"When angels begin to sing the rocks turn..." - NUR
We are almost there; reality surpasses imagination and with X-ray-view, Superman is actually in the Operating Room performing while drugs keeps the patients suspended. Homo sapiens has come so far 2020+ that we might start to wonder where this is going to take Homo sapiens in the next few thousand years. The body and mind is an extention of the enigmatic Universe or is it visa versa or both?
www.osirix-viewer.com (and similar software horosproject.org)
(NB. Any writing is about systems and not single persons and if some mentioned by name; then they represent systems and not their person per se. A reminder in case of misunderstanding then movies such as LUCY comes to mind just as promisses kept since 2018 continues all in the best of wishes.)
This is a small thesis - or preferred by the Doctors in the system - gobbledygook. We learn from our parents and school that children shall be alert, intelligent and bright minded as well as street-smart. No we don't. History and a few billion years existing in a Universe make most people forget we are living on a wonderous planet called Earth in the midst of a galaxy in the midst of clusters of such. The Universe was smart enough to create planets and Earth in such a way as to make homo sapiens think everything has a few purposes namely; democrazy and governments and everything above and below belonging to an elite which for a few millennial has numbed homo sapiens down to a walking tree paying at the TOLL roads of wide and open gates of life.
This page takes you on a small journey with transcripts of medical journals with my comments, naturally; would it not be the most natural thing to believe the patient(s) rather than everything you read in journals and if hospitals and medical facilities were so amazing, then they would actually not exist at all.
Let us not forget there are those sunshine moments where doctors actually does what they are suppose to but being a doctor is not only prescribing medicine and fixing broken legs after a killing-field. Should doctors/physicians not help alleviating the root-causes of many medical problems? Or should doctors merely be a cabinet full of drugs, needles and symptom-treetments. However let us also not forget the madness which existed and still does in movies which is all fictional! Medical advances has progressed but how did we get here? A million years ago we had not yet invented Lenox Hill (TV series) yet Osirix made homo sapiens look inside the human body using CT scans hence Osirix DICOM Viewer is Osiris on those steroids that was predicted a very long time ago!
Stephen King Kingdom Hospital and The Kingdom (miniseries). The Hospital (1971). House (TV series). Shutter Island (2010). A Cure for Wellness (2016) in which you may notice Mia Gypsy Mello da Silva Goth playing a freedom loving girl called Hannah. Swimming Pool (2003).
Movie Magnets
Image: showing brain middle section. Perfusion colors (red) added by Osirix. CT scan performed 2020 May 15 on NUR. Symmetry indicates normal brain.
Normal bloodflow (perfusion) and balanced lateral ventricles with no deformation. (I might upload a complete animation showing slices as in this example).
Reference image https://radiopaedia.org/articles/acute-vs-chronic-ischaemic-stroke-2.
Video reference youtube.com: Diagnosing strokes with imaging CT, MRI, and Angiography | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy.
On the right side you see a few images. They are CT scans [computed tomography scan] and the top image (red) is actually a scan of my brain, a slice of many. It was done 2020 May 15 when I was admitted to Sønderborg Hospital. I was home with my wife watching Netflix when suddenly felt a numbness in my left side of the body. I collapsed first on a chair and then on the bed. My wife got the telephone and I was able to dial 911 (112 in Denmark). A little more than a decade earlier when I lived alone in Sweden, similar happened one night. I woke and felt a numbness in my left side. I was able to drive to the local hospital in Ängelholm. I shall tell of this incident later which in itself was a mystery. Anyway, with that incident I kind of had a premonition but also knew it could be a stroke or termed a mini-stroke which is why I mentioned to the emergency-telephonist, that I believed it might be a stroke. Within minutes an emergency team came to deal with me. This was awesome. They handled the situation very professionally and I was driven to Sønderborg Hospital where I arrived within 30 minutes of my call. A Physician examined me and concluded indeed I was paralyze or numb so he administered a CT scan. I was injected with contrast fluid and I was CT scanned.
The CT scan lasted a few minutes which contradicts the timestamp on the images of the CT scan but more on that later. A few minutes after the scan the Physician told me Odense University Hospital wanted to see me. The Physician also told me he would administer thrombolysis. What happend then was, that I went into a complete remission of all symptoms shortly after the CT scan but prior to beeing administrated thrombolysis; the medication (Actilyse) has a serious side effect in which 3% statistically get a brain hemorrhage which will then be treated conservative, I was told, which basically means it will be treated as usual. A lovely nurse arrived at my trolley and said they would do a urinary catheterization. I insisted they did not since I had one when I was 18 years of age and it is just horrible the first time you try. Nurse insisted since an operation on the brain removing a blood clot would be initiated at Odense University Hospital where a catheterization would start from the groin with a thin tube going up into the brain though the arteries. I had this done at Lund University Hospital so I was kind of prepared and not in awe of this situation.
Since at this time I was in full remission I expected perhaps a reevaluation of the situation however procedures continued and I was flown by helicopter to Odense University Hospital which is 2 hours by car but only 15 minutes by air. I felt in safe hands but also knew it was time to be cautious having experienced many trifles within the hospital system.
