2021.10.27: Danmarks Domstole may shut the case down because NUR will not pay the court-fee. Paying to the defendant a fee to let the defendant find if the defendant if guilty is like washing your washing-machine with your washing-machine.
2021.10.14 Adding information and building site. Will most likely start loading some of the first cases in the beginning of November 2021.
Errors by Danmarks Domstole
Related to the Class Action lawsuit and sub-cases. Below pretty minimal since NUR has only started 2021.10.26 to fill in what will probably fill at least a few hunderd pages.
2021 November 10: Danmarks Domstole closed the case yesterday. Finally. I told them from the very beginning that I set the court fee at 0.00 yet the court kept pumping for money faking their way through trying to lack as if their letters of deceit was genuine and they even lied about the dates when they said court would close the case which court did not. No problem because skipping some of the plaintiff is easy as far as it is needed to file a lawsuit not forgetting the court itself because the court is criminal a with a case where the court was used to extract ca. 15.000 during 2020, 2021 related to a CT scan of the brain that showed all negative. They did not want that so they made up a tale in the journals and all jumped on-board - Physicians that is and such amateurs. The court in South Denmark really proven made a huge mistake and nobody would dream of pleading guilty so why are the source as journals left faked? That is how the system works called life where government, police and army and courts join forces to make life misery for children and their parents and grand mother and anyone else who are smarter than a fourteen year old student who knows English better than the teacher. The case related to total corruption in courts will be presented. A court is after all a place where the jury can make up their own mind - if. Stay strong and focus on even beauty where mostly benevolence exists. I guarantee that only evil flourish in places where love misfired and that it did many many times while I heard the shots thinking perhaps a stray bullet will strike a rock and hit me if they keep shooting. They kept shooting but the bullets bounced back until they realized how terror by sound as dropping bombs makes even children sleep less. Imagine one day even NRA realizes guns are only for people who fear life and love. They say they love birds. A chicken is a bird. They love it but eat it. Chicken-wings at Hot Ones is a show about a court, the viewers, subscribers and commentators, Judging the chilly-eater and the show is about seeing how a person can change when Scoville 2.000.000 is reached or more. If promissed chilly will burn you for fourty years you'd probably not eat chilly and the same goes for the chicken if you knew eating chicken would spread like a plague across a whole planet. Courts are like chilly and their chicken is called Justice. Guns are brought to the courts if the judge so pleads and in the case of NRA the Judges do. Courts sounds like a tempered place where love is actually the essense of... the court.
It is said that the case will stay open 365 days just a a case the court closed 2018. That case was shut down start of 2019 and fee DKK 500 never returned and I was moved to complaint-offices with absolutely no jurisdiction and the court was suppose to Judge a verdict according to law. Court did not. Court not even had the courtesy to at least pay back DKK 500. Danmarks Domstole is proven a terror-instrument and nobody likes to be called a terrorist so why does the courts not follow simple courtesy. Judges live in very dark places in the midst of a winged bird and I am positive that many Judges can not eat chicken at chilly-level Scoville 2.000.000 while they let the guilty go. If the Judges love, there will eventually be no courts. Judges make others the terrorists so the Judges can point their fingers. The movie A TIME TO KILL is prety telling of how it feels to be thrown at with rocks for fourty years.
2021 November 09: The list of errors are expanding and happily I can say that Danmarks Domstole, courts of Denmark, are very helpful in making errors. Some more errors will follow soon and will be listed in this section.
2021 November 08: Cases, civil, are run from which is a website to where all documents and payments of court-fee can be transacted. According to letters from court the cases is voided, bortfaldet, when 2021.11.05 started. I telephone again Monday today asking to the case since it is still open at and when I spoke to "Camilla" she said, hat I had asked to have an extension of payment since was not working. Nonsense I told her. It is true the website did not work on 2021.11.04 but I have state from the very start that I shall pay DKK 0.00 in court-fee hence any extension of payment is obsolete. Further I have never asked for an extension of paying the court-fee. All this documented via emails. I promises "Camilla" who represent the Domstolsstyrelsen, Danmarks Domstole, I shall telephone her again asking how it goes. She said a jurist would look at the case as soon as possible. Why would they need a jurist to determine that they two times have blatantly ignored their own threats of closing the case because I am not paying the court-fee which I told them from the very start in the subpoena itself.
2021 November 06: Case still active and not, as promissed by court, closed. Not sure if we are dealing with a "Mr. Bean" but that is the closest I can recommend.
2021 November 05: The court, Danmarks Domstole, writes in their letter, which is Kendelse (judgement, order, verdict) Fil008_Forl‘ngelse af frist the following: "The court has therefore extended the deadline to 5 November 2021" and that happened exactly midnight 2021.11.04 when 2021.11.05 00:00 started and dnot after. (the letter refers to an earlier letter all letters in the court case as found via Not including the whole date 2021.11.05. I then telephoned the court +45 99 68 70 00 and the court hung up the telephone and said the letter wrote "to and including" and told me they did not want to discuss the matter and hung up the telephone. The court not only is a garbage-bin but Danmarks Domstole is also declaring war on this day 2021.11.05. Above filename is as it is given by the court. They do not use Danish letters æøå and do not substitute the filenames with ae, oe, aa. I have naturally emailed this violation (not that court does not use their own letter but taht court violates EU Fundamental Rights) to Danmarks Domstole, Ministry of Jusice and Ombudsmanden, and further more the court has yet not replied to a single question as they promissed. They rule with lies. Evidence as video danmarks.domstole.2021.11.05.mp4 the court case is still open and active even when court ruling clearly states the case is dismissed when 2021.11.05 happens and that time happened 2021.11.04 00:00 and now I am documenting this violation of the law after midnight on the day of 2021.11.05. Recall their website was not working and based on that the court extends the payment of a fee which shall not be paid because it violates the law in that the court itself is sued and the court than keep the case open after their own ruling and judgement and then the court hangs up the telephone. DIGNITY vanished 2021.11.05 Article 1.
2021 November 03: is linked to by asking the imbeciles how clever you are about the Retssamfundet called The Rule of Law [TRL]. Try the game and know how stupid you are. TRL defined as "[t]he authority and influence of law in society" so what would a civilian citizen know when it is about the authorities influence and rule. You see, the courts are that of the King and he is dead in the nation called a Kingdom because there he is a Queen. Louise XVI and the guillotine might explain why he and Marie were beheaded to become Gods just like Adolf Hitler and they probably knew about it. Another styled "Jesus" and voila you have many Gods and they told you there was only one. Nonsense and proven beyond any doubt. Danmarks Domstole asks questions they can't answer because if they could they would not have reached the point of reading Job 12:17. and since they dismiss that, they dismiss themselves because that is their crown as their logo. They sit with and they are fools even pretending to playing foolish games.
