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2025 January 22, 23
Mine eye hath play’d the painter and hath stell’d
Thy beauty’s form in table of my heart;
My body is the frame wherein ’tis held,
And perspective it is best painter’s art.
For through the painter must you see his skill,
To find where your true image pictured lies;
Which in my bosom’s shop is hanging still,
That hath his windows glazed with thine eyes.
Now see what good turns eyes for eyes have done:
Mine eyes have drawn thy shape, and thing for me
Are windows to my breast where-through the sun
Delights to peep, to gaze therein on thee;
Yet eyes this cunning want to grace their art;
They draw but what they see, know not the heart.
CNN: Trump threatens Putin with ‘taxes, tariffs and sanctions’. Words are usually enough. In mine eyes, Niels Ulrik Reinwld, I have had sanctions since 1963 imposed and especially from 1973 then escalating to 2025. I stopped many yars ago and after TIWOL I stopped multiple times. USA and natiosn wishes for IT to be as it was yet cold wars and no communications, Bay Of Pigs etsc. We are all on the same mothership called planet Earth - thank you. Do no make it hard for some and not for others. A.I. or brain or call a person who would be able to supply ideas all day long only for pasta.
USA buys or rent Grren is a great idea. Install gren ice and TRUMP WHISKEY with 3 million year old icecubse rilled up from the deep and build condos and have the people there work and service and enjoy the pingvins you install which you can dress in a roosters dress in pink. Then you install apprentice on a floating iceberg where Charlote wins and real talent is found. The World has an opportunity like never before. Use it or run it the same way as allways. I am the same and will look from a distance as I watched the match of life, love and first ladies whom to me are now a distant memory. this Lord of The Rings fight for love and glory is amazing. Had I ever known that when I was born here at Fredensvej 10.
I live at a house with number 22. Yesterday and January contains my initial. That is why all day I was harassed yet again and played as usual. Trump in office. The Earth still rotating around the Sun which´in in Thailand was on my door to my house had logo-brand named SUN turned upside down by the installed who was Thai. I loved the are and in 2017 my wife wanted to move to Denmark who demands ca. deposit Kr. 200.000 (approx USD 30.000) i you bring your wife from a non EU country. we therefore had to live in Sweden until threats of court cases made my wife say we should arrive to Denmark. The court cases in Sweden where fake. A Cell phone company Telia sent me a bill for SEK 30.000 saying it was for calling in Thailand he past 10 years. I said nonsense and told Telia they should just have shut down the subscription. After much emailing Telia finally gave up heir fake. The court cases was thus based on fake and the threat of taking me to court via a private bailiff did not happen since my wife and I escaped the nation Sweden and my wifes ID card was postponed in retaliation.
Small article all same as usual. The version played world-wide is not absolute true and was and is flawed and time such as 11:51 is used to "program" people via emails and gas-station prices too are used. Even the sky with airline jets leaving "smoke-trails" in the sky can communicate such as making a huge cross in the sky. You re being brainwashed daily since "Adam and Eve" and World War I and II happened for reason related to bible and holy grail and nations fighting and we are told one man Hitler tarted it all. Nonsense. WWI started by assassinating one character Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand by South Slav nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914 and since so little can make millions die then a fake Telia bill at SEK 30.000 and Romania being ruled by a character where his wife buys 50.000 pairs of shoes we are told all sound like fairy tales and nonsense yet we are told Breiwik in Norway was able to to bomb and kill many and why was there no guards on the island when my house is surveilved just because I wrote a book.
My now dead Aunt and my mother deeply religious and you.d believe they would live happy buut dies in misery and my mothers last words in a ill old peoples home was "fuck out!" (danish "skrub af med jer!")said to my thai-wife and her own son, me. Same wording used by a caretaker when my aunt was amputated 2021 June without her consent according to Journal (which I have) and she went to a rehabilitating center (google maps) where, when I visited my aunt to check up on her progress also was told to fuk out by a caretaker wearing a Jesus cross.
22nd I was almost run over by a car. I also visited the doctor and a nurse who finally attend my leg. I asked for stomac medicine because I have a bad thin stomac but was denied medication telling me I could have a time later. I said I had a time in Fbruary. I will try again friday this week. My stomac not so good since likely could be posoning of sorts or bacteria since I ahad penicilin which may give diarea as a side effect. Otherwise in good health except for those things doctors will not deal with such as vasculitis and faking my medical journals.
Many insidents later I can say I am still alive and will remake my webite because the vomitting articles below on clodhoppers world apocalypse game is so heineous thye will be archived and my website take a different approach.
Love is amazing.
2025 January 15
For weeks since October 10th last year I have only written one small update on my birthday. I thought it was suppose to ease out the harassments on my person and the latest cases are so grave they ought to be published about how a police-state operates peoples lives when people write a book or have opinions which goes against the establishment such as democracy in which people comply or else are told and threatened by nations establishment of world wars just as in Brad Pitt playing in World War Z the biblical war or better known as Apocalypse. This fight has been going on for millennial and earlier kings would hide inside castles and the outside world was seen as enemy territory and later castle became nations also with border. Then UN. The world forums. The interplanetary travel polluting the solar system with more democracy and religion. R ELI GI O N, as said, is LIE RING O same letters forming OOO. They signify one in 3. Freetown in Denmark called Christianshavn.
Order of the Bath: Tria juncta in uno ('Three joined in one'). Bath is littrally a bath and is thus GOD is thus reference to babtism and anointment leading to lovemaking (a person can not be anointed without intercource existing as an infant later getting the order if ranking high enough. Anointing without, os also possible but no people, on anointing whatsoever.)
TIAWOL is a book which was written in an attempt to understand why life sometimes turn the way it does for better or and worse via the origin of most nations, bible. However, I have decided this time to focus on things not related to the previous six month harassment since I renovated a house and this winter have kept quite but apparently not enough for the continues harassments by state to continue. I might dive into some of the case should it be a way to show how may people previously have been kept in servitude and in silence when also seen when people demonstrate then the peppers-prays are used and worse sometimes terror by nations and fractions of intentions against the idea of communicating and wars is a mans for his world to operate via fear.
That is why I write also because silence i no gold and my non-writing for month since October brought only more horrendous cases. This time starting January 2025 I shall focus on other things than the continuous terrors and horrors and when a whole intentions yells freedom to speak yet try to silence me trough very evil cases on my personal life, then I shall this time focus on other things because the idea was for now four years to run my life into the ground in misery so I would write about their ways. Their ways are not my ways and I have in 2024 many more cases violating life itself.
Therefore, this time I rearrange my website somewhat (goes on much too long and tedious about abuse of citizens in attempt to write how to keep citizens in servitude and in democracy which many times has been proven not to work. Sometimes, but with corruption as a tool. Some nations have more corruption and some support these very corrupt nations making the less corrupt as corrupt as the most corrupted.)
It may come to the point, that my Internet is shut down and thus I wished to communicate (2013 and forward to ultimo 2024), since it is wished that my website does not flame all and every part of religion which it does not however some parts of religion does such as using spiritual abuse. I sence the case was, that after harassments since 2017 and prior with deep state sponsored religious abuse via churches like apostolic church which my mother attended supporting her illness diabetes II become I and a whole family destroyed. the last words my mother spoke to me was so horrific, I will not quote it here. I live with her screams every day even when I watch my garden, the birds, the oceanside and watch the blue sky I still can hear her scream. Should more harm be done, I shall reboot my website in a more gentle fashion focusing on either going blank or producing something which is not inspired by my mothers last scream. I shall on the love-tracking page update once every month at the in every month since I have had threats on my life.
Love, we are told, overcomes it all. Yes, if love gets a change to live long enough. I did, I deleted it. I wrote and book, deleted it. Moved to a europen state and my life again tried destroyed trying via a book to build my and others lives but only leaving on state stealing all my work. Each day you wake up you get one more day. They play me like a fool and play it long enough, life runs out anyway. The gift of life was suppose to be amazing and still is - the story, Stormy Daniels (nonsense small potatoes) played on a President I in Thailand supported to become a great President who has some clout not like most of the others nice but less inspirational. That is my opinion. Diplomacy is the obstacle for progress. Movies played and products and advertising used to program our planet using Covid which was all nonsense. Nobody can argue love and life is all bad lying on beach a summers day - once you have tried that have it. It is the others who make rotten things happen in the competitive world of life. Then you copy past not by wish but because of pressure from society. Look at lion, animals, they do it too. Flock and herds and fight for love and glory. Imagine a lion said in Lion King: "Take it all" and the lion walk away and gets no harem of 10 female lions which is the ultimate goal of this babylonian game and there is nothing new even if they pretend and tell you there is. When Covid can be installd then count me as non-member of Homo Sapiens - I am rather a member of myself and belong to myself. When ants speaks to your heart more than people, you know like the Monks would say: "" - yes, nothing.
Since threats and much harassments I will upload a small piece each and every day or enough for me to say, that noone should ever tolerate being terrorised by anyone, a nation, God or anything. Therefor this and it goes two ways since I actually deleted my website multiple times and went blank, white background HEX #FFFFFF but that was also not enoug. Nothing was not enough.
Which way my website takes I am pondering but foremost a small rearangement then new "buildingblocks", as it was originally intended at the creation of in 2019 or simply taking the whole thing down once again.
2024 October 09
October 09: All day yesterday and today 9th and evening WORLD GAME BIBLE is played as usual asking me to do certain things. Like not uploading. This happened 2018 when I took my website down and up again rather many times thinking something would come from it. Nothing did. So a small update now shortly after midnight when a moped rushes past my house and a car also late evening. For those who know this world game will know that is how it is played just as Bill Gates is played when he lays a book and lay a pen and a Coca Cola bottle in a certain way.
Just like MONA LISA is BIBLE in the backdrop down left and right up. Her eyebrows shaved being symbols of pussy. Since world game continues I will upload more frequent and as DENMARK says, not enough. Denmark wants much more. Just like the esoteric world knew then some did not and it was all new to them this bible code. Not so much knew except that words do tell much of the story once you know the bible code which consists of numbers and words mostly. Hebrew is a language with letters with a Yod and this Yod is biblical significant. Remove it from some words and you like magic get a different meaning and word. Yod you might want to look up at And also called iota. See which to me is very interesting. As in movie Chinatown "As small as possible" but who is bothered with such trivials when life and love is enough to depart this wonderfull world.
Denmark and some people will not stop harrashing my personal life so I will ask, should I comply or write. Well, all summer I was harrashed. Finally I stopped writing since thinking it might help on the bullying and harrashment. It did not. Now back to bed at 00:30 and perhaps dreaming of a doll with whom I cant masturbate and would never. See, I have the ability not to write and not to enter into any black holes unless I am harrashed as is the case all day yesterday and today. Perhaps the latest timestamp 06:16 (18:16) is enough for me. Thor is terror and it will continue to be so that all people will be terrorized by this Thor entity. In city faxe a horse is sculptured with a man and woman and cock and cunt fucking and riding. Then they told me I did it too much. Clean up seems to have been forgotten. Torvegade is the name of the road. On the other side of the sculpture a cock is carved into the sculpture. City Faxe is called Korsbæk nickname. Kors is cross. Bæk is creek.
When Denmark lost their fuck-ring, they got so angry at me they had to terrorize my life making me write so much as I did since 2018. Cleaning is very difficult when dealing with themselves. I have a photo of the opposite side I might upload tomorrow. KRAM-DEN is DENMARK in reverse just like MIRROR move half ) of O to last R (3 strokes) making it a W so we get: MIRRIW. Just like REDRUM is MURDER in reverse just like NIMROD in reverse. Your world is like a tempered piece of glass in which all is seen for what it might be in the world of Alice In Wonderland. I went to same wonderland since 2013 amazingly as it was but it is getting less and less amazing but just like Alice when she returns to the real world she now knows who is who. Den is a den like in a birds nest or a den between a womans legs, nice. The DEN is also esoterically ONE (D=O). One is the bibliacla cock. KRAM is hug. HUG COCK. That is what I did in 2013 and ever since I was played God on steroid or sort of cocaine or sort of opium without the opium and without the cocaine and without the actual thing I hugged which must be with Alice in Wonderland now she knows Victoria's Secret which is Pandoras Box played and seen in Tomb Raider and Indiana Jones. Our world is only hanging together because of a cunt which is very nice or else they would have to invent a cunt but the cunt was created long before man arived on the stage. Pyramids included which are symbolically a representation of death and tombs and treasures which now stand in museums and bible has the oyramids built right into the bible as father, son and ghost and since H is numb, then H must be oblivious or at least tell us it is numb.
2024 Ocober 07
My website is played world wide in such a way that uploading articles and stories on various topics extracts from my personal life when nations and some humans infiltrate my life. I have written websites since ca. 1990 and it is almost part of my genetics since Geocities. Democracy. We live in and with democracy. That should then see writings of any kind beeing the foundation of democracy since laws are text and nothing more than text and opinions as rules and regluation. So I write and will do so now each and every day since the terror-regime on my life continues repeated on many fronts and using many styles. I have not got any new topic today and my Google email hacked as well as computer and surveiled 24 7. This is democracy being hacked and surveiled. Well, then laws and writing with opions of any style is similar in form when laws by nations are used to destroy using national courts to infiltrate lives when courts can't figure out what socalled justice was and is as per the meaning of the word without esoteric hogwash. However, they cant deal with solely words as their mening found in dictionaries but run whole nations based on laws which are so ambigious it is imposible to even file a suppoaena through their national courts then at least mine or your website can be used to tell the story they so much wish to go untold.
An update eahc and every day and this time no pasing days without updates since thsi world game has reached a level where they are nosepicking the sligtest thing such as uploading to my website or not. There is terror and then there is terror and if laws are text and terror is not text, then laws are not terror. The effect is. What is the effect of writing I LOVE YOU is, that esoterics bastards will bend LOVE into EVIL and start fighting. They also use crowbars and courts and parking tickets, speeding tickets and the latest iteration is making a small bonfire in the garden when two police officers came knocking on my door demanding I paid kr. 2000 and I said it was a bribe when police told me paying would dissolve the issue and they would go away. They bribed yet that is okay in democracy also when religion is used to terrorize peoples lives LOVE suddenly becomes very ugly in their world.
So an update each day this time without scipping days since writing and words do no harm becuase if hey do, then the nations laws, fileld wih text, is very harmfull just as they are isnce laws control people rather than building.
2024 September 30
List_of_ongoing_armed_conflicts - and The Bible is the reason and tells of a 'beast' let out to combat all and everyone since nations have nothing. Movies have depicted the living dead, zombies and alians and all sorts of horrors. The list is very long. I entered this strange world when I in 2013 created a website and wrote my book Truth In A World Of Lies - a tittle designed by asians. My life has for the past 50 odd years ben terrorized unknowingly but the establisment and nations-terror-regime keeps me and peoepl in servitude numbed down and will also kill its own people. Ongoing war where peace loving Denmark by law telels not to enter war is in war and also supports wars. The little secret was never told world wide and along came I and told what they had which was a story based on lies made true over the years just like a war is real yet is based on other than the people wanting wars. The war-mongers are jesuits and suffer ponerology and worse and when the presassur gets to high they initiate a war and have then post world war 2 created United natiion which is Roman Empire on steroids. They are now together this relatively little groups of people under the umbrella called democracy while people live in all sorts of servitude and are free to roam their prisons called housing and in some case ghettos and highrise building of low cost cheap building making people into less than slaves. Spartacus is the best story told to depict this 2024 ongoing life of most people. It also explains why nations incorporrate 100 thousands of workers in governance where Denmark has ca. 800.00 working in governance to keep them relatively well paid and dependant on supplying the laws which are written outside of democracy in the corridores of ministers buildings where non officials write the actual laws. Finally the "elected" vote these texts into law yet on the very top a Queen has her name donating that she is the one making the law. We live in a sewage democracy where Spartacus is on welsfare and transfer income and Spartacus is the story making contemporaries think that was then and now is much better. Spartacus got benefits too. Live or die was the law.Fight or die. The magistrates would then swim in hores and wine and coin and that man, Spartacus, is as contemporary today as ever which is why the story is so popular. Nations are not sovereign and their laws are not written for people and democracy is a fad.
Spartacus is contemporay. Wars are contemporary. Life emerged billions of years ago and evolved into a fad, a fake and a Bible for all since all nations originate from The Bible and derivatives thereof. South America, Africa, North America, Europe, Russia and its bordering sattelite nations even Asian countries via Cambobian, Vietnam must see their people all down to Japan blown to kingdom come. USA has the larges army today and are located all over far more han England ever was. USA and allies are living the war and in essense USA is at war every day of the year and the whole structure of USA is an amry complex. Democracy and news outlets and Donald Trump talking is just Polyfilla.
The world went from real values to real digital lives and movie Just In Time is another Jonestown Massacre while litle schoolgirls dance on TikTok and Youtube and washing ladies dressed in paint make you feel the buzz where htere is none. You might as well become a chatholic and memebr of the mafia or get a job in governance and Spartacus will fight his way through a series depicting a man whom lives in realities located as refugees, lonely game playes on computers in Japan and isolated people walking around in city scapes without uttering any words except send a tweet now called X just to remind your subcontiousness that you are dead.You just dont know it and that is what dead is all about. That is the reason why my website, my book, life, and talk is unwanted because there is no room for real change or real christmas puddings besides pixels and the realities you are told to accept and that goes for all venues of life or else there would be no laws. The bible is the first law telling you to comply or die. He was named jesus and was called Spartacus.You aint him but you are the only difference is, that movies are concentrations of your life.Not so negative, no, not. That is why I wrote TIAWOL and that is why the masterplan of this small planet is created as in movie Stepford Wives because they could. Pyramids and Las Vegas and White House is entertainment as is democracy. Real rich people dont vote or joyfully watch CNN or drives cars. They are pushed around in helicopters and live above as in the movie Just In Time and Elysium (meaning paradise) is a place a wheel five spokes (IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE) and is destroyed and a small girl saved.
There are movies and then there are The Bible one and same in essense. I have been played not uploading to my website "telling" I would win but never materializes and is as fake as anything since if there was a real game it would have been played with a scedule, a time frame. Thsi has ben going on for eleven years since 2013. Olympics goes on for weeks. Many have lived like this for decades and a whole life and only a handfull gets to feel the wheel.s riches or are iven a job as CEO or oerate Den Danske Bank as clerks while fees and interest extracts from the real source, you, and the banks does nothing absolutely nothing.What loaf or porkpie rolls out of a bank? Nothing. They lend to some and now USA might stop banks from lending to arms deals. The elected officials are on a side car leading to their demise while world is operated on a scale via these "elected" who are given benefits like Sparatcus and are purely clodhopprs in a gigantic game where absolutely no change occur. Elysium, movie, and many others are based on Bible and they have yet to figure out what it is they dont have just as in Spartacus series whenthe magistrates tells his son to actually kill you are dead i your birth certificate.Why else do you think you need a death certificate (greek πιστοποιητικό pistopoiitikó).
2024 September 29, 30
The amount of terror and wars are pretty much the same over a period of time.
Year 2000: Eurovision 2000 Winner - Denmark Olsen Brothers - Fly On The Wings Of Love.
They knew, state knew, the establishment knew and died like a fly. All previous "Wings of love" is the two wings in the Bible as code also explaining why democracy has two such wings. Democracy flies via wings. Bible is codes, symbols, myth and a copy of most world religions packed crammed into tales of parallel worlds and Thor The Dark World, movie, is one example of how religion, pagan, influences this socalled new world. 30. Sep., nighttime, cars out flying and making noise and this form of terror is terror which leads to words to explain why insidents like 9-11 happend and Breivik, Norway, and World Wars like one and two. The military army complex is a trillion dollar business and the ongoingwar in Israel is supporting billionairs and there is only one new thing under the sun - it is larger and bigger and runs of humen sacrifice and hellebdn of polluting this world with highway and laws destroying peoples lives and future wont be here to tell the people of today that they got it all wrong. The short and long term FINAL SOLUTION is the combine destruction of henious clodhoppers and Denmark and other nations will vanish just like Malaysian Airline vanished in front of all and peopel though it was something made on CNN, no, it is biblical and it is no different than Jesus hanging on the cross. Denmark is a FLY and I just told the story and they hate me for it. I am where I ws then and now sane and splendidly on Earth to show exacly what they sang about and that was when I had absolutely no idea of how henious their establishemnt is namely Christianity-insanity.
Sergei Magnitsky was assasinated leading up to the Danske Bank scandal when ca. 200B Euro was whitewashed. The reporter calls the bank a aword which fits with Law Of Jante or the swedish model forom cradle to grave. Since 2017 Denmark has been allowed by state to use crowbars and killings on my family and chopping of legs illegally. That is why I write about this country which exists based on looting and pludnering, rape and muder going back 1000 years and history shows the nation is bankrupt and is running on empty vapor yet on credits they operate the land and most people, if not all, are in fact on one form of transfer income. There will be much to follow up on over the next five to 10 years related to its terror regime via Bible which is a copy of buddism is a very simplistic fashion. WORD AMIN from Dubai to Habaranda and Iceland governance bankrupting Iceland and Breivik and dJonestown and two world wars later they still have not got it nor realized what it is, really. Let øem keep up their good work without me seeing any biblical asian delights. One update per day. One story and article leading to their foundation a book full of magic and ghosts and plenty of sex in fact all in Bible is related to sex.
τρόμος or tromos is believe (tro danish) and mos as in kartoffelmos (potato mash). Strong's Greek: 5156. τρόμος (tromos) — 5 Occurrences. IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE. Terror is believing in their terror. Niels Ulrik Reinwald's version is somewhat different. Uploading to (including any form of media) is off the table no longer in play as also and going to bed before, after, midnight (yes, would you beleive it!!) and masturbating (exactly, this is how little is played doing the rubbing of nerves) is of the table as it actually was since ca. 2020. Graphics, video and articles and sometime a small pause all depending. The terror persists this day as yesterday yet slightly more quie but still bugging my life and thus many other peoples lives. I write because I won or lost or inbeteen in this twilight zone of terror and dreams.
I might list the many cases one after another and the cases starts in 2017 moving to Sweden and then Denmark when my mother dies 2017 May. Minor and major cases and since my person is hated so much it only leads to war and terror nor by my hand since I have programmed and made websites since 1987 ongoing and is part of my life yet today nothing comes from making genuine informaitive information so my website just sits here as did when CNN fired a reporter for wanting to comunicate. It is not a question of playing or point of no return it is simply a matter of same as yesterday and for sovereign nations to persists then some nations falls and some are born even after dying even after collapsing in bankrupsies and debt which is only "fake" because the debt is only a mirror fo what the real owner is spending.
Upload to website and other playables are off the table. As I write (my computer hacked abd surveiled) activitty outside on the road where I live. bycycles and people walking very unusual on a sunday. So they play. I dont. I just use words and if played again two more time then surely there is no game other than information of any form in the shape of words and articles, animations, video to portray he terror on people who wish terr to persist and they want to win. Imagine one able to play world game with 9 billiob people. Not bad. In fact a win. There will not be anymore pearls giving and they have to figure it out themselves. They also now play the 5, tromos, again.
In fact, as I relax afternoon, a large truck, machine, drives past my house shaking houses. They have done so previously. Tromos or tremor is taken as their usual threat and each and every day another upload, article, as long as they continue these biblical tromos.
2024 August 18, 19
ca. 1530PM My thai wide and I are driving back renovating my aunts house and I load the electric lawnmover. It is yellow in color. My wife then tells me she wishes to use it for cutting at my house so I unload it. As I do, ca. 10 cars drive past my house including motorcycle. This is the way, as esoterics know, world game is played. I look at the blue sky, and they say I am depressed. Hahaha!!! This is MaxMax x1000 and it has been played like this since I came to Denmark 2017. That is the way the spirit operates yet spirit, theirs, is dead and they build themselves into the stratophere. The SHIP IS LOADED with all people and that was told via and so they follow whatever direction they think is right, and they still have not figured it out. Previously after loading lawnmover, motorcycles drove downward on my road. While and after loading cars and a motorcycle he ndrove up the road. MadMax prevails and they now just left the ship - again again. As I write this a motorcycle (cycle) then drives downwards again into "biblical death". As my wife and I drive to Faxe today I shall notice anything which is relatively extream and in any case update website telling how the drive goes which will last ca. 4 hours.
ca. 1300PM As usual played and same same and absolutely nothing derived from religion and the vagina has no zero and no love except for the language whith is okay where LOVE is EVIL because they killed many in wars and my Aunt 93 years of age and killed and murdered and plundered their way through as they do today through deceptive methods and naturally people go for the Jonestown massacre being plundered and robbed and brainwashed even if I would have loved to encounter love on the trail on the path of life and if people are content with the present and past bankrupted world of money and business in which only salvation is to find comfort with someone who is able to comfort really away from this hellish system and democracy is not a rule or governance more than one makes it. Much like feling cold in 30 degree ocean swimming around liek a fish where litle mermaid find comfort knowing the fish sits between there legs eating Jonas in bible and then there is Thor who lives in the nine realms and then there was world war 2 forgotten and then where was world war Z which a movie tells about which is the ongoing biblical war and all based on bible not even if you try to avoid it which you cant with debit card mastercard.s logo another two rings as the fish as Chanel brand as Louis Vuitton to The Avenue des Champs-Élysées where Élysées means paradise as in movie Elysium where a whole world is destroyed by bible. If such movies are lies, then they are true, nes pas! Thor and Odin is myth. O is love. Din is eat in english language. Eat nothing is not evene possible unless love flows with something jucy like creampie jelly juise from her vagina and if Pope Francis and priest are not to marry a virgin mary then what the hell are they doing s priest when Circe is spreading her legs demanding her cup as love to be eaten and when so done she falls asleep and dies just like the man synbolically but not really unless they get a heart attack! Which is it - they cat make up their minds so I stand with that which is yet absent.
Nations, some, was wrong, biblically, now playing the opposite namely that round is down. Well, that is very old news for NUR and proven in 2014 with yet some nations kept playing up in the sky as per Thor The Dark World. Imagine gravity working likee in the movies. Imagine life was like in the movies. So thy continue drivng their cars and nobody is able to do the final olympic goal where jumping high is finished after all contentants have sprung their jumps across the bar and finally a winner. Imagine they had to jump for a million years theyd all be dead by then. Now that paradise and holy grail was not discovered by CNN then perhaps CNN can bring the news of where the holy grail really is. Nations move the grail all over the place and they played it upwards since 2017 in Denmark as a tower or spire because that is how they wrongly did it for centries. Good SPORT is what I was and am but such belongs among real gentlemen and James Bond is definately not one of them the double evil caniving bastards of deceptive methods just like nations establishments. The olympics is now actually played even after the olympic gams finish.
"Profound love" and all that jazz g wish.
Avenue des Champs-Élysées
The ELYSIUM - paradise, parasite - the site of para or porn. Porn it was, is and if not mistaken, I have seen porn plenty to know that porn is origin.
People are the same but as in Matrix movie we see how people are on different consiousness and idea. Pope France would be considered high ranking esoteric knowing the Bible code and secret. Some people dont know or know some or little. Tody USA is often the center of the world because it is a new and large country and with democracy the president is elected outside of USA and the elctions are rgged by what in Bible is terme rings, or love. SImple Lord Jesus rings and he rises on the third day for the future generation to relive Jesus and become Jesus and or Buddha incarnate. They told me let it go yet they dont let it go and world game is played continuesly where the next risen lord among people may be found anywhere and is found in this case solely because of my life and unfortunate christian Jonestown massacre on my family all biblically allowed since bibel allows for no law or love and fake is suddenly nothing or the word which also is EVIL. Love is EVIL. Movies made to depict this such as in Da Vince Code where cardinals elect their next pope yet a scheme is created in which the cardinals think they are choosing freely when
Angels & Demons (2009) and Inferno (2016)
tells the exact story of how love and evil belong together and as seen in Thor The Dark World movie evil persists as Thor decends to Earth (that movie alos has its ending changed). Why Thor a nordic god? Thor makes the word Lord. Lord Jesus is THor and dies 2000 years ago. Bible is full of it and to understand this one Holy Grail is to prove, as I did, that languages are coss voven and designed and made for the purpose. Such as ARMY making MARY. Mary lovely, amry hell and brimbstone, fire and death. Fire however makes the word ring. Voila. Marry and you get to hell.
Amin Ra and NIMROD built into bible. many goods and among one female is Isis. How is this? Well, bible has the pyramidsyet not diretcly mentioned but we have the 3 units which was proven to be wrong. Then hey moved it all since 2017 taking me down and as they said, "we get two flies with one smack" as they used Anne Reinwald when a caretaker named Thor with a female voice came to wipe her ass and he destroyed her firestove mid 2023 and Anne had to pay up ca. DKK 4000 to have it mended. Anne was fooled. Police came to her house brought on my municipalily Faxe who in June killed her. City faxe is the homestead of HTor and odin. RimFaxe a mytm and since THor is bult into Bible then so is Jsus myth.
I shall write the small article later on faxe and RimFaxe and the fake gods which are Viking which are todays people making Vikings real, as such. THis means that they, people, are gods. They now play gods as Prometheus says in the moie: "Now we are the gods" which is evidesne that I was made a god yet now brought to the start from whre it all started in 2013 with TIAWOL with so far absolutely nothing proven thatthey or IT absolutely has and gives nothing and is using religion, LIE RING O, to take and plunder and behind the cenes is this entity which we can call tERRORIST as per Romans 13.3.
If it is all fake then why is vatican still around? Because they have nothing and with nothing this love and VAGINA (VATICAN) has what we all have namely a lovetool called penis or a vaginahwich is Lord of The Rings which is Jesus and one evidesne is the word WOMAN. She is part man. Man stands alone but is part of woMAN and thus belongs withiin WOMAN. Why is he then standing alone? Pretty simple. It is a mathematical equation where one word is by design made to be another word and thus we get the Qbit and that is the idea of two states at the same time which insidently is all a fad so far and does not exists. Antimatter also does not exists. Nothing alos does not exist. Nothing as a word does exist and suddenly it is both nothing and somthing, dig?
Anyway, much to explain since babtizing someone into this very ill system in which when I was right so many times they swap it all down seen in the backdrop of Mona Lisa where left is down, and right is up which is The Bible where in Reveltion we get a word says will overlaw the first word and the last word in AMIN with 11 stroeks and WORD also 11 strokes. Thye overlap and htis is two loves. That is where the USA seal comes form also seenin Primemisters office with a ring in a ring. It is a cock lovetool in a pussy or visa versa. I made these animation with a O and I making love andthat was seen as SHIT in Thailand where some thai poeple would sit in the shit possition down on earth telling me it was all shit so stop it. Or they were telling me to stop doing shit such as showing words flipping into other words such as ARMY MARY. Well, I even hsowed my website at an Apple Store and the shopkeeprs would go and remove my website fomr the iMac so I knew. Yes, they wanted it a secret. So I deleted it all since I was threatened and then nothing happend except they told me: ""One has to see it to believe it" so I shall rebuild that which they detroyed namely themselves. It is not easy to understand thatsomeone tells the story because it was never meant to be shown for what it is a lovetool or a fucking-tool and as they say: "FUCK YOU" and that would then be YOUTUBE sinse the lubricating tube is either or the penis aor the vagina. THis is alos depicted in many movies where church does sex. XEROX this and XEROS that is also ERO or two Xs and since they are love then EROS. Make a copy and you have sex and if you copy you copy Bible and or the english language. Brand names are all associated with Bible in most cases such as MICROSOFT which is esoeterically ssame as THAI AIRWAYS SMOOTH AS SILK and the smoothless is the fuselage as the cock and vagina. As thye said, it is just the beginning. So it is the begiining also for me after realizing everything for everybody. They are okay with traffic lights and taxation more than 100% on peopel and Kamla might realize that the debt of USA only is making America indebted again and again. but this debt of nations is probaly a fake too. Love is a fake since 0 is false. I win again yet they then blow sands out their mouths and keep me guessing and so an update everyday or more updates daily following this myth of Thor where it became so ill it was like shittting easter eggs while they made their chared and I must admit, they did it pretty well keeping my Aunt in a state of complete ignorance and stupidity.
Þórhildur is the name of former Queen. It is esotericallyThor which is strange since she is a WOMAN voila, a man in a woman or visa versa. Porn also. Jesus Christ is a porngraphic star solely. Sperm travels and with it a woman might be bord. Egg feMALE produces as man oila a MAN from a WOMAN. Easy. The pron part seen with Parthenon which esoterically is a fuck house made as an illution of something grand and who dos not like a ood fuck but at least they could just have said so and sinse they did not that is a biblical crime and so much is written in Bible about sin that one should better not read and most of Thors friends probably dont and many christians dont bother about The Bible or anything christianity but say they are. The n2ext book is and may see animations similar I am called a digital artist only so anything I did and do is purely art. Therefore I did nothing wrong and never did except I found myself exploring this world which is denied by those who says they are not doing anything religious. That is the essense of religion to do that which they preach not doing and bible is the evidense again. It was not I who started this nor keep comming back again but they keep iritating like a bug and fly and so updates are made as articles to show thatfrom their religiosu terrorregime comes only words and O and 1 and that they hated.
2024 August 16
August 17th 07.00PMish: Red Coss (Røde Kors) in Denmark is a nazi operation with change angent using fake visits to get access o peopeles houses such as George from danish red cross who for month delivered only delinguent messags about his nazi background or similar. He alos ner assisted in demanding Anne go to a Lawyer and court and take the nation to court related to Annes. illegal amputation of left left FEMUR. I have today emailed Røde Kors saying that this fella George and Red Coss must pay the esttae DKK 10.000 for malpractice and deceptive methods making the death of Ann shorter and assiting the estatblishment in kiling Anne when Ann march 1st 2024 moved to Sønderborg old peopels home and dies june 25th 2024. he paid ca. DKK 35.000 moving in. The municipality now want the deposit loan ca. 28.000 and he old peopels home demanded upwards DKK 30.000 which I avoivded by cleaning the romm myself and filling holes in wall. Red ross is thus, just as the esoteric meaning of DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDER is meaning they can and do what the hell they want because they know the bible code. Red Cross is asian cross is a deceptive organisation similar this border doctor thingy which heals a few and kills millions including not stopping COVIS and the vaccine and the injections of inknowns into people. Science lost. Red Croos, Hells Angeks o so new. We are living in the dark dungeon ages.
How Big Pharma and the Medical Doctors Killed my Father in Denmark they have a package named Angel Kit used to numb people to death.
August 17th 06.00PMish: same same and same terror and they say they folow me yet play using cars driing with license plates. Very easy. Also double played both way as per qbit. Same same persists and since 1983 and until now same same and they use children and Jonestown killing anyone. Anne Reinwald was chrstian. They are too such as Hells Angels. Same same. Then there are motor cycles groups in USA same same. Charleis Angels, same same. Israle same same. CNN writes about Holy Grail yet noone has ever produced it or displayed it - oups, it is located in a church in Spain in some obscure small city. Then the nis shroud of Tuin and Uri Geller. Then there is the magician Jesus. Tehn in Gnenesis they get to be 600 years of age. Then a whole range of wars and terror and slavery and they wish the next generation to live with terror. One small update yet nothing has changed since the tomb pyramids in Giza symbol of bible and bussidks 3 in one. A tomb of 3 where tourist find souverniers and dream of rising gods now stonedead and if the moivies can d it anyone can do it. All in the mind of those who wish whatever it is they wish to wish. I shall updat regularly more so than previously and a few more times per day. It was SHIT POSITION in Thailand 2014 when I kept on going about Bible yet they seem to wish for bible playing this game in which terror is found in bible as evidense of terror also by people. When they start abusing the child within any person it is time to hail the ultimate piece of equipment I have which is calm yet made uncalm procing that years of terror through familiy, religion, christianity and acquaintances was just the sneeze from their chld not knowing the ultimate simplicity or person behind this venture called TIAWOL and and for that I am hated and despised and will continue as per TIAWOL to depict some as what they are and they can carry any item thye like such as using fashion and words or their ugly ways. they have absoluetly no idea and I am not going into the opposite of falseood to teach anyone on how to be polite, behave and me ell manored. They are rude and do their biblical hate play as was expected since TIAWOL wa written and from words aboslutely nothing is derived it is now proven except terror by companies, governance and royal and anyone who uses fearmongering and filth to tell someone or anyone that what is inside is only ugly when outside!
They have yours and my computers and cellphones hacked, nation, and esoteric goups and this entity we have only encountered in bible as God. In danish word GOD is good. That alone is evidense of makeup. King Charleslife also hacked to the point where he says nothing other that KEEPING UP APEARANCES. I never did and I am myself and I also know that words are filtered so the receiver will hear whatever they wish. Now I am free and can write and do as I like with this website hated so much which has produced a world of lies, wars and terrorism by nation stte denamrk. When Harris potter gets to be President I shall know and if anything gets largely different then WAU but that is only when an artist like me gets to do anything else but eing an artist namely god, emperor and king and buddha all stuffed into Bible includin Amun Ra. Now they got it all and my frondoor painted gray even might change the color or keep it since they find any flaw with anything I do. Anything I do. Flaw with anything I do. They killed my whole family in one way or another. They even dont know much when they stand next to me. They could say, "Hi, amazing you did all that" but all that lingers is hate and biblical terror as bible so writes. When bible is new then new must be bible. Well, that is also not true as such. Then there are alle the things they dont think about but I do. oly reason why they won is because they used terror. Terror wins. Isis in bible wins.
August 17th 10.00AMish: Terror persist (all day) now that I am back at my house. This has been going on since 2017. A fella named Kristian Skak-Nielsen,related family is on the murder case of Anne Elsebeth Reinwald helping her move to old peoples home where Anne was denied medical attention 3 times. In 2017 I lived at Krongvej and was invited by the neighbour for a coffee. She was a prostitute running af massage parlour. She had a visitor and he asked me: "Spiller du skak?" Ever since then their game was tsrated by them and not me. Therefore, anything on this website is legitimately based on their chess game where since 2021 June they assisted in Anne Elsebeth Reinwald murder. Anne worked for governance for 39 years in Forreign Misistry and at a young age probably was introducudes to the bible code and used it and was, s she said, repeatedly promissed strawberries yet wasmurdered June 25th 2024 at Søndervang operated by a religious sect together with Faxe municipality. Anne was a socalled nice person loving and caring just like Mr. Jim Jones who played the BIBLE GAME and killed 500 people who had no idea. Similar other peopels using Jim.s method as well as governance and royals and this all via Buddism which is The Bible esotericlly yet only consists of pages upon pages with complate hogwash where the code is WORD AMIN and NIMROD and many others among numbers where even the number system plays a huge role which explains the Bible NUMBERS. Disect the bible and you will mostly find stories and sagas of similar events just like today when IKEA south of ciy centre Copenhagen has a groundlevel 0 and then 3 other floors as -1, -2, -3. Staff now speaks english. this among many is how world was changedand they use architecture, novels, nobel prizes, chess games, olympics, tour de France etc. to make you a COVID victim and as George Garlin so eloquently put it: "You aint invited" and I add, that you are played like Anne Reinwald and will as per Niklas Fugl manager for the Søndervang old peopels home, who is a preacher for Sevendays Adventist, said about Anne after she died: "Now she is playing harp in heaven". Go tell it on the mountain like that and you would be hung on a cross liek Jesus. Is a dead person playing harp it must be symbolic in his brain only.
Mr. Tileston Holland Hale forgotten until a few days ago. Killed most likely by tax revenue in some peculiar Jonestown massacre fashion. Niels Ulrik Reinwald also forgotten and promissed by the esoteric bible bastard I will be ground up into a pile of cement or similar or less. As said: "B less you" and so I am after yesterday complete ill game on the highway driving like in MadMax movies. The evidense is Bible. Evidense presented via earlier which is why nothing has been given except in Thailand I ate with my Thai wife those biblical strawberrries and later I eated her pussy and now she demand the opposite and thus it was all a game in a mariage where I fullfilled the bible prohechy and for that I was a teacher and will stand tall as I have tried since 1963 being obliterated biblically by the nation I was babtized in and by now all deceptition as per the movies and biblical esoteric evidense. The wealth in western nations is solelt based on debt and there is nothing left explaining why IKEA now finally speaks the international languge and culture dk gone and not life in which one stands tall. If you watch architecture on youtube you will with western interior design often see a budha figurine in the backdrop while minimalism and all christian symbols and heralcs have been removed. Each time I write on my wesbite I am played which is against international law on the ability, by law, to express in words. That is why nation dk by writing on and other royal websites lost since they play having not even a jot which is why I won 2014. Thre has to be somthing they can play with and in this case it is me writing and talking and that creates sacrifices which are then by dk nation who started this war 2017 at hotel las Vegas in Hals in north Jutland when I in my 14.000 SEK coupe Mercedes drove to dk after being presented with FAKE BILLS for SEK 30.000 for Telia cellphone for a period of ten years where Sweden thretned me with going to court and my wife said we had to escape to dk and we did and here is got worse now going to court multiple times and with so much FAKE is overshadown the ca. six month we lived in Kisa in Sweden.
However the world wants makeup explaining Vatican and many churches and temples not one was enough as in Venice every street has many churches and inside many crosses all the holy grail as per CNN: and if thye go right long enough they would fall of the egde of The World but today will end up betetr going down since earth is approximately round.
And so it became that Niels Ulrik Reinwald was right all along. It will then be updats on all items since they continue terror on my life and thus others. yesterday no exception and one has to know which is wanted and I have no idea. if they want their business empires then so be it becaus there was 100% never a real Jesus walking about with 12 deciples. CNN tells the story, a story of somthing which NUR was told was all hogwash so why bother. CUltural o real. Movies and people move in the direction where food is and that can be any form of food. If a holy grail is wanted then the last supper too was fake since he arose again.
Today 16th I drive to my house after renovating my Aunt house for five weeks. By this world games rules I am then suppose to get it all when moving from A to B. I was however was played with terror by cars driving very dangerously and in fact game played so that I have lost even prior explaining their candor Cheers Asia and you really invited a game to be played with which all was about wordsbecause without em nothing at all. As uual I then was played loosing again again and again. Now back at my house starting Airbnb. Terro persists right until midnigt. Same as usual. Same so in fact not easy to calls it of so it will continue as per their wish. People anywhere have naturally tried COVID and Jonestown and not much learned from World War 1 and 2 similar Jonestones and COVID. They still have no figured it out so I will leave it with that and not ponder over their mistakes continuesly but venture into other areasof bible, religion and life.
2024 August 15
This article will stay on the front page a few hours, perhaps a few days. Added articles. Yesterday I wasthretened at danish court making my will andthe court fileld in the will and court papers-form wrongfylly and blamed me. I
In the early seventies a US citizen lived in Rungsted near my family residence. he had inherited a lot of money from USA from US parents. The danish tax revenue ( illegally wanted the hands on his money. They hunted and haunted him down and and he finally was killed in one engine airoplane and the story goes that he was drinking whiskey. He had a daughter with a danish woman. The story is probably, that the US man was murdered by the governance, the nation-state and thus rendeing a child fatherless and otherwsie leaving many lives destroyed. This is how danish NAZI nation operates.
Images ready for viewing: (more articles on Mr. Hale upoaded soon)
There are more articles on Mr. Hale I will upload. It is in one article said he had 4 mio DKK. The tax revenue wanted 4.8 DKK. Tileston Lawyers, dnaish, said TIleston had done nothing wrong. The story is probably fabricated by nation dnmark. I knew Tileston and a very friendly man and he visited my mother when I was around 7 years of age and he was a great friend. A few years later, month perhaps, he was dead in an airoplane accident and it was said he crashed the plane because he owned tax money however he did not. Another danish switzh fella living in Thailand told me, Freddy, that he was hunted down by tax revenue in Denmark and Freddy had to escapce to Switzerland then Thailand. The Freddy insident only a few years old. Freddy lives din Udon Thani.
I will upload photos of Tilestone and me playing badminton. Tile and Niels is a reason why the esoteric nations is murdering anyone who is telling the truth of how such nation operate their business and that is all they ever had and their businesss is similar movies Hostel 1,2 and 3. Who the hell does a nation think it is anyway, yes, as per Romans 13.3 a terrorist-nation.
This story is not old but goes on this day today even destroying democracy and politicians elected by the people because, among many similar, Mogens Glistrup wanted tax reform and said personal income was very bad and should be abolished. Glistrup was educated in USA. Glistrup was imprisonned at the age of 80 by the nations establishment and illegal court made legal through illegal acts. Also explains the need for 800.000 public servant supporting the establishment. Most of them are nice and are getting their salary for murdering people using the establishments form of democracy.
(Aunt Anne, who knew Tilstone, was nicknamed SKAT by me as a child since she called me skat meaning darling. Amazing Grace (Live video) choice music at Anne,s funeral now also for Mr.Tileston Holland Hale in memoriam.)
