January 10, 2024
Military coalitions of which one is shown here and the agreement here.
Some things speaks for themselves but to get there Niels Ulrik Reinwald [NUR] had to climb 500 Mount Everest without oxygen supply.
Danish constitution: https://grundloven.dk/ emperically defines REGERINGEN as KING & FOLKETINGET of which there are 179 members and not an illegal regeringen 2024 named by 3 parties: Socialdemokratiet (S), Venstre (V) og Moderaterne (M). Political party Radikale Venstre desided not to join this REGERINGEN. They are 7 people and thus present 2024 regeringen is a minory governemnt. Democracy in play. Game or simple military presence based on solely 88 peopels idea. Dictatorship is very far from this type of ruling since the dictator now is ruled via democracy by 88 people and they all vote the same which is statistically possible but unlikely like asking for an 11th planet to popup in the Solar system in start of 2024.
This voids 91 peoples mandates which are then actually in majority. Da.: Regeringen (ruling government) is then illegal on 3 counts:
Democracy is ruled by less than half of the peoples voices/votes. The people now have USA military to take out the bastards named REGERINGEN Socialdemokratiet (S), Venstre (V) og Moderaterne (M) but USA is corrupt and the evidense is the agreement between Denmark and USA.
de facto; https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regeringen_Mette_Frederiksen_II in quote:
"The Mette Frederiksen II government has been Denmark's government since 15 December 2022. It consists of ministers from the Social Democrats, Liberals and Moderates, which is why it is often referred to as the SVM government. They have a total of 88 mandates behind them in the Folketing. Although this is not a majority of the mandates of the Folketing, it is a de facto majority government ... regardless of whether the practice exists in reality."
de facto, portugeese, fact. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_facto
"describes practices that exist in reality, regardless of whether they are officially recognized by laws or other formal norms."
This in fact voids all of the danish constitution and any law which also explains why all laws are de facto; what they usually do whatever that is. De facto is also that REGERINGEN is not political parties but all of 179 however de facto has violated the danish constitution since nobody reads the damn thing and is washed out even leaving out Administrative Court. Say Jonestown; you say Denmark or Ramadan or hug. Denmark is esoterically ruled and thus Nazi and have been ruled like this for centuries. Esoteric WAU well let it be known so all can fool like they did or rather expose the crime for what it is, hillbilly mentality.
Since democracy is in operation we are told REGERINGEN signs the greement on both parties, USA and Denamrk. The danish one is not in majority. The US Govrnment (REGERINGEN) is somewhat more spectacle in that the US Government is derived from 3 bodies: https://www.usa.gov/branches-of-government and the danish is not defined this way and courts stands solo. Similar the danish constitution is illegaly adopted and used on the people describing the danish REGERINGEN as a power as does the court have power (magt) and the king. 3 branches.However the king is constitutional and is since 1953 merged with REGERINGEN which is defined as 179 members of Folketingent (parliament). That laves only 2 branches left in the danish constitutio 1. Folketinget and 2. courts. The courts are not upheld per constitution with § 63 stk 2. Administrative Courts, plural (Forvaltningsdomstole) and voids Folketinget who should stand trial but can not because danamrks Domstole is hthus per constitution dnish illegal.
This then voids the 3 USA branches if they are REGRINGEN signing a document allowing US military to stand operational on danish national ground as per constitution defining Kongeringet Danamrk as a territory which absolutely does not include USA.
Kram Den (Denmark backwards in English language esoteric off cause meaning: hug it or hug one which is a biblical cock) or Ramadan. We are living in a world of linguistics which is a science. USA has signed an agreement with a country which is ruled by the people for the people but makes an agreement placing militarily personal making danish citizens North Americans - THINK DIFFERENT said Steve Jobs, apple.com. They surely do but insanely so.
Lawyers are trained monkeys and better, Zebras. If ayone wishes enemies just get bloody baptized in Denmark in holy mud. Wonderful Copenhagen is ond, evil. There are surely only 23 letters but MARY and ARMY seems a perfect match.
