List of items presented 2023 December
Image 2023 December. Well and doing fine. The older one gets, the closer one gets to the end. Perhaps a 2024 entry-video because media is so phlegmatic.
Many cases and many wars later it is fair to say, that one gets younger the more one knows.
A small tale of many one about medication which seems almost benign compared to a frog which is now par-boiled delivering a soup of forgotten war/crimes to heinous even media and courts and movies are unable to describe the horrors by The Bible - or should one say - those who adopted the bloody thing on behalf of people. The Vatican as citadel included with Francesco very nice yes if so nice would he then not also step down and out. That is why going white/out again seems almost impossible since state danish is not able to tell people that it was all concocted. Niels Ulrik Reinwald and Donald Trump could and can and therefore tried silenced. Trump should not be humiliated having and still being President (former) and since nobody can make everyone Catholic, I say, the Vatican is a looser. All or nothing, right. Trump and GlisTrup had almost something real in common. If democracy shall work, then all shall be jubilant. if not, democracy is bizar.
Did you know that medicine is given to people, also elderly, in state danish, to attempt to kill them. My old Aunt Anne Elsebeth Reinwald has been hospitalized multiple times during 2023 and only previous month, at yet another hospitalization, was finally told that Ancozan (Lozartan) was making her ill and giving her high blood pressure which the tablet was suppose to suppress. Quacks as Pastors and even Physicians are quacks. More on this story as it progresses. Jonestown massacre happens on a (danish) state level right into a merry little dinner.
Listening to Anne Reinwald and my mother early 1980th and forward was like listening to Jim Jones on a good day and then think of their Pastors - it was like drinking state sponsored cyanide. Just in case someone forgets what history was and how they spoke. Similar listening to state when state hangs up the telphone while NUR asks simple question - rule by law is rule with cianide as a present, a gift, poison - even when they hang up and can't defend themselves. Well, rule with stupidity. Who said one can not familiarize / and be personal / oneself with the ones in governance when one talks to governance and civil servants (!) (citizens civil are not diplomats). Similar when listening to Freemason is like swallowing a pile of bile. Just try it. Miracle money (his wife had a radio transmitter). Church is the believer in this as in The Vatican. Popoff and such - and Wommack - are very sick people. Miracle spring water. The outcome of this war. Madness is too nice a word. This is what state danish has done for 900 years. TODAY says can not imagine Jonestown happening today. Irag, Afghanistan, World Trade Center, Philidelphia Kensington Avenue, etc etc.
- 2023.Dec.24. Diaspora Democracy - table of countries expanded.
- 2023.Dec.23. Movie Magic updated. Case against Donald Trump similar to Jonestown (Jonestown: Paradise Lost | Crime Documentary | The Horror of a Cult | True Crime Central) and cases against Mogens Glistrup. Jonestown wasan experiemnt made to test how far people will go and evidense is Israel/Palestine 50+ year war with religion as a tool to fool people. State instigated religion to use religion to control people.When someone with the will to do better then that person is tried silenced. How far will people go? Say Jonestown massacre. Hacking and fake news and nations blinded by incomplete rules as laws. People, even I, knows how much Jonestown was an experiment to see how far people will go for believing. Also video showing Mogens Glistrup defend a better society yet danish national propaganda television helped destroy a man who was able to redesign a rotten system with high fake taxes and a state occupied by the absent of wealth.
- 2023.Dec.22. Once again liars are allowed but only one can lie, so lying is apparently the game. Once again since 2018 and since ca. 30 A.D. (and prior) it is fair to say, that word Nazi stems from the Maltese word nazzjon and צִיּוֹן is Zion, צִיוֹן tsiun leading to the simple observation, that a nation is Zion is Israel - any nation. All that fuzz. A few days ago, TIAWOL page updated.
- 2023.Dec.19. True even in A World of Lies. As promised an update each day. Yesterday I emailed Jerusalem Post with evidence of 8.6 billion Jews and that nation is Zion and that it is true, it is a lie. Since Truth In A World Of Lies has been promised published then TIAWOL will be iterated in a new version with many new chapters. Today NUR played a fool again with no horizon, no deal and double jeopardy just like 2018 when I was blanketed by Asia/China/Thailand just before departing from the airport going to Thailand on holiday so state danish won then and I then got it all returned because of TIAWOL existed as a copy in Thailand and state danish via tax revenue office instructed to pay me DKK 5000.
- 2023.Dec.18 Reason why nations use corruption, and fraud exists, and war, on a scale so large revenue is pouring in to weapons-designers and manufacturers are that spirit of Asia is LOVE, a Lie therefor all governments and officiels use lies against people to rule based on terror of lies. Sound-recording exist where one official says"we can lie" and later same official was moved from her position. In other words, love is the reason for Iraq war, Vietnam war (A Bright Shining Line), Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Little Boy & Fat Man) which explains Jellingstones - two stones symbolically weapons of mass descruction mentioned exactly as big & small. We find FAT MAN in Judges 3:17 (healthy בָּרִ֖יא) and LIsaiah 11:6 Little Boy which from Hebrew to Yiddish is And Only cognate Avatar which explains movies such as movie Avatar. Samskrit अवतार avatar Hindism. Two towers represent these two endpoint in Bible. See WTC 911 attacks. Shortly after Colin Powell shows biblical Antrax at United Nations. An update to this website every day. One or a couple of times per day.
