Class Action Lawsuit against Terror State Of Denmark
Principal case as subclass-cases joined. empirically proving statE-terror and state-destruction by the state itself.


2021.10.27: Danmarks Domstole may shut the case down because NUR will not pay the court-fee. Paying to the defendant a fee to let the defendant find if the defendant if guilty is like washing your washing-machine with your washing-machine.

2021.10.14 Adding information and building site. Will most likely start loading some of the first cases in the beginning of November 2021.



Updated: Thursday, November 4, 2021 11:47 AM
Created: Tuesday, November 026, 2021

Since they love it so much, Louise, then why not name a handbag company after Adolf Hitler.

A new case has arisen and handed to me as late as 2021 November 02. It is added to the list of cases to the Class Action lawsuit and published because it deserved recognition for its portrayal of how a state operates terror via laws.

We are dealing with a fee on cars and in this case diesel cars and the fee is called Udligningsafgift (equalize or countervailing charge):

LOV nr 203 af 13/02/2021 Lov om ændring af registreringsafgiftsloven, brændstofforbrugsafgiftsloven, ligningsloven og forskellige andre love (Act amending the Registration Tax Act, the Fuel Consumption Tax Act, the Tax Assessment Act and various other laws). Local PDF.

Diesel is cheaper so the user of diesel-cars is levied a tax on diesel-fuel which includes trucks also and that raise is paid by the consumer of the products shipped by truck-companies. It plain terms the tax called Udligningsafgift simply equalizes the price between petrol and diesel. Consumers find a cheaper product and levied an equalize-fee and thus punished by finding a better and cheaper product. Shortly explained here at official website for motor:

I received the fee from the Tax Revenue and the letter (see letter below) is printed 2021.10.26 and must be paid 2021.11.09. If not paid the Tax Revenue threatens with sending the case to Gældsstyrelsen ( which is the states debt collecting board.

In the letter I am told I have earlier been sent a letter demanding the Udligningsafgift. This is untrue since I have not received such a letter.

The Tax Revenue mentions in the letter, that it will send the case to collection at Gældsstyrelsen without notification including late-fee.

The letter also tells me that the Tax Revenue will ask the police to pick up my license-plates if not paid.

The letter also mentions paying interest and the Tax Revenue reserves their right to calculate any interest and collect it.

The Tax Revenue also mentions it can collect the money from money one owes the state or any of its public offices.

The Tax Revenue list in their letter where laws can be found to support their letter of threats which explains why the tax revenue can legalize robbing property all supervised by European Parliament and European Commission under the disguise of democracy called voting but is vomiting. Imagine nobody voted; would they tell yaa'all that someone did vote. Yaa! Silent majority and all that baloney.


I have personally never heard of Udligningsafgift and I am baffled yet I know this Udligningsafgift is a fee to equalize other fees and in this case a fee for diesel-cars because they are cheaper to run and are (read were) cheaperin goverment fees but not so anymore now when this equalize-fee is added through law. So I am to say the least on alert.

The Udligningsafgift demanded equalize-fee is DKK 689,89 covering 3 month 2021.08.29 to 2021.01.22.

I look up the fee via and find the law as listed above to confirm that this is in fact a genuine demand. I find it as:

§ 2 I brændstofforbrugsafgiftsloven, jf. lovbekendtgørelse nr. 169 af 18. februar 2020, foretages følgende ændringer:

§ 3, stk. 1, affattes således:

»Af alle afgiftspligtige biler betales afgift af bilens brændstofforbrug, jf. §§ 2 og 4, udtrykt som kilometer pr. liter som anmeldt til Trafikstyrelsen eller som fremlagt ved syn hos en synsvirksomhed med henblik på første registrering senest den 30. juni 2021. Afgiften svares med de nedenfor under A eller B anførte beløb

Image: from law: LOV nr 203 af 13/02/2021 Lov om ændring af registreringsafgiftsloven, brændstofforbrugsafgiftsloven, ligningsloven og forskellige andre love.

Top right column reads: Personbiler registreret første gang her i landet den 3. oktober 2017 eller senere which is Danish for English: Passenger cars registered for the first time in this country on 3 October 2017 or later.