2021 November 01: The court has extended payment of court-fee to 2021.11.05 Fil008_Forl‘ngelse af frist based in an error not being able to log in to No notification given except when I log in to, now working again, and see the notification: See Screenshot.
2021 October 29: The court in verdict says the case and lawsuit will be dismissed end of 2021.10.28 yet is still active the next day. Legallities are not so easy which is why Danmarks Domstole and its Lawers have a degree of something.
2020 March: CEO Kristian Hertz of Domstolsstyrelsen rejects violation of Danish constitution: "The closure of the courts was completely as per written in the book". Prime minister 11. marts 2020 kl 20.30 Mette Frederiksen tells the public that state of Denmark is shutting down. A few minutes later Kristian Hertz tells the courts to shut down. That is a violation of the principle that courts must be independent and thus make their own decisions. Source: And secondly Corona virus is not legitimate (fake) and is a common Flu virus. State of Denmark does not like to be called a terror-state yet this state enters wars and commits henious acts even on the level where basic care related to health is expected and lies its way through medical journals and people in general pays to a system who supports wars on a large scale but these large wars start on small scales. Blame history or blame it all on the very foundation that most states are built - the book! Thor the Dark World (film) makes perfect sense and it is so dark they can't see a thing not even when someone wants them to see who can be found in the same book which is the state of Denmark's foundation. The absense of love make many wars including the one with Doctor Strange or Doctor NUR as you prefer it.
2021 October 28: Danmarks Domstole will not reply yes or no to a simple question: must and does Danmarks Domstole follow Danish law? And does Danmarks Domstole specifically abide by national law as well as EU law on rights to withdrawal? Via telephone call it is understood that Danmarks Domstole works with special laws unknown to the public. the use of old Danish word in Danish Constitution is Øvrigheden which means authority. Usually Øvrigheden back a few decades meant The King. Today would be called WE THE PEOPLE and they still use that term VI in Danish law. This explains democracy as a failed and complete set of schemes to delude the citizens of any rights. Capitols are just a substitution of the same structure of society. Julian Assange is a brick for you to know what will happen if you rebel and you think someone is one the case helping Julian Assange? Well, Julian spells Julius Caesar is 凱撒 Kǎisǎ (kejser (emperor)) which is why Danmarks Domstole is colluding with Justice elsewhere to make anyone think diplomatic immunity can be given to a non+diplomat. Chapter 68 of TIAWOL. καὶ (kai) — 9079 Occurrences meaning and which explains Kaj og Andrea. (Wiki). Danmarks Domstole uses og for and and that means go. Sange in Assange is Danish for plural songs. Let us sing one.
2021 October 04: NUR files the Class Action lawsuit file number BS-37726/2021-KBH (KøBenHavn) on 2021 Oct 04 awaiting notification and response related to paying court-fee. NUR emails the court with questions related to the case and not one single email has been replied to. According to "You will receive a notification when there is news in the case" (screenshot) (translation). None was given related to the court order on paying a court-fee of DKK 1500 dated 14. oktober 2021. NUR telephoned the court 2021 Oct 22 asking what is going on and was told a court order related to payment of court-fee was loaded onto where lawsuits are conducted from.
Even if the court states: "Not every single action on the case is advised" then the court states: "A reminder is a notice that a time limit is about to expire or that a court hearing is to be held in the case." and the payment of court-fee states it has an expire-date and therefore must be given a reminder. This courts wording is a way for the court to send reminder at will when he courts sees it beneficial to the court to sent a reminder or not all to the courts liking. NUR is keeping track of this minimal case also. When NUR called the court 2021 Oct. 22 and asked why notification was not given, the court said "you will not rceive notifications and must log onto the and follow the case yourself". 2021 Oct. 25 the court emails a reminder 3 days prior to expire-date.
Notifications given when the courts wants to and plenty of Lawyers nationwide has and are complaining about the digital solution because it often does not work. With small cases NUR has tried he system and finally when speaking to the Judge or people at the court one realizes evidense is not what a country is made of.
2018 December: NUR files a lawsuit, suppoena, against 3 danish entities related to malpractice in the danish health-system. Lawsuit filed at Sønderborg Domstol and is given a file number: BS-47213/2018-SON. Shortly after filing the lawsuit the court contacts NUR asking if NUR "In lieu" should find another værneting which means court. NUR searches Google and finds one of many complaint-offices in Denmark and one deals with the health-system. NUR pays he court-fee of DKK 500 and shortly after the court closes the case and shuts it down. NUR keeps the files loaded to the case. The fee is never paid back. § 248 in the Code of Judicial Procedure, retsplejeloven speaks of værneting and plaintiff must be given a kendelse, court order, and if not then a judgement as to where plaintiff shall file the lawsuite i.e. at the right jurisdiction. This was not done. The court, Sønderborg Domstol, has ignored all communication and will not pay back the court-fee DKK 500 and will not respond to not upholding the Code of Judicial Procedure then the court is in contempt of itself. NUR is still trying to get a reply. As late as 2021 Oct 26 NUR reads page 89 that if a case is against the state then the case shall be filed where plaintiff lives with the court near to the plaintiff. NUR did so. NUR has this day notified court of this and have demanded the case be opened again or court-fee DKK 500 paid back which should never happen since NUR paid to the right "In lieu" or værneting which means court.
Court fee should be paid back as per § 6 in Lov om retsafgifter.
Today I again telephoned CJEU +35 2430 31. This time I was given yet more false information. This time I was refered to Article 19 of STATUTE OF THE COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION related to my initial question about natural and legal person filing a case at CJEU. I intert the text here:
The Member States and the institutions of the Union shall be represented before the su of Justice by an agent appointed for each case; the agent may be assisted by an adviser or by a lawyer.
The States, other than the Member States, which are parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and also the EFTA Surveillance Authority referred to in that Agreement shall be represented in same manner.
Other parties must be represented by a lawyer.
Only a lawyer authorised to practise before a court of a Member State or of another State which is a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area may represent or assist a party before the Court.
Such agents, advisers and lawyers shall, when they appear before the Court, enjoy the rights and immunities necessary to the independent exercise of their duties, under conditions laid down in the Rules of Procedure.
As regards such advisers and lawyers who appear before it, the Court shall have the powers normally accorded to courts of law, under conditions laid down in the Rules of Procedure. University teachers being nationals of a Member State whose law accords them a right of audience shall have the same rights before the Court as are accorded by this Article to lawyers.I was told that parties were natural and legal persons. That is untrue since parties are parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (I am not that party and neither are you because parties refers to the signatories, the states). I was told by CJEU that CJEU did not know Article 51 which is Rules of Procedure which are Non-legislative acts which CJEU also did not know the meaning of.
This explains why taxes are deducted before you even see your money, salary, because this court has nothing to do with justice. CJEU has two times given false information.
