2021.10.27: Danmarks Domstole may shut the case down because NUR will not pay the court-fee. Paying to the defendant a fee to let the defendant find if the defendant if guilty is like washing your washing-machine with your washing-machine.
2021.10.14 Adding information and building site. Will most likely start loading some of the first cases in the beginning of November 2021.
Danmarks Nationalbank (in Danish often simply Nationalbanken) is the central bank of the Kingdom of Denmark (notice the use of the word Kingdom meaning Nationalbanken via Denmarks constitution, Grundloven, to Church of Denmark to the Royal House has a central bank which is why the face of the head of state, the king, is embossed on the minted coins and currency in general). It is a non-eurozone member of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) which is because of state of Denmarks opt out from participation under the Maastricht Treaty of 1992. See European Exchange Rate Mechanism. Notice: Most of the large political parties in Denmark favor the introduction of the euro and the idea of a second referendum has been suggested several times since 2000. Parties and government and parliament favor joining the Eurozone but suddenly needs to ask the people via a referendum. What does the people know about Oktroj (Trojan horse) leading to a French word and what does the population remember of war leading to bankruptcies and why was a referendum not in place before entering a 20 year war against terrorism in Afghanistan when Denmark is one of the largest terror-states and nations - rhetorical. We are told: "In Denmark, we have representative democracy. This means that it is not the citizens themselves, but rather representatives elected by the citizens who make the political decisions.". A couple of things: notice the use of "Vi" ("I Danmark har vi repræsentativt demokrati.") and notice the use of representative and democracy. Latter first; neither of the two words repræsentativt and demokrati are mentioned in the constitution. The use of Vi is used prior to the making of the constitution ("Vi Frederik den Niende, af Guds Nåde Konge til Danmark") and is used in the beginning go all laws now with reference to he Queen, who is a king, who does not exist. This is empirical evidence that Folketinget is that of the King. Folketinget mentions folketingsvalg (peoples elections). That word, folketingsvalg, is never used in the constitution. However the word folketingsvælgerne pops up 4 times. Folketingsvælgerne is translated as: the parliamentary voters and true it is not the people but the parliament that votes on behalf of the people. The Folketinget says so themselves and the vote is cast in parliament not on behalf of the people but the king as the constitution prescribes since "Vi" refers to the monarch, the King. With reference to lov (law) contained in Grundloven, the constitution of Denmark has been modified without referendum which must take place when the Grundloven is changed. This is not the case when it comes to robbing people of their property (any type of property) which is allowed via charter EU Fundamental Rights in Article 17 through law, lov. This robbery must first be known to anyone robbed and what is robbed via law? Property is robbed and the robbery takes place using law on inheritance, tax laws, land value tax laws, laws on V.A.T., starting wars which has shown to be very costly (tax-collector can't keep up with providing the King revenue through the treasury (Usury plays in as cases shall encounter)), taxes on cars, road-tax, any tax, all fees (which are taxes), state monitored and initiated by law embezzlement of large sums of cash to foreign nations and corporation (without demanding elections when actual value is removed from the treasury of the King) . The list goes on. We shall encounter one corporation, a pension fund, ATP, who does (mostly financial) transactions that absolutely does not require the state of Denmark to intervene or have ATP's decisions pass through parliament whatsoever. ATP says it is self-governing, thus is without governance or government. On their website they call themselves ATP Group and not Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension nor ATP as an abbreviation. "Everyone who works in Denmark must pay contributions to the Danish labour market supplementary pension fund (ATP)." is thus another form of legal robbery by law yet membership is not said to cost a dime or krone or anything since property is required to be stolen only through law and compensation given of the robbery if he robbery is known. That was BEK nr 47 af 07/03/1964 enter LBK nr 1110 af 10/10/2014 in which some of the wording is copied from 1964. "ATP-bidrag og AM-bidrag (arbejdsmarkedsbidrag) trækkes fra lønnen af arbejdsgiveren." (ATP contribution is withdrawn from peoples salary by corporation and that is obligatory) is very convenient because then the people never sees the money that is being stolen from the people. ATP net assets 2020: DKK 959.810.000.000 PAL taxes DKK 14.600.000.000 governed (self-governing now has no meaning) through (Pensionsafkastbeskatningsloven (PAL)) which makes sense be that law, lov, describes how robbery can take place and the compensation is pensions if you are lucky to live that long and the transfer of property is invested in schemes and criminal affairssuch as arms deals and the vanishing of €200 million and the robbed never knew of how much the people were robbed. The internal tax revenue in Denmark writes: "for the taxable pension schemes mentioned in section 1 of PAL." which is very indicative of a scheme, fraud, robbery through law. Then there is Pensionsbeskatningsloven. Section and not chapter or article) is used and thus must be interpreted as being non-existent yet could be paragraph 1, litra 1, section a) in which we read that ATP is tax-excerpt.
