Something was by design wrapped as a gift which is danish language for poison and a whole world knows Covid was the bible plague and it has been around for many many centuries. Rather than uploading and doing anything and not even going white-out with then Niels Ulrik Reinwald did nothing and was still harassed and even his wife Pimpat. Doing nothing for month did nothing and now uploading did nothing except make a nation do their usual thing namely terrorize. Perhaps, maybe, this website will now stand as is from 2024 January 8 and a few days like this just to imagine it seeing it in action, nothing, as China said it.

Imagine a world only of down

January 20 2024

Then imagine a world without governments and a place which most people dream about. A few days ago a case of waste and how that does not fit into the idea of dreams but waste multi million Dollar industry and so is governance when 25% of a population works in governance. Tax-to-GDP could be like asking waste-to-less yet taxes are said to be the one thing people can count on. It is one of the fundmanetals of society yet is really the price of a product yet when no product is delivered then there should be no price and we are not talking legal taxes but simpe robbery.People know tax like they know their name and taxes are evn withdrawn before peoples hard earned money are actually in their hands deducted at the income-source and people now close their eyes and are acustom to it because governance is so large that it is the largest and no longer a democracy but simply a corporation in which 1.2 million people are employed in state danish.

Waste and toilet paper and similar are usually never on the list of topics to have a conversation about. Laws are those rules with which people live and should be back-pocket reading just as taxes should be paid for when something is actually delivered in return or rather first deliver, then pay or at best an exchange. Roman Empire living well into 2024 and nothing has changed and social media and technology has been around since a million years ago and more to do what we do today and the idea that people have progressed is the biggest lie parallel to the Big Bang Theory.

Bending the law and taxhavens are because the law is designed in such a way that it is bendable explaining why national television invited Uri Geller to perform his hoax while governance fooled the population with an erronous Bible made into a mindbedning up and down image inside the brain as seen in movie The Creator where they have it stuck inside their brain; the tube.

It then is all the same and GOD Channel keeps asking for donations giving only a heart if you supply monthly. At that level Niels Ulrik Reinwald should have seen how most nations are fooling its population keeping all on the same page.

When a nations systems from courts to governance does live up to their own laws except use laws to blindfold people even though laws on tax, then one can expose a nation for the people working in governance and courts suffering from cognitive distortions via Ponerology. When one spell nej esoterically then governance, courts danish, too are Uri Geller who fooled people in nations worldwide.

Niels Ulrik Reinwald has proven that end-of-waste is a word which now better linger at the alter when you dip the piece of shit they offer a piece of circle dry bread and at best a very small taste of cherry or port diluted. They suffer cognitive disabilities but if a Zebra says it is a Giraffe and 8.6 billion people - 1 one person say it too is a Giraffe, then the one person saying it is a Zebra is still right. If any temple was like City of Bangkok or Pattaya with perhaps some filters, then FIFO First in First Out would be applied to life just like in commercial production. Imagine everyone closed their eyes for 10 minutes on planet Earth each day at the same time. Associative cognition or simply seeing the brain outside the brain leads to imagination. Imagine a planet with no noise of any type. Imagine imagination. Imagine laws were truly flexible but as danish governance said yesterday: "There is the law and then there is the interpretation thereof" is like saying, there is toilet-paper and then there is not. Word truth; Governance are proven a self-delusional Giraffe and they say they are; a giraffe, which is esoterically meaning tall and long etc. When someone has to be a giraffe and not a human being - then the conversation usually is abrupted by NUR who is down.

Pope בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית

January 18,19, 2024

Word pope is Emperor and pope also Italian Papa; father. pope to Chinese 教皇 (teacher, emperor (ex. Tiberius)) and NUR was told be be a teacher since that is what Emperor is also namely father where from word God is derived.

Since yesterday writing this article named Pope is similar to telling someone in denial and in conflict with reality, that the student simply does not understand. Since teaching Pope from People one can conclude that from word followed extraction of bodily erotic fluids. Any word is a word even the word; word. But IN (translation to English) was the first word; בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית which without the apostrophe is at the head and then woman from first 3 Hebrew character. We also have a six which in swedish is sex (number 6). Vulgate (vulgar) bible comes to mind. Bible is alot of sex between sexes and among them across the whole book from start to end where we find a woman in many places having sex with a woman. Next time you visit your local government then take a condom with you rather than a Covid mask since their constitution and foundation builds upon mainly bodily fluids. Book Truth In A World of Lies [TIAWOL] on hold since TIAWOL just jumped upwards in value since yesterday:

Today NUR was told that state danish has a copy of TIAWOL explaining why the value is so immense and this fact proves that mobs of terror in state are selfish and does not coorporate on any level and furthermore terror from state and business today via email to NUR. No danish politician can also not explain why Grundskyld, a fee on own property (land), is not compensated but as we know state is GOMO or as per TIAWOL Greatest organized Crime organization under the disguise of democracy. Robbery (Article 17 berøves) is seen implicit allowed by state robbing peoples property in EU Fundamental Rights (here the English version) and that could explain the robbery by state and-or mob and-or Freemasons. So far it seems it all is wished for to stay the same so why all the angers and their frustration. Heck, build another temple and do what you say others shall not. Mental asylums or love and evil often are the same.

Waste; BTW, below article on waste added proof that private households do not have the listed waste which is only householdwaste from commercial corporations, production etc. The danish law on waste is an illegal scheme to defraud people from money paying to rid waste from private households and that is absolutely not the intention of EU Directives and TEU Article 191 2) as proven. This scheme is just one of thousands. Democracy Crime Inc. in function.

Imagine Bible. Imagine b, i, p, e. Not a pipe, but a pope since I AM ALPHA OMEGA. Who is then The Pope if not a person? God. Kings are gods also. Movie Gods Of Egypt. The Light shall not return so live in darkness. No, some 8 light minutes away there is a plasma burning called The Sun, a star with rays. Amun Ra. All built into the Bible. Then PE OP LE is a POPE and OP (OO) was never there so say Woopy Goldberg or simply People since they have the Le and not the Pope. People are Gods.

Pope is a King, a God. That is what a king is. Sun King and all. The Sun is God, Ra. Voila, pope is a sun god or simply god. Talk about being substitute for Jesus who never really lived is just ear-gas.

When Niels Ulrik Reinwald wrote The Pope ca 2014 Pope never wrote back - why - because he is blind and not a God. He is a King in a castle where people who too are Popes can imagine Pope will bring light. Pope does not and never did and never will. It is one way communication and pope portrayed in movies is more ear/gas for en enlightened. They have what I had and so it goes on and on and on. Greed and endless ideas and then terror and pope with 1.2 billion followers can not setup camp and demand what United Nations could and never can not even 'GOD'. 8.6 billion people made into Covid infested brainwashed amoebe thinking they are not. Not me, no, nt me. Then who carried the mask of ill fortune and who carie the endless global Covid which was not a virus but simple a tool to brainwash a whole planet in the Solar System. It is too weak and nonsensical for someone to believe in real 1.2 billion people who can hardly move the leg of an ant each ten years.