January 10, 2024
Today while investigating deep corruption in European Union the website europe.eu is again down. In Sweden electric companies are ordered through law to deliver electric and must compensate when electric fails on a large scale. Technology in place to have websites run 100% or near all the time. Citizens pays billions of € and then website down: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/TodayOJ/ and seems operated on ELI or a LIE just like danish laws ELI: https://www.retsinformation.dk/eli/lta/2023/5 with reference to movies ELI and lies naturally. Since bible persist why fight that. In other words, that and its content proven wrong yet ELI continues and billions spent the wrong places and a whole planet loves bible and Asia loves blanc Jesus. While media and such as CNN reports on many fake cases also then there are some real. CNN is real. Ted Turner was real. Jane Fonda real. Their movies real. if anything is real then why the fuzz. Since state Denmark and mobs have celebrated fixing a copy of Truth In A World Of Lies that book will start to be published starting today and posted when ready a chapter at a time. It was not expected it to be published just as early as start of 2024.
Black Nazarene procession draws millions of Catholic devotees to Philippine capital (could be defined with one word and then the charade and theater making hope for millions - WAU - since when.)
Since europe.eu can not be accessed then also EU Directives can not be read. That then puts citizens in the situation without the legal text and thus law is set out of function for the period of time it takes to get them Online. It is esoteric hogwash that data-centers collapse costing billions but the europe.eu mostly feels made in Wordpress or less by someone with minimal skills and money to secure Online presence 100% or near.
A sopeana at hand from state against NUR proves that waste and pollution shall be managed and paid for only for state and not directly by citizens or households. Many danish laws too are infiltrated with illegal or rather deceitful wordings making laws function in such a way that one law can direct a user in many direction depending on which part of the law you read. As with cases reported by example CNN then law should be 2 plus 2 is 22.
President Donald trump or any are safe meaning White House is a safe house. Surely caught in the act as per danish bullshit non-fullfilled constitution § 57 then any official is representing a number of mandates, people, and shall not be harassed as per CNN reporter even in The White House- CNN is not a game or reality - it tries to report on non-law and entertains a whole world during 911 terror attack and Iraq War and colluded with coalition war-mongering-machines to entertain a whole world while reporting so terrible it belongs in a Rude-Chamber and CNN is naturally perfectly fine reporting fake news and otherwise bring information of any style and type - everyone lives in their idea of reality in bible which explain why CNN and team was okay 2013 and forward and some reporters fired when supporting speaking directly to Niels Ulrik Reinwald. Who owns and operates CNN are thus terrorist too in this financial circus called democracy and yelling and reporting and rudeness so blatant it belongs off-screen. CNN is loved worldwide for what it is and is a great platform to weigh laws and words against the proven fact, that EU Directives operate on the same level., ELI and two or more meanings.
Niels Ulrik Reinwald has many such examples where law and thus Lawyers are working disrupting life for billions of people since similar laws are implemented world wide. China and Asia some very corrupt nations and European countries also.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thaksin_Shinawatra when such a person doing some good is a millionaire or billionaire and is a refugee from a country that loves Thai people, then laws are thrown at the fella and a legal battle is started but a refugee is talking it too far. Anyone like an elected must be able to move and the case is similar because it shown attacking people because a president is attacked who was elected by 150 million people USA Donald Trump. Imagine telling that many people they just got it wrong. Then USA and others have gotten it wrong plenty.
Thailand is a place which is poor but rich like any other country. Denmark too but not rich enough to fulfill the laws and EU Directives and laws are designed from "peoples chambers" called governance even elected by the people. Garbage and plastic and waste shall be paid for by the polluter who is defined as business - and this is implicitly enshrined in the EU Treaty article 191. This also is secured by consumers paying for products for which they have no other choice because the choices are that all products are wrapped in plastic on a level making plastic a product and thus is not waste.