License CA86018 registered first time 2010

I am relieved because my car is registered first time 2010 and that is earlier than 3. October 2017. To make sure I telephone the the tax Revenue about the Udligningsafgift and I am put on hold being told that I will be transfered to the "back-land" or in Danish "baglandet" and I am transfered and I present the case upon which I am told that the clerk will do a calculation upon which I say I only read the law and senere is later that 3. oktober 2017 and since my car is registered first time 2010 I tell the clerk I will not pay and the clerk tells me to write an email to the tax Revenue office which I have done shortly after talking to the Tax Revenue.

Email is here sent 2021.11.02 to tax Revenue and Danish Police: Udligningsafgift.

Definition of Danish word: senere:

And here definition of senere hen:

Translation of senere to English: later, afterwards.

Secondly official offices must send letters via electronic mail to and shall not use ordinary mail sent vis Post Nord. This is defined by law in LBK nr 686 af 15/04/2021 Bekendtgørelse af lov om Digital Post fra offentlige afsendere. The letter is illegal in itself.

The fee will not be paid because later, senere, is later than 2017 October 2017.

The state and Tax Revenue shall pay back all fees retrospectively paid by citizens related to Udligningsafgift.

A financial fine will be issued.

Straffeloven, criminal law

Case is reported to the police as per email above as fraud as per Straffeloven 28. kapitel Formueforbrydelser (Property crimes) § 279 and § 279a:

§ 279. For bedrageri straffes den, som, for derigennem at skaffe sig eller andre uberettiget vinding, ved retsstridigt at fremkalde, bestyrke eller udnytte en vildfarelse bestemmer en anden til en handling eller undladelse, hvorved der påføres denne eller nogen, for hvem handlingen eller undladelsen bliver afgørende, et formuetab.

§ 279 a. For databedrageri straffes den, som for derigennem at skaffe sig eller andre uberettiget vinding retsstridigt ændrer, tilføjer eller sletter oplysninger eller programmer til elektronisk databehandling eller i øvrigt retsstridigt søger at påvirke resultatet af sådan databehandling.

EU fundamental Rights

Article 17

Right to property

1.   Everyone has the right to own, use, dispose of and bequeath his or her lawfully acquired possessions. No one may be deprived of his or her possessions, except in the public interest and in the cases and under the conditions provided for by law, subject to fair compensation being paid in good time for their loss. The use of property may be regulated by law in so far as is necessary for the general interest.

Artikel 17


1.   Enhver har ret til at besidde lovligt erhvervet ejendom, at anvende den, at træffe dispositioner hermed og at lade den gå i arv. Ingen må berøves sin ejendom, medmindre det skønnes nødvendigt i samfundets interesse, og det sker i de tilfælde og på de betingelser, der er fastsat ved lov, og mod rimelig og rettidig erstatning for tabet. Anvendelsen af ejendommen kan reguleres ved lov, i det omfang det er nødvendigt af hensyn til almenvellet.

Theft is illegal as per Straffeloven (Property crimes) § 279 and § 279a yet on EU level made legal which then constitutes an even larger crime since theft or robbery (berøves) of property includes money and any kind of property and thus EU is also charged and will be demanded to pay back anything robbed from EU citizens retrospectively including a financial fine will be presented.

Letter from SKATTESTYRELSEN, Tax Revenue

Images above: shows and links to the 3 pages received from the tax revenue administration demanding Udligningsafgift with serious threats and consequences. The letter itself with its wording is a threat with serious reprisals and the citizen will in some cases think better pay and the amount is small anyway so no hassle. The Lawyers who sit and make this up are not elected politicians but are public servants and find anywhere to introduce taxation and leave the amount small so citizens will not be bothered to even think or question the actual law itself. The letter should in fact simply contain the letter of the law and not a list of threats. Citizens will not be bothered to look up the law and trust it must be true that a equalize or countervailing charge (Udligningsafgift) is for real even if the citizens thinks it is another way to extract money and equalize that which the citizen saved by purchasing a diesel-car which in fact can run on olive-oil. That aside. The citizen will pay and if reading the law will be awestruck by the use of words and will not question the authorities. The politicians are at fault as well as the officials who operate these laws and with the law they extract property from the citizens even when using the wrong words. They might then tell the citizen it will be changed and it was an error and that is then terror x 2. We are dealing with a very serious matter which is terror and it is termed state-terrorism.

