Oligarchs, democracy and now aid
2024 April 20
Ukraine has, like Poland and East Germany and Russia, part of, Cuba too, been totally bankrupted by oligarchs which in part explains why Ukraine cant pay for gas and Ukraine now must see support 61 billion US Dollars (actually probably more) because Ukraine democracy failed and now democracy steps in letting taxpayers pay the bill bailing out the oligarchs. Next time you visit las Vegas, try not to enter 10 Dollars in the slot machine, it is addictive like eating, sleeping and being alive. Also Scandinavia has been bankrupted but here it is called socialism - another word for installed oligarchs. 61 insidently an esoteric number meaning Ukraine is paid hush money and aid now knowing the country is totally bankrupts (minus 1) which is great because Bible is bang on.
New York gets a 62: The new 62-story tower set to transform New York City’s skyline making NY really NY. Scraping the sky now happens under mini-skirts.
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2024 04 09: https://zoom.earth this program is great. Watch the weather real time and see how heat disperses and leaves Earth after being heated and see rain via radar real time. Weather-forecast included and track the weather back in time. Every Android and Apple TV should have an app-version of this program and one day CNN and Fox News and alike will be really interactive clickable with choices similar.
Is nationalism a thing of the past since shopping seems to be united with online shopping and most of everything Made In China and perhaps one day chinese quality will move into all hospitals and doctors be professional with a world class standard to follow. (Todays national (in paces) health system sucks and personally I would love to have a world health insurance being able to travel to anywhere and get at least profesional treatment and courtesy.)
2023 03 08: Same same and then inventing something new. Yesterday I watched Tomorrow Never Dies and a BMW crashes with AVIS all done by James Bond all imagination (greeks: fantasi) and inventions can be seen in Shark Tank and otherwise same same as many inventions go dry and deals are purely (fake) entertainment just as when Copperfield made Statue of Liberty vanish and Claudia Schiffer appear now she is with Matthew Vaughn and we know that great looks don't always come in pairs but zebras don't choose camels for a particular reason. At the end of Tomorrow then Bond and the chineese girl kiss each other deeply as if embrazing the nonsense just as I was told it in 2018 in a hospital in Thailand from what may have been a chinaman. Tomorow actually does since tomorrow happens 24 hours every day. That is why televison and monitors with Internet works because it looks like reality but is only pixels and we imagine there is actually real stories behind magic and just keep repeating same same and people will have to swallow it even if they say they are not (Covid and masks).
Prediction: Israel war on The World will go on for at least 3 decades probably more. When Israel has killed all Palestinians then Israel will kill everyone else and the evidense is that God will kill most people as written in buddist/every religion-Bible and the latter is not a prediction.
2023 03 07: For the past many month even since 2017 played and lost. So it is in the begining it is all the same and as images run across youtube.com programming everyones minds and journalist are playing royals houses up against nobilities and politicians do what they did since roman empire and something new, borrowed, blue, follows then Dave Allen and blueberrries have something in common whatever you feel that is. A tiny piece today since more terror by states and nothing has happened since adam and eve except alot of brexit and alot of terror by God since every move played like a stick of dinamite only to telel peopel of the world thatthey must fear. Journalist and writers are trained to speak and Orson Wells 1983 and Children of Men is a tale of how it all ends eventually as it did the day somene like witches and trolls found the holy grail. One man got it all wrong and the world went into a frenzy to copy paste and he even got the name and the number perfecly aligned. They are given to play every item and eventually I will run out of masturbations since doing 5 orgasms one day within 10 hours and awaiting warm weather to southe my body for a lovely shower after a winter in damp and cold. On the island of Tonga the King hands out free beer and gin and tonics on a rainy day. Clodmark and similar only builds biltema.dk and Billig Blomst and Bauhaus realizing most of a nation has absolutely no culture except what was imported. It is rebuilding what was dropped in 2014 only to be move to Sweden and experience a series of sinking islands. Now that spring is here young girls in Stockholm will dress lightly and feel The Sun under their skirts while they turn wet dreaming of the next down under. What has been done to many people including Palestinians 2023 into 2024 is so henious I am not proud of being a human neither was Jeus but loosing face is all they have so drop it and be proud even when you lost it all once now showing what you are made of namely grinding nails and finding dirt even in places where dirt is naturally located - even soil is named dirt. Lovely sond here not forgetting how Whitney Huston lived and died in a bathtub in a hotel like a tramp. Singing and life seldome match.
