Sumitomo Group is a huge conglomerate on a multitude of levels and industries and it can most likely only get bigger and better enriching peoples lives. Sumitomo purchased Q-Park March 2019 from (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (Wikipedia)).
Endure. Be strong. Communication. Full package, one ship, one logo, one major ID and in essence simplicity evolving into diversity by moving away from the ancient ways (come on now, don't say everything is okay!) fully utilizing technology to its full potential however breaking away from systems that are flawed by design and building layers of tapestry. Things to looks out for are conglomerates such as Sumitomi (Corp. website), Experian and Governmental Corp. Yes, governments are pretty much the same as any conglomerate and the business is the same worldwide; money, finance, high and huge and the bigger the worst - or best - all depending on which rock you are standing. This will be detailed in this article and the closer you look the more you gaze in awe at the richness of this huge ship loaded with everything - and love too - lots of it and the best The World can distill in its loaded distilleries of delights and fortune.
Delusions of grandeur; if conglomerates can do it so can anyone and Agatha Christie comes to mind in The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) (notice the number on the sail of DICKIE'S sailboat in Italy). Yes, it all is now so grand it probably can't get smaller unless the conglomerate takes the initiative to build not only the largest ship ever but also the best crew.
Comparing the conglomerates with some countries governments is like sizing up ants and elephants. They work together however also compete on all levels trying to figure out how to enrich - which I shall explain in this expanding article now that CURVE CABLES is the writing-platform.
As boring as it can now get but must be mentioned for the obvious reasons. Car-parking Q-park was owved by but has been purchased by Sumitomi March 2019. Reuters. Parking is more than business, it is a way of creating wealth and transfering equity to countries who likes to drag icebergs to Japan and then bottle the melted water. and HK$950 bottled water made from polar glaciers, pulled from Hong Kong shelves and What is the Most Expensive Bottled Water in the World in 2020? Someone told me they wanted new design and ideas and this one must be so grand it can't get any more fluid. - this gets THE WARCRAFT GOLDEN GLOBE by NIXRUN.COM 2020.
That website should land a Golden Globe someway. In fact Fillico is so stunning it does not have any entries at Wikipedia (so rare indeed probably yet now known by many people). Government usually have complaint-offices but what do you think to which side governments complaint offices lean when we are talking complaining over multi and more multi billion Dollar conglomerates. Governments are so tiny they probably have so little to say which explains why they usually do not do anything really except follow the golden ratio. Then there are some people who live in some countries which shoes are so small they only levitate when they can display a golden bar in their national bank. Many people like to show a nice front to the entry to their houses and show the best they have.
Read the article at this website. All by design. Fraud from start to end. The claim is, that one bank has some gold and it was, as by reading the article, that the gold was moved to the Bank Of England during the cold war. My best estimate is that there is no gold and my best estmate would be, that the goldbar on display is lead spraypainted but I am probably wrong. However the cold war is over a few years back, right? And why store gold as collateral rather than utilizing it in industries and/or selling it at 99.9% as they do in Asia as jewlery. You will see these stores just like it was any retailer. No, gold is so washed out there probably is none left. If you buy gold in a western jewlery-shop it is usually diluted gold which you might then call fake gold or partial gold - no, they still call it gold. It would equal selling Coca Cola diluted and then still calling it Coca Cola; recalling that Coca Cola in its purest form is near 99% water!
The symbol for people and surely people are amazing but are many times under such extreme pressure driven into the darkest of hours. Falling Down (1993)
When a conglomerate like Sumitomo with a revenue at $48,155.70 (million) 2018 (let me just put those zeros in there; $48,155,000,000 (48 billion) (Sumitomo do employ about 65.000 which is astonishing)) who operates a european parking-lot (should Q-Park not be named Sumitomo Parking?) and civilians are able to use the court-systems to fight these ridiculousness parking tickets and fines (yes, parking can be made on private land and the owner can charge a fee. What world did we create when we can buy great fantastic cars but can't find a place to park without it ending up in courts and rivers of tarmac) and some actually end up being archived as bad payers in credit-companies to whom you can complain via governmental systems then the motive called money is like saying The Talented Mr. Ripley! Most government agencies have a complaint office and many nations now make their laws based on EU Directives as boring as that can be (talking about it - not much grand design there). I am positive the motive is money and I am positive no government will support civilians against billion Dollar conglomerates. Much great can be said about large conglomerates and they produce great things but the whole concept of stepping on an ant one year killing it and then ending up complaining about being sued by private corporations for something as irrelevant as parking to complaining to governments about being registered as a bad payer because a court case was lost against Q-Park owned earlier by now owned by Sumitomo is focus of reality with enrichment that it simply can not get any more real. In fact it is now so real, that anything is no limit and not even the sky. It gets to the point where STARGATE is like the purest ICED WATER compared to governments and these conglomerates. What all of this Earth's population minus 1% can now do is step back ten yards and wait for the ultimate final solution. Yes, we are far into the future by 2020 and not much can compare to the work laid out by certain wars creating whole countries based on pure love. How can you even think of complaining - does it make sense anymore to even read their papers full of words in laws and directives when they tell us that there is only one grand design anyway - rhetorical. Why even bloody try. Get over it and just watch as the fountains will dry out and anything is the limit.
"Den, som kun tar spøg for spøg og alvor kun alvorligt, han og hun har faktisk fattet begge dele dårligt". (Source, Piet Hein (Ya, talk about it being difficult to breathe (I think NUR did more to help people than not and NUR is still learning, looking and in awe.))). Yes, it is a program and all by designs and NUR do not forget much of the code such as this joke or rhime or truth (whatever). It was suppose to be fun, right? The quoted is difficult to translate to English directly but goes sometthing to this effect:
"He who takes a joke as purely a joke and seriousness only serious, he and she has actually understood both poorly/badly".
Piet Hein was a danish Architect and designed among other things a table and a super ellipse.
CURVE CABLES and NUR still thriving for a funny empire now also found in Japan. CURVE CABLES will uncover the ideas behind designing hospitals and operating rooms which are as important as any place from livingrooms to the stages where children play their consoles in the fantasies and grand scheme of all making up a better word (such as in WORLD OF WARCRAFT - WoW Celebration - 15 Years with Content Creators).
