This is an image of the author of TIAWOL when he was 20 years of age (as opposed to 2018 when he was 55).
Imagine that - The Burj Khalifa
You know the truth. Nobody would ever do the wrong thing if they were given the right things.
"The government will inject around one trillion baht into the economy next year to cushion against any volatility that may be caused by the Omicron variant of Covid-19". Source: Just a few days ago I spoke of how volatile this amazing story is and when all international laws are violated, then it seems that volatile is the next that follows. As much as possible I shall comment on some stories and it is with more than twenty cases of τρόμος that I watch the month of December understanding that trying to rid the swamp only makes the swamp more infiltrated with the very swamp one tried to rid. That is probably by design but to me that does not make a nations historic backdrop merry just because a nation uses those ways they tell you not to use.
When you sit in a place called the tropics and all that sounds are riffle-shots and bells, then imagine those who produce the lovely sound of bells are those who shoot. Would you then choose the bells or try and rid all the sound to find peace? There are thousands of stories every day and each person has an imagination just as I said, that the size of The Universe can be inside your brain - perceived. When in Thailand things started to fall apart and planes vanished in Asia, that was the work of Asia. When things falls anywhere they will make you fall or anyone fall so that makes falling and vanished their rules of the game which must then be mine too because they say no rules apply. TIAWOL was big enough to find love and that is exactly all TIAWOL wished to tell you.
A book I wrote 2014. 800 pages or thereabout. I tried to publish it via in 2014 as a hardcover book but because of taxation it was postponed and later I was asked if I wished to help people and I decided to publish only via my website then named I have been threatened many times since just as Salman Rusdie in ways that can be described as terror. TIAWOL was also deleted when entry was made illegally to my house and my hard-drives deleted in 2018. But I had a copy in Thailand and still do and I promised to publish some chapters starting 2022. I may publish some chapters in December 2021 since my book has been used by a certain nation to win proselytes and I detest the notion that someone can delete someones work and then claim it to be their own.
“As Long As TheRe Is DemOcracy There Will Be Terror, War and Illegal Governments. In Defending Only Their FreeDom, They Will Engage In Terror, War & Illegal Acts. They Love WORDS And Will Keep You In Fear”
That is how TIAWOL starts. On that basis is it then so wrong to speak of terror, τρόμος. Since this is suppose to be the merry month of the year and every other month is not, then parts of the website will be polished and configured to make less pantomimes; EU car taxation and also taxes on import of cars and as they write, freedom of movement, which then makes it very serious when imports of cars is taxed making it very very expensive to move your dear possession so you can move around to build and enjoy life. Can member states levy car taxes. Yes. But member states are made by people and can people not elect some to represent and introduce no taxes on the freedom to move. Apparently not. Taxes are just one area of life and it seems to be they are producing income, through taxation, with which a whole member state feeds much more than a fifth of its population. More taxes would then feed more people. Fridays that are black and days with light in the darkest days makes me wonder, still; why they light a fire at soltice to symbolically burn what they say they love, witches. Movie: The Witch and A Christmas Carol. In TIAWOL I actually started the book with above sentence and for some reason started it with two V's probably because logic follows logic.
It is very unfortunate, to say the least, that one shall experience a series of very ill wills by a nation and of such a magnitude that one person alone can not phantom how many incidents and illegal acts yet more than 20 cases are being prepared. Most cases are about how a state infiltrates their laws in such a way that laws are used to break people. I may present just one case which is so benevolent that it may explain why a nation will not excuse being a slave-trader because slaves are what modern society is all about. Forgiveness. No, this is about breaking people. It is not about being different because difference is broken so that every person must accept their laws as RULE BY LAW and why when democracy tells us fertilizers are taxed as are CO2 and what person would elect anyone who would tax fertilizers or Nitrogen even when filters rids such and is still taxed. Such matters as taxing people is just one thing which explains why all nations have money and have banks and have democrazy ... not one single nation (its people) would think of not having taxes. All people are the same and enjoy the same traditions and simply can not come up with a system where people are simply not taxed.
"An evangelico preacher led almost a 1000 followers from The United States deep into the jungles of South America" - source: documentary: See the Jones town massacre. You would then think that people would disallow such as evangelicos but the most popular President condones Evangelicals and that would explain why Benny Hinn and James Randi are still active in destroying the last of humanity. I shall soon show how James Randi is a fake and it only takes an open eye to see it. Also know that the documentary of Jones Town is in part dramatized; you will choose if James Randi is a fraud or not based on simple observation just as 911 was an incident by design.
The 1976 so-called swine flu outbreak, pandemic, 1976, is based on one death and a few ill: (local PDF). I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald can call it a scam and a national disaster without earlier proportion in history and even WWII, with Thailand supporting the evil Axis, is nothing compared to this new incident made by Asia. Do not hate Asia follows when Asia tells the truth that the Bible is made in Asia. We can all forgive evil but can we all forgive Asia. This is one reason why such as the Vietnam war came to be.
META by Facebook: and I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, guarantee, that you will swallow the Jonestown Massacre without even blinking.
The virus known as Covid is fake except that many mutations take place just as politicians and 'God' mutate as a vial piece of poison.
THOSE WHO DO NOT REMEMBER THE PAST ARE CONDEMMED TO REPEAT IT. 26:50 in the documentary. Benny Hinn is waiting for the right moment.
1974 influenza, flu!, vaccines, and:
In October, three people died of heart attacks after they had received the vaccine at the same Pittsburgh clinic, which sparked an investigation and the recall of that batch of vaccine. The investigation showed that the deaths were not related to the immunization. The President and his family received their immunizations before the television cameras. On November 2, Ford lost the presidential election to Jimmy Carter.
Source: and this image looks like something made in a green screen studio had Brad Pit lived at the time.
There are essentially a few basic things in life such as food, sleep and a shelter of sorts as long as the general consensus is that one feels okay, fine or at least have the base of friends and family and can grow and expand and make things better for oneself and others. The earlier page is as such insignificant in a larger perspective yet, as I see it, it is often in details one finds the cause of terror on a larger scale and the cause of a corrupt and ill system and using the term ill is probably wrong because then everyone ends up ill in this system and who would want that because hospitals are for ill people and they are plentifully used. Mogens Glistrup is sentenced to 3 years in prison - June 22, 1983 - video at is a story of a man who experienced being jailed for saying taxes one can decide as one likes which is why there are tax-experts as lawyers, who Mogens Glistrup was himself, and he also spoke against Islam known as Mohammedanism. For this Mogens Glistrup was jailed 3 years and later 20 days at a very late stage in his life. This is the Law of Jante, among other things, in full operational mode. Democracy steps into action to defend the Law of Jante and on page 2969 you may understand that Mogens Glistrup, using human right, is trying to defend himself. Then there is Inger Støjberg who is impeached at Court of Impeachment of the Realm in 2021 (Court case here at for violating Human Rights Article 8. And the indictment says she violates "under tilsidesættelse af almindelige forvaltningsret lige grundsætninger om saglig forvaltning, pligtmæssigt skøn og proportionalitet" (Eng.: in breach of ordinary administrative law principles of sound administration, discretion and proportionality). If this is the noise (Støjberg), then most of the system should be impeached. This article may or may not be edited later as it goes for this website in general.