Imagine 1.2 billion Catholics are that powerless. Not worse a thought not worse the light and not even worse the match that lights the flame.

Five hebrew letters בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית, five crew and looks like a bird seen through some very dark sunflasses and our planet again does a Covid: Atlas Air Boeing 747 cargo plane makes emergency landing after engine fire on the same day NUR wrote this article. Same as Malaysia 370 vanishing since it was an esoteric danish aircraftwhen TIAWOL was published. Truths is bad, lies are bad.

Privacy versus private parts - TIAWOL something new, something borrowed, something old

January 18, 2024

Since 2013 and into 2024 January Niels Ulrik Reinwald as many others are listened into even in private hours on ones own private address. Therefore i is no longer a secret that whoever invented word invented private to be sitting between your legs too. Since nations/states spy and surveile private people and NUR it is time to publish book Truth in A World Of Lies [TIAWOL] with many more chapters prepared.

State NAZI so much wished for NURs book that they can get a free copy and they no longer have to ram NURs house to obtain and use threats to get it. When a nation thinks it has a right to keep its terror regime going then there is news; they have no rights and their only obligation is to do as Adolf Hitler had to do. A single sinful corporate business nation and nations fill so much in life they become life is like pissing in a bucket saying doing that is life. As they said in 2015"The flag is our trademark and our business logo". So they ram their way through using terror because one day someone would do as NUR did and imagine once being a child and having expectations and ending up in this sewage and only one ting nice is left is what he eye sees of a real world where actually life thrives. Democracy should be as simple as as nurturing a houseplant or breathing in the garden where tiny creatures live. Every person 2025 onward should be registered with a life file and a level/indicator and when it goes into orange United nations steps in and stops all of anything nations do to reimburse life and living into anyone the victim of nations - if this shit continues anyway; whats the point. Journalist and everyone jumps on the wagon of the matrix and it feeeeel good, right. That is why the shit continues and that is why a whole planet is very seriously ill including 'GOD'. explaining Covid and earlier birdflues and black deaths. Danish is Vanish and happily so because a state loosing that many times should not be a state, nation or life and love itself.

COMMISSION DECISION of 3 May 2000 - war on waste versus end-of-waste - polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated terphenylsor - recyclables is trillions € business

January 18, 2024

Replacing Decision 94/3/EC establishing a list of wastes pursuant to Article 1(a) of Council Directive 75/442/EEC on waste and Council Decision 94/904/EC establishing a list of hazardous waste pursuant to Article 1(4) of Council Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste,

Reference from Article 7 List of waste Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives (Text with EEA relevance) to 2000/532/EC: Commission Decision of 3 May 2000 (not in function).

COMMISSION DECISION of 3 May 2000 list of waste pursuant of waste directive however is not obligatory.

List of waste: Annex 2, bilag 2: which points to:

2014/955/EU: Commission Decision of 18 December 2014 amending Decision 2000/532/EC on the list of waste pursuant to Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council Text with EEA relevance:

List of Waste, LoW

2014/955/EU: Commission Decision of 18 December 2014 amending Decision 2000/532/EC on the list of waste pursuant to Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council Text with EEA relevance.


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives (1), and in particular Article 7(1) thereof,

Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union [TEU]


Article 191

2.   Union policy on the environment shall aim at a high level of protection taking into account the diversity of situations in the various regions of the Union. It shall be based on the precautionary principle and on the principles that preventive action should be taken, that environmental damage should as a priority be rectified at source and that the polluter should pay.

Firstly; environmental damage must have happened and actual damage occurred otherwise rectification at source and the polluter pay [PPP ]does not apply. Otherwise yes, PPP applies.

Environmental liability

Environmental liability applies to environmental damage and the risk of damage resulting from commercial activities once it is possible to establish a causal link between the damage and the activity in question. Environmental damage may be direct or indirect damage caused to the aquatic environment, flora and fauna and natural habitats protected by the Natura 2000 network, as well as direct or indirect contamination of the soil, which could lead to a serious risk to human health.

Secondly; Environmetal damage mentioned in above TEU Article 191 makes commercial activities liable.

Legal liabiliy

In lawliable means "responsible or answerable in law; legally obligated".[1] (LIABLE, Black's Law Dictionary (10th ed. 2014))

List of Waste which exactly refers to TEU Article 191 of environmental damage see above where commercial activities are liable and source is at the place where actual defined waste (LoW) occurs as per EU Directive on waste.

Article 7

List of waste

"The inclusion of a substance or object in the list shall not mean that it is waste in all circumstances. "

Article 3


1. ‘waste’ means any substance or object which the holder discards or intends or is required to discard;

Article 7: List of Waste tells us directly, that not all items are waste. Which are not? Items that are end-of-waste meaning for some the items are waste, for some not.

Article 3: Private household no longer discards or intends or is required to discard because now it is no longer waste to be discharged but end-of-waste to be recycled. And private households can no longer determine where to discharge because household resedue etc and old refrigiratos etc etc are now all recyclable and not waste. Once the waste management takes over that management can then process and eventually som resedure which can not longer be recyckled or is simply waste, is wasted. End-of-waste is not waste.

Waste versus end-of-waste / grenwashing European Union crimnal waste scheme

  1. Municipal waste definition
  2. List of Waste see household:
  3. End-of-waste status: since sorting allready starts at the household then private household no longer has the items on the list classified a waste because they are end-of-waste. 1. even shows the recycling at waste management (utility company) and private house sorts and does the job in part and has today even to pay for doing the sorting which is naturally not where the cost shall be recovered from at the waste-holder and what is not the private household having only end-of-waste.

The danish law governing waste even says so itself:

§ 3. I denne bekendtgørelse forstås endvidere ved:

1) Affald egnet til materialenyttiggørelse: Affald, som kan forberedes til genbrug, genanvendes eller anvendes til anden endelig materialenyttiggørelse eller forbehandling med henblik på en af de nævnte behandlingsformer.

1) Waste suitable for material recovery: Waste that can be prepared for reuse, recycled or used for other final material recovery or pre-treatment for one of the mentioned forms of treatment.

Private houeholds or anyone who has something which can be covered in § 3. 1. above is not waste. And this then is end-of-waste.

Per villa price in DKK per year 2024:

Item Price
 Per one Parcelhuse, villa  1.747,50
Husstandsindsamling 960,00
Nærindsamling 552,50
Madaffald ,110 L (sæk) 14 dages tømning 843,75
Restaffald ,110 L (sæk) 14 dages tømning 860,00
Total year (ca 700) 4963.75

European Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EC of 20 December 1994 on packaging and packaging waste

Article 7

Return, collection and recovery systems 1. Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that systems are set up to provide for:

(a) the return and/or collection of used packaging and/or packaging waste from the consumer, other final user, or from the waste stream in order to channel it to the most appropriate waste management alternatives;

(b) the reuse or recovery including recycling of the packaging and/or packaging waste collected, in order to meet the objectives laid down in this Directive.

Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives (Text with EEA relevance)

Article 6

End-of-waste status

3.   Waste which ceases to be waste in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2, shall also cease to be waste for the purpose of the recovery and recycling targets set out in Directives 94/62/EC, 2000/53/EC, 2002/96/EC and 2006/66/EC and other relevant Community legislation when the recycling or recovery requirements of that legislation are satisfied.

End-of-waste references packaging waste for collection with the purpose of reuse, recyckling. Private households have much packaging waste and much from groveries, supermarkets, etc. food-packaging and this is not waste but end-of-waste and other end-of-waste which is not derived from packaging is also collected for reuse, recycling. Waste packaging directive to promote less waste and to do so promote less end-of-waste and taht exlains the million of tons of packaging used wrapping everything and the more the better because most anyway goes to an incinerator and the consumer pays for this end-of-waste, but shall not, because ony a fee for waste is (illegally) charged including VAT 25% going directly in the pockets of the states lazy roman public servants.

Trillions of € defrauded and extracted from private households and because large sums are at stake though this criminal scheme, then they use the word waste deliberately and have even invented the word end-of-waste rather than using recyclables or rawmaterials. Waste is used gain and again and people thinks they discharge something makes it waste and the greenwashing has been used deliberately to numb a planet into this criminal European Union scheme.

Waste does not exist in private households. Waste exist at municiplaity level derived from end-of-waste sorted by private citizens for recycle purpose making it classified as end-of-waste. The waste listed as number 20 is Municipal wastes who is now the current holder and the household private only had end-of-waste. Current holder of waste will perhaps ship the waste to more processing elsewhere and now we get the current and previous holder of waste listen in the Waste directive and people are fooled for trillions of € by governments as hencemen collecting peanuts while large enterprices rake in trillions. Think waste; think Monaco or better.

End-of-waste and waste and recyclables is a trillion Dollar business.
Democratically elected and commercial enterprises will wish for waste and end-of-waste.
You work for free doing the sorting and delivering the raw material.
Even that which ends up in the incinerator is used as heating and the waste; potash/ash of which some is hazardous.
Democracy is the most corrupt enterprice invented.

Perhaps exlaining why China stopped importing waste, plastic etc. from the west.

This article is not exhauted but prove that private households have no waste and shall not pay the cost; waste holder and or commercial production companies shall pay for the collection of end-of-waste to promote using less packaging so the cost is minimized to make the productscheaper to compete at the price. Today they dont care explaining this scheme and the motive is 1. money 2. fraud via waste schemes 3. we outsmart the stupid citizen 450 million of them.

Article 6 End-of-waste status and is absolutely not waste. Waste is example used plutonium, uranium, polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated terphenylsor.

EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, self defence, right to be heard violated by european state

January 18, 2024

Since democracy is the World Order, then World Order does not work since if democracy worked, we would not need 'GOD' thus

Yesterday 17th danish court Danmarks (Ramadan) Domstole again violated basics of life of one which is the to be heard when accused. The court has used a term in Retsplejeloven, administration of justice law where court can ask a party to a case to obtain legal counsel. If this is not possible then court will rule against the accused and thus rendering a person accused without defense and the right to be heard.

Danmarks Domstole is organized under Domstolsstyrelsen which is responsible to the Justice Department who is responsible to the Folketinget, government, the people. This court is hus neither independant nor impatial and renders itself illegal on that count alone.

However party, part, and defendant is absolute not the same and the law uses words to belittle the citizens. Anyone shall absolutely not be forced to take any legal counsel since law should be read by anyone and an intelligence that of NUR bypasses their idea of an ancient world where people were idiots all. This also explains the many tours for NUR where a daily victory since 2014 each and almost every day is made into a bedtime saga so easy it screams mental asylum by and for 'GOD'. Those many tours irritates people and thus Covid pops up to inflict people with a psycological effect best described as Jonestown on steroids however someone made trillions of dolls. This world is operated on a level which is the level with which Danmarks Domstole uses a law which must have been written by complete imbeciles because they were biblical fooled and now shall punish the citizens. Imagine being accused and get told to shut up and case will be filed with a judgment without trial. This belongs in the movies but is real. Israel belongs in the movies. Denmark too belongs in a horror movie where state and courts collude to destroy a whole nation - and Denmark actually is in horror movies if you look and see a cross all bloody (this is also where state Denamrk go the idea of NUR axing his used as letters AX on danish license plates - one way to do divine law).

Retsplejeloven § 259

  1. Enhver kan både som sagsøger og som sagvolder gå i rette for sig selv.
  2. Stk. 2.  Retten kan pålægge en part at lade sagen udføre af en advokat, dersom den ikke finder det muligt at behandle sagen på hensigtsmæssig måde, uden at parten har sådan bistand. Pålægget kan ikke indbringes for højere ret.
  3. Stk. 3. Efterkommes et pålæg efter stk. 2 ikke, betragtes processkrifter, der indgives af parten efter pålæggets meddelelse, som ikke indgivne, ligesom parten anses for udeblevet fra de retsmøder, der afholdes efter pålæggets meddelelse. Hvor særlige hensyn taler derfor, kan retten dog beskikke parten en advokat.

ad 1 everyoe has the right to go to court for himself.

ad 2 then here they refer to a part (pary in the case) and that is absolutely not the same as the plaitiff (sags'ger) and in ad 1 a word is used sagvolder which is the defendant but that word, sagvolder, is hardly known in danish dictionary. Defendant in danish is sagsøgte.

Danmarks Domstol uses this made as law as Rule of Law against people when everyone in ad 1 is first said to can defend oneself.

ad. 3 then allows the court to dismiss the case if sagvolder, defendant, can not get legal counsel, Lawyer.

Bistand; support used. Thus legal service is only support. Why would a court demand this support? It is used to in ad 2 and ad 3 to violate rights and finally in ad 3 to ensure that court can rule a judgment to the plaintiff advantage only rendering the defendant in limbo and plainly curt uses this to silence any evidence presented which does not favour the state since the court is operated from within the state which is a corporation and danish court is absolutely thus not independant.

When a satte has nothing it uses law written in this way to bypass any opposition and any real life.

This is thus proof of deep state corruption proving law is divine rights for them but bullshit for citizens. That is why 'GOD' in Bible gives these hillbillies divine right because 'GOD' gave it to them to rule and fool using divine right since nations are installed via divine rights through naturally fake myth to Thyra Dannebod found in Bible so imagine a nation asking democracry ruled by divine rights. Democracy is crazy for that reason and proves 'GOD' mad too. it is all made up and is made up as they go along and changes all the time and mcuh removed and much fake entered such as painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. In the name; danish nar meaning fool. Then when something real comes along reality is tried pushed back into a dirty corner yet courts live their lives in a reality which best belongs in a Spagetti Western.

