Class Action Lawsuit against Terror State Of Denmark
Principal case as subclass-cases joined. empirically proving statE-terror and state-destruction by the state itself.


2021.10.27: Danmarks Domstole may shut the case down because NUR will not pay the court-fee. Paying to the defendant a fee to let the defendant find if the defendant if guilty is like washing your washing-machine with your washing-machine.

2021.10.14 Adding information and building site. Will most likely start loading some of the first cases in the beginning of November 2021.


Introduction page:
Updated: Friday, October 29, 2021 4:21 PM
Created: Tuesday, October 5, 2021

More than twenty sub-cases against the terror-state of Denmark proving that the state, Denmark, destroys itself and that laws and courts are a class of bewildering unlawful state-sponsored terror via means such as arms-deals, drugs-trafficking and using words alone to describe how the state operates to keep up the appearance of keeping such charters as Fundamental Rights which by themselves are overwritten by the states actions and deeds all proven empirically beyond any doubt.

This introduction page is lengthy and does not contain any cases but will explain a few items to show how a very few laws makes Denmark a complete mess. Cases will be listed in the menu of the left side. This page will be updated October and November 2021 and forward.

Question sent to The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) who interprets EU law to make sure it is applied in the same way in all EU countries. N.U.Reinwald [NUR] sent the following to CJEU 2021 October 23:

Interpretation of Article 17 in Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (Eng.) (local PDF) claims that, by law, robbery, berøvet, is legal by states. Does CJEU agree yes or no?

(At the time of writing this in the paragraph, 2021 November 01, there is no reply from CJEU.)

When a reply comes it will be displayed here.

To hopefully keep you interested in such things as lawsuits I shall start with a very simple explanation and recall that words describe the symbols and functions of something which in this case is not in the citizens possession. Citizen in Danish is called borger and first part means castle, borg, and the latter part ER is the Royal Emblem of The Bible as English word IS which in Danish is ER. EIIR is part of the equation. Believe me or not they do it so I can do it and since they rule with terror well red paint thrown (read on please) is classified as an attack on the Peoples Governance (Folkestyre translated as Democracy) when former Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen himself thinks he might end up in International Criminal Court (read on) for the Iraq war killing many hundred thousand. Since people rule (styre) then democracy is obsolete and void and is just a way to introduce Elysium a long time ago for the elect few and recall GOD instituted those in authority so GOD condones war and killing people because ICC was on the mind of Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen who was later put in charge of NATO with an army to kill even more people. He probably did not have the red button to start a war himself alone but wars are started by imbeciles they tell us by such people as Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi. So they kill those who they say are enemies and this phenomenon is called insanity. This brings up their very own foundation The Bible with love thy neighbor and as soon as that is said we are told not to follow old shit yet we must crap it because that is what they have as WRONG and RIGHT as two parliaments within one dividing it all and since LEFT is not far-RIGHT then democracy looks like an asylum for the DEPARTMENT OF KENSINGTON AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA. Right-wing Republican or any right-wing spells Trump rather than Wrong.

Elysium - Court of Impeachment of the Realm; Rigsretten

Where to start. Well, from the top, the foundation. But that would be The Bible and they definitely do not want to listen to anything which has to do with their very own foundation. So I shall start with Rigsretten, the Supreme Court. In Denmark there are usually 3 courts:

  1. Byretten, city court
  2. Landsretten, the high court
  3. Højesteret, the supreme court

Then follows Court of Impeachment of the Realm (Denmark) found at (called Rigsretten) and Wikipedia entry here: The Court of Impeachment of the Realm (also called The High Court of the Realm or simply The Court of Impeachment) (Danish: Rigsretten). This court, Rigsretten, is equivalent to Impeachment in countries such as USA. Peach unrelated.

Above list No 3 named Højesteret, the supreme court, and højeste in Danish language means highest and what can be higher than highest? Well, the state tell us and it is called Court of Impeachment of the Realm which is then somewhere above highest and we are told in the law Bekendtgørelse af lov om rigsretten LBK nr 641 af 17/09/1986 that governs Rigsretten that:

§ 1. Rigsretten påkender de af kongen eller folketinget mod ministrene anlagte sager.