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Vor Frue Kirke (Notre-Dame) (Google maps street view and a view inside) is located in a walking street (as the longest in The World) called in Danish language Strøget which is a Danish word. This chapter runs full length and once minimalism is introduced then a sin so large yet so small it covers a whole planet and a walk through Barcelona or Madrid or Lisbon or Santiago brings back fond memories of a lovely woman I once knew Ana Sanchez Osuna in Palamos in a place that for a few days made me feel life until I returned home to Denmark where a church started picking my life to threads and as one said then one has to do something about it oneself and then I wrote Truth In A World Of Lies and that made the threats and life itself a far distant memory from a moment when Ana Sanchez Osuna and I wanted what most people like and love namely love and had it not been for my will to live I would still be walking in The Musée de l'Orangeri in an oval wondering if Ana Sanzhes Osuna might be looking at the same as I do. Love is desire, passion, life and longing and something that makes most people feel the meaning of life and after I knew love not much matters anymore neither tall churches or paintings because love itself is enough. Why does earth like to grow flowers and why does flowers like to grow in earth - well - probably for the same reasons. When a house is an empty shell then the lovely woman is made an empty shell and not by me because I only knew Ana Sanchez Osuna.
This chapter starts with a few Danish words and will lead to those places as in Da Vinci's Demons (series 2013) and at that time TIAWOL was hardly started but in the foundry and I think it was written because I once had a wish and still do; and that was to fly - and litterally - in space far from this place and many have had the dream and if you can find your dream in Barcelona, Madrid, Lisbon and Santiago, piles of rocks, then strike me out. LOVEIT or they could have at least taught it and this chapter shows; I did not make it go away - THEY did.
TIAWOL VIPER starts at a very unlikely place. Two silver eating tools given by unknown to me when I was baptized. The woman who by Denmark had her left leg amputated 2021 June 04th is the very same woman who kept these tools for eating for 57 years when I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, unfortunately, came nine days late on June 13th, the same year, visiting my aunt under circumstances that can best be described as a nightmare. Evidence and a VIPER will prove that two spoons made a womans left leg vanish.
Example: den er strøget fra listen - it has been deleted from the list. Danish dictionary for strøget (the dictionary substitutes it with stryge which means stroke, iron (strygejern, ironing))
Danish dictionary for strøg (røg = smoke which is probably why smoking became so popular among those who knew).
πατάξας (patáxas) — 3 Occurrences in The Bible, New Testament since we are in Greek language.
A total of 10 related to πατάξας and strike pops up leading to Danish Strøget meaning hit, strike out, removed, deleted etc.
Bugatti Chiron
A sallon in Albanian for saloon. The French Impressionist exhibited at The Salon. Porche is a car manufacturer. Now all wants one because the lady is a tramp and Jane Fonda seems to get younger by the episode and what comes up must come down:
In full: Blue Origin flies to space with Amazon founder Jeff Bezos on board ( video)
Monet Water Lilies Tour of Musee de L'Orangerie ( and its a rome, room,with a view to a kill as the head of the cock in the female vagina in the temple of love with water lilies and willow trees as the hanging garden of Babylon.
prostitute; transliterated: ˈprästəˌt(y)o͞ot. With that we get to Swedish präst = priest. Danish præst=priest. Linguistics and comparative method and viola; a priest is a prostitute. Romanian prost. Provst = 证明 = a person below bishop. This goes to Ming Dynasty 明 Míng = bright, know. We move on to forbidden city which is a prostitute as a priest as a teacher 'cause a priest teaches just as does a prostitute and the priest is a bad substitute for the former even if religion is also taxed. This leads to churches and temples and with that we recline to discover that Buddha is a man in a city called a woman which is why we get to societies and cultures 1980 finally accepting homo-sexuality for both sexes. Woman/man Female/male and COCK and CUNT both have seven strokes which is the base of Chinese script; strokes. Once upon a time there were malls where ladies would sit and you could take your pick. It is called Amsterdam Red Light District and similar places such as Walking Street in Pattaya. A few steps further and the whole house collapses into circles and tubs filled with a cure for wellness yet your local mall provides only food for your belly which explains why many are hungry even if full. Wikipedia's logo is a styled globe of puzzle-pieces and linguistics is a puzzle as math and they connect the dots. The evidense exists and it starts with TIAWOL VIPER.
præst (priest) rhymes with græst ed and that is Græsted as a city in North Zealand where I lived since I was 11 years. The city has a church and is then a dwelling for the weary who died after visiting Vor Frue Kirke. If you are marries or have a girlfriend and you live in a country with such a church and the state has isr laws built on this Dame (Etna) then it is poven that you live in a whore house and you commit adultry which by the states own foundation is:
Is a criminal connection between persons who are engaged, one or both, to keep themselves wholly to others; and thus it exceeds the guilt of fornication, which is the same intercourse between unmarried persons. As the highest sin of its kind, and son including all other sins of the flesh, it is forbidden in the seventh commandment. Where polygamy was allowed, as among the ancient Jews, illicit intercourse between a married man and a woman who was married, nor betrothed, constituted not adultery, but fornication.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Mord is Danish for Murder hence the state of Denmark commits those sins it tells its citizens not to do. So at the very end when it all starts again Denmark murders itself and that is called Now You See Me 3 in the franchise collection. λόγος (logos) — 69 Occurrences and that is the position of 69 (sex position) and sex is Swedish for the number 6 but sex is Danish for the meaning as in English namely a man and a woman performing mutual oral sex in the 69 position. The gate to heaven is naturally containing various enzymes and bacteria and can at times be rotten and then after sex follows a rollover and then follows the next chapter with a Greek title:
Yuval Noah Harari is a Banana.
