Mantis class insecta, Phylum: Arthropoda. A most amazing type of imaginary alien entity and it pops up in various stories and movies such as Kung Fu Panda. The one in Kung Fu Panda is the Chinese_mantis.
What I did experience is, that multicultural is dead as is multi-ethnic. There is much more to do and surely a keyword is THE HAPPY EMPIRE which I strive for. When you watch some news on the outlets on the channels then remember to smile and pocket it - the smile. The number of Iranians in USA are probably not that insignificant. The next thing that pops to mind is, newsoutlet and their networks needs the next story and we notice how the same news outlets runs a spread of advertising while intoxicated let their pundits and layman-reporters play strategic war-games as five-star generals. Naturally with layers of hidden agendas and hiding hehind layers of Jesuit pretence. Have they become yesterdays priests - indeed.
If the priests gets it right this time, again... the priest might wait until any news is actually confirmed. But probably not because without news, real or fake or a mix thereof, the outlets like to show whatever (because somebody made it so it must be true - even the lies and the fake). The saying is probably: run it even when we know it is fake.
Iran's Soleimani killed in US air raid: with all the latest updates.
Walking about on especially a night like new years eves gave me plenty of opportunity to observe, that people do the same things and eat the same places and dress up pretty much the same way. Late night the only option left for a snag is McDonald and people use McDonald located in this train-station in Copenhagen also to sleep, wait for their train or eat something. The chairs in McDonald are tied down to the floor. Usually the place looks like a pigsty. Cold as hell since no heating and the outside windows hangs flapping. It is like sitting in a movie set waiting for Keanu Reeves entering asking where the nearest phone-booth is (just to make the mind occupied with deviated twisted hope).
Anyway, since everyone is doing the same culture among and across people have deteriorated and all for better. I love some of those black faces I saw. Such beauty. Whites too and I even got a few seconds to see scary dangerous Muslim laugh at me when they took away a whole table from a white girl because 1 of the total 3 Muslims used the table she was using as a headrest and 20 seconds later she decided to move to another table. The 2 other Muslims moved to the table and suddenly realizing the victory they smiled at me. I smiled back but did feel someone sorrow for the girl but why because she could just have said piss off or similar or called the nearby manager. Not much chivalry there. Back in the day any Muslim would probably have stood in the corner or hardly dared to enter McDonald. The mechanichs of being chivelry comes perhaps at a deadly cost - who knows the future one did not make!
The national train-station of Denmark has no heating and should you happen to wait for an early train and have to hang around for a few hours you can stand at the entry to 7/Eleven of which there are two in this stations hall where above 7/Eleven's doors are hot wind fans blowing down heating up the cold passing air or you can sit in McDonald to at least get some type of shelter without the heating and if lucky a kind of chair. These are the few choices because anything else closes around 11PM. Danish design stopped with this trains-station since it was built recalling naturally it was built at the time of the steam-engine. Form and Design is great but what when the two separate.
I traveled relatively far for a special reason but I came from Bangkok to Copenhagen via Finland with Finnair. The food on-board the flight was far worth that found at McDonald but once I entered the transit area in Helsinki in the airport I was pleasantly surprised to see astonishingly lush, clean and high design of their public airport toilets. It fellt fresh and the toilets actually looked far better than many ordinary homes. If private architects could do only half as good designing homes for people - wau - then I would not mind living in a toilet. Try using one, a toitlet, next time you pass through Finland's Airport.
Let's return to Soleiman. Suleiman the Magnificent. Soleimani, Suleiman - many spelling for essentially the same.
US president may use force, short of war, to protect American interests as the commander-in-chief under Article II of the Constitution, said Bobby Chesney, a professor at the University of Texas School of Law who specialises in national security issues.
"If the facts are as the defence department said, then the president relatively clearly has Article II authority to act in self-defence of American lives," Chesney told The Associated Press news agency.source:
Article Two of the United States Constitution. In a personal whim an American President can decide he has a threat, is scared, in danger or nails it as being a protective measure (to defend himself in self defense). Read the news on this issue.
With this said it becomes clear that for any reason, perhaps paranoia, a president of a mighty nation can send in a few long-distant drones and blast away anything to send a message also to anyone else - don't make me feel paranoid or I will use The Second Amendment. Aha, well, anyone else have a similar amendment and will naturally be set in forth by natural law. And killing someone without due process says more about its country and leaders. Does anyone not have the right to self defense - come one.
The classic: nations and specially their "Suleiman the Magnificent" - be they called Tony Blair, Donald Trump etc. - start shaking and they then by various means, proxy or whatever, start up various smaller incidents until we enter the stage prior to WWI and WWII where a whole ballistic culture in Europe went berserk. There is not one inch of a difference between then and now. Donald Trump also says ISIL (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (also killed by USA)) is no longer a danger. Well, USA and the presidency is ISIL. The thing is, that the same ISIL or ISIS has various faces.
Here is ISIS leading to Roman statue of Isis, first or second century CE. ISIL and ISIS are the same. If U.S.A. is a SUN and SON and wage war and this SUN and SON is a god, as it is, then you might call USA a war-god just as ISIS is a war-god and such is the case. No need to make Article II of the Constitution or any such trivia. We rule by fear is even enshrined in The Bible which is the foundation of most nations. Anything goes. Anything. Believe me, I have read the ultimate foundation. USA don't really need any Constitution - the country just needs God as we find as a rather bad copy in Las Vegas.