Wed, January 8, 2020 3:54 PM
Created: Fri, December 21, 2019
Brands are important but perhaps it was time to imagine a new logo and even a new name. The historical Rolls Royce cars will live forever anyway.
Rolls Royce Motor Cars came up with an idea to let the customer be able to implant something of their choice in a location named the gallery (watch at YouTube). My best guess is, that customers can also choose not to have anything which I would. In fact I would prefer not to have this at all as an option. Now that I know such an option is possible then I guess it is up to the designers to design anything to let the customers know that a transportation-company can do whatever to the pleasure or annoyance of past and potential customers.
The other month I watched a few videos on YouTube watching some of the new 2019 models and I could not forget about this gallery which kept lingering in my mind. I imagined a customer choosing a beef freeze room to hang slices or stakes of beef. Well, now we are talking fashion and ideas and personally I find it beyond vanity bordering absolutely no fantasy to load in a $30.000,- gallery with diamonds or whatever where essentially the sky is the limit when it comes to price.
"Rolls-Royce is synonymous with limitless imagination." - well, up to the point where Rolls Royce Motor Cars could have written about it and left it out or taking above idea with a beef freeze room however small into their consideration. If you are an inspiring artist then please visit MUSE and perhaps make an appointment. I am positively sure there is a customer for a beef freeze room in the gallery of a Rolls Royce Motor Car.
Besides that, then Rolls Royce Motor both historically and presently do make some astonishing vehicles when it comes to ride performance using the latest technology in dampening and suspension.
Watch Worlds Most Expensive Car INTERIOR Rolls-Royce Phantom Gallery Bespoke 2018 DNA and then start to imagine.
Please take a sneak peek here: Perhaps a company such as or similar to 3M is trying to re-brand themselves through such channels (difficult to say these days). Other than that such nuovo surely brings out a smile. When the girls can do it, it can't be all that bad and positively they do get paid something at the end of the show Pro as they are. When they can wrap cars I guess the next in fashion is wrapping anything from girls to whatever. What will they think of next - the complete nude body; oh no, too much for the mundane. Extra payment for unwrapping would be preferred since it probably must feel like something unless the wrap and tape companies invented a non-evasive tape.
Unwrapping might be done off-stage to much pleasure and getting to the situation one wishes for can take many routes; if the designer and models join forces who knows to what heights tape can be driven and pulled. They have created a slide-show too which can be seen at their website: and it is possible to purchase tape Online at their website. Second-layer skin? A way to obscure taking us back to the ancient masters? Their clients are among others; Playboy, Rolex, Rolls Royce, Absolut.
Music for reading and watching: Duo Françaix - I. Selder and E. Lenhartová - Danzas Españolas Op. 37 - No. II Oriental by Granados and ANA VIDOVIC - LIVE CONCERT - CLASSICAL GUITAR RECITAL BADEN-BADEN.
Anyone recall the rather astounding movie Waterworld (1995)? Seems like only yesterday. Seems ancient for anyone born in the 21st. century but the movie is probably still relevant. Water attracts and is used in architecture and is usually associated with high-end luxury living. Frank Lloyd's Waterfall House is a classic. Water-worlds are popular as playgrounds. Anyway, if architects saw land as water and as resorts as places to live while not toiling away and perhaps made life a permanent holiday. Yet, alas! Politicians and a whole range of wealth found in banks and funds prohibit and make sure worn down housing is going to stay around for millennium to come because they invest buying up stuff to keep prices artificially inflated *). Talk about free market - FOR SOME. Come on politicians with a huge P - get your hands of the table and start doing the bidding of the people of whom yourself belong (true?).
On that note an intermezzo; only the other day a real Doctor told me to notice the name of the medications I took related to an infection. I said: "Ah, now I am suppose to play Doctor as well". The real Doctor then said: "Yes, it is good to know the name of the medicine you take." The Doctor was actually right however most people do not notice the name of their medicine. The best part was when the real Doctor said that Asian Doctors performed operations (on me for six hours) only to make money meaning the ten cm. scar I have and four week hospitalization was only made to make money. Same real Doctor said there are different styles of Doctors and they do things different. Really! No international standards! To test if I was in pain as I described the real Doctor asked me to jump one time. I did and as I did I realized her classic method and said I actually tested for pain when I got out of bed the same morning. In precautionary measures I went to my country of residency in Europe from Thailand and lucky this time the pain and symptoms subsided. The real Doctor did order a blood test to test for infection. I had a slight elevation and the number was 89 as I recall it. The real Doctor told me that the hospital only started treatment when above 50 so she told me to go home! I guess she lives by the rules of the Asian doctors. I am now in utter disbelief but lucky I have seen the hospital system from within and it is no longer rotten because that at least is something. Surely Asia had given me some medicine which made the real Doctor choose that was treatment even if the same real Doctor said that the medicine was nothing out of the ordinary and in fact for realeaf of ordinary stomac-acid. The real Dcotor told me to take a Paracetamol (or similar) and take the temperature no less than six hours after taking the last Paracetamol. Yes, real Doctor, Paracetamol and similar contains acetylsalicylic acid Carbon9Hydrogen8Oxygen4 which I by the age of 15 knew lowered the body's temperature. Long story short which will be written later. Health Insurance, (some) Doctors and a range of strange mechanics within the system called life makes life itself much more complicated that it ever should be.
Danish DKK 1.154.853.000.000,00 2018 income of which 16.33% is transfered to the public health sector ((adjusted) yearly) which is DKK 188.587.494.899,99 paid for by real Doctors and real people in tax. The hospital and health sector in Denmark is not free. Source:
*) Timothy Maxwell "Max" Keiser and Stacy Herbert keep up the good work and push it even further.
Any of the condos at the Maldives would be worth a few millions Dollars each and probably not for sale but floating islands and such might make places like the Maldives a way of life for many if the will was there and Architects actually pulled the silver-spoon out the mouth. Lets see what happens before 2030 which is only around the corner and I even feel the 22nd century is knocking on the door by now. It is as if the idea of movement turned into life itself and there is still in the early part of the 21st century a cry for life, love and a factual way of living Paradise for a whole life and not just a few days and weeks on a resort however amazing as it is.