After one day and a half at Odense University Hospital I wanted to be released from the hospital and the nurse said the Physician would decide that. I said no, I would. I told Odense University Hospital to make a note in the journals that I wanted copies of the CT scan since I now knew something was very odd. When I was at Lund University Hospital having a CT scan and full examination of my brain they happily told me there was nothing wrong with me. When in Odense University Hospital I asked to see the CT scans prior to doing a control scan the next day I was told by the nurse that the Physician had no time. I then said no CT scan control would be done.
That is why you see an actual scan of my brain and that is why I have a CD ROM with a full set of the CT scans performed at Sønderborg Hospital. When a Physician at Odense University Hospital finally came to show me the CT scan proving I had a stroke. In Denmark they call it apopleksi 'cause hjerne-blødning (brain bleeding) is the term but sounds too scary, I guess, for the patients to be confronted with; a term which pretty much describes the diagnosis.
This explains why I have a CT scan of my own brain.
American Made (2017) CIA (governance) transports drugs to USA. Buying and selling drugs is diverted by using drug money to by gold. On this scale you now know, that corruption is not a word to consider anymore because it is simply too weak to describe what has been going on for centuries looting and killing people. Such destruction is also maintained withing the health systems. Drugs are surely more than medicine and medicine has side-effects and one of these are, that the side-effect sometimes work.
Italian police seize over $1 billion of 'ISIS-made' Captagon amphetamines:
edition.cnn.com/2020/07/01/europe/isis-drug-seizure-italy-scli-intl/index.html (local copy PDF)
According to Mafia turncoats (pentiti), the real name of the Mafia is "Cosa Nostra" ("Our Thing") 事情 Shìqíng thing, stuff, east and west, business.
This news pops up one day after I post paragraph above (American Made (2017)). It goes to show history is real (!) and news too and this story also as a cover-up to delude people and to control peoples minds (The Adjustment Bureau (2011)). See the logo on the pills (in above CNN article) and know it is the logo of Yin and Yang leading to the medicine of People (at which point the observer will realize People are the medicine). Screen Capture here. (Yin & Yang is ISIS as the riches medicine ever which NUR found and it will be delivered as promised to all corners of The World). We see the same tablet RED & BLUE in The Matrix Collection (please notice the many Japanese and Chinese signs and symbols). Yin & Yang the tablet 陰陽 Yīnyáng. Yin; sinister, moon, feminine, negative etc. Yáng; sun, open, male genitals, south of a hill (pill ;-). Italian Mafia were supposed to be obliterated however is now called Democrazy or simply put; The People - root cause of all things even giving The Universe a consciousness. Well! I present you with the best tablet ever - n'es pas - once you bite the Apple and all the riches you know the tablet has two sides just like a coin:
"Equal opinion is called science - disagreement is called democracy. Opinions change (over time)."
"The Matrix collection depicts a complex science fiction story" - nonsense!!!
Autoimmune and allo-immune systems in love leading to a web of intrigue and sorrow.
[Preliminary. Section started 2020 June 12]
This case is part of a series and I am possitively sure that many can recognize similar situations or worse. Each insident a trifle going unnoticed and forgotten because one thing humans are good is; trust. How can we not trust nine month in the womb and finally lying on the chest of mama smelling her and she the baby which is ready to endure a whole life together of dreams and hope. A few years later ending perhaps in tragedies of sorts because we call it life and life is a complex series of skills which it ain't actually easy to master - unless it is scripted as the case is.
One trifle, two, three, four and you keep counting and suddenly at the age of perhaps 15 you begin to wonder why so many trifles; the past becomes your present (remembering) and soon your future filled with avoidances and larger scale trifles now mounting to another movie 13 REASON WHY (2017+).
There is something between the ears and it is like an unexplored cave full of secrets, unspoken words and phrases. The mind has the ability to live separate lives and this does absolutely not make anyone ding-dong; the mind is just finding the best possible place to dwelve and experience sumptuous leassure-time on steroids without the need of medical drugs - just as I suspect Swimming Pool (2003) (wikipedia) is such a journey and journal as a book as a script by a writer whom is neither Charlotte Rampling nor Julie (both characters) but allegedly written by François Ozon and Emmanuèle Bernheim. Knowing this takes such movies to other dimentions making them as real as the mind - which is why we love to watch movies because now we are inside someone elses mind.
It is therefore important to know that this case will present strangeness and it is only my goal to figure out what this strangeness is because it might be part of a huge structural cure as a cave deep within the mind perhaps not even known really by the strangeness itself until it feels good.
The case starts year 2020 and goes back in time (remembering trifles) to see if numerous trifles have a common denominator and the case will throw darts and the hope is a bullseye is struck eventually because it is almost unexplainable until you realize that everyone is playing a part yet believes it is better than the scripted movies we so love.
I have received a letter from Sønderborg Sygehus dated 10-06-2020 [2020 June 10] from a Physician Gabor Graehn.
Physician Gabor Graehn writes the following:
Det er også vigtigt at forstå, at du ikke længere har Wegener's granulomatose, derimod kronisk nedsat nyrefunktion på baggrund af den tidligere nyreskade.
It is also important to understand that you no longer have Wegener's granulomatosis, on the other hand, chronic renal impairment based on previous kidney damage.