2024 August 11
Addition: Ikano bank case and court crime using injustice on my and many people related to credit. See cases from menu below. Other kredit company, Feratum, violated the term and issues a bad kredit based on the Ikano case which fraudulently was thwpn at me i deep violence and now Ferratum violates heir own contract using the terms to shut people from using the kredit even if installments was paid all. Ferratum is crime incorporated based in Malta via . I have not violated the contract. I have isued a statement to the company who has chosen not to respond after two month. I thus say all shall read the terms and conditions when violated and throw these at these ill will bastard companies who think they can control peopels lives throug illegal usury. To this date Nazi state Denamrk has not given consent to any one single case and I have 1000s cases some small some large some life thretening. This is just another case played in the bible world game and they demand I dont speks of bible yet play bible using these cases. Cheers to credit which is illegal. Ferratum bank DK has also been notified earlier and have not responded with other than threats which will be returned at court. One hall recall., thatsimilar cases from taxationto salaries are used to negociates people lives and in most cases courts are colluding and laws are by design that they can take away evrything from ones pets to any item just as Sønderborg municiplaity 3 years ago threatned me because I by mistake had forgotten to pay an otherwise ilelgal GRUNDSKYLD via Skattebillettetn as a fee on rat combat fee 43 kr. and chimney fee (gebyr skorsten). Chimney is esoteric for china.rats esteric for also SOMETHIGN ROTTEN IN THE STATE OF DENMARK. Look it all up you wont BELIEVE it when you read their laws. They kill all rats and thus kills all owls who eats rodents. In public school he state drops stinking eggs chemicals for all children to remember for life. nation was and still is illegal to the core while state DK supports the Ukraine nation back to play world game and again destroy its people just as I like some people but never a terrorist nation nor people with crowbars nor credit companies who try together with municiplaity to kill my and millions of peopls lives.
Bible world game now by danish biblical nation played dumping ruble and garbage material at the Affald Plus dump site. Today delivery and I had to load my car 3 times with my thai wife. They then played it like this believe it or not
On the way home a car agressively overtakes me here (notice the dotted lines allowing overtaking however just before a sign blue (roadworkers use this kind to communicate that overtaking is allowed in east going direction!!)) speeding and accelating which my thai wife tells me to absolutely not do. I have allways driven easy even driving in Thailand hwere driving requires skills never taught other than on the road. Nobody in a dignified world should ever play such a game of such low level discontent. The rubble is wall material from a small room at the house owned by Anne Reinwald and she had an old farmer living named Knud Jul Larsen. in her room someone loaded an old cubbard with a text written on the bottom "MOR!" written in black. The house proportions is esoteric which is why there are Architects to do such and they use meassurments according to Bible. I stand hwere I am as usual. My previous "normal" life was destroyed by nation and esoteric hogwash. Now, as per movies, one can at least recognise their insanity even if some of them look really nice and some really sexy. I was right from the start, that they hate so much at least makes everyone live the life of Jonestown Massacre and very few actually render own thoughts of realities. is BTW associated with X and Y chromosome female, male. Also SE which is danish word for look. HOLY SEE is thus seeing the hole of a vagina and or seeing it via the biblical VAGINA. Niels Ulrik Reinwald retells that which 500.000 churches was not able to spread - namly the the meaning of words. DR is for Danmarks Radio ( and real 5G is termed 5G NR for NEW RADIO however in Denmark they only operate the 4G network as 5G LT which is a bridge to 4G LT and hus does not operate 5G NEW RADIO for peopel who buy cellphones with 5G even also if 5G is shown it is not real 5G and that is also how nation obliterates and courts are in on the sceme robbing billions of kroner and those who sell cellphones and produce them are aware of this fact yet does little to nothing. Niels Ulrik Reinwald does which is why I am disliked. There are ways to describe this phenomenon but that goes into areas not interesting with this small article. However when tow cultures collide it is not easy to eat chicken feet even if feet takes good and chicken do too.
2024 August 08
They (the establishment played also by some people of the terror-nation) said that Dreamweaver, the tool I use to make this website, writing, was wrong. They were right!
Nation, Denmark and others, are allowed by God to commit and do terror as per Romans 13:3. tells us in 1) and 2) and Stk 3 has also been used on my life - that terror such as murder and violence (vold) is illegal. Even threats which I have had on my life since 2017 ongoing into this day where I was played an idiot prior lunch when a car honked its horn 3 times since I was going to a shop buying building constructions for my now murdered, by the estatblishment mong family-members, Faxe municiplaity and old peoples home Søndervang including its staff at municipality and local phychician at Lægene Rønnedevej who assisted in the murder of Anne Elsebeth Reinwald whos house I have inherited and thus I am the next to be terrorised just as she was since nations-state and its illegal healtcare cut off her left leg (ben) June (Juni) 2021. The medical jounrals will be uploaded at a later time to prove the illegal aputation whch was a FEMUR amputation which was, as per journals, completely irrelevant. Anne Reinald was a devout christian hated by nation and establishment and christians just as Bible tells including her family. Here is a photo of Anne when she s young ca. 15 or perhaps 17. She had an abortion early (17) and it was by nation illegal so she had an abortion done in silence. Notice her jewlery lightning-bolt. Today I was again played a fool by people just as Bible describes yet they have yet not figured it out. They do what they ask me not to do just as Bible tells they will do - they are "robots" also following the illegal laws of teh land namely terror. It has ben played multiple time, 100 plus, that had I done something, like today, it was a win. They play somethign hich they know I will never do under the setup and curcumstances. So fake to the core.
My mother Esther Reinwald also hated for being a christian, took my photos when I was a child. Here is one and this nation-state knew about and played it today similar playing any other parts of my life. I shall continue to upload any data I have and the evidense presented is clear. Imagine nation and being babtized by nation-church via love only to realize love is the tool they used to murder a whole family. I reported the murder, of which I will show the evidesne on of murder, and police have yet not responded more than a week after me reporting it however police have locally been driving past my house where Anne lived with the sirenes on going up towards Faxe church (notice 4 rings on the tower). When Anne wasburried state church told me Anne was not a member of the state church, Folkekirken. When I then called the tax revenue they told me she was. The Folkekirken decide to burry her for free. The undertaker snatch her dead body without authroity and had to deliver the body bad. Anne's mouth was left open in the coffin. I saw Anne in the coffin at the church. Nation and its establishment freemason, some people, businesnees etc. hate much all described in Bible.
They said TIAWOL as all wrong and bullshit yet TIAWOL references Bible as evidense leading to buddism as christianity or visa versa all depending on which way electric fires upwards or downwards when the light strikes. Now Anne light, even if she got to be pretty old, was murdered just as millions are murder by law by nations by democracy where wars are legal insturments to kill rendering other laws illegal. Law on defence in nation terror state Denmark tells it to prevent war. NATO and UN can start wars. UN is nations. People make war through democracy. People are then the ones violationg the laws. Imagine walking mong peopel who are blind and dont know how to interpretate a recipy making pancakes. There are 100s of more cases to write and it will take me at least a few years to write it all down on my website. Now today I was played again and I will upload each and every day one single terrro felt is felt again and gain the sligtest hint of terror either via bible and or law. UN would be a place to call upon but bible tells us even Judges will fall. Who to go to except demanding that those who are now proven illegal, via bible, do not commit acts of terror. Most of all terror form ROTE ARME to BIN LADEN of whihc many are fakes and fads are instituted via bible which is buddism.
Thu August 8, 2024: Vienna leg tour Taylor Swift cancelled CNN. They killed themselves as per earlier danish dead Primeminister Helle Thorning in African with Barack Obama when they did selfies when at memorial for Mandela. Since 2017 danish NAZI nation-state has fought as dead and I was played the stupid idiot saying so yet dead peopel dont talk hence Anne Reinwald now must have her voice since she only wanted something genuinely amazing in life and the promiss by danish NAZI nation-state, as she said, never kept their promiss. I may show video of Anne Reinwald on her last days hanging in the state operate wheel chair with and in which she was murdered by NAZI nation-state Denmark. After the Mandela memorial TIAWOL saw the light and then the smile subsided. Since 2017 they then played HARLEY DAVIDSON on me and my life, my wife and destroyed my life, my marriage and via law and companies have destroeyd anything and everything for all of homo sapiens. Bible tells us the story, Niels Ulrik Reinwald just retold it. What is, is naturally the ultimate truth. Writing follows knowing or else there would be no knowing and bible wouls not be fullfilled with much more to write.
2024 Augut 03
Another terror day in the bible world game. Today they, Thailand, decided taht muder on my Aunt 93 years of age inlcuding cutting her left leg of and attempted murder since june 2021 os the norm and is now accepted by Asia and Thailand. The evidense of muder will be uploaded in the comming few day Journals, telephone logs and videos and documentaion that my Aunt Anne Reinwald was denied by state and natiosn and peoplee wh hated her because she was chrisitan, thatshe was killed over 3 years and finally in less hat 3.5 month killed at Søndervang plejecenter in nation Denmark old people home operated by Faxe municipality and Seventh Day Adventists. This is the way I have faely been played gain and again in that nothign happens and I have reported the insident to the danish police who has done nothing but two days ago police came to my house because I accidentally made a small fire in the garden. My aunt was kileld on the 25th June 2025 by state nation Denmark and christians just as Bible describes how chriistians will kill christians. As it was said last year by Faxe municipality staff while I was visiting my Aunt Anne: "Then we get tow flies with one smack" and Thailand and Asia ghas not made sure this terror nation is stopped and Denmark continues to violate and kills its population espcially as per Bible descirptions. All videso, photos and journals and evidense will be shown. Today it was also played that I left my handbag at my house and went to city shopping and this way they won back procelytes and as I went shopping they walk about "spitting" in my face different ways by a small word, a sights and especilaly ith more tahn 100 cases similar killing my aunt and 1000 case with finansial terror also including threat on my life. It is for me as said, game over. Em have it andcan keep it. I had it and won it now hating me on such a level I can only compare it to two world wars combined. Much more to come and now #2 is guaranteed after allowing murder on 93 year old and cutting of peopels legs and otherwise using terror. Police is a terro organisation and came in an agressive way and used brbes to try and shut me up and also stood forward against my person with loaded pistol in belt. Danish police said it has power which it only has because Folketinget (democracy) is operated illegal.
Murder on all desidents and "rebels" are as per Romans 13.3 being terorised as prescribed by Bible and they, nations, do what Bible says they can which included terror, and wars and cutting open the wombs of pregnant live women and otherwise using health ystsems to malpractice all of humans who nation establishment as per Bible consider less taht shit and piss. Nation-state Denmark then use small school girls to terrorize anyone who does not accept their ilelgal nation-state. Denmark is an illegal nation with United Nation and thus renders UN illegal too just as TIAWOL says GOMO, Greates organised Mafia organsation is all combined nation based on Bible killing billions of people. that includes allJudges and the whole establishment by nations and withon these terrorist nation under United Nations.
Jesus was killed and murdered. What rose, was the symbolic value of NIMROD (who never existed other than Greek and mytelogical fake gods and fake deities), which definately was not Jesus however as they say when shopping at the mall, buy one, get one free. Small girls now believe they are a baby doll and it is not easy to walk in example city Venice without seeing a church. Imagine VEnice without Bible. Never rose. Now a tourist-hell for the peopel who live in Venice.
THEY have now worked their way back yet I cant go back without loosing. What a fucked up silly hillbilly game.
2024 July 28
(another similar repeat again and again day when I am suppose to "read" not uploading or uploading and all day plenty of noise with 1000 cars driving past my house again. Anyway, this small article is about LAW and the illegal laws and their use by authorities who are operating laws illegal.)
One woman who always facinated even Presidents was Marilyn Monroe. Why? Sex. The kitten. The idea of life. Movie BUS STOP. She arries some men of whom one might think it should not be a choice but women ar like that. I married twice and both were because of VISA regulations. Once in Sweden to a Thai whom sisters swedish husband demanded I mary her or she would have to leave Sweden. THe second also a Thai whom I also married because of VISA regulation now out in Thailand. That is the system which is operated. Yesterday my wife demands a divorse today she pulls back. Well, marriage is related to a virgin Mary biblical among other religions. I do and did never marry anyone because of religious resson but that card is now played on my life via this world game where driving cars is the way they communicate thse days. Itcould be camels or donkeys but now all there is are cars rather than actually initiating real change realcommunication using ABC. They are since 2018 very mad just like in MAD MAX where driving is the language used. Bible and marriage and VISA collide and countries like DK demands a fee of KR 825 for a divorce. Marriage is related to only bible. Bible is religion. Religious freeedom then in violation with governance who via VISA can regulated the living and movements of people. VISA is an old system based on a travel documents for the royals and similar. United NAtions a fad a fake something based on AMIN where IN is I and N and I is a stoke which bend makes U. UN is created. There they sit yet are politely demanding this unity on peoples lives on a small spot in a large galaxy 30.000 light years across and they can't rid VISA documents.
Marilyn plays a virgin. She teams up with this hillbilly clown who everyone hates yet he gets to act it out and she dies a strange death a few years later now a demi goddess.
Governance is a fad. Laws are fads. Do you need a law to breastfed a child? When the chuld grows up soon needs a drivers license which in DK has taken more than two years to swap from Thai to DK. That is how ill the dystem is. When I was thretened by a gangster driving school teacher when I ask that my wife would need a translation he got furious and said she and I would never get a licence in DK and that he had worked a s a techers for many years. He was in demand. FUck democracy and law. Also case related to gangster tat bent pedersen garage where hey use insurance fraud and bypass the laws.
§ 3. Familieretshuset er ved behandlingen og afgørelsen af en sag uafhængig af instruktioner.
(§ 3. The family court is independent of instructions in the processing and decision of a case.)
(family court is wrong. The authorities illegally use the work ret which in danish is court. they are not. Used to make peopel believe the officals are a court.)
The law is the instruction but in § 3 the authorities can bypass the law and any instruction which is the law. They can do as they like. And they do. A case related to my son where Sweden and DK violates every possible treaty and international law and they even references hthe guides and not the laws and do so fraudulently. Today I am again loved while I open all windows cleaning my Aunts house after she dies 25th june 2024. She was 93. Her house neglegted but I try to at least clean it and the stuff people collect over the years. VISA and Marilyn waiting and she heads of into death early and the world mourns her and a presidnet also dies suspeciously. Donald trump is struck while waiting to be President, if. Others do the same. Waiting is all people do while a movie and script is only entertainment of an idea that might happen but why one needs a VISA and marriage because of VISA regulations and then a world game where I and the law is bypassed is here presented showing the actual law itself. All DK laws are operated and written like this in one way or another where law is then ambigious and is rendered unlawfull. hy UN ont deal with shit like this I have no idea possibly because each member wait too for the next higm commisioner who to is waiting for someone else and they all wait and life is like BUS STOP not really happening and while waiting all sorts of conflicts impossed on peopels lives including high taxes and inheritance tax nd road taxes and fees and many of them illegal just like above law. I even tried to take the case to court but illegally the court dismissed the case. DK is illegal just like other countries and nations are illegal and bible is the evidense and now evene their own laws which stagerngly destroys people by bypassing life having to follow a law which bypasses itself.
I have not written hundred of cases similar the past four years. I stayed low yet was played the looser again and again. Now each day one of these terror cases and some miniscule but the quantity so huge that if would take a few years to process them all.
A few photos as promissed: my grandfather and grandmother married. and a photo of my grandfather Svend Reinwald who was a farmer and travelled to New Zealand on a wooden ship high seas but found love and married into a brach family my grandmothers who lived a life relatively rich with footstools and white gloves and I can only imagine what my mother and sistr, whoms house I have now inherited, talked about when small. My grandparrent moved to this house and the footsteps of the marriage photos taken at this house which my grandmother lived at prior moving to the yellow house. Now I live at Skolebakken 22.
Other movie which are "disney world" compared to how my life and many multiple millions have been destroyed when kings and queens in lands across world used Bible as the secret tool to infiltrate and destroy all of the lands people is: HOSTEL 1, 2 and 3. They cut the legs of a woman who is christian and let her sit in a chair for 3 years drugged. She then is installed through deception and threat at Søndervang Old peoples home which is operated by SYVENDEDAGS ADVENTISTER together with Faxe Municipality. This is the level of HOSTEL run by the authrorities and the staff who 6 times daily visited Anne, my Aunt, for 3 years are paid ca. DKK 120 per hour to wipe ass and serve yougurt meanwhile the municipality used the danish police to setup barriers at guns in belt stands in the way blocking the entrace to Annes house while municipality staff inside house is thretening Anne with reprisals if Anne does not comply. Similar today, again, threat on my life using this biblical communication where the esoteric communication is using numbers and symbols to make me and many others complythrough one single biblical item alone namely FEAR.
§ 4. Den evangelisk-lutherske kirke er den danske folkekirke og understøttes som sådan af staten.
(The Evangelical Lutheran Church (Bible) is the Danish national church and as such is supported by the state.)
Danish NAZI constitution:
"For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended." Freedom from fear is listed as a fundamental human right according to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948. On January 6, 1941, United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt called it one of the "Four Freedoms" at his State of the Union, which was afterwards therefore referred to as the "Four Freedoms speech".[1]
United Nations Human Rights"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,"
Ruler, as per danish constitution, are REGERINGEN which is Folketinget elected by the people. Thus Denmark is illegally operated. Freedom from fear enshrined and takes presedence over any national constitution. People can not elect a RGERINGEN which rules with fear nor via the unelected authorities. Denmark is an illegal entity and International Criminal Court is presenetd with the emperical evidense. Folketinget and danish authorities are illegal. Blame it on people via democracy is not legal. "as such" is also a load of hogwash since states logo ( carries a white elephant which is royal and royal is biblical and bible is fear via authorities. If people through democracy elect such a governance who do not remove this biblical authrority, democracy is illegal. Through the use of communication via email and courts I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, have received plenty of this authoritarian fearmongering. Plenty of such cases yet not presented and kept quite about for many years. Corruption.s tools are among many, their use of fear. See movie CAPE FEAR.
Which BTW is why VOTE is illegal.
2024 July 28
CNN: "Hagari, the IDF spokesperson, said Hezbollah was lying when denying it was behind the attack. “Our intelligence is clear – Hezbollah is responsible for killing innocent children. Ten-year-old children and once again, the brutality of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization was exposed,” he said."
"While the IDF has blamed the attack on Hezbollah, the militant group denied involvement in a statement on Telegram Saturday.
“The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon firmly denies the allegations made by some enemy media outlets and various media platforms regarding the targeting of Majdal Shams,” it said."
Romans 13:3: "For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended."
Which in typically style collides with:
Revelation 22:15: "Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood."
Then one must do right which is wrong too. Anyway, The resistance movement denies and Israel calls it a lie (practicing falsehood). Now love is a lie. I get only wiser and since my life is biblically terrorized I am seeing terror inflicted by doing only the right thing demanding such terror stops yet bible allows it with love as a lie. I get only wiser. Why CNN is not referencing the source The Bible is very peculiar and perhaps with a smooth stone and the stones in Revelation 21 onwards can shed some light on the matter. I have done, seen and been at Revelation 22 a few times no need to go there again. Probably too much of a good old thing to relive since done, been there. A small stone for one man - a heavy burden for nations. However the curse lifted but why then lie about it. Any person who feels these threats via Romans 13:3 should say so just as I tried to tell my dear mother that at least she did not wish for terror yet was terrorised herself and only wished to be loved and smile (isra LE) and laugh. It is good to have images and journalists to describe how people (really) feel. Now I know how people feel (wanting to smash in my face) and that is why I went whiteout, then, but that too was not enough. Now I write but I did paint a painting where I washed the earlier old painting of flowers over with white paint. Flowers make me think of death just as Bible tells us is so lovely.
Because Bible "allows" terror, they do terror. It is like telling the story of Mickey Mouse and they wish to be Mickey Mouse. Since they follow The Bible, then what are all pagan laws. Illegal.
Here is the painting I did recently (ca. 1.80cm by 120cm) after my Aunt was destroyed with help of Bible, drugged and destroyed as symbolism of their terror. Nobody understand Mona Lisa and noone understands a painting bare and blanc. Shall I spell it or hammer it into a mountain. Rhetorical. That is the power of art and language and sometimes it is never heard what is being said. Mona Lisa's eyes is the pussy and a white canvas with paint tells a whole lot a love. This small article written late night because of continued terror world wide and they can't get on with it to 22. Naturally nobody was there while it happend and my life was destroyed. Just as I was not there seeing any rockets fired. Mona Lisa and eyes and waiting for 22 is like waiting for finishing eating food when hungry. Not hungry, food looses its lust. outright is naturally wrong but that is what they played for with namely "40" which was by them said all wrong as yet one more falsehood. Then they play it again and again not changing a thing.
Mona Lisa's eyes and backdrop is down and up just like Bible. Next time you watch your loved ones eyes then notice the backdrop too. I did and now it is a canvas with paint on paint.
2024 July 28
Midnight 01.10: 3 cars drive relative noiseless past my house. CTTV will be installed. Manual monitoring continues though the night and tomorrow. ψῆφος (pséphos) 3 occurences. And as I write this 2 more cars at this late hour and when my wife was hearfor one week no cars after midnight but now plenty.
Midnight 00:58. Another drive past with reving the engine as they pass my house.
Midnight 00.29: a car drives violently past my house. Not sure why. Just noise. They as the others in a movie play games and feel their rules apply when in fact there are no rules and there is no game and the only there is is their terrosism again at midnight repeatedly. Naturally it would be silly to setup a CCTV but why not. It would show that in a city and also at my houses they drive in farm region where no traffic is present much after late vening. It is as per a few days ago when traffic and their driving behavior is used to terrorize just as a whole nation is terrorized and also Palestine terrorized by and from nations cinclift and terror namely from the danish state and such nations wars is written in their constitutional laws referensing The Bible which describes exactly such wars and such terror and Bin Laden was also fake as part of this worlds biblical terror on life and people. No wonder they wish to construct walls and no wonder a President in any situation also needs a holiday and practice that which was allready installed by amentments to the constitution and from Chile to Bolivia and Falkland islands to Cuba and states of America there will be a winter an hurricanes and winds and as CNN so eloquently put it: "Same as usual" when the weather did become a huriciane midst the fight for who can tell he best stories and lies and truths. I shall keep this date open and write when and if more cars whoosh past and naturally some cars are out driving. One just did. Now it is 00:38 and I shall upload the time scale showing if and when this behavior is continued. If the CTTV will prove my point is like watching channels of all sorts of topics of which some are like mix and matching your own preferred television station. They have my house and life surveiled and it to me at least proves that they are like London a total CTTV society which monitors even a smile and even focusses in on things of little or no interest. With one nation and no borders and one installed religion and language it might be a whole lot more easy. Sunday will show a few more articles and now they have again set it up making me having to go to bed masturbate or not. That is all they had since this war using terror was started. I still do buildingblocks like LEGO and that is a lovely thing to play with in this world of Truth In A World of Lies More Than Ever. They play it both ways so it cant be won and is thus fake and rigged just as mr. Trump said about the election 2016. Now "the best man may win" is also fake. Who recalls the women who were primemisnister and some came are are now forgotten and they live from minute to the next second with little or no interest in the larger structures of human life in a world of democracy which are royal houses with small elephant dangling on the logo part of logo. People can elect but the ballots are probably never really counted or those on the ballots are not of the people. Ballot. Secret voting. Why! A small smooth stone: now you know why it is smoth as silk and why the ballot all related to that which sits between your legs. Also called pole like in poledancing. in some location they even by law have to install sound protection for residents. Not outside my house but it is illegal what they are doing done so now since 2018.
Midnight 00:00. Simplicity defined. Today, after relaxing, since I had pain in hand afer hard work, I listen to Ella Fitzgerald and go to bed at around 12 midnight and I watch a few videos and shorts as I head of to sleep I like to seee when things are working as they should and it does and as my erect cock is huge I stroke it a few times and the cars just a few meters from my house starts to vrev up. I am in no mood to play and masturbate tonight since sleep and relaxation is much more important. and life follows my website and nothing has chnaged however a video writes "THIS CHANGES EVERYRHING" so I wonder what changed only that my penis is lovely working and feels great again.
I then deside to upload this small article just getting midnight as I head to bed after much noise all day and plenty of writing to fill some of a few gabs left and perhaps it tells one ing, that there are 1000 of things never said and people have no idea until told which is why after yesterdays threats onmy life, again, I now see a world change with same Presidnets as yesterday and same tour of four years not changing it to be 2 years or six. CHina still is a republic and walls still standingas a symbol of keeping out that which destroys and now my life and some nations peoples must fel the love of Isis who is the terrorist of all things including lovely words that spread pleasure and gives so much delight.
It is another great day and another day with the same where life rolls along and the pictureshows only tells part of a story when any word can take us to a circular bell without any sounds. Ella is singing great songs and a house in need of a little TLC and much now known which is the fact that those near you might be the portraits of something imagined and that up is not allways the way forward. Now the flashing lights are seen and love lights up as the feelings subside with a dream of love and cherrries of cherries and knowing that the secreat is to listen to the noise which completes the siinging of birds when the birds between your leg wishes for some attention. Love thyself and an anrticle and some pictures from a large collection of photos over the years and some of them shows what some youtubers try to depict namely life. Ther rest is only noise and much of it which is why this website was created with buildingsblocks destroeyd by terrorist in a nation which wanted Biden to fall and a woman to be President which is great because then half is man and half something else and The Oval office not needed anymore. But who needs to know why it is oval and not round - some might call it a storke or same same.
I personally did not change but terrorist change the world - just as Bible prescribes; more terror more same same. Movie The others is a good example of others and then us who lives normal lives only telling of others - like in the movies. Noise continues after midnight even after birds are sleeping and stars are wishing upon themselves.
2024 July 27
The Bible is the reason for two major world wars and wars ongoing including Ukraine. Now demanding carrying the idol cross yet Revelations same human is destroyed for falsehoods and carrying the lie which is the cross.
Matthew 10:25, calling family head for SATAN. Well, father christmas five letters too namely SANTA. "Hi papa you are Santa Clause". Bible (installed by nations establishment) just killed all children, even Jesus, wishing for a white jingle. This fits perfectly with the photo of my grand mother and my grand grand father girls dressed like Santa and father the head of the house which god, he, gave to them. See below picturebook. I said change, no, nothing changed except now no longer a vegetable.
The Secret History Of The World in the esoteric book it is said people are vegetables previous knowing the secret, the bible. Everyone loes santa and Jesus killed for being santa. Then papa as pope is santa with the hat of popes. We are back at the center no less no more. Eventually it all drps int place and all day today I am followed by hacking my computer and cellphone and I then uplod a few articles relaxing after many hard days work. Yesterday too but today I take timeout to relax my bodyafter a cleanup needed of the house I inheritated by the good fortune of my mother because my Aunt was a big psender the wrong places but not my mother however she was also hated because she knew the royal house by heartand only, as she said, wanted to live and smile but dies in missery as almost blind knowing her son was out there somewhere now knowing she was living in only hope and when someone like her sister does not call the godson you knowthe heart is misplaced. I am of the definitae oppinion, that Anne Reinwald was living a parallel life and as Bible says would inflict pain and much conflict and the cleanup team by municipality then thinks they have the right to screem and yell just because she was amd they re mad mking a whole charade of madness evennowall day whencars and teror persistsI shall continue to write not so much as today because the house is uglifies by police, medicalfacilities and religion to such a level the house is a sthinking sewagejust like visiting many castle around the country just astheir lceanlyness is onlt on the outside they too are victims of being born as humans and bible tells that this is cause for much death. Well, personally I dont need bible to know this. They do or else there would be no fight with terror.
The secret. What secret? Why is there a secret? Why do you need a world to start anything when nothing is enough. Today it is played yet again wrong or right. I am still of the oppinion that I am moving at minimum 30.000 km per hur around a star and the star is moving at 500 km per second and milkyway much more. It is not something I feel it is something I see and from a distance even a tornado sems not to move. If I then watch the milkyway which is a trillion times larger then well, it might be moving a tilion times faster than a tornado but that kind of thinking is only for humans and belongs far away from classrooms because when a teacher must hang on a cros what can he say in 3 days - well, bible tells us and they are still looking in the wrong place.
Livingstone, David - Terrorism and the Illuminati.pdf ( PDFDrive ).pdf
2024 July 27
New case. My Aunt who was my godmother dies 25th June 2024 at an old peopels home under suspecious circumstances. She stayed less than four month. She sits contiously but like drugged and once medical staff mentiones to me it looks like she is drugged with morhine. She gets 5 mg pro necessitate none deposit strong pain medicine (opioid based) but nobody is willing to say when she askes for it. Previously she is given the highest dose of Gapapensin because of Phantom pains which should have removed the pain in her foot yet now her whole legs is made painful and she is drugged so she sits hanging in a chair when I early june 2021 see her at Grøndal rehabilisation center where I see my aunt he first time and I am in chock when I ask my aunt to get the medical jounral and are told by staff to "FUCK OF" said by a caretaker while my aunt helplessly is wanting to go to toilet now supported with her left leg by a staff with a cross dangling form the chest. I then mention I am family and i am there to care. THe staff becomes very agressive and ca. 12 month later I learn the leader and staff contacted the police. I was now in double cock while I at her house sse the municipality has installed a sik bed and a crane and her house is left a mess dirty and filthy after she had a hip operation which lefther with a bad habbit of not walking and poorly so leading to her probably low blood circulation leading to whta is called in denmark "vidueskiggeri syndrom" which is defintaely alos not a medical term. I had it since I in 2832 ashospitalized and most likely at hillerød Hospital was left dying whuch took them less than five month when in may I found strength to stand out of bed walking to the nurses office and adoctr came to see me and I spole: "You are not doing naything" and hsortly after I was given an injection of morphone and the folowind day transfered to Rigshospitalet in COpehngahen where Doctor Rolf Mantorp says to my mother: "Had you sone come one day later I coudl not have saved him". I 2015 I learn all my medical jouramls have been vanished, delete officially.
The case is about a woman who was frineds with the royal house, family, part of, at christmas eating lunch, yet used christianity to destroy much of he rest of the family just as bible tells. I in 2021 then spend six month cleaning my aunts house whihc is so dirty and filthy that I could not see he floorboards. Her medicine was not administered such as Oxycodon which would have alliviated her pain making her able to walk. She had medical staff attend her but her eyesight worse and now in deep pain the local physician (not so much) administers Anne to Køge Sygehus where a few days later Anne.s leg is wrongfully amputated. Later this best physician admits in Anne.s house that she is sad she never knew. The same physician then writes the death certificate of Anne saying nothing wrongful was done however the medical jounral is evidense that best is now the worst. Anne wishes not to complain even if state admits many wrongful amputation. Now, the real drama starts when bible becomes the actul cause of such fake amputations. Itbelongs in a horror movie. Elm TSreet and Chain Saw Masacres are just disney cartoon compared to this biblical relaity. Bible tries to portray it in movie such as Hostel 1, 2 and 3. This is also evidense and telling the story as "Jesus" tries should shorten the pain and sufferings of women. The story of Anne Reinwald is strangely a story of love and affection but also deep hatred of love. Now they prolong the pain by using terror on my life. Well, I died yesterday once again as I died many times many hours many days and many years. Now I know why and the secret is not to tell the secret but then it gets so complicated and too late anyways.
Understanding the scandal of leg amputations in Denmark
From this point on the chain falls of several times. A myriad of deceptions and apparantly saying amputation was wrongfully done Anne.s finally desides to visit the doctor who she was illegally amputated by at Køge Sygehus. He then says which is recorded similar: "What to do with that piece of tissue dangling if we cut only the foot of". Anne does not argue and I try all I can but the doctor is a mental case and the journal itself proves this point or else I would never say such a thing howver when I after religious abuse for 2 decades decide a prepension is best solution the system hasno hessitation enyering fake mediacal datato support that the patient and not religion is wrong.That is acse all on is own. My medical condition in 1983 was lasfied as research and can not by law be deleteted but they id anyway. DOctor Rolf Mantorp ws a swede and worked at Kund University hospital Sweden.
The Journal
The jounral is evidnese of malpractice on a level which is systematic for only econonic reasons. They thretened Anne with reprisals should she dmand her journal. She did demnd it and was fnally given and they became agressively irritate and very angry with Anne and for the next 3 years she was left in a wheelchair to basically die and all kinds of finansial burderns put on her her the bank, Dnske bank meptied her account after a loan was given which she technically could not afford and the bank managed to tranfer ca. DKK 35.000 without Anne.s consent. When Anne then March 1st 2024 finally gives up and moves out of her huse now for sale she is left with monthly bills at ca. DKK 15.000 now for two renst hr own house morgaged and then the old peopels home hwihc dmand a deposit of DKK 26.000 and DKK 4000 for food per month and aconto warms and lectric an soaps and washing items paid for by herself after paying taxes for 50 plus years she is bodysnacthed fomr the old peoples home 25th june 2025 and the funeral service had to bring her back fom the cooling room pobbly located ca. 35 km. away. Now back dead in the bed ownd by a religious sector nmed Syvendedags Adventisterne in coorporation with municipality Faxe it is learned that her house cant be sold because of neglegt which is natural considering Anne is in a wheelchair. I am 3 time, three, visited by police at Rønnedveej 88 at Annes house since municiplaity faxe calls the police to have me removed since police is used to rid me and threeaten a then 91, 92 and in 2023 a 93 old woman to comply with following hte orders of taking medicine Anne says she does not want to take such as pain killers making her sit hanging sleping all day. Thatis the way denamrk royal is run namely giving medications and when the patients says no the police is called in to threten all the family and at gunsrange iwht loaded pistols in belts two police officers demand I leave my legalvisit at Anne and the municipality two women inside er now odccupied house use threats to make Anne comply again. Anne was christian and veyr much so and hated for it.
The medical journal will be uploaded shortly this weekend partially since there are many pages. Also part of the municipality jounral. This story is not uniwue. It is symptomatic. I am then when writing about this caleld all sorts of things liek yesterday when cleaning my Aunt hiuse I am yellew at by a young fella that I am a dirty bastard with a garden full of junk. Yes, the junk which was accumulated through years of negnegt and reluguous abuse and leaving Anne and me in a position having to fight multple levels of systematic abuse and terror.
International Criminal Court
This international body is now informed of this case and the xistance of evidense to prove how peoples of a nation if malpracticed. €The interntional community can then choose to find one single person the reason for all of humanities terror the cause of this womans final destiny is complate chaos and total missery by nation, the state and its establishment.
The Establishmentment
Consist of many types and groups and I will no go into detail on this large topic. The establishment range form corporations to healt care even to Red Cross and hcnage agents nad individual who are saluted for exracting some peoples lives. My Aunt was finansially not very clever but my mother was. Anne would donate monthly ca. DKK 2000 to relgious gorups of one aanmed WOMMACK and one GOD CHANNEL and swhen Anne finally pulled out they never did a thing for all the money she transfered. One way thisone establishment does it is by telephoning a person whom they have ben introduced to via a letter or magazine and thye will ask for a DONATION for GOD for HER LOVELY HEALTH AND LIFE while ten they each month extract a certain amount of Dollars without aproval. One much establishment is called Creflo Dollar which makes America Greta Again extracting money from my aunt - yes, to him too she gave a donation. As my Aunt finally admitted in 2023: "They promiss but never deliver". She never heard from GOD CHANNEL and I have discontinued all her support now she is dead and the funeralpaid for where the whole stage was set and her flowers stolen on her grave.
Case Systematic Vegetable state
THis is what I call this state in which a wish was never granted and 3 times not enough and asking to amputate a leg which was said only had a ofoot lost whatever that means. Bloodflow ok. Only perifial wounds which can be painfull. if a nettle (Urtica dioica) burns you while walking barefoot you do not wish to amputate the foot nor the leg. In Denmark the doctor demands drugging the patints and demanding the patinets comply even if all medical science says they did only what very ill people do namely follow the word of The Bible because they are now biblically fooled. I shall upload some pages during this week and in a few day the whole journal hsould be avaiable. Naturally no other "doctor" than I would dare to fight the fight for justice and justice never prevails. People are made ill and later blamed for being made ill including smoking cigarettes and otherwise living in a culture fileld with fear and pain such s the sufferings of Anne Reinwald.
The excuse
THe excuse nations and establishment use is relion, hcirtinity. Yet religion has nothing to do with it. Greed has. The system has via religion maintained a system via now large corportate strauctures so large one corporation is larger than the combibine Roman Empire. They then use and ilfiltrate popele lives usng bible and religion as an excude saying it is old garbage yetthey run the world rhough old garbage namely relgion. Corporate and laws and constitutions of nations are based on relgion. Whole nations was built on relgion with bible in one hand and gun in the other. Therefore I am played along a billion other people in this world game where religion and sex and LIE OF RING is used to falsyfy even the best of intentions and nothing has yet been delivered which removes terror biblically installed and isnce bible is terror then nations are terrororist and those who though clandstine operatins such as the fake CUBAN REVOLUTION took and installed a dictator of the worst kind. CHe was just the other Jesus captured because he realized the deception and now used as the poster of hope and glory. People have none and will never have any and live in poverty more so with bible than without. Case Anne and case Cuba very equal and very similar.
2024 July 27
A medical term not used in medical terms: "The foot is lost" is in my aunts Anne Elsebeth Reinwald medical hospital journal written. The follow few days followin they do a FEMUR ampitation whihc is chopping of the leg above the knee. A few days prior saying the foot is lost Anne is told she can be discharged since journal write there is nothing do be done in hospital. Discharning and then drugegd heavy Anne is transfered uncontiously to Roskilde Sygehus cardiovascular section where they write the foot is lost and on the return Anne is asks 3 times if she wants an amputation and each time she in bold says in jurnal NO but finally the day priorJune 4th 2021 she wrie into the journal the procedure to be followed the following morning without Annes consent and she is askd again and she finally sems to be consiously enough to fianally say YEs and she might have ben drugged because she specifically wakes up in deep pain more pain than previouslyly prior cuting upof the leg which is called phantom pains. Now pain now ospitalized and more pain induced.the jounral will soon be publiszied as evidense of one of a large structyre of crimes aginst humanity thugh one single person where the medical care system is used to telle nyone else not to be in opposition to the ruling rulers be they installed as royal democratically elected ( see elephant royal). As I upload below aricle and strta writing this another motorcyckle vrevs up agressively outside but I am only doing what the bible says wil happen and write only words which they now dont want because it write the truth of how this world is operated namely htough fear and deceptions and taxes and healt care. more articles o follow.
2024 July 27
Matthew 10:21 "And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death."
Numbers are important. 10 is wrong, 21 is the esoteric value and strokes of the number of strokes and bows DENMARK is made up of counting each letters stokes. D is two strokes. E is 4. N is 3. etc. However one must speak in tounges to know this jargon because DANMARK word proves E equals A. DANMARK has 21 strokes. 2 and 1. that is why my small seen circle right side was and is hated and now used to drive 2 and 1 car respectively and this sounds like mad but the evidense of this occurance is The bible itself where a trillion to a trillion change of WORD and AMIN making up NIMROD backward just like in James Bond with mirrors and smoke where Mr. Bond is actually the bad rotten terrrorist trying to illiminate anyone villain who tries to install a new technology or new system then his majesties service steps it up and kills any opponenet. It is called DEMOCRACY whichis why there is MI5 and MI6 to destroy real change from within democracry itself when someone comes along with an idea that surpasses GOD and The Bible itself and or democracy itself since it takes terrorist in ROmans 13>3 to kep the democracy running allowd so by God self. God is the terrorist. GOD CHANNL and WOMMACK and BENNY HINN thus the guards of terrorism and countries all installed via Bible and why make Israel for Jews all biblical now when bible is so much hated and the cleanup of bible done of a world scale is because buddism is the final frontear built into the bible yet nobody claims to be owner or writer of a piece of technology which is termed the newst of new since it is a BABYlonian child birth stillborn however and they just cant get over it which is why my life has ben terrorised for decades ongoing and the reason might be found with my grand grand fathers family and my grand mother and then my mother and especially my mothers sister Anne Reinwald who knew and ate lunch at christmas with the royal dnaish family for a reason and the reason being, that they knew and thus my mothers sister inadvertently destoryed my mothers life and mine installing my mother with Pensacostal Church (Apostolsk Kirke and Pinsebevægelsen and many similar). It takes one to know one and I learned it the hardest way possible by following every symbol and sign leading me to allways 3 such as Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France which is found in Asia also in places such as in Vientiene Patuxai (Gate of Triumph) same as in paris slightly different but same leading to the Kinnara now only half a woman and hald a bird where the bird is esoterically the cock with two wings. Reason why a cock is named a cock. The bird which cant actually fly too heavy. With this thing we get myth and imagination and some kings now live in Bavararia with installed tank tops and strange behaviors which is not far from the behaviors sen in Oval Office the center point of a whole world when in 2016 Trump was installed as President. Yes, those terms you dont read govern this world and as George garlin said it: ""You aint part of itØ and NUR ads that you are only allowed to feel you are part of it which is why now clodhopeprs drive around terrorising my life here here and everywhere I go in the way of using simple bullying and then the casual pad on the shoulder to keep one thinking all is a win and all will be won by the participating parties. It would be similar wathing a football game where both team would win. Does not happen. However actually does because players are transfeered atbillions of Dollars and olympic stadium left to decay on the week following the end of the oplympic flme has been extinguies but anyone forgets the decay which is why it takes alot of effort to reconsturct 55 years of hells of fire and brimstone all biblical and all so none existing and all so none active yet Vatican and 2500 chruches and built into constitution WE THE PEOPLE which is partially POPE and away it goes and as the word says which is evidense. It started with word and from word itself it all happened and thatis evidense that I am absolute spot on each and every time no matter what the result. Football is the game where some hails the loosers. Whata silly game. Like golf, hailing the loosers. That is why players in Tennis keeps playing for winning again and again for one reason only. Imagine a game played and both team walk away with gold. Both team clap shoulders. Nobody is crying. No bottles thrown. No victors. No monuments. No transfer of who is best because without the worst there is no best or better. Why find a winner when a new winner is sought four years after. THose who won then are now elderly and all hose who lost are forgotten yet those who lost make up the majoriry of most games. Ecept in this strange world game where two sisters with a night cap or santa clause hat is seen while one was killed by a car and the other dies in an old peopels home in Nykøbing Falster and the daugter ofr the former, my grand mothers daughter, was amputated 2021 june 4th for no other reason than pain. As George Garlin could have said: "I have a headache but you dont cut of my head for that reason alone.". The stories continue and there is so much to write with plenty of material and now we end up where I was instaleld namely in Thailand but the STUPA is the same as the two girls are having on their heads and when something is the same it is. Since word did not come first, then it must have ben something else. STUPID derived from STUPA is not a far fetch. That is after all how Bible tells us this WOR l D is designed. WHich two (L) was that? WORD AMIN. Insidently, a motorcycle just passed my house as I upload this at 17.16 PM hours. The motor is the engine and in ca. 2012 I designed GINA GIANI handbags and nobody cared just as any time previously nobody cared about talents of any style which is evidense to my case that someone who is not wanted could invent cold col fusion and never get a Nobel peace prize. I tried peace and still do I only write and it delivers ansolutely only the things I write about and it must all be wrong or fake since that is after all how 60 years was spent. there will be many more cycles and motor and engines and cars and I am still contemplating the use of videos. Did Elon Must write himself or did he only place his hands in a position asking for forgiveness, a prayers or a thank you to Buddism for deliving love on a world scale yet if a books cover tells part of the story so does the books title. TIAWOL, Truth In A World Of Lies, was designed not by Niels Ulrik Reinwald. Many cars later and more articles to pop now that this game is all over and and I can finally concentrate on restoring my aunts house as much as I can. It was only strange that funeral service snatched her dead body without authority and later church gave her a funeral or stat nd church would hve had a body standing on he public road. So they burried her after she paid tax to the church yetthe church said she was not a memmer however gave her a church funeral. Now that is whatthey called a discount. That too is part of this onging story of deceptions where my Aunt now lies at Faxe churchyeard while someone dug a huge large hole with her authrority. They have done and do as they like without dignity and proving case after case that nation-states are STUPA. I naturally have the emails proving that the funeral service illegally snatched her dead body from old peopels home and had to deliver the body back. they forgot to close her mouth before she was rigor mortis. Dignity is definately an english word. When I ca. five weeks back spoke "dig" as in understand, that might explain the huge large uncovered hole. SHould I take a photo of a hole and show it. Probably not but again I PROFOUND LOVE each and every time they do their body-snatchings because it would have cost me ca. DKK 19.500 rather than cheaper which I found at 8.495 at Is Elon Must praying or a buddha or simply communicating somehting which we dont understand. I am positive that his hands are together for a reason. Personally I think a price of 8.495 sounds cheaper than 8.500 and that is five kroner exactly which coinsides with the number of syllables in IN THE BE GIN NING. That is how deep this hole is and it is even deeper. next time I shall ask myself to remeber to tell them to close the mouth of my aunt but she cant die twice or perhaps she des in a burstof chock with a tight jaw. A scriptwriter could not invent this. Only a nazi governed nation and recall that funerals are state organized and thus a religious event no matter how litle one is burried. Steve Jobs showed his thumb. There must be a connection. Which is it. Now I know. You do not make a book cover without considering every part of the cover. Some calls it a cover up. The content might tell a story just as bible does.
2024 July 27
Matthew 10:21 "And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death."