I am also told again today, that I must be represented by a lawyer at CJEU. Above proves this wrong as well as below in log dated 2021.11.09.
STATUTE as we know is illigitimate so in that repsect CJEU and my telephone call was obsolete as is CJEU in its entirety. This indicates, to me, that CJEU keeps a close eye on this website because CJEU is illigitimate.
Private and individual are mentioned on this page: and to make things worse they sometimes call is Private individuals and sometimes only individuals.
CJEU is mostly a whitewashing scheme paid in full by tax-payers for a very small group of people to enjoy he privileges working in a large scale Roman Empire which was told through deceit was obliterated.
Google and Alphabet v Commission (Google Shopping) Case T-612/17
1. Annuls Article 1 of Commission Decision C(2017) 4444 final of 27 June 2017 relating to proceedings under Article 102 TFEU and Article 54 of the EEA Agreement (Case AT.39740 – Google Search (Shopping)) in so far only as the European Commission found an infringement of those provisions by Google LLC and Alphabet, Inc. in 13 national markets for general search services within the European Economic Area (EEA) on the basis of the existence of anticompetitive effects in those markets;
2. Dismisses the action as to the remainder;
In a more simple term the case and CJEU is a complete fake and a very large vaste of tax-payers money. Brits should be very happy to exit European Union. The EU commision fines Google €2.42 but so what since such is annulled. Just as I can fine anything and anybody any amount of € but such can be tried at court which seems fair enoug considering and are much larger. Who says Google Inc. is an American Corporation? Well, is Mastercard? Rhetorical. TIAWOL so much more true than ever but some wish for it to be made a lie because STATUTE and CJEU are doing the hoola baloola dance. Also a small reminder that when I file a case at CJEU or EJU or JUE it will get the same treatment as Google.
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) at this court any natural or legal person can file a lawsuit. The person must be represented by a lawyer who is authorized to practice. Yes, naturally, because a lawyer is defined as such as one who has a law degree and nothing else and may be defined as one who can stand before a court in a member state of EU. Surely. But that is only if you so wish to be represented by a Lawyer and not a milkman. The procedure is that the lawyer must be one who is accepted to stand before a court.
"In order to bring an action before the General Court, any natural or legal person must be represented by a lawyer authorized to practice before a court of a Member State or of another State which is a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (Article 51 of the Rules of Procedure). This rule lays down the principle of the mandatory representation of an applicant by a lawyer."
Referenced in those RULES are Article 51 which is also called Rules of Procedure: and we read that these rules are (Non-legislative acts) on the very first page.
In other words; anyone, even a milkman, can go before the court and represent you and if you really need a lawyer, then that lawyer must be authorized to practice before a Member State of EU. Meaning, that if you are represented by a lawyer, that lawyer must be authorized. But that does not imply that you must have a lawyer present at all. You can come as you like with an army of other persons including yourself to represent you as long as they are not lawyers who are not authorized.
EU and The European Commission and Parliament and there legal counsel wring up these Non-legislative acts and Directives etc. are in essence doing what they taught you in public school bot to do to others until you realized you scored very low if you even said anything about knowing how hey manipulate trying to keep you as far away from justice as possible. Titles such as lawyer are usually capitalized to donate a title as a profession. CJEU does not capitalize the word lawyer.
A case which at first seemed unimportant but may in fact show the extend of corruption, fraud and authorities using threats to comply which should not be the case, to use greats, because when Kongehuset, The Royal House of Terror State of Denmark, is so nice, threat are the least that come to mind. It is highly indicative of corruption of the first degree when authorities uses threats. Threats is also used by police (politi, politicians) when people demonstrate and similar or if finally some Libya, Gaddafi, does not play by The Rule Of Law and they take him out like worse than a rat. Same as Saddam. Same as 911 as we shall encounter later. People are fodder for cannons. Hogwash. People are not even worthy of life. EU Fundamental Rights Article 2 in which litra 2, is obsolete. Life suffices, nes pas and if life itself is right, then litra 1 in Article 2 is obsolete also. Imagine having rights which claim you have a right and to life itself! This explains why these rights are a threat in themselves because who needs a right to life. You read it and believe that they are oh so amazing allowing life at the right place to exists or else you can read between the line and know that you will be condemned and receive the death penalty and execute or all 3. Just as Saddam and Gaddafi received the Law Of War.
Therefore, the case on hand is enormously trivial but goes where only "God" left to forget to wipe "Gods" ass with a pile of heinous laws that are so infected with shortening life through a serious of use of words where you are lullabied into compliance thinking that, in this case, transportation, cars mostly, where not electric 100 years ago and the color green is used to extract your property, money, on a level that makes life being extracted through he use of extracting your hard earned money which represent life as in In Time movie.
This case, nut-case or suit-case, will get its own page and be linked from the main site of the case may also be included in the Class Action lawsuit to prove murder in the first degree in which EU Fundamental Rights are used poorly through words to defraud you of your very life. For now you will find the case at this location as per menu on the left: /pages/classaction/?id=cases/Udligningsafgift-equalize%20fee/index&casename=Udligningsafgift-equalize%20fee.
Truth In A World Of Lies will get its own page with all chapters nicely wrapped inside a page for easy access and readability.
First chapter - the one about Assange - is expected to be published in a few days. It is chapter 68 of Truth In A World Of Lies and here is a small snippet:
Article 14 of UN's Human Rights says:
(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
(2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.I underlined above "non political crimes" because the Swedish crime he is wanted for is non political ergo Julian Assange can't be granted Asylum or Immunity or anything for that matter according to (2) in Article 14 above. And there is no prosecution in Sweden and if there were it is not political (it is a sex crime which is not a crime until proven guilty so Julian Assange has no case and is not being prosecuted).
And Ecuador did not give Julian Assange Political asylum but Diplomatic asylum (which they can't because Julian Assange is not a diplomat).
Even if Julian Assange did a political crime, for which he was prosecuted in Sweden, is has to be in his own country the prosecution takes place and it was in Sweden and now he is in England and not in Australia. Julian Assange is an Australian ergo the prosecution has to have taken place in Australia and it did not ergo he can not be granted Political asylum.Read Article 14 but above and read the whole part also part (2) meaning it has to be a political crime. Julian Assange alleged crime in Sweden (it is not even a crime yet because no ruling) is a non-political crime (sex-assault) ergo he can not be given any type of asylum.
Julian Assange is neither being prosecuted nor persecuted in fact Sweden says they just want to hear him testify which is not a prosecution nor a persecution.