This is where it gets as simple as two plus two supposedly. First of all; Wegener's is now called Granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Secondly; Granulomatosis with polyangiitis is a chronic illness as per US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health [www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov] who writes:
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) [Granulomatosis with PolyAngiitis] is a chronic, relapsing, primary systemic small vessel vasculitis associated with anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies. The disease is characterised by the involvement of various organs. The relapse rate rises from about 20% at 12 months to about 60% at 5 years.
Vasculitis Foundation writes:
There is no cure for GPA at this time [2020 June], but early diagnosis and effective treatment can bring the disease into remission, and many patients can lead full, productive lives. Left untreated, GPA can lead to potentially life-threatening organ damage or failure. Even with treatment, many patients will experience periods of relapse, so ongoing medical care is important.
Source: www.vasculitisfoundation.org > The Basics about this Disease > OUTLOOK
Physician Gabor Graehn also writes:
I en anden email beder du om dokumentation for Wegener's. Ud fra det, du har fortalt mig den 25.5 [2020], og de journalnotater jeg har adgang til, har du haft Wegeners' granulomatosis som 17-årig, da du boede i København. Jeg har kun adgang til journaloplysninger fra Sundhedsstyrelsen, som er de samme du selv har adgang til ved opslag i Sundhed.dk.
In another email, you ask for documentation for Wegener's. Based on what you told me on May 25, [2020] and the journal notes I have access to, you had Wegeners' granulomatosis at age 17 when you lived in Copenhagen. I only have access to journal information from the National Board of Health, which are the same that you can access at Sundhed.dk
At this point the Physician is now on the brink of total collaps. Physician Gabor Graehn mentioned he only has access to journals given at The Danish National Board of Health (Sundhedsstyrelsen via sundhed.dk) yet the information at this location is given by me telling Physicians in Denmark that I had Wegener's when I was diagnosed at the age of 18 years at Rigshospitalet. Physician Gabor Graehn is trying to legitimize:
Further I was not living in Copenhagen when I was diagnosed with Wegener's but I was in Rigshospitalet which is located in Copenhagen. I also request documentaion/verification, yes, yet Physician Gabor Graehn refers only to a journal to which I have given information to Physician Gabor Graehn and Sønderborg Hospital which does not verify I had Wegener's and also Wegener's is not mentioned with its new name namely Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA). Graehn also tells me that I did not have Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) in 1981. How does he know? Ah yes, he must have access to journals - that have been destroyed and deleted! Dr. Rolf Mantorp also mentioned I had Systemic Lupus Erythematosus but as the extreme professional he was he later added Wegener's Granulomatosis and Dr. Rolf Mantorp is the source from where I know this.
Physician Gabor Graehn writes:
"It is also important to understand that you no longer have Wegener's granulomatosis, on the other hand, chronic renal impairment based on previous kidney damage".
Previous kidney damage?! Yes offcause! I know that and it is called Wegener's Granulomatosis or more precisely Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis. In one sentense a Danish state licenced Physician makes major clinical errors and observations yet nobody is any the wiser because, after all, it is
Just as large as the Danish State's annual income of DKK 1.154.853.000.000 2018 of which 16.33% is transfered to the public health sector which is DKK 188.587.494.899 paid for by people in tax. The hospital and health sector in Denmark is not free. Source: dst.dk.
It is evident that Physicians in general enter data into journals quickly and without verification and their job is done in seconds rather than minutes in a thorough medical and scientific manner. Come on; a patient arrives at a Physicians consultation and starts mentioning various earlier illnesses yet the Physician does not verify. Trust is naturally two-way. Physicians also has lots to do with administrative duties while they also to some extend need to upgrade their skills learning as they progress in their careers.
2020 June; I ask in an email that I want Physician Gabor Graehn to verify I had Wegener's. At this point the hammer drops in front of Gabor and he won't know what medication to eat for himself next: Gabor replies 2020 June 16: "We have actually routinely controlled the blood-tests in 2019 March for Wegener's granulomatosis and SLE, both were negative." Yes Gabor, on my request and here it comes, ready; I ask for documentation that I had Wegener's in 1981 and not 2018+ which I am very well aware of I don't (2018+) since it is in remission and it is a chronic illness which does not require any verification since I presently have no symptoms and a test for SLE was also done in Thailand. Letter from Gabor: 2020 June 17 Gabor Graehn Brev fra Sygehus Sønderjylland.pdf. At a meeting with Gabor 2020 June, Gabor also says he knows I did not have SLE in 1981. How can Gabor know this unless he has journals saying I did not and if he does have such documentation then he is obviously mental beyond.
"...previous kidney damage" - Sønderborg Sygehus represented by Physician Gabor Graehn.
And this "...previous kidney damage" was first diagnosed at Hillerød Hospital as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) after failed treatment and left to die termed Circling the drain, PBAB (pine box at bedside) (ref.: nationalpost.com). Dr. Rolf Mantorp (Lund Univercity Hospital), a swede, at Rigshospitalet changed diagnose SLE to Wegener's (as it was named that in 1981) now named Granulomatosis with polyangiitis.
If you don't pay your tax or speed ever so slightly you are hit instantly with fees and fines. In the public school system you are judged on doing the right things as per the systems understanding of truth. Hogwash. This is the magic trick in which Penn and Teller Fool Us comes on stage. It is rather simple:
They tell you in one location that you are rewarded if you do good when in fact doing good is not to learn all their nonsense!
Then when you do bad like fighting for good food, they tell you, you are a danger and will imprisson you.
