Created:2024 April 25,
Sun, January 19, 2025
TIFFANY is FITTA NY esoterically meaning CUNT NEW (swedish fitta is cunt, pussy). Donald Trump lives fith avenue just opposite and daugter named Tiffany. Today I buy beer named Leffe which supposedly is suppose to make me think. I dont think, I know, It is part of their sick minds because sickness introduced as Covid and Bible all made to make you very alive, evil. God is a very ill persona and people are now trained and programmed via corona-injections and they dont even know it. Now you know why MURDER is REDRUM derived from MORD as WORD. It was said to God by God, that nobody would ever prove Bible and esoteric world, now no longer true, because I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald did. God is a flimsical nonsense, not able to to make somthting, which will never be found. God hates he truth and that is amazing. I personally love the truth for what it is and I am oly amazed why not teaching everyone is the standard. 3 and 1 right is not right even if they follow me in anything I do even what I shop and that is how it is played mny times but my opinion which is right, is, that is is on Earth neither up nor down. This can be explained but ni more pearls related to that specificlally.
They want love, yet when love is made, they want it all! Spirit Asia is Burj Khalifa - plenty of something - hardly love.
Because again I am played like yesterday 2023 April 24th nad since mid 2017, I shall keep a log of the masturbation I do so you as a citizens can follow the progress meaning you can with your own surveilance keep track of how Spirit Asia and Asia and clophoppers play me at my own home using surveilance to keep track of when I masturbate. It sounds almost unbelieveable but saying World War 1 and 2 is also unbelieable and nobody would believe it had it not been for eyewittnesses. Now you can be an 'eyewittness' to how religion is use as COVID to win proselytes and win in generel based on absolutely nothing.
I shall keep a page linked on the right side named Lovetracking from where I shall keep a score of their progress surveiling me masturbating. Saying it almost is like saying madness but COVID was and is madness as this is similar just played on one person only where COVID was played on a whole planet. here is the log on masturbation and other related as a log on their progress. This has been going on since 2018 and really speeding up late 2023 now to the point of total insanity by them whom I call clodhoppers because hillbillies are too nice a name however I live near a hilltop and they drive past my house like this as they do with other people in the danish histroy where state and clodhopeprs (Freemason and the likes secret societies) wish to annoy people because I and others are genuinely doing what nation could not do. Naturally I find this surveilance completely insane and they know it and have to dignity nor repect for life, people and whole other nations.
It can be monitored at and similar websites how this nations-game like World War 1 and 2 in this insane world where genuine belief in life does not exist. I find this completely crazy but do it to tell the world how insane a world you live in and on. just like and earlier contained truely original material, then this log in also original and I see masturbation as natural as eating an ice creame or and sleeping. Other items may be added to the list such as governance not replying or courts acting illegal or anything related to COVID which clodhoppers (state nation danish) keep alive.
2024 December 19, 23:
My birthday. Hooray. And on the 22nd I was again played as usual. A few days ago I told in my own house of forgivenss in the book governing most nations namely the buddist bible in which also lovely Islam is builtin. I also told of a TV series for children which I happily watched when I was 10-15 years of age. Den Vita Stenen (The White Stone) Video åart 1: part on of a series (girl is bullied by 3 other girls eating lollipop). Church included with an EYE told by Hambus and a girl who playes for one stone. Production by someone who knew the secrets of the bible governing nations (sweden has officially separated itself from church perhaps Den Vita Stenen the reason!!!). I really enjoyed it when I was a child but today I realize the meaning and purpose of the story and find it of a different taste.
My birthday was held and I did a little shopping in expectation of one of the days during the year, christmas (now called Holidays in USA), is the season when in Switzerland you can walk in a street where cognac is USD 100.000 a bottle and so much more with lovel mountains in the backdrop.
One small update for a long time and since I yesterday was played having a white truck with trailer and a large white van pass my house I realize the richness of it all when they virtually move things around yet they should be unable to move a single stone. (example). Who moves the stone is the one only (stone, λίθον, líthon) and moves naturally below as part of body as told to me in Asia folowing the spirit there.
In Zechariah 12:3 (forth and backwards) we read about Jerusalem and we actually get some of the the answers that a combined media-world and journalist, reporters, are not easily able to conwey or at least it does get very complicated now they move things around including Jerusalem and Israel (in fact the book tells us what happens to someone who even tries to move it).
Enjoy the holidays of which there was 12 of sorts - at least in royal circles.
A few items moved from front page, for a later day perhaps:
2024 October 10
Today I am played masturbating, again. Unfortunately I am on medications penicilin giving fever symptoms. This world game is as usual played repeatedly "standing on one leg" until one falls not being able to balance further. Ask a TOUR DE FRANCE winner to win 20 times consecutively, It will never happen. Tennis, Bjørn Borg won 7 times at The Winbledon in a row then had to finish. Cock does it biblically every third day so Jesus lived for 30 years - most can do the math. WHy did Jesus die, well, the cock probably fell for 40 days or he had a fever or something and they killed him. Herods probably had some isssues also. Pope not married. Imagine playing Pope Francis this way. A whole city built outshining love itself or is love not to marry.
Today, as usual, same is applied and nothing has changed. It is similar the movie Creator, a tube inside their head. Budget, budgets... no limitations just as in series ROME on HBOMAX where sets and costumes and salaries for actors and producers have no limit. Why make a movie about Roman Empire? What is the series about? Is it purely entertainment. Why did Adolf Hitler 1940 use the same banners and same bird. They ask "change" but Roman Empire is as fresh as the morning dew in 2024 and babylonian european building and US capitols building all states have one. Small update as said, nothing new on all is as old as it could be each article each symbol and Israel is a young nations however also old and loved since anything love.
I await in amazement to see if they one day will have figured out my idea since 1, 2 and 3 is still played or now 1 and 2 or just 1. They turn on and off like fireflies. I can count to more than 3 and more than 6 but who is counting.
This small update will not be followed by another since no real nation-building come from any writing and nations are operated with their laws and in most cases based on foundation Bible yet governance and their workers dont even know The Bible. See paragraph 4. It is even called a Kingdom Constitution in a democracy so why they dont collapse the Kingdom and run platforms parallel must be because same applies. Sweden separated itself from the church. Some other countries did it too.
2024 October 09
Nothing unusual and I watch ROME on HBOMAX where trick, sex and fucking is all that happens. It is a wonder we got here but it must be all the fucking. A small update as promissed. I shall upload a small update similar each day as the world game grinds along in the same tracks as usual. Tomorrow probably a small similar update and yes, I am played again and this time in the usual loving way namely masturbating or not under certain conditions like hard and long. Imagine demanding this since real cases are dismissed. I shall write on my progress tomorrow. Lovetracking really is both ways. Amazing and amazing was not enough. This time I shall not skip an update any day because of threats by nation-state through this world game where dignity and genuine felt good love is absolutely not really part of it understanding that the opposite is evil and when evil enters partially FOR BETTER OR WORTH then such a phrase should be obliterated because all it is an excuse to behave like rotten scoundrels.
It was in 2018 when going to city I was also threatened and it made me carry a Stanley knife just in case hey would enter my house I would slit my wrist. Yes, belief or not. Why write a website "amazing" leaving out such truths. All in the name of God. I might even have to update hourly since this maniac of a game is played just as usual with fear and terror and absolutely without love and affection and every person has been told not to speak to him, Niels Ulrik Reinwald. TIAWOL is very true and more than ever related o nations benevolence, fear mingering and terror. When one cant even say "I loose and give up" then the world game is filthy and dity and only a way to rid any competition just as wars are fought to destroy any Waco and Jonestown is the ephiphany of The Bible. Imagine falling to your knees in awe of Bible only to carry a Stanley because of a war which leaves one alive but dead and finally dead because death is what they finally can triumph with which begs a question, do they have anything but death.
2024 October 06, 07
Imagine making love while the other starts counting or doing arithmetics.
On the 5th a few days ago I was played, with the bible code, termed world game, and evening all day cars driving outside my house. So I write the oct. 5th piece below. Then I was played again again the following day and today also when morning between 0700 and 0800 hours 1000 of cars drive past my house in their usual bewildering 1, 2 and 3 push and or 2 and 1 which is their biblial attempt to drive themselves nuts. So as usual, I must upload since I do not accept terror and destructions of any sort og style and since july, august also while I renovated my aunts house. I have Airnbnb running and it is a good way for people to get cheap accomodations prefered from hotel whih are relative expensive. Airbnb a great alternative. So I shall upload an article each and everyday now and this time more promptly since they, danish nation and clodhoppes, will simply not stop and they will continue as I am to tale this benevolence where courts shuts down my cases and all in all destroy in a style which belongs in the sewange. Not in a temple of love but their love is destructive because they cant distinquis love from evil.
A few days go I emailed European Commission email: Principles of legality and proportionality of criminal offences and penalties - 2024-10-03 1656.eml and this was then played again a few days since I won on that account and they wiggled their way out of it while playing me yet I have not actually played SPIRIT ASIS since some time bck because I have had threats multiple and peopel using all sot of methods which belongs in the trenches of filth and they have yet to ponder and figure out something I at least have figured.
From this day forward a small updage each and every day and perhaps an article on the main frontpage. The world bible game will continues as it has been played "just one more time, one more day and done" for many many weeks, month and now running into years. I take no terror of any style from bullying to illegal courts to democracy which hangs up the phone when asking legitimate quenstions which democracy cant answer.
So since this morning acrs driving again and more hogwash on my SMTP google email I upload and will now continue to do so with updates every day just as every day is played using terror styalized as cases where my life is attempted destroyed on all levels using methods that now run into more than 300 cases of different styles.
The WORLD GAME can then decide when is the last day and who is the "winner" because my temple belongs with a novel i wrote and it would have taken only ca. 10 more chapters to have relived my many lost loves. That is the power of words and stories tying to write that which never was and at least write a dream when realities are kept being destroyed by kings of nations when democracy is the latest installment of royal houses. My attempt and final shoreline happend when I deleted and all my work because in Aisa I was threatened on my life and I also felt that their shit+possition (litterally sitting in shit possition in front of where I would drive my car) was a way to tell me that I knew too much (and they told me it was shit so LET IT GO by Disney World) so I deleted it all once. Then in 2018 I deleted TIAWOL. Then in ca. 2021 I when white background with and all 3 attempts was not enough. So then I can conclude, that staying up and pushing the word is what is wanted or else I have no clue. In fact, I have no clue with the following of this "danish fake" Asian spirit played by danes (who call themselves viking) to follow in Revelations and it is played both ways every day for the past ca. 3 years. They and nations and democracy can start wars that never end and kill millions all in the name of buddism and bible and get away with it becausse their religion is such, that they can do whtaever they want and cut legs of peopel and inject technolgy based on Covid into peoplle and Jonestown is alive every day and that is if I take away and I am no longer people will allways live Jonestown on various levels. If the war on my person is untold and not known then two worlds wars are and all the other wars when democracy via governance enter weapons-deals and uses taxpayers money to spend on Mercedes Nenz S class and whole cities with buildings for governance to operate peopel lives from. Imagine you were controlled by an authroty which took over all parts of your life. Well, you do, and it is called governance in the year 2024 onwards. More govenrance eauals more control and taxes is the best proof of how they control your pockets and pricing and as china eloquently puts it TARIFFS. Wars are usually fought between nations and peopel are too buzy working collecting just enough to pay for 3/4 of the year living and must borrow the rest for house, car and holidays. All with interst. The day you sell it all there is not much left for the next generation who must now repeat the process of living a life 3/4.
In the past 2000 years people have been exposed to religion and have been threatened by deities and god and world wars used as covid injections. The same applies. That is why we have the world we have and many, not only I, have known the hands of those who inflict terror in order to keep educating their cherrires just as England conquered a whole world and later withdrew. That is what I did btw now 3 major times and each time not enough to let me live in peace. I was even asked in 2017 from Sweden to "help us" from ciy Kisa and in 2018 I then rebooted a website and my asian wife told me to write. I did. Then denmark started the war using terror on my personal life. Denmark made it personal and that started the war with Hamas and Israel Oct 3 2023. If they blame the situation on me I am greatfull for that because then at least I know the power of love is to kill and destroy yet I choose a much different approched and thus really cant help clodhoppers or god or anyone. TIAWOL and this wbsite then because an attempt to compress memories because one thing people are good at and that is forgetting and cherrypicking. Perhaps Hitler was the response to Englans attempt to run the whole world and fianally Churchhill said never surrender. They are fucking cracy. They never sat down man to man because both had a cock in their ear and Churchill was no more than a royal Spencer and she was most likely also removed from the world stage. What is left is this pool of wars and waiting more absolutely nothing but watching life dessipate into complying because you dont want to drink agent orange and you also dont want to listen to Jim Jones. Spartacus says "kill them all" and more people now counting 9 billion.
I could or would or should delete or not destroy. What the hell have I destroeyd other han making brains realize something which it did nto know and now have to live with so be it. Great. Move along and get over this hillbilly 2, 1 mascarade leaving tires dry and making fools and updating each and every time. Anyway, that is the conclution, an update every day and then moving to the origin of this saga which is where it all started namely with the source. 10.000 gods implanted and we encounter them in Spartacus yet even a movie cant keep track of that many gods. One should be enough. The idol above all idols. Any competition, raelly, in IDOL the clodhoppers way to find talent and entertainment then also that show will stop one day and be forgotten just like millions of books live and stand in libraries across the world unread with millions and billions of words and we get, 1, 2 and 3. It is too thin for me or at least it could be less than all. Anyway, they cant figure it out so I will leave this small update and return to the noises of hate and bewildering loosers who won it all yet lost it all only because there is only one unless there is more than one. Now I have been played one last day for so many times it is nonsense. Bible is code and a few numbers and voila the combinations are pure math. Believe, no, just do math. Keep playing The Olympics all day 24 7 365 days for 50 years and math will makeanyone loose when playing with a choice where two rights make a right or else not. Purely math and you loose and that is why you should cut which I did 3 times and on is only the unfortunae result of terror pereapted by a nation having democracry and a kingdom and vikng and isis and circe and thor and see, we cn start couning 10.000 deities again. Bible is code, math, and there are Amun Ra built into ible also and with that all his deities who followed.
Darling, what is the square root of 45? Fuck, I don't know. Thats right!
An update now each and every day. Again!
2024 October 05
Threats all day using the usual car/driving lunatics yet they are wanting what they got when they where chrtitianed so wjat else do they want than being babtized - and for the past week and years. Now finally back at uploading articles every day as it is wanted so as per movie with Michael Caine, Ipcress File, we watch and know how nations among themsekves used terror, torture and spies to infiltrate their nest of love built upon The Bible eralizing it was The Greates Story Ever Told. There is The Bible and then there is The Idol which is The Bible who is God as the idol. Everyone else is indepted as nations explaing why some nations must have perpetual wars to keep the blood flowing. They got a pot of debt and GOD was gladly willing to lend it indepting not only the ones adopting christianity but all generations to follow. The equation is realtively simple yet have not realized it yet so I am once again played yet played a QBIT and cant win either way since I walk left GOD want right and visa versa. When they stick a camera in your face unwillingly then the treitor is GOD, Isis and that leads to Covid since The Greatest Story Ever Told was told and created to imprisson all of human kind including their souls, spirits and anything of real value leading to TIAWOL leading to The Vatican leading to Jesus leading to Amun Ra leading to death before it ever happend and was written and it was the story to capture all of humans into border rather to create heavens and places of delights and lush life for all and perhaps it got out of hand but who to blame when it was so easy to capture only finding a WORD and 3 arches and TOYOTO and a rollercoaster of brands leading all in one single source.
Nation-states use democracy as a cover for running public official as the royal house of democracy. To keep people in control the use of punishment, fines and taxes are used to keep people working whle media and entertainment is played. Not much new under The Sun since Holy Roman Empire where some palces bult made whole regions and nations bankrupt and nations via kings had to borrow outside and elsewhere which explains taxes. Full stop.
Take a look at the size. It is the center of The World. Well, is it, was it? As er movie THE CREATOR 2023 it seems as if everyone is having a World CEnter inside their heads.
"Casertavecchia was built on the Roman town of Casa Irta, meaning "home village located above" and later contracted as "Caserta". The city and its vicinity were the property of the Acquaviva family, who, being pressed by huge debts, sold all the land to King Charles VII of Naples."
No matter where you travel to on Earth the same applies. Same shields, same religion and one Catholism was popularized and got many followers yet they too cherry picked. Personally I would also select Chatolism for its colorfull backdrops and widespread locations. Some versions of chrsitianity are less interesting for some and some are more popular. Each cherry pickes. The common factors do apply and Catolism is perhaps the one which does it more significant for the origin and MARY is MARRY so she was married and christianity is words and numbers and code leading to speculate how did anyone get to build Palace of Caserta and similar of size making all of Europe.s people taxed and the source leads to whom you pay tax and voila same applies just larger than Caserta much larger.
Strangely that GOD collectes taxes and that they did not tell you in Sunday school. I had decided not to upload anything today but because of threats and same noice level outside on the road where I live I see no other alternative than to write and tell the story as it was presented using terror since my age of 10 or so. Then in 2013 when I was 45 ut took ofl liek rockt when I wrote Truth In A World Of Lies and since nation/state has infiltrated my life to the brink of starvation cutting of the legs of my family, my mother and likking my AUn 25 June 2024 it takes no end to their ways of destroying lives because that is what Kingdoms do... destoy to stay in power and the power finally becomes evil and evil flourished as the only way to gain power meanwhile millions of talents go unforseen forever. Now my Aunt is deep in the groud and so will all be one day somewhere forgotten and since The Bible is GOD I rest easy knowing I finally found GOD and can point my finger at the exact place from where this enity dwells using modersn technology also to infiltrate from hacking computers to surveilance using sattelites and money as digital current which is all tehere is left. Bitcoin is in place many years ago. The next iteration is filthy water and more packaging while being shipped around the globe until one day GOD has it all figured out and has killed everyone whom GOD wished to kill explaining COVID tech. and surveilance and then naturally THE BIBLE.