On a winter morning in 1761 six men leave Copenhagen by sea—a botanist, a philologist, an astronomer, a doctor, an artist, and their manservant—an ill-assorted band of men who dislike and distrust one another from the start. These are the members of the Danish expedition to Arabia Felix, as Yemen was then known, the first organized foray into a corner of the world unknown to Europeans. The expedition made its way to Turkey and Egypt, by which time its members were already actively seeking to undercut and even kill one another, before disappearing into the harsh desert that was their destination. Nearly seven years later a single survivor returned to Denmark to find himself forgotten and all the specimens that had been sent back ruined by neglect.
Based on diaries, notebooks, and sketches that lay unread in Danish archives until the twentieth century, Arabia Felix is a tale of intellectual rivalry and a comedy of very bad manners, as well as an utterly absorbing adventure.
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ARABIA FELIX! Strange that the epithet 'Happy' should grace a part of the earth's surface, most of it barren wilderness where, since the dawn of history, man has ever been at war with his environment and his neighbour. Yet there can be no mistaking the classical geographers. To Strabo, Pliny, and Ptolemy, the term Arabia Felix served for the entire peninsula south of the Syrian desert (Arabia Deserta) and the mountains about Sinai (Arabia Petraea). True, the term consorts ill with the horrid wastes of Rub' al Khali that form no small part of Arabia, but there lies in the central south, bordering the Indian Ocean, ·a land at once of rare physical loveliness and of ancient fame. If there be any region in Arabia entitled to the epithet 'Happy,' other than the Yemen, whose glories were well known to the ancients, it is this province of Dhufar, an Arcadia ofluxuriant forests that clothe steep mountains overlooking the sea, of per- ennial streams and sunny meadows, of wide vistas and verdant glades. Here, according to the writer of Genesis,
Jehovah had set the limit of the known world 'as thou goest east unto Mount Sephar'; hither came the ancient Egyptians for frankincense to embalm their sacred Pharaohs; here, may be, were hewed the pillars of Solo- mon's Temple, if indeed Dhufar be not the site of Ophir itself, and the traditional market for ivory and peacocks' feathers.
I have attempted to set down in the pages that follow a narrative of my recent camel journey across Rub' al Khali, and of my researches in this fair province of Dhufar, the
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gateway of that journey, and to me the true Arabia Felix of to-day.
The, virgin Rub' al Khali, the Great Southern Desert!
To have laboured in Arabia is to have tasted inevitably of her seduction, and six years ago when I left the Adminis- tration of Transjordan for the Court of Muscat and Oman I already cherished secret dreams. The remote recesses of the earth, Arctic and Antarctic, the sources of the Amazon, and the vast inner spaces of Asia and Africa, have one by one yielded their secrets to man's curiosity, until by a strange chance the Rub' al Khali remained almost the last consider- able terra incognito, which is surprising considering the great antiquity of settled Arabia, the border lands of which touched the early civilisations of Egypt and Babylonia.
Yet Arabia has remained the forbidden land. Through- out the centuries scarce twenty European explorers have been able usefully to penetrate to her inhospitable heart. For this there are two main reasons. First, lack of rain and the merciless heat of the Arabian desert permit of but scattered and semi-barbarous nomad societies, which are at such perpetual war that, even for themselves, life is insecure. Secondly, the religion of these desert men, at least in practice, is fanatical and exclusive. From time to time they hold it virtuous to enforce Islam with the sword. In Arabia proper all European visitors have been indi- vidual men, and only once in all her history, and that in Roman times, has she - the then supposed Eldorado- excited the cupidity of European invaders, so that among her inhabitants, left so severely to themselves, insularity, bigotry, and intolerance are indigenous growths with a long pedigree. Hence an area equal to half the superficies of Europe had remained a blank on our maps.
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It had·fascinated Richard Burton, who in I 852 offered his services to the Royal Geographical Society for the purpose of what he termed 'removing that opprobrium to modern adventure,' but he succumbed to official obstruc- tion and never put his plans to the test. I enjoyed ad- vantages. Thirteen years of post-war service in various political capacities on three sides of Arabia enabled me to acquire a peculiar knowledge of tribal dialects and of Arab ways, and to become acclimatised. I had addressed myself for years past to two problems- how to find an avenue of approach to the interior and how to cultivate the tribes there. As a Minister of the Council of the State of Oman, my name came to be known throughout south- east Arabia; it was because I was the Sultan's Wazir and because of the cordial relations existing between the Ruler and myself that I was brought into personal touch with the most influential Arabs of that part. Hence a general attitude of tolerance towards me, an Englishman and a Christian, without which I could never have dreamt of moving off the beaten track.
Then, too, I knew the mind of authority and so avoided the pitfall of seeking permission for my designs. Was n.ot the lesson of Burton before me? The British official attitude, with which, let me add, I am in general sympathy, is, in view of the anarchy that normally prevails in Desert Arabia, inimical to exploration. The good official must avoid responsibility and commitments, and to learn of, and not forbid, an expedition implies tacit authorisation. So my plans were conceived in darkness, my journeys heralded only by my disappearances, paid for~by myself and executed under my o~n auspices. Throughout my service in Muscat I elected to spend my summers there, to save
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critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.
During 2019 went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations. has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth. mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.
It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, and was considered ambiguous.