Walls with peoples-minds as fenced into gardens of enclosures

January 16, 2024

Yesterday and today yet again a day of terror on planet Earth by state Danish which does not comply with international principles nor the court of this state. The terror regime is inviting the eminent start of the publication of the book Truth In A World Of Lies since state such as Denmark holds its citizens as hostages and much of World War 2 is evidence of a hostage situation created by the governance alone surrendering a whole nation which by law is illegal. However here you see two flags explaing why Denmark surrendered - Denmark was and is Nazi and surrendered in case germany, The nazi, won. During WW2 danish corporation provided food and productions for the Wehrmacht which means defense might. Germany on the course to make their New World and Asian countries supported Hitlser since the New World was very welcomed but not by Denmark's Kingdom. Same same. A fight for love and glory. yes, Denmark lost to the Norway, to Germany in Napoleonic Wars prior WW2 and to Sweden too. 2024 Denmark ows so much that each dane hardly ows anything and the evidense alone is taxaxtion and democracy. A new world needs neither. Since terror is all they have, then naturally each day a small or larger article on any matter. Do as USA, fence in the whole bloddy thing and build Berlin walls or Chinese walls. Same same. Religion is the reason why education and life stopped a few thousands years ago and the world ended up with debt from centuriesof overspending by Roman Empiret, Holy Roman Empire to European Union, OECD, World Bank etc etc. The reality is as mad as can be except the very ultra few inventions that really moved people and it could have been The Bible had people been educated on a global scale and not a few; but that was part of the deception and war-tool the Bible was and is. Silence for 50 years and then a few educative pages and voila, NUR proved that Bible was wrong and they still hang up the telephones when governance can't answer simple questions. Mostly they don't even reply. Sometimes it takes them 12 month. Government (democracy) are insanity defined and Earth will never get over Covid (Bible) or tear down this wall yet danish culture has created a land filled with walls. Your world is governed by idiots and complete psycopaths and they use democracy to blame it all on you.

While danish people "own" there land there are skelpæle (metal pole to show a parcel) placed by government. The fences and hedges is part of culture world wide and extreme in Denmark. They are mind-walls rather than border-walls and are by design made to make people separated. Culture and democracy has many things in common and one is separation and a world of solitude yet some find comfort in the entertainment and social media industry and even an attempt to open up but you will realize your life is completely destroyed more than 6000 years ago. People live in a fence world and the fences is also social media, news outlets and your own real estate which is paid for through taxes even if your house as property is paid for in full (ejendomskat, grundskyld both illegal). Democracy is robbing peoples property (EU Fundamental Rights even allows robbery by state (must however be compensated but is illegal not)) on a long term base or else people would by now have accumulated their own houses and brothers an sisters inherited the shelter all for free but even there democracy and its laws rob people through inheritance tax. Say life, say democracy, say tax, say poverty exhibited as short term wealth yet long term trillions upon trillions in debt.

"I (EYE) can see my brain; I have eyes and they reflect what I see inside my brain - I see my brain - in complete darkeness; there is no light inside brain and the visual cortex." - Niels Ulrik Reinwald

(Above quote by NUR was today 2024 January 16 said to be the biblical EYE by terrorists and mob. NUR is talking science, the visual cortex leading to the nerves sending electrical signals from iris through the lens, cornea. Then danish hillbillies and mob bring on Covid talking about biblical EYE. They are insane asking for NUR and everyone else to back down but they keep Covid alive and the defense is to tell about it.)

μέτριος mine and Incorporated Districts, LIE RING O, Min, consort Isis

January 14, 2024

μετρίως is meek but Basque language it is δικος μου (dikos mou cognate mon dik os) meaning mine and nimrod is a cock. They shall speak in toungues. How many, well, many and all. meek and meak cognate so same however sligthly different yet esoterically a = e (flipped 180 degrees). Same as ARMY MARY - different but esoterically LOVE and EVIL. Virgin Mary is the bastard evil one end Jesus is the one loving because he is nationally stonedead. VAGINA and VATICAN and NIMROD locks together making a ladyboy in Thailand. No need for for LGBT because that was done a few thousand years ago and moreback to nimrod and Virgin Mary or else how can they live 4000 year apart. Nimrod a biblical figure and since both are god they where incorporated into one book, The Bible. Here is the dikos or Nimrod or Min flipped 180 degrees again. aMIN down to wORD makes NIMROD. Min the egyptian God can impossibly not be part of Bible but is. that prooves the Bible fake and RELIGION as LIE RING O is the the dust in the coffin shutting down that nations base as complete fake; they have nothing and that explains their First amendments and complaint-systems hen people have grievances. They are fucking insane.

Meek πραεῖς (praeis) — 1 Occurrence and praeis cognate priest and that means a prostiute. Jentila Basque cognate gentle.

Gentile, person who is not Jewish. The word stems from the Hebrew term goy, which means a “nation,” and was applied both to the Hebrews and to any other nation.

This then makes any non-gentile person not a nation explaining why a nation is incorporated to be away and inside as the gentile. Sine mine is biblical and First amendment, seen further below, references religion, bible, then grievances as complaint eplains why state danish also has a compaint system so huge it is a way for anyone to complain over a governance instituted by teh peopel. Madness. That is why democracy is de facto fake and state danish is a goos place to start because this nation is inforporated as a name namely Denmark. Reason is, that they have absolutely nothing and had to incorporate everyhting in order to get the gitft og love, Christianity, religion; LIE RING O.

This goes to evidense that people are outside The Bible and not incorporated as per cartoon below right. This originates in esoteric knowledge namely that WOrd of which WO and O is ( ) making it I ) and P and W and E is PE. Then UP which is danish OP 4 (((( which is OO which is mastercardlogo and Chanel logo. Then back down again LE derived from the same we came from namely PE. We get:


Word, Earth is void, OP is OO nothing from after revelation 22 to myth chapter 23 (movie) which does not exists. People do not exist. That is why a nation is incorporated. In corps, in body. Dead. Nations are stonedead. Corpus or body of their base, Jesus (Horus), dead more than a stone.

Consort to Isis is Nim and Nimrod in Bible as a one penis since word is CUNT and COCK which shall be hsown later in a chapter. Each 7 strokes. Since Min is biblical as are Denmark as Kram Den and Den is a den or One then Kram One and what to be hugged (kram) - the COCKINUMIUS or COCK. Since Bible has builtin items per myth such as Min and Rod, Nimrod and thus Min (God) then COCK Isis is their consort and who then is the terrorists really, nations, governance and their COURTs. Other people the nfight this insanity and are said to be terrorist and Isis. What came first is the origina and begining of terror and governments are then the orgigin of terror and Isis used as a methaphore with a black black flag with white dot circle arabic text since Abraham and Muslims have the exact same namely a cock and a cunt of whic what follows is just myth and terror.