Stk. 2. For rigsretten kan kongen med folketingets samtykke lade også andre tiltale for forbrydelser, som han finder særdeles farlige for staten.

Google Translate to English:

§ 1. The Supreme Court adjudicates the cases brought by the King or the Folketing against the ministers.

PCS [litra]. 2. Before the Supreme Court, the King may, with the consent of the Folketing, also have others prosecuted for crimes which he finds extremely dangerous for the state.

Funny that Rigsretten which is higher than Højesteret is translated as Supreme Court same as Højesteret but that only proved the point that it is not easy to navigate a jungle full of lard which is why this Class Action lawsuit is principal because it will prove beyond any doubt that we are dealing with hogwash, lies, deceit, fraud, terror, war and a killing machine so large that TIAWOL and finally this lawsuit will navigate you through the deep paths of complete illegal and illegitimate and unlawful laws.

The King (Danish: kongen) is involved. A male. But in Denmark 2021 the King is a woman named Margrethe II of Denmark. Female. Woman. Get it. This is the level of deceit we are dealing with. She in her own way is probably on a good day a smiling nice lady who NUR recalls visiting at her castle Amalienborg Castle (Google Maps) in Copenhagen at NURs tender age of five with flag and saluting her as she entered the balcony waving at herself with her wrist turned so her palm would face her. Recall palm. Terror and a lovely woman waving does not seam to match. Yes they do. Part of the deceit is naturally to have the top of an empty container look the part just as Statue Of Freedom is the top and who will disagree with a woman who looks the part. What lies beneath is however more important because Statue of Freedom is a statues and nothing more. The Queen who is definitely not a king by definition has a function to uphold a nations main law, love. However Denmark has wages war plentifully. War πολέμους (polemous) — 3 Occurrences in the constitution of Denmark,

§ 4 The Evangelical Lutheran Church is the Danish national church and as such is supported by the state.

State of Denmark supports The Evangelical Lutheran Church which is then The Bible and The New testament written in Greek, not Danish, has WAR 3 times just as there are 3 crowns on the Christiansborg Palace (Slot) which today houses ministries and Folketinget - (Peoples Ting) The Danish Parliament. Tinge also means to: handle, akkordere, købslå, prutte, prange, sjakre English: act, accord, bargain, haggle, brag, shake. Prutte (haggle) also means to fart. The lunch-restaurant at Christiansborg Slot is called Snapstinget meaning Snapsfart and since using the word snaps we are dealing in alcohol or spirits.

Christiansborg Palace is a Royal Palace this day year 2021: Palace means paradise from Elysium and Palais de l'Elysée. you will find the word Elysee is porn videos. Elysée alone translate to Elysium and Elysium also as a movie-title in which we find a place in space as a wheel, ring, with five spokes.

In same law governing The Court of Impeachment of the Realm it says:

§ 72. Justitsministeren gør forestilling angående sagen til kongen og drager omsorg for dommens fuldbyrdelse.
English: The Minister of Justice makes representations regarding the case to the King and takes care of the execution of the judgment.

The Minister of Justice makes representations (forestilling English; show) to someone who does not exist namely the king. The word kongen is mentioned 3 times in said law.

[Hong Kong was a crown colony.]


Esoteric. This is for the enlightened and for those of the population who believe in something out of the world meaning something real when in fact it is based on very basic things such as man and woman and then a dead man crucified to make you believe in what their terror regime did to lure you into compliance. That aside because trivia should not be the base of this lawsuit however must be conjured because it is a lie so huge that they can not get over it and will keep people enslaved.

Court of Impeachment of the Realm has a law as mentioned and it is a realm and since the present Monarch is a woman the law governing Rigsretten is voided and obsolete and can not be enforced. In §1 litra 1 we are told the King can bring cases to Court of Impeachment of the Realm but there is a Queen and she is not spoken of in §1 litra 1 voiding that paragraph. The Folketinget is mentioned but that is ruled by the King as per Grundloven and the Monarch is a Queen making Folketinget voided indefinitely. The Queen opens her The Folketinget each year shown here in a Youtube video. let's see what Folketinget says about the matter:

Denmark's head of state is H.M. Queen Margrethe 2.