Good buy to this The Greatest Story Ever Told afterwads since it returns and boils forever never ending in numbers and left and right never minding real lies real people reality since reality became this THE BIBLE which all must either suffer with or eat from. This day I am played using a time as usual from and the timestamp is 04:13 and for those whom I taught and those who knew it is easy since it is a trick choice leading nowhere and after the choice is made it will start again the folloowing day with a new set of numbes. THus I leave it with those for now and return to my bed with a thrat and surveilance wishing to feel great and greater than jesus ever did because I can hardly imagine he learned or was educated in masturbating which is strange since he is Mary since he is Jofef, John, Peter, since he is Harods sisincenec he is God. If a second could be divided into 3 then we have the return of God each second and in that space of rime there is hardly time to breath a sign of relief. Only when one in exstasi (stasi) feels a moment of life.
You could not build a world without The Bible because all is The Bible. And they have not followed me for a day, a week or a year since they have perhaps yet to realize what Niels Ulrik realized. Imagine being setup playing masturbating or not. Follow spirit Asis in The Bible. WHich way was it anyway. Then there was all the rest and still no equal equation all twirling all over the place never resting never endning which is the fault of this The Bible saga greatest yet made billions of people suffer. greates for who and how? I persoanlly have absolutely no idea which it is so reas asured I do actually but dont tell anyone because today, this night and mornng, I will play with myself as I like as I feel or not since life is only the last breath you took and STASI is EXSTASI from greek leading to 7 which is the number of life without GOD!
2024 September 29
A few days no upload. One small one today since the game and "EASY" is played gain and again and no resolve. Thi might continue and so will uploads small or and large. Terror is continued on my life driving and following me whereever I drive, shopping or renovating house. A small update follows tomorrow and more terror related too. They, "danish", are the country I moved back to 2017 with only now around 1000 cases of which many are related to democracy and goverance and bible and played removing their terror regime obstacles over the past 1000 years. Democracry is in existance yet is played a royal castle.
Uploads to the website is OF THE TABLE and no longer played neither is sleeping nor masturbating. Relia and vattenfall with fake bills in 2017 lead to swedish terror and handing out chocolate now free FRUIT is given in shop Jonestons is played on populus and they love being raped in their brains because that is mostly what this game is a brain-fucking-game.
2024 September 26
Now my aunts house, which I inherited, is ready for Airbnb and sale. All went well. Very hard work. Renovated second floor. Today as yesterday I am played like an idiot. Played masturbating or not or uploading or not. Then today a fake traffic accident or staged accident with a camping wagon on the highway. This made me slow down 30 minutes and my car is simply running on the last lap. THus I had to take the slow road and that made me loose it all. THus now I am back at my hiuse and can enjoy my new windows and view and a visit by the cat perhaps. Now I am back to uploading something each and every day AGAIN. And this time and day because of more terror on my personal life so I point you to Haggei in which all is destroyed. This time Haggai 2:23 where we have a MY SERVANT עַבְדִּי֙ which is עַבְדִּ֣ SLAVE. Denmark was and still is one of the largest slave collonies ruled using Romans 13:3 and using servitude via taxes and fees and it is canme democracy in a kingdom where they still operate a King. Me, I am not back as anything except I do not tolerate this level of continued terrror on my life followed daily and harrashed and sometimes loved and a few days ago I realized my Aunt was pure monster and that is what most become when they live out the bible. For her to get my mother to make a will for my Aunt she invented that I had threatened her life and wanted money. She went to a lawyer and paid Hans Elverdam ca. DKK 3500 and a few month after the will was created having brainwahed my mother colluding now with a Mr. Advokat Hans Elverdam and danish police and a year later in May 2017 my mother was dead by removing her insulin. Then my Aunt was killed after being illegally amputated in June 2021 and she was killed 25th June 2024 now being allowed seing phycicians 3 times and she dies a few days later.
Back to uploading each day until one day this terror stops. And it will not so I shall upload each day a topiv related to terror. Slave, ave maria. It all fits like a hand in glove. You could not make this up over night and it has been running like this for many many years so it will continue to run as the terror instruemnt it also is when someone comes along and tell a version they dont want to hear namely the version of how life became nothing but stupid games rather than actually making it work when now Trump will remove some taxes and make only America Great again. The rest can live in more servitude and each case since 2017 are now mounting to more than 1000 cases unresolved and terror on my person on a levele it overshadows Jonestown massacre. No wonder in Da Vinci Code we see self mutilations and biblical horros because they realize they theselves became slaves.
2024 September 09, 11, 12
Parthenon is porn. Lws are jagon and empty used as terror against (some) people.
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love". But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13. Revelation, end, who taketh away... how to take away love when without bible cant be contained witin since love surrounds all of bible WO IN. Today state and mafia people, some, played that love is benighn when two silly hillbilly Netto girls, nice and danishly sexy (state danish first pornographic nation (Bible is pornographic litterature and is law as greatest love go talk about WORLD OF LIES (see also Vatican depictions of nudity and sex (my sex is female or male, question)))), walk about playing their asses and best attributes. Go look at Asian girls working in restaurans of SHORTS on youtube. go start your own life and stop loving me with your hate. Thor Terror, yes, terror is derived from the word thor, is denmarks only tool to fool, terro as per Romans 13:3. Today HOME, a real estate agent also visited me tol sell my house I inherited and he is complete stupid to say the least meaning Nybolig did nothing to sell the house at 1.25mio and now HOME wants to sell it at the same price. I insisted 1.5mio but HOME wrote 1.49 mio. "Hello, 1 point 5 million" is not 1.49." I played the game as HOME did as he came to my house I just renovated for DKK 350.000 and he arived in a Mercedes Benz E class Model E. Great. If you can do so little and get a Mercedes in Denamrk then I wantto be a Mercedes! So we are back at updateing each day. Terror continues. It is soon that a website with animations and provne emprically the bible code for all to see or else you will never really believe. Even Pope Francis first really believed when he encountered me, Niels Ulrik Reinwald.
Insidently the police called me two days ago telling me I was not at my house in south Denmark. I said no and so what. They wanted to see me because I had not responded to a speeding ticket. I had and I later emailed the file and proof thereof. Police then insisted I had to admit to speeding. I said abolutely not and I would hang up the phone. Police then told me they would sedn out a distress call with a seach warrant for me. For a spedingviolation. They are fucking mad. This is how the game has and is played. I loose every time in the came also of having to give away my work on my house I interited. My wife then also looses since 45% inheritance tax criminal BTW as per EU Fundamental Rights!
Parthenon esoterically is porn. NON is 0. THE 0. THEO is GOD is O, love. PAR O. R 3 trokes makes N. PARN is PORN. Parthenon is a pornographic temple. There is absolutely nothing KING on since no king ever spoke of the esoteric world of deception. However all are born via sex using sex and is natural to the very core of life also giving great pleasure for those who know how and unfortunately not many actually do whch is why teaching is vital. So in this world of cleanliness it was and is still all porn, sex. Yes they on show it also while wish for the contestants and WHITE HOUSE to be clean yet they fight and throw dirt at each other using words between Harris Potter Kamala and Donald John Trump and as per oblivion movie replicas are born of Tom Cruise in heaven and then all blown up. Anyway, yesterday I was presented with the entiry "BIBLE" up and down. They still have not figured it out. My first Thai wife insidently was named Siriporn and she popped up all out of the blue on a swedish dating website. Yes, life is really played and they need me to be the one yet unfortunately isolated through deceptions and Jonestown methods where people watch commercials and anything related to life and are via fake COVID adjusted into the pit they say they so freely choose not to choose. They are drinking cyanide while The World is definately out of peopels control all controlled at levels which can only be described as sexual religious abuse inside a volcano while there is time to pull it off and excersise the massage of the nervesof the erect cock which just makes the brain so delighted. Must be a connection between the two. If Bible has Egypt and in Egyp is 3 pyramids in Giza, then Pyramids of Giza is death temple and indeed a tomb. Where are Giza Pyramids located?
Cases against Donald Trump. Kings needed priets to be taught as per Sun King, Versaille, but Niels Ulrik Reinwald teaches even if learning is not part of nations education or else no need for me to write a word. Am I educating? No, throwing pearls. tells of sex with animals. See: Irish Comedian Dave Allen's joke about a priest in the confessional.
The world game of bible was extended to 16th Sptember 2024. Then played again again and again one more time so many times I lost track. They call it nosepicking. Dave Allan then also nosepicked. Mr. Bean too. George Garlin too. Presidents too. No need to nosepick since it has all been nosepicked by among others Vatican City many years ago.
So world game of bible played using terror on my person and life and juli august multiple times. Also on my family aunt whom they hated. My mother too. They starting laying using ake police calls thretening and also police came to my house when I made a small fire in garden and I hld a hose yet they insisted I pay DKK 2000 to forget the matter and I said they were asking a bribe. The police carried guns. One police officer thn walked towards me when I on my own ground told the bastarthat the police wasbrimng me and by law that was illegal. he hen insisted and walked towards me lowering his hands downward twars the gun. he could have shot me on the spot on my own land for no other reason than speaking the truth and police would have lied about it. So it goes that one is entered into Jonestown massacre while sitting idle but not this fella. I shall continue now to update my website daily until it is clear that a final day is set when this fucking piece of garbage team either wins or runs out of ideas. I am plenty but I shall now update my website daily with an soteric piece of pearl because I have not and will never bow to terror neither by church and not even by Dave Allan who in hs own way neverreally told why and how and from where he had his source and material neither did Mr Bean and it does get a litttle tedious watching Kamala Harris and Trump when they both know that the underlying realities has nothing to do with a presidential debate except for the entertaiment value and personally I think nations are a fad. United. A nation is a "child" "infant" as the birthplace and babtized. Nation usinted is then nations fucing each other. Ukraine and Russia both members of UN. Go figure. I call it sexual, religios, abuse or simply the fucking and loving while killing each other. In marriage for better or worse - what a load of hogwash. My "religion" says for only good - period.
Terror by none sovereign nations state daish continues. The nation state danish wishes to imprisson me for four days on a fine for handheld cellphone and by law no such transfer of punishement is possible in the law on traffic. Færdselsloven. Highest punishment is a fine and illegally also a cut of 3 in the drivers license which is upheld via high court with a case where only such a cut can be done if 1. the case it held at high court and 2. the acused admits guilt. Neither done in this case and court then removed that obtion in the judgement a few days ago. The fine was set at DKK 750 and will be converted to four days in prison if not paid. This equals 750 divided by 4 making one human life worth DKK 187 per day. That is the value of life. One then supposedly gets a taxpayers meal, a bed. In order to be sovereign a nation is biblical and the freedoms of none religion is then not possible hence laws are signed into law by former Queen and now king of Denmark Mr. Frederik. Fred in danih language is peace. Denmark has by not providing evidense for handheld mobile also commited a crime at its court.First court meeting a wittness from the state, police, did not attend. I demanded, since police is procecution via Statsanklageren, that the case was dismised. The judgde however decided to pospose the case. I did on legal grounds not attend the second court heering a few days ago because 1. one is in state naion danish not given full protection with suppolying legal counsilpaid or by state and 2. noone shall be punished for an offense with an unproportional punishedmnt. Case is, that it is hot illegal to use one hand driving and that lifting cellphone to place it elsewhere is not using such a device same as not using any other item just by moving any item. I will upload the full court case and present a page on how nation nazi terror state daish commits crimes in court and how people are punished as a tool to tell anyone else that if they do not follow the kings Fredrisk laws then people willl be punished and this is done so using tax schemes and now inprissonment for four days. Four is not Your so they play the game esoterically and as I say when such a none offense now is punished with four days in prison then should nazi terro state nation danishuphold this conviction it is my duty to inform that I am then going to write for the rest of my life on such issues related to EU Fundamanetal Rights and UN charter on political and civil rights are bogus and a complete set of garbage because not upheld by nations such as danish nation-state. Sovereign are many including GOD and since PEOPLE are built into Bible then so are people however one is more sovereign than others it seems.
12th september 2024 is my last upload since terror continues on this day. Terror may continue as it does while writing this small paragraph which has absolutely nothing dto do with return as king. I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, simply am writing what rules are played and since imprissonment of moving a handheld device is legal in same law on traffic, færdelsloven, (håndholdt), then differences exists and none such must exists according to international law. All are equal before the law. No, not in danish nazi state which is defined in bible as a terro state in Romans 13:3.
Law of traffic
Brug af teleudstyr og andre kommunikationsapparater
§ 55 a. Førere af køretøjer må under kørsel ikke benytte sig af håndholdt teleudstyr og andre håndholdte kommunikationsapparater, jf. dog stk. 2-5.
Stk. 2. Stk. 1 gælder ikke for erhvervschaufførers brug af håndholdt mikrofon, der er tilkoblet fastmonteret teleudstyr, hvis brugen er nødvendig af hensyn til erhvervsmæssige transporter.
Stk. 3. Stk. 1 gælder ikke for kørelæreres brug af håndholdt mikrofon, der er tilkoblet fastmonteret teleudstyr, hvis brugen er nødvendig for køreundervisningen til lille knallert, stor knallert, motorcykel eller traktor/motorredskab.
Stk. 4. Stk. 1 gælder ikke for forsvarets brug af fastmonteret og mandbåret teleudstyr, hvis brugen er nødvendig for forsvarets operative indsats eller taktiske og operative uddannelses- og øvelsesvirksomhed.
Stk. 5. Stk. 1 gælder ikke for politiets, redningsberedskabets, redningskorps' eller ambulanceføreres brug af håndholdt teleudstyr og andre håndholdte kommunikationsapparater, hvis brugen er nødvendig for den operative indsats eller taktiske og operative uddannelses- og øvelsesvirksomhed. Tilsvarende gælder stk. 1 ikke for brug af håndholdt teleudstyr og andre håndholdte kommunikationsapparater, som er nødvendig for færdselsregulering, der foretages af motorcyklister, som i medfør af regler fastsat efter § 89, stk. 2, 1. pkt., har adgang til at regulere færdslen.
Police and others, Stk. 5. Stk. 1, allows in law others to use handheld devices. This renders Article 20 - Equality before the law Everyone is equal before the law perfectly ok but renders state nation danish an illegal law and thus, isnce court uses this law, renders the court illegal. This applies when EU law is implemeted however:
Article 7
Is global and counts for all including any person without title or rank. I.e. this is signed by nations such as danish and must be upheld without allowing anyone to have different rights in same law.
Article 30 in same Human Rights is thus violated by state nation danish and its courts against people. Same happens in tax laws where example large business are able to bypass parts of laws solely because they are businesses. People are as such also a business and should have the same benefits like tax deduction on living however people, private, are used to feed the system-nations with welath as salries and in state nation danish there is ca. 800.000 public emplyees and they are all on transfer income from and paid by hard labour and rendering through tax scheme wealth to the sovereign nation state. If a nation is sovereign then why have article 30 in Human Rights where states may not destroy the rights in the charter. nation state do. That is why TRUTH IN A WORLD OF LIES is hated and my person and that is why I am tried imprissoned via when a police officer in a car stopped me with blue lights and sirnee for an offence which police is allowed to do and same police office as a witness for the state did not attend the first court meting and simply stayed away later telling court he heard the phone ring but did not pick it up saying where he was. The court should have dismissed the case on ground where the state via police as the procecutiiondid not attend the meeting. Statsanklageren (district attourney US) is the procecution for police and these two entities are operated together via I then stayed far away from this court at the socong court heering since I as a wittnes can not attend. Court should then have made a thrd court heering since police as wittness can stay away as legal group. The police was given a fine I am told. This fine was only given when the judge ask me "now what" when police did not arive as wittness. I then looked up the law and said "fine" and the judge then later gave the police a fine.
I shall upload the case files and this is evidense how nation state, similar Donald Trump court cases, as also sovereign GOD upheld the law whereas dignity is thrown out and people suffer tremendously even in sovereign nation recently creatd such as Israel. Liars then makes sense. Liars also lying down. How much lying down people must do which might explain why Pope kissed the grounds when he gets to a country. The sovereign nation is a CoUNTry and thius a vagina just as VATICAN esoterically is meaning vagina. He is symbolically kissing cunt, the EARTH, the HEART. Also as the cock-heart. Is the Pope married, no, but has sex symbolically with any ground. People are fodder and no person shal be sovereign more than the ground on which that person stands. People should at leastknow the base of how world is operated and if someone is above the law, well, what does "noone is above the law" then all about other than a load of nonsense. They want change, no, same same applies. Even more of same same meaning that laws are ambigious and people live in servitude. That is why Denamrk does not wish to publically say sorry for being the 7th largest slave-nation because it still is a slave-nationmore so than previously using democracy as the tool to fool.
2024 August 18
Same same another day with racing cars and death and 2 and 1 and down and up, right or wrong. they cant make up their minds. Anyway, just a small reminder, that Donald Trump paved the way to show people that white house and corporation and democracy would have been possible yet they installed biden and wih that Kamala and with that then it is in history always needed to find and point at a vllain and Trump was made one thorugh fake cases and Trump had his 4 years perfectly alined since royal dominate and democracy dominate with babel towers and Pope France followd by black men ca. 2015 and demons must be realized or else how would one name Denmark produce a person who was able to win in 2014 with The Holi Grail intact and shit possition in Thailand demanding it was shit and CRAP yet anyone would never want to say want they want with this up and down which they themselves called cirkus solei. In movie Children of Men we see nations collapsing and one man saves the child a type jesus story. Without Bible what would world look like - well, it would not be the world. It would just be joyride for all. However bible known enough to know they still have not figured it out and keep rolling IT one way and next the other way. Circus they call it. Anyway, as promissed a small update. There has been nothing so far and all they do is vwasting time but then let em since that is what they want to win by making one person the villain, the demon, and so NUR wins again being demonizd since 2017 in Hals in Denmark. till operates using left, right, up and down. One on One played and repeated until one single person is given it all yet nothing follows thsi everything. So it must be a total fad. Except for one thing, Bible and Buddism has the writing on what is and what is expected as some people are killed like Anne Reinwald and others are hailed like Hitler for doing nothing which is what I did except I brought about it all by being myself and doing the really hard work writing TIAWOL which brough nations to linger pleasantly in the zones after Children of Men and even Pope Francis can now dress in white again. Small update perhaps more later since I shall update daily and regularly. Also today they surveil me as usual and as usual my lovetool is working perfectly and played by them as usual which strarted 2018. My comfort zone I have never had. I also paintedm y frondoor GRAY yesterday and that played too. Today I painted it black and that played too. Their car driving on road SKolebakken continues with the blesssing of a spirit and it is hard to imagine 50 years ago that a small boy would ever be envolved in such hate and disgust and being followed to the brink of their insanty so they want it and as said I dont loose I am just demonized repeatedly and thus win yet loose because such is the midn of this Ponerology World game.
