Mine eye hath play’d the painter and hath stell’d
Thy beauty’s form in table of my heart;
My body is the frame wherein ’tis held,
And perspective it is best painter’s art.
For through the painter must you see his skill,
To find where your true image pictured lies;
Which in my bosom’s shop is hanging still,
That hath his windows glazed with thine eyes.
Now see what good turns eyes for eyes have done:
Mine eyes have drawn thy shape, and thing for me
Are windows to my breast where-through the sun
Delights to peep, to gaze therein on thee;
    Yet eyes this cunning want to grace their art;
    They draw but what they see, know not the heart.


Consensus generalis democracy

2025 February 24

Christian Democratic Union (CDU) / Christian Social Union (CSU) - "Let's get the party started" - cnn.com. All Burger Kings and McDonald will be independent Europe. Greek for PARTY is κόμμα transliterated kómma which is , which esoterically is MEN CUM. Niels Ulrik Reinwald's work and writing spread the word enough for 28% of the votes to choose Christianity - an ancient belief operating The World where The Pyramids in Gaza is built into The Bible. The technology of The Bible and spreading the WORD makes it pretty obvious, that Christianity and The Vatican and CDU and democracy is now a christian denomination.

"The CDU's policies derive from political CatholicismCatholic social teaching and political Protestantism as well as economic liberalism and national conservatism. The party has adopted more liberal economic policies since Helmut Kohl's term in office as the Chancellor of Germany (1982–1998)."

Quote: wikipeadia.org.

NUR was a tremendous success seen from his couch where he yesterday was played The World Bible Game - again - and said an upload would follow, which it did, more harassments. I speak in third person because being a teacher is after all what Christ did and he too must have been a great success yet they killed him. CDU and democracy is a priesthood with followers and the church of the democratic institution is the temple - just as The Vatican state is the stool chosen by 28% of the German voters. There is a reason why Mercedes Benz used letters C, E and S for their main vehicles and the star another version of the five pointed start and the nine pointed star and the one pointed star.

Happy winnings and great party and spreading words really made God play two parties at the same tome where Christ naturally plays the part of dead taking on all the sins of those who now proclaim via the POLES and elections to favor Christ. Job well done, I must say myself, when nobody else can say it out loud in writing and speaking when Christ plays his role as predicted by the inventors of The Bible.

I promissed myself I would write a small piece should the harrashments continue today - and they did. So done. Now their party can start where cerasius.com left off and nixrun.com can finally bequest the chair of teaching something which perhaps made CDU win again because they come and go and rise and fall. Too much christianity as buddism as hinduism as any denomination, can now party with The House Of Party - Saint Peters Basilican and I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald partake no longer and will as per the many threats needed to keep me quiet produce my very own website with whatever - if anything.

Hasta mañana. Since The Word Olympic Games with The Olympic Rings will not finish - I finish it today pronounsing Christ as the winner - God forbid!

El silencio es plata

2025 February 16

Yesterday I demonstrated that I prefer nice and quite and the road I live on has been abused since 2018 my 100.000s of cars driving past my house. In 2018 after visiting Venice coming back home I had two truckloads of grain drive past my house filled with grain symbolizing I had that many in The World Game of love. Yesterday I then upload and since 2024.10.10. I wrongfully thought doing as little as possible related to my website would bring silence. It did not. Now it is 2025 February 16yh and I shall listen to the early spring-birds tweeting and listen to the wind and listen to he lovely sound produced after making love.

I presumed wrong and right. I said many times it would end like in nothing and today I shall listen once more and see if I can hear the wind and the Earth drifting quietly trough space while I dream and I am he same as I was and now have done a goods decades work teaching yet left to dry as I expected. More noise might conjure up something but for now I say thank you to the support I did receive since 2013 with cerasius.com and billions of followers have now chosen partially terror-states and I am of the same opinion, that nations made World War I and UU and Z and in 2017 I was driven into this hateful game where love was portrayed using Nazi/signs, little girls and Mere Slik songs with Candy-girls at the Melody Grand Prix. Slik Me means Lick Me since lick is also word for candy or sweet but also lick. That and driving 100.000s cars is said to be amazing not I and teaching billion of people. They conjure up as usual an their style favored.