Numbers are important. 10 is wrong, 21 is the esoteric value and strokes of the number of strokes and bows DENMARK is made up of counting each letters stokes. D is two strokes. E is 4. N is 3. etc. However one must speak in tounges to know this jargon because DANMARK word proves E equals A. DANMARK has 21 strokes. 2 and 1. that is why my small seen circle right side was and is hated and now used to drive 2 and 1 car respectively and this sounds like mad but the evidense of this occurance is The bible itself where a trillion to a trillion change of WORD and AMIN making up NIMROD backward just like in James Bond with mirrors and smoke where Mr. Bond is actually the bad rotten terrrorist trying to illiminate anyone villain who tries to install a new technology or new system then his majesties service steps it up and kills any opponenet. It is called DEMOCRACY whichis why there is MI5 and MI6 to destroy real change from within democracry itself when someone comes along with an idea that surpasses GOD and The Bible itself and or democracy itself since it takes terrorist in ROmans 13>3 to kep the democracy running allowd so by God self. God is the terrorist. GOD CHANNL and WOMMACK and BENNY HINN thus the guards of terrorism and countries all installed via Bible and why make Israel for Jews all biblical now when bible is so much hated and the cleanup of bible done of a world scale is because buddism is the final frontear built into the bible yet nobody claims to be owner or writer of a piece of technology which is termed the newst of new since it is a BABYlonian child birth stillborn however and they just cant get over it which is why my life has ben terrorised for decades ongoing and the reason might be found with my grand grand fathers family and my grand mother and then my mother and especially my mothers sister Anne Reinwald who knew and ate lunch at christmas with the royal dnaish family for a reason and the reason being, that they knew and thus my mothers sister inadvertently destoryed my mothers life and mine installing my mother with Pensacostal Church (Apostolsk Kirke and Pinsebevægelsen and many similar). It takes one to know one and I learned it the hardest way possible by following every symbol and sign leading me to allways 3 such as Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France which is found in Asia also in places such as in Vientiene Patuxai (Gate of Triumph) same as in paris slightly different but same leading to the Kinnara now only half a woman and hald a bird where the bird is esoterically the cock with two wings. Reason why a cock is named a cock. The bird which cant actually fly too heavy. With this hlf thing we get myth and imagination and some kings now live in Bavararia with installed tank tops and strange behaviors which is not far from the behaviors sen in Oval Office the center point of a whole world when in 2016 Trump was installed as President. Yes, those terms you dont read govern this world and as George garlin said it: ""You aint part of itØ and NUR ads that you are only allowed to feel you are part of it which is why now clodhopeprs drive around terrorising my life here here and everywhere I go in the way of using simple bullying and then the casual pad on the shoulder to keep one thinking all is a win and all will be won by the participating parties. It would be similar wathing a football game where both team would win. Does not happen. However actually does because players are transfeered atbillions of Dollars and olympic stadium left to decay on the week following the end of the oplympic flme has been extinguies but anyone forgets the decay which is why it takes alot of effort to reconsturct 55 years of hells of fire and brimstone all biblical and all so none existing and all so none active yet Vatican and 2500 chruches and built into constitution WE THE PEOPLE which is partially POPE and away it goes and as the word says which is evidense. It started with word and from word itself it all happened and thatis evidense that I am absolute spot on each and every time no matter what the result. Football is the game where some hails the loosers. Whata silly game. Like golf, hailing the loosers. Thatis why players in Tennis keeps playing for winning again and again for one reason only.
Small update: A mushroom only yet used designwise as many other examples ( to throw out my person since I and many people similar are hated (whole nations peopel hated Vietnam, Camodian war even from with by the rulers) and they have the backup of NATO and combined United Nations to do so. A fair fight is a load of hogwash taking down the whole estatblishment. showing how corporations and brands partially use my name NUR where F is 3 strokes making up N also all designed via script language by design not a natural occurance based on mostly asian script sighs. Portobellow the is name of a mushroom. It is brownish. Brown is BRUN is danish. Porto is a port, habour or also the estereric idea of the female vessel the vagina wet and juicy sometimes when not religiously bonedry since GOD is only at home. John Denver popularized TAKE ME HOME COUNTRY ROAD all about stuff like love and he too dies tragically in a planecrash. All good things dies because idols are hated. Portobello, Italy and now using FUNGO as a brand on vegetables which isthe state which historians desriobe prior peopel getting to kno the top secrets of this world namely Bible as the only porto which existed made into 100.000 of churches across Europe and nothing came from all these temples other than taking photos as tourist do becaue everything isseen through a lens rather thanrealizing the pizza sucks and is made for tourists and now evene I jump onto the wagon of brands realizing the destruction or building of WORDS is done via words like FUN located on the package wrong, not right. They could not change the name of Portobello so something had to change like thepackaging and even if peopel dont at first notice shit-design like this it still is operating the minds of million of people like Jonestown massacre i South America. FUNGO cognate FUNGI. This is how simister corportaion operate food the sourc of life itself. Nations establishment even installs traffic lights where none needed and also nowdigs up oiltanks without covering up after there work not ordered by owner and real estate agent not giving the repports on a house saying htere are no report when in fact the realestate agent ordered the repporsthemselvesillegally.Just one tiny small corner of a very large structure of deceptive buildups making most of all people brainwashed and FUNGO and FUNGI so near becausea mushroom is a fungi see and this is how war is fought using this type of words to fullfill their wish to place GOD at HOME and a real estate company is named even in a country speaking danish strangely that english language is part of corporate naming but now you know why. You are living in Jonestown massacres times one million. FUNGO is BTW the Italian word for fungi. Fungi is also knwon sitting on and with the sexual organs and fungiarevery important to nature and without such and bacteria people would not live. The technich used is like when the ending of the movies Thor The Dark World and BIG HERO 6 later are changed which tells us that actors are handsomely paid to keep such secret tight lipped. Both movie had there ending changed after they were first released similar many other movies and such goes unnotices similar portobello which name was given because the mushroom shape looks the the mount venus or cock head both a bow which is why rainbows got their name and live in movies and tales where the rainbow is significantly scientific reflecting light from an angle and as you move towards the rainbow this angle changes and teh rainbown disappears from your viewpoint. where fungi is related and even mother. Why does Jesus get viangre hanging well he gets the fungi part of the vagina and all natural. This morning I masturbated hugely and greatly and came in a burts and shortly after hung but it will bloom againwithin 12 hours not three days. Great to have nature that close with home. In the movie THE SHINING a man is left dead in the labyrinth of The Bible (bbile being the labyrinth symbolically freezing anything going inside as in Disney FROZEN). In an image seen photographed with my grand grand father near a mantel fireplace and mirror is seen standing and two women seated from my family and in SHINING movie simlar however HOME is now GOD given by GOD and the reason is, that GOD is theb biblical NIMROD cock. Chnage of NIROD being incorporated is like a trillion X trillion to one. Bible is the masterpiece of deception made to install any person and my family were rich and wealthy enough for the royal estatblishment to wish them gone since they were associated with McKInney and his family and eventually, biblically, families will lie and destroy each other.
My family was fortunate for some years going back to Faxe in which my grand mother with her sister Ellen lived and I have 1000 of photos taken from their life and my life and my mothers life. I startby showing two pictures which leds up to me today being 60 years being destroyed via terror via The Bible yet my grandmother on the lft sitting with her ister and sitting between their father all in love of god now later destroyed by the very sam and in the picture dressed with a styled snata clause hat and it belongs at a time which was less that 150 years ago. I have many images and pictures and since they dumped a religious picture book onto my aunts house and thus mine I will show my real picture book and I shall upload a whole range of potos from h past 60 plus years. THey themselves tell a story about that which today is detroyed namely life itself chopping of the lgsof the ddaughter of the irl seen in on the left who was my grand mother. She looks like my mother and it is hard for me to comprehend that the man is my grand grand father but just two genrations away most of anything is tried forgotten which explains why some things are made to be remembered such as Adolf Hitler even when they tell us he was a demon and evil character then Hitler was a demi god and other are made to be forgotten just like my family and as municiplaity put it in 2023: "THis way we get twoflies with one smack" and now they got Anne Elsebeth Reinwald, the daughter of the girl in the picture seens left who ws my grand mother. Such was never suppose to be and my family goes back to a very rich branch of famlity and was tried detroyed over the years. The only reason why I wrote TIAWOL and now write this is because of this evil nations cotinued terror on my person vene now that all is a distant memory. A msall bouy now sat along time ago wondering thwat one day life will be a flower yet now only is told that he is a bastard only worth msahing in his face when standing outside on the pavement with a cellphone trying to tell a story which nobodyhears anyway.
Picture of grandmother and Ellen who both lived a rich life. My grand mother on bycycle visited Karen BLixen and was killed by a caron the way home. My mother and her sister Anne very sad at th teder ge of 14 loosing hteir mother. My grandfather wasa farmer nd lived in New Zealand but found love which eventually turned into Apostolic HCurch and evil caniving monster doing all the right thingssince each and every member of that church too had problems like the pastor a drug former dru addictic now an addict of Jesus has he so put it. Why show picture? Because thatis after all what memories are. Pictures. Flashes and it will give me somehting to do to scan more than 5000 ptos and organize them on a page by themselves on my small contribution at Now santa claus stands like the most evil monster but it is then good to have a memory to look at knowing I was not the only monster.
Picture photo #1 my grand grand father and two daugters, left my grand mother and her sister.
Picture photo #2 same day probably showing same sisters seated under GOD GAVE OUR HOME and I picked up these photos two cars drive past my house bound northely at Rønnedveej 88. That is how they communicated and I invited in 2013 every person into this story yet nobody came to actually hold hands as seen in the picture, legs crossed and smiling gently not knowing that the grand sons life would later be destroyed by GOD and HOME and now their home is not my home. For that reason I how these images because they are part of my story and they belong somehwere because some familiees are hated for actually being lovely and nice. Ellen, my grand mothers siste, was one of the ost gentle person ever loving in all ways and when my grand father dies the house within they lived was sold and my grand mother bought this house where my mother her brother and sister were born later all destroyed using the same religion which is why I chose to denounce that religion hwihc destroyed my mother, her sister and left me as the sole heir to a very small estate which fell into decade and nation state now trying all they can to extract every penny they can and in doing so also extract every pieceof life, love andcare anyone ever had. The photo of me at very young and for reference I also took a poto of myself today because the photos I uploaded earlier hated so much especially one photo where I was 20 years going into life believing in humanity and life and love. I also have a photo fomr when I was 17 before my family became yet again deeply religious now infiltrated by the daughetr of my grand mother and I can only imagine what they were told as children making my life total missery since I was a vegetable previously knowing in 2013 the top secrets of this benign evil conglomerte of clandestines shurches and temples where people drop coin and thoughts and where real history is never really told or else this would belong at Wikipedia but they care nothing about real stories, rela lives but show only that which fits into the scale of this world all only fitting within the framesthey make. Any other fram and millions oflives lost in history and this small insignificant story is told because thta is all here is left to do. Technology now allows such as since geocities was destroyed and google invented leaving such websites as as one of a very small handfull of genuine Geociries left, then hated and that is why the only thing left is to start the real story of how of this began. The photo GOD GAVE OUR HOME is like watching the movie THE SHINING nothing changes. OMEN is the esoteric anagram partially yet one step deeper because OMEN has N and not H but both 3 strokes. Omen or related to wine which is made from water and so WOMEN as WOrd aMEN plays directly in. My grand mother and sister could just be insidently holding hands just like in THE SHINING. The wording is not so casual.
Me as a child a vegetable prior knowing not to be. My mother would each year at Kehlet photographer shop have picures of me taken. She so loved me and so would my grand mother. However very sinister dealings made and every evil nations as in GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO made my mother only put on a dresslike the pagoda or hat as seen on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. Suddnely thingsfallinto place and all becomes very easy namely same same. I say vegetable because that is how some historians liek to describe the state being in before knowing the secreats of this worls namely The Bible code.
This photo taken today 2024 27th july showing my face but not who I am. No pictureshow can ever really show the love and care within because the face is made into a anvas of hate from years of deceptions, hate and illness.
I will upload and organise all the photos I have. It will take the best part of 3 years since there are 1000 of photos but with the cellphones camera should be more easy as soon as I get it organsized. Itis my facebook real and genuine and not with terms dictated by terms designed to destroy even the wonders of The Internet whichwas sopposedly to be the place where life and living owuld be enjoyed and learnednow made into a digital hell with cookies fake and IDs of fraud and misplaces trust.
Many people today show their life using and previously it was photos and going back far enough memories are lost. One million years ago is hard to imagine. Those people then made this website happend and GOD never knew then.
In the same Kehlet picturebook my Aunt Anne Reinwald whos life was violently destroyed after she used christianity for 8 decades to destroy my mothers life and mine she took this photo when I was 17 years of age. Annes legs was amputatedin 2021 Jne 4th and the journale is the evidense of how they chopped the leg of awoman to use fear and terism in order to remove me andmy life from this planet. They want so much else and many other photos and now is used but my tube is not their tube and part of The Internet consists of this computer on which I write and upload to a server serviing a story larger than life itself. Many handsome have passed my way since 2017 when the establisment tries to tell me that I hve no value and look no better than they do and I am only 182 cm tall making me a dwarf compared to some of hte fellas who stood inmy pasth as white elephant rying to destroy me again and again and again. That is why I load these photos because they are prt of the evidnese of hw religion destroyed the last bricks of a dream called life.
Now they have more reason to hate and if they call this lovem then spare love and let em have it. Love and life just do not go together and hisotry itself is enough to prove that nothing came from the hat worn genuinely by two sisters and not the bronze figurine on Capitol Hill: and same same keeps ringing liek the same bells sounding from Italy to Philipines to anywhere else.The bell so much loved but hated since thatis all I ever had.
Now I know and now I know why castle as fortresses were built to protect themselves from the outside clodhoppers who knew nothing. I tell the story as I see it and since 1963 December 19th there was only a vegetable who unfortuntely got to know the secret of why love was made the destructive force of life. Isis versus Isia.
2024 July 27
(Morning 07:40 AM: cars continue their usual drive. My wife screams at me yesterday because a person in a car black car drive and passes the shark teeth and I make a left turn towards the shop where I drive to buy wood. I turn making shure I stay within the white line yet my wife yells as usual saying she does not wish for my driving yet I am provoked the same day multiple times in traffic. Now we are finally diverced as she so much wished for since 3 years back and the divorce is actuall finalized since marriag is actually a religious act which is Denmark was needed in order to avoida FEE of ca. 250000 DKK as a fee moving to onces own nation with a wife with one whoms one married in another contry not even registering the marriage in Denmark. The fee is based on denmarks restictions on the EU treaty where the danish nation wants to kep out foreigners yet Mr. Mogens GLitrup elected by the people was hailed as a racist when he said that religion, some, would destroy the nation. Muslim he termed these people and Mogens GListrup was hated by the establishment for helping people who with 28 mandates voted Glistrup into parliament. Over the next 30 years the establishment destroyed a democraticallyelected man who was a tax Lawyer who also helped Simon Spies who was named the TRAVELLING KING (Rejse Kongen) who had to marry an insignificant MORNING BOLLE DAME /morning fucking lady) in order to avoid danish nazi taxation. Simon Spies made all danes travel and GListrup was his partner but the establishment wished for this pair to be dstroyed and they did so over a couple of year through clansdestien illegal transactions and most forgot about it and evene his wife had to admit the full force og the nations terrorrism with whiich the nation destroyed not only Glistrup but 28 mandates and democracy. The day is still early, Sun is up shining. No birds yet singing. The day filled with work as usual and now I am hated for working and restoring a house whichwas destroyed by clandestine religious fanatics in governance and the establishment installing religion via Christianity in my family destroying my mother via Apostolic CHurch a state spnsored tax haven which is a church used to destroy peoples lives just like the masacres in Jonestown in South America. Today they start morning driving again and show no respect, no remors and no dignity and surveil my house and life as usual while modern day technology is used rather than older times when ENEVÆLDE and religion was installed in nations to infiltrate humansand not really tell the full biblical code and story of how that mythbusting story was all fake all made into a piece of code with NIMROD from right to left leaving a very few words, five, IN THE BE GIN NING, to start it all and even the word BIBLE which is BUDHA because E is A esoterically and anyone denying this denies the bible just as bible tels mnay people will deny the bible, life itself and start to hate each other. All this started many many years ago even long before TIAWOL and my life started. I was just a figure of their imagination and was in 2014 installed as KING and later as EMPEROR viaa THOR THE DARK WORLD movie at a hotel No ONE in Thailand all significant all a way to fullfill the bible prophecy and when no longer deeded sicarded as a pile of pyramid or firemide or simply a pile of rocks no more worth than Las Vegas where buildings are collapsed like paper towers where billions of dollars go to waste and a whole city no more than a cheap entertainment venue for the poor and empoverished. Every country has its amuzement park and now when american is great again they instaleld an elderly man who became probably sinile and most of all Presidents the past many years played the game while most people hd no ideawhich world we live in namely a secret society so secrets that not even the truth of The Bible can fullfill the prophecy even when I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, did absolutely nothing since 2014 to 2018 even going as far as deleting my previous website and my book all in the belief that that would satisfy them. Thy made me I did not and now they play games with a whole world population and will continue to do so long after I am gone just as they chopped the left leg of a woman,journal publisized soon, shows that medical healthsystems is used to kill individuals and used to scare the living daylight out of people. People are free not to be or to be and today use and similar channels online to show their wonderlives just as wonderwoman and supemran and Jesus did and the latter they killed esoterically to scare a whole world and at the endtimes, socalled, which has lasted at least the past 500 years made a whole planet wonder why world wars and why installing Israel when Yogoslavia fell then it becomes obvious, that the installing of kingdoms are the order of the day just as well as destroying some kingdoms. Now I am persoanlly free and their court systems has since the past years since 2017 when my mother died and her sister was probably threatened ot to contact me just as in 2023 when police was used by municiplality to threatened a womanwhoms legs they chopped of for no reason telling her to comply with taking morphine tablets so she would sit motionless in a wheelchair slowly during the past 8 month becomming more and more ill. Now they do the same to me and this started long before I was born and the next personto get this treatment are even whole nations such as Ukraine who suffers by the old hands of the old guards of yesterdays castle-nations with oligarchs and kings and queens extracting all wealth from all people until the same ings and queens are made demi gods see case who was given the whiteorder elephant which dansles at on the logo same elephant which destroyed all of a whole nation and later the queens had to ask for the elephant back. Now it is part of the royalhouse of democracy and the story continues with hteir symbolic treatments of people whom todayare treated to digital money and fakes lives with entertainment which is sovoid of real issues thata websitelike mine is hated for telling the real truth of how religion and leis are used to infiltrate human lives on a world scale and they will inflict any type of terror via clandetine wars of which there are so many historically that the numbers of wars makes this war fade ecept for one thing I never killed anyone and only did what The Bible says to do namely nothing and each and every words is a void of nothing. That is why they make every word have meaning in their heads and I am called names when I found this esoteric secreat world of deceptions. Day is still young and much to write but there is only one single item and I got it right almost from day one yet played gaain and again and instaleld as ther benefactor of their deceptions and The Bible tells that the only way to win is to destroy which is evidense to the fact that nations establishment via NATO and United Nation tamed up even if they lost along time ago. The cars and terror persist htroughout the day and I will write smaller parts to reflect this terroro on my life and via me on other peoples lives where yesterday was the final way to inflict their benevolence faking their way using even fake love to fool even the fooled. You cant win when the game is and was rigged and that was also played. Today they play another game and each day another loss even when left, wrong and right, belongs on a bird with apprantly only one wing. Airforce One they call it yet there is two wings. They looked at a oman pretty face and covered it up and wrote a story in The Bible totell the story of this two eyes entity WO MAN never undertsanding the acrual real magnitude of nature and awhole system so huge it will never be solved from where it all came. Well, never, is a strong word. However BIG BANG theory all fake built into science and they keeep repeating it making Jonestown te single one law of all other laws governing each and every part of life. As in movie STEPFORD WIVES: "Why do you do it" and the reply is: "Because we can". That is the only reason and they have no real genuine story ecept this real story of a man who since 2013 with a single book was able to see how terror is used to destroy lives gain and again and again. An update later today and each and every day an update form now on not pasing one single day so the lovetracking may be where I enter miniscule updates and larger onces on the main fornt page. As usual, enjoy the day CARPE DIEM as rhey so said yesterday while they play men the largest evil bastards that ever lived. At least I can claim that since they kept it repeated in Apostolic HCurch for 3 decades that I was a demon. Imagine that,me a demon. No, thye make demons in order to infiltrate whole popel and cultures and Apostolic Church still active even if Bible tells that uch churches will destroy millions of lives. The fox is out and the wolf dressed in sheep clothesand the nmecalling starts when ISIS fights ISIS and I gave it all up many month ago. They play the game motly with very socalled easy tricks where one is suppose to guess which way it is either left ogr right. it is neither or. But like any chess game this chess game is played evene when there are no more squars left and all is wiped out. That is how NATO was built and that is how nations were uilt when they realized THE BIBLE told them they had nothing because then thye could do anything and doing so is why laws are fake to the core nd they do as they like. Hail Marry or hailmyself just as they have absolutely still no idea. Insidently then the shark teeth insident was one of a long series of insidents on my life and they daily do such in various ways like not delivering medicines or opening the bottle of medine at the pharmacy saying they tampered with the content evene if they did not. FEarris the keyword and with fearthey ruled and fooled a whole planet even birds and children must comply with this sort from kindergarten to adulthood being destroyed thinking life is all a game. No, life is life or was uspposed to be so but with Bible at lare is nothing more than Buddism and that is why I am hated because it is all built into BIBLE and IN IN and WORD AMIN. and with that something they cant figure out then, now and probably never. They even tried the way of surrounding every possible solution and still did not mange to undertand the very foundations.)
(03:58: I am late at going to bed because continued terror on my life. Because of yesterdays insident I will now start animations and similar and explain in very simple terms some of the easy parts of The Bible code which in 2014 lead to the ICE WATER CHALLENGE because I wrouet TIAWOL and id not any great CEO and king could not and this told me then thatsame same would prevaild and nothing would change explaining the need to tell a whole world that great men now fell yet same same would prevail and in that The Bible is fake because it allow swirls around and around same same about idols of the falsehoods and then of the real thing which then turns to be lovers of the falsehood nmy babylon in The Bible and they start loving the Bible babylonian city more than they love their kin. yesterday my life was terrorized to such a level I no longer have difficulty is saying that this game of THE LORD OF THE RINGS is so stupid it should be removed but will never and one day in a million years they will still be playing wrong and right all for the wrong reasons because we would have progressed far beyond this vegetable state has it not been for the installing of Kings though the installing of The Bible worldwide. They love it so can love it. However if they love it and hate the real thing, they still are lovers of falsehood.)
(03:20 AM. Another drive by late night time and another car followed shortly after on a road where not many cars drive nighttime. The way they drive is significant. It is agresive and usually fast and accelerating reving up. ANyway, this has been going on for the the past fe years since 2017 and now when my wife has left me thye feel elated and will do more because it is always more easy to bug someone who is alone like Jesus or anyone without anything whic h is what I have had since day one since writing TIAWOL and being instaleld as Emperor in a hotel No One in Khon Kaen in Thailand in 2014 after watching Thor The Dark world and a van would lead the way to the hotel where my wife and I stayed the night. Previously a white Yaris wouldl follow me and my wife around. My wife will deny this. Just as many has previoulsy been denied I am in a possition to tell this story because I LET IT GO and never was a socalled real king not even a CHina such since nothing ha been given or delivered which instaleld me as Rpince of Wales or similar. Sounds laughable and is but why would someone or anyone be a Prince of anything in the first place? Well, that is where The Bible come into play. Just as I was installed then other have been instaleld as princes of the world some in the shadows as shadow warrior some as monks and some as CEOs and hey end up being guilded birds if they team up with the right ones liek in Gordon Gecko the movie where he says , Michael says greed is good which is why I personally dont like greed but they do. I only tell the terror regime some people encounter and daily threats makes life so much more easy since it becomes the order of their day. I am returning to the sameness as in 2013 when being installed as King and from that day I did nothing until Thailand initaed awar ONE ON ONE and Denmark initiated a war on my person. Imagine one man solderin against two nations one with 5 million and the other with 60 million people. Pretty well done. I now continue wriitng daily and multiple times since they have decided to boost their henious terror regime and done so even now denying me penicillin for my tooth. For me this tells me how little they had and have when two nations and even more continue the terror on my life through their own ISIS because same same prevails. Zero is one and visa versa. That is how life was deisnged never a choice which stands firm allways greed for destroying anyone who has nothing to prove they have more than nothing. They have taken over where I left it all and I never had anyting. They do not want anyone to know so why believe in that which one dont know. There is naturally so much to tell and so much to not tell that if saying nothing then what is it there is not to know and not to tell. Well, since they fight oneanother across borders and nations there must be something. Yes, loosing. Winning is to late anyway I was told being a king but hen again that too was a lie since the world gme continues for greeed, love and glory and anyone, like me, finding the holy grail is tried destroyed by makingme and others alike look like fools. Well, that is the easy part and I can help in that department being fooled for the most of 45 years leading me to be installed as Emperor by thatwhich then no longer wishes for some Emperoor but only others. What be an Emperor when nothing follows the title. They will laugh and say I am crazy yet their Kingdoms and their biblical Emperor is just fine. Why when someone says I am king and Herod who is Nimrod who is Jesus kills himself... complete nonsnese but real so because it is lingustics as a science or else it would not stand up destroying themselves as The Bible tells us so why do they fight wanting to go against the word of The Bible, well, that is what we call greed or simply complete nonsense.)
(0300 AM; back at updating at least once per day since terror on my life continues through the evening and night just as many previous nights. It is done so bypassing all of the rights enthrined in international laws and has been used on peoples lives throughout history and they have no respect for life and humans and their continued wars blaming individuals find the biblical code and thruth in language and words and the bible itself which was kept a secret for many years until moderns times technolgy advanged the progressof The Bible rhough translations and The Internet spreading the word letting someone or anyone know but finally someone who was absole to speel down the actual letter of the law to the point where the order of nations law is to destroy nyone who only found why their lives were destroyed by churches priest, pastors and whole nations establishments. They all say not their fault yet adapted bible over the years not teaching what it was all really about namely a book of secret codes which for the enlightnede would reveld a long series of secrets so secrets that it was possible to build a whole world around it. That is the love they have, terror on some and not on others and for days, weeks evene month I did nothing and they kept the terro machine running repeatedly until they broek their own secret code of conduct making anyone and I write down how they operate and terrrorise some and other are given guilded castles. THis may go though the night and each time terror is tsrated again and again I shall continue some article related to this terror regime. THye call themselves DANMARKS MESTRE and they are masters indeed of terror on some and other not. They forget what life was and is and deem some not worth this world game of LORD OF THE RINGS yet how to be LORD OF RINGS first then not considered only worth threats and terror. Terror is biblical and originates in bible. Nations are allowed to use terror even if terror by law is forbidden. Contradictionary and they dont know themselves but now khow to play multiple hands which is why nations are basically divided in two sections never content never agreeable never really in love but always fighting and wars are the evidnese national wars as well as international wars.)
Just as I finished below article on their garbage collection and selling thereof I at 0100 AM hours watch two cars drive past my house on a road which otherwise at this time of night has no traffic. Since midnight many cars and naturally some will be naturally flowing past my house yet since 2017 Denmark has been allowed to fight and start awar on my personal life jyust as ONE on ONE was played on my personal life by Thailand in 2018. Two cars driving slowly past my house formerly my aunts house now I am hated even more because they so much hate anyone who tellso f fake electrical meters robbing peopels lives and ven pointing at EU FUndamental Rights sayin in the danish translation that robbery is allowed by states.
Artikel 17
1. Enhver har ret til at besidde lovligt erhvervet ejendom, at anvende den, at træffe dispositioner hermed og at lade den gå i arv. Ingen må berøves sin ejendom, medmindre det skønnes nødvendigt i samfundets interesse, og det sker i de tilfælde og på de betingelser, der er fastsat ved lov, og mod rimelig og rettidig erstatning for tabet. Anvendelsen af ejendommen kan reguleres ved lov, i det omfang det er nødvendigt af hensyn til almenvellet.
So unless needed allowed to rob (berøve) people. Robbery worse than theft implying usually threats. This is evidense of why such nations as Denmark, similar others, rob people of their lives thorugh wars and by using any means to extract property of any type and kind from people. Thise people who accept blindly being robbed willl be given treats and the rets will be given tricks and one such trick is The Bible in which robbery is allowed but not by those babtied strangesly enough. See, bible is the installing of terrorism installing nations via Romans 13:3. Such romans are not something off the past but alive 2014 ongoing and the robbery continues just as The Bible describes and fashions.
Did you know that cellphones, corporations, banks are hacked to the core and that every single piece of your life is unprivate and that you are similar a share in a stockcompany. Thsoe few fortunate ehough to have flowing cunt juices enough for "GOD" to drink will be spared much of the terror by Isis who is God. A Bloody Mary or a VIrgin mary wasinvented for the pupose and even tomato juice not left alone. That is the defination of poverty when tomato juice becomes a tonic of blood and when God forgets that life was not created by The Stepford WIves but by something much larger than life, then Bible is only the tower in a game which was played to be lost by anyone who was absle to figure it all out just as The Bible tells would and will happen. However it was never believed it would - happen. Imagine God not beliving in god itself. That is when one starts to feel erectile dysfunctional.
Above EU Rights is all a load of nonsense and none of it is lived and whole courts ystems and United Nations and EU Parliament falls flat, just as Bible says. Property is any kind of property but in danish law has been targetted only as real estatebut property is in the legal definition any type of property. Property as real estate is also taxed in denmark ilegally called grundskyld for which owners gets absolutely nothing. If and when taxation is biblical, then bible is still prevailant. The Bible is in fact the only real law which exists and is one law namely the lw of nothing as lies which is why this world has problems and misseyr and taxes and now garbage sold at 7 DKK for 100 grams must be a joke or they are very ill.
2024 July 27 where plus is also danish word for english word plus same as cross which is chinese number ten which is the bibles main feature and ONE and ZERO as cock and cunt.
Affald plus is located with the exit at Industrivej 22 which is the same number I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, lives at with Skolebakken 22. THis is one of the ways nation and companies and establishment suing communication to brainwash peopel and Joenstown massacres is evidesne it works every time and peopel fall for it. It sound almost nonsense but hat is how Adolf Hitler was finlly destroyed because hitler was the good gut wanrting to reform an old garbage dump with emperoor and castels barons and earls to the brink of starving out all of former East Germany, poland, Russia and the socalled east block now also Ukraine and naturally all of the older world from Falkland Islands to Cuba where peopel live is a fake revolution. Cuba is Jonestown relived 1000 times and it worlks. Fidel and all much worse than Hitler. Washington D.C. mush worse than combined European Union with mutiple war inflicted fomr Vietnam Cambodia etc and all mentioend gainand againbecuase now peopel buy garbage dress at 100 gream for DKK 7. at Affald Plud while people private households illegally pays to rid the very garvage manufactured by production companies. EU Directives clearly states by law that corpirations must pay but illegal democraticgovernance produce shit for laws and destroys humans, people and now someone stupid enough will buy dress at DKK 7 for 100 grams weighed by the gram. We are now living in a bible world so ill it is only bible which is comfort knowing such ill behaviors takes place.
Wars are by design made to keep people at bay and Cubans live in poverty in houses not worse rats. Never mind vegetables. Castro should be court marchalled and ICC should step it up and demand that CUba be returned for life, living and genuine peopel. pope France, you play games and are not worthy your poverty trying to live like the meak because you are a King, a royal, a fake and this was realized many years ago and Da vinc Code movie tries to tell the stroy of how fake The vatican was and is fooled big time.
(Just again as I finish above small article and I go to by bed for relaxation and sleep another car agressively drives past my house reving up which is probably the way some drivers try to tell other that their penis is too small to fit in their pocket or somthing similar and in all cases such has been done now since 2017 and since I picked up my wife a few days ago I am npw played LOST at the very house my Aunt lived and she tried to do what they say they do better yet killed her and her family for the past 40 odd years. I was played the fool since 2017 and was enetred into a world chesaa game so silly I actually never played come to think of it. Now they won and they are back at sand castels and making up lies about the ones they wish to destroy because there were many people and families they hated and wish to destroy just as the destruction of my family and life was started many years ago previous TIAWOL and little did I know until introduced to surveilqance and a garbage collection facility where second hand former garbage now recycled at DKK 7 per 100 grams. Insanity or simply Cuba Fidel Castro up to people because the catsles still stands where they stood yesterday except for former Yogoslavia and each word in Bible destroyed themselves and used as the tool to sell garbage when such should be given away or donated but now is paid for paying the salaries of my very own pension via tazex selling garbage. One mans garbage is another mans... )
One man's garbage is another man's treasure
That is the law of nations and will be the law with which nations builds Cuban conditions - just as The Bible tells. Cubans seems to not have lost their spirit and perhaps poverty is the way to become alive. Perhaps Cubans can define why the land cant produce imports from USA when USA wished to be great. There is so much nonsense it is good to have The Bible to find why there is so much Mr. Hillfinger. Next article in the making.
2024 July 26
Fake electrical meter usage
It is now 2300 hours and I went to bed and cars drive past racing and I play my cock as usual as for the past 60 odds years even while inside womb. Then I dont and emails from respectivelyly and uses times tsamps nd IP numbers to point in some direction yet I am not playing yet they demand I play so letting it go is impossible and LETTING IS GO as per Disney movies all fale too. The world you live in have biblical terms and now Skolebakken 22 and my inherited house from my Aunt at Rønnedvej 88 is played and she lived in Faxe as did my family at a large white house so hated by the establishment that when it was ultimately realized state and nations was fooled then Niels Ulrik Reinwald was played the fool for all to know and see and hey demand playing only the same game again and again up and down as in a sexual movement joining cock and cunt which is why they had their biblical laugh and now won prior this night when China plays the card 40 which is the esoteric number played by danish nazi state so thus nation win it all and in doing so have installed a new LORD OF THE RINGS as per tonight when a clodhopper dressed in ref football shirt stands bottom in netto as I shop trying to communicate somthing which is now so ill it is no wonder The Bible was absolutely right all along. I won but now lost and was provoked today with 100 of violations against my life and when someone say otherwsie knowing the truth then it is even so more ill that it is not even worse considering playing anymore actually since 2015 when I visited this nazi state and was tried killed then as in in Sweden 2017 with fake invoices and threats on taking me to national courts with such fake invoice when Telia demanded SEK 30.000 for 10 years cell phone use when terms dictate the shutdown of the account if not paying. Many ismilar case since 2017 by danish nazi state with 1000 of cases one where GAS was forced to be purchsed and also electrical meters hacked showing fake usage. Such done on millions sometimes with small added watts usage and the emectrical production is a myriad of deep state corruption where peopel have overpaid for products and do so this day when whole nations are being controlled from elsewhere and peoples lives are lived just as per Bible in a deep state ofdespair which I unluckily knew about because my mother and her ister became deep religious to the brink of total annihilation while living used as fodder for peoplw to see how Jonestown MAssacres was biblically used deliberately to destroy lives and I know this shit and I am therefore in complete knowledge of this very very ill system played on me and billions of other peoples lives. For better or worse what nonsense. Asia runs away screaming when deep nazi state plays deliberate games on my life by using terror of by placing obstacles in front of peoples lives such as doing 1000 cases of fakes demanding people complain when the elctrical bills suddenly is at 500% more than usual and the system is hacked when such meters are run and operated by the controlelrs of the electrical companies and not people themselves. Even when peopel can do their own meter the system does not read that data but only the meter data produced by the electrical company rendering political sytems so corrupt that bible is only reason why such is done because at THE ENDTIMES BIBLE tells of missery, terror and loss on a scale which makes GIRLS WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO live her own life without the journalist who came to figure out why a girl dispeared in Sweden realizing that some people then start fucking peopels lives using threats and hate and biblical terror because bible allows this. The terms of The Bible is terror is Isis is terrorism and the rest is just the mental state best described as Vincent van Gogh which BTW was too most likely a fake. Mona Lisa also. Even Bible now played as if it was the only thing left to play and I was told I was followed yet folowing me is like reading the last word in their own foundation and constitution which insidently renders nations illegal namely their constitutions adding to their foundation adding more than love and you cant add somehting to nothing so they do as they please without consierations of life and that is why Jesus, the eye, was hated yet they love him whihc is a she yes now dress him in woman cloth like the dragqueen Jesus was and by golly does any name exist even saying nothing is now the way they play to win. back to stroking the biblical nerve which they so much demand to play that they only have left and right to play with which is the nerve as the mustle of love they dmand being either played small or large just as they lay multiple layers onthe invoices so they use the corporrate structures to extract not only oney but life just as the Bible describes will happens once the nations establishments realizes it was mega fooled. Some would then say, let it go and be honest but no, they start wars and terror and whoever wrote the most bloddy book ever knew such thngs would happen. This website and its writing is just birdfeed compared to bible and cherry picking The Bible became the order of the year for thegift of life is poisonous which is wy I, NUR, let it go in 2014 yey was terrorized multiples month and now counting years so Bible tells exactly what must be returned. I could have not written a single thing but when someone is standing on ones foot one will flush away that which stands on ones foot. The fluching was and is done and their foot keeps standing on my foot so the fushing continues since The Bible tells hat elephants flushshing and terror is the only thing they wish for because it is written into the Bible. SImilar today when clodhoppers starts threatening when I simply count the number of terrorist passing my house on a road which has a speed limit which they continuely violate yet when I dont violate the speeds they invent such violations just like inventing the change of traffic lights and change of anything else though their lovely baby The Bible.
I lost and now can write as I please without ever having to wonder if there is a luck or life after this because for 50 odds years only terror using evene love to terrorize. Evidesne is two world wars prior me being born. Evidnese is pyramids in Giza without any function 1, 2, 3. Evidense is everywhere and when lovely peopel only can look through the lookingglass then being a fool and avoiding such benevelent love is best since Bible tells exactly how it all ends which is why they keep saying it is not near which is hogwash because The Bible is cock and pussy rubbing very close and near each other rubbing nerves and that is as small and near as it gets. Even when Saint Peter is feeling the urge and even educated flees do it. Marry Christmas and I shall enjoy the masturnating which only gets better the more mature one gets just like it is said wine gets better inside a bottle which is probably also fake since residue no longer is part of winemaking. There are now so many fakes thatone fake more or less makes little change to the overall configuration. The mind like taste things but taste things dont like the mind or do they. Well, sometimes even the simplest of Matrix makes todays played game look like the movie The Matrix without Kianu Reaves playing in a set fileld with only biblical references. More to write as dawn breaks the day for another bewildering day when their jeoulosy tells me, as they said 2017: "One man with so much power" yet I gave it all. That is how I play and the rules are simple, their are no rules thus no game. "God" and nations have faked the game for centuries making people beleive evene when they know it all to be a lie people then beleive there will be something yet reading The Bible tells one exactly what follows.
just as I finish that last word, follows, with a punctuation - a large noise produced outsde on the road with a car whoohing past the house as usual. Watch F16 and know that such planes are made to kill and destroy not to protect and kills even their children and millions of people. When F16if not the tool to use they unflict terror via healthcare and old peoples nursing homes and taxation and any other items but the structure is the same namely to use the biblical foundation as the support system of their terrorism. Now people learned about The Bible and leanrd how to play the game in such a way that it is never posible to win it and The Bible tells exaclty how this comes about. Much of the terror is made because most canøt figure the simplest of item in Bible nor the structure which is why Bible is considered something prior being a vegetable. Imagine being a vegetable before knowing. Was that a cumymber or selleri. Well, perhaps as someone told me... just a vegetable. Now one becomes a vegetable even when winning even when loosing and if you know the Bible enough you know exactly how this operates. There is absolutely nothing in The Bible which makes you a non-vegetable. All make beleif all made up all so amazingit makes one wonder then why there are tempels, churches and heavens all over the place with brand among products when the vegetable state seems to be the final destination anyway. They must have lost their life along the way. Dont tell a billion followrs it is not real because then eveything is vegetables and evene that is nonsense. NUR hated so much and writing TIAWOL was taken offline yet through terror by danish NAZI state and some popel and corporations one must fight back because one shall never accept sich evil thatevil becomes love and life. That is how much a new language is needed and designed in some movies because it all went horrible wrong. Annus Horribilus was aday in the park compared and Queen could have stood down among the peopel and said I no longer am but she did not and thatmakes her and her followers the vegetable hich does not exist and anyone younger than 30 dont know only popel life the Prince of Wales because of the absolute idolation of such people. Today I was also shown an idol and I had white elphants dropped in my face just as cars and noise viaalso email is used to terrorize without any other thing than a hint of a promiss which is played like the Isis war with terror and God is isis is terror and therefor Bible knew h´this and wrote that susch would happen. Why the hell I, NUR; am then demanded stopped from writing is contradictionary to The Bible.
Just as I finish above paragrahp another cars races past my house grindingits face using noise as terror telling me that my writing is horific when all I am writing is what is their very own foundation which explains why they win using terror. terror as Isis wins. Isis being Ishtar or Aphrodite or A virgin or anyone hwom they deem glorified to become one of their idols. Imagine - no, know, that The Bible tells how nation-states will use any means even hcildren to kill people and to terrorize because the baby in Bible born is killing the mother giving birth thus kills itself and the child is stillborn. That is the algoritm of The Bible and parts thereof. The rest is a selfy of less-than-vegetable-states in which someone believes they are born to be Buddha when Buddha is the child born from a dead womans womb rendering a white canvas of nothingness explaing why I had to fight ONE ON ONE with 60 million Thai people and then won but now lost. It is like Kasparov never playing the first game because he will loose the last game played. In NEON I write it that NUR on this day was played to loose and happily so since I gave it all many month ago. More noise will follow and I shall continue to write some repeated tales and some new because there is so much that world needs 1000 "Wikipedia" to fill the voids of lies and fortunately The Bible is that 1000.
Vegetables: Jonathan Black’s book “The Secret History of the World”
Tonight I go shopping and I am encountering yet again a level of "biblical communications" where in, 3 women stands and otherwise some usual cars drive past naturally all completely natural since my book and life has no mening and is of no value which is why they keep harrashing my life and they wanted allready back in 2014 to destroy me and have practiced this on peopel like Mogens Glistrup (a man hated by the establishment) and multiple others evene famous people who are left to know not to become too idolized since only GOD is the only idol which god wants you to accept the terms of. It is called DICTATORSHIP and GOD is the dictator of all dictators and the evidense is, that people who become dictators are aware of the esoteric bible in which god itself is Amun Ra and or Buddha and cannow start becomming LORD OF THE RINGS and all gets to harry potter and spins into a myriad of insanity in which all and everything is Berlosconi until botox canno longer fix anything. My video tonight was a first attempt but I shall practice making such some more. Buddha naturally wants Buddha just like GOD wants GOD. Same. Tell god not to be god is like madness yet asking me not to upload or write or do what gods do namely terrorize all other gods. That is what gods do watch movies like GODS OF EGYPT or read the most bloody book of em all THE BIBLE the inspiration of WONDER WOMAN and even SUPERMAN from a distant star system landing on Earrh what the hell so different from my small story found via below menu. I am now no longer part of this idiotic game and will upload as I see fit and will now flabbagast my way though life as most do since all there is left is to write whatever comes to mind like a SONG of Taylor Swift from wich we read lyrics with BABY BLUE all so filled with esoteric biblical blabbering that my book TIAWOL looks like the wrap of a candybar. If Taylor said what she sings to herself lying on a bench she might think she was a shrink.
Why are shrinks called shrinks when shrink means someone that gets smaller? The world we live in is a shrink. See, words and languages are designed and the terms under which you live are not yurs and you are a robot thinking you are not. If you had the idea and set it all up from day one 7000 years ago youd now be in control of it all. Since I was LORD OF THE RINGS no more then I can gladly say that it is now time to educate in how to avoid ever falling up in out of love.
My first thai wife would early 5 oclcok morning run and took my debit card and emotied it. My second thai wife not but everyone wants something for nonthing and love is for sale. I was the fool. That is why in 2018 in Denmark I was called the fool near where I lived. Then played the king yet I was as unusually normal as anyone and demanded nothing yet was played a king on and off just ike fools and being a fool taught me that is takes a fool to know afool. Now I know many fools and they keep showing that fools want it all. Here it is, you have it.
A small video (I am practicing making videso since I am not used to make such), a story, a few images, tonight. A saga so large it has yet produced absolutely only terror by the establishment, a whole nation against one man, Niels Ulrik Reinwald.
I might present a small video within a few days since it may better portray a stroy which has evolved into exactly as described since TIAWOL, 2013, and with a saga ongoing which delivers only threats and gangster mentalities just like today when every opportunity is used while out driving on the public roads with crowbars flashing, screaming and yelling angry being who has forgot the very foundation they stand on. There is no end to The Bible and as it was told, not by me, then there is only the beginning and soit starts every day and I do nothing except I driveon the roads I pay to drive on and I throw the garbage now recyclebles where i pay to dump it and laws are bogusnot followed and Udges, BookofJobs, shall fall. Where do they fall_ Well, it tells us. Itis still very perculiar they, nations establishments, dont believe their own foundation, establishment. I shall ad a few more items later today since there is so much to mention.
ISIS is The Sun is the terrosist and bible is the terrorist is The Sun in Isis is Asia and state dnish is one of the worst NAZI states ever which is destroying its people allowed so by Israel and USA and similar even NATO and it allied. GOD cant fix this boiling broth and keeps spoilling alerts about left, right, up and down. It is easy like candy once figured out. Democracy lives in yesterdays castles and is as fake as can be. Bible tells exacly this and unequivocally breaks away from all of yesterday. That is why nations via corporations now use pricing to flush out all of humanity. That is why garbage is termed recyclable yet is charged ilelgally at a cost where 100 grams of second hand dress is cosong 7 DKK at Rønnede garbage center called and my stupid Asia wife today purchahed 470 grams worth so ill it belongs in the only book of death that exists - the bible.
Niels Ulrik Reinwald lost and will not play this hillbilly game anymore. Bible is 100% guarantee that Niels Ulrik Reinwald is right and there is only one thing to say about Bible and that is, it is equal to LAW OF JANTE.
My mother had a book written by Carl Kock (or was the book placed in my Aunts house I will never know) a danish Author book named JESU BILLEDBOG which translates to JESUS PICTUREBOOK. It starts in the usual vegetable state mentionning living as vegetables and then moves on mentioning Amun Ra related to Bible. Yesterday I found this book while cleaning up my Aunts house. The book was then said to me was all wrong yet at Glyptoteket in Coppenhagen they have artifacts by Egyptian art and Budism mixes with christian and roman empire religion including pagan.
