixian region. In 1965, the county outlet and Ye Hua brigade included in Meixian county stable thereafter. In June 1994, Ning county to a city (county), hosted by the city of Meizhou.

Translated to English from https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/

So we found Ham in Christian religion too . It proves Ham in The Bible is all fake or based on Chinese/Asian language and place-names transliterated directly from Chinese to Roman Empire and United Nations and fake royals in the western hemisphere. We also found East and Easter in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

is translated as Ham and Six (years). We then found our six in the famous 5/6 equation. is Ham transliterated but means salty, corned or all. We also nd the Song Dynasty related to and with that we know music and the word song is also transliterated from Chinese/Asia. Xingning is located in the Guandong Province in southern China. Even Mexico we found is a transliteration from China.

This is the Xing (has a cross, X) or the word translated as “Ham”. Ham or bacon is salted.

So are duck eggs in Asia and usually colored depending on what they use to preserve the eggs. Salt is a preservative. Put an egg or meat in salt and you can keep it for long.

Move the X in Xing a little and you get a K. We got our ing so that makes King. This is also a Greek later letter (recall Chinese came rst though ancient texts studied by Xu Shen. Also Sanskrit (Hindi)) Chi or X phonetically Ki. Hence X = K and we have Chinese (phonetically Xing) which is then King.

For all the luck in the World, a word in Asia is / Kii/ for shit. That is why royals are culturally nothing but shit in the western hemisphere proven though science as linguistics empirically (Emperor (of China (Yellow Emperor and his Sun Egg))) proving as it says on the following page…

Made In China
That is the popular saying. I have found here, that it is:
Made in Asia

Mia (Made In Asia) is Italian for my. So let us end where everything Asia ended up; namely in Italy and Rome and take it just a little step further into the World of Disney namely Mickey Mouse with the huge ears. This book would not be complete, without mentioning Dis-ney and Sid-ney and Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha complete. Hence Lux is light and ney has a meaning too but light might be what I was looking for when I started this odyssey and now it ends and I found so much more than simple light. I found a better truth than the lie I was told for years.


This is Sanskrit, Devanagari, India and Nepalese writing for Buddha. It is written in the font Arial. Buddha is rather two words and means TWO BUDS or TWO HEADS. Also in the meaning double edged. Buddha, later Vishnu, from Nepal in the Himalayas. So naturally they had to call it Napalm throwing reballs in Vietnam.

Look at the last letter # looking like a small bird hanging in a string. Danish H. C.

Andersen wrote a story called the Nightingale and we have many as one is Florence Nightingale. The Roman Legion, Caesar and all the cocks dressed as warriors with their cocktails as kilts and they are cock literally and allegorically.


Dinosaurs have shields and one such dinosaur is the Thyreophora “shield bearers”. Dinosaurs are in the family of bird and they lay eggs. Their shields or “skin” is Pentagon and Hexagon shaped pieces on their body. They can They lived in the period known as Jurassic about 200 million years ago until Cretaceous about 66 million years ago.

At this time, supposedly, the Earth was rather di fferent and landmasses were located different and Earth was being shaped as it is todays when we still have rocks falling from the Sky as meteorites as star-shoots. This would account for earlier ooding and explain rock formation in mountains having been under water or mountain region having been covered with rivers and this water would have carved out rock over million of years.

The Danish Queen Thyre Dannebod’s name is a Dino.
Doll Time

In Chinese the symbol for times is /Xi/ and recall Xingning, which are the time of or the era of Emperor Ai of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Xi is also the Greek letter Chi which phonetically is pronounced /Xi/. We recall Hitler’s name transliterated to Greek started with Xi as Χίτλερ.

Engelbert Dollfuss’ last name is Dollie/Doll and the last fuss part is from Chinese Confucius phonetically /Kong Xiu/ or rather simply confuse becoming fuse, fuss. Fuss in English also means trouble.

In Danish a king is kong hence the word is derived from /Kong/ but alone the symbol means hole. The same symbol has what looks like a seven (and a cross):

I am running out of space and time in this book. Time because if I never end, it will go on and on and becomes rather tedious and repetitious and boring. A few things are left to mention and all should fall into place.

We have 7Eleven as a convenient store. But is it really 11 as in eleven or is it not rather II as in two. My best evidence shows that it is 2 (II, two) because out of all the numbers 2 has popped up in this book more than others. So it is 72 and not 711. But that might just be a bonus.

Ring A Bell

It should by now. A bell or a singing bowl is round as is a wheel. Time or the clock as we know it all over the place is usually round and circular. Time is endless and really never starts and stops. Time is just a metaphor for humans to control something and at the Olympics they love to measure time and the logo has 5 rings which symbolizes time and then the shield of the “dinosaur” or rather the tortoise / turtle. They are still known as reptiles and can grow very old as people became rather old in the start of Genesis of time in The Bible. Their shield protects the turtle from predators and we know the Roman soldiers had imperators as their commanders. They would have a round shield and later as today it became shaped as a red shield as per Rothschild’s shield and the royals of among other Denmark (Pigmark, Hammark, Lardmark, Porkmark and also elsewhere NY as New Pork).

The red shield is a red egg colored in China and Asia and is also the shield of the turtles and a turtles has 5 “toes” and the single shields on the overall shell are Pentagons or Hexagons.

Here is an Aldabrachelys gigantea. The shell is made from smaller pieces that are shaped in various sizes with a different count of corners. The fastest recorded speed of a turtle is 5 Mph. So you might laugh when I tell you it is easy to win at the Olympics if you compete against such a giant.

5 rings and time and shields all mixed into a furious now oblivious stew of a soup that is so confusing it becomes a labyrinth as riddles to decode. It would take me another lifetime to take out all the lies but this little book is just what I term a:


trying to unlock as much of the lies we were told. Lords of The Rings is Lords Of Times as the rings are symbolic of time because time never starts not ends. Time is created out of a need to control and measure things as well as make a mess of things.

Notice how the turtle has what looks like a head shaped like the now famous cock and two front feet which are rather large. The turtle and shield is kind of a mountain. Have you ever seen two turtles make love where one “mountain” climes the other “mountain” and they have sex? Amazing.

These reptilian turtles lay eggs and we know ducks and chickens eggs but did you ever eat a turtle egg? Must be very expensive.
Is it then just astro theology or a mix of eggs and turtles? Yes indeed. And in the center of it all is the cock and then millions of lies but also million of rings and times and humans. You are a Victoria and you are a Jack or a king and a queen and an emperor.
The turtle lives in the ocean and comes to land to lay its eggs in the sand, so the sand becomes a symbol of the cradle or the cup in which the eggs hatches. When you eat an egg, you might put it into an egg-holder or an egg-cup. So the cup or coptic church is a dome all right as the shield of the turtles or beehive (confusion), but is literally also a cup to carry the egg today when you eat an egg be it a hens egg or a peafowls, goose or other egg. The y, Y, is the eggs holder too. That is why they have a cup at football to win. They get the Golden Cup as a price and they all go mad. The ball is symbolic for the turtle shield and round as time so they KICK it AROUND with their foot which has ve toes just like the turtle. It then is suppose to be kicked into a net which symbolically catches the egg (ball) and to make the egg you need six or sex.
“Bang bang” the II turtles have hot sex and she later lays eggs in the sand which is hot covered by sand. It is a hot bed or a hot pot and it was a hod rod (male) turtle that helped produce the egg.


A tortoise can be a hermaphrodite (male and female in one). A tortoise is in Danish skildpadde; English: Shield Pad. Tortoise in Latin is: Testudo/Testudine. Noun is vault, arch, armor-spines of hedgehog. A hod is also a pig and since the logo of Denmark is a red shield and a tortoise is Testudo, then Denmark is Pigmark but also two testicles.

Are we not all whores when we take the bait - money? I have mentioned whores many times of which some are frauds but they still helped on the path to avoid too many more lies. Wikipedia and the rest of the pack did help and support this book in fact as did whores as pigs when they tried to lay more deceitful eggs. I do thank the whores of the World because without them the Lazy Romans would never have achieved anything.

In the book, page 100, Nityasumangali By Saskia C. Kersenboom ISBN-13: 978-8120803305 (see next page), we read and see about the tortoise. Notice the SILVER LOTUS and TORTOISE as well as the GOLDEN TORTOISE.

Recall how I found gold and silver in The Vatican logo. That is a copy too from Asia and the two round rings in the logo are two eggs and two for II making it one in two as a CATALYST for a Hermaphrodite. In that word alone we have ROD. In the language Welsh (Celtic) Phrod is indeed a Rod. This empirically proves this books point.

Notice also on the page of the book Nityasumangali, that it mentions padma; lotus bud. In Danish bud is a messenger and is mentioned in The Bible. It is indeed a messenger of the divine one might say. The cock as a hard rock is indeed sending a message when it goes into an angle. The cock becomes a symbol and a word in itself. A woman will naturally respond or be in need or want and will also send out messages as incense that her body produces from hormones. So in essence, incense of the female is a signal, a word and the man will respond making a bang and a bang or more all depending on mood an situation.

This pad-cycle is a time cycle and is the Ring of The Lords. It is also the Olympic rings because there are V ( ve) as part of the tortoise as is VI. And King is from Kong and so we are back in China for a short time. VI KINGS is Tortoise Xing you might say.

I want to end this book in Rome. How do I do that and at the same time take you around the Earth in as short a time as possible. I know. I shall start and end in Rome.
We shall start in The Vatican or the dome as Saint Peter’s Church. Recall the name Peter means stone/rock and sand-pebbles are small rocks and sand symbolically pepper-corns or simply corns. Corn is not what we thought it was as cereal (that too (recall Confucius)). It is corns as sand-corn. Saint Peter is a rock - a sand-corn - just in his name. I am looking for something that can transport over distance and time. I know now ports and bridges as arches. So the arch is a bridge and carries something as does the shield of the tortoise in which it has more than one purpose 1) protection and 2) it carries something namely the other hermaphrodite when they have sex. let us start there.
First let us go to New York where we nd many bridges and many of them are shaped and formed as the Williamsburg Bridge. A bridge can be ached to help the uplift and support. See image right and notice the also the two rail-tracks each with two rails. Two trains can drive at the same time. II + II = II. Yes, two tracks with each two rails can carry two trains at the same time. That makes the mathematically true equation: II+II=II (2+2=2).
We then take a giant leap across the ocean to San Francisco and there we nd the Golden Gate bridge. Is it golden or red or yellow? What we can spot is, that it has two pillars and is colored vermillion to protect the iron from rusting too much and too fast. Chinese for

two is and turned is Roman Numerals II. Recall how Pi π is two pillars and a top beam too? It is golden for a reason as we found in The Bible as χρυσός (Chrysos) and indeed these

bridges do have a cross X as support too. This symbol X is found in Chinese script and symbols. I watch a movie called Contact (1997) with Jodie Foster in which Occam’s razor is mentioned and the master in the movie is at one point in a satellite above the Japanese island Hokkaido and Jodie Foster says: “Yes, [I know that], that is from where we operate”. Japan is in Asia.

The Golden gate bridge is symbolically the golden gate the Torii in Japan. It bridges Japan and USA together or rather USA and the western hemisphere stole as much as possible from Asia including the Torii gate.

This is Williamsburg Bridge in New York. Notice the X’s in the two pillars. Notice also the V and Δ shape in the support.

What is a turtle called again? Tortoise. Tor. Tor is German for gate or door. So I am inclined to know that toise must mean two. Instantly that rings a bell: TOYS. French toise is however a fathom, height gauge, measuring rod. Fathom also means understand or to penetrate. Again a word, toise, meaning two in one. Buy one, get one free they call it. Toise is a rod, something that penetrates, to understand (stand under; being safe because the arch is supporting (imagine one tortoise on top of the other tortoise having sex)). Danish two is the word: To. Then we are left with ise. Ice is the cold frost we know in which reptiles and ancient eggs have been encapsulated over time. Ice keeps things. ice makes a long cock tail very nice and ice is known as rocks.

On The Rocks they say when referring to a cock tail or drink in which they add ice. Ice or ise in tortoise is then synonym for rocks or crystals or gems and indeed gens are rocks. Ice crystals we also call it. Ice crystals are formed as Hexagons. They are utterly and purely natural and each ice crystals is totally unique. The change of two crystals found being the same is near to zero (Omega) Hence one equation might be:

6 = 0

That is as true as 2+2=4. It is words as science and in the movie Oblivion (2013) with Tom Cruise we indeed hear that a woman has aged 60 years in a time capsule.
Let me get back on track here. We came to San Francisco and with that I took you to Japan to Hokkaido Island and the Torii Gate in Japan. Claude Monet painted his “japanese” garden in Giverny in France with his water lilies (Nymphs) and also a green bridge. The Torii in Japan has even got the letters Tor meaning gate. Bridges and gates connects things as does “star gates”. So where are the stars? They are in many nations ags. Gates or bridges connects countries across borders. The cross X seems to be Universal in that it is needed as support to keep up things. Take away the cross and it all collapses.

In the movie Oblivion (2013) there are so many symbols and once you can decode the symbols the movie becomes so fun one laughs all the time during the movie.

There is the Holy Copter (helicopter), New York, Empire State Building, 60 years time laps, drones as ying eggs with rockets being shot, rockets as rocks, oods, rock mountain arches etc. There are also many numbers in the movie such as 166 and others.

To get back to The Vatican in Rome I will jump to Jerusalem the City of Cocks. Israel is Doraemon and rather not Isis, Ra and El. Doraemon is a cartoon character and also a franchised toy. This is from where Israel got its name.

Man in Chinese is which is the shape of Asian temples and recall sand pebbles and China is really Peoples Republic of China. Pebble∼ People. is Men People. So in Female is also a male hence a hermaphrodite symbolically the turtle with her eggs and her shield in the mountain or Vesuvius and Lady of The Mount or Mount Sinai or Mons Pupis and that too is a triangle ∇ but let us look closer yet before we jump from Israel to Rome and Italy.

From imbd.com: “Two mutants come to a private academy for their kind whose resident superhero team must oppose a terrorist organization with similar powers.”

Mutant Ninja Turtles is a synonym for Ninja Warriors being mutants as copies and they are oblivious todays.

The round white drones in the movie are allegorically eggs with guns as the evil empire.

How many crosses do you see in above bridge?

Here is Tom Cruise in the movie Oblivion (2013242) sitting on a shelf, mountain range, overlooking the landscape of Earth partly covered in Ice. He is a mutant working for the woman in the sky and they are sucking out the resources from Earth using machines as seen in the background. They are triangular but the logo and shape is really as seen on the next page in which I shall decode what is oblivious - as in the movie - shot and blow to pieces. Tom Cruise play Jack Harper (harps is a lyre or the female star sign). Jack is together with a woman called Victoria who he calls Vicka (vicar, priest). They help the sickos in power and kill people on Earth, and so jack nds some people and they have two main leaders. One is African American played by Morgan Freeman. The other is a minuscule (cule = ball, mini ball, mine head, mini whatever) role played by Danish actor Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. They are all people - black or white or Nordic or Asian or African. All the same no better than the other. However the woman in the sky kills humans using the drone shaped as cules or white eggs. This is where you can laugh too.

On the next page the logo in the movie is the symbol of the evil in the sky who escaped Earth because they fucked it up good with wars and terror. Finally, at the end of the movie, Jack Harper takes his rocket-capsule and enters space to destroy the mother-ship, the cock, the hen of all evil. And the logo is a Hexagon where the three corners are chopped of. Ie. it is a triangle which at each point has been carved off making the triangle a hexagon. Extending the three small edges gives you the bigger same-sides hexagon.