- 2023.Dec.17 Since yesterday when state danish was taught by Niels Ulrik Reinwald, that this state had been wrong for 900 years (also see Thyra Dannebod), state was risen from he dead allowed to play chess yet again on this day. State attempted to be quite but during the day presented noise and terror again. Second opinion was never given NUR but state terrorism is given many more changes after slavery and napoleonic wars and bankruptcy. TIAWOL in the foundry as state terrorism gives the opportunity to publicize - thank danish state-terromism and its benevolent democracy. Two wrongs do'nt make a right. Multiple wrongs, it is game over, yet continued, proving terrorism is the tool to fool by "God". Jellingstones now behind glass to protect them but they are wrong and thus very fake. They are termed the birth-certificate of thedanish state but gives no right to a second opinion on fraudulent medical data and violalates many international charters. Insidently 22 in Bible is done at verse 21 which esoterically is DENMARK and after danish is vanish (when they can't find any sound reason, they always throw mud). Vanish insidently esoterically spells Vagina. Just like Tiffany spells FittaNy for swedish/danish for eng. pussynew. Talk about being mudly mad. This also explains why nordic countries are some of the most conniving see movie Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (theme music song opening Immigrant Song lyrics).
- 2023.Dec.16 Yesterday state danish went nortwards with 2 cars and 3 cars driving as 23 in The Bible (movie acted out as in movie The Number 23) which is after AMIN. In doing so this state danish admitted having nothing the passed 900 years following a spirit - a ghost. Using something, cars, to do so was also wrong and in acting this roleplay are no better than cosplay or dressing up. 23 enigma. A typical conspiracy. It is not conspiricy, it is "23" which follows 22 in Bible.
- 2023.Dec.15 I went shopping today for woodstove fire and food and was again violated in a very undignified manner, so Truth In A World Of Lies will be published soon starting today and published because of continued terror by Nazi state Denmark persistanse through its court, esoteric societies, governance and business in some areas. Living in ZONES and not countries and nations which are only areas of deception and should be called shopping malls. Gravity (3 Occurrences). Heavy. Down. Towards center. 3 is not up there are a towering 3 crowns. 3 as a the biblical cock is NIMROD from wORD aMIN. waU. Spirit is a beverage. Spirit also a ghost with a numb h. Hamlet in fact is a sexual act in which the skull and ghjost represent the sexual act tow men have together. Denmark was the liberation of PORNOVILLE (search Mogens Glistrup) and thus zebras and elephants have to look at Thyra Danebod to know what to do when wanring sex. Steve Jobs said, THINK DIFFERENT - then why an APPLE LOGO. Perhaps Steve Jobs too was murdered just like the indian in movie Killers of the Flower Moon and the reason is, that thinking has absolutely nothing to do with difference. When courts and governance and people make up lies, then TIAWOL found its right place. It is said spirit up there then what the fuck is it doing down here in The Bible in Earth. When Holy Trinity is The Matrix with character Trinity, then why is Gravity found with 3 T's for 3 X's as 3 cruxifictions up on the mount down on Earth may explain why NIMROD is dead hanging down and graivity won but only that one time because NIMROD rises 3 days later. To Where, into word, which is inside Earth! Movie Shutter Islands or Stonehearts Asylum comes to mind and mostly because of terror state Denmark without which Niels Ulrik Reinwald would be a Cardinal at The Vatican or The pope himself or even better, as NUR is reminded through terror alone, that NUR was, is and am. Selffish come to mind. That is why NUR today looked and saw people doing what people do best, shoppiung and absolutely nothing else. People think they do - but they dont. Lolita Fashion. Cosplay. Victorian fashion. Acting. Horatio Hamlet now repeat HORA TIO for WHORE TEN. Swedish hora and tio (10) for cock and cunt (or downing street where... down...).
- 2023.Dec.14 Movie The Great Dictator is about Adenoid Hynkel who plays a Jew (Tomania (empty (tom) country)) through Charlie Chaplin. Same person, two roles. That is because Adolf Hitler was a Jew too - and a human being not forgetting.
- 2023.Dec.13 04:50 hours CET and persistent case-mongering by state danish (all day since early morning). Persistent thoughout the evening sending emails with content-less replies. Multiple cases. Also NUR During this season will follow the governemnts who also provide financial support for war yet nordic laws declares war illegal. Double standards by states through democracy. Soviets stop the Germans see also Barbarossa (emppty red) remembering Germany and Adolf Hitler paved the way for the state of Israel. Now Nordic countries fight Russia yet love Israel and support palestine through finansial support now withdrawn in support of a killing-spree by state danish. Double standard - no - multiple standards. They love Israel, because they love liars. Lying down great for sleeping and when NUR did so was flabbagasted for relaxing. Then terror by a state in EU then created then defaulted in white-out yet that was not enough. This World is not a dreaM (Drøm) - it is a nightmare as per TIAWOL and novel by NUR just like most movies are portraying violence as entertainment, theirs.
critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.
During 2019 went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations. has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth. mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.
It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, and was considered ambiguous.
Article including this dis- and claimer is available here.