2021.10.27: Danmarks Domstole may shut the case down because NUR will not pay the court-fee. Paying to the defendant a fee to let the defendant find if the defendant if guilty is like washing your washing-machine with your washing-machine.
2021.10.14 Adding information and building site. Will most likely start loading some of the first cases in the beginning of November 2021.
Danmarks Domstole is a name covering it is in fact Domstolsstyrelsen under which various courts exists in Denmark such as city, country and high court. Among a few others. Then there are those listed on this page below and on that page bottom right you will find Rigsretten (Court of Impeachment of the Realm). Ministry of Justice ( is Domstolsstyrelsen public face and part administrative but Domstolsstyrelsen decides for itself. High Court, Supreme Court, (Google maps) is located on the same small island, Slotsholmen (Google maps), where Danish Parliament is located at Christiansborg Palace (Google maps). High Court is suppose to be independant and impartial.
LBK nr 390 af 25/04/2017
That is the website from where lawsuits are onducted from. You upload the lawsuit, files and documents and communicate with the parties to the case including the court.
The Danish Judges' Association:
The Danish word for court is domstol, ret. The court is an intrecal part of society in that courts are one of usually governance, police and court termed Separation of Powers. When each power then share the same logo then it is proven that they are not separated and in fact support each other pretending to be on the side of people when the structures support themselves from within which explains why these structures use Danish Vi (English We) law (example:
(Heb. chatser), an open enclosure surrounded by buildings, applied in the Authorized Version most commonly to the enclosures of the tabernacle and the temple.
Court is therefore a temple, church and the Royal House, Kongehuset, has a court where courtship in Danish is kurtisere which is to flirt and same word in Danish flirt. Court is therefore same as kurtisere related to romantic liaison
Court to Greek isδικαστήριο noun (noun; ord, word) φλερτ which means flirt, same word in Danish flirt:
Ministry of Culture uses English: and The Danish Language Board ( is a state research institution under the Ministry of Culture.
Ministry is twofold also to priesthood related to church, temple and therefore court. Ministers were and are the servants of the King. Diversity of linguistic in Article 22 within national borders is enforced by using in essense any language just as European Union does it using all languages. Reading legal text in any European language is strenghend in that linguistic is termed a "legal language" in EU and linguistic is a science.
Evidense that the Danish court-language is English and perhaps Danish but primarily English and that §149 in the Code of Judicial Procedure, retsplejeloven, litra 1 is without effect and void and in fact goes against European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.
Around 1.35 billion people speak English as opposed to around 5 million speaking Danish. Using English reaches many more people and translations can be made into Danish and not visa-versa. Translations should be made by the original writer since any translator can be influenced. As with law-text any text can be interpretated because language is not a language with syntax as in procedural-language as in programing language for computers. CJEUs language of preferene is still French. Writing law in procedural-language would guarantee that the profession of Lawyer would be obsolete and they would not want that so law is written to suit the court and not the people. Law-text references itself to a degree bordering hysteria.
European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages enforces that English as a minority language in a region where Danish is spoken mostly shall and can be used: " respect an inalienable and commonly recognized right to use a regional or minority language in private and public life.". This may be seen as contrary to what most would interpret said charter to be yet using a minority language such as Danish to relinquish a minority language in a region where English indeed is a minority far more than Danish is what the charter is enforcing. The more languages that are in use the more language people can and may learn just as when children grow up with a mother that is German, father Bulgarian and sister works in France speaking French and Uncle is a Spanish farmer born in Spain speaking Spanish and they now all live together in Italy. (English). The court is paid for through taxes just as everything is - and that guarantees that all of the above are voided. How many courts does a nation need more than one or should it have a system of courts where Judges are free from the law. Rhetorical.
Article 2
The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail.
Οικηγόρος Οικημα
Oikema House of Pleasure by Claude-Nicolas Ledoux
οἰκήματι (oikēmati) — 1 Occurrence
Hence a Lawyer is a cock-house, cancerous tumor, a whore-house.
lo'-yer (nomikos, "according or pertaining to law," i.e. legal; as noun, "an expert in law," "about the law," "lawyer" (Matthew 22:35)
Hence a Lawer was an expert in love and adding any other love as law as lov (Danish for law) is therefore adding to The Bible, since there is only one law, and we read:
Μαρτυρῶ ἐγὼ παντὶ τῷ ἀκούοντι τοὺς λόγους τῆς προφητείας τοῦ βιβλίου τούτου· ἐάν τις ἐπιθῇ ἐπὶ ταῦτα, ἐπιθήσει ὁ Θεὸς ἐπ’ αὐτὸν τὰς πληγὰς τὰς γεγραμμένας ἐν τῷ βιβλίῳ τούτῳ·
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
Adding to The Bible! Yes. Let us look closer because the constitution of Denmark Grundloven ( (foundation law, baselaw, foundation love n) has its foundation with The Bible:
§ 4 Den evangelisk-lutherske kirke er den danske folkekirke og understøttes som sådan af staten.
§ 4 The Evangelical Lutheran Church is the Danish national church and is supported as such by the state.
