Class Action Lawsuit against Terror State Of Denmark
Principal case as subclass-cases joined. empirically proving statE-terror and state-destruction by the state itself.


2021.10.27: Danmarks Domstole may shut the case down because NUR will not pay the court-fee. Paying to the defendant a fee to let the defendant find if the defendant if guilty is like washing your washing-machine with your washing-machine.

2021.10.14 Adding information and building site. Will most likely start loading some of the first cases in the beginning of November 2021.


International Criminal Court - ICC

Updated: Wednesday, November 3, 2021 11:22 AM
Created: Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Understanding the International Criminal Court

Pamphlet from ICC: from where NUR has exracted a few items including other related to ICC below and commented by NUR.


1. "WHAT IS THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT? The International Criminal Court (“the ICC” or “the Court”) is a permanent international court established to investigate, prosecute and try individuals accused of committing the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, namely the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression.

The ICC does not replace national criminal justice systems; rather, it complements them. It can investigate and, where warranted, prosecute and try individuals only if the State concerned does not, cannot or is unwilling genuinely to do so. This might occur where proceedings are unduly delayed or are intended to shield individuals from their criminal responsibility. This is known as the principle of complementarity, under which priority is given to national systems. States retain primary responsibility for trying the perpetrators of the most serious of crimes."

Comment: If people live in a punitive system then one might say this has to be followed:

All are equal before the law

Article 7

All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Comment: This explains why atrocities are committed in the first place because there is no punitive measures for high ranking officials and elected and non elected politicians. This is not the case or else ICC would not exist:

Why was the ICC established?

2. Why was the ICC established? Some of the most heinous crimes were committed during the conflicts which marked the twentieth century. Unfortunately, many of these violations of international law have remained unpunished. The Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunals were established in the wake of the Second World War. In 1948, when the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted, the United Nations General Assembly recognised the need for a permanent international court to deal with the kinds of atrocities which had just been perpetrated. The idea of a system of international criminal justice re-emerged after the end of the Cold War. However, while negotiations on the ICC Statute were underway at the United Nations, the world was witnessing the commission of heinous crimes in the territory of the former Yugoslavia and in Rwanda. In response to these atrocities, the United Nations Security Council established an ad hoc tribunal for each of these situations. These events undoubtedly had a most significant impact on the decision to convene the conference which established the ICC in Rome in the summer of 1998.

Comment: heinous crimes and Cold War. The latter was between states hence ICC's point of view in litra 25. (see below) related to trying individuals is an oxymoron of the worst kind and individuals do not exist in a government and as officials since they ([legal] person) are representing the state. Trying states would imply trying the people (who elected the [legal] person in governments and officials) and ICC would not want to do that so ICC lay it on individuals who are to take the fall of heinous crimes and a Cold War. Well, line 'em up ICC because NATO, whole governments consists of individuals who represent the government who chooses to enter into heinous crimes and Cold War and war.

Heinous crime? A crime is a crime is a crime. Can a crime be worse than other crimes. Well, supposedly but ICC seems to deal only with heinous crimes so what about the rest - the crimes - rhetorical.

Heinous; adjective; (of a person or wrongful act, especially a crime) utterly odious or wicked. Hatefully or shockingly evil. Morally very bad.

Some individuals and governments have different opinions and they are presumed elected by the people in a system called democracy. Then democracy is a heinous crime if of course the people thinks so and they do because the people commit heinous crimes via individuals and governments. If the individuals and government feel what they do is okay then so does the people because the people elected those who committed heinous crimes on behalf of the people. Blame game. Yes, that is why politicians have legal counsel asking if what the politicians do is okay and apparently ICC seems to agree because who can blame the legal counsel who told Prime Ministers and officials it was okay to commit heinous crimes on behalf of the people who are individuals who ICC can now prosecute by the hordes.

Which crimes fall within the jurisdiction of the ICC?

