Ten Commandments in Denmark with which Denmark is ruled
The ten rules state:
1 You're not to think you are anything special.
2 You're not to think you are as good as we are.
3 You're not to think you are smarter than we are.
4 You're not to imagine yourself better than we are.
5 You're not to think you know more than we do.
6 You're not to think you are more important than we are.
7 You're not to think you are good at anything.
8 You're not to laugh at us.
9 You're not to think anyone cares about you.
10 You're not to think you can teach us anything.
Axel Sandemose wrote “the law of jante” and he was born 1899 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Jante#/media/File:Sandemose_Janteloven.jpg
He received Nobel prize in literature.
A complete patsy, Italian pazzo which is a fool, crazy, insane https://translate.google.com/?sl=auto&tl=en&text=pazzo&op=translate.
There are five Danish companies using the word Jante see Google Maps.
The enigma
Among many lovely things; "All is fair in love and war". With Mona Lisa as a source of lovely things created in the future, based on a book written in the past; I did the right thing just as a loveletter was not delivered in the past - and that was wrong.
Word to explore: palliative; (of a medicine or medical care) relieving pain without dealing with the cause of the condition. "orthodox medicines tend to be palliative rather than curative". [Leading to a case which is being prepared.] Also remember to look up words which you do not understand when you watch a movie, read a book etc. Each time you will encounter a phenomenon which an Australian man taught me which is probably one of the reasons why 1) I have humor; Dave Allan and 2) I was taught to read stuff which was a little bit more advanched than the usual such as Scientific American. The phenomenon I can probably best term: know.
Edward Snowden. I am sorry to say this, but Edward Snowden is a child of TIAWOL and when he is quoted:
"By sounding the alarm and shining a light on mass surveillance, we force governments around the world to confront their wrongdoing."
I shall be the first to tell him you are full of broken promises and your fix is nowhere to see and I can still prove it. The scheme can be proven too because the alleged Showden files contains basically no information of importance and only references bogus security technologies. snowdenarchive.cjfe.org/greenstone/cgi-bin/library.cgi (mostly irrelevant bogus data with reference to security technologies that are obsolete to say the least).
Edward Snowden news at Google News.
Proof? I have a story larger than life and nobody makes me shine at Google News. I have naturally emailed Greenwald and never heard a word. My email contained information and proof of hacking of all devices such as Mac, PC's, cell-phones and anything with an IP number. I have even told the government. Silence. Why? They can't even begin to understand how simple it all is and that the evidence is standing in their own office. Governments securing peoples data and information - nonsense. Benefit of the doubt might come in handy but they won't even hear of that. Ask the Doctor(s) and the system for a second opinion. Nada. I have the evidence of that too.
Terror, Anthrax - They said it, and it is true - the medical system in itself sick, ill, and patients walk around unaware and Doctors don't even know the basics of medicine and how to alleviate their own sickness and cancers. Law of Jante only begins to tell you how a country called Denmark is a wasteland and the evidence of this is in their own history and the fact that most people have contact with the medical system during the cycle of one year. See dst.dk.
Updated: 2024 Feb 01
- Ponerology and such is just a surface-tension-layer in a glass of water so infested with sickness that is the whole country is sick also outside the walls of the hospital.
Crimes against you - One small corne of a wasteland called fees. You might think they have better things to do han make things cost more than they are worse.
Updated: 2024 Feb 01
- How was it that one man got the rights to exploit all of the underground for natural resourcs in Denmark.
Electric and gas supply - purchase - Executive Order on the exclusive grant to A.P. Møller – Mærsk for the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons
Updated: 2021 Oct 15
- How was it that one man got the rights to exploit all of the underground for natural resourcs in Denmark.
W. C. Fields
Updated: 2024 Feb 01
- Comedy is something between the ears.