Kock is cognate Cock.
Further more today more fighting since I yesterday worked very hard and mentioned while making food that everyting changed and by me since a whole world went berserk based on my book TIAWOL and eventually it can be proven emprically that Bible is a book about all religions and took me to places yet delivered abslutely nothing and now being terrorized again when my usual dentist dos not give men penicillin thus wishing to kill me and never fixed my teach as paied for and as per time made as an appointment.
This world game is leading nowhere and there is no circling or change or anything since everything and nothing happened. The reason why I wrote TIAWOL was because it was meant to be so that anyone who encounters bible as the esoteric technology then one realized it is that and is the center of all and everything and has absolutely nothing to do with a socalled divine entity which one makes you play golf in heaven.
So another day of terrorism and another day when today at 16:40 driving to buy wood for house a car stops over the line at shark teach and my wife then becomes agitaged becuase of this continued terror on my person.
Game over for me and I have only portrayed the reality of this world in which people try to live. Now they have it all and I made 100% sure of this. The book mentioned JESU BILLEDBOG I shall display shortly.
Furthermore the dentish Resa at Gråsten did 3 times not deliver and pulled out the wrong tooth one month ago and did not give penicilling and I considers that a way to kill my life. It is over and I am free and will write as I please and I shall update regularly now that I am positive hate is the only thing humans know and want based on Bussidsh and chrsitianity and below Olsen Gangster movie and Huset på chriaitnshavn is a very small cornerstone of a large structure on Denamrk and dnaish culture under the umbreall termed LAW OF JANTE which is the only law of danish state.
The game for Niels Ulrik Reinwald., I, is over. Updates follow shortly since my earlier wife has nowplayed the game on me since 2010 visiting my family in this very ill culture based on religion so ill it kills and destroyed as per Bible all of humanity with WALKING DEAD and now an Asian woman screaming at my face becuase a car in traffic does uses sinple continued terro on my person in the simple hope that my wife will start to yell at me and write this article andnow DANISH NAZI state destroyed her life and my life and I shall continue write on my small website which has to this day delivered nothing but terror and israel waging war on people and USA and deanmark NAZI states both viaeaoteric hogwash wanting to build arms trades at trillions of Dollars and the petro dolalrs keeping poeple at check mate now with food proces rising also in Denamrk at a rate where prices are sued to terrorize people lives thorugh living.
Many articles to follow and I may "reprint" the mentione above book for all to see so it is known what destroyd my family since last century and today where I as one single person must carry the burden which they so much want. Now they have it. Pictures, animations and #2 on its way they, DANISH NAZI state, made sure of that and now I know how they killed whole people and cultures and never had any virgin except fake Jesus and the bible is eidesne of this fact emperical which is why #1 was the biggest event since Adam was written down in sand to destroye as whole planet midst aSolar system which is all about cock and cunt.
My second book is in he foundry and I do not accept this level of terrorism on my life anymore nor on other peoples lives. Danish nazi state is similar Hostel 1, 2 and 3 movies. Nazi from day one deadly and killing all of humanity and yesterdayas I cleaned my Aunts house a cubbars they had written MORD on it using there usual esoteric surveilance and the house is hated just like my Aunt was murdered by state and its people, some, and this has been going on for centuries where now Biden was elected by esoteric bastards now wanting a woman to be president which is greta. They got it all and she will flourish while dancing to the bells of NAZI states in and with the LAW OF JANTE.
On the 25th of Jne my Aunt Anne Reinwald died and was killed. Ske lived only 3 month at an old peopels home oerated by municiplaity and sevents day adventist a religious JESUS RA organisation which terrorized all of humanity. I know I was and am right since Bible exactly speaks of how people and nations will rise agaist each other and that story started many many years ago. Now they blame it on one person, Niels Ulrik Reinwald. Imagine wanting to kill me while terrorizing me is like pissing on an ant. bastard then and now and forever. Now they won and I made sure of it since I have guaranted everyone corner of a whole planet now knows hate rather than can live together. I lost their chess game which I never played.
Now so much to write and it will take me my lifetime to write and that is all I have, words. Cheear to this evil caniving piece of vomit which is not able to deliver nor is able to tell a whole people of this world that nations and kings just got ot all wrong and lost now won since winning is being a terrorist apparantly.
Above piece of garbage filth is what destroyed my familty and many others. There is religios freedome in order to be free from religion. Anyone whoe believes in religion like COCK and CUNT like this has serious issues with there mind and above book JESUS is the filth of this world similar GOD CHANNEL, WOMMACK, BENNY HINN, PETER POPOFF and mnay others now also state priest where priest is the word for prostitutes and nothing more by design and all they have is groin and sweaty armpits and one ends up smelling like the piss of land one trots on like this NAZI state far worse than Pshycho movie series and far worse than combined world wars and reason for world war 1 and 2 is because of the exisiance of NAZI state Denmark meaning Kramden as HUG DEN where esotericlly Den is a den, birds den, and or one as the biblical cock.
Book jsus so much loved by NAZI state danish: cover 1, cover 2.
He makes nations great and destroys them;
He enlarges nations, then disperses them.
Nations did unto themselves. Nations also babtized humanity killing all of humanity. Who reads the FINE PRINT when accepting GOOGLE TERMS nobody and you better not read any such terms. People and little teen girls o so smart with candy in their hair and have absolutely no idea whar is written just under hteir small noses. Clever or intelligince is the most overrated and anyone looking the part makes me think of a pig without pork.
It is named YOU TUBE for a reason - part of the terms. Now your tube is their tube. Humans are not worth one single letter at combined Wikipedia had it not been for the fancy idea that reality has nothing to do with human brains or diginity or anything else. Similar democracy similar royal house similar Bible.Bible is the terms and nobody reads 'em. And they still have not figured it all out.
Bible the terms of
When it comes to term and conditions then humans usually dont read anything not even recipies. They hardly read or understand the political temrs. The foundation and have not read constitution and if, dont understand them. 99.999999% of all of humans can just cope with participating in sitting in a couch watching IDOL USA or American Got Talent while Bible is the talent and it is even hard for most to swallow the popcorn bought at a redicoulous price with little to no taste. People can just manage scrolling up and down their phones. can just mangane to drive a car and that is why with get traffic lights. Democracry is the X people can just manage to think about every 20 years or so without any idea of what it means to operate a country yet alone being a GOD or a car for that matter. Robots are better than humans. Cigarettes was smoked by idiots brainwashed fools. Doctors cant cure nations peoples illnesses with more than half the population in peril of dying or in pain and suffering from an early gae where diabetes and all sorts of technologies has been introduced to kill and keep peopel ill and sick just enough not to keep the streets flowing with vomit. Medical and arms treaties are the DIGNITY with which Unitaed nations wipe their asses while royals of this world from Dubai to Thailand to Brunei has no clue of terms of naything except the napkin which wipes their royal asses while kings and queens pretend tey dont have an ass anyways. That is why danish nazi state had tol sell their golden toilet and today th royal house is more dead than alive and royals in that house cant even play poker or keep their faces straight when they smile at the camera because they dont know wtaht such a thing is because they think they are the camera with only focus on their lives which consists of absolutely nothing esle but idiots who serve them for pennies and a clap on the shoulder padding waiters and freemasons with their groins juices while acting thatt heir intestines are made of pearls and precious metals. From pretence to pretence the masks are fallen yet it is possible when not reading the terms to keep up the appearnace which is why I, NUR, have absolutely no quarrels with knowing exactly that humans are nothing but that - humans with a mouth and a few orifices from which feeling flows once nerves have played their tricks and part of what we call life. Life is that - electrical impulses and there is nothing more amazing about a human than there is of a star or a whole galaxy or for that matter an ant colony which you dont see until someone point you in the terms of the directions of how ants behave and live and you have absolutely no idea that ants are more smart than the combined human race since 5 billion years back even if years did not exits then.
Spitting images or cartoon and Rolling Sones was invented because you cant actually live since life is made up of traffic lights and roundabouts and roads and cars which you think you control but you dont. You eat the shit you are given and life starts as soon as you die when you are born so said the priest of the state church of danisj nazi state at Faxe Church the city of Thor and Odin and all the rest of the cock sucking idiots who cant figure out how to flush out a simple structure called Affald Plus. People pay to rid garabage yet it is companies who are suppose to pay for recycling not individuals. Like the danish bottle recycling system termed the best of the world only becuase people are now suppose to collect a few coins doing the job whihc corporations should pay for. When a Coca Cola is 3 US Dollars you are living in other terms than the terms you make me live in and for that TIAWOL was written and is continued expanded yet this webite and my wriitng alone prove I might as well write for a hole in the ground or better for ants becuase at least they dont terrorise me or others. MAKE AMERCAN GREAT AGAIN when COCA COLA is 3 Dollars. Are you fucking idiots. Yes. Coca Cola is ok but at a price where flushing your toilet with beer is cheaper than doing so with water at Benidorm is like saying, ber, fish and chips and then sunshine is all it takes to make this colony happy sincethey cant figure out how to spell YCARCOMED backwards.
If I was Trump, I would definately pull out of the race because it is the race for idiots historically.
Say Law Of Jante. Say Bible. Say AMEN. Say fuck myself.
Waste and end of waste and emperical evidense private household shall not pay for garbage disposal and waste now classified as recyclables and not waste where no household private has any waste and only waste is produces by waste holsers such as large scale waste management facilities. European Union is via corporations and politicians robbbing poepl of their money and thus lives. Private household has no way to manage waste or to influence waste liek large structures such as waste management and corporatiions has and waste is in danish NAZI state illegal and a court case proves this and also proves that judges and danish court if corrupt demanding I and other get legal counsel which is ilegal since anyone is suppose to defend oneself. Most danes dont know the end they sit on but play as if thye do and today a fella danish drives ats my house hwile i renovate it while he yells he wishes to destroy my life then that is another evidense of how not only state and nations destroys lives but also via this story where my life is surveilved yet is illegal but the terms are as per bible that any word can be added or subtracted because nations added kings and royals house to the foundation which ocntains nothing namely LOVE. This alone renders nations illegal and in violation with their own law namely their own foundation The Bible. They have since TIAWOL not even figured the most simple of matters related to their own foundation and Judges are in Jobs Book of suppose to fall and they did and do as per case fought on my person and life realetd to very small traffic violation so small thatthey dont evene exists since their meassurring systems is flawed whereas GPS cellphone tracing tells the exact speed and not their fake traffic cameras used to manipulated poeples lives and peopel drive around not knowing how their lives are being manipulated and that is whu freedom is a sage, myth, busted, like naything else and they have absolutely no idea that their lives are manipulated from day one from birth just as per the political lsystem in Sweden termed FROM CRADLE TO GRAVE.
Since TIAWOL and a whiole politial system has been following TIAWOL and the making of a President and now they hate him or rather are trying to do a Jonestown on a whole world population since they dont't love love.
2024 July 23
Kingdom of Yugoslavia vanished
2024 July 22
This is partially how I came from a life writing TIAWOL and then making leading me to be installed as an EMPEROR but nothing was ever really given as promissed except a range of usual levels of "communications" such as cutting the left leg of my Aunt june 4th 2021 using my cousin as a help since she is a non beleiver now a believer of nothing! the depts is pretty easy and I shall present a video since videos with talk might at least be more easy for some to consume. The installing of #2 on its way and tis morning again trucks pass my house now at Rønneveje 88 4640 faxe where I am revovating house while teh estatblishemnt is installing F16 in Ukrain as the next Kosovo.
Also imagine people walking to NEUENGAMME as NEW SPECTOR as the new 007 as the new terror trying to make a new world. One kingdom can vanish so can and did Denamrk Kingsom with a king today who does nothing but portray the cupcake definaitionof a glaze. Then there was Hungary where a white elephant was given by danish queen and later realized tht royal houses was absolete.
that is why I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, am being destroyed on multiple levels. I am portrayed as an idiot and a masturbaing fool one day with a hanging cock the next day rock hard and they canøt make up there mind which is the winner. Neither they then make it. It is called Psycho or Hotel 1, 2 and 3. Birds is all they have and it canøt fly. The lovely cunt is symbolically the religion of the world and that was after they built into Bible buddism and 30.000 greek gods where Parthenon is the temple of fucking.
Why did Yugoslavia vanish? Read the source. Bible. it says so exactly. That is why they lost even before it begang and they were fooled big time. Only problem is, taht the installers now play that the war contined fighting with pixels of cunts and not the real thing. While I watch the tube is the thing between your legs. that is how shallow it was and is and aound it all was created and they had a laugh yet bible tells us the last last is watching kingdoms fall wich is why I early 2014 said so that I am not aking but they then played me a king in order to fullfill the prophecy. What king? Kina or China. Well, that may also be wrong but if noone created the bible and the source feeds back to buddism we at least do find Asiawhere Asie is the word danish for a small cucumber.
And the away "GOD" has bugged a whole planet is through COVID mask and displaying on world media through signs and symbols and similar Smerconish at CNN when he was shown that I was watchging CNN he got irritated and said "every time I go online at CNN you are on" but that is only i his mind since he never saw my picture playing when I wa 6 years of age a happy child just like he was now playing world game. I can understand. However tht is how a whole planet gets tired of some by continued bombardment just like real hot wars are used to control the huan mind while happy cunts play music at and happy hours are a way to make time pass. Similar Smerconish a whole planet was intrduced to NUR and NUR never asked for and never got anything for it and all based on destroying people thorugh deception biblical and even buddism since at iarport Thailand monks would stand count millions of BATH because religion and their buddism used to deceive a whole planet for better and worse. When worse, they dont want it. For me it was the same then as it is today.
2024 July 20
Never again, it was said. But they are doing never again. There has been nothing and nothing was ever "back" and 1000 video-pictures of dripping wet cunts did nothing. It is now the time for starting what they so much never want and nations terrorism via its establishement are the reasons why we have many problems on this world. A woman 81 years of age yesterday told me "the pension have never been higher". Nonsense. Common wealth is never disributed explaning why it is always the same and again is again each day with same royal housesof one which is doing it again and again including installing the next iteration of the enxt emperor whom they so much love since that was the reaosn why they destroyed me and instaled me, NUR, to fullfill the biblical prophesy. Pop music, Facebook and much else like advertising and their very ill sysems under the destructive name and rule called democraccy makes this world a plave where death is the only rule they play by eplaning why Asia so much loves to move to same same even within a single wekk or day. Now they have their new prince of drness in Thor The Drak World while they terrprse my life which will only build more content for the only website worldwide to break away from terrorism. Nations have debt and there will only be such like American great Again since AGAIN is again played smack in peopl faces and people standl ike wavebreakers destroying the waves. People are living in Jonestown and are used as such and cyanide is just another world for religion which will, it seems persis, yet real dynamicchange never happens and billions of people are left to tyle danish mentalities where most wont live in a lace like this namtion but only do so because the alternative does not exists. Denmark is NAZISM incarnated and is run like stasi regimejust like during WW2. Breivil wasjust the face of their ill wills and Breivik was only the another advertising for the Apocalypse making people wear mask and be injected like herds of chewinggum. It is with deep shame that someonw like Jesus has to wittness this and see his followrs swallow the pill of death while complete fools play me like a fool and less spitting on my life each and every day by the will of such greatness that the same greatness begins to fade. The other day I picked up my wife at the train and saw some lovely peopel and I wonders why are they all going on busses and trains to where - rhetorical. Once they it 90 years of age and mnay are dead the busses nd trains will fill with other inrollers of this millitry regime based on the biggest law om them all. Love. Now nothing, now everyting. NowI was never really nothing esle but a crap nebula of a far distant galaxy and I have been played the fool since 2013 and my like surveiled viamu imaz, Android and cameras installed where CTTV in ex. London are only the visible signs of real genuine nations antritrust towards people.
As I wrote the lovetracking today 20th they drive past my house with cars trailers and letting it jump at the bump in the road with metal inside sonding like swords rattling. This is the bible they are doing. They even started wars and are bankrupted however through deceit and poverty on themselves statewise left themselves destroying anything in their pass. They have nothing and there never was a virgin many except for something we all have way back far and long ago before bible. Cars, trailers, bumps in the roads and sometime diable car logos and the occational luxury high end car with four wheels.
SWASTICA 6 strokes. Star of David 6 strokes. Same. Cock and cunt just as per They rattle like a snake and their metal sounds hollow while they continue making terror on people through my website hoping for me to write something and still I have written nothing.
Naturally over the years they and other nations have accumulated, ia deception, their nation based on fabrication leaving million of people in despair suffering just as the nation itself dies at the end just as the biblical program is programmed. They reacted to the second death. I dont know why. They act and live as if they believe yet when it comes to believing, they dont believe. They surveil people lives, mine too, and that is enough to tell and prove they have nothing. This started 20213 in Thailand and they bug every part of peopel lives, cars, phones. Everything. That is why they are called bugs. They are the bugs not ROTE ARME or similar not even ISIS or other socalled organisation not even Hamas. Bible and its religion is a greed and robbery beleif and that part of they beleive. When then little lovely longlegged women walk on or at the tain stations or at the airport one looks and think, WAU.
They keep saying DONT COME BACK but I never was neither back nor anywhere, no deal. Nothing as far as I know and LISTENING TO SPIRIT ASIA just became listening to noise.
2024 July 18
Ever hard o AngelKIT- ever hear of hate? Tomorrow a vdeo describing the horrors people endure via Bible by nations-state(s). Adolf Hitelr and the forerunner of what was to biblicall to come. Adolf Hitler and angel. BTW, christians and and disbelievers helped kill Anne Elsebeth Reinwald in less than 3.5 month through installing her at Søndervang nursinghome owned partially by Daninsh NAZI Seventh Day Adventist. The evidens is the medical facilities of this NAZI state worse that burning and spliting up the wombs of alive pregant women while eating Caviar and sipping Champagne. Evil was made and invented for the purprose of The Bible to see how far people would endure. State danisg is the ultimate Addolf Hitler and Norwegian Anders Breivik and both are baby-powder compared to NAZI Denmark. Breivik the old norse name of a danish city. NAZism lives while people try to make Trump live while "GOD" tries to kill Trump. Like a Diana. The DANISH DEATH ceriticate as much worse as these words. If words have no meaning. REDRUM or MURDER (WORD MORD commited by nations) see Movie Shining which references NAZI nation-state Denmark, esoterically. If you can not see, do not believe. Biblically they are dead risen from the dead. Dead then alive, from death. It is called Corpus Mors.
And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken (ἐγκατέλιπες) me?
ἐγκατέλιπες LEFT me.
Denmark via esoterically its "40" wanted out, left, right. Denmark is mors.
They (state danish via establishment and people whom NUR taught since 2013) told me PICKING NOSE was the rule and play yet when finally playing as they describe, they delimit and denounce the very words they nose-pick themselves. Video is for the time being because of time constraits off but will be part of this website in one form or another.
2024 July 16
Watch movie Oblivion how an entity in the sky extracts from Titan planet water from the oceans yet tells us we are down in and with bible. I was right since 2014 moving into 2023. Now I am invited to write more since yesterday when I went to shop for paint and items for renovating my house. I work very hard and nobody in governance would do similar. Then it was said that DIY yet doing DIY leaves only terror and what esle is there. Being born is not a choice. Being alive in an infested pool of filth when shows 17 olds girls in Italy do the cat walk. When women are used at as lure to infiltrate. Insidently, the story that was created by someone else and the purchased by is another load of nonsense. THis small article made from yesterdays and many days terrorism on my life just as people indure terrorism via Ukraine old systems and supported by NATO and Denmark then it shows only one thing, that nations supports nations while people suffer tremendously. Danish state supported slavery and do so doday under the disguise of democracy and Primeminister looks the part while she has no idea how people suffer in this hillbilly nation from old peopels homes to hospitals to living and housing millions stand ill one way ot he other. I know a handfull of people and most of them suffer one way or the other. Ca. 1960th the tax revneue of Denamrk huted down an American Mr. Thai who had money from USA but danish state wnated the money. Mr. Thai also had a child with a danish women and a partnetship gone wrong somehow. Then he took his one engine plane and crashed while sipping whiskey. So the story goes. I was five at the time so who knows. State probably killed Mr. Thai. I shall load this story in detail and show Mr. Thai and friends as he was destroyd by danish nazi state supported by this matrix entity. Little did I know that state danis nazims started the takedown of my life at a very yoing age ca. 0 years of age. From then on just a barrage of terror and I am here to tell and show how the esoteric world and echelon (name also of my house electric meter measure) use their knowledge to extract all they can under the disguise of socialism far worse than ols Ukraine and old Poland and Oligarchs in Russia. Yes, world is moving along just fine in areas but babylon still stand towering in 10.000 places from church spires to skyscraber. WHICJ ONE IT IS must be Adolf itler explaining why they destroyed that system which reformed a whole world from 1930th to 1950 with United Nations, Israel etc. Adolf Hitler made a demi god and will sure be remembered in publich schools as the villain yet he was the ultimate tool on how gods are created. They, the establishemnt dont hate Hitler they love him and adapted everything Hitler did using exterminations yet today sme under the pretense of democracy. NUR is not back as such. Just following terrorism and since based on their terror extracting money and resources and the evidense was shown to me in an airporti in Asia where Buddism prevails and is used to extract everything as in movie Oblivion all fake and all make belief. Yes, believe.
One emperor builds one man ruling a fifth of Earth landmasses and we are talking so much wealth all there is left to see the distribution of it. Since many days of terror then back with animations which will be shown later for now articles and relations to the esoteric world and establishment extracting wealth and money from the poorest and from theose whom they hate.
2024 July 15 A small update follows shortly related also to fake danish design and SOCIAL WELFARE which is a term used to describe COMMON WEALTH where governance has the WHITE ELEPHANT ROYAL ORDER by The Kingdom meaning democracy is ROYAL. Democracy is proven fake. Today I was played since I have taken over my Aunts house and I am painting walls. To break the color needs toning. Brown I used however a mix of brownish (earth hue) and black is better since an offwhite slightly is prefered and makes white tinatanium panels looks very bright.
Hello to The World of deception, biblical. I shall point where in bible humans are left for a 1000 years with a demon yet I was told I was also in Thailand yet demons is the choice of this World game. Not an enigma but confusion however I have it all figured out and today danish people played me and they still have absolutely no idea. More follows soon on fake democracy, fake nations, and fake dawn and fake World Game initiated by me. They never figured JKF assasination. Demcracry is a fad, a fake, since one day President yells all kinds of garbage at Trump yet when tried assasinated the nsaid poor Trump. WHich is it? Hate and love, same same. Uploading same same. Not uploading same same. Reslt is same as in 2014 no deal no promisses made except an ongoing pisshole produced by danish clodhoppers and state and its establishment including companies. All of the operate nation is based on corruption.
Danish pensionist moving to nursing homes has to pay deposit and ca. 9000 per month with a benefit cheack. Deposit as high as kr. 30.000. I have te data. Denmark is run like a sewage of filth and corruption and tax collected never used to the purpose taxes where meant to be. Billions vanishes and people shop for second hand and in convenient stores that are named DISCONT. Denmark is a very low discount nation and virgin mary is not to be found anywhere since year 0.
World game, well, I said 1000 books to follow after now 6 weeks of terror on my person and thus on 9 billion people. Overpopulation is also fake which I shall write about later. A rewamp of and starting the first animation-series and going back to 2014 with which came after TIAWOL.
2024 July 06
[Keir Starmer: words. Action. Red cross left and word biblical, 24.07.06]. You cant get much more action. Starmer is called Blair #2. Starmer is a SIR which equals Begat. SIR a title donating royalist. UK and London on the brink of collapse and businesses small shutting down. £140 billion smaller because of Brexit . Blair did nothing for UK, neither did Johnson. Thatcher destroyed old England. Brexit is a fad and European Union is just a larger castle than yesterday. Same same. Business as usual. UK in decline with shops closing retail as is USA and most nations of Europe including Ukraine. Russia fighting freezing of Russian funds. Gas transported and Germany paying for it by paying for products where gas and electric has no borders. The World, a word, is named non action. Starmer with a star a SIR and NUR gives Starmer 30 days to bring back 130 billion peanuts and making Graven Hill in UK more than an experiment in block poverty. Starmer will not deliver unless he is a dictator and now House Of Commons is a dictatorship with King Charles III as ruler monarch somewhat doing absolutely nothing. New Yorks dressing nice and ladies look like ladies. USA Grand and great again a fad. USA New York no traffic lights. Traffic lights is the source of lost time and stress. Philidelphia drugs. CNN reporting. A Presidnet cognitively in decline ahe matters yet no age limit. Democracy is France where president is a royal, Macron. Kings in Dubai and princess in the hundreds. Princesses escaping Dubai. Niels Ulrik Reinwald completely misunderstood even with the bible being christianity being buddism 2 for 1. So it stands threatened and loveing caring for the people yet hated for geninely wanting change for people and my Aunt destroyed the past 3 years amputating her leg for no other reason than hate. Philidelphia could be healed in weeks - is that being done. UK Primeminister as per Thatcher can now run with the torch and see if it will be better or wose or same same. LUMIERE in London at 1900 old swinging London.
One for all, all for one and one on one. Well, nothing so far. I speak words and do actions yet is destroyed from and by state nation. Heck, the bible speaks of such behaviors. My family I did not know far back but I was born from love then encountered only bile and misery delivered so many times I lost track. Then finding LIARS as ISRAEL yet falling on ones knees only tells the message of going to the same place from where I and everyone esle starts. While alive multiple blows and never demanding that those in power and deocracy actually delivers and King Charles III also never delivers. Name one thing he did which would make two US president candicies not be the only topic on main stream media while is flooded with creatures of sex and gore and also images and videos of Philidelphia where peopel live worse than animals. Words? It all was started with action, WORD. What did Keir Starmer do today: speak words. Only action was not labour. This clodhopper now visits King Charles III and both live with death, a cross. WORK OF CHANGE. It allready changed for the worse with billions lost. Change from a change promissed previously, yes. Fake words he speaks and the promiss is easy to make. Now he gets 100 days to deliver what neither democracy nor 10 primeminister previously could not deliver. The people elected something and now his name is not Teresa May nor the IRON LADY Thatcher the woman nobody would dream of sleeping with making Falklands war a war based on RULE BRITANIA BRITANIA RULES THE WAVES and kings sailing across ocean deliving blows, death and christianity with bible in one hand and swords in the other. Nelson the dunce on Trafalgar Square standing as the light yet UK is sinking while housing sucks and poverty is the norm where pensions are low and food quality is fish and chips with a pint of larger qualified no more than used in a swimmingpool for frogs and toads and SIR.s and one shall not predict the future but Nosradamus did and so will NUR, I: as words: more blows will follow just as blows to my life was delivered a few days ago on multiple levels yet not spoken of. Actions! They start the actions and actions follow by writing and that changed the world, not actions. Word came before the Falkslands War.
Much similar Bay Of Pigs and Cuban crisis much like Second World War and first all deliberate. Same as Afghanistan and War On Terror and same as Vietnam a war fogotten. Cambodia. Napolianic Wars. War since Egyptian Pharhaoh and biblical war and famine and plundering. Argentina colonised by European countires and christianity installed then followed dictatorhsips, wars and then peoples choice thatcher. No, peopel dont choose bible does. Bible is democracy and the flag waves as a war insignia. Wikipedia, words, lcick and you start an action. No, nothing happens. It is sir Keir today and in a few month it will be Blair #3. Blair is Liar B and B is two. God loves shit lke this rather than uninstalling democracry and doing kings and dictators. Welll, Charls is a dictator of himself foremost just as Fidel Castro and his brother became royals taking over a whole island. Denmark is a royal infested pool of death and the evidense is Deadpool movies. When I loved in Asia this first installment was shown in theaters while an asian fella pointed at the poster for me to see. I was installed too to deliver and I guarantee I did not deliver neither brexis, amputation unnessasary and the establishment via media and freemasons and large corporation adn courts to break my bone just as they broke the bones of a man that never existed other than Buddha thus Buddha is dead. Naturally a bowl of soup can be eating and a new bowl of soup cooked up just like this war on my personal life while Ukrainians by the actions and words of some nations maong danish delivers death all over world and in Denamrk and Scandinavia it is called socialism and welfare on poverty since people bow and accept the delivered entertainent industry called democracy. Deadppol is Biblepool i my evidense that my article is is true and the actions of the words are delivered in movies. Chrisitnaity is death portrayed through wars. My website too is suppose to not infuriate wars via words but I DID NOT START IT - DEADPOOL did, and it is called biblically a name which I prefer not to mention since it is synonymous with the living dead also portrayed in movies. Character Wade WiIlson in DEADPOOL and since ending in movies are chnaged over time they are part of a large scale deception but Wade and wade is also biblical. Wade related to Ford. Yes, the car. Also Wadi. A riverbed between two mounts. In other words, biblical cunt. وَادِي الْقَنَال is vally canal. Wadi east of The Dead Sea. There is so much death that USA even named a valley after death itself: DEATH VALLEY- the valley being a virgins biblical cunt.
We are masters in our own house: with that JFK made GOD assassinate JFK Dallas. Watch how a bottle of Vodka and a Playboy believed in missiles and how the Castro.s was a royal house a far away place from democracy. Disneyland: bring anyone who wish for education and reality combined. Watch reviews of hotels with Tim where pretentious quality equals 3000 UK Sterling a night.
2024 July 03
νεκρο, nekro, dead. Jesus they celebate and eat his flesh, dead and drink his blood. Canibalism. All that is needed is for the corona to break down from his head and ignite Jesus into life yet Jesus hand dead on the cross world wide. Death becomes her. Movie. Yesterday at the danish church the priest spoke of and made a ritual of death and lit a candle. The dead are raised. Cock is not dead but the nerves need to be booted again. Eye does not exist on penis. Third eye also not. Mona Lisa is the depiction of a ladyboy just as salvatore by Da vincy is a ladyboy. Sex in bible is programmatically death from the start to the end. it was adopted by kings who then persude sex and whores and they begat so much the bible is genuine only because it is the tool to fool and to run a whorehouse and exploits billions of people. Yesterday the show at chruch was christianity in function as necrophilia and in reality the friend of death is christianity and the bible is the evidense of it.
DEAD 19 times following 18 (18 strokes in EARTH). Death is everywhere even after the end. Time is then death. There was and is no last supper and never will be. It is programmatically, with the bible-algorithm, impossible it ever existed and statistically not possible to have existed based on evidense. Belief itself is a lie. Jesus as a word as death exists in bible and it starts with it - death, as earth. From there it keeps rolling along made into a circus of death. I shall show the evidense and it is all in the good olø book and today, 04th July again they terrorize people through me.
The next death in and after Revelation is 19 and it even does not exist. Benny Hinn or Ben Carson are two of the same until someone comes along, like a death, which does not exists and taht nobody will believe.
Trump, yes, the lovefest continues. They all do it but have no concept of it not even when they really are dead. Nations who have christianity as their foundation are friends of death - called necrophilia. J. S. Bach wrote it. Now a whole world knows it - that a cock ejaculating in pussy is not dead. Ask a dead to explain dead. Can't. Cherrypicking is not part of the equation and algoritm of the bible. Mickey Mouse does also not really exist.
Why is Jesus dead? Not not. Explain this to christians and their friend suddenly no longer exists and the evidense is bible. Scientifically it is all hogwash but they want hogwash.
Anne Elsebeth Reinwald, my Aunt, was burried today. I saw Anne and when dead, death comes easy. Come, Sweet Death by J.S. Bach was chosen by Niels Ulrik Reinwald. Priest and some look at a dead corps and are batized / so says the danish state nazi church. Some assisting the past four years via state to shorten the life of people because satte hates Christianity. Dnish word for the coffin is KISTEN. KRISTEN is christian. I was today played again and by some very ill people. I said last day two years ago and now playing for necrophilia by state church leading to babtism. It is this season when alle then starts over from scratch. On the way home I was terrorized on the road / again. Also this morning drinving to the funeral. Much more to come. Anne now finally can rest from the peopel who destroyed her life and many peopels lives - just as bible describes.
Much also went wrong by state. First undertaker steals the body without authority. then Anne is said to be member of the state church. Five days later, yesterday, priest calls me and says she is not. I then call taxation and they say she is but did not pay church tax. The unertaker trhretened to keep the body as collateral and now as I write this cars are again driving past my house.
China, Asia spirit, they (the states establishment and freemasons and governance and state church) suffer from deep Ponerology and necrophilia and I am not playing with such people.
I won so many times I lost count and victory and now it is per state church the time to rise and as per their wish to rise it all and five books in backlog and 50 millions imaginary score points. Today was the day all was played yet nihill has happend. Ganeo over for me and reconsruting was was destroyed by Asia will be lovingly reconstructed. The church finally gave Anne a funeral and burial. My best recomendation is that world wide people do the undertaking and funeral themselves and dont let the state operate neither babtism, marriage and funeral. Pure missery by state and their poverty shines through even if the states organ player had on a corona mask. Well, they do corona. I will post pictures, videos and rise all my destroyed work for which a whole world has yet not understood a word. State church now is also suffering from necrophilia.
Amazing Grace was played. I tried to make the funeral easy but it was sabotaged from the start and since 2021 June 04 when Anne's leg was amputating by state hospital without any reason. Medical journals will be shown as evidense of their Jesus child dead suffering also from necrophilia. They will disagree but the bible is the evidense of their necrophilia into babtism and was there, did that.
THEY started the fight again, and in 2017 by state NAZI Danish (nazism very lovely), today even if singing about peace at the funeral. it is their wish it rises again and again and their wish will come through. It is now all over for me and their benevolence will feed many many pages to rise - as they wish. And they still have absolutely no idea. There are so much to write it will fill five books but I will start as I did in 2013 since that is what they want and then they have it all. Larger than life equals giving it all and I do that because they dont know what it is they have no idea about.
2024 June 28
The logo Signifies GOD 3 circles onto Earth the half circle starting wide stroke ending think stroke. That is all wrong. This time I shall not explain or throw pearls for swines. The algorithm is pretty straight forward made complicated from 10.000th og logos world wide from ESSO to SHELL and NVIDIA all their own version and mash of complications and interpretations of something they hardly read namely the source.
Anne Elsebeth Reinwald will be burried at funeral on Juli 3 2024. The unertaker corporation, company, illegallly carried Anne.s body away from her bed and I, NUR, had to inform the undertaker to bring back Anne. They did so without a hint of "Sorry" but only excuses and demanding an outstand finalsial transaction for an illegal service rendered. State is a cradle-to-grave corp [CTG] no more worth or less that of Boing. Sweden one of the largest COG. I have this story which surpasses fiction. Including medical journals and a story worth a book within the book of books - or rather a third iteration sine one can't add anything to the second book, NT. Can one add to OT?
The state has besotted my life and many other peoles lives through CTG and the establishment is using kindergatens and schools and universities and workplaces to destoy anyone whom is wished destroyed. My life was satarted destroyed from when I was ca. 4 years of age. Yes, that early. Swedne starts at the age of 0 from childbirth in hospitals taking away the child from mother. Even before conception pregnant and father is terrorized in various way though media and advertising and products and packaging etc.. People are living in paradise called Jonestown, South America, where socalled rich get a choice of Ferrari and Porche and Rolls Royce all thinking they are now rich when the really rich dont care for cheap productions-cars like that.
Yesterday 27th two President met in the first Presidential debatehosted by CNN and it is expected there will be fact checking of the foundation platform which USA stand on namely IN GOD WE TRUST and that is a LIE so facts are found amongs lies and fact becomes new lies and the question asked are like listening to a 8088 CPU and BASIC language when typyng "hello" at the promt and the reply is "Syntax error". The checking of facts where neithr any of the four participants know or was present at all the truths-telling and lie-telling. We need GPU and CUDA and 100 toloolbox languages to reconstruct this world and not done so in a studio bewildering.
As I am writing this a truck with the text wrtten in large blue text on the side, so I can read it form inside my house, read FAIR going southbound. This a world game? No, it is a timepiece called Seiko and I am not laying since I am every day where I allways am. it is like "reading" colors and studio-design of CNN and that is what they have. Blue, red and white and using also yellow, orange, pink and any other color. Pink for pussy. Yellow for egg.
2024 June 25
Today my Aunt dies 93 of age ambutated illegally in 2021 June 4th. Doctor danish also told there was no danger about two weeks ago. no danger = death. Now funeral preparations and at a minimum cost of USD 2500. No extras. She worked in govenemrnt for 39 years and the past 3 years has been intoxicated with medications such as morphine which she complayed about for the past two years since it would make her sit in wheelchair owned bymunicipality with filth and grime stuck the wheels could not operate. Now today I am played again on her death as 1000 of cars drive past my house producing noise. State nation danish killed her and it took them 40 odd years. This is how the establishment uses healthcare anddemocracy. her age was high but her leg was well and journals proves that it should not be amputated. I may presen the whole case soon as it involves. My Aunt Anne Reinwald was member of the church and also donated to GOD channel and Wommack who will definately not attend her funeral after she paid many 1000 dollars over the years in a scam larger than 10000 Jonestown massacres. This small article just a kind word for a woman who was maltreated by a nation states terror using among other religion. As she said: "Niels Ulrik, they promiss but never deliver". They are the establishment and governance and jesuits and freemasons and even royals since she knew the royal house and was frequently vistind by sister to former Queen when Anne and royal would eat christmas lunch. Now nations shows together with GOD channel they are not going to deliver again in death.
There is much to write and perhaps so. I ma played on this day just as when danish Prince Henrik dies 2018 and I received all of 7 rings. The Queen abdicated leaving hr son to be King. They talk of change but none happens.
Evidense presented and I am doing ok and my libido doing ok again after a few days of having a virus. This small articleis all she will receive by a whole nation when people deliver taxeson a scale which overshadows theft. June 23rd was said to be the last writing but why last and for what? Last of what and what after the last? Yesterday I was played and morning today I won and then my cousin calls me saying Anne is dead. AnneElsebeth Reinwald was my God Mother.
Naitions such as dnaish will disagree but any opnion is right and nation dooes not deside what is true. Also not when playing fools games continuely and such fools games has been going on for many many years on millions of people. This kind of Jonestown religion is the killingfield and used as terror on people and has absolutely nothing to do with genuine felings towards life and the evidense is their book as a terror instrument.
This small article is taken as if wanting war. Are they mad? Yes. What is wrong about the truth which they say is a virgin who gave birth without intercource. Rhetorical. This world game used to ilence people and never ends so they use chopping legs of people and healthcare system to kill people. Bible is a words collection including english translations leading to the esoteric world without justification of any real life except groupswise some people like gangsters groups together like Mafia to build their own version dstroyng the present kings and Belosconi and Italien Judges fight like king dstroying rebel but kings and Judges and dmocracy was once the rebels reference is Bible with eperical evidense of this.
Destruction starts iat birth going to lindergarten and preschool where bullying is on the agenda when establushment and nation dont wish some to live. Kings and Queen did it and kills their children when unwanted. The child would hve handicaps or simply crazy or otherwise not wanted so the esttablishment, royals, would dump the child in a river or feed it to the pigs. Democracy is a deathtrap. Old peoples home and Seven Days Adents are death row undoubtedly and proven now via me calling a doctor dying a fourthnight ago: "She is okay". On the other hand used to show all sorts of ailment and also ladies of such sexual lust that they almost drip from the monitor. is like Jonetown with alo many great vidos but all in all a tool to bran wash using TIK TOK which I via invented namewise. it took me only two years t omake a website which made be king of the world and a god and a partner to godis.
Godis is swedish for sweets and candy floss. Is is the name of God. IS is related to ISIS. IS is icecreame from danish. Eat it. IS also empty. God is candy is empty. In Swedish. In other languages it is other things among a cock and cunt. is a cunt a candy floss? If you prefer. It stick very nice and is like a sticky substance and can be like vinegar all natural.
Because of noise and terror by establishment, some people, nation and state nazi, on my person, life and family and terror world wide, I now have a backlog of more than 200.000 articles and 4000 animation and 2 books. And counting.
2024 May 23, 26
Because what does daily life look like in the country's care homes when the relatives have been taken home from their father, mother or grandparent, who is too weak to tell them when the family comes back?""Consequences in Aarhus Municipality
Aarhus Municipality reported TV 2 to the police for having made hidden recordings at Kongsgården. The case is now being investigated by the East Jutland Police, who have charged four employees at TV 2 - director Anne Engdal Stig Christensen, news director Mikkel Hertz, an editorial manager and a journalist."
I, NUR, have 2024 may 24 emailed and reported attempted murder on my Aunt Anne E. Reinwald however police does nothing. Above case proves and telel that situation is as described where police must be involved. What has happend in above case I do not know. What the case shows is that multiple similar cases goes unattended nationwide and municipality are weapons of mass destruction while polivce and relatives can do nothing. politi today told me to report it to which I have reported to but hey do absolutely nothing in eight cases. Now I am played dlike an idiot on this world game while these murders continue and to clasify murder is very complicated as Hams Israel case 2023 ongoing shows. Nations and its municipalities can do whatever and police is complicit. My best advise is to never be involved with old peoples homes in this danish state however under the diquise of democracy then peopel "believe" in their country and football games used to lure peopel into thinking winning happens on the football fields while death row happens in places where low paid and low quality staff and medical personal does very little to show evidesne of the welfare state. The situation was and is so grptesq and since my relatives told me to visit my Aunt dying I did so and have reported the isue to police hwo lso does nothing. Medical staff seen in medical journal treating small wounds as a case to amputate a whole leg FEMUR and not only the foot and journal writes: "the foot is lost" then why the hell did they chop of the whole lef above knee (FEMUR) see, they maltreat in order to make ill people and sttae uses it is punishment of individuals and relatives whom state hates. As municiplatu staff said in Anne Reinwalds house while Anne was still living at home Rønnedevej 88 4640 Faxe was as follows while I was present af Anne wa on toilet "This way we kill two flies with one smack" and the staff form municiplity refered to Anne and me, NUR. Case evolving as one case of millions of cases and many unheard of. I have told of one man hwom they opened the brain via surgery after he was admitted and doctors danish removed part of his brain. It was a kidney stone. man named Knud Jul Larsen. These two cases are now played on me in this world game of love and war and terror as in Romans 13:3 where governance is given the right to use terror by "God". Tody police told me: "Yes, but perhaps Anne does not want to see you" heck I was there May 24th and videso shows Anne speaking some but strained and never utters not wishing to see me and she held my hand as she saw me saying: "Er det Niels Ulrik" and I gave her water and she drank the whole glass. I made videos but will not show them since I respect life however should but can say, that the video and pictures shows a person with little to no life now in bed most of the day and she in video complains about pain which staff does nothing about even of she is given P.N. (pro necessitate) medicin Oxucodon however not given since May 9th 2024 according to one staff a delivery person of dinners. Anne Reinwald was and probably still is a deeply devout christian person and now punished by state for being that which the state in its constitution paragraf 4 supports and builds its whole nation upon yet tells that two people now can be removed with a flysmack. Personally I have tried to help Anne since early june 2021 when Anne was amputated at Køge Sygehus. However under two visit by police at Annes private address police and municipality have now sequired death row which is seen in one video showing almost comlete silence all looking the part exterior but behind closed doors and via change agents the state is controlling every aspect of life and mostly death as bible gives a nation the right to do installed by "God". War, famine and illness is part of "gods" work in Bible and governance and nations use the tools as described in Bible now under the disquise of democracy. Anne strongly believes her left leg will grow out like a "Benny Hinn" and this may have kepts her "happy" since June 2021 44th when her leg was amputaed without Annes consent and plan to amputate done during the night where she the following moring leftin contant pain at Køge Sygehus was finally amputaed after she said "No!" 3 times to 3 chief physician. Medical jounral clearly states it is a perifial wound which can be painfull and to shut Anne up the medical system needs ca. 3000 amputees yearly to keep that department open running well finansially.
When people dont do as govenrment wants, then governemnt will start the terror and plenty of evidense proves this where Bible is the foundation on which nations commit terror. One day it is you perhaps in the situation and the doors are closed and nobody can hear you. When such is reported then the system via itself a state operated department will shut the complaints faster and better than a Farrari can drive on a bumpy road. Who to blame when all parties goes home and the elderly are left this way now inflicting terror on the relatives and when Annes relatives visits and calls me saying Anne is dying, well, I visit and what I see is a woman in need now of continued 24 hour nursin since she was left siting in a deadly wheelchar for 3 years. That alone constitute a crime in the world of medicine and nobody is any wiser unless I try and tell and show the story.
Unhuman and undignified streatment. Yes, I hve tried that for 40 odd years via religious abuse now via continued violations and nations seen doing this on a scale in Gaza and similar which is relatively a large story yet these individual cases mount to multiple cases which themselves are much larger than conflicts Israel Hamas even if they are horrors. My novel Nightmare in Heaven tried pushed onto an elderly womann and me and many others who never was known and their story heard as screems behind closed doors on "death row" when it should be the ultimate last resort to end your days when they promissed Anne an individual accomodation yet gave her a nor 24 7 old peopels home. What happend is also, that stat and municiplaty completed successfully in silencing Anne and me partly and Anne has under threats by municiplaity nad police been kept in fear of reprisals. Anne will now claim her right and others try to do so for her but removing her leg was not enough to make her aware of terror by the very nation for which she worked 39 years and that is her love yet the favour returned a leg amputated with absolutely no medical reason (see journal which I have in electronic form as evidense that amputation was done illegally).