Language - eller senere

The study of language via Linguistics is the science of how words also have a meanings. The word used here is senere. Danish laws use that word including the two word combination eller senere as seen in this law LOV nr 203 af 13/02/2021 Lov om ændring af registreringsafgiftsloven, brændstofforbrugsafgiftsloven, ligningsloven og forskellige andre love § 3, stk. 1 B) and done so with a date prior: 3. oktober 2017 eller senere. Searching the Danish portal for "eller senere" reveals the sue of "eller senere" and some are listed in the following with an explanation.

The Danish portal website as an official wesbite with all laws uses "eller senere" approximately 13.500 times according to (2021.11.03):

Below are listed a few examples of the use of "eller senere" and will explain the meaning.

Bekendtgørelse om brandsikring af beboelsesbygninger opført år 1900 og senere:

"§ 1. Bygninger, der er opført år 1900 eller senere, med mere end 2 etager (bygninger hvor gulv i øverste bolig- eller erhvervsenhed ligger mere end 4,5 m over terræn)"

Buildings 1900 or later. All building from year 1900 and forward. Buildings back in time back let us say 500.000 years are unknown to have had 2 floors or more. Therefore it is from and including year 1900 and later, afterwards. Not earlier. The name of the law even uses "og senere" where og means and. The law itself then uses "eller senere" meaning or later. Semantics kind of okay but the syntax is astray using and mixing terms and definitions. In computer-language the ise or AND or OR is very significant. OR means 1900 OR later i.e. the very year mentioned in this cae year 1900 OR later but the title of the law makes it clear it is year 1900 AND later. So which is it? The title is not the law as such but the paragraphs donated using the symbol §.

Lov om indgåelse af dobbeltbeskatningsaftale med Hongkong, for så vidt angår skibsfart LOV nr 1183 af 12/12/2005:



a) i Danmark, for så vidt angår dansk skat fra det indkomstår, der begynder den 1. januar eller senere i det kalenderår, hvor aftalen træder i kraft,

b) i det særlige administrative område Hongkong, for så vidt angår skat i det særlige administrative område Hongkong fra det skatteår, der begynder den 1. april eller senere i det kalenderår, hvor aftalen træder i kraft.

It is important to note, that the words used "eller senere" are used in an agreement between China and Kingdom of Denmark as an Appendix to the law itself. Related to taxation. Ikrafttræden is Entry into Force and we read it is 1. january in the calender-year or later (eller senere) where the agreement is initiated and enters into force. If going back in time such an agreement would be obsolete and void.

Bekendtgørelse af lov om visse civilretlige forhold m.v. ved pensionsopsparing i pengeinstitutter:

This law is about pensions. In part it reads:

Kapitel 2

Indsættelse af begunstigede

§ 2. Kontohaveren kan ved opsparingsordningens oprettelse eller senere indsætte en anden som begunstiget. Ved kontohaverens død udbetales de opsparede midler umiddelbart til den begunstigede.

Translated: "The account holder may, at the establishment (creation) of the savings scheme or later, insert another as beneficiary." i.e. we are dealing in this case with the establishment and creation of a savings scheme where the account holder may later insert another beneficiary. It is simply impossible to do anything prior or before or post the creation since that time has passed. The account holder may do something which has retrospective efffect but that is not the case or the wording "tilbagevirkende kraft" would have been used. We are dealing with a time of creation and after this time the holder can do something. The holder can not do somehting before the creation.

Bekendtgørelse af lov om afgift af visse emballager, poser og engangsservice (emballageafgiftsloven):

Promulgation of the Act on tax on certain packaging, bags and disposable service (the Packaging Tax Act). It reads in part:

§ 3. litra 5. Registrering som oplagshaver kan nægtes eller tilbagekaldes, hvis virksomhedens lokaler er eller senere bliver indrettet på en sådan måde, at told- og skatteforvaltningens kontrol efter § 15 ikke kan udføres på rimelig måde.