Denmark is both a people's government and a monarchy with a monarch as head. Currently, H.M. Queen Margrethe 2. Monarch of Denmark, and after her it will be H.K.H. Crown Prince Frederik, who takes over the throne.

The monarch's task is i.a. to represent Denmark at national and international events and sign all adopted bills. The Queen has no political influence, although she is the one who formally appoints the Prime Minister and heads the Council of State.

Both and at the same time one head of state and a man has two heads which makes it proven that a King is head and not a queen unless we are talking about her skull as a head. Head is usually high or highest but Court of Impeachment of the Realm is higher than highest and that would explain why she is trying to sit as high as possible in The Folketinget. Denmark is not a people's government and monarchy. Wrong. Back to

§ 1 This constitution applies to all parts of the Kingdom of Denmark.

§ 2 The form of government is restricted-monarchical. The monarchy is inherited by men and women according to the rules laid down in the Succession Act of 27 March 1953.

§ 3 The legislative power is with the king and the parliament jointly. The executive power is with the king. The judiciary is in the courts.

The executive power is with the king voids the entire constitution. There is no King and if this King has executive power then inherited monarchy is a violation and illegal according to Charter of Fundamental Rights of Europe:

Article 20

Equality before the law
Everyone is equal before the law.

Article 21


  1. Any discrimination based on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited.
  2. Within the scope of application of the Treaties and without prejudice to any of their specific provisions, any discrimination on grounds of nationality shall be prohibite

These are Fundamental Rights and we read in the Danish Succession Act of 27 March 1953:

Tronen nedarves inden for kong Christian X og dronning Alexandrines efterslægt.

English: The throne is inherited within the line of King Christian X and Queen Alexandrine.

Palace Paradise aka Court of Impeachment of the Realm

The Folketinget is located under the roof of Christiansborg Palace which has a tower with three crowns just as the logo of Folketinget. And since we are with paradise via palace those under the roof of this castle, royal that is, are in paradise while people outside without a tower are simply ranked so low that they have no law and are lawless since only a king rules The State of Denmark through its constitution and via Court of Impeachment of the Realm and people are told that they can be elected to parliament but let us consider that and see what the process of being elected entails. Let us also know, that most of those elected today are family members of family members who are long time gone but live on as relatives. Per Hækkerup was one and he is now dead but lives on as the grand-child named Nick Hækkerup. There are other Hækkerup. Karen Hækkerup. Inheritance begins to look like something out of the royal Succession Act of 27 March 1953. There are many many other examples of politicians who went in the footsteps of their family and some have left because they were simply too stupid. Today the parliament seems more diverse but only 50-100 thy were mostly lords and related to being ministers meaning ministers to the King and not the people. That is why Folketinget bows and stands as The Queens enters and when people enter they are grounded among 179 members in something which by law is a dictatorship and far worse than a dictatorship because no person is free from religion as they may be elected to Folketinget and they must abide by the rules yet some politicians try and act it out by demonstrating ever so slightly when The Queen enters Folketinget on its opening just as The Queen of England opens her parliament with House of Lords etc etc. These trivia are related only to the essential evidence which is the constitution and the courts which carry the same logo, a crown, as does The King and the Danish Court is suppose to be independent. From what? From people.

Danmarks Domstole. It is not called The People Court. Denmark has a court and not people. That begs the question who owns Denmark. I passed this question to Statsministeriet, the Prime Minister's Office and Finansministeriet, Ministry of Finance, and no-one knows who owns The State Of Denmark. I know. The King does as per the constitution and the Royals Palace called Christiansborg under which 179 elected represent The King. People elect someone to represent The King who is a Queen. Since these ministeries can not answer a very simple question I pronounce Denmark void and illegitimate. I have the emails to prove that they can not answer the question. This fact alone voids the very foundation and constitution of The Terror State of Denmark.

