
2024 january 31:

Law; Mal french.

Netanyahu: War against Hamas in Gaza will end in absolute Israeli victory -

TIAWOL was and is right: governance and corporations are incorporated using Second World War to create a nation which existed and thus anyone can do the same. Israel is the Epiphany of the truth - apparrently. Israel and Hamas is like saying Jonestown and Peter Popoff nd if one is great so is the other - in heir own way. People have been fooled and if Pharaohs and Kingdoms where so enigmatic and great then why are they not working today. Pyramids in Giza and Cartouch so for 6 millenia the rings found and spells a word which brings victory by killing 30.000 people allegedly. Today 20 birds flew about at Niels Ulrik Reinwald's house and did not care yet NUR's story and life destroyed by Asia and LIE RING O by a state danish and many people have suffered before and still do because of touching a car. NUR was told to let it go but each day and every day more terror on personal lives yet one should call it love and do - and today too. Doing nothing yet something leaves the touch of a taste.

Second World War 30 million dead. Wars after millions dead. Since it alledlegly takes so much noise in media portraying death even before TIAWOL then NUR's book did no harm whatsoever except the perceived ideas just as millions of people must live with religion of all sorts and what followed namely royals, kings, queens and Sun Kings in France and then democracy installed much larger. There has never been set a deal or a line for this monstrous regime and since Netanyahu in part was the reason for millions ill asking the Israelian God to cure them they went ill and sick for Netanyahu claiming victory so ill people no longer have to be ill and sick and since this war was used as a salute to start a "war" based on a small article IS by NUR, then NUR will watch Netanyahu and and TIAWOL and next articles be the victories of Netanyahu. We were all children and played and so did Netanyahu and who ends up in a military bullet proof vest is wrong. Netanyahu should move around freely and educate people telling them all the things he has Netanyahu wish for a whole world to know and this is the world of Netanyahu and lovely Liars. Since Israel spells Liars then all nations govern using lies and Rule of Law is that - lies. Law Mal is bad - proof is in the pudding.

2024 january 11: South Africa tells the UN top court Israel is committing genocide in Gaza as a landmark case begins

WAU imagine taking 4 month to start a process which should have started 2000 years ago - well - 4 month ago october, november 2024. Same could be done onto other nations. Atrocities committed against people on multiple levels and nations authorities needs an overhaul and a makeover.

Extermination is the tool they used before and during Second World War and if Palestine is so much unwanted then why not, as isarel says, exterminate Palestinians. The World is a place of terrroist found in nations governance and military complex and nothign has changed except for Twitter becoming X and that bird still does not fly so perhaps South Africa can ask not only Israel but a whole World to adjust and reorganize even African nations making every people rich and not a very very few outside Africa continent.

Being the carrier of good news and then having to watch and write about this Israelian extermination terror regime has absolutely nothing to do with life.

This music video Mr president Jerusalem is the Capital of Palestine song | Ramadan 2018 was in fact the work of me, Niels Ulrik Reinwald. I proposed making videos where news actually tried to use music to promote unity. A few years later war in Israel based on many many years of terror by state and now The internet is hacked into a social platform with fake cookie policies promoting people to click some choice which is obsolute also since other tech is used 2023. Media as before the Internet was hacked and The Internet is just another platform and framework to deceive people. Son When will they ever learn is as usual pulled out because they will not learn. The Internet is media is plenty of data and no matter how much it does not have any impact even when one can prove laws and data are faked as Donald trump said it and many others before him and after.

Where have all the flowers gone

As per this version then flowers are now the version of Miley Cyrus and the lyrics is about self-love and selffisness. youtube is a platform by Google Inc. great in some respects but bots and A.I. is after logging in or not designed to present mostly entertainment. My website designed TikTok as per animation showing 3 crosses which is over at the very beginning of Genesis in 30 seconds and many other things and yet no deal and only a series of deceptive behaviors based on a control/system far worse than Jonestown because had The Internet worked using education then conflicts and United nations would be oblivious. Movie Oblivion tells of a Earth stonedead except for a handful of people and this was no lie just say 911 two towers and Malaysia airline 370 vanished. As seen in movie The Creator where the bird in the sky is dead. Adolf too had a bird and that is why he and that wanted to create a new world with the support of Thailand. Governance all have a bird and the cross is a symbolic bird (since birp is drop esoterically explaining bombs galore and army complex industry). When foundations and constitutions are not upheld then so is life also not and entertaiment supports emotions and a system where conflict Ukraine is forgotten and another one has taken its place. This is how this Genesis devine entoty operates because it is business as usual and the Internet grew into millions of laws and directives without any real purpose except to scheme and deceive people.