Tithe via coleslaw
In essence nations move from one state to another without people noticing that all nations and cities have the same shops and same petrol-stations and same businesses such as McDonald's, Louis Vuitton etc. etc. and the writ of all of this is that Kingdoms fall (Disney tried making it work too) and the very foundation of nations namely the tearing down of all as per Oblivion (movie) as a tale taken from Job 12:14 (the whole thing Job 12). I am of good mind to flabbergast the whole of Job but Evangelists at does a good job of that. Personally I like it from 12:17 and good luck I started reading O.T. (but stopped at the beginning of Genesis only to realize 35 years later that a seventh sense was introduced and they have not even figured it out yet which it is) what seems a very long time ago. Malachi proves the point of robbing used as deprived yet to Danish translated by The European Union as berøvet meaning robbed. With tithe they rob you now called coins/tax. With laws they rob you now called coleslaw. Tithe (30 Occurrences) has been a curse on N. U. Reinwald through his mother, Ester Regitze Reinwald, to a Pente/costal (costal translated - Costal cartilage) Church,, in Denmark of such terror that the word terror has no meaning compared to the Folkekirken and the Terror State of Denmarks supporting tax-excerpt churches where Hostel I, II, III (movies) looks like a holiday in Palamos. There are 5 oceans in our World called Earth. Who shall tithe to Earth? Rhetorical. Mint and herbs made into coins to taxes as tithe δέκατο dékato (noted elsewhere. link to it.) to 十分之一 thus nothing can be given as tithe and thus taxes and tithe are not even illegal. Job 12:17: מוֹלִ֣יךְ take out the YOD - Moloch to מֹלֶךְ meaning king, monarch, sovereign not to be followed which is part of the foundation of a nation calling itself a kingdom.
Religious Abuse and War in Afghanistan
Has one thing in common that you can't trust those books/portrayals who portray to assist because people such as James Randi (The Faith Healers) also an entertaining fraud/charlatan which will be empirically proven as a millimeter thin layer to the tens of thounsands of meters of fraud, deceit and wars by terror dictators like the Terror State of Denmark. on the topic of Religious Abuse.
Churches tax-excerpt
"You can get deductions for gifts, contributions and donations to charities, associations, foundations, institutions and religious communities, which are approved by the Danish Tax Agency."
You can give gifts or donations or... money... and the church pays absolutely no tax on that. Furthermore the giver gets a tax-deduction equivalent of saving 26% on the given amount. Churches pay no tax. No tithe. Well, that explains why nobody should pay tax because the temple is your body and thus tax is illegal. This is well-known in countries such as USA with various people such as Benny Hinn and Peter Popoff who uses the money to buy lavish things such as cars and plans and mansions and generally to maintain a lavish lifestyle of which the givers never get to indulge even if promised that. The Danish Tax Agency, Skattestyrelsen, has to perform an acceptance of said church, temple, what-ever and one is a fund named Annelise & Gunnar Dransfeldts who shares an adddress Carolineparken 1A, 6800 Varde, which is also the address of Varde Municipality and who probably makes food for the people living at said address for the Care Center, owned and operated by Varde municipality. This fund, Annelise & Gunnar Dransfeldts is tax-excerpt but mentioend here as unknown but mentionnd here with a CVR number 16569631 with the c/o address mentioend as Carolineparken 1A, 6800 Varde and one owner lives here Google Maps on a road which may get tarmac later. Income usually must be significant to become tax-excerpt. What can I give to the fund and for what purpose? Rhetorical. Imagine the state was member of the list... people could give happily and get a refund and the state would pay no tax. Hohoho.
The Scheme
ATP pays tax to itself which is the state from a self-governing corporation, ATP Group, which is why the robbery is instituted by law and compensation is transfered through very criminal affairs operating in whitewashing and large transfers of money and this would be termed something which should end up in Court of Impeachment of the Realm (Rigsretten) which is not possible because the Judges are impartial because we are dealing with a robbery by the state of Denmark and no Judge would transfer the stolen back because by law it is legal to commit crimes such as robbery. people who are force to be member pay to ATP montly and ATP is taxed on that sum hence people are taxed first on their income and deducted the membership fee to ATP and ATP must then pay PAL tax on that fee i.e. people end up paying taxes on taxes on taxes which is why people never get rich and can pay their houses and land and have their sons and daughter inherit their property because it is by law being ropped again and againa nad again and The European Union is in on the scheme supported via a Charter nicely named EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and that proves that if anyone needs these right their are no rights and the rights are viaolated just as the charter proves to us we are being robbed at daulight, nighttime while sleeping and evn until inheritance steps in. The only rights tere are is to rob people and taht right is fundamental and instituted by The European Union.
Recall EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Article 17:
Right to property [any type of property not only immobiliary]
1. Everyone has the right to own, use, dispose of and bequeath his or her lawfully acquired possessions. No one may be deprived of his or her possessions, except in the public interest and in the cases and under the conditions provided for by law, subject to fair compensation being paid in good time for their loss. The use of property may be regulated by law in so far as is necessary for the general interest.