25. Which crimes fall within the jurisdiction of the ICC? The mandate of the Court is to try individuals (rather than States), and to hold such persons accountable for the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, namely the crime of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and the crime of aggression, when the conditions for the exercise of the Court’s jurisdiction over the latter are fulfilled.

Comment: trying individuals and not states. Let me move on to the next:

ICC referrals by State Parties

Upon referrals by States Parties or by the UNSC, or on its own initiative and with the judges' authorisation, the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) conducts investigations by gathering and examining evidence, questioning persons under investigation and questioning victims and witnesses, for the purpose of finding evidence of a suspect's innocence or guilt. OTP must investigate incriminating and exonerating circumstances equally.


Comment: Above quote taken as a screenshot. ICC says in litra 25. that ICC would rather not try states. That is understandable because ICC takes referrals from State Parties. Example: Venstre is a party in Denmark and Anders Fogh Rasmussen was chairman and Prime Minister when in 2003 Denmark decided to enter into a war in Afghanistan with a horde of other states plus plenty of individuals. The State Parties are those who enter into heinous crimes yet ICC will not try states and State Parties are parties of the state not forgetting that party literally means fest, joy - well; party. The whole thing is a charade, a scheme, a scam. ICC needs to close down based on its mandate and reason and operational mode based on a very simple system of corruption or a better word; corrupt. ICC and its Judges should be happy because now they can party all day while they watch how their henious crimes is being plucked down and ICC and collaborators can enjoy a lovefest while they watch.

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Article 1

The Court An International Criminal Court ("the Court") is hereby established. It shall be a permanent institution and shall have the power to exercise its jurisdiction over persons for the most serious crimes of international concern, as referred to in this Statute, and shall be complementary to national criminal jurisdictions. The jurisdiction and functioning of the Court shall be governed by the provisions of this Statute.


Comment: At this point all of ICC falls like a feather into an active volcano spurting lava recalling that heat might lift the feather high - if ICC is so lucky. Let's see; ICC is complementry to national criminal jurisdictions (courts). Then what do we need ICC for - rhetorical. ICC via this Rome Statute makes the point that we are dealing with serious crimes. What happened to henious crimes all of a sudden - rhetorical. It gets worse. Within most states there are courts higher than suppreame court who deal with these matters and in the State of Denmark that court is called Rigsretten, Court of Impeachment of the Realm which is so high that grammar can not make it get any higher than highest. That court deals with these matters namely matters equivalent to Impeachment in countries such as USA. In other words matters of grave danger to the state. I gets worse still. The Danish Constituion writes:

§ 34 Folketinget er ukrænkeligt. Enhver, der antaster dets sikkerhed eller frihed, enhver, der udsteder eller adlyder nogen dertil sigtende befaling, gør sig skyldig i højforræderi.

§ 34 The Folketing is inviolable. Anyone who violates its security or liberty, anyone who issues or obeys any order to that effect, is guilty of high treason.

ICC has just told us they deal with individuals committing first heinous crimes and then serious crimes and the national state has a built-in clause to deal with this. Court of Impeachment of the Realm is one the case - rhetorical. No, the case ends up in ICC who says ICC complements national courts yet the national courts does nothing hence the national courts and Court of Impeachment of the Realm have individuals beau-coup to try at the ICC and ICC can start with the Judges at Court of Impeachment of the Realm found via which includes members of The Folketinget, the people's parliament, and hence ICC can try and prosecute all people of The State of Denmark because now proven that The State of Denmark is a terror state because The Terror State of Denmark does nothing to try neither heinous crimes nor serious crimes or any crime. It gets much worse if allowed, and it is allowed:

The Folketing, the people's parliament, is inviolable. ICC can't touch them not even if they have fifty Roman Statutes. Not forgetting statute means illegitimate anyway.

What are war crimes?

28. What are war crimes? “War crimes” include grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions and Aother serious violations of the laws and customs applicable in international armed conflict and in conflicts “not of an international character” listed in the Rome Statute, when they are committed as part of a plan or policy or on a large scale.