According to International law no government can extradite anyone to a country that has the death penalty - USA have ergo Julian Assange's fear is groundless.Julian Assange has not committed any crime. No court case and while in custody (!) leaks have come out published and he could not have done those leaks because he was in house arrest, right? Could he work from his house-arrest? Well, he could work for Russia Today (RT). Ever heard of anyone working in and out of house arrest? Arrest means what? And house arrest means what? That you are under arrest and not free - your liberties are taken away. That Julian Assange could work while in house arrest which is a type of imprisonment seems very odd indeed. Possible only because it is all deceit. So England is kind? Well, England and parliament now says they will do everything within international law to extradite Julian Assange. But what International Law? United Nations? If so, article (14) clearly states political asylum can not be given and William Hague mentions Julian Assange has been offered "Political asylum" which is not right - Diplomatic Asylum was granted. So what International law is William Hague actually speaking of? Non. There is no law to cover any asylum for Julian Assange.
Comments by NUR: The crime here is not by Assange but media hence Donald J. Trump repeatedly saying "fake media" and I take it further saying "fake courts, fake law, fake governance, fake cities, fake roman empire, fake...". If it is true that courts in England are dealing with this "nutcase", it is beyond doubt, that the court is criminal, stupid and beyond salvation. Media and jurists across a whole planet let this pass and the leaks are all fake too ex.: and that goes for the leaks by Edward Snowden yet all these "leaks" are the platform upon which I trotted to bring the revelations of China and Asia being the makers of The Bible and fake buddism: Buddhas of Bamyan: Looking back at how Taliban destroyed history and once NUR wrote about the Taliban then China finally supported Taliban with arms and moral support backed by the support of 8.5 billion people. The gates are open and plenty of Revelation for Asia and China to bring out the ammo to bring back the planet to genuine warm-hearted people; if you feel cold on a beach in Barcelona or El Salvador it is because the women do not show enough ass; heat rises where heat lingers.
Truth... nja... the truth is in the making and you are invited as long as you have a heat-seeker and and NUR promise that the heat-seeker is being developed in its forth and fifth generation far better than; Truth In A World of Lies.
The publication, in part, of Truth in A World of Lies, TIAWOL, will begin before 2022 January 01 because of repeated terror by Denmark. First chapter and chapter related to Julian Assange will be published showing the whole tale of Assange is fake and a whole World is in on the deceit until Niels Ulrik Reinwald found the truth related to this fake story. State of Denmark - a terror state - already locked itself in to my house and first stole and then deleted my hard-drives with the book. I had backup in Thailand unknown to the Terror State of Denmark. TIAWOL VIPER will also proceed as promised to save humanity from this pile of garbage called a country named Denmark spelling DENGANG and VANISH as in DANISH. When folding the toilet paper makes someone interpret folding toilet paper, it is time to begin to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.
Danmarks Domstole declared war by proxy on his day. See also Liber code. See the error-list for 2021.11.05. I have emailed Ministry of Justice, Ombudsmanden, the Prime Minister's Office, Folketinget, and many others and my appeals are dropped and not responded to. It is at least the second time the Terror State of Denmark has fired a warning-shot and the state of Denmark and its hostilities reach beyond my many appeals which are proved by cases filed here, there and mostly nowhere. Now on 2021.11.05 even the very court Danmarks Domstole is used by the state to initiate in error by design thus violating the principles of the court in which not only disputes should be settled but also the lack of dignity and violations of being a human being and wishes for other people to live and know life as it was supposed to be.
State Terror by error and the list is expanding. Alternative dispute resolution for consumer has a Directive 2013/11/EU. At EU their portal lists: Resolve your consumer complaint.
Article 1
Subject matter
The purpose of this Directive is, through the achievement of a high level of consumer protection, to contribute to the proper functioning of the internal market by ensuring that consumers can, on a voluntary basis, submit complaints against traders to entities offering independent, impartial, transparent, effective, fast and fair alternative dispute resolution procedures. This Directive is without prejudice to national legislation making participation in such procedures mandatory, provided that such legislation does not prevent the parties from exercising their right of access to the judicial system.
The Tele Appeals Board, Teleankenævnet, writes in their articles of association, related to courts:
These boards are not public authorities not even law and are only a collection of people (association, union, coalition) gathered to maintain the EU Directive listed above. In essence, since these boards, associations, are approved by the authorities, are in effect violating the first article. You can take it to court and you should. The association are mearly a buffer making people beleive that waiting at least a year for their decition is a way to solve a dispute and a violation and breach of contract etc. and people (using the term citizens to donate you are bricks in the road) think it is being nice taking it to an out-of-court procedure. These associations are just garbage-bins and re run by the corporations you wish to file a consumer complaint about. Consumer is another term used to delude. You are being violated in breach of contract or similar and can take it to court or can even make a declaration of war. Since a state is a legal body and its Prime minister can utter a declaration of war on behalf of this legal body, which are the people, then so can the people because the people gave the Prime minister authority via voting and since all is being violated it proves that the constitition WE os ME because they donøt gie a fuck. Citizens are not even sheep nor the scissor nor even the holes that surround your fingers trying to cut away their terror-regimes. That is why Minister spells Medisterpølse and the quality is of such a low vertue that it ought to be part of a rotting pile of apples until citizens clean it up and make for real disputes and real virtue.
Ankenævnet: the word are two words. Anke = appeal. Nævn = board. Nævn also means mention. Anke, appeal, implies you appeal something and the word is often used in relation to court-proceding.The Danish word is Appellere = appeal. You are pleading or appealing asking to please listen and make amends. You feel violated Article 47 EU Fundamental Rights and you feel Dignity is violated Article 1. Rather than asking your dog to bite the sods you appeal the case first at this board which violates you again. Then you can get smarter and take it to court. By this time monh has passed and many will have dropped the case. Your lawyer too will appeal to you to forget it and time alone may void the violation. That s why Prime ministers have the right to go to war via a declaration of war because they have had it. That is also why the Axis Power were among others Germany and Thailand to obliterate this very evil peace of garbage called democracy and kingdoms and sausages. With this level of deceit war is most often what states enter into and that is exactly what the Terror State of Denmark did and the reason is, that they violated the very principles of being a human being and life and love. Dignity as the first article and what about love which is the bigegst law of them all. Well, The European Parliament and European COmmision wish for you to forget all abouce the very root of the matter making you undignified and worse: the constitution of this terror-regime called Denmark.
Today I also emailed Danmarks Domstole related to he Class Action. Here is the email: and here is the translated version of the text to English:
Today I telephoned (+352) 4303.1 Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) related to the Class Action lawsuit. I was transfered first to a constant ringing telephone so I let it ring many times and hung up and called back. I was asked which language I spoke including German. I said yes but preferred English and I was then transfered to a Danish speaking woman. She gave some very serious illegal misinformation and after chatting her up a fee minutes I looked up:
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union Article 263:
Article 263
(ex Article 230 TEC)
The Court of Justice of the European Union shall review the legality of legislative acts, of acts of the Council, of the Commission and of the European Central Bank, other than recommendations and opinions, and of acts of the European Parliament and of the European Council intended to produce legal effects vis-à-vis third parties. It shall also review the legality of acts of bodies, offices or agencies of the Union intended to produce legal effects vis-à-vis third parties.