During december 2023 I had planed to either pull my website or update it with something which would rock the World however people across Earth see conflicts and those mentioned are just the surface of the surface of the surface.

Global Conflict Tracker - macro and micro conflicts

I would rather not mention CRF however here they keep tract only of those conflicts which after five billion years of evolution are good enough to mention.

The conflicts are as you will learn started by states, nations and are royals since governance operate using royal heraldic (see logo and even the court uses the same use same they are same). The systems are in place to deceive people and on a micro scale you will find people are deceived even said so by themselves.

List of ongoing armed conflicts

Wikipedia is the place to find truth and lies so here comes: List of ongoing armed conflicts but his does not acount for millions of deaths and illness based on medical malpratice and medical negligence, taxes, overpriced livingcost and the evidense is shown by themselves via statistics and one nation has a website to promote statistics where we can read and document many ill people on a scale that dwarfs the listed conflicts. Things from entertainment and the food industry and taxes burdening people is used and entertainment is used as propaganda to promote a policy, an agenda. You will notice Denmark is not mentioned. The reason why is as with Sweden, that the zones of deceptions and schemes goes deep into the lives of people and democracy and social welfare disguises the main issues namely cartels in the health system and a huge taxation-scheme which is ajusted ever so often to keep people in perpectual poverty even if they have some cash at the end of the month. The system is for the system, not people. If so, we would have five billion years of evolution to prove that twol egs and two arms is not enough to fix the conflicts because they are by design. The conclict-terror-regime system is operated not from castles with Kings but from schemes based on democracy and if it is broke, then do not fix it because the more broke the ystem is, the better. CFR and similar did not make one nation stop their terror agaist one single people which is the reason why this website mainly exists and when IS makes divinity start conflicts galore then it is because nations are designed to be kingdoms called democracy. Many countries still operate a kingdom with democracy and it should be called what it is, terror and deceptive and a scheme so huge that constitutions are not worth the toilet-paper it is written on and the evidense is the conflicts and the conflicts nt mentioned are the conflicts that starts the ones mentioned. Denmark started the conflict and you will learn this understanding the mechanics with which this nation operates its business using schemes and deceptions. The constitution is not upheld and when we know this nothing else works.

Oblivion movie

Watching this websites graphics makes one think of the images in teh movie Oblivion: todays armed conflicts and if you drive around you will find Venice and many attractive places however entertainment on daish public serive televison is also about families who are bankrupt seeking support from lenders and the only televison I can rely on truely is to watch out my window and keep such things as public service television shut down permamently to avoid any more polution as a choice but it would be amazing to open a television and then see:

Conflicts gone no news

Never mind Orson Wells 1984 and dystopian movies we are in it living it daily on various levels often micro such. Even people living in Berverly Hill live it thinking their lifestyle is one they chose. After five billion years of evolution who needs a televison, news and even this website. This website alone prove, to me, that five billion years of evolution was not enough. Niels Ulrik Reinwald went white-out with and that was also not wanted so state through proxy using state Nazi-pigs in Denmark started to infiltrate by simply saying 2 plus 2 is 6.973 and they even hang up the telephone when they do not know what to reply. Oblivion the movie is 1.5 hours of entertainment but life is 90 years of it and I know that millions of people suffer only because this devine fake GOD thing can not get over it and can not sit down and genuinely design a best system. United Nations is the byproduct of The Bible since UN stems from AMIN where the latter IN is UN where I bends and thus we get United Nations with Alfred Hitchcock and Gary Grant. I emailed European Union a few weeks back nicely and politely and the nsilence nd the reason is, that Margrethe Vestager only goes gameming for Google Inc. while cartels in Denmark are left alone and using the Google case is a way to silence dissent and people think the best is in the foundry. Vestager forgor her own small pond and cartels in the health industry alone cacounts for millions of ill people with low quality care, no care and low level medical professionels where private insurance is paid for while also paying taxes for the same cartels which should run the high quality healthcare system.

One must know that possive criticism is best avoided and this dissedent to but the cases I have accumulated summer 2023 to winter are now so many that the very foundation is simply not working and evidense is this websites purpose but when lives are hacked and governance hang up the phone then one knows they have absolutely nothing.

Crux Of The Matter

2023 Nov 27

Synonyms of crux (noun most important part) bottom line. core. essence. gist.