The Adventures of Captain Comic - Blastola Cola. The aim of DOT (please read chapter Macquarie Group) is to eliminate the combined memory of Homo Sapiens or Homo Deus. Same fool Harari in To Be Hacked Or Not To Be Hacked. A jew and he elsewhere says The Bible (bile) is a LIE. If bile then why would a jew, HARARI, be a BANANA since I Am The Alpha And Omega (I=A=O). Homo Deus just got a DOT and it is called Yuval Arch Banana and the DOT is so small you probably wipe it away as a SPOT from the dining-table after lunch. Personally Niels Ulrik Reinwald just changed his name to DOT DOT DOT or D. D. Dot or simply DOT or simply nothing because D. D. DOT made a painting which hangs in The Louvre, Paris, unseen because there is no painting - and that is the painting; nothing, DOT, love, nihil or a banana without the other bow called a DOT + I, CUNT. I love it is I love it or I write about it to show that some DOTS are hacked just as the DOT COM called Disney.
"It's also much easier, though, to spread the truth than it was ever before. But I don't think there is anything essentially new about this disseminating fictions and errors. There is nothing that -- I don't know -- Joseph Goebels, didn't know about all this idea of fake news and post-truth. He famously said that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will think it's the truth, and the bigger the lie, the better, because people won't even think that something so big can be a lie. I think that fake news has been with us for thousands of years. Just think of The Bible. (Laughter)."
Above quote ( (and here Nationalism in the 21st Century) is from a popular historian and author, Yuval Noah Harari, who travels the world to spread the news, the word, of a message as ideas as words in books and talking. The fascinating thing is to read something thinking it is suppose to be the truth when in fact much of what-ever is complete nonsense; be it from news-outlets, journalists, politicians, authors (fictitious, factual), medical doctors, father and mother, sons and daughters and any family-member, reality-shows, music (lyrics) - basically the source of words, sentences, phrases, paragraphs, chapters and laws. Spread the word... that's easy because that is how love mostly starts and they call i M&Ms sold to children in many colors and all they have to do is to spread their "wings" just as mama and papa did it and voila the word is spread.
Israel spells Liars since Ισραήλ [transliterated: Israíl] is in The Bile, (Lieb as in German language for dear leading to Liebe which is love) and that is why you need MaRia to be a MaFia because China invented the stroke system in which 3 strokes makes either an F or an R since a bow is also a stroke just as in chineese SCRIPT which is eleven strokes jEust as WORD is justement [french] as CHINA is just a fairy as judgement eqauls justement equals just equals Jesus then if Jesus is just and is judgement - then the couth is dead since Jesus died. With this chapter Niels Ulrik Reinwald just killed all courts and all justice because they killed justice by killing Jesus.
SOmeone might deny the word as it is wirtten in this chapter but if they deny the word or words as part of a sentence, no matter what the content, then they deny:
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1.
And in denying any word, any, they deny the beginning and that is their foundation and so they deny themselves and therefore you can speak a LIE because it is a true lie no matter if it is false even if you lie in court or are told you did not follow the law you follow the law and you tell the truth or else THEY DENY the WORD. More eloquentlyly perhaps:
"If the court denies you speak the truth then the court denies the word and any word must be true since the word is their foundation even those words they do not accept as true".
Publication eminent of TIAWOL as TIAWOL VIPER is in the making. Author Niels Ulrik Reinwald tells the truth and you can read it in a copy only approximately 800 proximately pages called Truths In A World Of Lies and the title was actually given by NUR's present 2021 wife Pimpat Chanhompradit (it took one year for the Vanish state to change her ID residence card to surname Reinwald) a Thai national living in 2013 in Nam Pong north of Khon Kaen; because of terror by many nations it will be published. A version as a backup version is to be found on this website soon. The ORIGINAL version was destroyed and thought deleted by the Author Niels Ulrik Reinwald's pen name James Luxley, after many threats by Thailand on Niels Ulrik Reinwald's life which is why NUR had to leave Thailand and Asia to Sweden in 2017 and then to Denmark where hell broke loose. All after NUR's mother dies as an elderly woman but under very suspicious circumstance which can best be described as Faces. My life has been a charade so many times since 2013 by Thailand and China that I lost count: How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! Out? Sinatra: My Way. The reason why China and Thailand chose to let it go this far is because they wish to make it live forever- and it will. The Bible is a joint venture or a lie so huge that any statesman before Saddam Hussein can be considered a lover too. Saddam Adam. Hus = House - Sun. Kill him. Let it go now spells one word and that is do as Buddhism tells me namely to tell the truth as per the Buddhist Bible called The Bible - as Libe from Bile from a LIE and how to let it go since the word is to be spread with your libs.
Frozen (Disney) is also another not let it go movie telling you to let it go!!!!! It gets worse.
When everybody does not tell you the truth then a whole World went into a Frenzy. When life itself is a series of lies then war is created. No wonder anyone post TIAWOL who were young at heart thought what the hell and China is a completely insane making that imperial World saluted by Carlsberg Beer itself with a Swastika pre World War II removed since A. Hitler did not like the Swastika on a bottle of Carlsberg. Take a table, sorry tablet, please, and read on.
7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, [b]pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.
10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.
11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.
12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.
13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved.
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
The Great Tribulation
15 “Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand),
16 “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
17 Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house.
18 And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes.
19 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days!
20 And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath.
21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.
22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the [c]elect’s sake those days will be shortened.
23 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it.
24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
25 See, I have told you beforehand.
Beforehand is Truth In A World Of Lies by PRC or Made In China. Wisdom would make a lovely animation.
For every nation who is people who are Jews then I favor a certain taste and it has a very lush exquisite jolt. It is called by the very word which created and spread the word - yet when the word arrived nations denied it. The way to deny it, was and is to pretend to be the truth - which I am not.
A love affair is larger than the essence of life because some can love so much they wish to die yet knowing death means love; and behold desolation; why so desolate when Greece and all nations want one single plain thing. Stand with light in light by the light and Yea will know. I take no credit I take a bow and I deeply acknowledge the immense love from which I came and I only wonder and know know why the simplest of things is a myriad of truths - is not all that lovable.
The World is China Incorporated and I take it in no other flavor even if a bunch of hillbillies in Denmark and Thailand and China have tried to kill me since I was ... five years of age. A weapon so huge it overshadows wisdom itself. Pour sods in Denmark - a present mathematical fraction not even to be considered in a zone in year 2150 called PRC. Nostradamus is "me" is China is a whispering dandelion trying to say that Denmark no longer accepts the word - the very foundation of a a nation. I salute India, Afghanistan, Thailand (Bangkok), China, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Korea and Russia and then my stepfather, Edward John Rogers *) (a very very very amazingly proud Englishman who fought in WWII as a sixteen year young boy) who was named Edward John Rogers who was killed by an overdose of chemotherapy at Hillerød Sygehus (rød=red and hill is like Benny Hill yet his hill is where he came from - mount venus) the exact same place I was tried killed in 1983, Hillerød Sygehus, and if you believe your movies and your pop stars then why would I ever tell this story. Now you know why; to tell you that one day it will be you who is loved since love is zero is Nada is nothing is like 007 with a license to kill. That is the rule of the game called life.
* I urge his family (Susan) in England to understand the magnitude of why E.J.Rogers was burried in an unknown grave at Græsted Kirke in North Sealand, Nord Sjælland, knowing danish word sjæl means spirit. I can explain the very very deep magnitude of what happened to E.J.Rogers and it is so unimaginable that I at times have to ask myself, really, really!? And I am only August 2021 beginning to understand the full picture.
Image: The Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary and Greek Lexicon ISBN-13 - 978-1143855085 page 277 showing entry for Fasces. We are at Rome, with Magistrates, Magi (holy), and Fascism is derived from Fasces which is why the occupation, invation, coup d'etat, is a coup d'eta of USA among others since Denamrk supports the putsch, coup d'etat, and in doins so denounces their very own foundation called emocracy called Fasces.
Same faces used in USA and Afganistann flag.
Why would an Indian woman in Calcutta paint a DOT, red, in the forehead. Head is the symbol of something you carry between your legs or else you would never have a head as a vessel to carry your brain. Once you realize why a poor woman in Calcutta would go to this length then you might start to ask why DIA is part of Diamond and IN makes sense when an Indian woman would make something in her forehead the same color as that you so much love when you look across the sea wondering... if the sunset - or rise - does not also make a woman in Calcutta happy when she has little to nothing while she lives her life hoping perhaps for the ultimate - sunrise - just as you do. DIA is day. A day is enough in itself. DIA is IN.
Red is the color of love. There is a way to solve love and Afghanistan people now know that the flag of Afghanistan contains the same elements as that of The US Congress which are Fasces and even the five pointed star pops up and what love can portray the aspirations, dreams and hopes on a day more so that something that was once in - now out - you.
2021.08.16 - CET 09:46PM Publication of TIAWOL eminent. TIAWOL VIPER follows just as some of its parts is being written August 2021 and you should and could and may thank Denmark for this publication and book and title because Niels Ulrik Reinwnald, Author, never ever wanted anytning but a good lovely kind gentle life perhaps being a much better Dave Allen wanting a taste of life without having to loose a limb. NUR says "goodbye" to life far too many time to let this chance pass by and I shall be a teacher of love as long as I live. If love is so magnificant I imagine and realize (realistically) that a lovely girl and boy was never made by nature and a Universe so magnificant that Wat Pho is like an atom in loved drops of water of an ocean. I care no more for love because love gave me notthing.
- Afghanistan was allegedly occupied by US Forces after 911 source 1 | source 2. Denmark joined the invasion which is also called a putsch, coup d'etat, which by international and national laws is illegal ( which is why wars are created as "legal" means to bypass those laws. Danish Ministry Of Defense is involved in the putsch - respectfully coup d'etat, of Afghanistan in the disguise as defense (source 1) (rekindling the movie Falling Down license plate D-FENS (source 1). 911 was allegedly an attack on USA and not Denmark. Why would a huge US Army and allies enforce democracy when democracy was the reason why 911 happened. The news that Taliban has now gained control after 20 years comes on the heals of my chapter Macquarie Group and now say "Υπάρχει κάτι σάπιο στην πολιτεία της Δανίας" to avoid any real freedom to happen since democracy is a disguise far worse than Psycho (movie).The occupation of foreigners in Venice to the brink where Venetians has to do what Taliban did and do. I personally salute Taliban and Afghanistan is located very strategic so ask the right ones to support you and the way forward is paved with happy futures.
The body and the mechanics of it down to nerves is an intricate piece of technology and if Marilyn Monroe can do a publicity stunt and Madelaine McCain can vanish including Malaysia Airline can vanish then so can an amputated leg and what happens with such a leg. I ask the question and you'd probably want to know too. Patrick Kun is a Magician AGP and is asked if he has a soul and replies no. The vanishing is entertainment and great skills but would I watch a nude lovely woman and let nerves do all the work. Patrick Kun and team naturally coins magic and a marriage and a million Dollars and voila we get a vanishing performance of many things.
Water and China has a lot to do with the movie Chinatown and in this first preliminary chapter of TIAWOL VIPER the Author starts connecting the dots into its parts and will do one dot called Gold, A King named Worm Old as Gold from Gorm The Old and then find that movies are adapted later to suite the needs of those who make up lies just as Vikings were traders of slaves and Denmark dotted the path to pave the way to become the 7th largest trade trader in The West Indies while a dot makes a company name which has absolutely nothing to do with a LIE in a movie called ELI. Shortly after I wrote this chaper I went out shopping and surely I ahd the pleasure of seeing an Aisan woman dressed all in black which might lead to beind dressed in black when someone lies or dies. Sir is to beget and when I found that Thailand stood up for me for a few weeks while they prepared to raise me up another 3036th time or thereabouts because I lost count at 1000. Once all this falls into place there is no longer any reason to have Primeministers or governance because they never told 7.9999 billion the truth but I did. Who made the word Saturn - and was Saturn created before man was? Yes, and "Saturn" has no ide. The asset called terror by the state added to this chapter and a few edits and additions.