Why no verification? Let's read the danish law-text:
Opbevaring af patientjournaler
§ 15. Læger, tandlæger, kiropraktorer, jordemødre, kliniske diætister, kliniske tandteknikere og tandplejere skal opbevare deres patientjournaler i mindst 10 år (opbevaringsperioden), jf. dog stk. 5.
Keeping patient records
§ 15. Doctors, dentists, chiropractors, midwives, clinical dietitians, clinical dental technicians and dentists must keep their patient records for at least 10 years (the retention period), cf. 5th
BEK nr 530 af 24/05/2018 Bekendtgørelse om autoriserede sundhedspersoners patientjournaler (journalføring, opbevaring, videregivelse og overdragelse m.v.) - and local copy.
After 10 years the medical industry in Denmark is then allowed to delete records/journals.
The combined mind of Homo sapiens is revealed in movies such as:
I have 2018 complained to the medical system in Denmark after I received no treatment for symptoms for atrial febrilation and other symptoms related to the chronic Granulomatosis with polyangiitis which has been denied by the Danish Health System as seen above by Physician Gabor Graehn who represents the tax-payers who is represented by The Danish State and its health system.
The [danish state] national scheme; this is how it works;
Physicians avoids filing any serious illnesses and chooses to file diagnoses such as drinking and smoking. It is called autoimmune systems blaming allo-immune-systems and the patient is allo. TADA!! Blame it on the patient is the name of the game and the more Physicians blame it on the patients the more ill people we get in the allo-immune system. It worked wonders for the autoimmune system [read; democrazy] until 2014+.
All of the [danish] health system is autoimmune and is driven towards pulling out 16%+ of the annual state budget while pensionists and unemployed and also workers feels guilty taking/earning money from the system when exactly that, extracting money, is the only reason why the system exists. And it is done on such a large scale that you do not have to be a neuroscientist to figure this out and on such a scale the Italian Mafia are to be considered complete imbeciles.
It is indeed true that Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis earlier was named Wegener's which I was told by Dr. Rolf Mantorp from Lund Univercity hospital in Sweden whom I was beyond greatful to know when I was admitted to Rigshospitalet on my account and my endurance. During my stay at the first hospital named Hillerød Hospital I was left untreated, undertreated and left sitting for three weeks with fever daily rising twice a day to around 39-40 celcius. I was in pain and one afternoon I sat up on the bed and stood up and walked straight for the nurses and Physicians room. I demanded to speak with a Psysician saying nothing was happening. A Physician arrived shortly after and told me to return to my bed and I was told I would be attended to shortly after. I was. A Physician came to my bedside and said rephrasing: "...we will remove (deposit) all your medication and have you transfered to Rigshospitalet tomorrow. I will come in a minute and relieve your pain with morphine..." an so it was. I got morphine and for the first time in weeks and month I was able to relax and I slept for hours. I woke up next morning and prepared to be moved. I was driven to Rigshospitalet Reumatologisk ambulatorium where I was greated by Dr. Rolf Mantorp who was a swede from Lund Univesity Hospital (in Sweden) working at Rigshospitalet (Copenhagen). I later learned from my mother, that he had told her, that had I come a day later he might not had been able to save my life. I was trollied to a room and having plenty of trifles I felt at unease to the point of breaking. Dr. Mantorp entered and gave me medication and the next thing I remember is waking up the next morning and it was a sunny day in May 1981 and I felt good for the first time in six month. No fever, no pain, no peeing ten litres a day 'cause at Hillerød Hospital where I came from the only remedy I could find to alleviate extream pain was drinking constantly chamomile tea [thats what they had in the hospital-kitchen and it was better than to drink hot for unknown reason to me]. Naturally one Psysician one morning looked at the charts hanging on the bed asking me why I had urinated ten littres. I told the Psysician that I had been drinking chamomile tea expecting the Psysician to tell me "...very nice indeed..." but thereply was "Don't do that because it will harm your kidneys." Recallling this I can't even believe it myself now!
Already the next day I was up and walking and a few days later I was walking about feeling cured. Now, what then followed was a series of trifles which must be mentioned to get the full scope which ultimately drove me to a maddening sensation and situation.
I should also go back prior first hospital-adminitration at Hillerød Hospital. It was 1980 December. I had felt ill with fever on and off since September that year and at one point I actually drove my bycycle to the local Physician. I told him I felt tired with fever on and off and I told him if it was possible to send me to Spain on a two weeks vacation in the Sun. I thought he might undertand this but no. He looked at me and said that was not possible with a smile on his face. Furthermore my selfesteme was running on low and I felt it would boot up my body and then mind also, as many do, I loved the summer (danish), as many do. Anyway it was not to be and this may in fact have lead to a series of event within my body and mind which a few month later 1980 December made me go to bed with now chronic fever. For two weeks in bed and after about ten days a local on-call general practitioner was called. He gave me some medicine and it did not help. Then a second, third, fourth and fifth general practitioner. Some of these general practitioners gave me gout medicine to no avail. Finally when the sixth came in less than ten day (as I remember it) the general practitioners asked me to walk and noticed my spine was no longer straight. I also has an extream swolen area of my groin and constant high fever. The Physician finally admitted me to Hospital but only because a friend who was a nurse of my Aunt had spoken to the Physician saying hospitalisation was needed.