The 2023.09.22 Is and Israel article includes China is part of creating a website,, to create a best World yet this World wil do sacrifice galore and 16 days after my Is article war broke out in Gaza and Israel and basically in The World. In 2018 I came up with the idea of Ispaeline and someone created this video Mr president Jerusalem is the Capital of Palestine song | Ramadan 2018 where a young boy sings about the war and that song is my song and many peoples song just as Visa-runs across El Mundo is a thing of the past then China hails and salutes that Africa removes visas and so should many other countries in fact all. People have been and are still living in reserves and Wild Life parks just as animals do in Africa and nations use democracy moved from kingdoms and officials even fooled kings into war are by design and schemes and deceit bankrupted a kingdom and its people going to war ex. Napoleon wars where Denmark was bankrupt and the officials lured the king into bankruptcy and created a so-called Oktroj, french octrois meaning to give away or simple a fleemarket selling out of the kings possessions setting up a national bank a printing press. Voila and a song is song while we cry and believe while democracy is the tool better than guns and people are literally in war at any given moment paying illegal taxes and the schemes are so vast they cover a whole planet, Earth., my home and your home and not a Visa Earth nor a place of such benevolence that laws are used to deceive people. I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, have investigated summer 2023 and found so many laws that are deceitful making World War 2 look like a walk in the park with the dog eating ice-cream. Naturally this state and nation do not like to be hung on a crux but so do others also not like to get this crux. That is why NUR will show some cases that are so sickening that they even run a blame game on me and on victims of war because that is what democracy is and one member of parliament even says so:

Proposal for a parliamentary resolution on preparing a model for a Danish administrative court

It speaks of, by ALT which is a political party Alternativet, a court called in danish forvaltningsdomstol and this is mentioned in the danish constitution Grundloven § 63 litra 2:

Stk. 2. Påkendelse af spørgsmål om øvrighedsmyndighedens grænser kan ved lov henlægges til en eller flere forvaltningsdomstole, hvis afgørelse dog skal kunne prøves ved rigets øverste domstol. De nærmere regler herom fastsættes ved lov.

English: PCS. 2. Determination of questions about the boundaries of the local authority can by law be referred to one or more administrative courts, whose decision must, however, be reviewable at the highest court of the kingdom. The detailed rules for this are laid down by law.

However this has not been created and every other nation in The European Union has this type of court. After than court citizen can the go to High Court which in Denmark is Højesteret which is high court but prior that is landsretten and prior that Byretten which then makes Danmarks Domstole illegal in that the constitution, Grundloven, mentions a domstole (courts) and not "danmarks domstole" and there is only suppose to be "domstole" as in § 63 Stk. 1. where we see this use of the word "domstole" (courts) and that then in Stk 2 (PCS or litra) is then Forvaltningsdomstole and High court only. Byretten and Landsretten is illegal. What is high court then? Well, it is actually what is known as Peoples Court or in danish Folkedomstole. Even "danmarks domstole" jovially sets up such a people court and 2023 it was on the isle of Bornholm.

"Danmarks Domstole" is fake and more it is illegal and the evidence is mainly two things 1. Forvaltningdomstole are not created as the constitution says tis court must be which makes the constitution not upheld and Ombudsmanden is suppose to make sure the parliament does so even by law: Bekendtgørelse af lov om Folketingets Ombudsmand and Ombudsmanden has a website: yet does not do their actual law says namely being a proxy, ombud (swedish word), for the people making sure Folketinget, parliament, does their job.

The horny government forgot the constitution 1953

I have emailed ALT to man mentioned in the proposal and his name is Torsten Gejl. Gejl in danish language mans to be aroused sexually or simply gejl=horny and this is how democracy works and then it was kings now they are simply horny which the proposal actually tells us because it makes democracy look like a war-zone for horny scum who use laws to deceive and this is just one small example but I have taking this example because it deals with he constitution and there are other faults but this is one very huge one because it bypasses people and citizens from taking their case to court and high court when governance and the administration acts special courts (særdomstole) which the administration do because they interpret the law exactly as they like and many law even contain paragraphs which are disclaimers to not follow the law at all which I will show later. They have written the laws just as fooling the King Frederik 6 (fred, danish for peace) into war as we can read partly from an excerpt from the Oktroj:

Oktroj, french octroi (grant to give away) or flee market sale

From the danish garage-sale: Oktrojkommissionen_130023408611_bw.pdf we read the folowing:

iøvrigt opnaaedes Intet ved Deltagelsen i de Allieredes Krig mod Napoleon, og ved Wienerkongressen var det alt godt, at der Intet berøvedes os, men at Danmark fik Lov at bestaa som eget Rige og uafhængig Stat. Til den store Landafstaaelse, Krigen medførte, kom indadtil Handelens Ødelæggelse, tunge Skattebyrder, Statsbankerot og Pengevæsenets Forfald.