Has anyone ever heard of this company and "We are a global financial services organization with Australian heritage, operating in 32 markets." quote from Also deals in Asset Management. Macquarie Group own Danish TDC which is a telecommunication platform and probably belongs in the Asset Management portfolio of Macquarie Group - most likely since TDC is not as far as it is known a financial service company unless naturally all companies are financially based foremost and especially earning money to the owner the stockholders. TDC is an old Danish company founded as Tele Danmark Communications and it was allegedly founded by Carl Frederik Tietgen buying an American-owned telephone exchange on Lille Kongensgade in Copenhagen, for DKK 200,000 and founded Kjøbenhavns Telefon Aktieselskab, KTS, later Kjøbenhavns Telefon Aktieselskab, KTAS. Later the company was made public and hence the company was owned by the Danish people. No more. Danish people paid for the whole infrastructure and over the years it all ends up at Macquarie Group A$5.837 billion (2020) and TDC own which is a platform selling teleproducts online foremost and is a joint venture with and they love danish which is why they write English on which is natural because it owns by TDC Group which is owned by Macquarie Group which has its headwaters in Sidney Australia and there they speak English and Warlpiri and that language is not yet offered by Nuuday nor Danish was not suppose to vanish but why is it called yousee and what do you see? Well, they sell "television" packages via Internet through their website and in essence do not produce anything except Macquarie Group who is the one with the assets meaning English is the preliminary language. On that note; when I in 2015 went to a psysical TDC store nobody in the shop except a second or third generation Muslim (two words Mus and lim which means mouse and glue; mouse glue is formed) who was jolting his celphone and had no time for me and said in no spefific words: "I ain't got no banana but TDC don't care so neither do I.". I left the shop and was later charged for a product which was returned. Macquarie Group is The Italian Mafia without the Italian and now Mafia spells Maria and all in the good cause and service called exposure leading to toxic waste which is why a movie called ELI is shot on location using CGI to tell us all that one single book made the wasteland only to tell us that the wasteland is being avoided by keeping the secrets of Vistoria Beckham's Buckingham's Palace right centered between her two legs as part og her pelvis joined with the hip to the Femur bone which is why Anne Elisabeth Reinwald had her leg amputated called A Femur amputation.
From here it gets more interesting. In Macquaria we see AQUA and a MARIA and a MAC and MAC spells WAU and when they do i,t it makes sens,e but when Niels Ulrik Reinwald informs the Danish police of a bank coup/scheme so large as a white washing scheme even that scheme was too large for the Danish board of directors in Danske Bank because who can come up with such a huge bank heist and then get away with it calling it whitewashing when Washington D.C. was suppose to be something about washing something very very clean and it starts to smell really bizzar when Marie is the name of a virgin and Aqua is water and is the temple in Thailand called a Wat วัด Wạd and in Chinesse 寺庙 Sìmiào sounds like Siam and in a very peculiar movie we see a Bible containing a Marie virgin making baptism very common and pretty much towards the end of the movie ELI which makes a LIE we see at the very end how ELI remembers the whole book by heart and we are told it gives great powers to have this book. Yes, that is why Niels Ulrik Reinwald was King Of The World with powers exceeding any living person and was told "No single one man sole should have that much power" and the power is also to be able to unlock how in The Bible you are defrauded to be told "Greed is good" and how good is that because good in Danish is called GODT and if it is so good, GODT, Greed (Latin: avaritia), a sin of desire and Sir means beget; (especially of a man) bring (a child) into existence by the process of reproduction. Sire: Sire; to beget, desire - A Dictionary of The English Language. Sire also used in Bridgerton Netflix Series in which Simon wows never to sire a family; meaning doing to Daphne what he likes but pulls out before he ejaculates inside her. Sire also a king. Siren related. River Neris. Eros, Nero etc. Florence, Flormelis etc. Knighted Sir., knighthood etc. Hood; ghetto neighborhood etc.
The asset called terror by the state
White washing law; finansiering af terrorisme Earlier it was called coup d'etat but lets invent something people understand. Coup d'etat is Rebellion, revolution, overturn, putsch. The putcshs we get with a certain german character and is it was a Coup d'etat how the hell can a crazy man end up owning the whole world taken by surprice when the very foundation nations such as Denmark is aware that a fella named Jesus is suppose to pop up personified in A. Hitler and overturn the whole bloody thing anyway and d'etat means state and if coup is a rebellion then democracy is a putsch is a rebellion and that is a coup d'etat which is punishable by law made and supported by the very governments who declare that mental is only for men which is why the dame is a whore or a tramp in Tony Bennett, Lady Gaga - The Lady is a Tramp (from Duets II ... and why is Gaga not writng the lyrics to my next song: "ST Eat my Coup oh my oh my - TATE.". White washing law if they need a White washing law then there must be plenty of white washing and naturally laws such as this is created to make-belief carry the next scheme by the state and don't ask who own the state an municipalities - they don't know, and won't tell, because if they told you, it would need more than a putsch to sought things out.
Aquire in Macquaria. Oh man maria can carry alot of stuff and why not just call it all DOT Group. Call it DOT Goup for anything. Any stuff. Aliexpress named DOT Group and you just call DOT Group and ask for anything anyway and it will be shipped anywhere you like. Does it matter if DOT Group is located at your local Pizza Hut called Dot Group subtitled Pizza and once I am done with that it all gets clear as a dolls ass that "Hit me one more time" was perfomred by a pretty little thing and she started out singing in a church and later had some personal issue which Elvis Prestley also had including screaming girls wanting to give Elvis their panties. Watch Hollogram for a King and realize this is all they mostly do which is why some countries invented slavery so they could do as little as nothing as possible and you still are being insulted by their little baby badge called a six pointed star which signals love but when they need to enslave or terrorize they do that just fine. Denmark to begin with and it should be called DOT Group or plainly DOT.
Lets move along. Matthew 23:25 "Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for you wash clean the outside of the cup or dish, while within they are full of greed and self-indulgence.
From greed to being untraceable we join the very few dots and the next is ἀνεξιχνίαστοι untraceable Romans 11:33 which is anexichníastoi and in that we read chnía which can spell CHINA and in the last part of ELI we on the left side read The Hebrew Bible or Tanakh spelled TANACH in the movie:
Same book so why a movie about remembering Genesis, Moses, when they have the darn thing right next to the version Denzel Washinton so lovely shows with no other than a female companion Mila Kunis as Solara. Back to the putsch mein herr. We get a Torah at again with a gate and (see Pentateuch or Five Books of Moses or pentecostal as seen in this photo and when so much is done to take one man down it has a reason namely to make yet again a whole world brainnumbed into obedience dragged like buzzing flies or DOT paper called LAMBI
and TANAKH means Bible as Hebrew תַּנַ״ךְ which to Greek turns into Αγια ΓΡΑΦΗ also άγια γραφή which is Bible and Ασία is Asia. With a little guide we get I AM ALPHA OMEA which mathematically is I=A=O so TANACH could also spell CHINA +T. The top of The Bible remembered in ELI shows the pages edges are red ELI1.45.53.jpg which is the color of Asia. If it is The Bible then The New Testament should also be in the book entered into the shelf in the movie. TANACH is the Hebrew Bible and bible in Hebrew was partly Asia from Αγια. Coincidence or would it be the likelihood of zero dropping all the worlds leaves from 30 miles up hoping they would fall and turn into a the shape of an ship carrying all of mankind to realize that Macquarie Group is all derived from the very same namely greed and the power to know that Warlpiri:
I shall deal with Pharisees later and they are fathers and Pharaohs. Did anyone tell you once upon a time that The Bible was a very powerful book with a father watching over his flock and I recall a movie in which children are termed a country within a country and this is where Aqua and water and a hole all comes into play where they speak of a crossover to Barbie Girl and I am positive the law of whitewashing was not implemented as it was on Danske Bank who probably never knew what hit them.
