These small articles moved to this page and stand as a testemony to how God, nations and some religious drug-addicts find comfort in destroying milions of peoples lives from using democracy, religion and unawareness of whatreligion really is.

Removing parts of below article since Christian Hedegaard, a dane, so filthy

2024 April 19

Explanation may follow since the adventures of a nations and its clodhoppers now can conclude, that Homo Sapiens are not one living spieces. There are others and they have names and must all be based on lies too or else it seems very insane. Better insane and outragious or perhaps both or none. I prefer none. Others can then hammer down the pole into earth while shining lights in deep rivers presenting a gift so toxic it is good to know since now it repels from me and I know the type of living creatures and they spell covid doing covid while protecting themselves from it. Insanity defined.

Tomorrow I shal edit and or remove or move article below into a section of the website obcured for such evil men do is what a whole nations first did then prosecuted the fella but nation was the guilty. As in UK now banning smoking for all born 2009 and forth so all 15 years old and 15 in the number of buddha (perceived) so this is COVID in action. Smoking ban finally after natiosn made trillions killing people. Now they grow up after the presence of my writings. Perhaps nations establishment can do better and other things which will prolong life and make people actually live. 1000 of ideas to improve peoples lives yet 100s of parliaments in 100s of nations now must borrow and ask Asia for help out of their biblical nightmare all pivoted forward very fast by me since 2013 and accelerated happily since 2023 finally improving lives of people just as bible forsaw and I foretold with previous yet only the parts the establishment and God could use to cherrypick me into hell was their tool to try and keep the secret a secret of which there is much more.

Tomorow I shall remove the heinous reference to a nations darling (article: Inspired by God, Euromaster) now residing in Florida in USA. He and a nations destroyed 1000 of families and individuals and he is just one among many who did the same destroying peoples lives all supported by God. This type of heinous behavior has been going on long before I was born and will persist and that is why they hate me. Thay say I am wrong in all and hate TIAWOL yet they call for love but do hate and evil themselves and especially since 2017 but also far back in time and naturally even on me as a child in ways which could make scripts looking like the movie What Evil Men Do. 100s of cases where I am have harrassed since 2017 including my wife indirectly in various ways and the evil a nations and some companies do and some men is only leading to scripts like in the movies. They forget love and forget who they really are. That is why I was made God as to blame it on me and or letting me know that this is how they where made a God. Lucky me I disassociated myself allready in 2014 from the rotten part of this yet accept people whom I love and not being dictated what I feel or love or hate. It is the nature of some people to inflict their own belief on others whereas I did not but only told a story using words and made into God for this. God is good they say but that is how God is - a dog one minute and the next something that spreads legs and pussy and inbetween we get Israel designed and United Nations all biblical founded so one day it might be possible to find a toilet that does not spell violet and actually watch the nature that is left and watch people who at least looks like they are loving creatures.

Since clodhoppers use terror and noise driving past my house it is expected that morning will be same and I shall then do as I please and probably upload an article because that is my way to get rid of their filth and nonsense and complete biblical terror. Imagine they actually had done the opposite and showed some care then not many articles but they wanted me to loose but that happend 2014 so again thay got it all wrong.

Inspired by God, Euromaster

2024 April 18

Some years ago my family, mother and aunt became very religiousin a danish church supported by state named Apostolic church. Many insidents and crimes and one man, a drug addict, moved to Florida, after crimes against 100 of children and my mother and aunt never dissociated themselves from the church however many crimes. The fella name was and is Christian Hedegaard. A courtcaseand many policierepport later state supported this church and still does. it is not a solo insident or story there are 10.000 such stories and peronally I have had at least 30 such stories close to my life and I have known of more cases of families broken just as bible says. Bible is whatstate and some clodhoppers wants because thye beleive in babylon their own cock and cunt.

As per image right then my mother used to say that God inspired bible when I said someone else, humans wrote the Bible. God is esoterically (no longer since TIAWOL) COCK and CUNT both sevens strokes. Bible is a cockhouse or a cockchurch and temple filled with fluids from cock and cunt only and the dandy hillblilly clodhopper tales from Bible are told again and again such as 3 kings and bethlehem and babtism which insidently is only being dipped in cunt juice so one can enter the kingdoms again after being delivered from the water fluids which si why it is called a WAT in Thailand for temple and IS is the name of god so WATER is temple is WAT in thai language and this is called speaking in tounges.

Today I went to city and Euromaster followed me and drove to aboth sides of the road the nthey singlaed with hih beam at me because I need to have my catalist fixed. 2022 my wife and I drove on a small tour to Spain where we had a flat tire and had to go to Euromaster and it was Sunday. Europmaster was closed but some other we contacted got to us and fixed our tire for DKK 6000 kroner and took away the rim even if rim was okay. So I have been played since 2017.This is not so important. I then called police because Euromaster drove hazardous and threatening. police did not respond so I have emailed the police and reported the insident and emailed Europmaster.

Anyway, this aside, since GOD is COCK and CUNT and NIMROD flows from end to start or rather is connected as a small penis and nothing more and for that natiosn built churhes and tempels and in state daish there is about 2500 state churches all crime incorporated.