It shall for this purpose have jurisdiction in actions brought by a Member State, the European Parliament, the Council or the Commission on grounds of lack of competence, infringement of an essential procedural requirement, infringement of the Treaties or of any rule of law relating to their application, or misuse of powers.
The Court shall have jurisdiction under the same conditions in actions brought by the Court of Auditors, by the European Central Bank and by the Committee of the Regions for the purpose of protecting their prerogatives.
Any natural or legal person may, under the conditions laid down in the first and second paragraphs, institute proceedings against an act addressed to that person or which is of direct and individual concern to them, and against a regulatory act which is of direct concern to them and does not entail implementing measures.
Acts setting up bodies, offices and agencies of the Union may lay down specific conditions and arrangements concerning actions brought by natural or legal persons against acts of these bodies, offices or agencies intended to produce legal effects in relation to them.
The proceedings provided for in this Article shall be instituted within two months of the publication of the measure, or of its notification to the plaintiff, or, in the absence thereof, of the day on which it came to the knowledge of the latter, as the case may be.
Upon which I emailed CJEU: CJEU-Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.eml which you can also see in plain text clicking this link.
I then emailed the court in Denmark telling the court that I have contacted CJEU. CJEU tries to avoid natural and legal person filing lawsuit to CJEU and the wording in Article 236 is strictly vis-à-vis third parties. In other words legal jargon trying to portray simplicity as - jargon (nonsense unless you do not only listen to them via telephone but read what it says). 4th paragraph in Article 263 is written in truth but makes you think it is voided when you read paragraph 1 and 2 which 4th is not related to legality of legislative acts, (in paragraph 1 notice the comma placement).
Bodies, legal body or legal person: The state is a legal body and is owned by the people, citizens hence citizens, who are the Member state, can bring actions to CJEU.
Actions for annulment under Article 263 of the TFEU by private parties before the General Court - "private litigants can bring an action for annulment under Article 263 of the TFEU before the General Court of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)" - source:
Legitant: A litigant is a person who is involved in a civil legal case, either because they are making a formal complaint about someone, or because a complaint is being made about them.
Updated the case-page Udligningsafgift-equalize fee to the liking of those who through deceit tell you the Sun King is dead. Adolf Hitler long live. Seen here in a temple in Thailand.
If there was any real news the sirens would be wailing like during Second World War when bombs were dropped to terrorize people via Legal War. Page ceated: Breaches of EU law.
The log page now loads automatically as the landing page. Click Introduction in left menu to see introduction.
A case has arisen handed to me just as I thought the state-terror had begun to learn from its historic mistakes. The case is in the menu on the left listed as Udligningsafgift-equalize fee.
The financial compensation related to damage in the healthcare in Denmark is a forening (association) called Patienterstatningen with absolutely no legal foundation and is not a court yet says via Ministry of Health,, that Patienterstatningen,, is "similar to a court". Complete nonsense. Patienterstatningen and Ministry of Health reported to the police for fraud. Information follows. See LBK nr 995 af 14/06/2018 and BEK nr 613 af 23/05/2018. The address of Patienterstatningen is Kalvebod Brygge 45, 1560 København. On the same address there are 70 other companies and 73 P-units [!].
Hauptkriegsverbrecher: Major war criminal. Selective minds and laws that are no more worth than the paper on which the criminals write their essays preparing the next war-crimes. Notice Law of War mentions the foundation of the Terror State of Denmark namely the BOOK. Haupt also head, peak, capital. The Minor war criminals were not among the accused at Nürnberger Prozess gegen die Hauptkriegsverbrecher raised to the status of Amun Ra, Imperial Gods, and are taught in public schools for all to know, that if you conduct yourself, you will be raised to the status of public non-combatant free to pay taxes to roam the beaches of Rio De Janeiro.
CJEU is on holiday until 2021.11.02 as informed by CJEU when I telephoned them today. Justice is on holiday whereas are open 24/7 in some countries.
Danmarks Domstole has extended payment of court-fee until 2021.11.05. See Screenshot. I have emailed the court a few questions email.posponed.2021.10.28.txt and that may explain the courts decision. The court and terror State of Denmark uses the law as toilet-paper as it pleases and all laws are written in such a way that there are always loopholes when you know where to find them. Some laws rank higher and take precedence over lesser laws but robbery is very high on the agenda even on EU level. Danmarks Domstole, court, has extended the deadline of payment of court-fee because of a technical problem with he courts website I was unable to login again (as earlier in 2018, 2019) and this has been used as an excuse to extend the payment of fee. I today asked the court if the court would reply to my questions. "No" was the reply from the court since payment of fee must take place before the court will take any further action. I have emailed the court 2021.10.28 with a small series of questions because the court has denied replying to one simle quistion: Translated to English via Google translate and here as email; Spørgsmål da eet simpelt spørgsmål ikke kunne besvares.eml.
I have found some very interesting data that is so filled with filth that I await pointing you in that direction.
Still no reply from CJEU related to a very simple question which probably has baffled CJEU.
Topic on the Class Action lawsuit: the lawsuit consists og between 30-40 individual cases mostly against governmental institutions also through companies. Such as fine/penalty given via court for not having a drivers license when I did and that the drivers license was administratively removed from me based on a CT scan of the brain related to fainting Maj 2020 after a Physician telephoned me the Physician being very annoyed that I had emailed the local hospital a journal related to severe illness in Thailand with an operation in the stomach which happened because I did not receive medical attention or treatment at said Physician/hospital in Denmark and when I filed a subpoena throug the court system asking for compensation paying for the medical bills approx. DKK 50.000 then the court closed the case and left me to seek for and who are not courts and these complaint offices takes up to 3 years to come to a conclusion. Incidentally the CT scan was possitively negative. Health, hospitals, Physicians etc. governed by Danish Ministry of Health who will learn how rotten the health system is which is a main-cause of the lawsuit namely to teach and I love to learn. Some cases relatively small yet they show corruption deep inside the state. The overall Class Action is based also on destroying millions of peoples lives. Ambitus; corrupt practice in canvassing. Canvassing; petitio. Petitio; lawsuit, attack, thrust etc. The state is conduction canvassing and petitio which leads to the plaintiff having to expose the state which will lead to the state usually starting large scale wars and done so often through proxy and after 50 years nobody forgot that it all started with an ambitus often in a small corner where the plaintiff had no idea of the levels of canvassing. So why does the state continue - ambitus/canvassing leads to Ponerology and wars and then they have something. To me, a perfect state would be one you hardly know exists. The reason why there are ill people is because the health-system is not working and the health-system is one you should seldom know about or care about. Said case is about state-canvassing.