2023 03 06: Today Daish Jehova's wittnesses came to my door as they usually do around Clodmark. Jehova is dead and is seen hanging on a cross around El Mundo. See scam for Jehova's witnesses. It is a religious organisation state supported by Clodmark. It is a PONZI SCHEME organisation and very desctructive organisation allowed by states. They come knock peoples doors around Clodmark and have done so for years and Israel wars still prevail now since 1945. It is another change agent hillbilly organisation very distructive of life. jw.org Will Terrorism Ever End? https://www.jw.org/en/library/series/more-topics/end-of-terrorism/ heck, The Bible is terrorism as per romans 13:3. I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, now proved JW to be liars. 'God' loves terror. Daish state loves terror and since United Nation is founded on bible, United Nations loves terror. One can cherry pick all one likes it all boils down to the same essense without all the hogwash whistles and bells and scams. Clodhopper come to my house to provoke and terrorize only. Jehovas left and did not even leave a breath.
2023 03 03: They said NUR was wrong yet NUR was given everything 1000 times and more. Tomorrow evidence that GOD is COCK and CUNT leading to sevens pen-strokes and pen is daish word: gud because e is g. Also seven trumpets in Revelations which are symbolically also the trunk of an elephant or a penis blown. Ever heard give him a blow job? This is only one side of God. God is also a dog. One is not suppose to do anyting yet all day today clodhoppers drive past my house and even invade my private life. Done soft going offline, been there did little sleeping did nothing and that was in 2014 and still see only illness used against people worldwide. Since God is cock then my cock is good.
2024 April 03: I reveive another threat on my life (as many times earlier) so each and every day as earlier I shall update my website. What sick God is this one second loving the next a hater explaining why I as God was truely genuinely loved for what I did and I did everything. State Daish has threatened me too in 2018 in similar ways even back in 2015 and even farback as 1982 and have used this way on millions of people and especially during World War II while daish business was making money on war then danish people went hungry and poor. That is The Bible for you. No wonder billions of people wish for religion and bible to perish. Imagine bible was actually utilized as it was meant to then no wars no famine no need for me to teach. "I am Jesus" and Trump we are toldthough media and only reason is that Niels Ulrik Reinwald made him say so. This is the rebel phenomenon in The Bible one chrages another rebelling gainst The King, I, and then do exactly as they wished had not happend to themselves. The Bible tells us nations shall fall much more leaving the strongest weak and the weakest strong etc. it is Revelation 7 trumpets and I even blew them all getting them started.
2024.04.02: Nations got it wrong or most and especially the danish state. They built towers with 3 crowns and Sweden too which has separated church and state. Sweden now better start joining church and state again into cock and cunt. Tribunial was told about when cearusius.com was around using 3 rings. Where are they? Down under below your belly unless you stand on your head and hands with feet up. Today I went shopping and again was followed by 1000 of clodhoppers and the only nation who has no repect for people and royals is Dansih state. Imagine everyone being babtized and later confirming babtism knew the real tale about Chrstianity being cock and cunt then a whole planet would be chrsitian in seconds but keps a secret until I came around telling how court is cock and cunt, theirs, and now states needs the biblicalunholy to fight their fallhoods prolonged and has Jesus really existed then WAU real now WAU because finally one can see peopel for what they are namely flashing cocks and running cunts with the same to carry namely a body and whatever is in their brains. Bodies are not bad but brains are explaning why when telling someone they don't like your skin or style or fashion or whatever they usually feel belittled and bullied so no wonder God must feel belittles but why because on an island with only two people then what is most natural is their law whatever that is and it is great after all and God knew this which is why God decided to be a cock and cunt. If only The Vatican (Vagina) would learn, listen and do rather than depicting nudes and asses and silly angels as angles and perhaps Pope could reinvent Vatican City into an open air reutaurant or at least do something becided fucking around doing nothing. Show what life is made from and what it can do do do, doooo. If Vatican can't do what NUR did, then NUR simply calls it all a hoax. Probably because The Pope is on the payrole of God all adapted from Asian religion into a furious mix of ancient gods most fertility, cock and cunt related. Sistine chapel is a room of sex make it a place where dinner is served or keep it as a room of poverty for tourists. Sixtinish. Or Dutch. The reason why people smoke cigarettes is not because they like cigarettets but because the brain does and becausesmoking brings the lure from advertizing the idea that something good will come from smoking. God is the best adverizing since Adam and eve was invented and load it onto bottle is called spitirs and then eveyone becomes alcoholics. Blue Lagoone made dram too just as Cluadia Shiffer and plenty of singing bird on youtube tries to bring lure and pixels and pixels are Gods way to say "fuck you" while the brain believes the lie. Power of love is power of being hungry which explainwhy churches bring absolutely nothing to the alter as per bile namely a bedspread with plenty of fucking as the whore house it is. Pope might reinvent love - at least it is worth a try.