I have know worse which is living with some style chrisitians among some Anne Reinwald who hated me even using love as a tool to destroy my life. My mothers life destroyed and she suffered diabetes II and was 2017 also kept in a state f being removed since her medication was taken away from her and her siste, Anne Reinwald, wanted my mohers money and used them to pay off Benny Hinn and Wommack and Anne herslf then killed by Denmark and its establishment among one person named Merete who is a state authorized foot theramist who in 2021 and prior did not alliviate the trouple with Annes feet and Merete fed Anne chopped up strawberrid in june 2024 and said: "All Anne needs now is love". Anne died a few days later being denies medical attention. Merete love is then a very short path to death which bible clearly states many times. There is much more about the life of Jesus who never lived yet is played symbolically and if anyone is demonized liek Saddam Hussein and Gadraffi then kill kill. That is the evidense of nations colluding in killing leaders and people and individuals anyone and Bible is the legitimate law allowing this yet now allowed to be done my Niels Ulrik Reinwald. Imagine sending an army along to kill Primemister of Denamrk would not be allowed. Yet, taht is what USA did killing many and during world wars there is no limit and no law and that explains the looting and hatred which stems from love. Make a law called LOVE which is EVIL and you have nations and you get the law where VIOLENCE, VOLD, is the only tool and is seen through taxes and the actual killing of people and worse continuesly destroying from within yet they feel the power of Poneroly and are allmightly and usually will group together in organisation such as NATO, EU, USA etc because alone they cant operate.
In June a clodhopper now a candidate for President: all I ask is are there only two contestans and the few smaller independant have no chance. Tow allways yet one. Biden lost it as predicted and Kamala will get 4 years or not. People can elect that which they are given to choose from and since I know the esoteric world then I also know that this is the biggest scam and charade ever and all Presidents since Washinton all leading to continued wars. Trump wants America Great Again and Kamal wants Kamala which is the opposite f being dmonized. The world game plays on and same same. Smlal details and observations.
2024 August 16
00:30: Motorcycle revs up slowly passing my house at this time of night. Not unusual since noise is produced and as I write a car rev downwards. An update each and every day plus the usual article on matters related bible. They wish me to do so and use terror on my life and has done so on many others the past 1000 years.
23:30: Usual, today I drive to my house near Germany. My Thai wife wants I drive easy. I do for the first 100 km an as I at the 130 km speed limit overtake a truck driving 90 km I am at ca. 105 km she gets agitaed. this continues for about 50 km and many danish cars starts to drive irritated and angry and later dangeroously so. My Thai wife, Asia, continue asking to drive slow. I do but at each miniscule "error" like overtaking another truck she repeats the procedure until it is done so in a way which is agitatively patronizing. I am suppose to follow Asis since I wrote about RED BEING DANG in THAI LANGUAGE all in my spirit of showing, well, where my original support was even if I had no idea of such things prior 2013 and TIAWOL.
So this agressively driving my cars on the motorway from city Faxe to my house at Skolebakken ws at one point getting very dangerous. Denmark started this war and continued it all day including many smaller insidents.
Tomorrow an article on how bible destroys peoples lives and how a beast within Bibl is the thing stuck between your legs. This is worth wuthering heights and now a drive initiated by Asis who must really hate me and my work as ell as any people I have see on this journey which is told in a bok where I still know that "Jonestown" is within a the massacre is that this beast must live for at 1000 years however those few years have passed.
I am not in support of recless driving also not via bible-jonestown behavior so once again I am not participating and I then naturally had my headlights on some part of the way because I was harrashed very dangerously by Jonestown-Asia and Danish Nazi nation today even if I work hard on cleaning up so much filth by danish church and danish christianity and Law of Jante is used on my and many persons and my Aunt murdered and myself denied four phycicians in 2.5 years.
These two can now play DAVID game together. Asia and Denamrk and since IKEA in COpenhagen now speks English I am glad o say I speak english too proving my point that one is betteer that this complete kingdom hooligang with claphats doing the bible game when the beast dies ca. 1000 years ago. Never ending story. I write as I have done and will continue so until game finished and I will knwo when it is so. If Asia so much loves Law Of jante and this world game with todays utmost crazy driving then I am not in support of anyting Asia anymore. Was but that was five hours ago. They said "what a difference a day makes". I say, what a difference a stupid 2024 August 16th game makes.
สีแดง red S̄ī dæng
Goodbye and may your destuctions be fullfilling. I am not ever participating in such a game even if I am asked to deny that 2 plus 2 is 4 or dead. I pay road tax. I also know taxation is more than 100% on all people which explains this death situation. Jonestown an experimentof great success just as world war 1 and 2 was. I had a story on my lips and mind but wont go there now since too many pearls thrown for absoluteluy no reason so now my way is to reboot this into what I myself in love of life deleted namely and since I have ben threatened repeatably since 2017 I have only one nation to thnak for this and now it speaks the language of IKEA where the CEO and or inventory boss has forgotten why they get 1.5 million kroner or more. Also see if the food can get better at IKEA because it i not worthy life to eat at IKEA but only shop but even that now is played when the inventory is removed or less or gone when only 3 GU10 LED bulps are on stock. I guess online shopping is hear to stay. Now online also with this small stupid article and this website has nt produced anything else but today very and hightly dangrous situation and I am setup playing even when I wish not to play such crazy game.
Goodbye and I shall continue to update my website and there are still so much to tell that only th eimagination is now the limit of how so little can be upwards where I now give it to be by writing this small foolish article leaving it all for them to do whatever they wish. Thank you and over and out for me. I write and wrote for peopel not for God but became God which then might be worth alot but not setting life and limb on play for so little which has yet not been seen except on with dancing women using what they have what years of evolution gave them plus some help by fucking them.have a nice fuck and do that which you tell others not to do make babylon.
Love turns hate. No, I never hated. However the mind will protect itself from this extream low level of clodhopper game. Some was interesting very ten years ago but is now ass picking the rats ass and you are elcome but leave me out of this. I will not participate in such where lives are used to play other than words are okay and today they used cars as ammunition. The ammunition of the bible, I read in bible, was words and does not justify hanging anyone to dry on a cross. They chould in fact start taking all such cruxifixions down because it is undignified to live in a world with such syvolic values makking only peopel believe they can killby driving recklessly and now I am no longer part og the game so they got it all. Satisfaction was the name of the song.
2024 August 14
Yesterday again played terror and a Mercedes benz overtakes me on the inside of the road and many showing discontent so Tileston article removed since besmudging his name as the person my family name is played yesterday by Sønderborg municiplaity as "small" (belittled) because of the story. Nations via UN security counsil and NATO and singular nations commit wars and terror example Aughanistan, Lybia without any discontent and people watch the 9 oclock news while sipping non Arabic coffee. Today at city and on return home the website sees the tileston story removed as a symbolic gesture. Outside on the road at R'nnedeveej 88 the road is still bumby and nation DK installs their round abouts with small bumps in the center meaning esoetrically the venus mount on the female genitalt no problem whatsoever. I did the same and remove and was played in a war where nice and polite only produces a game benefitting one nation China and for that my job is done. The rest is since 2021 and cutting off my Aunts legs only terrorism supported by nations and I had to learn fast however deceot and rotten wills and dishonest smiles are easy to miss. They did not want my kind of love with however their love I definately have no idea what is and I am not participacing in this clodhopper game anymore even if setup in the game I am no longer playing that unworthy "king" world game. I recall Mr. Tilestone as a smiling happy and very friendly man flying and airplane and I had no idea of his wealth but I was a child only enjoying the peel of a nation so infested with poeneroly one can only turn to become ill too which Bible perfectly describes.
It is this morning still played yet I am not playing any clodhopper game with any dane or associated or anything related to anything danish which for me is equal terrorism. I shall updat my website as I feel like it without threats on mine or anyones elses life as has ben done in nation state dk since 2017 after my mothr dies also under very very ufortunate circumstances using religion and christianity and free churches to heal her diabetes which naturally did not occur. That was illegal but state did nothing to infiltrate the crime inc. church Apostolic Church of Denamark and Pinsebevægelsen af Wommack and Benny Hinn among many.
2024 August 12
They aint got enough they communicate. They can carry a whole lot more. Story on tax evation by US citizen in nazi nation Denmark. US citizens later killed in airoplane accident. Store covered in DK media most likely fake leading to the presumes killing of a US citizen in Denmark. Story posted within a few days. So they ask for more and more will then come. I am not plaaying two entities only one and they, nation-state nazi Denamrk, still have not understood a word and still is rules by Law Of Jante. Otherwise house renovation going ok. No help from a single dane only my thai wife. ALl danes race cars outsdie on the roads and show their lovely life in a nation indepted and today a woman parks at NETTO in Mercedes bens on DK license plate and Netto is very expensive to shop in. Well, either shop cheap or drive expensive. the Mercedes on DK plaates must be worth buying near 1 mio. DKK. WHo pid for it is unknow. Photos uploaded later showing the car.
2024 August 11
One only not two nixrun or one woman and one nixrun. NIXRUN logo is a logo, dig! They played two today which is rong. They interpretate wrongfully repeatedly. Morning I masturbated and game apparently not over so again played and I shall upload repeataly until game over. They play until they got it all. I won and many new cities later none is the newest. Thye play Niels Ulrik Reinwald,, the porn king. Never was and never will be a porn. I was married to a Siriporn but that story may follow later. Previous "" or betetr yet, still in the foundry. Profound love and never flipped or circled since. They make it so yet they have absolutely no idea of who I am, what I am and my personality which is why I can do what I do because noone esle did similar without ever firing a shot as they did including repeated violence, murder attemts and murder and wars where millions dies. Recalling the murder of 69 french school girl at Shell House COpehnagen during world war 2. That insident just a minor one and hey will never ever realize the actual fact. A small update as usual sincet error continues in the way showing tits for tats and The Good Old Days and day gone by are still among us because time does absolutely not exists nor will it ever scientifically but that is a different matter not for thsi small update. I keep track of love as usual. Thye make it up as they see fit and their new cities are now forgotten and some stand as memorials as Unesco sites of that which was new biblical cities. Why dont they all live in those cities.
2024 August 10
Today they were out thus cant play but did and today it was finding spunge for cleaning in kitchen bought in Jem & Fix. I felt this as I walked about and the nasked a wonan with tattooes. As I went to the shop in my car a man with no legs in wheelchair. On the return a man in wheelchair with two legs intacts.
The SACRIFICE was played today allowing nations and their courts and police to bypass justice just as Bible describes however Bible is a fad, fake and a miscarriage. Thus back on track with many more updates and naturally a possible christmas 2024 cerasius #2. I iterate, that antrax and 911 New York was among many things also World War 2 and the installing of Israel all based on fakes just as ISRAEL spelles LIARS backwards. Taking this word play into account it is opvious, that languages are designed and not natural. They are a program language. Once dead peopel in space as placed yesterday in AREA 51 dead stonedead can play it is because I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, is fighting multiple levels and multiple groups including USA, Ukraine, Poland, Spain and all natiosn of UN and Bible and God and buddism all at the same time. Onne then plays going left and the other right. WAU, I cant win. Just as last night when somethign in the sky seemd to fly and then turned of the lights going upwards could be interpretated yet I playd my large huge cock and stroeks it smoothly until I ejaculated. My wife and I are now restoring my Aunts house so filthy it was her that was the bum including Red Cross who has a fella named George come as visior, fomr Red Cross, as a nazi personal and change agent and no more than a clodhopper. He even demanded not installing an induction cooker but old style stove because my Aunt, he said, could not see very wll and he made eys at me almost threaening as I told my Aunt, Anne, buy an induction, cheaper to run and betetr quality and easy clean. But chrisitanity and George had made her choice and it finally in 2023 into 2024 made her kitchen filthy and George, the poor sod, never asked Anne to clean her filthy dirty kitchen which me and my wife yesterday cleaned so filthy she was the bum and George and never I which I was played 100s times by nation state clodhoppers now in wheelchair now trying how it feels to be stuck in limbo and feeling The Bible just as I and many others have suffered the grusome piece of vomic in which NIMROD as a cock is stuck right down into the vagina all dandy and all as per KRAM DEN DENMARK their babylonian hill with which they also design buildings and meassurements according to Bible so that they knew that people live esoterically in DEAD houses using mth and meassurments. Their illness described in TIAWOL and no doctor worldwide has yet dared to go where one single person went namely to say FILTH when filth is seens and telle people straingt to their faces that they are betrayingl life. Anne was a victim just as esoteric bastards are as in movie Stepford Wives. Next time o visit a doctor then tell them go fuck em self if they start fucking iwhth you. My dentist all nice and dandy just prescribed antibiotica which mixed with alcohol liek one beer can cause same symptoms as ANTABUS and actually death. What fucked up medicine is that similar COVID injections worldwide including cancer medication and radiations and all sorts of medicals which kill people.
I like a good fuck and rubbing the cock as girls like it. Nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is, that the establishment made people think that life and bible did not include people. Now, a program in a computer can have bugs. Start the program and if it stalls then it ws rebboted again and again yet alone in the world - with 9 billion ohers. So fake in that sense. Virtual anything can the nbe virtual virtual. Playing today the SACRIFICE cad made me deside.
2024 August 09
Today their war continue using iblical terror. The world, word, does not engage in war: and war was defined to be the tool biblical to fight. A few days ago I emailed municipality because the road outside my house is in a terrible state, potholes. They said they will fix it. I then am the "Mayor" or "supervisor" of a municipality who is the killer, murderer and terrorist yet they do as I politely ask, to look into potholes yet they dont send me a check for doing their jorb and they, unicipality, now believes they can play me the "king" by doing as I ask. Nonsense. I was never a king as such yet played one. Police has yet not responded to my report of the murder on Anne Elsebeth Reinwald. Nations are terrorist which is proven with evidesne and nothing delivered except nothing and everything bot time delivering only fights and buddism to a NAZI complex located in Copenhagen where buddism and roman empire is collected including elephants and they really did all they could to loose yet are played to win. So my website may soon go white-mode or not. Nothing so far except wars, terror and killing by states and nations via democracy.
This website has only delivered promises as words and picture shows and otherwise only a murder genuine including attemtped murder previously since 2021 on Anne Elsebeth Reinwald. The evidense is that municipality and old peoples home and phycicians denided Anne Elsebeth Reinwald access to medical asstanse and help when she asked for it in June 2024 twice.
UNREST in United Kingdom points in one direction, namely that this is instigated by "GOD", the unrest, to demonstrate for peopel of this world, that different opinions and democracy is only a tool to fool and that the present Priminister of UK, Sir, is a royal and not more than one of many in the line of a nation who with guns and war occupied a whole world yet now demand that people dont engage in unrest via NUr, I, who only tell the story, that bblical terro is absolutely not accepted just as today when the war is unlawfully continued and a murder lingers and even if Anne Reinwald was a devout christian, it is not difficult to imagine, that since she had an abortion as 17 years she must have had a fuck and might have loved it and after that her family was destroyed since her family orininated in Faxe the city of Thor and Odin where she tried to find love and life but was murdered by the nation she so loved.
They have not figured it out and most likely will not and there has yet only been retold that which was said a million times via the word via The Bible. Police insidently also tooted their siren this morning again. So many times has it been played near yet each time unplayed so I loose and they win so I am, as said, free and have never been a king and thus all is a fake and fad played.
The Bible is a complex piece yet pretty easy. It is understandable, that nations via vikings and others decided to jump into Bible and conquer yet the simplicity is very simple. What is wanted is unknown and Anne Reinwald never received anything just as billions of peopel have been left starnded and via Bible many wars, famines, and terror. Isis is biblical and in Bible is terror and UK and the establishment have stood like King Charles and Diana wondering howthe hell one single person can produce offspring without having sexual intercouse which they biblically never had which might explain why Diana was who she was similar Taylor Swift all nice and sweet loved by most yet eventually hated by someone who found that Diana was too much of an idol for God to handle so bang bang as Sinatra sang. A million songs later and all th songs son never changed a thing and the song song 150.000 years ago by someone wandering the forests also never changed a thing. Along came someone as per movie Stepford Wives and changed the song of life for terror which includes error. T is the cross. Since nation now is played loosing by not investingating a murder just like the murder on Diana and JFK then whoever killed those must be God unless a volcano stood and speewed lava on their heads.
So it continue and they dont finalize their terror nor their systems so it continues samewise. As NUR said. Denmark helped destry the people of Hungary and also supports Ukraine earlier who now is supported again using F16 jets to keep their royal house rocking and rlling: - the primeminister is Mette Frederiksen as King is namd Frederik and Frede is pece as a danish word meaning terror and war and shit and garbage and taxes and the complate destruction of humans via socialism and culture so infested with terror that terror is all they have just as Bible tells. Denmark is and will always be a terrorist organisation.
Nosepicking is now scratching the leg of an ant or nbetter yet scratching the leg of a leg vanised illegally and Anne suffered much more pain after and the phycicians so stupid and sick and still is named a DOCTOR and still supported so therefor I am just retelling that which nobody wants to hear and there is a psychological phenomenon for his illness also called ponerology and Anne also suffred this illness. Two entities both suffering will result in more illness and they love it and two world wars and so much suffering is the eviense of the truth of this retelling.
2024 August 08
Yesterday plenty of terrorism and much evil and demons out racing agaon and again. One played a king with wo girls he was 60 years of age and said he was young based on my article aut my grandmother. No update on phortos etc since I am renovating house. they hate so much now and I am not playinf nor am I I playing being watched masturbating and surveled. Cheer NAZI nation and I shall update regularly and with many new articles on bible and hate and ugly behviors and now nazis get away with murder just as doing world war 1 and 2 and using NATO and laws to legallize killing. they killed my Aunt Anne Reinwald even and the murder started many yers agi and culminated in an aputation illegal and then murdering her june 2024 at a christian faecility Søndervang Plejecenter and I shall how the evidense. Danish NAZIS so malignant they dont even play yet lost and killed my Aunt as per Bible and police on the case meaning they again dont do absolutely noting and plenty of wars later since World War II then war is the only option and hate and death. They also play world game terorizing my peron just as they did since 1982 from Karlslunde Frikirke the most vile piece of shit church. I lost and will upload being thretened again and again and again. Hail Danish Jante Law.' the NAZI law of a buddha nation via Bible. They said I should not upload what... what deal is made. None only kilings and murder of my family just as Bible tells. They are on the road again and again racing and using that form to terorize. Much more to come via
2024 August 06
With masturbat2024 August 06ing Asia plays world game and tonight again so, as said, I am not playing. Some clodhopper just drove past my house and backfired twice with the cars exhaust. All day also racing cars outside my house doing the usual terror on worl population. Cerasius not in play but a whole new entity which is a far place from this world game of biblical proportions whihc they, the nazi state danish, cant get over. Idid not win nor leading anywhere except the biblical mayhem as a promiss which is extended gain and again without any Olympic play. Fare the well and such hate only read in a book called buddism. I laugh yet have so much to smile about. Sickness incarnated Asia noodle soup galore without any liquid.