...where we in the Danish version see deprived translated as berøves, meaning deprived yet røve means robbed, and the Danish language is legal language. By law it is then legal to commit a crime, robbery, which in Straffeloven § 279 and Chapter 28 § 276+ Property crimes and is a crime which annuls Straffeloven and Straffeloven is annulled by EU Charter of Fundamental Rights unless it can be proven, that both are illegal making both obsolete, void and annulled. And it is now proven beyond any doubt, that robbery is legal which is punishable and high treason where Court of Impeachment of the Realm (Rigsretten) should step in and enforce Grundloven, constitution, § 34:
§ 34. The Folketinget is inviolable. Anyone who violates its security or freedom, anyone who issues or obeys any order to that effect, is guilty of high treason.
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights:
The Union therefore recognizes the rights, freedoms and principles set out hereafter.
High Treason is for Court of Impeachment of the Realm (Rigsretten) to deal with or any court because this legal robbery and taking away freedoms is a war crime thus should end up in any national court as per ICC saying:
The ICC does not replace national criminal justice systems; rather, it complements them.
...thus this means that this legal robbery of freedoms and property can be taken to any national court.
Then lawfully acquired possessions: What if you have a possession that are not legally acquired such as your body - well - they made a law for that also called Baptism and birth-right and birth-certificates. They made sure you do not even own your unlawful acquired body because that came from Adam and Eve (foremost Adam who is a virus) and that you must confess is true because that is the foundation upon which the Terror State of Denmark rest their bones and robbery. Would you acquire anything unlawful anyway and would that be through legal wars which explains why Denmark lost a lot of land because it is very very expensive and exhausting to initiate war as Denmark has done against itself starting mainly May 2017. Rather than initiating a cease-fire Denmark perpetuates the inevitable and now since 2017 has fought one single man who I shall call nameless and in doing so the Terror State of Denmark is inflicting suffering on billions of people around the World. The sub-cases and Class Action lawsuit will prove it and the sub-cases the Terror State of Denmark keeps piling up one at a time.
The European Union then sets out to interpretate Article 17 dismantling Article 17 not using the words themselves such as deprived translated to legal language berøvet and EU then wries dismantling the essense of Article 17: "enforce such laws as it deems necessary to control the use of property". Wrong, the use of deprived is used and not control. it is EUs way to make two laws in one where the esoteric humans such as politicians and lawyers will use deprived, berøvet, to in fact legally berøvet, rob, peole of their property. EU then constinues: "Although they do not as such have the status of law, they are a valuable tool of interpretation intended to clarify the provisions of the Charter." and this is where their hedas starts to spin in that not only do they rite laws they also ad to the laws with meanings and interpetations yet themselvs write that has no status. Then why write. You see, they write to bewilder. EUs laws are a set of laws even on Europena Nations own constitutions bypassing nations constitutions and as such EU anulls the constitutions which usually claims that the constitutions are:
Kapitel XI.
§ 89. Så er da nu gældende ret, alle til ubrødelig efterlevelse, DANMARKS RIGES GRUNDLOV Givet på Christiansborg slot, den 5. juni 1953. Under Vor Kongelige Hånd og Segl. Frederik R. (L.S.)
ubrødelig efterlevelse meaning which cannot be broken, revoked or terminated, unbreakable.
Yet EU Fundamental Rights and EU Directives and Charters break and revoke perpetually the constitution in that they violate the sovereign kingdom. It starts in § 1 and pretty much ends in § 4 because EU tells us all EU laws must be invoked the same in all EU nations thus overwriting the constitution of the terror State of Denmark. Den lovgivende magt, The legislature, is in the European Parliament and not with the Kingdom of the Terror State of Denmark. Laws and directives, Charters and rights are implemented into law and even if people and elect the parliament in Europe that absolute does not guarantee that the EU parliament has any King of Denmark.
The case C/O
This introduction page about topic related to the Class Action suit is also a script for a movie called The Case C/O (Care Of, address) by N. U. Reinwald and the role-list is rather extensive. The story is about how states and private corporation share the same values namely structuring themselves around a myriad of corporate structures and laws bewildering even the politicians who are trying to act as if Lawyers in the corporate world will go to any length to make sure citizens are diluted down to a banana-split without the banana. The script encounters oktroj and a set of instructions going back to year 1818 where corruption was on the agenda following endless wars leading to the present where wars and arms deals even in a havens such as UAE (UAE unveils $1.36bn in arms deals at Abu Dhabi weapons show) makes for a pretty tourist-attraction when in fact these weapons will be used to defend legal robbery of freedoms and property of any sought.
Danmarks Nationalbank was established as a private bank in 1818 to create order in the monetary system. The background was that the huge deficits in the state budget during the Napoleonic War were financed by letting the banknote press run. This led to very high inflation and the need for radical monetary reform.
The gold is included in Danmarks Nationalbank's foreign exchange reserves, but constitutes only a very small share. At the end of 2020, the gold reserves were DKK 24.5 billion. kr.
(please notice the use of around (visit above link) since the bank does not know how much gold it has!)