Design and build and there would be so much to do if the game of life actually became real so that all people would not only swim in the sea but live the sea. 深 n'est-ce pas?
*} In memoriam a very special friend a long time ago - it seems - yet only feels like yesterday.
2020 December 10: My wife and I visited a second hand store and my wife bought some candle-holders for fyrfadslys (tealights) and they were each DKK 5.00,- I paid and I told the lady working there selling me these candle-holders, with humor, they were expensive. The lady then looked at me angrily and virtually spitted at my face with her words: "No they are very cheap". Some prefer calling it bullying and I prefer calling it Hitler-mentality (Hitler actually a very amazing fella when he so much loves birds which explains why every child learns about this amazing fella not to forget how it feels to be bullied). In IKEA you can buy 5 candle-holders at DKK 15.00,- (screen-shot local ikeafyrfad.jpg) which is DKK 0.33 a piece and not 5.00 which is an increase of 1415%. Those we bough were naturally much nicer but does the exact same and all are made in glass. My wife bought these candle-holders at Kirkens Korshær (The Church Crusade) and one would expect this woman working there might not symbolically spit in my face and it goes to show that free speech, thoughts and ideas are absolutely not welcomed in Denmark. Had I recorded it I would show you how much they actually hate difference which explains why Denmark is Adolf Hitler as they dictate what reality is namely that those candle-holders we bought are very expensive which was denied by Kirkens Kosher. This church naturally then also condones the Jonestown Massacre, Benny Hinn, Peter Popoff, Hiroshima etc. They will naturally most likely not agree because they give away Christmas decorations for free of which my wife filled a whole bag full yet the candle-holders paid for it at approximately 1415% increase in price. Those my wife bought were glass and tinted blue which explains the huge price but glass is glass is glass and their function the same unless the particular candle-holders, BLUE, spells ULRIK.
One final solution might be to kill God because God told me to kill myself who was the solution spoken of in The Bible; people and then the The Adjustment Bureau which is God trying to destroy anyone who deviates from the master-plan. Then imagine one comes along who tells the truth and tells of this plan only to be killed by God for telling the truth. If circumstances made you loose love, you might seek love again where it was purist; A Cure For Wellness and you will never again blame anyone becaue once you find that special one you simply know- and it makes you feel alive wanting to invigorate everyone including The Adjustment Bureau.
Whole countries and their governments deceived. I have downloaded a video (at which you may download at your leisure. I have also extracted the Youtube subtitles and translated to English for your convenience.
Right-click mouse on links and chose "Save link as" (or similar). Save in same directory. Use files by loading your favorite video-player on your Windows or Mac box. The subtitle file .srt should load automatically if in the same directory.
RNA virus, Nidovirus; Influenza ~ Coronavirus ~ New World |
Global mortality associated with seasonal influenza epidemics: New burden estimates and predictors from the GLaMOR Project: (290 000-650 000 influenza-associated deaths).
This is very peculiar since Physicians use something they call death certificates. And one might expect with 16% [Denmark] going to health-care of a country's total state budget that reporting of such cases are done thoroughly making use of math as simple as counting 1, 2, 3, etc. The indication is, that also death certificates are counterfeited to suite whole countries autoimmune system-agenda and that agenda is based on looting, pilloting and robbing the people not only for their hard-earned [fake] money but by spitting on peoples graves because in Denmark a standard state-funeral can run into multiple deca-thousands of DKK. Money are 2020 June 20 declared void and null.
Source of information on molecules of DNA and RNA and their chemical compounds here and here. And adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. And Deoxyribose.
Cookie (computers) advertised on many websites worldwide including governmental websites and cookies are the older local storage prior HTML5 'cause now localStorage HTML5 is used and a whole cookie law is created by The European Union TADA!
Eat the cookies and enjoy the video.
A Cure For Wellness is also featured at Journal.
Time to watch movies; get your daily dose at
Please click the (i) in the bottom-left corner for information.
I prefer to use Webtorrent since it streams instantly while downloading. Awesome piece of software.
The Journal goes where I never believed I would go in my life. The purpose of life has become creating the best place ever on Earth and the process is now just a simple API (Application Programming Interface) which I have mentally processed as a mind-tool which will be delivered as per the promises many many years ago. Imagine this: George W. Bush is a saint compared to countries such as Denmark and if you believed or was taught Sierra Leone and Blood diamond (movie) was horrific then visit Scandinavia for a change.
Imagine this one which will be real by 2020 August: governments receive only benefits paid by the people when and if people see it fit and that would be when governance does something pretty darn amazing. Taxes and fees are only introduced because historically governance does absolutely nothing except partying which is derived from the word party. TADA!! It is over getting a check for doing piss and shit (excuse me Spartacus (TV series)).
The Journal is the primer to deliver the promises by Spartacus honoring him and his army of people. 2020 June 19: Governance is no more and their looters are, since Mars is yet not an option, being shipped by A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S to a Safari-park in Africa. Spartacus' 2020+ army is preparing to launch the most amazing and astonishing lives ever lived and people of all corners of The World are just a few steps away from living. TADA!! Join the army or say Out of Africa (movie) for good.
Some things do tend to become a little tedious and where does one move in any conversation as part of a relationship which may last a few minutes or a whole life. One might ask a lofty question such as: "How would you design and create your best vision and is that what you are aiming for at all?"
Reporters and Journalists as part of one of the largest global conglomerates as a global network are in many cases the doers of what the global stage sets as its agenda. My best guess, perhaps shortsighted is, that most politicians enter their respective offices in the morning with the daily news-paper, or App respectively, and watch the news and then take their daily routines and many decisions based on what is mostly hear-say believing trust follows the hierarchy of the great businesses worth billions of Dollars. We trust in what? We watch the large sky-rise of a bank and believe they must be very trustworthy because they have made billions and since politicians enter the stage where they now can joggle with the states financial budgets of trillions, then surely we must trust them.
