Enemy is state, $ 140,369,614,034 national debt, ISIS is Daffy Duck

January 03, 2024

So called ISIS terror network is like a picnic in the park with Daffy Duck and grand mama 102 years old. The real terrorists are (democratically fakelysium elected) governments, royals and hillbillies Freemason, knights of orders that belong in Le Sewage - with a squint of wipped cream.

My wife and I shopping today and while shopping for a couple of hours house private again entered illegally. This has happened many time during the past five years. As said, list pf atrocities will be expanded following yesterdays mob mentalities by state danish. Pathetic too besides the fact that a state nd Freemasons and mobs operate this way which proves they have nothing. Below article is just one small example of how this world is operated and surely people wish for this style of life where they are operated as living dead as seen in movies. Noting delivered then 2013 and nothing delivered today or 2023 into 2024 and so ash and kingdom invoked as expected and anything can operate in this world of utter lies even truths and also a dream is Truth In A World Of Lies. Today shopping with my wife and again a mob mentality on a level which belongs in the mental asylums. Too much, yes, by the mobs of terror. But never enough for me or them it seems. Fact checking by CNN would be great and since 38% of voters have no choice other than vote for the least worst, then that fact seems to be very far from a real factual sane and real democracy. Stasi state danish has ca 1.2 million employed in the state in governments and administration. There are ca 5.7 million people in tha stasi HIPO state. State danish produces absolutely nothing except debt.


People on transfer income are not included also not people under education nor the ca 1.2 million hired working in state stasi producing nothing. Many are unemployed under education and all these do not count. Stasi state will hire more people to lower the employment statistics and most jobs produce service but not many products and business is almost not possible to start on a small level starting up. A country is an outlet where foreign products are sold from communication to entertainment and much of everything else since Asian can produce much cheaper Europe has been left like a deserts where also parts for the automotive industry for Europe are made in Asia and many of the cars driving are owned by large Asian corporation now operating directly in Europe and USA. This is actually the whole bible in a nutshell. Then comes the terror inflicted by nations governments and their fake courts where Justice is the equivalent of saying Victoria's Secrets second hand panties.

Shutting down The Vatican and European nations would be a good place to start. Why wait another 500 years. I say it as I see it. Prometeus long live.


2.906.044  people in work 2020. That is ca 40% of all people in Denmark. Above figure at ca. 2.8% is thus a figure based on those who are actually able to work where people like Queen is also on transfer income, appanage.

The danish goverment alone: https://www.nationalbanken.dk/en/what-we-do/government-debt/what-is-government-debt has debt and this debt is actually not the debt of people but goverment debt solely borrowed from various channels/investors of which some are pension funds which are operated on money paid by the people and the people get nothing in return except some pensions that are calculated on a basis for which the people investments are never returned. The goevrnemnt can borrow more money solely because governments then can raise the taxes.The only income the state stasi has is almost 100% from tax revenue. State produces nothing except debt.

$ 140,369,614,034 debt natioan Nazi debt created by he nazi governement Folketinget. Folk = People. Tinge = to negociate or simply to bargain. They do, but not for people. 179 so called elected democratically representatives all nonsense and debt is the smoking gun.

Read more at: https://commodity.com/data/denmark/debt-clock/ debt clock: https://commodity.com/data/denmark/debt-clock/ which is ca $2500 per citizens old and young. This debt has been accumulated especially since wars (Napoleon wars) and this continued into the 21st century. The debt so huge it will never be paid back and people slave for nothing and ass seen the debt rises the more time the and more people work.

The US debt clock: https://www.usdebtclock.org/world-debt-clock.html so huge that government spending are paid directly from the lender from outside USA. USA is in debt and most of national treasures and companies are on foreign hands. Never mind a bogus wall against Mexico costing another few billions. Without workers from Mexico USA would be further in dire staits. Money is not the issue, democracy is and has been since civil wars and George Washington.

The danish state has been and is Nazi controlled just as Sweden was and is and today by large corporation taken over by huge international conglomerates. People of Denmark are very poor and live like in a sewage and one evidense is also again a movie: CRAZY RICH ASIAN. Demo CRAZY.

Read more at: https://commodity.com/data/denmark/debt-clock/ and the debt alone calls for any citizen to call back the debt paid solely by the government who should be set under administration by the real people of the country.

In fact the whole nation danish is on transfer income. USA also. Venezuela. African nations. And many others.

The Art of War, esotropia, caves unreal, Nut rage incident, NY 911, Church ill

January 03, 2024

Look of the week: CNN Style, the color brown, brun in danish. Lady Louise Windsor looks like young lovely lady and as usual one notices royals. The Lady's eye may be esotropia may be caused by inbreed, source; ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Louise look very lovely still and royals are naturally favored and should be so because of their status then and now. This goes to show how our world is excited by differences but with people who exhibits other traits unwanted then all means are used to brainwash a whole world of people including using fake Covid in hat it was if anything a Flu virus like any other. Other royals suffer from similar traits. This is also why some royals seek breeder's outside of the nearest family still keeping it within the royal circles or at least the inner circles of the upper echelon. CNN runs many such stories and our world is operated based on such language via media where also democracy is flabbergasted repeatatly on media to burst out critique of all sorts including facts-checks which anyone can claim in world of truth and lies and since love is nothing zero then a lie as false is the norm. Without any royals are nations we might have no wars and no inbreed and less illness and less media and more people. Media and culture, art, music and movies eve ballet and opera is and was used to infuriate the audience with many times conflict making the audience think there was a conflict when in fact the conflict was created as a Psycological warfare. This is part of term; the art of war. As per Niels Ulrik Reinwald even not publicizing the book Truth In A World Of Lies which exactly exposes a world of fowl play and not exactly art - then any art, if war is an art, can be done so why all the critique of a book so profound? because it exposed they have nothing except what anyone has. Hate follows when one person or a group of persons are able to tell the old guard that a change may be in place. Change is not what people want and inbreed and esotropia are good signs of this effect yet really bad. I have had the pleasure of enduring CNN and loved it but when earlier reporters are fired only for wishing to communicate, then i know they and now Niels Ulrik Reinwald is the best artist - when one man is able to get a whole world on the right track yet hated for being a man of simplicity and honesty. I have experienced many people who need education and manners or need to know what a mirror is and a simple word. The war was set in motion one-on-one and a lying cave story invented to make a world htink a country was in disarray. Now the cave-story made real and Hollywood could not have done it better.

I have learned one thing, and that is that art of war is to not trust anyone and that is the overall idea that people shall feel no trust. that is why I feel real trust being able to expose these really well done tales of deception and they even make fakes of pope and other manipulated images and this happened since the invention of the photograph. Nothing new and the tool to fake it and lie are just more and 3D and now computers used to infiltrate our private lives.

I respond to such stories just like watching some movies really makes one forget that one iswathing actors - and that is he purpose of movies - make believe. It is their entertainment used to as propaganda and movies about White House Down and similar all just nonsense. The world prior World War 1 used propaganda and during World War 2 also. The Great War they call it and then millions are killed. "God" do not care and use any warfare to destroy people and that is why people become harsh and ice-cold and start to deny even that caves and Covid are actually fake. Lies become the reality. As Yuval Harari said it, Bible is fake; part of the warfare as an art form and people are spectators to their own Jonestown massacre and movie call them the living dead. The mind is powerful and that is why I will not see this kind of fake imposed on anyone. Apple Computer in New York behind a glass facade, and a pyramid in glass at The Louvre, why_ because glass is the symbol of transparency and lies - I see right through you.