DKK 366.084 is the price of one kilo of gold 2021 October. USD 57.206. That is 66.924 tons of gold. Nationalbanken writes it has around 66.5 tons. Earlier Nationalbanek wrote it had 69 tons. Now only around 66.5.
Children under the age og 18 is 1.152.995 - source:
Adult population: 2021: 4.697.194
74.500.000.000 / 5.850.189 = 12.734 DKK (USD 1.990) per capita hence each person has an average of more than 12.000 DKK in their monetary possession at any given time.
Presuming children under 18 years of age have no or little money and we deduct the number of children from the total population we get:
74.500.000.000 / 4.697.194 = 15.860 DKK (USD 2.478) per capita.
Most people 2021 have a bank card such as VISA, Mastercard, Dankort Visa and most do not use cash. How many does not carry cash is based on an estimate. NUR seldom carries any cash and has not seen a 500 or a 1000 kroner note for more than 10 years. The presumption is that most people do not carry large sums of cash nor has cash in their possession keeping it in wallet or safe etc. In fact most people have no cash or very little such as perhaps DKK 100 lying around. NUR uses this presumption to deduct that 95% of all adults do not carry large sums of cash such as DKK 15.860. Based on this and taking into account that some children carry small amounts of cash we end up with a very small number of people who carry cash.
Therefore the amount of circulating cash must be in banks or somewhere where the banknotes and coins are not actually circulating.
So says Lov om Danmarks Nationalbank LOV nr 116 af 07/04/1936:
Nationalbanken has DKK 24.500.000.000 worth of gold.
Circulating cash including coins is: DKK 74.500.000.000.
That is 32.88% cash circulating of the golds value which Natioanalbanken says Nationalbanken has in its possession. That is more than 25% as prescribed by law. However only banknotes are used to determine the 25% and we and up with 68.389.000.000 which is 35.82%.
Therefore The Gold Fund can tolerate circulating more banknotes.
Current or currency are related because it means the money circulates in a current somewhere but in this case not among the general population because if any person stocks more than USD 2.478 and mostly uses a bank card then something is not right because the presumption is, that children do not carry that much cash and that a large proportion of the population never carries USD 2.478.
Danmarks Nationalbank is Denmark's central bank. It is a self-governing and independent institution. The Act on Danmarks Nationalbank of 1936 states Danmarks Nationalbank's independence in that Danmarks Nationalbank's Executive Board has sole responsibility for setting monetary policy interest rates.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Udenrigsministeriet) has its address at, Asiatisk Plads 2 1448 København K, thus esoterically and via the Terror State of Denmarks Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder managing to move all of sin and treason to Asia by locating Udenrigsministeriet at said address because Ud is Out and Uden is Without. Uden Rigs is therefore Without Riget or without a kingdom. If we wind that back we actually are left with OCD in that the Parliament of Denmark, Folketinget, is located on a small island in the center of Copenhagen just as City of London or Vatican City and the evidence is, that City is derived from Citadel, a castle, palace etc. and the island even has 10 bridges. The parliament is the former palace where the king lived but now the king is gone and lives in Amalienborg Slot with Frederik's Church on the left and as proven Fred, peace, was never part of the plans of the Terror State of Denmark. The Octagon is seen with churches, temples and esoteric architecture in general and donates The Bible in which two words appear namely war and war. The opera house on the right was built with consideration to democrazy built by Mærsk McKinney Møller and paid by him and his corporation because the Terror State of Denmark almost agian went bankrupt building the Royal Theater in Copenhagen because Court of Impeachment of the Realm (Denmark) felt it was important to emphasize the Massive budget overruns in the construction of the Royal Danish Theatre were the reason why Prime Minister Carl Christian Hall and Minister for Culture Jens Jacob Asmussen Worsaae were put before the Court of Impeachment. The construction ended up being much more expensive than expected, but both Hall and Worsaae were acquitted in the Court of Impeachment. Only six trials since 1856 which is another proven beyond any doubt OCD-case. Treason pops up six times in the Terror State of Denmarks foundation: O.T. More appropriate perhaps is Fraud which pops up 15 times. Living a lie. "Outside ἔξω the city" Revelation 22:15. The law extended and prolonged and added to in a bewildering network of fraud and treason and OCD at state-level to such a degree that cities blossom with illegitimate and very sick esoteric symbols to such a level that no doctor is able to help these nations (illegitimate) as prescribed in the foundation of the Terror States of Denmark. Plads being χώρος chóros. Plads also a piazza, square. Udenrigsministeriet's reveals its level of fraud by mentioning Covid which is a common Influenza virus and the mask has absolutely no effect except keep you from getting fresh oxygen. Udenrigsministeriet even goes so far not to uphold the Hague convention on child abduction which a case will prove beyond any doubt.
διδάσκαλος didaskalos: an instructor.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
doctor, master, teacher.
From didasko; an instructor (genitive case or specially) -- doctor, master, teacher. See GREEK didasko.