The Class Action lawsuit has yet not been closed by Danmarks Domstole. I telephoned the court this morning and court has prolonged the case. I have emailed Danmarks Domstole the following: email.posponed.2021.10.28.txt. Did you know that Cour de justice de l'Union européenne (CJEU) was a Supranational union. This phenomenon gives rise to many new movie-script as adaptation of IN TIME (movie) in which there are zones and cash has become obsolete. Once I thought movie-watching was a waste of time. I am tracking the case and will post bursts of digital content as the case moves along. I have downloaded DUNE (movie 2021) and it reminds me of landscapes on The Canary Islands where amazing condos are built on the hills of lava overlooking the volcano and vents in action.
When the court is independent and people try to be independent but both must live in each others menage, then Robinson Crusoe is written and lived on an island. MED LOV SKAL MAN LAND BYGGE is the slogan and motto of a court which has its high seat as Supreme Court, Højesteret (Google maps), at Christiansborg Palace (Google maps) where today the parliament of Denmark resides makes for a jacuzzi filled with independent soap. High treason, Højforræderi, can possibly only take place at the Supreme Court, Højesteret, which has a pathway directly to the palace and what would they do at the court so high and so low it would constitute high treason. Rhetorical. Had Mrs. Robinson and Dustin done it, then the baby might have told the story ( video) - and not me. The first seduction is probably when you slide out from the womb and sense for the first time that high court is gone just as this state of affair really are just the absense of Robinson.
In a reply to my email Translated to English via Google translate then Domstolsstyrelsen replies back today that they will have a look at my email and that I can expect a reply in 1-3 days. I have replied back that I shall receive reply from Danmarks Domstole who has the same CVR (governmental Centrale Virksomheds Register) number. I also expect a reply from the local courts but they may naturally reply with one email since they are the same. I.e.. Domstolsstyrelsen, Københavns Byret, Danmarks Domstole all share the same CVR number 21659509. Since Danmarks Domstole does not have a CVR and has the CVR of Domstolsstyrelsen, which is a governmental institution, then Danmarks Domstole is illegitimate. Why? Because the court is suppose to be independent see Article 47 EU Fundamental Rights. Now I know why they invented Abstract Art and NUR could not paint a painting portraying all of this but NUR tries. If NUR is successful painting peacock-feathers (on request from NURs wife Pimpat) in 2021 November, NUR may display them via One feather-painting may be a depiction of this lawsuit's early beginning.
Class Action lawsuit is expected to be deleted by Danmarks Domstole expiring 2021.10.28. Any information and correspondence with Danmarks Domstole will be posted here during this day. Danmarks Domstole did not return the telephone call related to right of withdrawal on 2021.10.27 (see log) but did manage to call back 2021.10.28 even so was not able to answer so why call because they knew the question for 24 hours. Rhetorical.
Funny term: Washing your washing-machine with your washing-machine - or WWW. Meaning paying a court-fee to the court when the court is the defendant is like throwing soap at soap.
Danmarks Domstole must see payment of court-fee as per their "invoice" no later than 2021 October Thursday 28 of DKK 1500. Otherwise Danmarks Domstole will shut down the case even if NUR has telephoned the court asking for an extension. Court then said NUR could file the Class Action lawsuit again. Courts does not uphold the laws and at the same time does all it can to avoid justice. Recall Job 12:14 onwards - and make them live and learn that which they never expected to happen namely their own demise. NUR expects the case to be shut down. All and every question and email sent to Danmarks Domstole so far has received no reply from said court. Paying a court-fee to one of the main Defendants which is the court itself would create precedence and void and nullify the Class Action lawsuit in that payment of such fee would be acceptance of the court and such an acceptance will not happen. NUR has given the Defendant Danmarks Domstole, The Courts of Denmark, until expiry of 2021 October 28 to decide what said court wishes to do. After that all has been tried. Antitrust laws and EU Directives also violated related to courts not having real competition. If competition they would not all share the same crown as their logo.
NUR has called Danmarks Domstole asking if Danmarks Domstole must abide by the law related to showing right of withdrawal (fortrydelsesret) as per Lov om forbrugeraftaler related to 14 days right to return the product or service when buying long distance i.e. via Internet. The Class Action lawsuit or any other purchase should be followed by a clear message of right of withdrawal before and after purchase. None given. See DIRECTIVE 2011/83/EU Article 6 at Europe. NUR has telephoned Danmarks Domstole who has promised to call back. NUR then phoned Forbrugerstyrelsen who did not know and told NUR to call Ombudsmanden who also did not know - obviously. When and if Danmarks Domstole returns the call the reply shall be posted in this section, paragraph. NUR has then emailed said court asking to use right of withdrawal and asked court to show its terms and conditions on right of withdrawal. Awaiting reply. NUR also asked if Danmarks Domstole is the only court in Denmark and if so taht in itself is a breach of Antitrust laws in Europe: Directive 2014/104/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 November 2014 on certain rules governing actions for damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions of the Member States and of the European Union Text with EEA relevance.
NUR has reported Danmarks Nationalbank to Rigspolitiet and European Central Bank [ECB] mentioning a gold toilet is part of alleged gold fund of 66.5 tons of gold (screenshot image) located in Bank Of England. Melted gold coffee service also part of the 66.5 tons of gold. Sources among others is Oktroj 1818 (Octroi, French) (whereabout of Octroy unknown) (Frederik VI was Denmark year 1818) and Danish Royal Library, Kongelige Bibliotek; Book: FREDERIK VI's TID FRA KIELERFREDEN TIL KONGENS DØD. ØKONOMISKE OG HISTORISKE STUDIER ( various formats). Search the book for "Guldtoilet" 33.333 Rbdl. and "Guldkaffeservice" both page 44. Rbdl = Rigsbank daler = 2 kroner (DKK) - source: "GULDPRIS 8.000 Rdl in 1785 corresponded to approx. 10 kg of gold would after the $ exchange rate and The London listing on 20 December 2002 corresponds to DKK 791,728." - source: 33.333 / 8.000 = 4,166625 x 10 kg gold = toilet weighed 41,66 kg in gold. A gold bar weighs 12.5 kg. The Golden Toilet was given by Rigsbanken to the King Fredrik VI. Rigsbanken went from being a state bank to being a privately owned bank in 1818 through the Oktroj (French Octroi). Search above book for Oktroj.