When people in Palestine was removed from their nation then the installed reality must be debugged and it was not. Over many years many people suffered yet Israel still stands. Yes, that is the amount of love people actually have. When medicine cant do it then a few rockets is thrown to alliviate the silence heard in dark corridors as dat rows where most never visits and if they did, it is usually too late. Relatvely can then shoot a few fireworks but take all people and demand they must visit an old peopels home in dnaish nazi state at least once a year and people young as old will be shocked at what they find often deathing silence and peoples last days keps in undignified conditions where hospice or private nurning shouls be what years of taxpayers money pay o do but does not. Just seeing this Søndervang, Faxe, old peope'es home on the inside with warn furniture and an ambiance like a living graveyard shows how bible loving creatures end their days. One visit Anne had by a woman said: "Now Anne just needs love". Well, I said, where were you June 2021. No reply. Love is mazing. Life is mazing. Old peopels homes are death rows undignified and we go back only 150 years when deep poverty was prevailant and castels were the only paradise then one movie made Pelle Erobreren shows such conditions and multiply it by a million and we get the present situation where castle are still maintained in the illution of old peopels homes of romantic nurturing. I worked in a farm when I was a boy and saw how the farmer had a stable similar the movie yet slightly better but was paid "vodka" or like me 0.5 Dollars per day for working six hours. At I worked when I was 17 and I was paid five kroner in tip for extras otherwise five kroner per hour. That is the equivalent of 0.7 Dollars per hour and this is back 1981. Earlier I worked at a tulip-farm making nine kroner so I gave up the piccolo job. One lady staying at the hotel paid me 20 kroner tip because she saw the doormen take her suitcases which she had given to me to carry. Life is very complicated yet who shall tell. Nothing ammounts to a whole deal and taht is why telling is important and The Internet made TIK TOK and SHORTS and which probably will never show real life and death as it unfold over 3 years with an amputation which should never have happened. Benny Hinn absent, Andrew Wommack absent. GOD Channel absent. Yea, I know; that is why I try to be present. Castle-nations became the place where the appearance of life was played out by extras on a stage without lights and where everything is prompted.
May 23: Another "china asia day" with danish clodhoppers playing world game. My cousin telephoned me saying my Aunt was ill and near death and another family member spoke saying same. I went to the old peoples home where Anne Reinwald has been places like a rag. Old peoples home, Søndervang in Faxe, have bible in the eating and entertainent section. I will show some photos showing an elderly lady amputated, maltreated, overmedicated and now left to sleep all day in bed. I have had danish police at Rønneedevej 88 tell me to not help her and today my cousin and family calls me to tell me Anne is dying when they are dying asall are and Anne is 93 years. I shall tell the stroy as it unfolded today where I again am played the fool by "chian asia" and state nazi danish delivering terrorism on a level unheard of except we know two world wars were based on bible. Bible also tell of the great war and a persoan living at the old people home told me about bible and this war which was written in Daniels about mixture of wood and metal. I laughed and combusted since I genuinely adore asian lovefest story but not what it was made into castles and royals galore giving absolutely nothing but missery. Story follows within 24 hours. We are now dealing with actually this morning winning where I evening did nothing but this morning was left with a choice visiting my Aunt or not. I did. Had I not it would have been played lost same same now played lost. I am currently at faxe and Anne is now put to bed and she is sleeping and there she will stay all day from 2000 hours until morning in pain which she complained about and thirsty since she drank alot we I gave her a soft drink. The staff was rude and unprofessional. I shall write the full story as it unfolded a typical day in the land of Law of Jante.
Game play using old woman. Game play using me since 2013 fullfilling Bible prophesy. First it was by me: "Even when I am wrong, I am right" at a roundabout then it is "Even when I win, I loose". international court tells to halt war israel gaza. Virtual reality world. Clodhoppers continue war on my life. Nations having commited crimes. Court international now doing some of the works which should have been done 2013, 2015, 2017 etc. Also 1940. Same courts should make sure nations deliver to humanit in nations whatnations cant deliver using religion namely life without boundaries and heavy illegal taxes and what follows namely multiple low quality housing and old peoples homes and hospitals and low quality of living including food industry which is using foods to kill people including sich items as cigarettes which BTW is the smoking gun proving nations earning taxes are killing humans who are no more worth than slime and guts of intestines of dead rats who states BTW charge a fee for namely ca. 43 koner annually less that a pack of cigarettes - poverty proven.
2024 June 23
If you have money to buy shares and they rise and you sell you are charged upwards 42% in tax. Then your money used you pay 25% V.A.T. Mogens Glistrup made the calculation, that in order to buy a 2000 DKK present you need to invest DKK 200.000 in shares. There can be circumstances where lower but a journalist DK said 40% was the norm. It is theft clearly and simple. Taxation is said to be 22% at on money you invested and made a profit and you allready paid income tax 38% on that money (danish word for darling) and such number including daish SKAT and MOMS (V.A.T.) used esoeterically for the state to make a joke on behald of people. I live at number 22, house number. This is one way nations use terror using packaging, colors, traffic congestions and even broadscast news using news as an instrument of terror. Why? There are so much more news than Israel, Hamas and Trump. People love football and no thinking after the food industry had fed american to oblivion fat and eating food which best belongs in the dump sites. Football is the jesuite game of yesterday.
Insidently, private discussing are not public and official but private:
The World is small and is operated not using intelligence neither AI or human. Religion is the frontrunner of everything yet destroys the world from wothin as per writing in that book making me true to the point - again. Brimbstone and fire and all sorts of horrors including 13.3 Romans terror by God and governance of which Netanyahu runs one such. Which explains the ned to terrorize since all governemtns and kingdoms are former rebels who thorugh wars somehow won. Thai King lives in Bavaria with prostitutes or the likes and walks around in a tank top and fake tattooes. I have purchaed L-Arginin to promote sexual healt. I am a king! This one is a lesson on how I played ONE ON ONE in 2018 with this King and won afterwards getting it all and also nothing. Now as then World is a stage and now I have spoken with a danish Journlist an he did not know dnish king has a gold toilet which had to be Octroied when the state danish was bankrupt multiple times and state and official (private) setup all a scam. News corporation conjures up public oppinion and public oppinion conjures up news outself and tabloid.
What is a king? A fucker mostly and with 20 billion no limits. Same in Dubai promoted as a tourist haven. Mostly fake and supported by people who thinks going their supports democracy. If democracy is so dance, then why not in UIA and Dubai. I was played ONE on ONE with no harem and no 20 billion yet danish nation was told to hand me DKK 5000 in return taxed in september 2018. Democracry does also not exist in state danish and as Journalish danish said: "15% populus still vote for Lars Lkke Rasmussen even if he is corrupt on many levels".
I have not returned as king nor retuend back but simply tell how is was in 2018 and how it is today. My website contains mostly opinions and a few signs and symbols leading to one place which I shall not throw perals at now sinceI won too many times to differ otherwise. I am I am nd so it stands played a fool only to learn that terror started on my life too many many years ago.
Today some nations and especially state danish burns the WITCH which is CHINA esoterically. It is burning a woman on the stakes. This happens 2024. Same old story. Same same.
Also my house, and many other peoples houses, are surveiled and listned to while privacy is gone viaolating every international rights. The tax-burden in state daish is more tahan 100% see Astrid Lingren and Pomperipossa. Monismania ismoney mania and a few others. Now back at updating since played multiple times again again without any deal as in 2018 when I "believed" the deal was that deleting my book would accomplice a deal. Nothing again. Later the same book emerged from Thailand where I wrote it and played on me deliving 15 stars and profoundly so and the equation is, taht my book is wort very much and has ben played as such and sometimes state danish and team clodhoppers playing my book being cheap. But they lost is all on the account of my book leading to with a website so amazing it outshun a whole planet. No, I don not play Law of Jante and I speak the minds of billions of people. Even UK and US has their style of being to rich when in 2008 when Lehman Brothers and Richard Fuld (danish word for drunk) where The White House was used a a lanundering venue.
The Men Who Stole the World: Inside the 2008 Financial Crisis. Such alone would be 10 volumes and never reach the bottom line or the ultimate truth. There are however a few basic items which is telling and that is that oneys dont pay taxes nor need to let their fle be the invester for bananas and thinking hardcore then we read Bible and see this exact effect where parrtial is bankrupt and old man riversjust keeps rolling along hile lovely girls on and TIKTOK show tits and ass and play violin conjuring up all sortss of fictions just as it is played to be. The 2008 bank crisis was just a drop in he bucket mostly as a foreplay for having sex with a goat. Religion and kings and armies and the establishment are all in on in their own way right down to the wire when the bank manager gets fed grain and soial delivering his signature as CEO of a bank which operates with absolutely nothing but dept. Truth and in God We Trust was told to me was bogus since trust had nothing to do with it. The nwhy at courts in USA? I feel books pooring out of the keyboard and that took me to heights yet is not wanted then why want and then not - see, that is the ultimate religion changing pants or exhaling and inhaling and God has absolutely everything to do with playing ONE on ONE when they arethe same however different like two drops of whiskey where one is in the belly and one is in the bottle named Fuld. Also danish word meaning full. language is that, full of it and esoetrically made and designed to fool which is evidense why a whole world was installed as - world. Two words and silence is wanted. You wont know unless you read Revelations and it is liek a computer program and Bill Gtes knows all too well how to read code such as BASIC. Write "Hello" and the reply is SYNTAX ERROR much like at ChatGPT except ChatGPT dont know what to do with a simple salute like "Hello". Too stupid and AI presently similarr a wheelbarrow without the wheel. When has anyone ever wished for Christmas a wheelbarrow. Here is another I was up against and I wrote Pope in 2013 but no reply. Pope is a Royal too. A substite for Jesus, who was a king. Pope is thus King Of The Jews and Israel with Vatican City where all Jews should stay (is God Israel or Vatican - same same many many but one wthen why all the difference - well - installing a million Jews with Vatican City would be logistically impossible). Why not hang The Pope on the cross - well - Pope is the cross or at least it the living dead. And no, writing equals won just as with each and every time I uploaded a page each and every day. White, as I have done, also did nothing. Pope is in white why dont danish start drivng past Popes house demanding Pope undresses.
Burning at the state a woman symbolically is still ill connsidering the song sung at this midsumemr night is about fighting with swords yet wishing peace yet demandinng witches and trolls abolished and bot are no more or are they. Well, they sing it so it must be real. The they light the fire and buth the woman and she flies to Bloksbjerg in Germany. A mountain. Danish hated the germans. They love virgin mary but not this woman. Now christian but pagan all related to women whom they liek to fry on and in the bonfire while singing a song related to war and peace and trolls and witches. Vincent Van Gogh was 100% times for sane. A christian is then a pagan. Pope and mary loved yet mary a woman yet burnt and Pope cares less.Seen here right out of Harry Potter. They will then say "yeah, but it is just tradition". Yes, World War II was also just tradition. TIAWOL was also just tradition - words.
Disco Inferno. Does have a filter-out-button? No, and the reason is that all the hogwash is wished thrown at one.
2024 May 14
Yesterday a great day. Lovely weather. Word "Sove" in danish language means sleep. Language designed to equal love. To sleep is love, nothing. Kingdoms constitutional are that and have no longer any meaning. Democracy installed parallel and this is another ambigious state. Religion and especially Christianity installed as well as kings and all over same same, kings. King is esoterically Kina. Christianity is ambiguous since it never told the full real genuine story of what the hell it realy was, a fuck and love tool. in Luke Skywalker we get to see his lovtool and that is why I am surveiled so they can poke and ell and display my lovetool. Today as many oher days I get email speking a language hard to decode since it too is ambiguous.
Luke is latter meaning sin. Fruits are sin. αμαρτία is sin. Amar is Italien for love. Love is sin. Vatican no mariage. Fuck that virgin pile vomit slime since she is sin. Well, that is why priest are unmarried. Fruit καρπός and poop (πρύμνη) they worship poop designed to look like vulgate latin which it was and is all relted to sex. You like sex, yes, well, then you are a devout Chrisitian.
How little? Clitoris-little. She is Mary in bible a story by Hans Chrsitian Andersen. Her head was cut of twice. She is siting on a rock the biblical Jesus cock. Busloads of people cum potograph her and little do they know it is the biblical virgin Mary sitting on a rock which is the Biblical cock. Love dada dady oh. Daddy cool. Boney M. The new bone, the new cock.
Mær is danish language for bitch, a prostitute. Maid υπηρέτρια is a maiden accociated with apron a skirt and ready to serve. That is why bible sold millions because it was the porn and Hugh Hefter of the times. It was Playboy Magazine for the enlightened. Little Mermaid lives in Utobiais young and villing by the establishment to fuck any of the priests and presidents and kings who installes such mermaids. Some even adore being such for almost nothing. Fishtail is the ichthys in bible. Sex, sex and more sex. his is all hey have. Now no more their own secret aking me and everyone living in thr dark while they feast and fuck and laugh and gather taxesall based on a biblical utobian prostitute who is as old as 2000 years with dead skin and a cunt hardly existing after being raped by governmental officers for centuries.
The past week I have utilized 3 danish websites. All related to sexual relations. One is namd and contains women in sexual related positions. This is why I have tried these wesbites to see if they gave results. None. The "ladies" wish to get whatsapp and instgram and is used as prostitution where a price isasked for at DKK 1500 where I and others are asked to pay DKK 500 to a leader upfront for soliticing sex. the state is aware of thesesites as is the police but do nothing. I have personally been flabbagasted for privately at home playing with myself named masturbation which is as normal as eating food fish and chips etc. Imagine I have been "played' for masturbating in this World Game by Asia and China and nations. I had hoped for so much more but here is a screenshot of The Little Mermaid: where some of the women are danish and or write danish and are available wihin a few kilometers and many in rgion Copenhagen. Another website I "joined" is where also prostituion takes place. The name of the website is Sexual Relations and rings bells related to Clintron and Monica Lewinsky. We are dealing with world class sex and a world game so lovely it goes right into The Oval Office at the White House yet in dansih state is a prostitution ring inviting you to be solisited and join instagram and Whatsapp where you are charged a price - for love. Personally I never dreamt of even writing garbage like this but end up having to tell a story to infiltrated with pure sex by state using religion to whitewash their destruction of people using idols, cheap entertainemnt, and a tax system designed not to give good services but deliver more than two million ill people in a nation of only 5.8 million people see Other websites I tried was named, both fake with bogus "ladies" also asking for instagram. Istedgade is a street in Copenhagen and is Israel or Isis. Istedgade is known for prostitution. Love and marriage is very expensive. Prince Harry in las Vegas doing it. Birds doing it. Camilla Parker Bowles doing it.
Today I received af denialby danisg clodhoppper state to see archives related to Mogens Glistrup who for 30 years was hauted by danish nazi state because Glistrup wanted to reform the rotten and none functioning tax systems. The taxsystem was is still is illegal in itsshape and form yetlaws are passed written in drk offices atthe ministries and public politicians do not write the laws. Democracry is fake. here si the denialto see the archives: B-Afslag 23-28825 Niels Ulrik Reinwald.pdf. Tax in danish state isnamed SKAT which means darling. VAT is called MOMS, danish language, which it plural for mother. We are dealing with a World Class illness larger than any depiction in movies Oblivion and Phycho 1, 2 and 3 and Hotel 1, 2 and 3.
State also has a law paying apanage to princes and kings. I was said by state and played as a king yet state did not pay me apanage. I was thusnot a king yet they played me as one. in 2018 danish state was ordered to pay me ca. DKK 5000 as return on tax however was buddha money when I went on holiday in Thailand. The state started this fight and against I istalled as king of the world and fighting me because they say I am. But state does not follow its own laws and pay me year money named apanage. Yes state fights me like a king and telles me I shall not return as king since Donald Trump was partly my brainschild in 2016. Trump even thnaked me at the inauguration saying in silence to the camera "thank you" and enough mouth reading I know. I have had, as Glistrup and many others, many sickening treats by state and its establishment over the years. Christianity, state religion, hould hve ben a lesson on living and teaching the real thing. They never did and are as such in violations of the fundamental priciples today such as dignity. Today I am also played continued using noise and this via also cases send to me like the one denying see state archives. This is the ultimate lesson in reality and in teaching and love as per websites mentioned seems to sell love just like the state church. Anything is for sale even marriages and a virgin mary is as much a prostitute marrying all and everyone and she charges a hefty fee.
I decided today to upload a small article, this one, because I had emails from court with such bile and vomit it should belong only in a dumpster and it actually does (just dont telle fools thy eare because they wont ever know and accept just like governemnt dont accept the realities outside the installed democracy) but they are supported by other governemntal agencies and that is why democracy is not functioning and a kingdom is many kingdoms in one country and had state taught the reality we live in, then nations would be loved much like The Vagina Vatican since most catholics knew, as the Mafia, the real truth. Is the truth real, well, a lie but with it the truth at least lands with tools between the legs and in the head and enough theater by Catholic church that it makes for great entertainment also. My story and book Annabelle is about a girl in Italy who's father was a Cardinal and she meets Giovanni and they love for a while but then even a lovestory was too much truth.Insidently, my medical journal from 2018 mentiones I live in Italy. Never did. THe mental psycician said what is in the medical jounral is science. The The Moon is a balloon made from plastic.
There is alot more but as per it lands at love each time. A special kind of love. Also burning bush. Even a clinton of sorts. Donald trump too with a golden tower on Manhatten at Fifth Avenue all french in NY (danish for new) so we esoterically get New York New York Liza with a Z and all that jazz. Now we know at least enough to know why borders exists and they do because we are in a bible world with fences and lot with much love since fences are not - exactly love.
Since 2019 and especially 2023, 2024 cars driving past my house numbers in more than 10000 per day. The main road leading to and from the road I live on has a traffic count by at 3000 cars in boh directions per day. THis becomes 10000 cars. it is like in 2019 when I went on holiday to Thailand that ca. 5000 of cars followed me and at a parking near airport numbered ca. 20 cars stopping nearme with a chinese van at the parking counting the figures. This is how I have been played and using this technich stat nazi danish has violated many people using noise, cars and similar styled to demonstrate and chinabeing happy with the result. On the other hand, I, NUR, have ben quite and only written a few articles and my whole website basically does not contain alot. The difference is mde up in that my house and whole life is surveiled illegally. That is the way Nazis win. Movie Mad Max with biblical insanity and this too is insanity. I hpned the governemnttalagency and they told me 3000 vcars both direktions on Oksbølvej and even that road is a relatively quite road. Road I live on is Skolebakken and is very little traffic however they use the road or their china bible war and imagine I had similar number of cars to drive I would win. So this "game" invited by nazis and supported by Chinais neither fair nor even and is even is played by cowards.
Since today was another day played on me using noise by Chinamany more articles follow some on bible some on other topics. I am also not able to control media since china does. A genuine new old world is not wanted. NY is as similar to any other world only difference are large panel displays with advertizingshowing soft drinks while people do what they did 1.000.000 years ago walk about.
Bible tells it ll. Dont need traffic or Mad Max or much else since Bible exactly tells us whatthey will do and they did and do it. They fart around like in movies and are now what china wants much like Asia wanted Hitler and anythng that is able to show some different love. Little Mermaid would in my animation 3D be depicted at a fuckfest and a woman sitting on a cock and not a rock. Genuine was for China to laugh and as Chinasaid, seen it all. But not so much hated for showing 1 and 0. Imagine writing IOU or and 10 and then experiencing a wole worldgo balistic and seeing madnessas the new norm just as Bible tells us. That is why I did what Bible actually says to do and for that they have spent 100 million on carwrecks alone. Thye even placed carwreck at an earlier jouse I lived at in 2017 just to telel people thatI suck big time. Yes, envy is the new. Bible is the new. new is Bible when bible is cock and pussy. never mind pussy galore or pussy riot all part of a world game all part of the same game and I came along teaching the new new new which is the old old old but also teaching it in such a way that people now lnew it was cock and pussy. The nalong came COVID to fool and peopel did COVID for a while. tell people to or media to say "ah!" and they do it. That is the chinese peoples choice and much of it was noise on anotherwise quite road now made hell for many people who live on a road leading to Rome.
Much more new and old to wrute since the topic is almost endless. I won endlessly until they realized to keep the game running until most people got tired on chewing the same gum. Well, it is their chewing gum. Not mine. I just tell what the hell it is you are actually asked to chew. Keep it up and I do the same at least once or twice a day because everyone does it and if not they should try living for a change since practice makes master. What I see is that Asia and CHina really had a laugh and skrewed em all royally now helping them finacially since Ukraine and Poland all bankrupted by western communism as chrsitianity via deceptions so huge and Bible tells the story not NUR.
2024 April 29
Names, congress, court cases, lawyers, a president No One, Stormy Daniels all fake related to Niels Ulrik Reinwald's work, life and book TIAWOL and earlier the biggest website ever and larger than Vatican City and USA and Arab World combined plus Asia where I lived at the time and I was installed as World Emperor, a King Of The World. Since then much has happened.
Installed as emperor, not king. I then denounced it. I also wrote TIAWOL prior knowing anything and prior being installed as "king" and Emperor and earlier nations were installed only given silver and cunt. I even invented TIKTON using 3 crosed at ealier adapted by China making app via SHORTS as TIKTOK. I have multiple cases on my person by terrorist state danish which is, if anything, a sideoffice to a Chinese/Asian culture and what follows is a program like The Bible which can be decoded telling us that nations such as Israel is all fake. I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald made fake because nations think they are real but then I am real too however they fight me as if I was fake and that makes them fake. If Bible was real and Jesus really existed,, then world would look much different. World via COVID wish for COVID to live or else his article would not be written.
One can't take a bite of The Bible and feel not hungry nor can one inject sperm in Bible and out comes a real baby.
If this can be shown, then belief is not needed. That is covid, that is journalists and reporters and pundits speaking of Israel all fake installed by something which produces absolutely nothing, since everyone did not know.
Michael Cohen a patsy
Along many cases in USA and nobody dares to speak of neither COVID, religon or Bible in the way it was suppose to be told as a love tool as a sexual reference fooling all people until someone told the real as Jesus did and the bastards killed Jesus and in doing so, killed themselves, because that is the esoteric Bible symphony.
FULL VIDEO: Michael Cohen Testifies Before Congress | NYT News
Today I was taking time out, and this because the weather has become much better and it is like the first spring wind blowing and I wanted to upload an article later afternoon. This is the article on Cohen and Co. Meanwhile I am again played all day by China and Clodhoppers and they place "elephants" in front of my house or in front of my face to tell I am suppose to make a choice of which I have no idea what choice that is. My wife went to driving testing and could not start the test car five times. She became nervous. The car can be electronically controlled and the driving teacher probably a stupid dane fiddled with the car - or the car fiddled with making the driving teacher a party.
Anyway, Cohen and then case is huge and all baed on me, Niels Ulrik Reinwald. In the "virtual" "fake" case a Story Dnaiels is alligned hwo i Niels, me. Virtually. Sex because and Bible is all about sex, cock and cunt and the larges fuck fest ever and has nothing to do with something divine. I have written comments to the court case and will show them here within a few hours. The case and judges is about crying congres a Mr. Jordan who is virtually Denmark and it tries to virtually portray that Niels Ulrik Reinwald told the whole world the truth and they are flabbagasted and in total disbelief that one man could do what nobody else could ever do. Even 'God' is in disbeleif. The establishment is in disbelief. The World experience COVID basedon my work. COVID has been around for centuries and as per Pyramids they are NAZI as seen in one video where a hotel nearby is visited. Watch the video and look out for Pyramids giza where on a stone NAZ is inscipted. Pyramids in Giza are numbered 3 and are Bible and is NAZI and is containing absolutely nothing. If anything, death. Outside is Orion connected and there humans will not be able to go ever.
When watching news outlets these too are in on the scam in various ways. Well, it is played world wide. World is COVID even CORONA and masks were suppose to eliminate COVID and Bible then masks only brainwashed people into living nd doing COVID which it has been done more and more so as per Bible when all is reveled or at least enough.
Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels one mans work in coorporation with The Wolrd so it will persist and play about same same or old which is new and new which is old as a bitwise operand XOR mnemonic a qbit never this and never that but always both but neither or. I am said I am not protecting in writing my articles and mentioning Bibles esoteric meaning. Well, what then is Bile and used for what when all that is used is numbers and WORD and AMIN and DOWN and UP as LEFT and RIGHT. It is noww dealt with such illness and so much COVID that I can easily and truely say that TIAWOL and was and is absolutely genuinely true. More COVID by injecting peopel with a fluid making 8 billion people ill is similar making all same ill and when all ae ill the ill are the norm.
China, Asia, was suppose to bypass Bible and many asian nations did during World War 2 and these nations supported Adolf Hitler in removing Bible however played Winston Churchill also at the same time. Hitler did not exactly win but did with same same and so World killed the NAZIs just as they killed NAZI JEW Mr. Jesus.
Draw a HEART: what comes up, must come down. Also I know since 2014, that up is down or back in Earth and gold is Eart, down, center, inside, on to.
If not instaleld as King, then how do you hink king became kings all over same same. Emperor larger and is Asia, Chinese. Imperator as Roman Empires kings but they were the origin of Asian and especially emperors of China from where all of western culture is derivedi ncluding Parthenon, Pyramids and Easter Island and Stonehenge. Next time you say and eat a hamburger, you are loving it, loving China, loving Bible and in doing so biblically are cruxified which babtism is. Once babtized you become a member of the hierachy of a nation because nations are with kings kina which is chin and voila, opera is sung. Fucking this hillbilly/clodhopper nonsense.
Square academic hat
皇帝 of which latter is god. First emperor China Qin Shi Huang and notice the black hat which is what universities still use: "I will eat my hat if I am wrong, and I am." see also and a square is 4 stroeks making IN as IN THE BEGINNING. The square headwear is type crown all World i 100% Chinese and Roman Empire to frensh all based on chinese traditions and culture. Nothing in west is orginally western. Castle mostly square or related to IN perhaps 8 as eight pointed star etc etc.
With this article and another day played, I am again played with hclodhoppers driving past my house some relatively quite but sometimes relatively silent is the largest noise. The best love shown is doing it. "I love you" said produces nothing other than what is inside brainof receiver. Zebras don't know this, they just do it. Love thyself, yes, but how much and when I love myself, I aint making babies so no babylon.
[Cohen case inserted]
2024 April 26
Headline source In a world of fairytales, Walt Disney, myth and entertainment-cities it is good to find stability in knowing the foundation on which one stands when confronted with spirals of wars so many only Wikipedia comes as a source of this information. We are talking 1000 of wars the past 100 years. Trillions of Dollars spent on arsenals of horrors. Poverty and democracy which only works every 4 years. Democracy and nations has not produced stability post two major world wars and in my memory I still see Sadam Hussein hangged like a pig and Muammar Gaddafi likewise hunted down like a rat. For producing this sort of memory there should be reprisals. These memories like world wars are the reason for the ongoing 'downward spiral'.
In repect I did not write for month on I also deleted my pevious website with something so original it was worth 1000 vatican Cities. Sweden separated themselves from church (leaving the sattein downward spiral without foundation of the biblical created nation). Downward spiral is nations living a lie. Then an ongoing war on my person because I wrote TIAWOL made me write a few articles. People, some who still have sanity left, know that your foundation is based on a lie as I was told it was because I was made a King Of The World yet 'God' hated me for not letting myself install as King doing what 'God' actually wanted and this is the insanity of 'God' playing all hands as in movie orignal Sin at the end where a table of cars is played cheating.
Stability equals wars and wars are the tool of 'God' to control people. Warm war in one thing but war like COVID and media as fake is also wars of the human race. ‘downward spiral’ with 69 as the sexual position as two apostrophes is like saying Downing Street 10. Yes, ‘’ is how deep the rabbit hole is and you won't know this if nobody tells you. Luckily it is soon May 1st 2024 and as said is a day forth set to relax. Mission is possible. However, should clodhopper danes continue so shall I with much more because the source is endless leading to a source-less origin word with a void rewritten multiple times to fit or at least used in various different ways of which there are many more.
The conflict is solely and responsible that of the nation named Denmark and China and Asia knows this fact. The terror on my person has only produced words whereas conflicts and terror has been inflicted on whole people as genocide in Palestine and prior on Libya and Iraq and Iran and many other nations. Genocide by Israel now investigated but other nations such as primaryly Denmark and 'Freemason' are the source of terror leading to a world in which we can no longer trust and which is built upon terror rather than on repect of human life and dignity where my personal life has been destroeyd twice by religion then surveilance and following me and listening into telephon convensation is the terror nobody wish for which only produce more terror however the idea is, that this insane surveilance will avoid conflicts but harvest conflict and taht is the tool of to destroy all of people who today via social media are only canon fodder and less. Palestine confict is the proof of this. 'God' nor religion are nice but are instigators of wars and conflict and a downward spiral since Adam Eve was installed for the purpose of destroying all of human kind.
Danish state even fought me on steeling my book TIAWOL and would drive trucks pasts my house when I would leave my house. The 'Freemason' also threatened me and many others by using family memnbers even a,butating an othwrwsie healthy womans left leg which as per medical journal from hospial was easy to save. We are dealing with a terror system far worse than Hitler during nazi Germany and I have written so and since it is true and I could and cane prove it, stasi state danish hates anyone with a mind to figure out their very sickness and illneses og which there are so many it will never be cured or else Second World War would have done so. unfortunately Winston HCurchill with "we shall never surrender" withheld Germany from removing clodhoppers and bastards and nazi swines and it is called fight fire with fire or ring with rings. When I did it they hated it but when they do it they love it. Then unfairness was played by China on my person and for that there is almost no forgiveness for all of homo sapiens. Juval Harrari, a jew, said of bible it was all a complete fake. I rest my case with that knowing that it is all fake.
There is much more and TIAWOL only scraped the surface. They wish to destroy people and two world wars is evidense even of those nations who allegedly were neutral which they only were in collution with Germany and in other wars also in collution. Roman Empire is like a bar of soap compared to the washing machine nations have created via NATO and other war-mongering organisation in which natiosn protect nations and the establishemnt and nt people. People are just slaves but dont feel it because slaves of the mind is something entirely different but far worse and they use this technology to inflict horrors on people using relgion and religiosu love to disquicse the facts that wars alone is evidense of their ill will when they send armies and young people to kill other peopel without a personal objective cause other than nationalism and nazism and bible which natiosn are trying themselves to obliterate because nations made a major mistake and a great fortune in adopting such a tool of love where people worship a COCK because it is hidden secretly that GOD is a COCK. It is demanded to speak softly yet not doing so in the opposite direction.
I can say, that human rights are made to fool. Peopel then think there are rights and they are upheld. They are not upheld. IN history many victims have suffered and could never speak. Journalist try. humans try. Democracy was suppose to be the fix but never fixes anything except is a tool to maintain status quo in a system wit hcourts with absolutely no justice or else our world would be heaven and a paradise by now after 500.000 years of evolution. Thinktanks and places like Davos and politicians and governance are the large extension of Sun castle Verseille and used as the Sun King did namely fuck and plunder whole nations manwhile Idol and American Got Talent used to portray the idea of real human dignity. They are jsows to fool. Locally one or a few will feel greatness until forgotten in the corridores of fame. God is the bastard invented to destroy or at best fucked it all up. Biblically in Romans 13:3 it is authorities that are the terrosist for God and bible is proof and that is why illiteracy was invented.
Had it not ben TIAWOL or me it would be some other event which would trigger floods of hell on Earth. I am just jailed as the creator of havoc when in fact havocs existed long before I was ever bon. God is per Bible dead since jeus as a vagina dies across The Bible. Imagine haning a dead man on a cross in churches and then hearing the Pope say Pope is the substitue of Jesus. Pope is then the substitte of the dead as are nations.
Western outlets ignoring the unprecedented legal campaign against Israel, and its allies risk appearing complicit.
Yes, nations are religious based on liars.That is why nations supported creation of israle because it supportd themselves in a time changing fast pre and post world war 2. The World in fatc has a chance for great change but judges are probably threatened as are journalists. Media outlets should be created which are operated like temples where peopel could vote for the outcome only problem is, that education needs to be implemented on a large scale in fatc a worldschool in which all citizens are being given the foundation better thanthat given by nations and nations establishements. These establishments became Freemason and ill judges colluding with state and state became the golden toilet of the establishment. All are rebels all are wanting what could have been installed 100.000 years ago. We could today be living in paradise. We are paradise however clodhoppers and nations establishent thought nobody would come around and prove how sick this world is. Now I am here and since 99% of all people wish for a court to show paradise can exists, then the court may be fooled also by listening to ill wills. Sometimes feeling and life is when life is really felt. Now some nations establishment have felt what they made other feel and one would think they would learn from it. They dont. That is why this courts-case and people free re the last hope.
'God' makes everyone a sinner and God is the biggest sinner of them all. Complicity in Sin. U is a stoke bend a U and we get SUN. I also O and we get SON. Now you are a sinner just being born. that is the depts of evil and hell and mortification which is why Pope is stonedead even alive but he will not accept this fact because pope tries to not mary anf not have sex. ut he was born and that is enough to be a sinner and womb is temple inside but outside you die biblically explaining why Pops use mortification to inflict pain so they feel. It is also why establishment use war and terror to make other people feel the establishments pain. Judas who is Jesus who is God in bible is complicit in destroying The Pope and God. Throwing the first stone is about knowing shit like this and I will happily throw the first stone because the stone sits between my legs and I thrown it everytime I make love to myself. I Throw it from side to side and stroke it and the throwing is so plasurefull it feels like a lovely pain inducing endorphines almost like being in heaven. that is why church and establishment has kept peopel from erotic teaching and learning the craft because hen people live. Like cannabis made illegal because it benefits much more than white sugarand checp factory cheap Coca Cola (a litlle ok with an icecude on a cold summer day like in the commercials but not by the littres daily), cigarettes and other medicines introduced to kill and create havoc on this planet. I have tried it and they play me when I love myself because they dont know how to. I do and I love it.
Appearing complicit is a thing of the past since allies, nations, are historically complicit in the largest scam since the installing of religion. Religion and Christianity installed like a piece of software. Reboot or blue screen of death or simply a bug. I prefer debugging. Will a court be able to debug and will cheese finally smell and look wonderful again. Coca Cola could even be rebranded as the drink where less is more.
The old castles in UK are a period gone now relics and tried relieved with events. Here is a pigion adorning the decor. That is "China" as 'God' or Bible or Buddism. A pigion or dove depicted ready to fly. It is one of a billion. They don't know which one it is. Perhaps there is 8 billion and more. One story, one myth, one tale. Are there rally two, no, offcause not. Is it at The Vatican or was it at The Vatican now rlieved or gone. Is it the Nazi holy grail in movies where when seen the Nazi die. In movie where Angelina Jolie finds its and drops it back into a darl dungenon. It is a pigeon as a dead symbol of a time which is wished still lived yet that two headed bird, girl, woman, is one minute there, then here, then somewhere else. Perhaps in Beijing with a tower with two balls perhaps with a businessman in Hanoi perhaps with a little girl dreaming of Walt Disney as a princess or perhaps lagued at when an old woman beleives what a whole nation said was nonsense. Se,, they all lie and when case upon case which I won is played by Asia and China and Thailand and 'God' then it is not because I was wrong, it is simply because the mounain is only so tall and when I reached the top they played me hoisting my cock and when that failed because of opportunity, noise or simply age, then they played not uploading to my website which I said was only playable. However all is off when terror persists and terror persists. The establishment world wide and clodhoppers irritating like a bug are not able to let it go nor do what I did for month.
2024 April 26
Insidently then شِرْك shirk (idolatry) is probably where SHEIKH شيخ shaykh is derived which means Sheiks are idols. Idolatry is forbidden but only when masturbating and Sheiks don't masturbate, right! Etymology and Etymology. Also Chic interesting.
Eggs. Oval Office and Dubai king dressed in yellow as the color of egg-yolk and he has 26 children. We have an idol.
Mount Hermon and named Jebel esh-Sheikh , "the chief mountain".
This then is جبل الشيخ where hermon is sheihk. Hermon, a mountain, mount venus.
See Lovetracking log 2024.04.26 for previous day where two women and bycycling men near Netto in Nordborg did the Sheihk, egg, dying biblically. That is why in 2014 I did not enter and in not doing so, won. Helping people I was told prior publishing TIAWOL in 2013 but helping people is bringing them to realize that bible is a death instruemnt as per movie Death Trap. 'God' loved to play games and laughed at people which is why 'God' in Asia tried to make this profit religious hogwash live on and one as a terror instruemnt. there are parts okay which explains 1 million castles and a million churches.Imagine all who knew did the same would be insane not having someone doing different. 'God' wrote Bible as a all-relgion-catch-all tool to fooll using sex, cock and cunt who most people are driving towards like eating food and sleeping. Then installed nations which grew from castle and cities, citadels. Then inited Nations. Then Niels Ulrik Reinwald and 'God' cant get over it that one person actually was able to fullfill the bible prophecy telling the story and proving it from WORD to AMIN and from Hebrew to Greek language intrwined in a myriad of language and crossing languages because by design your world is a lie. "Who are you lying with tonight, swinger?" "I do it with a horse or a pig tonight, what about you?" "A camel.". This is what came and from royalsto popstars there is one difference which is, that they are playing the same tune using a different scale.
The biblical i sits between your legs. You have an idol betwen your legs. That is the biblical joke explaing why there are joking fools who became kings. In doing yourself, selfy, you violate bible law not taking other idol because 'God' is only idol and 'God' is a cock and cunt. Being christian, religious, makes you have nothing and you fuck yourself to death. That is proven emperically but 'God' wish for it to continue. Well, then why play. Reason are many. One cant know until one knows and nobody told. I told and in doing that I biblically won and then the chain falls of because 'God' decided that everyone is skrewed.
Perfectly satisfied to know and if I knew where atoms came from I would tell. 'God' also does not know where atoms came from and nobody knows. The word atom is a different matter.
That is why we get classical writng saying: "Men on horsebacks flashing cocks all over...". God is a cock and cunt and cunts is nothing so a cock. You are the spitting image of God, a cock. When you pray to God, you are praying to a cock. Empirical evidense is Bible. Bibe is a tool to fool and piece of jargon made to installed clodhoppers as kings. It is easy to create a sound and or saying which explains something genuinely amazing. Bible belongs amond erotic novels paperbacks and for that it is entertainement and used an an instruemnt for kings and queens to masturbate to and with and they did so placing bible in their groins while fucking.
Biblically then bible is a cunt and biblically then cunt, vagina (vacancy), is nothing. Bible is that. Nations and God, though proven empirically is cock nd cunt, hve it to live forver. Very well then but is still cock and cunt and nothing. That is why when you ask a priest, pastor, or governance, about all this and their foundation, they turn totally angry and agressive and will hang up the phone or whatever. Also telle benny Hinn and he will start slating more people in the spirit all fake but true because it worksl ike hypnosis which is all it is. Like a magic show people beleive it to be true just because hey dont know how it is done but beleive me, it is all a trick of the mind and hand all by design just as bible is.
2024 April 26
Both departments Tax revenue and Finance Ministry, whom I have both telephoned, do not know where tax revenue is paid to. The state simply does not know where the revenue goes to. I have also called Statedepartment asking kindly where United nations Civil and Political Rights are upheld in the state but state does not uphold nor follows these rights which the state itself has signed with antd at united nations where the original document signed is deposited however citizens are now allowed to see the original signed document.
Tax is deducted before income is held in possession and the income never seen or held y producer of cash and wealth and state does not know where companies pay the tax and today Skat hung up the telephone when I asked where tax is paid to. I also told Skat, which insidently is word darling for "skat", that Ubbetaling Danmark is not authority as per law on Udbetaling Danmark which is under which is a fund. The law clarly states that municiplaity is authority. State is administered like a dirty rag and questions ordinaire is replied to by hanging up phone or simply not replying.
Reason likely that nations are administrated elsewere far away from the nation. The deception so deep it belongs at ICC which insidently is in on the largest scam since Adam & Eve was invented and installed as nations. Whole state-budgets such as the United States Of America is most likely paid outside of the USA. Make America great again is a prediction and people at least know that 2008 defaulting is also paid by taxpayers because state has absolutely not one cent and if naything all is based on debt-economy.
This article written because Tax hung up phone and because no reply to my email to tax and because of court case setup illegally as per states own phrasing in letter on fine driving 93 kmh where limit was 90 kmh as per GPS and that was downhill following other speeding cars driving faster. Plus other cases today. More articles can following similar cases.
2024 April 26
After few aticles in April 204 the clodhoppers have alost stopepd driving past my house making noise. I live on a road with not much traffic however the past five years and especially last month May 2024 1000 of cars driving as usual. I shall see if it lasts. Plent4y of material to pull from each and every day but as promissed, it may be less article-writing all depending on the terror presented. I have finally produced lovely quite and this is amzing that some are that robotic doing what is expected. Many movies to watch and many ideas and much to follow and write about. I wrote articles during May 2024 and I produced a win. It took me 13 years to win 365x13x12 times plus the many "In the beginning...". I thought it would take at least a few more years but a surprice is allways welcomed. There is still some noise produced but less so and I know more than enough which they dont so more, much more. Even scrablled text "AjjbjaswbhHhhsahakkJJshd" would make 'em feel like doing ABC and they hated so much. Love is amazing and that made me a win too - even a TAXI drive-tour.
2024 April 26
Medical induced illness has been known and used for many years. and practices was and is used by nations to keep the population drugged. This also explains why drugs such as cannabis is unwanted by states because such a drug actually frees people. Medicines in the nations view are used to drug people when families and even kings and queens turn too real as did Diana Spencer. Many have suffered likewise and I have persoanally seen some mental places named Oringe (O ringe for love rings) where mental patients where kepts medically induced in a toxis state of mind in various ways. You live is a world filled with biblical love yet are destiyed by love. You do not need to know - you just watch and look. Go back only a few decades and people were kept in asylums drugged and during and prior WW2 people where used in experiments to numb and kill whole populations.
Eugenics by Bernard Shaw and many others and the Nazis but primmaily by nations establishemnt using eeigion and medicine and drugs, alchohol and evene cigarettes to make people ill. The worst cases are so horible taht only movies can try and depict them such as Hostels 1, 2 and 3 and Pshyco 1, 2 and 3 and Missery and similar movies. Eugenics is used by nations and they also use public schools, kindergarten and other instituions even work to keep the population in a perpetual state of checkmate. Donald Tumps speags of making AMERICA GREAT AGAIN but that would included removing WE THE PEOPLE and relgion and eugenics in all it forms including restructuring THE WHITE HOUSE which is biblical in Revelations where white is the colors of death. It may be asked why death, well, mortification and WHITE contains HIT as in HITLER and LER is danish for laugh. That is the esoteric world for you speelled and nobody is ever going to believe until they live the life of Pearl or become one of her victims where Pearl in the nation and her victims are the people.
Methamphetamine (Time magazine) and similar used to kill people and control people. Other chemical drugs used as medicines to control whle nations.Bible is just the start of the change reaction. You (think and live) or your sleep is the same. People hate people becaueof religon in any form. Differences is key to the use of drugs to destroy whole nations. Even medical staff are unware.
I drive to the city to convenient store Netto and are followed by a barrage of clodhoppers in cars driving 3 cars together. This has been going on for a few years now. So it all is ash and layers of sick Law Of Jante following a whole nation. Tomorrow an article on how a whole nation has been and is deceived using religion, Bible, via constitution (con) as the largest crime against all of humanity however Bible itsfl described that via Apocalypse and hate and walking dead peopel will be paralyzed which is why this schizophrenia scene has ben set just as described in Bible where in Revelation a schizophrenia is written in which all is same leaving however nations dead and people doing FALSEHOOD doing just fine. Below is ARMANI Hotel in a tall tower in Bubai just as I made a graphics seen right. Why is is, that a billion dolalrs need to add to Bible when a simple 5 cent grapicscn do the same. 50.000 family member sof the UEA arab Dubai family and he cant smile nor build a city which has life with gnuine happy people. No wonder the city is flodded but living there requires air condition and on a palm island one can live on a fake island all amde from sand at a billion dollars while the island is sinking.
As I drove to city Netto then a man walked past with his hands deep in pockets with gloves. just like my frined Ulrik Lundin did in 1983 then I lived in cpehangen and he visited me. He was ill and termed ill however his mediction it showed was so toxic it would make an elephant drown itself. And it did. That is how ill a nation is and all is described in Bible and happily so because it proves I am right and nations establishment is completely mad, ill and beyond being claasified as humans and Bible even tells that story and they are named DEMONS and far worse evene less than living even less than dead. The fella today walked past as playing that being wrong then and his family Lundin must now know, that state killed their son using medicin so toxis it could kill a small chinese city or anyAsian giving just a few tablets of that toxic substance. Medicne and physicians are like this made t kill on a large scale yet sometimes let some pass their deadly system. That too is described in Bible how doctors destroy and Hypocrates said so too that they are doctors of name, not by heart or good will. The evidense is millions of ill people as seen via
Bible is the evidense which is why Bible is the ultimate sworn in to prove nations and nations estatblishments very ill ways of running a country. This is also described in Bible telling how families and whole nations will lay bare destroyed just as sen in Hollywood blockbusters with actors portraying death and black oil as deadly water running form the intestines of a dead biblical woman. illions of people have dies on the ticket one way called Bible. From CEOs to huge kingdoms which went into total annihilation one example in France Sun King at Palace verseille still operated as a tourist destination as the temple of death and cunt and cock flashing around in the gardens while people beleived in a divine cause and effect and even in a life after death. Ask The Emir of any UEA to take a one way ticket and they will scream like in the worst nightmare ever imagined. Ask a kingdom to not be a kingdom, is like asking an apple pie not to be an apple pie. Impossible and the reason is simple, they made a mistake in adopting Bible whereas I never entered yet played the one carrying the heavy burden of nations and empires and kingdoms sin. That is how large and it gets larger by the day and nobody needs a circus or las vegas or Dubai is the genuine school of life.