This https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_370 hogwash nonsense happened when I, was about to publish Truth In A World Of Lies and created cerasius.com. Remember the airline that served peanuts in a bag and not on a plate? Saying to The World as the airline bowed in disgrace that they were sorry for inflicting the bible upon the World.

Niels Ulrik Reinwald will absolutely not participate in this kind of hillbilly behavior neither from CNN, Thailand or any airline vanished as a symbol of danish vanished. Danish Queen will vanish Queen January 14 2024 and so should he rest of her royal inbreed. This may be to harch but he, that is what I and many have endured for decades and centuries. Thus this is the first and last article in response to this ignorant idiotic media/megalomania and just responding is like pissing in a pot without peanuts. it is unworchy to participate in any story about fake cave-vanishings and this website is allready pollutedenough in response to terror on one single person since 2017 and one nations (tinosna) said one-on-one war without art or dignity or manners or coherent understanding of life. The tinosna or one can be said to have won in their media hysteria and they can build a nation which will flourish based on a set of artistic beauties until Kingdom comes. But their Kingdom has been around allready for centuries so they lie about a city and kingdom to be built - it started with Buddha and word and Bible (Budha) and that is the kingdom. 3 temples was there from the very start. It is great under The Sun and in it but one-on-one was absolutely not. The CNN story about royals and many similar stories fill the canvas of this World with noise and that is why they create lies to make noise. Period.

Fake cave story

They then also fake the fake: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/thailand-cave-rescue-boys-crawl-13207311

And made into a movie: Thai Cave Rescue: Limited Series | Official Trailer | Netflix which mostly goes to prove the story is fake since many other stories are never made into film neither in Thailand nor any other places.

A respected media outlet jumps on the fake story: https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2022/sep/22/thai-cave.. and writer Radheyan Simonpillai was most likely never at the rescue or and in Thailand at the time.

What happened to the Malaysia Airline 370 nobody knows and media forgot it when another story was infiltrated by repeated mentioning same as when Facebook.com was launched all media major outlets jumped on the bandwagon producing advertizing free for Facebook as a paltform for total control of people.

Nut case

You live in a world of deception. When I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald wrote truth In A World Of Lies, this case about peanuts emerged in the media. It was about a woman who was served peanuts in a bag. The story itself mad but made to show that NUt Reinwald had written a book about how our world is operated and a woman from th airline spoke and excused bowing down as if she was responsible for 911 in new York.

Here is the biblical 땅콩 회항 wo(rd) a min since bible is an heroic attempt to be Budha and Niels Ulrik Reinwald has eperically proven this via earlier cerasius.com and 850 pages in TIAWOL.

USA World Trade center 911

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11_attacks this was a case of terror visible from a whole world. The two towers surely and via evidence fell as planned controlled via explosions or other means after the planes had flown into the two towers. The "attack" was done because someone had had enough. Who? Someone who wanted to damn Budha and Bible for terrorizing a whole world and an "infiltrator" bin laden was found and many stories later he was killed with fake videos and a whole world now at peace. War on terror is also fake in that the terror itself is created by hose who say they fight it. Who_ Big corporations, "God" and nations religious cartels and it governance most via this entity called "God" who infiltrates our lives since long time back. Pyramids all fake too. Stonehenge too. Runic stone also major fake. Unfortunately based on these fakes a world drops bombs in Japan, nuclear devices killing en of thousands leaving wounds for decades even centuries. When people and the world has had enough then either this fake "God" entity and armies invade our planet dropping bombs and even Adolf hitler had had enough of the sewage. Since then Churchill spells Chuch and Ill and Brexit brough absolutely nothing but enourmous expenses all based on afke European Union.

When Niels Ulrik Reinwald had enough he wrote 850 pages and was since terrorized by hillbillies and Freemason and mobs in Denmark. A Queen 2024 14 January will abdicate and truly the whole army of kings and princes should stop from Emanuel Macron who is a co-prince of Andorra to the royal House of Windsor and Spanish royal house even (King) Sultan of Brunei (since independence from the United Kingdom in 1984) and surely Thailand's royal house who can not be legitimate in this world of lies created by themselves. This is an opinion and if people will be terrorized by "God" as written in the bible, by "God" itself, then people can relive Jonestown massacre over and over since being alive has become a struggle paying high taxes and supporting a system best described as a planet of terror. The worst is that those doing terror now proclaim terror by those who describe the horrors and terror by solely biblical terror nations. Roman 13:1 no less and that concludes the fact, that authorities and governance are Roman Empire based on Yuval Harari's fake bible.

Leave the World Behind

There is much more and this is far from exhaustive. Previous book Truth In A World Of Lies hardly covers in 850 the atrocities and crimes by religion and a 2023 movie tries to show a world of lies, Julia Roberts in Leave the World Behind. Apocalypse and Oblivion movie should at least say that 911 New York and caves have one thing in common, they are very far apart but are both used to terrorize this world just as a Nut Case tried to say the same; enough.

Donald Trump won 2020 election, Thailand votes are paid for, people of democracies are landless, Israel grants Intel $3.2 billion for new $25 billion chip plant, biblical Corona persists

December 27, 2023

"When I play chess and the opponent says I play well,
when I myself think I play mediocre, and win,
then it is analog throwing pearls where there are pigs."

- quote NUR

December 29: Today after a nice sleep again more tampering with freedoms and peoples genuine depictions of how many nations use terror against its own people using democracy as a tool to keep 38% from being able to vote for a better choice leaving only Republicans and Democratic party at the helm. See: Democrats or Republicans - independent (Optimates and populares) below.

Private rooms or private homes. Game over. It is 2024 and another year follows a year with 100 cases of terror via democracy with numerous terrorist attacks by a Nordic state even on this winning evening and night moving towards closure and into 2024 which will bring Truth In A World Of Lies in a new edition based on cases and terror by a Nordic state. Done deliberately to fuse the chapters into a brand new book one chapter at a time since privacy is not respected. One can not imagine The White House not being monitored 24/7 and there is much more. This small paragraph was written just past midnight December 29 after plenty of attacks on private lives across El Mundo. Emails received signaling the end and as usual I selected the right choice which I have done for the past five years without any compromise. TIAWOL many new chapters published one at a time and many more added and all free for anyone to see how a Nordic state is a terrorist and in violation of their own laws. Democracy is a failure on all accounts proven beyond nay doubt and the cases proves it. One chapter a day or per week until two volumes moves onto a third volumn.

Why did 60 Minutes, CBS, and european countries not report on Nicolae Ceaușescu *). Newly added sections below on محمدرضا پهلوی Shah of Iran and Пусси Райот which is russian for pussy which Shah of Iran respected. CNN or CUNT esoterically must be of the same distinct value and people operate CNN with earlier Ted Turner with then wife Jane Fonda doing what they do best, entertain to the masses but done so that AMERICA GREAT AGAIN may be the forerunner for global pandemic which is simply global biblical madness. The excess by Mærsk McKinney Møller and Mærsk 2024 seems to have eluded CBS or anyone else except Niels Ulrik Reinwald. Motor Ship Companies might ship produce but how about shipping - period.

*) Order of the Elephant: Nicolae Ceauşescu, President of the Socialist Republic of Romania (Note: Awarded on the November 1980 state visit to Denmark, but revoked by the Queen on 23 December 1989. The insignia have been returned to Denmark and Ceauşescu's name has been deleted from the official rolls.). Queen Margrethe II and state danish gave the order to a dictator and not one single media outlet reported the fraud and terror by danish state. This is evidence of state sponsored terrorism on a scale that created complete havoc in a European state, Romania. This behavior continues to this day into 2024 by states and there Nazi legislators and Nazi officials. Nicolae Ceauşescu was thus a dictator and democratically elected but definitely not by the people. Democracy and Denmark are tools of terror and his is one single small case. The white elephant known in Thailand where it is given to indicate the receiver has everything and would not know what to do with such a thing, rich, since the receiver does absolutely nothing. White elephant for royals and divine. The dictator, Nicolae Ceauşescu, was shot dead after many years of plundering the nationand state Denmark participated and should beheld acccoutable for that crime plundering and robbing a whole nation of wealt and life. Given a dictator, makes the giver a dictator yet the giver proclaims that dictatorsips are of the past.