English: nothing was gained by the participation of the Allies War against Napoleon, and at the Congress of Vienna all was well, that we were deprived of nothing, but that Denmark was allowed to exist as its own kingdom and independent state. For the great land loss that the war brought about, came inside Destruction of trade, heavy tax burdens, state bankruptcy and the decline of the monetary system.

Oktroj file: Oktrojkommissionen_130023408611_bw.pdf

Search also guldtoilet and nepotism. The toilet was of gold and was bargained of too. The king was bankrupt and we call it Statsbankerotte og nations default. Nations stonedead is right but they then made deals and the officials became the new kings and democracy was born into a scheme which overshadows Roman Empire, Napoleon Wars and World War 2 combined.

Statsbankerotten - Napoleon wars - a nation defaults - is stone dead

Statsbankerotten (State bankruptcy) tells of King Frederik 6 who bankrupted the nation and the king had ministers and they made sure the state was bankrupt and could now start printing money from nothing since the state was defaulted and what was left of to tax people and thus tax-laws were created which today tax people basically more than 101% including fees, taxes and illegal land value tax etc etc and this is a topic which one man tried to alleviate and he as a lawyer named Mogens Glistrup who was elected into parliament and he was an expert on tax laws and and almost became Primeminister but the old wanted no change except the system was in place to defraud the citizens through democracy and no reforms for the best should be created by Mogens Glistrup who had to fight the state for many decades and this case fills court-papers in many thousands of pages and will not be covered in this small article. Asia and religion persist being the reason for terror even listening into people private lives. Niels Ulrik Reinwald loved life (previous and loved love but this kind of love is hated by billios of people around the world. When people in state danish wish for this level of terror, then they are the mirror of Waco Texas and Jonestown.

I am glad to se visa go because my ideas are good since my ideas try the basics following the order of the natural in which modernization of the Earth is ongoing.

Land galore

If you look at you will notice one thing, satellites. We are living on an Earth which has plenty of space as seen from above and some places are more occupied than others. Take a look around and if Dubai from a sand desert can run a city build on tourism so can Venice and so can many other places where new and best places could thrive.

When a king Fredrik 6 could not avoid wars and bankruptcy then the officials took over and nations deficit today is so huge the nation is bankrupt 100 times leaving citizens to works like beast paying taxes and project are created to defraud people and this is just the beginning of a long saga of deception on a scale in which some nations are bing rebuild by good fortunes and some luck and ingenuity by those who first gave Earth a book and the same book then destroys Earth with its covid and so the beginning seems to be, that New Asia as per movie The Creator is on the rise as Planet Apes now robots now people who try to run Earth as if it was one of many planets but there is only one and I remind myself sometimes by staring on a cold winters night clear sky watching the deep space and I always feel dizzy knowing I am traveling at ca. 30.000 km/h around the sun.

No real credits and just a long series of ill will and deception and fraud and nations, some, are now new Asia which might be a hoax too since then we are back at the beginning and end at the same time starting all over again as per the nations foundation which then makes one wonder why defaulting a whole nation and creating debt is even possible with most nations especially in Europe, Africa and America. When a nations high court is told they are fake, then they take no ill will when they say someone else is fake. Double standards by nations and their laws make citizens work too hard to pay for their many errors. It is not all that easy to run a whole nation especially from democracy where the court is illegal or else the nation would not be bankrupt because if people really want to be bankrupt, then a court would surely rule this way - or visa versa. My book Truth In A World Of Lies tells of many things and one is:

Muni - 3 billion years of evolution not enough

Municipality has muni and it is from Proto Uralic Muna meaning “hen’s egg”, or “any egg”. This explain why in public schools the state and nations drops rotten egs for everyone to smell it and remember it. This sound like far fetched but then think of Columbine High, Waco and Jonestown, Second World War etc.. The level of terror by state is so large because that is all hey have and France knew it so the designed Paris to have wide open street so it was difficult to hide for any uprising. The natural order or natural is simply no longer existing as such and The Internet is being controlled on a scale which outshines any dictator because had it worked as intended war would after 3 billion years of evolution by now have been deconstructed and obsolete and non existing. The Oktroj is however available after 3 billion years of evolution but would it not be better or best not having to even know about shit like that. Yes. That is why apes eat bananas and do what apes do. Democracy or kingdoms did not work unless you terrorize and that they do.