Would you know it by looking at a full CT scan; the mind is connected to the body. Just one dimension further and we might discover that the mind is the combined body.
854 Fifth Avenue, New York (Google Maps), USA housed Serbia's mission to The United Nations.
More images: Landmarked Upper East Side mansion owned by former Yugoslavia wants $50M
www.un.int/serbia/ (serbiamissionun.org/)
Originally built for Robert Livingston Beeckman c. 1903 by architects Warren & Wetmore. One of the last mansions standing on Fifth Avenue. Purchased by the Yugoslav Government in 1946. It unfortunately caught on fire in 2018 which damaged the upper floors.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus [SLE] or simply Lupus is an autoimmune disease just as Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis is and related illnesses which begs the question; is mental health and not feeling well the cause of such autoimmune diseases since the immune system is a vital part of the body and if you feel lousy for months and years such may suppress the immune system to final collapse in the case of being struck by an autoimmune disease.
When people are under pressure for any reason for a prolonged period of time it stresses the immune system and in the case of SLE, Lupus and Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis the immune system turns on itself and becomes its own enemy thinking the cell itself is an enemy and the cell starts a series of procedures to shut itself down which leads to fever and finally death when vital parts of the body is hit by this self-destructing mechanism known as an autoimmune disease 'cause auto=self.
This day 2020 medical professionals don't know exactly what causes the autoimmune system to start a series of self-destructive mechanisms but indeed mental health is a factor considered. We all know it when days, weeks into months during winter becomes tedious which is why light-treatment is used to treat some people. Any factor can play a part on the body and mind.
In the mind things that are not physical takes place yet these manifestations in the mind of any type can and will manifest itself in the body as physical symptoms. We know headaches, back-pain and other stress-related symptoms and if we only treat symptoms we basically get nowhere. It is systemic on a large scale on a global scale and to even begin to phantom any cure the system-operators, known as governance, needs a complete overhaul because governance is as leasurely as a building that has served as the office for Serbia’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations currently on the market for $50 million nypost.com; governance does anything possible to alleviate stress!
Individuals with such stress-related disorders experience an array of physiologic alterations, including disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis *) and autonomic nervous system which in turn may influence multiple bodily systems, eg. immunefunction and thereby susceptibility to disease.
Source: Full investigation download 343 KB
*) The role of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in neuroendocrine responses to stress download 212 KB
This is where movies come in handy too. The movie 13 Reasons Why is a journey in which a young girl is in love and is at the same time being constantly abused yet nobody knows this ntil too late and even then nobody is any wiser. What I want you to try one day is this in case you need to talk with a Physician, Doctor or generel practitioner etc.: tell them you saw this movie and you fel similar and you are positive the movie and scriptwriter is on to something important. See what the Doctor tells you.
Key Points
Question: Are psychiatric reactions induced by trauma or other life stressors associated with subsequent risk of autoimmune disease?Findings In this Swedish register-based retrospective cohort study that included 106 464 patients with stress-related disorders, 1 064 640 matched unexposed individuals, and 126 652 full siblings, exposure to a clinical diagnosis of stress-related disorders was significantly associated with an increased risk of autoimmune disease (incidence rate was 9.1 per 1000 person-years in exposed patients compared with 6.0 and 6.5 per 1000 person-years in matched unexposed individuals and siblings, respectively).
Meaning Stress-related disorders were significantly associated with risk of subsequent autoimmune disease.
Source: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2685155
Full investigation download 343 KBWe have billion, no trillion Dollar governance and schools and workplaces and two hours in movies is not that long to fix serious issues. The writer might tell us a story and we can fully relate, so why does this relate-mechanism not work when we are talking billions, no trillion Dollar industry (read governance) far larger than Hollywood? If I may be so blunt to put it in simple terms; someone else is writing the script and everyone waits for the scriptwriter to turn the page and start the next season and episode only to make us disapointed to learn that the last season and last episode did nothing on a large scale. Why? Again the large scale mechanism we might term; someone else is watching and will write the next best chapter ever and we hang out watching and mostly waiting and one day the trifles are so many when you strike the age of 95 and feel pretty desolate.
The Matrix (1999) in which Neo fights the system and the system fights back and we see this mechanism among freedom fighters fighting freedom fighters.
The autoimmune system does not differ between people which is why we probably see movies such as 13 Reasons Why 'cause we invented Darwinism with a phrase "survival of the fittest" and guns and governance to such a degree it overshadows the immune system on a global scale as well as locally which is also why we see police brutality, wars and conflicts in schools called bullying and the range of ideas Homo sapiens has to treat each other is an arsenal larger than all combined historical armies joined together. The cure? Well, let us see if there is a cure and it might be found eventually. Old age has been spoken of a long time ago and perhaps the ancients did live longer and better. When we deduct a life down to those ultra delightful and precious moments how many years, months and days can you count? Perhaps hours?
Autoimmune and allo-immune recalling auto=self and allo=others then that which inflicts the autoimmune system is inflicted by allo-immune systems. When we talk of systems we encounter the movie The Matrix in which systems are designed to destroy immune systems which is evident and obvious when we see Agent Smith doing everything he possibly can to destroy Neo. Why would Smith destroy Neo when Neo entered a mission from his office where Neo realized someone is out to get Neo. They called it paranoia yet in movies we call it liberation.
