Page updated: Friday, October 15, 2021 9:25 AM
Created: Wednesday, February 5, 2019 By Niels Ulrik Reinwald


2021 October 15

  • It is highly suspecious when a whole government does not reply when we consider that governmenrs and parliament are run by people. Wrong. High Contracting Parties are their name and ICC can't touch them just as people have absolutely nothing to do with the individuals in High Contracting Parties because ICC does not try any such individual because they are protected by the constitution of the Terror State of Denmark § 34 Finland's constitution is however a load of hogwash - see section Constitution of Finland, The at the ICC page at the Class Action lawsuit.

2020 July 05

  • The Finnish Government via Fortum via withdraws in fault from peoples debit and credit cards and when spotted says it was an error yet did not notify the customer prior - the customer had to tell owned by The Finnish Government, that enrichment by The Finnish Government via GetBarry took and takes place. Matter filed to the danish police as of 2020 July 05. Updates and records and files will be displayed as the case evolves. Please note, that GetBarry is a danish company with a CVR number 38998099 registered with the danish state which then also makes the danish state an accomplice in enrichment on unsuspecting customers (state collects V.A.T. called moms in Denmark). Furthermore electric should be purchased cross-border by customers at the best and cheapest price available without consideration to nations V.A.T. figures. So says EU Directives. Amazing is difficult when the very foundation you stand on is being looted from you.
  • PS. Yet no reply from The Finnish Governent on my topic of investing in electric making electric free for private customes no later than year 2100.

2020 April 08

2020 March 18

  • Still awaiting a reply from governments on the topic on why customers can not purchase electric and gas cross-border and why tariffs are paid by customers who do not import electric and gas. When dealing with large corporations then democracies have their own private corporate rules.

2020 March 13

  • Section updated: PSO paid for by customers... meet Perry Mason and your birth-certificate made into a share making you a shareholder creating revenue by merely being alive and doing stuff.

2020 March 12

  • Doing a great job will be explained with an example which involves the marketing and development departments, among others, around The World; controlling the mind - no less! Related to the business of Energy where new businesses could evolve creating trillions in Dollars in revenue plus creating Homo Deus. Article should be ready 13 march 2020.
  • A week ago I emailed an electric company in Bulgaria and made an application online but I have yet not received a reply. Bulgaria is one of the cheapest places in Europe to buy electric.
  • Case related to gas-companies SEAS NVE and Evida leading to Tyra Field and Total S.A.. Case will be explained soon.
  • A reply from Enovo/Leoenergy confirming and can not sell electric outside the borders of Luxembourg. No reply from an European electric company Enovos related to my 09 march 2020 email. However Enovos did reply to my email sent to Enovos 27 February 2020 and Enovos replied 09 March 2020. is Luxemburg and Enovos sells in France and Germany however through their Frence and German registered companies meaning Enovos Luxemburg does not sell cross-border which seems to be in conflict with the purpose of a EU Directive.

2020 March 09

  • In business it is a well-known factor; systems over people - - and since politics is a business, well, your elected is probably reading Forbes Magazine too.


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Electric and gas supply - purchase

Imagine Versailles, Hall Of Mirrors - now turned tourist attraction - exists in real time now viewed as the headquaters of French Total. Learn how whole countries are run which makes the Italian Mafia look like complete amateurs and Spanish bullfighting look like a picnic.

Spain: Total to Enter into the Solar Market with a pipeline of 2 GW of projects.

Leading up to:

Solar-panel Project Towards Free Power Year 2100

which February 2020 is in the foundry as the largest network across the globe transporting free power to people at absolutely no cost for the private user. This project will be explained elsewhere.

Preliminary. Warning; this topic is highly boring - untill you as a consumer get involved actively in energy-production. Tada!! This page will contain detailed descriptions of the level of corruption within the energy sector leaving customers to pay for energy (electric (also gas) and socalled renewable energy) at an alarming high price at several hundred percent higher than the nomimal price.

The alarming great news is; you and a group of users can actually set up camp and buy your very own electric which will then bypass at least one level of brokers. Concept is: you want to buy an orange and to get a real orange you have to ask 1. your uncle and 2. your neighbor and 3. your mall and finally 4. your store if number 5. the farmer can ship you an orange. Every level naturally asking a fee making a 0.2 Dollar orange cost 1.0 US Dollar. Very simplified example but that is the general idea. It is called market mechanism and then we believe it is all competitive and all free - tada!!

Business as usual

Where better to start than with their own text in their own laws giving us a hint of the future and an understanding why oil, gas, petrol (and electric) really is not the reason why wars are started - such trivial concerns as war(s) are just to shift attention away (at least prior 2008).

"Should a private company and the stock exchange stand above the [Danish] Parliament[?]

Since the Parliament decided that society should have a greater share of the values from the oil in the underground, the government has put the Parliament aside. Apparently, the concern for the private company and the stock exchange ethics has led the government to conduct the negotiations in the deepest secrecy and without involving the Parliament or the necessary expertise. Next, the agreement was concluded before the Folketing was briefed, allegedly because the stock exchange ethics mandate that the agreement reached between the government and A.P. Møller - Maersk and the DUC, immediately had to be implemented in an agreement that could be signed and published before the Folketing was taken to council."

Source: Report of the Energy Policy Committee on 11 December 2003 (Eng.) (local copy PDF)

stock exchange ethics and could be this set of rules:

More capital = more democrazy or we can call it a James Riddle Hoffa. Above quote is a Betænkning which means a thought; report; meaning or idea. So in succession we get pretty much as follows:

The former exclusive [1962] grant to A.P. Møller - Mærsk A / S [to exploit subsoil on both land territory and sea territory] expires on July 8, 2012. The exclusive license with the agreement has been extended by 30 years until July 8, 2042.

Source: Report of the Energy Policy Committee on 11 December 2003 (local copy PDF)

This section relates to Executive Order on the exclusive grant to A.P. Møller – Mærsk for the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons, etc. in the underground of Denmark from 1962. There was more oil and gas than expected so they extended the exclusive grant allowing A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S (Aktie/Selskab; limited company) to keep drilling.

Same company Maersk Oil and DUC (Dansk Undergrunds Consortium) receives a tax-deduction (local copy PDF) if the companies promises to invest in upgrading the Tyra field in the North Sea with a collaborating French company Total S.A. Democrazy lesson in a nutshell.

Peter Weyland at TEDx - fiction meets non-fiction (local mp4).

Uncovering that which is payed for - if

This starts somewhere which is as plain as a bill for a service or product you buy. This is an example in Danish language but further below each item will be explained in full detail as far as it goes because a whole nation has no idea what they really pay for. We all know paying V.A.T. as added to a bill and invoices but look closely by following below link and please take a deep breath before you click.

In the section Real example on this page such a bill is explained so please follow along.

The purpose of this document is also to investigate how deep the exchange/broker-system goes until finding oil... electric power where the actual origin of electric originates and to find if indeed it is possible to buy directly from suppliers of genuine electric from sources such as solar, wind and water-power rather than going through many layers of brokers and exchanges all wanting a piece of the self-created biscuit (read; cake). In any circumstance it seems as if the level of middlemen/brokers are as huge as what we find in many other sales ranging from trade in diamonds, coffee, sugar, oil - well - any other commodity. For each layer/level/middleman it gets more expensive and this effect might explain why most people end up always having nada dinero at the end of the month no matter how much they make.

"It also involves giving consumers a more meaningful role, allowing them to manage their demand actively, produce electricity for self-consumption and feed the excess into the grid. In this context, electricity markets, regulations and technical infrastructures need to be adapted to a world in which large utilities no longer dominate the market."

