

imagine China does not knew what is right or, and, wrong. Then one can rest easy. China is just a massage.

The most significant is . and it will never get any larger.

Silence is Gold while Israel enarms itself - Nations Stonedead - Shi十

2023 August 28

Times Square. A cross. Constitution US does not mention GOD is doing what at a cross, dead! Stonedead. Time Square is 4 strokes protruding from the center making the cross which is 10 in China 十 which in England is Downing Street 10. Hoho! Duffy sounds like Walk Disney.

Denmark has a Shi十 too and named Kong Christian X - and that does not rhime with Hong.

World War 2. Anyone forgot that. See, most people forgot history bevause they are preoccupied with fake COVID and fake news stories in Thland about a cave entrapping young footballplayers while Christopher Reeves who played Superman dies in a tragic accident and played in Deathtrap (I shall explain the movie later). There are so many traps and full of fakes that the list now overflows the very concent of what we call life or is life being reedefined into another Israel where armsdeals are made while they pray about a man hanging on a cross all fake. Bible is fake in that it is fantasy and madeup makeup (movies are scripted just as life is) and on that United nations was created as AMIN where I bends into a U making it AMUN and that is where Amun ra comes from. believe. Dont believe shit. Israel (Palestine) was looted and Africa too and most of the socalled old world plundered its way through thick and mostly fuck and killings and cutting up pregnant womens stomacs just to scare the hell out of the natives. they do that too today but today they use democrazy. Countries and nations are a biblical thing. get over it. They say forget the past. I laugh.

I have been silenced and stayed silence for some time and adding to the noise is not really my job. My job was and is to educate and be a teacher to teach people how the world operates.

Social media and walk abouts and facebook and twitter and The Internet has been taken over by big corp and by multinational entities and as per Donald Trump then USA sold the panama canal for ONE US Dollar and Trump says the canal is now operated by China. While you sleep and while yoou fart around in your limo, rolls, farrari, mercedes, you are being hoodwinked and completely robbed from what you think is freedom. You live in an open prison far worse and this will be shown and proven, naturally, as usual, with great examples of how one lille swine country Denmark loots its people while China hails a Danish designer and produced chairs designed in Denmark and at ca. 60 US Dollars a piece when the original aledgedly designed by Hans Wegener is US Dollars 500 and upwards depending on wood.

You are being taken for a ride of your life and this website is about to expose how one country has looted its people. Looting African nations was one thing but that was just a cover while european today are being lootted. Recall banking scadal 2008 in US Lemann Brother as evidense. the cases are so sewere and has nothing in comparison to the cases as per menu below and the cases you will see are of such size that The European Court and Human Rights and European Union and EU Fundamental Rights are all a scam, a scheme, a hoax. Once the data is presented then Panama papers will look like chewinggum or just the wrap and then times this with ca. 195 nations or countries even is countries contains cunt then I have reached the point where talking of countries should be called by the true name, sewage-dumps.

I am preparing a personal case for the courth but the court I shall speak of is now termed a sewage of crime far worse than the Italian Mafia who compared are a kindergarten. Adol for that matter was just a patzy for Denamrk during World War 2 to have food produced and products and arms ets. for the germans and little did the soldier know that they were not fighting Adolf they were fighting Denmark and later United Nations and yes, Israel, as Liars Incorporated.


Website will be updtated and in parts redesigned to fit the amazing world of yesterday and tomorrow when one complete nation is being terms via proof as Crime Incorporated. The scheme is pretty simple once you realize how simple things such as Bible is was used to dilute people from life and plunder 3 million people into transfer income called welfare income when welfare has absoltely nothing to do with the meaning of the word. Further more, I have been silence in expenctation of something to pop up but it never did so I was waiting for myself and here it comes. in the next few weeks you will be presented with a world history which starts in a sewage called Denmark and gladly I have the evidense and The Internet is the sest of filth where they dump theirl aws and garbage and Polluter Pays Principles alone robs people from money and life illegally supported by fake court cases at The European Court. We are deling with a level of crime where Monaco is the hideaway for those who looted yet they are just the bottom of the heap. We are taling arms deals and silky smooth deceit all around The World.