A few images depicting the use of symbolism (order of an elephant) used by non-royals is obstreperous.

3 examples in state Nazi named Denmark where Nazi symbols was used and still is. Adolf Hitler told Denmark not to use the beer logo Swastika so Denmark removed it. The Chinese symbol is located many placed in many nations and openly. Germany came along to clean up the mess. The word Nazi is biblical and so adored that when one tells about they want to keep it a secret yes never told what it was. Niels Ulrik Reinwald told a whole world what it is and was. Also many people are experiencing and have tried how a state uses simple school bullying and state controlled propaganda to keep people paying illegal taxes because if they were legal, people would not have to be forced to pay tax even before getting their money in their hands. if a satte controls a nation and it people on this Nazi-level these proven nazi states should be removed. Niels Ulrik Reinwald went blank with a whiteout many many times and it never helped. Cleaning up was not ther agenda. Nazism of the worst kind is their only agenda in state Denmark as portrayed in movies like Hostel 1, 2 and 3. Jonestown massacre is alive and that massacre was just a test to see how far people will go in the bame of lov and religion. State controlled religion used as that massacre and the massacre is done using high taxes and even the hillbilly Nicolae Ceaușescu and Queen Margrethe II who is a Freemason along with many in a country which only has a nation-wide massacre on all people on their agenda. Both are victims and it takes no efort to see thatboth have absolutely nothing or else one would be alive and the other would not live on transfer income as more than half of Denmark does. Imagine the public sector employing 1.5 million people in a nation of only 5.5 million. The public sector produces absolutely nothing nor does much more than half of a nations people. They did remove the beer logo but the rest they left as is. They ask Niels Ulrik Reinwald 1. to deliver TIAWOL to them 2. let a state and Freemasons and hillbillies destoy life for millions of people and 3. expect one to not say what is wrong and what is right and what is best and better. If so good, nobody in a healthy democracy would say anything against the state except when a state operates the nation on a level as did Nicolae Ceaușescu operate Romania which rhymes with the maniac state just north of Germany.

Sash, ash, food

One image from this source at https://romaniadacia.wordpress.com and many more royals and president can be seen shaking his hand. Also notice blue ribbon (sash muslim cloth شاش and first letter deleted is اش for ash (also a food)) which may be put on wrong and Queen did not tell him. After all, Queen gave Nicolae Ceauşescu the Order of The Elephant and had the elephant returned with Denmark.


As seen here: https://royalwatcherblog.com/2018/04/16/danish-royal-orders/ the sash is worn right shoulder to left hip and you see the order of The Order White Elphant hanging below.

Nicolae Ceauşescu was made a "royal", given the order as a head of state. Ord is word for danish. Letter R is esoterically ER for IS as empty also. The White elphant symbolizes something you give to somone who has everything and needs do absolutely nothing. What to do with a white elephant? That is also why state danish inflicted repeated terror on people when nixrun.com went white: /index_white.html (2022).

You think Verseilles is something of the ancient world. Palace of the Parliament was built and so huge it would take any person some years to count the doors and rooms. Why nobody and not even a Queen of transfer income said something is mind boggling. Reason is, that democracy and nations are kingdoms and more so moving capital into capital funds which BTW are also biblical. Laws and even constitutions produced by the lenderæ notice IX, X and XI at the bottom. Twitter modern day age is now named X all invented in Asia. Terror by state in The European Union persists even today after a nights sleep and yesterdays story about Romania and how information can not even be used to tell if and when 2 plus 2 is 22.

The terrorists Queen Margrethe II of Denamrk and and Dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu are seen here sitting at the same table. This behavior was the norm during World War II where state Denmark collaborated with Nazism leaving danish people is a state of terror for five years leading to some of the purist forms of terror at the end of the war. Denmark had made billions doing business with the Nazism and only your imagination can hardly think of the atrocities that took place and still have and effect on people 2024. Young people forget or have no interest or are bing diluted down to moderns day slaves paying high taxes yet do not realize they are being fried as boiling frogs while riches leave the country while cell phones cheap of 75" TVs sustain the idea of a rich country. Denmark is one of the poorest counries in the west and are far more poor than thirds world countries. This is one case and will proove Denmark to be a state governed in, by and with poverty. History has to be told and data not solely be presented; the danish state is in fact so poor it will never recover from its debt and will never revcover from their own history where Denmark is one of the Nazi Chambers of this world. Their own refers to such entories as said Queen, Mærsk and similar families infested in Nazism on every street corner into sallaries paid to people who are then taxed even after they die. The state Denmark does not provide education and healtcare as it is writen in international conventions neither does it provide anything of wuality and cheap foods are driven down people throat as waste food programs and return-bottle system givesthe impression of a well functioning system. One tour in the food-chains will reveal utter negligence right into peoples dinner-tables. Say NAZISM and you say DENMARK.

There will be plenty of work into 2024 and even moving into next year 2025. Wikipedia a great source of data and Niels Ulrik Reinwald will sort it out straight getting the data placed in the right places so that the valued data gets an historic meaning. Denmark and Freemason and hillbillies fought on the night of 2023 December 28 into 29 all night using emails as terror and thus plenty of their cases will be presented since they are not affected by dictators and terrorists by themselves then states invites informative historic sense rather than their continued nonsense and terror not - forgeting terror; is alone something that was and is instigated by states (see France and terror).

I recall, that above was written after Freemasons and hillbillies terrorized yet again and will continue to do so and therefor the written and book Truth In A World will be published even better and with the knowledge collected since first edition.


Cinderella; cella, a small room. Victoria's Secret comes to mind.

Working class, Cinderella

Cinderella related to ash takes us far to Romania to a dictator to Disney to Hollywood and Jews too. White elephant too. All in the name of doing as little as possible while people, working class, slave and toil and while little girls believe in tales of fiction made into tales of realities through many hidden agendas and word from Arabian language too from Muslim meaning of Sash to ash to a food to a ribbon and the evidence is a set of riches far beyond imagination and a danish kingdom made constitutional to have people swallow it where royals are paid appanage, transfer income, relatively little yet in Romania and Denmark countries are bankrupted and people keep paying via illegal taxes for which they are said to get something in return but the bill does not show anything in return because here is never given any invoice.

Gold coffee, Trump Tower

Gold coffee is the jubilee or the Messiah and Corona is Budapest or simply a plague since terror persists in state danish even on these days when a new year and life returns. State danish and Freemasons have persistently since 2017 terrorized people by attacking the truth and wanting Niels Ulrik Reinwald's book Truth in A World of Lies. Freemasons want the book and use terror to proclaim it to be theirs. That is why Freemasons are esoteric bastards as a nation will see the book published via NUR's website and terror is thus the work of a state with self-inflicted terrorism and deceptions and schemes through laws so infiltrated with bogus deceptions it belongs in a furnace. Evidence shows Julian Assange case is fake, so is danish state and so is state of Israel. Yet we must all have some land to live on and from. All evidence shows that democracy is a tool to fool from way back into Roman Empire. It could have been silence and white-out but behold, Word is after all the very fountain - so why not use it. When Yuval Harari in Israel says Bible is fake - then it must be fake, right, that Yuval Harari is fake or both or Bible. Rhetorical.

