Class Action Lawsuit against Terror State Of Denmark
Principal case as subclass-cases joined. empirically proving statE-terror and state-destruction by the state itself.


2021.10.27: Danmarks Domstole may shut the case down because NUR will not pay the court-fee. Paying to the defendant a fee to let the defendant find if the defendant if guilty is like washing your washing-machine with your washing-machine.

2021.10.14 Adding information and building site. Will most likely start loading some of the first cases in the beginning of November 2021.


Main Class Action

Updated: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 11:45 AM
Created: Tuesday, October 6, 2021

All files and documents will be shown in good time. Some are not shown yet and it is expected the number of files will grow exponentially starting with at least a few hundred pages and documents. The Class Action is 2021 October beginning to see correspondence with Danmarks Domstole and any document will be shown as download-able documents when time permits and should be made available all depending on the procedure also related to court-files that may contain very sensitive information and very damaging information for the Terror State of Denmark.

NUR uses coherence and consistency and joinder (legal) to make the process more efficient or more fair (rather than presenting many cases and listening to the same explanations and asking wittness multiple times then one joined case ensures coherence and consistensy and thus fairness) and a fair trial is defined in Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Some of these health-cases even join to other seemingly unrelated cases which will be shown when activated. Since the Class Action case is a collection of cases to show and prove among other things terror, then anyone can join the Class Action Case on an European level since the Class Action is principal and touches similar situations and peole across borders and health has no border except when the health system is in an awful state of disrepair.


Joinder (sammenføjelse).

"In law, a joinder is the joining of two or more legal issues together. Procedurally, a joinder allows multiple issues to be heard in one hearing or trial and is done when the issues or parties involved overlap sufficiently to make the process more efficient or more fair. It helps courts avoid hearing the same facts multiple times or seeing the same parties return to court separately for each of their legal disputes. The term is also used in the realm of contracts to describe the joining of new parties to an existing agreement."
