Mogens Glistrup

Mr. Mogens Glistrup aka Arnold - an atypical dane who wished for the best for people and Glistrup became a politician not of need nor of greed nor of want - but simply because Mogens Glistrup knew that life and taxes are two things that do not work well together.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, came from Austria, moved to America USA and married into Kennedy and voila his dream was made and not only that, Anold became Govenor of California. Was he ever pulled by the hair or ever told not to drive a mercedes Maybach or S-class and would Arnold have terminated everyone on his path as Arnold did was the best for showbusiness and much esle because without Arnol in our contiousness we would need to create such a person in Hollywood. Arnold in Eating At Tiffany's incarnated and is the ephyfany of what life should be for every rock-star take or give some steroids since even hummingbees and little birds do it.

Thus Arnold became a politician of want and need and greed and love and Kennedy gor their name back in the shadows and Mogens Glistrup was one too however a satte in European Union operated after one sinple rule, Law of Jante. Glistrup was and still is, now dead, a man of great fortune, wishes and a man who wanted to reform the very foundation on which we stand, life. Mogens Glistrup was destroyed by a system, a nation, some peopel within, in such a way that his memory should be hailed just like Arnold. Two great men of our times.

2023 December 07

Very preliminarry work in progress page and during december 2023 will show and prove, how one state of The European Union during 7th into the 90th, made one very good and clever person into the enemy of the state however was a genuine friend of the people.

If a story as a carol (carousell, arousal (εξέγερση)) could be reinvented it would be the story about Mogens Glistrup who was a Lawyer whom wished for a whole nation and all children and old people and hard working people and everyone with two wheels or less or more to really experience life through less or no taxes and thus reinventing life itself.

Reason to tell this story is that the state Denamark is trying to remove Mogens Glistrup from their histroy and in doing so is destroying truth and democracy and people. It is difficult to portray this in text alone howeevr during december I shall try and make it vivid and one thing to mention is that Mogens Glistrup who became a politicians after working as a Lawyer for many years and studied tax in USA in the 1950th became a friend and Lawyer of Simon Spies who both stupied [sic] at Regensen (where my Mother Regitze Reinwald and later District Attoney Ove Berggreen met) in Copenhagen, a university. Simon Spies later became a millionair and started which is a travelling agency which in the 1960th took danish people to pigfests (eating pig and drinking (Spies cognate spid, to est)) in Spain cheap and two weeks in the sun for little money. Mogens Glistrup worked as a Lawyer for Simon Spies and Simon later had what was called BOLLEDAMER, FUCKLADIES (why did public service blur and smudge the two faces? Public service, hoho, wants to dilute and use propaganda in taking down Niels Ulrik Reinwald for the same reason but NUR and Spies and Glistrup have one thing in common, people), in the morning and Simon was filthy rich howeevr produces something and so did Mogens Glistrup. Mogens has a lawyer business and it was thriving. The reason was that clienets acounts was kept open i.e. the interest prodcued on client account holding money would be returned to the client. Old school Lawers would keep the interests for themselves. Glistrup was thus a WANTED man and in that process the old guard wanted to rid him.

Simon Spies and Mogens Glistrup are two famous insidents in Denmark and they actually helped produce a better society for a while. Today Spies is SUNCLASS and Simons Spies did the Sun thing but today Spies corporation is no longer and travelling has become charter and cheap hotels and stays however still not as cheasp as it was. Now it is just charter travelling and no big deal. Janni Spies married Simon because of inheritance taxes and a whole perpetual papparazzi ent into what we today can call a silent and undisruped plesant media which produces no Mogens Glistrup nor any Spies oranything of important value other that the occational large prodyct paid for 10 times by people. Example Storebælstbroen where state has borrowed large sums of money abroad and the bridge was more tahn 100 years in the making and only thing the bridge has produced are more expences.

As Mogens Glistrup progressed and made millions as a Lawyer with his lawfirm and Simon Spies became very rich Glistrup started a political movement called Fremskridtpartiet in the early 1970th. The movement grew because Glistrup favoured low taxation and he became very popular and he was the first to study tax abroud in USA and came home and became a lawyer and with Simon Spies as a colorfull man and Glistrup also Glistrup soon became very popular and eventually Glistrup was elected into parliament with 28 seats.

Glistrup spoke of major reforms especially the tax system which was introduced since the Napolean Wars where England had introduced a tax to cover the vast expenses to war. The taxation became a scheme after the Napolean wars and progressed as revenue for state and was adopted by other nations amng one Denmark. King Fredrik 6 was bankrupt and so the officials took over and this we can read in the Oktrojcommission.