We read that if a company (virksomhed) is or later is equiped... the use of is donates a present state, now (present tense), at the time of enforcing or simply reading the law and or later then tells the the tax administration to do a control according to § 15.

Diesel - price

One liter diesel 2021 November is approximately DKK 11.00. Of that 20% is V.A.T. which is then DKK 2.20 and we are left with DKK 8.80. Of that Energi- CO2- and NOx-fee for diesel is approximately DKK 3.22 (source: since does not list the tax and when I find it I will show the data and link here) and DKK 8.80 - 3.22 is DKK 5.58 which is roughly half of the listed price at petrol and diesel-stations - the rest, approximately half, goes to the tax revenue. Natuarally the oil-company pays income-tax on the DKK 5.58 and must pay salaries of which there is also levied tax.

Since tax on petrol is more expensive then the Udligningsafgift (equalize or countervailing charge) is introduced.

Food oil such as sun-seed oil actually follows the price of diesel-oil. By law it is natually illegal to fill your tank with natural biodynamic non-CO2 sun-seed oil which is why the price follows the price of diesel-fuel.

Who owns the crude-oil in the first place as in Norway and even Denmark. The state does and who own hte state? Nobody knows.

Oil - ownership

French Total S.A. leads us to the total underground of the terror-state of Denmark who illegally gave the concessions as exclusive [1962] grant to A.P. Møller - Mærsk A / S [to exploit subsoil on both land territory and sea territory] expires on July 8, 2012 but extended to 2042 which does not explain why the present owner TotalEnergies SE did not like the name Total and probably has yet not received the grant to exploit the natural resources which incidentally is owned by the citizens through

Louis XIV. Would it be true to ponder, yes it would, that if chopping of the head of state and his lovely cousin head Marie Antoinette that, when the head of the sun could also be chopped of, that it would be relevant, yes, to ponder, yes, to what extend that the sun is so important that a whole darn nation would wish to chop of the head of the darn Sun and Marie when both rest at Notre Dame and a whole city, Paris, lets the roof rebuild after it burned down. Why go to all the trouble of guillotining the poor darn king and Marie when they so much love them with all their excess trimmings decorating a whole city right into Palais de l'Elysée. Forget EQUALIZE-FEE and make an UNEQUALIZE-FEE because it just happens that equal has nothing to do with life and governance, courts and police. If so, those things would not exist.

Ørsted A/S (formerly DONG Energy) has its origin in the Danish state-owned company Dansk Naturgas A/S

Danish Oil Pipe A/S operates and owned GORM platform in the North Sea. Fiscal 2017. Now oened by (Wiki) owned by the Danish state who nobody knows who owns. If the citizens owns the oil then the price of oil shall be the wish of the owners.

The former exclusive [1962] grant to A.P. Møller - Mærsk A / S [to exploit subsoil on both land territory and sea territory] expires on July 8, 2012. The exclusive license with the agreement has been extended by 30 years until July 8, 2042. This is very strange since French Total S.A. owns GORM oil+field yet this French company is now 2021 called TotalEnergies SE. From here on it gets more easy. We are dealing will trillion+dollar fraud and embezzlements where trillion of UD Dollars are embezzled from the citizens. That explains the relatively small financial demand to this case. yet as this case proves and shows then it goes to other cases and demands will be made there which exceeded those in this case to a relatively extend which will explain why the demands to this case are positively smaller than expected taking into account the level of company-sponsored-terrosim via state-sponsored-terrorism- and embezzlement on a level which Louis XIV could never have dreamt of which is why the citizens chopped his head of. That demand will not be made with this case or any other case the guillotine that is. may is some details explain the mess but the embezzlement is proven even down to laws which totally ignores democracy and that is perfectly understood because democracy is as crazy as it spells. See demands.


The list is relatively extensive and is not final. The state is accused of state-terrorism, theft and robbery of property, using fraud to extract property, at fault in using words and phrases defrauding citizens, state public officials as lawyers are guilty personally as well as politicians and emphasizing personally responsible which is why they are termed authorities and have a state budget of billions and trillions of Danish Kroner to operate citizens lives and in this case to severe detriment using threats in a 3-page letter which should have been sent using digital mail and not Post Nord using physical letter.