Since writing below many attemts at terror also via tax revenue office which has tax laws that are so illegal it looks like as per TIAWOL the gratest mafia organisation, GOMO. The reaso taxes are paid is biblical and parto of the revenue GOD makes as per Romans 13:6 and he reason it is six is because that is sex in swedish for sex. They fuck you royally and it has being going on for millenia and The Pyramids is just a pile of rocks to support faking and robbing people. nations have no rights since they are castles or citadesl and with and not outsie, Like Vatican City, you are just a flee or at best someone who works like a slave for a Rod-God given crumbs and taxation is thus illegaland if their was any realigious freedom then it proves taxes with a biblical nations is illegal. Then Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” And they were amazed at him. yes, because Jeus was God was the emperor so amazed since they realized they where wrong in asking taxes from a cock paid to the cock. That is why in danish state tax is named SKAT danish for wor darling and they love it backwards as DENMARK KRAMDEN meaning HUG IT or HUG ONE and ONE is biblical NIMROD the cock. What is greek τὰ they are THE THINGS made into horror movie also. Caesar is talking about COIN which is CUNT and COCK and many animations will prove this. that is why we today have electronic money because it has absolutely no value. Only your cock and cunt has king-value and that is why Jesus died. Todays governance and royals are rebels made "kings" by rebelling against those who were kings before like USA destroys, in coorporation with "GOD", Saddam Hussein and many many others. it was USA via movies who said "Lets talk" to no avail.
Only uploading small writings made NUR conquer a whole world then played not uploading but they run their systems uploading everyday via governance and royals websites so the difference is, that when someone tells the truth it brings reality and life only to ask the impossible leaving even words as the foundation of silence. Then why words when everyday is filled with words across media, entertainment and laws. No wonder World wars 1 and 2 and plenty of other wars from killing sprees wit ha bright Shining Lie as the cock so what when you watch a king walk with his hand in the pocket all the time even on a warm day since the hand is the hand of god and Dave Allan says "May God go with you" meaning "god" is between your legs and governance and kings don't like to be proven having only their cock following them. Back to an update every day. I guess God also saw a missing finger as a miracle just like the miracles made since 2013 leading to nothing.
The past five years back every day using their systems royal while NUR doing nothing many times brought nothing. It was over 2023 entering fools day April 1st played again and again every day the past year the last day, one more last time which proved to be wrong. A few days ago a small tale now removed showing that writing about life brings nothing so why bother about writing or writing. It works in their brains as religion so watch The Creator and wonder what tube robot they have in their heads other than the biblical tube hollow. just uploaded this and cars drove past my house but I shall upload when I wish and I did not wish just as I though cersius.com was too much of a good thing which it proved not to be, on the contrary. Every time I feel the need to when more terror is inflicted on a gobal scale or personal scale I shall write and everyone else should while yutube.com was brough and programmed to inflict plenty of entertainment andplenty of five boxed acors as 212 or 202 or simply bible or simply another way to load content for people served without a choise except not watching it for more than it is just as Saint Francis yesterday portrayed with a closed eye so was I presented with an Asian woman 2014 with similar saying I found it all and I lined up for buying ticket for a movie doing liek anyone esle did and they though I was king, what a peculiar worl when someone, I, NUR, is made a king only to not be one. Now every day is a fools day and ends where christmas ended. I never really got to finalize cerasius.com and I learned alot since then which seems like yesterday. When The Olympics is played and the contestants are the best but loose, then one can contest as long as one likes.