Gejl or horny and I feel the same and had my name been Horny I might have changed it. Earth has become a circus and without solei. Earth is a large place and I hope people might actually understand the writing on the wall because when people in a nations destroys its people from within on this level then only reason is their own foundation which speaks of gejl, Nimrod or as James Bond end up in the arms of a Charlie Chapling Garbitch as in movie The Great Dictator. Charlie Chapling knew it, now I know it and so does many others. The court has spoken and Charlie Chaplin far ahead of his time.

When a parliament even at a royal castle can not uphold the constitution of the people, that render the 179 elected members of parliament and ministers and Ombudsmanden incabable of running a nation. The constitution is realtively small and short and easy and a people court is thus the only legal court however has been ilfiltrated and destroyed and people too because if the base is rotten, so is the whole state. One rotten apple in the basket even THE basket, the constitution, a CON, then that explains why people spells pope but became Popeye.

Shadow warrior

Catherine Grimme aka Mackenzie Foy who played in the movie Interstellar where at the end we end up at at tube world or the vanished Malaysia Airline 370 which I now found and the crew is the cast and Mackenzie can be the captain as long as she brings a five kroner I canp ick up from the street while acting is acting then MMovie magic is the closes to real ife I can image - by far.

Movie Magic next generation will be out 2023 December 1 in a revised updated edition.

Catherine Grimme aka Mackenzie Foy who played in the movie Interstellar where at the end we end up at at tube world or the vanished Malaysia Airline 370 which I now found and the crew is the cast and Mackenzie can be the captain as long as she brings a five kroner I canp ick up from the street while acting is acting then MMovie magic is the closes to real ife I can image - by far. Movie Magic next generation will be out 2023 December 1 in a revised updated edition.

One tries to portray something from anything be it movies and actors and after reading their realities from wars to bankrupsies I must this time show some nice faces. I have become five years older soon 60 and have the past five years encountered how democracy and laws and EU diretives are tries enforced by governance yet they now act as constitutional courts and their complain procedure is: "then take us to court" and the citizen must now pay a court fee DKK 750 (110 USD) from an illegal yet lawful law and we can only blame the people because they are said to elect the governance and parliament but then GEJL comes to mind and many alike and it feels more liek a whore house or an oikema. Roman Empire or democracy is thriving and The Weather on the telvision and media tells the story of utmost silence since they speak mostly one language called Newsspeak.

Has to start somewhere. So start at the almost beginning just following first publication of truth In A World of Lies. I was told I was now a shadow warrior. I only heard of this in movies. Suddenly this bogus reality we live in came crawling inside my life and occupied it completely well they still do not drag out the shit from by Crux. Suddenly CNN and a whole world flipped into NUR mode. I shall explain why later and an aeroplane Malaysia airline vanished and the reason was the book seen in the movie The Book Of ELI with Denzel Washington and he simple reason is that the book is a LIE or an acronym as there are many such. No secret as per Victorie's unless you do not know and when you do suddenly you can become a shadow warrior and as CNN so artistically put it hen Rosemary was "glad to have me back" after a small short visit to Denmark where absolutely nothing was given and I was joyfully back to continue enjoy my newfound life reborn into this enigmatic entity which I shall tell about later.

The Secret World Of the Secret World

Or simple Thors Hammer in Thor The Dark World in which gravity in controlled and love too and we travel as warriors back to the future as Thor and Odin in an empire of deceit and the evil persists as in the end of the movie. The movie end but Hitler and, or, Thor continues to thrive since I was now introduced to a whole new world of Wizards Of Oz and Tinseltown and streets cobbled with gold and dancing sylfides and I was even presented to pussy galore all unimaginable at the time but it is like standing on a hot summers day at a swimmingpool without pants wondering if one should jump into the pool and just feel free or simple try and jump as high as possible and get elevated to heights only seen with Malaysia Airlines and other airlines and the line in the air is symbolically a fallos or a pussy and we fly away to see The World and dream of distant shores where real life and real LIFE and real beginning starts and you are genuine baptized and not this garbage of a church that dips your head in holy water and send you home to learn how to pay your taxes and be ill and fat ang ugly at 30 and near dead at 60 and almost in the grave at 80 while one still thinks of that darn swimmingpool now all forgotten since NUTR, me, I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald. the shadow warrior of all times among others who created World War II and similar and in fact here is only one war and it is ongoing forget cold war and forget small Ukraine war however on a personal scale being hit by a grande is pretty serious then it matters little for an F16 or for an army of what I would call X or simply crux as per Facebook changing title because now the world figured Covid was a hoax so things change on a scale today where no bullets are needed except when wanting to silence shadow warriors who has no intent of being neither in the shadow or a shadow or a warrior. They make it all up. Fake as such but true lies as per Schwarzenegger movie and he married Kennedy and became a Senator so who will not tell me it is not possible to follow his dream and have anyone else become a Schwarzenegger doing all kinds of things. I know now.