το σώμαi (to sóma) corpus, body part of incorporation, a firm, company, business. Sodoma derived from to sóma; sód(t)oma. Sodom is Genesis 19:24. and Matthew 10:15 where we see Σοδόμων4 occurances. Sodomōn as amin cognate. Amen then NIMROD or MIN or imply FUCK PEOPLE. Englis word Sod meaning a few things and danish sod is soot. What is Sod is God is soot black explaining Thor the Dark (soot) World when gravity takes em' up then down. What do Thor, Odin and Jane Foster have in the movie? Love, sod it! They just died ca 3000 BCE as Min and Isis. Go far enough back and then anyone is royal scrambled eggs. Where does Soda come from, sod or Sodomōn - well - word.


Something used as a name or word is derived from the origin and at least found 3 times in Bible. USA has,_Arizona one too. Why, because it is also the bird and Bible hence First amendment not disallowing religious practices yet when it comes to Jonestown, heck, then we can not allow that or Waco the ARMY MARY goes to war killing millions of innocent people. Why, because they are outside and no more worth collateral damage. that also explain why some nations, dish, baptizes children with the person consent and is then confirmed at age 15 yet person never told the full scope of what the hell person confirms and in that likes the hoax and fraud and illegal governments and nations because they adopted and adapted Bible from Budha and in doing so also late realized English language and other are made in Asia. Government fooled big time which also explains why todays royals are constitutional via democracy rendering democracy and the constitution a pile of hogwash. You live in Alice in a Rabit Hole and Holi then takes her on a journey just liek TIAWOL did. Since world persists in this then the bird rises from ash and voila any church is allowed.

Courts of a nation is corrupted and illegal or rather a non grata

January 13, 2024

Word rested said below and so Niels Ulrik Reinwald is suppose to rest the word and speaking or writing makes is he most natural to update websote as said once aday. Do done with this 13th update and each day with an update ofsome sort since silence went nowhere neither did talking, writing so a complete fake. As proven, then laws are written in such a way that there is always two or more ways to interpretate the law which explainsthe use of Laywers since democracy and nations absolutely do not wish people to know the law or rule of law which is based on ancient roman principles. Also danish constituion uses in § 13 fredhellig which is sacrosanct meaning divine right violating the constituion itself related to religious freedoms. Denmark is a corporation and thus Danmarks Domstole is a corporation or else it should be named Bulgaria's Domstole (domstole = courts). In the constitution word "Domstole" alone is used. Danmarks Domstole is illegal.

that explain corruption, terror and "There is something rotten in the state of Denmark" and poverty and welfare system designed for obedient slaves in a corportaion where constitution is divine and courts natioanl is corrupt explaining why tey also cary guns openenly when peopel visit the courts. No court house should ever need such and when anyone enters a court one is naturally sober and fresh and this also explain why the lower retter og Denamrk suhas civilretten is not a court since constituion only speaks of Domstole and High Court (Højeste domstol)and Forvaltningsdomstole. never Danamrks Domstole. This is emprical ecidense hat the Danamrks Domstole is a hoax, a scam, a fraud. Why? Also because words are vital and can not bejoggled around liek that everandwhen done violates the constitution and anyone ruling on the peopels behalf.

Once people could not read Greek, Latin language and was under the complete influence of educated priests and in essense terrorist and same almost applies today and istried by letting the lawitself be a written with multiple choices (as will be shown) rendering the law void and null and illegal in that any law that can be interpretated in more than one way so that if anyone only reads part of the law will be fooled. People also trust Lawyers but hey are the scum of this Earth and the reason is many fold, they dont know or they are trained to know and thus fools the people. GOD has institutioned the authorities Romans 13.6 and in doing so GOD has corrupted a whole Earth.

(Science and religion) or (life and death). Even Big Bang Theory a hoax showing how a whole world even Scientist have been brainwashed.

Nations Tax used to destroy people and 28 of 179 mandates destroyed by state - lesson; don't help people

January 08, 2024

Nations tax is the outcome of many years of governments borrowing. Lesson is; nations with democratically elected government are the culprit and earlier royals bankrupted whole lands then nations and then democracy and finally people. The base, religion of nations, still active and there is absolutely nothing new and New World is just the old World. Niels Ulrik Reinwald and his book Truth In A World Of Lies explained that which it took 6000 years to do. Bible and religion used to fool - genuine Bible would make everyone have riches, life and enjoyment - but governments borrowed and people carry the burden via taxation.

Niels Ulrik Reinwald will follow how the religious conflict evolves worldwide and it is also understood that there is only one entry to this Planet which is why worldwide religions, as the same religion, played as different religions, are suppose to be spread as a word as the idea of global unity and it is here a long time ago. Surely government and its echelon do not wish for pesonal income tax to be less or removed - how else would government pay back their huge loans.

Mogens Glistrup educated himself in USA in tax law and became famous in Denmark because he had a plan to make riches for people. Came back to Denmark and wanted to reform and was elected to danish parliament (Folketinget) with 28 mandates of 179. The old politicians hated him. He wrote about tax and one small leaflet is:

: Indkomstskatten-SamfundetsSkurk Mogems Glistrup eng.pdf (in danish language version PDF file)

This goes to the evidense that state colludes in destoying 28 mandate of 179 (of Folketinget (peoples government)) by inventing a fake fictitious lawsuit case against Mogens Glistrup using fictitious court cases rendering the Danmarks Domstole illegal also since no Forvaltningsdomstole is created since 1953 as per constitution. Con, consti, tututu is liek saying: "turds on the road".

The government, regeringen (constitution), is Folkeinget and thus peoples representatives but illegal regeringen has been created over the years. At one point even political parties were disallowed in Folketinget meaning everyone voted from their personal convictions and not by colluding with a political party.

Denmark via democracy is controlled through law but the law is by design written to fool. Niels Ulrik Reinwald [NUR] has multiple examples covering almost every law in which double-meanings and scemes are used and once you spot 'em they are easy to find. When a civil person contacts governance in any question the repl yisusually that the civil person neds to speak to a Jurist within governance howeevr any civil person shall naturally be able to read the law and understand it like milk and honey. One major large law governs the regulation on the work of the illegal Danamrsk Domstole: and it it there are multiple deceptive methods used which are used over and over. 2024 January 08 Niels Ulrik Reinwald telephoned Højesteret (High Court) at Danmarks Domstole) and was refered to a specific §-number which was wrong and NUR had to tell the lady, Rita Rising, administrationschef, that she had the wrong number. Fun, aha! Wrong number. yes, that too. So NUR told her and she hung up the telephone.