The point of view here is, that the line of defense is rather large meaning the ones you encounter may surely be trusted but what about those you never really meet?
And where does the origin of anything you listen to come from? I recall in school as a child that the teacher told the first pupil to whisper to the next pupil the exact phrase written on a piece of paper. The second student would then whisper it along to the third and hence forth. What came out spoken aloud of the last pupils mouth was usually completely unrecognizable which is no surprise. Try the game in your office or for that matter in parliament and then imagine that most of the time people do not really listen being occupied with a few other things at the same time - in the real world where it is no longer a game.
Unfortunately I do not have a transcript of The Keiser Report but for the sake of conversation please listen to What is the Fed hiding? (E1457) especially the beginning and then know anything is by design and greed and corruption and the system (of banks in this case) are there to defraud you on a large scale - if not then why not design another system and the best excuse we hear is: "If it ain't broken don't fix it" which is a way to deviate from designing something which benefits the many rather than the very few and since there seems to be many cases of bank-frauds then surely it is not broken for those who benefit financially on a huge scale. You only meet the ATM (by design) and in some cases the bank-clerk - you never know or see those who operate the bank(s) and if you saw them you'd probably start a conversation. One thing one may wonder after 1457 episodes of The Keiser Report; what changed in the banks to the presumed better (for the banks)? The last time I contacted my bank I got a "No, we can't do that for you and our fees are being raised." A vision for many perhaps stopped at the login-screen to their net-bank.
Your bank is a broker, a middle-man, a distributor for your national bank and the national bank too is an affiliate and broker, in Europe, The European Central Bank and in US The Federal Reserve. Lets begin where most things starts; Central means central but to what? Reserve means a reserve of what which is where? Then there is the paradox that The International Monetary Fund which is located in USA working on globalization in a country where patriotism is high on the agenda (also read Criticisms). Once upon a time surely it was good to have a psychical location where you could pick up your salary and do your financial transactions however bank-robberies were seen as a reason to remove money from the bank (in some European countries). This was prior to the event of computers and The Internet and today your next layer to your local affiliate is an App and it makes it all very easy probably adding an extra fee.
This data is from The World Bank; link to article.
Surely IMF etc. watch YouTube and since IMF etc. have the means to at least do something, then the channels, journalism and reporters are the affiliate to you as a viewer and then you are the next best chance of making it to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and naturally your local politician who then again is an affiliate to the hierarchy of the political systems.
Working in the bank-sector is a lucrative business. One affiliate (branch) in Estonia did what their customers are not suppose to do whitewashing a few billion US Dollars. Source The responsible CEO reveived bonus and salary just as prescribed because hush hush he learned in school as a child in which the last whisper comes out like gobbledygook. Who can trust, this related bank and the information that follows and perhaps the money never existed in the first place or the money was removed by simply using their own computers which are as safe as those who built the computers and its respective operating systems.
Image above: Self-Portrait with Two Circles by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn.
The Creation of Adam stands as a very long lasting impression especially as I saw this painting as a reproduction as a child wondering especially about the left character and why would an elderly lady have this reproduction of this particular painting. Michelangelo is world-famous and the modeling of the human body using fresco, as opposed to oils as the binder/vehicle of pigments, is masterly done. The positioning of the two main characters and the twelve figures surrounding the right character plus the fact that between these two main characters there seems to be a void or rather air as it must be expected the characters are breaching oxygen and nitrogen (fresco can't breath obviously but people can).
Self-Portrait with Two Circles by Rembrandt is noteworthy because of a few striking things such as the choice and depth of colors and the placement of circles (depicted highly likely as canvases) in the backdrop.
When stories of love surfaces in the case of Rembrandt it can be said that the origins of art in general and mentioned paintings may have had other unknown masters doing the work.
In the case of Rembrandt we are in Amsterdam in the Netherlands and this would explain why the left nude in The Creation of Adam is positioned lower than the character on the right. After a while art in any form soon becomes purely mathematical which makes it so much more interesting also.
When I was a child I recall watching movies and I also visited the local library. One thing I wondered was, why were American movies so numerous and why did I mostly like American movies. I liked the language, English as it is, with that distinct accent and I always felt that the language came natural to Americans in movies not being spoken by an actor or actress being wrapped in pretense but being spoken from their hearts (being an actor or actress is after all not all that easy once you are confronted with the stage). The American culture seemed to be where I wanted to be too and I wondered why my native country had not adapted more or all of the essence of American culture and society. "The grass is always greener on the other side" - and all that jazz. Well it usually is because the conglomerate of most peoples lives are bare-bone because it mostly consists of theatrical behaviors which are sincere but colored by layers of pretense adjusted by your local culture, behaviors and styles of living.
I love America, I love Iran. I love the African continent and woho would I love one day to sit in the very far outskirts of Australia at a two-way road all alone while waiting as one day a car pulls over and out walks a person asking me which way to go. In fact I love all countries and the simple reason is, that there are people. One might be alone and lonely which seems as natural as anything else because that is at least how I felt a large portion of my life. What I can imagine is a whole continent all for myself in which there are things to do but without the hassles of being bothered with trick or treats, fables and quarrels about matters of no concern - to me at least.
Then you leave the library and on your way home you realize you are no longer a child but an adult who has lived a contemporary life while wondering if you told the by-passer stopping asking for direction at he two-way road in Australia, if you told the person to go the right way. The butterfly effect is always present because the person also visited a library as a child, asking the same questions.
There is a lot of ground to be covered as is now alive again being prepared for the road ahead. One focus-point of interest is the re-branding or reconfiguration of brands from those areas that are of interest to many people. Such areas are entertainment and news which are already heading in interesting directions making more sense now than ever. Communication where probably layers of misunderstanding has taken place might now uncover the most exciting enigma. will update but is now Online with the September 2019 design preparing for the next adventures. Since communication is vital then surely an attempt to broaden the horizon will be made. Sometimes it is those little changes that takes place which makes everything so much more fun. Just yesterday I experienced how small fluctuations and positive changes in communication can make me do so much more reaching for goals and branding myself and morphing and in a few moments those changes can have a lasting effect by practicing and saying and then doing things that are out of line - but not really - because that is how branding of products/services works. Communication extended from within individual minds to a whole World where one enigma might be, that communication becomes completely overhauled and in some areas oblivious.
