The Class Action lawsuit can be found via, television, communication, cellphones, computers, magazines, life; has been hacked to unrecognizable levels where even visiting your local Physicians makes the patients feel like you are in the wrong place. Then you tell your Physician not to worry and the Physician then asks if you need Morphine and when you say no the Physician will enter a note in your medical journal of which you had no knowledge of the existence of such opinions. When you ask for a reprimand you are told journals and their content can't be deleted and when you then ask for at least a addition you are ignored. The next Physician then reads the journal and believes what the journal says even if the journal is full if lies. The patients suffers and the Physicians use the laws on journals to delete all they can and use most of their precious time to keep track of who is asking for decent behavior at least to avoid a journal filled with complete nonsense making the patient more ill far worse but in being ill then supports the medical industry and that creates rivers of medical supplies and the patients are just a number as statistical material to support the Physicians and medical supplies even supplying what is most likely injections of water-molecules called Covid-vaccine. Does anyone question what the hell they inject into you? If not, then the human race should be raise to the alarming state of oblivion and why do you question many other things but not what is being injected into your body when you know that the food-industry is also in parts based on toxicity such as plenty of sugar, fat and cheap carbohydrate.
I found a website in Denmark called I found it only in 2021 November. Now it has all been deleted but I downloaded a copy of the whole website including medical journals. The website tells the story of a Danish woman called Hanne Kjellerup and her husband Kim Kjellerup who received no treatment for liver cancer. The husband goes as far as to write to the prime minister of Denmark. The journal tells the husband Kim Kjellerup, has Parkinson in the journal Den 27/5-2013 page 37. Kim Kjellerup then says to Patienterstatningen ( that he has never had Parkinson *) and Kim Kjellerup obviously mentions this as been a major flaw. The health-system never responds. Since the website (the sick house) has been deleted I suspect it is all fake and if true that it is fake it is highly obnoxious. If indeed the website and its content was and is true, it is even far worse. I followed the website via IP number and domain registrant and found some alarming details related to hiding the registrant etc.. If, as I suspect, this is the way reality is portrayed, the human race has reached a level where such websites are the Virus. I think it is far worse and naturally I asked if they were behind the website and I was told, no, but was also told there was nothing abnormal with the website and that was the red flag and alarm that is still ringing which is why I give you this information as a symptom of a whole country gone mad.
The whole darn website can be downloaded as a ZIP file:
*) Parkinson is spelled Parkinsson with two s in the journal written by Gitte Juhl overlæge, Chief Physician.
Part of journal page 37 below can be seen here: 20160425_Journalmateriale-fra-Nordsjællands-Hospital-ift-aktindsigt-fra-advokat.pdf.
Above from the journal all created as a platform which can best be described as terror by a state called Denmark.
Today, as promised, since the terror continues, the log of terror is initiated.
I have also uploaded the whole website onto my server and you can browse the whole misery here: /
You will notice the placement of text and the use of words at present 2021 November 10th version of the website and their illness is not so much that they think they can scare the hell out of a whole nation but think they can use these technics to make themselves behave far worse than Colin Powell at UN.
The anthrax terror-threat all fake naturally. Anthrax at UN news: Youtube video: Colin Powell Addresses United Nations Security Council On Iraq. And the lies Powell told UN. Showing the small vile of Anthrax which UN is trying to not get inside UN. How did Powell get Anthrax inside UN as a very dangerous poison so dangerous that a few milligrams could kill all present including Powell.
Plainly a poison in the possession of USA via religion just as any other nation possess Anthrax. The infiltration using Heroine just as bad yet Opium is the source of medicine to alleviate pain when Doctors can't often do any more. What should we do without Anthrax and my best guess is, that Iraq would be in great health thriving as the cradle it is. Uro, Euro... unrest etc. or simply one pile of garbage which explains they want to keep it so the terror-instrument as "Anthrax" continues. Did USA at UN try and say, listen, we'll do this and then all is fine. Probably. USA was slabbed in the face with 911 and now we know who did 911. Uro or Uri Geller and James Randi write a book called Faith Healers which most of all is a way to delude you into a total oblivious state of obnoxious poisoning because his book alone proves the absent of a genuine attempt to rid these fake faith healers called kingdoms because they died once they came. Uri Geller and Benny Hinn still dancing the Hoola Baloola dance just as Colin Powell did it.
The terror-log may be started very soon and Anthrax will be included as the attempt used 2017 into 2018 by the Terror State of Denmark infiltrating themselves from within poisoning everyone with Anthrax now better known as Covid - which too is fake - just as Anthrax was in a vile so big it could destroy a whole planet. Imagine that, one single fella writes a book and takes the path he tried to avoid. Misery (movie 1990) makes for great movies.
We are told that terrorism stems from the French revolution. Who said it. When and where. No evidence. However φόβος is fear to κατάπληξη από φόβο fear. Noun τρόμος trembling, terror, tremor, trepidation, dread, tremble - just as terror means the same of the exact and very similar meaning. Just as with ἐφοβήθησαν terrified. Terror is terrified. Terror and error highly related.
When one single man, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, learned to teach a whole world and is then taken advantage of to a degree that overshadows terror, then it is time to tell the story or simply say that ISMs are terrorism and ism as mis, missekat (pussycat), and pussy galore and such terror via wars and deceit, will not be part of this story or my life. The only ism I shall speak of is the genuine terror that many humans have known and if Taliban is able to place dynamite in 911 two towers then so can China support Taliban with arms of fortune making sure these people are now safe.
My story started with a sentence to my wife and mother and GOMO, Greatest Organized Mafia Organization and that was all before I got to know that a few simple words can save a whole country and arm a people with more than only words. My story will be told about how terror infiltrates millions of lives and this ism is about not wanting to participate in any terrorism through life. The plead for safety and plead for sharing and the plead for appeal has been totally destroyed by those who taught me what love was.
The terror state of Denmark terrorize lives and my story was an appeal to the best. My story commences and begins where their terror-regime started a long time ago with slavery and arms-sales and other lies and bankruptcies to manifest and infest their regime upon others. Denmark taxes snaps, vodka, and so that is a spirit just as the labour of lovely young girls is taxed to far under her belly or anyone and especially women.
You think Montebello was not an asylum for the insane and that Hostel I, II and II and Riget were not the descriptions of a terror state. Do you think Oringe was a hospital Denmark now tries to forget.