242 If you still don’t get it, movies will be made (2014+) so you do get it, eventually, with or without this book

At the end of Oblivion, Jack Harper (Tom Cruse) saying: “Fuck you Sally”. Sally is the governmental representative in the Sky up above in the movie in control of everything. A few seconds later you see the space station imploding and then exploding and it is the control center and because of this all the robots as soldiers are dropping and dies, and you see one crashing with the number 191 written on it. It is Hebrew ןען meaning Canaan (Phoenicia) the bird Phoenix which is now to “be fucked” and Jack res two rockets towards the mothership seen in the below screenshot and you see the Hexagon (the light in the center is actually red as in the older movie called Odyssey 2001 by Stanley Kubrick). The two movies are connects and Stanley Kubrick and Hollywood, I suspect, tried to tell the Hebrews to get their act together. They did not. So Hollywood turned against them - I suspect.

The cule, the robot as a soldier is symbolically the stolen egg. You read 191 on it, which is actually a code for you. It isןען. it is like two L’s and one Y. That is why the evil UN woman in the sky is named Sally.

English word: Sally: (Military) a sudden violent excursion, especially by besieged forces to attack the besiegers; sortie. Allies, alien.

The Salian Franks or Salii were a subgroup of the early Franks who originally had been living north of the limes in the area north of the Rhine. The Merovingian kings responsible for the conquest of Gaul were Salians.

So Sally is Salii too. The Salii’s are going out. The Merovingian and the Franks are blown to pieces at the end of Oblivion ( lm 2013). There are in fact two bang: one on the implosion and one with the explosion however in space you can’t hear but you can see. Canaanites Ashkenazi Jews and Salian Franks and the besiegers (occupiers) are simply blow up. The movie could stand alone as evidence.

Childeric I was a Merovingian king of the Salian Franks and the father of Clovis I who united the Franks and found the Merovingian dynasty in Europe. This is bloody connected to the Carolingian dynasty and the Danish Royal family. Royal Danish house is Salii too hence also proof of them too being blown up all in good Hollywood style.

Charlemagne was crowned Imperator Augustus (honori c) by Pope Leo III in 800 AD on Christmas day. (Leo = Lion). He, Charlemagne, Emperor Augustus, is regarded as the founder of the Holy Roman Empire which was an incarnation of the ancient western Roman Empire.

Queen Elisabeth II is related to Charlemagne. And whoever Queen Elisabeth II is related to so is Prince Philip and their offspring.
Charlemagne was a warrior king and was almost constantly at war. His Carolingian Dynasty replaced the Merovingian Dynasty. The Merovingian Dynasty founded of of the Germanic monarchies which replaced the Western Roman Empire from the 5th century. That was the Clovis I (c. 466-511) who was the rst King of the Franks. Clovis I is considered the founder of the Merovingian Dynasty. He was the rst to unite all the Frankish tribes under one King; himself.
So Queen Elisabeth II is related to Clovis I. He converted to Catholic Christianity (Trinity) as opposed to Arian Christianity (Jesus and God not the same person). He converted because his wife was Catholic.
King Merovech (Latin: Meroveus or Merovius) (c. 415-457) is the semi-legendary founder of the Merovingian dynasty of the Salian Franks. The rst Frankish royal dynasty called themselves Merovingians ("descendants of Meroveus") after him.
In the 1982 book "Holy Blood and The Holy Grail" (amazon.com) the Merovingian had married into the bloodline of Jesus Christ. Merovingians believe they are the descended from the union between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. But Jesus did not have children or a marriage as Merovingians suggest! This is what they believe:
The Carolingians Dynasty as well as Charlemagne took Merovingian wives to assure that the heretical "divine" bloodline was preserved twofold. If Queen Elisabeth II is related to Charlemagne then it is reasonable to suggest she is related both to The Carolingians and The Merovingians.
From the middle ages until the present day, most of Europe's monarchs have been of Merovingian lineage. The Merovingian symbol is the Fleur-de-lis.
Danish Christian IX is “father-in-law” of the royal current Europe. Current Queen Margrethe II of Denmark (Pigmark) is in family with Queen Elizabeth II of England hence they are both Salian Franks. Sally is Salii - they are the same. Same word because they sound the same - synonym. The movie knows its words and are playing around but we get all the symbols and words so it can stand alone. However this book is just the support of so much deceit it could cover a whole oceanoor.

At the end of the movie (Oblivion), the mother-ship is blown up. It is symbolically Israel, Ashkenazi Jews, Salian Franks, Royal Houses, governments etc. and The Bible that is blown up never to return again. Denmark is as dead as it could ever be and far beyond illegal. All layers working for courts are also beyond salvation and since the Government of Denmark through municipalities and state have The Bible and Christianity as their foundation, they are far beyond ill or legal and no pill can cure them. Farewell they call it. May you live forever.

Oblivion ( lm 2013) alone proves my point. However as they say: “You have watched too many movies” and they will laughs at you. That is bloody why I had to write this book to go all around to every corner to prove the fact.

From Israel (Doraemon) we go to the starting point in Rome in Italy. The bridge there is a Pontius Pilate and Pontius means bridge. He went to Israel and helped in killing Jesus and is now helping itself in killing the Jews. Not the people but what “Je us” symbolizes. For years they have been able to bribe and pay people who came to know the secret - the lie - The Holy Grail. And the Hole is the cup of an egg on your morning table and then money all adapted and adopted out of Asia into the Roman Empire and later into the royal houses.

Rome is everywhere today. That is why ending up in Rome is like ending up anywhere. But there are something they forgot. There really are some amazing people on Earth and they are here to save us from rotting away.

Rome is the bridge that stood for many years and the Roman Empire we are told fell. it fell not so long from the tree as an Apple Inc. and even that Apple™ gets everything Made In China. They make nice apples but what it eventually symbolizes is the head of people. In the movie “Bridge Over The River Kwai”, they destroyed a bridge symbolically to signify their own destruction as they even were smart enough to foretell in The Bible as Holy Seers as magicians and as liars though among many Nostradamus from morning until evening all year around. Nostra Dam Us was part of the lie and so Barack Obama naturally visits a great dam called the Hoover Dam because it is related to water that is hovered with an arch to keep the pressure from destroying itself. It might not be destroyed for many years but those who build it will be as time goes by.

Christianity never was and never will be because it is Buddhism which was and is the backdrop of Christianity proven beyond any doubt. The People of Italy have been fooled and the Pizza can now be divided evenly for once as it can in Greece when nally all get their piece of the real cake and can enjoy it without fear of retaliations from some very sick people (who are also people). What does one do with such people. They become oblivious and will fade into the dark hole they created for themselves. I doubt very much they will stand the test of time. The books will die with them and a new world order is emerging. So this book also proves the New World Order as some like to call it. What it The New World Order? It is order per say. Not order as in dragons and soldiers and wars and armies but order as we understand it was all created as man and woman and all the beasts around us be they birds or pigs. They even had fun creating a ying pig I recall it. Search that and Amsterdam pops up.

It must end - even this book. I wanted to end it with a symbol of our times as well as a symbol of ancient times.
This 010 is binary (two) for the number 2 (two) and roman numeral II. On the sides are two balls or two breasts if you like. Between the breasts are a rod. This symbol is for man and woman or shall we call them people or pebbles as corn as sand as rocks. There is not one symbol that can tell the whole story however digital computers do use minuscule switches inside the chips to turn on/off and hence creates electric circuits eventually producing everything from games to word processors. On the screen, light is emitted and on this book’s pages too. Light is like ON and dark is like OFF so the book could continue another googol years. Google and even Wikipedia are telling a story and they might be telling lies too but in doing so they assist in the truth too.
Since empirically GOD is Omega I end this book with an Omega, a big ZERO, symbolizing NOT THING (HAM) with greetings to Asia and my Asian connection without whom I could never ever have done this. And a big thank you too all who was involved in the making of this book, because you helped as I fought my way though humbug and swindle and lies and threats. Finally I can relax seeing and knowing and proving it all as I hope you can. I hope for the best in all Onique 243 . People are
people - some more Sistoic than others and nobody is awless in
their sicko world of deceit. Perhaps in a World of lesser lies we
can see and create what was there all the time; humans as
heads as cules 244 as balls and I am sure some of the sicko’s
cules will play a role too.
I love my wife and she was the genius as a true Miss
Marble among other marbles. She gave me a rock to protect
me, as I found a whole lie, I never knew existed. My odyssey is
not ended and it will go on a while longer. My friends and
family in Asia made this book possible and love is indeed a
bird that comes in the night to sing a song, so you can listen
and nd the lost egg. A bird might y your way too if you let it.

Hope is perhaps the last thing left as a prisoner, and I am
no saint, and don’t want to be cock forbid it, but just human and a person out of 7.x billion people. The 0.x might have fucked it up really bad but they just never could destroy hope. The cross is incapsulated by WORDS on this page, and the only way out is to the right. What is right is also left - in a mirror - so there is no way out for them; the bastards of ill and concocted lies. There is no P-ill to cure the their head as a cule and it has cracked open like a skull & bones and all the content will rot away as it was meant to be. They created it - not I.
I nished this book on Saturday the 13th on which I shall enjoy Startacus THE WAR OF THE DAMNED the nal episode called Victory. Same day as Asian Songkran 245. On the 12th started Da Vinci’s Demons and I am sure the symbols will sprout out like asparagus. Enough is enough I guess so someone in the top too had enough - even the STARZ.

Enough Is Enough

EIE; German for EGG

Ogier il danese si è svegliato
Ogier der Däne ist erwacht
Ogier el danés ha despertado
Holger The Dane Has Awoken

Gaul: Latin: Gallia, French: Gaule, Italian: Gallia, Dutch: Gallië, German: Gallien, Greek: Γαλλία
Ogier can make two words:
243 A name in Asia of a friend and family of mine 244 Cules: kugle is Danish for balls (marble balls) 245 Water festival etc.

Gore & Roe

(Ogier = Gore + Roe ((Dragon) Egg))
The Real Asian Dragon Has Hatched

Water is important and as we know it, The Universe is made of of Helium in most parts. H2O is nice as is Helios. Universe starts with UN but that UN is as dead as the head of the Catholic Church. They created the inferno in which they can now burn slow as time goes by. Who is friend and who is foe? Carpe Diem it is told. If you don’t die it makes you stronger. Well, this book is dedicated to all who died in the hands of the evil empire.

For me UN, governments, and all their secret societies, can live forever remembered for what they truthfully were: rotten. Let them live.
I also have a special time I want to remember: Fridays 12th 2013 time: 19:19 PM. My wife knows the time indeed and this was the day before Saturday 13th 2013 - amazing.
Just a few last symbols to tie plants and Coca Cola to the long cock tail drink that never seems to end. Below image of NAMTHIP® owned by Coca Cola. The green ower you see has buddhist symbols and the ower is probably the jasmine. It is both the Mitsubishi logo and the Star of David all copied from Asian symbolism.

NAMTHIP® is a brand name by Coca Cola - water; Nam = water hence Vietnam - and they have a logo with green leaves from a tree and ower perhaps the jasmine. Botany again and I am not taking you there now.

David S. Goyer’s book, and STARZ adaptation, called Da Vinci’s Demons opens with an episode mentioning The Book Of Leaves. David S. Goyer and his team are trying to lay a new layers of truths and lies upon the World and we are to gure out which is which. Wikipedia tells us he is a Jew on his mothers side. Well, that is how you de ne a jew by birth on your mothers side if she jewish. Any proof of Spartacus and Da Vinci ever having existed? Non. It could all be lies spun by the schools of Hebrew’ian stew - a brew of tales. It is great entertainment but I think approximately 2 billion people will testify: “What are they doing with all their lies”. They have tried to invent history with lies and so a new layer of lies are added to the foundation of lies.

David S. Goyer and the Asian connection via Constantinople or does the lie only begin there.

On Wikipedia David S. Goyer is depicted with a T-shirt with Asian writings and a man smoking a “pipe” and a great deal of tattoos which is from China too - the tradition of painting the skin. Angelina Jolie had tattoos made in Thailand from the ancient style and tradition. The series have just started as my writing for this book is ending.

The sad man on the t-shirt, has a ring and a pipe all symbols from Lord Of The Rings. Those lords are now sad and loosing the ancient game of their deceit.
Even real Jews have had Enough and since Jews sit on many things and are relatively smart and a very nice people, even they have had enough. Asia has awoken and so has The Rest(ing) of The World - sleeping beauty is no longer sleeping. The Dragon Is Flying Once Again visible more now as we open our eyes to the future.
“Book of Leaves”? I found that “book” too right smack on a plastic bottle of water from Coca Cola, and sure there are books about leaves. I shall wait in great excitement to see if it all really is Lies or Truths in A World of Lies.

Great. Run for the ocean. Come back soon.

David S. Goyer does have a smile I trust. Unless I stand on my head.
“Narcissus is a botanical name for the sort of springtime bulbous plant of amaryllis family, Amaryllidaceae. There are around 26 of wild and several hundreds of cultivated variances, and although it is mainly considered to be a spring-time ower, some sorts bloom in autumn. Sorts are different by color, shape and size. The ower can be yellow or white, but also combined white and yellow, orange, red, and pink. The owers, growing on a strong stalk, can be star-shaped or trumpet shaped, simple or multiowered. The leaves are long and light-green.”

Overlay the Star Of David over a ower, yellow, you will see a match.

“The cultivated varieties are roughly divided into three categories, based on their general characteristics. Those are: a Daffodil with four to six attened, grass-like leaves, and its ower stalk bears a single ower with a long, trumpet like corona; a jonquil, with two to four narrow, cylindrical, rush-like leaves, and its ower stalk bears two to six relatively small

owers with short coronas; and narcissus, similar to Da ffodil, but its attened ower stalk bears four to eight owers with short coronas. Narcissus is very resistant, and almost all sorts can survive the winter without problems, and therefore once planted bulb can grow owers for many years.”

“The scent of narcissus oil is strong and rich; it reminds of smell of dark green leaves with traces of hyacinth and jasmine. The oil is extracted by en eurage (technique of extraction of fragrant components by oil). Nowadays it is also extracted by volatile solvents, a technique that produces both concrete and absolute. It takes 500 kilograms of owers to produce 1 kilogram of concrete, or 300 grams of absolute, what makes narcissus oil expensive. Today, the major quantities of narcissus essential oil are produced in the Netherlands and in the Grasse region of France.”
Grasse is located in South Eastern France near Italy. The town is considered the world's capital of perfume (frankincense, incense).

Da Vinci’s Demons is talking place in, and starting in Italy in Florence. The city’s name is Florence ( owing between two rivers) and original name was Latin: Fluentia. The Coat Of Arms of Florence, today, and it’s ag, has the symbol the Fleur de Lis which is botanically an Iris. An Eye has an Iris.

Jasmine , ower, belongs to the plant genus as a scrub (small plant) and vines as the olive family (oleaceae). Jasmine has a fragrance used in perfume and a type of rice is called Jasmine Rice and has a characteristic smell of Jasmine.

The Book Of Leaves is a metaphor for the Book Of Life (exists only in real life) or simply life or people, humans. The Book Of leaves you can nd in nature and by decoding nature you can decode many symbols.

A variety of Lillie. Notice the star shape, Star Of David right in nature before your very own eyes.

Each ower leaf is shaped as an eye. Since there are many such lilies there is indeed many all seeing eyes.

To copy nature, governments install CTV to oversee everything just like the little innocent ower.

NAMTHIP® by Coca Cola is selling water and the Water Lily (Nymphaeaceae) grows in water.

Almost there. Just near deadline with this book in Apr 2013. A few pages to go. Follow along into a hole so deep, it feel like digging a hole from Rome to Beijing on the other side of Earth. The Chinese People could make the Chinese Wall and so they can create amazing things indeed. Asian in general. Meanwhile the west have been fooled with lies and deceit far beyond what any could dream of. The nightmare is over and eyes wide open. Even Ogier The Dane has woken and he is ready to play with the easter bunnies eggs. Celebration of western Christian easter - yes - it is easter. That is what the word says. We in the west are celebrating East. Adding Danish er just means East Is. Meaning west is a copy.