It is stagnant and we need a whole collection of The Matrix and Divergents and Mockingjays to perhaps accept, that the algorithm only works if there is one single castle enigmatic and silly as it may be. They still call it Rule By Law but then why is the auto- and allo-immune system shutting down and why are the cure not injected from any form of system on such a scale that there are no more reasons?
The depth of all of this is pretty easy to decipher at least when we enter those relatively few moments where we can actually feel the brain and autoimmune system being invigorated. Neo is everywhere and the system-operators are doing the job they are programmed to follow called Rule By Law and when the law is so fantastic apparently then the only hint we get of system-failures are the evidence which will be presented in this journal, this page, to find a cure that is global and works anywhere even when we land on Mars in perhaps not such a distant future.
Kim Klotins, CFIA, Candadian Food Inspection Agency; 31:11 micro expessions and stroking her own hair; she is in a very stressful situation. Her reality is at stake and she knows it yet does not react to it as would the viewer expecting fresh healthy salmon.
Eventually we all eat garbage and who knows it is garbage until someone tells us it is. Take the Salmon and piss on it and ask CFIA to eat it.
BILL 37 – 2012 ANIMAL HEALTH ACT If we read this Act we might consider that all of The Canadian Food Inspection Agency needs to pay a penalty and/or go to prison. Harsh but the above video is showing a side of stress that for some reason leads to infected fish. I and probably others need to see if the constitutional legality is even needed since who wants to eat stinking fish.
Stewart Hawthorn is smiling and it is like watching The Matrix being played out while the purpose of this whole charade seems more like huge trifles as when whole countries goes to war killing millions for the larger autogood protecting the autoimmune system from allo-immune systems.
Salmon dying and patients dying have once thing in common; they were ill at first. There is a link between things that seem unrelated and we know it in part as the butterfly effect. Trifles are not isolated and anything done here, good or bad, has effects all over the globe and some more and faster than others. Like a dam built to contain water which collapses which has severe effects and the cause of the effect may be faults in the construction company's procedures and/or a political maneuver saving costs. Yet again the cause may be found in places like a a consultant being stressed because he has had a divorce costing him a pretty penny or a politician who needs to use the autoimmune system to inflict political suffering on a political allo-system. Each entity wanting to do the ultimate best for the autoimmune system yet somewhere a major fault leading to catastrophy. Nobody asks the obvious; were all autoimmune systems tip-top Okay and did psychosomatic disorder and psychosomatic medicine and did the quality of life take a toll because of any factor whatsoever and it is important to digest this because it can litterally be any factor small or large that initially triggers a whole dam to collapse.
Summer 2018 I am an out-patient at Sønderborg Sygehus for tests and treatment of the kidneys. Start of 2018 I visit my local general practitioner and Imention a few symptoms such as pain in the calf atrial febrilation and I als omention Wegener's knowing well it has a new name. Usually and mostly when I mention Wegener's and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) general practitioner and Physicians usually let me go and they depart to some other department. This is understandable because immmune systems illnesses is hightly complicated technology to the degree that it deals with medicine on a level which most don't deal with which is why there are highly educated specialist in the areas of autoimmune decease. This in itself is a paradox since the autoimmune system is what drives life and this system is controlled by external as well as internal factors. Once ill with an autoimmune decease it gets really really serious which is why it is vitally important to deal with any form of trifles ASAP. That is where the medical profession should be on the front-lines to push feel-good-buttons and not only push medication and drugs. However this is what happens in this cause and action environment where Physicians live daily and they themselves tend to enter the loop perhaps wanting to be Doctors Without Borders but end up being desktop-Physicians in a system which has turned on itself in this billion-Dollar industry in which less is best which begs the question; why so costly? The awnser is the autoimmune sytem feels good when a narrow group rakes in billion of Dollars and being a Chairman surely is a goal leading to even better good feelings. Is that not what every person want. Naturally it is. That is the whole purpose of a mind and body and brain which craves living as long as possible perhaps 500 even a 1000 years or more in a state of bliss and happyness.
Back to the case and the complaint.
My local general practitioner prescribes being an out-patient at Sønderborg Hospital at the kidney ambulatory and I am thinking this is pretty good to finally get a few tests and mention my symptoms. I have to stress at this point, that the local practitioner stopped at Wegener's and kidney problems turning me over to someone else who also for all the bizarre reasons did mostly the same namely only focused on kidneys and not the whole body and mind. I have some experience in the health system and I know that Physicians tend to, and like to, focus on symptoms and the fewer the better. Then they treat the symptoms with drugs and drugs are designed to have side-effects and one of these side-effects is that the drugs actually works - sometimes.
As an out-patient I receive blood-tests and the intial finding is, that kidkeys are in failure and a diagnose of Wegener's granulomatose (DM313) is given by Jan Dominik Kampmann (department Physician at Sønderborg Sygehus).
Hospital journal 13.03.2018: 2020 Jun 11 hospital journals - prime page all unfolded.pdf page 26/38.