Oktroj is said to stem from French:
Trojan horse. Trojan War. Origin of Trojan War unknown. The Bible goes back aproximately 6000 years and the word war used two times. The Bible is the foundation by the Terror State Denmark and thus Homer and Sparta all imaginary as so far as the existance can be proven down to two words, war and war. Does it matter what war and what the war is called when The Kingdom of the Terro State of Denmark had entered into numerous wars where only sin counts and the more sin the better until one day sin is decodes as robbery on a scale larger than life itself. This state's union, State of The Union (drift along), called the Terror State of Denmark goes so far creating a myriad of wars to benefit Vi the King and nobody else and inbetween we encounter nepotism, coruption, murdr, terror, wars, bankrupsies, lies leading to vanity and small pillars as symbols of criems of high treason where in fact all is that; high treason.
octroi; granting, bestowal, conferment. Something you give away. Not a law but simply a promiss/statement via an oktroj.
The King signed Danmarks Nationalbank's “constitution” (patent) on 4 July 1818. It gave Danmarks Nationalbank permission to conduct central banking activities and the exclusive right to issue banknotes.
Oktroj af 4. Juli 1818, cf. Lov Nr. 157 af 12. Juli 1907, Lov Nr. 483 af 30. August 1919 og Lov Nr. 201 af 20. Maj 1933.
Nationalbanken just writes "king" and the king at the time was Frederick VI of Denmark.
Oktroj related:
"At være ejet af alle er det samme som at være ejet af ingen." - quote from a speach by CEO of Nationalbanken Lars Rohde who also mentions Rothchild.
Brief. In 1818 then king Frederick VI of Denmark wrote the oktroj which transfered the banking system or the kings bank to the central bank. From 1818 to 1936 the central bank, Nationalbnaken, was privately owned as a stockholding corporation. In 1936 the LOV nr 116 af 07/04/1936 superceeded the oktroj and Nationalbanken was operated as a self-owned and independant bank.
Napoleon wars
In 1813 the administration of the state reformed the finansial institution and named it Rigsbanken and in 1818 named Nationalbanken. The reason was that the King has led wars almost bankrupting the kingdom.
Presently 2021 Denmark is involved in numerous wars and some they call peace-keeping missions or similar. They cost billions. Wars perpetuate arms-sales and war are an intricate part of a country's national idendity as seen in autocracies where a single king can rule with the kings ministers etc. 2021 the situation is the exactl same and even worse as we encounter with ongoing wars fought from Christiansborg as a castle/palace (Wiki) where the government rules through something called democracy. Since the ultimate foundation of Denmark is The Bible where πολέμους pops up 3 times just as the tower of Christisnborg palace has 3 crowns. The kingdom is founded on and with The Bible via Cristianity and thus wars are the very fabric of how kings rule because they expect the end to be near. The end was and is near and their bankrupcies numerous yet international transactions keeps a whole nation aflout on credit and eventually Denmark is no longer Denmark just as foretold in the foundation of Denmark. Terror is thus the tool with which to frighten anyone who dares to fullfill the very end of nations foundation.
Danske Bank money laundering scandal
Rigsbanken was created to create order in the financial menace of the kingdom. Nationalbanken followed and is suppose to superwise private banks such as the largest Danish private bank Danske Bank and in 2017-2018 we encounter €200 billion of suspicious transactions in the Danske bank Estonian branch. Moneylaundering and whitewashing. The Danske Bank is a private bank but uses the word Danske meaning Danish. Denmark even had a bank called Privatbanken -
Image: extract page 271 on NEPOTISM and the fraud and crimes taking place in a nation called a kingdom. Frederik VI was King yet Fred meand peace. No peace and no money and almost bankrupt.
G. F. Tietgen is mentioned in the forewords.
On 21 August 1882 Carl Frederik Tietgen acquired the Copenhagen division of International Bell Telephone Company, an American-owned telephone exchange on Lille Kongensgade in Copenhagen, for DKK 200,000 and founded Kjøbenhavns Telefon Aktieselskab, KTS, later Kjøbenhavns Telefon Aktieselskab, KTAS.
TDC was partly privatized in 1994 and fully privatized in 1998, and at year-end 2004, TDC's shares were held mainly by institutions and retail investors in Denmark, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Today TDC Group who owns YouSee is owned by in Australia.
The Folketing soon orders the government to sell the state's remaining shares in Tele Danmark.
Through proposal 1996/1 BSF 75 (local PDF) it is decided to sell all of Tele Danmark via parliament: from
I 1997 solgte staten 42% af Tele Danmark til det amerikanske teleselskab Ameritech. Året efter blev resten af statens aktier i Tele Danmarks solgt, og dermed var privatiseringen af selskabet gennemført. Samtidig blev Ameritech overtaget af SBC.
In a comment n 17. januar 1997 at the negociation of the proposal we read by politician Kim Behnke who writes above proposal:
Og da slet ikke når vi kan tjene en masse penge ved det. Hvorfor skulle staten dog afskære sig fra muligheden for at tjene en masse penge ved at sælge de aktier, penge, som kan bruges til at nedbringe statens gæld, sådan at skatteydernes betaling til renter på statens gæld bliver nedbragt?