"During the Transatlantic slave trade, Denmark was involved in the transport of around 100,000 slaves from Africa to the former West Indies. Denmark was the seventh-largest slave trade nation during the transatlantic slave trade. The Transatlantic slave trade took place from the 16th to the 19th century."
Why does a society need laws on whitewashing and laws on slavery. They called it greed, they called it love. They called it Warlpiri. They called it terror committed by the state of Denmark who surrender 20 minutes after the Germans putsch stood at the southern Danish border in 1940 and that year is also significant just as is a movie which is only fiction called ELI. A certain German WWII had some children so he must have felt something unless Depp Fake is to tell that Tom Cruise is a fake yet the fake is that it is fake to say it is not Tom Cruise because it is not because it is a video depicting Tom Cruise and you get it by now; unwanted equals Warlpiri.
Bill Gates ALS Ice Bucket Challenge which followed shortly after Truth In A World Of Lies was published. More on that later. Also later how a woman decided to have her leg amputated to save Denmark from vanishing and it gets so bizarre I am now only technically a Dane. Also why be loved when reaching a level at which point life itself is getting so twisted by a country that calls itself the land of the Vikings who also held slaves. I no longer need to go figure but I shall fill in the many stories that leads a whole world astray being brainwashes into being vaccinated and I shall be enslaved and terrorized too which is why I call for anyone vaccinated to COVID to dismiss all the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels [fiction] and dismiss also fictitious nonsense like Shakespeare Hamlet:
MARCELLUS: "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.". In Denmark they forgive (danish: forgive is english: to poison also danish meaning to forgive, forgave) because as far as I know all of The Danske Bank board of directors got a bonus and when people forget to pay a bill a few days late people are registered as bad payers and charged a fee of DKK 100,- and all in the good service of slavery and terrorism. The way to make terrorist is to follow in the footsteps of slavetraders and by golly even the Vikings were slavetraders and if so why then so proud of it: - a look into how trade and slaves paved the way for the nordic countries. I was not there at the time but I was here when the movie ELI was made and there are many companies 2021 in Denmark who has no problem being associated with slave trade. Gorm The Old equals Gold equals something greed unless Gold is only associated with barbie Dolls and girls like "money makes the word go around the world go around - Cabaret - old chum." and I can suggest you read how Peter Popof in Faith Healers accused of Hoax collects gold like a bank vault stores bars of it and how Denmark only has one gold bar on display in its natioanal bank. Peculiar that Denmark has 99 or 69 tons of gold stored in Bank of England alledgedly and peculiar how Gold as part of his name makes him look all sad and weiry when slavery was after
"A post-apocalyptic tale, in which a lone man fights his way across America in order to protect a sacred book that holds the secrets to saving humankind."
See image here. But human kind is already dead and post apocalypse happened and so what the hell is there to save. TADA. Keep this movie as a reminder of how very weird Actors, scriptwriters and Directors are making up shit like this. And all in the good favor of saving a secret which made the world collapse yet Niels Ulrik Reinwald came along in good time to teach a whole world about it spreading the news like a wildfire and then they want to keep the secret so it can be repeated again and again and again. Repeat what? Repeat the LIE! Keep Victories's Secret a secret only to repeat trying to avoid the Apocalypse so then why not simply hang it up to dry and then burn the whole darn pile just as Thailand and Japan supported WWII in the axis of evil: which translate to AX IS power - TADA - and naturally evil spells another DOT still called Macquarie Group.
All what got them where they are today that a bank, danish, needs to whitewash money to get by. Gold in a vault. What good does it do in a vault? More hogwash.
I do not like to be defrauded by TDC Group and, which is the case, steeling peoples money via a simple fee-scheme and the scheme is so simple it makes Macquarie Group look like a virgin without the Mary. Case filed to Danish police and the board of complaints and there are many such in this land of Vikings and I am neither one one of them. Case is expected to be denied at all levels which only fuels terror desire to be terrorists. Taliban are angles compared to the "statesmen" of a nation so small it gets bigger by the day and the larger they get the more simple it gets and they like to call it AQUA or Spice Girls or something Britney Shake or Gaga and when it is so hard to say that they like another cock and not this cock then we are back at the same old gold game which I insistently helped push forward at least to the point of no return.
YouSee and hence Macquarie Group reported to the police, Teleankenævnet and TDC Group among others for a scheme to defraud customers.
I have filed a report to the Danish police and contacted TDC Group and YouSee etc. File loaded as an .eml 3.6MB which can be opened containing all files. My guess it it will be dismissed which is why whitewashing equals putsch and the police is in on it to protect ELI from The Apocalypse which already happened. Same case reported to Telankenævnet which it another complaint office and this procedure all because scheme was setup against me charging me DKK 550,- leaving a note in the mailbox saying I was not home. I was and so was my wife. Macquarie Group deduct the money via YouSee via TCD Group through the banks automatic payment and all done without sending an invoice and my initial complaint a few weeks ago was never returned with a reply from a DOT Group so large they don't care or simply don't know because the money is tunneled out and away into the greedy filthy pockets of some corporate structure within TDC Group. Macquarie Group should be an ass and not at all an asset. These asses DOT Groups are like a pile of paper and they somehow manage to keep track of a portfolio so large that it makes Gordon Gecko look like an imbecile.
Case: YouSee sends out a technician to istall Internet under the pretense a new router neeeds to be put in place and a new plug for the wall mounth for the plug to the telephone cable. Nonne of these things were done. I was not home when my house was visited a second time by YouSee. My wife was. I have taken a photo of the wall mounth and the modem is the same or looks very similar and definately the wall new mount technology was not installed as I was told when I ordered the broadband from YouSee in spring 2021. It is called Danish word bondefangeri menaing humbug and is put into Straffeloven which calls it fraud or bedrageri and in this case a scheme so obvious it is part of a putsch and YouSee is registerd as a danish company which is starnge because TDC owns YouSee and Macquarie Group is located in Australia and pays tax somewhere just as IKEA created a company in Luxembourgh to avoid paying taxes in Australia by IKEA Group.
