Polluter Pays Principle NUR subpoenaed by state - and state allowed robbery of citizens property (assets, belongings, estate)

Updated: February 17, 2024


2024 February 17

Court Sønderborg, state danish, has not fulfilled the states law on free process and has to, as law says, supplied an appointed Lawyer to the case and the courts own deadline was 2024.feb.15 and thus court in violation on multiple counts including fraud on a nation-scale level rendering future generation now ware of how this and many other states kills people by destroying peoples lives via fraud and taxation and court cases where Polluter Pays Principle is only paid for by commercial enterprise. Court national so fraudulent it is as per TIAWOL, GOMO, Greatest Organized Mafia Organization, but now far worse than 17 Adolf Hitlers.

Denmark is crime incorporated hiding behind democracy and the laws are so heineous Bible says exactly what happend at the end which has been repeated plenty to now show what happens. Just watch the movies where Oblivion (movie) in the sky is exactly what happens while people return to Earth after being captured by nation-states for centuries.

2024 January 30

This is just a small part of the case also updated page since some parts already presented to court who has yet not fulfilled their obligations.

"Bean-sprouts are the carrier for end-of-waste." - and corporations waste management and governance rakes in trillions - democracy (in some place particularly) is 1.000.000+ times worse than Italian Mafia and governance is proud of legally robbing people. Dignity is for cats and canary-birds. Cheesecake is like democracy we love it - but the cheesecake is baked with nuclear reactor waste.

Videos WELT German documentaries showing Polluter Pays Principle is mainly commercial enterprise which is liable legally to manage waste for waste and end-of-waste from domestic private household. Some states in The European Union is fraudulently charging huge fees illegally since harmonization on waste management should be implemented across all countries in EU but is not and the fees charged are gathering interest and also explains why people private are with less capital since fees are collected on waste private but also illegally in many other places..

"waste is a goldmine" and this is why state danish is illegal charging private households a household-waste fee of ca USD 1000 annually:

Related to PPP see: https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202401/30/WS65b83b7ca3104efcbdae893a.html

Courts which BT are illegal and are not regulated by law in Denmark now awaits the case mid February since courts lost by applying parts of law saying anyone can be ordered to obtain legal counsil which is absolutely bullshit since everyone has the inherit right to defend oneself naturally. Danmarks Domstole and satte danish has violated the citizens multiple times the past 900 years and uses EU Schemes to rob people of their income using Rule of Law which NUR has proven is multilevel meaning law is by design made such taht it can be interpretaed multiple wssy but usually common sense prevails at least with peopel who can read and understand semantics, syntax and all language if EU since they are each legallly binding.

Corruption of nai´tion and its courts happend a long time ago but NUR only found it really 2013. When The italian mafia was hunted down in Italy then the mafia did not like it so today do governance hate when people now stand tall agains tyrany since only in the 18 hundred we still had terror regime in Europe and Russia etc. leading to people realization that France went too far as does Denamrk gain usnd demcracy ias a front to rob people using EU waste directives. Law and democracys is "legal" tool for governance to act The Mafia, Maria. She was averine and noevercan give birth since she was frigid bibilically and governance today must use PPP and waste to punish people for states errors historically and present.

France 2024 fighting for farmers yet that is the tip of the iceberg since subsidies and taxes are now straitjackets and pay for public officials parties (drunks on wine paid for by taxpayers hard work and welfare used instead of poverty). People love fresh produce but get shit af 2024 supping at danish Netto with many rotten cucumbers, mango's and otherwise bad produce most imported and bean-sprouts sold 150 gram at 12 EUR kilo or thereabouts and the plastic will end up as gold. Bean-sprouts are the carrier for end-of+waste. How to make bean-sprouts could follow.

2024 January 17

Meeting today held as a telephone conference however court bypassed the agenda and skipped to saying implicitly that the case was too complicated for the court to handle even if set on NURS own private property where danish courts uses telephone conferencing which bares resemblance obfuscating a public case. Court and the utility company ses a case which could preclud a larger case but NUR write the court that the court itself is part og the case and thus court Danamrks Domstole is absolutely incompetent.

Court uses the law to avoid some cases ever seeing the court. Retsplejeloven, administration of justice law, is filled with loopholes so court and governance and thus democracy can use the court as a wipe your nose tisue and in fact Danamrks Domstole is ilelgal which is proven yet who cares in a World of Lies and those truths that do not inflict governance and courts terror-regimes. Any country should have as little to do and the less the better. This system world wide with non-functioning democracy or at least a system which biblicallt favours war and terror and not the life of Two Mules for Sister Sara.