Source:; Briefing November 2016: Understanding electricity markets in the EU (local copy PDF). The year is 2016 and the market is flooded with solar-panels rather than LCD/LED-panels - Tada!

The topic is vast even if relatively simple once considered; that the network on which energy flows, is in most cases in place 2020 with systems such as cables and technology to allow transportation to the end-user (naturally there are projects in multiple locations that needs attention as we shall see when huge cables are layed onto the seabed upgrading the grid between nations hence cross-border purchase of electric eventually becomes a myth). Let it also be told, that some companies actually do great and also works on expanding the life-expectancy of people. One tends to mention the rotten side of things. The good things are surely mentioned elsewhere in plenty such as companies creating products from technological breakthroughs over a period of time.

Peter Leyland speaking at TEDx - fiction meets non-fiction (local mp4).

Therefore this paper/writing is focused on understanding how the market actually operates and why you, as a consumer, have to pay 600% or thereabouts for electric when the raw nominal price is a fraction of the figures you are presented with on your electric-bills making you wonder why the bills are not getting less since you keep buying stuff like so called green tech/products to save electric - in fact it works just like magic - if you will indulge me - then follow along and watch/read how the trick is done.

Much of the electric (displayed in this case in the's App) is created from so called renewable energy (solar, wind etc.). Investments in these power-plants (also renewable) also needs cables to transport the electric to the end-user. All this has been paid by the end-users through buying the electric and the charges are tunneled to building infrastructure and power-plants. Once the infrastructure is in place then comes maintenance and upgrades but overall the large invenstments falls out and should leave electric to be much cheaper than the case is (taking into account the numerous fees and surplus-charges added nor forgetting skyhigh V.A.T. (yeah, the brokers add value darn it!)). Technology advances quick and huge and very expensive infrastructures is built paid for by the end-user - unknowingly - one must suspect.

Solar and wind-power is installed and is paid for by the enduser and by 2035 one country aims to have 100% renewable energy. All very dandy considering the future holds free energi for all - is the aim one might think!!! If the net and the supply chain is paid for by the end-users one would ultimately expect almost 100% free energi as zero cost except for maintanance and upgrades. Large corporations can install solar and wind-power gained by the capital they have achieved by selling their products and services to consumers. These powerplants produce plenty of energy at almost no cost once installed and the companies then gain further revenue when the prices do not reflect the lower cost and companies with installed renewable enery can also sell to brokers and all done in a way to make the consumer believe, that free power/electricity is very expensive with customer-support as the sole work-schedule for the broker tunneling the idea of selling you electric - and naturally printing and creating invoices to the consumer in one long row. With the earnings the broker can now start a real businesses such as selling high speed Internet setting up camp at making one think of the english word fib (a lie) supposedly meaning fiber (Tada!) but when the adress of Seas NVE is 4520 Svinninge (ZIP code and road name) where svin is swine then it all falls into place or else the owners might have thought of the idea to move to another location. No, they actually throw it right at you and they don't feel shamed and are totally oblivious to so called normal standards where normal people know the meaning of mental whereas they blissfully invest 3.4 billion kroner in a fiber-net which is then paid by... the customers elsewhere. One company is named who is a broker pretending to have electric charging a fee for their service because most likely buys their electric from NORD POOL who tells me they too also have no electric. Fees and charges are added too including V.A.T. In fact the price for the electric itself is minimal compared to the price adding fees of various kinds. One kWh is 05 February 2020 DKK 0.16 and fees acrue to approximately DKK 2.00 with a total cost of one kWh DKK 2.16. The list of fees and brokers to pay overshadows the true value of the product itself. Solar and wind-power is relatively low-tech 2020 and once installed runs pretty much without too much maintanance especially static solar-panels.

A similar company NESA (translated to English) accused by the Danish government of selling electric at a too high a price having to pay back 30 million kroner 2006 (peanuts) and never really paid until DONG Energy paid (allegedly) and Dong is now Ørsted A/S where Ørsted is a placename meaning Dizzy+place (Ør+sted) svimmelhed.

This is not too important and who cares because it is all forgotten by 2020+. What needs to be emphasized here is, that these large corporations exists 1. because there is a customer-base and a demand and 2. because those operating these companies got there by having the initial customer-base to cover all the costs/investment and 3. because technological advances made it possible. Let us recap also, that Seas NVE does not have any electric what-so-ever as far as the story goes which explains why there is a fee to a so called transport unit naming it the TRANSPORT FEE - very imaginative and very accurate.

Let us deal for a moment about this enigmatic electricity. Electric can move very nicely through copper which is coiled inside usually some kind of fabric which insulates the metal. Here a few pointers:

Then there is wind, solar and hydro powered plants.

Oil is becomming less of a commodity to consider as prime source so now finally large corporations jump onto the renewable energy vagon and it gets really huge in places like Dubai;

If, as per Dubai and similar, everyone installed solar-panels and or smaller domestic windmills then there will most likely be a surplus of electric. Solar panels and small windmills are still madly high priced in some locations such as Scandinavia and probably in most other countries except for at very good prizes not forgetting TESLA at a brandysized prize not forgetting the lovely designed TESLA battery panel. Solar panels is as said considered low tech 21st century and a small unit can easily be installed as easy as an airconditioning unit. Starting cheap is possible (translated to English) (battery pack can be 12V car batteries hooked up parallel and then a 12V to 230V inverter). Maintenance is very low. Once installed can also be set to feed the grid, the net and therefore provide a revenue for private home-owners. Much delay on setting this venture up because govenrments and their lacays are first and formost interested in keeping anything within the boundaries of large corporations. The hysteria by governments can be found easy; mid and late 20th century prices went up and up and to save consumers were told to buy neon and later LED lights and buy green products. All a scam. The consumers never saved a dime because the fees and prices of electric went up and are actually higher 21st century and the consumer trying to shut down all electric still has to pay a fee for just being connected to the net. Once the consumer uses just one kW the price is largely fees and taxes of which much of them are hoaxes.

Barry, and the elusive reality of tomorrow created a very long time ago

From Russia with love and oil-paint elusively portraying something which at times seems larger than life itself.

Movies, history present and past, collide and a gargantuan long time ago it was predicted that a whole World would be governed by love and beauty held by the painters eye yet frantically the simplest of things were built by design from forbidden cities crossing right into the heart of Rome and now an energy company probably so large it does not know itself how far it reaches. Perhaps this will help a fraction and if a barrel of oil can drop in price more than 50% in less than 30 days then surely anything is possible even creating a command-center which The World has never seen the likes of. Point is to attempt diligently to write with a smile even when reality clogs the simplest of logic.

2020 March 30 - hello Finland

Happily one can change to another company which sells electricity as did I and the company is called Barry Danmark ApS found also at which is located in Denmark and registered as a Danish company CVR-number 38998099 yet have chosen to use a .co domain which is the domain for Columbia yet Danish Barry ApS's address is Flæsketorvet 68, 1711 København V somewhere in the vicinity seen at Google maps. Barry has been fortunate and has not paid any tax 2018 - fiscal report 2018 as an example (local copy PDF). On the fiscal Barry's address is now Danneskiolds-Samsøes Allé 71 (near where DK Barry operate from; (Barry article)) so as far as I can keep track we have two (three) addresses in Denmark, one in Holland and then Headquarters of Fortum Keilalahdentie 2-4, CD building 02150 Espoo, Finland. All very dandy as long as the price of electric would reflect the actual real cost in at least broad strokes. With the infrastructure of Barry one must assume there are a lot of hands to feed and we can imagine how the market for electric energy is an area in which huge sums are raked in not benefiting the customer who are paying for the investments these large conglomerates are managing.