My words and meanings twisted to oblivion far worse than any statesman would have allowed and Hitler stood for far less than I did before venturing into World War II. When USA and similar can go to war on a vile of anthrax the size of a stamp then it takes very very little to declare war by a state. This war was initiated 2017 into 2018 in north part of Denmark and moved down south and as said the war declaration was commenced by the court of Denmark which supposedly is the place to seek some kind of refuge and support but is now used as the gate to terrorize a whole world through the gate of a court which should spell appeal or reconciliation.
Only poverty leads a whole nation to enter into war. War is a poor country's final solution.
Read this and start opening your Christmas parcels: because it is all part of the tactics of a terror state to instill fear in the best of times.
A few hundred thousand or a few million: The reason, and only reason, why fewer casualties counting in less than five, and preferably one, is more easy to digest is because such numbers are easy to phantom. One such example is the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann with a birthmark in her eye and both parents Doctors and two countries and a Pope unable to find her. Did she ever really exist or is she made up as a script as in movies. Well, be smart they tell you in school.
In Denmark, Australia, that is, a small town on the south-western coast you will find a war memorial for among others Vietnam (in Google Maps here and birds eye view). Insignificant but today thanks to the Internet we can almost smell the tarmac and watch in ave and get as close to reality as if being there in person. Well, even Google Maps can overlay images that are aged or manipulated as long as you can recognize the weatherman predictions on the television.
The memorial contains an inscription:
In grateful memory of those who gave their lives 1914 – 18 1939-45
They shall grow not old
As we who are left grow old
Lest we forget
We are told this is the Anzac Ode by a poem by the English poet and writer Laurence Binyon (source). Fella here: We are again told, "The "Ode of Remembrance" has thus been claimed as a tribute to all casualties of war, regardless of nation." with a link to
In grateful memory. Their memory filled with gratefulness from probably more than a million dead people. I am positive, as with the unforgiven and unexcused slave trade by Denmark, that not one single person in Denmark remembers the dead people of Vietnam. Denmark can not apologise for slave trade.
This takes me to another chili encounter. Scoville scales and which is the chemical compound used in by police and bear-hunters among some animals. The Scoville is a number used to describe the strength of the amount of Capsaicin in things like chili as a food. Pepper Spray is around 2 million and probably more up to 3.5 million Scoville. Capsaicin can most likely be produced artificially.
In a rather innocent program called The Hot Ones on mostly famous people sit and endure chili up to Scoville 2 million and more. It is important to notice that famous people are used and invited and I emphasize used, manipulated and pulled in like cattle. The famous often will think they are famous for a reason such as Madeleine McCann.
Pepper Spray used and at 04:00 the police wish to protect the dog: The dramatization is from a television program like the weather forecast and could be staged and dramatized using actors.
Not many remember Alexandros Grigoropoulos but will maybe remember Spartacus dramatized by actors in the TV series because most people enjoy sex, vine and slavery. Photo of Le Serment de Spartacus statue in the Tuileries Gardens in Paris depicted as a young boy. In the TV series Spartacus as in other versions is a slave. You will watch Facebook (Pre Facebook in TIAWOL made Meta probably for ;-), youtube and television and other media and not know what hit you until one day you might believe, that stories such as Madeleine McCann are stories you have to think as if they are Vietnam War because how do you know that the War Memorial is not a fake too when it stands next to a Butcher. Respect and grateful memory are odes to the essense of countries and especially Denmark in Australia who married into the Kingdom of Denmark as,_Crown_Princess_of_Denmark and at that point it can hardly get anymore bizare.
A BRIGHT SHINING LIE a book by Neil Sheenan says in the very beginning of the book:
We [USA] had also, to all the visitors who came over there, been one of the bright shining lies.
--- John Paul Vann to a U.S. Army historian July 1963
Vietnam War 1955-1975 followed First Indochina War 1946-1954 which was followed by the war on terror in the War in Afghanistan in 2001 which lasted 20 years into 2021. Vietnam as Afghanistan won the wars they tell us and a memorial is grateful for this too including millions dead. What War Memorial for Afghanistan will we see - a small white brick-wall in Australia with a ode that nobody cares about. When will they ever learn. includes two girls and a boy and a room with a number and the typing of a sentence repeated again and again.
Next few chapters of TIAWOL, Truth In A World Of Lies, expected to be published prior December 2021.
Slavery will not be excused by Denmark and the very simple reason is, that slavery persist this day 2021 and by saying sorry that would imply abolishing slavery 2021. Also terror by Denmark persists hence this story of a War Memorial .
It was only like yesterday I thought to let their terror go as I rekindle a case 2018 into 2019 and beyond. I purchases a house 2018 January 03 with my Thai-wife in Denmark and the owner was Billigt Hus ApS and Juul Bolig ApS. I purchased the house down from DKK 225.000down to DKK 200.000 and though at first it was a pretty okay deal. Wrong. The house had been purchased by Juul Bolig ApS on forced auction, tvangsauktion, at DKK 1.00,- with a størstepris of DKK 50.000 which covers fees to state and court to administrate the forced sale and Danmarks Domstole via Tingsretten is involved. I did notice the price but first took no notice. DKK 1.00,- seemed like a fair price for this house since it was located in a place in the outskirts of Denmark and as such the house is of very little value but for DKK 1.00,- can just deal with it. But it was sold to me for DKK 200.000 but who knows anything until one learns.
Into 2018 I received a letter from Juul Bolig ApS saying the company had paid tax, Grundskyld or Ejendomsskat, and they emailed me the invoice from the tax revenue from the municipality Sønderborg Kommune. No receipt but just the invoice from the municipality and they asked me to pay the tax to Juul Bolig ApS. I looked up the files on the sale and taxation and I realiced ingsretten had delayed the Tingslysning seven month into 2018 July and the Tinglysning is a file at the court which says I am the new owner and from the day of the Tinglsyning I am owner officially no matter what. The tax sent from municipality to Juul Bolig ApS covered tax for 2018 and now juul Bolig wanted me to pay what was supposed to be paid by Juul Bolig until Tinglysning via Tingsretten was finalized and this was delayed also making it impossible for me to ask for a socalled loan to pay for these taxes and it is called
Indefrysning af ejendomsskat -
meaning you take a loan at the municipality to pay for the loan and when you are suppose to pay the land value tax, grundskyld, ejendomsskat, you then use the loan to pay for the tax. The land value tax can be redicoulously hign because it si based on a:
Grundskyldspromillen fastsættes af de enkelte kommuner og skal udgøre minimum 16 promille og maksimalt 34 promille af grundværdien.
The land debt per mille is determined by the individual municipalities and must amount to a minimum of 16 per mille and a maximum of 34 per mille of the land value.
§ 52. Kommunalbestyrelsen kan beslutte, at der skal opkræves gebyr til dækning af omkostningerne ved den kommunale rottebekæmpelse.