Indictment: https://www.justice.gov/storage/US_v_Trump_23_cr_257.pdf and indictment #2:

#2. Despite having lost, the Defendant was determined to remain in power. So for more than two months following election day on November 3, 2020, the Defendant spread lies that there had been outcome-determinative fraud in the election and that he had actually won. These claims were false, and the Defendant knew that they were false. But the Defendant repeated and widely disseminated them anyway—to make his knowingly false claims appear legitimate, create an intense national atmosphere of mistrust and anger, and erode public faith in the administration of the election.

Such claims have been made many times by many former Presidents. If USA so much love Israel, then one might think Yuval Harari would be on the indictment list. Some can lie and even USA lies with bogus hearings where elected Supreme Court Judge stands trial for no reason what so ever; Brett Michael Kavanaugh and a complete pile of a hoogle-boogy scam using actors. Here the full real thing a complete charade. Same Donald Trump and many before and after have endured. Actors jump on the circus and after watching Matt Damon it is with regret I can say that this genuine actor no longer is on any list of mine except this one of deception. In fact there are now only lies left and my book Truths In A World Of Lies [TIAWOL] more true than ever before even if it has its flaws, naturally. But it must be a great book since state of Denmark want it and their henchmen as Freemasons using deceptions and fraud on many people to lure people into an alley of less life, more taxes and more hatred by a whole state violating every conceivable so called rights. Elections are far from the peoples voice and debt proves it and so much more to Wikileaks all a fake in which diplomatic immunity naturally can not be given to a non diplomat and this is a chapter in TIAWOL proving this fake story and not one single media outlets saw it and this proves Niels Ulrik Reinwald is right with a book which told the lies and the truths. Even on my short tour to Spain this year 2023 did state danish follow me all the way to Spain, Palamos and terror has persisted through the year with multiple cases via talks with governments, courts and municipality all documented via emails and cases of which some will be presented during 2024.

Democracy and Schwarzenegger

Schwarzenegger: Why I don't think Trump will win a second presidential election shows 1. Internet has become a platform for propadanda as old as time itself and 2. People spoke (voted) and should Trump be elected again, then again, the people have spoken. Was Ivanka a jew? and here in video from CNN people are the vulnerability of democracy. Media and actors used like dishwater to clean the very foundation they stand on which must be people and not mountains or democracy. CNN writes that people are a vulnerability is like saying, that CNN is entertainment. Donald Duck may not win the presidency of the US but is more known than Vietnam war and yesterdays news. Arnold Schwarzenegger married to Maria Shriver who is a member of the Kennedy familiy without whom Arnold would probably not have been elected senator. Everyone needs a little help just as former president John F. Kennedy would never have been President had his father not wanted it to be so. Even Donald Duck would not be without Walt Disney. At around 06:00 Arnold Schwarzenegger talk about he wish to give possitive feelings. Well, Arnold just spoke nazism and very negative about a former President proving another nazi liar namely someone who speaks about the opposite of what they say. I could say similar that Arnold Schwarzenegger is just a patsy or an actor or simply a tool to fool but that is not his own sentiment. in fact one might say many great things about both CNN and Arnold Schwarzenegger but when they use propaganda and lies like this so vaguely it is a wonder both exists. For this reason Niels Ulrik Reinwald decided not to watch news as propaganda unless to find the myriads of lies and deceptions. The World has become littered with pretense and dishonesty and we find it now to be people via democracy that people are the vulnerabilities and what happend to WE THE PEOPLE - are they too vulnerable, CNN, rhetorical.

Evidence strongly suggest that democracy and not people are the issue. Democracy and media even The Internet has become a platform for unintelligent and mostly occupies 0.01% of the cerebral capacities of homo erects.

"If people love football, then why are all, most, football-players not elected politicians" - quote Niels Ulrik Reinwald.

"They just play a game" - NUR

2000 mules

Documentary: showing wide election fraud and showing Donald Trump won the election.

Democracy is in reality completely non-existing and finally a man at the helm with some brains and wanted taken down. They should dump Lincoln and sit Trump at the Lincoln Mausoleum. There are even better choices than Donald Trump but since Trump worked in the entertaiment business he knows what to do to also entertain. rather than state creating bogus indictments, one might think that a massacre on democracy happens because big business wants to be able to lobby yet Trump made round tables for big business and opened the White House for people and corporations. Thinking different, Steve Jobs, is not part of american culture except american culture brought greatness on many levels and could be the great america it was meant to be.

If the documentary too is lying, then at least we learn that big data exists and tracking anyone is easy. If something can be rigged, it will be rigged. It might even go further than the documentary shows but that is for a later debate. Heck, in Thailand they pay people to vote and pay people to vote according to a choice based on a few BATH given in the pocket. Poverty is the tool of democracy in Thailand and when one sees it in action it gets to the point where one realizes:

Swing states / electoral system

"Since most states use a winner-takes-all arrangement,
in which the candidate with the most votes in that state receives
all of the state's electoral votes," - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swing_state#Criticism

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_fraud - what happens in one country has influence on any other country. This is why one should not dismiss single countries electoral fraud and schemes are plentyfull and can take any form and shape which included rigged elections since whoever pays for country's bills can also deside who wins.

Simplicity; the electoral system is democracy removed from the land, the people. Distribution of Electoral Votes means that when an electorate gets the majority then gets all the electorates, all the votets of that state. Simply said, the electoral system elects - not the people. See votes cast given to the electoral body. Electorate is greek: εκλογικό σώμα latter being body. This body then elect and casts all votes in favour of only one person. Originating in a royal Prince who elects the Emperor - not the people. The electorate system is a form of system saying people have absolutely no idea but we make it look as if. In other words, democracy is a hoax in function. Origin 1588. eklektos ἐκλεκτός; chosen. WE THE PEOPLE is thus not people but are those chosen to be the people, now called electorate which is the chosen. In this case derived from greek, the elect, the chosen one. fairvote.org tries to tell how electorate and populations are not a match i.e. one vote one electoral vote is unfavorable or favorable like in Wyoming at 299%. Swingstates are the states which can flip either way in which minimal fraud can bend the outcome. Since USA or any other country has an influenceon on any other countytry, these things matter.

Democrats or Republicans - independant (Optimates and populares)

"Among the public overall, 38% describe themselves as independents, while 31% are Democrats and 26% call themselves Republicans" which tells the story, there is no real choice for the 38% independant who should have won and not Democrats or Republicans. The choice is minimal because of ISIS the bird, two wings. Then a center as such. People live in a country in which their choice is made for them. Electoral votes or not, then two party system is as far away from democracy that you can get or rather as near since it is based on Roman Empire. Same in many other nations in which there may be more than two political parties (parties were historically actually illegal) and thesse parties are mostly right or left and some center.

The only poison that existed was that which Colin Powel held in his hand at UN. Imagine, holding poison right there. Colin may have held a vial of baking-soda but who knows. At around 02:40 a member looks at his wristwatch. Democracy as presented belongs in a canister filled with pundits and politicians so infatuated with producing a world of royals called right or left wings. A weapons inspector left becase on no evidense. US and UN fabricates eveidense just as evidense is fabricated against anyone who has a way to solve this worlds infinite structural damagefrom Covid which was a hoax to hisorical bird flu's and similar black deaths.