One thing you and I must try and remember is Confucius as we move into this level of deceit and some hoaxes and fake news we might even find to be a solution because lies are sued to solve this worlds problems and Revelations was made for a reason to reveal. Therefore B1M is a towering pile of BUM because as said, I bent is U and thus we get a 50 mio UDDollar condo named B1M meaning what. They build tall because they can and because it is a place to load money into steal and concrete and New York is an apple bible (I AM A and Omega hence a=i hence apple is bible) with a cross at Manhattan Time Square "the Crossroads of the World". The cross: Monument of Francis Duffy in Times Square, New York City, Manhattan, United States (same name as Pope Francis, Duffy!). A cross for death and at the crossroad of the world, no less. Imagine it is a graveyard and that is because it is the apple the forbidden fruit and voila you eat and are hanged on a corona-cross.

As I write this it is early night so I shall proceed soon. Countries do what countries do and that is to protect their lie but this time the evidense using their very own set of laws will break it down one law at a time and they actually design the laws so they overwite any ohther law and eventually it is cherry-picking and the law as they say is to rule-by-law and then you must know, that rule and ruler and regent as a royal are the same and this is from where I shall start this journey or odyssey because better start at the foundation and is that collapses then so does the rest. That is also why they tear down skyscpapers to pave the way for new and better building being it a BUM or B1M or housing for the slum and I know that one courtcase is presently at court and they will use all they can to force any courtcase to its knees as history will tell us and present and future. A country, a cunt, well, people. People buying guns and weapons and all the while you use your phone as a tool which is so adictive that it should be injected with a real set of tools rather that long pages of TIKTOK and Youtube so infested not so much by those who make content but by Google Inc who uses AI and Meta data to serve people a stream of videos as if it was the cianide presnetd to memebr of a cult in Jonestown. Old story but I learned that we must know or history to know our presnet and future but hey, is history is fake, so is the present. Maybe there is stil a future which is not fake and not govenred by illwilled courts, governments and kingdoms and kingpins and a drugindustry and psycicians who seems to make peopel more ill and sick because it grows not the love but the illness and it gets to the point where neough is enough. They tell me that all the time but when you tell them enough is enough they just laugh.

I shall probably use VIDEO because it is a fast and easy to digets media. More soon. There may be speling errors and some flaws in this article but I shall update and ponder the VIDEO solution perhaps do one in the nude whle I talk about Israel and LOVE.

Think Tank, Love Boat, Google This & That Inc.


World Economic Forum. Start discovering The World.

In FastBoatnistan the school-system runs the same framework anywhere and the students and teachers will pull out above tool and start the day educating from a framework common to all and one that dives into it just like Wikipedia and soon enough one framework for a whole Planet including a Speakers Corner and foremost a framwork where Universal Jurisdiction take control when local governance ignore the citizens.

Same framework (work title; FastBoatnistan) used for Carre Four where shopping is same framework much like who makes shoppng global and organized into a onestop shop where vendors place their products while vendors get a framwork to sell their products without having to spend resources on the technical part. A framwork with a wallet too all using same framework. Digital currenzy is here allready and FastBoatnistan will be discovered in more details via my website.

"Once Upon A Time?" I would like to start with Cate Blanchett who is interviewed by AlJazeera and in the video we notice a few "quirks and features" (notice also the two chairs as mentioned later in this article and the carpet full of symbolic eggs), as Dough Demuro says it and Cate reached as an ambassador and we notice the nice DONATE button just as GOD channel has a DONATE button just as we donate to everything esle when we buy things. Things, things and more things. Grand Design UK with Kevin McCloud is mostly only grand because of McCloud himself and in Escape To The Country we are told that a very old second hand house is CHARMING and has CHARACTER and it all cost only 5mill UK Sterling or Pounds. So it goes on and say hello to Facebook, Twitter and social media and Internet Of Things at Davos with a World Economic Forum (nice tool BTW) and the forum even uses the word WORLD so that must be where to start. Why start with less than The World. Bill Gates has a Foundation and encompases a woman, his wife, Belinda. by now I am pretty amazed at all I get and see and read and I dive down into all of it and read and I click on links and soon enough all this "World" and social media becomes like GeoCities, forgotten. I am exhausted just typing this. Well, up on the horse to see where I land and if I am not mistaken I will end up where I came from namey The World, Earth no less and at least that is comforting also to know that I can rely on GRAVIYTY each and every day to keep me from floating into space and drift to some other star-system.