Stk. 2. [the rat Combat Fee] Gebyret pålægges samtlige faste ejendomme i kommunen og opkræves som en andel af ejendomsværdien.
Stk. 3. Kommunalbestyrelsen fastsætter for hvert regnskabsår de nærmere bestemmelser om gebyrets størrelse.
Stk. 4. Gebyret kan opkræves sammen med de kommunale ejendomsskatter. Kommunalbestyrelsen kan ikke meddele dispensation for betaling af gebyret.
At per this municipality phamplet page 59 you will notice the sentence used: "Promille af ejendomsværdien (opkr. over ejend.skattebilletten)." We are now introduced to a whole new word name billet. The actual document demanding payment of land value tax, ejendomsskat, is called Kommunal ejendomsskat m.m. af fast ejendom 2019. The document which is sent to citizens, land owners, is in fact called in parts called Ejendomsskattebillet.
On the invoice from the municipality to Juul Bolig ApS there is no rottebkæmpelse DKK 34. This company is land owner and must pay rat combat fee also as per later invoices. As per at combat law it is not possible to get a dispensation.
In 2018 July I receive invoice from municipality to pay for land value tax, ejendomsskat, covering the whole year 2018 at. But I just paid the tax to Juul Bolig ApS!
I naturally told Juul Bolig ApS prior to getting the invoice from municipality, that I did absolutely not agree that I should pay the tax but Juul Bolig ApS started to become angry so eventually I paid believing all would be fine. It got worse, far worse during the course of the following months and into 2021.
Reimbursement statement and Takeover day and Disposition day:
The takeover day is the Tinglysningsday (official court land registry day) which was and is 26.07.2018 16:44:08. The disposition day is the day the house is made available by the previous buyer where the occupant can dispose of the house (permission of the current owner) before the house is registered. Reimbursement statement should be completed: Reimbursement statement must be prepared no later than 30 days after the takeover day (which is the Registration Day). See Purchase agreement, contract. Ie. that the Reimbursement Statement should be ready no later than 26.08.2018 but not earlier than the takeover day which is the Registration Day. meaning that juul Bolig ApS shall pay ejendomskat until Registration Day which was and is 26.07.2018 16:44:08. The use of Refusionsopgørelse, Overtagelsesdagen and Dispositionsdagen are legally important and Overtagelsesdagen is the Tinglysningsday when the buyer becomes the legal owner. Dispositionsdagen is the day when the present owner who sold the house to the next owner gave permittance to use the house. Refusionsopgørelse is Reimbursement statement and as per contarct shall be made avaiable no later than one month after Overtagelsesdagen and not earlier than Overtagelsesdagen and Overtagelsesdagen is equal to Tinglysningsday.
They made the law but don't keep them and court delays the official court land registry more than six month. They said they had holidays. No they did not they were fiddling the days and seeing and waitng to see if I made deposit as per contract paying for a house which was purchased for DKK 1.00,- and sold on to me for DKK 200.000 at an interest of 8.5% which is usery and that is illegal as per danish law:
§ 282. For åger straffes den, som udnytter en anden persons betydelige økonomiske eller personlige vanskeligheder, manglende indsigt, letsind eller et bestående afhængighedsforhold til i et aftaleforhold at opnå eller betinge en ydelse, der står i væsentligt misforhold til modydelsen, eller som der ikke skal ydes vederlag for.
§ 282. For usury, a person who exploits another person's significant financial or personal difficulties, lack of insight, recklessness or an existing dependency to obtain or condition a benefit in a contractual relationship that is significantly disproportionate to the consideration, or who does not
The pawn loan is at 8.5% and the Nationalbanken is less than 0.0%. NUR asked for a pawn loan called Skadesløsbrev at the municipality to pay the ejendomskat and it is 1.5% which is ridiculous because 1. the pawn loan is taken in the house based on a ejendomsvurdering at DKK 500.000 but is sold for DKK 1.0,- in 2017 on forced sale, tvangsauktion, and 2. the municipality does absolutely nothing for the money borrowed. Above law is violated down to the last comma and that is without bringing in international charters. An interst increase to 1.5% from -0,45% is highly illegl and if the interest should be anything it should be lower than 0.0% to deal with the Nationalbanken interest.
The registration fees to the state are:
Registration fee, deed (0.6% of purchase price) DKK 2,860.00
Registration fee, mortgage deed (1.5% of principal) DKK 4,760.00
A total of DKK 7,620.00
The DKK 7,620.00 was added to the pawn loan.
This registration and fee by Danmarks Domstole, Tingsretten, and they were later more than seven month. Imagine the house cost 3.000.000 or more.
This can be created if applying as per law Bekendtgørelse af lov om lån til betaling af grundskyld m.v.
Details on such a letter, brev:
This letter, loan, is the used to pay tax, ejendomsskat. By paying ejendomskat, land value tax, the municipality makes money from absolutely nothing. If a person is able to create the Letter of indemnity through a loan at the municipality the person again pays an addional interest in this case 1.5%.
When the house is sold the money is paid to the municipality using the money from the house sale. The house had a total and complete value of DKK 1.00,- in 2017 and sold a few month later for DKK 200.000. The value of the house is set by state and municipality at, in this case, DKK 500.000 without regards to the forced sales price of 1.0 in 2017 or the value DKK 200.000 in 2018. NUR emailed the tax office asking fo lowering the value of the house. "No" was the reply. Reason is among a few things, taht people pay land value tax and tax on house based on the value set by the tax office.
The municipality now acting a bank. Why do we need banks when municipalities can loan money. The loan and land value tax is revenue as are the 1.5% interest and on such by law the municipality must pay corporate tax. To whom? To the state and municipality and who are those? The people in esense but this information is left to being "legal persons" until the ownership is realized.
Fast forward 2021 November. I receive a letter from Sønderborg Municipality with a very very serious threat that the municipality wants to sell my house on forces sale because I have not paid ejendomsskat and rottebekæmpelse, rat combat and other fees related to an invoice from June 2021. The invoice is for DKK 550,00 plus late fee DKK 250,00 and since I never received a letter of reminding I ignore the late fee. The municipality calls for a meeting 2021 November 18 and I therefore look up all invoiced related to tax and I suddenly realized the double taxation and the fraud. Also the rat combat fee is by law built into the land value tax from which you pay tax and the rat combat fee can not be charged again which it is on the invoices I received as every other house owners receive and that is illegal.