Christian hedegaard loved by stat daish: who left 100 of families in complete terror at the home where he keps teenage children and parents and children complained and finally police stepped in. Prior this this man mangaed with Apostilic church in collution with daish state to desotys 1000 of families directly from the Apostolic church and now this fella suported by clodhoppers in denmark, daish state crime incorporated, operates from and he and Apostolic church mangae to inflict horros that is the reason why TIAWOL came around to describe such horrors just as Bible says someone will describe such horrors and teror. USA with Donald Trump now can make America great gain with this Chrstian daish man and I think it might explain why USA is mostly based on Washington where TON is 7 strokes and now Donald Trump can do the church cock with Christian hedegaard whom DOnald Trump have come to love a state nazi namely DENMARK which esoterically is backwards KRAM DEN and DEN is a den and or ONE which in Bible is cock and KRAM is danish for hug. HUG COCK and DOnald Trump will not be visited by people who donøt have one so go one and suck cock on Florida where Donald Trump lives and enjoys Florida which is flower and a penisinsula pointin downwards just like Bible which explains perhaps why this clodhopper support by daisg state and China and Asia can now enjoy eating his cock while they wash it clean after sucking it wet.

Much more and all is related to the gorgeous inspiration by a COCK and only that if anything because as soon as you open Bible which is Budha, there is only words and they scare words which is COCK and CUNT too but this requires animation which will follow.

One person did all that greater than the combined Vatican and combined Buddism and combined religions of the World and for this Europmaster and such should ask if thye too should startto go to school and learn the basics rather than living the Jaw of Jante which Asia and China love so much.State daish and vatican can now wonder why there cock got to be so large spiring higher than the small chappel in Israel so much wanted also by Muslims. Imagine 3 billion people worshipping a red asian cock which is also a bird which cant fly but lay eggs for easter which people love across The World like they love chicken but not enough to eat it raw and not enough to let the chicken live.

Bible spot on at end-times wars and famine and much horrors as per movies but at least TIAWOL and I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, stand proud knowing that whoulc I ever encounter the lieks of this clodhopper now living is USA I knw exactly what to tell such clodhoppers: Go suck it. This small article will be removed since I only barely can stand seeing this clodhoppers name on my website let alone knowing a state and USA supports such. All I can do is to tell not to be associated with such bastards and similar people: and there are about one billion people like this clodhopper whom I better just call christian-buddist.

Perhaps one day this part of religion can be dismissed and changed for lets say LIFE. Simple and less need for Washington or nations or chuches to do life.

Movies are right, life is right, Bible is right, litterature all right and all of everything is right including movies Psycho and the Shining, red dot in face of some people, MARY and ARMY and Jesus is dead and only thingw rong is Niels Ulrik Reinwald and now I can prove it. This is how religion is made anyway making up things. So much love and beauty that entering a church one sees a dead man hanging on a cross. No wonder young ones as well as old ones get nightmares all life and empty churches even on a sunday and it is also wrong that state Swedish disconnected state from church. I was told lying and lies are right so why not lie some more and tell all sorts of lies just as lies are told about loving something or someone then evil steps in and this is where movie The Evil Men Do as well as movie Children of Men are opposites once again and both movies are right and the scriptwriter insane inventing it all, tada! God had and has a hard time knowing which it is and for millenia unable to tell people the truth but only lies. By design. Love could be named something different using different language and letters and attemps at new languages done eliminating God.

Following is text for the image GOD COCK and the fella Hedegaard was known for being naughty in Apostolic Church a drugadict who said himself he had demons inside him. He managed to infilstrate and destoy many lives first in city Helsinge and later in Hillerød and colluded with a pastor at Apostolic free curch in destroying many families, taking money as tithe, helping making people ill and sich with diabetest and other illnesses and used personal favours to inflict multiple casualties on whole families in collusion with danish state:

This is what religion is. It also explains why in Arab countries men wear a black headband which is a symbol of cunt and their white robe a light of the cock and they greet and salute each other by rubbing their noses together whih is esoteric for knowing this secret. Well, inspired by COCK and CUNT now go wonder why USA supports also arabs since WASHING TON where TON is 7 strokes. next time you visit Notre Dame please follow the dripping wet pastor's footsteps.

That is how in Bible we get Saint Peter going to prison being visited by and angle depicted as a bird with wings but is in fact a homo sexual and this is also why my mother Ester Regitze Reinwald in Apostolic church was repeatedly bombarded that I was home sexual and this is hiow state abuses people and little girls and bouys and teenagers now follow this terror regime from being brainwashed by ovid to wearing mask and little do they know that state is colludin in terrorism and they will know once thay grow up just like billions of people have been infiltrated by this filth said to be washed in WashinTON.

Jerusalem where Lem is danish for cock and penis. City in denmark is named Lemvig for COCK and VIG is LIE for O for cunt. Daish is one of the most filty places on earth.

The fella is not alone and there are many of these and they collude with state in destroying families. Just as per bible. Rendering bible a terror instrument and when this is explorered and proven, then state becomes even more of a terrorist. WHle nations and even all of United Nations collude in destroying people and cultures and lives. That is waht religion is, an instrument to control and manipulate and tale advange of peoples unwareness of what God and religion really is a filthy destructive manipulative tool to fool explaining the making of two world wars and all the minor wars which are all the works of God.

Hedegaard insident similar in size to Jonestown massacre however cyanide not used only words by God and manipulative use of peoples lives. Apostolic church was the foundation of Hedegaard and that church still existing and supported by state in the detruction of millions of lives directly and indirectly. The levels of illness in denamrk is so vast that religion, as told in bible itself, it the cause of sickness, illness and many problems based on the foundation of the state namely religion even built into the constitution. many similar preachers in denamrk have had to flee denmark and have moved to other countries where they continue their illness inflicting more illness of whole communities and evene whole nations. Many preachers are ill themselves and use religion to cure their own mind making thus millions of others ill. Benny Hinn is one of the worst howver only because he should be given an Oscar joining Hollywood.


Other similar people who God supported in destroying millions of lives:

Niels Ulrik Reinwald

critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.


During 2019 went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations. has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth. mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.

It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, and was considered ambiguous.

Article including this dis- and claimer is available here.