Class Action lawsuit against The Terror State of Denmark

Niels Ulrik Reinwald, NUR, has lived in Thailand since 2009 until 2017 when he returned back to Sweden because his mother had dies may 2017. The Terror State of Denmark demands a deposit as security when a Danish citizens brings a NON EU family member into The Terror State of Denmark. This fee is  DKK 106.120,80. Governmental source:

Universal Declaration of Human Rights -

Article 13

  1. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
  2. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Free means literally free, gratis, and not DKK 106.120,80 and charging this fee which is a tax, is prohibited by Universal Declaration of Human Right and since Thailand and Denmark are both located in The Universe is must be that both counties abide by that universal charter. Thailand has signed the charter as has Denmark. This is a charter is fundamental human rights to be universally protected. This voids any fee charged by Denmark as illegal and all fees paid must be returned with interest interest plus a Class Action financial compensation yet not disclosed. Therefore my wife and I decided to move to Sweden who does not have this fee. Denmark has reservation via Maastricht allowing Denmark to rule ways that other EU countries do and can not do.

We are back with Article 20 and 21 in Fundamental Rights of Europe. When the Royal House of Denmark needed to marry their sons and heirs they found one in Hong Kong and one in Australia. Not Danish! These tow women and The Royal House did not pay a fee of DKK 106.120,80. This is a violation of Fundamental Rights of Europe Article 20 and 21 related to equality before the law. does not have a logo except they use their name in the header as CSS H1. Rig means rich and The Swedish Government uses the same word Riksdag about its government. Sverige of which rige means rich. At Court of Impeachment of the Realm, Rigsretten, they impeach someone who is a threat to the state:

Rigsretssag mod fhv. minister Inger Støjberg - Indictment against former Minister Inger Støjberg.

Indictment: - you can download the PDF and upload it to Google Translate. I translated and copied as graphic.

With this indictment I shall file a lawsuit asking who owns Denmark and since The State of Denmark via Ministry of Finance is unable to answer other than people own it, then the presumption is, that Niels Ulrik Reinwald own The State Of Denmark and Danmarks Domstole since Denmark is owned by Niels Ulrik Reinwald. They said it. Danmarks Domstole is suppose to be independent yet when I asked Domstolsstyrelsen if independent includes being paid by the people via taxes. The reply was, that yes, Danmarks Domstole is independent yet if they are independent how come they use the name Danmark since it was suppose to be the people court. This proves, that the courts are those of Denmark and since nobody can prove who owns Denmark, then Danmarks Domstole is voided. As said, I have since 2020 not received an email reply via my request for an answer. Since the State of Denmark does not know who owns Denmark it is presumed the King does also not know nor is the owner of Denmark since 1. there is no king and 2. the Royal House is financed via transfer income from taxes from the people and the Royal House is does not pay tax not V.A.T. According to constitution of USA we read WE THE PEOPLE... and in this respect Folketinget comes somewhat near.

The Indictment is not a danger to the State of Danmark. It is as with every other item in any stat that such trivia is created to conjure GOD. It is as with Judge Kavanaugh seen in RAW FULL: Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's Testimony (video) it is a charade based on one single fact, that Niels Ulrik Reinwald wrote Truth In A World of Lies which proves the Bible is made in China. This is how Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World (Lyrics) makes the case, that as long as there is police, governance, traffic lights and courts ... and Court of Impeachment of the Realm that is proven, that the foundation in this terror-state Denmark is overruled as the biggest lie ever told - namely love. The absence of love via courts charading as protectors of love which is why they have criminal courts to put people on trial but have Court of Impeachment of the Realm to impeach because no matter what the judges rule - and there are 15 appointed - then it is in the realm meaning in paradise and so no matter what the ruling is the impeached will always end belonging to Elysium in Paradise because that is where they came from namely Christians Borg castle and that castle is locate on Earth yet contains Christian and Christ which means they are walking dead except they crucified a man so they could live on and one in a charade larger than life.

Inger Støjnerg. Støj means noise. Here she is seen in Youtube videos.