The case is pending and I have emailed municipality, Juul Bolig ApS, Danmarks Domstole, police and I have told them to pay back my money and I have told them that the law on loans paying for land value tax is illegal as well as land value tax itself. I have also told them that rat combat fee is charged double and that all rat combat fees must be paid back to all citizens who has paid twice as per invoiced sent to house owners. Case as said pending and will move forward as the terror-regime is moving to heights that probably only Russel Brand and Co. could have imagined but imagine some people sit and think up these things. no wonder they call their asylums something O or Montebello.
"Rumpelstiltskin" (/ˌrʌmpəlˈstɪltskɪn/ RUMP-əl-STILT-skin; German: Rumpelstilzchen) is a German fairy tale. It was collected by the Brothers Grimm in the 1812 edition of Children's and Household Tales. The story is about an imp who spins straw into gold in exchange for a girl's firstborn.
All files will be made available in good time proving a very sick country so sick it is not yet covered in movies, fairy-tales or any book except TIAWOL.
First of all the tax levied must be legal, if at all legal, and secondly when tax or fees are found illegal by fraud any tax is illegal until reason for defrauding and embezzlement has been uncovered for what it is.
»I do not propose either to purchase or to confiscate private property in land. The first would be unjust; the second, needless. Let the individuals who now hold it still retain, if they want to, possession of what they are pleased to call their land. Let them continue to call it their land. Let them buy and sell, and bequeath and device it. We may safely leave them the shell, if we take the kernel. It is not necessary to confiscate land; it Is necessary only to confiscate rent«
Page 3:
"Den danske Henry George-forening blev stiftet 1902. Georgeismen bygger som socialismen på den grundtanke, at fejlen ved samfundsordningen er, at der kan erhverves indkomst uden arbejde."
"The Danish Henry George Association was founded 1902. Georgeism, like socialism, is based on the basic idea that the error with the social order is, that income can be acquired without work."
Above is linked from called Ejendomskatteloven to an historic Bekendtgørelse (executive order or simply an announcement and not a law).
§ 1. Af de i en kommune beliggende faste ejendomme, for hvilke der i medfør af ejendomsvurderingsloven er foretaget ansættelse af grundværdien, svares til kommunen en afgift, der benævnes grundskyld.
Stk. 2. Grundskyld pålignes de afgiftspligtige ejendomme med en bestemt promille af den afgiftspligtige grundværdi.§ 1. Of the real estate located in a municipality, for which the land value has been assessed in accordance with the Property Valuation Act, the municipality is liable to a tax called land debt.
PCS. 2. Land debt is imposed on the taxable properties with a certain per mille of the taxable land value.
it is a fee and not a tax but is called a tax as per ejendomskat (skat is tax). The fee is termed grundskyld based on grundværdi which is actually found via Ejendomsværdiskatteloven which we find here: The word grundværdi pops up two times.
The wording used is:
"Som boligejer betaler du 2 typer af boligskatter, ejendomsværdiskat og grundskyld (ejendomsskat). Skatterne beregnes på baggrund af din ejendomsvurdering."
Local PDF.
Meaning grundskyld = ejendomskat.
Bekendtgørelse af lov om kommunal ejendomsskat
Kapitel I
§ 1. Af de i en kommune beliggende faste ejendomme, for hvilke der i medfør af ejendomsvurderingsloven er foretaget ansættelse af grundværdien, svares til kommunen en afgift [fee], der benævnes grundskyld.
Stk. 2. Grundskyld pålignes de afgiftspligtige ejendomme med en bestemt promille af den afgiftspligtige grundværdi. [..]
A fee as tax yet the fee is levied on services and products:
Grundskyld is two words grund (land) and skyld (debt) and was also termed Jordrenteafgiften found here as a proposal: from
A fee is not a ax because if they were the same it would be called all either tax or fee. A closer definition here: - "In the first place, a tax is a compulsory contribution made by a taxpayer. A fee, by definition, is a voluntary payment.". Voluntary in the sense that you can not buy land or a car or food or anything because in Denmark everything has a fee including V.A.T. and even V.A.T. on V.A.T.
One place it is called ejendomskat and in another grundskyld and the latter was suppose to be the only fee because it was rich people who could buy land and make money of and from the land hence termed jordrenteafgift. Don't blame Henry George.
On the invoice from the municipality the grundskyld, a fee, is called Ejendomskat, tax. Therefore this tax and fee is illegal in its entirety. The wording used on the invoice is Opkrævning af ejendomsskat and on the invoice is listed Grundskyld but that is a fee and not a tax.
An example of such an invoice collecting a feee cled grundskyld on a letter called ejendomskat seen here: 2018.12.16.Faktura.PDF.
As per you pay ejendomskat in the form called grundskyld which is a fee. I.e. they are not the same. At Ballerup Municipality they write:
"Ejendomsskat består af grundskyld for private boliger samt grundskyld og dækningsafgift for erhvervsejendomme.
Hvert år i december måned får ejere af fast ejendom tilsendt en ejendomsskattebillet, som indeholder specifikationer over ejendommens skatter og afgifter." (local PDF).
This is obviously absolutely wrong because ejendomskat does not contain grundskyld because grundskyld is a fee and is listed as such as grundskyld whivh is referenced at a fee, afgift, in the law on that topic Grundskyld; en afgift, der benævnes grundskyld.
Meaning of law
Corporation pay the same and that was the purpose of the law, Henry George, to only levy a tax or interest (jordrente) or land value tax based on what you could earn on the land you were so fortunate to be able to purchase i.e. rich people make the money by being able to buy land and later this "land value tax" was introduced on all which also explain why the law Bekendtgørelse af lov om lån til betaling af grundskyld m.v. is introduced because it is pensionist who are poor or at least some are and most are or else they would not be pensionists hence the law on taking a loan to pay for grundskyld alleviated the principle idea that only grundskyld, land value tax, shall be paid by the rich. They can come up with many terms and names but that is one way to flabbergast their way through the essentials and the basics and the foundation and the principles or simply the actual meaning of the law.
Ejendomsskat is grundskyld is a fee and not a tax. Laws governing tax are all illegal. As for rat combat that is like combating flying saucers or flying flies. And the payment of a fee called grundskyld to a small corporation called Juul Bolig ApS is like asking your own child to pay and wrap their own gifts while asking them to pay their own allowance for doing the dish-washing.
Some may be able to harvest five eggs a day or sell grass from cutting grass or even sell some produce produced from and one the land but such can not pay for the grundskyld like on a house valued at lets say DKK 1.5 million which would be a grundskyld of aprox. DKK 37500 anually. People liveing in aprtments also pay lgrundskyld.