Schizophrenia ( is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling. People with schizophrenia require lifelong treatment.
I have proved empirically, that kingdoms and Dubai are examples of this illness. Sadam Hussein and architect of new York city are ill peopel and for this one must try and cure them. WIll they - many will never and will scream at the thought of being cured. They wish babylon yet destroy those who live babylon such as kingdom of UEA and nations-kingdoms and anyone who lives Bible because Bible is the only reason why the illness Schizophrenia exists.
Psychiatry in scripture: sacred texts and psychopathology (next time your physicians ask you if you hear voices, then ask the physicians, why they ask you a question, which belongs in church, where such is not considered an illness). Nations (kingdom based and installed via annointment-babtism) and especially any kingdom are therefore schizophrenic. is seen in a number of movies where things like exorcism takes place. Also seen in The Da Vinci Code movie where Silas (played by Paul Bettany) where he hits himself to pain called Mortification. Pope also whipped self. Mot is death. That is what a whole nation does and the peopel follow and without knowing why until Bible is decoded for what it is; mortification with a symbolic dead piece of flesh looking like whatever oyou can depict evene looking like Paris Hilton, if your prefer. Some prefers real dead flesh and fuck it just to suffer mortification because they can not grsp their stupidity and life and things untold would make Monaco-Dubai look like torture chambers.
Physicians are thus proven ill because physicians should be bringing in the establishment of nations-states to a medical facility to be treated. however is states physicians themselves suffer from some sort of religios mortification but are in denial of this fact. Physicians are grouped into secret societies for the same reason. Such societies should be classified illegal but many politicians are themselves suffering.NATO and United Nations is the extension of Revelation 22:21.
Because I won writing my articles a few days ago I was today played doing somthigng going shopping. I did not do. Reason is that I do not play religious abuse games. This has been done many times and played many times and each time designed for me to loose. When replayed, then never same because then I know so I will do the opposite as per the nature of my mind since Bible is the tool to fool. Ask me to stand on one leg for one minute and I will not. There is no game, I play no game. Imagine God can not get this into the skull makes me not play the game even less. How will one know if one won, when loosing tells you, you lost. It is fake and rigged. Such games has been frequent is diffent ways. One never knows the actual game until game is shown as a living dead nation. That is why there are courts and governance to rule the people because peopel after five billion years of evoluton cant because of religion. I have as people have during two world wars been held ransome playing one more time when one more time equals a lifetime. Bible is fake with fake promisses explnaing why nations treat people like shit because the nation is shit. Shit equals NATO and a Norwegian Genrel Secreary more a fool than Hotel Inpector visiting dead hotels..
2024 April 25
When I say something I mean it until I mean something different. As per states and nations, all based and created from Bible and religion, there are nations that vanish:
Even Roman Empire, a whole empire, royal, vanished. Roman Empire not on above list for obvious reasons. Egyptian gods vanished. Alexandria vanished. Whole empires vanished in Asia. New sprung up and one created 2013. Bill Gates III is one such 'empire' personally but large corporations are structured like empires like castles. Most importantly is, that many nations, lands, countries, are now former such and nations in European Union no longer sovereign so all vanished except ones much like US states within the states of United States of Europe. It is like malls for shopping. Once small solo shops now joined in a mall, a hall.
European Union and ASEAN are just another way to say, same same. UNASUR now almost gone too. One day European Union will vanish. So will United States. It is also hard to imagine a world previously without soccer and football arenas, but once none existed. People who love soccer and football can't imagine that. Peopel can't imagine much except the very few hanges that happens during their lifetime. it is like a clock, same. Imagine a time and clock that changed ever so often. Even summer and winter times are difficult to comprehend. Remove time, would be bad for Rolex, but birds would not care. Take away bingo for people playing bingo and it could start a civil war.
Anagram. And they said a new world. They keep it as old as possible as large as posible. They did and do it but when I solely use words, it is hailed as shit. AR or OR insidently esoterically spell COCK and CUNT and WORD 11 strokes splling COCK and CUNT. There are so many cocks and cunts in bible that the only god there is, is a 7 stroke 11 stroke called 7Eleven. Covid insident and TIAWOL is like the tip of the tip of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the corona virus. No wonder not wanting anymore. However I used only 26 letters only.
Russia, Ukraine
Europe and World did not deal with not paying gas and the situation in Ukraine and similar countries was were dire with installed communism and a whoele nation looted. European politicians nor NATO did anything. Now US will pump in 1 billion US DOllars defend spending to Ukraine. First nations and its leaders fuck up everythign and then they fuck up everything. that is how they operate. Unfortunately writing and jouranalism does absolutely nothing except seeing royals now flying around like assholes. It is laughable to see royals still in existance but the human mind can not deal with seeing Bingo not played at The Grand Hotel in Yorkshire Pudding. UK also did not get english breakfast truely spot on and could certainly be improved. people elct politicians while politians do shit. Democracy is the mirror of the human soul playing bingo. Election are even rigged. Elections are between two parties or two wings since the human mind can not deal with more choices. Democracy working 24 7 would never allow Ukraine situation nor World War 1 nad 2 and those two wars were by design and not chance showing again that democracy does not work for what it was intended for and if it did, Roman Empire would still exists but died like anything did when people trust a God installed who cant elect people who only use words to fight and not 1 billion dolar weapons budgets which BTW are all virtual.
2024 April 25
Believe it or not, last morning, yesterday, they then moved religion again driving a large truck past my house. Story follows. Further, clodhoppers again drove past my house. This is the land of The law Of Jante, remember. Now loved by many people. In fact, people have now not only lived Covid, they have adopted Law Of Jante as their own religion all done so by a whole nations, many of its people, a whole kingdom and since absolutely nothing given, not even everything, because God does not know everything, then it is all same. TIAWOL was and still is absolutely spot on. Now Asia can present Nobel Peace Prize to a nation who destroyed its people during World War 2 and the following years through clandestine illegal laws of which most are ambigious.
I have known how moving is important since moving myself to a place named Asia and one cant follow same all the time but is used to destroy anyone who wished to utilize love for the purpose of making the best place ever and natiosn hate that or else all people would be living in The Vatican by now installed all as royals (some chose to become MARIA whichis MAFIA). I made sure people now are royals in their own way and gladly people can now look a nation in its eye for what it is, a lying piece of garbage never telling or teaching the people but keeping it all a secret. There is so much more but secrets are demanded so why tell, right!
Personally, I did not write for month. Then clodhoppers said to write. Then I wrote. The nclodhoppers demanded quite. This is he way their fake game is played. When I look right, they want you look left and when you look down, then want you look up. In my case I was played both using the 'spirit Asia' yet this 'spirit' was put in two opposite positions so whatever I choose it would flip he other way explaining the disadvantage by design and explaining the ongoing choosing wrong leading to no other solution that falling behind in a fixed race.
Similar last morning, another fake play. The 'chess-game' I was invited to moving to state daish was fake from day one starting 2017. People now know themselves how they are played on a national level and histroy is happily evidesne of fakeness presenetd by nations or else one nation, Cuba, would have made all people royal Castros. That tale BTW is mostly fake from Bay Of Pigs to installing Castro where his brother now is the blodline while people dont have o repair their cars. Cuba is an experiment in how farpeople will accept poverty and a broken ciity and nation and people. Cuba is Jonestown and a whole world have become acustom to this level of deception. Cuba is Covid is religion is hell lived and music and lovely ladies used to portray a nation in happiness. Sex and bate skin used on and verywhere to make people live Jonestown Massaere. This oppinion will be disagreed but 2 plus 2 made 48 so I know fake I know how they play the game. Jonetown Massacre was and is an experiment in how far nations and God can bring people to its knees meanwhile people love Jesus but since Jesus is king is god, god died with Jesus. That is the level of deception.
Cuba was and still is Jonestown Massacre and people won't know it until people are lying in the street with swollen belly. 'Che' just another fool or tool or now semi-god or a patsy used for the purpose to break a nation into destructions on a level not even seen in Bible.
Articles on Cuba at
Even people like Donald Trump and all US President patsies in the scheme to create havoc and use Bible to manipulate all people. The deception is proven and Bible is the proof. Prisidents of all other nations are installed on same level to figure as democracy while nations are taken over via dept and bitcoin (world allready has digital money via debitcards). My book and writing hated for pinpointing these facts and nations can't do shit about it because they have 1. been fooled and 2. indebted via building Sun Palaces and temples as churches whole cities (Vatican) and whole nations built as caste systems installing a socalled one world order which too is fake since that order existed since Bible was installed. Great Reset also a hoax. There is the ultimate foundation of nations and that is The Bible in most cases and the hoax gos as far as Bible being the sole book of all religions including buddism, hinduism and all other religions. Christianity is fake and the evidense is Bible and that is why I am hated and taht is why Bible by design told all people to love a man who told the story and truth but was kileld for it. You are being deceived and this article is proof of it. Cuba is too evidense of a completely fake environment in which all the peopel of Cuba were and are walking dead. Movies used since first movies produced to program people.
The fakeness also utilized by instroducing Disney Frozen and "Let It Go" and Taylor Swift is a patsy unaware of the deceptive methods used when she wins all the prizes when in fact she is not all that good except nice like any teenage girl in a swimsuit. Nation are, as Juval Harari said it, fake. Harari even said Bible was fake. Why then is Jerusalem the capitol of World, sort of, when Israel is founded on Bible? Fake. Your life is fake. But that is taking it too far since most people cant comprehend that something this sinister could ever be installed on a planet on which you actually LIVE EVIL. That is how deep fake you live and MARY ARMY is just another anagram all installed to have God laugh at your face.
Unintentiionally nations became nations all as zones with borders. A whole planet. Imagine just hald of 20% of Earth was uninhabited by biblicalnations which would explain the existance of sanity. (If I, NUR, get to be anymore right, I shall fall of the edge of Earth since sanity included fun too).
2024 April 24
Yesterday at my house, outside, on the road, 1000 of cars and trucks. All day they "moved" everything 'God' since I yesterday wrote "The erotic lost, love lost". In fact everything is the same. They built towers trying to build themselves away rom Bible because Bible was their old shit. Bible is nothing. and biggest command, law, is love as empty. When they then move out of Bible they are moving to nothing after Revelation. They move to another nothing. Both nothing as per one movie Oblivion whihc 'God' said was a lie. Then why move and play another yesterday is the need to continue with same yet nations says it was not same but I said it was, and I was right. Most people hate people who are right and that explains Bingo and Hotel Inspector and entertainement city Dubai better known as Las Vegas #2. People travel to Dubai because Dubai is a cheap netertainment hub at best or worst with ARMANI brand at the bottom of Burj Khalifa. Not many stay at this hotel and when depicted is mostly empty rather that bustling with life. The reference to life is a sexual one in Genesis 1:2 and the 'divine' business of monks and pasotrs and priest is that of sin and profit and as per Aple Inc they have Evangelists hired at Apple Inc. where the brand and packaging is what makes up the skelleton of the brand just like ARMANI is needed to sell a hotel. A good anything does not need a brandname to make quality.
Is the hotel in Dubai ARMANI or Georgio Armani the story does not say. Many might even decide not to suport and wear Georgio Armani for this peculiar reason and need for branding.
Hotel Inspector could actually improve any hotel even ARMANI and 7 star hotels is a fiction which explains why Hotel Inspector is needed to get up to standard namely five stars. NExt time you enetr a church, Notre dame, then realize that any church and any temple has virtually been moved up and down so many time I lost count but near 3000 times since 2018 enough to know that Psycho movies 1, 2 and 3 now has a fourth. In Asia I had one day nothing and next day everything but nothing I never had and everything never since I don't know everyting since Universe is so large it exists in places humans will likely never know and this may need an explanation because astronomi is being faked away from another fake Bi Bang theory - but I will leave the explanation for another article on the subject.
Since 2013 with which created a situation world wide which I did no create, then I can conclude, that only writing words and showing symbols,similar crop circles, then world and 'god' and populations go into a frenzy. In fact it went as bad as me humming which was interpretatied It went as bad as breathing and writing something nice and lovely too. My book TIAWOL with a few chapters on many cases and chapters hated by religious people for writing some things which is not text-book and follow the same standards and honesty is and never will be part of the human behavior sine most nations kept it all to themselves. A gift, a present, of such significance 500.000 temples and churches would adorn a planet saluting and haling a dead man hung on a cross in a horrific position tortured by a nations establishment. God then kills Jesus and lets him rise gain to experience 2000 years of ongoing slaughter and COVID with which world is operated. Anything became COVID and even writing about it and even asking questions and governance started hanging up the telephone and started throwing shit and piss at one man for telling the story which should have been told many many years ago. Now nations and God even loves Benny Hinn and similar preachers. Now tall towers are the symbol of crops and circles and whole cities became citadels, castles so it is no wonder COVID and mask had absolutely no meaning other than to tell and program people to not open heir mouths or anything else of importance yet alone say, I.
God wants preachers who makeup and are profits whereas my personal church is anywhere even in my imagination of a story so lovely named Annabelle it could have made me profit and a telelr of stories making even myself a believer of magic when knowing imagination is what is the largest and best church ever created until one speaks of it because God hated letting someone rise after Giovanni saw Annabelle removed by God. At least I and many know why flowers do what flowers do and also know, taht religion did not dictate flowers to be flowersexcept for perhaps some venus flytrap. Imagination was, not to imagine and then tried but when someone drops a turd in your face, it is hard not to wipe if away. That is why the establishment and clodhoppers thrown shit and piss at some people and Bible even allows that. It was named Apocalypse for also his reason and in this Apocalypse even movies allowed uglyness to thrive rather than to write a scripts which would create movies showing grass grow and clouds fly past. The next animation will show a circle expanding taking 24 hours to move five centimeters across the monitor - that will be interpretated as hate.
2024 April 22
"You may have heard this tune/song by Fugees (pop group) called "Killing Me Softly". In goes on like this: "Killing me softly with his song, Telling my whole life with his words" and "Strumming my pain with his fingers" and "I prayed that he would finish, But he just kept right on". What is that all about? It is about a woman being stroked on her vagina by his finger or she could be masturbating praying to stop because the near ecstasy is almost too much hence you must explode in orgasm so the relief is fullfilled."
(They even follow that I made a few edits to above quote and they drive past my house multiple times. That is how little is played (nose-picking the picked) and how much nothing is had.)
Love lost. Paloma Faith - Only Love Can Hurt Like This (Live at The BRIT Awards, 2015) is of a similar meaning and she is standing in Singing In The Rain similar just as Puple Rain by Prince is a song about holy pussy water dripping. Popculture. A groupd danish named Swingers whereenglish word swingers is fucking with whatever whoever changing wives. World is indeed like in movie Oblivion, with actor Tom Cruise.
Yesterday I went to Germany to buy food and wood for the fire-stove. I was again played. I have been home for many days ca five. When I go to city I usually also go to pharmacy to buy Viagra because it feels great using it which I shall explain later. Because of me going to city and it is known I will will refill Viagra hen I have run out of these tablets I was yesterday played not playing my cock called masturbating. I did. And in doing so felt great. This is the way it has been going on now for five years. Imagine Bible and my work, TIAWOL, being played like this all very easy. Only thing was, as I have said, that it is played until I can not resist ejaculating. This is how 'God' wins or looses all at a wimp. That is why I have decided not to play such things but 'God' has decided otherwise. I simply laugh because if Bill Gates and similar have been played like this including Prince Charles then it surely is a very peculiar and psychotic 'god' we are dealing with not so much said by me but by the Bible.
I shall later give tips on playing with cock and cunt as a way to experience great feelings and exaltation beyong what any pastor has ever taught you. You probably think of sex as something you know all about and are content. Great. Then don't read a word however I personally find it interesting to experience something which is the best and sex, good sex, is not only about making babies but about life and hormones and being able to stand tall when someone uses fowl language or otherwsie tries to patronize you or your loved ones. One of the main reason why TIAWOL was and is hated, is because it dives into areas which most people never tough and because most people are afraid of showing their real self and that is a major reason why there are all the trouble we know. Movies Fockers is a fun famility movieand name like thatcan only live in a movie except in daisgh a politician is named Thorsten Gejl where surname means sexually horny. Thor is a gods name with a hammer which is sitting between the legs and it gets ist girlfriend at the end of movie Thor The Dark World most of the movie played up in heaven however everything is down on Earth and yesterday all moved where it belongs after me saying so in agreeement with the foundation.
If some nations establishment actually knew the power of love they would spend time making it and not destroying it. That is also why daish law on court is designed to remove any dissedent or any form of reality and any type of truth as per Polluter Pays Principle used as one of the biggest schemes to rob people of their money all based on abusing laws intentions and such can't be interpretated or else laws are ambigipous. It is either or and not both. Try interpretating a recipy on making a disg or cake, it is easy.
Movies such as Blue Lagoon were made for a reason just like pornographic movies are the extension of Parthenon in Greece, which esoterically is porn, the temple of love but eroticism and sex but never used for its purpose, sadly. Parthenon resroes over the years where stuff added. Also in Rome you will see moniments, as rins, which are added over the years. English agrdn actually build fake ruins as part of the design of the garden making romantic gardens. Notre Dame restored. Temples and churches kept up in the millions and in Barcelona a church being constructed over many years. At the same time our world is doing WASHING CUNT (which is derived esoterically from TON (O being two halves as C C as CU)) and so we get ths dual world where on one hand it is wanted to clean up all the old while they restore all the old. Even robots and tools at Mercedes (greek goddess fomr where commerce is derived) in Germany is named from ancient traditions. Cum in merce. Cum in goddess the cunt. There is only a few letters but this is how language is designed from the root of WORD. Virgin Mary is Mercedes Biblically this virgin is giving birth without sex and or simply a brand name. That is why my book TIAWOL and earlier was hated because I depicted 1 and O as fucking making 1 come out, self. One fucks one in Bible. Bible fucks people and royals made to fool then democracy installed to make it all swallowable by the people explaining why we get royal houses with almost no real juice and power as earlier when kings and queens ruled totally. 1 is O is 1 is O is is is. Out comes NEO and this is all written in John. Then you can believe what you like because no sperm no egg no nothing.
Even 2024 music is based on old traditions: see titles:
2024 April 21
TODAY staff is hypnotized. Same effect used using The Bible and media, news and preachers are the best hypnotist by far and works every time example is Jonestown Massacre which is an extream where ca 500 people got hypnotized as an experiment seeing how far people will let them be hypnotized even while being conscientious. This is God's instrument however God is only a tool to fool. The past few thousands years and especially the past 2000 years and very much so the past 100 years hypnosis has been used in entertainment, TIK TOK, Facebook, now smartphones are the tool prefered by "God' and everyone is in on it. Advertizing in a place where hypnosis happens and one example to prove the point is making people world wide smoke cigarettes. Religion is the strongest 'drug' created and it was known back in time that people where very perceptive to religious belief even before it was known as religion.
The topic is vast but if thinking you are not being hypnotized or programmed or otherwise manipulated then think of what you eat, drink and talk. People also produce videos thinking it is freedom and they travel on holiday and watch a movie but all is designed for you and you produce nothing. Roads are also an example where offroad vehicles is never really used for other than riding on the actual road.
Another example: you lay Bible on a table and ask someone to read it. Soon after Vatican City is built or a castle which all look the same, a dome, a square. All do the same. Last night I watched and shorts known as TIK TOK. One was of a video depicticting 3 people being hypnotized by shaking their hand with the hypnotizer and a sound would snap. Start a music Taylor Swift or Elvis prestley and people start tapping their feet and girls might even thrown their bra at Elvis. When someone tell their children to go to school, the child does it. When people go to work, they don't not go to work. this is the power of the mind and we are all in this mind prison. Most will disagree and say they are free. Traffic lights also an examples all follow. Some will say it is natural and the best to do so. However, if someone tell you to wear a mast for no reason then you do it. You will also let your child and yourself be injected with an unknown substance because your governemnt said you should. You might evene read this article and you are being manipulated. Laws are also past and when laws via democracy seem to be filled with ambigious meanings democracy does not step in a deal with the many errors and people pay tax and follow the laws of which many are based on natural law. Taxes are based on tradtion and an origin and nobody questions the existance of why something is just as the big bang theory was all fake people believed it to be science.
That is why this website and and earlier and my writings are hated and tried banned because such is the power of words and bible and anything even breaching. Try not to breath. It is very hard to stop for more than 20 seconds. The reason why I write this article because the world and a planet is totally religious and one even calls it Prison Planet. Name Alex Jones. Julian Assange did absolutely nothing except was at a party in Sweden where a woman and he had sex or similar. For this the swedish police wanted to question him. Assange fled for no reason to London where he from an open prison was broadcasting TV for while he was sipping whiskey.
Half or more of all people find Bible to be nonsense and others love it. People have same brain and learn same yet are two or more style religious. Since TIAWOL some decided to love Bible even if they did not earlier. Some opposite. Hypnosis is ongoing.
You and I are living in a place which is a virtual reality show best described as a church as an enclosure and every location has multiple churches and most cities look exactly the same. Oxygen atoms dont change however you are being told "climate change" which is all fake and another way to tell you that something climate is changing or a change is happening whle you see no change in climate neither locally nor globally. Global warming is a hoax and without warming it would be freezing minus 150 celcius in most places and in some without weather, climate, 200 plus celcius. Your world and your life is dictated just like the preacher and pastor will tell you what to believe. Whatin Bible or weather makes you think you have a choice. Does a dead man risssen give any meaning when every Jesus who said they were Jesus has been told they ae madmen. Why do you believe in God who is a Dog and MAry who is Army. Well, climate and hypnosis has something in common with breathing because if you dont do it, you die. It is in fact very difficult almost impossible to stop breathing until you are dead and should you die you wont even know it was because you stopped breathing. Why then do you believe in anything esle such as something that is similar to breathing but when you stop, it no longer exist. Imagine you continue breathing after you are dead - well - that is what Bible tells you since you will go to heaven and live on and one. So stop breathing is no problem but even the most religious will not stop breathing. That is the power of being hypnoized and most people actually hypnotize themselves daily by letting others and God entity hypnotize their life.
Fashion is another small example. The reason for this small article is to tell that daily my life has been harrased on multiple levels with court cases, road clodhoppers dirving past my house and fllowing me to the city and harashing me. Also government hang up the phone sometimes when I call and ask questions. Govrnance dont evene read and understand their own laws. The world is a very ill place and I was not ill when I came to Europe 2017 said by China and for this I realize that being manipulated and hypnotized happens on many levels and one might end up shutting down and not watch televisionwhich I have actually achved almost 100% because each time I watch it I the same taling heads and same stories and the weather always is shown as a forecast and allways wrong or just as good as the forecast I make just looking out the window.
The Apocalypse allready happened: and they said The Bible was a lie!
One thing is for sure, atoms don't change. I don't have to love oxygen-atoms to be able to breath. I also don't have to love a nation which destroyed my life and many other peoples lives not telling the full story behind The Bible. Do I like women because of Bible? No, but it surely became very interesting to explore why women and sex has to be divine and if that is all it is, then so be it. Simplicty is after all what Bible is once you are told what the hell it really is. When I see a beautifull woman I don't feel jealous and the same applies when I see a beautiful zebra. If a culture is designed and language too, then one at least should know so or else live a lie until one knows the lie, to be true, and I taight myself and probably close to 4 billion people. Nations will do as in Cuba keep people in poverty while the "family" lives the life of gods. If an ant could look around at other ants and deside to be an elephant, would it!
2024 April 20
On Earth as always. More driving cars outside my house at 02:30 midnight. God does not like competion which is strange considering all the idols carried by God. God can always demand one minute OBEY and next minute STAFF (both written usually on Tshirts) and God not realistics and uses to show videos which are programs to place an elephant in fornt of your face demanding making a choice. A choice between two, rethorical. On tarts with everything in the beginning and Bible is allegorical and multilevel and only a small part of a structure used to manipulate whereas reality is not favoured and since a whole nation lost to I, then a whole nations must use simple bullying on all of its people. Something 3 used and split into left and right and center but the rest is oblivious. Most castels carry as per gate in Berlin two sides and a center making up a symbolic bird. "Let it go" was never really an option. Giving up not fighting also then won it all. God now plays nose-picking the shoulders of ants just as many wars, famine, poverty, mainhem, are the work of God. God is really not the agenda, something else is.
3: The World is played like a stage with proxies and I told the story as it is emperical or I would not be writing anything. Each car and terror attack on my life will see an article of some kind. Everything is same only difference is that people have now been educated by a teacher and at least 1 and 0 was a difference type of love, said Asia. I wonder if love then only sits in the brain and wonder why brain, mind and anything between legs are separated. They all spread the word all in their own way, I did it on a budget.
2024 April 19
30388 is the stocknumber for a car battery at On the 18 April I went and bought this car battery for my wifes car since her battery would not hold the charge very well. I had previously bought a batteriy myself from an autoservice and now had 2 old used batteries at 12V 62Amps. Now I went to purchase a third. Then at BAUHAUS I went to buy terrasse wood boards for my garden. Inside 3 young men were standing and smiling and one waved at me. On the way to city and back again 1000 of cars drove as thay have done previously. Asia and God-thing allowing this kind of gameplay. As I came home I heard shooting. Nearby there is a shooting rage and this usualy starts to shoot when clodhoppers get mad as thay have been since 2017. Anyone who knows this hillbilly game knows what I am talking about and it is called spirit of Asia as part of Bible since Bible is buddist and based on buddism, mohammad and greek gods.
Stocknumbers, prices, product-placement, advertizing all used to influence people in a way as done per Jonestown massacre however I tend to, as much as possible, to go the opposite direction of the herd mentality.
- We think 'This Dystopia' is Normal - Like People in Abusive Relationships think it's Normal
This article pretty much sums up in a superfical way what I and many have been exposed to since 2017 and previously in world history.
Buddhas of Bamiyan: Pictures of the two Buddhas before they were destroyed by the Taliban in March 2001.
This seen together with New York 911 and we are living in a world where I went blanco as white with my website in order to show that I am completely okay with not rendering any destruction. However clodhoppers, Freemasons, danish nazi state and danish hells angles and many similar did not want this so my website came back online. Now thay are playing driving cars showing on license plates letters AX yet anguished me going white with my wbsite and this was prior me knowing this white is mentioned in Revelation. Illness defined and Vincent Van Gogh is like babypowder next to this but lucky I know Bible enough to know that such evil will be at the "end times" and that is also why doing my website a favour writing articles is part of the biblical mayhem and even going PEACE and white was not enough. James Bond should never have been played by Daniel Graig nor should Stormy Daniels have been instituted nor should Donald Trump have been disallowed to use only words to have capitol hill like Verseilles stormed by people, WE. Now US courts are fighting WE THE PEOPLE with all sorts of ways to destroy a democratically elected President however USA is under the influence of deep debt but when Greece can bolster EURO 1500 per night cave hotels then defaulted nations is all fake.
Casa Blanca - movie. Worth watching with Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart both actors yet acting suddenly became reality. Scriptwriters only have one thing in their minds namely Bible explaining my own novels of one which survived horrors in Asia on my personal life. Naturally I can always talk with anyone and so tried in Asia yet words are not enough nor 10000 movies nor are even going blanca or even saying love. Lots of novels, some short, may come as a brainchild of all of this because the mind needs to flush out such things that detroys mind and that is why birds fly away when they see a cat.
TIAWOL was my personal story of which any writing will in parts be wrong. Nobody teaches the truth anyway prior 2013 except trying to tell a story by destroying two biblical WORLD center towers and buddha figurines. World religion and United Nations talk of religious freedom yet all are 1. religious and 2. same religion-base. Can no system exist where anyone will ask, when asked "What religion are you?" - What is religion? Actors like to portray a character and now might realize that the script is all real even when the scripts are fiction and imagination.
UK will ban buying cigarettes. Will it be the norm to soon be sane and real and kind. 1000 years like this as per Bible. More 911 and more terror. Well, then surely my book only destroyed the demon which will run around trying to say one thing: "". And that is very very difficult because noone can hear.
The past couple of years clodhoppers fighting my website like Taliban bombing buddha figures. started with boxes of building-blocks in 2018 but became writings about he biblical terror by nations and one could have laid down but then lost. Now I am fighting back and then loosing. Then strong then weak and neither does any difference and insanity is created like living in a movie named Psycho and no wonder NIGHTMARE IN HEAVEN is true to the core as novel STARGATE.
Bible describes the insidents taking place world wide because it was known what would happen when someone came along and told the truth about The Bible. When all nations cary the exact same using churches and heraldics then that alone is evidense of a bilcical world gone crazy and Bible described this crazyness happening. Bible is therefore a terror instruemnt installed world wide and The Internet is a platform used to spread the message of God. Yesterday my wife and I bought fish and chips and the fish seems to be made from hardpressed fish-garbage of various sorts of fish made into a styles fillet from ground fish - i.e. fake fish. The fish was bought from which is suppose to be a cheap store mostly food but have now become a place of high pricesand extreamly low quality. Life became Jonestown massacre on multiple levels and happily there are website, authors and some media that still can actually write what they feel and see and hear even love that smells of satanism. When Adolf Hitler and team was around many people might have thought, heck; this is insane. Well, World War Z with Brad Pitt is pretextual for what was and is. There is neither new nor old since all is same and atoms never decay but can transform. With enough knowledge of reality anything can be transformed and molded into stars, planets and a whole universe - and then world wars seems triffles and like waves on the ocean dissipating and that is part of the terro that one starts to think of hell being lovely.
Bugging and surveiling peoples lives and listening in on their dwelling is also noise just as yesterday, like today. My previosu website was never really finalized and so much more to uncover leading to seeing more, all / from nothing to everything. Yesterday clodhoppers drove past my house many cars and evening pretty quite then starting nighttime again and this on a road classified as a quite road where very little cars drive. Each and everyday same patters and this is called repetitious but when I then respon it is called "king". It was said no "smoking" and no "tablet" but that is what they do both and I only write words just as my book started ith one such word and then a whole world went virally covid. Each and evrytime they useterror of any sort I shall write an article or not and since there was no rules then whatis the game! Imagine Ολυμπία Games played like this finding someone who can run 100 meters 0.01 seconds fatster. Listening and surveiling my house and anyones house is in fact illegal and gal is dnaish word for mad.
2024 April 17
Updated article:
Today I am again played susing religious abuse on multiple levels from Asia to Europe and clodhoppers out evening as I and my wife out driving and shopping. I am not playing and since it is all or nothing I plainly say as I have since 2014 that I give it since I am not played an idiot or a fool or an religious abuse victim which has happeend since 2013 and TIAWOL start ok but since moving to crime inc country it is very religious abuse on all levels even going shopping with angry eyes and hateful people. As said, farewell.
As with Hotel Ritz and similar one is played even when one was played and 10 10 done in 2014. Yesterday all day and this morning clodhoppers yet again drive around outside my house in the usual manner nothing has changed except I made sure everything got into the right place.
WE THE PEOPLE is like SKEW since it is not skew.
The biggest scam is religion. If it was not so, then world would never been in a chronic covid state since centuries ago.
Why did nations build churches? To spread the word within the boundaries of the church itsels spreading legs to feed the hunger for fucking and evidense of this is royal families genration to generation violating humans rights in that inheritance lone allows royals to inherit and with thsi we get another level of fake. But why actually? What benefits those who attend church and why would Dave Allan and Mr. Bean make a joke about it all. Rethorical questions. Thor The Dark World is also an installation of fakes with gravity removed and I was told the movie was a lie as well as the movie Oblivion. Well, it is a scam, because that is what a scam is.
Josef Mengele related to The Evil That Men Do (film) related to Suriname related to China. The rest is bonding relations and such reltions are worth alot and are now commenorated for the sole benefit of China and the people of Suriname. One world expanded fast based on TIAWOL and nobody ever did similar except for the book itself which was made for bonding relations.
Terror persist in a small nation on a road and for this I have the knowledge and have to continue presenting what made relations grow for China and perhaps language could be more easily understood rather than speaking without any real measures personally except for seeing the relations grow. All nations are bblical and bible is Nazi as a is o is i then NAZI is IN IN as In The Begiining and AmIN and we get nazism as the foundation of all culture, film and The vatican has Swastica and one makes a websites and does anything with it and via logo and writing actually does nasism in some wy or another and some will interpretate as they feel without reality and with lots of noise in their minds destroying anything since they see only symbols since biblical IN IN is also Pyramids and Pharao and we get all gods in one book, Bible, and when Neo in Matrix looks the part of some moderns survailance society then I have now been surveiled the past 10 years leading to the realtions of The Evil That Men Do reading men as 'god' or clodhoppers or the etstablisment explaining why nations courts actually forgot what forgiveness was all about since terror feeds terror again and again. Terror is used by nations to destroy any chance and this explains why Adolf Hitler actually changed The orld frofoundly and for that nations hated nasism who they themselves are.
No religion or similar should ever have been installed without letting everyone know what the hell this relgion was all about. The crime is described in my book TIAWOL and they hate that also. In fact they hate everything and that explains their need to terrorize all installed and allowed by 'god' in Romans 13:3. Movies Hostel 1, 2 and 3 are also exmaples of how nations and clodhoppers and establishment and Freemasons allow and inflict terror.
'God' wants Palace of Versailles which has no function today except create revenue through tourism just like Venice and similar 'casles' and castles became cities which became nations which became United Nations telling people, people have religious freedom all a hoax since none such exists except for minor differences but all based on same namely homo sapiens. Today people thorugh Covid and wearing asm are then programmed to not speaks of religion and "let it go" wjile popstars dance on stage wearing miniskirts and long legges chineese girl as beauty statures are filmed shown on tok tok and nudity and lovely ladies are used to pgorgram your mind on including all types of shows which are programs far more programs than they seem to be when one fella Tim can pay 1500 Pound to stay at Hotel Ritz saying he needs your subsciption support to pay his channel and no subscriptins can pay for so many hotels visits so he is getting pid by someone and in that process it is all a scam. Ti also goes to Greece and pays 1500 Euro to stay at a small cave hotel which better cost no more than 30 pounds and he complains about staying less than 24 hours. in that respect all fake just as Hotel Ritx once was a place for a world and its extras playing the same old game. TIm is a likeable fella as are many and who does not liek to be programmed watching lovely chill out female vocal videos with women lush and mellow and tender to the pixel all by design as a promiss of absolute brainwashing. United Nations is a church. Courts are churches. CHurches are castle and castles are churches which expanded to cities and today as the tube-church is just as much a church as Vatican City. Citizesn of VEnice had enough of all the fake people taking photos and doing basolutely nothing except being tourists and the gondolier ships torist around and has no real purpose whiel cruiseships larger than the city disturbs real city life which should be trade and merchant of Venice where people would go and actually live. The mascarade has been going on for a long time now expanded to, netflix and movies which are all, including The Evil Men Do, all based on The Bible. Bronson is the one fixing it but in doing so, it just got worse.
I was presented with it by writing TIAWOL and making earlier and that is proof that I was and am exactly on spot with everything or else why present pearls. I wrote a book and in doing so inadvertently enter this dark world - a world which has persisted for the past centirues in destroying life and families and even nations in which peopel have suffered all by design to inflict terror on allbut people who play on never tried real suffering or real war and tend to let biblical terror pass and they then become accomplices to this terror by not disassociating themselves all by choice but who would write this article had it not been for this phenomenon.
Religion has been made a human right. The opposite should apply just like people can not go to nudist camps then people can not move to a nation and not be destroyed by religion via governance installed by 'god' who in Romans 13:3 allows governance to inflict terror on the nations people. SInging idols on forget the effect of two world wars and nturally two boms in Japan canonly be memorized by building memorials so others wont forget the horrors yet people forget because now they as governance inflict the same terrro on peopel as they did prior multiple revelations and people are adapting to Covid not realizing that they are being completely destroyed, some personally, and some via the instaleld religion as a control-system now using AI and computers and cellphones and evene using people on social media to support the continued brainwashing of mind and life all done by this entity we call 'god'. Who wrote Donald Duck is not so important but the magazine Donald Duck existing anyway is important and anyone with a nonreligious mind set will say Donald Duck is all fake but there are simelarities and that is the purpose of Donald Duck just as The Bible is and using love and evil and cock and cunt is very easy. The Bible is the evidense.
I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, was played doing what The Bible said will come - a person who will tell all. I have been abused since I was a child and now since 2013 ongoing and I have played the part described in Bible and now just pissed on like many millions have been pissed on before even billions of people. GOD is DOG and dog chosen because it is not human just like some humans are not human as defined by laws which govern because the laws are ambiguous just like GOD and DOG. Laws violate humans.
I NUR am even played as NPR spelling NUR: and the only whisleblower there ever was and is, is the establishment destroying people just as Stormy Daniels ws played as me and all to favour brainwashing people worldwide and then installing fake Covid. Media are in on it and make and produce noise on a level only paralleled by The Bible.
Only reason why Charles Bronson played Mr. Holland is, that he 1. made money and 2. got famous and 3. unaware supported telling a story which is based on Bible and this was and is no problem telling biblical stories like this just as most movies are biblical in their very essense even in script and design down to the wire. Such it is that most actors are patsies but noone will acccept this since people like to brainwash themselves to avoid a conflict in their mental state and saying this will not be liekd since when telling someone taht EVIL is LOVE and visa versa then the mind of most people disassociate themselves from reality inflicting all sorts of comedy, news, stories, media and scripts. This will be dismissed at a nod of the head as expected and is part of the way the mind workswhen confronted head on with a line which does not fit within their view created by religion.
Hendrick van den Broeck (1572) painted Resurrection of Christ and that is what we read in Revelation yet I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, said that is all hogwash also supported by entory 'god' (I). Then notice the banner or war ensign or simply flag christ is holding. A cross as a nation Danish which is then resurrected but they said not to resurrect and how a third and fourt time in Revelation resurrected.
They yell and scream not to resurrect but nations are the very resurrection of the body of Christ whom hey killed back in time via ROmans and jews, herod, who killed himself which is why Jesus yells "why you leave me" well this is because it is self.
Nations are installed like Israel is installed as liars because they lie that they support Christ but nations are Christ. How many, well, around 198 Christs as nations and since Bible is buddha then also all asian nations are resurrected and after this you will notice in the painting that nations yells and scream and are scared and now hate and the ass is seen in the painting because the ass is one of the features 'god' love the most. In the right hand corner of the painting you see Angel of Death who was Josef Mengele and today they are nations as United in one world religion. However, Christ is dead, and so are nations and this because they were installed and babsizd by Knights installed with coin and cunt and in doing that, the nations died the second they adopted Bible. In the light telling and showing the light and they hated it so nations installed as Christ to do the same bur forgot to telle the real story and for that they hate anyone who tells the stroy like Chrsit did. it is called double standards and death gallore. He, Christ, which are nations as royal kingdoms, installed by 'god', bore our sins. Then nations might die. But then we have “’Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; and again sin. nations are Christ who is a sinner because Christ is a liar and has no woman yet her is the clodhopper Herod who is a homo sexual because there is no women only a man and he is dead because there is no woman who too is dead because there is no man. Babylon as Isis is crime incorporated and since nations adopted the bastard tale then nations are dead and reason is that there is neither a woman or a man. It ends with HER it was told and even movie made of this name. HER contains HE and HER both biblically dead. After all this falsehood then real genuine people can enjoy seeing nations perish and people really be themselves as either or but never both.
Bible ends ⧼ἁγίων. Ἀμήν⧽ which are two eyes or two buttocks rather. Anyone can see with their ass - rhetorical. The distance between two asses making love is the distance between the two asses - about a few centimeters give nd take a few.
2024 April 16
Yesterday did nothing. I am back. Tral la la as usual as said same same. Today I have worked in garden and all day since morning until late afternoon 1000 of clodhoppers diving past my house. As I installed a tall garden-bed northwards a large truck drove past my house and all day clodhoppper s have followed my actions as well as the actions of my wife who has had her red garden dress on and so the clodhoppers drove past as she moved around the garden etc. etc. same same. Come May 1st. will thus be same same.
It is then actually all just an imagination yet as we see based on movie Pshycho all real crazy and this is what iswanted so whta was the deal about using threats in Asia on my person and later in clodmark with some very ill people me and my wife meat. Imaginations China said was ill like david star spelling WOMAN so then why ill when clodhoppers and nations have done the same.As one dane told me, "it is completely weird" and this explains royals farting arond doing absoutely nothing just as Monaco had a princess to dandy for the establishment taste a hollywood actress and all playing next to Gary Grant who was a homoesexual like most are since bible is all about homo and self and mostly having sex with oneself and besides that, as per TIAWOL, plety of sex all over among men and men and women and women.
Last night I was played again BLACK and WHITE I choose neither. Donald Trump is madly in US courts for no other reason than being a very different and better President and the estatblishemnt donøt want tha, right, Mr. Bush. When someone comes along, like me, and chances things, then fuck that. WHen Israel then has to deal with having no oil and only brains, it is a wonder why an ongoing war in installed since 1945 and only reason is, that Israel is the foundation of a lie as love as nothing as same same installed via proxy wars and Rothchield and a patsy later madman and familyman but at the time installed Wolkwagen and the first eurpean motor highways and much more and Vatican and the establishemnt loves Mr. Adolf Hitler until Hitler really showed a chance and dear ill Mr. Churchill said, "We will never surrender" and all I ask who the helle is "We" as in "WE THE PEOPLE" or ME or Bible as IN IN as WW and M&Ms which parents gladly buy for their children little knowing the colors and chocolate and brand is like most other brands based on Bible so same same eat it and when eaten then where did it do ahhhh at the fatory making another truckload of it whatever. That is also why Notre Dame with Tre which si daish for 3 is reinstalled rather than either pulling it or doing what the movie does do something like in Las Vegas where cheap hotels are left unclean and dirty then most of everything is thatbecause it cost trillions upon trillions to maintain Verseilles while French poeple think the revoution did anything except install the next iteration of Psychos and that is why we have Ponerology and if something exists, it must be true even that this religious showroom has turned into a Verseilles without real kings where once upon a time one could at least be in court part of the reality inside whiel outside had clodhoppers drive cars all day like bugs on a window ready to be smashed.
"Same" spells and has a purpose other than just saying 2 equls 2 because then it would be enough to say just 2. Even quotations " has a meaning more than what they repressent and in that reasoning lies the ill world we live in with fake Covid and fake masks and billions of peopel did the mask and are now all classified as ill just like Churchill a family member of Diana Spencer in the Spenser family. She stood out of the croud whereas Churchill did as usual not changing one single yot. So, personally I am at the same location as 2013 just a little wiser and had I said nothing since 2013 nobody would be nay wiser and would not be wearing mast like in a madhouse. People do what they are told up to a point and are mostly of the hear mentality whereas I am too but not when it came to mask and accepting the fake cave story n Asia and if that was needed made fake to brainwash everyne I see no difference form these fakes by Asia to any other fake even Israel. If fake is what is humans reality then so be it, right or wrong or neither.
What I do know for certain is, that when I had nothing, but knew everything, I won in Asia, with two oil-lamps turned on by and Asian at my house in Asia. This early 2019 based on TIAWOL and How much nothing one can have is based on first knowing everyhing or enough, and the let i go, I did that, been there, done that however I never believed it would ever happen to me. And there is only one lamp however turning on one lamp at my house in Asia was not possible since they were connected. One it is even if clodhoppers as wriing this signalled with cars that it was two. Well, is it one or is it not since Neo in The Matix series must be one.Why dont the city need lamp because the lamb is the light and that is the oil that flows from cocknostrium and cuntilullinium.
2024 April 15
Log since comming home from city today:
Today I say farewell to Asia and Chinaand I alugh in memory of somthing which will now see lovely animations and lovely ruins being rebuild since I was destoryed by religion and teh evidesne is so much that it flows out of my ears just listening to birds tweeting.
Danish state abused and still does, abuse people. Evidense is that state keep away from people the caseaginast a ldanish lawyer and danish politician Mogens Glistrup. The case was a tax case against an elected politician via 28 mandates of 179 and the case was illegal in many respects. I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, have tried since last year to obtain the case from the courts and the and they deny the existanse and or will not give the files from the case and this is eveidesne to carry to profound evidesne that state colludes in destrying democratically elected people and thye hated Mogens Glistrup because he wanted to rform hthe old ways and a very hard heavy filthy tax systems and also the old school politicians and peopel loved Mogens Glistrup but the establishment hated him. Establishment is popular speaking dmeocracy but is a wall of crime and heavy mafia fools running the country behind the facade called democracy.
Today I received yet another silly clodhopper email trying to dismiss me or anyone getting to know the case files aginst Mogens Glistrup and that case is vital to understatnd for anyone yonger than 35 years of age that state is a terror organisation under the disquise of "James Bond" styled clodhoppers and they are found anywhere from judges to CEO as puppets to the actuall lawwriters found in dark offices in ministries in state where hey drive the pen used to backstab the citizens and mother and fathers has no idea that their sons and daughters are manipulated into becomming rats and slaves paid trinkets as pearls for swine brainwashed through democracy. Democracy is dead and is a tool to fool and since democracy is not supposed to be a four year excersize solely in elected some puppets (Priministers are no more than one inch of the cobber coil of an electric engine) then democracy should be the people choice each and everyday just like UN Political and Civil Rights are peopels rights and not the rights of states. When and if everything is oblivious, which states does, then it is only a matter of concluding the obvious, that Bible as their foundation is true to its core, namely that nations part og imagination which is greek fantasia, to numb people down to comlete nincompoops and that is why I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, was and is hated by Israelian governance and its establishment because I was and am right since which was my attempt to help peopel wordwideand not furtehr the shooting of missiles and Israel becomming a proxy of a proxy as Iran is a proxy of me which is great but alos beyond belief that something as simple as showing a court case about state destroying a man legally was true is evidesne it was fake since state hides teh facts and more importantly the files of the actual case-files. I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, recall the case but not in the details as presented by court at the time. State then ran one man into prison as 980 years of age for no other reason than one man tried to reform a system so corrupt that and TIAWOL will never be able to take away the stench and smell of a states benevolence and state never believe anyone would one day come along and prove it all as per bible and for that I am now tryied destroyed.