"In his [Hans Blix] report to the UN Security Council on 14 February 2003,
Blix claimed that "so far, UNMOVIC has not found any such weapons [of mass destruction],
only a small number of empty chemical munitions."[6]"

United Nations, former known as League of Nations, and USA are instigating wars and crimes including state of Israel on a level which alone by the fact taht wars exists proves these states to be criminal and conducting in vilence and terror. Same goes for many other nations. The US elections are far from validated to be honest down to the first and last vote. Electoral system is based on ancient beliefs and many subsystems are rigged in elections.When a state and pundits and media finds a reason to dislike anyone, they will do soalone on the premisss thatmedia seeks populism and stories to infiltrate the minds of people using weather forecasts, sports and cheap benevolent journalism which canbestbe described as filth since at The White House numerous reporters are seen trying to infiltrate a President by repeatly asking stupid questions. This leads to a simplyconclution, that democracy is a thined out monarchy in which peopel are diluted down to a simple vote every 4 years. Democracy shall work every day but it does not.

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi محمدرضا پهلوی

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammad_Reza_Pahlavi was The Shah of Iran. In media and western culture portrayed as a villain and a man of the dark ages just like Lybian Gadaffi and Saddam Hussein. Well, proof is, that USA is as dark as it gets and Iraq and Iran has never attacked any country recently yet alone Cambodia, Vietnam or North Korea and dropped neuclear bombs om innocent people.

Why did 60 Minutes, CBS, and european countries not report on Nicolae Ceaușescu.

60 minutes (wiki) shows a Shah of great dignity. Here too in this video another where Israelis said to push people around. Israel controls newspaper, media, banks. What else and shah stops. Why? Well, USA officially supports Israel 100%and what the hell is one nation doing in another nation. Ah, nations are not isolated so what USA does influences me or anyone else and should be responsible for the atrociousness by USA and similar united via a complete corrupt United Nations.Mike Wallace is a media-whore who brings absolutely nothing to the table except trying to portray USA as a democracy remembering Anthrax, Vietnam war dropping napalm on innocent people. Iran never did. When media and its pundits become ill is a serious matter and if a president can make a coup d'etat and be indicted based on a complete set of lies, then one would wish that محمدرضا پهلوی would emerge and rule since anyone of his kind seems better than nay USA democracy.At 10:30 Mike tells of CIA saying Shah is a megalomaniac. Wait, all evidense shows USA as being a mega, great, and lo and maniac. The 60 minutes interview portrays the Shah as a very easy relaxed person whom Niels Ulrik Reinwald would have loved to stay with.

Felix Arabia and danish bankrupted kings travelled to Arabia but returned with nothing but death. Not understanding people and culture and language is unfortunately very frequent among nordic and even European countries.

Background and causes of the Iranian Revolution may tell the story of how USA and democracies and media-whores infiltrated Iran and in doing so the Shah and in doing so created a world with wars and terror. Iran and Iraq are the very fountain of Isis their little winged whore who operates congress and senate. Roman senate.

Arab Spring and French Revolution has one thing in common; The World is operated on premisses that simply do not work. Evidens lies in Pussy Riot.

Proof in the pudding

"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."

Romans 13:1. This would then make God the electorate and the votes and democracy is thus non-existing except that God pays the bills and is therefore in full control of who is elected. The very foundation and consitutional foundation says so in Romans 13.1. Any other documentary is validtated solely through Romans 13:1. Forget democracy. Take your vote and dump it.


Trump, Clean bill of health

Source, Sanjay at CNN.com.

The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump

A turkey, a goose and a chicken - which would be the better choice for president of any country. Rhetorical.

One man brought down democracy rome trumps using same tactics today and one might argue, that Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix (image, a busted) is the evidence that Trump is right; voter fraud existed a long time ago. Washington Post may have forgotten Romans 13:1. If Trump or any president is genuinely elected via the peoples choice, then who to blame but WE THE PEOPLE. But then again, God triumphs People and bypasses democracy in Romans 13:1. The US constitution is naturally 100% biblical; WE THE PEOPLE. Many other constitutions similar. If people are so great, who the hell needs democracy and rulers - which explains the white-out or bright shining lies - nothing needs democracy since world is in a constant war-zone deliberate.

Ballot laws of the Roman Republic

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballot_laws_of_the_Roman_Republic. Simply; if democracy and electiions are needed for life to exist, then life itself does not work. Democracy and elections and electoral voting systems and fraud in elections are known since Adam & Eve - two people who got it wrong. This also explain the meaning of:

Χανααν, Hannah

The name or word Χαναα is also Anne, Anna. Thus making Canaan my land since my family is named Anne and that is the the certificate to claim Canaan or Israel. The mandate produced via Balfour Declaration and Treaty of Verseilles is no more worse than the certificate anyone holds. Through instigated world wars and elections makes the case, that people simply can not operate a planet nor life. Mandate for Palestine is another paper just as Israel has 14 natural laws. Then there are Human Rights, EU Fundamental Rights and many other rights even The Bible, Islam, Hinduism, Buddism and many other religions all a mandate to claim anything. The amount of laws that contradict each other and Hamas said to rape even when Hamas says their religion forbidt rape, then who to beleive in this fight for land. There are many other peoples who do not have their own land and one example is land owed by people for which they pay land value tax for receiving absolutely nothing. In other words, the land people purchase and own is not even theirs - people of democracies are thus landless. Israel will use the mandate but did not fight themselves except used proxies such as Rothchild and Adolf Hitler may have been one, a jew and a Rothchild. In any case his name Adolf cognate Engelbert Dollfuss. Engel means angle. Doll is a doll. Fuss is fuß for german foot. Adolf is used often as a Royal name. Adolf may be A Doll esoterically.Israel or any land related to tax via Land Value Tax which brings us to large corporations:

Israel grants Intel $3.2 billion for new $25 billion chip plant

Source: reuters.com. Intel means intelligence too. Now when we play computers we support partially a war on land and as a homeless as many then one may wish to ask for a mandate. Taxation is so huge in some countries it surpasses 100% taxation of people through various taxes, fees and tariffs. The apparent belief in freedoms and rights are bogus and elections and Israel are created on some ancient idea based on religion but people have religious freedom also to ask any nation not to use religion demand a mandate through religion. Is so, which is the case, then anyone can claim the same sort of mandate. Religious belief they call it using Hague war crimes to digest the idea that there is a court which deals with matters concerning war crimes. First define war, then crime. Both must be present and since Israel has a mandate baseled soley on fiction as Yuval Harrari says, then fiction come to mind and anyone can setup a fictitious mandate. This is where Donald Trump enters the stage and the mandate Trump has can be that of The People but not all people at the same time it seems. Any mandate is then irrelevant since League of nations was the forerunner to United Nations and the only thing that is united is a set of mandates through fraudulent elections since he world is operated on on some mandate 6000 year ago to 2000 years ago based on a fella they hung on a cross adopted to tell anyone they have to pay taxes on the very land they own.

Intel is good for business and since Intel sits in personal computer one might argue if one should ask Intel if indeed this corporation supports 20000 dead people no matter what all absent a mandate from a 6000 year ancient story. It seems as if the consensus is that Israel must be and that the killings is justified and one must remember that Hamas or whoever actually did not start a war on Israel. If we go far back enough we can blame it all on the wild flowers or amoeba. One minute Trump has a clean bill of health and the next he is said to be a menace by some 30 psychologist. CNN and media outlets jump on the wagon of deceptions and so do I in a World Of Lies where Truth is that using mathematics tells us people are impoverished even before born though taxes and corporations which sees people as a field of bright shining lies ready to be introduced to all the gadgets possible and what did 100 million personal computers produce if one can not use the computer made by Intel to write how toxic a world we live in filled with lies upon lies in which the lies eventually become the truths because it is mostly easiest to live with lies that sort out the truths and then deliver words to say exactly what it is, garbage. But we are dealing with 20000 people and ultimately their should be a league who stepped in on a scale so large that multinational dove would step in and provide the solution forgetting democracy which has proven to only produce 20000 victims based on love.