NUR has contacted NURs insurance company asking if the COURT-HELP-INSURANCE POLICY covers. It does not if you chose to not use a Lawyer so said the insurance company IF Forsikring 2021 Oct. 26 when NUR called them. IF Forsikring first said IF Forsikring had to call back on the topic of covering. IF Forsikring called 30 minutes later and said coverage only if a Lawyer is activated to the case and IF Forsikring referred to the policy HOUSE INSURANCE PDF which refers to COURT HELP PDF in which it states that coverage is applicable but conditional as per §402 in the Code of Judicial Procedure, retsplejeloven, where §402 is voided when assistant or any person takes on the case in absence of a Lawyer. I.e. the insurance covers and NUR has filed this to the court this day yet the insurance company used schemes and fraud to take away that which through their own insurance policies belongs to the insured. The cases grows even if NUR is trying to find any loop-hole to make the cases and Class Action lawsuit shrink. Think big suddenly makes sense in a whole new way. NUR has notified the court and demanded IF Forsikring pays a penalty of a smaller sum DKK 15000 plus daily penalties of DKK 1000 until full accumulated sum has been paid.
NUR has filed an application FRI PROCES, Civil Agency, (FREE TRIAL IN COURT meaning the state pays all expenses including court-fees). This procedure is questionable since the state now pays for a case against itself. The application for FREE TRIAL IN COURT must be done to Civilstyrelsen who is a department under Justitsministeriet, Ministry of Justice, who is one of the defendants to the Class Action lawsuit. A fair trial and the defendant must pay for the case against the defendant, the state of Denmark, and that does not seem fair at all. Is it at all legal and does it void the case making the plaintiff volatile to loosing the case even if the court itself is legally recuse.
On the right is a list of errors the Danish court, Danmarks Domstole, has committed and all errors will be proven with documentation and referenced where certain emails and documents can not be shown to protect sensitive information etc.
Movie Magnet slightly updated showing magnets added the past five days. Shows with a small red triangle top-left corner only if created within the past five days. Continuous New arrival of magnets will show for five days. Every movie made is part of a puzzle and all movies are in essence the fabric of life and evidence. Some things in life should be free just as freedom should be free.
As with the foundation of the Terror State of Denmark it should be firmly emphasized, that 95% of all of humanity was left outside of the circles of the esoteric world from the crusades to finally having one man decode it all. Nobody can know what it is that one is so secretive about until you know the secret which is why many a foe has been left living with the abuse by Christianity for many years. Bird flu and other bird-illnesses linger still even if Eyes Wide Shut and all of movies made since motion pictures were invented and Charlie Chaplin did what we all now know as a δικτάτορας diktátoras The Great Dictator. What did you learn in school today, dear little boy of mine. I learned that dictators, The Bible as the Terror State of Denmarks foundation, make terror and that a Class Action lawsuit was enough to make them realize that their war started in 2017-1963 was the ticket to unlock all of everything enough to never wanting to encounter such horrors as a whole world going into a frenzy about a very simple thing made into deaths from dusk until dawn. If the Terror State of Denmark had anything then the State of The Nation would have presented something less than terror. No, the state did not and kept on producing terror and each individual case shall be presented so you can sleep tight knowing they only fought one man so you can rest your head. The rest of all their wars are diluted water. Life began 2021 October 05 and it shall be noted that the Terror State of Denmark started a series of attacks so vile that life ran out even before it had begun.
Notifications are supposed to be given to people who use Danmarks Domstole's portal and an email is sent as we read here: expanding Hvordan finder jeg ud af, om der er nyt i sagen og frister på sagen? I have filed the lawsuit and I was awaiting a reply related to questions sent by email since the portal does not allow uploading any documents or questions. I called Copenhagen's Byre Friday 2021 Oct 22 and was told there was new to the case and I promptly asked why I was not notified and the court said, that no such notification would be given. Well, the court says notification will be given. I am told the case will be closed if I not by 2021 Oct 28 pay the court fee of DKK 1500. In the preliminary subpoena I subpoena Danmarks Domstole however this is not mentioned in the court files which is why I promptly emailed the court saying that Domstolsstyrelsen also subpoenaed is the same as Danmarks Domstole and I also mentioned that no Judge can participate in the case when recuse which any Judge will be since the Class Action lawsuit targets all of the Danish Court, Danmarks Domstole. I was told this would be decided once I pay the fee of 1500 which I categorically have denied since fees earlier was stolen from me based on the proven fact, at court has yet not since December 2019 provided a case I filed to proceed. Domstolsstyrelsen og Danmarks Domstole shares the same CVR number and thus the court decided to eliminate themselves from the Class Action lawsuit. Danmarks Domstole is mentioned in my Class Action sub-case yet the court reads what it want to read.
This is the first major fault and illegal act by Danmarks Domstole, in this case. It will taken into consideration and Danmarks Domstole is now notified of this illegal act. Danmarks Domstole as previous 2019 tries all it can to shut down anything they do not want to deal with related to high treason by the Terror State of Denmark which is proven beyond any doubt and actually needs no court-case. The court has also charged a tax of DKK 1500 which is illegal. The court has also made a Kendelse, judgement, without a Judge which is illegal. NUR will contact the court 2021 Oct 25 and keep the log updated in this very early stage. See Bekendtgørelse af lov om rettens pleje.
Page called Danmarks Nationalbank created added to the Informative menu on the left.
Page called Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) also created. NUR has emailed CJEU and reply, if any, will be posted on the log page.
Nero: Youtube owned by China makes this very deep:
Most Roman sources (including the Ancient Roman historians Suetonius and Cassius Dio) offer overwhelmingly negative assessments of his personality and reign. The contemporary historian Tacitus claims the Roman people thought him compulsive and corrupt.
Corruption new? Corrupt (腐败 rot and failure) is the motto of officials and politicians and police and army and arms dealers and banks... the list is as long as there are people.
There is something rotten in the state of Denmark.
Wall Street (4/5) Movie CLIP - Greed Is Good (1987) HD.
Aivar Rehe death: Former head of Danske Bank unit at heart of €200bn money-laundering scandal found dead.
Scheme to embezzle billions of EUR from car-owners and owners of cars. This gets so sick one has to stick a finger in some hole and yell. I won't. What I will do is to relentlessly explain and emphasize how ill this Earth is. This small corner on a planet is also regulated by law namely the use of parking disc. Not joking. Private companies such as shops can hire such companies as Europark to administer parking. Europark then has to follow the law. Wrong. Below paragraph is paragraph 1 from the law regulating parking discs. Since it is paragraph 1 it is prime, first and overwrites any subsequent paragraphs. Read it very careful. Europark charges parking-fee to millions in Europe based on very easy to read law which dictates that no parking disc shall be used in the time-limited period. Period. Europark own billions and courts and government and police sit on their fingers stuck up the hole where I will not put my finger.
§ 1. In places where access to parking is limited in time and where no parking tickets and / or parking permits are required, only cars that are equipped with parking discs may be parked.
