Not so far from where I also live, yes, I live a couple of places, I encounter shops springing up like candy growing on a field of tulips near a medow of sprouting asparagus as crispy as the naut of life found as the most endearing encounter anyone probably can imagine until one day automated fertility wards with fake present quantum computers operate to deliver the next temple in which gatherrings will take place to realize love is everywhere even away and outside the temple which might explain why it is a long way under way to construct something which is life itself. In metaphores in modern tunes they sing "let it go" yet they thrive and desire to build shops with hanging chains of gold on streets while they forget to nurture realizing C-3PO was gold plated galore just as a pussy was with all her galore more to delight than fright even if she was dead on a bed in a fiction fortold so you'd know when the day would come. I was told to preserve and endear and be kind yet encounter fortunes of terror and infinite wars - don't we all?
Quantum extream and superior far beyond was achived early 2016 by N. U. Reinwald however is still in the foundry to be fully revealed as heaven on earth. Wohoo, some statement! Temple Mount is a good place to start. Why? Well, we encounter more gold and gold, or a yellowish color, seems evident as seen with the quantum computer by Google AI and even IBM's C quantum computer which is explained and seen more like the invension of a spaceship in a silent movie from the 1920th. Yes, boring, right? Well, most people, I think, are trying to figure out what and where all those things are you were told when you were a child. Santa Claus is a character seen in your local Mall each December and that's all? The Catholic Church promisses better times and they predict the New Covenant related to the Messianic Age or World To Come or End Time or End Of Days. That former sentence could fill a wall of books and the terms are plenty to explain something rather astonishing. This small writing is not going too deep. However we are told Love is the greatest law.
Once born, life moves ahead and soon it becomes a myriad of complexity in which most people seem to live ordinary lives.
"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment.
This sounds as easy as 2+2=4 and if this is the ultimate algorithm what is then all the fuzz and golden galore about leading to famine, war, suffering on a scale unheard of except among fellow human beings. Refer to Matthew 22:36 and forget about Romans 13 in which authority as your government is given power to exercise fear (terror). Now one has become a teacher which is a priest which is a pastor in which we encounter the past rather than the future such as futuror (rather than pastor). All still in the spirit of creating new words also. In fact we encounter the future using only words which is why they are also important to know too where anything originate recalling our school-days and Sunday School teacher speaking words about the beginning in John 1:1. Some of these things are actually also taught in public schools and the students most likely are interested in knowing with what love as the greatest commandment the exact same government as the authority instill fear using this greatest commandment called "Love... with your heart...". This naturally becomes mindbending to say the least when The Lord is God as the heart itself but makes sense using only words.
Hang on. Recall most governments have The Bible as their foundation hence this astonishing simplest greatest commandment yet build armies with budgets surpassing any sense and runs hospitals with trillions of Dollars which explains why many must be ill yet love is spoken of and is ruled with armies the size of a thounsand football-fields and larger. "Order" we hear. "Order" in House of Lords. 'Order!': John Bercow's decade of thunderous pronouncements. Delightful John Bercow is a Speaker while Lord Speaker is related to House of Lords. Recall your first years in school where the teacher told you language and words are linguistics and is a science? Lord has ord as does bord and order. Word itself has an ord. Just as World with a center-pièce de résistance letter L which are two strokes which is exactly that; II or 2 or two.
Quantum wrong or an error as a discipline which is seldom allowed in school which is why more errors might lead to a better culture and society in which castles become the norm including food and life superior to any Versailles. Watch this and this and then put non and sense together. Then watch a fella saying it takes six tries to find a hidden binary number when the AND operation is done in one try. An AND operation is one operation and takes only a few clock ticks. Making a quantum gate which can do all operations such as AND, XOR, NOT etc. is very nice too. Anyone can make errors at some point which is why most governments have complaint-offices (which shall be covered too via this page and articles).
Google told that it would take a conventional computer 10000 years what it took their quantum computer 200 seconds. Then IBM said they made it in 2.5 years on their conventional computer. The difference is not all that significant in historical perspective when it comes to the age of The Universe - and such. Let's recall that computer language is a set of gates essentially flipping on and off a very few registers and the basic memory of a computer is its registers of which there are a very few and some are used for logic operations such as AND and others are Instruction pointer registers etc. A computer is a fast, very fast, sewing machine (allegorically speaking).