Neil Kinnock is the father to Stephen Kinnock who is married to former Primeminister of Denmark named Helle Thorning-Schmidt. It is a Royal Place and they married each other and naturally they get children who then become Britney Spears or similar or gets a cooking program on BBC or a cupcake competition on America Got Talent etc. etc. Politics and our World is a charade is principally a palace where some idiot called Holger K. Nielsen tells us one man is two people when spraying red paint on former Primeminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen meaning the evidence that when people have had enough of their lies and deceit and charade someone invents a happening or another level of charade to make outsiders think that this incident was not designed to make people think that someone dares and someone is a rebel for us... THE PEOPLE when in fact it could all be staged. Evidence? Let us read the police rapport and follow the case and we most likely end up in a very dark filthy hole.

The paint attack on Christiansborg Palace (Elysium)

Seconds after the attack, red pain probably acrylic, we are told one or two people are idiots and as I recall then everyone must presumes innocent until proven guilty and calling someone idiots not yet convicted is a crime as per mentioned rights internationally. In the heat of the moment politicians forget everything because now they see an opportunity to hail and to salute their very own palace of Elysium and nobody shall even dare to use red acrylic paint.

We are told the attacker were  Lars Grenaa og Rune Eltard-Sørensen and they are both pretty well educated with very nice jobs and the former even a communist. Rune Eltard-Sørensen even attached former Mayor Peter Brixtofte most likely because Brigitte drank red-wine at DKK 30.000 a bottle and was indicted and received two years in prison which is after all worse than 4 month for attacking someone with red acrylic paint even if Brixtofte should have been impeached and not indicted just as Fogh Rasmussen:

"Thus, before taking their countries to war, both Tony Blair and Anders Fogh Rasmussen asked their respective legal advisors whether in joining the US-led war they would run the risk, as individuals, of being brought before the ICC."

Quote from Faculty of Law:

”Can I [Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen] Be Brought Before the ICC?”: Deterrence of mass atrocities between Jus in Bello and Jus ad Bellum.

Jus in bello - Jus ad bellum:

International humanitarian law, or jus in bello, is the law that governs the way in which warfare is conducted. IHL is purely humanitarian, seeking to limit the suffering caused. It is independent from questions about the justification or reasons for war, or its prevention, covered by jus ad bellum.

jus in bello; right in war.
jus ad bellum; right to war.

Casualties of the Iraq War and The International Criminal Court (ICC) 

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you which then deems the peoples action in Folketinget obsolete because the Danish Defense Ministry must defend something and it must be to uphold the very foundation as per the constitution of Denmark using terror via war and then a range of ways to imprison those who drop 200ml red acrylic paint on a Prime Minister who himself needs to know if he can be brought before ICC.

Why Punish Perpetrators of Mass Atrocities?

Cambridge University Press: Purposes of Punishment in International Criminal Law.

Excerpt from Google Books.

Page 153 mentions Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Prime Minister Tony Blair, asking their legal advisers, if they can be punished at ICC entering the War on Iraq supporting mainly USA via NATO with its national nations such as Denmark and England:


Realm means Kingdom as βασίλειο vasíleio to χώρα chóra country and the evidence, empirical, will show that country is then CHINA hence realm is a court in CHINA called Court of Impeachment of the Realm.

Realm; the peers of the realm which is the king of which there is none 2021. Those appointed to the realm are 15 Suppreme court judges and 15 members chosen by Folketinget (The Danish Parliament) whom are people outside Folketinget and some of the members are fomer member of parliament and they are all associated with political parties.

If someone such as NATO wages war to support USA and a coalition all based on a lie such as a small vial of anthranx presented at The UN then that is a threat to state security because who knows what retaliation and cost such wars encompass.

Rigsretten of which retten is a dish.

ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ is Chi Rho which is CHRIST and CHRISTIANSBORG PALACE (CASTLE) is up there with a tower with three crowns as Calvary, or Golgotha and Christ was crucifix hence everyone carrying the logo of Christ, the crown, are crucified. That explains why Rigsretten does not have a crown as all the others except hey do use the word Rigsretten and waht came first in their constitution; Word flipped as Mord.

Human kind

Abundance and wasting a whole life on dealing with a case like this is evidence enough that it protrudes the extraction of reconciliation or a form of mathematical equation surpassing human kind.