And not at all when we can make a lot of money from it. Why, however, should the state cut off from the opportunity to make a lot of money by selling the shares, money that can be used for to reduce government debt so that taxpayers' payment of interest on government debt becomes brought down?
Source page 3226:
Based on Kim Behnke comment we realize the debt 2020 is DKK 536.000.000.000
Danish Finance Act 1999 mentions Ameritech and the sale of Tele Danmark: (local PDF). And repeated 2000:
TDC A/S formerly Tele Danmark assets DKK 74.4 billion (end 2014)
1997 Tele Danmark sold for DKK to Ameritec where we read:
Fine for the Finance Act
With the surprisingly large sale of shares in Tele Danmark, there will be a profit on this year's Finance Act of DKK 25 billion. The money will be used to reduce government debt.
And Minister of Finance Mogens Lykketoft (S) has broad political support for the sale from the parliamentary parties.
Same minister says in 2010 that it was a mistake to sell Tele Danmark:
"Staten har ikke sikret sig vetoret i Tele Danmark i form af en “golden share” - Én statslig aktie med særlige rettigheder anvendes normalt som nødbremse ved udenlandske privatiseringer.
Staten er på vej til at sælge Tele Danmark til det amerikanske teleselskab Ameritech uden at sikre sig vetoret over for videresalg til uønskede ejere og andre uforudsigelige beslutninger, som kan skade samfundsmæssige interesser.""The state has not secured the veto in Tele Danmark in the form of a “golden share” - One state share with special rights usually used as an emergency brake in foreign privatizations.
The state is on its way to sell Tele Danmark to the American telecommunications company Ameritech without to secure the veto over resale to unwanted owners and other unpredictable decisions that could harm societal interests."Source: Mandag Morgen 1997 Nov 3:
Wikipedia: A golden share is a nominal share which is able to outvote all other shares in certain specified circumstances, often held by a government organization, in a government company undergoing the process of privatization and transformation into a stock-company.
Nationalbanken adress: Havenegade 5, 1058 København K. Matrikel 331. State property. Completely exempt. Den Kgl. Mønt; Royal Mint has adress same location. Google Maps view.
L 21 Lov om ændring i lov om vurdering og beskatning til staten af faste ejendomme
LBK nr 1590 af 02/11/2020 Bekendtgørelse af ejendomsværdiskatteloven
LOV nr 149 af 10/04/1922 Skatteministeriet Statsskatteloven LOV nr 149 af 10/04/1922 Lov om Indkomst- og Formueskat til Staten. (* 1) where we read:
§ 3
Exempt from tax liability are:
1. The King, Members of the Royal House as well as the Civil List;
2. foreign Heads of State, members of foreign ruling princely houses and envoys and embassy personnel of foreign powers, all insofar as there are no questions about those in § 2, no. 3, the said Revenue. The same applies to Consular Officers who are not Danish Citizens;
3. other Foreigners who take up temporary residence in this country, but not in the case of the income referred to in § 2, no. 3. A foreigner's stay is not considered temporary when he has still resided in this country for 6 months;
4. Danmarks Nationalbank, cf. Charter of 4 July 1818 and Act no. 157 of July 12, 1907.
In the Danish version Charter is Oktroj. Charter: "a written grant by a country's legislative or sovereign power, by which a body such as a company, college, or city is founded and its rights and privileges defined." to Latin Carta.
Civil List or Civillisten as per law and changes: Thus changes are not entered into the original law which is rather nice to keep a copy of the original alw. Also notice some castles are tax exempt.
The Royal Mint of Denmark (Danish: Den Kongelige Mønt) is a mint established by the Danish monarchy in the early 16th century, which currently by law is the only company allowed to mint the Danish currency (DKK). The Danish State now owns the company as an entity belonging to the Danish Central Bank.
The Royal Mint of Denmark apparently has no CVR, Central Virksomheds Register, searching Royal Mint is under the control of Nationalbanken who is tax excerpt. Danmarks Nationalbank has a CVR: 61092919.
Selling Tele Danmark will "money that can be used for to reduce government debt so that taxpayers' payment of interest on government debt" adding a questiinmark as if withdrawing any responsibility of such a comment.
We see that the national debt of the kingdom of Denmark (as written by EU) is rising thus the interest also. Numbers and debt can be manipulated but the net debt is pretty easy to decode; it is rising and has done so since the state almost went bankrubt die to maintaining war.
G. F. Tietgen buys an American-owned telephone exchange on Lille Kongensgade in Copenhagen, for DKK 200,000 and founded Kjøbenhavns Telefon Aktieselskab, KTS, later Kjøbenhavns Telefon Aktieselskab, KTAS. Over the years customers has purchased products in KTAS and Tele Danmark and YouSee and Nuuday.
Through the danish government Tele Danmark is sold to Ameritech and American company. money said to enter into the fiscal budget and bring down national debt which has not happended. This can be manipulated because dept fluctuates and new debt added so indeed a large sale may bring down the debt but new debt and new loans are taken. But the net value is that the national debt did not fall but rose.