Audrey Hebburn in brought in as ambassador and Gary Grant would too and Brad pitt or Angelina or Mr. Simpson or Raymond whom everyone loves or Harry or Charly or Donald Duck or Niels Ulrik Reinwald. The past couple of years since 2017 moving to Denmark with my thai wife I have by state Denmark as a satte in Europe been personally threatened multiple times in various capacities such a way that World War II for me is personally as a mini golf game (pun intended). When war is fought upon one person, I, or you, and granadess are dropped as real dynamite and bombs and 15000 people die of many whom are children and I personally am attacked by 100s of cases from state Denmark then it is only because I know death and I know life that I tolerate this level of terror and if I had an F16 I would probably as a last resort fly over The land of The Chosen or Gods land wherever that may be and may be Chappaquiddick where we coin Swarzenegger and Kennedy with Ted as misfortune has it that this family was struck by many rotten incident so many in fact there must be a conspiracy. Is The land of God not a conspiracy. Retorical. Is World War II not a conspiracy or the Malaysia Airline 370 vanished. Yes.


Mind, brain or simply memory and if I could remember all 1000 or 500 year ago I would probably need a large Scotch to dissolve all the memories. Thinking of witchcraft makes me shiver and I see movies and strange behaviors but I need only look at the news and I see witches everywhere and trolls and monster and even sylfides as children who cry and then Audrey Hebburn or Gary Grant in a digitized version appears and I feel good and elevated and I see a wonderful world with Louise Armstrong at the helm and the tears starts to flow and now the crying-brigadiers turn up trolling and newsspeak is hear all over and in front on my desktop stands a computer filled with all the delights and also horrors and I can choose and pick yet I am being programmed by something far worse that atom bombs and cluster boms - governance. Governance should be seen and heard very little and we the real shadow and not warriors and should be the pistons of the engine or the spark-plugs or the battery but not all t the same time. Governance is also the wheels, the petrol, the coolant and in fact the whole car and soon enough they are all over and you become the system. You live the system.

INGSOC young generation

Did you know because I forget from time to time. I have become 60 years of age. Hard to imagine. I was only yesterday at 5 and 10 a happy boy hoping and eating lollipop and I was found a 4 Kroner I I felt more rich than rich but when I know what I now know then the 4 kroner on the pavement might have ben put there deliberately and at the time I even thought it was odd. My mother had hired a young girl 18 year and I was in love and I had 5 kroner. I was rich. She never knew except she did because she looked at me and I at her and no words can say the exact same as a simple look lasting only a second. INGSOC in Orwell 1984 is today like tomorrow as it is yesterday and today. I favor a world where a certain levels of sameness exists like being a zebra but this sameness with United nations and governance all over is like a pest and cholera in its present form. It started as kingdoms as castles and became citadels and hen cities and then municipalities and communes (communism) and it expanded into Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire and by this time generation Crus has stepped out for a smoke or two. Come back. Imagine your family was as large as the one in Dubai in UEA. I would not know where to begin and all those Xmas presents.They are 50.000 people and the head is a sheik or king and Dubai is relatively small yes grew out of oil and became a Disney land and we look at it and think that it is a playground and Las Vegas without the Vegas but in Cairo and on the African continent we can know there are people who also experience INGSOC and one conspiracy which is absolutely true is, that Earth is not occupied. There is plenty of space just look around at Google Earth in fact there is space enough for 100.000 kingdoms or families or "countries" or zones and we the combined effort of clever people with an engine running it would be possible to exploit resources in a way not seen since Holy Roman Empire collapsed into The European Union all sameness but it does not work. Why? In simple terms the single mind or even the combined mind of even millions can not live the combined life of even five zebras. Explanation: are here any laws for zebras? Do zebras need to live by rules and law except the natural ones which existed before humans came around. Historic and present wars of terror are only instigated because there are governance because governance and a relatively small group of people like the Royal or Rothschild can simply not live the life of all of The African Continent. united nations also does not work on a global scale because no human I know of is able to monitor all at one time or understand the minute details of finding a five kroner while you see a young girl with a short skirt and dreams starts to rise and such details are not written in law for one simple reason> INGSOC. by that I mean that governance can not understand the complexity of all there intervoven laws and then they start to fake the laws because now they at least want to be kings and queens - "fuck the rest of the idiots, now I do it as I want it with my family" so we get these interwoven kingdoms within kingdoms and we all love a kingdom because that we are and we are mostly at war with ourselves and this explains understandably why women in some places must wear and cover there beautiful heads because the man is at war with himself constantly trying to look normal and not look like a horny beast 23 hours per day.