AND (one try with "conventional" computer gate which is quantum considering the AND-gate test all bit in one go)
爱 [Ài] is love in Chinese. Wiktionary has it with cangjie input 月月心水 [Yuè yuè xīn shuǐ] and this is probably where simple begins. Let us see. It is 月 month. 心 hearth, bosom. And finally 水 water, liquid, river. Let's speak in tongues for a while now we are at it knowing that Lords are plenty.
Jumping to John 1:1. We are told "In [the] beginning was the Word, and..." - no it was not, In was the beginning. Your Sunday School teacher may have forgotten to tell you and you figured this out all by yourself however wondered why nobody pointed this out as obvious as it is (naturally In is a word, so true, that a word (In) was first (spellbinding)). However grammer tells us [the] definite article is oblivious (for some reason or other) and the original text reads Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν which is transliterated to En archē ēn and this is speaking one arche one when we know en is one. Naturally one is important when it comes to One Dollar bills but let's leave money on the table for the moment. Let's load the whole thing up:
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ Λόγος, καὶ ὁ Λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν Θεόν, καὶ Θεὸς ἦν ὁ Λόγος.
En archí ín o Lógos, kaí o Lógos ín prós tón Theón, kaí Theós ín o Lógos.
En archē ēn ho Logos kai ho Logos ēn pros ton Theon kai Theos ēn ho Logos
Math; so which is it; did In or Word come first not to forget the void and the invisible (fun, right?) which we shall see in full light as we progress.
Sidestepping; 恩 Ēn [Yep] Han character cangjie input 田大心 has a few interesting strokes such as 心 Xīn Heart. See Wiktionary for 心. Then we jump along to 大 which means big, large, great, huge, oldest, out etc. and is composed of 一 and 人 which is then one and person, people and in Mandarin 人 is Rén which we encounter in the word Children. 儿童 Értóng is Child indeed and then a boy, virgin 童. Indeed from simple strokes and curves do we paint letters as pictograms and when we dive into the root of these pictograms we end up with simplicity such as one stroke 一 for One. Person or people人 are two strokes which is a nice thing because any person is made from two persons (and doing some math; these two persons were made from four persons (and in some cases the same persons all depending on who did what, where and when)). Now we enter familty-trees and ancestry which in Royal circles becomes highly extensive math indeed. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,... 512, 1024, 2048... leads thoughts to binary numbers in which 1 is the largest (in sequence to the right and/or counting up) of two numbers and to cover both directions Hebrew was invented as was Arabic writing. It is for good reasons you find the Eye of Horus related to binary numbers and this shall be explained in detail as we move along.
Since kings by nature are good, then so must their harems be good? What do harems contain? Much delight just as the shrine shine.
Over the course of time I have come to appreciate Hebrew and perhaps more so Arabic writing. Indeed at first it looks like gibberish to westerners but anything does at first and I wonder why the basics of both these writings are not being taught in public school just like Latin is. Well, probably because words are part of the World's secrets and language and communication is key to understanding practically anything.
Since Forbidden City and Victoria's Secret by now is 人 and that same symbol looks much like the end of the story as ⧼ἁγίων. Ἀμήν⧽ flipped 90°.
Let me quickly return to love. Oh, where is it...? Love is encountered in sports in tennis and means zero, nada, nil, nihil, nothing. So if you love someone you are intentionally saying you zero them. So what is all the fuzz and Monroe about when we land with things like Diamonds as the best friend when the man (or woman (women)) is not? Okay, so you give this lovely thing a diamond and as soon as she (or he in these ages) gets it they run away keeping the diamond leaving you to struggle and work hard to get the cash for yet another diamond to give away endlessly because you wanted more than a friend, right? Kylie Minogue - Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend (Live). She does prefer a man that lives and gives. Marketing offcause and De Beers is still operating and now man can make diamonds from scratch from carbon.
Ref.: δαίμων daemon daímon.
Voyager Golden Record too has ord in record. And more gold or golden in which there is en as one (recall speaking in tongues indeed and it gets better (or worse if you prefer)). J.S. Bach (interpreted by Glenn Gould) is also on the record. Gould too has Gold if it was not enough by now. 越过 is pass over transliterated as Yuèguò and for all the fun we see that in Gould's name. Let's leave this standing for now because once these things become evident then love surely is much more than zero, nihil, which then makes the winner in tennis - the looser. Imagine winning a game of tennis was about having fun rather than fighting to get a ball over a net a few hundred times which in essense is not all that difficult unless you make it so.critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.
During 2019 went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations. has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth. mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.
It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, and was considered ambiguous.