Geneva Conventions and there are 4 of them and protocols too. Link to: International Committee of the Red Cross via: Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949 which takes us to the convention itself:

The High Contracting Parties

Article 1 The High Contracting Parties undertake to respect and to ensure respect for the present Convention in all circumstances.

Source: International Committee of the Red:

Comment: High Contracting Parties: "The representatives of states who have signed or ratified a treaty" - ICC just told themselves that ICC tries individuals and ICC speaks of the Geneva Conventions in their very own pamphlet. Parties - remember - was not on the agenda but the Geneva Conventions clearly mentions representatives of states which means that it is the state that is represented by individuals indeed however these individuals loose their individuality since they represent the state through their High Contracting Parties which are the signatories (a party that has signed an agreement, especially a state that has signed a treaty) who signs the Geneva Conventions and in doing so commits the first heinous crime because ICC bypasses States Parties which the Geneva Conventions does not hence ICC is obsolete and the representatives of states as signatories can start any war they like and that is why legal counsel is requested by Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Tony Blair because they have absolute no idea of the depth of deception yet their state tax sponsored legal counsel presumes to know or else states such as Denmark and England would not have entered into war so the legal counsel knows about the deception and are scot-free to sail all the way to war while arms manufactures build monuments of their politicians and States Parties.

In other words; the scheme is to setup a range of conventions, charters and rights and have signatories sign all the documents they can make and then the jargon is filling the void because one thing is that most people do not read them and secondly who would think that such a scheme would be created when all of humankind is presented with fraud because nobody knows fraud exists because each 24th and 25th we hail ARMY MARY and it all starts over again New Years Eve with promises and salutes and fireworks to make noise enough that not even hordes of Spartans are any the wiser.

International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement: we got a Cross and a Crescent (latter symbolizing a ball) leading to Globus Cruciger which is the same symbol used with High Contracting Parties hence IRC and RCM are not impartial.

It does however prove, that ICC and the Geneva conventions are wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain - fraud. Since ICC drops like a sinking piece of cabbage so does the Geneva Conventions because I and probably you did not sign anything and certainly had no idea of the level of fraud. The Geneva Conventions are also obsolete because as ICC says there are the national courts yet this Class Action lawsuit proves beyond any doubt, that Rigsretten, Court of Impeachment of the Realm is only used as a disguise and camouflage without any consideration of high treason since entering into a war is a very heinous crimes allowed by the Geneva Conventions which can be of enormous detriment to the states citizens, civilians (citadel). A military defence and a police-state with politicians is the realm in which huge revenue is created on military spending and arms-sales cross borders and with all this wealth it is no wonder most peopel live in mediocre housing and receive low quality health and low quality food and are taxes so high that taxes are more than 100% as we know from Astrid Lindgren:

Pomperipossa in Monismania

(also called Pomperipossa in the World Of Money) - who is taxed more than 100% because she makes money writing books. Swedish wiki: One has to realize, that this story may be based on a fake premise in that the story and her children-books are suppose to numb the people into thinking that someone is a Spartan fighting for the people when in fact Astrid Lindgren is willfully a patsy playing the same scheme as does ICC. Monismania is an metaphor for money mania and probably a few other things and Astrid Lindgren wrote this short story Pomperipossa in Monismania. Here are the books she wrote among them Pippi Long-stocking: about a girl with ponytails and superpowers and a pirate of a father and she would write about the Swedish police being totally silly in the story of a small boy called Emil i Lönneberga. Astrid Lingren's children-books are about a society who suffers from poverty in many ways including culturally and suffers from Monismania in a state where Saab AB sells weapons as they write themselves:

"Saab’s growth strategy in the U.S. is based on building a strong, unified brand, while gaining a position as an “embedded” supplier; i.e. a member of the national defence industry contributing to job opportunities, tax revenue, political constituents and generating military technology focused on US requirements."


