Class Action Lawsuit against Terror State Of Denmark
Principal case as subclass-cases joined. empirically proving statE-terror and state-destruction by the state itself.


2021.10.27: Danmarks Domstole may shut the case down because NUR will not pay the court-fee. Paying to the defendant a fee to let the defendant find if the defendant if guilty is like washing your washing-machine with your washing-machine.

2021.10.14 Adding information and building site. Will most likely start loading some of the first cases in the beginning of November 2021.


State terrorism

Updated: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 7:45 PM
Created: Tuesday, October 5, 2021

"There is neither an academic nor an international legal consensus regarding the proper definition of the word "terrorism". Some scholars believe the actions of governments can be labelled "terrorism"."

Quote from:

Linguistics is the science og language and with that we find Comparative linguistics.

Terror is then derived from error. Word Terror can also be found in The BOOK!