Owners are listed as:

Fortum Holding B.V.
Claudius Prinsenlaan 136
4818 CP Breda
Ownership 100% of Barry Danmak ApS

Address Claudius Prinsenlaan 138 is located in Holland: Google maps.

Fortum (Barry ApS) - Major shareholders - Prime Minister's Office [Finland] - 450,932,988 shares - 50.76% ownership of Fortum which funds Barry.

Source: (local copy PDF)

We get to fly around alot when shopping for electric but as promised it is rather fun once you feel the watts. Fortum Holding B.V. is a subsidiary of the parent company Fortum which is a Finnish company owned partly (50.76%) by The Finnish Government as we very nicely read at Wikipedia as a source of many things:

Which then makes it so much more easy to realize and understand that I, and probably a few others, are customers buying electric at The Finnish Government and branches protruding from Fortum and said government.

On February 20th and 25th I felt the force from these powerful entities and I wanted to know more so I emailed the Finnish Government:

No reply from the company called The Finnish Government yet the price of oil drops to $20 a barrel (March 2020 WTI crude).

As of this writing 2020 March 30, which is a little over a month ago since I wrote and email to The Finnish Government, there has been absolutely no reply from this large corporation called The Finnish government. Considering I am a customer buying electric from The Finnish Government, one might have predicted that customer-service at The Finnish government at least would have replied a few words like; thank you, but no thanks. The Finnish Government is simply too large to deal with projects spanning a whole century and a quess is, that the Finnish Primeminister probably does not know it is selling electric from a company that has no electric operated within a sister-Scandinavian country. Much good could be said and I am still hopeful a reply will turn up and I shall happily display it on this page.

The World got cheaper oil from my endevours in March 2020 shortly after this Energy-page was published dropping the price of oil from aproximately $45 to $20 a barrel and perhaps electric is next on the list. Energy crisis as seen in the '70 were as benevolent as Venezuela can run its country into a state of affairs as we know it from Hollywood blockbusters such as Oblivion (film 2013). Perhaps United Nations and probably a whole set of infrastructures can deal with the symptoms provided by colonization(s) by Spain based on the same principles as those found in Rome and any other city of The World. These days a whole planet gets to live the blockbuster and watch Ozark season 3, episode 10, being a script-page taken right out of reality (and partly from visions seen in paintings by Vladimir Volegov).

World of Electricity - E pluribus unum

As we can see here: then there are huge areas where investments can happen and I hover Iceland seeing Iceland has 100% renewable energy. When a whole planet is powered by electric, then does it matter if electric consumed in Calcutta comes from Sweden or Iceland? Eventually flattening out the price cross-border and making the price of electricity really transparent. An estimate in cost to connect every corner to the same global grid is probably going to cost in the region of a few trillion Dollars so don't believe a word when politicians and financial experts try and tell you there are no places to grow the economy. One day we might even see solar-panels floating 30.000 (Geostationary orbit) miles above Earth beaming down power collected from cosmic rays of any type such as photons or heat from our closest star. Let us imagine, as they do in Hollywood, that a future technology can penetrate the flares of the nearest star and transport energy 8 light minutes away to Earth - well, fiction and fantasy usually is the beginning of most things and who would have dreamt of solar-panels ten thousand years ago.

Would it not make the most sense to consider, at least, that there is only one Earth Electricity Corporation which diverts its tasks to local enterprises be it Barry or any other relevant business to really make a global impact long term. Why have thousands of different companies all working in the same field doing essentially the same however far apart only colliding when we follow the infrastructure called United Nations of which Finland is part and therefore Barry leading to the most logical conclusion E pluribus unum. The World is moving faster than any other period in history and in less than a hundred years, closing in on the next century, homo sapiens probably has a new sense of The World Map in any field.

Real example

If it cost 1000 Dollars to operate a human monthly just to stay afloat, then why not feed that human that 1000 Score Point as a free utility where electric, television, Internet etc. are free since large corporations are the operators anyway demanding money to use their products and services. You need electric to power your smarty and the smarty goes online to follow this, that and the other plus clapping toes while you purchase a new fragrance from Hugo Boss. Wait... hold your horses... so if I have to pay twice to get the services and products that keeps corporations afloat, then why must you pay to be allowed only to get access to the avenue where you are able to pursue their dreams of you buying their services and products. Market economy was a hoax anyway. And lets not forget; money are recyclable. Tada!!

This section will contain two real examples of how companies charges without relevance to the fact that a customer is not a customer and also charges late fees even when you are almost dying. Yes, power-companies brokering sales of electric and gas sends out invoices without any regards to the real world in which people live. If you do not pay - as the company tells you to - then soon you run up a charge and fee of being registered as a bad payer in for instance and soon this can slide into divorse and you becomming a pittyful holder of un-paid bills and fees for which you have proof of is not to be paid. The reason why companies do this; send bills without any consideration is, that companies are supported by law and they see fit because companies interpret the law just on the surface and the companies only survives because nobody is any the wiser and never really complains and complaint-offices are in on the scam and no real punishment is laid upon these corrupt companies supported by law all the way to the(ir) bank.

CONTINUED LATER in this section with documentation of real examples documented down to the last attempt speaking a language the companies understand; withhold all payments and bombard the public complaint-offices with as much of their own jargon as you can. This is where this writing comes in to figure out how the hell you tell them in plain English (or whatever language) that you will not pay for something just because a company tells you to pay also recalling that law is usually written for a reason to actually have a PURPOSE which actually many times are supporting the customer however you have to look deep in the code of laws to know how to scribble it down so these entities called brokers/exchanges/resellers understand the mechanism under which they operate. A real life example is, that aforementioned, a multi billion Dollar company, refers to laws that are no longer in effect named historic as opposed to the law which is actively present. Yes, you won't believe it until you see it and this has been documented elsewhere and may be reflected on this page just to depict how a simple no-danger-offence can be charged a fee and soon enough ends up making you sick to the core.

Price for electric is minimal however tariffs jumps the price 1982 percent

tariff is a tax on imports or exports between sovereign states. Yes, electric runs in cables ever so fast once cables are laid and don't care about borders - except you who must pay. One tariff, PSO, used to be raised/lowered at the rate the pure electric would influx on normal market principles but governments just introduces a tariffs to level out prices - because who wants cheap inexpensive electric anyway!

(Tariff on oranges. Soon enough there is only tariff and the orange is just a carrier of tariffs.)

Pure consumption (rent forbrug) in this example is using 3.75 kWh one day (2020 Feb. 10). The price is DKK 0.34 but jumps to DKK 7.08,- a 1982,30 percent increase.

SPOILER ALERT: Please let me draw your attention to the PSO tariff in the following table because it will be a guide you as you move along realizing how tariffs in general are added where governments regular fees, taxes and V.A.T. no longer sustains/carries any form of sense yet tariffs are a last resort to justify/establish the economic burden.

Tariff are explained here to some extent: - translated to English.

Below numbers are taken from the App for the day of 2020 February 10 having consumed 3.75 kWh on this particular day costing a total of DKK 7,09 (App rather nice and almost delivering real-time updates and the customer can follow there investment):

Item DKK Explanation
Purely consumption (rent forbrug)    
NordPool SPOT DK1 -0,34

NordPool is an exchange where compliant electric companies sell/buy electric. NordPool does not have any electric but is purely an exchange (much like a stock-exchange).
This is the actualy price the consumer pays for electric. You must then divide 0.34 by 3.75 to get the price for one unit kWh. In this case one kWh is 0,0906.