PCS. 2. Requirement for a parking disc pursuant to subsection 1, however, does not apply in the period between the beginning of the time-limited period and the expiry of the parking deadline that applies on the spot.Above is the law on using parking disc in Denmark showing start of time of parking. it clearly states, that parking disk shall not be used in the period between the beginning of the time-limited period and parking deadline that applies on the spot. I.e. if the time-limited is 09:00 - 16:00 and you are permitted to park for 2 hours then parking disc shall not be used in that time-limited period. Europark has collected billions of EURO on thus misinterpretation and nobody is any the wiser and Europark actually owns billions to people and even companies such as LIDL knows it. State does nothing. Police does absolute nothing. Courts sits on their hands and collude. What a state of terror.
Denmark is a spiderweb of infiltrations of arms deals, money laundering, social unrest payed through subsidies and people are unaware of the enormous state-sponsored terror-network and people simply can't deal with the huge web nations such as Denmark has infiltrated peoples lives with. Levies (taxes) through tariffs on imports and modern day life is a myriad of deep fake propaganda far worse than anything could have been imagined. Propaganda naturally nothing new and deep fake also nothing new. In fact deep fake and propaganda and a heavy burdened term brainwashing has been imposed on homo sapiens many thousands of years ago.
Added page Lawyer explaining a few things such as how a pornographic nation stills hangs its pornographic flag on a pole.
Added the page Capital Punishment.
Page Danmarks Domstole slightly updated.
Rekindling Executive Order on the exclusive grant to A.P. Møller – Mærsk for the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons added to's cases page.
Updated pages in the menu left will have written UPDATED if they are updated within the last 1 days.
UPDATED also displays seconds since updated if the page is updated within the last 24 hours.
UPDATED not yet show for the cases.Added Arms manufacturing page found in the left menu under the section informative.
politicians; a word we know too good. The first part is politi and that is Danish for police. This proves that the police work for and protect only and mainly one group of people; themselves and their politicians.
Some links are hardlinked to my local server. This has been fixed.
Press release emailed to various undisclosed at this time. Awaiting responce if any.
Court has the preliminary Class Action case and I have informed the court that there are 30 to 50 cases and that I need to present many documents which I will upload once the court has finalized checking my name and a short list of items which usually should take no more than 30 minutes. Furthermore I have phoned the court and once again I am asked to call back which I did and finally returned to a clerk of sorts saying the case is "in the pile" ready to be dealt with. Court is the first obstacle and hurdle and courts do all they can to protect atrocities against humans and protecting crimes committed by state leaders from Prime Ministers to low level official unelected working as if the tax-payers funded government and state departments are a tool with which the officials can scheme and defraud the population from healt, money on a scale unheard of and make wars based on one single rule called F... 'em all. Spartacus as a rebel killed yet The Roman Empire never ceased to exist. More to come as my work progresses and recall this is beyond anything one man and a whole world has ever done.
Danmarks Radio ( is the Danish national television as a PUBLIC SERVICE channel (fraudulently tax funded through force by this law and worse yet license will be fully collected by force via tax and all must pay even if they do not wish to watch the cabbage-channel) but have yet not responded to my press release. This phenomenon I term a DIANA SPENCER.
The Class Action lawsuit was primarily based in the Terror State of Denmark but is now on a European Union scale to the whole European continent and all other world continents. In others words it is a Class Action lawsuit which anyone can connect to when the Join Class Action page opens.
Updated the page Rigsretten.
Created pages: Class Action Procedure and Impartial Tribunial and a contact page with a form and these pages can be reached from the menu on the left.
I have telephoned Ministry of Finance, Finansministeriet, and I am told they don't know who pays the courts in Denmark. The receptionist transfered me to Domstolsstyrelsen who then told me it was Finansministeriet who pays the bills. I then again called Finansministeriet and the same receptionist now is the mood to burn the phone while she realized I had called back. She transfered me to a telephone-answering machine. I have emailed Finansministeriet asking how much is paid. Good question especially when they don't want to reply and tell you. Here is the email I sent and if I get a response I shall post it here on the news page.
Page created for the Class Action lawsuit against the terror-state of Denmark.
I have this day telephoned +45 99 68 70 00, Copenhagen City Court, and was told it will take three weeks to accept the filed case up against Judicial Procedure Act § 348 which is a list of items such as name, address, claim etc. which must formally be cleared and given as per mentioned paragraph. When I asked if three weeks was allowed I was told that such was not for me to deal with upon which I asked if calling Ministry Of Justice asking for more money for the courts if that would help. The clerk told me "yes" which is why I tomorrow will call Ministry Of Justice and ask if they can supply more money and I will contact and phone the The Danish Parliament, Folketinget, and ask why so little resources are given to simply check a list of items. My case is naturally relatively huge so I have also emailed the court today telling them that I can not add documents since I need to load many many documents. I was told that would not be possible until after they have checked the list of items. It is a simple checklist and three weeks to do so. Imagine what a murder-trial takes. I guess less because I have just today been told by Danish police that any filing of murder attempts via email 2021 Oct. 3 on my wife and I (left back-wheel loosened on my SMART car) will not be taken seriously by the police. The police department today spoke in such a way that I am in no doubt; Denmark is a terror-state and worse. Silly hillbilly country. The unrelated case W. C. Fields to the Class Action lawsuit now makes perfect sense related to ME VOLD SKAL MAN LAND BYGGE as the Class Action lawsuit will also prove beyond any doubt. The filing of a murder attempt is part of a very large scale Class Action lawsuit against The State Of Denmark. The courrt fee is DKK 1500 but I have shown that the fee shall be no more than DKK 0. All will be published in good time.
Class Action filed against State Of Denmark for state-supported usury and terror. Case will be public available here at this website all in good time. The case covers many sub-cases and many areas of how states govern by terror. My email has been filtered and hacked as are every other email worldwide so using might help yet NUR thinks not. A web-based contact-form will be created soon where, if you dare, can connect with NUR and the class action lawsuit. Remembering the good old days of!_GeoCities which incidentally (Geocities) was purchased by Yahoo for $3.5 billion and so it goes with history that is goes right down the drain with lies of who invented what. Eventually it will all be a cartel so huge it reaches into the far corners of space with lovely YouTube women TRY ONS and such will eventually turn into more obscure actions and TRY ONS will be all forgotten just as GeoCities is. Yahoo spells Yahweh and Jordan Maxwell was where it all started for me 2010 and since it all circles that says it all. Just as the case Olof Palme then "GOD" will make sure you forget all about Jordan Maxwell eventually which is also why Wikipedia did not allow an entry for this nice fella. Recall GOD instituted the the authorities and when authorities govern using slavery, war and terror then it is proven that GOD supports and endorse war, terror, fear and slavery etc. State Of Denmark the seventh largest slave-colony and Denmark still do not wish to apologies all endorsed and supported by GOD proven down to the last YOD in their own foundation. To know that stories of Yahoo, Youtube and GeoCitis got about and were invented by a said certain range of entities, when they are not, one has to start all over again because never could anyone imagine the level of deceit.