Oscar Pistorius

South African sprinter Oscar Pistorius is photographed for the April...  News Photo - Getty Images

A court case, a murder. A man in bed with a model and he gets up and hears a noise. He grabs his gun out of the blue and shoots at the toilet. Eva Maria Jesus shot at point blank or why else show a simple case of no value except he gets sentendes twice for the sme crime which is illegal and every media outlet stands still liek stonedead or less.

His legs missing and a blade runner as per a movie title. The shooting and court/case so stupid it belongs as a case for the hillbillies in a magazine for Hugh Heffner.

Anne Reinwald, aunt to Niels Ulrik Reinwald too gets a case where her left legs gets cut off amputated for no reason other than pain in a danish hospital. This done as another example of how nations have absolutely nothing except terrorism against people.


Section 35(3)(m) of the Constitution provides the constitutional guarantee that:

"Every accused person has a right to a fair trial, which includes the right not to be tried for an offence in respect of an act or omission for which that person has previously been either acquitted or convicted."

Oscar Pistorius was tried twice for th same crime. The case Oscar Pistorius and Reeva Steenlamp is obviously a tale and an invention and a lie on many levels. one being, that oscar Pistriys has a biblical verse as a tattoo on his back.

Bible Oscar Pistorius

1 Corinthians 9:26-28

"Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air."

Oscar Pistorius was and if religious and as per news online Oscar Pistrius did some preaching in prison making the inmaktes religious, christian, especially the ahrd criminals.

The movie

Oscar Pistorius: Blade Runner Killer

Nelson Mandela, Lonmin insident

The story is like many other tales and one was in South Africa when por workes ca 2013 was shot at point blanck reported by Aljazeera at the time and nothing happened afterwards. Nobody was convicted.Nelson mandla stoy of which it is hard to imagine any of it being true.

I Run τρέχω


Like saying China x2. Like saying biblical thus RELIGION (LIE O RING) abuse a trillion times. Yin yang come in handy too.

Covid, Jonestown massacre

The trial of Oscar Pistorius ran on television especially via global CNN. It was the fist time a trial had been broadcast.

The Marikana, Lonmin, masacre is evidense of slavery and torrture and terror in a nation where Nelson mandela was setup as a scheme for the western world to believe in democracy and fairness and justice of which there is none sincedemocracy and our 2024 onwards world is operated on these levels using these operations of deception.

At the time of the marikana insident Niels Ulrik reinwald watched it on Aljazeraa and was baffled and his wife said "You will know soon". Niels Ulrik reinwald did, and wrote truh In A World of Lies, a book which spoke of such attrocities yet the world will continuewith these fake stroies of which many are really real yet are created to control you and all people wince nations are bibical and here si nothing in the bible except two main words: WORD & AMIN and for millenia you and the world has ben setup just like Jonesstown massare.

Pistorius and Eva, re, is a story of how your wordl is operated and they will mix realities and fakes to depict your world of deceptive methods to keep you engulfed in a network of media and news which are mostly platforms to show the deceptions just as the iraq war on CNN showed as a Late night Show entertaiment and even 911New York was not enough to make people wake up.

"Covid" biblical virus continues and preparations for this under way. All day this day more fighting on various levels also using email from danish courts and government. Website will notify about new developments and news cases pertained to these constant violations and terrors against people though Niels Ulrik Reinwald solely for reinventing and to enlighten and to tell a story so heinous by a nation who uses coercive methods to govern that it belongs for everyone to know how a state never told people about a "divine error" and that is the reason why Niels Ulrik Reinwald is hated by a nation because finally someone told the truth via nixrun.com's bully pulpit about the error which could have been fixed many centuries ago. Never too late so perhaps the fixing is in the pudding. State/nation hoped it would all go away but at the airport 2015 travelling back to Asia from Denmark the passport-officer would scrape his nails in anger and hate. Now Niels Ulrik Reinwald really knows why. Pudding is great, life is great, reality and ἀγάπη.

Since Bible persists the war goes on endlessly because Bible is the only reason there are and is war.

2024.01.01 Is a date. Summer soltice happend some days ago - a delay as usual.

2023.12.31: Niels Ulrik Reinwald won game, set & match since uploading this paragraph and below on this day. Point taken from movie Brubaker from ca. 01.27:00 at the meeting where Robert Redford talking reform and laws showing the system is corrupt and violates the very laws imposed upon people and NUR and PEOPLE are upon Earth even "down under". Corruption is also, that NUR can not know if it was actually true if NUR won writing and uploading the paragraphs showing corrupted divine deity [θύρα]. Danish state and its terrorists have again started the last day to pollute and terrorize Israel and The World with their Fascist ways. Even as I write then terror once again by state danish against people of The World. It may continue into the morning and an update on this issue related to terror proven committed by states can follow. Privacy mentioned below may produce an article on how states and this World is operated on a very malignant way; see neural NPU computational used to control your life totally also sued in what is known as Artificial Intelligence and governemnt have absolutely no control over it and governemtns of most states and danish are completly bogus and are voiding themselves by violating peoples knowledge and fundamental lchoice to then have other system produced that does not use NPU to restict and pollute also. Meta data is one areaof greatinterest and now X - they said "let it go" (Disney World aka ) but never do. If people can not "THINK DIFFERENT" then at least it should be known. Today evey computer is "hacked" via privacy statements which people never read and computers and software violates law unless their is a distinct acceptance. Princes Diana and Steve Jobs had something in common and different was too much of a good thing.

Local time at Kiribati, elevation 0m: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/kiribati/tarawa enjoy the day since suggestions for movies may be moved to other page and William Shatner too has a lovely night down on Earth with everyone else. Landing in 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020, 2021 and even in 2023. Landing is not, not having a website, a book or being an Author or writer. Landing is to tell how the world is operated on fiction - and realities based on fiction. Elephants never needed any book or religion to be elephants - quote NUR. Stonehenge and such did not make elephants and life.


"For those who knew; it was oblivious. For those I taught; it came easy. For me it was the most amazing time."



Magazines updated latest are listed from left to right:
Niels Ulrik Reinwald

critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.


During 2019 nixrun.com went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. Nixrun.com will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations.

nixrun.com has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth.

nixrun.com mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.

It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, cerasius.com and nixrun.com was considered ambiguous.

Article including this dis- and claimer is available here.