Tariffs   Tariffs are a payment for anything else not covered by national ordinary fees and taxes. Tariffs also known as an economic punishment.
Transmission nettariff -0,23 Tariff paid using the transportation net for electric.
Balancetariff for consumption -0,01 Can't find this. Probably a tariff paid just in case!
Nettariff C template (skabelon) -0,98 Unknown and can't figure it out.
Electric fee (elafgift) -3,92 This is the fee or tax which is paid to the state.
Discount nettariff Evonet A/S 0,55 N1 and Evonet has fused 31. December 2019. N1 is another company selling electric.
PSO-tariff -0,11

Tariff paid to the state. Public Service Obligations.This includes the costs incurred by the Danish Energy Agency on behalf of the community according to the purposes specified in the Electricity Fee Act. PSO is an English terminology but is used in non-English countries also. and this. In layman-terms: you pay this tariff so that large corporations colluding with the state can invest in (green) technology. In other words, they don't want a system in which electricity is manufactured by the end-user, you. If you have the cash, then surely you can buy your own solar-panels and hook it up to the grid and start selling to Nord Pool! 2005-2010 solar-panels were overpriced in Europe. Now that sells at a very low price then it is no longer so easy for large corporations to swindle their way to an excessively high price for solar-panels. Law has been and still is used to encode ways for large corporations to take advantage through financial means rather than single persons.

Article 9 Public Service Obligations; Directive (EU) 2019/944 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019: snippet: "...and as a consequence, to reduce their operation and maintenance costs and to pass those savings on to the consumers in the form of lower distribution tariffs."

Therefore the government is phasing out the PSO-tariff because EU says so.

WARNING: When the PSO-tariff is faded out, the government promisses an 0.09% point increase on personal incomes hence the name and tariff is just collected elsewhere. This is like pulling peoples legs and making a complete fool of people. Make a note of this and read further ahead: PSO - a code which spells 009; did we live in a capitalist world or not and/or was the nation a socialist state - well, they mix it all together, so it really no longer matters. Oh yes, and it is all too difficult for people to figure it all out which makes the basis for governments to make up their moneypenny as they go along.

Systemtariff -0,19 Bewildered. Try
Subscription (abonnement)    
Abo C consumption template (forbrug skabelon) -1,66 Unknown. Do you pay a tariff/fee just because you use electricity - retorical.
Discount subscription Evonet A/S 0,83 They give a discount? Okay then. Thanks. But why?
Barry (similar electric companies subscription)    
Barry -1,00 The electric company charges this fee which in this case is In fact Barry says, that Barry does not charge the customer for electric what so ever.
Barry ApS receives all the above and ships it along to the respected owners of above tariffs etc. - allegedly.
Total including V.A.T. 25% 7,08

Price for 3.75 kWh = 7,08. One kWh = 7,08/3.75 = DKK 1.88 per kWh.
Nominal unit-price purely consumption per kWh = DKK 0,0908 but ends up at DKK 1,88 which is an increase of 1982,30%

Customers have paid billions (better yet; trillions) for electricity being told to save and with saving expecting bills to drop. They do not. In fact quite the opposite. Consumers pays tariffs and are told investments in new technology is implemented and that the transport-network is strengthened. All very good but it does never make the electrical bills smaller for the same amount of kWh and with all the tariffs paid, large companies backed by EU Directive and national laws can now harvest huge revenues selling electricity (energy) on the backs of the billions paid for by the consumer and the consumer never really gets the benefits reflected in lower prices. Solar and wind-power should in fact be as near to no-costs other than maintenance. If the solar-panels break or the windmills don't turn (which is the case even if there is wind or producing too much electric in which case solar- and wind-power is switched off) then yes, someone has to pay for the maintenance; is that not why the consumer pays for electricity? Solar-panels and windmills and power-plants in general may shut down on a regular basis since the grid is being overflown with energy, electricity. Electricity is relatively difficult to store such as gas and other energy-sources. Imagine above pricing were for a pair of shoes; you probably walk barefoot.

Consumer pays tariff etc. and these tariffs are tunneled to large corporations and government themselves so they can build the net and infrastructure and build solar-panel-parks and -wind and harvest great profits and revenue leaving the customer to pay their parties.

As boring as this gets there are things to look out for: energy-companies can now utilize tech such as Apps so the consumer can follow their use almost (soon) in real time. Some Apps also alerts the user daily on which times the price of electric is high (yes, the price fluctuates over hours) so that the consumer can chose to turn off some consumption. The price surges during times such as dinner-time when most people cook as an example. Much like not paying a fee driving on the toll-way to save money but perhaps not time...

...and for all the luck in The World the price of electric is raised just in those hours where most people cook 6-8PM in Scandinavia. In Italy/Spain the price is probably higher later since they eat late in countries such as those. If you want to live cheaper you have to do so night-time; live or at least consume most of your electric.

Electric as any commodity

Let us start easy by loading this: (DIRECTIVE (EU) 2019/944 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 5 June 2019 on common rules for the internal market for electricity and amending Directive 2012/27/EU)

A snippet:

Article 3

Competitive, consumer-centred, flexible and non-discriminatory electricity markets

1.   Member States shall ensure that their national law does not unduly hamper cross-border trade in electricity, consumer participation, including through demand response, investments into, in particular, variable and flexible energy generation, energy storage, or the deployment of electromobility or new interconnectors between Member States, and shall ensure that electricity prices reflect actual demand and supply.

Which is why Barry sets up shop in Denmark on behalf of The Finnish Government (Fortum). Well, life and electricity is not as easy as we thought. In any case, a consumer can buy electric from anyone so why not from the cheapest country and company? Well, that is the catch and once you notice this, the rest becomes far more easy.

To fill the gabs here are some of the national laws governing electric:

Energy's activities are financed through tariffs. A tariff is a tax paid by consumers, producers and accountants."

Source: (goverment website)

National laws in this example surely does not hamper anything since we land in with the Finnish Goverment of Finland which is a sovereign country. Okay, so the consumer naturally has no intention of importing electric and would like to buy electric from Bulgaria or elsewhere or directly from the Finnish Government saving probably a PSO-tariff whioch we are told is not paid by consumers to import but:

"The Danish Energy Agency sets the PSO tariff quarterly in advance. The revenue from the PSO tariff is used to cover the costs of renewable energy and decentralized works, as well as research funding and administration."

Source: (government website)

Source: (here a PDF version of the Danish which is run by the Danish Government Decentralized works must then be the Finnish Government who, as far as I know it, does not generate any electric had it not been that they own part of Fortum.

The PSO-tariff is a tax and is, as we are told, a tax on import and exports from sovereign countries - but the same PSO-tariff, we are also told, is used to fund research and administration. In any case; the PSO-tariff is being faded out because EU says so and so Denmark follows suite very nicely but moves the tariff into a 0.09% income tax rise - now no longer a PSO-tariff - but renamed to tax; to fund the exact same namely two opposites opinions.

Argentina is a cheap location to buy electric from but EU probably prohibits that so let us look around Europe. There is Ukraine and on the same page you will see Bulgaria and Bulgaria is even a member of The European Union.

In one Nordic country they display the cheapest electric and there is a relative huge variation depending on what kind of electric you want. Recall electric is electric no matter what, so these companies came up with the idea of fixed and spot-prices making it even more of a jungle *) rather than making it simple all in the favor of benefiting the usually very few - which seems to point to one place; governments. Governments seems to operate electric once we follow the revenue but this is a topic left aside for now.