The danish Danmarks Domstole is corrupt and illegal and the evidense of this is in the very constitution Grundloven:

§ 63
Stk. 1.
Domstolene er berettigede til at påkende ethvert spørgsmål om øvrighedsmyndighedens grænser. Den, der vil rejse sådant spørgsmål, kan dog ikke ved at bringe sagen for domstolene unddrage sig fra foreløbig at efterkomme øvrighedens befaling.
Stk. 2.
Påkendelse af spørgsmål om øvrighedsmyndighedens grænser kan ved lov henlægges til en eller flere forvaltningsdomstole, hvis afgørelse dog skal kunne prøves ved rigets øverste domstol. De nærmere regler herom fastsættes ved lov.

Corporation of Denmark

There is none. No Administrative Court, Forvaltningsdomstole of which there should be plural. After trying a question citizen shall be able to take the case to Højesteret, High Court. That is one reason why this Administrative Court has been obliterated but exists in all other nations in The European Union. Denmark is the most corrupt nation by far. Corruption is not only the change of money but the change for lives where citizens are treated like cattle and less. Since every other European nation has a forvaltningsdomstole (Administrative Court), these counries must have had it from somewhere and since union policy are supposed to be harmonized the only reason why left out in nation Denamrk is to avoid 1. people being able to go to High Court and 2. corruption on multiple levels having a Danmarks Domstole which used "Danmarks" rather than Hungari's or Bulgaria's which would be more appropriate thinking we are in bloody Denmark. Danmarks Domstole and Domstole are absolutely not the same. Domstole of which there was the Kings Cort now obsolete, then Folketinget 179 chairs as a court in Folketinget and then a domstole pluran named Danmarks Domstole of which there are multiples of which Danmark is a business names and a legal name for the Corporation of Denmark much like Washinton District of Columbia. Meaning, that Danamark Domstole is the court of the corporation Denmark and not a peoples court and absolutely not just and absoltely corrupted exept for the corporation and peopel are not a shareholder of this Stock Hlding Corporation without anything but certificates of peoples birth rendering that "stock" worseless as soon as dead hence a dath certificate just in case the corpoaration fiddles the numbers and says therea are 6.9 million people when in fact 300.000 more or less of them are dead. Corpse and corporation in union since both are dead only people are alive when they are - alive. A nationa bibical is a body, a corporation and stone dead. No people, no corporation. Danmarks Domstole is then why "Danmarks Domstole" is not seen rendered in the constitution only "domstole". This also explainswhy Danmarks Domstole has officers with guns as guards since hey guard their corporation, not the peoples and the court is like saying, "Fuck you, you are not a shareholder of Danmarks Corporation and we make the laws, not you so you are welcomed and should you find our fake laws written in such a way that tehy are scizofrenic and written in double meanings and interpetation then you have to prove that Denmark is used and not Bulgaria."

That is why the book Truth In A World is so much wanted by Danmarks Incorporated.

kan ved lov says that a forvaltningsdomstol though law can be setup not the actual forvaltningsdomstole which must be created so that any question can be asked at this court; the sentence says so linguistically. Kan will be interpreted as; perhaps, maybe etc. Otherwise it would be; "ved lov kan henlægges til en eller flere forvaltningsdomstole". Heck, the court is the bloody law so no need to have a law to tell a court what to do except, maybe, follow the laws created or rather tell the administration and governance to do their bloody job probably and rightfully step by step like reading a recipe how to bake a cake and that can be demanding enough for even a jurist and Lawyer.

The laws that governs the courts are also corrupted. When Mogens Glistrup can be destroyed during 30 years using § 57 in the constitution for tax-fraud this would explain why 28 mandate of 179 differ but the freemasons and ill culture and business and old school politicians will it the old ways, thier ways, and not the peoples way. Mogens Glistrup was a man hated and cnvicted for fictitious trials and he wasn ot allowed to be heard for 9 years and 6 month at the courts. Mogens Glistrup was convicted on fake cases and falshoods and that explainwhythe corrupted state is not interested in delivering the court files. Denmark and its court system and even its democracy and Kingdom needs an overhaul and complete makeover and not one of those in the entertaiment business. When state got it wrong, they try to right it by doing wrong again. If state goes back far enough the origin and batism of the state can be blamed but even so the state of today present can be blamed because why have a mouth if it does not speak tell the population that the population is fooled by state. The state is responsible and if nobody tells someone then a person can not know and will beleive in Santa Claus all the Jingle Way.

The current Capital of the U.S., Washington DC, is incorporated.

Washington DC is the legal system. It is like The Vatican - an island-state with the state and everything outside that state (Washington DC) is outside the legal system and belongs nowhere and has no rights and actually also no obligations and people fooled for centuries. Denmark Incorporated is the same and the evidence lies alone in the use of Bulgarias Domstole. The use of apostrophe also important to notice not using Danmark's Domstole but Danmarks Domstole. That is also why there is a BAR against you and the Judge at the court, he is inside, you are not and you are not incorporated and your birth-certificate - why - why the hell do free people need a birth certificate. That goes to the proof of a persons assistance and the certificate is collateral or money since the corporation can borrow another billion and one the person dies the dead even has value after death though religious ceremonies burial costing billions annually all flowing into the corporation explaining why corporation are incorporate as being part of the overall main corporation. Reference: and and and

"In 1800, the seat of government was finally moved to the new city, and on February 27, 1801, the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1801 placed the District under the jurisdiction of Congress. The act also organized the unincorporated territory within the District into two counties: the County of Washington on the northeast bank of the Potomac and the County of Alexandria on the southwest bank. On May 3, 1802, the City of Washington was granted a municipal government consisting of a mayor appointed by the President of the United States."


First Amendment

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Very well, but can CIA and FBI and anyone except Congress, yes. People are fooled.

"The meek shall inherit the earth" - how meak. Rhetorical. The meeks are now the bloody governement who has borrowed so much since centuries back. Perhaps NUR shall give 'em a bowl of rise pudding and hope for their bettering. Perhaps the bustop is designed may years ago. Perhaps the bus is large enough. When someone blows the horn filled with noise one at least can watch the road leading to Rome. Action could what words can not but sometimes words just is all one has.

There are in fact so many details that it will take all of 2024 into 2025 to cover just a few percent. Some are easy to uncover and stand out almost instantly once you see them for what they are and how they design laws and the use thereof. Some cases may be covered January 2024. When goverance only lets democracy work each 4 years then a nation is like a soup without the soup.

Origin of tax: (and bible thus they rule by law which is love / nada 没有什么). Reason why democracy works is because humans onlystarted educating themselves around The Industrial Revolution and actually as late as 1980th. Probably once self/education is fully working then social media will move into a platform away from meta/data to actually producing life and rule of law is like saying EMPEROR sitting on a chair wondering where the legs are. Governance or gobierno or simply 'god' then why all the fuzz. Bugs are bugs because they bug - but they don't know. Same for governance. They simply do not really govern but pretend they do and in doing so they destroy rather than leaving the ballroom to mogens Glistrup who by this time would have created wealth and fashion far richer than we know 2024 moving from less and no taxes to housing of luxury and life in blissfully aware that life produces life itself and that is fun. Governance, if any, should be unheard and unseen and purely administrative. Court too would be fair and just had Mogens Glistrup had his effectfull 15 minutes.