*) Do corporations pay tax and since municipalities are corporation (example Sønderborg Municipality CVR 29189773 and tax, moms, is excerpt as per, do they pay tax, the municipalities that is. Municipalities are not excluded from paying tax in § 3 in (local PDF) a law on tax from 1922 which is still active, applicable, gældende. You will notice the use of the terms, personer, natural and legal person in "hvis personen eller fysiske eller juridiske personer" meaning there are 3 type of persons and the former is in essence the one termed natural person but is not and as such does not exist which explains why large corporations can have tax havens with shell corporations because the shell is probably the person that does not exist and TIAWOL pretty much narrows that down. It can be a dawnting task to narrow things down because 850 pages in TIAWOL explained it all but at the time of TIAWOL did not have any idea taht every single stone is infested with filth an damaging rat feeces called something which it is not and the only question remain, am I the only one who has this rat combat fee twice or is it yet antoher level of 34 by the Terro State Of Denmark. If every house owner payd this DKK 68 yearly it is no wonder happiness is finding idyllic places because who cares even when for 57 year NUR has not seen a single rat in Denmark and why combat rats when there are persons to combat who make up these tales to use anticoagulant to combat rats when anticoagulant in large doses gives internal bleeding and the rats die a miserable death. Humane and animal protection is why a state hovers in helicopter over Afghanistan while Isralian schoolgirls denies entering any Israeli army.
Kapitel 4
Generel vurderingsnorm, ejendomsværdi og grundværdi
§ 15. Ved vurderingen af en ejendom ansættes den forventelige kontantværdi i fri handel for en ejendom af den pågældende kategori under hensyn til alder, størrelse, beliggenhed og øvrige karakteristika, jf. dog §§ 19 a, 19 b og 28-33. Vurderingen kan afvige fra en faktisk konstateret handelspris for den pågældende ejendom.
What is fri handel, it is free trade: In this case it is what the house is sold for on the pen market even including tvangsauktion, forced sales. My house was in 2017 sold for DKK 1.0,- and sold on to me for DKK 200.00 but is still valued at DKK 500.000 year 2021 even if this year calls for new evaluations.
You by now understand, that value and free trade and market values are all a Houdini and all made up so they can charge a tax termed a fee based on a value which does not cover any earnings you can make unless maybe if the house was actually sold for DKK 1.0,- to the real owner who by selling eggs would then make a huge profit and would pay grundskyld, land value tax, based on the eggs sold or any produce for that matter. Selling produce such as eggs at the road is actually prohibited in Denmark. However such earnings are taxes first as income at 38% (2021) and you must cover your expenses and perhaps make yourself a salary (not the tax on income) and THEN PAY land value tax, called grundskyld. Line up the produce and the money you can make. I once knew a fella called Knud Jul Larsen who had a small farm, Google Maps. He was a farmer and produced strawberries and tomatoes and pigs. He would sell at the local grocery but also from the road. He was very popular during summer and about 10 cars had stopped to buy his produce and the police came along telling him "not to be that popular". Try than in Thailand or other Asian vendors. Knud paid tax and made money from his land and the most natural place to sell it is at the road as near to where the farm is. People love it and they loved Knud and his produce. Free trade, free enterprise but when it comes to grundskyld then I am positive the money Knud earned could not cover the grundskyld, his salary and taxes because if it could he would have made investments and become richer yet he collapsed in the field one day and as rushed to Hillerød Hospital and had his hypothalamus remove when it was a kidney stone that made him faint in the field. The kidney stone was removed and Knud sold his land and house and farm. Had Knud been able to combat the police he would perhaps have made enough money to hire some help so he would not toil and end up having part of his brain removed as an experiment because as Knud said to the staff at the hospital: "yes, I am single and live alone and have no relatives" upon which Knud was rushed to the OR and operated on as an experiment and given drugs for the rest of his life.
Grundskyld can be the cause of all illnesses. Taxation also. Fees too. In fact governance tries all it can in a modern democrazy to not look the part of a dictatorship or-and plutocrazy or worse. A Kingdom in fact. Look at their laws signed by The King who is a Queen who operated the Christiansborg Palace and is she utters a single word based on intelligence her hypothalamus will also be removed.
The International Criminal Court is on the case: The ICC case is related to the Class Action lawsuit against the terror State of Denmark and this has empirically been proven also through history where Danish Viking slavery and slavery at West Indies and wars, List of wars involving Denmark, where the routines with which the state's actions was conducted was through its constitution and its foundation 圣经. Wars were among many others War in Afghanistan (2001–2021) and then Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Tony Blair requested their legal counsel at state level if they could be held responsible and end up at ICC. ICC now has the case probably pending as with many other cases it takes a very long time to prove that any army called Defense is a tool which leads to arms-deals and usually only countries can buy arms such as F16 but how come Taliban ends up dressed in Black and White and wins the 20-year war on terror? When Niels Ulrik Reinwald focused in on the region it is as with regions such as Kensington Ave. in Philadelphia, that Delphi and such is forgotten by most including the Oracles of Delphi, Pythia, where we in the movie 300 watch the oracle as a sexual young woman being requested to whisper as the most holy place in the temple Oracle (57 Occurrences). Italian oratorio; Greek ρητορική ritorikí; English rhetoric.
The rule of the game is to keep you undernourished with cheap bacon and cheap hotels and cheap cars looking the part even when they are classed high-end which is why such brands as Mercedes Benz Daimler went from building astoundingly amazing cars to pieces of electronic gadgets no more worth than your smart-phone on four wheels. Robots at Mercedes and similar car-manufacturers are making less work but design for robots. Mass-production should be cheap, yes Henry. Standardization; which is why most people are born with five fingers on each hand. Is it a crime against humanity to produce cabbage and call it something else?
ICC complements national courts.
politicians; a word we know too good. The first part is politi and that is Danish for police. This proves that the police work for and protect only and mainly one entity; themselves and their politicians. Greek αστυνομία = police yet first part αστυ is city which is a citadel and latter part νομία is legal, law (ἀνομίαν; lawlessness; ἀνομία) and (πόλη póli city). Citadel-law or Citadel-lawlessness or City-lawlessness since Statute is illegitimacy. Furthermore city simply; a castle, a church, a citadel, Vatican city, City of London etc. is the legal [illigitimate] law and anything else is outside the citadel, city, and that explains why you are treated like cabbage. The solution will be presented via a Class Actions case which takes you on a journey and it could be called Class Action Citadel for All of Humankind.
