Sumitomo Group is a huge conglomerate on a multitude of levels and industries and it can most likely only get bigger and better enriching peoples lives. Sumitomo purchased Q-Park March 2019 from (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (Wikipedia)).
Endure. Be strong. Communication. Full package, one ship, one logo, one major ID and in essence simplicity evolving into diversity by moving away from the ancient ways (come on now, don't say everything is okay!) fully utilizing technology to its full potential however breaking away from systems that are flawed by design and building layers of tapestry. Things to looks out for are conglomerates such as Sumitomi (Corp. website), Experian and Governmental Corp. Yes, governments are pretty much the same as any conglomerate and the business is the same worldwide; money, finance, high and huge and the bigger the worst - or best - all depending on which rock you are standing. This will be detailed in this article and the closer you look the more you gaze in awe at the richness of this huge ship loaded with everything - and love too - lots of it and the best The World can distill in its loaded distilleries of delights and fortune.
Delusions of grandeur; if conglomerates can do it so can anyone and Agatha Christie comes to mind in The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) (notice the number on the sail of DICKIE'S sailboat in Italy). Yes, it all is now so grand it probably can't get smaller unless the conglomerate takes the initiative to build not only the largest ship ever but also the best crew.
Comparing the conglomerates with some countries governments is like sizing up ants and elephants. They work together however also compete on all levels trying to figure out how to enrich - which I shall explain in this expanding article now that CURVE CABLES is the writing-platform.
As boring as it can now get but must be mentioned for the obvious reasons. Car-parking Q-park was owved by but has been purchased by Sumitomi March 2019. Reuters. Parking is more than business, it is a way of creating wealth and transfering equity to countries who likes to drag icebergs to Japan and then bottle the melted water. and HK$950 bottled water made from polar glaciers, pulled from Hong Kong shelves and What is the Most Expensive Bottled Water in the World in 2020? Someone told me they wanted new design and ideas and this one must be so grand it can't get any more fluid. - this gets THE WARCRAFT GOLDEN GLOBE by NIXRUN.COM 2020.
That website should land a Golden Globe someway. In fact Fillico is so stunning it does not have any entries at Wikipedia (so rare indeed probably yet now known by many people). Government usually have complaint-offices but what do you think to which side governments complaint offices lean when we are talking complaining over multi and more multi billion Dollar conglomerates. Governments are so tiny they probably have so little to say which explains why they usually do not do anything really except follow the golden ratio. Then there are some people who live in some countries which shoes are so small they only levitate when they can display a golden bar in their national bank. Many people like to show a nice front to the entry to their houses and show the best they have.
Read the article at this website. All by design. Fraud from start to end. The claim is, that one bank has some gold and it was, as by reading the article, that the gold was moved to the Bank Of England during the cold war. My best estimate is that there is no gold and my best estmate would be, that the goldbar on display is lead spraypainted but I am probably wrong. However the cold war is over a few years back, right? And why store gold as collateral rather than utilizing it in industries and/or selling it at 99.9% as they do in Asia as jewlery. You will see these stores just like it was any retailer. No, gold is so washed out there probably is none left. If you buy gold in a western jewlery-shop it is usually diluted gold which you might then call fake gold or partial gold - no, they still call it gold. It would equal selling Coca Cola diluted and then still calling it Coca Cola; recalling that Coca Cola in its purest form is near 99% water!
The symbol for people and surely people are amazing but are many times under such extreme pressure driven into the darkest of hours. Falling Down (1993)
When a conglomerate like Sumitomo with a revenue at $48,155.70 (million) 2018 (let me just put those zeros in there; $48,155,000,000 (48 billion) (Sumitomo do employ about 65.000 which is astonishing)) who operates a european parking-lot (should Q-Park not be named Sumitomo Parking?) and civilians are able to use the court-systems to fight these ridiculousness parking tickets and fines (yes, parking can be made on private land and the owner can charge a fee. What world did we create when we can buy great fantastic cars but can't find a place to park without it ending up in courts and rivers of tarmac) and some actually end up being archived as bad payers in credit-companies to whom you can complain via governmental systems then the motive called money is like saying The Talented Mr. Ripley! Most government agencies have a complaint office and many nations now make their laws based on EU Directives as boring as that can be (talking about it - not much grand design there). I am positive the motive is money and I am positive no government will support civilians against billion Dollar conglomerates. Much great can be said about large conglomerates and they produce great things but the whole concept of stepping on an ant one year killing it and then ending up complaining about being sued by private corporations for something as irrelevant as parking to complaining to governments about being registered as a bad payer because a court case was lost against Q-Park owned earlier by now owned by Sumitomo is focus of reality with enrichment that it simply can not get any more real. In fact it is now so real, that anything is no limit and not even the sky. It gets to the point where STARGATE is like the purest ICED WATER compared to governments and these conglomerates. What all of this Earth's population minus 1% can now do is step back ten yards and wait for the ultimate final solution. Yes, we are far into the future by 2020 and not much can compare to the work laid out by certain wars creating whole countries based on pure love. How can you even think of complaining - does it make sense anymore to even read their papers full of words in laws and directives when they tell us that there is only one grand design anyway - rhetorical. Why even bloody try. Get over it and just watch as the fountains will dry out and anything is the limit.
"Den, som kun tar spøg for spøg og alvor kun alvorligt, han og hun har faktisk fattet begge dele dårligt". (Source, Piet Hein (Ya, talk about it being difficult to breathe (I think NUR did more to help people than not and NUR is still learning, looking and in awe.))). Yes, it is a program and all by designs and NUR do not forget much of the code such as this joke or rhime or truth (whatever). It was suppose to be fun, right? The quoted is difficult to translate to English directly but goes sometthing to this effect:
"He who takes a joke as purely a joke and seriousness only serious, he and she has actually understood both poorly/badly".
Piet Hein was a danish Architect and designed among other things a table and a super ellipse.
CURVE CABLES and NUR still thriving for a funny empire now also found in Japan. CURVE CABLES will uncover the ideas behind designing hospitals and operating rooms which are as important as any place from livingrooms to the stages where children play their consoles in the fantasies and grand scheme of all making up a better word (such as in WORLD OF WARCRAFT - WoW Celebration - 15 Years with Content Creators).
critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.
During 2019 went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations. has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth. mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.
It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, and was considered ambiguous.