Glistrup and Spies flabbergasted by danish state

Spies was like Glistrup - a man. Here is a Cherry or two. Mon Cheri. Spies was a nice man and media will do what media does best - cherry pick as per the editor. Niels Ulrik Reinwald cherry picks to promote such faboulous behaviors where a woman will be the pillow for a smiling middle aged man.

Simon Spies was rich and the girls liked him. Girls, women, are like that, old, that does not matter. Money attracts young girls (and people) and especially girls. Hugh Heffner same. Hollywood actors pay handsomely for young girls. Simon Spies and Mogens Glistrup are two of a kind whom the state wished for to not do what people want, have fun. Simon is portrayed as a dirty old sex maniac but he was not. He had money and it attracts flies to flypaper. He did absolutely nothing and the girls would come to him any time of the day. National public servvice TV Danmarks Radio is ith amny others cherry picking because they hate people and hate what they do themselves because they never do onto others. Spies and Glistrup did. That is why simplicty is to know that state wants people like Spies and Glistrup away because state wants fake taxes and debt and poverty. Surely both where rich and Glistrup was not like Spies but Spies got media attention and free advertizing. Same did Glistrup but once Glistrup wanted to get elected Glistrup had to bypass the electoral system twice and Glistrup saw all the rotten garbitch of a nation and out of ratholes they came to destroy two people and Glistrup and in doing so destroyed a whole nation and people and a best living standard and genuine welfare.

Show me a king, Simon Spies was named Rejsekongen (Travelling King) and it is posible through media and its propaganda to cherry pick anyone into kingdom come. FUCKLADIES or bolledamer was not SImon Spies. Spies lived well and enjoyed life and dies relatively young. At that leevl anyone could live very short. The girls came and he would rest hisself while they would do what girls do best - look pretty. It was great revenue and advertizing so good not even a marketing director could have invnted Spies nor Glistrup. What Danmarks Radio and similar does today with culture and did then is so bizar that had the tax-system been adjusted according to the WISH OF TEH PEOPLE the nGlistrup would not have to worry about a Travveling King because everyone would be king. That was Glitrup's purpose and Spies also and in the process they got rich by danish standards. On an intrnational levels there are wealth spend not even a whole nation can think of. Jeoulous and implicity of media and state is always trying to keep people just able to breath but hardly and for thi peopel have to pay taxes based on states being bankrupt durin The Napolean Wars and similar. Origin. Go back far enough and Spies would be shipping banannas and have thousands of wild animals flock around him - mostly abes and bananna-eating population. Most peopel dream and here wasthe chage to make it into reality and state Denmark destroyed internally and infiltrated one single man Glistrup and today Spies because state realized state itseflf was ucked back, front and sideways by Asia and China and similar filthy rich asian. Yes, they too do what Spies did and Glistrup - got rich. Why else have a welfare state. 2023 welfare-state has nothing much to do with genuine well and fare is what Spies and a Lawyer did.

Any king any rich any "Monaco" any islands anywhere where there are rich people there are rich girls. Young. Spies and Glistrup stars and state hate such and he proof is in the pudding, a man haning on a cross antionswide ad a reminder to everyone that being rich tate does not want. Imagine having this as part of your contiousness a man torttured for only wanting the best. State is a terrorist using their religion to cherry pick and by golly state cherry pick. THe basket is filled with no cherrie except young girls and or anyone and it is not by chance or good luck state is opperated on a level which could best be called a state operated by secrecy and lure and eception and schemes from tax-schemes to every other scheme. Evidens of this is state laws themselves filled with guides on how state and dilute people from money thorugh taxes and even life itself.