State danish NAZI only do Jonestown and brainwashing and killing the people using bible. Evidense shown later today.
2024 August 01
The war has been reboosted again by danish state and GOD. My report to police on Anne Reinwald being denied access to see a phycician has yet not been replied to thus danish state gets away with slavery, terror and denying access to medical attension, and murder-attempts, and murder, which would have prolongeed life except the final murder. See Human rights on right to life and not death. Thus an update folowing each and every day and so many more biblical item to throw at the fire which willl not be extinguested and continued today again again. I thus consider this Asian world game for subsided and only continues to create new terror. 3 is not 1. Ener was and never will be. Then four is 3 and zero since 0 is 1 and thus 3 is zero, nothing. I win. And or the bible is Peruvia as in religion from south america related to 50.000 year calender Mayan, see previous No flipping except I do not accept terror in any form and fear was again today presented with religious thor artifact and thor in in heaven outside earth as in movie Tho The Drk World. Nine realms as in heraldic danish. Also Christ on Chrsitiansbord on an island and everythign outside stonedead. Animation website still in the making and nazi state has been going into ASH mode since 2017. Each and every day I said one as in one of all. Yes, also zero. Same as 3. I ok with everything but I dont acces shit food, shit terror on any person neither myself as has been done for 50 years. Also on people so take out the terro I did which consists of what - rhetorical.
No, not zero, nothing, 0. That does not exists neither scientifically and has not been proven to not exist. Maybe, but. Is is Mona Lisa, Eifel Tower, vatican Ciy or one of the other 10 mio temples around on earth or one of 9 billion people? Earth perhaps, which eart is it when they are loking for exoplanets habitable and then they religiously made more than one earth. Well, terror is what persists the rst I am pretty ok with when materialized to more and better that terror.
2024 July 30
NIMROD rise but dead. Dead rises as a dead piece of tissue. Imagine they want a dead cock, penis, dead on the third day dead tissue rising as a blob of gelly and after a few risings it integrates into garbage and then finally watch which happend a few 1000 years ago however only myth and busted by mythbusters. The evidense is, that I did not rise from the dead and that they dont wish I rise which is equal them saying not to rise The Bible. They proved themselves rising is dead does not happen. I never rose from and to anything. If king, what king, I ask. I waas never a king paied by law apanage by danish state. Other things rise, but that they still have no concept of biblically.
Now I am played again not uploading however I SAID THERE WILL BE AN UPDATE each and every, again, dayli, until I decide different. Based on their terrorism and murderous acts via bible just as the good fella dies in CAPE FEAR movie and James Bond series.
This morning another barrage of heavy traffic outside my house more than usual. The old peoples home where my Aunt lived for 4 month denied and canceled visit she wanted to see her local psycician has been filed as a report to the danish police today. In 2016 danish state wanted Joe Biden to be president and said that he would step down and Harris would take over. Well, see, the esoteric world is operating and democracy does not exists and "god" entity destroys democracy. An article on this topic later. Old people home and 3 others among the municipality made sure ca 9 days earlier Anne Reinwald died on the 25 june 2024 denying Anne Reinwald access to medical attention. The invoice for cancellation was send to Anne however Anne did not cancel but the old peoples home did in coorporation with Faxe municipality. The invoice is for DKK93 (ninetythree). The article on Mona Lisa takes it for granted a woman however then bypasses NIMROD and so much more including people.
2024 July 29
I go shopping in Faxe and I am again thretened on multiple levels. They have now made so much damage since 1983, 2017 into 2018 ongoing and a samll update on this will pop up in a few days. Also as prmissed n update each day plus building of the newest items photos etc. THis evening and night car agressively drive past my house each time I get up. WON yet they dead yet they play using half of what does not exists all in Disneyland After Dark (danish music group). Much more to follow since repeated threats and destruction of life and love and everything else a childhood, two mothers and a whole family and they rule by The Bible using fear, hate and guns like yesterday with two supicious looking fellas in looking liek security standing near the beef counter with scissors open in their where the gunbelt usually sits with police this after my article yesterday 29th on police used by municipality all illegal yet built into danish illegal acts that they can just walk into peopels private homes unannounced with guns two police officers and drag me out and starting to threaten my Aunt to comply taking the medicine which killed her such as strongest medication for phantom pain making absolutely no relief from her initial pain. As I write this multiple cars agressively drive past my house. There will be updates every day some small such as this. The establishment such as the old peoples home operated by a religious group and Faxe municipality then is used in this world game just as written in Bible and they cant deviate from the Bible and now run the world with the Bible just as Bible precribes. Well, then anyone should. Fear is their ultimate tool used multiple times including all sorts of harrasments which I have not mentione. One such as car driver suddenly jumping out of car with a crowbar wanting to strike me. Another motorcyclist agressive since I accelerated faster than he anticipated and felt his motor too small. SOmetimes things dont all goes as they wish. Such as when a dentist 3 times harrases me and then on the 25th july 2024 when my AUnt dies I forget the dentist appointment and email them yet I am presenetd with a UDEBLIVELSE which is usually followed by a fee of "forgetting" the appointment hich seems fair enough however I was left waiting one time 40 minutes, another time harrashed by the dentist while I sat in the chair doing so multiple times and a third time and I mentioned these insident yet the dentist found an excyse to remove me just as did the local phyccian which has now happend four times in less that3 years all because I, the patient, demand awnsers only as per healt law which they become agressive for when I have to remind them such a law exists which gives the ptints certint right. They dont care and call on the guilt and now play world game bible on my illimintaing me now a fourth time. Their system is clear, they operate the country and peopel like deepest form of terrro and slavery using among many tools taxes as burdens on peopels lives now using food pricings to make people suffer and the quality gets only worse - just as Bible tells them to operate their illegaly obtained lands using kings and queens and killing sprees. Now they play the like and love card while using threats. One small use of such is almost hillearious, they send my now dead Aunt a bill to pay for medicine including late fee DKK 100 however sends it to the adress where she no longer lives when she lived in junue prior dying 25th june 2024. I wrote the pharmacy no reply.
2024 July 22
The whole day since ealy morning terror by nazi state denamrk just a reminder hat I, NUR, am not the one initiating terror.
2024 July 20
Today I morning go to JEM & FIX a store biying paint, wallwaper, panels anyting garden etc. I need to buy polyfilla but wait becaue I save removating a house. I go home and I am teerorized and thus whole world not buyin polyfilla having to drive a scond time which I did today at 15:20 and as I drvi there they have set it up so that the road is blocked and a man jumps out from the car threatening and realizes some drivers are wathing as I carefull open the door he give up but walk towards my car with a threatening attitude. KRAM is DENth two times and will biblilically be as corrupt as ever and I thank the world game of Asia for todays continued terror. Now Denamrk has kiled Jesus two times in less than 3 years in fact in less than 3 days. Nations are dead by the bible and as I write this motorcycles some heavy traffic pass my house again terrorizing the city and the lives of people. Two men was the insident and they thre a cigaret bud in the bin where there was paper. I then said the fella drove in Faxe in the city of Thor and Odin no wonder his skills driving suits the dead gods. The insident as other were a setup. ANimationtime very eminent but again who hates one thorws pearls at and it helps nothing. Odin Tjor today proved two times the state and some people have nowhere to put it. They play games each day and Asia is in on it letting the sail fall each and every time.
Denmark only exists as a vanished flight Malaysia.
Insidently, there is no back fire since state and its establishment including dead gods pretend and play NUR is somehow back. They are fucking mad I as never anyhere back or front always at the same location.
2024 July 18: Buildup of animations and the story told to tell people who are alive, that nations have and still terrorise people through religion, christianity. Today I pick up my wifes car. Bill paid however missing some. Mchanic asks for 2 more hours since he used 3 hours. I then paid for all 3 hours. This was played and I lost and I had a couple of nice friends visit me today and as they left two girls walks upwars the hill whee I renovate home. I lost also because not possible to support in saving DKK 1600 for a Suzuki motorcycle for the couple who are christians. Halleluja. No help is better and now I spread the word that and being taken to the drycleaners by christian fellowship is the norm of the day. The buildup to animations and major overhaul delivering what was destoyed through state and "dansih judas" terrorism the past almost 10 years. Helping people is better not helping.
Denmark washes its hands in dead bodies, war and gives white elephant royal to whomever that terrorizes others. - state danish and its warmongers can do war year after year. Then Iam supposed to not win. No point taken. Theny yesterday I as played thorugh phamacy in Denmark, Faxe, when they related to an invoice for my dead Aunt mentione HELPING PACKAGE which is also named AngleKIT and help people who fear dying so it is a combination of drugs mostly used to keep the staff at ease. I was then supposed to believe my aunt Anne Reinwald received such a package. The establishment through previous workers in gornavnce made sure she was moved to an old peopels home where the state had full control of the way she was going to die. Munnicipality had used police as a private shield to rid me and tell Anne via threats that she should comply or else there would be reprecaussions. This is what Asia and especially China supports when they sell roducts for unknowing elderly peopel who suffer of a lareg scale back 1000 years. Never mind what bible tells us about suffering. Human lves have no meaning in the world of big business. I call it V V victory for myself and have now escpaed staying in the loop of bible and I can do as I like. I mention China and Asia since they were where I was "babtized" as an Emperor changing a whole world yet only thatis left is the old guard politicians and the Nvidia who still hads not installed something which can run planet Earthexcept via AI branwashing through micrsoft. X, twitter the bird and all the same as we follow how NUR escaped it alland now stand as in Gladiator free from circling inside the washing machine of hell. Same is same and the difference is, that they hate me for doing what was the right thing do do as per bible. Bible is the sole support of this world yet nobody actually preaches or reaches for the actual story and people suffer worldwide. I won or not now I am free and they are still being cruxified.
This morning at 7AM I was again played and they learn and use my tecnich. I would blow my car horn as in Thailand when peopel pass a tempel. Clodhoppers did not know this untill I told them it was so. Now they use it too and blew the car horn yesterday as well s sounding sirenes which has been used to tell taht I AM NEWS. Well, who would be lieve it unless you hear it for yourself - in Thailand - where I was instaleld as EMperor and even as God and larger as partner of everything and nothing and had both. I have added virtual 500 animations and many chapers which are in the buffer after danish state establishemnt has terrorised people and continue to do so with also support of F16 to Ukraine because Ukrain is wished to become member of EUrope. Why? No reason other than to establish roman empire n a scale never seen previously. People are the numbers counted as dead and as I type this, then a car blows it horn again today. Well, I won. There is only to write it again:
2024 July 16: They and IT follows me yet play following themselves. Since my upload yesterday terrorism continue this morning and does so all day by nation and their henchmen. Morning as I wake at dawn cars drive past my house and terrorism is in Romans 13:3 allowed. Then why not mine if it is. They do it, I DO IT. Notre Dame burned yet reconstucted. They invite terrorism but I dont do such - I spread the word like the justice with a sword and a scroll. THAT THEY HATE so much that one person did what they never wa absle to do. I have added virtually 10.000 new books and 1000 animations since one month back and they continue their terrorism. Chrisitansborg Casle the center of democracy via has a white elephant - they are royals. Who? The democratically elected PEOPLE. STM esoterically is OOOO and there are too many coninsidences for me to be wrong. Aqua D'Or on their table so the takeover is completes as per Al Jazera 2018. They tell me TWO is roght so two they get now #2 and it will be easy this time but will take some time to reconstruct because I AM living too but hardly by a nations benevolence and hatred. Five Pointed star TWINCKLE LITTLE STAR WONDER WHAT YOU ARE was not enough. Pensionist in Denmark left to die and suffer while paying ca. DKK 15.000 monthly with an income of 11.000. Burials costing DKK 60.000. Taxes a hoax since Denamrk is not Denamrk for a very long time. Denmark is a copy past job just like lamps originates in Asia and are sold as DANISH DESIGN on Who said lies who said fake. Where is the original even Adolf Hitler never found it in the movies Indiana Jones. Education costing student loans. Hospitals not able to do preventive care and a healt system which leaves people very ill because the economics of healt is to keep people ill. See Democracy is socialist welfare without a spine and without life while production of pig fodder for exports occupy the land. Taxes on car. Taxes like V.A.T. on everything even a bottle of Aqua D'Or. Life cost 250 but life receives only 50. The equation is simple and so and tax revenue calculate how to extracts from people and the extraction continue even far worse than any real royal house who today stand like symbols of emptyness doing absolutely nothing. One system taking over where the first sytem failed yet the second system also failed even worse than the first system.
2024 July 08: Revelation 22:15 "For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie."
Yesterday my neighbor children playing in their swing and a teenage girl standing on their staircase yelled at me while I was working in my garden: "Jeg elsker dig" (I love you) while they multiple times laughed and saif "Hi!". (see sing a song religiously praising "I" which the girls did yesterday since I am played Ringmaster!) This was done in response to my article on NOT NOT. Thus state danish now uses small girls to play biblical games and in doing so loose since they use IDOLATOR" which are biblical dolls. I love you is making a lie or even if you lie down in bed you are an idolator and a liar. Blair and now small girls used to play buddha world game. Log should be fileld with such but keping tract of em all is going to fill 10 GB and would not fit the purpose except I add now any item I please and since my life has been destroyed and no resolution when acually again winning again and again their is no real victory. On yesterday I watch a sports woman so sexy she should not be in the Olympics but in miss universe. Also Korean girls danich at football games as cheer leaders with short pants and minieskirts. What is the purpose? To sell via sex a game which contains nothing but a billion dollar industry all sold via sexual virtual relations. So thye lost again by playing their game. Disney World HONG KONG says "LET IT GO LIKE NEVER BEFORE" yet they dont and the only way they won this game is by playing this silly catand mouse game with trick and treats of no importance but bugging and teerorizing peopel worldwide where dnaish nation produces Israel Hams war in october 2023 and many more wars even before I was born in 1963 napolion wars example. Whosoever are now small girls used in this game and I aint playing. Nation states are treatening their way through this and I stand with the same resolution as in 2013 into 2015 yet one is encountering this nation-biblical terror in order to return their benevolent favours and state dnaish started this in 2017 excalating it into 2018, 2019, 2024. The girls were standing without, outside while praising love, I, and in doing so are as I said, dogs. Even that they said was wrong. They dont evene know or believe their own foundation. Next follows the cock and the root of the cock written in pheudo languge for the enlightened. Ego or eye Ἐγὼ then being egoistic is being a dog and a idolator etc. I play my cock as any other healthy and bible tells of this and TWINCKLE TWINCKLE LITTLE STAR ... WONDER WHAT YOU ARE is a cunt and cock. γένος is from Genesis the offspring og the sperm where begat was all that was done. Δαυὶδ (Dauid) ever heard of a druid. Rhetorical. Built into everything so letting it go is like a walk in Disneyworld without reality. It is called makeup for that reason. A world built for the purpose of supporting something which destroys. I can masturbate and watch anything without being reminded until they place a load of noise and hogwash in front of my ears and sight. With TWINCKLE I in 2014 won the whole world. It is a childrens song and about something between the legs and as many danish songs for kids they are esoterically about pork, sex and whores. Such as MULAK MULAK MAK MAK which is Thai transcribed for PIG LOVE PIG LOVE VERY VERY MUCH. Pige is danish word for girl. There it is - they do it and doing it yesterday makes them have virtul sex with THE LORD JESUS and bang bang baby shot em down. Now danish state and game playes just killed girls and I did absolutely nohing except I returned their "Hi! wondering when their family would cut the hedge which they have not cut for month.
2024 July 07: Small update after a few days of threats again as per 2014, 2017, 2018 into 2021 and 2022, 2023 and 2024. Each day a small update similar later more to come with documentations, pictures.
2024 July 04: yesterday even on a funeral day, they sabotage and terrorize. Today again by using their cars to drive past my house. The log will keep track of this plentifull noise even now delivered quitely. Anne dies and death is small and it decays and gets smaller and eventually withers away. State too and nations too as per cripture. Ben Carson chosen as Vice President (as seen on last night and lies persists). Nice. Strange how The World choose a man 2016 as president and now flabbagast their own choice. Is any choice any good since death is the goal and never was - rhetorical. My website will be going into recoveray mode and when is uncertain. One thing is, certain, the funeral of Anne was the culminations of christianity and they helped deliberately the past 3 to 4 years to push her into the grave by given her a place to sleep at an old people home best described as DEATH ROW. From death to death. Her friends are now bewildering wondering how easy death is as per one single word. I shall continue as I please now since I am not part of the hillbilly nosepicking vomit and I staep aside to think in my terms because I am certain that they have absolutely no idea since 2013 and since a long time ago and that makes me very confident. They will terrorize further and that is all they have and one day they wont know they are dead too. It took only 1.5 years to build and 10 minutes to delete it. Death happens faster or dying started when you were born as per danish priest yesterday doing the necrophelia with corps and candles in a ritual with which state tried for 93 years to destroy her and her family and still do. The evidense is wars on people when nations kills millions because one nation hates another like Saddam Hussein. Ben Carson loves his nation. Democracy for me is a fad and a thing belonging at Desert Storm and when a nations can choose a President and next hate him, democracy is a very strange place. The priest also said The Moon was cold and void and had no light. It is hard to imagine reality when matter gets to be so small we cant even imagine such. What makes electrons "dance" and "swirl" and movement may be life too. Minimalism is not a concept invented by mankind. Carson is a brain surgeon and perhaps he can operate or tell how to fix this strange place where death is so mysterious yet so lovely yet so plentitudous that not even bible has any idea then nor now. A funeral where words were spoken yet not one sngle word made the atoms of The Moon stop operating nor did gravity cease to exist. The church surrounded Anne yet Anne need no church. Also the bricks and morter moves with its atoms but who caes when the wind is howling and teh temperature makes you shiffer. Come death is now a reality yet they demand it must dies again and again and again and so be it.