Chapter written 2021.10.04: TIAWOL and VIPER TIAWOL expected full production-mode as a present one chapter after another from start of 2022 (TIAWOL). This is due to one single country's terror-regime proven with twenty cases which are in preparation for court. All cases "won" by NUR but won through denial by a gentile nation which is why nation spells gentle which is why NUR pointed them out for the state officials in this terror state where law is something they regards as of absolutely no importance when it comes to a country having to follow the laws themselves hence LIAR is their rule and that goes for GOD and other nations and since: Nation έθνος éthnos is also gentiles. Reference. Gentiles εθνικά ethniká; country is nations is gentiles and non-Jewish. What are Jews then? Not cunts nor cocks and not a nation and definitely not a country. Ergo Israel is illegitimate hence Ισραήλ transliterated is Israíl which has the letters to spell LIARS. Ever heard of the biggest LIE ever told which is the very foundation upon which places such as The Vatican city and City of London is built including most other cities have a inner city such as Washington DC, District of Columbia who is? Columbine and Harlequin. Columbine (Colombina in Italian) is a lovely woman who has caught the eye of Harlequin.
Anything published from now on this day 2021 October 4 is the work of one nation, Denmark, the biggest terror-state larger than Germany and WWII (remembering one book made all wars). The cases I will show are for a whole world to see so that every single person will perhaps realize that terror is something which spells error and once proven empirical, that one state alone is a terror-state, then the cases are meant to avoid that single state to use the technics upon you to avoid you ending up on the streets of Philadelphia Kensinton Avenue. Something out of a movie? Well, GOD is good at making up illegitimate realities and while you ponder, perhaps, which world you wish to live in, then know that love is so huge that WWI and WWII was allowed by GOD. I will personally not favor something that makes me ill so before I forget I will let you know how some very simple cases (none of them listed in CASES) makes a nation, Denmark, look a complete terror-regime and Avenue is all the better because it is all by design to make you fall into the trap of illegitimate Ovid making you into less than a marching ant and making Columbine, the fairy tale, look like something out of a horror movie made in a terror-state leading to Columbine High School massacre. Called a massacre just as Vietnam War casualties of 1,353,000 total deaths in North and South Vietnam during the period 1965–1974 (image showing burned face and Napalm the symbol of love in Dubai) makes Harlequin love his beloved because after all 25 died as a lie making you forget the Vietnam war and such trivial matters. COD is a fish and a Cape almost spells rape. This website is the retaliation of states commiting terror and mine is called WWIV since WWZ was won by Brad Pit and acting could have made people believe in genuine love. When a state and whole countries simply does not throw in the towel it is time to use love to show a whole world how they operated and operate and will continue to do so because "GOD" has a plan and it does not include you just as Olof Palme as assassinated by the very same namely "GOD". Paintings such as those of Wassily Kandinsky and Claude Monet are designed to portray a dual world, a world of hate and evil and with Chinese seasoning of such profoundness that China has been busy making much of everything including paintings, music and art in general. WAR ON CHINA is another level of hogwash since War is the rule is the norm is the common sense is life by design - if not; there would be no war. Countries made a whole world believe and now they believe in things far worse. Nobody wish to make a mistake such as adopting The Bible and then committing terror - wrong!
Someone had to invent the Latin alphabeth (befitted by many nations) and create languages interwoven but when it spells CHINATOWN film 1974 they don't want it anymore just as the last sentence in Chinatown spoken by Jack Nicolson is: "As small as possible" which seems peculiar when language makes up the very fabric of reality - and your mind - which makes them wish to deny their very own foundation; The Church Of Sweden separated from the Satte of Sweden. Then notice the logo of the Swedish Government in which a ring is found and same crowns as those in The Church Of Sweden and Vatican City, a city, a citadel. States, nations and countries are gentiles for that very reason. ethniká insidently is vinegar ξύδι cognate EVE in Swedish language ättika. Then Statue of Freedom; and she spells vinegar.
As usual I no longer watch television as we knew it but watch and the Internet which is also a television yet located on a monitor, just as the TV, near my sofa so not so tele. Anyway, such things most are uninterested in so let me dive right in. I turned on which incidentally has a history: quote:
"YouTube is an American online video-sharing platform headquartered in San Bruno, California. Three former PayPal employees—Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim—created the service in February 2005. Google bought the site in November 2006 for US$1.65 billion; YouTube now operates as one of Google's subsidiaries."
Fake down to the last history of that saga. Three people and Paypal as a large corporation created and Google then purchased it. Wrong. was created by Google and the story was spun that was created by three people via Paypal and the story sinks down into the gutters just as Olof Palme was assassinated by God (more on that later and the emperical evidense based also on emprical math proving that the evidense is empirical). The number 3 is important just as father, son and holy spirit leads us to Gilgamesh. turned on (with a referecne to turning on your tube feeling a slight shiver and trempling knees not bad on a saturday afternoon september 2021 only 13 years after USA defaulted again) and logged into my account. Whoho. The brainwashing starts and s algoritm are running presenting videos based on my searches as well as feeding me directly with content based on the fact that any computer is hacked or rather designed and built with gates that are known to the manufacturer and via those ports can acesss any part of any computer including cellphones and basically any chip that is connected and within computers there are chips as radios of which you never knew existed. One video presented is called:
US returns stolen Gilgamesh tablet to Iraq
As a wonderer of many things pretty I like words that jump out from the paper or monitor and some words look like something out of history. A Mesh. A Gilga. In the Aljazeera segment we are told "Iraq is the oldest country" and the tablet stands out as if it was part of a meteorite or a piece og moonrock or a piece of clay which takes us to Epic of Gilgamesh and now we got a word Epic and the return of Gilga and Mesh.
Egypt is said to be from 6000 BC! With this information about Iraq being oldest country, another word pops up; country: Χώρα chóra is found in The Bible. χώραν (chōran) — 14 Occurrences in The Bible. ώρα ora is time. English hour contains letters: ora with 3 strokes given by H making 3 times or 3 ora and OR spells CUNT and A is significantly the symbol of a COCK. This explains a clocks (O'Clock with an apostrophe, YOD (one occurance)) design with two time 12 hours as two circles and two arms and the seconds makes of up a total of 3 arms. Therefor time is fake and is made up. Time does not exists scientifically. Prove it if it does. 14 is very significant. ώ is omega as the symbol of an ass which, when she lifts her ass to be fucked, is up and her cunt is downwards. The YOD (toy) above ώ symbolizes something very small. Also balls. Χώραpops up in The Bible and if Χώρα is a cunt and a cock, then the oldest country is a few billion years old. If Iraq meant to use a time-reference is insignificant since time is yet not proven to exist. Χώρα also a tract, a realm. Country alone contains the letters to spell CUNT. Country has the ending -ry and that is significant, the end or Danish ende meaning ass, bottom and that ende sits very near the ass and bottom? Does time? Rhetorical. Time is made up as are countries. Nation έθνος éthnos is also gentiles. Reference. Gentiles εθνικά ethniká. Country is nations is gentiles and non-Jewish. What are Jews then? Not cunts nor cocks and not a nation and definitely not a country. Ergo Israel is fake and illegitimate.