The use of "as such" is very vague considering Denmark has more than 2000 churches and many members of the Folkekirke which is a state church which then makes the church itself illigitimate. Since the ultimate source of Denmark is Christianity then Denmark has only one fondation and hence one constitution and that is The Bible and by adding anything within the state such as laws via and Denmark is commiting probably one of the largest crimes ever in that love (plural Danish for laws) is absolute and unconditionally not to be added to because how is taht possible which is why adding anything obliterates the very foundation namely The Bible as Denmark's foundation.
Βασιλιάς king;
νήμἈ (Alpha with ψιλή psilí; Latin: spīritus lēnis called we get to κορωνίς; koronís which is crest, cornice and that is a peak; κορυφή; koryfí as noun climaxˈklīˌmaks; κορύφωση; korýfosi. Copen+hagen.
The origin of a king is a bacteria/virus. tells us the etymology of Βασιλεύς basileús is uncertain. Spain has a king as a Βασιλεύς and we find that word where? In The Bible:
Cognate: 935 basileús – a king (sovereign); often referring to Christ who is "the King of kings" (Rev 19:16), i.e. the King over the Kingdom of the heavens (God). As the King, Jesus Christ has unqualified jurisdiction over all creation – also being God the Creator. (cf. Jn 1:1-3,49). See 932 (basileia).
This proves, that the Danish Queen Margrethe Alexandrine Þórhildur Ingrid is GOD which explain the vein constitution using "as such" because The Bible is overwriten by Denmark with their laws and said Quen is GOD so who cares about The Bible in which a man who is GOD is hung on a cross executed though capital punishment. Þórhildur naturally contains the sexual relation to a cock-house, a whore-house. Sex ain't bad but who needs Βασιλεύς and NUR to explain that - rhetorical. Ingrid? Alexandrine (αλεξανδρινη)?
βασιλεῦσιν (basileusin) — 1 Occurrence.
Basilica; βασιλική; In Ancient Roman architecture, a basilica is a large public building with multiple functions, typically built alongside the town's forum. The basilica was in the Latin West equivalent to a stoa in the Greek East. The building gave its name to the architectural form of the basilica. Originally, a basilica was an ancient Roman public building, where courts were held, as well as serving other official and public functions.
A basilica hence a court, the place, palace, where he law is hence Amalienborg (Amalien Castle), a palace, is where Βασιλεύς reighs and since there is no king it is void hence the Danish constitution is annulled. The Queen is God and mirrors (νήμἈ) now teach us that koronis is korona is corona and taht is how it ends with a virus and virus contains vi+rus and that also translates to sex sun.
This fella was a royal and received The White Elephant Order before it ws officially known. There are no elephants in Denmark in year 1606 except those Carlsberg, the beer maker, created in granite at a much later time.
"Ulfeldt himself was beheaded and mutilated in the castle square in absentia and in effigie: a doll imagining him was executed. It was filled with real intestines for the sake of effect, only the intestines were not completely fresh."
In other words he was a suspect of high treason yet he fled to Sweden and his whereabouts unknown so they made a mock execution.
High treason mentioend in the constitution of the Terror State of Denmark in § 34
§ 34 The Folketing is inviolable. Anyone who violates its security or liberty, anyone who issues or obeys any order to that effect, is guilty of high treason.
ICC can't touch 'em even if ICC had fifty Geneva Conventions.
Order of the Elephant It has origins in the 15th century, but has officially existed since 1693 and Corfitz_Ulfeldt died 1664.
Thailand has Order of the White Elephant เครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์อันเป็นที่เชิดชูยิ่งช้างเผือก and traditionally a white elephant is given to someone who knows it is too expensive to maintain. The Danish White Elephant Order was given to Nicolae Ceaușescu and to Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller who has the combined rights to the combined underground of Denmark to exploit all natural resources such as gas and oil.
One of the major traits of the Terror State of Denmark is to commit embezzlement on a very large scale where billions even trillions of danske kroner vanishes which also exlains why the tax-burden just will not stop. People have worked since Thyra Danebod yet are enslaved and pays taxes and fees for a single purpose to alliviate the enourmous burden of state controlled embezzlement which we shall encounter with the Class Action lawsuit.
Corfitz Ulfeldts skamstøtte (disgrace support) - skam; shame, disgrace yet the same support (støtte) is an obelisk seen in many places including Vatican City and with John Davison Rockefeller Sr.
Small and big Cleopatra needle as her symbolic οβελίσκος ovelískos to σπείρα έλικα speíra élika; spiral helix.
Felix Arabia.
Strong's Greek: 2245. ἡλίκος (hélikos) — 3 Occurrences.
City of London 30 St Mary Axe
St Andrew Undershaft church With organ and new follows old and modern technology can build taller but a shaft related to shaft skin with taking us to leading to Ἀνδρέας (Andreas) — 6 Occurrences and six in Swedish is sex (number) which in Danish is sexual intercourse. Strong's Greek: 406. Ἀνδρέας (Andreas) — 13 Occurrences. Moving along to
Swastika. Indian elephants in Denmark.,_Carlsberg
Laboremus pro patria: work for country. Google Maps of the Elephant Tower, gate.
Coinsident or pure luck or made to fit; we find "Justice – Peace – Work" with Democratic Republic of the Congo and we got plenty of work, no peace and no justice unless justice spells the name of a certain fella whom they adobted therefore condoning capital punishment, also called death penalty, execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense which is allowed year 2021.