Case posponed illegaly by court to 2024 and NUR will post a message at nixrun.com. They really are haters proven beyond any doubt. One good thing to say is, that one begins to really understand how courrupt a system we live in. Waste and end/of/waste not the same and only corporations are liable. Evntually, as we know, the bill ends at the consumer, which is fair neough. But paying for recycled material and not waste is like psitting in peoples fases. Nobody in their right mind would go to court and noone ever should do so and the only reason whypeople end up in courts is because the system does not really work. Courts are then a blame territory and Rule Of Law never really world not even as a recopy of your grandmothers. Rule Of Law is like reading Donald Duck in Hebrew with some Yiddish but mixed with Bulgarian and all the letters are shaken around. Law could be simple but not because the world can not operate without a system of multilevel systems within multilevels of systems.

Case simply put: utility company collecting waste or rather end-of-waste was paid for by NUR in 2018 into 1018. During 2018 NUR went to a danish psycician at S'nderborg Sygehus. he did not know what he wasdoing so NUR turned ill in september 2019 on holiday and an operaton cost ca. USD 7.000 and on NURs return could simply not pay the utility company and they did not accept installements so NUR came behind ca USD 500 upon which sonfor.dk fiels a lawsuite and he case was treated like a rag by court and finallyNUR read the EU Drectievs and to NURs surprice found Polluter Pays principle. It is all very simple but madecomplicated. The corporations producing are 100% liable and must rid the waste which is not the same as recycleables named end-of-waste. Motive is trillion of EUR passed ilegally on to the consumer to rid their waste. As soon as a consumer of a household wish to rig somehting it by sorrtingg it becomes end/of/waste and is no longet classified as waste and hlla thus not be paid for by the consumer but the holder og the waste example a utility compmany burns packaging plastic etc paper etc and out comes waste which can no longet veused and for this that holder must now pay togeher with the original producer of the product fomr whre the waste cmae from. Say a, say b. Say c. It is really that easy made insane to defraud trillions from innocent citizens.

Below a few of the dircvives governing this waste. Waste shal absolutely not be paid for again by consumers but are allready entered into the consumer goods prizes.State danish and othersseting up laws based on EU direktives uses law as wall paper and toilet paper. They then ask you to Rule of Law and you get both the rule and the law and both means shit to them because this Rule of law is so infiltrated with bogus and that explains this obsession with Laywers.

They have done it many times and all that changes is Anihc. If you know only this World, then how do you know some other World i not better. World, system or another Rule by Laws of Law. Rule what? Since the law is divine right, constitution, then Rule of Law is divine thus there is no law other than the non-law. Again, simplicity fools but it also finally shows what the they meant. The only reaon why this is not applied to all rule is because they are above the law for which there is no law sine it is a lam danish for lamb biblical also. Simple but telle a goat and the goat will not act an lamb unless they invent you to be both - and they did.

The danish and israel nation and bulgarian and romania and and and are created on divine right so what the hell is this nonsense about Rule of Law. It applies onto to you and not them. Rule by law is thus cuolluded fraud premise. This exlain democracy too; fake or just a X on a ballot. Rule of Law is heard again and again and divine rights is the foundation so all are divine or. So their divine right as a nation was and is based on a bibical error.

That explain why NUR is hated because NUR found the stone and the Lord of The Rings and they don't want anyone to know and now have brainwashed a whole planet using Covid to make people totally comply and be less taht rats yet they are the rats.

STAR RATS. Going to Rule O Flaw that is their real agenda. NUR found both and then won but then game set in motion again now playing for the THROWBACK which never was really delivered becaue playing for the biblical error and they now even blame NUR for their error. Dignity come to mind. Without their nosepicking then still amazing.

NUR this day declares Laywers obsolete. When they ask for something really amazing they don't want it.

Case PPP has thus been posponed month into February with another attempt by terroregime to inflict terror on people by state and courts. The only tool 'GOD' has is terror and some candyfloss.

It is only the businesses that pays for polluting, not taxpayers and/or consumers. All Europen citizens who has paid for removal of garbage can ask for their money back and Niels Ulrik Reinwald will help in he support of this.