- Standing between them and us (me and you) and then choosing side is rather simple (to me). After a few moments I realize the esoteric flipping-world is great fun for about six month. That is also why I deleted all of cerasius.com which was so amazing it still makes me fall in love with women and their exotic smells and desires and the brain is key foremost.
- Next time I say nigger (word used while cerasius.com was showing animations making nigger the best word ever) I think of one thing only and it is fun and that is the purpose from the day we were born - and the queue is now 8.5 billion miles long. I can promise only one thing and that is that it is going to be amazing beyond expectation. Friends in Nam Pong including and also those who fell a bit but stand strong even when lying down.
NEXT Forsikring A/S - the insurance connection
Updated: 2024 Feb 01
- A small insurance company. Cheap. Only on-line. Great. Found another insurance company cheaper and cheapest and this company also has phones. I order the cheaper insurance only to learn that the first insurance company is the same as the second and the first company called NEXT Forsikring A/S is sold to Basileia Holdings Limited which is located in a small shack on Isle of Man and I then started to ask silly questions only to realize The State of Denmark is involved on a scale leading me to understand why a small country would enter a war in Libya in North Africa a few thousand miles away and I got to know why a government agency Energistyrelsen has no idea who Carsten Niebuhrs is which is the name of the street where the agency is located. Such persons as Carsten Niebuhrs leads to Danish Arabia expedition (1761–67). Book: ARABIA FELIX.
Case Soenderborg Forsyning SONFOR & Soenderborg Municipality as cartel operating garbage which is a product just like any product
Updated: 2024 Feb 01
- People might remember 2008 and the wall street crash, Arab Spring, Andy Warhol and 911 but they also usually remember those who gave them joy on those days when Ebenezer Scrooge was only in the imagination of Charles Dickens and they also usually remember the first time when they saw the lovely opposite other chromosome and there is probably reasons why my Aunt would take me to see a movie about a man who saw ghosts at my early tender age of five - or there abouts; the impact movies has is profound.
- 2020 Dec 22: section Waste is value added and section The V.A.T. to rid waste is added explaining waste is value added tax upon which consumer pays V.A.T. on the price which is solely a V.A.T.. In other words; to rid waste, consumer pays only a fee (which in Denmark is called Afgift which is Merafgift which is V.A.T.) and on that V.A.T. the consumer pays a fee of 25% V.A.T. which makes V.A.T. the only value.
- 2020 Dec 21: The "polluters pays principle" leads to only producers of products, who produces the packaging, becoming waste, baering the cost of the disposal waste. Yet waste-disposal is paid 100% by the consumer who already paid for the packaging which becomes waste and the company has already taken their pay for the packaging. Let the consumer pay and carry the brunt of pollution and not organized companies with huge budgets. Logic first, then V.A.T. n'es pas?
- 2020 Dec 21: it is yet not known who owns the municipalities.
Resurs Bank - Solid Försäkring.
Updated: 2024 Feb 01
- 2020 January 02: Case expanded due to the complaint office (which is governed by The Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs) is extracting money from complainers based on bogus information.
- 2020 Dec 22: I have contacted ankeforsikring.dk which is a Danish complaint office to whom one may complain about insurance companies (policies) in Denmark. Resurs Bank A/S sells insurance through a company called Solid Försäkring solidab.se and that company is owned by Resurs Bank Holding AB which is owned 55 % Nordic Capital Fund VII and 45 % Waldir AB. Solid Forsikring is listed at the complaint office (here as PDF) which engages a multitude of lawyers and judges yet the complaint office at ankeforsikring.dk lists Solid Forsikring which is deleted and subsided according to the governmental website who keeps track of companies. I received an email from said complaint office and they do not wish to enter into any talk related to Resurs Bank even if said complaint office has Solid Forsikring mentioned on its website and Solid Forsikring is owned by Resurs Bank AB which has an affiliate in Denmark which mediates and sells and invoices insurance-polities in Denmark. This leads to a preliminary conclusion, that the complaint office is not the place to place a complaint.