The following section should mount to something that extends beyond national borders. Slowjamastan is created and now FastBoatnistan To Anywhere and all are Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and Dictators. A World Community already being created where drivers licenses and pasports and idendity documents and tools mount to one single device as far as it goes remembering indiginous people and a World where there is room for everybody yet for the most part a family was once huge, then a city, castle, then a nation or a collection of castles and then European Union and United Nations. A recommend a tool which makes your life easy from cradle to grave, a tool which will function via your smart device and a system where everyone will actually see action taken when someone speaks at Speakers Corner and that corner is still existing at Hyde Park, London, and whole Parliaments sovereign seems to call for a collected system such as European Union which is broken via Brexit and so a tool which directs at least those very fundamental items that maks up what we define as life via fine and nice HUMAN RIGHTS and EUROPEAN FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS which to many are not fullfilled. Why have system that are running which are not actually utilized. They call it scheming and when a fella like me can break down their fake laws uncovering their deceit then to me Speakers Corner must be invented far better than Twitter Inc. and Facebook Inc. With this article I will maybe make a mockup of a framework which at least will show how one for all and all for one could be implemented and still keeping dignity and human rights in force, naturally, why else have rights when they are not used and when one calls upon them they are ignored and as I have eexperienced many many times the final reply when they can not answer, is, that I am meet with silence even from highly educated people within goverance and never mind Speakers Corner because all have very little time to wait and even listen to Godot or the visions set out a long time ago which should be implemented because when all nations adopts El Bible, then Communism Inc. is like saying Apple Inc. Made In China and it just works - the visions - and perhaps this one system can finally be implemented accepting that DEMOCRAZY is also a very Slowjamastan. Wikipedia should make sure all people have a common history and even should have an entry for Jordan Maxwell but seems left out from Wikipedia but that was a long time ago. Have we come now to the point where can all stand tall and say, I KNOW, and how better to to do that than rubbing noses in Dubei with Sheiks or making a fisted hands with Royals because THEY KNOW but now you do too and knowing how the magic trick is done we can move on to more pressing things such as joining all framworks and entities beyond United Nations and understand that globalism is for everyone because we are stuck here for a few more years and there is only one Earth and as when unboxing an iMac you are greated; Welcome.

Chairs and Apples design

Each and everything is designed and it seems only resonable to buy the best and cheapest. At you can buy a chair CH24 and the same chair is found at and they dont mention the price but you will see the price is ca. 700 to 2000 US Dollars. The chair at looks the same but I will need to order one chair and see the quality and compare but Asia can manufacture a copy and nobody is taken to court. Well, the scheme is, that in the good old days we did not have access to an Internet of Things and today we find many deceitfull things or plainly cheaper and we realized we have been fooled since a long time ago.

Cruise ships and love

Love Boat series takes place on a cruise ship and it has a Captain because on that boat, love is solved and life is played out. People board a princess and on their return from the cruise people's love issues are solved by the crew and guest. A silly series but notice the swimmingpool onboard and notice how 2023 cruise ships differ in that they are larger and better for some who likes this type of community for a fortnight. Aaron Spelling producer who also produced Beverly Hills 90210. Love Boat cruise is a micro-globalisation-zone where United Jurisdiction and sovereign states collide. The Captain also does entertainment and as per todays cruise ships then so are countries a kind of boat and everyone has their cabin and confined/defined space. A cruise ship seems to carry many moments which needs a solution and voila Hollywood and script-writers deal with most of everything. The thing is, that life itself is not as such written by script-writers and life is far more complex than 50 minutes of Love Boat. The series, I think, appeals to some because of the idea of a community, small, onboard a cruise-ship which everyone can overvue. Well, this brings along an idea which in itself is by now implemented but a "Love Boat" as a global trend - is it even possible when sovereign states claim their right and people have rights and many actually never truly get these rights when it coms to living when many wordwide are impoverished and every few go filthy rich? The idea can be elaborated as promised and this mall update is just to tell that any way must be the best way or else we'd have another way. I would love to make a vision of my idea and present it but as with many things people are used to the usual and what iPhone and The Internet promised was a tool for people to change things but television as programs seems to have been afr better adopted with the invention of The Internet to even begin to vision real change. Anyone remembers geoCities and who mentions The global mind is maybe not all that global as Juval Harari said, then he only knows a few Isralians even if many people know him. Just as with famous people who must realize that many knows the idol but the idol can not befriend everyone so there is a huge difference in realities.