Halo, corona, (religious iconography) - Wikipedia

Corona, the halo. Jesus had it, Buddha has it. Genesis is Word. Jews are Buddhist. στέμμα, crown, corona. Coronation (street). Danish krone is crown. Denmark is Buddhist and Niels Ulrik Reinwald's book Truth In A World of Lies proves it. If they want to be different, then why use the same foundation, Bible, which exactly means Budha. Messiah is thus not exactly Jews but a word - Budha.

Torah, to educate, teach. Why did not one single Jew or israelite or freemason teach the simple message. Surely any people wish a land and not be homeless. There are 8.6 billiion homeless people as long as there is democracy and taxes.

Forgetting it was Jews who condemmed Jesus and made Jesus homeless fleeing. See also Jews views on Jesus. Also that Jews denying Jesus are against Jews. Then God or bible denies itself since eyes are Jesus whom is The World as the word - this may be called noodles or simply self-contradiction, a scheme unless one knows it and can prove it - or else it makes no sense. Do Jews believe themselves to be the promissed people and lands because then taxation is probably very low or not at all in Israel. See Jews via Canaan to Israel leading to Anna, Anne or Hannah. In fact Israel and Jews then violates many other beliefs in the very same foundation, The Bible. When Jesus said he was King of the Jews, is the same as any king saying that king is the king of the people. Going back far enough and we can trace it to WORD. In linguistics if something is similar it can be the same. THOR and TORAH very similar. Torah is Genesis with a WORD and thus Israel is my land, thank you. oh, now my grandmther has to be a Jew. Well, Word means a Jew so I ask my own mandate to have Israel delivered. Moses BTW broke the darn law so Jew cn forget about that one. Anyone can support ones land but when I or someone else defends thei own land, one is asked to pay land value tax and receives absoltely nothing in return. Ones land was suitable to produce hence produce means vegetables or anyting the land can produce, products. This may explain the urge for Intel and Israel to collaborate to produce. In some countries it was tried to tax producing eggs and even vegetables on ones own land. Madness has it forever, it seems. When one day people can have enough land per capita to actually produce something, then taxes on land value shall be paid - not for nothing - and if so, then any mandate can religiously and biblically be as legitimate as any other but then they introduced democracies and blmed it all on the peopel. I do not vote and will never vote ever again for this reason. at the nextelction another will proclaim something and peopel will start to believe again in the politicial Messiah. If Israel is right, lets just say so, then any killing is right and anything is right. Since people via democracies have created this situation the blame falls not on those people but on a system which is rigged to the core. It is called crazy for a reason and the reason is, that democracy has produced a ghetto which has spread across Earth called Corona and Corona is after all what Jesus had just as Buddha. Jews are Buddhist.

If Yuval Harari tells the truth, then Buddha is a bright shining lie adopted by most narions as a tool to fool even Freemasons.

Truth in a World of Lies

2023 December 19

Once again a new day with continued terror by state danish on many levels inviting the book, TIAWOL, to be published they so much want to destroy as did the Nazi's during World War II burning of book as lived out in movie Fahrenheit 451 which insistently was shown to pupils in danish national stasi public schools in the 1970th. State danish so much wanted to burn books explaining why state danish and its nazi Freemason (also swedish since NUR lived there briefly 2017) wish to destroy a book of such profound knowledge it brought NUR 1000 gold virual medals and an Empress and a Kingdom which is unimaginable but True even in A World of Lies all tried destroyed through means of democrazy only because the followup to TIAWOL, to bring a solution far better than this fake socialist democrazy-hell. If it is not that good, do not read. Free choice or Freemasons.

Truth in a World of Lies.

Life infringed through constitutions, laws - democracy are weapons of mass destruction

2023 December 11


Today NUR was told by Ombudsmanden, that in § 7 in Folkeingets Ombudsman law, that because it does not mention Folketinget in § 7 in that law, that Folketingets Ombudsmanden shall not deal with Folketinget. NUR then refered to § 12. where Folketinget is mentioned. But because Folketinget is not mentioned in § 7. kapitel 2, competence (da: kompetence), that competence and relation to Folkeinget is used interchangeably to disguise the true purpose of competence since competencies clearly implicit in § 12 where in special circumstances Ombudsmanden shall deal with Folketinget, laws etc. All in fact. Special (særlige) is one topic (EU Treaty article 191) Polluter Pays Principle is one where Folketinget through danish laws violates EU Treaty and directives and then Ombudsmanden hangs up the telphone. That is why it is vitally important to have a court complete impartial and complete independant (in fact shall be Folkedomstol) which the danish court system is absolutely not. See their logo does absolutely not speak independancy. Competence and Ombud (proxy) and therefor laws created; as Mogens Glistrup states, the old system is antiquated and fight to keep systems in place to violate people because systems forgot the origin.

Competence; means that you have the ability to do something well - ref Oxford concise dictioanry. Nothing to do with allowed. Law and Folketingets Ombudsmand are in other words incompentent to fullfill the law. In plain english, danish Folketingets Ombudsmand, is proven incompetent. Also special cases? Are every case not special. Principle? Who decides special? Forvaltningsdomstolen among one - but not in the danish state. Why? there is none however the danish constitution does not say so, that a Forvaltninges domstole shall not be. Same constitution also does not say not to stand on one leg 10 minutes a day!!!

Niels Ulrik Reinwald [NUR] (Author of Truth In A World Of Lies) has the past five years accumulated multiple cases related to democracy as the foundation of most nations administration. One such is Ombudsmanden. What does it mean? Ombud is a swedish word meaning proxy i.e. working for someone og behalf of someone. Who does this Ombud, proxy, work for? The people (outside Folketinget or else Folketinget is guarding itself and then purpose of Ombudsmanden it to keep things as they are - in other words purest form of corruption). In this case we are dealing with Folketingets Ombudsmand. Folketinget is danish parliament.

Law that govern the Folketinget Obudsmand:

In state danish a Forvaltningsdomstole, Administrative Court, should have since 1953 per constitution danish have been created but is not and the reason is, that citizens shall take any question to this court. All other nations in The European Union has this court, except danish state. Reason is, that after taking a case to the Administravice Court, Forvaltningsdomstolen, the citizen, the one asking aquestion, shall be able to take the case to highest court. THis is a violation and Ombudsmanden in § 12 is exactly that danish Ombudsmanden shall deal with matters, laws, relatedto parlimentary actions on any matter even when laws are not followed or are violated.

I called 2023 december 11 ca. 1400 hours and danish Ombudsmanden hung up the telephone in a disturbed impolite manner. I had two questions one is related to article 191 in EU Treaty on Polluter Pays Principle (built into danish law on environment thus a case for Ombudsmanden) and other quetion is that article 3 in Folketingets Ombudsman shall deal with matters related to Folketinget, laws, and the phone washung up by Ombudsmanden. Ombudmanden danish is an illegal entity which is why I today have called Stracbourg to deal with this matter on an European level since state danish is violating democracy, peopleslives,lawsand eventhe danish constitution, Grundloven.