Here is the message from which is the States Royal Achive: Html_message
Asking for such files is public interest and are wned by state which are poeple and in an open transparent democracry such "legal" cases should be open since state told all people that the case against Mogens Glistrup was performed legally, then there is absolutely no reason to hide the case. Hiding it or attemting to do so is evidense of malignant decracracy which better belong in the garbage bins since democracy has been proven to destroy people just as Jonestown massacre only destoyed 500 people then that case was the test to see is Covid and Corona would make people wear masks and be injected withan unknown fluid while I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald am Mogens Glistrup but much more so and that is why danish stae hates one person or any person who says state is wrong. because of this message fomr today I decided to write and not wait for may 1st. all in the favour of knowing that the case against me is run in such a way to let people worldwide be inflicted by religion and the part of religion whihc is to destroy because religion works two ways and states chose to be greedy and then realized states were wrong and now can't get it around they heads that they where royally fooled. Only real reason why I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, pulled down was because I could feel and see the effect of Bible leading to a global conglomerate named ONE and nothing else keeping simpliciy in mind. Little did I know that a whole World was allready there I just helped push things forward, which is downwards, very fast and actually in doing whta I did helped people from this bond and this terror regime in which anyone can now pinpoint the exact source of everything. When national laws are then no better than used toilet-paper, then laws ambigious state is illegal just being ambigious and laws are that in the danish state.
Danish stateis runing a case against my person on holding a communication device whike driving yet the sole witness did not arrive at the appointed court case but the judhes just sat there asking me "then what" while I poked in heir own hillbilly laws diretinf the Judge saying, after the case, that the case hsould be dismissed. I am awaiting a responce from danish court. This case goes to evidesne that state will go to any length to destroy me and anyone on the smallest of offences and using theats and court even allowed frisking my body searching for weapons when I had entered the ourt room. I have contacted teh court and no responce, yet. I shall post the case and outcome later as voring as it is. SImilar was the case against Mogens Glistrup of no content and solely on tax evasion yet state had approved the account themselves prior driving one man into a case which ran for 30 years. Mogens Glistrup only tried to help people and state would never do that. THis also explains the toolbox called wars and is a tool to inflict pain on people to make people die a little. One day The Internet and social media and and naything Interent can be hsut down at the flick of a button and peopel will then realize that democracy only wors best in complete darkness.
I have also emailed United Nations in New York and ICJ and ICC and no reply. See, that is evidense that democraccy and justice is Jonestown. I also many times experience danish governanceh hanging up the phone usually when they loose face themselves or simply can't respond to my otherwsie simple questions. State bites itself in the ass and the ass is eaten along time ago and was actually eaten the day nations arose by being babtized via anoinment. Bible could be something much better, but as Mogens Glistrup case proves, then better won't happen when people won't help themselves. Search Mogens Glistrup at
"They" know me, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, and will not reply since they know I am right and "they" know and TIAWOL and know Niels Ulrik Reinwald and hate the truth be told. If everyone all the time knows everything or at least can decode democracy for what it is, a bucket full of piss, then the realcourt as a genuine jester can imagine anything far beyond this biblical royal island of cock and cunt. And since it seems to be cock and cunt and everything that follows, well, then I was right from 2013 and even long before I knew since simplicity is derived from living and one then knows everything and the base.
Furthermore the message today from, and plenty of cars driving past my house only producing noise, goes to evidense, that terror (terror is by state as per bible not by small groups or individuals) is used by states even when their worth is derived from a place far away from the nations themselves explaing the need for Felix Arabia and now Felix Asia and Felix Nur. Better or best or same same is also actual transparency and openness even down to the wire and without complete transparence there is no real democracy and probably democracry is away to telle people, that if you can't be a castle-city, you can at least be a caste of the lowest statue.
Today I was played ONE meaning everything was played to their advantage leaving me with ONE. Terror persisted so I continued writing thei article. Then I changed oil on my carand a barrage of cars drove past my house manking only noise. Then as I finished oil-change and even changing oil-rubber-ring thattoo was played while smallone propellas airoplane flew over my head over my house.Then I finished oil-change and two clodhoppers on two bycycles drove past my house and yelled "GOD DAG" as they drove past heading upwards the small hill I live on. I then said "you on your way to heaven to the moon and back" and the woman laughed. The other was a man. This is how they play the game even when I won with which may be relieved for my part from May 1st. 2024 to the greatest animations since The Universe was created by something which lies beyond human imagination.
"GOD DAG" is danish means good day. Now played up there as god in the dark as cock and cunt which is what GOD esoterically is and I have proven that. Since I have uploaded after this quote said today by a woman on a bycycle I am now the ultimate without even anything and or nothing leaving me at a state I was brought into in 2019 by Thaialnd visitin the local restaurant. I am back at square nothing because not even thatcan be said to be nothing nothing. Nothing is not everyting and if naything, bible is down on Earth as fiction as an imagination so why all the terror. Well, they have nothing and or I proved what is allwas namely a fiction of the imagines trying to brainwash all people into believing in something genuine devine when we are dealing with something humans did not create because humans are not made by humans just as anything is not made by humans but humans are a pretty snart creature but not clever enough to keep the secret of The World away from me nd now most of all people to Brazil to Argentina to Chile to Uruguay and even in remote locations where people do what people do namely live. Life then became a bewildeirng set of taxations and burdens and hotels costing 1.500 UK Sterling and even very low quality, watch TIM channel and watch Hotel Claridge’s In London and The Ritz and Savos and TIM also goes to Dubai at hotels that are so filthy but as anything then reality is sometimes wathcng rats run around the streets restaurant in Asia and that is life rather that thse fake hotels which offers only a bed for a night at many thousands dollars even at a quality which looks like Las Vegas as the places where most come to play and eat at Circus Circus wondering if Hotel Overlook in movie Shining is just an extention of these hotels. Imagination and fantasy are really near each other and reality made into zoo-parks in African (feeding the animals prior the safari tour into a wilderness whichis now all fake). Las Vegas is a tivoli and is the imagination of The Bible and a place to have fun and loose to the casino.
Nation, Magi, I: φαντασία imagination fantasia.
I am back at updating my website once a day perhaps more.
2024 April 09
World same same and millions of churches and yet plenty of things to do and Germany can sell weapons to Israel said so today based on my scripple below and now driven through the ICR court where Nigeragua tried a case against Germany thus Israel all to no avail. See ICJ case 193. You will notice the backdrop gray a symbolic WOMAN as justice sits in two rings. We are at The Bible. Same a US seal. Same same. Vatican seal too. As NUR said, same same. Israel has two trianles. Vatican two keys. ICJ is a church and or a cathedral, a kingdom a "vatican" city.
This is detestable and for Dave Allan: "The court ordered Switzerland to pay 80,000 euros, about $87,000, to the group that brought the case to cover its costs and expenses." while governments are kingdoms they fundamentally violate the idea of genuine free people having to ask a royal court anything. A Peoples Court and not a palce where cases can be dismissed, any case, large, small or and or any type. Democracy is the tool to fool categorically. news outlets should be setting up camp with Dave Allan balloons flaundering this kind of hogwash but media are in on the scheme and are kingdoms in their style but with great power to inflict blows to humans or else we would by now see no wars where many outlets has talkshows with 3 people blabbing away to nomeaning whatsoever or else we would have no war. Media outlets is the hot+air balloon feeding people the idea that something is being done while nothing happens. Is the caste system in India removed, in clodmark, in USA? Bible-Budha is in the buildup to killing anyone (the watchful eye) who tries to be just as just was supposed to be removing caste system which the Bible is the maker of world-wide. democracry is the caste-system where voters are at the very low end of the hierarchy feeded sweets and candy to keep the caviar flow elsewhere.
As said, a small article or notice each day until I choose otherwise. I, NUR, am BTW played not to upload yet I said I would. It is like playing somone who is breathing not to breath. "The Game" was never fair only WOMAN. Not Naomi Campbell. So this on the 9th will be my last article in this small session so non tomorrow but probably a small notice May 1st. just to keep the thing alive.
Since I watched yesterday: Tomorow Never Dies the world went into a frenzy for no reason except interpretating wrongly again and again.
2024 April 07
Sunday today and nighttime plenty of Clodhoppers cars making noise outside my house less inthe morning and a few also pre lunch then repeated driving and noise after nnone. Then huge noise at one point so I decided to uploada small article. This time is proeparation for monday and next week into May 2024 with an article every day. It is like 2018 when I travelled on holidya was followed by many cars then less organized now they have it organized and my house is monitored in all sorts of ways fuck United Nations rights this and that. So away we go with an article a day keeps the words at bay.
When peoples houses are monitored, not only mine, yours too, in any way you can think of and your bank account is monitored for where and what you buy using electronic money then there is no rights and the courts have proven this again and again. had the court ystems actually worked according to international treaties life would be like on Tonga or better.They hate everyone except they keep the castle alive and all in the shadow of democracy and peopel follow along without really doing anything since Jonestown massacre is very much alive since many many years back. As I write this more cars whoops past my house making noise so I added a second headline.
I stopped multiple times writing but that was not what it was about. All fake. Played not uploading then played being too quite. God really is someone like Niels Ulrik Reinwald but knows it only when NUR outperforms even that which we call life. Clodmark formerly Den Danske Stat does not follow International Civil and Political Rights and they actually are an oxymoron to their foundation The Bible which is a terror and oppression instrument against people - and the bible says so.
People have even been brainwashed not to speak to me - imagine - The World has become soiled down with dirt and death-dripping-idols from their silent mouthes and they feel lived when they don't teach the next genration what they know. The song should not be I HAVE NOTHING it should be one of her own a song about being alive feeling and telling a story rather than copy-paste. All nations are a copy-paste job with slight differences but 198 nations doing the same - free choice perhaps on Tonga. Any nations with an army with soldiers as young as 20, and otherwise, and with millitary budgets and weapons and arsenals should not be allowed to be countries, nations. Nations as zones are for peopel and old time could not coexist only because of some nitwit rulers and kings but moving into 2100 century should obliterate all arms deals globally. The next James Bond iteration is Jack Daniels sipping arabian coffee wondering if the next James Bond will be blue label Johny Walker or the real thing.
2024 April 06
i is the EYE is JESUS from daish ØJE is across the whole bible. As soon as you start reading, you die. The rest is just plaster-filler. Plenty of animations and emperical evidense will prove that. I, Niels Ulrik Reinwadl. said that with earlier and left this website many times since it all ended up with COCK and CUNT every time and it does get tedious but then again, when a whole world can not come to reality then one has to try for ones own sanity to tell the story in order to clean out as much of the noise and ambigious bible. That is also why many nations laws are ambigious. Someon made bible but forgot how people have a gene called psychopathic (Ponerology) and this gene lives with rulers, king, politicians, judges, doctors and people in high places (the establishment) which we can now call very very low. BTW, in the begining, was not in the first beginning. Nations for the most part got it all wrong and was initially paid coin and cunt to adopt bible. Those who did were 'pessants' or less lets call them hillbillies or klaphat and way back it would be hungry vile angry beasts roaming the lands for food and shelter and along came Knights with a bag of gold and some cunt and voila, they said "yes, amen" and were installed as 'christians' but could not speak a word of hebrew or and greek. They gathered some other clodhoppers and started building castles and they became cities and over ime everyone believed in a deity and forgot how it all really started with cunt and coin which we saw in my story Annabelle about a young boy in Italy who falls in love with a daughter of a Cardinal.
There are humans rights but there should be religious rights, psychopaths rights and governemnts rights and no rights and Gods rights and the latter is described in bible however all nations got it right, which was wrong, finally in 2024, when I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, taught them it was wong.
1 to 2 years ago daish and siAa played me eating food now masturbating. They also played me going relaxing in the middle of the day taking a nap. This is how little they have in order to game and take away. It is a chinese take away and I laugh. Next will be breathing, oh, they did and do that. Then nose picking meaning litterally and symbollically. I laugh. Now also feeding birds in garden buying birdseed is played. Everything is played. I laugh as I usually do at a good joke because a joke it has become. Keep it and voila, keep it since I won many times and I know I won. This is for clodhoppers to keep. Fake was a word used for this - now it just means love. Whoever you as a person are, you have experienced this game in multiple ways and two were during the two major world wars also a hoax by 'God' since there is only one war but many battles. Jonestown massacre was a test of peoples chicken-brain and real chickens brains are far more able. Clodhoppers are playing because they wish for Davidson to be theirs well why not just say so as I did in 2014. The rest is just laughable and now a joke next it will be complete nonsense. Every day now a small story, article maybe just a small comment on some of the news around the world of which all are related to bible so no wonder one ends up writing about it. Strangely news outlets also missed that trying not to touch on the actual cause but they never believed one would come around and actually do what the bible say, to tell the story. Wrong person, no, wrong clodhoppers and establishment (Freemason) making people into garbage and establishment playing 'gods' when real people with no knowledge are the real Gods since that is the game, which explains the essense of Clodhoppers and the establishments sick ways. Even The Hunchback of Notre Dame knew but hated like Jesus for knowing but never hated when not knowing, because then they care less except they never know who is next in line and I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, did The Hunchback and built Notre Dame and the Sistine Chapel 50 times in less than 15 years.
Esmeralda: emerals. Emerald buddha. Emerald in bible. Even at the very end, the city is made from presious stone, emerald. Notre Dame, Esmerald, a gypsy, a hunchback in love rinning the bells. Where are we, between the legs at mount venus and the jewel of the head and then something pretty in generel. Today (2024 04 07) daish clodhoppers do their terror again and then I bring Esmerald and The Hunchback. There are millions such tales and this one is set in Paris, city of lights, at a time litterally when gas lit up the city all beautiful so people could now see at night as Revelation also speak about. Esmeralda and The Hunchback never made it and gypsies are not favored neither romans strangely. The city in Revelation is any city any kingdom even Dubai and witin Dubai and Arab Emirates and cities all over and they are all the same yet there is suppose to be only one. They then started competition and wars broke out and bible even speaks of those. Then followed United nations then followed Niels Ulrik Reinwald and as a hunchback hated like everyone loved Esmeralda when they were told she was an imagination.
The woman who came today from Jehovas wittnesses knocking my door was dressed in yellow. I live in number 22. Now Clodhoppers play my house and my name NU and many have been running while I have been out driving. Same as usual and made very complicated that which is so simple. I did not write yesterday however did start because of me being harrashed in public and privately. Now I shall try again to see if that makes a difference. probably not. They will come up with scratching or brewing coffee or some other clodhopper fowl play.
2024 April 05
Since my article yesterday on UN we read about crimes of war with Israel. Biblically the whole nations including every other nation are illigitimate and life should be returned to people since going back 6000 years. Some things does happen when I write gladly. UN is a body of biblical nations and is actually the wrong body to demand anything and people should set up their very own system far from thse religious wars and it will not be the last time since it will continue into after year 2500. The reason is religious abuse based on relgious twits who think religion and babylon is their rightful ssytem when in fatc nations are only robots and installed by Knights. Good for UN if UN can do something and Israel should be the first nation as per Children of Men to be stopped being a nation and such nations will cry and weep just as the bible told them a long time ago. What to do? Easy. Take away all arms all miletray and police and cut the region in two pieces and Israel can then continue without any form of weapons and this will happen to all other nations. If nations so wish to be religious then they must abide by their hogwash bible and do as people ask. Laws will be rewritten and UN can for lack of better start setting up a People Council without the old school bastards.
Israel has only provided missery since its creation. As per blow only one person created all nations and since I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, was played to be God, I demand so and so it could be. But clodhoppers and religious bastards are in the way as per Children of Men. I know religion like nobody else except crimes of war is like living it for me since 1981 and even prior with my family being totally brainwashed and bible tells of this that families shall split and be destroyed. Read the bloody bastard book and learn, the book is great for that reason. United Nation and ICC and a people group should start IN THE BEGINING like for real and rid all the clodhoppers and they will cry just like they said I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, cried. Sure I did, for the pleasure derived from masturbating so delightfully entertaining it should be the first lesson as one grows up. Fuck public school and fuck governance when governance create havoc seen like with Donald Trump with fighting courts for no other reason than Clodhoppers and judges and distric attorneys hate reality and dream of times when slavery was the absolute norm they dream of Spartacus and dream of being Magistrates controlling life like Gods. Who the fuck do they think they are but Clodhoppers in disquise and someone has to say the few words: "They have no cloth and are nude and even more so without skin, named Skull and Bones."
The second city to perish is Clodmark formerly Denmark the city of despair and terror and illegal laws violating all UN charters. I did what UN should have done with ICC at least 50 years ago. Daish laws even violate The Bible multiple places are are ambugious in all ways. it is easy once you know how they designed their system and using words to terrorize a whole people. Being set of as the one person creating all nation, I am in aperfect possition to deamnd such and it will see the day of light because it is good. Then Verseille turns into a restaurant and Gordon Gecko can be the head chef. A people restaurant with real food, realgood coffee and entertainment in the corridors and gardens where peopel can play as they please. Ideas, yes, plenty. But doing IN THE BEGINNING is a hoax unless it really happens and if it does, it works.
What a load of hogwash... tonight cars whoos past my house like angry because I wrote "UN says Clodmark perish" - 1. when the hell did United Nations ever say that and 2. where in The Bbile does it speaks of cars whoohing past my ouse beinng angry... in Revelations, so they do what destroy 'em. I have proven Clodmark is Clodhoppers is completely ignorant not worth runing a nation.
More playing games tonight having to choose this and that. As said, I choose only to write as I see fit. Clodhoppers perish or not I have plenty of work and I keep my rights and they are people rights and not governments and people decide when to enact them and use them and interpretate them and they bypass national laws everytime.United Nation should know this, but don't, because if they did, nations, many, would no longer exist.
2024 04 05, 07:58PM CET I am played masturbating or not (can the world population beleive this shit, by 'god') and gojng to bed before and after 12 midnight. I predict: Niels Ulrik Reinwald will not do as expected as the setup is bogus and fake and will win because a lie is a lie. It was even misunderstood below underscore ______.
2024 April 05
Yesterday I said I would wait uploading but today I drove to Germany to buy wood for firestove and was followed the whole way as usual and irritated as usual this time at not beeing able to return a broken item. So back to writing and animations will now certainly follow since I see that each time I leave my house I am followed by a herd mentallity allowed so by Asian delights leveing me in a lost position since now all gates are as open as they were since 2013. Everything is played of my life and it is grat to know that everyhting people live also Palestinians are of such evil it should be procecuted and Israel should not as well as daisg state be allowed to exists anymore. And bible says so.
My website will contain many articles and many lovely animations and I shall construct my website as I see fit since it was the most amazing website ever hated by millions loved by illions and now people are programmed like Jonetown massacre so be it it will not fall back or relax so for me, since late 2023, game is off.
I laugh now gently at Asia and Buddism for this style of benevolence and Music and Lyrics (song title: Way Back Into Love) showing a large buddha in the backdrop on the stage all was throwback now played and gone. Cheers and shall now grow with animations, articles and love as it was with however hated for "knowing" and I hope Asia will find comfort in the vatican and churhes and GOD channel while I reconstruct as I see fit since today all same same. It is ictroy for Niels Ulrik Reinwald personally as well as for many others and Palestinians have suffered prior I was born but have suffered only because of bible and that part I disgust. 'God' can't fix it so be it and since peopel can't fix it I call on homo sapiens as the most vial piece of disgusting shit that ever existed among many lovely ones too, I must admit. But I see the things I wish to see and when something ugly shows up I simply ignore it for what it is. By design now playing me not doing anything I loose and doing something I loose. Fake - mega fake daish vomit and is 'God' and or Asia or anyone esle wish for daish to win please but then it is obvious taht terror is the only way for all in the future and now people know that being lovely and kind brings nothing. Daish was beyond ugly long before I was born and anyone before and after will experience a series of hate and evil and terror. Palestinians are people but not among United Nations which I now classify as a piece of garbage and vomit too.
I pity 'God' for being this small not able to deal with Palestine and wars like World War 1 and 2 and since 'God' can't do this, 'God' can't do much showing also United Nation in a state of passiveness.
2024 April 04
Writing a few words, works. When only words can hurt, then it is the reason why nations are joined in NATO and why nuclear weapons and huge budgets on armys are used and the establishment even make peopel go to war killing people and World War 2 looks like a late night show while Iraq and Libia (Iran wars) and ealier wars look like the precursor for the biblical wars. Bible is only reason why there is war. Then follows technology and Oppenheimer had to construct a terror weapon for Truman to show the Japaneese that a cherry (animation seen at is more dangerous than all the weapns and all wars since Adam and Eve. Today the driving of cars continue outside my small house and hate prevails on a level like never before including court cases on my person. I shall also continue writing especially since they communicated me to write not being silent.
UN is nations and nations consists of the establishment and then follows people as cannon-fodder as slaves. Biblical everyone is a nation since a nation is a person:
ἑνὸς, one. That is why nations have flagpoles and towers all wrong since they got it wrong. UN wave flags too all wrong. Flagpole is two thing the pole, the cock and the cloth, with a depiction, usually moon, stars, cross which is both male and female. Up there, one. Dead, crucified. Above quote from Acts which is laws. This is why nations have laws. Religious freedom is a hoax since Cuba, Bolivia, Uruguay, Lima, Chile, Nairobi etc etc are all religious. LIE RING O is religion. Israel is Liars. liars are lovers, usually unless they stand at the kitchen desktop doing it standing. We are dealing with cock and cunt and everyting that follows when the juices flow all natural like milk and honey. When you are not in love , you usually dislike sexual fluids and you hate the smell and ador but one excited you care only for arousal to be delivered in an orgasm so you are no onger in love-pain. Afterwards you smoke a cigarette or fall asleep.
7 stokes in COCK and 7 in CUNT. They are two making it 14 and in VAGINA there are 14 strokes. When I, NUR, said this I was called dirty. Yes, because knowing the source and fabric to Tiffany (fitta ny, swedih and danish) is because small f flipped 180 degrees is t just as Z is N and p is d. I have a small grapics to show this but will probably better make an animation which will be the firstof its kindto see the day of light. Reason for TIAWOL and is, that for 50 years my life, as many others lives, has ben destroyed by the estatblisments within a nation from Freemasons to clodhoppers of all sorts from hillbillies to scum education to scum work to scum royals to scum everything. It is only great for those who adore their babylon and not others. Mine was then created and I tok over and then hated because it was told it was like being raped which explains daish clodhoppers trying to rape me using court cases and all sorts of complete hogwash against my person like double billing me or exrcating money from my bank account etc.
UN should be ashamed but every person within this establishment are mostly consisting of small potato fries as familiar clodhoppers where sometimes someone tries to make a difference yet clodhoppers seldome hears the words spoken because once ONE is esttablished there is no longer a reason to listen and learn anymore. ONE ONE ONE ONE OEN NEO and it goes on and one. Ca. 1996 nations all one all fighting to be the one. Now we know which one, the cock of cocks. We see it is movies and series Spartacus where hey speak and show cock and the women love it the biger the better. Transparency they demand yte when given they hate it. Now they can see NIMROD and then theirs drop like mine does after orgasm. Orgasm is like the food of the brain almost like eating food and taste and smells are the way the brain feels things. There is nothing there just electrical signals. it is pretty darn mazing but little toy soldiers forget that the brain is separated from reality in a way they are not aware of explaing the need to try to explain life and simplicity. I have written UN and no reply so I am in every possion to say they are clodhoppers proven it at the same time. I may show my email to UN on this later.
Later today I shall perhaps upload the small graphics depicting 7 and 7 strokes making up one word. Then E pluribus unum also become hocus pokus, nonsense. When all gods made one god are still many gods, then there is no longer one god. Bible is ISIS, Circe, Nimrod, Herod and many others as gods of Olympia. Bible destroys itself, not I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald.
I said yesterday I would upload today and this is now played again. So terror on my person is terror on people worldwide. I could not upload anything which I did not but early morning driving all morning. China really produces great things and brought a great chance to really make a difference forp people and is now moving resources to many nations which should have happend many years ago. African nation to Nicaragua and even Cuba and Mexico and many many other nations as one. For this I shall try and make this a final article for April however more terror may be folloed by more aarticles. A test like in 2022, 2023 moving into 2024 with a throwback which only brought more clodhoppers doing what clodhoppers do best as prescribed by China. Clodhoppers do what they are told. Then I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, will know which it is; real fake or some truth or all truths. Did China make Bible is not important. Bible is a cmbination of all earlier religions and gods. Made in China is not important. Important is, to figure out all the nonsense and decode it for what it is circle-dot-stroke as cock and cunt and the dot being similar to one person namely the one killing himself as mary-adam, same same. Here they are taking selfies smiling and laughing at a funeral. More of the same nonsense here.
Today I was played like this: My wife's Smart, I buy for her, car needed charging battery and putting it back. The battery is named SMART 12V 61amps. I have another battery brand name VARTA otherwise same. So I put the SMART battery which followed the carwhen we purchased the car second hand. As I am out changin the battery the garbage collectors arive and garbage containers are near where I am working the car and the garbage man says: "A litttle more". Then he runs out from my land and he was handsome, just like I was when yoinger since this fella propably no more than 35ish. THis is the shit I have been presented with the past years since 2018.
While out working my wife's car cars dive past my house on an otherwsie quite road. All day I can upload and will try, as said, to not upload from midnight CET seeing if that makes a difference. Madness in progress beyond madnes and the United nations per design is bublical rendering even united nations a pile of garbage, unless, it proves not to be. United nation is thus a religious organisation no wonder they can't do anything under the control of 'GOD'.
Listening and deals: NUR has heard nothing and everything and one time was plenty.
One, yes, I was right about one. Uni. United is the just a club of codhoppers colluding to maintain status quo. After two towers New York these mistakes are seen everywhere. Where is the one? As said by NUR with yet clodhoppers sais was wrong evene TIAWOL was wrong see chapter 46. Clodhopper is saying is politely and very gently. TIAWOL mentions United Nation 108 times and they told NUR, NUR was in fault. NUR laughs of a non laughing matter since nations, one, is crime incorporated since the genuinely ______ is then proven to exist somewhere else but via bible and people.
2024 April 04
Queen Elisabeth II: "Do be careful, Paul, there are forces at work in my counry, of which even I have no knowledge."
Also in same video documentary: "There is a state within the state which is not accounted for."
We are dealing with the very fabric of 'God', biblical Aliens as humans as gods as change agents of various levels. The case Diana is one such case which shows how life on this planet is silenced by idiots called MI1, MI5, Mi6, and even Queen. Mi5, MI6,and such portrayed in James Bond making people think James is the real deal. He is a patsy and a romantic idiot paid to kill a few wrong people namely the rebels who demand system change all in a movie a script unreal that is the power of movies too.
Prince Charles has even said: "They want to kill me." well ask Royal Prince Charles while he is still alive what the fuck he is talking about. Niels Ulrik Reinwadl knows what this is about it is about sitty little pissants playing God and more playing judicial systems without judicial systems. A movie depicting one such system within The Star Chamber (featuring Michael Doghlas). It is about Judges having their own legal system operated with other unknown entities killing people who they don't find fit for being alive thinking the judges are doing a service to society. This is the system we are dealing with in Clodmark formerly Denmark which in fatc does not exists legally.
"Not accounted for" means ICC and United Nations missed their opportunity and proves them all a bunch of idiots. Heck, even 'God' the good one of IT can't blow these bastards to kingdom come. I, Niels ulrik Reinwald, recall a movie in which it is spoken of these secret secret secrets even in the danish state. One piece of small evidense is Girl with the dragon tattoo in which a family member is disapeared by a Nazi and corporations are just the first levels of a scum systems infested needed to be dragged out of their ratholes. I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, have encountered som of these Nazis and know them and they are not reacable like your Alzheimers grandmother they are far beyond reach mentally.
Governance is Clodhoppers in kindergarten learning to stand on two legs. The judicial system alike, like infested with scared ratlike features, looking like humans, dangerously nice and enticing yet they will use their underground brains to destroy anything just as during World War 1 and 2. Even CEO's of very large corporations are hillbillies and political ministers and even going to the heart of a small island in Norway named Utøya where one single person with riffle is able to inflict wounds to the heart of a nation while Breivik is portrayed as a styled Nazi lifted fist as communism demanding the norwegian courts shut their faces because they too know that real justice does not exist.
This partially explains why the judicial system and governance is struck by a heart- and brain-stroke unable to operate the nations (democracy) leaving millions even billions of people without genuine justice and or real working democracy. One of the tools of the trade by clodhoppers are threats because they know themselves living in fear using fear to control people and it goes as far as controlling people through media paid for by ignorant taxpayers in a state with a mermaid the scum infested whore dangling her dead tits making people think there is romance and disney and love while she is used by clodhoppers to rob people of life.
2024 April 04
It is known that communication is monitored and even private houses, apartments, hospitals anything, anywhere, is monitored using technology which in fact violates people. Cars are electronically monitored with builtin radio and GPS out of your reach and trucks are monitored and the whole road systems and in fact mos of everything. In London you will see CCTV but that is only the visible parts. There are ways today to monitor people which people have no idea about. Car can be remotely controleld and network cellphones are monitoring your every move not only viapayment systems but using all the technology available such as camera and microphone. As per rights you have no rights. Emails too are monitored and hacked. my house in Thailand was monitored 24/7 and hthis while I was being installed as a King of The World and Thai king had to step down leaving me to be King of The World. Even the royal house of Thailand is monitored 27/7. Anything I do on my computer and or phone is monitored instantly from the state and or entities with access to monitoring vilolating anything you think is unthinkcable.
The digital age where also postal systems deliver post to a digital mailbox can and is hacked by state and whoever has access to use these systems. Life became Simcity a simulation run by sources we like to refer to as earlier Ku kux Klan but today rather 'God'. That is why 'God' demands you to not speak and not think and not be a dissident since 'God' wants control of your life since IN THE BEGINNING. Bible is a progra to manage people into an algorithm and today much more so with surveilance of all types. 'God' in fact installs you via babtism and from that day forward you are prey. Even Presiden are prey and popstar and holywood actors even judges ans sometimes even 'God' itself.
That is why when TIAWOL (title by Asia) and was born it was not wanted since it totally explained and proved the existance of 'God' rendering 'God' to tell "point of no return" in 2014 and since then Niels Ulrik Reinwald won many times but played again and again usinf sex and erotics and singing entertainment to lure and fool and this happend to you too from media and social Internet media. Like French farmer programmed via media and showing the life of Niels Ulrik Reinwald in such a way that Niels Ulrik Reinwald is hated to the core even if did little to nothing except write words. CNN too and many others even Presidents doing what 'God' demanded about fake 'Covid' knowing it was the way governemnts had to follow suit explaining why all nations did the exact same inject somehting bogus all fake programing people and this started since bible and even before. Also know bible changes over time adding stuff to it to make it operate as per WORD AMIN and plenty of numbers. French farmers should be joining their forces outside farming ministries to produce not only food but life. Naturally 'God' don't want Niels Ulrik Reinwald to win also not you only at the most an idol content since 'God' is the only idol 'God' wants. Now that you may find yourself a winner, then inner is outside or what? I, Niels Ulrik, had to cut it out in cardboard and even better and still they don't get it.
Diana was killed by 'God' because she became too much of a nusance and too popular occupying the space 'God' intended for 'God' and my best estimate is, that Dianan was killed elsehwere and not under a bridge in Paris. Diana and her boy friend was killed prior Hotel Ritz and the video fottage from some other day. french police and procecution has kept the case silent and she was killed for that reason under Frnech jurisdiction because french systems allows for less datato be given about such a case. Diana was worse a few trillion dollars and 'God' hated her. Same when 'God' has had enoug will let go and by letting go will start second world war andwill in fact kill all or as many as it takes. 'God' even installes Jonestown masacres. Proof? Yes, 'God does everything as per bible rendeing "Why did you leave me" and the reason is, that 'God' hated jesus and wanted peope to know what 'God' would do to such bastards as Diana and her sort. that also explains the silly hillbilly mentality of Harry and William and Charles and similar royal stupidity. Bring in Hercule Poirot or Sherlock Holmes: no body seen leaving the accedent, flame golden abve the bridgde, police given no details, bristish queen silence (better be or else 'God' wrath) the whole royal house a complete farce without she would still be alive: Watch the documentaries and think simplicity. Same goes for others president, popstart Lennon and many many others even fake Pharaohs in The Pyramids. When some popstars like Britney (a church singer) or WHitney Huston becomes too much of a good thing then things starts to happen. that is why 'God' has told a whole world to keep away from me, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, because 'God' simply don't want to loose. There was no game since I and my life has been hacked and I do not have the tools like installig fake Thai cave stories and I don't hve control over media. that is why erly 2014 onwards each time I would watch a television station such s CNN or Aljazeera or Fox News a monitor in the studio would flip my face on or at least show that I was watching the channel rendering the news anchor in dispair and irritation sine they would gain have to adjust to my presence. This happend watching CNN and one has to know to know shit like this. Conspiracies are 'God' is 'God' is Bible is Buddism is Hinduism is RELIGION (LIE O RING) with sex gallore thirds eye as the cock and cunt and there is a male in female bla bla.
First and Second World War was a conspiracy also. Bring on Hercule Poirot bring on the clowns bring on the establishment is like bringing on paid idiots since UK leaving European Union too is a conspiracy. Life is conspired and the proof is The Bible as the foundation of nations. Europen Union is conspiricy. Earth is conspiricy. Royals are a conspiricy.
2024 April 04
In a court case BS-6419/2024-SON filed as a civil law suit against mechanic Bent Pedersen who is an authorized Mercedes Benz mechanic, and GF Forsiking, the case has been shut down without any explanation by the court, yet accepted by court but did not receive payment court fee DKK 750 and court has illegally notified the defendant without the case being started via paying the court fee and then sending out the subpoena telling plaintiff, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, this and in courts)lrt closing the case an appeal has been made by Niels Ulrik Reinwald to open and start and receive court fee but court has sent the case to the high court (Landsretten) now with a case name BS-13531/2024-VLRand Niels Ulrik Reinwald as other must then first ask The Process Grant Board (procesbevillingsnævnet) for permission to appeal the decision that The District Court (byretten) closed the case first and the Grant board is in fact part of the court system. Danish court is operated in the worst mafia methods far worse than world renowned Italian Mafia.
This is just one small example of many I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, have experience the past six month and more but especially past six month testing the system which cn best be described as per TIAWOL Mafia from Maria. people are ruled by law but the law is a set of rules ruled by mafia and cupcake royal palace is portraying the etstablishement as pure cupcake-lovely-and-dandy while it is pure rotten scum as mentioned in bible, the daish foundation as per its constitution. All the while supported by countries such as Thailand and China and many others even all member countries of United Nations. State Danish should be procecuted and its court system too by ICC for crimes against humanity where the national laws themselves violates peoples international rights.
Th e courts name is Danmark Domstole but is not written into law and only Den Danske Stat exists. Not Denmark nor Danmark. People live in a world be it Roman Empire or Football League then people live among hooligans and mafia in disguise as democracy.
ICC has been contacted mentioning state danish crimes against humanity where Article 7 1. j. and k. are favorable to use against a state conducting this typ of violation aainst humanity: Such conduct by state danish has been going on for many year long before Niels Ulrik Reinwald was born. Democracy today used to blame the population but the population can do little except wait for Verseilles to be genuinely shut down once and for all and not used as a place to show riches that exists elsewhere in such exuberant extravaganza that Verseille looks like a cheap lavatory..
2024 April 04
This small entry written since at very late night 03:30AM (article written in advange at 2024.04.03 showing breaking the rules and time is possible), a car drive past my house (just lke cars have driven past my house 100000 times and more to demonstrate and terrorize a whole planet) as usual reminding me I won, knowing everything in the year 2014, yet it was not enough for IT, so I was hauted down ever since just like anyone who spoke of love and they hate love or else love would conquer all. Animations follows since in 2014 I was hailed as winner yet was suppose to visit my mother knowing she too had been destroyed by Apostolic Church of Clodmark a state church too with tax excemption making my mother ill with diabetes telling her she had been cured by prayer and giving tithe to the church. Bible speaks of families destoyed from within by ravaging maniacs and surely also telel of computers hacked and Orson Wells 1984. The power of love became hate so as per I repeat myself again: "Nothing is everything" but inbetween that one shall never accept terror neither by church or state in any form. Justice belongs with a set of rules where life is nurtured and not making people into clodhoppers by their own choice. Nobody should ever live in a place called love, where democracy takes away all rights and wrongs. There is only one God... is he then a male or female and named Muhamad or Buddha or Jesus or God or Nimros. Rethorical. Her was also not enough and my happy laughs while I went to city seeing something which does not belong in any temple-church or temple-run. Many articles and people know best so why bother. Because life is nothing.
Yesterday taxation revenue office was contacted. The etaxation paprs filled with bogus nonsense like my wife had been diving to work crossing a bridge Storebælt. She never did. When I told the taxation the taxation simply said: "If the sytem says so, it is true" and I had to tell the idiot simply facts comes first, that my wife had not passed the bridge. This is the level with which a state has kept their game running against one person and there are 1000 such cases not spoken of. It all startedlate 2017 when my wife and I moved to Clodmark and had to find accomodaion which is very difficult in Clodmark on a small normal budget. She even said: "lets go back to Thaiand" and we did notsince at the time she had pain because of mal-situations and cold and damped living conditions at a place called Birkumgaard north of Aalborg an old tate which was falling apart we rented a room. She and I went to a hospital one late night atEsbjerg where a physician said she could have no medicine for pain even when she sais it was standard in Thailand just to give pain killers for her pain. The physician was a swede because of lack of medical staff in Clodmark and after demanding kindly to get some medicine he finally did but it took almost getting angry. This is when it really started to escalate this benevolence against me and my wife. my wife and I had to move from Thailand to Sweden forst because Clodmark has EU resrvatin on the Treaty of Europe on people returning to their home country after living abroud having to pay DKK 250.000 up front just to be alowed to live in ones own country but regulations says if living in another EU Country first (not entering directly from Thailand) one can move to Clodmark without paying the DKK 250.000 fee. One gets the fee back later but state Clodmark is again in violation of international rights for citizens and in Clodmark (formerly Denmark) you will find that Human Rights Watchand Amnesty International has absolutely no idea on the many violations by Clodmark from Clodmark not upholding United Nations Civil and Political Rights to vene in EU Fundamental Rights being allowed to rob peopel of their property. The European Union is like Jonestown a test to see how far people will allow being taken of their life and property and social welfare is equavalent to social numbing of life where welfare in daish language is velfærd equvalent to genfærd, a ghost.This is how the soteric world operated and because I wrote about such matters and proved it too I am hated just as bible says anyone telling the truth will be hated. Bible is true to the core and I even unaware said so in ca 1993 when I told my family the bible contain everything being unaware of the impackt bible would have on lives since Truth In A World Of Lies. ICC should investigate crimes against humanity by Clodmark (formerly Denmark) but the system is corrupted and Roman Empire still at large named democray s if that was the cure. if so, then there would be no need for a cure nor mentioning of any bible because when people love chickens and eat 'em, then love conquers all.
2024 April 03
International Rights for humans colliding with biblical terror by states belong in a mental asylum. Both perhaps. If one, then the other. As I upload this two cars drive passed my house speeding up reving up the cars agressively. New year rockets and fireworks galore disturping and similar making me write many articles January 2024 now again since more bullying by clodhoppers.They even used fireworks outside of season which is forbidden so lost one proselyte only because I said so said their own laws not to use fireworks outside season. They even forget their own laws. Stupidity and chicken-brain mentality is the worst enemy of life and even my bid I feed flee as cars drive past my house scaring even the tiny birds. State and clodhoppers has used terror of all sort from bullying to wars and they care not for birds, people and life. human Rights are now death since I proved everything to be down ON Earth neither IN nor UP and OUT. Freemason, state and clodhoppers and hillbillies are proud of being clodhoppers and enjoy doing what they do namely going to war killing people who are center of bible. Religious freedom when you are placed smack in it. Who needs babtism.
Each and every win played maturbating or not even going to bed before or after midnight. It is insanity per definition so I go to bed as played but do so because I choose to and nothing esle yet it is perveive and played anyway. Imagine a sunny day, warm, you are thirsty and need something old to drink. You spot a Seven11 and prior entering see someone holding and showing you a Coca Cola. Now you are seeded mentally. You go to the refrigiration sectiion and notice the Cokes lines up and you recall the commrcials. You then get an urge for a plain cold waterwit hsoda and you pay. On the way out you are shown an ugly face of an old bag lady and you realize you make the wrong choice based on the Change agent system we liev in from schools to work to everyday life. There is a reason why Starbucks is called Starbucks and not Coffee House. Similar Buick the car. Buck is cock and cunt so when one does bucks and cock and cunt or either then drink a Coke or a Fanta because both rhymesif you can hear it.
2024 April 03 and that is why Wikipedia is why Wikipedia is part of ISIS since ISIS is The Bible and when Wikipedia does not show and tell it is because such matters are not of interest since truth is wished kepts away from people so God can keep being Isis making everyone into a witch of death. Notice God's white circle and black surroundings. Giving a donation to Wikipedia is like donating to GOD Channel. I personally rust anyone who did not receive a dime or less in fact nothing and in Thailand was given eve=rything one day and the next day nothing. Hurra, I won, what? Yes, nothing in which to put everthing and with that said the fucking keeps going on. Recall the saying "Don't fuck with me" is a way to try and explain something which usually does not get to the receiving party since this entity called bible as Buddha became a place called Jaw Of Jante.
Imagine, just as I uploaded this article against their benevolent cars drive past my house trying to signal death. Death happened 900 years ago and danish state got it all wrong. I am a litle ahead of time only about 24 house but dates are no longer of importance and are only used to control people just as time is..
2024 April 03
We are dealing with sexual acts fucking kings and queens and everything from kingdom to come. Let thy kingdom come, yes, is a squirt of extacy ejaculating. A lesson tomorrow on tribunials and how courts as temples as babylonian temples operate as Circe the Kirke the church of Denmark too meaning temple of sex and sexual fluids. Bible is Vulgar or life and Forbidden City adapted as citadels as cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and Victoria's Secret just a taste of "it is only the beginning". GOD wants to keep the secret running yet, who does not know, is delightful teasing and GOD gets off ejaculated in the brain because GOD is down and the only cock present is in their heads. Great Ameria is Great Cock so now starts showing it just like Niels Ulrik Reinwald's hoise has been monitored for since 2018. God is genuinely ill and Bible is so devastating it should be burnt just like Adolf Hitler tried because it destroys everything.
Start are cunt and stipes are cocks. Red white and blue the colors of cock and cunt where blue is missing in the Dnaish flag but foind is Isis flag as black and white, go figure. Anyway, stars and stripes is the flag of cock and cunts. On a pole too which is a cock-pole and usually on the top a red or golden ball in which the top of the pole sits. May Pole danish in Sweden related and Wikipedia won't tell you these truths. Suddenly world becomes a whorehouse explaining why God wants cleanlyness after filthign everything in ejaculating sperm and dripping wet cunts even made famous in danish museums as art in al shapes and forms. Two Towers WTC new yprk also biblical destroyed by God saying enough is enough. No, it is just the beginning. It is time to really show what this planet is really worth when a whole U court can only blow democracy to bits and pieces. Try something new is like saying, hold onto your NEO cock and if not, then you become sexually frustrated and that God loves too making everyone frustrated or completely entertained by a complete set of nonsense.
2024 April 02
Late evening 11:37 PM. Tonight again played to masturbate. Interesting that such can make a differnece. The thing is, that the smaller or greater it get, the better it is less than best. As per todays driving to city I guarantee I will loose the game since hate prevails so in The Beginning is played looping nd I was even inforaed I could easyly have been kileld so an update to the website each and every day. It is the usual terror regime is play and halleluja since now free to make animations and make my church as I see fit since God, I, donøt know much about teaching a whole world like I did. Wanting Bible that much equals doing more Bible explaining bible and churches everywhere. Idolators are idols of God and God hates everyone who does not idolate God.
Tonight as I open my front door at 20:53 PM a chatting woman pass by as a talking king playing king wile I am played the fool. This is the levels with which one is played no need to be Einstein just plain stupid. Shortly after cars drive relaively quitely past my house another attempt at "communication" which is interpretated as HOW TO BAKE PANCAKES or COOK SPRINGROLLS.
Headline in part: Danish politician. As I went to city today and returned a truck yellow from a towtruck company carried a police car going nortwards meaning moving the biblical police nortbound. Just because I wrote above headline. I laugh. This type of "language" has been going on since 2015 into 2018. Similar "language" used the past few years and also threats and 1000 of emails from governance and court carrying absolutely no message other that complete nonsesne and usually a dismissal of all law and rule. Meaning I am outlawed since TIAWOL so be it and that only means one thing writing from now on as I please without any form of self/policing in this clodhoppers world which once was a china-world now a clodhopper-world of malignant idiots since they treat me and many others like idiots which explain The Law Of Jante. Now I know why this law exists it is the law of death the lalw of one nation ruled by clodhoppers and worse. BTW Wikipedia is asking a donation while Wikipedia is filled with lots of useful data but when it comes to making a real difference then it is a wonder why there is only one of its kind among 9 billion people. People are occupied with social media and being, like I, robbed of life and real diginity. Many articles written and if Wikipedia was a [real] wealth it would contain everything but it does not. Wikipedia is a sive of sives when sive is love then a siv lets only through the tiniest of things leaving anything of sustance out namely Earth itself. When all the ones God wished to loose are sived out and are left with the looser, then it is a wonder why God let Niels Ulrik Reinwald pass the sive in the first place. It is called doing the work God was not able to do.