Medical diagnosis is the procedures used to knowledge or know from διάγνωση diágnosi where eγνωση gnosi meaning you recognize. Well the only diagnosis I had was at Rigshospitalet in 1981 by a swedish Physician Dr. Rolf Mantorp leading him to diagnose me with SLE and then Wegener's. This is the information I gave to Sønderborg Sygehus and the hospital entered it into the journal as an danish;Aktionsdiagnose which means it is prime diagnose and the diagnose with which the patient was admitted and/or is the prime cause. When a health system deletes patients journals after no more than ten years, then it is obvious they have no reference. I would disallow this and promote the idea in these ages especially with electronic filing, that journals be kept a pretty long time and especially those cases which have a significance to medicin globally and such is the case with autoimmune system decease syndrome because we all live with the auto- and allo-immune system and if they can be boosted anyway many illnesses might vanish. Immune system is inside cells and each cell is like a small a bacterie (single living cell) and each have life and thrive which is its ultimate purpose.
However Physician Gabor Graehn disbutes this saying I no longer have Wegener's and I was the one giving information verbally about Wegener's to the general practitioner Agnete McCluskey who then intiatiated out-patient tests and treatments at Sønderborg Hospital. I mention this because a diagnose is important as a first hand tool to pinpoint the reason why a patient has symptoms and values in the blood indicating faults.
Primary hospital journal from Sønderborg Hospital. This is the initial visit as an out-patient and and writes "Pt. blev henvist via egen læge Agnete McClusky pga. forhøjet nyretal." meaning generel practitioner Agnete McCluskey initiates out-patient procedure to Sønderborg Hospital because of high kidneynumber.
Hospital journal: 15.02.2018 b - 12 - EJournal-Notater-Niels Ulrik Reinwald.pdf page 4/12
Gabor Graehn decides to call it Kronisk nefropati known in english also as Chronic kidney disease and nephropathy which is associated with diabetes. This might explain why the kidney section at Sønderborg Hospital has a diabetes section. I have as far as I know never had diabetes. It is also mentioned as chronic (Kronisk). Yes, Granulomatosis with polyangiitis is chronic and strikes usually lungs, skin and kidneys.
For years since 1981 I have from time to time visited a general practitioner and at times asked for a blood-test mentioneing Wegener's and SLE. This was never followed up on and since 1981 nothing has been done to follow up on kidneys.
September the same year 2018 my wife and I decides to fly to Thailand on holliday. Two weeks after arriving in Thailand I get symptoms resempling food poisoning. Of to the local emergency. After a few tests and hospitalization a few days it is realized it is more serious. After the first symptoms in September 2018, which are stomac pain and fever, I am hospitalized and it leads up to six hours in the operating room. A 20 centimeter scar later a 10 centimeter of the small intestine is removed and the diagnosis is:
This might have been prevented had we listened to the inner voices everyone possesses including the voice(s) spoken when the patient and the most minute of apparent insignificance would have prevented the existance of this thesis and obliterating this whole page.
This is where the operating room becomes the last mathematical equation in which I (and probably many others) experience how infinify is invented. I was in a place where the ambiance was as heavenly as it can be the last moments. Yet you always hope. Six hours later I awoke knowing heaven was only an injection away and I was in the best of hands ever because that is the ultimate experience anyone can have even if it is as trivial as the next hand-wash and the next golf-game with the best of friends at the Physicians-club where a 24 year old scotch glides down while knowing the allo-immune system(s) is as much a part of the experience as the autoimmune system.
This is why there really is no reason to complain. Not now and not ever. Well, let me be as frank as I can be; it all boils down to a few minutes, a few seconds and that is it and you won't even know it at least how can you know when nobody teaches you; life is a mystery and is also a complete encompassment in which every tweet of a bird and each winged bug flying around you no matter how insignificant it may seem might lead to a zero centimeter scar. This is a push-button state lasting trifles of a nano-second. You don't even know it until it is too late.
When you wake up from the anesthesia you know everyone else are "dead". That is why amazing doctors makes preventing any such situations from arising ever again. In fact this is allegorically speaking because when you are on the operating table called life, you try at least to get cut open by the best surgeon and get stitched back up again to avoid it ever happening again. That is the purpose and that is what was spoken of a very long time ago.
The complaint is filed by me and takes up 411 MB and 216 files. The complaint is sent to Patienterstatningen https://pebl.dk/. I present the complaint itself which was rejected before the rejection dateline. There are symptomatic faults and complaint within the complaint and finally when you realize rejection is a tool to make people ill you will start to fight - and live. I also enclose the rejection which is signed with "Yours sincerely" (Med venlig hilsen) and that makes a bumblebee look mighty beyond any doubt.
Doctor malpractice Denmark v5.pdf (send to pebl.dk primarily in an english version).
Rejection (again)
1912632055_19-0543_23-04-2019_Afvisning_efter_§_21.1.pdf (danish only (please use Google Translate))
Bullying in school, work, taxes and generally wondering why life is so bloody difficult.
Psychosomatic disorder and psychosomatic medicine.
Danish; Kronisk nefropati (nephropathy); this diagnose caused by none and maltreatment at Hillerød Hospital recalling Wegeners is classified as striking mostly kidneys, skin and lungs (but can break out in any part o fthe body) hence Wegeners is the prime medical cause yet the root cause is to be found in a series of events which shall and will be described [psycosomatic which may be root cause of many physical illnesses in society which is a vast area of interest and will be covered recalling the root cause of psycosomatic itself! We often hear it but wait; what is the prime cause; bullying in school, work, taxes and generally wondering why life is so bloody difficult (movie Joker (2019))].