Police is also accused and guilty since they are suppose to uphold the law and criminal code enters and police have their Politivedtægten as well as the letter of the Straffeloven to operate with and under. Police-officers in their private lives also include citizens who have diesel-cars and should be able to read law and to question law and since we are dealing with an equalize-fee (Udligningsafgift) that word alone should raise red flags. Any law should be questioned by the police. Police questions the law of traffic (Bekendtgørelse af færdselsloven) so why not every other law. Because police spells politiker as in the Danish word for politician which is evidence that police and politicians operate theft and laws to benefit the state-terrorism and not he citizens.

All Udligningsafgift paid shall be returned including accumulated interests. A fine of one billion Danish Kroner paid to a fund owned and operated by citizens. A fine of five billion paid to alleviate the suffering and unlawfulness inflicted based on the evidence that this case is not a lone-case and is an example and incident of how the Terror State of Denmark has operated earlier leading to bankruptcies of a whole state/nation to severe detriment of the citizens.

On European Union level the parliament of The European Union is held responsible also and demands will enter into force as demands are presented at a later time. The European Union is the control-mechanism which is enforcing laws as directives on citizens including taxation of fuel. The Udligningsafgift is a compensation-tax of a tax which is not enough so why not raise the tax which is to small; the explanation is the policies of pricing of diesel and its taxation (by politicians for large corporations) which is less but levied upon private citizens through law for Personbiler meaning Passenger cars as private cars.

Democracy shall be abolished in all forms world-wide starting with the Terror State of Denmark. The location of the Danish Parliament, Christiansborg Palace, made into a venue for entertainment such as restaurants and cinema and ladies from Red Light District in Amsterdam can rent lovely locations all under supervision by health and security maintained by citizesn for citizens, people, under supervision of the ladies foremost. Its politicians can be custodians in the kitchens and sell tickets. Present public officials such as lawyers can be dish-washers.

All financial payments must be paid by individuals who were historically and presently hence forth responsible for embezzlements and responsible of theft and fraud and the very serious detriment of citizens. Also paid by private corporations where all ownership of certain private corporations can be passed to citizens. State-owned corporation who has embezzled will be transfered to citizens and operated for and by citizens. All past and present hence forth CEO of corporations who has benefited financially shall pay retrospectively their combined salary paid including accumulated interest. Said CEOs will not be able to operate as CEOs while alive and neither can their familily member for two generations.

Any demands can change without prior notice.


People and citizens buy diesel cars because these cars are cheaper to run and are cheaper in Gr'n Ejerafgift yet this equalize-fee makes for yet another levels of burdens on people and why would diesel be cheap when electric cars are the way forward with new technology which is great but politicians and their henchmen as public officials calculating where to rob people is one thing and another thing is to help alleviate the burden of diesel versus electric cars which in Denmark are taxes pretty much the same as petrol and diesel. The state-controlled terror is to make citizen feel they try to save where they can yet are being legally robbed every time they try to save.


This case is in the making and nothing in the case is final and all can change without notice. The case as seen here is preliminary and is made for the public as a view into how state and hole continents operate to commit robbery using laws. Because some other charters, laws and documents are not mentioned herein that does not imply that they are not part of the case. Above is however certain and will be used appropriately to protect citizens from theft, robbery and unlawful use of laws to take away property from citizens and people both in European Union and any other territory.

Further details follows and page updated accordingly.

Impartially unrelated

Some things are simply too good to go unnoticed such as equalize-fee or countervailing charge. I shall enter those two terms in capital:


It sound like a title for a movie featuring Keanu Reeves and script by NUR. Every beach-goer find themselves intertwined in a network of being connected to two other parties on the beach. A group or person but two entities/parties. Any person or group may find who those two others are and what their connection is. This goes for the whole darn beach of people. Imagine what that could do to the body and subconscious mind because both body and mind might be searching for something not even you know about yet alone the whole darn group of beach-goers knows about.

I have to write it down again. It is too lovely to miss and too amazing to not write at least two times: