Truths In A World Of Lies - preliminary. Imagine being given the title of Emperor and later - God - imagine God then is only second in rank. Imagine anything.

2023 December 19th Niels Ulrik Reinwald was suppose to do no upload on this day (birthday) and just do the easy thing, nothing. But nothing is everything, China told NUR. Incidentally listening to noise all day (cars driving past my house all day), is absolutely not doing anything. NUR won plenty - now just making it official.

Truth in a World of Lies

Updated: Thu, March 21, 2024 8:30 AM / Created: Dec. 19 2023.

Book TIAWOL: /pages/tiawol (very preliminar version, 2024 February 17)

Aktion T4

Today watching US Presidential debates which is a sandbox of sand without grains of sand. The box perhaps but even that when they all, Republicans, fight and kick each other saying each and everyone sucks. Examples: and USA and Ramadan article is the reason why Denmark is run like a system of Jonestown and public schools and anything else explains why government are everywhere liek a Fasist state is. Just as during World War and prior some benefit som not and rights of all sorts makes no difference since choicesare made irrespectful of genuine quality and quality should be seen at least at the Presidential debates and since USA Ramadan and other matters bring nations close together anything is vital for anyone else outside any other country. Denmark is poverty incarnated and a tourit and a close look at areas will show this however is smudges out (the smudging leaves a country in deep poverty on a national level yet a very few left rich beyond and so welfare they actually owe nothing except the benefits they receive as unnecessary high wages) so hard to see the differences unless you compare with other nations. Welfare in Denmark and similar nations, Sweden, does exist on a grand level just like Poland post World War 2 with Communism.

The Stepford Wives is robots (even the man in black) and another piece of the puzzle. Niels Ulrik Reinwald watched that movie yesterday (2024 January 10) and you will notice how CNN hosts are dressed in Black and White and blue with white polka-dots; that might be because they just miss a piece making them both dress in white. Robots comes in many shapes and nations people are that explaining the extermination of Jonestown Massacre after it was too late and many similar massacres since then, before and after. Conjuring or simply expression the very thing which makes this world must be why silence and noise and words did not do a single thing except create a place where robots live.

Nose-picking; the concept of picking at such small things that it shows nations have adopted a bogus foundation; Bible - and have abused people with it for centuries. Therefore Niels Ulrik Reinwald can pick too. Cherry picking rather however did that with and in the greatest respect showed that too much beauty is not what Vatican or other nations ever produced so profound by one single man that only their nose-picking is left.

Some days prior Xmas 2023 Niels Ulrik Reinwald was presented with one of their "scouts"/mob-member - a young girl in a brown knitwear hat and she stuck her finger up her nose symbolically as Niels Ulrik Reinwald drove passed her at the border between Denmark/Germany signaling she and her mob would pick at the tiniest things from their noses.

State danish invited war in 2018 and made a war-declaration and continue to wage war so Truth In A World Of Lies starts 2024 to be published. They so much want the book and so it should be given to them and since earlier it will naturally be given free because it is a present given to educate people showing what they rule with; terror and simple mob/herd-mentality.

Frontpage of will in the menu show when major updates are ready on this page holding Truth In A World Of Lies; a book-title given to Niels Ulrik Reinwald by Asia itself.

Each and every time mob-mentality of many styles are used, Niels Ulrik Reinwald will update this page with a list of incidents starting from 2024 January 2nd. Mob-incidents are considered incidents against West Asia and people of The World.

A book so profound it brought an Empress and an Emperor to Niels Ulrik Reinwald's [NUR] life delivered by a white Yaris, a biblical horse all happening in Thailand. Then called crazy yet democracy stands and endless wars. Even actors can be considered crazy playing roles. Presidents are presidents because people choose them to be via fraudulent elections rigged - representing the people. Yet constitution are not even upheld. WE THE PEOPLE is biblical as IN(W) IN(E) which is 4 strokes each and TIAWOL the revelation will tell in a chapter empirically how this works only using linguistics.

In 2018 NUR was given a deal through media and then NUR thought better delete the very book that they so much want to remove. Well, a holiday to Thailand produced only one thing, an empty shell of deceptions and a lot of promises and in Thailand NUR was given DKK 5000 from danish tax revenue office from nowhere except it was given to say, as China said, NUR has a copy of TIAWOL. I did. I had been threatened in Thailand and thus deleted thinking it would satisfy but it did not just as going whiteout with only produced more terror by state danish. Many times NUR, I, pulled down because cars carried a license plate with two letters ex. AX used in state danish with two letters then five numbers for car license plates. Movies use it too using this style of communication. That is all 'GOD' has, fear and terror and starting wars galore. Since 2017 state danish and danish Nazi Freemason have wanted TIAWOL and said TIAWOL would be theirs when NUR looses and in them saying so, prove themselves that TIAWOL 1. is true 2. is the very tool to win with. NUR is also an immigrant in part from Bavaria, Russia and Norway and Spain - a genuine non-danish. All are BTW.

The many wars proves the point as evidence of a global virus called COVID - a FLU. One does not have to be intelligent to figure out something is terribly wrong. What? The foundation. The Bible. Civil wars fought, two world wars and a NAZI regime so huge it tried to clean up a filthy world yet they went mad just like the rest of nations so poor after Napoleon wars and first world war that they were bankrupt. They care not. They have real people to toil and soldier and a million casualties matters as much as putting your foot on an ant colony.

Since 2018 state danish and hillbilly Freemason and ill people have tried to conquer my book telling me it is a true book yet they want the book but not me, NUR. That is the war. They fight to keep a very sick system in place and it has absolutely nothing to do with constitutional kingdoms and declarations of independence because people could not be less dependent than on this terror instrument, the Bible. Love!? Well, so much more. It is diluted down to HOSTEL 1, 2, and 3. movie and two world wars and Iraq war with biblical ἄνθραξ Anthrax (notice NAS: BURNING COALS ON HIS HEAD. which NUR shall explain later). Anthrax seen at Romans 12:20 and one reason Anthrax was used by Colin Powell at United Nations swinging poison around was, that the poison continues in Romans 13 with fear-mongering and terror and threats. God loves you, but will destroy anyone who rebels. Forget what your state operated school teacher taught you about being critical and Steve Job saying THINK DIFFERENT. Forget demonstrating. Forget having even a free mind. Reason is also that Latin alphabet is used in most countries so forget about diversity (United Nations started with Adam & Eve with sin and fear and insane cronicles). God is as single minded as can be. Would anyone stand up against a tyrant as in movies where Superman does as does Superwoman and to what end? To tell you that someone is doing something - in a movie - while real life continues in its purest form of terror leading to some men doing what is done in movie HOSTEL. Denmark did it as the 7th largest slave nation and says that was then and would not do it again. Well, slavery is in place and installed on a global scale and Denmark and Nordic countries with cradle to grave socialism and state welfare so benign it can easy burn up in 10 seconds.

In 2013 I wrote Truth in A World Of Lies. Approximately 850 pages. It was the work of a lifetime compressed into only 850 pages. These pages however created my earlier website which was so amazing it even was to profound to me. Then was created on a wish by my wife and I moved to Denmark after my mother dies in 2017. Since then I have had with many others their lives infiltrated with the bile and plague of the world which can be called welfare socialism fascist-jesuims through Freemason and secret societies and they hate ME for it because their baby babylon is dead and their secret no more a secret than we know that Victoria's Secret is her lovely cunt giving birth,after all, to babies and not Babylon but that is what they want. Victory or not, then was having been there being born one,any person, is victorius.

Imagine. Imagine one book would create a whole World, movies, languages, money, anything. Another day today 2023 December 19th with utter terror via email and using their benevolent ways to force a whole world into compliance with something which has today only produced mostly biblical inspired movies even romantic ones. Pornography too. They say to drain the sewage but they never do. Terror is probably the wrong word but covers intimidation and absolutely no dignity. TIAWOL gave so much yet so little and plenty of hacking of lives. People are hacked using payment cards and electronic devices violating the basic principles of fairness and life itself. Same entity proclaiming carnage by TIAWOL does carnage for no other reason than to portray an unfair environment termed life. When you or anyone operated such as politicians who are under control hen surely we live in a world of lies and robots who follow laws yet do not fulfill the laws intentions. Numerous cases and much to tell and if anyone find TIAWOL benevolent too, then there will be many new chapters. They tried create castles of Paradise as a Parasite - they said it. Many castles later and the paradises are nowhere to be seen when even Kings and Queens and God itself are spied upon. The enigma is to talk of such matters becoming that which one never dreamt of being. With 23 letters it is possible to construct many words and many sentences but they all boils down to a meaningful observation, observation itself.

"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it" - Kung Fu Panda -

Ref.: does not explain the observations and NUR was there, did that. and destiny לְגֹרָלְךָ֖ unravelled.

TIAWOL will be published starting soon with new chapters and many of the chapters from the first TIAWOL. It would then mount to two volumes but since things are digital then one book - call it - expanded. Two volumes too in tremulous anticipation of TIAWOL: Alice in Wonderland Collection.

A very small appetizer: an email I sent to Jerusalem Post 2023 Dec 18:


Some articles moved to this, the TIAWOL page.

Donald Trump won 2020 election

Indictment: and indictemnt #2:

2. Despite having lost, the Defendant was determined to remain in power. So for more than two months following election day on November 3, 2020, the Defendant spread lies that there had been outcome-determinative fraud in the election and that he had actually won. These claims were false, and the Defendant knew that they were false. But the Defendant repeated and widely disseminated them anyway—to make his knowingly false claims appear legitimate, create an intense national atmosphere of mistrust and anger, and erode public faith in the administration of the election.

2000 mules

Documentary: showing wide election fraud and showing Donald Trump won the election.

Democracy is in reality completely non-existing and finally a man at the helm with some brains and wanted taken down. They should dump Lincolm and sit Trump at the Lincoln mausoleum. There are even betetr choises tahn Donal Trump but since Trump worked in the entertaimen business he knows what to do to also entertain. rather than state creating bogus indictments, one might think that a masacre on democracy happens because big business wants to be able to lobby yet Trump made round atbles for big business and opend the White House for people and corporations. Thinking different, Steve Jobs, is not part og american culture except american culture brought greatness on many levels and could be the great america it was meant to be.

If the documentary too is lying, then at least we learn that big data exists and tracking anyone is easy. If something can b rigged, it will be rigged. It might even go further than the documentary shows but that is for a later debate. Heck, in Thailand they pay people to vote and pay people to vote according to a choise based on a few BATH in one pocket. Povery is the tool of democracy in Thailand and when one sees it in action it gets to the point where one realizes

In Thailand, money can buy anything, including a vote -


December 2023 NUR looked through a few of the files: One is Scripples containing source code - of absoluely no significance. Also other files of absolutely no significance. As per TIAWOL then the Wikileaks case is a fraud.

Indictment: (completely bogus based on the "leaks"). TIAWOL proved the Wikileaks case to be fake. When states and media etc does fakes, it all ends up being fake.


2023 December 23

At tis' time of the year, december, it is liked to bake a cookie named Jødekager - jøde is danish for jew. Jewcookies since kager is cake or cookie. it is round and springled with cinnemon kinnamōmon kinnamōmon kina for China. κιννάμωμον (kinnamōmon) — 1 Occurrence. They do kinna and eat it.

κιννάμωμον From Revelation 18:13. The word kinnamōmon κιννάμωμον is:

κινά - Kina - China

中国 which is China Zhōngguó. คี Kina is then porcelain but also China, the country, When Niels Ulrik Reinwald wrote kina on his phone in Spain in Palamos (which means war), lost. Kin is phonetically to eat in thai. KIN A is then EAT CHINA or EAT A. China insidently is just above Thailand - union they call it.

Tis' year NUR baked a few. Very easy and really crunchy and delicious. Why a jew? Must be because the child was King of the jews. Eat a cookie, you eat a King, a Jew, as a chineese. Fun included. Just wonder why Wiki did not tell this fact. Origin of κιννάμωμον is asian - well phoenician (phoenix). Døde is dead in danish language. Can a cookie die or lie. Øde is desolate. Now we know why it is named a Jew Cookie.

The drive to Spain, Palamos, was thus won and can not, as is the case today, be played again. Niels Ulrik Reinwald won 2022 A.D.

(when faking the rules, the game is off even before it started)

Diaspora Democracy

2023 December 23

It tells the story itself, democracy. Examples are plenty. Here a small list perhaps expanded later. Now termed DD.

Niels Ulrik Reinwald

critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.


During 2019 went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations. has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth. mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.

It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, and was considered ambiguous.

Article including this dis- and claimer is available here.