2021.10.27: Danmarks Domstole may shut the case down because NUR will not pay the court-fee. Paying to the defendant a fee to let the defendant find if the defendant if guilty is like washing your washing-machine with your washing-machine.
2021.10.14 Adding information and building site. Will most likely start loading some of the first cases in the beginning of November 2021.
Danmarks Domstole has a procedure related to submitting and maintaining a Class Action Lawsuit. The Danish word ofr Class Action is Gruppesøgsmål meaning Group Lawsuit/claim. The procedure and general informationhere:
Danmarks Domstole writes the following:
The conditions for bringing a class action are:
- that these are uniform requirements which apply to several persons,
- that the uniform requirements can be dealt with in Denmark,
- that the court in which the class action is brought is competent to deal with one of the claims
- that the class action is considered to be the best way of dealing with the claims,
- the members of the group may be identified and informed of the matter in an appropriate manner; and
- that a group representative can be appointed
It is the court that decides whether these conditions are met.
It is not possible to bring an action against a group under the rules on class actions.