State everywhere

The state has been infiltrated thourgh a public sector today so large that the public sector's size alone benfits the state. That is why during 50th into the 70th state grew like bacteria. After having destoyed King Frederik VI and making a whole nations and peopel bankrupt the state and democracy was installed. It was installed like you installed an operating system on a computer i.e. created and setup thrugh deceptive maneuvers on a scale not even Spies and Glistrup could imagine. The state was in place and a new castle build for the purpose Christiansborg and the royals where allowed to move to Malienborg after 3 or was it 4 castles hd burned down in less than 200 years. The great fire of Copenhagen was a "Hitler" maneuver done as Hitler did to Berlin. bomb the old shit to kingdom come. From it rises a new. The new eventuallt turns into a pile of shit and corruption and now 1000 times more than when King Frederik VI was installed. Many kings where fakes and some installed litterally. Democracy is another way to say Castle Galore or as James Bond would do - fuck 'em in the last scene. Then in the 60th danish state invented pornography, no it di not. Porn was invented some five billion years ago give or take. The stiff upperclass was removed in favour of free porn during the 60th and danish state was on the brink of bankrupcy while doing the hoolaballola because Parthenon was not enough. State wanted to tell people a new era of freedom ws installed meanwhile population were sypipified into paying taxes which in the 60th and into the 70th rose at such a rate than inflation skyrocketted. Poverty set in and evidesne is Lemann Brothers 2008. Spies and Glistrup were before their time or was the time and their scale was that people saw that taxes was not a law of nature.

And that is what this short story is about. Taxes are a tool but not a human right nor a european right or any right. Taxes has become the tool with which a state can pollute and dilute all and everyone meanwhile most are satisfied with benefits and taxes paid prior ever seeing the money. People are infiltrated by state within the state and GListrup pointed the finger at it and by golly the state got busy taking down the voice and wish of the people.

podcast simon karakter mord i primetime bo østlund

Napolean wars = taxes - Ebenezer Scrooge

Ebenezer Scrooge is our days goernance and officla who design and write laws so we are to believe that democracy is as natural as taxes. When we watch this movie we think there is hope only to be destroyed of all hope when we encounter the very people whom people elected. Ask me why this can be and you will get the reply given by Hamlet as he stands we a skull in his hand realizing the prince has only a ghost, this is when they start to think, lets tax them to kingdom come and they forget WHY there are TAXES.

During the Napoleons wars the governement and state and Kingdom of England needed money. They started taxing people soley for the purpose of supporting a war which was very expensive and people paied and after the war the taxes contined. Denmark soon after Napolean wars were over "invented" the tax-system from supporting also the expenses to the Napoleon wars with King Frederik VI at the healm and thus danish officials helped bankrupt not only the king but the whole nation and it was named Statsbankerotten. Rotten, well, but means rat in danish language.

The state was banrupt and thus an Oktroj (frnech Oktroi) was creating convoluting all of the kings assets into a flee market and the kingdom was moved from a kingdom to democracy thorugh deception and fraud and the king probably knew it but as we know he and their got and are still and we dont want to chop the headd of nyone, do we. So why do they, the officials. It is a question which can best be aswered by aying:

Because we can do it, we do it. If anyone finds out or questions anything we just blame it on a war, a king hillbilly as Jeppe On The Hill and Jeppe gets the royal treatment while the real king is off duty. An act, a play, but real as real since this is how officials played the king a fool.

Just read Shakepeasr and you will soon realize the nature of humans are very subtle and very rooted in the utmost basics such as was a camel or zebra does, eat, sleep and repeat. State budgets and politicians and officials are no more complicated than wathing Arnold play in the movies Terminator. What is it Arnold terminates? He terminated the hill to allow Jeppe to really enjoy life but Arnold and you and I know it is not all that easy because if a camel wants to be a dromedary, then it is impossible to teach or educate even with fun that the dromedary is in fact a camel.

Cherry Picking - κεραία - keraia

Even the article at Wikipedia is cherry picking since cherry picking is known as picking The Bible apart taking out what one can use to promote a cause. The Bible can thus be used in any fallacy truth or not.

Thus cherry picking done every day every minute also by states since bible is their foundation through history with royals and now democracy yet still using the same symbolism and governance now cheryy pick from laws not The Bible but since Bible is fundamental and they do not pick from it, as such, that even is cherry picking. Any writing is thus cherry picking. Even not wrting as when my website went into white mode. That too was considered a pick. So whatever one does. Wikipedia forgot the most vital and fruit picking is not where the term originated. search bible cherry picking. Even Colonel Powell cherry picked in United Nations while the attendant picked cherries what he was saying and iall chose cherries picked killed millions.

Cherry as german Kirsche cognate danish kirke as circe the bitch adorable. Greek cherry is κεράσι kerási with which we can make kirke, a church who was circe, a royal.

What royal - Scramble eggs or any egg or simple the church or the temple and where is it, the secret, between her legs. Love it is called. Cherry or simply love, sweet and tasty. She present the cup, a whip and the man comes near. On the floor five circles. Olympia. Circe is a kirke is a church is a cherry and you can now cherry pick too.