*) please enter a ZIP code in the left input-box such as 3230 and you will see a range of company-names and prices. Electric is electric we are told and not milk or candy so making a difference is very easy by making so called green electric and spot and fixed period-prizing. Well, is Columbia which at least tells us we as consumers can live in Namibia and buy our electric in Denmark - or perhaps visa versa - rather. is government-run as everything is which is why you as such then own that which you buy - yes, this is wizardry on steroids but they do and so can we. (Columbia) is plainly a subsidiary of Fortum leading to electric generated - well - does it matter where the electric is generated on a consumer level however most will probably like to be political correct and ask for electric generated without lifting a finger. All we find at is a company pretending to have electric to sell when in fact they have none (they will differ that opinion guaranteed) and all does is customer-support mostly related to a very nice and handy App and for this they charge nothing for the electric but only charge a monthly fee at one DKK pr. day. The App now also allows for payment skipping making unpleasant paper-invoices (I suspect). is 100% a subsidiary to Fortum and as such just a bogus way for a company to enter another country when in fact above EU Directive in plain English mentions they don't have to move into this particular country but can sell their electric from Finland directly. The maneuver is done ever so unsuspectingly as not to bypass - in this case - the PSO-tariff.

This .co maneuver is naturally a way to say: "Hey, we are a global conglomerate." which indeed is accurate which beg the question; why set up yet another middle/broker-company only making the product - which the customer does not pay for - more expensive anyway.

.co .fi .dk .eu so why not .bg and since Europe loves antitrust it might be fair to speculate, that buying any commodity is as profitable as blood diamonds.

As a consumer it is nice to read the big visions Europe has and there is certainly a purpose behind DIRECTIVE (EU) 2019/944 - which is not really reflected in the real world of consumers but indeed in large conglomerates vision of making a profit which is the only purpose of any business/company let's not forget.

Electricity prices

Life is too short to worry about the electricity bill

Article Life is too short to worry about the electric bill. By Jens Chr. Hansen

Snippets from above article Life is too short (local copy PDF):

"Do you control how an electricity bill from DONG can grow from DKK 71.33 to a total bill of DKK 1,041.58? To me it seems like non-sense. Wonder if DONG and other electricity providers are even wondering?

I have to say that these electricity bills are close to being volatile for me as a consumer. If I dive into the items on the bill, I can see the following payments: Net tariff C template, balance actual consumption, system tariff, transmission tariff, PSO tariff, electricity tax, netabo C consumption template and finally the VAT. With amount next to each item. It must be Russian for especially practiced.

That's why I hit the runway, pay my bill and drop the star interpretation of the difference between System Tariff and Transmission Net Tariff. Instead of throwing my energy and curiosity at some much larger items in my private consumption, which should be under loving care, and where I can of course save quite a lot.For example, financial services"

In other words; Jens Chr. Hansen can't figure out the fees, tariffs and taxes and gives up not bothering about it. Jens Chr. Hansen is an educated man with a pretty astounding curriculum vitae.

The pool - the grid and the translucent notions that national borders exists

February 20th 2020

February I changed to another electric-company called Barry at yet this company has absolute no electric and is operated on the shoulders and is in fact The Finnish Government since Barry is owned by Fortum (Wiki) which is owned by The Finnish Government Nasdaq HelsinkiFORTUM then it begins to dawn why the price of electric grows by a staggering 1800% from the nominal price of the pure electric. I was happy to receive an email from Barry related to a project which I call Solar-panel Project Towards Free Power Year 2100. Barry tells me that Barry does not make money on the electric which the consumer and end-user believes the user is paying for. I have requested Barry today inquiring on what Barry then makes money if not on electric. A reply may turn up in which case it will be loaded in here. Short article by Barry and here as a PDF version of the same page.

THE OVERVIEW: .co is the domain for Columbia and rakes in tariffs and fees on behalf of the Danish government while is owned by Fortum which is a Finnish registered company and that company is owned by the Finnish Government and has the ip-number: which is geolocated at US (United States), WA, Washington, 98108 Seattle. and Domain Name Servers are those of Amazon Technologies Inc. which as such is fine. By the time the electric reaches your house you can be assured the money you paid for electric has moved very far.

Borders? Nations? All a hoax; at least in the 21st century. Above is just touching the surface because if we could follow the flow of cash we'd probably realize it is cash removed from a whole nation or two or more as part of building debt and debt is therefore a tool to enslave people.

PSO-tarif turned 0.09% percent-points as income-tax is a whole nations way to outperform David Copperfield. You will read more about PSO if you care to hang on a while; refill your coffee-cup and enter just a jolt of Irish Whiskey because it is about to get really wild and to some extend fun. It also makes James Bond look like a poor fella when he in Skyfall collects €40 million exchanging one single chip at the gambling cashier.

I have emailed the Finnish Government today since, as I learned, that Fortum owns or paid/pays for Barry not by selling electric as it seems and this transfer of a non-existing product is generated at Fortum at some of their power-plants of some which are Nuclear Power and all this operated out of The Finnish Government - supposedly selling electric to nordic countries outside of Finland.

Barry sells electric or pretends it does as a styled broker or better yet middle-hand between the end-user and in this case The Finnish Government who generates electric in places that are not even mapped out and are not easy to trace at first glimpse. Fortum and The Finnish Government are able to fullfill the many terms (Danish version in PDF) with which they can start "selling" electric to consumers.

Cables are being installed 2020 between England, Norway and Denmark and other countries (Natioanl Grid and Energinet) and the flow of electric can then be pushed around where needed and generated hence electric has no border and is solely governed by large business-interests and perhaps eventually it will all be electric powered by wind and solar with backup-systems running on coal and nuclear etc. On a large perspective it all makes sense but it is so translucent that the idea of national borders makes no sense other than countries are businesses just like any other business and large corporations, banks and large governments are keeping up inflated prices at 1800% in the spirit of consumers being told that investments are being made in renewable solutions. Well, coal and oil was once considered worthsless and any corporation renew themselves ever so often and investments are nothing new and perhaps year 2100 has cold fusion providing electric by splitting water into Hydrogen and Oxygen. Electric is generated anywhere and loaded onto the grid and is then transported around anywhere while the landscape naturally changes each day by and from the money paid by the consumers who has no idea that their investment in buying electric is escaping into unknown places by the tools called tariffs and fees and naturally V.A.T. in one long stream. (examine which electric type was/is the best)

Huge variation in the price of electric during the day

Electric prices surge around nighttime in Europe around 6PM. The price can jump as much as double or far more within hours, minutes and it's not strange that power is more expensive when people cook food using electric in many cases; this is very well scheduled and planned to enrich a small circle of embriotic enclaves similar to Cardinals and a heap of Popes and far richer as we shall see than anyone can possibly imagine. Are more power then generated or are some turned off at non-peak times. Well, it is not all that simple considering storing electric can be rather expensive which is why the grid must stay at a relatively constant voltage all the time even at peak usage times but why would electric suddenly be more expensive unless it takes an effort of great value to power down/off genrators at off-peak times! The consumer is even able to see the price fall and rise during the day on the marvel App which The Finnish Government seems to have invested in.

Direct link - the fastest and best

Why can the user and consumer not buy electric directly from The Finnish Government - the question begs. Well, the consumer is actually buying from The Finnish Government but then others buy electric not from Barry but from similar electric-sale-companies who has no electric what so ever. And surely there must be a very different quality in electric since the range of prices can vary so much from so many companies; one might think that electric is electric of the same quality but such is not the case.

The scheme is, that governments and companies collude within national border to make citizens pay what that particular nation dictates. That is why democracies are by definition dictatorships in which you vote making you believe you chose which are the worst or better dictator and recall that those on the ballot came their not through merit but by name and family.

PCI or Projects of Common Interest

There are numerous funds within EU as places where entities can apply for monetary handouts for relevant projects. One is PCi. Well, have you got one?