Anyone younger than 40 at any given time is ignorant. Well, they might build bridges and make great chefs but history is important because we are trying to forget it it and reboot this Earth into something which has no reason o be remembered except we can store on digital media ofr prosperity and we can get really smart and clever if we want to but life is more important thn knowing how to live life. You just live it just as when you experience orgasm for the first time in ecstasy you realize you are no longer yourself and you become an an entity which care not for nothing else but pleasure, ecstasy. This explain those drugs and this article could soon enough be too large and I imagine your imagine nation is as good as a zebra and that you will not eat the zebra unless you are extremely hungry and this also explain why sameness didn't ot exactly work as intended because one earlier nation now a new nation is based on the exact same material and I can not imagine something else that beauty coming from beauty since watching something beautiful makes me want to live and feel ecstasy and that is why people are drain to each other not because they hink or have a brain as such it is simple the way it was designed. You find five dollars as a child or in Once Upon America the young man sees the beautiful girl and he starts to dribble and drizzle and soon enough after 9 month out pops another one and all from just seeing. Close your eyes if seeing is so dangerous. See what I tend to try and see and that is zebra and my only problem I have is that my brain can store information and history and if I could I would jump right back on the street and find another five kroner and look over my shoulder and hope to see someone who makes me want to be a zebra.

It is difficult to unlearn and unking and un-president and undo and a zebra.s memory is probably no longer than the flocks survival but the zebra hardly thinks of humans as bad rotten scoundrels or zebras would have F16 by now and fly Continental Airlines going on holidays to distant shores visiting horses and camels. Zebras do what zebras do best but humans do not. I imagine a 10 year old might be thinking something in this line of though since when I saw war on television then I today know that television itself a tool of INGSOC and it is so darn easy to eb fooled which is why kings have them. Personally I can imagine undoing but INGSOM can not and Doctor Stangelove is still around today with peter Sellers and the rest of the actors who try an portray a reality much like Marilyn Monroes or Mackenzie Foy or Lady Gaga and as one says, no one mentioned, no-one forgotten so lets splash 'em all in and say nine billion of them and that is not too many. There is room for mere and imagine the next 9 billion (now we are 18 billion) could create their own Earth or Oblivion or paradise on shores of which there are plenty. Just look around Google Earth and we have tools today that makes being a bird very easy. In fact being anything and if a whole governments and some of its employees can not figure out their own recopies, laws, then burn the shit and create som more Marilyn Monroes and Hail to Mackenzie Foy aka Grimme for she has eyes and even for people who are less fortunate from incidents related to illness making them handicapped then just think of being a zebra or Mackenzie Foy or me or you. Come to think of it, life is actually so amazing I still wish I was 10 years and found five kroner.

Zebras and such

When a zebra is attacked a whole life then at one point it should be told that he zebra deals no more. The last truce deal 2018 ended in pure chaos and now 2023 14000 dead on the hands all by Denmark from my upload 2023 nov 22. All because they never learn and listen and wish for terror because that is what they have as per the foundation their pillar as per constitutions. My life and many other destroyed and I tell this so you know too you are not alone. I can imagine how millions of people felt and terror thourhg cluster bombs and neuclear warfare was designed by a german to stop the war. Imagine having to use boms to stop a war dear Truman. Every person is a zebra when it coms to it or at least are as close to being alive and it is comforting to now know, that some in governance are actuallt less of a zebra and that makes a small bou 10 years of age feel okay since all it takes is love to destroy a whol life and a whole nations ona a whole people. Do onto others and all thar seems like the tape fashion industry new just to be new. I was not ne nor was I old. I was I was and I am nothing except what I am in my mind and once language has been designed and created to nfiltrate lives then I would wish for at least to speak the language of zebras. That is why it is very amazing to feel for a few minutes extacy from pleasure in an ACT which requires no words done with one hand and zebras might do it as educated flees do it.

Cases galore E pluribus unum Bus Stop

It would be better to watch these movies over and over again. Movies are by design, not by flavor. Meaning they are THEIR movies as entertainment and people should not pay to watch the, They are esoteric andyou will notive Marilyn Monroe in Seven year itch when she first enters the below apartment that she moves her arm from bottom to top in a huge sway with her arm to say, "it is down here, right?".