Gilgamesh: romanized Bilgamesh. Gilda 1946 American film noir movie with Rita Hayworth. I watch the short segment as news presented by Aljazeera at and I get the feeling of being numbed down to less than a rotting cucumber. A small tablet with scriples and a museum and Iraq s ambasador to the US who confesses that the tablet it is very important to us (!) and histroy is what makes us and we are the oldes country in The World. The tablet was boutgh for 1.6 million US Dollars and that is a huge price for something that carries a whole nation and the oldest nation. At this point in the segment my coffee is geting cold and my belly starts to turn with acid knowing taht I have to get up from the comfort of my couch and search this Gilgamehs thingy of such importane that USA kills and hangs Sadam Hussein knowing IRAQ is the oldest nation and knowing killing is only for 007 with a license to do so and that would make USA what? James Bond the biggest terror filantropist that roamed Earth with his grusome ways to take down sound and heatthy peopel who wish to save The World from James bond. As in The Man with the Golden Gun (film) and James Bond wont have that nor will the Majesty The Quen of England so she send James Bond to kill the man with the golden gun!
With the tablet we are with a poem TABLET IV and some names like Gilgamesh. This (epic) poem shortly described here
The first half of the story discusses Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, and Enkidu, a wild man created by the gods to stop Gilgamesh from oppressing the people of Uruk. After Enkidu becomes civilized through sexual initiation with a prostitute, he travels to Uruk, where he challenges Gilgamesh to a test of strength. Gilgamesh wins the contest; nonetheless, the two become friends. Together, they make a six-day journey to the legendary Cedar Forest, where they plan to slay the Guardian, Humbaba the Terrible, and cut down the sacred Cedar. [3] The goddess Ishtar sends the Bull of Heaven to punish Gilgamesh for spurning her advances. Gilgamesh and Enkidu kill the Bull of Heaven after which the gods decide to sentence Enkidu to death and kill him.
At that point I know. I know I need to heat up my coffee or brew me a new cup. Uruk, Enkidu and oppressions of the people and sexual initiation with a prostitute and Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, USA, and a bull, Ishtar, Heaven and James Bond killing Enkidu! Ishtar is ISIS and USA and 51 nations wants to kill ISIS and thereby kill Ishtar then why on earth would US steal this tablet from Iraq since it bares the history of ISIS. It gets better from this point on. Spoiler alert not needed.
I search Gilgamesh and Bible and sure enough multiple pages pops up. Nice since at this point I need to get an Arabic instant coffee. As I have said multiple times, since God assassinated Olof Palme and created war upon wars I shall never wish to elect anyone else who I know stands with both feet on the ground. Back to Gilgamesh related to Ishtar. This makes it so easy and a quick search for her son Tammuz, in The Bible, gives us one result:
Since a whole world went to war to destroy her, then it is only fair, because anyone must demand a fair trial, that she gets one. Inanna or better known as Isis: She is also a Melusine (limousine, limo) or a mermaid which explains why in Denmark her head was chopped off a few times and the government went wildly mad and demanded all kinds of things on behalf of Isis who they went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan to kill, Isis, that is. When something uses the same name it means it is the same as we shall soon encounter.
Or in his brew: הַתַּמּֽוּז׃ which we find in Ezekiel 8:14:
"Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD'S house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz."
hat·tam·mūz — 1 Occurrence as transliterated from Hebrew. A woman weeping. As per TIAWOL and (deleted 2015) there is in essessen only one woman in The Bible and her name is... is. There is only one Tammuz and indeed she, the woman, only had one son.
We are getting somewhere and where exactly. It is a location very well known to most people. הַתַּמּֽוּז as per the biblical name Tammuz, is The Thames.
Hebrew הַתַּמּֽוּז is The Thames.
Thames alone is תמזה and this is where your knowledge of comparitive lingustics comes in handy. In plain words; Tammuz, the son of Isis, ishtar, Afrodite, Little Mermaid, Melusine etc. etc. is a river in England called River Thames. Whether the name Thomas is derived from Tammuz or Thames is another small puzzle but since MARIA IS MAFIA I am positive you can guess what THOMAS is. Since Tammuz is dead a long time ago then it is no wonder River Thames has a tide which is tried controlled just as the river itself is tried cleaned up since dirt and filth was part of the rivers life when it was all named Londinium. Iraq is in Asia and a few rivers such as the river Tigris runs through. At this point the math of the empirical evidense is begining to shape and form into its parts proving beyond any doubt, that we are talking about a pig via gris and since gris spells girl we are dealing with Isis who they wish to destroy and in doing so they destroy themselves. Girls are pretty nice and rivers too but when it comes to finding Gilda and a Mesh in Mesopotamian mythology via Gilgamesh it all is a stew to brew larger than the pot iself and the overflow is dripping down on the floor into the cracks burning its way though a few thousand years of deceit to the brink galore and Australian police in Melbourne needs to pack up and go home and not return until people have dealth with this mess.
TIAWOL describes how Roman Empire used mangonels. Now the same empire uses machine guns and will send in the ARMY, MARY, to kill people at absolutely no cost. People stay stupid which is why Germany says:
Watching Australian's ABC news is like watching this and this. The former based on the state of Denmark being a terrorist for a thousand years. The latter, this, for being a story about a woman who most like as 17 years of age assisted Oluf Palme in making sure he ws dead. These two stories will follow especially the latter:
The memorial plaque (local jpg) at the intersection Sveavägen – Olof Palme street. Notice the use of MORD (WORD) and notice 3 read circles in the top of the memorial plaque. Google Maps. And notice the year and a few other things. NUR promissed things and VIPER TIAWOL keeps its promiss. The interview this is with the reporter, left, called Malou. She is in red and black high shoes. Just as Anna Hage was on the night of the murder when she tried to give heart massage and moth to mouth. In the interview she said twice while smiling: "I have cold hand". Malou is sitting as she always does in TV4 seeming to be drugged into a calm state of oblivion. No passion except for police missing the obvious and the whole charade has Girl With The Dragon Tattoo written all over it yet that movie is childsplay next to this single insident and all of Sweden with some very lovely girls is enshrined in Isis and Ishtar and terror and if they had something wonderful they would be bloody nice people and they are absolutely not. The Swedish police interrogates Anna Hage and she is dressed in red and black just as Malou is 30 years later. Interrogation paper here: VITTNESFÖRHÖR-Anna-Hage.pdf. These two colors signify, just as they are seen in some flags, a number of things such as blood, love, deep love but the two colors combined mean also Oblivious.
Someone decided to assassinate Olof Palme and then call it MORD for MURDER. Just as we need to take another two words WEST and EAST and then add 1 to the mathematical equation of Chinese script using strokes in the LATIN alphabeth where LATRIN is Danish for LATRINE and insidently LATRIN seems to be pretty universal because in Haitian Creole, it seems, the word is the same namely LATRINE which is a toilet, loo, lavatory, Water Closet. And we also get 廁所 Cèsuǒ from LATRIN. This explains why on new year 2019 at Copenhagen Central station it still stincks like it in the public toilet just opposite McDonalds and people don't care because it has stunk for as long as I remember as a child visiting the central station. The same central station some decades ago was pretty okay with some pretty okay restaurants but has now all been closed and there is nowhere to sit and wait in shelter from the cold after aprox. 2000 hours yet there is still a bar serving drinks and then two 7Elevens where one can stand the the opening late night feeling the heating blowing down warm air by the enginuity of 7Eleven.
Greek τουαλέτα toualéta is toilette and then we know that one langugage makes up another language through its transliteration and that is prety awesome if you know how that works and very easy and very convenientt because that is how tiffany become Swedish for fitta maening cunt just as Dnaish for EAST is TØS which is a English SLUT but also Danish FINISH, END and indeed also LUST which in Danish is LYST and in that we get LYS which is LIGHT and that almost speels RIGHT as in EAST and if you go far enough EAST you end up in the WEST and UP spells DANISH nul and that is ZERO and LOVE and DOWN spells WORD where it all started and ended namely with LUST and so if you go UP you end up with LYS in a WORD which is 23 when EAST is PAIRED WITH EAST:
The Number 23 is a 2007 American thriller film written by Fernley Phillips and directed by Joel Schumacher. Jim Carrey stars as a man who becomes obsessed with the 23 enigma once he reads about it in a strange book that seemingly mirrors his own life. The film was released in the United States on February 23, 2007. This is the second film to pair Schumacher and Carrey, the first being Batman Forever. The film grossed $77.6 million, and has an approval rating of 8% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller does it too. Mær is BITCH and Mc Kin NEY is like saying IN CHINA THEY EAT DOGS (movie 1999) and we get 7 pointed stars and seven is the number of a SLUT who hangs on a cross pretending to be a fella as part of the deceit. This fella, Mc-Kinney got the complete rights to exploits all underground resources fín Denmark in the seabed as well as any location on land. The law created to give Mc-Kinney full ownership bypassed all democratic principles and it lease was extended lasting well into this next century because there was more oil and gas than expected. Same fella buildt an opera house adjacent The Royal Place Amalienborg and many politicians pretended to be alarmed yet the opera house stands as a memory of how this fella knows that being CRUCIFIED with CRUCIGER (The Prime Minister's Office This you will find here and in Danish it is called Statsministeriet. Stat is state and the latter ministry. The Prime Ministerøs Office. Not the people's office and probably that much better because an orifice is related to Copenhagens Central Station) makes only DEAD people rich as long as nobody comes along as predicted and scoops away all their WINING, SWINING and DINING on the backs of millions of dead people who never got to know why they had to die for no other reason than LOVE.
Rivers, Joan of Arch come to mind as I ponder TIGRIS in which we have a GRIS which is PIG and GRIS spells GIRL so TAMMUZ is killed by a GIRL and ISIS, who is the girl (leading to incest), gets upset as gods do and demands all children are murdered above the age of two. Just as Herods did. Same narative, copy paste. Being mulim, buddist, christian and hindu etc. is all the same and HUMAN RIGHTS allowing people to choose religion is a sack of garbage, the human rights, because if humans needs charters and rights then what the hell is left? Human rights are the toilet papers of homo sapiens and I have about as many cases to prove this. HERODS, TAMMUZ, ISIS and governance, police, healthsystems and courts all demand you wear a cover to protect humans from their filth while COVID is no more and no less than made up just as it is so easy to manipulate people because people like to be manipulated because they hope that out of the crowds of scum pops up someone who will drain the SWAMP in a way never seen since the invension of this tortourous instrument called RELIGION from a DOG eaten in CHINA made into DEMOCRAZY where BABYLONIAN symbols pave the streets in all of Europe, South America, Malaysia, etc. etc. etc. No wonder governance and doctors wish to fight "COVID" just as fake as in RELIGION and in fighting this they have proven that they wish to make you shut up making you scare that if you speas they will do you in and make you pay and make you scare and fear and in doing their "COVID" they are actually killing ISIS their very own BABYLONIAN LONDON and then you begin to realize that neither courts, police and governance has even the YOD on the hoof of a dead pig eaten by ISIS at a feast for babette.
LONDON is almost where I started with THAMES as TAMMUZ and then I feel like puking when I see a lovely woman and that makes me sick so I bypass their shit because they want you to feel obnoxtious and filthy and numb you down to the pavement upon hwich they trot while Olof Palme probably did no more wrong than Anders Fogh Rasmussen who received a few milliliters of red paint and that action did not make the SWAMP think any different. The red-paint-thrower and similar danes probably tried earlier all the democratic channels with absolutely no result. Try democracy and you start to die. Try living and you start to die.
Start counting the gods and demigods in The Roman Empire ( and start counting churches and cathedrals in Europe and you begin to realize that each cathedral represents a god in itself just as palaces do just as justice and courts do it and they all say they are different yet they tell you to kill their own foundation ISIS as THAMES and rivers begin to stink like sewage and water starts to spell toxic even if clean because water is the symbol of ISIS who is a rotting living corps smack in a country England, London, saying Muslims are immigrants. Then it all begins to fall into place and you become the palace, the ELYSIUM or whatever you wish for to see when you open your eyes in a city of lights knowing light spells TAMMUZ and as far as I know he still lives as a river in England and they tell you TAMMUZ is dead when TAMMUZ is a stream of water then water suddenly spells CORPUS DELICTI, mortuum, carcass, cadaver, stiff. Mortuary as a sanctuary and every piece of life becomes a point in time where at least I wish to see beauty and not a stinking corps called CHRIST.
The Thames הַתַּמּֽוּז in Yiddish also transliterates to hsmuz cognate tammuz. Google Translate.
critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.
During 2019 went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations. has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth. mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.
It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, and was considered ambiguous.