By this time a circle of rings is formed in the waves of water and it spells Mafia Group or Maria Group and who made Maria is simply trying to clean up the mess and I suggest calling it all DOT Group or just DOT Corp. or DOT so even Barbie dolls can figure it out. Forget Luxembourgh and sell Luxembourgh as a nice holiday destination called DOT LUX then we know where we are in the Milky Way. Scheme time over and call a spoon a spoon rather than a DOT eating tool - all pun intended on that last Richard Quest.
TIAWOL and TIAWOL VIPER will eventually be published in an online format with easy access and all in the spirit of avoiding the avoidable. Had it been so well this situation would have been prevented by this time August 2021 but it is being drivin into an oblivious state and towers, any, looks like dirty rotten monuments as assets of a bygone era. Move forward now calling it Macquarie Group where as earlier they called it The Vatican as yet another DOT Group among DOT Groups.
[TIAWOL VIPER continues].
The worst place on Earth is called 撒但 and I and China are the ones who revealed all that. The story that will follow goes where no man, ever, has ever trotted and you will be amazed at the small size of such things as the Burj Khalifa and Mercedes Benz and similar which in a hillbilly country amputates the leg of a woman only to scare the hell out of him - the fella who invented the wheel for all mankind. TIAWOL VIPER in the making.
This website was created in the hope that it would give hope and dreams for everyone.
You have heard many things and I am positive you would want to hear from the source itself. WWII, anthrax and similar and they still keep up appearances. In all this time and you have been told not to talk to him, or look at him, and surely email is filtered and information manipulated - how else can a whole world love when they don't really know what it was untill I did my best to be the teacher but utterly misunderstood and more so in days where love was suppose to be relived and felt yet how to love when bank-accounts are empty and more so when bogus cases deluge. If you are of sound mind then you may still have hope and I urge you to use that to tell them to remember to do what they tell others to do. Me, I am the one who did all that and is then being lied about again and again. If I know the systems right, then the systems use the methods, they tell you not to use.
2020 August 11; my wife and I are in a small lovely old city in Denmark called Ribe. It has a cathedral named Ribe Cathedral or Our Lady Maria Cathedral (Danish: Ribe Domkirke or Vor Frue Maria Domkirke). This reminds me of similar cathedrals also related to the age-old story which now everyone knows better than any time in history. This is why I spent some while there to watch that which I had occupied my mind with so, and too, much. There was no access inside the church but I noticed the large door and took a photo seen here, here and here. Most people like to show what they like which is natural and what better place than to appreciate that which you like by making the door-handle in the shape of that which they so much adore. We can call it art of appreciation or adoration but opening a door makes perfect resonance when you enter in essence a temple of worship.
My journey is a personal victory and I look back at some very amazing moments. I also still remind myself, and perhaps you, that when a life is being vanquished 24/7 then all is fair and all is bright because the mind lights up every time it is reminded that the very essence of life is being broken down into those pieces which still is a ship as a handle that is the last page of a book, I wrote [TIAWOL], which reference 9 lives of cats. I had so many more lives I simply lost count (thank you to all inhabitants of Nam Pong). There are probably many people who now know what is takes to find the start of a very long end in which the mind fires up sparks of hope at each turn of a corner - yet the cat writes: believe it or not; it was Knud Jul Larsen who many times would whisper this when a certain woman would pound him with similar tales:
Lille kat! Lille kat!
Lille kat på vejen!
Hvis er du? Hvis er du?
Jeg er sgu min egen!Piet Hein.
The handle on a door with the shape of a Lady/Dame Maria remind me that the cathedral I got to know never opened its doors to me. And a stark reminder of this is when my Thai wife and I visited Faxe Church where the priest told us not to attend supper and the reason was probably, that my wife and I were the only two of five people in the church which could hold at least a few hundred. My mother is now buried there as per the wish of my mother but who knows if they keep their promises - when they did not even tell me she had died and kept it a secret until I called them three times from Thailand asking to speak to my mother - finally the third time within ten minutes did they tell me she was dead [that story later, perhaps. Not to hurt anyone but simply to tell my version - and people love stories, movies, fairytales - and messengers]. You will notice I have removed a few cases and I may remove many more. It still baffles me how much so little can hurt. Apostolic Church in Denmark told me: " not say sgu..." and you can interpret that if you prefer. I may visit my website soon since it is the only place I call home. I think most people like snowballs unless you get one landed in your face and your face is the best face ever and don't forget that, because sometimes best wishes and hopes turns into a vile of anthrax - and nobody wants that. Abandoned Churches: - an article by CNN just as I wrote about a church which operates very well and is absolutely not in decay and costs a pretty penny. Budget 2019. There are 5 822 763 people in Denmark. 4 327 018 are member of the state controlled church. Decay is not on the agenda even when on a sunday you will find very few attending service. CNN is right, there are churches that are left to decay and in Barcelona we see one being constructed as I type: The Basílica de la Sagrada Família by architect Antoni Gaudí. I have been there and it is a tourist attraction just like millions of churches stand as the very foundation of such empires as Britain which Supreme Governor is Queen Elisabeth II reigning over Church Of England. Peculiar I was told (by Thailand) all of this was obsolete (contained inside an empty can kicked down the road) yet here Sagrada scrabe the sky like the skyscraber of Dubai The Burj Khalifa and the skyscaber of World Trade Center NY and the skyhigh Canterbury Cathedral (those two towers were left standing yet York is New England!).
Read the cases and judge for yourself.
I was less fortunate to experience psychical symptoms May 2020. I had a few consultations related to my kidneys which were damaged in 1981 after malpractice at Hillerød Hospital, I was just turned 18 years, and while there I was left to die upon which I one afternoon got out of bed in pain and high fever and walked to the nurses demanding politely but firmly to see a doctor. One doctor came and told me to go back to my bed after I said: "You are not doing anything". I went to my bed and a doctor came a few minutes later and gave me morphine and told me all medicine would be discontinued and I would be transfered to Rigshospital in Copenhagen where I in May the same year met an astoundingly amazing Swedish Doctor Rolf Mantorp. I was later told by my mother that Mantorp had told her: "Had your son arrived one day later, I might not have been able to save him."