2024 July 2: CNN: Biden issues a warning about the power of the presidency – and Trump – after Supreme Court’s immunity ruling. Biden at 00:45 thus condemning courts is thus condemning democracy since courts is art of the judicial democratic syste, of USA. Biden is in favour of non-democracy. Suppreme curt US is written into US constitution. Biden condems US constitution - and democracy and thus people. A court is based on kingdoms where royal courts exists. The White House is a royal palace where oval office is the biblical egg - Easter + if you can find it and NUR can. Danish NAZI state is in support of Biden since NAZI state daish is ruled by socialism via Mette Frederiksen from party Socialdemokratiet where danish constitution BTW forbids parties in governance as rulers. There is only one rule in state NAZI danish and that is all 179 member of the whole parliament rendering democracy illegal rendering the dnaish NAZI support of Biden a danish NAZI state condemnation of democracy. Danis state is purely a dictatorship and the evidesne is its constitutional paragarf 4 in which bible is danish NAZI states foundation. Who in this foundation (Bible) was ruler and king? US has the same foundation via WE THE PEOPLE and US courts IN GOD WE TRUST. Biden speaks solely from teleprompter. Biden mentions GOD thus issues democracy obsolete as per US foundation bble in which there is no democracy. Double speak.
Insidently, clodhopper chess game world is yesterday finished and is now played by and as hillbilly leftover puke - again violating humans dignity using sabotage (biblical) and terror (biblical) via danish NAZI states establishments.
2024 June 23: Yesterday played again again same. Temperatures chilly in the north and summer is cold aprox 10 to 15 celcius most of june now getting better. I was in garden cutting grass and multiple carsgaianracing passed my house on a saturday on a quite road. Juli may be better wether. No updates for some days since I decided o see what wouldhappen if no writing. Nothing happend. Same sasme. I cut my lawn yesterday and it wasinterpretated, sin I cut 3 rows, that somehow late evening and today that was played as me doing anything else but cutting grass. Furthermore also played Mercedes Benz logo down 3 that to same as above - nothing. They have not figured it yet and no more peals since all my pearls left nothing but noise daily. Back to updating my website daily perhaps with some photoes. In fact for 40 years played unaware and this goes back to early school when I was 10 years of age. I was right on my minimal small book TIAWOL on most especially to corruption nationwide at all nations however Uruguay has no official religion go figure. So much to write so much written allready and I know the foundation which explains it all but one has to read or else one does not know. Today an email from Aliexpress timestamp 09:40 AM however that is wrong both.
2024 June 06: Another win win day for nur. Then NUR was played again again. This time not delivering Sildenafil which works with vasodilation of blood vessels which for peopel with hypertension aliviates high blood preassure and also beefits erection via nitric oxide. My local phycician has again denide me medicine and this has been going on since epseicialy 2015. Now my blood pressure is higher which means erection is harder to obtain alone because the blood presssure rises. Medical staff in this Hitler nation supported by other nations is making people ill and today I was played this card on my health and I tried getting the phycician to talk but they chose not to reply back.
I have then ordered online something name J ARGININE which might help I never tried it. Now my blood prssure is elevated and phycician Guderup Lægehus makes me and others ill with the effect that has on bodily fuctions. I am now in totaul clearance with theis nation being run like a nazi state via fremasons and their affliates. 2018 I was "scared" using fear mongering saying China would leave me in case I would be favoured elsewhere. Well, this hapend a few weks back. Chear all I am now blanco casa vie and happily so because I play only when the world game is honest and able to be played. This is nonsense. I win and then I look up MEDICINE is bible from greek word because of this play using my healt and voila bang bang I lost and in doing so I win. If nobody knows who wote the bible then I deem it obsolete. Let small teen age girls (as per city Ribe danish state church handle opening a door) wiggle their clitoris as they dream of Jesus the NIMROD.
I am back at updating and there are 1000s of words to turn bible into a graveyard. Cheers for now over and out. I won at least 250 times yet played even after reaching the finish line and passing it. Now I am left with a higher elevated blood pressure and no medicals until I can see the physician next week. I no longer am avaiable for playing this game since I was played so many times it now looks like a pile of bile only. Otherwise looks liek a C++ program but it is very hard to compile since I did it in the shortes time ever. yet played showing lovely women while asking to live from the dry sands of the arena. My health destroyed like many other peopels in danish nazi nation and now again elevating my blood pressure without vasolidating medicine. Bothe out and in in Bible is death and I did not make the errors and I would have lied the actual bible code be what makes the image and vision I saw back in 2014 now made into a pile of bile rather than visions. I was laughed at then and tried made ill again. I stand tall and I update today awaiting the next fake move or whatever and then I shall start processing the code which bible says must me done named SPREADING THE WORD.
2024 June 01: Same same however yesterday played again and today played again even if no neon sign told me anything all ambigiously played. Now I sit outside ejoying Sun real and have naturally enjoyed myself when playing like any women loves to be licked. Love is amazing. Much more love and much more as Pope and whole world enjoys fishing and being fished now that a whole world knows world-foundation-code thank to me or at least thanks partially to me on the large scale. Many knew:
"For those who knew; it was oblivious. For those I taught; it came easy. For me it was the most amazing time."
And I told the story as I found it. Nobody told. Nobody educated. Many loves later, it all makes perfect sense. Wau, was I only taught about Victorias Secret as worlds foundation naturally, I would have never written TIAWOL.
Insidently, I said a few day ago in fun:
"Hi, where would you like to go to?"
"Yes, I go to to."
I laughed it was a joke. To is dnish for two. Then clodhoppers played me being a flipper now me playing bible being two when I said oneand or zero many times as per NY City One Tower WTC and Apple headquaters circle. That has been done before includingcirclehset in state dnaish.
Today also Trump says State USA is facist. Yes, faces in house is of that meaning. Faces are corn straw bundled together and that is where the word facist is derived fomr ancient times when grain and seed was equavilent of life. Good Trump, you say what I said. Your court case as you say not vital but you were a great President and the establishment dont like that. As I write this two bycycles one man and one woman drives past my house looking in my house as the pass. So now playing "two" yet earlier played @two@ was wrong. Now right. Ambigious.
2024 April 26: I am updating with a small piece since now I am played standing on one leg with one arm in the sky and my hair colored yellow while I am looking at saying I have two legs, no arm in the sky and my hair is grayish. Shorts on and itself mostly contains the last reminence of anything called genuine free and Internet is being twisted into a brainmachine similar Jonestown massacre and my book TIAWOL said to be all wrong and if so, then letetrs and words are wrong and if they get it wrong, then interpretation is all there is left which is why there are lawyers needed to deal with laws because laws are ambigious and bible too ambigious with qbit in Revelatiosn where 1 is 0 and visa versa flipping on and off explaining the fame attempts to build a qbit chip which has allready been made with brain and nature. Humans like to copy and onc senile and brains stops working it shows that people are no longer people but blobs of jelly which explains the need for royals to have sex with their own families producing their ofpring as memory but making genetically malfunctions which has been transplanted into cultures, nations and all of humanity of many centuries. Churches are castles. Cities was castles now made into taxhavens which explains why people in nations dont live in heaven since peopel pay taxes. The need to taxhavens is proof taht people are utsdie or rather considered living dead yet they "beleive" they are alive because they can perform basic tasks such as doing sliding a cellphone up and mostly down making the apperance that what goes down goes up. Bible is a copy xerox of nature and if Earth is copied then wthere must be two. I choose the real Earth without the need to reinvent a new word or Earth since whatever I write is misinterpretated into oblivion. That is why I know that I am absolutely right even when I am wrong and now played nor uploading or uploading. However a small update until life and bible delivers and since old peoples homes in state nazi danish is basically death-rows (as my videos and pictures prove including voice recording) then "Asian (O NAZI) spirit" is ψυχή which is psychí which is a goddess mythology. Notice the trident with ψ.
Golden Ass and Downing Street 10 have one thing in common. Since Churchill never give up and stands as a bust at White House Oval Office 2016 why should anyone give up. Up no longer exists it is said. Now all nations are down on Earth where else, rhetorical. Obelisks and Pyramids makes no difference in what is up without the c. Falsehoods is ψεύδος psévdos and we get the trident ψ again.
Definitions of pseudo
Combining form
1 supposed or purporting to be but not really so; false; not genuine.
2 resembling or imitating.
Nations based on bible (all nations) are then falsehoods and or simply pseudo as imitations, falsehoods. See movie The Imitation Game.
Here she is and thus all greeks god and goddesses built into Bible. Bible is a fuckfest where all gods joined as one particular yet they are all there as greek gods fucking around. Life, love, spirit, same same.
Depicted in art then Playboy Magazine wher eancient art was much more intising telling what was really happening: Cupid and Psyche. Victorias Secret. Whats new pussycat Tome Jones. Same same. yet they hammered it was different and when I am right, they said I was wrong. Helped, two ways at the same time, they are insane. The butterfly symbolized the "wings" on the cunt, pussy. Labia. That is why Boing aircraft and aircraft are consinered two in one namely fuselage as vagina and cock penis a fuckfest in the sky. Thailand Airways slogan "Smooth as Silk" is reference to cock and pussying being smooth. And we find the Labia in Bible: as χεῖλος where χείλη is Labia. You dont ned imagination, just Bible, spread thwe word is fucking and showing it and or telling that Bible is very smooth.
Movie VENOM (viper) made from Bible: and you see lips in there. We are simply dealing with sexual intercourse and matters on all peoples mind. We are deeling with the productive organs and organ is a musical instrument in church. Play the organ. Pipes flutes play and air rushes through. You get the thrill as did Michelel Jackson and Whitney Huston when they realized it was all cock and cunt and they built castles like an Elvis.
I said "same same" multiple times and here they are marrried in white and tux which is based on bible where bride is white and groom is black and white: and nations chistians say the veil is not wanted in western european countries yet same nations demand burka can not be worn howeevr the veil is the burka symbolically and practically hiding the brides face from world until unveiled in bible. They ask for new they get old and same same. The people in the photos are relatively young yet do as they are programmed to do dress and marry yet they beleive they are oh free and do things like this of free choice. They are programmed but nice.
2024 April 24: yesterday I visited my Aunt 93 years of age. She is partially acting ill and my cousin and her friend family phoned me saying Anne was dying. She was not so fake. They play same same gaim as in 2021 june. I then returned home and weather is great. Now their illness I documented with recording video showing old people home in Denmark like graveyards and Anne Reinwald, a christian, and a christian friend of hers, Wagner, died from cancer not many weeks ago. Law Of jante being played out but they like to called it Wizard of OZ. Heck, go to las vegas and cheat the house and call it slight of hand. Go and trick some old woman and me saying she is dying, they are actually palyng themselves dying telling me Anne Reinwadl is yesterday dying. I have reported the insident malnurance of Anne Reinwald she lost at least 30 kilos in eight month. I also emailed governance telling on malnurance andmaltreatment and amputations illegally as seen in journal. I may take time to write the full story and create a page on this issue because democracy is a tool to put popel in cages like animals working hard, paying taxes and then when old just being placed in a position of waiting for a box to carry them out payd for at almost 100000 kroner for a funeral typical in this nation. Membershp og church state makes the price cheaper but that is a way to make people members. Member benefits at the final journal in a nation who cant pay for the last rite and funeral after Mærks mcKinney Møller makes billions with Novo Nordisk people are left like animals in a cage. I am naturally updating my website because of more threats and I do not accept threats of any style.
See also and I have photos and videos showing Anne Reinwald starved.
Amazing Grace:
2024.05.22: yesterday, as usual, I noticed the Apple logo on iMac placed bottom low.It is eaten partly. Logo is black on the 2010 iMac. It refers to among other Genesis 3:6 where Adam and Even eat fruit in center of garden. Previously just earlier, God tells the mthy will die if they eat it. God is the serpent is cock is Lord is Adam is Eve and in eating apple they eat bible. It is called gone. vanished. In Genesis 3:7 we are tolf they are now naked. Yes, after sex. Now the eyes are open. EYE is Jesus is God is OP EN and OP is UP and EN is ONE now dead as little death after sexual arousal and ejaculating in orgasm. :7 is the number for 007 for licence to kill and this corospond to little death. 7 is Gods numvber for for death in bible. BIBLE is esoterically APPLE because I equal A equal O. They eat BIBLE. This was played yesterday and I was tred so went to bed around 10PM and morning around dawn I as usual play with myself very sensative and lovely feeling. I thought about last night knowing also I was played in this world game of sex and deceptions and lies. Palestine now recognized by 3 states. Why 3? Because it it the esoteric number in bible for "everything" for eve but also for nothing up there above the clouds in a tower of gold. Was Palestine ever removed? Then any nations can be removed in fact bile at Genesis 3:6 says so. However now cursed Adam and Eve go onto begat Cain and Abel and we are back at insestious sex with also self in that bible contains esoterically only one single person, 'god'. It is named ONE FOR ALL ALL FOR ONE or OUT OF MANY ONE as in States come and go and are all based on Bible. Bible installed as software on this planet and all followed and created kingdoms sameness from Stonehenge with stone erected as a word CHINA or at least 5 letters each with 3 strokes and I is 3 strokes too and C are top left and bottom bar [HINA. I, NUR< was played won if either played myself and or went white meaning at bed after midnigt which I did because I got up just past midnight and said so and then all night went white in doing nothing. Now I am played again and a yellow (potatos) truck whoosed past my house first northwards then later southwards playing me twice. they do whatever and are nosepicking an ant and if not one the the other. I call it check mate. Netanyahu calls it lies. Palestine recognised. Many dead based on terror as in Romans 13:3 where governance by god is allowed to do terror for god. God is a terrorist yet tries to deal with this program full of bugs and blue screen of death as in WIndows 95. I see Bible as software. I see an algoritms played now Palestien class created and Netanyahu calsl it lies as did Yuval Harari. belief is no longer anything to do with this world game and religion. it is purely a piece of software on hardware which definately needs to be instaleld with a new operating system perhaps similar but when the registers EAX are eaten in the computer and the whole computer and the logos, word, then as per I no longer need to beleive. I know and load bible into a computer and the result must be the decendant of Cain and Abel all cursed. I yesterday spoke of Genesis 3 now 3 nations have recognised Palestine. Next would be to fix the software called Apple perhaps install Linux across all nations with a version of bible where bible can actually be government and not clodhoppers or and someone who thinks they have it all figured out because I dont. A computer called Apple and software program called Bible where at least a court system would be able to recognize that neither I and probably you wish to be cursed or demonized even if both sits betwen the legs. progress here, progress there. New versus old. When I wake up in the morning I think of Joestown and World War and I dont want to have such as my reality. Tomorrow I wake up and Disney World is removed and something created as a piece of software running this planet and not babylonian darlings building castles for themselves as CEOs of large multinational corporations where such is far larger than any Sun King in France. it was easy to program people into drinking cyanide in Jonestown and making a whoel planet wear mask during Covid but it is impossible to believe without software runnning which would make everyone genuinely same. A small update a little larger than expected because of 3 nations recognising Palestine. Gaza strip is another fad. When I wake up tomorrow I will now at least realize that my country is back on the map, whereever it is.
Cherubim is Genesis 3 is insidently cauliflower - in the garden of eden.
Garden Eden and cauliflower and swords in Genwsis protecting the gates to garden. Castle and garden is god and everything outside is outside The World (sword) non existing or in democracry where you are not even people only called taxpayers because royals are adam and eve living in the castle in the garden enclosure. At least royals are decendant of Adam and Eve and cursed - if you believe.
Insidently, Adam and Eve were naked before Gensis 2 now naked again. Must have been a nice warm climate never mind climate change.
2024.05.20: Not much difference same noise delived outside on the street where I live. Log kept updated once a day. Weather lovely now in most of Europe and I love warmth and enjoy my balcony which I started building last year. My wife on holiday in Thailand visiting family. I had my car repaired which was very nice since the catalyst flexpipe was broken and needed fixing. A small update yesterday moved to this log page. Log filled with mostly items of less importance. Following the news on Israel and someone in United Nations might understand that since 1945 the war has ben kept alive and media reports as much as possible but not much happens - perhaps now finally israel may find a solution allowing Palestinians to live on the land. African nations needs safari and without real wild animals safari is hard to do. Perhaps animals are fed when tourists visits and safari is almost real. What would Palestinians need more than some land to live on similar other nations. In my contry people pay a hefty price for ownership in taxes but land and housing and food should be shelter for all people. In my country there are still homeless people but I think the reason is based on some fakes when homeless sit outsid a shop as they did in Sweden 2017. Heck, if possible, I would call governance and demand housing for the homeless but governance dont deliver and the taxes people pay for ownership of a hosue could build housing for the homeless. My ideas dont work in a democracy.
2024.05.19: NIXRUN logo is down (NUR said that fact many times (also up, which is down, taking word "bible" into account)). "Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee" (title cropped by CNN) is Rembrandt depicted low right in blue dress. NUR was played Jesus a few days ago. Rembrandt a disciple. CNN refers to the painting as if painting was documention of the characters presense. It is not. Rembrandt lived ca. 1500 years A.D. and was not present nor was Jesus. Read words by J. K. Rowling can produce pictures, motion pictures. Galilee a circle. Gal is danish word for mad. See That is why the two women are looking at an empty painting, a circle, nothing. 3 red chairs are then "bib" in word "bible" and is NIXRUN where i is both NIX and RUN. The two women now knows why their nations, based on bible, has nothing signified after end of IN words AMIN. That also, probably, explains why the painting was stolen probably as a support-story for media and nations to avoid Revelations outcome lasting 1000 years in theory starting year 32 A.D. BTW, a truck with something looking like a sail drove past my house this morning. I smiled. On the left Horus (Egyptian bird) is seen. Right a cardinal probably. Is 3 red chairs then empty or vacant or both or ready to be seated since we are dealing with 3 and they are down, not up. Mistaken or right then great. The eagle-bird is then Horus and hor is whore. Back at the origin, the root and wings flapping makes a bird fly made an eagle. Everything touched. If facts are 3 red chairs based on a lie, then everything is red.