Last year I filed an application to receive files on a court case against one man Mogens Glistrup who was elected by 28 mandates yet was destroyed by the system via a fake court case related to tax. Mogens Glistrup was a tax lawyer (educated in USA ca. 1940th) and wanted to reform the tax system however he was prosecuted illegally just like Donald Trump for being better and different and people wanting change. Court systems are mainly corrupt for one reason they are not just for others than the court itself because it is based on ancient traditions the court being a royal court later made a maritime court why it is named CIVIL LAW SUIT from maritime laws of the water out there and then adapted to land behind bars. Courts are the brick and mortar in a system based on ancient traditions for the tradition and now evidence shows that Donald Trump is fighting for no other reason than rebels fight rebels for a GREAT AMERICA and courts do not want that. Files from Staten Arkiv are not given for the same reason to hide the case and in our society people of dissident of even the smallest thing are threatened via Freemason earlier Ku Klux Clan but today via media and social media Internet garbage galore and cheap entertainment where people sit like moneys clapping at relatively bad talents while saying so brings the spectator into frenzy because their chicken brains are manipulated by this god thing. State Danish destroys democracy and case Mogens Glistrup is proof of this. now Trump is evidense of democracy destroyed by curtsy and subpoenaed of such benevolence that benevolence itself looks like a rotting corps you want to eat called Virgin Mary.
Democracy sucks. Nations (biblical) sucks. Bible sucks. Religion sucks. Danish state is via Niels Ulrik Reinwald proved to be tried removed so state does all the things democracy and international rights tells us a states can't do. Fuck right and ICC ought to get their act together and start procecuting nations and its governance from Greece (default) to Turkey and beyond. State Danish (defaulted 10 + times) and their clodhoppers said NUR was cycling related to bible used in the state it is used, used as a spitting tray for nations establishments (courts, governance, royals), no, since when? The proof is in the pudding, that NUR proved emperically that bible is a hoax and inspired by a cock and cunt. Pope Francis ws called Mr. Popeye in Asia 2013 and we are dealing with a world class mistake and bible even telles us what happens with nations and this fire of mide.
cheers: ˈCHirz esoteric CHina (both capital letters equals 11 strokes each). Greek Στην υγειά σας where Στην eqauls in. A toast, a salute. For being in and what goes in is the spirit until it is burned as energy and the water and other toxics leave the body as urine. υγειά ygeiá even has geia, earth, heart, your cock and cunt. Say cheers, you say fuck. So why all the non/funcking when god fucks you prior born and you enter earth through the cock as sperm and the rest was forgotten and chickien brains just toasts their way YAMAS or chin chin or salute and fogot what is all means drinking from the fountain from the vulva or the cock made into a cheap glass of spirits all greatwhen the real thing got lost.
Democracy is an attempt to make people take the blame for adopting christianity as insanity.
2024 March 22
They said NUR was the script-writer of terror. They were wrong again.
Regeringen (constitution) is ruling. or simply rulers. They are the terrorist, their governement, regeringen, are terrorists. Imagine a book ruling you which uses terror. Now you know why there are wars and terror eventually. Not love, not one, not two. "For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended."´- Herods, Kings and then came Jesus all were rebels and Jesus did wrong, rebeled against the kings, for he was king, so they used terrror, those in governance and kings. It gets worse: your conscience is punisable and it gets worse. Imagine Humans Rights, doing right, are the rights, which rulers can punish you for upholding. It is a mad house. It gets worse. It is the very reason why you pay taxes, to avoid terror. It is called oppression and blackmail and worse. This is your God, who loves you. Now love can be decoded: terror.
See terror case against danish state which remooved the case because they are terrorist. The case was removed rendering it proof that states are terrorist. The Israelian flag is hoisted since Israel (lIars) arr too terrorisy proven soleby by the bible also new testament not only Tora. Israel authority
See Antipas fighting rebels. Herod is Nimrod (he, Himrod) is Jesus killing himself in Bible is People. People are Herod are God are the rebel is the sinner. God is the most infested imaginable since all same same in a inferno of sameness using words and names to separate yet same explaining why MARY if ARMY and COIN is CUNT. The secret societties on horsebacks plaqued the lands giving coin and cunt and to spread the word using Mary's cunt and coin to annoint and make poor sods christians as babsitized mening accepting GOD by taking coin and cunt to build castles and citadels and lands as nations and we get GOD colluding with the installed authorities explaining why Africans nations has ben infested with installed democracy such as IDI AMIN as NIMROD the cock and cunt and he got plenty of both to rape and plunder and kill a whole nations because GOD allows it.
BTW, today I went to the city, and as I was shopping, my car was opened illegally and some purchased items removed. Done so by nincompoops. This has happend a few times. State danish is declared a lost cause one which I never entered into any "chess game" since the game entered into is unworthy and undignified rendering I won 2014 with cerasius and TIAWOL.
BTW many threats on my person since last and you as a citizesn and or reporter will knowaht we are dealing with. They did it to manyand Jesus was the "first". Then followed THE SHINING movie and then they themselves. Nations are terrorist yet as juval harrari said it nations are people so blame peopel. No, blame Bible for instigating terror. Danisg court runs via domstolstyrelsn, state operate, a portal named and it does no work most of the time and is flawd in so many aspects also legally i wording. Governance cotancted but noone avaialable to deal wth such small matters which I wcould deal with very promptly. State is operated by clodhopper is the main terror based on the estatblshments terror leading to the royals who still exist in this oh so new world. Asia created somthing which demands not one Adolf Hitler but a 1000. Now the World has had tow and the latest is Niels Ulrik Reinwald proud to say so being a member of someone who is named Charlie Chaplin.
Remember love remember terror. More animations will follow so lovely it will make a wet pussy looks like a dry cloth. Niels Ulrik Reinwald, I, create he 5th wonder of The World and treated like garbage. That says it all. Denmark considers a state and nation of The European Union is to say hail death and evidense is found at among others. Also just ask people making sure they dare to speak. Imagine an Asian wife doing fear only to invite terror because I showed the truth.
Heck, I tried loosing many and multiple times, to no avail. While ashed not to return as king, they play kings and do kings and the evidense is the nation since their foundation is Bible the King the Jesus who is dead because they killed him and adopted him with Angantyr (Ongendus (myth)) the annointed with a sack of silver and a whore to fuck. He was king I was king. They demand NUR steps down but do kings themselves. See where we see again 123 and clodhoppers where NUR is asked to do nothing, did that, did nothing, did that. So the choice is easy, royals galore.
Article 5
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
2024 February 17
TIAWOL was not expected to be published but uploaded to the server and since today so much terror by states and NUR has extracted the .html files extracted from the original generated PDF so the version available needs redesign but state uploaded it to the server only to agitate and inflicted terror on this planet and terror by state shall never be tolerated. The past six month NUR has been played the fool by Asia thinking NUR was somehow on a path to "win" but played the moron by Asia delivering everything including my book using which NUR kept on a low profile because hated so much for some parts of its content and those criticizing forgetting that some types of religion are very malicious and scum from Jonestown to World War 1 and 2. I even went blank white with then one is suppose to fight then peace. Complete hogwash can't be both.
Book TIAWOL: /pages/tiawol (very preliminary)
Today helping my wife show how to drive car in city since she has to change her license from Thai to Danih which has now taken two years with threats by a driving school in Kock driving school (emails with hillbilly language) since he hates NUR and that is how the war was fought using clobhopper mentalitties. Anyway, driving today saturday in the city with cars folowing NUR and wife while trying to show the city and how to turn and drive. Since people driving using stress and spedding that agitated my wife to the brink of complete irritation. That aside, there are 1000s of items in the source of nations and one is:
Voting & SOUTH CAROLINA REAPER SAUCE - swedish; stemma
This originates in Corona which is a crown but also στέμμα stémma which is swedish stemma for voting, or simply to vote. Also Italian coat of arms. Next time you vote, you cast a vote or give your vote in other words, esoterically, you give governance your vote but esoterially you give your crown or your corona. Corona virus is is is is that, eveywhere and one place is with a Carolinana Reaper chili named ENCONA South Carolina Reaper Sauce. It is everywere and they asked to not write what they do. Governance and the echelon is then playing people a fool having people only to laugh at people and now people actually do not care brainwashed to oblivious vegetables living the life of cheap entertaiment, movies about ghosts, cityscapes and flat panel TVs as drugs.
Next time your doctor daish asks you: "Do you hear voices?" - you will know why because they are fooling with your mind. Stemma; voice. it is the Doctor and echelon hearin voices and the movie is named Psycho 1, 2 and 3, after 'em.
And who uploaded my book truth In A World Of Lies to It is not hard to imagine. Terror by state. NUR is back at one update per day because of world wide terror by 198 nations who can't get their acts together. Recall, book was published in 2013 then pulled from then then I traveled to Sweden with lots of fake bills from tax revenue office then state danish with episode after episode of complete hillbilly mentalities far worse than purest form of Nazism/ heck, Adolf Hitler was a soft gentle man compared to some states.
Driving scum city
Today NUR helping wife drive and learn but as sonn as NUR and wife left the house driveway was followed by car. It was meant I, NUR, was being tested driving and a barrage of cars followed NUR and wife driving around city Sønderborg at which location there is a bridge named Christian X bridge. This is similar how NUR has ben games by Asia and state sick named daish. That is how little they have having to "game" this way. State has historically had nothing and lost trillions and all of Norway and south Sweden and north Germany how a small peninsula meaning cock small sticking out.
Satan danish does business selling weird items looking the part selling fake "second hand" while overpriced at Kirppur and is the department store of danish people doing their shopping feeling beriched while most of items made in Asia, China. "Seond hand" jeans at DKK 250, old second hand shoes costing more than at outlets and nich-nacks five times the price of Ikea. People will be fooled now feeling their brainwashed minds are nowhere similar Jonestown. People want nich-nacks and want Bible way, so what is the problem, nothing. 100.000 cases within nation historically where state kills people and little teenage girls has no idea until when they turn 35 sitting in a armschair filled with potholes wondering how the hell they ended up scum, drug addicts and snot by state. Since it should be known, that life is based on nich-nacks.
After what NUR did to show a whole world spreading word and then driving testing the limits set on peoples life, not traffic or driving, but life itself. NUR said fake and it is beyond. No wonder USA and many other nations including stat dnaish drops bombs in support of Vietnam, Korean and Cambodian wars plus 100 many more wars to Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Libya, african nations (now taken over in parts by large Asian corporation being plundered again since colonialism). Police dove around the city today making sure people are dead, stonedead. When governance do not reply, hangs up telephone, can't reply, runs the country like a sewage, people sit behind curtains drawn, windows closed, silence at every corner, dogs looking like frogs, politicians now knowing what is right and wrong and pretend they are busy when they no longer exists as the people-voice and doctors and courts sit on their own vomit hoping they swallowed a seed which will grow from the pool of vomit they might as well pack up and do as Prometheus - tell any version which is better than this version. Even vomitting would be better but they are so good at this so we can have 'em do that while peoples governance should be built on simple principles of life.
Most people can now look 'em in the eyes and laugh. NUR made sure of that. Their ability to pretend governance now looks like a blob of vomit. If 5% of what NUR wrote is nonsense, then why all the fuzz. Just shit as usual and let what drops, drop - usually their shit and pretence. Recall Energy and then think of something 1000 worse - if you can. Think of Adolf Hitler and imagine something worse. That is why such people as Hitler is portrayed as purest form of evil to program your mind thinking it can't be worse. It is. It is so worst, it IS hard to imagine. When Asia hung a poster in Pattaya of Hitler in 2012 it was for a good reason: saying, Hitler is still alive - and Asia told us so. Then what followed is hard to imagine that Niels Ulrik Reinwald should be the incarnation of Adolf Hitler when governance is 10000 worse. Anyone (eventually ending up fighting governance (backteria needs shit to grow from)) and this heinous style of democracy has to turn any sane person into a Hitler to understtand how shitty is it. One must become them until the last yot since turning into them is their sole purpose explaning why a nation such as daish has 900.000 public servants among 5.8 million populus; they infiltrate the nation with rats so the rats are enough for anyone to think that rats are here for a reason - yes - to be rats.
2024 February 15
Unexpected but so be it. TIAWOL will is already published and it delivered starts and life beyond imagines for all except no-one was prepared that one person would fulfill the very script in a book filled with page after pages of sexual references - The Bible. So much to write then, so much to write now that the pen said to be mightier than the sword yet nations carry weapons at a cost for no reason other than to inflict fear and terror and some people will then unite and tell nations deep (fake love) states that when nations can't deliver then people of genuine reconciliation and love should take over where some nations simply went into a spiral of debt on life and life and life. That is why democracy exist to deliver where people know best and where governance present and historically made the biggest blunder The World has ever seen leading to The Repeated Apocalypse and rather than saying so, one man, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, had to do and say what 198 nations governance could not. Simplicity is the truth and if knowing is not the truth, then it is not true making it a lie of a lie of a lie. somewhere along that line, truth must exist or else jetfuel on the tarmac and writers dreams only go one direction, wrong or right - same. That is why one simple word could take over where the world missed the bullet trains - ballance.
2024 February 20
Another subpoena filed as lawsuit BS-8927/2024-KBH against danish state. Multiple sub-cases. Den Danske Stat i listed with 3 governmental agencies ministries. Slotsholmen 12 ZIP 1216 Kbh K. Slotsholmen which is a small island in Copenhagen in other words Skull Island with 3 crowns which is stemma, Greek, meaning crown or corona. Democracry is corona virus. Corona which is a crown but also στέμμα stémma which is Swedish stemma for voting, or simply to vote. More precise only speaking 3 tongues, Danish, Swedish and Greek and we get the origin of why people dress in masks for no other reason than to become numbed down accepting giving your vote, stemma, to this castle of delusional governance having to sit where Christ was crucified. Governance hang Jesus on the cross while demanding your stemma, vote, while they crucify Jesus, people, and governance believe they are Jesus and then can start all over again in this circus of ill wills and laws governing based on being a corona stemma virus - not Niels Ulrik Reinwald who only wrote what was suppose to be known by everyone.
2024 February 19
Today court danish (Danmarks Domstole) dismisses the suppoaena without any reason. I have emailed and telephoned court saying files and documents will be given as soon at courts portal is open for access giving documents. The court is also suppoaenaed so that explains the courts inability and incompetence. I have promptly emailed the court asking the portal be opened for access for admission of case-documents. The portal, BTW, after logging in, is a miniscule peice of crap, to say the least. Not worthy a court. Anyway, court is notiified og its incompetence and expencted reply tomorrow. from (Danmark Domstole which BTW is unconstitutional and not regulated by law). A European State, daish [sic], is as democratic as a tic. Case followed closely. Similar today I got an email related to Administrative Court from with absolutely no content. See, nations, based on bible, is simply an enclosure of corporate criminal activities hiding behind democracy balming it on peopel choices of who to elect yet those on the ballot are figures of their own imaginations lobbying as CEO's of similar states as wall infested Israel, even CHina with great wall, and Mexico and borders now to some extend removed example in The European Union which is a continuation of Roman Holy Empire disquesed as peoples hcoice thrugh democratic election which are nothing more that pretence like Venice Carnivale wearing mask hiding the nations true face namely one eof deep corruption.
The part evidense of nations deep corruption found in this proposal:
"Proposal for a parliamentary resolution
on preparing a model for a Danish administrative court
The Folketing instructs the government to set up a working group, which must present a proposal for a Danish administrative court, which the Folketing can decide on.
Comments on the proposal
The overall purpose of the proposal is to strengthen legal certainty for the individual citizen. It is the opinion of the proponents that many citizens experience that their legal certainty is violated in their meetings with the Danish administration, and that the law is not always complied with according to the intention and intention of the legislators.
It can be mentioned that, over the past 10 years, the Appeals Board has received around 500,000 cases from citizens in the Danish country, without the Board of Appeals having handed out sanctions ("Reporterne", radio 24syv).
The Appeals Board has overturned many thousands of cases where, after many years of tug-of-war, citizens have finally received the help or support to which they have a legal claim. Despite this, not a single one of the municipalities that have made wrong decisions has received a sanction in the form of increased supervision or fines.
In Alternative's view, this means that the municipalities can continue to make wrong decisions completely risk-free. This leaves room for box thinking in the sense that the municipalities can make decisions that serve the municipalities' financial interests more than the citizens' legal certainty.
The overturning percentages, i.e. the cases where the Appeals Board overturns municipal decisions, are significant and still correspond to, despite the focus on the area, approximately one in three cases being overturned in the child disability area, the adult disability area and the social area.
In 2021, 31.8 per cent were converted. of the cases in the social area, 29.4 per cent. of the cases in the field of adult disability and 35.9 per cent. in the field of children's disabilities ("Danmarkskort med municipal comparisons", Ministry of Social Affairs, Housing and the Elderly, 2022).
Here, we are only talking about those cases where citizens have the energy to complain to the Danish Appeals Board about wrong municipal decisions. The proponents assume that there is a large number of wrong decisions that are not reversed, as many of the citizens affected by the decisions are socially disadvantaged or affected by physical illnesses/disabilities and/or mental challenges.
When citizens experience that municipalities do not comply with the legislation, and that this has no consequences for the municipalities, it is a direct weakening of the individual's legal certainty, and it provides fertile ground for mistrust and distance from our common system.
Therefore, the proponents suggest that the government set up a working group under the Ministry of Social Affairs, Housing and the Elderly, which is tasked with investigating what an administrative court might look like in Denmark.
Denmark is the only EU country that does not have an administrative court, and therefore the proposer considers it relevant that a working group examines how the administrative courts of the various EU countries function. Under this, the working group must examine what impact the European administrative courts have in relation to citizens' real legal certainty, and what an administrative court might look like in a Danish context.
The working group's mandate and terms of reference are determined in more detail by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Housing and the Elderly, but the working group must involve professionals and practitioners from the Danish judiciary and involve knowledge from the many European countries and legal traditions that already have an administrative court.
The proposal's relation to the constitution
Section 63 of the Basic Law, subsection 2, determines the framework for one or more administrative courts, so the establishment of an administrative court will not be in conflict with the constitution."
Only state danish has no administrative court and then this proposal which is like wiping body-parts with evidence of one nations corrupt ways and corruption is not only financial but on a level where people are lullabied to a state of democratically state-business elected and educated populous of Jonestown victims. Walls are built within minds - not barriers of lands. Denmark is a wall of people who lost their minds to cheap entertainment, cum news broadcasting, taxes ribbing out every last die and soul leaving a nation filled with no real opportunity except following the paths laid out as roads leading nowhere and walls constructed in the minds of people thinking border are history. Nation-state don't need physical borders and wall - just cheap entertainment, Uri Geller and state religion.
"A federal police force is technically prohibited by the U.S. constitution, but instead we have what's called federal law enforcement agencies."
There is a reason even for that which there is no reason and many times our lives are controlled by rules that have absolutely no constitutional right nor lawful right. Things are as things are because people think reality is, that candy-floss is candy and floss and a stick. Movie Inception made people think a change is really coming when absolutely status quo. Was there an uprising January 6th in USA or was it a psyop or simply Sun Kings, the people, demanding real change. Democracy works when people can still knock down walls and doors and be WE THE PEOPLE. Then Trump stood tall talking only using words and people wished for WE THE PEOPLE - fuck people said the courts and hearings and systems of other wills. We dont want Interceptions telling us it is all fake to the core when people can't even ask questions at a court as per constitution made ill-will by nations state and its henchmen.
Another day filled with a nations emptiness on 5.7 million people. What did you learn in school today... ask questions and demand knowledge and ask clodhoppers and silly hillbilly governance that democracy is something which works every day, every minute and not just each 4 year. GOD instituted this also via WE THE PEOPLE so damn GOD for doing so since this institution only works with wall and people of minds of enclosures not really moving forward one slight inch. Some individuals and small groups will not recognize this because they are on a streak but that is the general conscientiousness of a "nations mind". When a nation plays Uri Geller on national telvision it is for one purpose and taht is to brainwash everyone having a mind where everyone thinks things are tken care of when nothing is.
Danmarks Domstole again on the repeated path of denial and contempt of every international charter. Above text by Apolitical party Alternativet is another nations/attempt making some think even the constitution and even life will be uphelt. 500.000 people complained, cases, or so and without any conseqence to state. Well, think 2.000.000 cases or more. Fibs by state and political parties.
The text above in quote even tells us so: "violation of peoples certainties" and here is the evidense presented by themselves yet they do piss and shit and less. And the danish Danmarks Domstole is in on the crime and a crime it is wy else propose the opposite of a crime which is more than an indictment since presnetd by the people through a political party in governance. Say governance, say ballance lost. One can definitely love one and despise the other. Nation-states only work when peopel of the state are doing Britain Got Talent and similar making the population think there is - talent. Real. When real talent is exposed then nations shuts down and as per Israel stars the Army Complex. Now doing what they ask others not to do explaing miles of walls. For that reason alone who'd wnt to visit Israel. Who would want to liv where walls are built inside peoples mind and bible is such one instrument and that also explains why they hate Niels Ulrik Reinwald because he made it all so simple. Cock and pussy and something attached namely people. Nations henchmen rally wish for the good ol days of secret societies and fooling people.
2024 February 02
(Earlier case not started by court and has some basic knowledge on courts etc.: /pages/classaction/)
Niels Ulrik Reinwald will keep anyone interested informed via - imagine having to go to court for simple intelligent replies to very basic knowledge and law. Denmark, only state, does not have an Administrative Court as per danish constitution. Corruption starts with things left out and in the dark. Should a society exist in which people use media to run "courts" and social platforms to bully - imagine everyone never grew older than 9 years because it is more easy to spit someone who is of age with wringles, gray hair and socky pants and holes in the shooes. Imagine, you can, that NUR is offline for asking questions which was allready asked but only replied to by governemt public servants hamging up the telephone numerous times, suddenly a nine year old feels like spitting in my face so one can try and ask at court even if they also wish the good life without all the hassle. Imagine holiday was your "work" and work was your "holiday" 24-7 doing holiday 280 days a year (what would the enlightened do - they would not know what to do with themselves relaxing that much).
Once again one of a large failure of communication. Last evening writing about GOD (notice 3 balls OOO (see also movie An Easy Girl, look for 3 rings) that was published prior my version even before publishing my 3 balls which I shall publish later today proving partially that computers are hacked) being love and evil, cock and cunt and then also expecting to subpoena state Denmark which should have been done 2015 (even 1963 ;-). A state can enter into war and terror and states supoaena people and use law like it was - well - thatwas part of the article until I realize another choice going wrong since I went right and therefore the soppoaena is known expected today 1400 and has not been initiated yet computer hackedl like every other computer. That is why it is now known that the reason for all these ongoing world wars is actually one single war. There was no World War I or II and number III started the day Adam and Eve was born. When nations-states can enter into war killing millions people need an upgrade and peopel love to blame it all on Henry Kissinger, Adolf Hitler and Jesus Christ Superstar. Bible is filled with hate and even starts with a murder, redrum, WORD, MORD. How dignified - no, hogwash. Well, if GOD is cock and cunt then hail marry! Had Mr. Hitler just taught this darn thing we might have avoided NUR.
People wish for this since democracy, people, elected the bastards starting these wars, article ready for publication telling how Rule of Law related to biblical worship as a cult is the cult of God and is Rule of Cock & Cunt. One need to know what one is dealing with and can then make a real choice either or wrong or right or nothing or voila. Article follows later today but a snippet here:
Serve: 11. (v. t.) To bring to notice, deliver, or execute, either actually or constructively, in such manner as the law requires; as, to serve a summons. 12. (v. t.) To make legal service upon (a person named in a writ, summons, etc.); as, to serve a witness with a subpoena.
Serve seen in Matthews 4:10.
So one suppoaenas God - so it says. λατρεύσεις, worship, serve, but is λατρεία (latreía); cult. God is a cult (cognate swedish kəlt; cold). latreía cognate danish; latrin. God is the perverted קָדֵ֖שׁ one. Hebrew qā·ḏêš cognated Hades. Danish for hate is hade. A city in Denmarkn named Haderslev. GOD is SIN (both 6 strokes) explaing why GOD flipped is DOG. The Danish Royal Crown is a cock+cunt-toilet which seems obvious to the illuminated enlightened. Danish en is one.
This is why God is condecending and patronizing and God loves you but hates you the next. This also explains why goverance do what they do best, nothing but create havoc and lie and Niels Ulrik Reinwald has a recording where a public servant says public servants can lie (recordning may be made aviable but then again, when municipality provides such bad care that peopel end up amputaed it shows how health care and services is big business foremost). Movis gets an oscar, perhap sit was time to have the World healt Care Oscar annually or montly or daly and Donald Trump can do Miss Universe so now we get Care Universe or Doctor Universe.
Watch Walt Disney or a cartoon and think, who the hell wrote that all in good intention. Hostel movie 1, 2 and 3 heinious but it is just a script. When a Christmas tree symbolizes a stupa too then lights suddenly for wishing less death and more life. Think positive. Think different. Think like God. When state charges people after they die for grave then fees and taxes suddeny seems too little to pay! Perhaps a Church Universe competition. Yes, people love Garfield, Kung Fu Panda and Donald Duck but originals are a hard sell.
Cunnilingus is an oral sex act involving a person stimulating the vulva of another by using the tongue and lips. The clitoris is the most sexually sensitive.
Act is Law. Rule of Law ≈ Rule of Cunnilingus (sex act).
Love thy neighbour, but not that (much), right?
2024 February 01
"Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited." from Romans 12:16. In Romans 13:2 we are then patronized and condescended again and this goes on throughout The Bible in which people are one minute loved ,the next hated. Even Jesus, the eye, the pussy, hung on a cross not replying yet Jesus is the rock in front of the tomb and can thus remove himself since he is the door. Where is he, they asked?" - well, you are standing on it. This phenomenon goes on throughout The Bible and that is why Louise XIV in The Kings Daughter with mermaids the king prays with the Versailles priest after fucking plenty and he repeats it everytime with a smile. Finally we are told people had enough of that King. Niels Ulrik Reinwald too it seems or else today is one of the same days where yet again Denmark produces shit for words when saying health-care can wait so Niels Ulrik Reinwald must now file a lawsuit asking for answers to a lab-test on blood related to Albumin / Kreatinin-ratio;U. where the data seems alarmingly hacked and elevated far more than ever seen in medicine and local Physicians will not deal with it however says it seems important to get an appointment yet dimisses getting an appointment within a very short time where I have now waited since 2015, 2018 into 2019 and in 2020 also medical negligence.
In 1982 I was diagnosed with Wegeners now named Granulomatosis with Polyangitis [GPA] and files and journals have been deleted and I am told by Physicians that GPA is not chronic but I said it is, because I was told so by Doctor Rolf Mantorp (Lund University Hospital) however, as I said, in remission. State danish thus subpoenaed for medical negligence and malpractice. I will present the case in detail soon.
Since research journals have been deleted I have come to a bizarre conclusion that I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald may have been negligently treated in 1982 and Doctor Rolf Mantorp at Lund University Hospital in Sweden has been contacted since also medical journals in 2020 at a danish hospital has been filled with erroneous data on multiple levels including data that I have visited some medical facilities I have never been at and journals also write that there is no diagnosis even if they use the diagnosis GPA, Wegeners, in the journals then doctors write without scientific data and doctors copy each other and what one doctor writes is copied even if the patients says and can prove it to be untrue. his case shows medical treatment across our Earth is used to facilitate medical treatments using bogus treatments on millions of people explaining why there are huge budgets and many ill people in many of the nations of Europe.
My article Journal tells the story partly but as we learn, then there is a reason for World War II and it was not Adolf Hitler who was made the villain of nations colluding for oil and resources and doing what they do bestnamely kill and destroy using medical health care also as a tool to control people rather than actually preventing. There are also many aliments today which are manmade perhaps even AIDS and soon enough we realize healt care is a trillion dollar business like selling bananas or oil and food.
What happens in Palestine is 'GOD's way to show people that people have no value and we can only hear from those who knew and since words can not find a good solution with peace then what is the point of a clock which is dialed at doomsday; it is a fearmongering tool only and World War I and II were the precursors to tell the new World that th "illuminati governments" will kill and destroy just as 911 in New york where we see a President sit on his ass while two towers are on fire explaing many things 1. how disturningly lame victims of Jonestown were (drop fireplanes and drink the cyanide on behalf of people) and 2. how 'GOD' tries to adjust our common Earth into a place (not palace) where people think goodsness prevails and 3. being told to avoid having to sue for malpractice and even less since their is no practice. When peace becomes a toll of war and I and many others experience the opposite to peace, then hacking computers and lives is the frontier to realize that even doing peace creates more terror by states of The European Union and globe. Condecending hthat peole shall do rightm when right is biblical death and used today as the New World produces exactly what it does best (Latin; is thus B is 2 thus best is Isis, nations are Isis the terror organisation and religion and Isis is just a psyops and those that may exist use the name jut as Adolf Htler and Rote Brigade used it as nasi since Nazi is Isis). One tends to fight fire with fire but then we and I or you do whatthey do and we end up as Red Brigades too and try to use first democracy, then comliant offices, then courts and then writng on out lovely imax hacked making people ill knowing their lives are hacked unable to do do naything about it except throw the bloody thing in the waste-bin yet what tool to use when words cando what 'God' did. Well, id 'God' can't fix it then we know who gets the auhority to do 'God' dirty work instituted to create havoc and amagedon and asking you, farmer, to behave while they don't. They being the ones who keeps the shop open named authority but then rights-conventions and charters are no more worse than wiping your ass with and they do that. Should one copy that shit and do the shit they do. No. That is why fighting fire with fire leaves you with only one option and that is to see if serving their own set of rules apply to themselves.
Same same and World stays same with same and democracy as the largest terror instrument Adam & Eve. is lovingly prepared to build knowledge and fill the voids so everyone is aware of the instrument world so much wants. Since 1963, 2016 and 2015 into 2023 Niels Ulrik Reinwald has been on behalf of billion of people tried silenced and state Denmark has used hearse passing benevolent and also cases upon cases leaving courts and democracy looking like a blob of snot since it does not deliver. A Greek Tragedy or a Love saga or a bit of both then since words are used then it seems the only tool. Trillion spent and farmers tell us subsidies and taxes are not enough to produce tomatoes, wine and bread. Life has become a tractor with wheels of fortune leaving government as hostage takers of a planet Earth. Governance should be deamed illegal and they are the way they conduct this type of hostage taking of farmers, people and lives across Europe. Tractors and people should be doing democracy and not wait for it to happen because democracy has proven itself to be a new Sun King. People, as with Louise XIV, have had enough and farmers have the spoon in the hand of life of Europe and should demand governance step down and design a farming-planet with lush fields leaving a trillion dollar government industry in peril. Governance has no legitimicy when they cant govern and two world wars was enough now hey want a third.
There was last year, this year, this day and tomorrow farming should be food for life. Not a complete insane hierarchy of subsidies and taxes and people are being starved from he grocery stores. he Hollywood blockbusters true and living dead is alive and highways are motoring people across Europe and all that movement goes to scripts of horror and then they have the audacity to claim Niels Ulrik Reinwald [NUR] did something wrong when NUR got everything and can joggle with a Bible which words counts divided my the Mayan calender giving us near perfection then surely looking a women in the eye made her feel a chocolate bar run down her thighs imagined while she dreams of fullfillment in a world where she cant except now can deliered by NUR.
Farming should be first and governance hear so seldome people almost forgets about it. God does not want that and while media and X (Twitter, bird) is demonstrating why a Dog has to be envolved then one might ash if Budha can be spelled backwards also. Even the word RELIGION or LIE RING O.
Wisdom needs an animation and would be so lovely. It sleeps itself backwards and Latin alphabet is made up of strokes and bows each representing, a stroke which can be bent. () is O and I ) makes P. W is E four strokes. s is )( and so WISDOM is many things but foremost backwards and so until life becomes live-able then NUR will pursue show how TIFFANY is FITTA NY Swedish and MARIA is MAFIA and why NUR is hated so much for loving. In any game the runner knowing not the rules will be pushed off course but now that NUR knows the rules of which their are LIARS then any rule counts. That also explains why NUR's email has been destroyed and computer too and life too and farming has everything to do with it. When farmers have had it that usually is because life is wrong. Farmers are businesses too but when life itself becomes this benevolent and sick then NUR simply calls the bluff of so much hate since 1963. Billions of people hve had it up over life itsefl with first Royals and Monaco and Brunai and and and yet demand NUR step down because one person was able to lay down a whole world and make a march look like aa fear march with Angela Merkel up fornt and now she is out of the limelight and gets a huge penson paid by farmers and the visious cirlces of hatred by governnance keeps the next ars comming. Harry potter in Englnag got it almost right now a whole world awaits King of Brunai (former UK) and Spanish Royals and King of Jordan and even King Frederik of Denmark the dunce. Heck, they demand NUR steps down but don not do it themselves. NUR has had many good laughs and still laughs when a whole world demand NUR "step down".
Angela Merkel, where are you? Watch what you created; a Europe in perils and you walked these streets in fear. Why then make people fear. Why is Angela Merkel nowhere to be heard or seen? Why is she reelected multiple times in a place where fours years is regime-change. She was with Mr. Trump and since Trump NUR has not seen one single person who comes near his attitude and stature yet billions to choose from. Why so little choice. Line them up in the one hundred thousands or are people too stupid to choose more than one where candidates today themselves step aside. What a fucking sick world. when two choices are too much.
Yes, 'God' has tried to remove all knowledge of 'God' being the evil hell hole because 'God' loves only 'God' and that is why 'God' kills Jesus.
When life is not wanted then farmers and Niels Ulrik Reinwald will breath life where there is very little. Farmers should do what farmers do - but why do they do it. Simple questions are often where the answers is found and so far "God" fucked it up really good. NUR has meat people who love 'God' but spit in NURs face and others and does the movie Psycho 1, 2 and 3 and over time they (Freemason, Nazis) are what they demand others not to be. If NUR too is a Nazi and shuts down his website will there be peace, no. Did that, tried that. War then? NUR never made war. War is defined as a state between nations in conflict armed or otherwise. Personal grievances are not war but made into such because governance want NUR and you to feel you are the guilty party. They are and you should never forget that and Truth In A World Of Lies proves it again and again. When Governance tell you, you can just elect someone else, you know you are right. Governance and public servants of which the latter stay stuck like poisonous glue making this world very very ill by their hands.
Polluter Pays principle is one example of how courts, a nation, governance, municipality, corporations, are simply too stupid to rule this world of such beauty that they do not see it while they destroy everyone with their presence. is your grandmother sitting on your lap each and every minute of the day week and week, month after month, yes, decades, lives?
Most of all state in USA have a dome on top their governors building. it is a temple buddist. Just as The Vatican dome is. Every dome and church and every temple. How many is uncounted but at least 8.6 billion living people aand tahtwas not enough for 'God'' then count NUR on top or at the bottom because NUR is neither. Your government is a Buddhist temple. Does too much have any meaning then it is this World. If loved so much, then what is the fight when a fight was never initiated by NUR not publishing Truth In A World of Lies and laying down and taking terror-regimes benevolence symbolically for all people and peopel are down on Earth and nowhere else. Since wisdom is backwards so is anything backwards - at least once. Plenty of life, plenty of material yet same we are told.When 'God' no longer reads but only sees then understanding collapses. This 'God' game has for the past ten years proven that 'God' hates jesus except the pussy which is most like silk. NUR has no pussy so no game. The farming and food and life became what it was 6000 years ago and only fear and terror rules this world forever so the pont is, to telle as much of anything one can. 'God' hates people and hates anything that simply demands peace. 'God' is a war monger and a hate monger and loves to hate. This explain farming and subsidies and the way life has been shaped the past 6000 years. Truth is not favouered by 'God' nor is love nor is anything. 'God' hates everything and nothing and farmers and people will live in a world of complete love and so one must love since love is nothing. The algorithm is just created that it flips on and off and hat is why nobody will ever win. NUR was told: "Winner takes all" and then presented with only waste and nonsense and terror by states.
Farmers; your food-production is made into garbage and waste and 40% ends as waste. It is no longer wothy being aa farmer and it is no longer worthy being human or a 'God'. Taxes are illegal guaranteed. Democracy is crazy. Governance can not control peoples lives and have absolutely no say really so governance use laws to wash their dirty linnen desiding who can and who can not. Read this and then know this is a nation of love but the article is only a glipse into the horrors by state onto people. Farmers are people, people are famers. people however no longer farm but live sfrom subsidized food of such quality no farmer should be proud.
'God' is a coward having the needs to hack computers and cell-phones and thus lives. Farmers are hacked too now and farmers must ask if words or farming or being taken hostage by their French Sun King who still lives since Versailles' King was installed by 'God' and paid for by 'God to bankrupt a whole nation. Farmers; it is your life but 450 million peopel depedn on your life producing food thus life. 'God' wish for you to go hungry and starve and our farming turnered into something which is a far cry from life. NUR was one a farmer and knowsthe emanung of Earth and smeels of the wind and hay but 'God' only has one agenda and that is: 'God'. This explains our missery of Isis and Covid19 and NUR is made the villain. Imagine a pensuionist a villain of 'God' and then 'God' continued being a coward working in the dark behind technology and hacked dead things desroying peoples lives on a level which belongs in a mental asylum. Movie the Adjustment Bureau comes to mind and faremrs are being controleld and adjusted and taxation is one of 'God' tools to destroy life on this Earth.
Since today thoudsands of cars drove past my, NUR's, casa. Many tructs and the road is a relatively quite road with little traffic. This has been going on since 2018 since I bought a house with my wife in Denmark and was told to fight. Now told not to fight. Aha, so which is is. See, 'God' uses this technich on farmers and on people and then gives and takes. I had nothing from theb egnnign and hve nothing still and will never have so the point is, nor will farmers or peopel becausee 'God's plan is to destroy all slaves and substituted peopel wih robots. 'God' hates people and that is why farmers will never succeed in their endevour nor will slaves. Spartacus lives like Hitler and Hamas and 10.000 children and millions killed by 'God' and the Bible is proof of this in which their are multiple wars and famine and disasters and as I sit write this then life is being infiltrated across Earth. 'Buddha' may be very deeply in love but perhaps so much so that is takes light to shine where there is none and people now at least are injected with fake Covid19 vaccine and live according to a system which makes them poorer and experience how food and earth should produce life but when farmers start to comlain that is because life is seriously flawed by 'God'. I triedd to help and support for month on end and no result and many fake promisses and today too so this article spitted out like paperwrape of chewinggum which can end up as waste costing trillions. 'God' does not count people singularis but count peopele as canonfodder and Dinana spencer and her likes as idols killed by 'God' because 'God' does not like competition. 'God' does not like farmers. Food is more expensive and taxes skyhigh. 'God' killed Jesus nd there was no startand no beginning nor was here ever any deal with me, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, to do anything or something. 'God' is a coward wth capital G and does not belong to fool people since intensions were tosee light and feell life yet is being flamed down to a pile of waste and now farmers in peril. Movie The Great Dictator and farmers have one thing in common; poverty and Charlie Chaplin can be portrayed in numerous ways.
I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, tried to love but hate overpowered and evil too strong as per movies and stories. Farmers and millions of people lived without being able to speak a word or even kiss or say farewell. When life is measured in liters of dead blood then anyone should as least breath and tell the story anyone lived and missery is too much so one shall forget and forgive. No, each and every day anyone is reminded of horros via states way conducting their business and such shoudl be a right to demnd not knowing or hearing from governance when taxes are taken before peopel evenh ave the cash is hand. We are dealing with mafia-nations and they know it so now they sit back and do whatthey do best destoys more by either doing nothing or lying their teeth bleeding hanging up when they no longer have words or meaning and hey lean up against non/democratically elected laws written by public servants who are termed Jurist but don't know their backpocket from their frontpocket and the write laws to destroy because they absolutely do not want life and people to thrive because people must feed 1.2 million public servants in a nation of only 5.7 million people.
3 million wage earners and 760.000 public servants and steaply rising whereas I think there are more. Then there are 2 million on welfare transfer income doing next to nothing except shopping. Imagine the farming they could do producing quality food en masse making work and culture nd peopel doing somehting.
Brian Mikkelsen, adm. direktør i Dansk Erhverv. Brian Mikkelsen was a politician. Now working in corporate liable Dansk Erhverv. This is the purist and cleanest form of facism (swingdoor lobbyism, nepotism) and worse when public democratic governance collude with private corporrations. Demcracry is corporated inc. is corporated mafia is empty or else no need to do merge a virgin with stockholding corporations proving states have absolutely nothing. Politician turned CEO raking in a million in salary or more plus bonus. His coffin guilded to the edge of his toilet where Sun King Louise XIV, France would look like a hillbilly, and he was, he knew it too late. Say democracy, say CEO, say farewell to life for the masses. Democracry in Denmark is not Mercedes Benz Maybach class and Rolls Royse but is Law of Jante portrayed as every mans chance. Send Brian the Law Of Jante and Brian will agree, Jesus is a poor sod.
Niels Ulrik Reinwald and his book Truth In A World Of Lies was right and wrong and wrong and right all of the time and only regret is, that I, Niels Ulrik Reinwald, did not know long before so one could walk in light nowing the bastards from real people with a geuine heart - as we like to say it. I am proud and so should farmers be and farmers should nurture earth and vegetables and animals and produce so it sprouts even as you eat it. Farming should be life but has been turned into a tax renevue with subsidies and farmers are operating loans and debts rather that really enjoying being a farmer.
Book: Livingstone, David - Terrorism and the Illuminati.pdf
Illums is a store shopping house ( (round circle By Appointment To The Royal Danish Court (a cockhouse or henhouse or the shit that drops within))) so Hviid's Vinstue is Hvid Svinestue (white pigsty) (located at Kings Square opposite Royal Theater) biblically white as per Revelations where they drink spirits then illuminati drove themselves berserk 2022 onward when went white out with a blank white page. Today again more terror by mob and hillbilies and one is called Mikkelsen. Your world is governed by insane governance explaining why Niels Ulrik Reinwadl for many many years have been tried to be destroyed of this very very dark world in which Nazi Illuminati drives politicians into puppets making them hijacket for money and this explains the need for famers to drive around making sure they too get what they are worse. People, you and me, was used as shit and piss to feed their esoteric hogwash - litterally - then they use any flaw on any person to depict people and even whoel nations such as Muslims as the perpetrator when religion is fake since their is only one LIE O RING, RELIGION. Judaism and Muhammad is all just fake and Kings in Dubain knows it and lives with two rings on thir head wrapped around like a pussy galore while Dubai and Emirates now plunder their ways through tourist five and fke seven star hotels no more worse than the second hand Rolls Royce parked outside to invite the dream of belonging to the kingdom when it cost USD 1500 upwards explaining why a hotel room at Hotel Ritz can cost USD 10.000 and more per night. It is part of the brainwashing of people and it has been going on for one long time endlessly with centuries of witchcraft and Sante Hans 2024 into 2025 and nobody knew what it really was until NUR wrote it all down. Imagine symbolically burning a woman done so by state and people had no idea and governance say it is a pagan tradition - no, it is the burning of the biblical WOMAN: WOrd aMEN.
ἀπὸ τῶν καρπῶν αὐτῶν ἐπιγνώσεσθε.
You will KNOW them by their fruits. Grapes.
Strong's Greek: 2590. καρπός (karpos) — 66 Occurrences, labour (giving birth). Firstfruit. One Fruit. In other words, farming starts in bed. Bed is good, food is good, farming is good. Tax farming, you tax the child, the fruit. Does a child pay tax, if so, child labour and government taxes labour, the fruit, the born child and produce has everything to do with life. Without it, food, produce, there is no life. Food-chains and farming starts with nothing, love.
Movies and "fictitious" scripts can do it - but when NUR did and do - then scripts of any kind no longer applies. Now love LIARS, now and when this sentence too is analysed and interpretaed then one can wirte anything or nothing, Everyone should have known nd therein is the crime by (royal) state-nations; Peace and security is fantastic - but education with tempels where people learn the WHY and KNOW would perhaps make people able to speak the same language even when they speak the same language.
"For those who knew; it was oblivious. For those I taught; it came easy. For me it was the most amazing time."
critique, humor and a splash of dedication to anyone mentioned while the author invites you or anyone for a delightful evening in the best of spirits while we communicate to enlight and invigorate the sailors onboard the best and biggest ship ever imagined.
During 2019 went off-line because privacy was violated deeply many times and because of huge financial burdens by governments and their lackeys and their laws and their lack of tolerance and complete emperical proven abuse of human rights and abuse of and by their instituted god. will try and stay on-line and update on a regular basis all depending on the abuse by power inflicted on individuals and whole nations populations. has during 2018, and especially 2019, tried to set aside personal gain by going off-line to demonstrate that indeed a personal website and its writings and ideas on any topic are meant to communicate just as any other world wide entity on-line communicates but by great powers inflict abuse and intolerance against any deviation from the official truth. mentions this so people will know that spying, prying and infiltration of personal lives goes via modern communication channels and you are being monitored for all activities on-line and if you cross their line they deem in violation of their truth then you will be know the final truth.
It is the Authors, NUR, opinion, that the Author finds it puzzling, that TIAWOL, and was considered ambiguous.