Macquarie Group buys TDC Group: TDC A/S or TDC Group (formerly Tele Danmark Communications) is a Danish telecommunications company dating back to 1879.
TDC Group and Modern Times Group announced on 1 February 2018 a plan for TDC Group to buy MTG Nordics to create a converged business with a new name and brand.[12][13] A week later, a takeover bid from the Australian infrastructure group Macquarie and three Danish pension funds; PFA, PKA and ATP was leaked to the public, which TDC had rejected.[14] The consortium clarified that the proposed MTG merger was not part of their strategy.[15] In February the consortium launched an improved take-over offer, which TDC Group now recommended.[16] The proposed MTG merger was called off.[17] The consortium got EU approval for their takeover bid on 28 March 2018.[18] In early April, the consortium announced they had acquired more than 90% of the total shares of TDC Group, making a delisting possible.[19]
1997 Ameritech (company that arose out of the 1984 AT&T divestiture) (parent AT&T Corporation and buys Tele Danmark, who is now TDC Group and TDC A/S (same), for DKK 25 billion.
So within the portfolio of Ameritech we find Tele Danmark and in 2018 TDC Group formerly Tele Danmark is sold to Macquarie:
2018 TDC backs $6.7 billion takeover offer from Macquarie-led consortium
Owner of TDC Group is also PFA, PKA and ATP and they are all pension funds. The funds buys and sells companies and maks other investments backed by pension-capital paid by citizens.
ATPs portfolie gives rise to high revenue: ATP also administarte the payouts of pension of which the money comes from the state.
ATP owned by state of Denmark - consortium leaked
Arbejdsmarkedet TillægsPension. It is a fund and owned by the state of Denmark as a self-governing institution yet is a corporation with CVR-nummer 43405810 with a C/O adress of c/o Økonomisektionen. Kongens Vænge 8. Økonomisektionen is Private Equity Advisors ApS (PEA):
"DK Telekommunikation ApS, a company controlled by a consortium of experienced, long-term investors and asset managers including PFA, PKA, ATP and Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (“MIRA”)".
TDC: DK Telekommunikation ApS announces the final result of the voluntary takeover offer:
DK Telekommunikation ApS has a parent company called DKT Finance ApS (a private limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Denmark with corporate (CVR) number 39 18 70 43) is an indirect parent company of TDC A/S:
DKT Holdings ApS (company info at is a parrent company to DKT Finance ApS. DKT Holdings ApS adress is Teglholmsgade 1, 2450 København which is the same adress as TDC A/S: and TDC Group are the same:
Stock-shares that ATP holds and owns: including a portfolio of shares in Danske Bank who whitewashed more than €200 billion in the largest bank heist in Europe through Danske Bank money laundering scandal. Stock value 2021 DKK (USD 4.713.487.246). ATP is self-owned hence as with Nationalbanken not owned by anyone so all the shares are unlisted and are the ownership of a self-propulsion corporation which is created i 1964 yet as a state owned corporation with a shared adress C/O at with PEA termed the Økonomisektionen where also TDC A/S is located. It gets better, worse.
The Case C/O
Tele Danmark now TDC A/S / TDC Group is sold 1997 to Ameritech which is an AT&T divestiture. Then a consortium, leaked, is created which is PFA, PKA, ATP and Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (“MIRA”) which is bundled up in a company called DK Telekommunikation ApS of its parent company DKT Holdings ApS of that company's parent which is DKT Finance ApS which is located at the same adress as TDC A/S Teglholmsgade 1, 2450 København with a C/O (Care Of) by a structure termed Økonomisektionen which in fact is Private Equity Advisors ApS (PEA) which is owned by ATP (fiscal rapport PDF ("The company is a 100% owned subsidiary of ATP.")) which is owned by nobody but is self-owned as a state owned corporation which is the state of Denmark and PEA is located at Gothersgade 49, 3. sal 1123 København K. I.e the state of Denmark in part buys back taht which the state of Denmark sold to Ameritech in 1997. In a letter from ATP, ATP respond to questions from Ministry of Employment raised related to tax-havens. ATP denied knowing involvment in tax-havens yet ATP owns shares in Danske bank 2021 and Danske Bank has whitewashed more than €200 billion and ATP still keeps its shares and thus indicative of being 100% involved in tax-havens on a scale leading to arms-sales and large sums of money being transactioned through structures as this one which could be termed THE CASE C/O. State of Denmark sells Tele Danmark and passes laws making Tele Danamrk a privately owned corporation and thus embezzles the population who owned the structures following the purchase on 21 August 1882 when Carl Frederik Tietgen acquired the Copenhagen division of International Bell Telephone Company, an American-owned telephone exchange on Lille Kongensgade in Copenhagen, for DKK 200,000 and founded Kjøbenhavns Telefon Aktieselskab, KTS, later Kjøbenhavns Telefon Aktieselskab, KTAS: In November 1990, the Folketing passed a law that paved the way for a nationwide Danish telecom. The company was named Tele Danmark and was the parent company for the existing regional companies (KTAS, Jydsk Telefon, Tele Sønderjylland, Fyns Telefon, and Rigstelefonen) - I.e. the state of Denmark via Folketinget via laws sells its own property and is told the sales with alliviate national debt which rises the following years and later state owned ATP buy back part of TDCA/S / TDC Group in essense Tele Danmark in a consortium in which tax-havens are known to exists with roots to a portfolio of shares in the ownership of ATP of one which is shares with Danske Bank all under the cover of democracy and a Nationalbanken which mints money which can not be taxed because minted money belong to the crown, Royals House of Denmark, The Kingdom of Denmark, which is tax-excerpt.