2024.05.19: Log of email yesterday 18th.: email.wish.2024.05.18.png. Notice times. Times, numbers, used to communicate and tis is how played the past five odd years. Usually I get emails from 3 times a day during the whole day and not within the hour. 666 is the mark of the beast (b east). The 3 numbers to the right of time are 50, 34, 23 two latter are related to after Revelations chapter 22:21 where it goes to chapter 23 which a movie is called where number 23 pops up all the time. Covid in action. Then I am suppose to "handle" this and choose. I have said now many times I dont but no matter waht I do they play whatever I do even masturbating and how many ties and ejaculating or not etc. I shall kep the log going until June where I consider me played "Jesus" was no success since it is unimaginable to play world game bible considering 30 odd years of my life was lived in Jonestown. However I was fortunate, not, to then read and know bible and see it in action on how bible destroys families, lives and whole nations and I also know from bible how the fix is suppose to be however since TIAWOL the big plan was destroyed and a 1000 years of beast let loose was hsortened to perhaps less than 10 years. This may explain why I yesterday was setup played 666. I thought is was just no sex since I know mark of beast is also 662 so late in the day I suddenly realized it must be 666 for mark of teh beast which insidently are the six lines of code on barcodes scanned. 2 thin black lines 3 of them each 6 making the barcode 666. Then I came along with TIAWOL title design in Asia. Log continues to June 2024. (potplants, ALOCASIA). It is now so sick (bible on 1000 years of beast) that they surveil me writing this log this day this minute and clodhoppers drive pastmy house making noise based on my writing. We are dealing with bible and actually not my log since nations knew bible and 1000 years and they never saw me comming which is why I am damned by especially nazi nation in the deep north of scandinavia. A horse has four legs and just cant help it. Now nazi state blames the one in bible doing what I did heck nations states adopted it so must now live with it but they simply cant get over it that one single person, I, did all that and I myself cant hardly imagine doing what I did - it just happend. Logs till june 2024.
State danish delivering continued terro on my person leads to me writin a few articles. Then with article IS hamas starts shooting and Israel responds. War and psyops and 'god' in action delivering sacrifice. is again the work of state danish proof is similar during world war 2 and slavery where danish state was sevents largest slave nation now the largest as an experiment on how to control peple using taxes and democracy to keep peopel enslaved.
2024.05.18: An update on some positive notes since two days ago so crazy that some now drive like in MAD MAX and unfortunately sometimes one tends to end up in other drivers angry driving-style and it become as in poland or Vietnam a drivers hell on the road. Vietnam especially is like crazy but they know - so normal. If they drove like that in state dansih then drivers would really know driving similar in Bangkok where pedestrian crosings are not respected and one soon learn how to manage trafffic. Vietnam has a style where drivers on the road drive as if joosting. Fist time you experiencee it is a new experience in driving. In the last moment drivers will then go in their own lane. I had a truck do this the other day and actually trucks would drive similar in 2021 telling me not to visit my old Aunt and later I forced myself to drive visit her and her leg had been amputated. That is the style I have been exposed to. I came only late a few days to my Aunt and I would have been able to save her leg but they cut if off to scare her as a devout chrsitian and me. THis is the way they have done for centuries. It sounds like out of a movie and thatis how hey do the show using fear and threats and also real malpratice similar in movie as Hostel 1, 2 and 3. later this horror insident was played "away" and I had a taxi-tour allowing me to win yet I was played to loose.
Say hello to YURIYA: she showed up on my among many similar. Asian at its sexist (wau) and there are similar also westerners and one in Spain named Laura wih a channel showing dress rehersal try on. Now the invention of see-through-dress has been invented. In this segment, the girl actually seem to show here pussy. This should have been he dress code when I went to school heck it would be a party every day longing to attedn schoolrather than boring teachers. s modern content is naturally natura in action. I find nudity very okay. All are nude but we have taught that natural is something hidden. Entertainment and popstars ex Britney Spears does half nudity and some popstars do sexualmovement Elvis and Jackson. The world of entertainment is as in Spatacus series very nude and sex is usd as a trade object and item to sell the product whatever the product is from slavery to emperors. Love is amazing. Love wins all. A very small update as promissed on this page since I am played "perhaps uploading, maybe not" and I actually only use articles on frontpage when things by clodhoppers become very sickening. Then this Lovetracking only an small update per day.
2024.05.16 Today also by Asia 3 visits at the mechanic when I went to city Ringsted for repair of car. All way cars followed me and many drove careless and dangerously also for other traffic. Asia came to the repairshop trying to use "spirit asia" from bible on me trying to tell me something like visiting my Aunt who had her legs sawn off illegally. Amputated. Ambigious played as per my article a few day ago. Asis now plays clodhopepr with clodhoppers and it suits them fine because that is what clodhoppers, hooligans and similar do join against one person, me, who has only written a few articles since 2017 and otherwsie I am listned in on surveiled by state, clodhoppers and Asia and China and Thailand all haters and now using ambigious language to communcate first doing a, then b and fianlly they do f.. So I today decided to not participate except for the usual and I shall expand and redsign my website as per myknowledge of terror by state, courts and Israel and Hamas all started by clodhoppers in state danish in 2017 leading to more than 30.000 people killed by Israel who only went to war againit Hamas who is ighting injustice gansinPalestinians and finally syte danish started a war with the support by Asia nation in 2017 so the dead people including two world wars are all do blame on bible and if nobody will stand by who made bible then it is total garbage. Someone wrote it. It leads to China. China denies it and was exorcised with Queen Elisabeth in 2015 based on my book TIAWOL who Asia named. Jinping Xi sns as a royal in gold carat. Nations use people to play games and kill anyone they desire costing whatever. I have been thretned similar Princess Diana and China and Asian nations just sits on their hands. They did nothing to help and support Diana who was similar Charles threatned. Today also a motorcyclist jumps at my car trying to smash my window on my car at shop near Søndervorg. This because I drove out from a road and he was angry since he was speeding and moved faster than expected where only 40 kmh is expected near and close to rounabout. This done as a htreat and attempted violence after a whole day of Asian and China supported hate and terror on one single person, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, writer of TIAWOL and maker of so much hated by all people and 3 young girl went passed me as I walked to my parked car and similar attitudes has been going on for five yers. Also danish court is violating international regulations such as UN Civil and political Rights. Court dont care. Asia dont care. International Criminal Court dont care. Proof is tht Palestiniansa are used as fodder for terror byUnited nations all combined 198 nations and one of the bigegst nazi natins is danish and Chinese even if they try to suppress it but it shines through at Europvision Song Contest 2024 danish song dark woman in white. They use adverizing, entertainment, sex, and nations establishment fucks with peopel and two worldwars are proof of this emperical fact. Marriage is like in good times and bad times. If all is bad times, then divorse was installed. The program called life has many bugs. Bible was made as one package fits all. In contains hinduism, buddism and is in fact buddism. Then Christianity. Then all derivatives of christianity as insanity and movie prooves this like Psycho 1, 2 and 3 as 3 crown on Christiansborg the castle of biblical death named after Jesus christ. Today it contains democracy all fake since the elcted are out doing jobs to protect their own carreer becoming CEO of some corporations once they have ben "educated" and can now operate democracy from the chairs of the CEO of some multinational corporation. Today I am also played nowt uploading and multiple hrats on my person as I drove to mechanic. I am back at one or more updated to Lovetracking page. Now played everything and small girls 12 yars oldu sed in the world game. They dress provocative sexual. Same as in entertainent. They are the tools like others are the tools to ignite hatred and terror and little do clodhoppers trained as COVID vitim know, thatthy are just pawn in a large game destroying human kind and all is written in Bible so not my word but the word of bible yet they blme someone like Jesus who never wrote a single word. Strange considering son of God but the empirical evidense is, that God as a cock cant write. So others did it and Budha is a cock or what is called a JUJU in Thai language and 陰莖 which is Negative Stem. World class games played using terror as per Romans 13:3 by clodhoppers now everywhere one man, I, against all of people. Just like the one named Jesus. They are trying to make it all real and I stand as the one who made it real. Yet Jesus was hated for speaking like Buddha or bodha which is a bod and five or 15 and in reverse area 51. Ha is five in thai language. The level of hate by 198 nations now so great it overshadowns the combined two world wars. This is world war Z yet they demand to win. What game is this when the winner is either never found or is decided as the game was started 2017.
22:30: I am played going once again either to bed prior or after midnight. I then go to bed at ca. 22:30 and after a long days drive need a relax however I am prepared for cars whooching past my house - and they do, as usual. As I had tried to rid the noise of the day I the nget up for a cup of tea and another barrage of cars and trucks pass my house. Same same as usual. Thatis the type of language and communication I have been exposed to the past four years which by danish nazi state killed more than 30.000 palestinians. I alo spoke this evenng of an isident today where I was harrashed violently and my life threatnend by a motorcyclisk hitting on my window wanting to smash me in, I kept the doors and window closed and I lifted by cellphone towards him showing I took a photo and he gave up. it was most like a dane. I shall now buy protection since it has happend twice in less than year I shall purchase protection for myself in case someone smashies my car and o windo and tries to smash me in. I am now watching Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun and I consider those peopel 10.000 more intelligent than any dane especially at this biblical world asian olympic games. I enjoy simplicity and intelligent stupididy for the sake of coping and getting a betetr life. Traffic violations has ben multiples and now score more than 5000 insidents on my life and my time driving my car to and from city going shopping just like today where for six hours in the traffic I was harrashed multiple times. I shall report the insident today to danish police who does nothing evene if th efella tried to smash in my window. The war on killing people by the hands of nazi danes killing Palestinians is continued this day forth. I sahll post any insident hereafter and an update to my website every day. We are now at below six feet under with especially driving style which is used on my life to threaten my life each and every time I leave my house in peace and quite and I am tried provoked multiple times in traffic. in movie MAD MAX they step on shit and start shooting but I dont but am am bugged and will respond with writing and now produce more graphics and posible animations to follow which was all called "it is beautfiul" by a dane daninc passed me and my wife in 2015 when was still online. So they loved it and did in the manner of Alice In Wonderland and have now secured a whole new set of new lovely animations which will be delivered one each and every day until the vocabulary and signs and symbols runs dry in consise ocford dictinary and each animation will be dedicated to danish nazi state for attempts on people lives andkilling more than 30.000 people and millions during second world war. Naurally danish nazi state does not agrre but shell house bombing and muh more is evidense and just as I type this last paragraphs a tractor passed my house going nortwards upwads the hill and clodhoppers drive each and every day now with so much lood on their hands the road is biblical sprayed with red bloodby their hands each and every day for many month and almost soon a decade since 2017. Gladly ! I haveread The Bible enough to know such things will happen and I am knowing about it and Bible also mentions how such behavior by nazi nation will be dealt with and what the outcome is not my writing but Bible. For 35 odd yars I have been terrorized by daish clodhopper christians and my mother also and many have suffered and Bible tells this exactly. It also tells how to deal with it and I maypost an article on this. The issue is known to me since 2014 with TIAWOL however Bible is real in that sesne that Bible and Nostradamus knew exactly how nations establishments would try and destroy every living creature and human being because of their adaptation of love - The Bible.
I should now even log ehen I go to bed but that would be ultimately insanity. However Bible tells of such insanity and it started by annointing kings being installed as rulers and brain was not require only mustle and silver coin and a women playing the part of a virgin mary willing to spread her legs at the wish of vikings. VI is romans for 6, six which is sex in swedish. SexKings are Vikings so when dnaish royal house in laws write VI KONGEN elelr VI DRONNING it is then SEX QUEEN and SEX KING. Royals also wave their hand inwards because they wave at themselves. Next time you see a royal just think of cock and cunt and that is why they are so loved and also explains why sex is not so much wanted after all because it ruled Babylonian delights into democracies destroying whole nations and one place to find evidesne is in Benidorm in Spain where ca. 200.000 british refugees have set up camp as refugees from England which Margerate Thatsther helped destroy with many of her following Primeminsters. The biblical iron lady was so loved by spirit asia one expects or perhaps she just was able to do what clodhopeprs do best - be clodhoppers.
2024.05.13 another day like today with only terror on all of people. They demand no terror but do terror. I have done no terrro but have written what the bible is full of mostly sex, some wise words and then parallel worlds ambigious to the point of insanity.
2024.05.12 Another lovely day and very nice and warm now. it seems likely, highly, that EUROVISION SONG contest also is rigged so another fad fake. I am also been on 3 social media sites in state danish and all are fakes related to dating. many more fake websites and a whole nation say TIAWOL and NUR and is fake then where did I get all the fakes from. Rhetorical. Now back to sit on my balcony and enjoy the lovely weather. Perhaps an update later and in June probably a few new articles. As most know, I have now been played the fool since I am too good at this world game of love and lies. A few glitches with Movie Magic now sorted. Movies tell the story like Once Upon A Time In America. All being set up to loose. Some of my favorite movies include 100 of them and they are all related to love of one which is Chinatown. So much love. Political elections are rigged. Life is rigged since religion was true lies as with Terminator movies. Since 2018 nothing has been done or happend to change my view and simplicity is not a million churches all doing the same yet doing very little to promote life and love. Mafia loved the church like a virgin cant feed babies and a few hail marys and all is forgiven. One thing I have personally learned is hathate prevails and since I did nothing today except listen to another load of nonsense and a helicopter pasted my house and a samll one engine propella plane related to an American who danish clodhoppers nazi state helped die back late 1960 I am 100% certain, that terror is state and Freemasons and some people who have only one thing on their mind namely an old bag in a curch dead hanging on a cross as a dead man. So lovely that one might think they would clean up as the chrucj did back removing wall painting then a dead man is enough for me to not enter any such church with the smell of death and terror where JEsus is the eye is it is all dead then and in John rises as anyone all myth and makebelif just as I was amde to beleive in it so much it almost made me a believer which I am in terror noise and complete phycho and the pussy made into social media payable at DKK 1500 not too bad for getting to know a real womanbut who knows what tricks follows after paying up front a whole lotta folling. arriage is an institution. Life is also. No more than fabrications and saying absolutely nothing except use threats again and again on peoples lives. A priest mans a prostitute. Circe was one such. Most poeple are selling something and some sell bodylove all great but selling a Trump deal better that making up fake cource cases is like watching Disney World collapsing like watching a very bad script being written. Next US President must feel very disimpowred after knowing White House has very little power. I know this since a whole nation destroys people and cuts legs of people and later plays thos heinious things with China and God as if it was lollipop or candy. I personally with a few 1000 million people know this and can say that one million churches was not able to since 2013 to deal with this terror not helping me and a 1000 million people.God is the biblical institution of terror and after God follows 'God' and then the rest is just technology and scumminds using a virgin to portray with Porn via temples in Greek that porn, sex and enjoyment is only for bastards. Like Jesus who is vigin mary which is why he is dead. And God is the virgin who kills him. Mother kills child. Tell this fact to a prostitute priest and he, she, will not knoow the language of love but only hate and stupidity bamed a moron in bible thus mormons. My mother destroyed by religion. WHole families worldwide. Whatever, then Bible tells exactly that what I did was what the Bible says oseone will do and what I did was 1. nothing and 2. tell another version of love which is the same version but I used computer animations and that was never seen before. So brand new it alone made me win yetlost because Bible and its makers got the biggest surprise when I proved it all or at least enoughto install me as Emperor and God. Blame bible technology, not anyone who does what is expected in a world of truths and lies.
2024.05.10 2220: Not much writing entered today and mostly noise all day as usual. Some Kings still rule, Dubai, Brunai, some dont, King Charles and Danish, Swedish and Norwegian kings only figurines. Iceland has no king. Finland also none. Foundation Bible is OO both down. After Revelation there is nothing a closed book and most people have never read it nor knew it until NUR wrote how to speak in languages across nations. Now not 23 but 32 down all flipped yet same same and I, NUR, have ben there done that in 2013 all down mostly with earlier I wrote this 2024 05 11 at 1230 and that was enough for clodhoppers to react meaning they have nada. Now seeeing if they react and perhaps they dont which is then also a reply. Doing 'KINA' cant be all that bad but foing KING is. Since it was and is too late said so by Asia or else it is same same which seems to be the case.
2024.05.09 1130: Number of mosques in the world. Churches and temples not included. Imagine, people are mosques. Who needs mosques. Perhaps can show number of people by country. Population of Benidorm etc. Why only one chutch in Vatican City? Because Vatican City is a nation is a church in itself. Today more noise produced all day from morning. Same same. Then I am played again as usual and first it was two blacks with COW bells and all so I won also back in 2014 and I have entered a entry at and all are wrose something but much of it is fake. Grat experience to see that not evene churches and temples can produce what people canbut in Benidom they do light a LED candle costing a few cents or EURO all in the good spirit of earning money and burning LED lights most likely produced in China. Outside virgin Mary. it really is Brits In The Sun. As said, my log is off limit and only main site is in relax mode. Microsoft, Apple and ATARI and lots of same same.
2024.05.07 1430: and were each one above the other and I was in garden and as usual took my belongings related to scripts and my content on computer and this was played today ie. as I cut the lawn 100 cars whoos past my house one with a white cap on and DANISH AGRO company truck with large trailer going upwards. I usually take my belongings to the garden. This to me indicate since noise all day that war is not finished and is rebooted by state danish. China playing too and not even the sligtest left alone even me making my shower with silicone and taking a shower. The weather otherwsie lovely today. Business as usual or is it shaking hand EMANUEL MACRON Co Prince of Andorrra or Putin a fifth term in this virtual reality show where an Apple Inc should have been given to play this world game. Had I gone to garden working without my script and cotent on computer they would hve virtually claim victory saying they could have stolen from my house while I was in garden (they have done this many many times). So either way they play and win. Back to square one rebooting a world war Z based on this danish nazi state noise production. I can probably not be anymore white since all myth however me played real making me real an it fake except the scripted story is true or Truth In A World Of Lies as my book was named by Asia. Imagination: 'God' can surveil anyone anywhere all the time in bedroom, toilets, living rooms, anwhere also in cars. This obsession has been relived again and again and churches everywhere is enough to show some compulsive hehavior but as usual as per when something was too much I was able to retract and not do also for fourt years since 2017 was I able to not masturbate alot but now more since my body is relaxing nad mind too and Sildenafil helped but not needed anymore and eroticism and playfulness is one of those things øGodø enjoys watching all agegroups but when someone like I do it, it is seen as a way to make me loose doing what feels lovely LOVE THYSELF yet when doing absolutely no harm that too is now considered a reason for loosing. I stopped smoking cigarettes that was not enough. I stopped and stopped animations that was not enough. Then I stopped everything pulling that was not enoug and today another clodhopper tour around the circus for øGodø to find th relief awaiting watching the next victim of virtual sexual intercource with anyone 'God' so pleases called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and 1.500.000 churches and religion litterally everywhere and 'God' is the most compulve ever. Some okay but when someone is watching 'God', then 'God' calls in, facebook and X to feel relief until 'God' repeats what I have mastered pretty well and being envious is not a trait that I think ever befell me while playing this surveilance game for without it fairness would not exist. 'God' always find something to start a war for without wars, 'God' has nothing to do but watch someone having sex. Anyone such as Clintons knows this. Even Bill Gates III knows it and Belinda too. While I lived in Thailand, actor Carradine was in Bangkok doing what all do in Bangkok, have sex. he played in movie Kill Bill and I was asked what thoughts I had of the insident by a lawyer and thai police officer. They both sought it was business as usual. Bangkok a great city where business thrive and the name is the longest in the world. Bangkok, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon. Love and life cities. More should be like that where playfull enjoyment is as natural as life itself. I even in 201 passed Victory Monument in Bangkok and my thai wife signalled to me that I had won and also knowed me 1010 meaning it was over. That was 2015. Then it all was rebooted. Then blaming me for this game when it was not I who started it. When I was 16, 18 and 22 I used to enjoy myself especially summertime after returning form the beach feeling sound and good and memories of lovely girls and women at the beach with bare breast and bottoms sticking up over the dunes. That seems like a long time ago but body may tire but the mind seems to stay far younger than the flesh.