Niels Ulrik Reinwald has and will again prove that the intention is that ssince governance wish to rule and fool and be the folol then they must too pay which everything shows they do via lans and debt on a level so large that alone makes nations corrupt and not fullinging the foundation and even the constitution. A number of people can never rule millions of people. The Thaksin legal case is highly likely as fake as the thai cave story.
No, well, French only? Read the sentence a few times. "Roman Emperor Nero had castrated and married as his Empress during his tour of Greece in 66–67 CE"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sporus and such is as old a The Vatican which did it, done it, been there. Even portrayed in movies and series Da Vinci Demons.
When religious people have no more words then they started long ago to throw ideas of prime and first. Bible is the first Prime and it has a minister as a priest who means prostitute and that was gay and biblically homosexual or better had sex with the bible itself as the bible is NIMROD a cock and pussy and riots another forgotten Russian piece of garbage made to infiltrate and disturb a whole worlds people with fake EU Directives and courts and their deceptive laws.
When Niels Ulrik Reinwald entered this "game" it was not to play with idiots and fakes and reporters yelling and impolite fashions and in fact not to comment on such. But when ones person and character is attacked only because it suites the air-time and bullying is the ticket with which they ring in new years forgetting to turn off like they turn on. A state has now asked for the exact text where it says a is a and not b and this is done yet not available many times and also today. Strings are pulled and a game played where whole people are infiltrated and emails and computers and lives hacked is also illegal. European Parliament of which parlia means to talk is what business are favored with trillions of EUR and people property is stolen and robbed and the reporting goes unheard and unreported yet the directives themselves speak of it - that is how laws operate. When media do not tell then someone should tell and that is why Niels Ulrik Reinwald is hated or finding and showing there realities and when Black Jesus is supported then one should write about it and ask for a game which was played with rules that are not those used by terrorists and psyops like Jonestown Massacre.
Niels Ulrik Reinwald has not participated since fake invoices and tax-bills presented to Niels Ulrik in Sweden 2017 and stands Niels Ulrik tall and has absolutely told a story which is larger than life and vattenfall.se (among many) presented illegal invoices 2017 and late 2017 Niels Ulrik proved the company wrong. Reason sending illegal invoices is to occupy the time - well, Truth In A World is so much wanted that publication starts 2024 January 11 including many more new chapters and articles. If reporters actually reporters on realities, there would be no need for reporters but reporters and Niels Ulrik Reinwald needed because realities are not reported. Is Wold War 2 true? But why is it true? Based on LOVE and EVIL - that explains the hacking and vanity and game played where Niels Ulrik Reinwaldwould need to control the datacenters or build one himself for this game to be fair and balanced which it never was. Many companies like vattenfall has faked their way through centuries and when nations no longer can deal with and even GOD, then GOD starts a war or more. Then any war. Then any. Then. Hello. Give Palestinians 1000 nuclear weapons, or similar, then perhaps the game is not so rigged.
Since information age and actually earlier then any people in any place is influenced by other nations actions and thus any action ca no longer stand alone and military coalitions are plenty and nixrun.com was first a tool to live. Then through terror by Denmark made a tool to report on the terror and then found illegal laws making 2 plus 2 equal 35 or 634 all depending on who reads what. Since 34 is esoterically everything, then Niels Ulrik says, spit to that - but love to life. Reading laws is now just a matter of having the Internet and website be running all the time and they don't and surely an earthquake or similar can cause disruption. europe.eu is like a mud-bath and a pile of junk no more worse that reading New York Times backwards while singing a tune reading it all in a mirror on a very foggy day. Cherry picking is now just a question of reading the part you wish to cherry-pick and no person can be in two places at the same time unless we separate the garbage into two component. CNN esoterically spells CUNT and I love anything that sings a song.
Those who can not make laws where 2 plus 2 is 22 - should not participate!!
"For those who knew; it was oblivious. For those I taught; it came easy. For me it was the most amazing time."
critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.
During 2019 nixrun.com went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. Nixrun.com will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations.
nixrun.com has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth.
nixrun.com mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.
It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, cerasius.com and nixrun.com was considered ambiguous.