"That came amid a broader crackdown on tax fraud in Denmark after offshore financiers stole almost $2 billion from state coffers in a fraudulent rebate scheme."
Read more at:
Copyright © BloombergQuintSep 9 2013: Why does Macquarie control 49 entities registered in the Cayman Islands, 18 in Bermuda, nine in Mauritius, six in the Isle of Jersey, four in the British Virgin Islands, two in Aruba and one apiece in the Dominican Republic, Isle of Man, Curacao and the Netherland Antilles?
In letter and reply by ATP dated 2018 ATP claims no knowledge of tax havens (skatte-ly). and the Internet is not something which was invented in year 2050.
When ATP replies to the state of Denmark then ATP as a state owned corporation owned by state of Denmark, replies to itself.
Nationalbanken and Royal Mint Den Kgl. Mønt who share the same adress are tax excerpt as per law Statsskatteloven The mint is Royal and thus tax except alone by name and is by law tax excerpt via Nationalbanken which is called Danmarks Nationalbank. Denmark is a Kingdom and by law the property of Nationalbanken pays no tax on land either. Nationalbanekn is thus Royal and money can only be made by The Royal House, Kongehuset. Money are thus tax excertp which means any tax on any money is by law illigitimate which is indicated by law where Royal House is tax excerpt which it states through the fact that the royal Hosue is the owner of the krone, which means crown, which makes perfectly sense. The krone can thus not be taxed.
As per law the Nationalbanken is tax excertp as a state proprty hence nationalbanken is owned by teh state yet the state can not yet 2021 tell and prove who owns the state. If indeed Royal House, Kongehuset, owns the state, as we are told via laws and constitution, then privat ejendomsret is obsolete and illigitimate or simply proves that propert owned is not owned by the holder of the deed thus tax and Grundskyld is paid by the owner of said property hence is illegal as per EU Fundamental Rights:
Article 17 - Right to property
1. Everyone has the right to own, use, dispose of and bequeath his or her lawfully acquired possessions. No one may be deprived of his or her possessions, except in the public interest and in the cases and under the conditions provided for by law, subject to fair compensation being paid in good time for their loss. The use of property may be regulated by law in so far as is necessary for the general interest.
Read guide:
Full European Convension on Human Rights:
It shall be very forcefully emphasized that above guide is not law nor has any meaning or jurisdiction and is mearly a tool to compensate or delude. The actual text of European Convension on Human Rights and others are the texts signed by states as signatories.
Thus steps in discrimination and Article 1 Protection of property in European Convension on Human Rights reads Protocol 1:
Protection of property Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions. No one shall be deprived of his possessions except in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and by the general principles of international law.
The preceding provisions shall not, however, in any way impair the right of a State to enforce such laws as it deems necessary to control the use of property in accordance with the general interest or to secure the payment of taxes or other contributions or penalties.
Protocol No. 12:
General prohibition of discrimination
1. The enjoyment of any right set forth by law shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status.
2. No one shall be discriminated against by any public authority on any ground such as those mentioned in paragraph 1.
Taxes are imposed on property as mentioned even in European Human Rights but since tax excerpt is provided even by law on some property then both tax and European Human Rights are voided an illigitimate. It is those words written and none else that count and then naturally the foundation with which such states as Denmark are supported namely Bible. By taking away something then people who own property are deprived of their very property and propert includes immobiliare and any other form of property including money.
Foundation of State of Denmark contains word Tax (43 Occurrences): Denarius δηνάριον is mentioned as that which depicts Caesar. φόρον (phoron) — 3 Occurrences tribute, tax. φόροςfó ros is tax. Tax is via constitution based on biblical tax and freedom of religion then excerpts anyone from paying any tax even when forced by law which is why discrimination is not allowed.
Denmarks Constitution grundloven:
§ 43 Ingen skat kan pålægges, forandres eller ophæves uden ved lov; ejheller kan noget mandskab udskrives eller noget statslån optages uden ifølge lov.
§ 43 No tax may be imposed, changed or abolished without by law; nor can any crew be discharged or any government loan taken out without by law.
Foundation of State of Denmark contains word Tax (43 Occurrences):
Tribute is φόρον (phoron) — 3 Occurrences is translated as tax. Καίσαρας is Caesar transliterated Kaísaras cognate Danish Kejser (English Kajser). Hans Christian Andersen wrote about an emperor without any cloth.