2019: A total of €556 million in CEF grants was allocated to 8 PCIs in 2019, 6 in the electricity sector, 2 in the gas sector.

List of actions selected for receiving financial assistance under the CEF Energy Call for Proposals 2019

Very relevant asking for money for anything these days as is common throughout history and one did so which is linking to the ec.europa website. Energinet is an independent public undertaking under the Climate, - Ministry of Energy and Supply. In other words it is which is a ministry under the Danish government which is operated by 179 allegedly elected people which then support the idea, that Energinet is owned by the public which is the people of that particular nation. That is true had it not been for the constitution/foundation of this particular nation (which leads indeed to The Vatican eventually and very rapidly once Pandora's box opens to the electric market). Were the money the consumer pays for electric not enough to cover these projects by Energinet funded by unknowing consumers who wonders why electric gets more expensive the more they use. Well, PSO is the answer in one part of the equation. The funds in EU comes from one location only and that is people who pays to this system called European Union which is rather nice considering there were and still are imaginary borders. A whole nation gone astray - England - which makes for another new leap of creating better unions if any. Yes, many dear child a dear many names. Plotting tunnels and cables across Europe is no problem as long as you have enough money and believe me digging through hole mountains is very very expensive but who cares since money spells XEROX.

Come to think of it, infrastructure of any sort is not new even if it is considered that present technology is the ultimate because any tech in a few years may prove to be obsolete yet inventing new and better technology which must be given cash for whole continents to prosper. The idea that single private entities such as single persons does not have to bother their minds about why they pay for electric at all should be of no concern. Let us imagine that a park of solar panels is purchased and once installed has very low maintenance-cost and let us presume the cables are laid and all is paid for - which one must expect it is at some point in time - then electric should be absolutely free just as one would expect that the cost of drilling out oil and coal and transportation is the only cost to pay for the consumer thinking that it belongs to the people of a particular nation - is all wrong to assume. This takes us closer to the source leading to...

Danish Undergroud Consortium

This is how Versailles looks in the 21st century. Headquarters of French Total.

Or DUC (Wiki).

DUC was founded in 1962 with the purpose of assisting AP Møller-Mærsk A / S to make the best possible use of the concession that the company had obtained on July 8, 1962, to explore and exploit oil and natural gas deposits in the Danish underground.

In plain english as we prefer it. AP Møller-Maersk has the principal ownership of the entire danish underground all very nicely packed into what is called DUC leading to a sale which decreases the Danish national ownership from this conglomerate to a meager 20% as we read in this article.

French company Total, which pays DKK 47 billion for the company. This means that only 20 percent of the North Sea's oil activities will be in Danish hands in the future.

Yes, what does public elected politicians power have to do with it - nothing at all. They are just pushed around like meatballs for the taking and who knows where that 47 billion landed (paid for by consumers). Perhaps to build new roman roads or infrastructure to carry the 1800% priced electric to consumers who has no idea that consuming electric was non-recyclable just as sure as money are recyclable. Come to think of it, I am positively sure that neither politicians and CEO's knows how it all is interlocked into conglomerates of such proportions that Louis XIV of France would envy these conglomerates.

"Maersk McKinney Moller, the Danish shipowner, was the world's greatest shipping magnate since Agamemnon. Greater than Henry the Navigator, greater than the founders of the world liner trades in the 19th century or the colourful tramp owners of that vintage, surpassing in tanker ownership and management the Greeks, Onassis and Niarchos, outlasting and outperforming even that outstanding entrepreneur of the Far East, YK Pao."


From translated to English following this link. Smack in your face. Firstly not many read that page and the very few who does has no way to convey the hoax and deep crime taking place here all governed by nations governments by laws allegedly created by elected politicians to make such laws that makes electric 1800% more expensive. If anyone knew it, it would invoke whole empires to collapse by the people revolting against the very foundation, the underground above and below which is taxed right into peoples bedroom lighting up the bedside lamps to read this page (if) or follow Facebook endlessly scrolling up and mostly down to find the exact truth behind why charging the cell-phone and paying electric bills are shaped by some lifeforms that are not registered yet as know on planet Earth.

"The PSO charge has been designed so that it grew as electricity prices fell and became smaller when electricity prices rose. In view of the falling prices in the electricity market in recent years, the PSO tax has thus grown to form a very large part of Danes' Approximately 10% of the total electricity bill is currently a PSO tax. In the future, this money must be collected in the form of a raise of 0.09% of the bottom tax.”

Source: (Version PDF)

PSO Public Service Obligation - and the Nordic countries did not even bother to translate it into their native language. We now know why. As the PSO tariff/fee is fading away it moves into another realm very well known namely plain income tax. Just as a few million people soon must pay for having a public service television which in fact is neither public nor a service because it is like INGSOC which was 1984 and 50+ years later it only got worse inflating prices for something as basic in the 21st century as electric. Countries pay for public streetlights and such and it must accrue to trillions one might think. No, governments probably pay very little for the electricity because they own it or sell it to oligarchs pretending to be free enterprises when in fact they are just Versailles on steroids. Read above related to 009 and get Budweiser or wise by understanding that the very foundation you stand on, the underground, is not yours which is why you are taxed beyond reason which is why national debt is so immense because debt is not and never will be a factor except that whole groups of nations dictates falsely that debt exists (ex. Greece). Debt is introduced as a measure to control minds just as you pay an outrageous price for the basics in life; water, electric and basic housing.

The electrical bill becomes smaller - nice - but an increase in tax takes its place - words used to manipulate whole nations. Electric is just a small part of it - if we bring in all areas it simply explains why there is debt and makes the equation very easy to understand. Debt has no meaning on the national level and debt is just another paragraph in what still is The Roman Empire on new bottles just on government-controlled imports of drugs - or else we must expect a group of private citizens being able to supply whole nations with tons of drugs singlehanded without being caught. Tada!

Understanding the Public Service Obligation - PSO

Understanding the Public Service Obligation in the Electricity Sector: Lessons for the Contracting Parties of the Energy Community Treaty - (local copy PDF). I am not sure that paper and page gives much meaning but try and read it for a few seconds. It is not exactly like reading your grand-mothers recipy for cherry-pie.

The European Commission has contented that the tariff violates EU rules because foreign producers cannot receive the same PSO-funded support as Danish producers.

The government will thus have to find a new way to finance sustainable energy projects when the tariff is dropped by the end of the year.


To put it in plain English; the consumer pays a PSO-tariff and that cash is used to build a now known renewable electric market. All very nice. The cash is tunneled to investors and large corporations who then install large solar-panel arrays and these companies then rake in profit selling a surplus to the grid just as the large corporations now have a free supply of electric all paid for by the consumer at absolutely no cost for the large corporations. The government is a collector of cash and guarantees through this intervention that consumers pay continuously at very high price for something which the PSO is suppose to guarantee anyway; that the public sector (government) supplies people with a service as the obligation by the government. Tada! You as a consumer is just a meatball paying while they share the loot all the way to obtaining free electric raking in further profits landing in aforementioned soft cushion. If you write to the EU Commission or your local government or your tax-office you will guaranteed be brushed away like a chewed on meatball for which the public government feels absolutely no obligation for - when it comes to acting Robin Hood.

Let us not forget in these days of information-overflow by design (Tada!), that the government just adds a 0.09% increase on your income-tax making sure the PSO is now firmly secured and hidden away deep inside the tax-system and nobody is any the wiser just as the next layer of corruption is pushed onto the shoulders of the public arena in which there are something which the governments can tax - people as a number.

Bringing back the memory of a company NESA (translated to English) accused by the Danish government of selling electric at a too high a price having to pay back 30 million kroner. Public Service Obligation suddenly falls right into place! Huge corporations (even middle-sized) and public governance colluding as they dive deep into high finance - history usually has a very short memory as people in the public realms salutes the victories of yesterdays.