Patient has informed the medical staffs of Wegeners however the terminology is Granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Medical staff can not verify said Wegeners and can not validate as per medical practitioner Agnete McCluskey 2020 June 10 at her initiated consultaion at Lægekompagniet Nordals www.lkna.dk.
[sporatically entered]
100mg Prednisone, 5mg immurel, 10mg Endoxan, lung collapse, Prednisone withdrawral.
"By this time the hole is getting so deep that when I climb into it starting from Denmark I am almost 30.000 feet above Australia when the bottom of the hole is reached."
After a long and meticulous wait I am naturally an expectedly rejected. In fact the recline was prepared ahead of the deadline set by PEBL so I suspect they keep a copy/paste procedure at PEBL. Anyone should not presume to get any compensation and naturally all shall be documented before anything compensation or guilt is laid on anyone which is why we also have a justice system which we 2014+ now know is utterly corrupt proven beyond any doubt which this case supports the notion, that corruption is the system. Governance is a very lucrative business.
"Aspirin Is Beneficial in Hypertensive Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease"
"Do not stop taking ELIQUIS without talking to the doctor who prescribes it for you. Stopping ELIQUIS increases your risk of having a stroke."
Interesting related to medicin:
Generally it is thought medicine is safe because such entities as US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health exists testing drugs.
Understanding the dress codes of Orthodox Jewish women and their diverse interpretations. cnn.com.
White without the existance of blac - hardly!
Physicians work under conditions in which bureaucracy is a major part. Journaling within the profession is important as well as updating knowledge through continued education. Being a doctor then seems to be less important in systems which supports the systems themselves rather than 100% deal with preventive medicine avoiding illnesses. The amount of illnesses in most countries contradicts the health of a country on many levels even the economic in which debt seems to be a tool with which illnesses is also inflicted and debt is used to support the continued presense/need of/for democracy which is lived out in palaces and white houses on steroids. Why would a president need a beast when he/she is the protector of We The People. Why does a Pope decide to live and drive in such as manner as to show that he (She) is actually and formost there as an icon and beam for all of humanity (people)! Fact seems to indicate, that saying The White House is another way to say The Vatican and they are both white. Why all the theater? Why call a galaxy a rosebud when in fact they point in one direction all the same.
White House, Pope wears cassock also called simar and a bride wears white dress. Symbolisms lost now found! Doctors too wears white. They called it democracy - now it is called Casa Blanca and it extends into corners which we are just starting to excavate.
Oh dear how technological advances surpasses a whole Galaxy and planetary systems within.
Doctors should be alleviated and their job should actually be 90% paid holiday. Once they work they are ready to function and staff takes care of journaling and bureaucracy.
Doctors primary function is to dial in the number when systems fail or the patient has a stress-disorder related to system-errors.
Secondary function is to obliterate the primary function.
Chapter Cure (follows).
cnn.com: People are putting themselves on the cover of Vogue to promote diversity.
*) Lenox Hill (TV series): in this series we watch and listen to brain surgeons and they care for the patients yet we do notice they also care for their career which works hand-in-hand; do the best and you land as a Chairman and why not give the best to the best. However where does Status dramaticus and Yellow submarine enter the scripted autoimmune stage 'cause I don't hear it in the series yet Errors in Health Care: A Leading Cause of Death and Injury contradict what the paying audience is watching at Netflix.com. If you have experienced similar (in any situation being bullied or collateral errors) then you now watch a series in which autoimmune portrays itself as great Doctors yet allo-immune is cared for less ('cause it is allways the autoimmune system's task seeking the best for itself) so when we encounter stories of the opposite-of-the-opposite on The Internet (and The Internet is a topic which will be covered as probably the most astonishing pieces of engineering since the invention of the wheel) then red flags are everywhere.
Lenox Hill | Official Trailer | Netflix - youtube.com. Magnet season 1, episode 1-7: https://yifytorrent.cc/series/lenox-hill
"When the camera is rolling the autoimmune system takes advantage of the allo-immune systems to boost the autoimmune system to great heights and when the allo-immune systems is off-stage-no-cameras the autoimmune system takes advantage of a phenomenon which we might term; truth!"
Some links to some medical journals are presently not available.
I only wanted to have fun
Learning to fly, learning to run
I let my heart decide the way
When I was young
Deep down I must have always known
That this would be inevitable
To earn my stripes I'd have to pay
And bear my soul
I know I'm not the only one
Who regrets the things they've done
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
Who can't stand the reflection that they see
I wish I could live a little more
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
I feel like my life is flashing by
And all I can do is watch and cry
I miss the air, I miss my friends
I miss my mother, I miss it when
Life was a party to be thrown
But that was a million years ago
When I walk around all of the streets
Where I grew up and found my feet
They can't look me in the eye
It's like they're scared of me
I try to think of things to say
Like a joke or a memory
But they don't recognize me now
In the light of day
I know I'm not the only one
Who regrets the things they've done
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
Who never became who they thought they'd be
I wish I could live a little more
Look up to the sky, not just the floor
I feel like my life is flashing by
And all I can do is watch and cry
I miss the air, I miss my friends
I miss my mother, I miss it when
Life was a party to be thrown
But that was a million years ago
A million years ago