Over the past few years and month my life and works has been snatched away as Aljaseraa said it would be. They were right. Everything has been used to diminish my person but my life was that because anyone needs more than Shakespeare and more than words and there are 9 billion people detached from the umbilical cord and each people can now make their own love-song.

I may write more perhaps not. One thing is certain, that chistianity as art, poems, grace, eyes and cunning makes for believing - when Cunningham and such names too is derived from love.

The Divorce

I diverced in 2024 at an Embassy and it was legally done so and the marriage in fact entered into legal status by state danish so my wife could have my name. That took the state a very long time. Now I am still married even if I am divorced and the state does not want to change the Central Personal Registration CPR. This for both my wife and I. We can therefore not marry again since states do not allow having many wives. See movie Jude.

Gift in danish language is POISON.

Bible as it is known allows Lord to have any number of wives. It is called a Merry Go 'Round. A state-nation has now made it impossile for me to marry ever again. I have the divorce-documents and it is all legally obtainted yet biblicll it is all illegal. Nation run their royalinfantry like that and that also explains militrary and police with peppersprays and email and lives hacked and God doing sacrifices to scare the hell out of everybody see Romans 13:6. Since TIAWOL I was told there would be sacrifices and one such is my life now destroyed four times. My writing is only an attempt at doing what Ukranien Presidnet cant do namely tell now scumbag-rotten nations run their houses via democracy no more worth than the sacrifices and world wars all made because of Bible and religion. Religion needs a makeover to say the least.

No divorce and 1000s of cases against my life and many more people suffer yet youtube.com is used to show naked ladies longlegged and dressons and all nice but only pixels. There is now only the as to buid from and since I did the old then after the new comes the most amazing rendering of how I got to know christianity and the bible code.

The state demanded DKK 825 to divorce my wife and I. When I told we allready was the state still demanded money. So I kindly paid. Then the state realized the mistake and paid the money back in january 2025. Yet still no divorse.

Showing CPR in this image: cpr.2025.february.16.png

Watch movie Girl with the dragon tattoo. The man raped by the girl is how nation-states especially in Scandinavia run their state of affairs. People live as I on wellfare income and we are counted in the millions. Work is taxed at 38% on PERSONAL income yet the deduction annually at DKK 48.000 is suppose to support one person paying rent, electrics and living cost. The ammount hardly covers a few month rent. Some housing for rnt is costing more than DKK 11.000 per month. The effect on peoples lives are, that each time people work more, the state-nation extracts more and one reason is, that nationpstates have indeptedted themselves by adopting christianity and bible as the biggest mistake ever. Howeverthat was the only way to become a nation!!! Casles in Versaille France so expensive whole nations went bankrupt. Emmanuel Macron on CNN now speaks of Europe having to WAKE UP.

Nobody knows who wrote The Bible - well - God did. Even mistakes are Alpha Omega. How can one not love love when Laura Contreras exposed Victorias Secret's.

A naion/state spoke and di so much evil to my life I lost count and forgave 'em too many times. My mission was not imposible making more than 4 billion people aware of The Bible code and now they too can spread the word - just like Laura and all the others who followed me until I gave it all for free. Jesus never married, right!


"For those who knew; it was oblivious. For those I taught; it came easy. For me it was the most amazing time."



Magazines updated latest are listed from left to right:
Niels Ulrik Reinwald

critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.


During 2019 nixrun.com went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. Nixrun.com will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations.

nixrun.com has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth.

nixrun.com mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.

It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, cerasius.com and nixrun.com was considered ambiguous.

Article including this dis- and claimer is available here.