During the next few days I shall continue to watch and absorb as much as possible and load some products as ideas truly trying to re-brand.
This site started September 2019 and there is a lot of ground to cover. Anyone on the journey has been awesome. The site begins with a few articles on affairs that touches some people and the idea with this site is for me to continue to watch the news such as CNN, Aljazeera and RT's shows on money and finance - and then reflect on the vast amount of information.
Imagine all of 8 billion people were connected - as we know it from social networks - the global community would be able to join in building practically anything. Arab Spring during 2010-2011 was an event that lead myself, and many others, into a complete realization of how people can actually function and becoming part of an historic opportunity where all barriers can be torn down happening through the air from smart-phone to smart-phone. It recalls the event of pulling down the Berlin wall which lead to celebrations across Earth. Yet today in the 21st. century most housing have walls, fences and barriers and probably because that is how society by political agendas have programmed culture and living to be - walled into small enclaves called gardens. We see very nice small gardens being constructed in a program called Garden Rescue which is a great way to manifest a piece of land. A garden is a small micro-climate and perhaps climate within the garden can become a common place extending outside of the enclosure.
Egypt protests over viral videos alleging taxpayer funds stolen to build lavish hotel and palace -
The spectrum is wide and ranges from areas touching every corner of most peoples lives. In a World with interconnected communication it is expected that swift solutions to age-old stigma and conformity is pulled just as the Berlin wall and many other walls were. Not so long ago people waited for a paper called Newspaper and believed, because Newspapers existed, that something soon would be done about the very matters and concerns written about.
Millions attend global climate strike -
The smart-device with GPS which many people now have is the extended neural network in which people can join to speak their mind. Naturally physical manifestations have a huge impact. Any protest could be launched and there are plenty of areas to cover; paying for parking is one and the fees are still relatively low priced as to make most accept the fees until one day you get a parking-ticket for an offence which usually does not do injury to the operators and owners of the parking-spot. Paying for parking is just another location to create revenue. Just as you pay road-tax gladly - or not - but road-tax is another boiling-frog-effect.
Some airports are trying to become zero-emission-port by 2030 and new electrical cars with solar-panel is in the foundry such as Smart-devices has the ultimate abilities to create a unique global community on any matter.
Nobody told me or anyone else about the entertainment-business being a slumber just as 95% of the time I and others spend in public school was used to maintain the system called public school for the sake of the system itself. A lovely girl named Charlotte Summers sang a few songs and many found her wonderful until someone decided to knock her of the pedestal. It seems as if any good thing is never only good just as politics ignites revolt which keeps the surrounding systems occupied such as the police with sprays and batons. Yellow Vest is massaging themselves realizing it takes more than a few month to make a whole political system understand that there are actually people - in the very system politicians operate.
When the next level of spiritual enlightenment enters le boulevard with titles such as Lawyers then surely the Bouillabaisse of the political establishment does something just as the 2010 French pension reform strikes. Among other systems you will find The French Democratic Confederation of Labour which are involved in enlightenment. Large groups of people joined in a passionate struggle and should be able to at least re-program parts of the political realm (many who work in government are excessively loyal to the system).
Entertainment has come a far way since I was a teenager and much more choice delivering anything I wish to watch and be entertained by. Perhaps political systems moving into the realms of utilizing the largest network ever presented is a away for political systems to change or even become the ultimate intended network in which choices and opinions flourish.
In one Asian country a box similar named FWIPTV4K in size to the MI Box can be purchased and with it you have all the usual channels including top-notch new movie-arrivals including the famous stations such as CNN, MSNBC, Fox and many others. Xiaomi M365 Folding Electric Scooter IP54 is also seen in cityscapes and such scooters might be available at airports or walking streets and similar places. When technology rises so does people and one huge mall Online is by now the famous from which Jack Ma moves on into new ventures. Jack Ma and similar visionaries operating stores are moving fast ahead towards autonomy on all levels from manufacturing and delivery. Alibaba´s six underlying values — dubbed "Six Vein Spirit Sword" after a popular Kung Fu technique — were "customer first," "trust," "integrity," "teamwork," "embrace change" and "passion."
In fact Charlotte had noticed a pattern in the way her room and the outside wildlife, as well as the odd spider-man in her bedroom and other creepy crawls, seemed to communicate with Charlotte.
Yes, the enigma was, among many more things, that Charlotte in a dream had experienced something astonishing and a few days ago the dream had materialized itself while she was outside playing. Her mother and father had invested in a French castle which would be transformed into a serene place upgraded on all levels and the estimated price was 30 million Euro which would include an overhaul of all the rooms and modernizing all the amenities. Charlotte was walking her usual tour leisurely without purpose in the vast gardens and her favorite path was to enter the labyrinth. She looked across the sky and saw three relatively large birds. First she took no notice of them but they kept circling for the duration it took her to reach the entry to the labyrinth. She took the first steps inside the labyrinth and Charlotte looked up to see if the circling birds were still there. They were.
Charlotte had only taken 10 steps when Charlotte encountered the first T-cross-way. Each path had a stone laid in the grass and on one stone was the letter E engraved and on the other the letter P. She looked at them for a brief moment and she then looked up and saw the three birds circling elevating themselves a few hundred feet.
Movies are a good way to depict a romantic world as sinister while the same movie actually hides the very nature of whole countries benevolent behavior; movies romanticizes benevolence and movies makes you believe someone is now doing something about it.
BP plc 2010 Apr 09 641 - 2020 June 23 304 - consumers want gasoline, plastic and derivatives.
Make energy free and the incentive to compete and cut cost on safety etc. are obliterated. A quota for each person monthly is free; and the less you use the more your PFAC grows.
Ref. book: secrets of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.