Directive 2009/72/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing Directive 2003/54/EC



Article 3

Public service obligations and customer protection

1.   Member States shall ensure, on the basis of their institutional organisation and with due regard to the principle of subsidiarity, that, without prejudice to paragraph 2, electricity undertakings are operated in accordance with the principles of this Directive with a view to achieving a competitive, secure and environmentally sustainable market in electricity, and shall not discriminate between those undertakings as regards either rights or obligations.

- and -



(c) receive transparent information on applicable prices and tariffs and on standard terms and conditions, in respect of access to and use of electricity services;

Very well, but the customer still does not import any electric; the company that does not have any electric, does (or at least buys at the NordPool exchange and exchanges broadly recalling that these exchanges also have no electricty). Reminded also, that tariff is a tax on imports or exports.

Executive Order on the exclusive grant to A.P. Møller – Mærsk for the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons etc. in the underground of Denmark from 1962

Dansk Boreselskab A/S became Mærsk Oil leading to A. P. Moller-Maersk Group which explains why an opera house at US$ 500 million is peanuts. Some danish politicians offended - but as I have written; politicians are pushed around like meatballs.

(PDF version of the wikipedia page.)

Danish; Bekendtgørelse om eneretsbevilling til efterforskning og indvinding af kulbrinter m.v. i Danmarks undergrund.

Law-text on this executive order found here: and English translated by Google. And here a PDF version in Danish. Snippet:

...the exclusive right to, for a period of 50 years from 8 July 1962, count on exploring and recovering the raw materials referred to in § 1 throughout Denmark's subsoil on both land territory and sea territory...

Hence anything below you even that which you thought you had purchased is not yours which then eliminates paying grundskyld *) or rather this is why you pay grundskyld because A. P. Møller is Mærsk Oil was Dansk Boreselskab is the owner - or shall we regulate that and call it; has a right to exploit allegedly your underground.

50 years from 1962 is 2012 but the law is still Gældende (applicable, in force) but who is counting.

*) grundskyld is a Danish composed word meaning Ground + Debt (grund+skyld).

Grundskyld, Ground+Debt

Regulated by law, danish citizens, who supposedly owns and buys land, must pay a tax called landtax called grundskyld - or based thereof.

LBK nr 1104 af 22/08/2013
Gældende (Kommunal ejendomsskatteloven)
Offentliggørelsesdato: 19-09-2013

Translated to English. Version in PDF here. This brings us to:

Idea was/is, that people usually wealthy could buy land upon which they could harvest an income and land tax was supposed to stand alone not having other taxes. Such is, as we know, not the case. This is why Danish people pay a tax on the land upon which most can not make any money when it comes to small villas with a minimal amount of land. If you can make money on your land, you then pay tax on any income plus, naturally, also grundskyld on top of that. One does not free you from the other and visa versa. Why? Because it is not your land - at least not anything below 0.000001 millimeter of ground-level or thereabouts - or at least you pay a kind of lease termed grundskyld (land value tax). This value is set and determined by the internal revenue which in Denmark is called Skat (meaning darling).

Through aforementioned law, LOV nr 654 af 08/06/2017 Gældende (Ejendomsvurderingsloven), then the value determined by the government may differ from actual sales prices:

§ 15. When assessing a property, the expected free cash value of a property of the category in question is taken into account, taking into account age, size, location and other characteristics, cf., however, sections 28-33. The appraisal may differ from an actual sale price of the property in question.

It may seem devious to get to taxation on land from paying electric but suppose PSO-tariff and tax on land and laws regulating who can exploit the underground under you were written in such as a way as to figure out what the hell it is that is going on. We came to land value tax from PSO-tariff which is paid by consumers of electricity and the PSO-tariff is moved to multi billion-dollar corporations including such entities as French Total either directly or through channels by the way company-structures are created through subsidiaries. All in good favor of Public Service Obligations.

Book: A.P. Moller and the Danish Oil.

PSO paid for by customers withheld and moved to accounts and from there moved to corporations investing making money on your payments

Law, and especially text as political opinions, which reflect the mind of people and whole nations, should be as easy to read as a recipe or reading Harry Potter. We know recipes can be difficult to follow and Harry Potter is a tale of... life. That is why law-text has been written to be as far from life and recipes as possible.

If you read law-text as a computer-algorithm it sometimes becomes more clear and a task which should boost world economies by a few trillion Dollars would in fact be to write laws exactly as computer-algorithms.

Here are some snippets and the first is PSO-tariff yet here called a charge billed by the supply companies yet the supply companies have absolutely no electric except the supply company leads to Nord Pool exchanges and to governments such as Finland and Denmark and to large corporations such as Total S.A. sold off leaving the profit to vanish into thin air. The first snippet then becomes a myriad of complexity just on the surface and the linking is done by me to DSO because linking is in fact a great way to achieve network-minds using technology to create algorithms from ordinary written text.

Page 65 and 201 are of interest related to PSO being paid by customers and placed in accounts to be passed on. In page 201 we read:

"... the PSO charges, which are used to fund research and green energy, were billed to customers by the DSO companies and paid onwards to The PSO charges are now also billed by the supply companies to customers and paid onwards to"

Source: DONG Energy Offering of up to 72.834.393 Shares.pdf

The next snippet is a bit more obscure or rather less so because again we are presented with type of law-text or political opinion which on the surface seems unharmfull but in Perry Mason (TV series) would have been taken apart for what it is; robbery and high treason.

"The main way of supporting renewable energy in Denmark has been through the Public Service Obligation (PSO) scheme financed by a dedicated levy. As from 2017, Denmark is phasing out the PSO tax replacing it with revenues from the general State budget. The government based its decision on an evaluation of the PSO scheme, which showed that its impact on energy costs was too high compared to its effectiveness in promoting the development of renewables. In addition, the European Commission raised competition concerns over the PSO tax scheme, because electricity producers from other EU Member States exporting electricity to Denmark did not have access to subsidies under the same conditions as Danish energy companies. For some existing support schemes there will be a gradual phase-out from the PSO levy over a 5-year transitional period (2017-2021) during which the share of State budget financing will be increased each year.

It is estimated that thanks to the advances of renewable energy, Denmark consumed in 2014 21.6 % less fossil fuels and emitted 15.8 % less GHG 7."

Source: page 17: (local copy PDF) and

However somehow The European Union settles the "case" somewhere along the line probably for the same positive reasons Harry Potter exists just on steroids multiplied a thousandfold and lots of cash to joggle with to the extend that money no longer really matters and becomes void and obsolete. Naturally you will find different opinions. Once everything is "green" it schould have been paid for a few times over and who is counting.

A wide range of entities are involved and many probably not realizing it; politicians, the generators of electric, electricity-transportation-sectors, shareholders, stock-exchanges, governments (Finland as an example), DeGolyer and MacNaughton (page: ANNEX C-COMPETENT PERSON'S REPORT FROM DEGOLYER AND MACNAUGHTON in DONG Energy Offering of up to 72.834.393 Shares.pdf), electricity-sales companies, renewable energy manufacturers, producers of wonderful gadgets running on electric. Electric is probably a commodity most people think very little about - until you run out of it.

This scheme is probably only known in Denmark and in fact everyone having paid the PSO-tariff schould receive stocks in the companies that used your money to invest in renewable technology and probably paying the administrative fees including the salary of the CEO. Instead they called it a PSO-tariff rather than a share-portfolio. Much good has come of it paying the PSO-tariff but why are the customers not seeing and feeling the benefit in a sharp drop in price or at least becoming share-holders and in fact owners of these conglomerates; but they are because people owe 50.1% of the shares in such companies as Ørsted.