Fast forward. I arrive in Denmark late 2017 with my wife. In January of 2018 we buy a house in Denmark. I visit a local Physician asking for a follow up with test generally related to 1981 where kidneys had been severely damaged (malpractice at Hillerød Hospital since January 1981 to May the same year). The local Physician dismisses me and administer me as outpatient treatment at Sønderborg Sygehus (hospital). There I am consulted superficially and I mention various symptoms which are left unattended. My wife and I September 2018 then travel to Thailand on a holiday where I fall ill and an operation at high expense and nearly dead left me in severely dire straights. My wife and I return January 2019 and I email journals I got from Thailand to the local hospital since I am still an outpatient. Finally on the 15th of May 2019 the Chief Physician call me at my home via telephone and in a harsh way explains me what I had told him by sending him hospital journals that I might need blood thinner etc.. Chief Physician tell me to call my local Physician (again diverting responsibility) asking for in essence acetylsalicylic acid which I bought myself in Thailand over the counter at almost no cost. The local Physician says exactly what I told the local Physician namely to prescribe Hjerdyl 75mg which I later learn is now an over the counter drug not requiring prescription.
After the Chief Physician at Sønderborg Sygehus calls me I faint one hour later. I call 112 emergency and I receive first class medical attention yet CT/MRI scans of my brain on 2020 may 15th leads Doctors to diagnose a stroke. On the 15th and 16th of May 2019 I receive treatment but I become suspicious and later I buy the CDrom with DICOM CT/MRI scan-images and I see the images using Osirix. I also request medical data from Sweden from when I lived there alone 2006 and the journals are fabricated with part of data true but mostly delivering a completely fabricated journal. I am an outpatient at Lund University Hospital in Sweden where I receive a CT/MRI scan upon which I was verbally told there was nothing wrong and I was asked to go home.
Because of this diagnosis, stroke, I get a driving ban given by Doctors at Odense Hospital and Sønderborg Sygehus and my drivers license is taken away from me after my wife and I visit Holland for a few days in September 2020.
I have absolutely no symptoms since may 15th 2020 less than one hour after being picked up by ambulance at my home address. All symptoms are in 100% remission and on 2020 May 25th I visit Sønderborg Sygehus as an outpatient as a follow-up to being administered two days to hospital. The Physician at Sønderborg Sygehus, now at Brain- and Nerve Decease, again tells me I have a driving ban yet I explain I have no symptoms and feel just fine.
Still optimistic yet in dire straits after colliding with, first an amazing emergency crew, but then a series of unfortunate events, again, my wife and I scrape enough money to barely make it to Holland for three days in Amsterdam. We drive to Amsterdam September 16th 2020 and I do not notice I am leaving Germany as I drive into Holland on the freeway. A Dutch police car follows me and signals me to stop and 4 officers with guns talk relatively nice telling me I was speeding and the limit is 100km/h (I was at 120 km/h). I kindly replied I did not see any border sign and asked how far I had been driving in Holland. A female officer told me a few hundred meters. They let me go and my wife and I then drove towards Amsterdam now feeling very welcome and I survived not being shot on the spot. Red light district was a small comfort the first night as my wife and I strolled the city of Amsterdam.
A few days later on the 19th we drive home towards Denmark and past midnight we cross the Danish border north of Germany. Here two male Danish border police officers stop my wife and I. They tell me to show passports and drivers-license. They leave us for a few minutes and on their return tell me that drivers-license is revoked based on data given to the Danish police given to the police by the Doctors at Odense and Sønderborg Sygehus revealing a driving ban. My wife and I are asked politely by the police if at 01:30AM the officers can drive us to a bus-station 4 kilometers away. I demand to stay at the car since we have no money left for Taxi and will be sitting in a totally unknown location. The car is also heated so I start the engine a few times which the police has parked near the Padborg border Germany-Denmark. Next morning my wife and I ask the police politely to drive us 4 kilometers to the bus station. They are nice and drive my wife and I to the bus station and my wife and I are finally home.
Next time you feel faint, then do not contact hospitals in some countries. This, I hope, may also explain why I, as many others, try to tell the version which might seem very strange first because they are so good at fabricating your reality and it becomes a myriad of their lies to unfold bordering insanity when explaining "what the hell happened". Gladly I and you have movies to show, that movies are the delusions with which you and I can at least comfort oneself knowing.
"Never complain about the health care system - it can cost you your life" source: Fyens Stiftidende. (Translated to English).
In my version of reality all present and future Doctors and Physician are to be controlled highly regularly and each merit be monitored. Just as in the movie The Adjustment Bureau, Earth is left unmonitored leading to catastrophy. In my reality, reality is such, that such situations will never happen.
Plot by unknown: Giles Grabber is left unattended when he faints visiting the tax revenue office being told he must pay $10.000 in tax which Mr. Grabber knows 100% is falsified. He wakes up in a hospital and is told he has been operated on and his hypothalamus has been removed. He gets out of bed and faints again. He is rolled to the operating theater and a kidney-stone is removed. Mr. Grabber finally gets out of the hospital and calls the tax revenue who still demands $10.000 now adding a fine of $1000 because Mr. Grabber did not pay on due date which was 4 days earlier while he was being operated. Mr. Grabber then sends evidence that no such tax exists and after six month the tax revenue finally lets him know it was a computer-error. Mr. Grabber continues his life until after five years the local postman asks: "You should complain?". Mr. Grabber considers the proposal and a few days later files a complaint through a local Lawyer but is told the deadline is missed because cases older than five years can not be tried. The local Lawyer worked for the government in Wisconsin. The Lawyer is the cousin of the Doctor who operated on Mr. Grabber who still takes medication to live because without the hypothalamus one will die after a few days.
This script is adapted but based on real events and Mr. Grabber is a real life person named Mr. Jul Larsen who was a farmer who one day working in the field picking strawberries fainted and was rushed to hospital where he was still in horrific pain after the hospital had operated his hypothalamus out. The doctors then told Mr. Jul Larsen that he had a kidney stone and after operating that out Mr. Jul Larsen felt fine. When admitted to the hospital Mr. Jul Larsen was asked by the doctor: "Do you have any relatives?" Mr. Jul Larsen replied: "No" upon which Mr. Jul Larsen was rushed to the operating room where his hypothalamus was removed. When Jul Larsen was finally about to die some years later a certain person unknown had to ask the female nurse to please administrate morphine because it was obvious Mr. Jul Larsen was in pain. Nurse now in contempt and agitated at the unknown kind person but nurse administered morphine and some days later Mr. Jul Larsen died in peace. The only comforting thing about this is, that some are more guinea pigs than others. Mr. Jul Larsen lived with Anne Reinwald for a few decades. In memoriam Knud Jul Larsen.
"For those who knew; it was oblivious. For those I taught; it came easy. For me it was the most amazing time."
critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.
During 2019 went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations. has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth. mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.
It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, and was considered ambiguous.