EU Treaty Article 191 stipulates in an unconcise fashion who shall pay:

2. Union policy on the environment shall aim at a high level of protection taking into account the diversity of situations in the various regions of the Union. It shall be based on the precautionary principle and on the principles that preventive action should be taken, that environmental damage should as a priority be rectified at source and that the polluter should pay.

Precautionary and preventive shall be done at source which is the manufacturer, producer of goods:


"It is also the polluter, and not the taxpayer, who covers the costs created by pollution. In economic terms, this constitutes the “internalisation” of “negative environmental externalities”. When the costs of pollution are charged to the polluter, the price of goods and services increases to include these costs. Consumer preference for lower prices will thus be an incentive for producers to market less polluting products.7"

7 Jans, Jan H. and Vedder, Hans H. B., European Environmental Law, 2008 *)

*) (https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2082895) and direct PDF: /pages/cases/BS-469-2024-SON/SSRN-id2082895.pdf

OECD mentions Polluter Pays Principle and Extended Producers Responsibility. Case law too at the EU Court and here cases are related to state or municiplaities against businesses and not private citizens.

BS-469/2024-SON case file - public case

Niels Ulrik Reinwald subpoenaed by state; case file BS-469/2024-SON by Denmark by Sønderborg Municipality (https://sonderborgkommune.dk/) owner of sonfor.dk which is a garbage and utility company.

The case is public and Niels Ulrik Reinwald subpoenaed by state Denmark's court Danmark's Domstole which is illegal since it is not mentioned in the danish constitution only domstole. Administrative Court (Forvaltningsdomstole) not created since danish constitution 1953 and that is a violation of the constitution itself by Folketinget; regeringen; government. (The most simple and basics fulfilled via law would have and would eliminate most of all the major problems nations have but since they are bankrupts 10000 times over they (public servants and career politicians) gave up along the way and decided better "take what we can of the petty crumbs that are left, if any.")

The case will be journaled and described in detail at nixrun.com. It should be noted that all private citizens shall have their money back and Polluter Pays Principle clearly stimulates that business shall make ways to produce less garbage but do not. Apple.com produces much packaging and each and every item is usually wrapped in plastic and garbage is a huge business and creates huge revenue for large corporations. Packaging in some cases is protection when being shipped but groceries and many items do not need to be wrapped producing billions of tons of garbage which is now classified as a product itselft for which the cosumer now pays again. If all citizens stood up and sold their garbage then citizens would grow emensely rich.

Since Niels Ulrik Reinwald and no media and no courts and no politicians deal with this level of corruption, then it is proven that the system, democracy, is a hoax. Private citizens can absolutely not fulfill EU Treaty Article 191 and Directive 2004/35/CE neither single handed nor in union since only large corporation and their cartels and structures with huge finances can fulfill precautionary principle etc. Citizens of European Union have been fooled for decades and the union is a tool to fool at a cost which can best be decribed as robbery Article 17 (danish; berøves; states are allowed robbery) from Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. See use of article 17 word "possession": https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/possession.

A page wil be create following the case and 2024 Jnauary 17th the court has called to a meeting and the case will be decribed as it evolves. The secondary is that EU Court is used with fake cases to support laws illegal actions or to use deceptive methods to make policy makers charge private citizens billlions of EUR.

household waste versus husholdningsaffald not used



§ 4 Gebyrer Kommunalbestyrelsen fastsætter gebyrer i henhold til miljøbeskyttelsesloven samt affaldsaktørbekendtgørelsen. Kommunalbestyrelsen vedtager efter affaldsaktørbekendtgørelsen a) én gang årligt et gebyrblad, der angiver størrelsen på ovennævnte gebyrer. Gebyrbladet er tilgængeligt på Sønderborg Kommunes hjemmeside.

a) Miljøbeskyttelsesloven https://www.retsinformation.dk/eli/lta/2023/5


b) Bekendtgørelse om affaldsregulativer, -gebyrer og -aktører m.v. https://www.retsinformation.dk/eli/lta/2022/1536

§ 15. 

Stk. 3. Gebyrer efter stk. 1 skal for så vidt angår husholdninger opkræves hos den, der har tinglyst adkomst på ejendommen, jf. miljøbeskyttelseslovens § 48, stk. 6.

Stk. 4. Gebyrer efter stk. 1 skal for så vidt angår virksomheder opkræves hos den i CVR-registret registrerede ejer af virksomheden, jf. miljøbeskyttelseslovens § 48, stk. 7. Gebyret skal opkræves for hvert p-nummer, som er registreret i registret.