The topic of energy is vast and so huge it can fill whole libraries yet obscured for decades, well, centuries and millennia. It takes a step into the past as well as the present well into the future and once you decode a whole planet worth of laws, directives and love into the circles of high-ranking, very high ranking, officers of the empires of yesterday as well as present and future when rich is a word of the past where a completely new word will be - well - let us stay in the line of movies and call it Elysium year 2154 which is present time except we will not be able to build that station of wheel-of-love until probably well into the millennium of 3000 and beyond. If you believe, still, that $7.5 billion is money worth much, then hang on and see how building a space-station of the future could look following the splendid analogy of Peter Leyland speaking at TEDx where indeed TEDx, as the greatest studio, as a platform on which lies are in the foundry, when Hollywood and news collide. Energy is bound until released and it is still an enigma how a Sun can burst into flames of such proportions, that it neither collapses nor explodes but stays shining for billons of years - longer than the tip of your nose is from your eyes - yet eyes are the technology of a whole Universe - of a cherry - a child born - a whole universe seen through infant eyes learning how to live and love.
Energy; the operation of states where laws are not even considered valid by the very governments who created the laws (laws are just a cover-up).
Mantis class insecta, Phylum: Arthropoda. A most amazing type of imaginary alien entity and it pops up in various stories and movies such as Kung Fu Panda. The one in Kung Fu Panda is the Chinese_mantis.
What I did experience is, that multicultural is dead as is multi-ethnic. There is much more to do and surely a keyword is THE HAPPY EMPIRE which I strive for. When you watch some news on the outlets on the channels then remember to smile and pocket it - the smile. The number of Iranians in USA are probably not that insignificant. The next thing that pops to mind is, newsoutlet and their networks needs the next story and we notice how the same news outlets runs a spread of advertising while intoxicated let their pundits and layman-reporters play strategic war-games as five-star generals. Naturally with layers of hidden agendas and hiding hehind layers of Jesuit pretence. Have they become yesterdays priests - indeed.
If the priests gets it right this time, again... the priest might wait until any news is actually confirmed. But probably not because without news, real or fake or a mix thereof, the outlets like to show whatever (because somebody made it so it must be true - even the lies and the fake). The saying is probably: run it even when we know it is fake.
Iran's Soleimani killed in US air raid: with all the latest updates.
Walking about on especially a night like new years eves gave me plenty of opportunity to observe, that people do the same things and eat the same places and dress up pretty much the same way. Late night the only option left for a snag is McDonald and people use McDonald located in this train-station in Copenhagen also to sleep, wait for their train or eat something. The chairs in McDonald are tied down to the floor. Usually the place looks like a pigsty. Cold as hell since no heating and the outside windows hangs flapping. It is like sitting in a movie set waiting for Keanu Reeves entering asking where the nearest phone-booth is (just to make the mind occupied with deviated twisted hope).
Anyway, since everyone is doing the same culture among and across people have deteriorated and all for better. I love some of those black faces I saw. Such beauty. Whites too and I even got a few seconds to see scary dangerous Muslim laugh at me when they took away a whole table from a white girl because 1 of the total 3 Muslims used the table she was using as a headrest and 20 seconds later she decided to move to another table. The 2 other Muslims moved to the table and suddenly realizing the victory they smiled at me. I smiled back but did feel someone sorrow for the girl but why because she could just have said piss off or similar or called the nearby manager. Not much chivalry there. Back in the day any Muslim would probably have stood in the corner or hardly dared to enter McDonald. The mechanichs of being chivelry comes perhaps at a deadly cost - who knows the future one did not make!
The national train-station of Denmark has no heating and should you happen to wait for an early train and have to hang around for a few hours you can stand at the entry to 7/Eleven of which there are two in this stations hall where above 7/Eleven's doors are hot wind fans blowing down heating up the cold passing air or you can sit in McDonald to at least get some type of shelter without the heating and if lucky a kind of chair. These are the few choices because anything else closes around 11PM. Danish design stopped with this trains-station since it was built recalling naturally it was built at the time of the steam-engine. Form and Design is great but what when the two separate.
I traveled relatively far for a special reason but I came from Bangkok to Copenhagen via Finland with Finnair. The food on-board the flight was far worth that found at McDonald but once I entered the transit area in Helsinki in the airport I was pleasantly surprised to see astonishingly lush, clean and high design of their public airport toilets. It fellt fresh and the toilets actually looked far better than many ordinary homes. If private architects could do only half as good designing homes for people - wau - then I would not mind living in a toilet. Try using one, a toitlet, next time you pass through Finland's Airport.
Let's return to Soleiman. Suleiman the Magnificent. Soleimani, Suleiman - many spelling for essentially the same.
US president may use force, short of war, to protect American interests as the commander-in-chief under Article II of the Constitution, said Bobby Chesney, a professor at the University of Texas School of Law who specialises in national security issues.
"If the facts are as the defence department said, then the president relatively clearly has Article II authority to act in self-defence of American lives," Chesney told The Associated Press news agency.source:
Article Two of the United States Constitution. In a personal whim an American President can decide he has a threat, is scared, in danger or nails it as being a protective measure (to defend himself in self defense). Read the news on this issue.
With this said it becomes clear that for any reason, perhaps paranoia, a president of a mighty nation can send in a few long-distant drones and blast away anything to send a message also to anyone else - don't make me feel paranoid or I will use The Second Amendment. Aha, well, anyone else have a similar amendment and will naturally be set in forth by natural law. And killing someone without due process says more about its country and leaders. Does anyone not have the right to self defense - come one.
The classic: nations and specially their "Suleiman the Magnificent" - be they called Tony Blair, Donald Trump etc. - start shaking and they then by various means, proxy or whatever, start up various smaller incidents until we enter the stage prior to WWI and WWII where a whole ballistic culture in Europe went berserk. There is not one inch of a difference between then and now. Donald Trump also says ISIL (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (also killed by USA)) is no longer a danger. Well, USA and the presidency is ISIL. The thing is, that the same ISIL or ISIS has various faces.
Here is ISIS leading to Roman statue of Isis, first or second century CE. ISIL and ISIS are the same. If U.S.A. is a SUN and SON and wage war and this SUN and SON is a god, as it is, then you might call USA a war-god just as ISIS is a war-god and such is the case. No need to make Article II of the Constitution or any such trivia. We rule by fear is even enshrined in The Bible which is the foundation of most nations. Anything goes. Anything. Believe me, I have read the ultimate foundation. USA don't really need any Constitution - the country just needs God as we find as a rather bad copy in Las Vegas.