Mogens Glistrup as Louis XVI would have given everyone the view seeing how Donald Trump as Emperor with a gold tower also is hated by the establishment (media etc. becausee our world is operated on not comprehendng how one person, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, was and is able to decode everything on the foundation as small as possible) because people and zebras stay zebras for millions of years not really changing:

Try tell a zebra it is, you will never succeed.

Computer cookies and - EU subsidies makes tomatoes cost € 100 per piece (exaggerated perhaps to make it sink down) - cheap products from Asia-China makes people poor and workless in The European Union

Example from 2024 januar 08 showing not complying with their own hogwash:

Shows cookies even without consent of cookies.

Since news and media outtlets except reports on this small but vital area then it shows the system and democracy is fake. Therefore everyone is now able to demand back their money for taxes paid to sustain the European Union but subsidies are paid to farming making your local produce very very expensive. If such a small area is not upheld then every other is also not upheld except here tax revenue is returned to large corporation paid for without consent also even if elections are held setting up the European Union yet England has via ØbrexitØ" left this monster of a system so currupt it looks like the Italian Mafia nursing pigeons on the squares on Venice while the black death engulfes The European Union whiel peopel arebeing robbed daily from states and gorvernance and the elcetions setting up The European Union may as well have beene faked too. Who can count of the countersof the ballots. The elections are rigged. It is goverments officiels who work counting the ballots and votes so corruption built into the system. democracy is fake. The European Union is fake. England should save billionsannually and people of England should ask for their hard earned money back from years of deceptions making their food much more expensive.

China produces cheap and best but since Napoleon wars and many other wars governanceand Roman Empire bankrupted Europe 1000 times per capita i.e. no work and no capital and left as less than slaves from an era where castles and gold was used as collateral building Sun castles at a cost in Romania making Queen of Denmark look like a sod and a Le Misérables bottomless without a skirt of even an Emperors tale except the one Niels Ulrik Reinwald told and for this NUR was hated for telling how these riches vanished too out of Europe and governance today 2024 onwards just borrow more money making poor more poor.

The World on planet Earth is as per book by Author NUR: Truth In A World Of Lies - the World is a LIE RING O (RELIGION) a place where religion rules - not democracy. That is why democracy is fake. Danish constitution provesthis with refeence to Bible in §4. People are made to believe democracy works. Evidense is democracy itself and cookie-policies and use of cookies themselves at Ulrik Reinwald emailed governance in Europena Union and no reply. That is how poor they are. Imagine a governemnt that does not even dare or are able to enter into argumentaion and simply do not reply and governance in Denmark replies with illegal replies and rulingssince 2017 related even to simple questions liek work and educaion and now on all matters without concern for dignity or life and realities created by the very peopel who elected the bastards to govern. Democracy is illegal just by using democracy since nobody shall accept any such sytem that makes any person accept anything without consent.

"Conscious of its spiritual and moral heritage, the Union is founded on the indivisible, universal values of human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity; it is based on the principles of democracy and the rule of law. It places the individual at the heart of its activities, by establishing the citizenship of the Union and by creating an area of freedom, security and justice."

The heart sits between the legs as per evidense by Niels Ulrik Reinwald. HEART is also EARTH thus a RAT too which explains rat combat fees, a tax, in Nazi state Denmark. Universal values must be like universal income - does not exist. Rule of law is ruling or ruler which is a past idea from Kingdoms ruled by Kings. We live in a spiritual world where the spirit sits between the legs as per Bible and with that they act like entertaining showing debates and vulture cultre at the helm of the very life you have. Life shall never have rights. If life needs rights it mean you have no rights because what if you wish to be left? Such simple matters are of no concern for multibillion dollar corporations and governance spending and most people are content with statstics showing illness and sickness nationwide costing trillions of € each year. Earht was said to Niels ulrik to be worth 700 trillion $ and all Niels Ulrik thought, they are miserable having only money. When a nation calculates its wealth in money and have none (debt) it becomes even worse.'

Since many wars in Europe governments have borrowed money outside Europe and todayis in debt and under control from outside governance which is why democracy is fake since royals rule like eer before but without the actual rule of law. One such ied by Niels Ulrik Reinwald implemented called Universal Income but tried implemetd without fullly understaning the scope and thus our worl operated on instncts and the burning of Notre Dame and Je Suis in Paris with fake terror attackseve 911 in ney Your now real but based on fake backgrounds and the terrorist are those who demand no terror.

Denmark as European Union illegally does not apply the law nor international treaties

January 07, 2024

The case at hand is in the foundry. state Denmark is historically a Nazi zone where business and contry is operated from a casle Christiansborg which in itself in operaing out from royal religious royal castle, is in violation of:

Article 10

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

1.   Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right includes freedom to change religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or in private, to manifest religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.

2.   The right to conscientious objection is recognised, in accordance with the national laws governing the exercise of this right.

Mr. Peterson; "I interpret your religious law differently and void your government".

Government: "Go vote [sic] yourself".

State and nation violates every single law they can and also a law today on justice itself where law is written in doublespeak. This will be explained and shown soon. The court system as per Mogens Glistrup is comletely ignorant and occupied by complete fools who uses the law like wiping their asses with their each others assess. Court of Denamrk are lsp illegal alone via the danish constotution hwich is not upheld. Today High Court (Højesteret) Rita Rising hung up the telephone on on my request for documents for cases related to a very intelignt man Mogens Glistrup who got 28 mandates of 179 at the Folketinget.

Jerusalem Post. Did you know this news outlet uses computer cookies without consent and even asking for consent and many websites dos this. You as a people live in a complete set of fakes. it is time Donald Trump pulled himself together and showed the World what a man and President can do rather than fool around conjuring up to hillbilly mentalities of which there are now so many that a world of information is only worth a fuck when fuck is done backwards. Much more follows as cases are expanded by nations and states and if anyone as people in places liek Ikraine wish for the support of Russia or anyone esle then why have united when united is separation. Stick it in and lick the drops of juice from the internal cumbustion engine of the source and not the fake Bible. However, once Bible is decoded, then light is turned on. Denmark is a state and nation of such vomit is lies. I and O. WHich is it. I it must be since O is in lOVE and I is jeus as EYE so both are dead danish heerings andit is almost impossible to get a bottle of this fine wine and spirit in Denamrk - go figure no more. Denmark now ows so much money away (DKK 45000 per capita) that it can not afford to feed the population with quality.

Even stores cookies without consent. is official but illegal. Jerusalem post, the cradle of culture (!) has many errors also related to cookies:

This is similar at where cookies are also stored without consent. EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is fake or not upheld nowhere and only used to make people htink there is privacy and companies care. They do not. one killing is enough to ill-legitimize a nation.