2024.05.06 09:30 Log page is my everyday update page where main page is in relax mode for now since 2024.05.04. Small updates on progress as log each day as promissed. COVID world wide is now so active that everything is affected. Every street corner a church, temple. All designs and Dubai wishing to be new yet installs 'gold' in hotels and builds as if hotels are castles which they are just as castle where once hotels and still are. 50.000 member family Dubai must be a city worth in size. The palace not large emough and this is evidense that palaces, castles, became citadels and cities and now whole nations. There is no democracy in Dubai as far as I recall. Why tourists support a nation, a kingdom, like Dubai, without people demand and wish for democracy must be because the city is dsigned as 'Las Vegas' as purely entertainment and a tourist desination. Dubai must be like visiting Disney World all theater and cheap floss. Democracy is a fad, make belief.
2024.05.03 12:00: my wife called as I uploaded a spelling mistake and she wanted me to test her car which needs a new earth strap leading to he engine however I bypassed and put on a cobber cable which from engine to chassis did the job and car started. All morning clodhopper driving like mad. LAst night lots of noise and I was again played leading up to this day which for me is the last day from midnight going to May 04. last year I won all in march 2023 and later many further times. This year also however played uploading or not unsure since not uploading is not activated until 04 May for tre consecutive days where I shall see progress on this max max game played multiple times reaching the stage where Arnold Schwarzenegger is at 80 years of age soon expected to play terminator like he was 35 years old. Everything is played even me working bathroom and working my own car. Madness like in the moie and they are loving it. It is bible time or take bible out since both cant exists at the same time multiple royal houses still persists so it must be bible persists and lots of new churches can be built for the purpose of teaching and what-not. It is apprently no over and my road outside my house in now a mental institution and is considered a virtual resistane and rebelling. Therefor anything virtual should be possible like me doing virtual installations or even thinking something making what I think real and a win. Olympics with Arnold at 70 and Mike Tyson still a young fella but too old to play in the olympics but imagine someone being asked to make war for 15 years would cost trillions. Personally, after Israel has gotten to a state of reality, there must be room for all people, even Jews. Take out Bible take out jews. Jesus is jews is people is god. Take out life. Movies are evidende of this fact. Take out love. Naturally a genuine court should deal with such but most national courts are totally corrupted and in fact one nation which seems to have desided is Sweden separated from church year 2000. In case I am wrong about 04 May and not uploading then Sweden might as well join the churc and or build its own church - again. Has this world religion been at a consultation with shrink in a movie the good doctor would prescribe a dose of opium and a rest and telle the patint to consider option #2 a world without like in Oblivion but the mind is very powerful and US congress may be stronger and mgith understand taht US campusses and universities should perhaps be restructurd and WE THE PEOPLE be termed different in this ambigous world of a one-religion which occupied the minds of 99% of people. I can evene not think about religion but is reminded each and every day by a movie-script I happend to write unintensionally. My next script is Annabelle and Giovanni in Italy doing life with a memory of the past and perhaps Annabelle had gotten better since first script. At least Giovanni made her feel lovely until she decided to disapear but not for long since Giovanni would look for her in unexpected locations. I rewrote Annabell script and may upload a verison because parts of it was so amazing the pages got all wet in the ofice of 'God' and happily so I thought until I removed Annabelle for a while because Giovanni had to dream it all up in order to make it real.
Annabelle and 'God' wanting Annabelle to continue. See, she died in the first script but only because she was gone for Giovanni. 'God' loved the story so much with The Cardinal having sex rotica with Annabelle in an apartsment fifth flour in Rome also with young Giovanni and Annabelle was born out of wedlock in Damascus where her father Cardinal had sex with a maid and made Annabelle. 'God' love dthe story so much and wanted in continue however I remove Annabelle from the script temporarly realizing sex was very important to 'God' with an erotic script so wet is made a whole difference. If two, then why 911. See, there is two and in any script you can invent anything but writing two stars nearErth at 8 light minutes away both does not make two stars shine bright in the sky. Hollywood can do so in an imaginary world. Annabelle was the story which could be real set in a place related to loving and that so hated it only creatd terror by a nation which is able to produce pop songs based on same love love all about kissing and making sex all to conjure which is okay since one story exists but the characters in teh script never existed but installed as one person and one such in 2013 and all alone so one it was and it even says so in the script. Summertime. In UK the granddaughter of Princess Diana hailed as a lovely girl; another conjure and another living testimony, that she too is scripted even af her grandmother was yet still real. The religious world amazing yet if so, then why so many destructions. They sing songs but when I sing a few they hate it; holy see, it is called because I see but can't do religious abuse and never will. A few more hours until midnight 2024.05.03 reaching 04 and until then perhaps a few more uploads and article. Their pen is tarmac mine is a keyboad and mine is containing word and theirs only one word, noise.
2024 May 02:Yesterday I went to city to shop various and food. Everything I did was fought. Every choice I made like buying two new speakers for my car at and the old speakers for my SMART 451 car made in Poland cheap quality was told to me were okay but I did as I pleased and bought two new speakers and came home and installed them and multiple cars drove past my house while I installed the nafter installing the cars whoocing past my house less. So, fake. When the game evolved like this I can happily say faek, all fake. Thye have nothing never had and never will have. Also all peopel og dstate danish are paying for water and private waterworkds are classified as association (forneinger) and are excerpt from paying V.A.T. and state water fee according to law and CHina has played this game on my allowing this scheme and I filed a lawsuit but it was dismissd by court, because it would cost state billions. Other cases similar played on my life and peoples lives. The court systems re corrupt. Governments are corrupt but the corrupters dont think so themselves suffering Ponerology. Business is corrupted. State church and private church in cullusion are corrupt. If International Criminal Curt had done their job world would be different, better, and a place where peopel would actually live and not have a state and royal and wars in their mind as tool to make the mind polluted like it has been polluted with religion. Today war on my persoanl life and thus on all of humankind continued with cars passing my house making noise - hey love it. I love it since I then know I was and am absolutely rigt in my assesments of TIAWOL and everything that followed. I won plentyfull of time enough to say I won enough to say I won in order for me to say I win and won however game played again and again and again and one place to follow is important in a World Of Lies and Truth where business drives people to produce a whole worlds full of products: and the last suppers eaten many many times. Nations are biblical and United Nations freedoms should definately allow for freedom of religion and this renders these rights bogus hogwash and none of the rights are in real upheld by nations. Imagine religion was okay, then Saddam Hussein and many others would still be alive and a justice system in place to solve uch issues and also proves Internation Criminal Court is fake. Sad to say so but that is the reality we have meanwhile people follow the systems and wait for godot who came but have become trained idiots yet know inside their hearts that I am right even if they deny since cognitively they are aware but parts of the brain has been taken over by the world control system best know ans language and relgion, christianity, buddism, made in China, Asia based on. Budapest is a city and names importnt o understand our world. Many things lovely and northers world now enjoys warmth while in Antartica it reached -100 centigrades. Global warming a fad, fake. Now even speaking of global cooling by scientists. Coffee one day bad next good. The world went cracy, democracy. Since wars continue so can I and LIEMATIONS were accepted as the tool to produce rebellion on and against US univerities and good because schools should definately be reformed, changed, to something where life is learned. Greatly admired and lovingly hated. hated for showing love. Hated for being alive. NUR hated or made the villain via multiple cases. Nation-states are crime inc. Love is amazing. I set a new datline which is 2024 may 04. May 01 did not work. One dat it is doom and nonsense, next day lovely and true. 'God' also flips true and fake. If perfectly true the nwhy a doomsday clock only to mak people feel bad. My version is simple but yet not understood or is wished misunderstood. Perhaps 04 will. syesterday shopping and I am suppose to listen to something but there is too much noise. Perhaps I was suppose to listen to nothing and do somehting. When nonsense then spirit must be off and when true must be understood with very simple terms as in beginning 2013. At one time it was 'now' but what has this got to do with the theme of Mr. Jesus. Anyway, I did programming in computer language and I know logic and this is absolutely not logic. Perhaps a few more updates as 04 nears, perhaps not, all depending on the opposite of 'spirit' Asia.
2024 May 01: NY vs. Trump: A trial in search of an imaginary crime:
2024.05.02 16:10: lovely weather today, sun and warm. I sit outside. Did some work. Just a few minutes ago I go inside for a dink and I return o my balcony and as I do two cars agresively drive past my house one reving up and allday multiple cars on this otherwise very quite road where during workhours daytime there is not much traffic sinceno shops and little populated.The agressiev driving behavior is used to make noise and irritate and clodhoppers know I react my usually writing on my website. It is called war and terror whoever they are and this behavior started 2022 becomming sronger 2023 and in 2024 very agressive and they are loving itandgives me a change to consider my next article. I have however set myself a date May 04 but this may be of no value where not writing anything or writing will produce anything either or.This 'spirit' thing became something which I never experienced 2013-2016 however did in 2018 'one on one' and when I returned back from holiday I reveived everyhting and won. One of one then. How many one on one has no longer any meaning. Oplympics games played every four years and not every day. When thye get gold medals a nation is sought after and hailed victorious.
2024.05.01 10:30 Lovely morning and health feels good as playing with love is very good similar business is very good. Even kingdom Vatican wish to let its castle city live on. Some nations created, such as vatican city, and state Israel even Roman Empire was designed and expanded and collapesed or skrunk to something else for different reasons. Today trunks and car drive pastmy house and anyone who has experienced this, which many has in various forms, will know that it is done like Vatican spreaded to a billion followers even the maria as their own city-castles from CHicago to New York to Palermo rebels fighting rebel and the rebel fought back. Rebels agansit rebels. Even Jews are rebels now with an installed nation. A billion followers then. There is no membership list and basically the only members there are, are the priest, pope and clerks.A miminal set perhaps a few thousands and inside Vaican City a few hundred. actual only member are:
Hierarchy of the Catholic ChurchThat is also why swedish state separated inself from church. In state danish nazi members are forced to be member which is internationally recognized as illegal. Naturally parent can bypass but untaught parent did not know. As one told me, "Yes, I did not know I was a member, I better part". People are born stupid and learn to be stupid and die stupid. What else is the word stupid for. See μωρός moros. English moron.
05:50 Clodhoppers drive past my house as I wake. Two cars whoos past as usual related to me getting up (also happens when going to bed). Each time I go to bed at night one or a couple of cars drive past my house. MAD MAX is action yet relatively more quite. Progress followed during the day he first day of may 2024 when the weather has finally gotten better, warmer and more sunny. US Iniversities occupied by people. Schools were suppose to be placeswhere people got a black hat chinese to know why they get a black chinese hat. Prince Charles to restart public duties. Kingdoms still exists plentiful. WE THE PEOPLE still occupied by the establishment. Rebels are as per Bible still active and world still same same. A million books at and 100 million university students makes no difference other than fill the voids of national media outlets. Business as usual. The US civil wars never reallyfinalized but became WE THE PEOPLE. Observations as a program like Orson Wells 1984 did not make a difference. 100+ "IN THE BEGINNING" still active. LIEMATIONS created lovetube.
1200: Out in garden fixing car audio and spring cleaning car. Test: I went outside without my usual set of harddriveshowever a micro SSD in my pocket. The clodhoppers then drove past my house like idiots and madness like inthe movie MAD MAX. Which is down. Clodhoppes said up however recycling bottle and tons of churches and fake ruins they finally gave up now loading everything down as I said many times even since 2014. This goes to proof, that clodhoppers are virually cleaning yet if I virtually drop 50 nuclear bombs on my website no nothing. So I call their hand fake. Their chessgame fake. Indidently Charlize Theron actor plays MAD MAX because she is from South Africa. Down near south, down there, under most when looking at the globe and compass. I will spell it: S.O.U.T.H. Did I with say shit recycle from poopoo to a rising rose and I then went downward by taking out and in doing so landed smack down on Earth. As I write this clodhoppers ride past my house on a quite road. I called the road administration and they told me very little cars drive on the road outside my house. Now I have cleaned up many times; game played until all hydrogen in nearest star has been fuling nuclear reactions for a few more billion years.
1100: I am right again and even since 2014. Now all played down again flip flop. Not so difficult except hard to explain simplicity.
2024.04.30 0600:
State nazi danish and its clodhoppers responded after 2024.04.29 article BI LE by driving past my house for 30 minuttes producing noise based on BI LE. Now I write HO LY and they might go mad again. Had they done waht they do now, they would not have surrendered state nazi danish 1940 when the germans took over less than 20 minuttes after the german entered southern dnaish borders. Nazi state danish the nmade a deal with Germany and helped the german nazi regime for five year where corporations robbed and plundered the danes. I say booo they do very ugly and I say nothing, and they are ugly. Same same.
I have now proven they interpretate anything I do. Much like hotel inspektors, at hotels in Dubai with 7 stars, which is not internationally recognized, and therefore does not exist. When I most of 2023 did not rite anything they all summers and early winter drove past my house so much that my house and my neighbour complained about noise and I had new windows installed which helped. Then late 2023 they went crazy at New year and I started writing a few articles and then in January I received THROWBACK by China which also produced nothing.Not sure if doing actually is possible. he trick is to understand, that when I did not write, I was hailed as one who should not stop writing, and I wrote, and instantly was told to stop writing. Uploading article also was told I was BACK KING yet hold on, I am, and is not back, but simply am. Then they complained that and I was not back and they said I was expected not to be silent. Nonsense and this is played same same on and off until I even went white and then I thought, heck, lets get really dirt they will stop, aha, no, just more. So then I took a shower and they said I ws now trying to be clean which is lean. See, that is why I never made a choice and in 2014 ddenounced the whole thing and they did not want that so returned it all to me only producing nothing other than terror world wide. Thye make terro and COVID, not me, Niels Ulrik Reinwald. I tell this just to say it straight as I see it. They think they are really clever which is okay so do bankrobbers think they are clever.
It all gets complicated because of selfy so how to choose something which when saying yes, equals no and visa versa. What nations then do is make up ambigious laws, their laws. They are royal laws as court laws. They mak it up so peopel must follow their royal house. People are in nations outside but must follow their laws and they then introduced forced membership of Folkekirken, state church. In doing that they made children member and babtized them into ther royal nation house. At 15 then children confirms this but only confirms the knowlledge they have which is not the real story behind christianity. While writing this small entry much noise outside as usual. I live on a rad which is clasified asa very low traffic road outside city in country section very few cars drive but while I am active and not sleeping they drive like dog outside and they care absolutely nothing for people in other nations and their continued terror regime only produced a burning Notre Dame and Palestinians destroyed. Notre Dame was burned because of where I show and explain a business model using circles. This was evidense that my writing produces interpreations which I had absolutely no intention of.It onther words, 'God' is mad and clodhoppers follow this madness producing more terror.
After TIAWOL, which is a pretty normal work, 'God' went mad too interpreating aything I did and I was followed everywhere illegally I went to the point where it is so ill that Bible has absolutely nothing to do with it but is however the root of all 'Gods' and nations establishments terror using billions on weapons and wars using democracy as the tool to fool where democracy is just an enlarged royal house. Democracy is a terror-house.
This (rings) produced this:
My complaint was a normal complaint however was used as a way to dstroy me and my life and also a chole church and many similar has happeend in hitory. My website and computer, iMac, also hacked as are even governmental servers, digital mail and everything else meanwhile democratically elected yound people (brainnumbed friends of the family, mafia) believe they are the power of a nation through governemtn, Folketinget, they are only less than puppets and paid handsomely to just stay that way. That is why I am hated because I get no hush money nor intended any and I am hated for writing the truth about nations and their foundation which is absolutely all based on myth. Salma Rushdy a similar character also terrorized by 'God' as was a whole royal house in England and everything else is terrorized by 'God' and the reason is, that agants of 'God' thingy can spy on any pussy and agents can look at lovely yoing ones masturbating and having sex in all sorts of ways which is where FORBIDDEN CITY drops in as the foundation promising sex and coin to royal houses all installed as fake adam-and-eves while religion used over millenia to brainwash people who are otherwise normal and not part of the paid esoteric world of deceptive religion.
I write each time to clean out junk and I present shit for piss. Nations have nothing and their establishment then use terror on people to control and all is written in Romans 13 and Bible on how 'God' and nations collude. Only problem is, that judges and the general population don't use nations foundations to prove nations have only Bible, which contains nothing, but sex and fucking.
A group of rulers seen sitting in brown chair. Danish word for brown is brun. This is how life is played.