Polluter Pays Principle

State danish and probably other states in The European Union has violated Polluter Pays Principle and Niels Ulrik Reinwald has a court case where the danish court has illegally bypassed EU Directive 2004/35/EC 2024 april 21 making citizens pay for removal of household garbage but it is solely business that shall protect the environment because of big corporationsclout and wealth to accrued knowledge on a multi billion € level. Corporations accrude revenue on a scale which is collosal and must thus as per article 191 in EU treaty protect the environment. This is why danish Ombudsmanden hangs up the telephone which is perfect because it proves Truth In A World - book written by Niels Ulrik Reinwald - clearly shows that nations and in particular one Denmark, is violating androbbing the citizens using the law or rather bypassing the law and this is where danish Ombudsmanden should step up but is an office not even worthy the garbage following wiping their asses. A fake EU Court Case later and Polluter Pays Principle burdens millions of EU citizens done illegally using democracy through rule-by-laws where ruler is what kings are hence democracy is a metaphore for regent.

Cartels in the health industry

NUR today asked The European Ombudsmanden in Strasbourg about two other cases for which NUR is doing the work which danish governnce is paid for to do, but does not. EU Ombudsmanden has my emails. NUR will follow up on theselater. On is on cartels in teh danish health ystems in whichabsolutely no competion is present making the danish health system very hazardous for people in The European Union.

Cartels and violation of cross border sales of electricity

Danish state violate every aspect of the production and purchase of electricty. THINK DIFFERENT Steve Jobs said. NUR says: THINK SIMPLE. THINK LIKE A DONKEY. Large corporations through funds rob peoples money and invest and laws are created that produce fees and taxes on a level that surpasses The Italian Mafia. NUR has created a small page on Energy. The page descrbes briefly how a nation uses democracy to destroy lives through the pavements laid out by and paid for by the people.

European Union fiscal budget € 1.823.000.000.000

EU Budget. Subsidies on farming and its produce makes a Spanish tomato cost equivalent 10 times more than you pay for it in the grocery (estimate).

There are ca 448.000.000 people in The European Union source

Each EU citizen old and newborn pays each year € 4069. Citizens then pay natioanal taxes and fees and tariffs and V.A.T. on cross boder sales even outside citizens own state i.e. buy in USA is leveraged with 25% V.A.T. danish collected by a business in USA to the danish state.

Democracy versus Mafia Godfather

Portrayed as avillain making you think the mafia is something which is a bygone. The Italian mafia is like a kindegarten compared to democracy greek Δημοκρατία with a delta Δ.


Democracy stemps from demo Δημο to δῆμος Strong's Greek: 1218. δῆμος (démos) — 4 Occurrences thus Folketingets Ombudsmanden is a proxy for the people in cities, municipalities and with a few simple cases demonstrates that democracy is forgotten and utilized as a tool to fool and rob people which is why people stay poor on national an EU levels on a large scale.

δικηγόρος dikigóros is Laywer or danish Jurist. Ros is god and people too are then Layers.

Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller

This fella larger than democracy and pays for opera house illegally in that parliament said it was in violation of democratic principle. Further has consestions to all wealth below your feet called undergrunden. See page Energy.

Multiple case

Many more cases some relatively small but are evidense combined of the socalled ongoing Apocalypse which is nothing new. Since two thousand years back the 2x1000 years has passed already in year 2023 give or take a few month (i.e.Jesus dies ca. 30 A.D. (2030)). Revelation 20:7 (back and forward 20.1-20.15) and 2x1000 years done. God loves you, as George Garlin said. Sea θάλασσα thálassa is gone. Why look for the sea. Retorical. This small entry 2023.12.11 tells of democracy which violates democracy itself and Bible is then another word for democracy called apple (bible) since I AM ALFA OMEGA (i=a and o (bible = apple)). Simplicity. That is why important so christmas decorations aside then surely democracy is not.

2023 December 10

During this year almost no updates and some promises in this bible-buddha virtual reality late night SHOW in which there on this website has been no ill will none what so ever. Democracy is governance and secret societies and since Asia in this virtual show allows for real listening devices of peoples houses which is a known fact by governance MI6 etc. and seen in virtual real lives such as movies James Bond and fantasy and reality collides with Mogens Glistrup and a national (fake) court so sick it belongs in then gutter, then the article Glistrup is reloaded because that man wanted the best for all people in a nation with taxes so high it is definitely destructive but people forgot Jonestown and Waco and Denmark as state terrorism and Waco was bombed with 3 firebombs by FBI and governance-systems themselves (Movie Magic version TMDB) just like Napoleon wars bankrupted whole nations and the danish state has 6000 danish police removed from Denmark because the danish police was a danger to the danish people and this story is part of history just as slavery was the foundation of a danish state killing hundred thousands just like Waco Texas and Jonestown and proof is in the pudding, jONEstown since NEO is in Revelation in Greek language. This is what state danish is operated with only, death and destructive behaviors and in between The Little mermaid stonedead shines like a beacon of hope while the nation and its people is killed from within using health-system (infringed with cartels) broken but expensive and the fundamental of rights abused and never enforced. Most people want change, well, the change is, that this december will tell the story of a nation which stands as a welfare state but is governed then and now by Cradle to Grave democracy.

When in 2013 I found ISAREL in Bible was LIARS I fell down but now it feels like movie Stonehearst Asylum and far worse. This website and earlier cerasius.com was and is the product of five billion years of evolution into the purist form of terror since Oppenheimber and Truman (movie Oppenheimer) and company with Niels Bohr could have been the epiphany of great things but became the nemesis (Jewish banking family yet state danish fought the very civil resistance movement whom allegedly saved 7000 jews end of WW2) of a state so infatuated with a women with a fish-tail, it belongs in a mental hospital and a whole state - imagine - belongs in a mental asylum. State danish should by United Nations be abolished and stand trial for many crimes against humanity at International Criminal Court www.icc-cpi.int/ however this body seems to suffer from a forgetful source of where war by state started by adopting a terror-tool named The Bible which explains why Nazi's wished to burning of books in totalitarianism which is the state we live in today and the reason and proof is truth In A World Of Lies [TIAWOL] - the Bible is the source of TIAWOL.

Trinity test nuclear bomb: it was thought that the device might set the atmosphere ablaze. Had that happened, The Bible as trinity, 3 crowns, would have been the combined work of lunatics and nobody would be hear to tell so. Niels Bohr and Oppenheimer and Einstein, could combined not cook an egg but the theory of the nuclear boms is seen on the shy called The Sun. Bohn also did not realize that planetary systems, Solar System, was related to atoms and electrons but as with everything, simplicity is the start of anything even creating a device and nuclear reactors even created The China Syndrom movie and with that we end up where the one saving the meltdown is killed by the enforces and the reason is obvious, complete stupidity and Hague War Crimes does not deal with that so my suggestion is to set up a body called: International Stupidity Moron Court and state danish is not welcomes because this state belongs in afore mentioned crimes court. Bohr and Nazi-stat-danish is the reason why probably United States of America has had enough of this small wacko danish state. I deem Bohr, Oppenheimer and Einstein and the likes the byproduct of religion making a whole planetary system feel like a nuclear meltdown. Since International bodies will not deal with this state danish then one may get a hint watching start of movie The Shadow in My Eye in which we at the start of movie see 3 girls killed actually by state danish itself since bombing of the Shell House in Copenhagen was supported by state danish itself killing 60 young girls in a french school. The kills in the start of the movie is cognate the killing og all people, all nations and thus evidence that democracy is a WMD, Weapon of mass Destruction. In stat danish governance says "Speed kills" related to traffic speeding in cars. Hitting your head walking at 3 kmh can kill you knocking your head. State danish kills people, not speed. if cars, speed, atom boms and state danish providing fuel to this website, are so dangerous, then why have 'em. Retorical. Going blank or white was an idea not adopted. Perhaps a fools court. We go that already.