Kapitel 5

DIFFERENCIERET gebyr, indsamlingsordning, (enkelte ordning)

Principper for kommunalbestyrelsens fastsættelse og opkrævning af gebyrer

§ 16. Kommunalbestyrelsen skal opgøre omkostningerne ved den enkelte indsamlings- og anvisningsordning, jf. bekendtgørelse om affald, efter opdelingen i det kommunale budget- og regnskabssystem, således at den samlede gebyrindtægt for hver ordning alene skal dække kommunens omkostninger til ordningen, jf. miljøbeskyttelseslovens § 48, stk. 3. Hvis en ordning omfatter både husholdninger og virksomheder, skal omkostningerne til ordningen fordeles på henholdsvis husholdninger og virksomheder i overensstemmelse med de omkostninger til håndtering, som henholdsvis husholdninger og virksomheder giver anledning til.


c) Bekendtgørelse om affald https://www.retsinformation.dk/eli/lta/2021/2512

§ 3. I denne bekendtgørelse forstås endvidere ved:

4) Affaldsindehaver: Producenten af affaldet eller den fysiske eller juridiske person, der er i besiddelse af affaldet.

Article 14 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex:32008L0098


1.   In accordance with the polluter-pays principle, the costs of waste management shall be borne by the original waste producer or by the current or previous waste holders.

Undesided in the Bekendtgørelse om affald. Polluter pays principle only related to a business no matter of private or not and no matter rof profit or not must be a business, erhvervsmæssig. Further, PPP is only targetting businesses in EU law-cases.

5) Affaldsproducent: Enhver, hvis aktivitet frembringer affald (den oprindelige affaldsproducent), eller enhver, der foretager en forbehandling, blanding eller andet, som medfører en ændring af dette affalds karakter eller sammensætning.

waste producer’ means anyone whose activities produce waste (original waste producer) or anyone who carries out pre-processing, mixing or other operations resulting in a change in the nature or composition of this waste; https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex:32008L0098

Affaldsfasens ophør

§ 6 se chapter waste is a product

Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives (Text with EEA relevance)


Article 14


1.   In accordance with the polluter-pays principle, the costs of waste management shall be borne by the original waste producer or by the current or previous waste holders.

2.   Member States may decide that the costs of waste management are to be borne partly or wholly by the producer of the product from which the waste came and that the distributors of such product may share these costs.

Page 5>


In other words, the cost of these measures should be reflected in the cost of goods and services which cause pollution in production and/or consumption. Such measures should not be accompanied by subsidies that would create significant distortions in international trade and investment.

OECD is related to economic matters related to world trade:

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a unique forum where the governments of 37 democracies with market-based economies collaborate to develop policy standards to promote sustainable economic growth.

Environmental liability


Environmental liability applies to environmental damage and the risk of damage resulting from commercial activities once it is possible to establish a causal link between the damage and the activity in question. Environmental damage may be direct or indirect damage caused to the aquatic environment, flora and fauna and natural habitats protected by the Natura 2000 network, as well as direct or indirect contamination of the soil, which could lead to a serious risk to human health.

Environmental liability is an application of the ‘polluter pays’  principle as set out in Article 191(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Arrangements for applying it are set out in Directive 2004/35/EC.

Two systems of liability have been created:

  1. A system with no fault to be proven: this applies to dangerous or potentially dangerous commercial activities listed in EU law. Here, the operator may be held liable even if he has committed no fault.
  2. A system where evidence of a fault or negligence must be presented: this applies to all other commercial activities where species and natural habitats protected under EU law have been damaged or are at imminent risk of damage. The operator is only liable if he has committed a fault or has been negligent.

The polluter-pays principle and environmental liability


1. Environmental damage caused by any of the activities listed in Annex III of the directive, such as:

2. Environmental damage to protected species and natural habitats (or its imminent threat) caused by occupational activities other than those listed in Annex III, and if the company is at fault or negligent.



"For those who knew; it was oblivious. For those I taught; it came easy. For me it was the most amazing time."



Magazines updated latest are listed from left to right:

Niels Ulrik Reinwald

critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.


During 2019 nixrun.com went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. Nixrun.com will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations.

nixrun.com has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth.

nixrun.com mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.

It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, cerasius.com and nixrun.com was considered ambiguous.

Article including this dis- and claimer is available here.