The war "ISRAEL" (LIARS as LOVE (LIE)) was installed via Bible and will continue as long as this planet Earth exists. Since rulers cant fix such then rulers hold nothing. Two black rings on their head - why? Bible and religion! They rub noses and now play fixers. Israel is installed via bible as are all other nations and this makes 'em all fake and I know this because it was said so. Bible even says so. They are probably nice individuals and this article based on my 2024.04.29article and picture BI LE. Benjamin Netanyahu also installed never beleiving anyone like Niels Ulrik Reinwald would come along and tell and prove it all. Nobody expected me. I did not expect myself. I wish them all the best in doing their clodhopper ruling which should have been fixed fixing at least 2000 years ago. Had that been done we'd probably all by now live in a styled paradise knwing the foundation being able to see reality and speaking the same language. Borders are biblical. Fix by perhaps genuinely understanding that evene rats have their place and probably seen as rodents only but nature did not make peoplevery much different.
It is even difficult to watch the clouds and watch flowers without thinking of Israel andI can personally understand that my 'Israel' dies the day I was installed and that is why I thought I wasbrighter knwing their was a trick so large, a scam, that I definately had to stayonthe sharp edge of reality or else I would become a clodhopper and worse. That is why TIAWOL is only a mirror of myself and no words can ever make everyone satisfied but even Hitlers Mein Kampf is a book of love in which jews are mentioned. Hitler was a jew himself. Hitler probably didn know as much as I do but he knew enough that Asia decided to support him via the axis we know and then it all became imposible until two bombs dropped over Japan. Each day 100 bombs are dropped on me in various ways and those bombs I simply revert back to the origin namely clodhopper and danish nation who has dropepd millions of bombs on people during 900 years of rule.
Now May 1st 2024 tomorrow a day I have longed for as a day which I name: spring #2.
Today when nothing was playable it was played by my Thai wife that she drive alone testing driving because I did not want to drive along. Yesterday she was fighting about very small items (like watching Dallas and the Ewings fighting over trivial matters) of no importance other than fighting for the reason of fighting. Then China tell us China does not influence others but does so here via commics and cartoons and China and Asia naturally influence the west in producing products and selling and shipping almost everything ot the west. Hamburgers would be all made in China was it not easy as it is to make a hamburger.
FULL VIDEO: Michael Cohen Testifies Before Congress | NYT News
This testemony I may comment later. It proves lies and a charade and lawyers so full of greed that when any of them found out Cohen is played the patsy. Cohen is now a demi god.Trump is being made as ill as the establishment is. Try and listen to the ideo and realize how much is scripted and that Conen on under oath is reading from a script written before Conen entered into oath rendering the script voided.
Language such as English is naturally designed and the alphabets also. Language English was installed and is as other languages not natural languages of which there are a very few original languages. Installing English language okay, but at least it could have been told.
2024.04.26 1230:
Evening update: same same and now peopleare laughing at The Vanican or at least people are not going there and neither to church evene if they are now ultra religious and or abusive in their lifestyle knowing the secret of the World namely the esoteric bible which insidently has nothing to to do with somhting which many peopel beleived in namely something amazing life after death hoho and santa clause all proven fake. but for those whoi installed it all real and lovely darling pussy galore. Tonight I was also again threatened as usual in the usual way with a gesture and people pass me doing their clodhopper-hillbilly-bullying as if they were little stupid children with a brain the size of a peanut or less. Danish state church has turned into a a system of people who play one single person, me, only for educating them in the esoteric world and peopel are mostly programmed like jonestown using COVID technology and behind the scenes large corporationsand governemtn culludie in buying weapond at billions of dollars. The World is real but fake and has as per Bible turned into a 1000 year beast fighting and people can deviate and actually do what the Bible told them people would do where as I am only telling the story as it is seen using words. Why then invest billion dollars in weapons when the word was more powerful than the sword. Because that too is fake. Watch Hotel Inspector at and see all people have their fixed ideas and even when someone comes along to fix it they still moan and complain. ´God´ was installed on this planet and plenty of religious abuse followed and it was not made by me. The system of this world is one of democracy is all nations running alongside royal houses where some places like Monaco or Dubai are 100% royal nations where the king decideseverything. We live in a very old world. Democracy installed as a sidehouse to royal palaces and democracy. The nwhen I as an installed king of the world are told not to do anything, then it is starnge and ill that clodhoppers dont drive to Dubai and irrritate the king of Dubai. Arghhh.... fake. Thye would not be allowed into Dubai ever again doing what they have done to me solo. Then one is not suppose to be king, but then it all falls back and now I, one, is week. Madness is installed and they know it. it is worse than religiosu abuse it is similar living in a mental mental mental asylum and since large nations rulers have trilles of dollarsto buy weapons they do that becausethat is all they really have and The Bible was just a way to get to hwere they are namely shoot their way thorugh rebels who they themselves once were. Accepting the World with a religious abuse system is liek asking to say yes to COVID. Well, then one does COVID but now they donøt want what they themselves do and the total ill system is in place. Further at 2151 a car whosed by my house with a bass playing inside car. They like to do this and the type of peopel who do this kind of thing are of a sort which belongs in a system called a "royal place" similar Rosenborg Slot in Copenhagen where they for tourist showsthe toilet where the king would sit on the thunderbox and shit down into the cart and the horse would pull it out. People love shit and had kingdoms functioned there would be paradise as kingdoms working hand in hand but even Dubai is said to be a city of projects complately void of sould yet is competing wit hthe worl on who has the biggest cock which I never did because I am not a type hooligan like most danes and I can not see me in Hotel Inspektor being hotel owner or the inspektor because I say "fish and chips" and "handgranades" to clean up years of neglegt and many hotels stay on the brink of collapse evene after slight upgrade just like the upgrade shortly after a democratic elction making so little change it might as well be played in the series Hotel Inspektor. If ok then it would be shown genuinely and if not then why play this worldgame of hillbillies where my tower would never be towers in Dubai. The king of Dubai can for all I carew win the world trophy at doing things which only makes the rain unable to flow away from the tarmac and concrete streets. My Buddha is very calm and very much in awe of genuine nature and genuine planetary systems and stars like The Sun because imagining all that is a very very far distance from this clodhopper game. It is a wonder why peopel cant see nearand far without living but it probably comes down to the realisation, that most peopel are being inspected by some hotel inspector who too does not have a real solution. The Sun will not suddenly stop shining and preassure stop producing the star. It will go on and on. People can not imagine 5 billion years nor The Universe so be it when clodhoppers play me and others in order to forget the grand design. Let it live because you cant let it die because clodhoppers want peopel to forget The Sun and forget the grand design beyond their own clodhopper inspector lives.
I am going outside to change battery on my mothers car. As I exit house cars whoos past as usual. The war by state danish is not over and terror still used on multiple levels including courtcases and using national laws illegally in that the laws violate international treaties and charters such as United Nations Civil and Polical Rights.Because of an insurance fraud case by a mechanic and a danish insurance company the insurance company has denied me access to further insurance and I filed a court case which was illegally dismissed by dansih court system. The mechanic who is affiliated with Mercedes Benz used threats driving near me in Mercedes Benz Coupe black very expensive cars and I am certain companies and individual thretaens judges and whole judicial systems too but especially private citizens in collution with national courts to silence any form of rule by law since these clodhoppers via governance produce the very laws and infiltrate whole nations via their threats on indivicuals and this explains why many politicians are silent and never dare to speak of active cases since they are used to "lobbying" threats which is used on my persoanl life to bypass me or anyone else from filing lawsuits because the law is for state and establishment and has nothing to do with citizesn rights.Many cases untold and a nation only exists because of fake installed democracy which is only used to silence and all the mechanisms in a nations under he umbrealla democracry such as complains officies are mearly places to silence citizens. ihave had 8 (eight) cases at for cases related to maltreatment of no treatment and all have been dismissed. State is operated to destroy people and the next generation is feed cheap entertainent and smartphones to give the idea of choice and a society in which there is life and fredoms. Nations are castles and are stuctured as castle-cities were. I am totally not in acceptance of any sort of this style of benevolence using threats on citizens as is done where warm wars are the last resort for a nation to keep people in fear and terror. Clodhoppers continue which is perfct since I can then continue writing because their war on me and The World is not over on a personal level and it has nothing to do with my book or this website or religion since any type and form of dissidense is unwanted, hated and removed. There is never a change and never will be as long as democracy and secret societies (Freemasons) operate nations. Democracy was okay at one point back in time but today has been occupied by the establishment and has become the new royal family.
“Portrait of Fräulein Lieser” is probably a fake just like Leonardo Da Vincis painting "Salvator Mundi" and Da Vinci is myth. Over time people forget. In 200 years they will be real. Much of art is like this and in fact art is usually the depiction of religion in one form or another which is why such art sell at millions of dollars. In danish state there are museum depicting pussies and nudity all ok but when it comes to my website they hate it. Klimt BTW painted Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I all in gold. The portrait is religion, bible. I am usually never wrong. See Statue Of Liberty in USA also based on religion. Then all is religion then the choice does not exist.
From bible they get what proved namely that IN the beginning and amIN at the end is ININ or NAZI or the multilevel which gives 69 as the sexual position and finally they found that after Reevlation it is 23 as two rings, nothing, as the pussy of a woman. But there is none. It is all imagination, fantasy. China has decided based on religion that since 6 wheeled cars are not the standard that six wheel cars are not seen alot. Bible is standard but contains nothing other than installing nation clandestine and in collution and nations and castle sprung up based on bible yet religion made art and a golden lady where 00 or Mastercard logo is seen. There is nothing. Jesus never lived nor did 12 deciples. Nothing in bible is real all fantasy based on building one world religion from all ancient religions. Ancient religion had gods and goddesses all depicted af humans also seen in Vatican all nude people. Vulgata bible is vulgar in the sense it is all sexual in bible.
I am suppose to quit but danisg state continues fighting. China, Asia, World, played the "fair game card" and that too was played ambigious just like danish laws are ambigious. Won many times and played to loose since day one all fake and babtism has absolutely no purpose.
People houses and lives are surveiled and today the "surveilance card" illegality was played on me. Thus I had it yet as per this log today I heard and saw clodhoppers drive insanely as I went outside and I uploaded this days log.
2024.04.26 1610: Out driving testing car my wife driving. Clodhoppers folowing and a man on bycycle dressed in yellow and he looked back 3 times. I was suppos to play game teaching my wife driving. This is the madness I and many are exposed to without consideration to sanity and dignity. many suck follows and have happend the past five years now even more mad to the brink where they need medication to relax their biblical fantacy as their fuckbook destroying all people and whole nations. Such has been played more than 3000 times and is played each time I win and found sex or otherwise proved bible to be a pile of torture instrument. Then played in a game where I don not know the rules and they win the game each time all fake. I even purchased a mp3 andoid radio with touch screen at which was delivered today and the deliveryman said the nhanded over the radio. Radio important since national state proaganda television Danmarks Radio equal Amun Ra since dio is god and ra is the Amin ra or Nimrod. Danmark esoterically KRAMDEN meaning hug one or hug cock. Also just uploading this small log equals playing the game. I then wrote this log today and as I entered my house 1716 two clodhopper cars black drove past my house one in a racing style and manner typical of hilbilly behavior. more follow on the log later. I also put my new Android Carplay radio and clodhoppers as said past me as I entered my house. This is how Asia has allowed virtually to allow war between Hamas, Palestien and Israel. Bastards even today played two white biblical boxes. I said halleluja 2013 I say halleluja 2024.
2024.04.26 1000: Yesterday and last ight the usual barage of cars and clodhoppers irritating when going city. Placements of people walking in white and yellow. Two young women in white and a few men on bycycle dressed in yellow all because I yesterday wrote an article on SHEIKH. Then email where content is udes like bill gates placing his book and laptop to program. Ablack car followed me to city with 4 headlights. Then I went to bed as usual. This morning a few hundred cars and one truck wit hrpint on side large DANISH AGRO which si a company. DANISH is VANISH and AGRO related to earth and a few other hillbilly items. So back at same same and now same same same. Oh, I may tell the story of how threats and clodhoppersdrive a nation insane now also programming the population. Being aking intales being not a king as per game so one is setup. All won previously 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2018 going to 2022 and even 2023 part of. Then all faked and news and mediaused to further the insanity. I am as per yesterday not playing nor did except it is thought that because GOD puts an elephant in front of a person the person will not walk around the elephant. The elephant placed in state danish where there are no elephants and this is insanity enoug. See Carlsberg and Elephants of one in Thaialnd named Chang which is thai for Elephant. Had danish done a pingwin that would too be insane. A cow perhaps okay.
2024.04.25 1600: Drove city to pick up my wife. Many cars followd. Uploading termed BACK KING which is nonsense because uploading anything has nothing to do with being a king which insidently equals kina and WISH website promotes products via slogan "You can be a king too". Just as I upload this log, two cars drive past my house one color same DOT over NIXRUN. BACK KING played multiple times in 2018-2024 which is totally absurd. it originated in ideas but not stories and articles in generel this they, clodhoppers, just made up as they went along.. We are simply dealing with Law Of Jante and nothing else.
2024.04.25 1200: Masturbated after comming home from city. Aprox. 40 cars followed me to city and back again. Not sure what but as usual related to their surveilance. I took a Viagra and played since it is part of my medical arsenal because viagra also works vasodilating which helps vasculitis and other symptoms. Naturally great for sex which is very enjoyable. As I finished aprox 30 cars drove past my hosue very noisy because I am suppose to hear they are out there the bastards. Master BTW related.
2024 April 23: In and with movies there are many version of Bible even in Bible itself there are many version of the same tale. Movie Oblivion is biblical in the whole story even if mixd with modern day items and tech. which are suppose to be in the future. Today another boot of bible not finished yet yesterdaysaid it would be. Personally I do what I do for pleaseure which hurts noone. Span in building a church in barcelona. China and world whoucl erct 500.000 worldwide new churches and temples and build hitels like in Dubai and Singapore because these are by design churches too. just a small update with idea since any or everyday has asmallstory, article etc. I shall say when I relax the writing which I do today even when more terror by state now delivering replies via email with absolutely no content an denying states own existanse solely by dlivering empty replies to simple questions and reason is, that state by design is operated with laws and rulesthat break down people in the nation because a nation is a castle with mane castes. Here is a nice cartoon with fun: telling a story just like movies and I do. Movies are not taken litterally nor am I nor should because nothing is absolute. Each and every day state daish is playing some parts of their benevolence letting me ride the wave of nothing. In doing so, state daish is admitting to the states teorr ways but need not because bible is evidesne enough of states terror. Terror has its offspring from the binle nations adopted and some peopel then became small mafia trying to fight terrorby nations-states. I have made an appointment with th minister of justice in Denamrk but no time given now onthe fifth week and no reply on the matter. I have very simple questions but state dos not wish to deal with me because I have found many areas of deception and ambiguous laws that state most of all looks like a mafia organisation. State via clodhoppers are also provoking me and people and have done so since state adopted bible now realizing movie Oblivion is a pretty close call to how the world and all nations deceived all people. Bible is played to persist, so as per belief, love works when nations establishments destroys peoples lives and flourishes somes just as in caste system. You are living in an old ancient world - in fact growing older by the day. NB. I persoanlly did playmany many times and won. That wasenough but not for clodhoppers and Asia. Repeat playing same record over and over and the result is a groove worn just as per the religious game played via COVID and many similar even church-building.
προφητείας profiteías where profit, is well, profit. Why? because Bible was and is used to fool to deceive people. Bible is the biggest caste deliverance system since planet Pluto was created. Bible is purely a book of business or a book of deception explaining magicians existance and entertainment is in on the scam. The Bible caused 2 major world wars, famine, and total chaos on many levelsplus poverty where each person should be as rich as anyone else. Monaco is an example of a city state where all of city monaco is a church with the caste around the center caste-castle. that is why I am hated because I said and say so, there little dead baby dead rying to revive a dead corps by manipulating peoples minds into loving this dead corpus. in doing so, unfortunately, must deliver where noone has ever walked. See shirk (God maks Gods but only wants God as only god-idol).
No wonder God killed Jesus and in doing so killed God. See movie Oblivion or Exorcising God. Explaining there is "Ogd" left. That is the program of Bible but the perceived is something much different (movie Phycho 1, 2 and 3) and if it is all "baby baby baby hit me one ore time" then WAU! Then no need to exalt this insane game which for millenia has terrorized people.
Isidently I am played again today playing myself mastturbating and I only write this because I hope it will show that rason why I say such is because it is true or esle I would never tell suck unless I was Hugh Heffner making playbouy magazine or vicorias secret insidently also malnourished amny of the models. God loves death and very thin people example model show ETAM see
24 April 23: Jews are murderers of Prophets.
Shirk is insidently a biblical trap. See movie Death Trap.
2024 April 20: Since I do not play nor accept doing things based on "spirit" or Asia or Bible since being exposed 40 years to religious abuse I will never win. Nor do I usually go in the direction played I actually go oppsite. Like today played reversin car at Flegggaard in Germany and not buying Sildenafil and another one MOJN which was spoken and mustle meory steps in even speaking certain words. I am off and will no longer, as said, play. I will perhaps be played. I do my things and if I one day can run 100 meters in 4.5 seconds I will have Guinness World Records come and record it, if I can repeat it. It has reached a level beyond Benny Hinn, Peter Popoff, and I do actually laugh very very dry. I made all work downwards making sure all in place yet played a clodhopper - and MOJN is danish language in Jylland for greating someone. MOJN is actually esoterically WORD. Go figure how much vomit can lie on the tip of a nose - more than there is a person in flesh.
Julian Assange and Donald Trump case both similar. Both sexual. Both no case. Both fake cases. Same as case Niels Ulrik Reinwald. If nations have anything, it is love not evil. If evil, then fuck this Las Vegas clodhopper show where Benny Hinn is the star supported by United Nations.
The case Julian Assange described in TIAWOL as completely fake and not one governance or lawyer has sent me an email with comments. We are dealing with the largest mafia structure world wide where also corporations and municipalities are corrupted to the core and they love it. What defines immorality and crime is not legal crime but human biblical adoption. Cases such as Trump, Assange and CLinton (sex) and Judge Brett Kavanaugh is just fake coverups to make up their fake world and people follow shit like that and Assange a patsy and Trump too.
CEOs and Presidents and similar are paid huge salaries as hush money. Who is complaining. Even Judges are paid handsomely to not speak the truth.
Masturbation triggers the release of hormones and neurotransmitters linked with positive emotions, sensations, and physiological responses. Masturbation is generally a healthy, risk-free way to engage in sexual activity. It could also allow a person to learn about personal likes or dislikes.
"For those who knew; it was oblivious. For those I taught; it came easy. For me it was the most amazing time."
critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.
During 2019 went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations. has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth. mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.
It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, and was considered ambiguous.