2024.03.22: A small update since last article. Danish court system is completely and utterly corrupted and the laws are ambiguous to say the least. Most laws are that since they render two or more options for the same outcome. When citizens are "complaining" or otherwise have issues with government decision, then the decisions are followed usually by law references and when citizens read the snippets in laws, they will then notice in the same law there are other choices, for the same question related to the same law (this in law terms is called ambiguous and is illegal. laws shall be written so anyone can read and understand the text and content ithout legal assistance such as Lawyers). I shall come with examples and they are all over the place. Courts also dismiss all the cases (subpoenas) by me and no replies are given. Also danish court via state prosecution has files a criminal case against me for a traffic violation courts case name: SS-A7-727/2024 and have dismissed allowing Defense as per Article 14 3. (d) in United Nations charter on Civil and Political Rights and states forget it is citizens rights all and not governance or states. Danish state also have no competent court which upholds United nations charters and the courts just dismisses those United nations charter, which the Danish state signed itself on behalf of the population and courts and government then usually just say "We follow the Danish law as decided by governance"yet when told the bloody bastard laws are written by the ministries far away from democracy and far away by the elected politicians who travel Earth seeking opportunities and nurturing their personal lives with better jobs and are being educated paid for by citizens to become NATO General and or CEOs is some huge corporation now in place to collude with the next generation of clodhoppers in parliament and governance usually very young people who have absolutely no idea what the fuck is going on and the follow their instincts doing right since they too will know terror by state. Cases have now grown so wide and many it would fill 1000 scriptwriters 10 years just to cover 1% of the mallice and terror by state who via alws have instroduced terror paragrafs which is about illegal attempts on state by citizens yet the terrorist are the state and their constitution §4 is their only foundation "as such" since "som sådan" is esoteric but still is a Disclaimer by state, the establishment, to try and do what Sweden did to refrain from any church so state separated itself from church, because they knew what was coming, The Apocalypse, where state would fall explaning large corporations names sch as Vattenfall, meaning water falling, just as in New York, World trade Center, a grave of falling water as seen in poster for movie Oblivion. Water is the temple or simply Wat in Thai langugae, yes, that is the matrix of things. Listen also to Paloma Faith - Only Love Can Hurt Like This (Live at The BRIT Awards, 2015). Why? Because biblical love is terror. Vattenfall BTW write" addicted to fossil fuel" which we only are because people have been thrown into addiction (like smoking cigarettes via advertizing using Holywood) buying oil since inventions a long time ago could have made the addiction look almost like a candy-store. I have just purchased a couple of solar panels since this addiction and electrics have become additively criminalto purchase from Vattenfall and similar electri companies who often dont actually produce electric. I shall post some phots and wite a small article on my solar panels. Meanwhile, know, that governance and democracy was an attempt to bypass the old systems with installed Kings (meaning China) and when one can't be one, then they still are and this is called something in english which is a four letter word starting with F or S.
Imagine someone actually believed in something divine besides cock & cunt christianity. The invention of genuine divine in the making very distant from Scientology and similar. See lovereign parallel sovereign. Sove is danish for sleeping. A sovereign nation is a sleeping nation derivative sleeping beauty partly based on Grimm tales and grim is ugly is found in bible as the death "sleep" of the heart, earth, woman.
Visa not needed an idea by NUR now presented as an idea by Thailand which is thus completely ignorant: https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/general/2748821/call-for-visa-free-travel-between-india-thailand Same Visa not needed for travel to China from Thailand. Imagine nations taking five billion years to invent free travel.
"For those who knew; it was oblivious. For those I taught; it came easy. For me it was the most amazing time."
critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.
During 2019 nixrun.com went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. Nixrun.com will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations.
nixrun.com has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth.
nixrun.com mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.
It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, cerasius.com and nixrun.com was considered ambiguous.