They are all royals such as Macron and those who are not they are friends of the right color or blood and family. Democracy is a Royal House of deception. That said, the religion is all about pussy galore. The Case, the only case. Without it we would all not live. Marilyn Monroe whom I exploited too on my earlier plays in the movie BUS STOP and at the time she was dool as in The Seven Year Itch.

Next to pussy galore (James Bond) we have tenderness which leads to Elvis Prestly, a priest, and Love me Tender as tenderloins or roasted turkey. by the time it gets to Marry Xmas we are merry and marry the whole thing in celebration now of children killed because one state will not stop as I did many many times. Are you below 50 you probably forgot the past as did NUR which is why movies are a great memory. Before movies it was books and books were like stepping into virtual realities as where statues in3D where today it is virtual galore using Meta Quest or Apple Vision Pro and the same applies that the ancient is now just a mask whereas before it was Venice mascarades. If noone tells you, you wont see or hear or feel and you think like the tourist in Spain summer 2023 who says Macron is just like the rest of us. A Royal Prince then and a Prince of what?

Niels Ulrik Reinwald, Author, and editor and media consultant, advisor on legal issues, website designer, programmer and Emperor and King or whatever, as China said it, has over the summer 2023 gathered many cases some good, some no so good and some very not good. Some related to Solutions where constitution are not followed, overwritten and changed for the worse and progress is important and modernization where these constitutions are not fulfilled and are tools to fool. Constitutions are like the first footprint on the moon and no wind ever will remove it but we might visit and wipe out the footprint or some rock from the sky, no, not sky up there, will land and cover it all up. Cover up or simply an illusion as a substitution for Royal Palaces where Emmanuel Macron is a Royal as a Co-Prince of Andorra and little does a French man know summer 2023 that as the Frenchman said Macron is just like us@. and I had to adjust the Frenchman and tell him Macron unfortunately is a royal, a prince. This tells me people need very strong education and NUR can stand on the mountain and yell but nobody listens and even knowledge is non-vital to most because people think as they think while people are manipulated and trolled by this entity we know from The Bible and Koran and Buddhism and all religions are the same which is why the fundamental too is a hoax. Religious freedom to choose to live in it or not is really not an option but portrayed as such. It is a scam as such. This is a very large topic and I shall show cases which will never be shown on national television for the reason obvious that ONE 4 ALL and ALL 4 ONE counts kind of 4 or for or E pluribus unum. Donald Trump lives in a royal palace adored by gold in his golden cage but the ladies he is surrounded by might explain the gold or is it visa versa. His golden room was in a movie.

Bus Stop

A movie about love. About a bus. About a cup of coffee. About sleeping. At the time 1956 Marilyn Monroe's was a doll as heard in Seven Year Inch which is about coffee, about love, about a bus (Richard Sherman travels home from work in a bus) and about sleeping (The Girl (Marilyn Monroe)) sleeps on the couch. Same same.

Oppenheimer, the movie, too is about the same but there we see Truman and also love because what do scientist do to get their Nobel price - someone had to do it, their parents. Science dropped two bombs over Bus Stop or Japan and it stopped the war. Now another place and other time too and it keeps falling and raining bombs. That is why I have been bombarded now for 50 years by a state since a state operates under those condition Emmanuel Macron works under namely a Paradise par excellence as per Palais Elysée where the latter means paradise.

This brings us at to the end of this article to the beginning of Revelations in a book most know as Bible. Time is short. How short. Does time exist or simply an invention like the wheel turning going nowhere. Where did Marilyn Monroe go? Where did Truman and Oppenheimer go? Where did the bus go? Where did I go?

This small article is written only because a nation still will not stop their terror regime and when they do not even uphold the constitution and many other laws then this explain why Denmark started a conflict leading to the latest November 2023 conflict in the region of Israel. Denmark is the only reason why wars persist and that will be proven too only using there own laws of deception-galore. Freedoms are supposed to be used or else why have 'em. Rhetorical. Visas and passports belong in the past and people should wake up each day with headline like:

Your life just got more delightful

News and media, life, should be filled daily with streams of delights and galore of all sorts from food houses to shelters of genuine welfare and so it is done in some places and the old Asia is now on the way out paving the way for a World with less obstacles like Visa and passports and drivers licenses and technology is enough 2023 and onwards to know that you are border-less but the old system forgot that administration and governance should be invisible and forgot their own foundation and in that process forgot what life is:


"For those who knew; it was oblivious. For those I taught; it came easy. For me it was the most amazing time."



Magazines updated latest are listed from left to right:
Niels Ulrik Reinwald

critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.


During 2019 went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations. has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth. mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.

It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, and was considered ambiguous.

Article including this dis- and claimer is available here.