Roman Roe Man Roe Nam

Roe man<=>nam: Nam is the word for water in some Asian countries. Only a woman can have eggs. But a man has two balls. So both male and female can be Romans. Row is something like rowing. J. K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter including children ying magically on brooms and sticks. This book has cleaned up where Rowling left of and Dan Brown too. Da Vinci’s Demons is a different story as is this and you probably knew much but never had the proof. That is why I wrote it down so you can use it as a pocket book to hit yourself if you fall asleep.

II (two) are two rods, which can make an X or a + and so I shall end this book with the deadliest symbol of all times. That symbol is an equation as 2+2=6 and covers as much as possible of the Whole Lie See. Some pages are blank and you can ll in any hole that I left out, with whatever you like, as long as you explain in plain (sermons are words, right?) sane:

Sermons means words. So that is what a sermon is. And also Mon for Mons Pupis and ser is Danish for see. See Mons Pupis is what a sermon really is.

Angelo Incarnato pointing nger up as to say "up there" in 90 degrees and even with a hard on. Please search Leonardo da Vinci l'angelo incarnate and João Batista incarnato if you don’t scare about hard rocks.

Could Mona Lisa be a man too or simply a hermaphrodite?
João Batista is an artist we might need to look at.

120. NEWS Au Tomato

Let me start out easy: Greek νέα is news. From that we can make ένα which is a, one. Also Greek εις is one which is why German ein (one) is spelled as it is. German ei is indeed an egg. In 1. Kings 19:16 we read:

And Jehu the son of Nimshi shalt thou anoint to be king over Israel: and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abelmeholah shalt thou anoint to be prophet in thy room.

The Hebrew word for anoint is חַׁ֥שְמִּת and translated in King James as shall anoint. Let me now chop up that word rst by telling you, that from Hebrew the same word is Glossy.
With a space I nd: חַׁ֥שְמ ִּת is indeed The Anointed.
First part חַׁ֥שְמ from Yiddish is Moses. Rather strange I must say. Not surprised however.

• Hebrew חַׁ֥שְמ is anointed
• Yiddish חַׁ֥שְמ is Moses
• Hebrew חַׁ֥שְמִּת is Glossy
• Yiddish חְמת is Fool (without the ַׁ֥ש)
• Hebrew חַׁ֥ש is Shah
• I tried various searches and Yiddish ְמִתּ kept coming up with Fool (and naive)

Here is the word I found for Hebrew anointed: חושמ ,חַׁ֥שְמ.
The word Red is Hebrew: םודא and is noun; Edom, Rome.
Word Yiddish Hebrew
Adam *) Person, Edamםדָָא
םודא Red, Adom Red, Edom, Rome
*) Phonetic Spelling: (aw-dawm')

In the book: Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible By David Noel Freedman, Allen C. Myers page 372, I dod read, that Edon is a biblical location and I read, that the root of the word means red. Also a person with red hair. Edom initially known as Esau, was born by Isaac and Rebekah.

Cupboard Love 2: A Dictionary of Culinary Curiosities By Mark Morton (next page):
Here a little extra to ll the void which will soon expand into nothing:

I took a screenshot of part of The Photopic Sky and a screenshot from Celestia here with Jupiter and I believe the moon Callisto in the foreground. Amazing and all very ne. Why do they have monopoly on what is divine and religious freedom is only what the United Nation dictates. That is why Waco (Texas) was bombed including children and they were perhaps just tired of the governments way and looked for their own way. Kill them all the Romans like to say in the book: “A Bright Shining Lie”.

With this chapter, we have two people; Adam and Eva and then some anointing to do. The thing is again a play of words or rather one word namely egg. “The egg of the sword was sharp” - one might say. In Hebrews 4:12 we read about the WORD being sharper than a twoedged sword. The Greek word used for two-edged is δίστομον (distomon). The last 3 letters μον in mon. μον translates to Unit (United) as something that is one. One or more things can unite and they become one. Just as two people can unite and they can make a child.

So in essence Mon means unit or simply one. A monarch is then one arch. What is the arch? It is the arch of an egg. The egg is probably the most amazing architectural engineering ever constructed.

We do know know Solomon as Sun and Moon temple. Earth has only one Moon and symbolically it is an egg for the female and the Sun is the male with power.
We also know the saying and the question: “Did the egg or the hen come rst?”. It is like one of those questions we can’t answer nor really explain. I now transport you can perhaps a trillion years just to put a number on it - far back in time. Earth is perhaps still boiling and simmering and things are happening. Slowly. But a soup of something and then ether and simply some type of “oil” ignited a re and somewhere in the abyss an egg was shaped - small perhaps. It became red perhaps from an Iron impulse or was somehow injected with a soup and set in motion what we know as life and out came the rst ducks and humans. I am just speculating.
In Danish a mose is a type of pond and small lake in which gasses are formed from rotting leaves and branches and dead animals etc.
Danish word for virginity is mødom in which we have dom. A cathedral in Danish is domkirke.
I am inclined to conclude, that the glossy thing is the cock.
Out of Edom, Adom, Edam we can make dam as a water dam as in Amsterdam or any dam holding back water. A dam is symbolically a virgin.
Phillip Vandamm, ctional spy in Hitchcock's "North by Northwest"; about a man played by Gary Grant (playing opposite actress Eva Marie Saint) who is mistaken for a man working in United Nations and CIA is in on the whole deceit to keep the man with the secret governmental document in the dark so he won’t expose the governments lies. The villain is the government and not the man who is killed by CIA - the government. The “villain” only wants to expose the lies and is killed for it right on top of Mount Rushmore.
So now we have the whole plot set:

• a mountain
• Eva Marie Saint
• a cock as Hitchcock
• a dam as Vandamm
• Philip I (move that I and you get Phillip with a double-l) the “Magnanimous” Landgrave of Hesse

It looks like that Kennedy-thing, where so many things seems to t in place and names and places are lock together like a hand ts a glove. That is the suspicious part of it all.

Back to the egg and Adam and Eve and the Egg. Danish word Æg starts with Æ which is A and E put together. Adam starts with A. Eve stars with E. The two g’s are as you will nd later two apostrophes symbolical for II (two) or simply GOD or two eggs or two humans or two eggs who joins as a hermaphrodite as a tortoise might do it.

The poster for the movie North by Northwest was indeed a red square with a white stroke around it. Blood inside and a shell outside - an egg.
Roger O. Thornhill Gary Grant and Eve Kendell (Eva Marie Saint) as two actors have sex on a train and they eventually get each other with a happy ending.

That is all there is too it. Nothing divine per say except what you make of it. It is sex between two people who are in love and then the government who is trying to protect their lies and deceit and in doing so they kill Vandamm (James Mason who played in Lolita lm 1962 (virgin)). The government is the terrorist - North by Northwest proves it too. And you will notice how utterly lousy the police is in the movie.

All wrapped up in the usual Hollywood glamour while nobody looked under the hood to see, that the engine was a burning hot government killing for no other reason than to keep the lie going.

Roger Thornhill is bribed by CIA and Eve Kendell is already an agent. The whole team eventually destroys the evidence and all go home now knowing what really happened. It is called Confucius and clandestine Machiavellian deceit.

The movie is like a short version of The Bible.

Also notice in this Chapter, that the eye is shaped like an egg. And where is the eye/egg also? Almond shaped and looking like an inverted Nephroid? Say Mona Lisa.

A dam is the water being held back and Eve is 3 letters which is egg womb/cock egg or better 010. Kings 19:16 the anointment is the sperm injected into an egg. It is cock, rock and roll and then a nice woman as the vessel who for 9 month will carry the burden and eventually the dam breaks. Adam = man+woman and Eve=man +woman - united. They are one united cock in pussy and the magi© happens and 9 month later a huge cry hopefully.

We shall see 191 in a movie called Oblivion (2013) which is all about this but also about Sally in the shy as Salian Franks who simply are fucked and rst implode only to explode.

It can all be explained with words - you don’t need any swords. Just as they say; words are sharper than any two-edged sword. The cock or the glans is symbolically a rock (hard) and the egg is symbolically a rock. So we get two rocks called rolling stones.

Nephroid and inverted below.

They actually told a truth as a lie, if that is possible. They also killed and copied like crazy bastards, and for that they lost their balls.
The Bible fades into distant memories; the worst pornographic book ever written and they used art to create a web of erotic tales, so they could swine and dine on the cost of humans who never believed (!) that humans could be:

Eve Kendell (evil). Roger246 O. Thornhill247

(ROT = GOD = ROTtten rat248)
Their tales end 2013+
Frankincense, Salian Franks leading us to the Carolingian Dynasty and the Merovingian Dynasty. Does anyone ring a bell at this point?
246 Oger also Ogre; are beings which are usually depicted as large, hideous, humanoid monsters. 247 Hill rimes with Kill so the K was not even lost. They killed on a hill; Mount Rushmore. 248 The animal the rat is a rather nice animal in fact and only does what it can do to survive

The Merovingian Dynasty was founded by Childeric I (approximately living around 450 AD249) who was the son of Merovech who was the leader of the Salian Franks. Childeric I had a son named Clovis I and it was he who united all of Gaul under the Merovingian Dynasty and rule.

The Merovingian Zachary in March 752 Stephen II, anointed Pepin The Short as leader of the Carolingian Dynasty.

With the name Childeric we actually get two words: Child and Eric. They both mean something. We also get a Pepin and I am sure that rings a bell like Pepsi or perhaps rather Pippi Long-stocking. Why is this? Because these kings were known for wearing long stockings. As simple as that. Author of the books “Pippi” was Swedish Astrid Lindgren, and she might have known more than she was supposed to hence allegedly charged 101% in tax which might all have been a tale too.
Dynasty was deposed by Pope

AD. This popes successor, Pope
Tour De Sol, Luna et Gaia

Let me spin you around mother earth, the Sun and even the Moon for a few minutes in no particular order:
Solomon R. Guggenheim => Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum => Tannhäuser (opera) => Tannhäuser => Lords of Thannhausen => Carolingian dynasty => Charles Martel => Pepin II of Herstal => Pepin of Landen => Franks => Dagobert I => Merovingian dynasty => Clovis I => Childeric I => House of Habsburg => Fleur-de-lis => Campbell's Soup Cans => Museum of Modern Art => Andy Warhol ... only now will you begin to understand the depth of where I am going.

Clovis I king around 450 AD of the Franks and later the Salian Franks.

This way we get the Fleur-de-lis into this book too as we does a very famous character in history.

Notice the Fleur-de-lis on the tomato soup can by Andy Warhol? Warhol(a) is also in the collection of and at Guggenheim. Why on earth would a company put eur-de-lis on a simple item such as a can of anything? Take at look for yourself at www.campbellsoup.com/ Products/Condensed/All/2292

Frank Sin At Ra and Frankincense as a strange word for myrrh all translated strange and wrong. How come God 6000+ years ago knew anything about Franks? The translation is naturally done to English from Hebrew and Greek but someone in control was able to translate THE BOOK of all times and command to get the word FRANK into the English bible translation.

249 Anno Domini (Domini means death). A dome. Danish Dom means dome for Domkirke=Cathedral

Image: from www.campbellsoup.com/Products/Condensed/All/2292 (april 2013). Notice a few things rather odd here: Notice the word bell in Cambell’s. Also the eur-de-lis. Also notice the ingredients of the soup and notice:

60 which I found too
Notice total fat: 2 grams in relation to II
Total carp. 8g.
And then notice Potassium 50mg.

The can is red and white. Tomato soup is red. It is the essence of death. And Andy Warhol says so on his art of the can using the word condensed. I actually also found the biblical origin of A.N.D but let me just mention the word war in Warhol and hole too. Warhol’s rst hame was Warhola and hola in Spanish means: hello. So his name was And Y War Hello250.

Clovis or Chlodowech (Latin Chlodovechus)

GENDER: Masculine
USAGE: Ancient Germanic Meaning & History
Old Germanic form of LUDWIG

VARIANTS: Clodovicus, Ludovicus, Hludowig DIMINUTIVE: Clovis
OTHER LANGUAGES: Koldobika, Koldo (Basque), Loïc

(Breton), Lluís (Catalan), Alojz, Alojzije (Croatian), Alois, Ludvík, Luděk (Czech), Ludvig (Danish), Aloysius, Lodewijk, Louis, Lowie (Dutch), Aloysius, Lewis, Louis, Lou, Louie (English), Ludoviko, Luĉjo (Esperanto), Loïc, Louis, Ludovic, Lou (French), Lois (Galician), Alois, Aloysius, Ludwig, Lutz (German), Alajos, Lajos (Hungarian), Lúðvík (Icelandic), Alaois (Irish), Alvise, Lodovico, Ludovico, Luigi, Gino, Luigino, Vico (Italian), Ludis, Ludvigs (Latvian), Liudvikas (Lithuanian), Aloys, Aloysius (Medieval Occitan), Ludvig (Norwegian), Loís (Occitan), Alojzy, Ludwik (Polish), Aloisio, Luís, Luisinho (Portuguese), Luiz (Portuguese (Brazilian)), Alojz (Slovak), Alojz, Alojzij, Ludvik, Lojze (Slovene), Luis, Lucho (Spanish), Ludvig, Ludde (Swedish)

A few names pop out; Ludo, Alois (officially name of Hitler’s father), Louis (French kings name), Lewis (Levi’s®).

In Clovis I’s line of ancestors we nd other names and they are: Luella, Marylou, Lulu, Louise, Love, Aloisia. We also nd a ilovesushiclovis.com and also a movie Lovelace (2013) about a whore being abused by her husband.

Andy Warhola’s famous can of soup. It is not really a can but it is a drawing as a symbol.

Evil condensed in art as a can of soup. Soup of ancient times as the water as a Moses rotting away until it burst open and out came a little dragon.

And take a look at the center piece - a talisman - a coin - money. There is a winged
woman and a man - Olympus with a ame. Bottom left of coin is a dome with two (II) towers.

Clovis is same as Alois. Clovis became “Lovis” or similar and merged into Lewis, Lou and even the name Love etc.
250 And is Danish for duck related to China too as ducks eggs and fried duck

We even get the game of Ludo™ and this one man seems to have grown right into a can of soup famed and is still on the can of Cambell’s with the Fleur-de-lis. On the website of Cambell’s, for the chicken soup, we see a man left and a woman right in the background of the website.

Images above: Long before FIFTY SHADES OF GREY, Grandes was dazzling the literary world with this highly charged novel about a young woman embarking on a series of sexual adventures.

Lulu 's journey begins won the night she loses her virginity to Pablo - her brother's best friend and twelve years her senior. Their relationship is obsessive - not possessive - and their appetites for new erotic territory are insatiable. Lulu's thirst for sexual discovery takes her through voyeurism, power plays and homoeroticism. But soon her forays into illicit and dangerous sex threaten to absorb her completely.

What is this book really about? Sex and man and woman. Two entities in essence. The Bible is just a tool to fool and was written to keep the appetite for a divine at bay. People crave a divine, a master and some even like to be slaves. This has been exploited throughout history. Furthermore Kings and Queen suffer from deep Vanity and grave continued anointments to x their idea that they are better. This is naturally where Cinderella’s mother come into play. All apparent ction and surely smoke and mirrors. It is indeed. But it is created out of the minds of people from ideas originating in real life situations. Hence a LIES are in fact mostly based on (some) TRUTHS.

How can you tell a lie, if there are no truths hence truths are the foundation of lies. Surely there are lies as I found in The Bible and they are all part of the Confucius’ technic of deceit. It is still in use and who better to know what it was for than the Chinese who invented the idea. It lives this day in Asia and also secret societies as Freemasons are a copy right out of Asia. However Clovis and the Salian Franks used it for own egoistic purpose and not as it was meant to as per Asian traditions were good is still good and evil indeed is part of life being obscured (overthrown) by real good deed.
Pepin The Short was anointed as King in the Basilica of St Denis in 754 AD. Around Pepin married Leutberga from the Danube region.

Leutberga’s crest and logo.

We are in Germany. Leutberga relates to Codex_Laureshamensis and Lorsch Codex (a codex in Carolingian Minuscule). In the book: Carolingian Chronicles: Royal Frankish Annals and Nithard's Histories ISBN-13: 978-0472061860.

In this book many place names are spoken about; Capua (Italy), Lord King Charles entering Florence, Franks in war entering Italy. Feasts celebrating Easter and among them Emperor Constantine I (The Great).

We are at the heart of Christianity and Constantinople (Turkey) and we are moving far east to Jade Country the Emerald Buddha and the Reclining Buddha. The Salian Franks are the cause of an evil empire all copied right out of Asia and these Franks are the root of evil and we know there fruits: two towers.

These two towers are symbolic for man and woman and taken right out of ancient Asian symbolism.
While George W. Bush (Senior) was president he said: “There will be a new world order” and he smiled. How would he know and what is this order all about? It is about a secret so huge that it has been unknown until now. I will just call it the DRAGON for now. Two towers fell on 911 in New York the city of pork one might say. Sin city in fact or The Big Apple because the apple is the glans of the penis - it is New Cock because the old cock was still in Europe based via the Royal fake houses though the Carolingian Dynasty251.
In the movie Oblivion there is a number of one of the ying “eggs” as a war machine killing people and the number is 191. Turn one number and you get 911. These drones are killing machines and are nally destroyed when Jack Harper, played by Tom Cruise, says just before he hits (!) the white detonator button: “Fuck you Sally”. Sally and the number on the drone robot is telling us, that it was Sally who blew up World Trade Center. Sally is the woman in the space station who is doing all the killing. In other words the government. In order of appearance:
Salian Franks => Merovingian Dynasty => Carolingian Dynasty => Royal Houses of Europe => Hesse-Kassel => Christian IX => Rothschild => Denmark (Pigmark) => Hitler => Governments => 911 => 191 => 2013 => Fine.
That is the World history in the shortest possible written paragraph. All is war, power, sex, man and woman fucking left and right and eventually loosing it all because of a little egg that hatched nally letting out the baby dragon.

251 Dynasty is taken right out of China from ex.: Xing Dynasty and Han and even the idea of emperors (Yellow Emperor)
Doraemon’s252 here and everywhere.

The Kuwait/Iraq war known as codenamed Operation Desert Storm (17 January 1991 – 28 February 1991) was a war waged by a U.N.-authorized Coalition force from 34 nations led by the United States, during the President George HW Bush Administration, against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait.

My next idea for a house: copy everything right out of a Chinese farmers pocket and place it somewhere nice and call it my own. Charge a million dollars and nobody will know because we are so smart, nobody will ever gure out how smart we are.

NEWS Flash: SHOW just stopped and it started a few years back. 9 lives and the lights go out.
252 Dramon generally refers to many Dragon-species Digimon that share the suffix "-dramon" . Look up aegisdramon.

Proof? Word my friend. Only words. I have decoded more than 6000 years of lies and it all boiled down to two eggs, a can of tomatoes. All this they automated as a copy of secret societies in Asia and called it GOD. It is even no wonder we can make 5 toes out of tomatoes.



(Danish for two)


(Mother’s but)


(the Ace or the Ether or Esther or Ishtar or simply Egg as in Aeitus)
To+Ma+To=5 + Ace as One = 6
This is where we have the 5 and 6 from in the song:

Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) by Nancy Sinatra I was five and he was six
We rode on horses made of sticks
He wore black and I wore white
He would always win the fight

253 Mama makes two mothers. Ma in Italian is but as two words; one for ass.

Hitler, The Bible, Dolfuss, Constantine, Marilyn Monroe - did I forget something. Sure I did. This is history as a lie and had it all been true it might have been more easy to decode and this book had never been written because there was no reason to write it had it been true.

As this book goes into press in April/May 2013 I wake up or sit thinking and a Beautiful Mind (movie) keeps popping up. I will be called names and they will try and medicate me but they can’t. My safe house is Earth and they can kill us all but they won’t. Their Vanity needs us. Without us they are nothing.

I might have named this book Ban Pong Na as a symbol. I might have forgotten a million bicycles but I did not forget eight as a symbol of a ring as a river that ows from the mountains of Himalayas to the ocean and drops as rain only to return. I have turned many leaves in this book and my odyssey continues with a song to a son named Victory 254 because he can tell a story too which will ignite a ow of rivers.

“Our destiny is frequently met in the very paths

we take
to avoid it”255

How come a hand ts in a glove? Someone made the glove t around the hand. A tiny baby dragon perhaps who’s re is known in China as good fortune. Dragons here, dragons there, dragons everywhere. You too are a dragon of the good kind I presume and not a vagabond versus a rag.

Still a few pages left. I also - I presume - may be wrong regarding who is foe and who is friend. I journey and will know. If I offended anyone, it was all in the good cause of cracking open the dragon egg. I am only a messenger and A Lex O 256.

254 It is a key, a name, a word which only I can unlock for personal as well as human reasons 255 On rencontre sa destinée Souvent par des chemins qu'on prend pour l'éviter. Fable, Jean de La Fontaine, L'Horoscope, Livre VIII, fable 16
256 Would you like a Lexus or a Mercedes Benz? You mean a whore with 4 wheels?

Solomon's temple was designed before the Nephroid was invented. Or was it? Solomon’s temple is simple a copy of nature and is one of the simplest ideas to create as an architect. There is nothing divine it that. It is just a copy/paste job. Nice but rather silly considering the temple is a whore house considering this book evidence of The Bible being a lie from A to Z or rather Alpha to Omega.

Someone have known this for a few years. And now the ball is speeding up. Thank you East, you managed to kill the beast.

121. One Million Bicycles In Beijing

Recall how I found and explained the mathematical equation related to GOD and LIARS found in the word GOD AND ISRAEL? It was one in 1,000,000,000,000 or 1012. The talk about the lost tribes of Israel has been a mystery for many years. I am happy to tell you, that they have been found. They are right here on this page as a single number. They are 10 and 12 respectively. They are known as the Ten Lost Tribes and the Twelve Lost Tribes of Israel. Lost where?

Recall too, that we can make 4 words out of Israel; liar liars lie lies. The last two can be not telling the truth but it can also be lying down, reclining. Who is reclining?
The lost tribes were lost for most people right up to now. They were there for some years. They are in 1012. How come? Lost of and in Israel. Both the numbers 10 and 12 are part of the equation Israel when we make a palindrome out of Israel. They are lost in the word itself namely Israel. Nobody knew where they were but they were there all along. You only know they are there when you know they are there or know how to nd them. It is science and linguistics and mathematics. There is nothing to believe.
Someone wants to be able to show and prove beyond any doubt, that The Bible is a fake and also tell us the origin of The Bible as well as when and where it was written.
Modern Greek is from around 1450 AD so only about 550 years old.
DOG. The word DOG is attested from around 1500 AD but the origin is not exactly known. I found the origin as explained in this book. It is from hebrew mirroring and vertically ipping the word גנפ (PNG) and גנפ is found in The Bible. The word means wheat, bread, cake found in Ezekiel 27:17. The גנפ is PNG and ipped horizontal and vertical if become GNd. N is then also Zero, Nulla making it G0d.
Wheat has seed. Bread is made from wheat. Cake too. Looking at N at 90 degrees it is a Z. The actual word in Ezekiel 27:17 is גַּ֨נַפוּ. The וּ is Hebrew And, adjective sixth. That letter is called Waw (letter) and means hook, peg, spear. In other word it is also i or 1. We can then move that so we get Zi.
Letter וּ also means And which is binary 1 meaning ON. So we can now make:

And this is only using the letters and not subtracting anything nor adding anything. Only moving things around and that is not a crime according to The Bible.

This book has taken you around The World and in most cases to Asia, China and other Asian countries. Many things are made in China and the confusion is like mind blowing. When you rst realize the code of The Bible you really believe in magic and a divine God.

Magi© and illusions: On the next page I show you 5 cards. I want you to think of any one of these cards. Remember it. Don’t say it out loud. I will then tell you which card you were thinking of.

Have you picked a card? Remember it and on one of the near following pages, I will show you which card it is because I have picked it out for you of the 5 cards leaving you with four of the card. This way you can see that I picked your exact card.

Pick a card of the 5 cards and remember if it’s a King, Queen or Jack and which of Heart, Club, Spade or Diamond. Think of it.

On the next page I will display 4 cards and I have taken out the card you choose. Here is the real magic: imagine the The Vatican around 1450 AD decided to write a book on divine matters to make a “Jesus” all could accept in Europe and elsewhere extending The Vatican beyond Rome and Europe. They needed a book divine people would accept and a book that would prove God existed connecting a story about a man (Jesus), and as we know it; the story in The Bible from creation (Genesis) to Revelations. How to write such a book? It would be a huge task. Why not pay and ask someone to do it for you relating to the masters themselves. Pay handsomely and order The Bible both the Hebrew and the Greek. Today many things are made in China. My nal hypothesis is, that:

The Bible® Made In China™. Someone in China and/or Asia got the task to write The Bible in Hebrew and Greek and in doing so got a change to deceive the buyers. They would interlock and intertwine words using mirrors and palindromes all in the best Xu Chen and Confucius style using letters as pictograms meaning more than one thing. There was a hidden empirical proof of the existence of the true origin of The Bible as well as it would eventually take down the whole western religion, which is called Christianity.

The Vatican and the buyers, little did they know, that this code was entered into the product and The Bible. They would be amazed at the ne writing and reading it as it was written and reading only the text as the words right out from the page. Only to realize too late, that The Bible was a deceit so grand it would fool even the biggest king in Europe. Once they realized this, they had to hide the secret. If it got out, that The Bible was a purchase and they had been deceived, they would loose their power. God was not divine but was a true magic illusion on a scale mankind had never seen. With The Bible on hand at rst, The Vatican would invent fake artifacts based on the story in The Bible and this is also why we don’t nd The Pyramids. They might have been created after 1450 AD but this is pure speculation on my part. Don’t let that fool you and spoil the magi© illusion of it all.

The Vatican too late realized it was all a double trick and had to keep playing the game or they would loose big time. Once people would realize the double trick, people would naturally not accept neither The Bible nor the whole structure of which European and USA is build upon. Once the truth came out, they would become GOMO or the Greatest Organized Ma a Organization ever to have existed today known as United Nations and European Union and beyond extending the deceit into courts, royal houses and basically everything. If you take out everything, you are left with nothing. Exactly. That is why a New World Order with this book is also empirically proven as being the fact, that the old word order is out and whatever comes next is: the new world order of which you are a part. You are in fact experiencing a historical event on no scale ever seen before.

Recall Romans 13:1-3 about governments being instituted by God and those who do not follow suite will be terrorized? So we can now prove, that we are asked (by God through governments) to follow a lie. This makes the governments illegal, because to lie, we are told, is illegal according to the law. Hence they are the liars. They are using a lie to terrorize and telling us to believe a lie and to accept whatever they throw at us all based on the foundation of The Bible which is a lie.

The truth is, that it is a lie. We know Romans and kings and governments and banks in essence don’t do a single thing except talk and lend out money (usury) which is illegal too; known as loan sharking. So why and how on earth could these lazy bastards write such a story? They could not. They had it made.

That is why we have had wars endlessly because with terror and war they wanted other lands and people never to tell the truth. That is why we had the Korean, Vietnam war and later Iraq and today Syrian. They are trying to shut the truth up. Latest it is North Korea on line. Western government then set in motion terror to try and scare the hell out of people. Who wants a nuclear war? only some very insane people. Not North Korea per say. They only use the power you have or take to tell the true terrorist that “enough is enough”. I know, that the revelation is, that it will all be revealed in time for people to wake up. You can still play cards and believe in magic but the real magic you will perhaps never believe.

As I explored all of this, I realized the amazing story and the hoax upon which western culture is built, and that someone had fooled us all in the west bigger and better than anyone ever before. For this I am grateful forever. As I explored deeper and deeper I had to stop. it was everything. I simply can’t write everything but there is basically one word that takes the whole card house down: ISRAEL. Not the people but the idiots who used The Bible knowing it was a purchase and realizing it was a double trick not telling about it openly. They, the governments and kings (and now real fools), kept it a secret in the hope it would never come out. This is why we have wars, assassins and “James Bond” to protect the lie. Someone knew. it jumps right out from the page once you know what to look for.

Someone will say: this only proves God is real and living and his word is strong and proves even through mathematics that The Bible is true and God exists. Absolutely true. The Bible is true as is God. Look at it. It is a book and a word. They exist like ABC. However the story behind the physical Bible and words is a lie spun so awlessly it could only have been done by ma and two words prove it because the word GOD and LIARS were not invented until very late. God never knew these words but did. God knew the words because God wrote The Bible after those two words were made by man.

I am now moving you across to Asia to China to a DOG and dragons so strong and powerful that words really are stronger than the sword. If you kill everyone who knows the lie, the you are safe. You think. Nobody directly told me any of this but I still found it. That means, it was created in such a way that eventually someone would nd it - perhaps with a little help from an Asian bird as dragon.

I wanted to prove this beyond any doubt hence the size of this book. I have more proof but simply have run out of space. No matter which new lie they drop in the birds nest, I can prove them wrong. They would also look rather silly now trying to cover up knowing what we know. The ISRAEL word equation is almost enough to take down everything. That together with the palindrome GOD<=>DOG really is evidence. The rest is just details. But you can’t tell them it is all a lie, because they want so hard to believe in the purchase of The Bible and was damned realizing it was a hoax and a double trick. They will try and protect the lie for a while longer. However their time is out. 2013 is the nale as ne:

, slut, Schluss, φινίρισμα, završiti, םייסל, kết thúc, "#$, bitirmek, terminar, заканчивать, nale, tapusin
and a new start:
commencer, בייהנָא, αρχή, committitur, , bắt đầu, ເລ#ມຕ&ນ, starten, !ार$भ, , เริ่มต้น
Can you see your card? I picked the card for you. Try again if you like.

Here is how it is done: look closely at the cards on the prior page and compare them with the cards on this page. None of them are the same. No matter which card you pick, it will never be in the 4 cards on this page. There are 3x4 jacks, queens and kings. So I have 12 to pick from. I show you only 5 of the 12. On this page I show you 4 totally different cards. Each time you pick a card it will “magically” be gone on this page. It is what we call magic. It is however not divine. It is a trick. Now I told you and you know so it becomes obvious and easy. You can do this with your friends. Lay out 4 cards in an joining room. Then tell your friends you want to show a magic trick. You lay out 5 random kings, queens and jacks of the ones that are left. You tell them to pick a card. Then you tell them to go and look in the other room and see if the card they chose is missing. Say you want to do it again. Do it perhaps 2-3 times and see the reaction. Then nally tell your friends how it is done.

122. Dragons

In Ancient Rome, an ANGUIS was a dragon on a rod as an ensign. There are no dragons in Europe, so why not make it look like a Latin: canis (dog, wolf ). It is copied right out of ancient Chinese tradition. In China the dragon is in fact a lucky sign and symbol. It is also a symbol for power and strength naturally and age as well. It is usually painted vermillion (reddish).

If I say Dragon X (space craft) and Pu ff the Magic, Mr. Nash, Maria von Trapp, Edelweiss, Hollie Steel, Townsend you have no idea what I am talking about. For this please read elsewhere in this book about Hollie Steel (also read about the Rosetta (Stele) Stone).

Todays rulers not only suffer from ponerology, but also a deep Vanity so deep in fact it is no wonder it rimes with insanity. If they are in vain are they then not indeed insane?

More at: http://jamesluxley.com/dragon
When Rothschild got Israel know that we know Israel means Liars and God means Dog and The Bible is a fraud and a purchase then Rothschild too is proven guilty. Do absolutely not take this to court in the West because you will be imprisoned accused of blasphemy and whatever they can throw at you.

Why do you think they imposed these laws? So that you could not speak of the evil plot taking them down. I have to, now that I know. I was tortured and almost killed for it. I speak now and I stand this book in caution. Be aware of a mighty dragon who knows the game better than anyone. Do not touch or hurt a lucky dragon or it will destroy you.

Nine times is my lucky number when I was a child (told by my mothers sister). Or rather my lucky number was nine. I had nine lives as did they. They never listened to the dragons voice and words. You can’t live a lie forever because a lie is based on nothing than magi© and the SHOW can’t go on forever because smoke blows away and mirrors will break. The

nal curtain and it is out of the stage and may they live forever.

123. History Is A Cubus Lie

Let me quote Da Vinci’s Demons from the rst episode at about 37:00 when the turk speaks to Leonardo:
“History is a lie, that has been - like a weapon by people who have suppressed the truth. Centuries from now, your own history will also be be suppressed.”
“How can you possibly know that?”
“Have you heard the phrase ‘Time is a river’? What most fail to grasp is, that the river is circular. One mans death, opens a doorway, to the birth of the next.”
It goes on. The turk mentions Mithraism and this is to relate to Mitra िम= (Hindi, sanskrit) meaning friend. We are back around 1400 BC. Notice Mitra has Ra in it as Amun Ra!

Looking up Mitra makes me nd Hindu religion. It is related to 25 vessels as a time measurement. So in this Hindu time measure there are 25 “hours” and the third is called MITRA. The 15th is called VULVA and the 27th is called VISHNU.

This indicates, that Mithraism is not really the religion of the Roman Republic prior to Christianity. The Romans may have adopted it and then falsely called it so but is only the 3rd “time” out of thirty mentioned periods. I mentioned 25 before. This is very complicated stuff considering no one in the western hemisphere ever learn about this anywhere. What does FOX NEWS know really? Nada.

It is about meditation prior to dawn; about two hours prior to Sunrise at which “time” it is best to meditate and it relates to Yoga also just in too.
Image: a Muhurtha Vichar.
What is Muhurt?

“As you all know various planate located in the galaxy is e ffecting our daly work, mental condition, and health, the planate is movable, their movement is both condition fruitful or harmful. On speci c day and time when planetary position is giving fruitful result that is called Muhurt. So we can say Muhurt is combination of time of date which is giving good result to completion of our work.”

So even the western zodiac was copied. If Mithraism in Hinduism then so is Mithraism a fake religion because MITRA is only part of the equation. The lazy Romans stole and took this part
- this tiny rock - and spun a whole religion around it. And when that was not enough, they spun even more later via Christianity again via Krishna and Hinduism and Buddhism.

The Catholic Church and Christianity have totally and utterly washed out every piece of life of the essence of a divine force. They misused and abused people beliefs in the divine and created an utterly fake religion in which money was the only divine thing left. And no money, no time. Time is as short as your pocket is empty or full. Time is nothing more than money. Since they still need slaves and admirers, they keep you alive as a working ant and pay in paper and dirty tissue which has been used over and over again until the paper must be reprinted again. Coins last longer but circulate and are only reused over and over again and gain no real value.

No, I am absolutely now asking you to look into this nor I am asking anything. In fact I ask nothing and want nothing. This is the end of the odyssey at this circular river which symbolically is our odyssey through space on the vessel known as Earth. We are on the same rock which is traveling through space and the only concept of time is the time we are told it is. There can be 101 hours if you like. Make your own time. Stop time if you will. Kill time too. Time is nothing.

Jordan Maxwell stopped at Mithraism and did not mention it goes to India and beyond to the East to the far east to Japan and other Asian countries.

This book is 800+ pages and I came here for a reason. 800 is two eights in facts as two times. My Roman time stopped during 2012 and started new in 2013. I have no idea what the time really is because it only just began as a new vessel in which a new egg is hatching. What comes out of this egg is unknown. It is perhaps a new dragon or a new ether in which you and everyone can play new games of deceit or a new space and place in which 5 stars simply implode only to explode as stars must and will. Helios will too one day and in 100 million Sun cycles from now we, might be forgotten or have travelled far enough to realize, that we do have a brain and and also rain as H2O but it might not be that but what it really is: dripping songs.

Lord Of The Rings and there were two - the old and the new. The last symbol I think I might have invented in part. This book is 800+ pages long to symbolize two rings. One old and one new which is in the making. I often tell myself: if time really is in nite and there is no end in space and time, how come I can be here? If space and time goes on and on and never had a starting point, how then can I be here? It is indeed like the ring. It has no start and no end. We feel so because our days and nights are short and we only circle around the Sun about 75 times until we die.

With the last symbol, 800, you also know why The Vatican and the Holy See has two rings and not two keys. The rest of their riches, Chrysis’ and fake art can be stored away as distant memories and a new page can be written by YOU.

GOD died? No, that GOD never was. What never was, can’t die. You can invent the future. And the past called youstory. And since the past was a lie, perhaps the future can be true.

Two in nity symbols are just two circles that are twisted. Here I untwisted them making two circles, two rings. Which one do you want? Perhaps the third or none? It makes double O and adding the number of “Je us” we get 007. He had a license to Kill. Do you?

There is simply no more marrow to be boiled out of this soup that lasted for 2000+ years. I must say that was fantastic they could keep it up so long. Imagine a lie living that long. Those who knew got rewarded as part time freemasons or had their life cut out in great fortune. Now we all know the bloody lie and they can’t pay 7 billion people can they? Will you take the bait again? The only start I can see is a new beginning and if the wrong people get their grip around it hell will break loose again. Someone in power with some bonanza must play part of the initial new world or else we are going down the drains before it even started. Only power can win this game and what power is that? Humans, people. They have two eyes just like you have. use them. See or die trying.

The equation is clear: 0+0=II. Two rings made from two zeros. The next might be called ZION II because people love sequels. If 0+0=II and II is binary it is actually 011 (3). But that will be covered in the next book if ever written.

Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, 1st Marqués de Dalí de Pubol257 acting it out as an ass as a “magician” using an arched woman as his table. What an idiot.
On the next page is a Mitra as a scarf with a knot and hangs down in two pieces.
257 Long name is synonym for 8 or at least art based on biblical lies
Genesis 5:4: “After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters”

Check out the Hebrew word טַאגיב (in Genesis 5:4) and see how you can get Catalan: Lligat258 which must be Port Lligat in Catalonia, Spain. This relates to The Sacrament of the Last Supper (Corpus Hypercubus) by Salvador Dalí. That indeed give The Bible a whole new meaning and becomes extremely surrealistic meaning:

Surreal; having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream; unreal; fantastic: surreal complexities of the bureaucracy.
Then check out Salvador Dalí’s: The Madonna of Port Lligat.

Also check Books for: The Virgin of Port Lligat by Fray Angelico Chavez about the Sphinx (read: whore) of Christianity related to Mexico! That virgin must have been a nymph or rather a port whore. Hence Genesis 5:4 is about harbor (port) prostitution which was common and used by priest when they travelled.

258 Translate the word from Hebrew to English and you get Lligat. Translate that from Catalan means; tied, bound. Is also Port Lligat as a place name. Ligget is Nordic for lay. You lie with a whore.

Image: Salvador Dalí as a Lord Of A Ring - his beard. Intelligence? It is pure and utterly Sistoic insanity masqueraded as farts. Bottom line should be; ether as the gas that escape their rotten holes using poles. So it was not art Picasso did. it was fake art based on a lie. Paid by who to shut up?

When you know and have found the symbols, you can decode art too. This makes most art in museum fake too based on The Bible. The Bible is fake, so is art in famous museums such as The Louvre and Metropolitan Museum Of Art (MOA) and even metart.com is fake if you follow who operates it.

We are in the same boat and we all do the Art Of The Fart. Some just fart bigger and in better places and use words to tell lies.
So speak up, tell your story. Don’t fear these bastards. You too are a “king” and “queen” and the next pyramids might be in your backyard. Start building it or lay down your arms as words and shut up.
We must even invent new words and new languages. It started with WORDS and must end with WORDS and the best words that hits me are: farewell old ring and welcome to the next ring. You may laugh now, because the Jester is on me taking down the Whole (CoC’o’Dam)259 Lie.

259 Dorm has orm and is in Danish worm, snake. Search Cocodorm for images and see what a hard rock as a Dom really is.

The Photopic Sky Survey is a 5,000 megapixel photograph of the entire night sky stitched together from 37,440 exposures. skysurvey.org. Above image: I overlaid the main Mandelbrot fractal because Mandelbrot can be calculated as huge as or even bigger than our home, The Milky Way.

The Milky Way looks like a fried egg and in the center is the yolk. That is if you have an artist’s eyes. Do you?

Next page: here I shall prove that 3+3=8. That is why father, son and the holy spirit is one as zero as an egg if you like (only add salt and pepper). (Peppers (chili) comes in red, green and also yellow. It is a spice most likely purchased though trade from Asia to Europe.)

• The start of the Jewish Sabbath and also the start of Passover day was A.D. 33.
• Letter T (tau) has a numerical value of 300.
• Sudgestion of cruxi
• In Mark 15:25 cruci

hour ( 3 p.m.)
xion is April 3rd A.D. 33.
xion takes place at the 3rd hour (9 a.m.) and Jesus' death at the ninth

All copied from Hindu via Mithra through Gotra to Gautama Buddha. This is O (zero,

nothingness) in Hindu part of Hinduism:ओ (sanskrit). Looks like a 3 and π (pi). Take

out Ra from Mithra and you can make the word Hit. One idea feeds the next and after some time it looks likes there is a pattern - and there is. This happens because people copy and use symbolism and some more than others it seems. Roman and right up to this day numerology and Gematria and palindromes etc. play a huge part of the esoteric world. They will nd the right word for the right day and time and make everything look amazingly magical so everyone believes. They feed of peoples vanity to feed their own vanity for the Holy Grail. in doing so they deceive, lie and play a game so big it ends in wars as the Greatest Organized Crime Organization.
Creation of the Sun and Moon, Michelangelo. It is one of the most naive paintings ever done. Totally bizarre and utterly homosexual in nature. In this section I can count VI adult men and some look like lady-boys. All very nice with al respect to homo sapiens and whatever sexual preferences.

Notice the left bottom fella with Acorns. A is the letter for horns and the corn itself is the symbol of fertility and seeds and sperm.
Then there is the fella mid left with his ass sticking out facing the viewer. How divine and all very natural. So how come nudity is forbidden in public places? If you did this in a park you’d be charged with obscenity. Here we are in the Sistine Chapel

Latin: Sisto; I stand
Greek: Cyst-: bladder
Latin: Corn-: horny, example: subcorneous: beneath the horny layer English: Nuts; symbolic for eggs, testicles.
Latin: In: into, in
The last i: a rod, a cock.

Sistine: Two cocks in ass (gallbladder) or actually 101 = I stand+bladder(in and near ass hole) +last i. This is only words and linguistics and then some medical terms.

Look up: Creation Of Eve; this is even worse. VI (six) men giving Eve a go with their rods and Saint Peter (six’s man) gives her the hand after she presumably signals for more sex. Yong [Chinese dynasty perhaps. Pun intended] boys don’t last that long. Then we have war, slaying and murder on the left medallion and the pope on the right one all next to nude men and a woman. An oak tree and oak leaves al symbolic for the cock. Alpha & Omega give a new meaning now, right? Alpha, A, is the symbol for horns on the bull. Lowercase Ω Omega ω is symbol for a ring, zero and eternity. In that case it is no wonder their God is Alpha and Omega because without a cock and a pussy we’d all be gone. Catholic priests can’t merry so what do they do? Perhaps here is an idea for the third incarnation of a biblical interpretation:


If you look closely, you will notice the 3 is “sitting” and made in one stroke and in the center the stroke goes up, turns slightly left and then goes down again ending in the last curve. In the center there is actually a little sh or the symbol of a sh - the center of the breast or the cleavage. It is the symbol of “Je us” the Ichthyic or the 7 Year Itch:

Jesus, who is their fake GOD,
is a pussy and a cock; they did not come before the egg.
Real or not here it is260. It might look like big corporation (body churches) know their symbols. I did not give the sh a string. It is art like the Michelangelo’s just in another time. Why should this be worse (or better) than Michelangelo or Picasso painting Jesus as surreal (not real) and get away with it as people loved him and still visits his paintings. Perhaps people know but never had the book to prove it.

The Sistine Chapel is the o fficial residence of the Pope and The Vatican. Perhaps Pope Pius makes sense if I tell you, that i changed for an L makes Plus as +. The so called circled dot operator ⊙ is part of the logo for H⊙ME. They call it golf and hole in one. The eye is the shape of a pussy hence Popeye gives new meaning.

“Je suis” above could also be “Je us” and poisson “poison” in which case it reads:
260 Poisson is French for pisces. Poison is French for poison. Danish pis is piss and pisk(c) is whipping. Polish pisc is peak. Es is Latin for Is(is). Pisces=Pissing Whipping Peak Isis.

“Jesuits & Salian Franks & Governments are like
Venenum & Virus
Aqua & Humidité & Le EU”

Aehouse with a sea view get’s a different meaning now.
When The Vatican and the Sistine Chapel and metart.com (Me Tart261) shows erotic art, then who is the better whore:
The one who faked it || the one who fucked it?262
261 A pie as a cake or a prostitute
262 The mathematical symbol (computer language) for OR is two strokes: ||

Take the KangXi Death Pictogram, copy it, flip copy horizontally. Make a Black Pink Panther ||
is it an Asian Dragon?

124. Alpha & Omega

We know Greek A and Ω. Alpha is one, 1. Omega is last but also O for the symbol zero and therefore nothing. There is a very special letter or pictogram called KANGXI RADICAL DEATH . Death means nothing - you are dead. The pictogram also looks like an A with a T on top. The T shape was used to crucify people. It also looks like an eye looking down. Or two swords or one sword with two blades which is actually ⺈ (decimal char code 11912). 263

is Omega is Chinese. The 3 symbols translates to: Europe Rice Eggplant. There is no rice in Europe and eggplants grow natural in tropical climate and are known in China.⻳龟 means turtle. Notice the cross, ag. Also see if you can spot the eggplant inside Omega Ω or plainly the egg now found.

can’t be found via Google. Zero results (april 2013). So where did I nd it? Magi©, right? Not really if I told you. Search KANGXI RADICAL DEATH will reveal some results relating to . There is another hence two and the second is CJK RADICAL DEATH:

Hence above means DEATH & NOTHING. We read in The Bible that GOD is Alpha & Omega. Very true indeed. Just like it says with Two Words In A Wor’l’d Of Lies.
263 http://www.alanwood.net/unicode/cjk_radicals_supplement.html

125. Finis De initio


Here is just a few of the books and literature I have been through. Throughout the book are also another literature mentioned.

• Mein Kampf by Adolf Χίτλερ
• Histories of Peirene: a Corinthian fountain in three millennia By Betsey Ann Robinson.
• The Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary and Greek Lexicon ISBN-13: 978-1143855085 (seen on back of book top left. Some B/W illustration used in this book).
• 101 Things to do with Ramen Noodles - Toni Patrick
• A History of Zionism - Walter Laqueur
• A People's History of the United States - Zinn Howard
• A. Lincoln A Biography - Ronald C White
• American Passage The History of Ellis I - Vincent J. Cannato
• Barbarossa - Hitler's Invasion of Russia 1941
• Batman and Philosophy - White Mark D
• BoB 70th Anniversary Flypast
• Brave Girl Eating A Family's Struggle w - Harriet Brown
• Building the Perfect PC 3rd Edition
• Catching the Big Fish Meditation, Consc - David Lynch
• Christianity The First Three Thousand Y - Diarmaid MacCulloch
• Conservatives Without Conscience - John W. Dean
• Creation Darwin, His Daughter & Human E

- Randal Keynes
• Culture of Corruption - Malkin Michelle
• Darwin's Island The Galapagos in the Ga -

Steve Jones
• Das Kapital
• David Irving - Goering - A Biography (1989)
• Dirty Sexy Politics - Meghan McCain
• Drive - Pink Daniel H
• Fascism. A Very Short Introduction (2002)
• Game Change Obama and the Clintons,

McC - John Heilemann
• Gianluigi-Nuzzi-Sua-Santita-2012-ZDC
• Gianluigi-Nuzzi-Sua-Santita-2012-ZDC
• Grand Chessboard
• Hapgood - Russian Rambles
• Hitler's Panzers The Lightning Attacks -
Dennis Showalter
• Holy Bible - King James Version(v3.0)

THE CHRIST SCANDAL . "Shhh ... Don’t tell anyone that the Divine Julius was
Christianity’s first god." and continues:

Obscure texts
Many people may not realize how obscure and confusing ancient written Hebrew and Greek languages were, for word and sentence division was unknown. Up until the Eighth Century, scribes copying manuscripts left no spaces between letters, words or sentences. The individual consonant letters were bumped together in a continuous line without vowel letters, and at times, the meaning of a simple sentence could be constructed to give an entirely opposite meaning. Take, for example, this sentence, ‘Godisnowhere’, from the Book of Exodus. It has been translated in three different ways in various later Bibles: 1: ‘God is now here’. 2: ‘God is no where’. 3: ‘Good snow here’.1 11804 ‘Lion’s Bible’

• Hope for Animals and Their World How En
- Jane Goodall
• How to Make People Like You In 90 Second - Boothman Nicholas
• How to Talk to Anyone 92 Little Tricks - Driver Janine
• How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
• I'm Not Hanging Noodles on Your Ears and
- Jag Bhalla
• In the Valley of the Kings Howard Carte - Daniel Meyerson
• Israels worldwide role in repression footnotes finalized
• Jeff Corwin a wild life the authorize - Jeff Corwin
• Krishna
• Kropotkin
• Lies My Teacher Told Me About Christophe
- James W. Loewen
• Lost to the West The Forgotten Byzantin - Lars Brownworth
• M - Autobiography of Malcolm X - X Malcolm
• Manual of Zen Buddhism - Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki
• Marley & me life and love with the worl - John Grogan
• Mental Floss Presents Instant Knowledge - Will Pearson
• Michael Jackson The Magic, the Madness,
- J. Randy Taraborrelli
• Mob star the story of John Gotti - Gene Mustain
• Mohammad Yousaf - The Bear Trap Afghanistan's untold story
• Moonshot The Inside Story of Mankind's - Dan Parry
• Myths to live by - Joseph Campbell
• New World Order By Milton William Cooper
• Notebooks - Leonardo da Vinci
• On the Brink Inside the Race to Stop the...
- Henry M. Paulson
• Panama fever the epic story of one of t - Matthew Parker
• Political Ponerology
• Prescription Alternatives Hundreds of S - Earl Mindell
• Puppyhood How to Raise the Perfect Dog Cesar Millan
• Rebuilding Americas Defenses
• Resurrecting Pompeii - Estelle Lazer
• Riding Rockets - Mike Mullane
• Rolf Potts
• S.Liddel MacGregor Mathers
• Sailing Alone Around the World - Joshua Slocum
• Sayings of the Buddha a selection of su - Rupert Gethin
• Sean Deveney
• Seth Godin
• Seven habits of highly effective people - Stephen R. Covey
• Shunryu
• English-Yiddish Encyclopedic Dictionary: A Complete Lexicon and Work of Reference in All Departments of Knowledge. Prepared Under the Editorship of Paul Abelson
• SmithA WealthNations p
• Solving 9-11- The Deception That Changed The World by Christopher Bollyn
• Stephen LaBerge
• SuperFreakonomics - Levitt Steven
• Symbols, Sex & Stars
• Templars History and Myth From Solomon
- Michael Haag
• The 2012 Story The Myths, Fallacies, an - John Major Jenkins
• The American Civil War and the wars of t - Brian Holden Reid
• The Andy Warhol Diaries - Andy Warhol
• The Audacity of Hope - Obama Barack
• The Audacity to Win The Inside Story an - David Plouffe
• The Book of Useless Information - Botham Noel
• The Bridge The Life and Rise of Barack - David Remnick
• The Coming of the Third Reich - Richard J. Evans
• The Communist Manifesto
• The Faith Healers - James Randi
• The First Family Terror, Extortion, Rev - Mike Dash
• The First World War - Hew Strachan
• The Greatest Trade Ever The Behind-the- - Gregory Zuckerman
• The Heroin Diaries A Year in the Life o - Nikki Sixx
• The House of Rothschild . Money's proph Niall Ferguson
• The Imperial Cruise A Secret History of - James Bradley
• The Last Hero A Life of Henry Aaron - Howard Bryant
• The Marne, 1914 The Opening of World Wa
- Holger H. Herwig
• The Myth of a Christian Nation How the - Gregory A. Boyd
• The Myth of a Christian Religion Losing - Gregory A. Boyd
• The New Atkins for a New You The Ultima Eric C. Westman
• The Outfit The Role of Chicago's Underw - Gus Russo
• The Pain Chronicles Cures, Myths, Myste - Melanie Thernstrom
• The Portable Atheist Essential Readings - Christopher Hitchens
• The Post-American Presidency The Obama
- Pamela Geller
• The Purpose Driven Life What on Earth A - Rick Warren
• The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe - J. Randy Taraborrelli
• The Secret Teachings of All Ages
• The Sinatra files the secret FBI dossie - Tom Kuntz
• The autobiography of Malcolm X - Malcolm X
• The great American steamboat race the N Benton Rain Patterson
• The history of terrorism from antiquity - Gerard Chaliand
• The pleasure instinct why we crave adve - Gene Wallenstein
• The power of myth - Joseph Campbell
• The Gestapo and the SS Security
• The Lost Symbol
• Thomas French
• Thomas Paine
• Tony Blair
• Vegetable Gardening for Dummies - Charlie Nardozzi
• Wealth-Nations
• When China rules the world the rise of - Martin Jacques
• Winston Churchill
• Woodrow Wilson a biography - John Milton Cooper
• X-Treme Latin Lingua Latina Extrema Al - Henry Beard
• Xaviera Hollander;
• Yusuf Ali - The Qur'an Translation
• confession economichitman
• ecuador media UNESCO
• notes the power elite by c wright mills
• originsofchristianity
• plato-complete-works
• seferid 35759 page 152
• true-authorship-nt
• wealth of nations adam smith
• Codex Argenteus
• The Bible in English, Greek and Hebrew

News, media and governments don't take notice or don't act upon their own stupidity when evidence tells the real story. You can’t blame them because it is you as a free person who must act - not them - they just fool you.

Occultism in the Bible

Any person reading the Bible could be forgiven for thinking that he or she had just walked into a well-stocked occult bookstore. Compacted into one edition are numerous accounts of astrology, numerology, clairvoyance, faith healing, automatic writing, exorcism, necromancy, spirit communication, fortune telling, séances, ying chariots, and divination.

Official church Propaganda

On 22nd June, 1622, Pope Gregory XV (d. 1623) issued a papal bull called Inscrutabila Divine by which the church instituted a new division for itself called the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda. Shortly thereafter, Gregory summoned thirteen cardinals and two prelates to announce his intentions to formalize the ‘special department of ponti cal administration' (Pope Gregory XV), initially established around four decades earlier by Pope Gregory XIII (d. 1585). Cardinal Santorio was its rst President and Prefect, and weekly progress meetings were held in his palace. Originally, his new department had been charged with the task of combating the international spread of the doctrines of Protestantism by printing and distributing works of Propaganda in many languages that were designed to damage opponents’ claims against Catholicism. The intrinsic importance of the duties of the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda, and the extraordinary extent of its authority, including the huge territory under its jurisdiction, caused the Cardinal Prefect of Propaganda to be called the 'red pope'.

My Cherry © 2013 hence forth
Cerasius iMag

The logo is a Nephroid, reflection in a coffee-cup, the shape of a kidney, a heart, a cherry and the ass of a woman or man. It is pure mathematics also seen in Mandelbrot's Set (fractals) and it is also part of Apple Inc's logo in that Apple Inc's logo is a Nephroid just as the Guggenheim Museum in New York is a tool (architecturally) to make a Nephroid seen from the sky. It is also part of the name Neph264 for the Egyptian God named Neph a Ram headed God and the Egyptian Goddess Nephthys. See book: Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians By John Gardner Wilkinson. It is also the leaf of the water Lilly called Nymphaeaceae. So the logo represents everything. Which is why Apple Inc. chose an Apple which cut in half is a Nephroid and in fact is a perfect Nephroid. Check it out here. Nephritides is a kidney illness. Nymphomaniac is when you like children as per The Bible where God (man) said the children is his and since God is actually a woman - well, the child is hers at least for 9 month. Nymphomaniac is like wanting lots of sex and more of it when enough is enough. A Nephew is a family member. And so we could go on and on and on…

Latin Cera means writing tablet. iMac is synonym for Magi.
Welcome to Cerasius iMag which

is Biblical Magi if you like or not. Sounds like iMac, right? It is. Plainly Magi related to Zoroastrianism where we eventually find a double headed bird/bull creature and so much more related to Richard Wagner's music and his esoteric Der Ring des Nibelungen which brings us up to today with Lord of The Rings and even Harry Potter using magic - Magi. Mac is part of a name. Why would it me called Mac? It is an synonym for Mag with an i added. It is Magi or Maci. Magi is 3 wise men and/or magicians.

Mach Greatest

So we have Mac which is from Mach which is derived from Latin: Maximilian (recall Jordan Maxwell? (Jordan is a Biblical name too)). Related to Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor (mark that and use above toolbox). McDonald etc. Mc is Maximilian and Caesar Maximian. Notice his name Maximianus. Anus is Latin: ass. Hence we get Julian Assange. Julian is Julius and we find: Julius Caesar. Where we get the month of July which in Nordic language is Juli.

264 Neph as in Nepal I suspect. There is a Nep and an Al (God) so why not.

Nobody ever teach this hogwash in school nor will they and if they do they are going to bring on the new religion science via Quantum Physics related to Quantum of magazine goes beyond because you are in heaven on Earth which is located in what we understand as The universe. Go to heaven? Hardly, you are there already. It is only Christianity and religion that tries to fool you big time and you have no idea how illegal the whole system is
- until now. Cerasius iMag tries to uncover lies, deceit and 6000+ years of history to present day.
Solace. This the heavens


These are symbols, letters if you will. (Pāli: ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo, Sanskrit: āryāṣṭāṅgamārga, Sinhala: ආ"ය අ%ටාං)ක මා"ග). This takes us to places you never knew existed and if you want to know the origin of the West you need to poke around here. In fact you are not really who you think you were told you were until you realize just a small part of this Universe in which Buddhism lives. And if you don't like it, it is because you are living a lie and are in denial. So be it. Some never really want to know neither the truth not anything except the time of the day and when to call in sick from school or work because it is too boring too.

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche says: "Sherab consists of the syllable ཤེས་

shé, which means ‘knowing’ and རབ་ rab which means ‘excellent’ or ‘best’. So it is the best knowledge, the best form of knowing. It is knowing correctly, clearly and fully.". So now you know where the English words She and He comes from. And you believed English to be so great? It is an invented "fake" language. And once you have seen the beauty of real āryā(ns) you understand what love really is and you know where you really came from. And now you have རབ་ rab

which gives us a rabbi. More on this in later editions of Cerasius iMag.

And if you think the T is for Tibet བོད and not (really) a cross you probably are on track. Keep it up. Does it not look like a bird (an eagle) on top of བོ. Can you teach a bird to talk with WORDS? Are then you or the bird the smarter one? And can you sing like a bird? Humans can sing, make art but they also make wars and copy the animal kingdom (eagle, lion and even ants).


I have declared all governments and their associates (UN) Corpus Delecti (is Delicti [with an i] but the name Madeleine came up in iMac as a spelling suggestion) and fact being; the Greatest Organized Mafia Organization that ever existed. This I term GOMO. GOMO United Nations is all nations united from Holy Roman Empire to todays

European Union and all their affiliates. A very rough guess is, that about 2 billion people are working in these affiliates and subsidiaries and


they produce absolutely nothing except lies, terror and culture which rots to the core of every family and human.


Many parts of history is fake and invented to suite the royal bloodlines story to trick, fool and deceive. Why? Because the ruling class does nothing. What does today official really produce? Only WORDS. And they go hunting for elephants and other exotic animals and they fart around like they have done forever. They invented money and democracy and we are told it is the better evil of all evils. Well, can't 2 billion people come up with a better non evil system? No, they can't and they won't because it is a perfect system to suite their needs of people lazy romans (SPQR). SPartaQus Royal because he was a king in his own way if he ever really existed as we are told.


Enter Spartacus. What name is that? Must come from sparring (of boxers; to make the motions of attack and defense with the arms and fists, especially as a part of training) and spar (fight, argue, bicker, contest, dispute, quarrel, That is the name the Roman Republic gave him. The real Spartacus was a freeborn provincial from Thrace, who may have served as an auxiliary in the Roman army in Macedonia. He deserted the army, was outlawed, captured, sold into slavery, and trained at the gladiatorial school of Batiatus in contend,

wrangle). Capua. Violence Enters Politics. The Roman Senate soon learned how to fight and they paid their way through with coins which people took and they wold, as today, enter the army or the Legions (Legio (Lego)). So keep people in utmost poverty serves them just fine. Then give them coins with promises of a great future. Also keep people ultimately ignorant and stupid given them toys so they have no idea what is going on. Kill a million or a king does not touch them because the army will brainwash the recruits further into agents of change who are easy manipulated. However, some will learn and will return from wars to realize it was all a hoax. But some will stay and become Generals or assassins whatever suites them best. Then there are all the rest who becomes actors, bank-managers, lawyers, doctors and what not. They system does work to a degree as long as coins are given but one the coins goes so does the system (Greece, Spain 2008+). That is why the system is rotten because God is money and money have only the value you deceitfully are told they have. You believe. And as long as someone takes your coins and you can buy value and the seller accepts then the system flows. But they can pull out the money as easy as anything and then enter bank crisis which is not really a crisis as you might understand it. It is the little Chrysis the whore who is also better known as Aphrodite. So the crisis is Chrysis is set in motion on demand all because people (Greece) were angry that the police killed a boy and to teach the people a lesson (Romans 13:3) they start the terror by removing money from the system hence the culture rots.

Now watch the 300 (film) and know your Carnea!!! Or better yet: Carneia. Then check in Leonidas I. Then read how beating of young children (boys) were a game in the Roman Empire. Naked boys playing ballgame. There you have your football today which is as silly as it gets. In 300 (film) we meet a fella, ladyboy, homo, vanity-fair, who is black King of Persia and his name is Xerxes to be found in Book of Esther. New movie? Yes, but old content all about whores, prostitutes and virgins. We read: "Then said the king's servants that ministered unto him, Let there be fair young virgins sought for the king: And let the king appoint officers in all the provinces of his kingdom, that they may gather together all the fair young virgins unto Shushan the palace, to the house of the women, unto the custody of Hege the king's chamberlain, keeper of the women; and let their things for purification be given them: And let the maiden which plea-seth the king be queen instead of Vashti. The thing pleased the king; and he did so.". The Queen refuses the command of Xerxes to attend and dance and show her beauty with 7 maids/princesses/ concubines/whores and he orders all virgins gathered to take he Queen's place (the queen won't comply lets find someone who is willing (enter metart.com)). What is she supposed to do which she does not want? Dance naked and perform a sex show for the king and his male friends - he was drunk and wanted this to show what power and beauty he had. She refused him. So fuck her but she fucked & tricked him right back and she avoid death by his command.

And this is the words written by man inspired by God. Sex, virgins to please the king, deceit, tricks and power to rule by a simple decree. And he/she who does not follow would receive a non-lifted scepter meaning death. In Esther 8:7 we read about the 3rd month Sivan. In Denmark we find a shop called Silvan. silvan.dk. Silvan: a spirit that lives in or frequents the woods. The shop Silvan sells wood in huge amounts - called trælasthandel (timber-trade). Anything new in todays money (God) world? No. It is all old ancient pagan bull shit and why? Because Xerxes had bulls as Gods also known as Persepolis and the Gate of All Nations enter Golden Gate and Torii in Japan. All new but old bullshit based on whores delight. All sex with dicks and pussy's galore.Let's go make a Xerox - sorry - Xerxes. All copied down through time from Hinduism and right into Christianity all based on mostly sex, wars and full control. Todays empire is USA or the banking cartels more likely. Tomorrow it will be dead and new empires will rise and fall. All the same old hogwash.

Rotten is King is Rat

Old Nordic word for king (royal) is ROT. Danish word for rat is rotte. Match made. King/kingly is roi in French of Scandinavia origin. Last part of Royal is Al which is Persian for God. Rot is also six soldiers out of 126 soldiers total. Rot (rautt) is also Icelandic for red. Then there is Danish King Hrothgar. Roth. Roth+Child = Kings Child. Rot is red as in the


bloody line they created. Was a king not supposed to be nice or kind of take care of "his" people? No. A king is a terror machine and illegitimate children gets a chance at what they do best or worst - does not really matter. They will become bank managers doing nothing and get the best jobs around. A kings family and all their business associates are a group and they print money via the banks and the whole rotten thing is set in motion. By design done so that you can't really get out of the system because for many many years people have been brain damaged into believing in fairy tales. There is no such thing except in fairy tales. Kings are warriors; have been and always will be. In this system they ruled and still does be allowance by law. All of this originates in ancient times and is based on one thing only; terror. To rule and be nice just does not go hand in glove. About 22% of the population is born psychopaths and many are later to become such by learning all the tricks and those who are worst will get the best. Just like during the Vietnam war when torture was a list of horrors from having people sit on spikes being pressed down until they spoke or dies or most likely both. Or being electrocuted from genitals to breast. yes, women too. And children naturally many used as sex slaves and later killed. And the army commander does not blink an eye - on the contrary.

This system still exists this day today behind the biggest curtain called the United Nations. Money? That is a real fairy tale in a fairy tale of a horror movie called: "Fuck you". When di you see money for real? Don't you have a plastic card? Next up the iPhone/cellphoned being used to pay. Electronic payment all connected to virtual digits in a computer located far away. And people have adopted this already in Sweden and use it like they love it. They do love it. Why? You love what you don't really know. Even love is an invented metaphor for some unknown. Why do you use the word love for when you love? Because you know of no better word or can't invent one yourself. Make up your mind or be in a state of mind control.

Espato G+sus

Rather English "spar/sparring" was created out of the ancient word sparta. Spanish espato is stick, club, pole. Noun; verga: cock, yard, prick, spar. There really is no hard evidence of either Spartacus nor Jesus (G+ Spanish sus) ever have lived. Only WORDS and statues and stories. Don't they teach you to present proof in courts even making an oath on/with The Bible? So with a Whole Lie they ask for evidence but evidence is only in the eyes of the beholder. You can prove anything if you deceive and people love to believe - in anything publicly uneducated as they are. However we might trust people are not all that stupid otherwise DOOM LOOMS. Now know what DOOM really means before you think you know what it means.

“Yes, behold my lord Ulrich, the rock, the hard place, like a wind from Guilderland he sweeps by blown far from his homeland in search of glory and honor, we walk... in the garden... of his turbulence!”

[crowd is silent, cricket noise] From A Knight's Tale (film) enter Ulrich III, Lord of Hanau.
Book Of Baby
The Little Bib Of Words invented for this book purposely to make fun, fool and trick.

Becam Moth not nay In The Obscure Darkness that The Kringle Lord entered and spoke one single word in Her Natural Couture.

The Word a name Beeherma was with the Lord and spread through space and time for a traquacillion years and it rang as a singing bowl out through time as the Lord had seen fit made as alarming sirens to Bell as she Swell Singing Her Overture in the Orchestra of Hellosculosmos.

Time was a Dime never grew old and was the same no matter what it was like a chime sublime.

Word was out in reverse and it was run. Run like Hell and Run to Nun the Lady of Beeherma.

On Day One the bell ran loud and clear.
Day two it sounded spike a spear.
Day Three rang like a brigadier and William The Lear.
Fourth Day the bee was polished.
All Dicks were demolished.
They Rose Among Kong Her Ma Was Nee Nun Now Forgotten and Rotten.
Among Her Babies Were Lord The Ring. The master of The Salvation maybee slaves.
Aka Baby L Angel On.
Cities sprang up like Angelus.
Lord Da Vinci was not Mr. Quincy.
He knew she could fly and build her a toy all for nothing but for her joy.
Her bello rang as she sprang her egg all soft and yello while Lord played cello 3 times rosello.
Day five was bliss and mellow.
Day six was more like bordello.
Seven was Eleven
Eight made it all just Great.
Nine and Swine do rhyme.
Ten was a Hen.
Eleven was Seven
Twelve was made from Elve.
Mons Pupis and Leg Three now flew.
Two was four like Magic all twisting the baby tragic.
Her womb grew fat and her bello was in bloom.
They flew on a broom as water spread.
Out came a child named Jinglebell.
Jing was a Ming and his gift was as hell.
Shell was Sheela or was she Shiva loving Vick’s.
His name became Sha VI.
Miss’ Marble’s Memoroids.

Away to Peru Paradiso as two.
And Jack/Jach, was truely a ripper. jamesluxley.com and cerasius.com

Potash (goddess) the goddess potash (Sanskrit, f., काली, kālī, wörtl.: „The black one “) is in the Hinduism the goddess with the aspect of death and the destruction, in addition, the renewal.
More at and from: http://wikipedia.qwika.com/de2en/Kali_(Göttin)

(I am not curious (anymore) why Wikipedia.org does not have this angle and entry)

Ourania ; At http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Episkyros#cite_note-17 we are pointed to: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0057%3Aentry %3Dou%29rania%2zFw
sayingοὐρανιάζω is throwing a ball high in air. Translating the words gives no meaning except it is translated as: ouraniazo.

Searching Google gives about 116 results for οὐρανιάζω. κρανιά translated as dogwood. However οὐρανιά translates to Uranus. That makes sense.

Galla ; Ala is Arabic for God. G is part of freemasons logo. G is for God if you will. Galla of Rome was the daughter of a Roman patrician named Symmachus the Younger. All related to Catholicism. Galla is also dark-skinned inhabitants of Somalia and SE Ethiopia. Aelia Galla Placidia (392 – 27 November 450), daughter of the Roman Emperor Theodosius I. Placido (Dom) is an Italian name. Danish word for royal party is Galla. Royal Gala. Gala is also the name of an apple. Cutting the apple Gal in half makes it look like two ears.

Cut it in half reveal the pit of the apple in five dens or locations.
Images from http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/plaveg/ pbrpov/cropreport/app/app00005938e.shtml
Only a few words are entered here as quick reference.

From the idea of ALIPTES or ALIPTA - prob. from Greek. A slave attached to the baths, for whom the genuine Latin term is unctor, whose business it was to rub the bather dry, scrape off the perspiration with the strigil, and then anoint the body with unguents (ointments).


Could also be created from the Sun dial “disk” or shell or diamond-shape (pear) see in right image. The pillar is a ANAL’EM’MA and that does contain ANAL as ass.

Then BOTE can make: be, bet, et, to, toe

Circumstantial evidence

evidence in a trial which is not directly from an eyewitness or participant and requires some reasoning to prove a fact. There is a public perception that such evidence is weak ("all they have is circumstantial evidence"), but the probable conclusion from the circumstances may be so strong that there can be little doubt as to a vital fact. But there will never be a trial as the way you think there might or could be. Because every court room is based on ancient egyptian chambers and courts and they are criminal. You have no business there. They have hence they are criminal. See Circumstantial evidence.

For the meaning of this word and more please read the Chapter called: Mary’s Child The Lying Army.

same as conclave in Greek (n.). συµβούλιο (synfolio or sympodium).

Sympodium (Symposium); 1580s, "account of a gathering or party," from Latin symposium "drinking party, symposium," from Greek symposion "convivial gathering of the educated" (related to sympotes "drinking companion"), from syn- "together" (see syn-) + posis "a drinking," from a stem of Aeolic ponen "to drink," cognate with Latin potare "to drink" (see potion). The sense of "meeting on some subject" is from 1784. Reflecting the Greek fondness for mixing wine and intellectual discussion, the modern sense is especially from the word being used as a title for one of Plato's dialogues. Greek plural is symposia, and the leader of one is a symposiarch (c.1600 in English).

Of his numerous works only one has come down to us complete in a Greek text, viz., the dialogue on virginity, under the title: "Symposium, or on Virginity" (Symposion he peri hagneias) in P.G., XVIII, 27-220. I.e. Symposium is virginity and what do they drink?

See: /wiki/Symposium; also Symposium (Xenophon) Συµπόσιον. συµπόσιον <=> Συµπόσιον <=> συµπόσιο! συµ πόσιο is Colloquium co. have you heard about a college? A drinking place. And when you start school/college you start on a drinking bin. In Danish it is called Rustur meaning Drunk tour or rather binge drinking. But rus in Danish means being intoxicated. Hence being on a podium doing the symposium is being binge drinking on the platform of party of the intoxicated educated.

Attic pottery were vessels or pots for wine used at the drinking Symposium. Which is where we get the loft or the attic above. Known as Attic style.
cryptic pesher code.

The pesharim give a theory of scriptural interpretation,
previously partly known, but now fully defined. The writers of pesharim believe that scripture is written in two levels, the surface for ordinary readers with limited knowledge, the concealed one for specialists with higher knowledge.

Ellis, Ralph (2012-10-12). Jesus, King of Edessa (The King Jesus Trilogy) (Kindle Location 6856). Edfu Books. Kindle Edition.

And further from: http://virtualqumran.huji.ac.il/moreInfo/Pesharim.htm
The pesharim are commentaries upon prophetic texts, which apply the biblical writings to the history and life of the community. The commentators aim to demonstrate the fulfillment of biblical prophecies in their own time, especially with respect to reward and punishment, and they assert the imminent doom of their opponents in contrast to their own salvation. This “contemporizing” interpretation, or application, of the text is called “pesher,” a term related to dream interpretation.[..]


is old name for King. Also a nordic name Konrad (Conrad) which linguistically and through etymology is King Rat or Råd as in council meaning Konrad = Council Rotten or King Rotten. Råd is rotten because Råd is to rot. See book on Scandinavian names & Etymology. See Herods, Heorot, Hroðgar, Mazzaroth and Beowulf etc. See also Rat king (folklore) and Hermes' Dilemma and Hamlet's Desire when Hamlet cries out: "A rat" thinking he is killing the King. See William Shakespeare's Hamlet. konrad; see A Handbook of Scandinavian Names By Nancy L. Coleman, Olav Veka.

A King/Queen has ministers which is a council and this is rotten (Råd; meaning to rot) hence since the King/Queen is in power through law (Denmark) it is true, that the King/ Queen is rotten.

γαστρὶ is Greek for gastric. Pronounced Drast. See also council.

When referring to "they" I usually mean; the military complex, governments, royals, democracy, president, officials, police, army and all officials and governmental subsidiaries. Bible
El Bib; The Bible. El = God in Arabic. Bib is to drink from Latin Bibo. Also known as an apron for babies so when they eat they won't dirty themselves down too much. Illegal; Legal
Le is El is Arabic for God. Gal is Nordic WORD for mad/crazy. Legal is God Crazy/Mad. Illegal is then: Sick God Crazy. It is only words.
Sunday school;

used as a term to describe the school you might have gone to when a child. A school in which you were only told a very little part of the whole story and how words and Roman Empire / United Nations connects with deceit. They never told you how it really is and in doing so told lies.


(pronunciation: /haɪˈpɒkəәrɪzəәm/; from Greek ὑποκορίζεσθαι hypokorizesthai, "to use childtalk") is a shorter or diminutive form of a word or given name, for example, when used in more intimate situations as a nickname or term of endearment. Also known as pet name or calling name.


this is where we get the word/name Christ from. In Hinduism they had the Swastika which is a Sun symbol or astrological/heaven-symbol. Everything in Christianity is a copy from every world religion started around 325 CE. But mostly from the East hence 3 magi's walked east towards the shining "star" Venus who was a woman who had a child by virgin birth hence allegory for Venus going down under the horizon into the dark making a "child" of evil as opposed to the five pointed star of Ishtar, the planet Venus, which is an allegory for her sex organ hence you have organs in a church because church is from Scottish kirk which in Nordic is kirke which comes from Circe who lured everyone into her chambers of sex galore. "East Is Best, The West Can Rest" - NUR. China invented gun powder.


Solomon or Caesar's coins. Caesar is the one you worship hence coins hence money. You worship and love money and you do not worship Jesus as told in sunday-school because Jesus is really a woman hence Buddha was a woman hence since Christianity is a copy/ paste from Hinduism/Buddhism then Jesus is a woman. Proof? El Bib.

Direct evidence
see Direct evidence.
Suppression of Evidence
5 Star Hotel

5 is also a pentagon. The five pointed star is the star of Ishtar hence we get 5 star hotels and at Wikipedia and others you can choose five pointed stars so tell the system if it is trustworthy, Objective etc (below each article).


In Nordic language the word for word is; ord. Words came first as per The Bible. W is also the first letter of Woman. Oman is also a city. W is an esoteric letter as in Wiki for Vicky who is Victoria the warrior bitch also known as Aphrodite etc.. With words they tricked and fooled as did William Shakespeare (Shake + Spear or Shake + Rod or Shake +Dick). Words are like a sword used wrong or right. A command is words. A command can ignite wars hence words are the starter. They can think but not speak but as soon as the words exit there is a

DCCXXXV command. Also goes for words in law-text and the written word. Verb or Verbum means word. V is the symbol of female or victory.


from Romans 13:3-4. The word φόβος is translated to fear in this case but is translated as terror in other translations of The Bible. See Romans 13:3 for other variations and translations for the word φόβος (Phobos). Wrong-doer is the same as evil-doer. As spoke George W. Bush Senior. So they will use weapons to punish you if you don't comply. That is why they send in the riot-police. With the Bible they rule and fool. It is naturally illegal as I shall explain to you. Bible or not - it is the same terror they use.

Five Pointed Star

This star you see in many nations flags as well as in The European Union and American flag. It is all over the place, Even Cuba has one. it is a member-sign or -symbol being member of the unity known as United Nations. It is the symbol of Ishtar and the planet Venus which is based on ancient esoteric bullshit. However dead serious. It is everywhere on logos, signs, army and once you start to look for it it pops up all over the place. Even Myanmar/Burma has it now when Burma is a member of the club through years of clandestine battles and deceit through fear. Every nation who has this symbol has sold out. The star is also symbolic for the cross of Christ because it was 3 wise (Magi) men who stopped when the planet Venus was over their heads and they found the child named “Je us” JEWS


is synonym for Magi. iMac = iMag or Magi. The i is for Ishtar because her planet was Venus the Five Pointed Star and when that stood high in the sky from the East the 3 wise men (Magi's).


Three kings or magicians saw the child Jesus. Magi is also magician or simply kings who were wise(r). Hence Apple Inc. because the Apple cut in half is a Nephroid is the ass of a woman is Ishtar's Warrior Ass. They did magic with WORDS and could up be down and left be right. The letter i is sacred to this company and the i is esoteric but no more. Cerasius knows all their sick tricks with words of deceit.

is Vicky is Victoria is cognate to Ishtar.

is God Add Y. Y is the cup-symbol or the female sex. godaddy is not Go Daddy. It is God Add Y. Or God + Y. With God we get G and add=plus. So we get G+. Plus sign is also a cross.


is from sanskrit language ल()य+त { ल(भ् } (lubhyati) { lubh }. Lub becomes lob or lov and later love. Also can meen: go astray, allure, become disordered, desire greatly, seduce the mind. Justice; sanskrit ज(ि0 (juSTi) related to Love; +व- ल(भ्which is "seduce the mind".

Karma; sanskrit काम (kAma) [ erotic, sexual ].
WW2, WW1;

World War 2. Using Occam's Razor alone tells us that WW2 was by design pre planned and 5 years of war was basically the money machine taking over controlling the whole charade. Money machine is big corporations which in essence is the ones pulling out raw material; iron, copper, all metals and - yes - raw materials. They bombed cities to later rebuild them which they then make money from by selling all the materials needed to rebuild. WW2 was also possible with the finding of oil (raw material). WW1 was the first attempt but had to be refined further and was a preparation for WW2. New outlets at the time had pre-war propaganda preparing a whole world for war. The bomb was then ready later WW2 to be dropped as a test and to scare with ultimate terror all people so they knew what would come if you had any ideas other than to follow the regime of terror which would be known as United Nations.

United Nation

acronym for Nu_(mythology) and Nut_(goddess) and Nu_(letter) 13th letter of the Greek alphabet hence 13 stripes in the flag of US and the UN headquarters is located in New York (NY) because Greek letter Nu is transcribed Ny. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 50. while in Modern Greek it is written νι. With that we get Area 51 (Roman numerals VI) which is also from Nordic vi meaning we. So we get we-kings or as you know it Vikings. Which is then either VI (6) kings or 50 kings or rather 50 states of U.S._state. United nations is hence a freemason esoteric organization which has absolutely nothing to do with real human rights.

Human Rights

why do we need human right? Because there are no human rights. If you read the humans rights, you will understand that all articles are designed to have absolutely no value except for them who are in power. The only reason why United Nations have not killed everyone is because people (as was the case after WW2 when "Jews" were used to occupy Israel) are used as slaves as workers and to uphold the lower ranks of society because without this the ruling elite can't function and they would need to do hard labor themselves. Human are nothing more than raw material which they can use and kill as they please and they don't think twice about it. Humans are also known as "eaters". Watch a highway with passing cars from a bird view and it looks just like ants working. Do you think twice walking and killing ants? They don't. That is also why ants outnumber humans are are far superior on all accounts because ants are organized which people (lower hierarchy) just can't figure out how to do hence they are stupid and the ruling class knows this and promotes stupidity via their educational systems.


126. Appendix

Genealogy and Chronology of Adolf Hitler's Youth 265
Year and event
• 1837 Birth of Alois 266 Schicklgruber, Adolf's father, as the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber and - ?

• 1842 Marriage of Alois' mother to Johann Georg Hiedler.
• 1847 Death of Maria Anna Hiedler.
• 1850 Alois Schicklgruber apprenticed to a bootmaker in Vienna, Austria.
• 1855 Alois Schicklgruber given employment by Board of Inland Revenue.
• 1857 Johann George Heidler, Alois' stepfather, dies.
• 1873 Alois Schicklgruber marries Anna Glassl (no children).
• 1876 Alois Schicklgruber's name changed to Hitler.

• 1880 Alois divorced by his wife on grounds of adultery with Franziska Matzelsberger.
• 1882 Franziska Matzelsberger bears Alois a son, also given the name of Alois.
• 1883 Death of Alois' first wife, Alois marries Franziska Matzelsberger, Angela Hitler born.
• 1884 Death of Alois' second wife.
• 1885 Alois' third marriage with Klara Pölzl, granddaughter of Johann Nepomuk Hiedler, brother of Alois' deceased stepfather.
• 1889 Adolf Hitler born, the fourth child of his father's third wife, at Braunau, Austria,

• 1895 Alolf first attends school.
• 1896 Birth of Adolf's sister Paula.
• 1900 Adolf enters secondary school.

• 1905 Adolf leaves school and lives with his mother. Becomes close friends with August Kubizek.

• 1908 Adolf goes to live in Vienna, followed by his close friend Gustl Kubizek.
• 1909 Adolf living in Hostel for Homeless in Vienna.
• 1910 In the Spring, fails to report for examination prior to military service.

265 http://www.reformation.org/hitler.html 266 Louise, Loise, Aloisia are female forms of male Louis. Alois would then be the male form. Alois is same as Louise.
• 1911 Death of Adolf aunt, Johanna Pölzl. Fails to report again for military, he is forced to renounce his orphan's pension
• 1912 Fails to report for the third time for military training.
• 1913 24th. May, Adolf leaves for Munich. In August he is posted as a military deserted.

• 1914 Rejected for military service in Salzburg.
• 1923 The abortive Hitler-Putsch.
• 1924 Bavarian authorities contemplate deporting him to Austria.
• 1925 30th April, Adolf deprived, at his own request, of Austrian citizenship

Camp. Peter Baumgart says Hitler survived WWII
Here page two and the article is at the lower left corner. See next page for big version.

This is the tiny article. Almost unnoticed. There are other newspapers at the time and later who has a similar wording and usually “hidden” on a large page with and every time miniscule.

On the next column, after this small article, of the newspaper, the Obituaries starts.
Beautiful Girls Lyrics
Sean Kingston

You're way too beautiful girl
That's why it'll never work
You'll have me suicidal, suicidal
When you say it's over

Damn all these beautiful girls
They only wanna do your dirt
They'll have you suicidal, suicidal
When they say it's over

See it started at the park used to chill after dark
Oh when you took my heart that's when we fell apart
‘Cause we both thought that love lasts forever
(Lasts forever)

They say we too young to get ourselves sprung
Oh, we didn't care, we made it very clear
And they also said that we couldn't last together
(Last together)

See it's very de ned, you’re one of a kind
But you mush up my mind, you have to get declined
Oh lord, my baby is driving me crazy

You're way too beautiful girl

That's why it'll never work You'll have me suicidal, suicidal When you say it's over

Damn all these beautiful girls They only wanna do your dirt They'll have you suicidal, suicidal When they say it's over

It was back in '99 watchin' movies all the time Oh when I went away for doin' my rst crime And I never thought that we was gonna see each other (See each other)

And then I came out, mami moved me down south Oh I'm with my girl who I thought was my world It came out to be that she wasn't the girl for me (Girl for me)

See it's very de ned, you’re one of a kind
But you mush up my mind, you have to get declined Oh lord my baby is driving me crazy

You're way too beautiful girl That's why it'll never work You'll have me suicidal, suicidal When you say it's over

Damn all these beautiful girls They only wanna do your dirt They'll have you suicidal, suicidal When they say it's over

Now we're fussing and now we're ghting Please tell me why I'm feelin' slighted And I don't know how to make it better (Make it better)

You're dating other guys, you're telling me lies Oh I can't believe what I'm seein' with my eyes I'm losin' my mind and I don't think it's clever (Think it's clever)

You're way too beautiful girl That's why it'll never work You'll have me suicidal, suicidal Suicide

See below billboard notice for Klondike for ROYAL WEST SHOWS.
Try Square
Used by architects way back in time and still in use. The Greek letters Γ γ (gamma) here in upper and lower case. The upper case has the shape of the Try Square. The Try Square we might say is the letterΓ and gamma is ancient Greek letter for upper case G or Capital G. If we turn it 45° we get a pyramid but also a something that looks just like a mountain top or a hill. Hence the Try Square is in itself Capitol Hill. The Try Square is Γ which is capital G and turned looks like a hill. A Try Square can make:✚, +, ✝, and others. Also via Gamma the using two γ. 267

Also arms and branches of stone-mason’s or carpenter’s square (norma), which was employed in measuring right angles; and was formed of two at rulers mitred (from the word miter as a Pope’s hat) together like an elbow joint.

267 Please notice the three (3) round circles where this try square is joined. Disclaimer

Because of the nature of these investigation of which many are new there may be errors. It can be spelling or misunderstandings that needs to be xed. Should there be any errors or faults I want to x them. A new edition should provide this.

This book is based on the scienti c method and the comparative method.
I also use empirical testing known as inductive reasoning.

Being absolutely biased it not possible but I have tried to use linguistics as a mathematical science and since I am breaking new ground in this book there may be grammatical errors or errors that occur because of the size of this work.

Also some of the sources from which I get my material may be awed then my reasoning may be awed based on wrong data. However I have tried to nd my sources form different places and when a
match is made I use that. Such a match may later prove wrong in this case a new edition will x this.

If there were no black there would be no white. Same with lies. There would be no lies if there were no truths and no truths if no lies. If everything was true this book was probably never written and that is probably true. If there are no truths in this book, how can it be called Truth In A World Of Lies?

I don’t claim I am right nor wrong. These are only words and GOD made them - so don’t blame the messenger. You see, the word is more powerful and it takes down the whole house build upon lies upon which GOD made. However I disclaim that GOD made anything. GOD is a manmade word proven linguistically in this book and the groundbreaking evidence may need further testing since it is news to the major human race in the West who have been fooled by scoundrels.

It is not possible to get everything in one book.
cerasius.com and jamesluxley.com are your gateway to further information and news also in case something has been forgotten in this book and not disclaimed at the time of writing.

Content and links to external websites out of the control of the author may have been deleted, removed or changed or the content of the page have been changed or removed not re ecting the content there was there at the time of writing. Ex.: This link http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2007/ oct/13/society goes to a review by Hilary Mantel about Jonathan Black’s book “The Secret History of the World”. This may have been deleted or changed after the writing of this book. The intended website is sometimes saved such as this and in this case it can be found here as a copy/screen capture: http://cerasius.com/the_secret_history_of_the_world

Some right to left text such as Hebrew may be lined wrong because of the nature or the word processor used to write this book. The meaning of the Hebrew words are still intact.

cerasius.com is your website for updates, news and corrections to this book. With time a second edition might be published. This is a major piece of work and will contain errors - naturally. That is part of science and writing and nding the root and truths. Realizing the lie is a truth, then it becomes evident, that the excavating of lies will produce new and more lies. These lies then lead to lesser lies and eventually the root and truth - hopefully. If not, this book is of lesser value that a leaf.


I do claim the upper echelons are high dubious and a very sick pack and I have proved it too. This book is evidence that governments and their derivatives are liars and crooks and as they asked: “If they knew what we were up to they would hang us from the lampposts”. I know now what you were and are up to and my only question is; are you ready for the lamppost?

It’s a big mouthful in a big barbie world in a bobby’s world. With all the shit they made we only need to make a very large toilet and drain system and ush it all out. The it can really rot away as they say from dust to dust and this drain don’t lead to neither broadway nor star gates or heaven. It will rot away and turn into humus used for better purpose.

This book is an investigative and journalistic work based on linguistically science. The work here in this book is groundbreaking and part is discoveries that are not found elsewhere in scholarly notes, books and publications. Also origin of words have been discovered including biblical words. Empirically this books proves the meaning of some words and proves why they are symbols and meanings of certain values. All is part of the proof linking The Bible to proved fraud and the author claims every piece of information ever written as evidence of these facts.

Government will claim it is all democratically elected and selected and it is the people choice. That too is a lie. Every officials is pre-chosen years ahead and if they don’t t they are shit and dumped. If you are not 100% loyal to their corrupt system you will not last longer than it takes them to break you or kill you as was the case with Engelbert Dollfuss. They assassinate whatever is in their way that will not go away by itself. The claim here is, that democracy is sistoic too and fake. Why? because the law is based on the Fake Bible and/or the law itself is illegal or rather sistoic. They will also claim the word sistoic is not a legal term but. That is ne because it is neither legal nor illegal it is a new word covering their illness by which they rule and fool.

I claim that some people might claim, that parts of or the whole book here is a lie, false, nonsense and that I can’t prove a thing of it. When more than half of the worlds “truths” are lies then it is hard to nd the real truth. This is a groundbreaking book and investigate things never found before by scholars - naturally - because they are in many cases paid whores too. Some might claim I write this book to make money. Not really. If I get too many such claim let us then donate big parts of this book to a good cause. I shall think of something as a good cause and it will be advertised at cerasius.com.

I may be wrong in my assumptions about various entities. This is a natural process in learning and setting up hypothesis. If wrong about being wrong, then that is just so much better. If right, well, then the hypothesis was not a lie.

Trademarks, trade names, logos or service marks mentioned in this book belong to their respective owners.
Quotes by various related to truths and lies. Comments in bold by James Luxley.
Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it.  ~ Mark Twain - well, I tell the truth to everyone even those who are not worthy you moron.
Truth is the vital breath of Beauty; Beauty the outward form of truth.  ~ Grace Aguilar - can you please repeat NOT!
Truth has no beginning.  ~ Mary Baker Eddy - only if you lie
Truth is so rare, it is delightful to tell it.  ~ Emily Dickinson
- making it less rare when telling it so to make your statement true don’t tell it!!!
You cannot weave truth on a loom of lies.  ~ Suzette Haden Elgin - But a broom can x much dirt...
There's a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure truth.  ~ Maya Angelou - like 2+2=5 really!!!
There are no facts, only interpretations.  ~ Friedrich Nietzsche - that is a fact or an interpretation?
Truth is one, paths are many.  ~ Mahatma Gandhi - and you being part of neither.
No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful.  ~ Eleanor Roosevelt - was she a he-man….
The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.  ~ Oscar Wilde
- you are a wild man.
If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.  ~ Mark Twain
- let’s forget it then….
A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.  ~ Mark Twain
“For every truth there is a lie; how do you know this; to tell them apart?“ - James Luxley
“When it is black you know it is black because someone shut off the light. How do you know? You might have turned blind since you last could see.” - James Luxley

127. Index

There is no index in the hard cover version of this book. The Book can be purchased as an electronic version in which you can search. Please see cerasius.com for details.
I can however load on word and name in here. It is Dexin. Or rather Mr. Gu Dexin.

Also have a closer look at the movie Nine Lives
(2005). Characters in this movie are names
such as: Diana, Holly, Ruth, Maggie (Glenn

Gu Dexin is an artist from Beijing. He created
an art piece called: “The meltdown of
perfume bottles” which was on display at the
SHOW: “Magiciens de la Terre”. It hung in
Paris in Centre George Pompidou in 1989.

I found that in a book called: Nine Lives: The
Birth of Avant-garde Art in New China   By
Karen Smith.

Reading Karen Smith’s review tells me,
does not understand the depth of art

understand or conveys the message and true
symbolism of Gu Dexin’s art.

We now know what perfume or frankincense
is (perfume). Nine lives is nine changes as per
911 and 191. The time is up. The X’s life goes to
you and to the real people of the world who did not lie their way through. You are a king or whatever you want to be.