Someone could have had the dignity to tell this. Now you know what also cherry picking is. Pick your anything also.

κεραία keraia κεραία — 1 Occurrence

κεράσι is cherry and biblical κεραία is a litle horn, feminine. What little horn? Clitoris, naturally. Related indeed to a stroke in in Matthews 5:18 and they never taught me nor you about this in sunday school. Mogens Glistrup onle spoke mostly about taxes and the reason may be that tax is danish SKAT which is words DARLING and TREASURY and thus SKAT, darling, sits between your darlings lovely LEGS and they even invented toys for children called LEGO but never knew until Mogens Glistrup said that you do not pay TAX to your DARLING.

There is naturally two and one is Luke 16:17 and that which is no longer seen is inside the other and voila love falls easier than even the law. Law is thus Circe and who is she, your darling. Not taxes nor a temple filled with fake symbolic value to lure and deceive and with this they started Napoleon Wars and iraq and Vietnam, Korea and Cambodia and and and and finally they cherry picked cherry picking. it is with some griecvance that threats in Thailand also made me deside to surrende or the content which was so unique is made a whole Planet in a Milkyway go wild after cherries. It is then no wonder democracy and officials wish for cherry picking because they try all they can to use that against others which they themselves wish not be used against themselves. That makes one wish to chery pick WHERE THERE ARE ACTUALLY REAL CHERRIES and everyone says theyare one. Mystery. No, it is simple the missery as a product of five billion years of evolution. The more I do not know of governance the better because the less I know of their nonsense I feel truely alive. Anyone feeling the same will and must ultimately cherry pick.

Reading related to Mogens Glistrup

These are in danish, please copy and past from the electronic PDF and insert into Google Translate.

Oktroy, give away, bestow, in essense a flee market sale or give away of the nations resources, the kings treasury (thus usury is illegal) of which one was a guldtoilet, gold toilet.


No, one can not. the black dark world extends so far inside life that one can imagine many things. One being that Kings were installed with a bg of money and then some of the secrets and of they went creating wars and castles until bankrupt. Some soonersom later. Finally the collector came along. Simplity is to think simple.

Very preliminary thus spell-checking not performed. This page again provoked by terror by a state in The European Union.

This page was not supposed to be uploaded yet but unfortunately it was but not by me. Systems and thus lives are hacked just as Jesus Christ was hacked. From who, as Mogens Glistrup called them in courts and governemnt, socialistjesuites who persude Mogens Glistrup for 30 odd years with a case fake called fiction-theory by the courts themselves when courts and democracy had nothing on the man.

As promissed updated to website. Because of repeated terror and illegal acts by state Denmark and courts of Denmark each day will delover a chaper of my new book which is in the foundry. 4 the past months each day was the last game-day - but no, more cases and now 30 major cases and some minor. As we get closer to Xmas then the next iteration of Truth In A World Of Lies will be revealed. Niels Ulrik Reinwald said many times that ONE more day, done. So after this final day yesterday state rebooted and started terorizing many peopel through me personally thus many people in fact a globe. It will be a lengthy process but as with only great to know taht state-terrorism can produce this levels of benevolence and lack of fun and a long series of laws cast on people with which people are unware that the democracy they so much love has and is destroying them. Mogens Glistrup was a very kind man and I give you his scripts and text to governance and in it you will read how state and courts terrorized one single man through 30 years absed on no evidense. The case is more than 400 court meetings and 30 year long terror gainst, not onlty Mogens Glistrup who was elected with 28 (of 179) seats in danish government, thus representing the eelctorates, people, and thriugh fake and corruption the state and courts wanted to bring this man down who represented 28 seats. Read it and the nknow that democracy is destroyed by state because officielt after Napolean wars took over since King Fredir 6 was bankrunpt after officials and king and fooled each other mostly the king fooled and now officicial could take ove r the country throuh deception and deceit. This could not have been written in Hollywood and one you get the full scope thrugh december you will realize realty is far more fun and exciting and will telle you exactly where the illness is and who is COVID - state Denmark is COVID. Follow along on this xmas odyssey which will for the first time in histry tell you how a state and democracy was invented to destroy a nation and its people.


"For those who knew; it was oblivious. For those I taught; it came easy. For me it was the most amazing time."



Magazines updated latest are listed from left to right:
Niels Ulrik Reinwald

critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.


During 2019 went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations. has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth. mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.

It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, and was considered ambiguous.

Article including this dis- and claimer is available here.