The Sultan of Slowjamastan

CNN has an article today and it is funny. Great idea and even has a website When this can be done and a whole new country made then voila everything is still possible.

James Bond, One for all, all for one, United Nations galore

What a Wonderful World, Louise Armstrong and james Bond who is the villain taking out everyone who wants to change things as in The Man with the Golden Gun where Scaramanga also wishes to utilize a sun gun for energy and oil companies and james Bond do not want any such thing.

World Galore

By the time I have written this article then I am ready to take on The World but first I must collect 50.000 signatures and setup a political party and if I am clever enough it will take me at least 50 years. That is why politicians and such are usually allready member of a club we can call The Family or The Mafia all ideas that they wanted it differently than the program they were already in. As I write I get ideas and via World Economic Forum I see their connected graphical tool and it makes me dizzy just looking at it and consiedring all the topic you can start from this is a lifetime worth of education alone. By now One for all and all for one is forgotten because I need to get educated to get to the point where I can stand on Speakers Corner in Hyde Park and I can yell until Kingdom Come who was at one time personified by a Danish Lawyer Mogens Glistrup and courts and political parties and police used 30 years to take down Glistrup who because the second biggst party and almost made it to be Primeminister but in they bring james bond and Glistrup was jailed on fake evidense at an age og around 80 years of age. Glistrup knew and worked for Simon Spies who together with Glistrup made a travel and holiday company called and spies in danish spis is to eat and Simon Spies was known for his famous MORNING FUCKING WOMENS (morgenbolle damer)and galore and Simon was named Rejse Kongen meaning The Travelling King. Before Simon died he had to marry a girl so the state would not take all Simons loot and legally obtained possestions and Mogens Glistrup who in the 1960th became such a popular Lawyer that many companies, and private people, selected him because Glistrup said that money in his company account should benefit the ones who were suppose to receive the money plus interest and all Lawyers were against Glistrup and when Glistrup ran for office making his own political party Fremskridts Partiet he was soon haunted down as a criminal by courts who tried to make him a criminal based on pure falsehoods such as Glistrup owning summer houses which he had not paid tax for. He never had said summer houses and his daughter has written all about this and Glistrup.

Machine, machine who is fairest of them all

Well, the machine is because it just keeps pumpping out products and as with villains, who is James Bond in this twisted saga, then any change will be met with a bombardment and so why all the fuzz about changing when it all stays the same. My idea is relatively simple in a very complex World but if things are made easy who would then run a whole country through governance and a whole line of characters some play lawyers and some have companies and some have gotten to where they want to be.

So why Cate Blanchett? Refugees simply. So much to do and at World Economic Forum and for the past five decades many conflicts have not been resolved even if Diamonds are maybe mined fairly as coffee and all this fairness and all this World make me know that WORLD INCORPORATED is running smoothly as ever and there is a place for a REAL REFUGEE to be AMBASSADORE FOR REFUGESS just as wars could end today if there was this ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE system and not all these branches where one ends up with a complaints and these complaints is dropped and I sit back wondering where is this Wonderful World. My website also went blank and I have pulled it down from time to time because I now know James Bond who absolutely does not like new ideas.

Public Fake Schools

This section will be expanded soon because I need to fill it in with the facts seen through laws which are used to promote only one system mostly making public schools a lesser value than for the reason why rich people take their children to the Harward, Oxford, Cambridg etc. and universities similar. "Fake", well, if CNN and as per Juval Harari The Bible is fake then the danish laws are illigitimate and laws on public schools are illigitimate bare and simply put FAKE.