Reminded what PSO means; Public Service Obligation. Tariff is importing/exporting to sovereign countries (private consumers does neither willfully since they buy electric from local companies in their own country called Danish energy companies. Tada!).

Antitrust known when need be

Recalling antitrust related to selling gas and electric where Denmark knows everything about how to scheme their way to bypassing antitrust. When it comes to antitrust Margrethe Vestager on behalf of The European Union (we the people) knows everything about antitrust suing Google Inc. and Alphabet (Google).

Financial market - supply and demand

Electric, anything, is usually sold because there is a demand - except for hamburgers and Coca Cola and Pall Mall - pun intended. Within government there are extremely clever economics who have years of education and practice working within governments dealing in trillion of Dollars.

Selling electric is a commodity just as land and housing are commodities. When any of such things are subsidized or levied by heavy tariff, fees and taxes, then the market and supply becomes somewhat distorted. When it comes to housing then this is covered as being a basic human right - not that you are entitled to own a house - but have some type of shelter.

When a whole country such as Denmark, and probably any other of all of the countries in The European Union, buy electric locally from only within their own borders not seeking cheaper electric and housing for that matter (naturally), then competition, supply and demand becomes somewhat distorted especilly when whole nations governments guide their citizens to buy only from within at a much higher price than competitors, then, well, then Tada....! We write the Tada song. Seriously, we seek cheaper electric not plasted over with tariffs, fees and V.A.T. which is redicouless because how can a whole nation called Greece be in default when Denmark already was default in 1813.

When the housing market is regulated by law in such a way, that supply and demand is obscured by fees paid to the local judicial office, municipality and state, when a house goes on sale by the means of foreclosure leading to compulsory sale (Danish; tvangsaktion) which is regulated by law in such a way, that a bare minimum so called high-price at approximately US$ 10.000,- must be paid up front then supply and demand is made obsolete. Such houses exists that are hold at auction and at a symbolic value of one DKK. Yes, one single Danish krone which is roughly US$ 0.20 (twenty cents). This scheme by national law will be covered in full later and makes the Italian mafia look like amateurs.

Solar - wind and competition

Competition: (english).

In fact each and every house could install nearby and local as near as to the roof on your house and there is not much need to transport electric over thousands of miles. Install a few panels and hook it up to the grid/net and soon there will be a surplus of power which might run a whole fleet of electric cars. Local, local, near are keywords to watch out for. An Apple'ish+TESLA 'ish designed battery-pack and a few panels across the nation and soon you will be able to cook roasted lam-chops all day long not thinking of the broker-up'n'comming large electric bill. Who shall pay? The end-user. Well, it is of national interest to get such a large scale project going so start by making base power-packs extremely affordable and easy to install without installing requires a 500 US Dollar per hour technician as an extra layer of revenue to something which is not necessary. But market-economy must rule the use of solar and wind and not the idea of getting power to the people being produced where it is used as near as possible to the consumer.

Drama - to keep it interesting - if

This topic is actually so boring it should not be considered a topic for thoughts to write about. But such is the system in which people live that there are systems that are so intolerant that it borders complete and utter incarceration & imprisonment by the very systems that could easily be simplified but are layered with thick upholstery of soft cushions to dampen the impact when sitting down before you get hit by these structures called companies in this case delivering electric and power.

To infiltrate the system a tiny fraction - and to keep it perhaps interesting - here is a movie called Blood Diamond ( (as YTS torrent) that seems totally unrelated. However at 01:47:00 the guard at the diamond mine says:

"You think I am the devil. But only because I have lived in hell. I want to get out. You will help me."

This is also exactly what Leonardo DiCaprio says earlier in this hightly telling film while on the quest for the diamond that his companion has hidden and dug down later to be retrieved and used as a way to get out of Africa (Sierre Leone). They all want out somehow from this hellhole created on the expectation that a carbon-enriched piece of rock can bring infinite eternity to womens mind making up another level of soft cushions when it dawns, that death is the best thing that can happen once you run out of luck - and diamonds. The one-eyed guard is also a victim turned a fighter for freedom and justice (good guy turn bad is originally pretty darn okay).

Related? Well, in these days electric or rather the brokers and exchanges of selling power as electric is as good as saying blood diamond. Revenue swipes in and national laws are interpreted by electric-companies, now better known as purely brokers, to begin charging customer up-front before any use of electric and the fees and extra charges added to the price for the pure electric itself are so huge they cover almost 95% of the price the consumer ends up paying for one unit of electric usually in one Kilowatt units. V.A.T. added and solar and wind-power soon becomes so expensive that neither LED-lights or greenwashed products makes no difference because the fees and charges are just upped by law-makers to level out what the consumers ultimately thought of was saving; both money and electric. The more the user saves the more governments add fees and charges (which BTW explains why you end up not paying for electric but only fees and taxes). In fact governance in most cases are non-elected officials as lawyers finding ways to charge fees and tax to a point where one wonders how the hell do they keep track of all these fees. If all the fees and taxes are mentioned they mount to a long list (which may be on display on this page at a later time (and the names they come up with for fees are so imaginative)).

Also recall, the governance and companies, well anyone, will interpret laws to suit their needs. Therefore be aware the government and companies (electric) do not work for your cause but for theirs creating their revenue and saving is not on the agenda - really.

Movies, stories and conspiracies are after all based on some facts or the script-writers came up with something that never occurred. Who cares to count a million people killed in some places on the African continent; the mind better copes with smaller figures.

Perhaps unrelated:

Legislation - EU Directives

This section deals with the utmost basics however tiresome but at times extreamely educative and entertaining - actually I don't recall any stories/movies made on the high level of crime and corruption making whole nations with people bleed and suffer. However much great has been done such as building infrastructure world-wide and in Europe marvelous free-ways with no speed-limit in countries such as Germany (why else make Mercedes, Porche and similar). Here are the items as they pop up presented in listform.


The producers of electricity are named generator (same word as a generator).


Here a list of generators added as the page/article (reading) expands.

Understanding electricity markets in the EU please note page 2:

"Making all of these changes happen requires significant investments in electricity generation, transport and distribution, and in electrical consumer goods. The challenge is how to enable these investments while keeping electricity affordable for both households and energy-intensive industries."

Free electric

Yes, free electric should be the norm. With electric people become consumers by using their smart-devices and their computers to buy their stuff online and by using electric can easily cook the food sold by large corporations and can ultimately drive their cars to use the roads to which the same consumer pays road-tax as another way of limiting the use of electric!!!!! Money makes the world go around and such but how about electric? Electric is the modern day equivalent to fire a 20.000 years ago give or take a few years. Consumption and the way politicians think is based on ancient market-economy which, as we know now, makes life very expensive without any other reason than making the simple very difficult and very very expensive. Okay, a private consumer can be limited to a certain amount of free kW to use daily and monthly and anything above the limit is paid for at the nominal small prize - naturally. On that note, governments and politicians and therefor humans seldom think future much more than a day ahead - perhaps a week or a month but that is about it except for national fiscal budgets thinking;read calculating a year ahead. Free electric might not be seen as a solution or a way to formulate a whole globe of oligarchs however that extra purchase power - not paying for electric (etc.) - can be used elsewhere.

List of power and energy exchanges worldwide

Links and information of interest


EU-Lex directory of legal acts

Wholesale Electricity Markets: The Times They Are a Changing - Again

Market for electricity

Market share of the largest generator in the electricity market

Nord Pool

Becoming a customer:


Niels Ulrik Reinwald -