Before consent cookies are stored from multiple sources. Some more cookies may be stored after consent. only the "too white" Niels Ulrik reinwald but shown becauseevryting nations do is based on fear and terror and error. Shootings in USAalso a starnge ocurenc and must be psyops or ismilar or some made evry ill toshoot with amchineguns at other people. Only insane people shoot at other people like Israel police and simialar no matter who they shoot at. They are usually brainwashed themselves to eb able to shoot at people even at random. Brainwashing is the tool of nations and the Jonestown massacre is evidense of brainwashing even from USA.

Magdalane, got talent, been there, done that, chess game, Jeanne d'Arc virgin Mary Jesus killed

January 07, 2024

Vietnam war, Cambodia, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Korean war and the list is longer than any person can remember. Napoleons wars. Versailles and Venice among whole cities (Paris) stands as tourist centers for people to dream and watch as nations plunder and rob their way through peoples hard work robbing people via high taxes invented for the purpose of having no money for the Napoleon wars and this night again Niels Ulrik Reinwald is being harassed on behalf of at least five billion people. Gov, governance, has absolutely no shame and no life - if they did - would never need to coerce the people of a nation to pay taxes and fees for services never rendered.

A chess-game won 2015 and even 2017 invited to be played virtually to make a whole planet full of people THINK DIFFERENT and THINK LIKE GOD or else. Or rather THINK and DO or else state will send their filthy ARMY paid for by taxpayers to destroy and kill the taxpayers. Taxpayers are like rats and here are plenty of them and state and nations Freemasons and governance will kill even beauty and little girls for no reason other than they can; see Operation Carnage by state and nation Denmark. How the h... can a civil resistance movement ask any other army to deal with a military matter. War crimes by England and nation-state Denmark who surrendered Denmark twenty minutes after Germany stood at the border. This is a crime by governance and no one was convicted. They say forgive but two world wars are taught about in state school danish yet state still uses "Nazi" technics to inflict many operations on its people it overshadows Operation Carnage yet ca 66 French children killed at nearby school Jeanne d'Arc must stand in the memory of the survivors even I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald. If anyone survives life itself, that is enough evidesne of attrocities and any nation should be put under strict observation and taken over by an international body to secure the people first and the nation second or never leaving it obsolete just liek nations leave people obsolete. Imagine; perhaps Jeanne d'Arc and 66 children were the actual real target.

The virgin Mary Joan of Arc. the ark symbolically Mary the little lamb and so ca 66 children was sacrificed. We are again at Revelation and this time 11:19. They never got to fulfill their dream and their last song was one in silence for someone to write about to perhaps let them live through the kind gentle memory of someone who actual cares made a villain also trying to protect people from being amputated illegally and violently by very ill doctors in a nation which used the heraldic to portray love. No words can ever describe life, love and death. Joan or simply Jesus (Jehova) is rissen as Joan of Arc and then executed again and again even via murdering ca 66 school children at a French school named after Jesus. paris too is littered with this Joan and danish pop music culture littered with er too via songs one named Johanna.

Earlier articles entered into pages listed above making room for more articles and chapters in your World of Truth And Lies and mostly governed by fear and terror by state including slavery which is now today 2024 installed on a global scale through The Bible and religion. Wars created to silence you. News and media (social) is used to inflict the silence of majority a blow using entertainment and the lure of global talent shows that are pat of the global network of terror in which a singing Susan Boyle dreams and her dream comes through while millions are killed and slavery installed paid through small wages robs back through taxes on a scale which is just little enough for you and most people to accept the global massacre tried using religion seeing how far you will go and you never know until it is too late.

Now Niels Ulrik Reinwald will dream, write and show how this world is operated like a whore-house of deception. NUR has "been there, done all that" and that even happens 2022, 2017, 2015 multiple times each year and sometimes many times per week and 2023 January 07 NUR came multiple times and finally ejaculated in a biblical orgasm even bigger but that was not enough (Oikema, acts, law) so played a fool yet again another day and this small article entered to counter-balance the enormity of life itself and sunglasses is not enough but rather the Elephant Man and The Invisible Man which exlains why DANISH IS VANISH (even a cleaning detergent) and since noise again was delivered on yet another day of many in a world of faked silence.

Inter means many things but is a word non the less and a word bares no fruit explaining why nations build towered into the sky going even Interstellar going nowhere. Writing this late hours after again being terrorized and cars aggressively driving passed my house it is of such evil ponerology. Dream was a song and a song made to say that billions of people now know.

Susan Magdalane Boyle

She gets an entry specially since she is the way of how an operation named "Bible" ignites tears and nails of burning blood stuck in feets and arms and hands making every people unable to move a single rock. While people listen to a bird sing a song then The World becomes pennyless.

MARY ARMY - let the light shine where there is none. As long as there is one single court case, one single war, one single tear from heaven.

It was so good a nation had to cut the legs of a woman and many other sacrifices later The World still moves at ca 30.000 km/h around The Sun. It is difficult to feed the bird on a winters days when one thinks of a billion people slaughtered for love which spells war.

Authors are Authors just like singers sing a song and birds never go to school to learn to fly. The most amazing time it was. It was said it was the last TAXI and the last one (even more than a year ago in 2022) yet persistently many many tours leading to wars again and again. This wesbite contains words yet nations words are the taxes which is people and thus people support terror by deception in democracy made into a horror show.

Ponerology - God is violating People

The science of one for all, all for one, E pluribus unum originating out from The Bible in which there is only one single person, sin itself. Book; Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes. This is democracy. This is your and our World. E pluribus unum  starts and ends with EM as 4x4 strokes of the pen. Same is IN the beginning ... Word ... amIN. This is love, this is why billions of people suffer. World War II was Jonestown Massacre tried seeing if the war could be extended further, it could. 911 new York, Israel, Iraq, Libya and many more right into your living room. You are suppose to be E pluribus unum. Then what is US doing since us then is MANY or simply MARY. Plures is many in Latin. Go figure why USA has to speak Latin language. Deception. Think different, no, think easy. People WE. I/WE AM/THE PEOPLE and governance are public servants and is one single person UNUM, then governement is removed and inactivated until they comply with words and language as simple science. Nobody likes to inactivate - then why do governance inactivate people through wars and taxes on a level which belongs in graves. Rhetorical. GOD and DOG is like ARMY and MARY and we name it yin yang and when used hated like the plague itself.

Sound of silence can be so quite it is noise itself. When noise as a visible then government and its democracy is visible 100% of life, then life is no longer love nor life. If life is democracy, then show me a bird which can sing without having to learn to sing.

Birds and the emu don't know how to fly - they just do. When governments and nations need The Bible to live - then the bird must read before it can fly; explaining why the emu can't fly.


"For those who knew; it was oblivious. For those I taught; it came easy. For me it was the most amazing time."



Magazines updated latest are listed from left to right:
Niels Ulrik Reinwald

critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.


During 2019 went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations. has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth. mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.

It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, and was considered ambiguous.

Article including this dis- and claimer is available here.