As such anything, as Donald Trump said, then CNN is fake news. Now Trump is made a villain and they try to pin anything on Trump just as with Julian Asange who simply was at a party in Stockholm and had touched a woman and this was made into a case all fake so people get occupied by news and noise so business as usual keeps going along as per James Bond taking out Mogens Glistrup.

When pundits and news outlets and tabloids thrive on all these basic lies then there must be a tremendous flaw in a system and I personally dont toleate all these lies and that is also why magic shows also are all fake but we like to believe for a moment that magixc is real.

Article 26 in Universal Declaration speaks of free education yet in a state Denmark education is paid via tax revenues and the cost is carried by those whom should get education free. In the law that governs the publich school Folkeskoleloven we read in section 5, kapitel 5, that their is a duty by law to attend public school. Yes, if you choose to attend public school and only then is their a duty to attend THAT school but you and your child has a choice to pick any education but danes are brainwashed into thinking that there is indeed a duty to attend public school which there is not. Can one not go through life without even article 26 and without a law that governs a duty which is very costly on the state budget and seemingly only produces students of one type namely the type the state wishes for. Conformacy and standards and simplicity, yes, but when we read all the schemes created it becomes evident, that we end up with so MUCH FAKE NEWS that who the hell tells my child that the PUBLIC SCHOOL TELLS LIES ALSO and now I can prove states does, tell lies.

That is why I sudgest a total makeover of all programs and all of these systems and programs even royal system are converted into a one common framework where the basics in lif are allways secured as a bond or stock you get which keeps you entitled to at least not to become a refugee and become a victim of a nations bewildering hogwash and laws that are frames to make it very difficult for people to even in the educated world to comprehend why life has become so complicated. No, not a makeover total as per Princess Diana being an advocate foremost for her own royal life but also an ambassadore for landmines and since 1945 to 2023 so much has happend that constituional monarcies and framworks are now moved into European Directive even if Brexit still is something most people forgot about.

The Program Life Incorporated, Universal Jurisdiction

Or simply Apple Inc AND Google Inc and Facebook and Twitter and a few others make it easy for people worldwide and I shall give one example. In Denmark they have an idendity app called MITID and it is made in Norwey by, alledgedly because the tools used are perhaps third party tools and sofware libraries.

As per below article "easy in the mind" then participants also has their mind set just as all of my ideas of one did make it and that was only until a new war began and later palestinians again had to throw firework against a nation which backwards spells LIARS.

Universal Jurisdiction. Big places. A whole World and now a Whole Universe. I only link to it because that is a comprehensive topic.

Rita Hayworth, Programs, Taxation, Debt Ceilings

Like finding a needle in it and she was dazzling as with her song Put The blame On Mame and I am said to be one who tries to be the blame which I myself do not feel except that my ideas came from my mind which is a word which came from somewhere and I did not invent the mind or any mind at least my mind is living in a place where television and entertainment and Youtube and Facebook is a program and news are fake and so juval harari speaks of a lie which is the foundation of his own home country.

Tax revenue owes the danes 25 billion kroner for the fiscal year 2022. Debt Ceiling is explained at World Economic Forum. Juval Harari speaks of a global income.

To conclude this article I say WAU to all of it but would love to be an ambassadore at least of my own ideas and that is what this website is as with all the other programs and best wishes and history seems to be somethinbg many countries and governments would like to forget into something from an Internet to a single community where most of everything is standardized and if indiginous people do not wish this or that then there should be room for that too and a human can unfortunately not for good reason not decide where to start life from the very beginning because countries are type of zones and as per Meril Streep in the movie The Laundromat then we only get to see that it all stays exactly the same.

Incorporated Inc.

One place to buy and do all of the things one does on a national level and incorporating everything into one single unit taking all of todays many many too many frameworks and laws and directives and create an Incorporated Inc. which is owned by people as are some insurance companies such as Swedish Länsförsäkringar which is a Mutual Company .

Niels Ulrik Reinwald

critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.


During 2019 went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations. has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth. mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.

It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, and was considered ambiguous.

Article including this dis- and claimer is available here.