On a winter morning in 1761 six men leave Copenhagen by sea—a botanist, a philologist, an astronomer, a doctor, an artist, and their manservant—an ill-assorted band of men who dislike and distrust one another from the start. These are the members of the Danish expedition to Arabia Felix, as Yemen was then known, the first organized foray into a corner of the world unknown to Europeans. The expedition made its way to Turkey and Egypt, by which time its members were already actively seeking to undercut and even kill one another, before disappearing into the harsh desert that was their destination. Nearly seven years later a single survivor returned to Denmark to find himself forgotten and all the specimens that had been sent back ruined by neglect.
Based on diaries, notebooks, and sketches that lay unread in Danish archives until the twentieth century, Arabia Felix is a tale of intellectual rivalry and a comedy of very bad manners, as well as an utterly absorbing adventure.
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ARABIA FELIX! Strange that the epithet 'Happy' should grace a part of the earth's surface, most of it barren wilderness where, since the dawn of history, man has ever been at war with his environment and his neighbour. Yet there can be no mistaking the classical geographers. To Strabo, Pliny, and Ptolemy, the term Arabia Felix served for the entire peninsula south of the Syrian desert (Arabia Deserta) and the mountains about Sinai (Arabia Petraea). True, the term consorts ill with the horrid wastes of Rub' al Khali that form no small part of Arabia, but there lies in the central south, bordering the Indian Ocean, ·a land at once of rare physical loveliness and of ancient fame. If there be any region in Arabia entitled to the epithet 'Happy,' other than the Yemen, whose glories were well known to the ancients, it is this province of Dhufar, an Arcadia ofluxuriant forests that clothe steep mountains overlooking the sea, of per- ennial streams and sunny meadows, of wide vistas and verdant glades. Here, according to the writer of Genesis,
Jehovah had set the limit of the known world 'as thou goest east unto Mount Sephar'; hither came the ancient Egyptians for frankincense to embalm their sacred Pharaohs; here, may be, were hewed the pillars of Solo- mon's Temple, if indeed Dhufar be not the site of Ophir itself, and the traditional market for ivory and peacocks' feathers.
I have attempted to set down in the pages that follow a narrative of my recent camel journey across Rub' al Khali, and of my researches in this fair province of Dhufar, the
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gateway of that journey, and to me the true Arabia Felix of to-day.
The, virgin Rub' al Khali, the Great Southern Desert!
To have laboured in Arabia is to have tasted inevitably of her seduction, and six years ago when I left the Adminis- tration of Transjordan for the Court of Muscat and Oman I already cherished secret dreams. The remote recesses of the earth, Arctic and Antarctic, the sources of the Amazon, and the vast inner spaces of Asia and Africa, have one by one yielded their secrets to man's curiosity, until by a strange chance the Rub' al Khali remained almost the last consider- able terra incognito, which is surprising considering the great antiquity of settled Arabia, the border lands of which touched the early civilisations of Egypt and Babylonia.
Yet Arabia has remained the forbidden land. Through- out the centuries scarce twenty European explorers have been able usefully to penetrate to her inhospitable heart. For this there are two main reasons. First, lack of rain and the merciless heat of the Arabian desert permit of but scattered and semi-barbarous nomad societies, which are at such perpetual war that, even for themselves, life is insecure. Secondly, the religion of these desert men, at least in practice, is fanatical and exclusive. From time to time they hold it virtuous to enforce Islam with the sword. In Arabia proper all European visitors have been indi- vidual men, and only once in all her history, and that in Roman times, has she - the then supposed Eldorado- excited the cupidity of European invaders, so that among her inhabitants, left so severely to themselves, insularity, bigotry, and intolerance are indigenous growths with a long pedigree. Hence an area equal to half the superficies of Europe had remained a blank on our maps.
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It had·fascinated Richard Burton, who in I 852 offered his services to the Royal Geographical Society for the purpose of what he termed 'removing that opprobrium to modern adventure,' but he succumbed to official obstruc- tion and never put his plans to the test. I enjoyed ad- vantages. Thirteen years of post-war service in various political capacities on three sides of Arabia enabled me to acquire a peculiar knowledge of tribal dialects and of Arab ways, and to become acclimatised. I had addressed myself for years past to two problems- how to find an avenue of approach to the interior and how to cultivate the tribes there. As a Minister of the Council of the State of Oman, my name came to be known throughout south- east Arabia; it was because I was the Sultan's Wazir and because of the cordial relations existing between the Ruler and myself that I was brought into personal touch with the most influential Arabs of that part. Hence a general attitude of tolerance towards me, an Englishman and a Christian, without which I could never have dreamt of moving off the beaten track.
Then, too, I knew the mind of authority and so avoided the pitfall of seeking permission for my designs. Was n.ot the lesson of Burton before me? The British official attitude, with which, let me add, I am in general sympathy, is, in view of the anarchy that normally prevails in Desert Arabia, inimical to exploration. The good official must avoid responsibility and commitments, and to learn of, and not forbid, an expedition implies tacit authorisation. So my plans were conceived in darkness, my journeys heralded only by my disappearances, paid for~by myself and executed under my o~n auspices. Throughout my service in Muscat I elected to spend my summers there, to save
Download Felix Arabia as PDF from
Sometimes every time is as real as any movie ever made. If everything was made according to Chip Foose's World it would all be stainless steel and quality reaching levels Rolls Royce and Mercedes Benz and similar stopped manufacturing. Why? Because people now demand the best ever!
Featured car on the AMAZING MAGAZINE is: cars from usually scrap yard cars from bygone times making these driving machines luscious to the degree one wants to invite five lovers on the best ride ever. The ride is the destination. Why did Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Rolls Royce, Bentley and similar stop doing what is obvious? The equation is simple; people forgot what is the best and what is possible and quality is only what you know to be the best at any given moment. That is why Chip Foose is now CEO of all manufacturing of all cars across the globe.