Danish film Director Ole Bornedal shows democracy destroying democracy

In the movie danish shooting 3 girls (wikipedia) you will see lipstick on the old mans face. Niels Ulrik Reinwald had similar red lips kissed on his front door at Rosengården in Copenhagen, where NUR lived in the earlry 1980th (kisses are great when one does not know the bible code). Now NUR knows why. Love and death while living belongs in the minds of rulers of state even faking the danish constituion (topic for later).

Operation Carnage

Operation Carthage: "The raid was requested by members of the Danish resistance movement to free imprisoned members and to destroy the records of the Gestapo, to disrupt their operations.". Psyop by danish HIPO or danish police or resistant movement who helped jews but didnot tell the french school-girls to get out prior the bombing. If genuine civil resistance, then we know thatcolleteral damage is part of warfare as a tool of terror by state andnot civilians unless it was a civilian war. This explains why Nazi-Germany wanted the danish police out of the danish nation because nazi germany protected the danish civil people because Germany knew the terror committed by one state alone, Denmark.

Mogens Glistrup against Carnage

Mogens Glistrup - a man wanting to deliver, to do what germany tried but using only democracy. Glistrup got 28 seats and danish court startedafictitious case against a man wanting to deliver the people to be free from a state of terrorism. That is why history must be written by the loosers and not only the winners.

The White-out

Two years back and a couple of times Niels Ulrik Reinwald went white-out with this website and even took down cerasius.com however in doing so have proven terror by God against people. Each part since cerasius.com was a long series of not having a website and finally nixrun.com with little content and then offline many times taken back online. This time it will most likely just stay online. This is so bizar that Waco Texas could have been dealt with by simply having the lawyer and FBI take out children and even David Koresh and what is Jehovas Wittnesses more rgan a society to keep people in a perpetual state of crimes of war. Spit and Spitfires and war has an origin and five billion years of evolution, sperm and eggs and scent of women and even the very word WOMAN instigates terror. That is why we now in movie The Creator see a new language and The 1000 Year Reich is from The Bible and Denmark has existed since year 900 so is it time to reinvent the spoon? Danmarks Kongerige (rige = reich) IS that which has vanished by this time 2023 with Thyra Danebod and all that was fake in the danish state.

2023 December 09

Writing of many others not the purpose of this website i.e. staying on course with focus on the democracy (Δημοκρατία) environment in which we live. However terror by states are inflicted on multiple levels and when their benevolence needs to be satisfied they just keep using a tax/system which originated in part with the Napoleon wars (£3 trillion in modern economic cost terms) (most likely underestimated (Iraq war $2.4 trillion)). The World was bankrupt (War and the coming of income tax UK Parliament). They needed money and after taxes collected for rhe Naplion wars, taxes were kept and later raised to heights that taxes everything far more than 100% and subsidies are one example paid through taxes making the US ¢20 tomato in the store actually cost US $30. One need not be an economic advisor - thinking simple gives the answer. Previous page on taxes removed and Truth In A World Of Lies covers taxes briefly in some areas. TIAWOL brought great fortunes and ideas and delivered for all people but one can never satisfy governement installed by Asia through Bible and capital today as debt galore. Bible thus is debt. Greece and many others and a whole world in debt.

Previous days 2023.dec.07 a page was uploaded to nixrun.com without my permission. As said, terror persists by state and henchmen on many people across The World. Since uploaded article was not finished I quickly cleaned up their mess and wrote the story about taxes and Napolean wars. Now I have removed it because it was not my intension to upload that article. I emphatically emphasize that my nixrun.com and life infiltrated and that is how state and hencemen-people operate on many people. Media too operated through such that real genuine REASONS for terror is never touched upon, such as robbing people their lives through entertainment and taxes etc. and Jonestown and or Waco (youtube.com version) just told people, state and God will do this to you the people using Psyops and red flag operations. Competition is like a city on Pluto. Entertaiment same. The essense of life made into a convenient store with subsidize food on a leel making a litre of milk cost $100 (subsidize paid via taxes illegal on income on this benevolent level) and even the dollar sign is Isis. The reason is because kings adopted The Bible and now people pay a hefty price to feed the greed of Asia. "Greed is good" as Mchael Doughlas said in a movie while he plundered the finanses. Bank scandal Lemann Brothers was bankrupt because looted by Asia and echelons. USA is and has been bankrupt just like Greece for many years - this is the short version. Better articles on topic with reference to many topics but terro is a french wod and it originates in Bible and thus is instituted by proxy thorugh Kings and Democracy and its governance. Asia allows for this terror and that is why proxies are installed in deceitful ways. You live in a World which is a mousetrap and you may have some darling but on a global scale Israel war and terror is just a small scale war compared o the battlefields called Earth. The proof is in The Bible and that is why terror is everywhere and that is why todays royals play their part as abes and walkabouts without any contnet except ofr the doodles and noodles and candy they get becaue that is how kings were operated. Yes, Kings are teh sofware and Asia does the programming installing these nice billies on the hill rater than actually re- and program the operating system OSX into XI. Niels Ulrik Reinwald does not find it of interest to live in a soup called a nation when the nation died stonedead the day it, the nation, was installed. This website went blank because it was a test but blank was not enough.

2023 November 27

This might be the headline across media but when it is it never scratches the source, the foundation. The Internet as a methaphore for THINGS is as life being destroyed and the evidence is their laws and constitutions which people never really had access to at least not as per INTERNET OF THINGS and this explains the ongoing search for the real foundation of why there is a Vatican, why there are parliaments who are living in castles and why Emmanuel Macron is a co-Prince to Andora. If we filter out all the noise and start from their foundations which was the bible, there is only to compare movies to Bible and you can prove emprically democracy and rule-by-law is a system occupied by hooligans and hillbilles trying to move from Roman Empire to democracy to debt so large that "New Asia" in The Creator and Planet Of The Apes looks like reality and John is a toilet and Gensis is Genesis 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 and then it ejaculates and they both or the venus turns over leaving a dripping wet pussy and thighs await 3 more days and it rises again and probably shorter time which explays the whole thing is a John as a dildo or steroid and this had to be known and five billion years of evolution created a woman and man so lustfull that their sole purpose is to ejaculate the right place and produce pleasure and extacy and entertainment, real. The rest is just taxes and endless ONE WAY streets leading nowhere except into their alleys of deception and their very own rules now apply to themselves and this explains the missery they encounter when they are asked very simple questions about their foundation and they wish it would go away but they adopted it and must bare the cost as per Bible where everything ends up right back INto the UNto as United Nations and we end up in a 8.6 nillion sex-triangle where WE are fucked by anything with four legs or less, mostly less. This article in the foundry and during december will explain and exploit their very own deception cast on people and when they get it back they simply hang up the communications-line. During 2023 summer, autumn and winter Niels Ulrik Reinwald has been up mount vesuvius 100 times only to find schemes galore and 1000 scripts ready in the foundry for the next iteration of James Luxley or Bond or Born which is the esoteric version and as in movie Chinatown then it can not get small enough as J.J. 'Jake' Gittes aka Jack Nicholson says at the very end proving entertainment is esoteric when you know and what you know is, that the virgin has sex with itself and dies giving birth to itself explaining WORD as MORD as also Ἁρμαγεδών (Ἅρμα Harma which is a chariot riot (Rev 16:16)) armageddon ארמגדון where a conveniet store in Denmark got its name irma and the logo is a small girl of things.



"For those who knew; it was oblivious. For those I taught; it came easy. For me it was the most amazing time."



Magazines updated latest are listed from left to right:
Niels Ulrik Reinwald

critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.


During 2019 nixrun.com went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. Nixrun.com will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations.

nixrun.com has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth.

nixrun.com mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.

It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, cerasius.com and nixrun.com was considered ambiguous.

Article including this dis- and claimer is available here.