Philidelphia Kensington Avenue: and recall Pomperipossa aka Astrid Lindgren makes you know that paying tax more than 100% is the way to tax revenue. Sweden gets poorer while USA gets more avenues.

Pomme - Apple - french fries

Can it get worse? Yes indeed.

Investigations/cases by ICC numbers 15

Cases listed here: Cases numbers 15 as of 2021 October 14th. Screenshot. Europe void. North America void. Antarctica void. Mostly the African Continent. Many of the cases referred by governments who consists of State Parties who represent the state yet the case at ICC named Democratic Republic of the Congo (Wikipedia: DRC) is targeting individuals of who some worked in government or being offered a job in the state army and one is Thomas Lubanga Dyilo who in Lubanga's absence (because Lubanga is arrested on warrant from ICC) was substituted with Bosco Ntaganda who was offered a job by the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo which then equals that the state of Democratic Republic of the Congo is participating in heinous crimes by supporting those who ICC is trying from crimes against humanity. Can it get worse. Yes.

DRC: democratic hence democracy hence elected by the people hence heinous crimes committed by the people - ICC has plenty of individuals to try. DRC is extremely rich in natural resources but has suffered from political instability who are High Contracting Parties since DRC ratified the Rome Statute in April 2002 incorporating ICC into national law. Belgian exploration of DRC and administration took place from the 1870s until the 1920s. Notice the same star in both the DRC and Belgium flag. ICC can now try all of Belgium. Christianity is the majority religion in the Democratic Republic of the Congo which is the same foundation of the Terror State of Denmark who also carry Globus Cruciger as its logo. United Nations Incorporated as the largest crime syndicate (MARIA; MAFIA) all protected by ICC and High Contracting Parties colleagues.

Constitution of Finland, The

Comparison to the Danish constitution.

Section 113 - Criminal liability of the President of the Republic If the Chancellor of Justice, the Ombudsman or the Government deem that the President of the Republic is guilty of treason or high treason, or a crime against humanity, the matter shall be communicated to the Parliament. In this event, if the Parliament, by three fourths of the votes cast, decides that charges are to be brought, the Prosecutor-General shall prosecute the President in the High Court of Impeachment and the President shall abstain from office for the duration of the proceedings. In other cases, no charges shall be brought for the official acts of the President.


Comment: so what on Earth do we need ICC for - rhetorical. No mentions of heinous crimes but Finland does use Criminal liability. There is a nice clause: three fourths of the votes cast to impeach or else no charges shall be brought. This must be where ICC enters the stage because if Finland can't do it then referrals by State Parties can take place but hold on, wait, what - the State Parties just voted and there were not enough votes to impeach. Complete hogwash and a barrel of cabbage. is Finnish for Ministry of Justice. Oikímati as a whore-house. Oikeus is court, law, justice. What is the prime law other than love and what do you do in a love-nest, love-house, whore-house. You do Justice which is to receive the Capital Punishment because that is allowed via International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. To be more technical capital punishment is to CUM when stroked in οἰκήματι (oikēmati) — 1 Occurrence hence Ministry of Justice in Finland is a cell οικίσκος oikískos and the house is οικία and the whore is πόρνη pórni 妓女 Jìnǚ prostitute leading to transliteration of prostitute ˈprästəˌt(y)o͞ot where we find a præst which is a priest. Ministry of Justice is a whore+house filled with pornographic prostitutes and IKEA is just a fun bonus. Oikeus Ministerio; a cock-house, chicken-house, criminal court. ICC would have been busy had ICC done their homework.

Links an international organization yet complimenting national courts via realms which is kingdoms unelected by the people making the people guilty of war crimes and heinous crimes through democracy. (not only International but universal by the time Blue Origin parks on planets outside the solar system). (The International Committee of the Red Cross) but wait - Red Cross was white in the Terror State of Denmark with the states flag and international then equals national so who needs ICRC anyway - rhetorical.