Cars are burdened ith expenses to such a degree it never becomes possible for even rich people to drive the best. They thought it was a Bentley or Rolls Royce? No, these brands fall in value faster than you can drive it from the dealer to your garage. Watch the beginning of Dough DeMuro (Youtube) and watch a 24 year "luxury" Rolls Royce. Same goes for contemporary Rolls Royce models which has to stitch in a "gallery" to create a complete and utterly bizarre value-set.
Chip Foose is main man of all car manufacturers across the globe as the main designer on all matters concerning personal transport. On this scale it will be possible to deliver "Chip Foose" cars to everyone making everyone feel amazing things when driving and moving. The economics are very simple; the better and longer a car lasts the better for the economy. Spare parts and upgrades are still needed and oil-change etc. so mechanics will be beyond amazingly happy to see quality finally arrive to their garages when clean lovely cars in chrome and stainless steal arrive with top-quality parts.
Here is a view of Chip Foose inspecting his car and then a standard car of today:
The model of collecting taxes are 2020 June as dead as the frog. Taxes and fees covering road and green taxes are eliminated 2020 December. This time frame will make any Economic Sage (wise man) [vanish; økonomiske vismænd (word vismænd is tried corrected in Adobe Dreamweaver as vandalism (Fun n'est pas?))] faint ever so slightly which is a good thing and the best would be if they drop hard very fast.
Taxes in general will be covered soon and taxes will be a thing of the past very very fast. In fact countries such as Denmark are lifting taxes faster than ever and those trillions of Dollars removed from the People will be paid back through a model which is called Avoid Safari [hint] which will also be covered soon.
Once Mercedes-Benz made dreams: The price of contemporary 2020 luxury cars is the price itself. TADA! Same goes for standard family cars which in Denmark are taxes so much it becomes ridiculous. Firstly you buy the car and it is taxed 110% by the government which is run for and by The people; would people not want the cheapest and best? TADA! Next people are taxed called Weight fee and Green Owners fee (vægtafgift og grøn ejerafgift source (skat is the Vanish word for darling. TADA!)). Then people pay a horrendous amount of tax on petrol which I believe is 90% or more of the nominal price of gasoline. Then people pay insurance which is state obligatory and a standard car's insurance is monthly approximately US Dollar $50-$100 covering only damage to others! The boiling frog is dead by now. I know from own experience - just as any mechanic does - that cars are cheaply made and consists of very basic parts of very low grade quality.
Green Owners fee leads you to Grenwashing and at this point it gets as tedious as watching Friends (TV series) so I shall leave the economics at this because all these fees and taxes are 2020 July considered voided. Friends and Spartacus has one thing in common; it is amazing. Taxes on cars are removed completely worldwide. (Taxes, fees and V.A.T. and tariffs will be covered soon in an AMAZING MAGAZINE).
Brand names? Not really in the world of 2020. Competition? Why when all cars are great! Chip Foose is in charge of all car-manufacturers World Wide and first six month are used to lock into the current systems of car-manufacuring and then making standards across all levels and by early 2021 the first productions roll out. All taxes and fees are removed from cars. Transportation in general on all levels are overhauled from trucks to trains to air-travel. The windowless plane set for take-off in a decade; source This is however about cars foremost and Chip Foose is on it no expence to high 'cause The people are taking back what was taken away from them namely great AMAZING cars.
Chip Foose is main preliminary designer and diverts everything cars to all corners of the Earth. Car-designs and their parts are manufactured to the highest and best quality and new original designs are modeled from either old designs as well as new however factory-plant are modified and/or created to follow Chip Foose's designs specifications. Every present car-manufacturer can no longer from 2020 December 31 manufacture cars unless they have entered Chip Foose World Car plan and been aproved to follow the guidelines. The transition-time is expected to last no more than three years (end date 2023 Dec 31) totally until everyone has transitioned completely. The first production cars are expected to run of the assemply lines early 2021. Standards (parts etc.) are vitally important.
Minimum life-span of a car will be 100 years and probably more. Ultimately a car will last a very long time which will boost the PFAC which we shall encounter soon enough.
Headquarters Address (now Chip Foose World Car Headquarters)
Foose Design
17811 Sampson Lane
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Car-manufacturing and Chip Foose also set up shop 2020 in Cuba building on a great people and their love of cars.
Amazing things like these will be covered and entered into Chip Foose's model:
NIXRUN is setting up a preliminary financial calculus to determine the estimated economics saved and gained on each project covering both short-, mid- and long term. Therefore the following is a very very rough estimate just to ignite an idea of how each project will not only build wealth by saving wealth but also building quality of life which goal it is to make every day of any life an enjoyment.
On this scale the transition is going to be relatively costly. But that is gained in a short time; quality of the highest order means less waste, less recycling and over a period of ten years a gain is saving is estimated to be in the range of a few trillion US Dollars. Once the whole globe is covered by Chip Foose World Car the financial savings are astronomical. Naturally much and every part of production is done by robots as far as it goes and leisure-time from this project on this scale will reach levels unheard of which will boost other industries which will be covered in the network-model as per the AMAZING MAGAZINE venture. This Financial estimate is not one as per the old economics because on this scale there are no prior models to compare it to. Most importantly is to consider the range of impact such as project as this has; The People Feel Amazing Capital [PFAC]. As this is the first major project I shall briefly enlighten however I presume the obvious is known; if people feel amazing it has an astounding impact on all things and that is literal; everything becomes less expensive yet at the same time more valuable. Money and Amazing are two separate things which are no longer coined. Therefore it is of utmost importance that this project and any soon-to-be projects are not calculated in US Dollars or any currency for that matter.
The People Feel Amazing Capital [PFAC] of the project Chip Foose World Car is estimated to be 0.01 of current global value in US Dollars and the global valued number is in the trillions yet will move to this imagined value called PFAC. 0.01 is presently an imaginary number because the overall model will flourish as new projects are started and will then more accurately estimate PFAC.
The Hot Spot (1990) featuring Don Johnson, Virginia Madsen and Jennifer Connelly.
critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.
During 2019 went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations. has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth. mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.
It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, and was considered ambiguous.